Newspaper Page Text
_ THE RICHMOND DlSFA'f(JH-?TUEvSUA?. MARCH 29, 1898. _ AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. \\T. ARE ASSEKTIV, IN THE COURTS OCR Rlf.HT TO THE IMt.lStVK VSF. OF THE WORD *'CAST0RIA,*' AM) " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. /, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the samo has borne and does no? /-$ ^ -on every : he facsimile signature of(^a^/x/?u???^ wrapper. k the original" PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been in the hornea of the mothers cf America for over thirty LOOK CAREFULLY et the wrapper and see ?hat it is ; kind you have always bought, ^y? . ^ ? on ?he ign ature of**&z&if?<U<JuM wrap end has the Si No one has authority from me to ure my name ex ( The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletoher ia President. m March 8, 1837. (?fi-muwtot &&M Cm *<*ttp* Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingr?dients of which even he does net know. _? "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Yon. ?Ik? ?stNiauis compos., TT Mo?n?r BTF??tT, in* voaa city. .11 *'l (i i JO H.Il 1 \ Il IM XI \V Il?- Qlvea n Uval) Mou?ut Waralag l'.rloriiiiiin-.- In I'.?)lee ?Hurt. .. y mornlnij andllng ?aka and dlahlng "ut faut Who .ipl>li?'<l to liim. Vir. M .. was .Ils ad ?-vin n l'??li. . - man J 1 inght like tig? ?. and a ila, Jack Mntiiy reeull th? a ' y morning . In ' Nbson, cl with ' .-?1 drunk m th? darlas market hours, lb? i to gixe ?security in J??hn M " * end abuainfl j. *>x. y In 1 .1 M ?rk"t, waa eon? 1 until tir. Ar Bhi ?ppard t 1 link? -'.-. ? I? "i i??1, whit? ,. ,- : with atrtklna. tin- child of W? rlth r, in other - i i ?' ?; battle, the whit. - ans, with - ompanlona for .*-i ? - until t!,?- ?Id - hauled t?? tin- White t? m ?rrtiiK ira - ris: a lot "f bread from x? L ? formatory i by hi? auni. him, s, nd i' - bom - at the til-- ?1?! OUI S , that I llolli? . XVP.1 ? ?)>1K. THE m:xv PAftTOR. ft? t XkIiIis June? ?i, II.- It.-.-.-l s i-?l With ?)p?-n Xrm? N?-\i Hiimlii,. .' ' r of l.- iLth-Str, ? ? Baptlal church, .vii. Ky. hl.s former . - ?rork ti? r?- n? \t ?Sunday, to ifternoon ai - - k. A u f i ?m th bably htm, : rain, an-: - mi and to his family of wit?? : king much | lently .. th the ?Baptlal Mlnli !. . t?. bave a ircli. I , ' : . church, .mil so :. 1'ill ?.: ' Eliden and a to be i . r. Ti??-!?' ?.iii al?o i? appro] \ mlalat? r from i.? iiuiaus tit?- Syaalafe Waa ' general lit? /.. ,1 l.V .1 : ' l'i'k iwlni : .1. T. H.H. J'.. 1 v niam n irdy Lambeth, ; I John 1 * 'c" mm! ?lihcta -' ... :,.. ? again a? il Saturtaf r .h Th? i" ' die? i "Would II it in Hi? ! . to th? i nlonf ' - lie: \" ' nd i-otiiis 1 - lohn H as ?... Jr ay. Paaneily Tiaaatfoia nd n W. i:ui..,r,k t,. r n ? ?furniture on pn whi? ti prop? m y the M Kifiank lend inded N Truel - rth of ?'haffi: i- j ? h? atwood and ?rifa It) On north sPle j ,-.*..-. ()( Baker, J...I?,- wi.-kliaiu Sut m < undid?!*. r Murt-h 28, 1?8. ' th? Lis,,. - - i mn-eeua mant-t, I "may i?>- a oandldate f??r the n nomination for ?'ongr?-?? In Watrtci tin? full." il ? Hue that I have been ?poken ta? onneetion, Iml have porttlvely I t?. allow my name to h.' us?-,i. and nay? no Intention what? lldate. rery truly, WlbU I M 1* WMKII.XM DIBS MX lllll OWN HAM). An L'afevtaaate Waaaaa ?S-walle-ara n iinir (inn.-r ..r Laa-aaaaaa. Bh? i-pat?!, .1 woman i who ?timo h? re fro? ?Ca? ? tan l?a MUnty, N. ?'., about tit!? ?-i, . Itvini ' a varioui wallowing th? fa balf?ounce :. im-botU<. Th? woman, it la ? Jd, ? ame from % and Iiv.,1 h?re und? i i -, \? mi past si?..' bad lived al No US weal Baker d during a portion of this tima Junkahop ?>f Frank ?. av? nue. About i o'clock ?y aft? rnoon I i toll ber homa | taki? , a friend nh?? was | vlaltlng ir r. ?and with this she ?pan baaed i ih?- laudanum Bb? drank the poison in , her ?back-yard, and ?then want to ?bed 'i ii? ' found some tima after Bg inn:i wh?>. d.'teeflnR the of laudanum, ?and ascertaining th;it tha woman aa m. Tin- lllllia, was telephoned for, ?and in a few minutes Dr Ortet Baughman was with th.- un? im tunal,', u? bad her removed to ?the almahouae, where, together with i>r. Tre rted to heroic treataaent. ; -i had, hOW? . i . i?? lineal? ,1 ?h, woman'? entire ayatem, and at 5 JD o'clock win i??' burled at M o'l-ioc-k this morning in Oakwood Cemetery, U a to the phyalclana -thai I woman bad attempt? d h? r life Fix : befon b] taki. . :,. *_( al ?mmltted while aha waa drinking. ?She was undei Dr. ?Saughmaa'a re, ?and I ?a in tsux-lng hep lif,-. 