Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. MARCH'29, 1898._' !^__________________________________ ..^^___^.^^^,^,.^m,?j?? /#^>??s??m^mamms^.^tm*mmi*m^s^^^^^^? HINTS TO ATHLETES. Hnggeatteaa Aliont Trnlnlng end is..-i?ln? Ihr Units in ?;?o<| Con? illil.'i?. nltm l.snsr enrrn ill i??. Btop when y,., ** lo R.-iln mua i: memt>. r Hi i > d which it oaaaot i?. . ' '.- m.)??t rffccth ' nt, f? .it,.!? i which cv, i \ athlete ? ' btx-ome :i popular esrr ii't.iih furnishes, in ad. muscular .!, velopment, ?..ili'-n . - .?r the arm? ?nd Incidentally ?1 'i??' body i They also ; ?and i?r?,.i?i. o th? sh?>?ii ?1 '?,,?\v, r -|?r;iv oi ii. nol t?. n ' ?'r nid minutes, and ?hould ? tut? t?> 1 irage th.- circulation ,-1-" > I pure ?tlmulanl i Duffy'? Pur? Mail used by prominent athl? l? ? ?I is highly r? how? \ r. that only and m? ?ii? inal mall Uk. ?Duffy's '?.?' ?. ?Ordinary whiskey _tal ? . genulna a?'8>?8>''a''a?'a''a''a''a''a''a'?a'''>a ? Temple, Pemberton, a i Cordes & Company, ? ? r and 9 West Broad St. I J Best Grade I [ American Organd?es. J American < targanffiea are F ?sold by us under their ! Aiii'-iii'.-m name. In style, [ finish, and texture ?they t equal the .best French ids, anil are sold and advertised by many deal ers a< French Goo-ds, We i want you to examine these i goo-ds offered by u< ?to-day i and ?see l ? i * i . _: 111 Ame i rican niiiiils and handacan ? produce. i ? Best Grade i American Organdies. rttnen, of en . tirclv ?new ??atUrti-- atnl ?SOlor? ' inns, ?regalar 25 and y>c. t(\ . I"C Best Grade American Orqandy Raye. I Ratii on w pattern! and 00 > lorings, regular 35c. -"JE, : vainc. a JL? 40-Inch Organdies. | Coton Pink, Bine, Nile, Yellow, a i.av?tulir. ?and Black, regu- 15?-. T . value. I3C_? 9 i,l.i:iXi:il ON THE MM I ll??llll.. 11 m?i?<-n 1 ?m?. in iiikI Rene n??- Taw/a ?if I-'i?i|i<iriii. EMPi ?RIA, VA . March :v Rev. W. Walker, the 1 ?pulpit ??f ?Chrlsl i:? :;.??rnitisiT, and I"'- I -.. .. I ? . lUBT? :;atl'?Il. t ?Sunday ?school will 1? >1?J I Buneay morn? ? inte .J. a. Hartley, ' ' , ,1 s?ln-.?l . ! , ! ?nu ?i?.it?-. Xddi Rev. R. H. Vuungcr, iray, ?and othi : . 1 -'.1, ? ill nol . . third Monday In .May. mi Court "f <'""< - ?a .-\'ill? enti ty .- ij] . onv? n? on iti-- I-th "i April. ,- .??111. .1 full docket, aii'l : amonj them. ;.' ' Mr. If. .;. m ?una attorney <?f this bar, : iiu , omn in chano 1 ?urt. JuiU C 1 la writ of a Judgment ??t . , rend? ?l at the last th? Commonwealth 8/1111 . ' one year*? ?con -. th? State i-M.-'i?. Th? ?pro Ilate court . y t;. Mason. B irham, ail n on a ?rii? , ?l hum.-. ira;, ?ti" la now Ins in th?- family of Mr. John 11. it a' -nt Satur? with Miss Bailie MacUn \v, : .. \ ? \ r. ami A M . m? - ?Trldaj nu-iit uni ? onf? ; .. .;i . .ii.- I -ii;. and J. 11. ol ?Franklin, Va., a r? lb? ?sa? t.-, \ '?.ii. n pa : ? ?torday. Mrs. J M Btorrjr, ??f Franklin, Va., Ml Anna i?. M Mr. L 1: 1 ' rtatt, v.l.. ' -?iiflit th.? ? 'ru? k.-t t j?t ) with hin (ami? In ; h? ?futaie ta? y will m.?kc this home. Mr. 1- -ti ?appoint? .1 of th? action 1 f Uk P id, vice bis father, W. it I m OLD H?xx \ OF xx 11 11 ItJSBl i<<*. < ?nirt "Xessii. mill 1'iri.oiiiil ?littler? ?if ?nter??!. ?VILLIA1I8BURO? VA.. Mat.h . ? \ lighted m.'trh. ?u-,-l.lent:illy i,.,i, of batted eettea ta : ? 1. 1?. ?m. ? .lim- Beer 1 ; .' fit. here, as i?.an's ??te-ru is . -t in town, ami located midst ol Ijr-bullt Woek Court ?t x"x,i-kt??\sii lui? atljourn ", .-, vt-ral ila\s. 1 1 sonic time In ?r )l;irr,.,l vs. Alba, 111 1 i?-11 ? -m!. 1 hip <>f aorea TakJ the third trial ?if Um oaae, toi wai Id? -I in favof of Hi?- il?f?-??1i?iil. I'rof? - 1 <iha .'i<?i>, of iii : f? hi Ol ?rnlDK tot Ami Mi- ii, te i- .??i 1 paper <>'i Hi" \ ? ?.. ' 111 T? ,,.S'' hff"!?' th? onf? r< i?. ? .?f the Ann Arbor 1 \- ,. i.itlon. whli-h meet? ? - last Inn ta ??Mux, sl.-t.-r of Mrs. 'I ' a lias return? d tti h?.? homo. I? 'hase ?'It,, nftcr n dellrhtful visit here of cveral months. C?ptate? lb.)?. Ii a. llrlght, who has been pending sum.- time In Philadelphia with IM son anl daughter, ha? gotten back n,| reports havlnf a most lllMIll time! IHiring his stay In th?- QjaaSttt ?'Ity Can Bin Bright, Who was on I''s staff. ? leite? i h.' battle-Sekbi at Getty abuig. Mia* Annie M?mi, from Richmond. Is ;et?.. Sh" ? - th.- Ku.--?t of i?.r ,-??slii, MIm lititil.- V Mrs. Amanda ??ros-?, from Ashland. will o??n visit bar daughter, Mis. j. ,\\ i^ iltam. .Mrs. Kdwln T?umb and children, from Norfolk, cam?, op Saturday evealaf to ?fiat Mrs. I-imb's j.s,r.-nt -, ?Captain tta\ Mrs. Km,-. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I,. 15arl??w, from Portsmouth, arc befe, vi Hing th?- family "f Mr. (Satas x'iiiili-n. Mr. Harlow is a forin.-r i.?fch-tit of ?his plan?, hut for many years b. < n a leading business? Baa of Portsmouth. AmotK th?- ?recent arrivals at the Inn * n Orsasor, g.-n?-rai agent of tne lUrer department of the Chesapeake und Ohio at Washington, und his mu?s, Paul and l^ven-tt Qiagor. TiiK city or 1 BIBMH'IBSIIIIB. ?enth of Mr. Jerry ?ostcII?Police nu.I tiiiirt "?ess*. ? n.xiu,<nTK.s\ ii.i.i-, \ a., ?March ml? -' ? Prof, toot W, 11. Scamon. who ?vas at one time a professor In tlie Millar Manual ?labor Bebool, but Is now dir? ? tur if th.? Kow M? xico ?School of Mines, at ?o, has been elected tIrani ?High Priest of the Qrand Chapter ?>f Now Mexico. He Ii also Grand Laeturer of the Irand i<"?ig?