Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-S/hTITllDAY. APRTL 9, 1898._ - -__^ I I : ' ^> HiV* ..* ?4tlittv^(tii,/TaU^UMH\\Mliliit^ cs$ Victories for the People!! I laseeit rif Ihn ik-N L'ives the iiicontrovortil.lo ovi?l?'nc?i of loaiiorrthip ir \ -tini ereij <li'imitiupiit t>f t.i storeg ^^ hours ^^ ,,;is((,r ^^ -?i-?^-^^ can w 1)r?(.?at, tl... stiftty am ami !ovtor-?ha?i-ov?'r-?Kiforo Seks priose. Buy a Knox Hat and You've Settled the Hat Question Bu> a Pair o? Bauart Shoes and You Have Settled the Shoe Question. ? Special in Hen's Clothing. Suit voiir taste?but Black is th?; tlressitst thing tliat you can W99t on Easter Sunday. Knowing tliat. we Innre smnged to says you ?1)?* bsnsAI O? BOOM strong values that we have cornered in Black Cheviot mil Clay Suits and Coat? and Vests. While wool len prices are on the Wing-^HKMOrtng upwards?-we've made up the goods thai our foresight told us to Imy before tlio Hilvane?* took place. To turn them over to you as before constitutes the ripest, most genuine bargsin thai cao be ofiered. That we _m pledged to do. That we will do to-day. I ,i Blank ? si??' m .1 ? ni triinnu !. an,' would do suits th?it cao ! offered $12.50 l.-i Blaeh ?'iKviot Back Boita, thai \ in the world who knewi ear thing SJ out w.avc worth Oil] Ml '.. ip at $1">, wc -*-- *??- -*. ' off? r as An Bast? r Bpedal nt.. \ lot of Bli k ciay Wears Cutaway . . mu \'. -ts. .ut in the style, lim i with excellent quality of i n cloth, t'nting equal to custi m and proi th In sr< ry * wi j * .'" " All Last, r Si', clal. A lot of Link Clay Wears sinek . k Suits, made in our own work-rooms, m we know they are made right sM as values run "*~ to-day nn worth ti"> as An Kasu r Special Men's Top Coats. $5.00 An t: .-' ial At! . i ilol a o-k Suits, wool, an.' of a qualtt)' that all orer a. old as good i the*' ? A n i ;_ loo ? .lor and ali-v. >n jitit snyl -kS\ a.1 i*et th? h i . i tram, for oars i da better mad? il ?t.. $7.50 $!0.00 Separate Trousers. In of Fine Check and Stripe teds and Che viots, stylish lkht an.I ?ink. cut h) I man who has made Trousers a and th. v'li tit with out a fault. Excep tional values at 1*1. The Easter Price is. $2.35 its of Cray Hairline Casshnere Pants, neat pattern ; nd of moot posi tive quality. Others quote <rh i ! .<:: as the worth. See what -J-lI .?--?I-T Th- Baster Price is. V*,B* w%* We WOUld like tu MU you a better or.s than this M SD, hui we cannot rrfraln from aylng just s Word commen datory of thai line. The Cu rert ?loth in t h ? s ?J UM Cal? Is as? good :i* that used by any clothltiK man jfacturer in Am. i Il a lot i,?s fu grado, c o m p a i Ison will prore that. And as we're only one stan dard of niak iiili. th.'y ar ii im.ti?-?1 a ii ?1 i really t h n > on can tin.i In the overage ?oat for which from $3 to ? "> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mote ask. I. Th.y a*-,. |n 1 h .- DO] hade of tan. nr-- nil wool, with silk sle.-vc linitiws. cut short and filli t.a.-k Just what you want. A derful garmenl for the mom i An Last.r Special., $6.50 Boys' Clothing. Tli?'ambition to carry a little of everything thai has possessed the pin aad needle stores baa led them to make4* much adoabont nothing'* in Boys' chitlus. a.tiny counter.scarcely?covered,is the te^t from which theydis course about their "matchleas stocks" of juvenile attire. Bat no mother in Richmond is deceived. -And where quantity is so lackjng quality is scant siso. We eater to the boys' trade to get it, And we do get it. Our Best Efforts Are Directed to These Offerings for Easter. Short Pants Suits. Lot of 1 color sod sll-wo >l, and Doubl? t with double B? .. s and all -' eurfly ? w.-.i. The i. Suits are neStlj tiim Bied s Il a braid Th? * h lilts WOUM 50 I $2.48 Loi of 1 *- <'i..\i"i Bhort Pants sa:; . v. th i ' n - lp<, making Hut or ? 'ton tli*-*.' || n t a Ihr. a I of wool in th? in ; panti havi doub sad i 3- to 1-year boys, and Double-H ed Jackets for ttie boy? from 7 to 16 . ?t.- Rightfully, suit that m-:'1,! tO The i : . 1er prlci - Novelty Suits. Lot of Liu?