1 \X orU at ? 111/, ns' Rallef Xs??e|n?li?n. itlon ?'.?iii 'ii?- Toung Men'? Buelnm ion h? Id th? Ir r? nul ir w? ekiy ?meet? Ing in the ?Security ?Bank on after ? tbi following eabibil n oualy donated for r> Hi r of . k . ; ???i- In Bail End . or In Wi ; End . ! . Total to date . ; Th.- ?secretary r? aaklng for ?some ?relief. Th? ?sadd?Ml and . IP' a'ls a - i.i and ?i? : -are In need of help ?Cannot our k"".i me t?? oui- reecue and help us i,ii tie children, hungry and ? : for in ' ad, aickneaa and h m to ?So band In hand." is t each one d< or b? r put. and aegd small ?amounl t?? ? Ftellel ?.aaociatlon, which ble work. <.e?,rt,lii i.ii.i \lnlir. inn. Approximat- aafnlaga ??f the Cteorgia and -X abama ?railway for ti??' ?third week in March: Mileage IIH, SI; IM v I pe? Wi eh ending March Mi \SM\ ?.. 17; 991, *.U; In Three w? k ending March : 188 ttAMl; IM ? I . ***, IT.:-.;: I ? p? 1 Cent. Jailli i -v ?March ?d IMS] *-'*..'.-".n ; uwl, *i* * i - ill; i? * .. ? j?? p, ! ? ,i?t. July tot to M 9MM1; IIM-'fl, ? i-.-r ?sent. th? many it.?., ?nvenleneea modi in inv? titioii has | .. ??f greater value than Elas tic Starch, Try it ami 1??- c??ii\Incett Pul Up In .",- ami li'-o nt packagea Ask your r for It. Health is Wealth. DR C C WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS. Ia?eoMunder poiitiva "Written Guarantee, b> 'Mthoeieed ?ganta only, to cure \V?sak Memory, l)i7.ziL??sh. W'akofuln?*-?, Fit?, Hn-teria, Uai?'?? notit?, Night L?8u?-i), Fvil Droutns, lark of Couti liei.r?, NiirvouarieHS, L?flsitude, ?II Drains, Youth ful Error?, ?>r Kxt-?5??ix-o Cao ol Tobacco, Opium, or Iiaoor, which l???ia to Miaerr. Consumption, Insanity and Doath. At ?tore cr by mail, $1 ? box; six for $* ; with written aiinrnntsie to cur?* or r:-t'timl money. Hnutjihi uach? age, containing firo dais* treatment, with full lust motions, 2b cents. ?Uno ?ample only aold to each person. At ?tore or by mail. tlTRcd Labal Special Extra Strength. ? For I ?upotency, Loa? oi FoXrer. Lo?t MhiiIi.kkI, Sterility or Bttnwine??.?? 81 a l??x-, Bix for $.?* . with* Milt tea aaaraateeQ ^ ?to cu re In 30 MMt. At acor? Ib-rOncor by ioaiL Uiib k-Tu-iv^aiirJ A BIG TOBACCO CROP. \? hi UM in Mitt.ixM rim T9AM Mill, it:: r ? hi; -hf?. RAISIRG PICKLES MAY REDUCE IT. ITirmir? In Spsirnl ion ml, ? Are ? onteinplnttnu Cult I s nt Ina ? immiiii brr? ?toile i:\t?nalv??l>?l.nrnr Pro fit?. Paaelble from ?Tfcalv Callara? rop In Virginia last y?nr at.out th. average la size, perba-pe, ,'',, that | l thl.-? y.-ar will be very Inn? h la' L A irt nil. mm of this eity who trav. Is trttn th? i tob a' " ;',:! - ,,f? Kaat'-rn Vir ginia at snort n,t?rvals toi,I a l?spnteh reportar thai he thomrh? tha a?r?-a({e in this section of the State would he pro I?. 1,1? one ?third larger than last j.-ar. A baft who ?frequently visits th.- l.ynch barg inatk.t ?aid it was th.- impression among tebeceo ?ama in that city that the <i"P ral>..I In ti,.- mountains, ami the Valley -WMld 1?- very much greater this y? ;,r than usiml. BBTTKR ?PRICES Tin; ?CAUSE. Th?- lacreaaed a>ereega is th.- result ??f ?neatly incnsaaed prie wbleh t-i , i o <?f aii ari-i hai beea bilaglaa this year. This, ?n turn, r? . i! . ,< fioru th? sh ? t th?- -areatern crop, notably La Mtoeourt, Kentucky, droughl ami frost K-tting in most effective work. T'-I'.o ?. I,? n?,t In a long While sold si? well as it has ilmn- this year in all the Virginia markets, ?n many Inal f?r two ami Ihr--.- times the sums It would bavi - year. 11 I been more pleaaaal to be about the narehouaea this s,?,si?u ?than in a lo?ag while Nothing can ba much mon thetle than t?, i mer, who work-ad days and parta of ?many aighta t<> i crop of tobacco, receive for it a which iscarcely paya the coat ??f pr?,.|!j? tion. A ?SURPRISED FARMER I'.'it tlii? year It has I? ?-n dlffi real, and in in my o o t?.?s brought I ami u,iah mon.y as th. fu n?. -,,. a Caroline county farmer ?sold in Richmond last M ?'ek a 1"? of t? ibaCCO, of I ?lUal Itv. for MM 0?t Immlreil pounds. M declared al that ba did not ?ta ped o? r. ? Ive in"ie than I'?? '-?