Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH WHOLE NUMBER, 14,6(56. RICHMOND, VA.. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1898. THREE CENTS PER COPY. PRESTO, CHANGE! Itj It Comes as Comes the Cannon's Flash. SSA61 RO? BKRT IN. I >?ble That It May Never Go to Congress at All. ASKS THAT IT U WITHHELD I oesn't Itlft It Sent Until All Americans Get Out of Cuba. N APPARENTLY YIELDING lo Order to Avert War She Will Make cessions Heretofore Refused. \RATI0N OF AN ARMISTICE. BipcM to Come To-Day from the Queen Regwt. ?PEU TOWERS AT WORK. . Are Still Seekini; to Bring Peace Out of the War-Clouds. IGTOl GREATLY RELIEVED. red Outlook Reflected in All Public Jurten IRESSIE1 YERY MUCH AT SEI . However, lhat Lee's Advices Warrant President's Course. I* ?PAI5I TOO LATB I OH ? I 11 \\* r It"' ??ioll \l\-l *. UiH \,,| ||,,. Iiimii i:.nt?. i.h I i^littim I mil 'luir llli)?-|H-liil<-ii<-f fs lt>.; ni/i .1 f? U ur l-iiparjittMiis Halt??. Swift aa a i \ all. i . Illlli would rll It tilt* I;. rhapa lowly i s? tii' i..11. This .\! idrld, liad .M.-ll ARMISTICE). . without work light sv . ulti inlah la? the t\M> -' al work, illtic I th? day "f l ; .nul with ihouM work In i .', wev< . ) >nd a I definite ,!'M \i, RELIEF all i?ut'i i' wai m mlf< it< ! at H A! Ill' ng lnin in an fell that ' ' . brig] er. He I . | i- loo little ,. ,lll .-. . ! >.. . ..iiillll'.I f 111'. li.">. I M." i- ' -i-I Ml h..; i- a i mi mbi i tren al m to what i "mm? lU'Xt Whllo the IB? Waa aw.lit..|. it,. ,, ,.,?., u hvirrii-d SUIS monlns of leaden of th.. fiiiU sad House '.. thi u ht Bouse, tad the) " :, . thai th< - to bo withheld open lh* Inform recelvi 6 rrom Conaul-Qeneral '. i. 'I'd.' rtutmi hi gave m. r.. deemed en 1 y ail. tad Senator formed th. S.-trnf. wbH) d< i'- can ?. .1 Hi,- i . "iv- : ' ' : M.-i.Ti. an life > 'i"U 1 in il,.- mlndJ of all ' warrant the withholding <.i thi I i.atk? ! wai Inji eti l Into 'i" : .'a itlon th.- ,,, and whtli -, ti? ,,? JU solution of the pr< with.,at war. thai be ti Id continu Ing until their i bat B| tin had ?. . on nus liai too late. At the Wai tmenl ' ' ' ilmoel apathi tic. w hlli amount of routine ttei work ol to the normal ' ' tracta for m m Na vi i ' ment, t?t In the static i ? no I le for the ab? nee oi confi n ni i - of high officiate, and the ireal t: . '; Itoi n, public men, conti ici DELAI iMii;rr\iii;\r or MADBIDt, CnU <?f MtliHtlon m. Iliihlimi?I'IiIn \ntlioritiilU el] I iMillrmril. u A8HINGTI >\ D C, April | The "H Investigation In offldal eir gh1 failed to di velop anything ipporl of th. thi "iv thai the delay of Hi- president's a was out i,, Hi-' situation ;.! Madrid. Wh. ii lh nouncemenl a ,i, to-day that a withheld, th< i' rei n aome congr? ?atonal circle? that the delay was partially In? flu? h, .1 by the attltudi .>) the Q rti ! willing to yield pvi i \ thins, demanded by the Unlti i n Idi ,i it < ould be done ? Itnoul pltatlng a popular diaturbance in rial? in Madrid t, nded t - thi Madrid situa? tion further than t" say that tii*-1 - n,. Information from ihn qu tliat I DPI n i 'I. It v, ted that the .nix ot th.. sit nation was m. Habana. Thi rmed by members of tin i Relatloi - Comm whom thi planatlon had ! form Isfled i't it. lRBORS. I In- WaifJ IW-miii?lt?<-> hyi of Hnpiil i in- I.mi?.? Pro? InIoiii. N'KW V IRK, April < 'l'h.' a of Colono! M. Ro : a the < ib marine mining of t'a? entrance to M a fork and other liai : lonj the Allan i ' ? , eera from Wll lent t > Pi rl Mi . Boston; Chaj Hampton Roada, Fort Wadsworth, and k. to lay tablet and apparat is for the m . thirty-four rapld-fln to ar niter N'f .'