- Cheviot Browal? nos Ci.., :n-| all-wool, for wi ?lon't have anything else. The sailor collar an?! \ si trlmsned with White Soutache Braid, pearl buttons, You'd hi v? to lay $t for these suit! any When ' any other time. The Rest? r price 1?. et of nine Berge Brownie Suits; collar and vest trimmed with wide ..! White s. rge and Hod and Cole silk Soutache Braid; White Pi arl s and Red silk Sailor Bow. Bis? i ; lo B, These are son novel - assure you ?in- BOl to be found elseah? ie. if they wer? th? ? '?I tie ?to. . ist? r price Is ... Young Men's Long Pants Suits, $4.75 Boys' Top Coats. $2.98 Tan Covert Cloth Ton CoStS, cut i-liort and full hack. With Welt-Stltched scams. Italian linings. anil deep i overt facings They're as near lik. man's coat m can be. SI/. - 3 to v V line, K Tic- Bester prl $4.00 IG Suits in the im m.oi mi Ail-Wool Bros n and Green i 'h. ? > ; i 'hi vlo . The: are 4-Hutton ?'ut iwsy Sacks, with nar row-leg pants; good linings, good making, and good fabric valu you s suit worth $' Si 'ill. Raster -?rice._ Lot of Brown Novelty Mixed Chevloi Single-Breasted s..k Long-Pants Suits; coats are ||n ,1 v. i'l; ifouble warp Italian cloth; button-holes are M oi k. <l v. it ti silk : pan fitting, it looks, ana, In fact, i i en dollars' worth Th.- Easter price Is. Boys' Knee Pants. BH PBll I Of All Wool Blue, Brown, and Gray Mixed Cher lot Knee Pants, mad? la ju nior and regular st ? I? to 15 yeara. Good value at 78? '?he Bester price i $4.75 $7.50 $2.98 Lot of Light Tan Covert-Cloth Top 'oats, with pat? nt pocket!; double stitched seams, and Italian llnti . -. Cul short, with full hack. Slz? '. i., n; car- Worth The Easter price Is. 50c. $6.00 2.VI pafars of Knee-Pants AJl-WoOl ("h.viu's moitly fancy mixtures, in colors that WOB'I show the ?Hrt, and plain Blue and Black, that Will hold l luir color; sizes I to 16 yens. Coud valu. I at 11. The Bester prie? Is.... 75c. 5o Dozen Boys' $1.50 New Spring Fedoras..98c. 300 Boy?s' All-Woo! Golf Caps, all colors, worth 50c.25c. 50 Dozen Men's Derbys and Fedoras, SS ???3 worth $2.50.$1.88 A. Saks &. Company, "Saks' Corner." 9)9)9999999999999999999 O O O O 0???_?_ il r. ? \ mi* \ v\h >n:i i. rr<*i?iiriill<>ii" Um?io f"r ,,M' ksBslrsejN gal r*-ii-brKti???i ou ii?<* leth? A Hh?.r? me.-Hif* ..f It B. i ? orna ?j. coafe?? ra? Cetera?* was i" i Bight and galfl a iiv .11- la cernios thi port |,?l ; Should pufy i" tii.- Impending -.-. ti Paul! lull >d ic. by . . . . tak? o. : : Tin- lititloute SX .' S H m? lie" i.? St. 1'uul's chui. i7th nl, Mild the r?.l anted from I. ? ., ,, ittend igbton, A. ' r -, . |i .;?>,., J. C. Dlek**i 1 . I. W. I , \\ , in j' 1- K;|>- ' ! I'hilntian, K. A Cal .; ,, II D v Brava, ' ?v?*re .?i pointe i ?, . 1 for the eel? brstloa of the .?.II,[i'h ail)llVl.,?ary ?? ,, of Monday, th?, uth Instant. ami \\ ?i uuri'vd th?? ,,?i Hi., ,, _ I h?'!-* m th" camp and th?lr invited gueeti J uni> would be expected t<> he present tie oosuBlttee will prortds musical Programm?. In which Mason, I'oik sad . .Miller win participais, ahd will llave sum?, well-known speaker to ad the gatbertaf on some Confederate |- h aleo likely that rsfrcsh III be i erred. Tin: n i-?u\ ii.1.1. it \?DBS. tust l)n> at l uinlM-i'lHiid Park? ( ro??il l n rm-.t ui \\ ?*?*k. NASM\ tl.i.K. TKNN , April I ThS last dny Sf the I'uiiiliiilmul l'ark MOO! was well att? adod, the crowd hetag the a tn*- week. Th? went her was clear, un?! th* tagt Most of the tantee ko to Newport, i tnun-i.nd lear imr tu-niK*ht. gasas itihlss Will g?> to Memphis Ittrst race?six lurlungs -Hi-rtha Nell (3 to I) won, Nlmrod (T to I and 1 to -) second, ills Hrother (12 to 1) third. Time. 1 16 1-4. n.t 1MB llvis ruriongs?Bllthetul if to 1) won, l_i?1y or the Vl'est <i> u> L an?) 1 to .) H?M'on?i. Jim Llslt? (8 to 1) thlri-P nnie. { ;& 1-4. ihird race-nlne-sixt-wnths of a mile, .Maxwell House BtakSS?W, Overtoil (9 to 9) won, fell Mell 11. (10 to 1 and 2 to 1) second, Clarence B. o to i> third, -Ima, 00 l-i, I'ouith race?eis 'furlnngi Holy Land (5 to :i woo, <? i: Longhnrst 0 to i and 6 to 1? second, KOSCtO 0 tu l> third. Tim.-, 11.. 