Newspaper Page Text
t __-_ THE RICHMOND DISJ'ATCII-FRIDAY, APRIL S. 1898._?__ (?aI Easter Bargains. : vi ant a new S|.i'?n,r Kaster, and this is the . : St Better Made Better Qualit) Suits. king Suite formen, ildren than an) - in Richmond. f?S Men " *T /v/ well made, mi ton, S7.5C 50, $10 !' O M H i thai $1.15 with /v 11.. . ant] '.ti.-i! to the ave . Paul n > : ' , bl Sui's. trimmed w itlt V.rVe an 1,itc In , ;; t,, . tin for 98c. S . 2?? and 50c. . and ni?. B?RK & CO. , Last Main Street. H tri'?M>- \ s. MISRBI . l.K M11., . ; 11\ a a. ? i >t\ n i i\ \mi\ \ r ion. i \ ? ii t ; Ixed lor \|?r!i '_*.Mii?Special, i eeb nde?. .i - loi BID il ?T ST. P ?' I - m aslah \* III Be . : . I - I - im;\s it i\u OHU im/i:h. : >?! Dlrae'lor ...,?, ,,_. \ Bas aale ??*ls>?fc? Bank sraa .... ' with I Presid? . hou i iv healtl Tul .1 rrsourci - ,.i thi band hou from iivi.ii?. i , . ..h ,,, 11 ; tl.llllll V. it V Rountree Prank A i ' i- Rand Wellford W ? m., Noltlns, R, i Rohl m i; Hi nnolds, T. n Kllett Jam h , John v.. ' W. M Habllston. PI i 1. ISOLIKR n\ |m liti:. Nr, Vulratlae aad Boa Radii Baraei, nuil I . (Iiir-W.n Us Dniiiauiil 11.. ' ' ' . I I T. Chl< f Tm -. covered I i WILL H r , In he two unfortun it- -. ai I . in.- was found to have been burned the I iti" son. who bore hi? must hero vas even mi i - rlousl) His h a ami lower limbs had I.. . ii Completel) do fluid, and thi 1 the i ntle t Dr. R tamlnatlon Iy burned, tin if in; ought tin ii been wot kit r Rome time pa I Hit daugh i brothel Prop* '"I > I'm nsfi-rn. Miller, to I ' i o 11.- i i . ., n Bress Rehes ras I, '. ' of th" i n tne >\t olnt - '. |,|n,int nnnl ol I 'uurtli-l lass I aast? ? s, M- i ; .a . G. Bos 'or of torn? (I,IV with it.. R< publican : Id that his and itter o? t ?i i ?.-i.. u \\ I'll Paral) ?I?. Dr. Wo "Three from two you can't," . Right! Three two you can't, either in dol? or divide [barilla. H. tal parilla root to make the b< . Hondura? C. A.,ai i the Dr. entire product Yet others claim I , be nu.kii.^ ^..-rVuYopanllu. They must be niakiagil outofthe remainder left after subtracting from two. But, * three from two you can't." You can't make the be tsarsaparilla without best root. You only get the best when you Gei dyer's Sarsaparilla which is made wholly from the bats ruut imported from EOaWUiij STOCKS A BIT LOWER. ? OBI K T?OS KIM \|\s; H, XT ,.,;. . , '>? n H ?i. mi w mi; v\s im;\< i . FAIR SPRINKLING 0? GAINS. *?" i e?Vrtaae ?.r Piratai ^?. Uli i hated i.? Baaaeiallaa Thal s,,?t? win t itiii-w i,, ,, Onu and B/es?