. from England. The ahlpmenl and it is being ar? as t,, , ,.-?. ,,f th.- - venteen princlp il f, thi t, to !" ni"ant, d '. I' ir -I1I1S. The ni"-i compli made for thi pun ha-.- and shipment rloua points at whirl) thi 1 in war is declared. No i bei n h, l, hut tin' Im, at knows juat where and m what quantities Buppllet an t" be had, their i"-t. and how quickly they can be A force "f 1-" m, a from Wlllett'i I . ' l i'.,- th" t in th.- layii - min, a and tor] >\ a th,- Vir PI \\ OF \ \\ \l. \i TIOH PtNMiMe Dash of Ffylaaj S^aadvoa to III?- I ii mi rl.s. WASHINGTON April Q ol : for th naval fon i i In the of boatllll : ractii allj c im? pi?t?? ' '"" tlon? Wl ruarded, it pn high authority that them contemplates a dash hy the 0) i' ' ' I,!1,1' ' ' "' "iniamli I thi Canai condition ti,ai ! - '1 ?UthOl II Miami * mill I'of I Belt Mini. \ i, ,\ x. .).. iprll \.., a.|, on ni d i" Noi m in U to-dai i"r win 1m- us. .1 by the i I ''" \\ ? Itii V Ihri-i' Toi-ii.-ilo-lloiit?. I ONDON, April ' l special disi , m . published to-,i.,y, says con . signed during, the da) for the . to ; i : thi rmoi d i ruleer liai to Bpain, and ior the ! rruiaer \ I h,. I In. inn.ill ItmiN \uroniul. Ki'V WEST, fLa April Th I iltei ?'m,:'.nui struck a mud tht governmenl wharl this mornlnV The tugt U'"'" ">< ' "' " pulling her off eft? work, it 11 nol bel I any injury, bul n regular naval ;; ? s will be made. Th- United ? ?TJn?Sl Helena arrhmd this mo on. m w yORK. April I Th. battlesi .,,,? at Hempton Roed? irtaiollce n?" t*aaae>??? .. ,-n - The Rom< corre Pondent of the ss ai Herald b.ll.t?> , uba ;""i ''- ' ',"'-" Spain I the bel ' ''"'"'"- _ ,"T ?wat "-.i Beetle Starch .. . K ,?. ,,xt order. Results . ::M?.,^ri,^ , , ,im i liind. SPAIN IS YIELDING. Al?airs Take a Pacific Torn at Madrid. IMMEDIATE ARMISTICE IN CUBA. Proclamation From Qu-.en Regent An? nouncing Il Expected To-Day. WOODFORD'S STAFF LEAVES CITY. Nevertheless, the Latest Information is of More Reassuring Character. MBFLi ilion mmm,i;i \\\ \i i i:i>. i lion Rets Dsswatda rasslhlillj mi I < iitliuiiiiHC <?| N< uotlnlioiin lle M\?in Mutlrld and \\ iiHhiiiKtou? Joint i:urii|>fiiii Mriliiiliou. MADRID, April i, i..- I'. M. it la I that a proejan ; the Quean R> noun tng an Lauaedlati armistice In Cuba led to-morrow. Jt is added that some of the Cabinet ten may resign, but II the ministry will b>- cbanged. Austrian ambassador, Count Dub aky, bad an Intenrlen with the United State* Mlalater, Qeneral Btt n HI !.. Woodford, tii-iiav*. They both eemed much pleased al the situation, BFOODFORD'fl I amiia LEAVE. MADRID, April % I'M P. M -Tbe fam? ily of United lltaiei Minister Wood ford will atari renias; for Btanlts, , Tat itafl . the i 'njted Btat I and will probably remain la Parla fo Nevertheless, th?- latest Information la of .1 more r< assurini i i lab? ia? ; i um 11 la now In ession, and ii hi the d . but tbe ministers main? tain absolute reserve. M. Patenotre, the Prench tmba lador, visited 1 nit Minister u oodfoi PI BLIC iTILL EXCITED. i P. M. 'I'l.fl flc turn has HOI yet become generallj known and public opinion r. main- much excitt d. 'i be Bout lined heavilj ; ; lit t thai thai i llaat et, a bleh, bos . c, the minist? : lal UppOl t< DSOlu ! n> . H ITISFACTOR? SETTLEMENT. U:M P. M ii ?