1-' l'if t h racf-puisi, six fill lllllgl lwi Wit 0 to I) won. Aunt IMrd u' to 1 and t t" D second, Sim W. (I to i? third. Time, lit :i-i sixth raci i*- furlong! Laoretta D. (9 to 1) won. Bombardon (.1 tu l and . v. m eeood, Kaiii- UnigfellOBi (E tu i) third Time, I He. I'ru<'ll?ril 1'olltl??. tDtnvi r 1'u. ;. i A cirl who Ih runnlns: fur Mnyur of j. ir.isunviu?'. Ind., offers tu glu man who will PTOBlls? to vote for In l, but tin h-aith's- llOQSlSW pr, fcr ?Irlnk.*? t?> kin**?'..?, and are whooping for th? oth. r fellow. No >.<*il m Worry. tTruth.) Mistress: Why, flrldgvt, you have your Sagen in the soup! Bridget (pleuHunlly); <), don't worry, ma'itm; It's not hot. Don't fail to read advertisement on Page <i A VERY CLOSE GAME. BOSTO.-V WINS, BIT HAU TO FlCillT HARD T?ll VK'TOKV. A TEH-IKNIKG COHTcST PLAYED. The Ilcnnraters Find Worthy Foes In tin- lllaeblrds, inid a LI ?el y Fight FiiaaeM?Srybold's "Wonderful Hut tlnn ?Two Home-Run Drives. Oh, well; the Richmond team Is not ho warm, but my. how they did play those pi: asstaw yssterdayl Muet confident hy the victory they had achieved over Sesea*! boys In Charlotto S week ago, the Hlucblrds wpnt on the diamond yes terday, determined to do big things. About 1,500 people were on the bleach cries and In the grandstand to cheer and un-o the locals on to do their best, and with Stuiksdale In the box, the Blrdllngs went nt the Ileaneaters In S manner Which ?ave rise to ?M su-pi?lOB that they had Intents on the ?ame. They played like .soldiers In the field, and at the bat they ?lid some ex-eedlngly clever work MANY ?RILLIANT PLAYS. They did not win the game but they was mighty asar it; .so asar, Indeed, that the Bostoataai wer- kept on the al.rt from start to finish, and had th-lr hands full In rapping out a victory. The game abounded In brilliant plays and al together was une of the hSSt exhibitions MOB here In many a day. Richmond took the lead In the s.,t,.| inninif. and with the exception Of a short time in the third, h.-ld it until the sixth. WbOB Huston forged 10 the front and h?*ld the fort In the ninth Richmond BOldld two runs to tin the score, and th? Bluebird! put their shoulders to th>- WBOOl and | A them. The crowd went wild with (Might when this teat was accomplished, but th-ir il.-li.-ht was short lived, fur In the t.-ntn, win. a was mail.- ts i MSry by Rtchmond'i clever work, Boston made the winning run and the gam. was ended. BKTBOLIXI STK'K WOttK. Ssybold was the star Of the game. He BSSd his bal in vigorous in inner and rapped out two bonm ijibb lite tirst of aeon?one Of th>-m going ores lefts fence and lending ?galas! ths resi dence next door. Thi bom? r that counted most. though, was la He ninth iniiliis. by it tin scute w;,. tied. Bo] hold had hardly gSBSped hi! bat B hen SOBM OtM ..a the bleacher!ci catted to him to rap out aiioth-r home run. He rappsd it. too, iirivin. the horsebide dowB loto deep csa? tl-e. The Spll.'t?' kept WithlB the ?II ciusure, but 11 w.-nt far eaoBgh to niable Seybold to circle the bags, and he wai promptly lionized, hats being thrown Into the air and lungs being subjected to oaten U I Th.- Boston hoys played the very best they know how. and their victory bard-t ira ed one. Th? dele - of the play will be found in th? sp| lid I s OTC! RICHMOND. A.B. H H. o. A. E. s. hmldt, r. f. 2 1 110 0 Klopf, s. s. '2 0 (i 0 4 2 Leahy, 21.I > l l L-utenburg, lb .I < I U i Seybold, 1. f. .". S I I 0 I Hargrove, c. f. ill I 0 I ?undon, 3b . .". l :: I t " Kam, s. s. ,* r. f..'? 1 S S 1 1 Hess, c.;"? I I I 1 i? Stucksdale, i>.i I i I I ?? Totals .O 7 11 ?IT 13 4 'Nobody oui when winning tun made. BOBTON. A I'.. H. II. O. A. BL Hamilton, c. f. -I 2 1 7 ?J 0 Tenn? y, lb . I ?i I 1. s. s. I 1 o 1 4 n I ?tiff v. 1. ". 1 1 2 ? 1 Collins, lb . ". I BiS I Stahl, t. f. I 'i ' 2 ? Lowe, lb . I liai: v.?. ger, c. ; - l i i Blrki tt, c.2 o l a a Klobedanx, p. l <> 0 Willis, i. 1 . Btiwetts, p.2 1 1 ?? 0 o, p. 1 I I .I Totals .!-: s \2 U 11 4 SCORE BY INNINGS. I : i |f7SIH Richmond. 02030000. 0?7 Boston . .. u ;: un :; u 1 u i - s Summary: Earned rum -Kichmond. ;;: Boston, 2. Horn.- runs?Seybold, i. two baae hits?Schmidt, Duffy, Collins, and Btiwetts. l-'iist i..i. on errors Rl< li ne ni 2; Boi ton, 2. b dl - I iff Ht? ksdale, 3; ?iff Stlw? us. 1. L Richmond, 8; Boston, 10, from being hit?Klopf. Double plays? I., ng to Loire, to Tenny, Stolen b . ion (2), Hamilton <??. and BIrkett. Wild pitches?Willis, 1 Time of gain.