Newspaper Page Text
THE LE NUMBER, H,.Mi7. DISPATCH. RICHxMOND, VA.. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1898. THREE CENTS PER COPY. SPAIN'S lOVE NOW, i rififi Averting mar Must Come From Mudrid. IN NAMED. .. H, Ylith '. CONCEDED. )n, Too, Most Include an Sptifi*3 Dominion in Cuba. HOTE ! I PHB POWERS. ol Drgetf Hope 1er Peaceful . meat o? Dilema KOT ALTER SITUATION. Merely Replies That This miry Also Hcpes for Peac\ i ? E TO RETURN TO-MORROW. I . Be Regarded by Spain as immediately Preceding War. ? *? >? I B 5PA11SB CAPITAL. KM? I There, Leaves Hope 01 Avoiding Hostilities. OFPEB OF MEDIATION. Expected, and M None Would I B? Accep !" : " IHKVlTil BLE. \ U w . i , ttuilMlc ol ? i ii - iinturN <.. . I ., (iM. i i | I n i i R8. I Ion." UotUd iUti > : ? :,,r, ! th h ' ; P I i 'in in reply ol i i lv< .1. and ... or won . tola the |oln1 ii" m '.t .. ithoul a p iralh I In Mona ptlon ] OWI i ful IE." I : I n : \\ AR PREPAR VT1 : work ol laaed from the *! gnlflcenl i d. El Rio, El Norti to whoan ' ..Hi? ll Davl?, Comm H ' Order? row. v wi re pui the KfBPORT i Itioi ?.I. M M IL leb. ii?ii.:ni.i (jnii i? mi iHcrtrana a\iii Ge1 ? h ii ? -1, it Lea vea To>Morvow. w ASHINGTON, April I :i. ni late . q ! .1 . '. h lur li.-i i!i|i'i>n liitiiiK. ,.\.. April ir.m l b) in. ii. hi r<. ? uli.'iii- from liilltiiiin. U7 Th( P . . i to I nu? g .i. ; . hun i i v. to havi . bul II w i decided lould pro? ' >.i to Tampa, to r< - 111 |. im 01 nah "i ""i lu 1.1.un.I tr iv. I, Too llaBJjrova '''l Hobona thi? ?n. nliitf, with a JiuiuUr of AUKTicana. SHARP WA II TALK. It is Indulged in by Members of tte Senate, MR. MORGAK RUDY FOR MStniTIBS He BelkTH Tkit This Country lias a Jnt Crisse. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN THE HOUSE. Charge That Administration Delay is in interest of Stock-Jobbcrs. GROSVEJIOM DEFEND? ITKIVLBT. < ^ - ' v|i-:i!.s in IIi'iih i- ?if I lltill II ?I? -If, M Hi- I 111 > I \|M-t-|? Wiir? Uni li Mnuni ? \ilininii I ill >l<ll|l|)| \ , vVA8HIN< ? II of 111 th< nn in a mea iIh I know i nMlil I >V< i min ill He point ith bj Hi. mcnl MORGAN READY FOR WAR. I do m ; ki ow, 111 war is coi Involvi i i" me thai the . comp . im li, - the mud 'if Hab I am to yol volve .Mr. I In the pre.ii pproval , . 11 he li "It . ; ED. dopt and Mr. \\ / who ... Mr. Proel Mr. i '. i , , ut. and Mr. Money, > ' ' \< i .,' lock, i m irk iif n B lourned until Mon? day. i:\rlti-lllfllt ill III?- lluiisr. XI ... ,,;, I. T in tin House i iiu i un ni Hi?- bill for ti" in ,i i m>. 11 vi.iv cause i i,-, Mi t.. ritz, an < m?o ! >< moi ; at, ? ho mit on tiii admlnl - I thai th. ; i. lay In tin inii rest of stock-jobtoei itreet. i \\ II -tt. . t was ll) formation that tin- im ?? In long bafon H m i uni proflti Ol -Im K whli h i ' ; tha? lund : tel with an I . mi the ir . I ' i . "il. wlthoul QuaUflcatloi I Mr. McMUlin I \ii i d Mr. McMttlln . - . ... ; ru \i Mondaj. "i ' Mr. M M.Hin. ' I !.i . 