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TTiTT. luniTMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRIL i). 1898._ _-I THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BT THE DISPATCH COMPANY. The DAILY DISPATCH l! leMrered to euhi-rrlberi at FIFTY, CANTS per month, payable to the carrier weekly or monthly. Mailed at $6 per annum; *J for six months; 11.50 for three? months; tO cents for one month. Price per copy. S cents. The WKIIKI.T DISPATCH at }l I" annu.-.t. Th? SUNDAY DISPATCH st UM ft annum, or 73 for si a months. Subscriptions ta all !'* -n advance, and BO pSBSV cantlnued BttBI the asplrat'oa Of the tune paid tor. BOBt-OtBce money order, check, or regis ter, i inter. Currency sent by mail win be at the >.*k ol the lender, Bobeorihen ?wishing their post-ofllc? chBBged mast give their old nr. well as their new post OffUe. Sample coplee fr? e. ADVERTISING RATBA HALF IM. U OK i.KS^. [___ .r.:r;::?i" . times. , * fmes. *2 6 tlm.s. ?J 1 month. , ?V ?t month--. 5 lttigln?ss wants. " ?S nted situation, payable in nd vanee C5 words or les?. *-** Above rata* are for "every ?1 ?y" Bf ad vertisements running consecutively. Reading aetjeei in readlag nmttor type, five lines or less. W, In BOBeWW, leaded, uve Um i -. " > osata Card of rates for more space furr, on application. All letters and telegrams must be ad or, ed to Tin: DISPATCH COMPANY. t,,i ooauBBBleatlaag will not io returned. All letters recommending candidates | Bice MOSt OS paid for to insure th.dr publication. Thai Is a lung standing rule of ours. Resolutions of respect to deceased members passed B] corpora tions. sssoctattoBS- or other organisa? fon- will be charged for as advertising matter. UP-TOWN OFFICE, BROAD-STREET PHARM *?CY. U EAST BROAD BTREET. MAM HESTER OFFICE, UN HULL BTREET. _ BATUBDAI.....MARCH 9, IBM. M Ml | t M ll\\?.i;ii. Advics from w tell 'o5 that the situation i- regarded as graver than at any peseteas Haw, tbcagh at this Writing th.-re are n.? taw development! to justify that conclusion, Th -tains, ai far ss are caa mply unchanged. This I- ret Mylng that th'- outlook is r.ot ..- grave as it well coald be, it sp t ssttled that the sdflilnlitrstlon will not abate oae jot or tittle of it*- crucial ii. m.-.nds up,,n BMin, and the re are no of the Madrid Qovernment'l re from the sttltude It sssumed sTbaraday. Tet, on th<-'-r hand, nothing has oc curred to intensify th.- sttvin. N". it!?. r ,,f Congress wgi '< leiiloo y? it? r iay, and. consequently, there was no un Sae excitement in Washington. The quietud? thi-r.- may repreoeat the calm Iw-fore tin- storm, hut lei M hop, that It represente a sesson of preparation for eoasldering the PreaJdeat'i SMSsage when it shall i.,- preaeated oa Monday with full appreciation of tin- terrible reeponsl bUtty attaching to whatever sctloa may Le taki n upon it. TflK ?it usti?n OP MBDIATIOS Coeval with talk of forelgB mediation in the present cristi of our relations with Spain, then developed in Wsshlagtoa an | effort to inculcate the Idea thst this gov ernment could n-.t .? mediation? and following the joint note of the Power! to the admlnlitratlon this effort bei been lusted, it' we cannot se i pt media lion, why not? Th?-re is BMdtattOfl arid BMtdtatlon. Al We have always held, th.- Cut?an aneS* lion la distinctly an American question Certainly we could sccept no aSNllatlan that did not recognise thst fsct Cer tainiy w<- could accept BO amdlatloa that h< i.i in it th,- possibility ol present or future entangling alllsacss. W? could nor afford to Incur any obligation to loreign Powers, lb? discharge ; which would neeessltste our moving an inch irom the bed-rock of the Moni..- doc trine. Nor since matters hav.- progressed to tlie present Mat:.- rould vv.- afford to niodity tlie .--.mi,l principles w? luv. laid down SI OOBStltUtlng the only basil tipni whi. h a peaceful solution of the problem could i? arrived t. Least .-f oil OOBjd OtO SffOrd t" Void to "pie-sure" from the foreign Powen si t' is generally laterpreted? liut with ail thli uaderstood, wh re is the bar !.. in. a.a. '.. ' A ? - from a w<-ii-itif..inud WSshlagton conespondt at that Hi.