-, 2 n< i mpin, Mr. Tata ABOUND TUL i ; ASKS. Fourteen innings ooos Bad tea innings the Beat time, ibowi how hard Boston has to play sgsinst Richmond. Ralph Seybold'i drtvi went so far hack Uy Hamilton, thai the Mg left! almost walked boSBO ('torn third. Cus. Dundos is fslrly winning his w.,\ Into thi hearts of the rooters Blberfetd I- not miss?-.I much. ?Ins Is a good, faith fui. bard-woritlBg player. ton and Richmond will leers this og for r> tenhurg to treat the ball loving folk thon to i good gane. Several Richmond root? n will go along. Fra !, B arki snd C ptaln '?us. Klopl will be left here to-day. Klopi || suff.-r Ing ft..m a had "< h grill horse" just shore in* linht kaes. Stimmet! or Cheesro will pitch the ismi in Petersburg As they an both snxlous to twirl, they will probably ton up fur th?* honor. Hargrovi eonld not help doing some nt w.-rk. It was his fault twic- that BOStOn dill Hot Will before tlm ninth. "Schmlay" went In thi game si right sfter the Klopf-KalB shift, sad th.- n< \t thing he was doing wai |.i work. He ?lit tile ball. too. Tom BrOWfl and flu- Washington -*?_ - tioii.ii Leaguers, win N hen Monday^b hare i go at the hoj - Tim Murn.i!.. the. clorar spurting editor of th.- Boston Qlobe, and genial Jaks Iforss, hot the Herald, acconpaay the Ben ton ? luh. < ?>i.i.i:?;i: BOTS to PLAY nti.i.. Iule Titters uinl I. \n. Lud-, to Meet on the Diamond Here. This afternoon tin- gTSBl hall game be tween th.- crack teams from th- 1'niv. r sity of Virginia and Vale, will BsSSl on the diamond at Hruad-Str. ,-t i'ark for a ? oiliest to settle the laleroolleglsti I tas* ball championship. The two teams are said to be in COndltlOB, and th? game will, no ?Inubt, be an interesting OBS. I-Vary, Yale'?- great twirler, will ? in the lex for that university, and Sum in- in -.ill, the University Of Virginia twlrlsr, will loss for Virginia. It has heen four y.-ars since the Yale t.ari played in this dig, and tien ?i game was at Island I'ark. Boddty turned eat a mm on that occasioo and it win doubtless do so again thi-; time. The 'Vursity boys arrived ben yesterday afternoon from ChnrlOttOsrUl?, and ?i train bearing several hundred tuners fmm ?he I'liiv.-rslty will reach h.-r.- thll The Va!? boyi played In Hump ton ygsterday sad wll! reach the city at 11:15 thl.i morning. Th?- name will be culled at ?1 O'Otoeg, Snd the BSaal pries ?.f admission wlii srsvslL \\ I VI l)IIW\ I\ IlKFKAT. I.i'iiiuli Fasti) < on,|ii?*i ? ?I,,* YVm-.Ii. iiiKlon and Le?- Hall Team. STAI'NT'i\. VA.. April <H??. . i.,1 ? - A? Highland I'ark this afternoon l.ehlgh aslly defeated the Washington and l^ee I'nlverslty base-bull team l>y a pBan 0? IG to 9. a fact partly accounted for by th? 36-mlle drive over heavy roads which the Virginias took Just before the gume. At the start Lehlgh Jumped away In the lead seorinc six runs in the first in? Tee ?-?rsl the M-jfcest araom oa.ittq frwfcf ass 11 n Adssl tests stww It goes oaa lairs' farther than any other breed. POWDER Absolutely Pure KOY?L SAKIWO POWOCK CO-, ?*" YOWK. j nlng. and the race was never in doubt thereafter. Rough grounds mad.- good fielding impossible. The Pennsylvania lads easily found the left-handed Vir ginia pitcher, and hit him freely. The feature of the game pur excellence was Romeroy*! one-band stop and fssl throw of u hard grounder. To-morrow at Lex ington the I.ehlgh boys will play the Virginia Military Institute team. Score: Lehlgh. R. H. O. A. BL Romeroy, 3b . lift: i:. Grace, a a and p.22100 ?'arman, c.?1 2 7 2 .1. Once, lb .3 2 12 0 1 .James, c. f. 2 I 2 0 0 Homer, r. f. I 0 l 0 1 : 1. f. and 1. s.2 1 I - 1C ,-, 2b .0 12 3 0 Sp.-is. p. and I. f. 1 3 0 2 0 Totaii.13 5 n n c W. and L. R. H. O. A. E. Snv.'er lb . I '** - Campbell, s. s.3 2 1 Alfur.l, ? .3 3 9 2 1 Pratt, 3b.lioio M ixw.ll, e. !. 13 2 0 0 Faulkner, 2b . 0 13 1 Burnett, I. f. 12 0 0 0 Barclay, r. f. o o 0 0 1? Robinson, p.0 0 0 12 Totals . 9 12 24 1" ?1 BCOBB BY INNINGS. 12 3 4 5 6 7 S j)_ 1 gh..1 m 1010 x?u Washington and I."-....! 0 0 2 I 0 2 D I I Summary: Banted runs-Lehlgh. 