0 I i ANN \. Mr ' , tiling attention to ihai iht ?i inara o? stock K ll lift HUM tlilnx iked Mi. McMUlin, natid .. I thai Jota J \ in ,i %r\ of Cubo und valid?t? ! I Cuban b !, kid, would be ?i Spain wen drlvon ou! of Cubo I Interest ol Un AaooHca? people. Hi r?d thai li- had ! < n told thai I *ntl?aao la Nta? y^iu. ?^s "taon" or J . Ulf t" . mi la Haoa then thai gentl . i. i g to | i Mr. i . the 11 U iUoii It ! I In . 1 tatlon f'>' I i . 1 died. | . 'than that n. uiiiii next L. i I ration of Conai t! .ii \ - . | al-BtaM inn '?i Tj iii'?'. W. ' nah, I I MISg M I i lit ? Dll * * DDK* LI . ike Collapeea Ok ?lu- ? un.- While I'liij ?itu. i i ubell m-. i .i. t ;: II. HI 1111 1 i., ol i a : ! u I !l \\. IOMK \ M rRAIX. ? ?I lilil? rtl III * 1 I : i 'it:. |pe* - Inally built bj man i \ I run . na will be rebuilt. n, up ?n. The - ; ..i iiiil Pullm I'. per and leata evenl equipped Pullman trucha h,,i,i the tnaO-car t.. tl per, .uni \. atibuled from end t.? end Th< n. w coloi i- ; dark ohv< -- < n with allvi i 11 i Hum 11 . with the nan? of the H, m i ?i't lettera on 11 h The trail ii equipa, : with IBi i- nt number of ehandeliera to enable the pae ln any pari .>f the tr.iin. PI . train i - h t< ?m, and 'h. . qulppi .1 Ilka unto Pullman i ? is ii lavatorfc and otbei vi nil nces, Thla train will i down to the i 'n on Bi itlon to-m >r? roa and it adll i iff and oppoi tunlty fur the patron? "t thi lin and the ;in hand? -,.m. it ti ! i * i ' lllo.l.l. \' I" ,i. nt III St. John ?^ doing i being al General P I . .kill;; Baatev DeeaerL 11. ring ' if de i who have i v. 11.1 m l'oll OIW-OF-TOWM gUBSCgUSgUag. 1 lie I'lilur?' Itala? il ?M Mo Sont tu Our i'?!ion* ?? ** o? Tarara. our i ' apon. Um anta It i i I picture, tl ; . an oil-painting and owned bj EJ : A II. \. wbeeler. it will be found admirably i for framti ir. ordar t.. btain tho pfctura, cut o?t which win be found al I I . ,m . outran of v CH " ' ' i tad it Dkrpatoh arlth tiring the pi< tura br m;ii? houl : '' to write their n und i lalply. Addreaa PICT1 RE RTMKMT. Um DtagaUCfc, BkaV mond, Va, HITCH AT MADRID. Cuban Armistice Proclamation is Not Ibsned. MUCH FXC.raENT IN THE CITY. Unyielding Attit?de oltne Cabinet Gene? rally Approved press opinion Decidedly warlike Expressions from the Minister of War to the bams Bfleet. FOODfOMO noi dim. Tin: i twtT. Ml.** ll<- Will Mlik tu Bis l'ont lilil? II.- In lllriiltil lo \|i|il> for Hit !* imri, ? Mimt Hope for IVlli-? MADRID Api \ bitch red 'Lii.h im. will i t d t''-i>i"i ; ow 11 hura 4 A. M to bt i ^ il h f\ b -i retui Nava, for F ?r .... x. M [I Un ?r dell rom whli h B itea. i ' fur ci mm :1k An off! .-il m ; ' after the journmi i i i .... ,. . .. . nut",mn of tin " -Ml? I.. Ihealon of I i ri \ I? ..(?,, the sitting- the F U ter mode sevi ral \ Mi? li EXCITEMENT. \. M Aftel and tin- Issue of the : mi-official i i ! with p ibl In t. 'I'll" Dlilll ? > I ' : - Rome which ; d, I t.i reply thai tti r known to 1 .m ultimatum i l to-morrow, i - ; 1 Q )] ?RD'8 ' U3T WORD. .hi", frultl : I (OV< I III-!' 