\ and holds several Impor tant committee appointments. Prof? ?i ?? .?mon WB1 mad?; a Maoou In Widow's ?SOB ?Lodge?, N... tX?. Of tliis city. Mr. Jerry l???w,ll ?lle.l at his home. n<?ar Red Hill, y.'.-terday ?morning, >>f pn.-umo a?i. The fanerai eeretoea wen h? m at ?Un ne? this afternoon. Mr. Dowell waa S years ol .?^?'. w. Newton Miller, n ?painter, was ?seal to the ?Valid jury this morning, ?charged x\ith ?robbing J. M. Patterson <?r jio la currency, l*'x?>n Atherton. the broker, who was brought to this city from San Antonio, Pea., ?some anonths ag?> <?n a requisition ?from Oorernor Tyler, ?to Race certain charges of ftwgeri and ?gBttlag mon?ey imder false pretences, was arraigned In th?. Corporatlos court this ?morning. wer?- thre ibalge? ?againIt him? one of forgery ami two of false ?pre tences, in (?m- of the oae? s ,?f false pre - nolle i?r?,s?'<iui was entered, lr? Mi? r h.? was OtMVleted and giv?n "lie in the i'enit?ntiary. in th?- forgery he was given three ytars. In l???i!i the jury rcconim?-tnli ?1 that the Governor, under the ?provisions <?f an eel approved March ::. MM) ?pardon th? pri soner after ho ha? ?served half of th?.-. t ernte. Newa waa received her?- to-day from Dover, i?, i., i,, the effect that th?? ?resi dence and all th?- personal < ff? ts of Pro? f ess or Aleaand? -f Crawford, formerly ?>r this ?ity, were destroyed by fire Mr. John J. ltoaeh ami snn. ,?f Jy?uls vllle. Ky., ,u? visiting In this city. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. M'irnlngstar, I'f ?Bowling Green, Ky., arc i.i ttv- ?ity. AX IMiMlttX >l IX ??I I? ll)FS. Mysterious. Death of ?n Old Mnn In SleiaaSrla, AI.KXANDKl A, VA, March Me? fSpe iiai.i -An unknown man last night board? ed the tug-boal I> nos, lying at the wharf, 1?. t?i??ii ?Prince and lnike streets, und mltted ?suicide by ?shooting hims.-if through the head. This morning the ?r.-w, upon returning t?> boat, were start led to linil the body sitting bolt upright In a < hair near the rail. The pistol with Which tie? unknown had tak?n his life u ? lying ??n the deck i lore by. As the unfortunate man had rem?>\? I I me of hi? 1??thing, It Is thought that suicide by drowning was his Hist Impulse. There '?-"lut'-ly nothing about the stranger Which could serve as a mean? of Identltl catlon. Tin- ?body is that of a aiout, heavy-aet man of M years ??r [her? about?, With side-whiskers, and a face indicating i,., tt -?as ,'f dissipation. An Inquest over the remains will be held at an up-town undertaking ?setabllshmenl ?tata this ?'ve iling, a large number of person? have Viewed the body, but as f*\ no one has boon aid?- to throw any liKht upon the Identity of the self?deetroyer. A MOST DI8TBBS8I8G ACriDEXT. Xlr. Wateeej !.. ? <>l?h Meets a Very f?nd Bad. WINDS? lit. N. ?'., Mar? h ^.-(Special.) Watson i?. Cobb, a waB-hnown termer, livras Bear town, a?cciaantaiiy ohw tne ?back part of his heaii ??ff Saturday with a ?shotgun, which he bad lefl ?staadtng i?> a trea ?Se ?and ?several of hi-: ?neigh bora awra In the woods hunting, and m.? ,,t them aaa him standing by a troe, heard the ?roporl of iba ?gun, saw Mr. ?Cobb fall, and when he roaehed him be was diad, and about half of hi? head biowa "'i' T1IK BALTIMORE ? (>\FKRi:\< F. Tlic Hotly Adjiiiirneil \ i-?t?-r?ln y ?\\ 111 Xrst Xl?'?-t In \ 1,-sn ml rlu. iiiNT?)N, w. va., March M.?<t?Spe i ono hundred and fourteenth annual s? Baton Of the Baltimore Confer? n. - paaaad into hlaton to-night, when .?,at -?-nt?- ?adjourned. Tha next plaee of m. et ng of this ?conference will ba at Alexandria, Va ?One of th?? features of th.- ?lay was a Selection of ?leiieal del? ?at? s tO the general ? .,liter, n? ?-, wlilrli during May in Haltimon . It re qulred six ballots. Th?- delegate? are: ?'??i iins Denny, Vanderhtli Untverslty: iium Bmlthaon. Charleetown, W. Va., en tust ballot; Peter xv. Whisner, Btaunton, X'a., on the second ballot; John A. Kern, Ashland, Va., -on th?- fourth ballot; J. s. Hutchlnson, Baltimore, on the sixth bal? ?lot The following are th? clerical ?alter nates: David Hush. Front, X ?.; jam? s i:. Armstrong, ?Salem; Jam?? n. Boyd, Alexandria. The caucus' ?selection ,,t the lay ?delegates was ratified to--lav. Th? y at. M follOWB: Kohi-rt Magrud.r, more District ? .luilge John XV. Woode, Koatiok?.- I'ltv, K?l. S. OHifad. n ?i nsoiibtirg; P. V. I>. ?Conway, FTed r Icksburg; T. J. xviniams. Liowlobutg. In order to give each of the eight districts In the r,?ni'.-t'ei>c?' representation, three ai t. i nal. s wife ?Selected, as follows: Judge \: i>. N?iwman, Woodat-ock Va.? H. H. Jones. ?Doe Hill. Va.: Dr. M. T. Jarr.-it, tsviiie, AM. ?Three sessions wera ),. I ! to-.l.i.V. CASB OF BMALL-fai RFPORTFI). l'eaple of I'iiIiihUI W 111 Try lo ThecW ? i??? DtBaaee. DUBLIN, March .?(Special.)-A case of small-pox baa I" 'ii rtported from the upper pert <>f this oounty, along the line Of tha North Carolina evt.nsion ?if the Norfolk and XX'e-tern ruilroad. ?The )-.? of Supervisors, at B meeting ?called ,,ti BatUSSBy t?> consider the matter, or dered the vacetnatloa of all parties re .- within five miles of the Infected locality, and recomrneiuled general vaccl natlon throughout the county. The .-ree ti??n ol hous.s of detenllon tur ?lupects. an?! also f??r hospltals. wa? ordered. This ran be traced directly t?> the case? in XX'vthc county. Kv.-ry cure will In taken by the BUtborttlM to prevent the apread ?of the db i \ telephone company has been or ganized here, with Mr. II. I.. Stone pr? s| detit. James MacGlU vice-president, and XV. R. ?'tishlng ?secretar? und treasurer. Th?