- tal i th ti ment baa 1 t between the United State* and Spain. M KIM BY'8 REPLY AWAITED. Ri ?ME, April It Is si ml - Ij an noun. he Bpanlsta Goi pted the prindpli s ol the Insure, pro? posed b) the Pope. President McKii I 1 Upon it 'i'l tii?. possibility of i ontlnuii tlona al Madrid and W it i Power joint action to ture. QUEEN ACTIWq INDBPENDENTLT. MADRID, April i . BATONNE, FRANCE Iprll ( The ' lopmi the situation to i ed to the Intpoi tant pai t the Qui en i iking i'i ' pi ttcally f her ministers, and is dealing directly with th<' Unit?i ' latei l U neral Btea - i. ,\ Iford, through the <lerman Austrian ana i *, sad la work try for peace. BACK-Di 'WN COMPLETE. it l* known beyond doubt that Bpsln the form of t;. - latea and mui l take it:'., conaideratlon tbe polltli ' dlfn ultlt - a bli h IMPATIBNCK OK SEVVTOR*. Proteetlaa ?it Smerleaas Thaaghl \?t ?> it i > Native for Delay. P/ASHINOTi ?N. A| t ii ' The di I . ttlemenl of the Cub ?, In nouni menl m that th" Pi - Rbiy not i - . ni t.. i longreta before m tl \|. | .. .-. received In . >i> upon th< pn . ,i and polltlt al assoclatla Hi,, m. nil" tors unit' '1 in th< I for proti cting the safe! i,? i.,, M..i lr - other ami rlcan cil In Cuba Mai ' wi re In? lined i,, o? tuse our cltl* n ).,, n i. moved h< re, s hile othi that pi lould to M it mlllatlng : Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, S Itb 0 ir Bi ' within nil!, ty mile* "i II ire n"t ai'l. to protecl our p o. i>i, |n that poit ' "Th it request." said Benstor i 'i !> Illustrate* the chsractt r i I th In this The int' use Cuban rmi athmeri on both of the 'i. i i - ion i f t he opinion thai the motive of the d i i did not appear on the i not <iu. itlon the .if the Pn Americana In Cuba, bul they :iki''?'.i that tin iv mu ii ..;her I be admli cour* When the the probability ?.f i Cuba, was made lei on n tbi i found In it a verlflcatl tbi Ir sai ii" The conservative element did i".t find i,.. oui igt menl In thi situation. The) w, re no! si tbe prosp? el "f hut Ihey espressi i rsgrt | si the Ion for i' Til. publishing af the fad of danger to Americana In Cuba,*' said one of them, win set the country aBaias, sad the v ir-splrit win ix more rampani to-mor roa than ever." altogether, th.. .i.v's proceeding* had Hi. effect ol leaving thi Senate In sn pn settled condition, but |( also relieved tbe pen eptlble dagree. i EST OP EieHT-lbl il t;i \?*. 'I'll?' HrooUI>n'H I'litbtlim ig pu fti t u<* in t.ooil BbapCi PORT MONROE, va April I Tbe Brooklyn, Bsgshlp of tbe lying aquadroa, tried her eight-Inch gun* to-day In order t,? test tin neu - '. v 11 i ii n apparat a them i ter r tag?. Tbt test was made m order to deaaoastrat? not only Ibe utility of the appat I ,, that ol tn. tut rota after i? Ini H m terlall) ehaagi d to ? II Um would stand tbe hot k lo which tbi | an ubject. Thi test, which w* - under tbe (jin : i-, ,n ,.f Commet and <'.'i> ,;,,,, Cook wai el most ittafi nature, aad Coanacdare Bchley said thai the Brooklj n ems la tbt | itiag trim. Tbt Ural abet was asert mrl with a tea In, h .-han-, of niii. i\ -five pound powder, thi guns t?*?iik elevated at five degrees. The SM-pound sh.-n left tbe mussle of the gun al a retodty . >,.. ood. and struck ti" watt i i\\" ,,n,i th.-' -quart? r mil-1 from tat sending up a va*t eolumn of watei Tbt second ?hot wui with the full powder liari,?. 