111. it : you th.ii i will still wall until mldnl I m before midnight, and l trust thn> the di Islon m had m term? Whiol ' Cur-, ,|i|. . thai I ihould greatly regrot bul which i , I if continue In th< li : it. " mats com i . u commen?ai ".. in. ml." 11 JO A. M. B| \\ .-i.'. roken i.i- slli m i u Interview, thi i ;. i given -iti Inti resting situation saying "War I r ol two evil* It is betl the toi elaners than to Saul Spaniards, rlslni If tin ir honor and t; ,, ti imj li 'l und? r foot." WCODFt ?RD'i Ot I . BBLBD. eral Woodford was .it in- ii> jk at an early hour, a ml t.-, ' \ i called ibout the m ule foi h. ir i would remala m rs u for in ; : the British nag will I . r . -. . diplomats hope I . and proci ded t" Blarrttk v.. ?m.i ORD NOTE trn HDRAWN. MADRID U P M Tb l . i mini itera i d. - clin!ng t.? give any Inl .> i I Bvrwldo lips ni i H " . MADRID, A] . ' i li ale." Brli I ,,..ii poini i ibis, bol Um at s/apapi r stUI Useaeg uayartaacs to tiic union ui( l)i|?ll l ':<(- Mill the nAaatera of ' *** I WO?DFORO TO BPANI8H PBB8? (:?j ,i rWood the following - The "f 'bjg morn ilng the An? ri. an Mtnlsti r wh H I with the - ment . to publiai word hi baa i n r addn mm <l to I >n. nor m.'mu. or Tli.- Am? WtfOi ?i"' : iy night .,! m ii ta ?. i?i ?..II.\] her to a I real The laughter : tl ^m? ; in afin! tar ? - . and will arlth hlna, Madrid. He hi - noi given up hie t . .,!-; |., | . long - .'i i. main i to V\. .onI'. ?RD W< IRKING I H PBACS. "The Ami rlean.,*! root hrod not hit ? hi ^ the peopl MadridJgp ?. ippri h.T^i. ffj ' mil\ or that of a Ha I woi king for i . ' rptta ill ra> . will i keol h Bn int and th. i 'nit? -I ad thai t*.laoe win - . pon i for i tc i lean Intereata i>i t bat lalaad tnd n -'i' honor "i Spain." t..- Tharaday > it ti ladies In n iM.> n leir hair, gol i rom one . hun h the United ' I lenci. Tl ls< 'I by m iny, bul their i cldent. . al of thi r rea, I .Will. Uli'. in Ah?. !i hi . ALLEGED AMERICAN BACK-DOWN aMbttlty ol will Hi. I ; repreaenti .1 ai t a Lj atill be .... i - ' agi - m i : ' it thi tlon, we abould n.>' B ? to-day. >. ho bllndlj .ltd than i bat I I P. M. Tha outcome ol to* C ibl that the cinl replied to a rom Home ii tad transacted buel dlfferenl mtn . | r of at ii,1.1 mi 'I the i v.s ..i u> it the h re paciflc than M M.M.l'.t | PUBLICATION. i ab '. nv'.n t' ' : ? : . t <". UNDERCURRENT W VRLIKE. that all are w . t the i hia -. i .. "i quit ftl \mi i in ii gp i\i>:i gqi ?DBOJf, II t.oavei* Cad la for < ape \onlo lalaa?ia?Aettve \\?ir Mcaaui - MADRID, i : Cape de 1 retnforci th< i al the m the Mi vlncial militia ?ti I b ed <>n a war footing. ' . Admirai Bermejo, the Mlnlater of Ma partmenta, d< aptu the hol] d . r. ii. Keaay*! Bastea I'loinro, . ntltled "E later Bui red art lithogi raming), will be given lfr< : April ?th, ?it !< .ms ' - Modern T< > S . in and Thla beautiful Baater Bouvenlr Is a work of art, and . i ny. I \iliiini;o for Woman'? \\<>if.. man) E : i i pularity ol ' TBI S I It Mis, V( ?iilonl ? llixl I iioerUiliillm Ha to Their i'ropoi- Ptepaalti? BeaaavaeL ii. re ration* In i hy Indi . th.