- lines will he constructed and the ?phone? i?ut in ut once. Thin comply lias arranged for connection wttii th. telephone fa-stem In Pulaskl ?ity, and with two other lima la the county. If you huve ii.-vtr uued" Bla?tlc Starch ha.? your ?grocer send you a 5- or K)-c?nt p ickage with your next order. Renu'ts will convine?? you of U? au^?.riorU>' over any other Blood Humors Whether Itching, hsrnltipr, bleeding, scily, crusted, plrnpls-,??r blotchy, whether ?Imple, scrofulous,or hereditary, from ?nfan<?y toagn, speedily cured by wann baths with COOUVBA Soap, pentle anointings with CirrirTSA ("oint ment', the p-reat ?kin rare, and mild dose? of CuTiciRA RitsoLVRrr, greatest of blood pnrifler? and humor cure?. (yticura ! ??lu thiviTi|hBBl th? witld. roTT?! Dar? ira Cil?. Cosr., Sols Prop. . Bmtoa. ?W " How lo ?J urs ET?ry Bload Hume," ?ft??. FACE HUMORSr?mt" **""- Blhy * ?ahee fM'tstX htl'iTI'i Ii (*"AP. STOCKS REBOUND. ?\ of HAIBB hfi'ort IV IP ES OIT nKIIAT LOSSES. I0NDS ALSO MUCH MORE ACT1YE. Honey on (all F.nsler?Sterling Ex ? h n um- XX i nU?Wheat nnd Corn lllKher?lints n ?-linde I.osver? Pro Visions HiKlii-r. NEW YORK, March 2S.-The familiar ?p?'ctacl?. w.-is prcs-rit. d M the StOCh Bachang? of a Violent reaction upon the culmination of an event wh!? h had 1?. .-n Mg anticipated and dis?-,,anted. Khc 'acts wire, that the OadtngS Of th. Mafflb Hoard of inquiry wen presented ' Baas, and wan ?provsd ?to ba ?xa?tiy as foreshadow.d In the public n.-ws for many ?! That Is to say, th? Maine Is f??uiid to have In-.-n bloxvn U[> by a BUbmerlna mine. ?Ever since the morning after the explosion th?- st???k market h;is b.-.-n depressed by th? cti Itanl dread that this report would be rormulated )?y the constitute,i ,,n, the United ?States Tha ?sp??euiatl ic aaaumed thai such an allegattoi leressitnt?. a ruptur?- ?between th? Pnite.l ?ml Spain, ami B ens. .pi? nt il?m H;e t?i ?the valu? s of all s> entitles, which t was attempted to measure by the .con stant decline in prices since the date of th? ?xplosiiai almost up tu tl..- preSSBl lima *i "I th- actual publication to-il'iy i?f the report resulted in a rebound in Which, at the high point of th? lay. i,ad -wiped ral -i larga ?proportion iif the losses which have occurred sine Hi-- explosion in Hab.m.i ?harbor. This was brOUghi about by th" niov,in?nt of tha bear traders to take proSta Having been industriously ?Selling StOCka f"f weeha, In anticipation ??f the harm to ralues t.. i?. d,,n,- by tha Main?- ?report, Utey nrera waiaed by tha Uamlnence ?>f the actual i?iil?llcat!,?n that th-- toWCBt prices i" ba i<.?jk.-.i for on thai account had been reaobed, .uni they, therefore, et about to buy stock? to till Uni.' ? OB? tracts Th>- bulls resorted t.? ail the usual devics tu ?saisi their ?campaign f<?r sqoeesing ths aborta Th. apprehensions of tho bears w- M r? d by ;i printed report ?from Washlagtoa that Spain bad oompiotely aecoded t< pre--id?iit McKinley*? ?requeets, ?Including m ai?aalatl? ?- ?between the Cuban? and the Spaniard? for six months. There was. in ?! ? ?I, some ( ?undatlon f'?r th- t? ? ling thai th?- paaMng of the Spanish elections? with their aasuraace of legislativo ?resulta te pi'ini.-r Sagiista. in ?sana? ?action with ;1 Maine report, and President McKlnll y's well'known dealr? for a peaceful adjust ment, helped th- outooeae. Pricea all through tha IM were ?marked ly ?belOW the 1,-st. y-t such striking gains a- 7 \-2 in Pullman, 71-:? In Metropolitan, and 4, to 5 in many Other stocks took placa The transactions f?ir the ?lay foot up over three-quarter? <?f a million aharaa, a total ?which had not been ?squalled ?since last fall. The bond market also ?showed largely iaed activity, especially in th?- s??- i -i Isttv? lag a? . and gains of i ?to I per ?cent were ?registered In ?prominent issues. Tonl sabs, i:,:i??i.<)??). I.ovcriimciit bond? w?i'e v-ry strong. Tha BCW ffl BdVBBCed 21-2. the old fa l, the tteoo?t \-2. and the |_ 1-4 bi'i, and there watt ?ale? of n? new 4's. coupon, at 1-1. which is 3 p.-r i .nt. over Saturday*? bid pi Th.- total s .i,-? of --tuck- to-day were hares, including At? hi.-a.n psef? r r.-d. n,:.s>>; ?Cheoapsaka and Ohio, :.. ;."; Chicago, Burlington and Quintar, 1MB; LoUlsvill? and NeahVUle, KM?; Manhat tan, 47. Ut; Metropolitan Btreet Railway, l'n.M'?; Reading, first ?preferred, 7.i'??; Mis s.iuri r.-icitic. 7,78); New fork ?'entrai, 18? HB? Northern Pacific 9Mb; do., preferred, MAM; ?'iiicago Northweatern, M77; R< id? Ing, 1Mb; St. Paul. I".".,l???; l'niou Pa tlfic, w.siM; Colon ?Pacific ?Denver and Gulf, K.;,70: American Tobacoo, MMtr, \'< oale't das. IS,Mb; ?General ?Slectrlc, 1,8?' Sugar, M,Mb; w? item Union, I MOMBT AND BXCHANGB, 3 p. M. -Money ?m call easlsr al i -i 11 -*_* per cent.: laal loan at 11-2 p.r cent.; prim?? mercantile paper, .'?it'? 1-2 per ?Sterling rachaage weak, with ?actual bUSllMSS In 1?. Hikers' bills at U*:)-)., $4.v: 1-2 for demand and MMi-iMJAiMl-l for sixty days; ?posted rates, 14.81 1-2 ?ill.vJ and tAM l-2???!>",; Commercial bills, |I.7'.?1-2'(?4X?''.?-1. Silver -certifica I; bar ??1 v.r. M 1-1; M? \icin d.?llat- ;t t ?Government bond*? strong; st.-n- bonds dull: railroad bond- Strong. ?STOCK MARKBfa ABROAD. Th?- Kviiiiig Post's i.??ii'i??ii Baaaetal caMegram says: The st??