11" poutxls. ami wilt tfes nft> |., nu v ? > aearly four miii-f?. puttinn it ?n the water at spt i d ur Ijisi riiiiii. There was no perceptible jar rlag from tin- shot Commodore Bchtey saU to>nlghl that be hoi not ret i - i v i any orden from Washington? iMiiM \i. iti:i*i iii.iiw >ii:i:iim;. Delay for Loe ksttspsoS Asiy other Dalai Di'ioii ni'i-ii. WASHINGTON April & NotwRhstaad lag the Imi Hat m.-nt caused esnoug the Republican mesa bers "f the Hoosi by the aithholdlag of Ideafs mSSSSge, tin frank state* meat ?f th" i'i ridi at to tin ? promlm ni i> n ti .it each a out - was dei sa I lutel] nei seen bj C?nsul-General Lee i. m, safe 'i' p u : lire of thi Amort till In Cuba, has caused th"m faith radio ii. sfter heaiIng the statements of those who saw tin I'i ildent, appe ired tatitfli >i Thi M u whom ti i Iked cami awaj with s 'ii thai thi WOUld u .al. M Spain backed down squarely, i hat of (hem, w??<. at b en very active In antagonising rte i. i be i ' tory to him. an.i will fully meet tlons of the com Pending the transmission "f the mas d In view "f the situation pr - lented by the President, ill plans look? Ing to sctloa In the Ho? will i lom d, but thosi s ho bai si en taking part in the radical movement, and who idtiin the possibility M linn- may come when tiny will I part company with th Pn lent, arc, u i ordlng te the lead? r of the movement, more deti ratified thai mately obtalfl what tiny desire. They, liowever, en al present itlsfled with the lasuranoes th'-.y haw received u- to the ni t in- m, stage, hut this has nol prevented them ir,,ui organising for , ontingi m I llFTV RADICALS HEBT. The conference which was t,, hav< hi n h.dd to-nlghl sfter thi av - tge should be in ?i- abandoned, bul fifty of those who originally Inaugurated the movement, met Immediately sfter the ; .i to discus be tito itlon, ah win, were nol In beai tj sj i with them were Invited to I m the meeting unanlm wait opon 11 mov? - ment f"' P IpPOl Wl a ' luting On ?anger upon a bli h I ' of Re hind them av pai tj o tlon, and plac? them In the position of bolteri If th.rasi?n arose ni to adopt an indi penden) a oommittei berefi re, a?" imlated to counl watch the rtteatlon, tnd t" di a iay l - ; follov Hopkins, of Ulinol . i ol Illi? nois; Tawney, of Minnesota; Cooper, "f In; ii' pbuin. ol imwell, if i djo; Joj of Mil "in. DENUNi i kTION or DELAT. ral rather la de* auaclatlon ol nj policy ol delay n "lo in the '"in-<; of the m< etlng. In mphasrge this position, s pro Itioi aa m ide to unite with thi i " m : ii Ion, .oi lourn u? from 'i:- to day, until the message ,is, ?md thi Houet hat acted ?ben resolutions. Bui Mr. Hull, ol hing the army r?organi? sation bill, made such an ardent pies to iUow that tul ! to s vote, that pro] . i a was ti mporai Uy aban* Whethi r it will i"- n lived d?? tends ?an ? ?\ apon rl. COUJ , -a tated, bowevi r, thai U Is lerlousfy contempl?t? d. One of the other chief developments of he day was the probability that In the ?vent "f a split on the Republican side, the i > nj... rati would unite with the ind allow the latter to force the -san-. If Un i '-ni" rati should si .