-nts a hun dred ami would ii?ve bean aatlaflad with that pile He had heroin?- um d to the -. uiiin? in i.,. nt ?an. An Appoi nit-.- man. dto?cueeing th<- i tobacce acre ' ?st Bight, Bald: "I have no ? the ?good price? of this year will ? i.?,.?m- fa i m? ra t?. put out bigg? t this ?Spring, hut It Is n?.t i:''in?T to hint Appon ?ity men much. Ti ' which we ralee la different from that ralaed almoel anywhere alaa, ii??i alwaya brlnga ?good pn? -.- her the ?supply !?" ?great or small. We am not ' '?nt th?- prir-s WO ?'?li K- ' ' ' WILL ?RAISE PICKLES it ?eema probable that th?- acreage of toharc? win t,,- aomewhat leaaened, owing to the fermera engaging in i another and hitherto ?practically untried ?rop in Virginia. Cucumbc A number of tobaeeo-raleera who brought th? ? i root i-- Richmond bava in formel their commlaaloa merchant? that they will i, due- the ero[? next year, In order lo i they generally t?rm it. "t?. grow picklea" .x Hanover farmer told ?, Dlapateh reporter that he toat year planted an acre and a hilf of land in ?ii'iimbers. and from it reallaed E75. ii?- aald i; doea not r- ?luir, near ?o much ini,'?r to ?ralee cumber? aa toba? ->, and thai th.- pi are mie I Th?- se?-?i is planted in ridges, which are thrown up six f> ? apart, the ?rim hcimx about half thai tpart in the r?,v. K?- a\-s thej do not require much culti ii . tie- planting being done about th? fifteenth of ?May, and the last cultrt K'Ven the v ' .1 ">Ut the first Of Jlllv, -hen tic picking of th" pickle? i? THE ?PRICE AM? YlKl.l?. Tii" , ?i? may t?- pick, ?i when they are an in? :i in length, but tin- manu factui to purchaa 'hem after the) have ?reached th,- length ??f alt Inchea. Th? price ?paid is from ?M ?sent? hOUeand. It Ir said that Ised from an acre of (?,??| I?,mi. Th? fui ;?i 'i the bai i? I salt with which t?> make in w hich the pi' klee ere pack ad for ahlpm? Carolli ? m ;-."-. -. Stafford, and ?. fermera ara aald to ba contemplating i:?? Ing into ralalng plckl? quit? atenelvely. In Stafford have ?been ?sultlvatlng ruenmbera for aeveral years f,?r the t i? i??r.. In I iburg, while thoee in Hanover and Caroline aell them to factory in thla 'ity. An ? atenalvi tory la )?? Tappahannork. untv. x? tin- i'iio heaee. Polk Miller, Oecer Bieaen. ami i Wallace, all favorltea m this eitj com? t.? the Academy to-morrow ?evening in their ui?i'! - 'aii.m.-nt of atory, aong, ami dance Th? programme of (he combination 'a ?livid?'! ?n'?? three ?perte, ami ?glvea the artists a cliaii..- t?.f a ois i ? : heir < -; rial t tienta There has i n a i/ir??- ?al? .?i - Th.- dlatlngulabed actreea MtM U ?rK? i Mather, and her splendid company of !.-. n in i?--?t .). xx'??if?'. idemy on ?PrMay ami Saturday nit!,:- and Baturdaj is product!? u "f "? 'ymin im.'." Illaa Mather baa i reap ,. , u the atage a matter not mere ly of rgoment, but a ooaapi?cuoua thing in ?tage annala, f'<r it is mark?ad | Shak? .-p. r.-?,'i t--viva| that \t mot? travog ?n' ' ?tvef glvea m tins count i. CARTERS ITTLE [VER PILLS. CURE F.lcli n.iadarho ami relieve all the trouble? inci dent to abltkHSa atafeof the ?y?tein. euch a? Dl-u-.lni*?, Nau.-.-a, in ?-/sluea?, I>i?ire?? after rain in ?Lie >Si?!<\ *c. While their laoat TsimarLftbl?, an, -, M hue been sh >wn In ?nOteg SICK Ilc-aiiarlie. yet OrU-r'? Little Liver vill? ?re ??ually valuable In (*<fii?tlpation, curing and prsv Vcuting thiaanno-iiiRComplaliit.wliilo they aleo correct all.I,*?.r.l? : ?,f tli'?st,?wa.'li.?tlniulatetha h v. r and regulate tlio bowels. Even it they only c until HEAD Ache they won 1?1 be almost prieeleea to t ho?? wh J ?ufTcr from thl??'i?tr.-s?iagc?jiiipUlut; butfortu? nat-ly theirpoodtiej??i!?'eanoteiiJhere,aiiilt?oM abo ?'?ace try them ?rill Und the?? little pill? ?tin. able in aotuanr ?tny? that they will out be wit? ling todo without tlniu. but'after allalck ,'ioaj ACHE Ts the bane of no many lire* that here la wh?i J we m ?ko our great b-jaat. Our pills cure it while sithera do uot. Carter's Littl? Liver Tills ?re very ?mall and sjery ?aav t<> take. One or two Pilla make a doae. They are strictly vei/^table sml do not gripe ot purge, but by their gentle action pleaeeall who liaethem In vl?li?t i5cuiit? : ?\eit< ?r |1. Hold by ?IruKgtcta everywhere, or aent by niall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. Small KU. M hi UKe? (Th. sa. Tv. A wj S. ULLTIAN'5 SON'S. IdlllllJIV II Vit?.Al"."