> k murk, ta bei, opined Sai to-day on ssttlesaerii pros? pects. Bpenlsh fa and Americans wars the weakest, the f??rm?-r ?lOOShlag I'.' and closing at '?0. ?Contangoos .?n Amorl were I pat osai. Later, on publication of ?he Maine report, a sharp rally f-.l towed In tha ?street, th?. bears all scram bling to g?jt In, and prices often otosing $2 ?ii".\e ti??- ?boon Quonttoaa. it is to ?ported 'a srell-iafonaed qasrlen that i;.,th-chil.| bOUghl largely to-lay. To-day*a rlea ta Americana and in oth*r st,?, ki will greatly aid toward I eati? fsctory conclualoB of the ?ettlement Th?- Paris imurse was better, after Weakness. The Ht-rlin market was i|UU-t Instalment? pajrahle this month on tha Chineas Iobb tend to qutoi ?tha mark >u tbere by depleting ths supplies ??f ?sash. NEXVYOHK STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing. atcfilHvd. ?"otiaka sail Saal? fn . ? 114 Aizti acu, preferred. ~tti% Baltimore an?! omo. IO14 Vanada l'a.-IOc.. ?I?i Canada Soutuera. 4m,. Central t"?ciflc. 11?? (?jweoeees *u?i ?>,: >., M'U li.cs?/" ?n : A1 ma . .i.?4 Ctolcato. ??urnnuiun-w? ??' im?-t. ' ' >'? Cbi.agoao.l Kastarn lllloots,. ?> ? &,C'..C.aiiJ 8t. b'iula?. '27'fi C..C. c, an?1 ?it. I^aits preferred. 75 Dblawsre and II11 Don.107 Delaware.Lacaawnnuaand Western..... 14a Denier sad Ktodrana?. 1 > ?? l)*DT*r?nd AioUrande, preferred. 4*> B'le iniw;. P,?4 In? (new,. l?ior?r?rr??' .^ So KortWarne.Dit) Or eat M or in em. preterred.14 H liiK-an?? Valley .?.-.. ?1 lllinci? Central.??"-w Lettin? au) vVeatara .ru. Laue tue and Westeri), preferred^ - (l!?4 Lace M)or?.18* i.oalavllin -su 1 .Sashvii'r. IsOU Manhattan i,. UBfl MmroDoiltan ira-f.m.l'tg MiChl??B Centrai. .IO??M MlnneM/taanu St.M>ina . '".lj Mtun?aotaandMi. Lost? 1st oreferred? s?i Mu-Bonn l'a-ili?. 3. Motiiioandoti'o. ~\ laiMouti a. aua ?. il MV? lOBBSTOC^ ?UU0TAT10BS. CKMing stoca?. SlMonrl, K. andT. preferred. 3?V4 Sow Albany and <'ot>*afQ. Sew Albany eadChl.tago oreforrnd. 'j.1 >t?w ?leraer Centrai. " ? Sow ?orx Centrai.__,.111 >? Stw > or?. ? nnjiur.jan'i 8t. i.. lvf V? I. V.. ? bicagoand st. L. )? oref erre.1..-. ?"' ?. !.. Chicago at.uot. :.. 'J?l preferred?. 3D >?ri),Western.... UM crta American Company. > i s. rtn?rn l'acide....... '''-'H m r.l,?rn i'isiV.n- ,?r-s|-.ri?l..?... "' ',i n.tarioand VVeatern.? II iieconK. and .S??._. 4 3 regon *nocc Line. . ' ' ttuoare.M.108 iMJlUg._~.. ' I KocLislsod. il. Louis an 1 nan Kran-1?.??,.- die st. Loui? and san Krane:.? -o lsturef. ?."* -. , im -\n?l >an {-'ranci**'. 'i?i prefu.. '-'**? M.Paul. 9SM tt.raul or?iirr??-M .140 -: r.riis'ii um*Q?. 7"1? ?1.1'aman 1 Ornaba, nreferred.14.'? ?t. Paul. >l. and M. ISO ?ootbera Pactos._ ?.. |8M ?ontbera. 8 <outh?m. oreferr?d.... ""'?? lexaaraetno. lOMr nionf'acinc.. M [". P.. I?, and?.... 1% iVahiub. su boni? and l'a--1-.....?3 ."'i IXura?-)-. vt. l.o ilss.a 1 Pa-tl?'. pter-rrai.. 1'?H Wa?hac saa ttOta Km?. Im Vit.i.,',-ii? and Uli Kr.? or?(srr?d. U3? expkb.-?? coarsKiss. ?Xdam? ITxpreij..10) ?Xmerl'-an Expresa .125 b'nltea State? Express. 38 ?Aelle rargo axpre??._.ID*? MISUILLANKOrS. ?Xmerlcan Cott-ao <>n . 16V4 American Cotton ?)li preferred. 07>>S American spirit?. 7 American spirits preferred. 17*4 *, in arican Tob?ceo Co. 1?7 IXnierlcan Toba?x? Co. oreferred.114 Jhnago Oaa. Mm Consolidated (.as.17 7 H on, ? -i r-l?? com pan?.180 Col. Fnel At.....7;?.. ID! AI., preferred..m. 80 [?enera '. i - i r ! . SMS IUim.lH-.teel. 453-i uH?.-?? . 4Da Lead Truat. M Liad'-'lt National Lluseed Oil. IBM lires" ?li'iioroTomont ?.'o.. '27-H Psclfi.Matl..... '' > >? I'uliman Pala?;?..1 ITS Silver Certificate? _. .*>.'>V??? Standard Hope and Twine. SSti amaneas Suirar KefliierT.HH?-4 Amen, vi sugar K??nrierr. oret.100 1. c and Jrou. 2(?t$ li. S. Leather. 7>*>l 1. s. ?.eaiber prererreu. as 0. I. Kubber. 17V4 1. S. Kut-her preferred. 07 1".?8t?rn Union. 80 N ->rtti wester n. .118% Nortbwestern. oret?rred.I7'2 KioOrande and XVe?tern. 21 KioOrande and Western, preferred. ."?4 St. I."'.ils find Soatbwestern. 4 St. 1.? u'snnl Southwestern 1st preterre.L i'?4 Chicago (?rest XX??tern. 1*4 Hawaiian Commercial Company. "4 Kea?l ng 1st preferred. 4% BUND LIST. Cnlted .States 4'a. new, registered.120X% United States 4?. new. coupons.1^0?^ Lnlted etate? *' registered.I nil United Mates 4?. ,,.ni? ?i,...Ill United State? '?'?coupon. UH I iil.-il tsiale? >'? registered.llo.Xi lulled States 5 a coupons.I10M liistn?-t:)ti.)'s .in; Alabama ft'loM Ai.,108>f Alabama tClass bj.J07 Alaban?? iilass ? )....... t>7 Alabama Currency. t?7 Aicb?son4'a. IHV-f At.-hlsoii adl. 4'?. . MW ( ?nada Soutnern ? s.lo.'.U CAN. P., t r. fis . H\yA Chesapeake A Ohio.)'?.11 l-?% < . II. & U. 4?7i'e.(olTisred) 104H Denrerifc K. ??. l?ts..(oHered-UO l?ei,?er A It. ?4. 4?. h:> Kai?t Tenne-ssee lits.10a Kr!? veniral 4's. . 07V* f. XX'. A D. 1st?, t. r. ._ o?vt <??neral iil??-trlc it's.(offered 101 O.B.8B, a. ?Vs.....10J b. il.AS. A. Ma .IBB li.AT. C'eutral t'a,.110 I?. 4 i. i'on. ti'?.loo Iowa ?'.l?ts. tih?.'^ kausn? l'a Mfl.-?n-,:-.. I. r.lo.ti^ khii.i'i-, 1st? d'en Dis-.', t. r.Co ?Louisiana newc-oasol?, 4's.ioffered;lOl I . s M. I nL4 ?. ?il Missouri ti's.100 ii. K. P. Mat. ?Jl-a M. K. T. 4'?....-.. 8"?14 New Vorki entrai lut?.1 1M^ New Jeraer Central .?'s.Ill Norte Carolina -. s..12.'? Nertl, i aroiiua4's.10'.' Northern l'acm? ist.11 ! 14 ' rfii-inl'a in?; .it. ?it Niitiierii Padde * ?. ?us N. Y. C. A St L. 4? .IBS Norfolk ?rid ?Yestera ti'?. Ill) Northwestern Consol?.. .lofTere?l,H4 Norlbwe?teriid?n. ., a.1 |fl Oresea Nartgaskm 1st.115 Oraeoa Sarlgatlm 4'i?. w'.?V? i) S. Liner)'?, t. r..?.Ill) ?t. s. 1.1a?.."