6: Washington and LOO. 2. Three-base hits - ! :. Grace, Jam. s, Maxwell, Pratt, Bai nett, and Alford. Two-base bits 1 Grace and Spiers. Btolen bases Lebigh, 8; Waihlngton and Lee, t Hll by pitch ed ball Borner, Grace, and Canaan. struck out By Robinson, 8; by Bplen 1. by Once, t Passed balls?Alford (1) Time of game?2 hours. Umpire, Mr, ??ilpili WIllSOB. , _ Iiit?'r?'oll?*itlHt?? Itnll. ATLANTA, ??A.. April S.-Thc WakS Pon -t (N. C) College nine to-day de i- ittBd th? Aiiinta Tacha H to t COLUMBIA, a\ <-'., April t.?Ball Le tayette, 21; South Carolins College, 5. M.WI'OI'T NKUS, April .-v. The Yale University bass-hall tssm to-day defeat ed the Hampton sggregstlon near this Olty liy a score Of if tOO, in a game. NORFOLK WON. NOKftlitM, VA?, April I,?(Special.) .N'urt.'lk, ot, Catholic I'niv-rsity, .'i. IT W * Ml* AMI Tl (K, ?lc? iiIm*'h II.ivn I'liiy th?* Virulilla I'olytc? liiiic liiMtitnt?? n C_<BBS tiame. BLACK8BURO1 VA.. April S.- (Spe cial.,)?Aft.-r writing that they could not ccme. McCabe'l boys telegraphed yester day evening that they would be here, so this afternoon one of the greatest exhibi tion! of bas? -bail . vor essa in Blacksbarg was glVOfl to the rooters. BleVBB iBBlni I aere necessary to decide the gam?', the scon standing 4 to 4 for MVeral innings, until tin last half of th ??eventh, whea McCabe's, with two men ?au, nasnagad I v work to bring In une run. The STOrfc of Johnson and Hai'lson for Yiruini. Polytechnic Institute, and thai of Gordon and Hogshead for McChbe's, was rapeffc, The playing Of both dams all around. In both the Infield and outfield, was brilliant. WORTH CAROLINA'S CAPITAL lie.'inl In l(.il, ?Dn niel \\ . I'atrlcl? sni'?'?'?'?is Robert Baaaaek. f'AI.KIi'.H. X. C, April S.-(Special.) This morning ?'halt man CSidWSll, of the Railway Commission, srrtved ben vary unexpectedly, it is boMorod epos sum mons from the Governor. Commissioner Abbot a -s hen and the tero had a long confennce, Beastor Hutler call-- on th? Governor to accept Csldwell'i resignation, because >>r thi latter*! retn il from his position in ptlHSlng and Voting for the r-duction of paanager ratea Thon s - ais., ,i statement thai the Governor do* -?[ i Csldsrell to vot. with PesrsoB t.. re the low rat.- and allow the Su preme Court to pass upon the legality of th.- order, Butler and the Governor are at just now. and ?t is ?aid the Gov ernor desir.s to again gel in ti tor's I.I graCSS, SI without hll the Governor enti bo figure at all. LlVLLY TIMBA with M00N8HINBBS l;. \. ::u'.-i Uli . r Wiley Jon. s. of this 1 -?i.V. and Jam. s Dopne and Turn, r Bala, of ins pom, h id a lively tins with >on htaen in Johnston coanty last evening. Thi,-, r, had destroyed sa illicit dis tillery and wer? on their way to Stlmi WhOB ambushed moon-.hin.-rs tir. -d OB them. They ntaraed the tire. Tie to a u 1 boggy aid a ttarrlsge, and the oarrl ige . dragging the negro driver s?.nie distance. Th- hor back to town Hid so did the BSgTO, Thll mornlng Dui 1 spi an d at leltni 1., let another leant to retara after Jon.-s tad BalO. The Bring was quit! lively, as Ha- ofltoen wen well erased, it is said Hi.- mo inehlnen Bed si oaoa Several letton have coin.- t.. the dor Minor within th" past few lays from 1 . I h0 stat. .1 that tin Slate trOOpS won not equipped, as they had no teati for the bsnefll of roch persons, it msy I).- stated thai IB til'- arsenal th. re Is s nil supply of tentai*- and c imp equlppsgi r..r MM men, also blanket! snd 1 supi Ijr f fOMt rounds of noervc ammunition for calibre (" ritte*., and t!. ready t.u us., .it sn instant's notice. Tie- 'Wang" company wsnt t.? p?sese si Ireeaeboro, and thirty of its atemben BOSS left without S c-tit. PATRICK BDCCBBOS HANCOCK. Immediately upon the ousting of Rotiert Hancock as president of the Atlantic aad S'orth t'.iruiina rallwa>, yuur COrrespon I nt was as.-iited by a Repuhlican. who I on the Inside, that DbbW W. Patrick Republican), of QrOSBS c unty, BOOM laeessd Baaaock, aad to stick to that IBSSB It was a good une. Patrick was .ummlssiuned Tuesday, the Governor ?riving him the commission but, as he ' me tlm.