_ i Pravlslaaa Leaver. Ni:u rORK April 7 ' I ill Wall . . !" : to ' * ; ; I try ri unpr. I ' ' .III' l! "llai>- proap I until thla Dccui . To-il In ] ' ri>. In tht litrlln i on. wh .:?\ l.i.l ; l-j per Tl Tii ' ' ' Spnniah-Ai ?f all li a . intil T :- ' ' n.,-k ahoa tl he shipment - da, an.I II AuatraUa n ,i |y all ?la" '" In 'ii tii" Export? .1" M.u rOBS BTOCS '.'i >-i tTlOKS .. - i. .v K S IBblasauTooeka - ? .'. ?. . . 11% . '. laltnaoraand Oaw. I'.i^, Canaca fa M . .. . ?1 ra. i |... i tlflc. . . . ; <. . . :, L'l.irt)i:<> ?"I A.t"u.'"I L . i ii ' t ' .' '" v. '.'.;\ i . 11.1 K'i?t'H'i) lUtnoM.i"v , . i Hi I st. I. .Ills. .. i v and St i.."ii- prefei redu, .- ' i ?Hr. and n . Ii ".I Oil Manara? Lacs a wanna and Weetera. 148. tad rilo hraaa*. 10 le, preferred. ?. . I8*| . i it prei. ' I I'1 . .I I V ... m.i * ' or ?. W? ?Dtral . . i,?? grit . 11 ira ....... ? ... .??Ja" . .i.. i"!i"i.'.iii'iti i ra 't'.on.? I ?I'Mi'i: ' ?atrai . Ul.n.M.ta.ui is;.,., ." .'._. lufourl i''..-iii''. lob.leandUo'o. i .i. i...... ai.. ... an i . [. . ''V'Sn . ; " IfTf. .... ' ' ' few i ors (y'entr.M.i'1', in i eu i, . ' , v., Chicago ni ?*u i.. ia*. oreterre? ' ' Bd...., B '. " . I tny.' I . , rti ern isJ,.' '" ! i nu ioai . .- ' . .aon.... ' sort i.i.".... 'i',i ttuoarf .?. i tedias .? ..... . "i. - . . " i Ian.',- > .i i, . - i i ..;..... i.Peol .... . - "'' * t.i'ii, ! ' " ".. ....lia t. raeian : Oeaaa ? .? MO .l'Un, ar J'.-rro'l.11 I. I ';,u . M. ?I. I S . . I ', .'.ll.i.'l'. li ratbern. or?ferre<i . 010?. .. .'? a ion I actl . . p. ii. and i-. abash. Ht, i/?aw ail faetSe. fl 'atait. M. lx)umana i'a.Mflo. pi aterrea?. 1 .4 .'h???!??; *n l >* " * " " . Ibaenaa ami i.aa* sru? arafacred?. en-KiSk i'oarANrts> daua? Kxi.r??.?."' ' inrii'iii Rxpr??*. ultra Hiatus Kir..,-". 'elle rargo giaraas...11.. Ml?' tl.l.ANKOtB, inerti'sa t'oltfiu on . I7jd influa" * etiea IHi praferrea. *n reartcaaSpUIti. 9 unlit.''." ?pins? praftrrad. '."-o 71 a |'i bac?? Cq.l?i tl. RI a Its MU iOKiS MUCK ul'Ol'A flo.N-.. Causad sa tas. IsjMttesi > orefi rr?:.lin . ; |l.i v .Il" et. Tuet al ._^?.. i" ol.Ps?iSL. preferred..,* . k" Ceaacal Clactrw. . i l * ? ,< n-. i -. i . sed Preist...,. bouJ . .i ? '.' : i?-i. ? i ?i. su.... . Mi, 'oilman r .I : ' ... . . ta , stot. :(Vi BM ir H" IhSl v.! I'-1' , t.. nn t.10* I m n . SOU . s. i .. t. t f i. - r. Ml r- :. n -, . ItaM , r. 11 . s. hut-, .r preferred. 'wr-nlDiM. ... s'i!-i .II!' . . : ! ' I . t . t'I . uaj . "I . 38 ? - nlteoState? i'-- ae?. r*?1 tared.r:ut . ! ll. -. _II. ' * - ... .? 