> ?. t. r. l)-i 11.Improvement lists, t. r. .10H O. improvement >' ?, t. a.,0 Pa?m.?t)'?of 1?>.m;? l!ea?line -t'o.K)'? If. O. W. 1st? . -?OVi t.1,.4 1. ?J.i-iii-,,1 ..?. UUV4 St. 1- AS. F. general 0'?, .1 ! "> Sul'aol CousolS,. 13W St. P. ?. A P. Isis.11H M. Paul ?-'. A P..?'?,.(.ottered ) 11 .*> bealBssa Hauwar A'1. i?o Stauilard Hope ati?l 1 wine <>'?. 04 Tennessee new settlement 3'?,. .(,off-r.-?l) so '1 exaa Paci?c U ?... Ists. i)ti*i lei?? Pactflc 1 o?lstore 1 '."s.m. 3*2 I . )'. I). aOodf uta. "-4U Wahasb 1st "Ps.lOtiV? XX.ibastiV'ls. 7?Vi Wml Shore 4's.107 Virginia Centuries.. 01 X ?riMiila d?)ferred. ' } Mobileasd onio-Cs.. J.T? Norfolk an?l XX'estern consol 4'a. 7H .Norfolk an?I XXestera pref ?t.x'k. 4~'.i UICIIVIOM!) sio K. v1AK:<ltr. Bahnaess, March 28. ist?. oavKivjiRMTs? imunaa bij. Asko-j. UnltedState? 4's, 1907. 113 sriti;-? ? I North Carolina ?'*._ 1011$ North ?'arolinat)'?. l:>0 Viminia :)'s (new).? .... 78 Virginia century. o*1-. 1 :r\ a? ?'. ri < Ricbmond cltT 8'?. 130 . .... Ulobmondctivtl's. IIS ItKbmoud olty?s.U.. 110 IUII.K04U Bonus. Atluuia anl lasrio'.te i ?t 7 1... Ms Atlauta is'.il Cnariotte e'i'd la. ira. 102 Char.. Col. A Aug. "id 7's. |S9 -Ueurgia, soutnern A Viorida j ? 100 Pi-UTHiiurs ?* 'h?-> Al V?. HS ... Petersburg (Class S) 0 s. 110 ItK-hiii ?iid and Mecklenburg 1st ?I'?. 7-' Bsstaara ?lauver. lai ?Va. 88 lieorgia A Alabama prof, .Va ... lo:?1^ 104 ? eorala and Alabama consola. M m.limond Traction ?'? . 10-'^ lt'4 Norfolk and Western 1st mort. con. 4 per cent. 7% ... HllI.ROAD Stocks. Par. Chesapeake and Obto.10?) 17 ... Norfolk and XVesteru pre!.. 100 44 tiictiiuoud au?l )'et?-rsi,!i:g and Klchmond, Pre.1- - rtcksburg and Potomac connection. 70 80 ldcbmond, FrederlcKsburg aud l'otoinaccornmou.....lOo 184 188 Klchmond. Kr???leri'-k?biirg auu Potomac div. 1.bhgat'u. 100 114 11? Klchmond, I'redertckrburg and Pot.?ma?- 7 P. 1. ?tC.lOO 150 !H)?t::eru Kailwiv, pr?t.100 ?5 ... Southern Killway, common. 100 7 Ce, rgiaand Alibama, pre(. ... 30 Georgia and Alabama, com. 10 11 Hank .?.rocu-f. ("Itlxens Excbange. M ... 25 cuy Bank. '.'5 ??7*6 -j8M hirst National. 100 lo.'t Metropolitan. H ".i5\4 .... NationalBauk ?,f X'a. H)U ... 102 Plant?rs National Bank.10 J '2,0 ... Petersb ?r? aud lu s ir?:i ?s Compviy. '.'0 :t| Secuntr. .100 I07v?i .... StKt? Bank of Virginia. 100 1:J8?4 I ulou Bank of Htcbmoal ... 50 II5V4 Viririni-s trust Company.... Ltd ... ||M Savings Hank of Hi-bn?.ml.. '2j 37 40 InSLKANC? CliMl-SM).-. VirglniaKlre anl Mariuj.... SI ... a.", Virginia, . lib ... j , MlSCKLLAKgOCS American loba-o Compx uy (preferred).100 110 American l'oov.voc'omp;?ny iM.iimi'ii). .. 50 ?4 95 Va^CarollnaCheiilc?! pr?t. 100 107 100 V?w?Carollna Cbemlcaicom.100 .... J0?v '?Quotations are for bond? maturing In no leas than ten years. _ ?GRAIN AND COTTON BXCHANGB. Richmond, Vu., March M, l^v Quotations: xvheat- Longbarry, Ji 1 H.02; mixed, 9?A'. to 11.02: sh.?rtb-.rry. to t.? ?1.??2; NO I r--?l, B.8t Corn Whit Xirslnia. buK totB, 36c; No. 2 white. 31c No. 3 white WtC.; No. 2 mixed. 35V-.; N 1 nilxi-d, Be ???its-No. 2 mixed. B*_! tmix-Sd, ?tic.; winter, seed. 33 to 3S No. 2, 57 to 5fcc. RICHMOND TOBACCO M.XKKKT. Richmond, Va, March 28, 1898. Private sales t,?-duy were us follow? Wrappers, 3 hogshead?; filler?. 14 hog. heads; smokers. 1 hogshead; leaf (d^rk lo bogshead?; lugs, 4 hogshead*- serai 4 hogsheads. Total mimln-r of hogs head? sold during me day. 38 I'nlted States Internal-revenue collec tion? for the city of Richmond, Va., b> <!a?- wr.?: Tobacco, 8.971.11; ?Ifrars and clgurettes, Vl.W.iV Toni, B.?J81.lB. Mr. W. A. Marburg, of the Marburg Brothers' Branch of the American Tc Company, Haltlmorc. was a visitor to (he ?Ity to-ilny ami tra?Je to-Oay. Mr. Welter Jon??, of I'l-tersburg. was also h- re ii'i'iim? ?nu i.n I STOCK; KARKBT. Ki'hmond, \ ?.. March 28. 18W. Receipts: Cattle, Bl head? -sheas head, hogs, 7'K) hi-ail. Sal.s; ?.'little. 3.1O head; sheei), 900 head; hogs. 7|?0 Ii?.i?l. Prices: Cattle?Best, 1 to 44c. ?grass; medium to ?good, I to ; i'- groea; common to fair, 2 to 2 3-4c. gross; bulls. 2 1-2 to 3c. gros?; ?he.-p, t% to 5c. gross; hogs, |3.ti?) to $4 grojs. NBW TORX PBODCCB MARKET. NEW TORK, March 28.?The market for flour displayed steadiness, but was neglected by bu? et*. Rye Fl'iur- Steady. Cornmeal- 1 mil. Hys Steady] No. 2, ?SSC??S'ic. ; State rye, 58c. Barley?Steady; feeding, 42c. Hurley Malt?Steady. XX'heat-Sp'it ?asv and more or less nom Inal; N'?>. 2 ?red, *LM%; No. I, Northern I m lut a, 11. of,, options firmer on str?>i?g cable news and a cold wave XX'? St. Afl-r ?lev? lupin? In near months, owing to liquidation, pricea inoi a general afternoon rally on strength in XVall Street and reported negotiations at Wash ington. March cloaad 2?-. tower; May. un changad, and ?late months, l/iiv. net hlghor; No. 2 r? ?1. March, closed 99r.; May, closed 90c. ; July, closed * Corn- Spot tirm: N??. 2. llt'.'ic Options OP? ned barely steady, and sold off, under liquidation, rallying sharply near the 'close on big clearances, and sympathy with wheat; closed Vu'.c. net higher; May, cloaad H%c.; July, cloaad ?MBja Oats Spot easier, No. 2. 2',",c. options dull and featureless, closing unchanged; Mar, closed jic. B.-cf Firm. ?'ut-M.-ats? Quiet; pickled bellies, DVi-tt? ''!-<' Lard? Firm; weetern steamed. 