?. sp?cial ?TOR ?LENTEN ?SEASON. iiA i i. NEVi U SEEN, - SOR EVER EVER WILL AGAIN. SLASHES IN PRICES THA? ASTi'MSIl ALL OTHER DEALER?. BIT WE ARE 'MU. HOUSEWIFE'S FRIEND, AND \V\.\T T?) MERIT THE NAME. AN I'.V? RA FORCE OF < LERKS. V- HO WILL GIVE ?.??1 PROMPT ?TTEN? TI< IN. COME EARLY. -on Flour, l" s? sprint win at Flour on th,- market, put bag? 36 or, per barrel .."? 7 ? rabie l'- ?i-i?' s, i?? i can,. I \ Irglnia Sun-] ?t led Appl? -l Bcrubbii Bl?acking Bruahea . 5 Kll | 1' -?-nt Family Fl?>ur, j er ?bag . ^t ??r. p?r barrel . ?n'iwtiak?- Patent Family Flour_ . or, per aack . i - Granulated Suimi, i r pouad.. 5 Balm ?n. i i pound . Flat cans Salmon Steak, per can... b> ; ?i ?arts Imported Sour arout. 6 Be?| Tea Dust, per pound. '- i i ?ailfornla i< i ?r pound. 6 tl a?? r? ' ' -I- ?' ?-'n. I' ll Herring -, P? r box . II Early Rob? Potato i, i - r bush? i. *> nd Jefferaon ? !on< -. Java Mi h? gradea only, in 1-pound papera, per p?,und . 10 .\i?. N? is Lemon?, doaan. b) B< ?i Hama, i?? r ?pouad . ? I po ind an? Jelly . lo Bird Smoking Tobacco for.. t> Aibu kl?'s Ariosa Coffee, pound, ... 10 Sally'? Pancake Hour, p?-r package . -. 5 Country Jowls, pound . o Hams, nil ban, pound. -"? Fresh ?Lemon ?Cracker? and M? N a ' . 0 Bakar*a Br-aakfaat cocoa, can. lo Neu Hominy and Grita, pound. 2 ?Larga Irish Potatoea. i?r peck. ii - packag? Wheal Flakee, dell ,s f??r i,t? akfast, pa? ka*.? . l" i:. ? .;..-1 ii? ? Muatai ?l .. . o Matcbea. ?per doaen b.,x.-s. ? S rubbll -i and TUacking i.- ?sanee . 6 S. ULLM AN S SON, l?*-:?> AM) 1S:"J EAST .MAIN .?SlKtUt. 1. I i? Town Mlore. Mi tust Mai shall. 'Phone 3i?l. Phone ?tt. Ii w,I) pay you to <a!l f??r ?r wr tc for . ?. ir complet? price-list?. (no 31-Sa.Tu4-Th) G *** ?- - ?-* Dr. FRANCK* S RAINS OF HEALTH mm CONSTIPATION ""W* CONGESTION *-? HEADACHES E. Fougera A Co., New Yack ?*?*-' n snd S-coud Hund (all make?) lowest prices, lAsr term?. Dean's Billiard and Pool-Table Cushions, the i.ivfst, qorca F.-T ANDTBIE8T IS THE WOR?.0. All kinds Bil- : Hard and I'ool-Table supplied. Best grades C:oih.|s.*)0, tVi.M ?nd IL!,?0, for both Bed and Kalis; Cues.t:.7*?.t3..rM), ?4.a0?nd |6 per dozen and upward?: beat Cue Tips, 8.'-c. per box of 10?). a-???rted sizes ; fancy- str? rn? Pool Balls,$8.SO t.ll.'f-? per set. The Dean Pool, Balis arb tub; the stairs? wii.-, never wk?a <?ri? 819 per sol. Bent Blllisrd Chalk, 75o. per gro*s; Red Leathers, 40c. per set; green Pool-Table I'?"kei?, with fringe, 11.So and 12 per set. DeL.i's Fancy Leather Pockets will outlast three sets of any other kind?13.25 p?.r set, with fringe. Table? ov?aHAri.iD and pvt in perfect order. Pigeon Hole and Bagatelle Tables Bap. Fixtures,Beer Drawing outllts. Billiard Tables made Into Pool or Combination Tables. Bowling Balls and Ten Pin?. My Bi'Uardaiui ; Puol Tables are not turpaiitd b'j any ot\er makt ?or ac'-urucy andperfectmn. C. P. DEAN*. 10 Governor street, Richmond. Va. XX'rite for catalogue and prices. Out of town order? will have my prompt attention. (no 2S-8u. Tu & F) P.UXis, LEWIS'S PER "uEAD. LEW1SS PURE UNSEED OIL, and all material for painting. Only the best quality kept in ?lock. Writ? for quotutlons. PURCELL. LADD a CO.. _ ap M_Wholesale Drugalsts. Order? for printing sent to the Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention, and the style of work and prices wlU ?be sura to Please you. STREET-RAILWAY TRANSFERS On ami ?after Sunday, Feb? ruarv 20, 1898, a passenger will In- entitled to ONE trans fer on ?payment of a singlo fare. Transfer*? to Fourteenth street, Etichmond, and to Hull streit, MniH'hest? ir, will be, allowed only on payment of a cash taro. Passengers desiring transfer tickets will notify conductor xvlien fare is paid. RICHMOND RAILWAY _ ELECTRIC CO. [8?l i'-ttl ni I-Al? ? I '11. OP STEAMERS. Lt) D O il 1 M I ? N N _ siKAMSIIIi'C?XlPANT. l'A I LT. LENK KOK NEW ?OHK. r? can leave Richmond DAILY via Cbeaapeake ?and onio runway at ;) n? I?. If., or Richmond and Petersburg rail i,..,,I (Norfolk und XX. stein rout.-? O A. M., connecting at Norfolk with old Do minion Lin?- steamer, muling same eve hing for N?-w Yorl ALE-WATER ROUTS St? ?amshtp ? ? i ' ?"