-k lo are they would solidify the R tlntn. PAPAL MED? v i io\ nui u i ir. baas win >oi \iir<-i' io Inalattea \\ illlOlll I lllll'lll'llll.'IK'l'. LONDON, April I The Rome eorre ol ta i tally Chroi a?,hia- bop 11 -1 i at ibU .1 to the a m. diation is alm< de in consequence of th? i nihiio opinion. ahan insurgents, ?t it - ild, b vi ibli .1 t?i the Buropi an < immltt an at am irm mi di unl< . tun, 1." >i?niii Parrhasrs lasall lesea, w \shim;'i-i iN April i \ l i pai 'm- u' to-day rom the naval - ?ondon, an lounced thai I HI lalt nava ,| with Vi'k. : '.?axini. .id .ut m manu apt dellvi i> "i . inds of imall an immuni lull. Islatle Fleet Prwgmriag few *<-a. HONGKONG, April I The 1'nlted ' ind supplli ol eoal sre bi ?n^ put thi Am, rti .m wai horltli i b based I I'hich will be ust d ai Ip. > iiiK.i ? Haaelt Dlaebargced? SPRINGFIELD MASS., April i, Three at,dr. .1 in- d ' mplo) ed at tl Halted Rates Armoi ed 'ins . tntng on ordi i - fi on \ i bees ir., n were i m| : ne old Ipiini.ii- Id rifles. Ki'iiitorifiiii'i'i for leuapaaw? WASHINGTON, April I I i. . '. till be still further I n ngthi i ed hi lav or two by tht arrival of the double? urreted monitor Amphltrlte, which left : this morning. DsNagprwea i? Be eit?- TOgiesra, WASHINGTON. April I The gunboat recently purchased In Eng and i. is been r : nu d "T ipi I ..." sitar hi Ksnwsi -oitai. linn i? asm * * beast it. WASK1NQTON, AprU 1 Becretary long, when shown thi m ,,iri.i bulletin mn, m., Ing s settlemi ni i know iboul n." H* i': ' iJ ?nythlni nore. farsas mu? \iiiiiimiiHoii. p IRIS, April a The ' alt? I Si tes Qov? mment bas purchased In ' on , ., ,i - smmunttlen and s lumber IM Woiulforil It cm u I tin. i IDRID Al T? I I P. M. Mn W >ord wit-- of the Unit? - kffnlati r, iccompanted by I r aleee and Ueuti nanl ,v, i thi L'aiti 'l Stati - naval ittai be iU |,v ,|,, s o'clock train for Btarrtta ' Considerable I ?1 h.-ir departure, "in vl. m ?i the settle n, nt " hut Mis- w.rford remains, and , is explains t that tl will soon at urn. Wkatavar mik.s Ufa gaiter makes Ufe onger Therefore, savs labor aid tlast ,y using Blaetk Stari a, Fwt>trea trg I nark. Abk your grocer for it. THE UNEXPECTED. Failure of the President's Message to Appear. CONGRESS ACQUIESCES COMPLETELY. its Concessions Based on tbe Advices from Lee. TUB mi:?sii;i; mi:\\s war. The Daatiaeilaa of the Maine to n< BJaata the flamm* BeiM MepabMasusa toiKicinii ateKtalay*a alls sad ir resalai ion. WASHINGTON, I>- C. April 1?(Spe? cial.)- The - apt i .i did act happen to? tad will sol happen, it is now tald, until Monday next Aa Immense crowd gathered at the Capitol, expecting th* President'* message, t; was not believed that Conj res* would submit tc further delsy, but spart from a general disappointment there wss util" In the . rents thai suggested Irritation of resentment The minority in tbe House had the : ssursnce of tit?- President, through Senator Daniel, that tbe safety of Americans In Habana demanded fur? ther .1. lay. Tbe government bad been ao advised by Consul-Qeneral Lee, and i Congr? nformed <>n tbe subject, '.. at in i se? net was c at sded. it la sbsotutel) certain thai the mee? ; m cu- ? ir. and i' now seems equally certain thai It notion of the Maine Is. to i"' m ide . ?" ?ii." Against tbi* Issue no question of International i. and then la no appeal fron tii>' Judgment and conclusion* of the United 8 ta tea Naval Board "f Inqulr- Ii the estimation ol both Republican* and Democrats, thi destruction of tbe Ameri? can i at 11< ship i: tant s mount to an a war, and from the outset the luestion tit m. tu h i question <j' time. Thla is the rituatlon to-alght, sad nothing can change it. exoepl ih.