- President'! reply to the joint note of tiio Powers mesna that tin pur paie of thli goveraaseot his been settled; thst pressai condltioni in Cobs can no longer la suffered t.. exist; that Iks friendly oflbse of other Powen with -Hi'.? m will y wileonievl, but that tin time has como WBBB the United BtetOI cannot ?" dlv? rted from their long-di ley? d Oct. nalnatlon. it is ?. notice, it is sdded, to Spain that the last OppottOnlty is <>f ft-rtd 1er to oaacidi what otherwise will I,, wrested from her, ami a is a warning 1 If -he ?loes not make Us.- of til? opportunity the consequence! will iwtftly fallow. Another Washington spseml from I u louree liy no ni? ans jingoistic s iys that the aaawer settlei it beyond gussttoa tiiat lbs Ualted Btstes win no*. t>c tamed i: :i their purpose to free Cuba? Unless -.. continuel tins special, shall ask n reopehlag ?if negotiations with this oonntry for the purpooi of srvaaglng terses for Cuha'i fre^?_?tn, the President ?will arad a message in i r om i. . med Intervention m Cubs, sad th> re l? no doubt ?hat th from Congress will b?- a d. lafal Well, grant it. However, -. bj ..e ig mediation we could accomplish our purpose regarding Cuba, Without war. und yet not entangle ourselves with for eign Powen aod compromis? .,.-i i dignity, and prestige, would > Bed in I'.j. i??), ?? ,,..,. lion would be to ?:n?t that .-, re 1 ua going to war for te. sake >,r wur, that the freedom ef Cuba and ihe *. of u debt m hum " I ,?_,,_ i That would be tl n , (?g*. '-" ""l Know that imdiatloti, Slife-gual I - b II v I - I? should There wu. .....hiii. .. ,.? ,,;? iA iU ^ ollklOUS. Wf sug.estiv.- of meddling. It i ? "? '-"nation, u may, n<^ "'" '" " . Uttaadad as a f?Iv. ?' ' > B???r. Hut be fhM !ll4 ?___ry_ "hu" a?ake its ?t>r*>-u>nt-.ii,.n ,t,_ .?, empha.'-lring. without qualm? declaration thai wc CSBBOt nn eOOept mediation, is calc?late credit our highest claims to in our Cuban pollt v. If war Khali prove strong BBSBga ph> light It mit 10 I triumph imaltb should be strong enough mora war if these Is victory a ?:i pi. ?.IIM.IM \. WAR. AM? Vi 'ihe BoBthetTB riantcr, In Its . . gpreSSCe doubt Whether res j rove that Ihe retrenchment in? Id.. Virginia Legislature will yl? per annum, as It ha" bsoB Bad sraald. ?.??ni bahlj the garlas art as mach a" bas I" - n < ahulnted ?f then- Is mu? h more IsglslSt fOBBd IS be as faulty as that rf th. ab in >b of the ??nice of the of hi; may be certain p ; . i.. liment wi m point- d. However, let it not t> ten that the tax-rate In Virgini. just what it was Immediately prli beginning ?>f the war of Issl-'es. it be also r?-m.-mb-r? ?I that out < i cuts on the $100 w?' give a gOOd ?1 than ons ?piCTtOT for pBhSc schi peses, whereaa la sate helium Ohly Ihl proceeds of tlie capita went to the support of public free In ghjoSt, with iur present rate ? lion, our State IB) Is Bbte to upp ?.lout .". H. p. i annum ior put] ?.mention in publii schools, colle I licit? s. and universities. bty sosae little addlttonsl and whittling Of State expenses c made, but if our people wish themselvei from any cooaldenb Ol t i- Ir tax burden, th. y will no to look alter and n due their COW city i xpins. --. W< Consider it probable that lo ; . a: I rule, will be redllc? (1 in proportion as lval ?slate valu reduced by the re m u-m. nt of II venture fo say that Ir. few countl tin rot? i-' permit the tax-rate raised to ettm I the decreSM la t Meo? i ralue of lands: it would be "a far cry" from th? un time to Ihe "next meettng* ? Qeaeral Assembly," but for the Imi prOOpect Of war In COM Of B BrS threatened to last so much as i year, an MttTO s niOO of our I* tur.' v..add probabl] be uaaroMahl mltttli laws are lasdequste, an , mount oi mon. y In the public tr? B| pill able to th! organizing and I Plum- of our Hoops is fearfully iBSde Yet, ate many expeaSM whh BtSte would have to rivet in gcttl: troopi r.-.idy to turn over to the Pi Qoverpmx nt. it is true Governor Tyler is m energetic and praiseworthy efforts c, ver from the United States the . ?\. n? - .1 bj Virginia during the w IMS, etc., bul i'v.-ii should he succe legislative eessloa would probably fa cessary to authorise the dlsburssmi that fund. Again, it may b?- sup] thai West Virginie would hare sonc to iay about the division of ths fund tnus tlie legislative ass, nt would in ry before the money eoold be a able for our us?