15.20; M iv, ?5.25, nominally; refiu, .1 steady. Porh?Dull. Butter?Firm; western creamery, 1'?'.?'.; Engins, lSttC.; Slat.- dairy. 149UC. <'h?-?-s??Dull; larg?- white, ?September, 7?,c Eggs?Firm; State and Pennsylvania, : .; western fresh, 10-%c.; southern, Il ali?'.c. Potatoes?Steady; New York, 12 MM; sw.-.-ts. MUMM. Cottonseed ?Oll?Quiet; primo crude, 110 !'." ..' ; do. yellow. Be. Petroleum?Dull. Rosin; strained, common to go??.!. ?I.12VU?I .15. Turpentine Firm, at 32"*if?-33?4c. Hic Molasses - ?Quiet. Cabbage Dull, at UnMSO. Coffee?options opened steady at un changed i?ri? ?s, and ?after a s|?urt of ae tivity at the Opening, became dull and f< itureless. European advices Indiff?rent ami Brasilien news regarded as favoring bean. ?Change of sentiment in XVashlng ton ??ti ?Cuban queetlon failed to mate. finiiv affect trading In ?coffee; sales, 8.800 Including April. it<u ?baga; ?May, m hugs. Spot Rio, .|iii?'t. No. 7, Invoice, .'?'a-; N??. 7. jobbing. ?;?.; tniid quiet : Cordova, fc-siil?'.-.. ?sales, 300 ?baga Maincaib?? on pri vate terms. Suaiir??vul.-t and firm: fair refining. SHc.j centrlfagal, % degree test, 4c; re fine.1 steady. NKXV TORS DRT-G?OODS MAUKKT. NF XV rORK, March 28.-The wt-.-k open? under unsatisfactory conditions. Throughout the day there was little in t? rest in tr.olliii?. and tin- mail orden t? ?ei\e,i were very few, un?l of meagre pi??portions. ?The prtee situation ?s no bctt-r. Tli* low price of print-cloths has had .m anceodlngly depressing effect on all lln-s of staple ?foods. Btaple cottons ?in,j brown (oods Ir>- quiet. Print-cloths are unchanged. BALTIMORE ?PRODTJ-Cfl MAUKKT. BALTIMORE, March M\?Flour? Dull; western superior, $2.7?,-'-i$; do. extra, MM/AM; -I??, family. tlMtitAM; winter wheat patent, |l.7.V(i$-'?; spring do., ?15.2?ru' MM; ?spring wheat straight?, $."?.? $.>. l">. Wheel Steady; ?pot and the month. !?-V'?v*V' ; April, " - . May. M'.Va v.?1,, .; steamer N?>. 2. red, '.?) y-t.-.'?? . south i-r-i wheat, bv sumpl?.-, 95'fz99o. ; do., on grade, '.?41.,,!,-'.? . Corn?Firm; spot and the month 33'?fy r.V-. April, :'.:',',"'?.a ,? : May, :UV' steamer mixed, ::2Vii'32V-: southern whit? corn, ::???;!.'.c , do. yellow, 32Y?;':'V' hull; No. 2 white, :::'/u:itc. ; No. 2 mixed, .vv-i:;r,.\ Rye -Quiet; N'<>. 2. nearby, r?5V_?55>:'-. ; No. 2. western, ."?.'.','?/."^!-.c. lla\ -Dull; choice timothy. %VtM9%VS. ??'rain Freights--Very ?lull and ?inlet; de mand; steam t?. Liverpool, p.-r bushel, :.'?d.. May; ?-?rk. for ordere, ?per quarter, ba i')?2.i.. March; Sa. 4-Xfcd.?fita. W.. April. ?Sugar Strong; ?granulated, B8M ?Butter?steady; fancy creamery, IftlSOc: ?lo. Imitation, lTniv. ; do. ladle, 15c.; good ladle, 13'ui ?<*. : ?tore-packed, i??'i!2c ?Egg? Firm, ?fresh, l"' _.- . Cheese ?Steady; fancy New York, lar?-.-, '.?' 1 <!!''.2c. ; do. medium, t\yhlQc.; do. small, I'm i|l??^-. ).- Mue?-. t\.UraV 77, per basket. Whiskey. per gallon for finish?"! g?.o?ls in ear-loads; $1. ??Vu $1.29 per gall??n for jobbing lots. CHICAGO ?PRODI < * ' ?MARKBT. CHICA?00, Manh 28. The queation of i , e or war overahadow?ed all els? en Changa ?to-day. Aaaumptlon? of a ?peace fid aoiutlon of the Cubaa ?question ?re? suited in sharp? recoveries from early d>'? c!in?-s. and with the exception Of ".?'-. everything closed strong ami higher. Wheat advanced 7-le. for July and 1 l-4c for May. ?*'.rii closed 3-S'uI-2?\ higher, oats a shade lower, and provision? 2 1-213 l-2c. higher. !. idlng futures ?rnaced as follows: Opening. Highest ..???nt. C losing Wheat-No. :. May.10".^ 10*11? 10.T?, ?MM luly.xilVfi?^ K4"a 8-.'H M sep.TO-?. 7N!6 7?'H 771? Do,-.77-,?)iaA4 7S&? 70?? 7^i coax?No. '.'. Nay.W-MaW 2'.?"4 'JSWaifc ttM July.:iii's.i?4 'i"% "2?H*H :t??4 ?lepl.:?l-l*"'? 3I')h 11 ?il?-! ?>ATH-No. '2. Mav.SftMa-M '-'.'?Ka-i 24?? IBM July.'2.i\n mM?Mt 9*M >tSf?J MESsPOHK-l'er I't.L Mar. ?88,87)1 t?.^ I0.?5 SAM July. 0.:).*, 0 05 U.'IO y.55<^ litas Fat 188 lui. May.?4.874 ?4.1)5 ?4.85 ?4.05 July. 4 ?)2^ ? U.i 'MBM -iO'24 SaotlT KlBS?Per 100 Hm. M'?y.?4.8.-. 14.1'L'm ?4.85 4.SSU 'July....AWM\i o07-4 4.W2V4 5.o7?V4 Cash quotations were aa foltowo; No 2 yellow corn, B7 BfiBt?tc. Fi??in- quiet No. I ?spring wheat, B^98c.; No-, 2 ?red, ?1 -2 I-)'?,il.":; 1-1. No. 2 ? ?.?rn, Bl v No 2 ??.its. Be.; No 2 white, f. o. b.. 2V't30l-2c.; No. 3 white, f. o. b., 1-4? No. 2 rye, 41? 1 .'?-. No. 2 ?barley, Bl-BMSc. Na 1 Bass-M-a, 11.1?3-4; new. li.i!?. Prime timothy s?-.d, 12-.5. Mein pork, per bur. 1, fci.47 1-2'? rJ",2 1-2. Lard, P?r l?o pounds, |l.?/2 l-2'u 1. HM. Bhort-rib sides, loose. $?.s.'?u$5.?j?; dry salt.-d ?boulders, boxed, !4.7.VuJ4 S7 1-2; short-? 1,-ar sides, ?boxed, $.'..:' .)$.',? >. XX'his k?-y. ?li.-tlllers' finish.-?! goo?i->. pi r gallon, $1.19 1-2. Butter linn; creamery, IStj itl-Sc.; dairy. lBl-?B>Mc. Cheese quiet at ?fSl-to. tSffgt firm; fresh, S l-4c. ST. LolTS. ST. I.iil'IS.'h B -Flour-Qulot. Wheat? Spot lower; No. 2 i?d, 1 elex itor, 9TV*c; track. 9TaW\c . March. 97?c . May, Mr.; July, 7sTi,c, No. 2 Hard, cash, 9',"'i,J2c. Coin Spot easier ami ;i shade off; N?. 2. cash, 2?i'v . March, M%c; May, 2?>,i?' tic.; July, ^S-ff28Xs'' : September, 2?v. ?Data?Cash, ->'>< .. track, 18-Ac.; March. MC.; May.* Me, bl.I. July, MW .; N ?. I white, - 1 Bran Quiet and ateady; Fust, track, sacked. .V,'i.V,'..c Butter ?Steady; creamery, 15-319 ?Irtiry. Italic. Egas?Lower, at 8c. Whiskey. $1.20. Pork?Standard-mess, Jobbing, g9."yi. Lard?Higher; prime ?team, i-l v?, Chi cago, ?? Boxed shoulders, $.",.rrV''J-r? vi; e,\t ta-short clear, B-B-a; ribs, 85.75; shorts, $5.87'... Dry-Salt Meats-Hoxed shoulders, $4.62' ?