- uncon I ubrnl Ion I Spain t.. oui de Many !! publii to-nlghl In u thi v i all Prt tfcKlnley'a Irresolu? tion, harshly. H of jid to-night Republican "If ' ' will promptly grant it. W* have Implicit faltb In him Re ut sol only brave and 1 bul he i honest aad irtrslgb and absolut? i\- prooi Wall But v,.. will grant no . i'i. ildent, "ti hit own sccount We must i.onvinced thai - f..r or RUgge -t the di lay." Thi? Is pretty strong telk, coming from Republicans, and foi loua split fn the Ri publican ra? I dkpamtmebtt or the ?.ii.f. dea. Grahaaa*a latspeetlna < aaapletedU i'i. MePfcereaa a? Eesss*s ? amp. ATLANTA. f,\, April I I ' W. M. Qraham, commander "f the Depart morning, I mplett d ids, tour of Inspection i lent ral < Irah tm pent tbe afternoon m ting Port McPheraon and its rlcl nip. To-morroa tbe : .i and hla *tsff will visit two or other pint i n< u Atlanta, and it ild th it hi* dedalon In the matter win be reached to-morroa when recommendation will be telegraphed ton. I - led to-d ly, I'-n.-ving Lieutenant Qeorge P Barnej from duty Q ! r.,i iiranam, and transferring him to the Second Ar? tillery, si Fort Adams, aa regimental quartern.* 1er Lieutenant C. P. Sum? ?a rail, of the Fifth Artillery, is ,.: > do duty as aide-de-camp t.? t^ i m. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter a. Clearr. chief surgeon of the Department ,,r the irrived to-day. Th . a |g ?.hi: \T BRIT UN \\ 11 il t %. lbs Heartll! approves <>,ir Palley Be-gmrdlaaj t Ulm. LONDt ?N April ?I Oa 1 thority. tl ted Pi nounce that the BiItlsh Goveri m United Btates of Its I pathy In I poll? y. Tl Iven wll h impi?t? knowled developments In thi the United Ital I on the understanding that even th . |y toward armed Intervlntlo i menl . n more rrtendly t., the Unit than the newap ip< ra here, having n ind pur : ih.- di .. ii the I Bpaln. riic Cblekaasaaan* Readasvaaa. . ii atta.m OOA, TENN., April 1 Pi - i d hi re i ir the n ceptlon ol m< nt troopt .a. The t I tlants that there hi an In quate thout I tlon, and rl f the fad that I ugh \ii tbe available i . menta of ii ex? to i... In camp b< re by I art ' ti." s ME m ni. SOT 00 'to ay \n. >tr?i. i\ari Deekev laya Her Bhasasiad >lu-t < < \loue. bin Carl Decker, wife of tbe well? kiMHvii newspaper correspondent, who has i celebrity by his work In I' i the past r< sr, I* la tbt dtp, th -n. it of h< Mr* Edgar Allan tl] north Fourth sti Mrs, Decker arrived In Richmond i morning from !< y West, a: ht r husb ind is stationed .it prt - nt i . .mu..t t.-il v..a anj thing al tor i bavt a there," the said to n Dispatch report) : M ! in. "t have allowed my h is m do .id tbe runnl ovi r th< re Including the rescue ol C niris from brui il Spa nisb soldi " ibe added, millngly, alluding t.? tl of Mian < liant roa bj Mi 11 I ill, an :i hievt ment bl h waa tet]egr* sroi nd the * i h i.. been in Kej Weel wttb nn . . band for boom ttmt " *he continued. "Yon thi Spanish Government will not .ill ,w him t.> return ta Cubs. Bverj looks warlike down tbei rybod) exi it. The littu- dty present* q filled s* it i* ippareatly, cn ahle to tear themselves awsy tr.,m point on Antaricaa soil closest to Cuba naval warships guarding the entrance t>> tht harbor, sad lb iht ad the Aseo Istsd Pi i irrivt on i twb weak, and on ih- afternoon* or nt| whan tii? y got it; the seen? on the wl I* a li\"l> our." "Will I ?o lo th<- front With nty hus Moot certainly ?ot. 1 sup. h" will be in the army as correspondent in the Staat of war. bul I -v 11 ?tiiy at to taw :"' house and my baby." Mrs Decker hi sa attractive talker, ami i- evidently fond ting the > - her husband. She will : m Richmond some time. niK ? \\\<?