?n.? Rich mond every Monda} ut ? I'. _x. iur XvW York via Jame? river. Tleketa on ??ala at Richmond Transfer Cmpatiy's. VO east Main street; ? peak? and Ohio railway, and Richmond and Petersburg railroad depots, and it company*? oin.-e. 1212 east Main strud, Richmond. r>a''^'?(,*!(i.h|'V|:k0(1 through. for N*?w York and all points beyond can i. shipped by direct steamer sallin* from Richmond every MONDAY at 5 1? M also, !?> stumers laavln* Rich mond every WEDNESDAY and ?SATUR DAY ?t 5 P. M. for Norfolk, connecting With si.,i mer tor N--w X ork. Manifest closed one hour before ?ailing Freight received and forwarded, and throurh bills of lading Issued for a]1 northern, ?aaatern. and foreign ports. n:? ?M NEW FORK, pas?engera can leave daily, except Sun u t NE8DA1 .?t ?* 1' M. Salllnga from n?i any? pier, No. 26 North river, toot ot Beach sireet. ' Freight received and fot -warded dally, except Sunday Foi further Information apply to JOHN If. MAYER, Agent I easl .Main itra t. Richmond, Va. W Li Guillaudau, Vice-President and Manager New York. rnh l_ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. WMMMCM ?LISE ( ompogiile ?Eaaseaaale Triiisaatlantlqae DIRECT LI-Ni: TO HAVRE-PARIS (PRANCE). Sailing every Wednesday and Saturday at 10 A. M . From Pi?*r No. 12, North river, foot Mor ton ?treat. Li Hretagpe. Ap'jjL.t Norm'?!:,-, Ap 30 La Gascogne, Ap 1? La I'ourRom.e, My 7 ?v. i... \ ?- -I La Touralne, My M Oeneral Agency for united .Staf.-s ana Canada ; Bowling Oreen, N Y. Ill, hmon.l Tniiiif?-?' to.. ?HI1 Mull? St. Welaavj ui3 k. Main st. x_fe ?i-d6m EIROPEAN STEAMERS. AMERICAN LINK MJSW YORK -4O0 I'liASPf ON (Diadoo-Partai TWIN MCKSVV U 8 8AILSTKA.X1''I11P.S ? ?ailing ?veiv XVKON*Km MY at to A. xl. ST. PAP I.March :M is I' PAIL .April .?'i HT. l.OlI-. April I! I H'i. LOCI*. ...April 27 PARIS.April Eii PARIS.Mar 4 RED ST AR LINE. NKXV YOttR .0 AN I XVKitP. Sailing e??ry WEDNKSUAY at noon. Sol TH\VAHK..Mh. 3D I KKNsiN?) l?i\. *pl. 20 Ni-?)Klil.ANO..ApL ?1 WKSTgK.NL'U Apl. '27 Kn!f?l.?XNI) .Api 13| VH'IIIWAKK. May 4 iNrfiRNATlONa.i.NAVl ?ATIOMCU Plsr? 14 and 18, North itl??e. un?:?, ?1 l|.,?rliug >?r? ?i, *i. f. W. U. PALaK? A?? Is, mh lO-Tu.ThASal/ UwaiuoaL RAILROAD LIN Eg. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. I **<-& e<l nie rrr.e.i,,. .Inn-nnrv IT, I-"?0"** 1HAINS LEAVE Ml? UMONO. VA? . Vt.ttU hULfiX, _y, U OW-... ..? .-*?"? '-'. dally lor Atlanta. Augusta, ?no points duut'i. Sleeper Richmond to Danville, ?re?n?boro'. Salisbury, Charlotte, < olutnhta, and Augusta Sleeper ope,, at 9? P. M. ?nepe at all stations between Kit-hmond and Danville to take on and let on pee?? ng ?te Connecta at Danvtlle? Salisbury, and ?.--.arlotte wltl. the Washington and Southwestern Limited ?No. 17). cair>ii,a sieepers New York to AshevliTa, Hot Springs, Chftttanoo- ? b.i. and Nasbrill?; New }oru to Mcxiiphl?, New York to New Or leans, New York to Tampa; and flrst-'-lass day coach between Washington ?nd Memphis. Connec tions are mide for all point? in i T? sus and California. Sleeper open .? ?-. ,op occupancy at 8 30 P M 12:0O noon, No 7 (solid train dally for Charlotte N C. connects at Mose ley with Farmvllle and Powhatan Vfc?lrnad. At Keysvlll? for Clarks ytlle. Oxford. H.-riderson, and Dur ham, and at Oreenshoro? for Dur bum. Kalelgh. und V'lnston-Salem; ; at Dnnvll.e with No. ?. United State? fast mall, soltd train, dally for New Orleans and points South, which carries sleepers New York to New Orleans, and New York t-j Jacksonville. Through steeper Halls burv to Chattanooga; af?o. i-uii maii tourist el.-eper every xvednes d.iy Washington to San Francisco, xvltbout change. 8.-88 P. II., No. If. local, dally, except Sunday, for Keysvllle and lnte-me ,?,,.? pilots. TRAINS ARRIVE AT R1C1IMONU. eoo A. M. 0:25 P. M.. from Atlanta. Augus'a, Ashevtlle. and Nashville. 8:40 A M . from Keysvt'.e. I.OCAT, FKF?OHT TRAINS. Nos. ?1 and ?32. between Manchester and Neapo'i!?. Va. INHiril UNS fU WESF POINT, TUE FAVORITE HOLTE NORTH. LEAVE RICHMOND. ?.au p. :.i.. .no. la, iii?i?mui? Lin? dally, except Sunday. for Went Point, there making close connec tion on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays with steamer for Haiti more, also, with stage at Lester Manor for Walknrton an?! Tappa hannock on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. 