- compai fund, 'l*h '' ' orpoi atloo U Th Inefl . a pi aitaout cturge. Hjlaaaalaag Ptnatta ?ml tut Plaeraaai i..- took at ID 8, \V itliilruw *! ad \?"H tori, nutl I ! ? ?ill.I >i?oolHl. It. I\ A I'. It. It. 'I II i >\ I . and, north-bound, al M ' . aaaaoa, a i ., ,, ,n.i Pridajr, April i. i train, north nooad i Richmond Tuesday. Apia .. \ I A I l.uR, Truffle IfakBaBB \. IB >?ITl A????* in HJCII.i . The status of our quarrel with Sr,..'n nmairs ftntafad from wB It was ln?:ton tliut any .,,1 |. Of war must now conni from S, li Is said that m> < *?u?+ ivh.itH*?-. , in th? Ptl 4 ! g) | u -***?*, and lit it that document atabodsst tii* BOON opinion of Kht m<mb, r* uf . No, iff r i,f nmdiation h >. th.?t m .i nosy L?- i pi -i. u it were ; - BSnUHVM it V) I Kr?-.,f Powers <.<t K ! mi tin i and -i sofft? I teem .at? d, ex it hope thia p? . bs m .ini ?. I" rvturiir'd) . : tlm display uf u. * :, .1, and fJk I i;i tu-ri ihw ln?i*. , f this ru'itwry that I i. of the. s?tuation nOwht ?i.mlUltiaont of or? ili r in Cataj Tks |)re?wi??iXion of tksj Ku ii not?-. It U ?tnt d, did not ali?r l on? will!. s In Madrid Is not He to Um cootttauanao of peace. The WtteranosB of the pr?Hs ar* waililu>, . mi popular sogtttaggt? ih roptaasataf us decidedly warlike. Reports of ??prese? fJOgfl nunitmrs of t*ic Qit?ln..t i i ? an oilnr Inch. i if to humilia? tion. if | : g | , , : | | BtOd th?- Joint note mi McKinley muy I "Vi ru i to boat upon trie '?i Queen Bssjsnl to Um ml Bust ta o Uarooajfe 1 ' in. ml, BSJoa If ' II of ill- i ?. > bhotilil i Iju? ki expat tsd to I * Hahaaa tor this eouatfp tomorrow, m-. ill *{l kImi .P ?in- to li ..?y-. Cuhu. lor this couatrj tin nn . I?V titll".. will hsenself ttea : H ih m.i i- r.n . M nli ut thai Minis te? Woodford . "<l for his ports. hut 11 .1 lid will soon quit tin taanlsh sagital. u Spanish war*Ji!i , .1 I Islands, i ' ?miry Island** :?'f. d to 1 nrSsoti of the Hatenrtlc In?,. ' mm i/ sai -~4 batag Madrid > ; : IL.Iy Thin - In . ?. ,t I ton. i t Spent* > i pdad that < t.i i > :,re>.? nt Washloglnn . ' 1 1 . : of Un Fi Lend i.. .. * i war . pata backs down , , hk1 th:4 : Me. 1 tl oh i naufaa mix i . ? < liartior?. Illooiiiiim rinnt* ?nil fut I Ion.,?. I at 101 Dloosafagf I'liinf* mu? t ut newerSj [MOND*! : Atlnnt?<--I ohm l.lii". t i the Atlai ; ntlnu P \l B I M. Atliuil i.-t i. i - t I | < ,1 li ive train from the South vuii srrlvi R \ \i i tiooiniii. I', ml* nuil t m Flonsoroa HAM I If the BahT la < ullln* Teeth lid gars .... .?nt? a< u-trui li i the ,ii ?,i, so, i. as u,.- ; ims, iyo all | cures orlad eolli for dlanli ' 1 In ?unit < li?-np. The Vil, * Comps . H unsii Wo? i \v BOSBaOAl i it ll Motete i eetlwajl . P l' The Weather. ? ? .'.;.- r'ors I FAIR 1 4 I J * I Uit-r; BOrtbt >l> For 0 , Wests?! ..... I >^ JO l. . * I J . . i . II. . ** li Nlfhl . j ^?w*^?^**a>e^e^b*^e?^!*w^ "flaine" Coupon ^ -roi % * THE DISPATCH PICTURE. I g OlsB this ok! n:n\ t.tko with g 5 t ? TUI 1>IMaivh ? ) route tod get the Loituti- ^ ff ful s.mvriiir. s Ca3^a^?s??e^Wt^aaa>?a^oiv??S!f??