\ in.mi \ mn. i a. Jadgce Maaekal'a Deelslaa la Pa atoas \nri?ii<* i asta V >RFl ILK, v\ (8 Judfi Baacket, of ration Court kb d th it th" bead of Jos, ph r. ? ' in the fun MM c 'lispii'a | Involving Cannon's wife's honor. Il gal MtgattOB, and is. tint ed bj na.- iip- r ,m ,- of i asnnon In "la ,l|, !.. "skipi, s an taken by the end of the month, the Com? mon a . to direct the Sheriff to si II nough si > nnon, fathee und bondsman of (TajeSa .., .bond. V? Th,- Hail !iomi40rni-<< the |un. thai of Cannon, and any property of .lohn P. Hell, th? bondsman, which he now bet or msy have sold sfter going on Gay Hail's bond, will ! taken t i the State. A CHARTER OR INTBD. - n Court t,, ti r a 11 grenti d to the Norfolk and Portsmouth Quarante? Title Company, the principal offii to be In N rfoUt The i stork i> n< i,??, i h M. Tj 1er, Richmond, presi? dent; \ w i: tpley, Wsshington. D. '.. \a,, -pi. Mdeal. v rdi Hot Norfolk, ten tarj : John < 1, Slat? r, ' ' 11 C, secretar] ind treasurer. At the innual mei ting ?if ?he [ ami Portsmouth Belt-Line railway held made in th<> dir. etory, bul If is stated th it the old of? fii ere will b I Mr A. J. Cas i'i is nt of ih" tin . i i "U i, ii i cot il ructi 'h IGREfl WITH THE DISPATCH. Rawthera Mea Da >?i Waal War, if It Inn He Avoided. it-v. a ! :. Dickinson i> D.. le bei i< in Richmond, sfti r s week spent ite ? 'onVI tit;,,n and at the s- tl Cbnvi ntlo i of Toung People's Cnlon of the South Caro? lins Baptists To a I Vis trip. I>r. I>, n plied?"It a. - d with th.' . ; he Cst ' snd < Gri at cotton-mills "i with tin m flourishing villa?, s, wad" troop p, opll the 'A t and North. Tl hundreds of ?Tomi n,-nt men at thi meeting? I attended, and the chlel iu was th Impel one that i wai not one, unit I fl be absolute!} forced upon u i he l i of thi Richmond l ?Ispati h on that the views i i i ilked." t about the Wh "Well, aot much of that i.-ft, Mm, i i Pi. - , ; . ahen \\ > i ;, .a ip i Baptists ar man <>r set of men w ho til cha* disputed ps of i liurah hi.-tory.' " lull i*l T-OK-Ti.w \ B?BSCBIEEES. The Picture Maine Will lie Sent tu <Mir I'Hlrmia Out ?if Town. i? to th." irgeat requests of our subscribers la rations parts >f the State, we huvc soaoiuSM d the hand some souvenir picture of tho ill-fated battleship Maine by mail, apon the r> celpl of one ?.an.. | snta. it is d colored picture, si-ixir.. cleverly i in sverj detail, and taken from an oil-paint ins done b] I N Att , owned b i General H. a. Wheeler, it trill be fo ind admirably sultsd for framing. la ord.r to obtain the [>l''tiire, cut out a coupon, which will be found loin of the of the i >ISP IT? H .i ,i i ing or end it to th?. ; ispeti h a II h I :c the pi, tar.. hy mall should be areful to writ? snd s ' tTi "ri RK DEPARTMENT, the Dispatch, Rich? mond, \ I Hi ? I If Ml?.. *.<-i t.i.Mit? i aeertalatleo n? to Tin-ir Pi epos Dlspaaltloa RosaervedL administrator, guardian, re ,- Iyer, - ttlona, or Individuals. All sei id> nta and red by iiull when the ' >mi an) is sppolnte I to h 'und. The OUt llvi - the ti -' Thi H " - ' for snd k< : Rseasataa i?? ITarktetva. ; I 11 toril i a Rli hmoad < 'ollege cordial! tbem elves of the tery t ( $i round iu red of a 11 iu, impanled b |d all othi every attention possible .I need hav< .'