2:30 P M., No id, local express, Mon days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, for West Point and Intermediate sta tion?. Connect? with stage at Le*), ter Manor for Walkerton and Tap innock; also, at West Point with steamer for Baltimore. Stop? ai all stations. 5:0O A M., No. It?. Local Mixed, reaves dnllv. except Sunday, from Vir ginia-Street Fftatlon for West Poipt ?nd Intermediate station?, connect? Ing with ? -?ire n? Laater Manor for t,. " . ? T , . r . ?. S r, .i,-,,.^ TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. 1EI7 A. M., -i.'"> I0.4?) A. M.. Wednesday? and Friday? only. 8;0O P. M.. dally, except Sunday, rroin West Point and Intermediate sta Steamers leave West Point at a p. m. ! Mondays. Wednesdays, j-in?l I- rldays. and I Paltlmnre a? r, ?> M. Tuesdays. Thure ! d^ke8tnom?etU^^tion. foot of Virginia treat Open from 9 A. M. to ? P. M . ";",V ,.,,'?, ?, i? M to ; ' X. M. City ticket office W Beat Main street. J. M ?M)LP. m W. A. TPKK. Traffic Manager. a<?n. P'iss. Agent ,.- ..??.N. Third Vtce-Prasident | a,.,, - _ ___.-r Weahlnrton f? ? C. W- WFSTRT'RY. Travelling Pae? : eenger Agent. WO east Main ?tr??F, Rlch l moiK* v? oe s CfiESAPEikE ANO OHIO RAILWAY Effective Xlureh 1), ?1888. TRAINS LEAVE IIICII XIO.N?, UHOAll VI'HE ET STATION. 8.50 A. M.. Pally, -?? ?tli 1'u.lman car, foi Noi tolk, Portamouth, ,,, | point, N< wpori N? ? ?and principal stations. (Jon dally ' ith ??id ?Do minion Btearaahlpa for New York. 8:40 P. M., Daily, with Pullman, for local stations, Newporl New?, ?Jl'l l'oint, Norfolk, and Portsmouth. 10.0O A. M., Local train, except ?umhiy. for Clifton Korge. Cok? aecta ' fjortoaaxtille fot Culpeper, Calyer Alexandrla, and Washington; at Union Station, ?'hulottes-, ill,.-, for Lynchburg: at LUslc for - i (own. 2:15 P, M., Du)ly, with Pullman-i, to nnatl, Louisville, and St. I. :.noting at Covlngton. Va-, let Hot Springs. Stops only at im portai, t stations, JK.ii? served on Dlnlng-eara. So. 7, Local Train, eat ?-pt Sun day, follow? abov? train ft ?in Oordonsville to Stauu t?,n. 0:.1<) P. M , Accommodation, except Sun day, for Chan 't.'.-ville. 10 no P. M., Daily, for ?Cincinnati, with V. W, v. ?Pullman? to Hlnton. XV. v. .. ana <!"idonarille t<> ?'i clnnatl and ?Loulavllla serv ?1 on Dlnln^ cara Connecta at Bteun t?i i. excepl Sunday, for Winchester, N'a.. and at Covlngton, Va., daily, for n??t ?pi TRAINS LEAVE EMillTH-STHEET si X I TON. 11:88 a M, Deity, tor ?Lyncbburg and rge. < 'oini.-cts at l?r?mo. ex Bund .y. for Whin? Hall, except Sunday, at LJnlo?iiy r?r L?-xington, and at ? llfton F o r g ?a with No. ? for ' 'in, nu,,,t|. 4:0O P. M, Except Sunday. Local ac commodatl? n for < Columbia. TRAIN! ARRIVE AT HKIIMONU, lilt?? ?.?-STREET ?- I \ I IJ_V H:20 A. M . I ?ally, from Cincinnati 11:18 A. M., Dally, from Norfolk and I'olnt. :t:.lo P. M., Duly, from Cincinnati and I.oUlsVllle. ?W P. M , Da?y. frum Norfolk and Old Point. *:16P. If., Except Sunday, from Clifton TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHT - STREET S rATI? )N. 8:50 A. M., Ex. <-pr Sunday, from O - liimbla. 0:20 P. at, Daily, from Lynohburg ami < 'lift,,n Forge, and. except Sunday, from Lexington and XX hit-; Hall. JOHN D. POTTS. As?l=tiin?- Oeneral Passenger Agent. DEPARTIR? OF STEAMERS. pHILADELPKIi, RICH MOND AND NORFOLK kTEAMSUli cuAD'ANY. Appointed sailing days: Every TT,*E'?t. DAY, FRIDAY, and B( ND.VY at daT light *' Freight received dally until 5 p. m Para (iaoluding meals and berth; ? on Friday's at? amar. ' Fur ?farther information apply to . a ._ J.- W MCARRI?K, General Southern Agent; office Rocketta. W. i? CLYDE A ro fe I General Agents. Philadelphia. tefcw V?RG1KI? ?AY?GATION M^; COMPANY, r4""^ JAMHS RIVER \ DAY LINE. Steamer POLAHoNl As lease? MON DAY. WEDNESDAY, and F1UDAY at 7 A. M. foi Norfolk. Porumuuth. Ola point. Newport .sews. Cl?reme*.! and jui?iea-rlver laiidmgs, and connecting at O.d Point and Norfoik^for Washiis?ion. Baltimore, und the North. State-room? reserved for tha night at moderate Drice?. Electric-car? direct to th? wharf. Fare only |1 SO and H ?o Norfolk. Muele by Ornnd Orchestrio?. Freight received for ?bove-named plaoaa and all point? in Kaatern x'irglni? and Eorth Carolina. IRVIx WEISTC.KR. General Manager. A- H. Drewry, President. a? y B (X)K AJUD JOB WOHK ?NEATLr Kiiouria ATTMI suraTou i'?t^EN*v*.aojii RAILROAD LIMBS, D V A p Ric!iinoDi;Fp?ijfirtv u.. i. u i. bDri a ?. m borg A Potomac? Schedule I? Effect Jsnaar? 