-s d. kesptag the ma let. Last vening the official call for the Populist Stale ConVSBtlOB here. May 17th. -iifd. It says all "who ar. lo the present mrlonal finan, la! gritSSB,' Who favor free co i.n-e of silver. I to 1; who favor an Increase of the utrency w-Hhotit Intervention of bank ng corporations, wlio favor a graduated ncome tax, wie oppose trusts; who favor i.itionai 1-K?slaiion to equalize taxes, and She are willinii to iu-operate with PogU Isis to secure and perpetuate these n .urn.- are c.-rilially Invited to participate n I'opuiist primaries and conrentfoaa The revenu? collection! In this dietrtct >r March w? re Iliy.Oll. ?if which teto from toba coo, cigars?, uu?l cigarettes, in*l 117,068 for spirits. LITTLK CRIPS OF NKWS. Ford Taylor, a well-known young busl iens-mnn here, died suddenly yssterdsj riortiing of heart-disease. It is said that the present King of lp-iln Is the grandson, of a distinguished s'orth Carolinian. Th.* organ of the Methodists In this Itate says that If war comes with Spain t will bo a necessity, and that It will be one of the most just wars ever wa?rU ... the history of the world. Mr. Sumuel J. Pomberton. of Sf-nly county, whose attack of paralysie wa* announced. Is rapidly Improving. Mr. Charles Rruner. brother of Mr. Thomaa K. Rruner, and a veteran editor. di.d near Salisbury We.lncsday. More cotton-mills are. now w<irklng at night thi?n ever before In this State. State-Geologist Holme?? and Mr. l'ratt, Of the Geological Survey, left New Rerne to-day for a trip through the great Mounds on the oyster patrol yacht "Lily." HIS HONEST MOTIVE.S. Senator Rutler, In his newspaper to day, says be believes Governor Russell is acting from honest am! conscientious motives In dropping the fight against the lease of the North Carolina railway. Butler attach Rallway-Commlssion <'haii-man Ca!?pTelI with gloves off, say ing h? is a "floppgr" und "has betrayed the people." if?. declares that the people should elect the Railway Commission ers, and calls on.the Populist coovaatloB to nominate John H. PsaTOOB and some true Populist as his running mat. Be says ChillISSS CBldWeU tll'l have enough sense of propriety to tender his resigna tion, and that the Governor should ac cept thiB and should appoint BSSBS man who knows his duty and is brave en?>ugh to do it. It Is ?julte noticeable that Senator Rut ler, in this week's paper, publishes a let ter from a "distinguished Democrat" commending him. It Is announced that plans are mad? ..r g battery at Beaufort, at or near old Fort Macon. The Morning Post jumps upon the Populista to-day for their statement that they will propose to make S deal with Dem?crata, and terms them "provender hunters." EDITOR CHABGBD WITH ?BEL? To-day a warrant was served upon "<li tor J. L. Ramsey, of the Progr. Farmer, for criyilnal lit?. 1 against ex Judge William EL Allen, of OoMsborO*, IB connection with his datlSS as an at torney la the I'ainlico and Carura "oys ter claims." Farmers In this isoctlon, when BBksd What they propose doing as to cotton, say they will plant about as much as they did last year This is construed tO mean that they wi'l plant more. SOBH Of th! stu.l.-nts .1 Wake-Forest -College Pinged, or tried to play, a Jok? April 1st by absenting themselves from the recltstlon-rooms. The fscnlty bow ! lay it juke by making them I in all 'lasses. A HOT FIGHT ENDS. Governor Boisell ends the hot tight ("or the presidency of the Atlaatlc and North Csrollns railway by appointing David w. Pattrick president and Frank Brown ami Lester Boyt tlirecturs. The dil ate orddrod tO meet BOXI Tuesday. ?niic.-rs at hes-dquarten ben to-day completed arrangement! with railways for ?lui.'k transportation of the State Guard at a mom? tit's BOtlCO, so as t?i bfl able to put all ben in eighteen heirs. KPWOHT.I"-*? BASTBR < HI. El I It \TIOV It "III lie Held nt llronil-St reot 4 liiireh?Fetitiviil Must?? nt I Mne-St. On llenday night at 8 o'clock the Ep worth LsagtM sf Broad-Street Methodist church will In id Iti sp? dal Laster ser vice, which will be unusually lnt? r. stint-. An attractive progrsBUBS hSS bBBB arrange?!. Miss Maude Porter will lag and th.-ie will ais., be ipocla] EBstsr must.? read? red by the leagne choir under the direction of Mr. I. D. Briggs, Jr. ROV. l>r. Tudor will ?i.