-. Again, We know What offSSti tlie United States may to present against our ?laite. Al] know is that our claim Is a just one; It would N- a graceful thing upon the of the United Btatei t.. help us In . i wi h? Iped the Union in Its r and that tile moll'V is Well-nigh indis able to put us upon a proper war-i lag. w, repeal that, in the event of war should look for an ?xtra session of Legislature of Virginia. In fhoai Bt Where the legislatures are now in MSI effort! ar.- being mad.- by conditions) proprtatlom nod by s mon il monts of militia laws to for. stall the necessity extra sessions. How far BUOCSSS will tend these ?(Torts it would be hard predict. Much would depend upon i long ..!> war lasted, and wh-dher the i lie enemy eadeavored to make landi upon our coasts. We tind very few* "lire.eaters" h< but our whole population is of one m in the <l< termination that should hos ti.s ensue Virginia must and will be the for? front of the country*! defend? Whether it would fall to our loi te t, " our own coast only, or to furs help to other Stated, or to land u] Spanish soil, our duty would be und t k. n and performed with equal cheerl BOBS, Bui coming back to the subject of leg lative letr.-tu hment, w would g i tin Oeneral Assembly may ?a., d into ?xtra session this year, it <; not proceed much farther in th.? WS] t. tnnchlng State gpeaees, The limit ) been well-algh reached. For the fate public attention srould better be direct ? hiefly to local expenses'. ? BUI. SIICHMW. Though the Hon. John Sherman, i obi.-, ?j Bcentary of State, be rocbm bsvt lad no lot or part In th. Importai v. ik which hai engage,i - ?. attentli of the Slate Department for many wael part, We may, therefore, primniig h Ixallli ?s so poor that he is incapable | wnstltai with the vexatloui and , m pllcatod eaestlooi that sre daily arlslai Tl.e i ,1,1-s that he OUghl to dlSChSTg are devolved upoa hli aasfataat, Jud? Dsy, Mr. Sherman is treated prett much as if he were an emeritus set-r? tary, which be is Ban point of fact, i would ge?m thst ths situation would gag geSl to Mr. Sacrmaii the propriety of re ?Ignir'g. Nobody can blame him for hi fSSBlg health, or his advanced age, hu the Pn -id- nt is ?titled to huv?* a help ful man in the Office which Mr. Sher man COBttBUei to occupy, but whus duties b | ?anriot perform. Of ein si-, th- President could compel Mr. Bhenaaa u> reebjB g| any time, bul we rapBoeg he feels delicacy in dorn* M, Th?.- Mnatortal scat that Mr, Sher? man urrer.dered to go into the Cahtaot BOed by mi. Haana, sad me " Utas .pi." wiiich ?xisied at tu. time "f M.-. M? KlBley*i Inguguratloa eeuld aot ? v. iihout returning .Mr, liana? t.. pn M things will go on as th.y are It sorn, tlrn- longer; hut It Is odd that at tin- tune, at hi] times, our Department ??f .-Hat..* ?houia he without h capable chief. ' ty day or so wc uv informed that h lot of forml.l,: ii, BpBBSBh war has eatled from the Iberian BBBlB? presumably for offensive pgrpooie against the Ualted Bt tea. Hew, Um ob i-?. Where do -*jj ,h,f,* v, m froaf they are got on the Bpsnlsh navy list. There Ih past disturban... i? Hawull again. Muuna Loa is iu eru-?tion? \ \ it t?? jumim.y PB_BBBBB_i The city authorities have be? n mlsjndg'd regarding that Ninth-street sidewalk bastasen Talk that esaaldaiatloaB of economy wre b< bind allowing tha t>r. - ent ankle-twisting condition of things tO continue has h? ?IB mei?ly a little piece of "hBrtlDOBBie sophistication." This ought to have bSSa SBparSBl upon a llt tlo reflection; for certSlSty than BBBld be no economy In advrtlslng our city among gtTaBgan In the way the Brest ride Ntath-stredt parement has sdwr 1 !t. The fact Is, our City fathers have b? I n laoBhatiag pleaaaat nrprtae for the people. Thi y have been pi ?paring a pro gramme Of recreation fOT the public Knowing as they do thai than are thou? eaadi of our p. ,.! thst eaaaol sfford to patronize hase-ban 'T even pay street-car fare to the golf links, oar o.uivilnvn propose tO start In the heart of the me t?, polls "a pro bono pabUCO, free gratis, for nothing" opposition to these sgMse rin tus. The s? hume Is to substitute for the eg? lettag ni-i;?d pavement glong th" WBSl .-id- of Ninth str.-.t a cinder path, and turn it Into a sprinting ?ourse for men in th" late afternoon, and a track for stray dog trials of speed at Bight Wot the rest of th.