1 Iff .. . . I . . I !?l HM H ? - ) . I . . . . . ' I . . .. . ,..., . _ . . . . I I I .. . . . .. I ' ' "tOiiM i . i . ,101 / I .. : .. <; .10:l .. . ' . w. lau . l.L* I. 51 i . . n. . . . i i | .. i . ..i . s ; xn-1' n-ai t.. ... lets . 00 - . . :i l lata . i.<;* . i . .loi, IrsiBia . irai nia lofi ti I. ", i - . i iVestei a . . i - . . a . ? V. .-t- in pi if SlOd ..... I .; 1(1. I M, ?., .? ?| . * : : i : r. i s i '. lOVSBVBI ST1 Bl I. I r "<". i m i oiibCsroliDi '' '. i" ' . l'.'.i I'L'lnni . .. ,i'i-?j ' . ISO II. icbaiom . i ' ' k.. lis ii.? ii ll'J . ? ... '- i 70 ?.n,ta! '"'' 1"" .I ' 11. ... . . 1 18 c 11 : - > m ii . -4 un!. 1 . .... 1 lUJ . .. t ? '.' u C . i?;. r.;- . . . 0 .... i. ton i .s .?il? Ils rr.t t'rust i lio :. tak .a Kl ?bmond.. - . I I (KSI I.AM <C * ii.MI'VMI.-. rsialai n- h i i ? *r,a ....-.' j ' < . I . < , ,!>, mi mot i .'11JI1 i) preterreJ .lOd II5U. i . "'" I '-' 1" : ,.-i arotina Chemii il ,-. < ... i i i. i 100 ... ra i-,r t ,u Is maturiBg I Cl RAIN AND h \m;i:. . "i mix 6 I-.'".; No _' No 2 No. 2, . , , i MARK B!< h I. ipril ' r ' - I NEW ' .1.1. . ; I dulL . i,-. I , .' m.mi that developed late I : tlon, I R low? r and I; July ' .. ill; No. : options with otlnr .. sin>! !-; ! ?u*i r. Maj ? i aad i-->. ; ,f In ni. I ?- I- I . ird Weak; west? rn sti inv <i 15.41 I I; . nomlnall). redned >ork Dull. ; ..,., ; \,.- iti : n , reamery, i. Fi ,|o fai tor- , 13 l-^i I* Elgin mery, ill I i. iT- a-m - ... - tnbt "1/7 3-4X" I 1 I'.-nn ? Kam.? Uns : s ruthern i Steady; rb ' I -' . prime i t ide i I ' roll 'ini ! ?all. ' I 111. ' |uli t ; Florida 75 ' -' ">: ' . i idt r for i | Ruropi an : rcelpts, and i eneral lack of aupi 011 m th. Jaj further depn ahoi t i , r ,\. rabie tu a frota M ishlni quit '. with Iprtl im ... i" pointa .1 ludlng Maj i Rio nominal '.'.. mild (Ion; Cordova, - . 1 l-*C. . I"' tlned firm, \ GOODS M IRKBT. IK, April i. Th. . i In tt .1 .v. The plea demand i hit :' * not. in m< n' i M'lifi-s r.Ivcd lb!, umottnti . In pi iii' . and v rv irk< i. Woollens in -ill Hllka, : ' ' ' I ' ' I I I bout iiit Boor 11h) with . provision? _.-.l .i- followa : . -, i -Nil. " ; , !..". ? 10 I" ', nur.*4??a? M'n SSkJ s - Hep..,,.,, 7." i" .;; ' ..i?? 'i, i tar. Ma.. " .-? . ' M :< '"..'? Jal* ?OBeM SOU s,.(J .... . I . t ,-.' 3'.' . i ... ,... '.'. Mai. .' .',1 il . '.'.'?'s ; . l?aSa :.; tii- Bui Bat. .gasa IS > t''.'4 .i i?, . . :..a *kj ?..:?., .' SS U SU Ha I -, ?.'..'-* |3.18 r i :'? July. ' . '. :t i .>. .'" ' '.' > Bhobi ... 100 Iba AI iv.... i :., - ... . - ..i , . . . , -.'.) ...-.".''.?J . N - \\ h. Vprll. | .1 i I?