-liv. r the sddree? and thfl BastST offering to bfl made by the league will bfl d' iOtOd to its <h :: > work. Th-' foUOWlng ladies and gl nt] COmpOM th.- lasglll choir: MosdSBH M. sinitic.-ai. C, T. Breagie, Robert Minor, Emmett Shepherd, s. B. Bishop, 'uis RnaseU; Misses Lu?a Richardson, Mabel Vanghaa, Linie Briggs, Fannl Foui.r; Messrs. i. o. Briggs. -Jr.. Joeepb F. Whit--. Robert Minor, C B Richard son, Malcolm Hough. <;. M. Bmltl Ernm.-tt Shepherd, and w W. Brock. PI NE-STRI : FT' B PROQRA M ML. The music to be sung at PteO-BtrOet Baptist Church at the Faster c del-rat Ion. which bas not y. t bean published specialty worthy of commendation for (cellenco of mIsoUob and the pro mise of a line performance. Thfl ! ro gramm? li ss follow - : Morning Service?Anthem, "Chrl Risen" (Theo. Moecber); Doxology; Hymn, "Christ, the Lord. Is Uis.-n To day"; Hymn. ' Hark: Tan Thousand Harps and Voies',- Vull'-ni, "Christ Is a" ?F. L. Aahford); Hymn. "A. My Bool in Joyful i. Ehrentag Service Anthem, "Christ Lord, is L..-. u" ?M. i>. Jones); Do* Hymn, "All Hsll the Power Ol I Hymn, "? I, for a Thorn iBd T . Aath? m, "Bi n Bv? nlng Bleeslng" (H. P. Danks); Hymn. "Chief of Sinners Though i Be." Th.- choir is romp..-- d of the. follow ?ru-; Sopranos- Mi--, s Bill H lurand, Hill. Annie Hsnktns, Glenua Ki Cora JOBOS, Celeste JOBOS, and Mrs. Wil kinson. Ait..- Iflssai Psrnlsass Carter ai i Maud Trsylor. T? i a WUktnson, Boa i y, and Rogara. Hi a?. Csrtsr, Hooper. Hill Lollard. Col., an. and Phillips. Chorister-Mr. C. li. Carter. Mrs. Qeorgs Hooper. THF CI.A^-tSTKKF'l ?"H?HR. In publishing Pa list of the m-mb rs of <'iav-street HH bod tel church choir. these names wen Inadvertently omitted. The full .-hoir is thui composed! S?planos Mrs. Jam.- Chsppol, Mrs. < . F. Smith, Mrs. J. K. ana-SB, Mis. <\ i> TSSBlS, Miss C. HI? ks. Altos?Mrs. Norman Coleman, Mrs. A. Q, Qoartes. Tenon M m F. Thomas, J. E. QU? man. Fassos- Mesera J. W. Con snd WBJlam Quartes Chorister?SL E. Junes. Organist--Mr.- A. C. Haley. CAPTAIS ? \ltl Kit o> Uli: STAND? Captain ttsaea. al Um Atiuuti?.* <?>., \u.? TaatMhM in m*. Behalf. SAVANNAH, ?:\. April I .?C?ptala L. D C.ieen, of the Atlantic Contracting Compaay, pant ob Um itaad in the car ter court-martial this mon,inc. He | -- USod m. t |. Pkrvely that Captain Car ter bad aovar la any way honestad com the Atlantic Contracting Company, either tly or Indirectly. Whaa naked t ? i ft I ' bank-hook, t.> show how much money the -irnpani has spun on Combsrisad Sonad uadsr the \?* oow tract, h<- refused, n.- dsnlsd that he had d the sane of Aaeoo M. Baags to Chocha, as testified by Expert Carvalho, Ol New York. C?ptala O rter then took the stund, be ing sworn as a pitases in tin own behalf, H? made statements : amply as to SB gineertng matten and odBce methoda lie will continue to testify to-morrow. JAMBS IL MIDIUV OKAIJ. He \\?s *>e*.eiit>-Mii**, ami Moat Highly BstapaaaB. WARBBNTON, \ A., April I fg_peiisal) Mr. -Igpst H. Maddux lashed qul.-th away g| the home of his son, Janus F. Maddux, this morning at 2 o'clock In the ?th year of his age. For many | Mr. Maddux WBJ 'he pruprlet.u keeper of the Warn n Hotel. u-?i was widely known for his Integrity and ge nial manners. Fur over a year he had basa suffering from tabtrculeste, sad hi* death had lie.-n expected for several weeks, still th?- shuck was little softened to the faithful Wife, son. and ?laughter. Mrs F. R. W. Bsrker, who had WStched and nursed him a?, long His remains will be Interred in the cemetery ben, When the family have ,lM ?m |0, an(1 where lie already hi? two sons?Theodore and Thomas Don't fall to read advertisement on PROPOSALS. KA9T?KB STATE HOSPiT_?"~~? Kastern St.*?, H^suttal Steward'-? (,m,!.'" Wllllamsburg Va., Apr. 7 -i. THE LNLEIWIGNFL wfl.H T--J7,, 12 O'CLOCK M. ON THURSDAY aT,Xf the 14th, 18M, receive seated ar'oJtH,1 tor furnishing this institution r,,r,4,'* ? nsulng quarter: m GROCER 11 :.-'. 210 barrels Flour. 300 bushel* (BO p<-un*u -_-, besbeD, ' p 12,000 pounds Shoulder Bacon. I.pyj pounds Hams. l.:i'*i pounds Pure Lard. 9,000 pound! Granulated Sugar, 2,600 pounds Yellow Sugar. 