. :*h any i : t. agi men - have :?i tbe steamer N< which 11 t - - Potnl I fork town, to tarnish saeelleni s , eats -." h. Bpe rial l rain a 111 l< railway i \ M . April lit.i. amotion add) \ p p/ilson i: an I \\ Weel ivelllng ft Mai Having llaMii? I Ilverj fr gsaaiew Umnrrt. Ived a largi sblpmeat of de? ters i u till promptl sll ord irs h fl m II i. m? nd request - have not given gt) [i ? -i i im i Cal , "h,,i oi,,;, . .i trial to favot set a Ith i hi Ir Easter order. 'Phong ''' \\ IU [AM C SCHMIDT . Withdrawal ed > *? inru aad Pie* riiin Ppetdali ?t. p, a P, it. it. The Ni s I ork and Florids B| leaving Richmond, ; \ \i Rlcbm " i . m , dally withdrawn Last bound, will al Rtchm v. April -'u. -; train, a. will I Rkhnv . '[Til Uta, C A i A Via ?P.. Traffic Msaager, iii?. odlaeleas atoftdgtavaiee the Meet). A | ' ti it" i \pi, islon at its tta. m.. nlag. Ha re ran bt bal oaje i., st" In thi l.n. itors ttie Odorless. Sols agenta, the B. B. Taylor ('..nip t.\ No Haul snd No, i? east LroaU Street. tUBENSS MLDNESS. IIS HI'IHIIK TIMTtinnt MI?.IIP 1 I It \ M. \IN" I I M I I I || I \ . . -. T IS KOT SUSTAINED BY PALMA. .utter Reiterates, Hwwevee? ihn* in? trr\ (Mitlon lor lbs l'ur;?i.?e of K?i talillaliiiitt *nif.i*i?in> In Ihr lilmitl \\ oul.l BtSt He ?.< e. |ite,|. NEW rORK? April g. 1 i i unta, through i' : to-day. i neqatvc i rovispma ind the I rmj would i ilutt ly Intel \> n? loa by the united i | pn I bj .i . i galtlon of - . pendeuce of the < l in hit-r nltiK, without red i ubaa Inste? :id' m . i i? Oaban Govern ras i | , | illRary refuse to at., and thai it I nil ! ? bouM be a ni te i 'u> iapaa I ?t. rv. nti.iii Wltboul . ? sa army w.uilil iti th> : I ri till? l .um- eg ilnsl tht i '"-< i Slat??. RUBENS KXPLAaNS, lag Mr. Kuh. i | t.j ui? I i ultfi thr* 111, lit I.'.'' "The s'il in. *it uppearisg ..wot m/ i the evenli I II 111?' ?11,.: l.Jl ' t .if III./ I 'lit- .1 , ! . . u thai expi m army t,. resist V , tht Am. ii. m arm) i i std ui . . |ng our Un!. p> ad. .' Talma'? I'oaitloii. \' tSHINGTOlS ! . - lent a ilv? m tai I t ... th.- i 'uli..a r- pul.lio. Ali.. , Washington ! ? aid: "i cannot say snyth i with Mr? : it m is made i h. '?id nut I ilbillty Of |0< h an un?! i . ?un? i. Mr. ' < ?on that iuii i vi nf stabllshlng antonssay . la ti' i .mill Cuba ailii be .orne independent The Sent hern Baptist < ?intention. HE AMERIC \.\ I'M' PIB P i m' \? ION B< K il.T\ . and the WOB : vl'TIST All . i MON " torfolk, Va., I vhiph i,, ?h. ? i ,v -.M. :: I. nil. .".ti.. I . . i i $rj epositln L?!k. The Ch iperior m ml attiai tl\' i H ion - and " lohn Smith, I f the early < he New) ock; set oard, rt nos w I ! M.... Rip Idered bj i m only be ei . " Ml Mill. -I I..ISI I lue. Th.? i: 1 m . i nato, h M. will ' l. eper, i . Ittaal!? -< ommt i i:..-. The Nt w ' 1 1 ith'bound III hm..' ! 10 P, rain from the South ' ..I.. Dh v llliil.l I p tin V> ?teilt i - - IVlllK H i - Uli?I 'or Manamas or lb* ti?.?-r, Btsaasa***? a nil Kinne?? .. Eater i reeae* * Wglte >iipt>?r prtags i" n il? Agent?. ? ue ?a [?petit?, arn A ? ... ?- ri ,n Hur?es, pr-.|ii?r??>l by ?.i.i.i jaaiur .ii?. AhI? for tb? *?ouine artfci?. The Weather. ?? m(j i : Virginia i I ;'. i- weather; no s , Is. 1 . THE M !N i:1 " 'KliDAY v. I A. M. I * *. , I M. '. . . I sight .-. Mean I 1 it^?w??a?a***a^^e>*a^^'-V? | "Haine" Coupon 1 " | THl DISPA?CH PICTURE. 8 ? Cut ibis OUt gild t;tk. Will) - B cents to Thj D. pati I I eomnloraad g+\ ihs U>auti- r4 * fui souvenir. aiSg^ej*^^???*?,*^^