-. : l'.a i ' l.i'. . :: ' - I i; ahorts, tiers, . . I.V. IW . iWA'ii. April I. PIoui Dull, . red, .! dy; N". .' : i \ 2 mil [f28c. ?ulk ' $t*. i:a... ' - i THE MARKETS LIVERPi "?i. ... I 7 IP M demand; p middling - ol s'hi. h . ulatlon ind i \ lud? i " - " Ami i n; re Amt rlcan. ; . lu-.l quiet, with a good de low ml?I'M . .M.. .i . S ORK. April Brl uln. i ... lay; Net i i Total me i .1 Ilii.lllll'.i: '. fH .| ' 1 Oct. Noi mu- > I the cot .iii. "t for ti.?- seven iii??ntlis <>( n from s ptember lai to March hon - that, pompan .i with ? i. i ron movement ..f IBS, the MSI ""^ Texas, Im ludlng the In.Man Vrrliorj baa brought Into skfbi lb - in r.niiiil Hguri .i."-' I***, ?lui. ihi other * i 111 r Rtatea bars market ,l v., i..i more, and th* group ol Atlantic ahlch in? lu.1.1? North and South a roll mi . ;. orgia, Ploi Id .. Alabama, and ho? - m Hi' i" ise of U larhl >' ce?as ol March. H .,,. una, . i,., i l,i ' ' ' <r of i i?.r.,-. of i ." ' sm ?t?'1 ; n r laaG ol 1,011 BS lite? M irah Bal Is ' JACOBUS NEWS. I! doesn't require vary much outlay of capital to he rlr. gantlj .-iitin ?1?that is, il yiiii buy your Clothing t'rom us. Men's Suits from ?C, to >1k. Children's Suits froin >:l."?o to $(5. 25 dosen Bastei Neckwear, 7"><\ raine, for 60a Our pujsjranteed Hats at 18. Our ii.its begin at die. 500 Windsor Tien at ">< . I A f fk D J I C LEADER Or LOW PRICES, J/tl,vDU ?J$ 1009 cast Main street. J. M. FOURQUREAN & fcO., 113 East Broad .Street. EASTER GLOVES. New Kid Gloves in all the latest tintings. Bee our great \ .1 in'--- ;ii II per pair. RIBBONS 7\NO RUCHIM6S, '?11? ?us ?n enormous v ariety of patterns -unique and novel d, -tigns in shades matchable to EasterGowns. STew [iuchings ami Plaiting?, White, Black, and Colors, in Chiffon, A ine de Soie, and Liberty Silk?all the popular widths and prici J. M. FOURQURE?IM & CO. iml - N WAL-8TORE M UtKI C i . CH April 7. Tur nom . Kosin Kn m WILMINGTON Turpi l* , - K,. . .,, i . i .,i <l 1" ami Tai Plrm NORFOLK r tRKKT. Ni 'Kl'' ?I.K \ \ Api II . >>[< Pi mut - Mhi k< |y prl common, -: l'K'i l.KSi;i lui i ..i TON .\l VRKBT. I KTEKSBI KG i \ Vprll , (S lal i Mark? l ?t< ad) ..t " t-. for i lots. PETERSBCRO PEANtT M VRKET. I RTEKSBTRO. \ v (Bpe \ firm; nun. ' K . . itir. rnnnn in ?iiiitti?iii,n,. l'ollrsie Nnti-s ol i n ?i ri-st?l.ri-ii t On m n u?- i? i rapa. w ?LLU M * n to-day, ; nio ail th - W. T. i ,. | luring tin- id win ad 11 urn m t and the !" The cold mop, ll i . much alarm, d and fear n. will be consider Mr. Carey P In id t the inable to I,.