-?i $4.75; extra-short clear, J'1-?: ribs, $5.25: shorts. $.-,.37^. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI, ??, March '2v-Flour Qul.t; fancy. |43??'y$4..55; family, WaH Wheat ?Tira; N<?. 2 red. 9t><-. ?'orn?Quiet; No. 2 mixed, nominally, nwc Oata?ateady: No 2 mixed. 29c. Quiet; No. 2. MM, L.u.l-Quiet, at |4.W. Hulk-Meata??teady, at l?.l?. liaron? Steadv. at ?J.!??. XX'hisk.iv -Quiet, at $1.20. Hinter?firm. Sugar-Easy; hard refined, |I.10?*iI4.85. ?Sgga Beay. at ftx-jc. Cheeee? Steady; good to prime Ohio flat, 9-?I9'*'. THE ?"OTTON MAHKKTS LIVERPOOL. March ?8.-4 P. M,-?'?-t ton?Spot, moderate business; prices un hanged; Aamrfcaa mi.i.iiing. 3 5-101. Tim ?ales of the day wen IMS baut*, of which ??? bal,-? were fc>r ??peculation ati'l export, nul Included ).7?'<) bal.-i' Am? rican; rt ?Ipts. 2.1??' ?balea, al! American. Futures opened quirt, with a ?moderate lemand, and closed steady; A.nerlcan nidilling. low middling cluuse. Murch. : l?:-?;iii t 17-?i4?I., buyers; March and April. 11?!-W?317-?S4?I.. buyer??; April and May. : 17-440., ?sellers; May and June. 3 17-Md? ?uyers; Jim? and July, 3 17-34d.. buyers; lulv and August. 117-?',H?3 18-64?1.. seller?; xugii't and September, 317-64-1. ?eilen; ?eptember and October, 3 1 '.-?; IV- 17-Md.. leQera; Ortotxtr and November, 316-Wd., tuyere; November and De-cember, llf-?4d., ?sellers; December and January, l t>>'-??4?l., ?sellers; January and February, , 1*-?,4<I . s.-ll'-rs. NFXV FORK, Mtirch 28.- Cotton-Quiet it f. 1-iix-.. net recelpte, 80 balee; gross receipt?, 5.44<? ?balea; ?aporta -to the c.?i ilnent. 4.039 tubs; forwarded, Ml bale?, taiem, &<o bales; st??,k. MS.SM bairn*. Total? to-day; Net ?receipt-*, ISMS bales; xports-to ?'?rent Hritaln, 6.23) bale?: to the -Continent, BjB hales; stock, 933,232 bales. Consolidated: N.-t receipt?. 27.109 bale-?: ?xports to Qreat Britein, liMS ?bain; to tbe continent. M.2B ?bah a Total? since September l-?t: Net re telpta, 7,MtB4 ?balee; eaporta i?. ?;rcat Uritaln. tMB9 nales; to ?France 724.: 17 aalcs; to the Continent. 2.132 IB I'll-.s Cotton futures ?teadr; ?ale?, 2,88 bales; March, MM; April. 88; May 188; June, I5.S4; July. IS.M; August, ?BJO; S??pt.-mb?-r. BM; October, ir. ss; November. MM; !> - sember, MM; ?January, Oabi. Cotton futures ? losi-,1 \tc.??lv; sal.s. I57.9t)?) haies: March, BM; April, B.M; Mar, MM; June, 88; July, $'?-99; August. MM; ?September, MM; ?October, B-M; No rember, MM; December, $?"?.0??; January, siot cotton ?lose?| quiet: mi'blllng up lands, I l m;.; ml?l?lling gulf, ? 1C0 bales. NFXV ORLBANS, March M.-CottOrt Fufiir.-s steady; SSI??, MMt bales; March, nominal; April, $5 ?'?2. bid: May, B).5Sttt5.6!*; June. 15. i? I. July. $.*?.' August, 15.67; September, |5.t'.iV?i$*. ? ' tober. $.'?. >',./$.", ?'?7; November, * '? 66 i!'^i?7: December, $.'? i'.l")i$.">.7?', January, $?71, bid. NAVAL-STORB MAKKFTS. CHARLES-TON, S c March ?S.?Tur pentine?Dull ; nothing doing. ReatB? Firm and unchanged; sabs, none. SAVANNAH. OA . March 2?.-Spirlts of Turpentine- Firm, at :??<-. bbl, no sal-s, receipts, 'i'.n casks. Hosin?Firm and UBChanged. WU.MINi;T??N. N. C, March ??-Spirit? of Turpentine Steady, at MWtttOc.; re ?elpts, fa casks ?Romo?Firm, al M.M9MM; ?receipta, 905 barrels Cru.b- Turpentine?Firm, at $1.,V> and $2; receipts, 7 ?barreta. Tar Btoady and unchaag>sd; re<calp>ta, W )?arrels. THE PBANUT MARKET. NORFOLK, VA., Mardi M 0?].?ai.v Peanuts Farmers' market activa; fancy, 23-?P(*3c; strictly prime. 2 l-> prime, 21-4c; common, l?i2c; Spanish, 7'Jc PBTEB8BURG COTTON MAHK'FT. PETERSBURG, VA.. March M (Spe clal.l?Market steady at 5 7-8c. for good lots. PBTBBSBl'RQ PBANUT MARKBT. PETERBBURO, VA., Mardi a. iSp.' clal.)~\'lrglnias firm; prim?, 2 7-x?\; ex tra ?prim?, le.; fancy, 3 l-Sc; Spanish Him, at 55c. ^_ I ItoXI XI ?.I MX'"? I APITAL. Political Sevaa Bf Intere??!?A \rw I'm?. ? I'ulillah.'il. STAFNTi'N VX., March 2S.-(Special.) The postor of the ?Methodist chur? h of this city, the H?-v. W. J. Pr.-ttyman. has wii'fen a most Interesting sk.-trh of the BtaUBtOB Church, and It Is published In a brochure, along with two sermons of UI?hop Alpheus XX*. Wilson, <l.-l|y-red at the dedication. ?October Bat, last year. Hon. Winfleld Ligg-tt. of ?ttentoonbarg, and Mr. ?borg- F. sip??, ?tounsel ?>f the Sliiiiiaii.loah Valley railroad, are In t?,wn to-ila f. Professor William I,. Wilson, ?prasldaBi of Waahlngton and Ln Unlreratty, was here yeeterday, and left tn-<iay for I^x ?ngton. Mr. Wilson lias been North In th.? iiii.-i? *t of ti,.- Unlveralty, Senator ?nood has just returned from 112 mi!-- drive ?MiroBgb Highland cun ty. in \K*i, when ii- waa not so ?well ac qualnted in Highland aa be is now, Mr. Flood carried tha county, and ?eeured the delegates t?> tha Ambeiat Congree si?.nai Convention, four correspondeni Uarns that Mr. Fl?????l la much stronger now than then. Hon. a H. ?Barclay was alao in nigh lund on oourt-day, when Mr. fi????! was there. Mr. Harclay sc-ms t,, !?, sanguine over his outlook. Hon. Frank Glasgow had ?been to ?Highland the courtQuy b? for?-. H<- has s??m?- strong following in the county. Hon. Joseph Button, Clerk t?? the state Senat.-, is ?ben, th?