18? 1M>5, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. LEAVE BYRD-BTRERT 8TATIOH. 4;1UA*L, U??,/, lu. ... ?h,??,,?., aad points North. Stop? only at Miliord and FredwHcksburg. Pullman Sleepet? to N?w York. 8:20 A. M., Sunday only, for Washing. ton und points North, atop? at Elba. ?Sien Allen Ash la. ml. Taylorsvtlle. Doswell. R?ther Glen. P.-iioi.., Mil f ?rd, xv.?odsla.?e. Huir Summit. Fr??<l.rl?iieiHir-t Pro.ike. and WldevrateT. Pullman car. 8:45 A. M.. Dally, except Sunday, for Washington ?in] points North. 8.ops at Elba. Ash land, TBjrlorsville, fioswell. Ruther Glen, pen?la, Mil ford Woodslan?. Guinea, Summit. Krederlcksburg, lirook*. and Wldewatar. Pullman car. 0:O5 A. M.. ?'??mmenclng January ?th. .?ally except Monday, for W.nh'ngton, Raltlmor-s, Phil? ?delphla, and New York. Th? N"w York and Florida fV'clal. compos*'! entirely of Pullman sleeping-, din ing- and obaervatlon-eara. No extra charge other than regular Pullman far?. Doee not ?top at Fit t. 12 UO M.. I'ally, except Sunday, for Waahlngt.m and V^nt* North Stops at Elba. Glen Allen. Ashland. Doswell. Milf-xrd. Fr?*?er1ci<sburg. Brooke, and Wldewater. parlor car. Also. < <? nect? with Congressional Limitad at Washington. " 38 P. M . Dally. f"r Washington and points North Stops at Elba. Ashland. Doswell. Mllford. Fr<?derleksburg. Brooke, anl Wldewater. and other sta tions Sundays. Sleeper Rich? r"*-???? * I V? V^rV ARRIVE 111 HO-STREET gTATIOS. slOA. U., i'-?'?- ..v, ... ?,,?.? ater. Brooke, Fredeiicksbura, Mil. ford, Doswell, Ashland, and Elba, and other station? Sundays Sleeper New York to Richmond. a 45 P M.. Dally, except Sunday, S'.ope a t XVldewater, Brooke, prederlckahnrg. Summit. ??nine?. W??>.laiane, MUf^rd. Pen?la, Ruther Glen. Do?. well, Tnylorsville, Ashland. Glen Allen, and Ein ? P.r lor car fr?>m Washington. 7:10 P. M., Dally. Stags only at Frede rl'-Ksburg, Doswell. ?nd Ash. land, iiu.T Elba. Pullman car? from New York. 8:38 P. BL, Dally. Stop? at XVldewater. Brooke, Fred, rickaburg. Summit, Guinea, Woodslan?, Mlirord, P.nola. R?ther Glrn. Doawell, Tsvlorsvllle? Ashland, Glen Allen, and Elba. Sleeping ir 0:50 r. M.. Commencing January 17tR, dally except Pimday. th? New York and Florida 8r>e , . , ,, .? v?f ?..,? ?t Qaa. FRF-DERICKSB'O ACCOMMODATION. (Dally except Sunday ) 4 OO P. M.. leaves Pyrd-Street Station. b.'.OA M.. Arrives Pyrd-Street BUtlon. TRAINS. (D.U.y eaceoj ? 0:42 A. M., Leaves Elba. ILliO P. M., Leaves Elba. ?I40A. M., Arrive? Elba. O OO P. M., Arrives Elba. C. A. TA Y l ?OR. Traffic Manager. E T. D. MYERS. President. ja I? ^ i' latfi#bHkt DtesdMr 5. 1887. LEAVE RICHMOND, 111 RD-STREE t STATION. 8:00 A. M., Daily?Richmond and Nor? ?o?a. VLMT1BULE MM.i ED. ?Second-class ticket? not ucceptcd on this train. 8:05 A.M.. DaPy. ?TUB CHJCAQO EX PRESS." lor Eynonbuig. Roanok?, Columbua. and ? hi, ago. Pullman 8lee;)?r Roaiiuaw to Coluuibu?; au.?. for Radford, ?ristui. Ktiix ville, Chattanooga? and in? terniedi.'tt? points. 7-30P.M., Dally, r?.' NoffoiK, BufflUL and intermediate station?. 10:4G P. kL. Daily, for Eyiuhhurg ?nd Roanoke. Connects at Hoa noko with Washington and Chattanooga Limited. Pull mun Bleepstra Roanoke to Memphis and New Orleans. PULLMAN ?DEEPER between RICH MOND AND LYNCHBURG re.uly for oc cupancy at 9 1* M . also. Pullman Sleeper Petersburg to Roanoke. Trains arrive Richmond from Lynch burg ami the XVest dally ?15 A M . .m?l >?.;,?; 1'. M. From Norfolk and the East 11:06 A. M.. and Vestibule " M. Office: m Main street. R W. TOTTRTNBT, District Passenger Agent; W. B BEVILL. General Passong- r Agent. Oaneral Offlceaj Roanoke. A a. de ? Afl f ATLANTIC-COAST Schedule tu i.Aect Januar? 17, 1H1I*. TRAINS LEAVE HI? HXIOND-IMON DEPOT. UOO A. M., 1? ?i>. Aulves Petersburg 1U1 A. M.. Norfolk MM A. M. blops only at i'elcrsOurg, ? ?_ . Waveriy and Suffolk, Xa U;05 A. M.. Daily. Arrive Peteraburg 9M A. M.. Wcclon 11..4 A. M . Payettevliie 4:1* i'. 11., Charleston lu :0 P. M.. Savamfali 12 BO A. M., Jack eon ville 7 J?? A. M . Poit Tampa ?j ju p M ?Jonnarta at Wilson with No. 47 ?r? ? riving Uoldaboro' ?In p. M.. Wilmington 5:45 P. M. r . mua Bleepei New York ?'? J, ksoiiVUIe. 2.55 P. M., U ally. Luv.I. Arrives Pe t.rahurg .:;_ p. M. Make? all alo??