- si Editoi w. C. Johns! \ : cher Brool the I ?.ti? ll. up to Richmond morning on in Important ou lelping hand l? A ktrg numl from Old P the d I ?t h r i Edward th< . Jr. L no I li '! MM IHM N 1 01 VI \. Hr William o. Poaltoa - iiii.-?i Matters <?f latan I.EE8B1 HO, 1 : ) . I and . ,: i... pui ?y Invalid? "al SUBV WILLIAM H LAD n 11. > .if was Mr Bujal 81. Mails. ias pur hsaed of Dr. I 'olbei i his sfe> art) on the Potomac rivet arar Whlte*e .1.1 WhlCl N SBUWn .,-, tin Titus [in.. In prli ?..,s fc."7 pet Mr. Joel CanUlI rs, mar the Pi. \ lllmm line, ?oui two Im it? rs lately ?j tin- falhUB ol a straw-rtck .it v>iik*h !.. > wet Willi. Roi burn, sold <>n esteras) in. beautiful sorrel half bach? Mr. W. ?' Wi Id, of BultlmorTj i l.Uht. ?elonslns to lion. Henry Palrfai. < il itioiv?. ihm. i m i. 'iiiiiioi. Reparra al i? Vari i uiy Affxtir at Bel al. \\ . Va. ..fil. u. \ \ \? i ; ? - I I i .. ai. iwn i i \o? * learned that th. . ni "iii. mot woman ' \\ ?i"ii th -, ? the .Hi.'. I In -riil .it n an >\ i I tht i. tititii id.' money in longed t.? who ra n bout i \ i k a the \* - ...i R t to Poster. 1 tiu-i Investigation, and the two w< m . w< re lot bed agi aldi on and Joa. . . ,1 int.i th- in , tl iii.n Hin i' 1 n Nir, i Into l'\i.;i"\ i 1 * he ? o much and ci u < ovt r 11 "in Ita effects, at robb. .1 and hi i b< dy J II known whether ha waa buried allvt but the supposition la that he was. Thee h i found ..n t;i Ida ' the naoui ! only ihn p. \\ hi I ' of the Si ifft? 'i ..ii Win r s who it "' ;' to I'", ihontas, and lm| Ijjht Perry i Inkl. \\ . I - m pta I mot O. W. IKDBBWS gSHrT tl\ \ \i:?;no, tl,- Is ft : <l I > Mini. Mio Will i'rolm lit? l'?'.'?>\ IT, DintHAlf, K. C, April 1 I t negro by the tl Xu,, rl. -. Ti i i ' thai h" ' foll?n n him and I ? W, ; the de| A' him with He a th" . ill. Tht ' [re 1 ate f< ars that tin' f] ire killed. To Inrr n t'oiti In line Day. t-.k.' Laxativa Br no Q. ah lit f (alia had L. li. y. tl tlbU't. Every dollar II 1. Pf??? III Bin PIBAS? I ?I SECURITY BANK 1107 Last Vldin Street. ? Capital ..-----.- 5200,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, $52,000 * < I ['er fent. Interest Paid on De? posits. \otir <u count ?s soluitt'd. EL A. <vi LIN, Presideoi A. I?. Blair, (Issbii r. !.. '..- S/,1 . : i 1-w) M \itiM: im RLLIUBRCB. I ?\ BO I ' V,'W VA, . ! with lun m'1:11.7 iphj AS : i . : .m. r Mi- i Bteamet i SAIi ' st. .mur ri. nahuri ?i i ?burg. mer Park .; it. !' > mt a i Mane) Pi nt Mt York. POST OP ITantT POINT. Al'HIL 7. l*J*, iKv tea ajagev) ABB1VBD? Steamship Wal " .NortOlK, ptAtBcniii'iH ?out trge. I \n.i:i>. Staasaahfet ft .'imiupaon, Nurtoig; agent an.i leneral Sargo?