- gu?st <?f ??Lieutenant? Governor Behola. ?Profeaaor Harry s?. ?ttoorge Tachar, of Washington end Lea, has net beea here, at his old h??me. and was greeted I,y his fri.uds. Professor ?Tucker was ?n route to New Volk, When IM will arrange to publish a work on the Coiistltiitl,,n ?if tha United ?SteteB, written by his father, t?l late John Hamlolp'i Tucker, Just before his ?death. At th- nK'.ttng of tin- -Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institution board, then were ?proa eut Ml ll'iurne. of ??rayson, and ?Kinsley, of >Rappahenn?o>ck. Mr. H. E. H. Nelson waa re-olocted secretary ??f ti board, and Mr. Kinsley was made a in-in ber ,,f tha Ba??cutln Committ-? lug ?Colonel H. B. Turk, ?ditor of th Sp-ctat'ir-\'in? To ? Hi? tunead man. O. J. Huntt, was awarded th? esatract for tha erection of th?- ?now building ?prevaled for by the last legislature. Mr. Hunt' was th low.-st of four Tti- BOW ?l-.ti? ? will be four ?tOCloa ?higa, containing dor mitories, tla?a rrirair. asid a gymnasium. It? architectural style will I- soberly to correspond with ?the ?paaaoal tructarea Where lb? ft?k- ?bow ?taade? on th?- inlddl.-w. stern plaza the build ing will be situated. The condition of Mrs. Hlshop C.lbson, of Richmond, who ha? btOU ill for several weeks here, is not such as frteads h-?.i hoped. She ii --?till St Hlshop Gibson 1? still her?- at li?-r bedside, and Dr. Stuart MeGutre, of Hiehm.-ii?l, a nephew of th?; patient. Was her?- y.-st? rduy to consult with Dr. II. H. H.-nk?-l, the physician In charge. TOHBOrrow afternoon Staunton'a new the Daily Uecor.l, will make Its debut. It will I??- a ?'-column folio, straight i?, moeratta ?sheet Mr. <;. 0. Oreea, form ?riy ?>f th.- Huchunan ?Banner and th? Ho.inok?- XV.>rl?l. Is editor. Mr. W. F. Green, his brother, Is busim-ss manager, and Mr. It H Martin Is city editor. A ?nmSATIOS \I. KBRMfll. KoitnoL?- Mlnlklrr treat??? ? Mild ?..- ?iillou b> Ilia rar. ROANOKF. \'A , March 2S -(Special.!? H,v Ira XX'. Ulmmel, pastor of the Fourth-Avenue Christian church, dellv.r .1 m?)?t sensational address ycstenlay ?afternoon on "The Morality of Roa noke." A number of councllmen were present, l.e-i.l.-s several other city ofll ?'ials, several candidates, and Chairman Arui'im, of the Democratic Executive ?."ommittee. Mr. Klmmel went after the politician? with gloxrta off, und declarad L E. DONNAN ft CO., Bankers and Brokers, 1111 east ?In. r?fate Wires to New York and Chicago. OLD '1'llONi: 4Q1. ma2B-H ?tchmond Perpetual Building. Loan and Trust Co., 922 east Main street. ?B-t-ava^?) Loans Made on Real Estate At Moderate Charges. , negotiable Paper Discounted? Deposits of $1 and up wards received and interest illowed thereon. f< i.^-masa We OFFer for Sale State B?nk off Virginia Stock, rirglnia Trust Company Stock, national Bank of Virginia Stock, Virginia 3'a, ?irqinia-iarolina Chemical < onjxiny Preferred 8 PerCcot., Norfolk Street Railroad 1st Vs, Charleston and Western Carolina 1st 5*s, an I other attractive in ?enteront ? --u rit I ? >> ? John L. Williams & Sons, hankers and Brokers, Richmond, Va. _l f o jCi- Tu, Th AMu | LANCASTER & LUCKE, IIXNKKRH ABB HKOKKKB, 111)7 XIiilu Mrs-ft. It 1< I, uioii.l. \ n. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OF ALI. KINDS I ?KALT IN* BOUGHT AND MOLD ON <'"MMIS8I0N. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON ?'OLLATE RALS ANT? ?ITY PROPERTY. fe 15-Tu.Th&Su _ MONEY TO LOAN ON RICHMOND CITY REAL ESTATE AT C PER CENT. Charge? moderate. A. C HA UMAX. Real ?Batet? Agent, mh 27-2t No. 1114 cast Main street. "s?lFd" SILVER TEA TRAYS, ?3??> $4??. an<l $5?? -Bach, tna?lc to order ?of any ?lesion xvantetl. SILVER PLATED TRAYS? Jt.So to jtirxi each. SAMUEL KiRK & SON COMPANY, a/) Baltimore street, e.i'-t, mh 27-6t Baltimore, M<1. SEINE TURBAD, Id N'EN _______ ?. AND COTTON* GILL NET- ^BIBBBBbBS? TINO of ?very description In ?Kick and ma?ie to orj.-r. XV?: hati-H* ?*>? the leading brands of seine Thread. We have a ? omplete ?tack of TaiiMa, Un??, Rope?, Corks, ?)tl-?'loihtng. Rubber Boots, Ax. Lowest i??i. ea L. LICHTENSTEIN'8 ?SONS, cor. Seventeenth and Franklin Mreet?-*, Sole Importers of the Ltoti Urand Seine Thread; quality "guaranteed fe l-Tu.ThaSa Our Store jmiGHT AND LIGHT. a HEADQUARTERS THINGS TO HAT." . t / PLEASANT SERVICE. 1I.TMI- XVEl? JUT. PROMPT I ?HI.I VERY. .> > ? '.^?fc-l* A RRIGHT. ?'LEAN STORE. 2 A CONWBB1BKT store. I ?. A CHEERFVL STORE. *> | a ,.... .,.*, ???.... EL WAMtn aaacBBiBs aid nsn . i ?a i oit?. -.'-'?> I ???? KruHil Slrerl. filon.- :ts?i. m. i.i.i.ii?d. Va. BBBXABB -x. ??>\i\K?*. xi??u*?r. [mh '?T-Su. 1 nJt'lh! that no other city In the South waa cursed with auch ring rule a? R.??nok?9. Th-? sermon w?s most sensational la Its ii.ttu:.-, ,md th?; minister told 'hing* of a Bwal revoltiag nature relating to the morality of Roanok*. The sermon la the taik of tha town to-day. and many politicians and . ity od?ela Is are much xvrouKht up .???-r the matter. Mr? ?' ? Oarj ? -,l chBBreB), of Ka. nawha City, Vx'. Va., have n-?c-imi from King William county, and art- no? visiting her mother. Mrs. George E. Smith, ?88 Church H1U? ^^^^ riBABCIAU_ ' vTa. PORTERFIELDc&COa, connissioN stock brokers, MAIN OFRICE, 1104* EAST MAIN 5TREET. ?PHONE 318. Branches bii?1 ?-orre.spondent? throiifc'liout the Southern States, Hank InfBllBKBI : Any ],n,u?wut bank in tb-i South. ?special Attention Given to Out-of-Town Customers Our advices are subject to the controlling influences oui day to (lav. Send for our daily market tetter to keep posted ,.- I'LSn.TnAThl