2,!?"? pounds Coffee, pound.h (ir. en T 1 Jeo pounds S-oda Crarker? 1,?*' pound* Laundry Soap. 720 pounds Cheese. 100 pounds Starch. 300 pounds Sal. Soda. 100 gallons Molnsnes. I ?0 gslloni Vlnogsi w dozen eins Tomatoes (l-i ri.?tiO pounds Bu ' gg) pounds Plug Tobacco. 13 cases L>.-. I boxee Scounne. I gtuss Toilet - **" pounds 1 'andl.-H. 7 tons Hhlpstuff. 10 pounds Black Pepper. .". gross Match- a. l.'i?) pounds Dried Fruit I it meal I >, _._. rr. Is Herrings. " 6 sa.k I II Spain Brooms. ? grtiss Bread Powi 4 dozen Moitard. : gallons Brandy. Lfi tuns Ha v NO. 1. 4u bamii ? "m 2U cords i'ille Wood DBY ( < ODS AND N< IONS els M?m'l W'.-ar. irdi Dom? nils Gingham 200 yards Cell? 0 100 yarda Unbiea? hi 1 1 1 Drilled ' o I 12 dosen M? n's 1 nd? ?? dosen Ladles' V? L'a p tin Hose. i<> p?li s Half ? : is Men's .- , 7"? 1 airs Worn. :. s Si. - t d? MB Tow- Is. 1 dozen 1 7.? dosen Spool C< 1 a 7 i\>,?.< a Men 1 It 6 don a Ladl 1. 10 duz'-ri Buep? ; P 1 ti.-? may hid for on? le above All nish with bid sampl. the Hoard or D April la. IV*? Articles in ell bldd? '. All good freight 1 depot on 01 ' April, uni undersigned P i\ mei thirty d.?v payment! to be mad- uni 1,. n faithfully .orii'ei. ; 1: ich bidder must h only, and ev< 1 > samp private mark si to be furnleli d, bul 1 ol appear on tier's sampl?'-. privat? mai k name must i > seal?*! and adili 1 Hoard of Directors, sign? d. Thi right is reserved to nwnni th? tract t.) any one or moi- ,,- ,. or re|?'et any OT Sll I iples should be marks . ntsb Suppli' -" and addr?*? -l t.. C. F ARMIS1 ".AI? Bteward East ap 8,9*12-31 WI Office Collector Cltj BMhawad, f . \, * LICENSE TAX. CITY LICENSE FOR THi: YEAR 1898 have been placed in my hands for co'.luc tioti. and are due BOB AGENTS ,,ge and Ex- I E? ,... DETECT] Collecting, ! i/.-Ia. EXPJ Insurance, Labor, I US Land, M inufscturtng Ar- FRUIT - tlclaa, ,. Renting House*. V,',:,,;-viuv?? Railroad Tick??, IM* "' ' mihlp Linea, 1.?.. . \ 1 It I "I-'?. "IS ATTORNEYS AT JJgK . ' ' HAW AUCTION EEERtS ral, l instate, Tobacco. . looacco, ,. ,,, , ni Crier. '"' bab"bo5S. JiVERT, ! BiLUARD :;-;'M>.. ' T.,?*.r'i.iv.TAB1'' BOARDING- MEU, .... ,-,.,?-U BROKE PHOTO * *' . . GRA1 ? ommercUl, PHYSICIANS. Iniunnca. i*t'.i. M n handles, BANKERS E_??? .-..,. PRIVATE Ship. PUBLIC . ?,,'"k- RESTAI 1 otiiirrn. ?\ ?, |x j Building A Loan RT,,-. N, --- Assocletlon. TEI.EGR CHEMIST*. CITY -. SCAVENGER VETEHIN ?HY COMMISSION MLUCHAN I Pan for? APRIL to, lifts, will I th" penall. 1 1,.. th nan.-es, which li not in I more than BO pet .: ,-. or busin. ss corn? I i: the !>:im?i to he Imposed h? " P. W. CCNNINOH " IB tin? .....r ->f 1 -. 'ases Office "f City y Richmond NOTICE ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO HOSE FOR SPRINKLING - call at this ofBl for permits and b CHARLES 1: 1 ,_. *?elt?-?| Ilia <>.i|iorliiii I? ? . I 'lie I gO Tl I* "11 K>rg? ." plead. .I Mi - \ ..u ro promt..- an ' war w:h Bpsia you I "Haifa." replied : "In the hour of our ennuis - ; ! hi d . ' > man w ho 1. * of ! at: lotlC bl.I In hi '\ In defence of the Sag. A Aaterteaa who glories In its fre?- Institutions, 1 shirk my duty" "It would bffOnft r:t \ h Tl. - are enough nun to go tO I haven't any family tl lighting!" "i.iura," repltdd Qsorfi 'Mb Um ai war then Ifl only ob? thing tl k.-.p me from going, It r? "With me?" "With yon!" sit moly h "I 1 pi. 11.1 "? >h. I'll promis.* anythi "The soie condition ob wblcb I S -O' main at bum.- U w ha? I WSI ? Spain?think well baton you bud - self by m ira s "? "I promis?.:" "Is that > .u won't do a-s leaning this spring." A Ion?, low, ?mi.1.t<ring wall 1" lu-r pallid Upa, but It was IBB I >' had promts.?!. Don't fall to read advertisement on Nndilru ll.'ulif ?it Aahlnntl. A.-'IL.AN!?. ?V A?, April I - ii-r Mr R. H. Hundley, one of the m? -1 TO' IpiBtSd Cllt-elis here, dkd \?r> ihls morning, of heart-trouble. Bfl BSl found dead la his Ud. Ills funeral Bill take plan f'"'? I-** -t ohnrch at 3 o'clock to-morrow ?* ernoon. I>on't fail to read advertisement en Cag?- ? J ?: Luce and family I. ft the Wednesday to talc-? up their resldsaoS st their beautiful country home. Ka?*t***"*?l. an th* Jamoa?