*. 5:30 P. M., Dally. Arrive? Petersburg 6:10 P. M. Makea "II local stops, Richmond and peters, bu.g railroad. 7:30 p. M., i 'a iy. Arrive? Petersburg S:04 P. M -, connects with Norfolk and W-ntern tor Norfolk and tuteriiiediaii poiiils, Emporta I.D p-on Beata With A and D. for stations beistevu Empona and Uiwrein "vllle>, Weldoa i):4J P. M . Fayeilevll.? l I A. M , Charleston ?.it? A. M., Savannah 8.0b A. M., Ja. k soiivllle 1 P. M.. Pert lamia P. M NEW LINK TO MIDDLE GEORGIA POINTS. An1?, lng Alken 7 Z* A M . 4ugua. ta s:l0 A. M M.? ?n 11 A M . Atlanta 12 15 P. M . Pull man SI'epers New Yerk i? \\ ?, jM.'kaoiiville, p?,rt Tampa, Alkea, Augus ta, and Macon. 8:58 P. M-, Dully. Arrives Petersburg ? :i P. M . V'cldon MM P. M. Makes l???.-a, atop? be? twitn Petersburg _nd Wei? doti. 10 00 P. M., Daily, except Sunday. The New York ?nd FloriJa Stie i nil arrUis ?'hatlestum ,M A. M.. Savannah 8 01 A. M . Jacksonville 1:1" P. M., St. Augustine 2? p. M . Tampa *:& I? M. Pullman Veatl bul.-. Sleeping-, Dining-, li brary-, and Observation to 50 P. M., Dally. Arrive Peferahurg 11.30 P. M . Lvm-hburg 1 1 A M Roanoke 5:30 A. *l . Hrlstol 118? A. M. Pullman Sleeper Richmond to Lynch? burg. TRAINS ARRIVE III? DJUXD. 4 OU A. M. Daily, nom J.. ?. Sa vannah. Charl? stou, AtUntg, Ma. on. Augusu. end ?a L.?Hits South. 8 15 A. M.. Daily, excetn Sunday. At? larts, Athen?. Raleigh. He? ?lerson, Lynchbura,', and th? X?- eat. 8:87 A. M . Daily. Peteraburg local. 8 55 A.M.. Dally, except Motday. fron Tampa, JaclTsonvtll?, Savan i ?h. ?nd ?'har:-ston. 8 OO A. M., Sundiiy only, from Atlanta Athens. Raleigh Henderson Lynchburg. ?nd the W?h *. 11 On A. M.. Dally. Norfolk. Suffolk, and Petersburg. I-IS P. M.. Daily. Jackaonvlll?. ^van. nah. ?harleaton. wiiwlo? ton. O eldsboro', and M points **?uth. 8:05 P. M.. Dally. Norfolk. Suffolk, VY?. y, and Peistsbur?. 8:88 P. M. Dally Petersburg. Ijncb? burg. an, th? x ?at. J. R. KBNLY. T M KMKRSON. General Maniger. Ir ?m, Managen H. M KXISCR^iN. General Pane. ?. r Agent C S CAMPBELL, i $t M Division Pe??en?er Agent. ; ? ??? "There's the rub." ,?.-?> '^k ' The''rub" in one hand, and the effect of it in the other. Good design for a soap "ad."?isn't it? Question of health, if nothing else, ought to make you give up this wearing washboard _'rubbing with soap, and take up the sen sible way of washing with Pearline?soaking, boiling, rinsing. The washboard rubbing, done in the midst of soiled clothes and tainted steam is harmful to any woman. If you think it isn't, you'd better think again, m -mm? - " - (fe 8-Tu.Tb.!*? 4w o w COTfOLENE. Louis Tanty formerly Chef of Napoleon III and the Imperial family of Russla,says: "/ will never think of preparing for myself frying; fat so long at I u ill be ahle to get Cottolene, and I firmly believe that there is no neutral frying material except the most expensive and pure olive oil, equal to Cottolene for frying purposes." Cottolene Is pure vegetable oil combined with choice beef suet, and is healthful, appetizing, dlgeatlblo. Endorsed by ? .-nlneut nhyslclans.and recommended by cooking ex pert? as In every way preferable to lard M animal fat*, Th? g?n?ilne ?Cottolene Is sold evers-where In onp to ten pound yellow tin?, with our trade-mark*--"CetUmmt" ai;?l t'eer i mmtd in ?MffBWpmvti wreath- on everv tin. Not guar anteed If ?old In an- other w?y. Made only hy THE If. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. M. Ixmls. N?*w York. Montreal. lap l7.Sa,T?*Thly.nrl ARD STEEL WIRE POULTRY NETTIN6. " Procrastination is the thief <>i time," and to do x\?-ll you must start right Du not ?Iclav, bat prepare vmir poultry juxat now. Poultry Netting was aarerao di?.?]). nor our stock ever m complet?- end well assorted. We ?can rive yon ?anything from is to?7a ?lachea high, ?and from hi to 2 inches mesh. Call and inape?ct <mr stock. "The early chicken catChea ?tne worm," hut I'oultry Netting catch?-, the chicken. Catalogues for the ?Mlrfflg. BALDWIN & BROWN, lii?j,li|ti:Tt>T- for 1'i.iiltrv Netting, V-Crlmi) and ?Ctorragated Itoofing, ?<>n dnetors, ?uttera, ?Extrae, i?-.. Hardware, ?Carriage and Wagon ?Maierlala, Paint. Lead, on?. Varnieb, oli?-*-. ?Potty, ko. r?fl7 east Main street {.?pi???. ??I?! Maikr?, XX arelniu?e : Track IS,O. A ?).. Rli-limntiil, Va 1. -tl_U? 1 1 i.l .v