- time It can be used as a. walkwaj by our etttaaaa, who win Bad it much mor,, confortable t.? tread, ami match easier mi shoe bather than it is und. r present billowy conditions, Farther, this combining of amasemoBl festone with isaprovemeni win ensbk the average dtisen to walk doara the west side of Ninth itrOOt witlvut that WSbbUBg motion which visitors to Rieh? mond have Interpreted to be dm- to bricks in the hat instead ?if tin- bricks. or the ? x. us. s tor bricks, under th.- feet. Who says our Council ?lots not Bppn - date athletics and the advantag' - Ol keeping the public amused, ami has not a prop? i regard for the reputation <>i ?mi city for sobriety? Th?; cinder path idea is simply imim BOB, S ?. nee. says the Philsdt lphia Evening Telegraph, play-* a double part In war fare, it perfects the most lageniotti ways of gluing ami maiming human creatures, and i! wiso inven?s appliances without end for tlie saving of life. Those opposing attitude*, .?iv ironical, if We choose to vi.w them si, y. t it is eertalaly better to h iv this doubl?- energy then to have science, confined to the one division ot killing. Among the new aavtag ap pliance! it is natural to suppose that the miraculous Roeatgen ray win hereafter play an Important pit in war. From the first announcement "f lr? dlsoovory it was leen that tin most etrld? in prac tical application of It would b.- in sur gery, while oorreepondlngly then can be no sucli surgical demands I! In battl. . That is to say, tin- N-ray Is to be DSadc a stjinl off to battle array. Spuin is said to be buying up our mulSS, This ?s coialag pretty nigh borne?striking ,it Rlchnmndr*! itreet-car business, as it Vv ele. Ocean travel from New York has bOOB much depressed by the shadow of War with Spain. The prospect of Spanish pri vsteerlag is iK.t exactly leductlve. The latest dynamite vessel is an air ship. It propos?s t.? drop the torpedo. ARK S III.I, IN HAMPTOa ROADS. Movement* of tlie II.> Inn s,| na.l i ,, o ? Other Niiuii N?-??, NEWPORT NEWS, VA., April s.-.Sp. - clal.)?The win .-hips of th? tlymg s.pia.l ioi. ale .-till in these waters, and occupy practically the same positions which they took on tirst arriving. The Texas, which Is th.- latest atiivai. is anchored just shore the Columbia. The work of painting the Minneapolis the prevailing lesd?COtor was flnllhod Uli* ufteinoon. The ofthets of the Mussachu.--tts deny tin report that their .-hip will nui gC OUt wnh tin- Bring iquadron. Erery pn para? l'on for sailing ha- been mad?, and tlv ship's bunkers an- full of their capacity With coal. Within the past two ?lavs sul la lent ammunition has been loaded ibosrd the Masaachasetti from r.irts moutii to in.ik,- her Hi?- best rappiled ihlp in th? Bylng squadron. Th.- tops of the toarertng gflsokestscki of the flagship Brooklyn st Old Potnl have been treatsd t.? s rim of shining blsck paint. In addition to Commodoi, Bchley1! burgee of blue with the itngli white star, the flagship Brill have another distinguishing mark in the gilt bowhead. She will be the only ship of ih?- quadroo to carry a gilt bowhead. Tin: CREOLE RENAMED. Tin- Cromwell Liner Crsole, now bring convert. .1 into a hospital ship at the I ship-yard, has been renamed the Solace. Tin- belief that the ifVrgaa Llaen 1:1 ! Not t., id Rio, anil FA Sud will be ar mored at this ihlp-yard instead of the Norfolk SBd Brooklyn navy-yard-- is gaining strength, and the Official! Ivr, ST! only waiting for a dellalte answer from WashuiKtou. '?'lie plans for Un ships an- slresdy ben on Ble, ami th y ?itiiii be arranged to meet the pr< eatergency in time to allow the work ..f remodelling to go sbead immediately on the arrival of tin- BOW auxiliary OTBlfsrs. Captain ??ager has not y.i been official ly notified that he will command tlv Cuil., or Solace, in the event of war. The work of preparing Hampton Roads for the planting of submarine mlnei is being cart:..I on to-.lav by experienced i nglneen from Wlllett'i Potat, -N'. v. a party "t twelre arrived at Old Petal y.^s urday eveatag. lili: KATMIPIX COMINO. It if reported lure to-day tha: the ram Katahdln is en rout-- to did 1'oint. ?'?ara A , the youagOBt ?laughter of Mr. SBd Mis. ,1. H. Schleuter. ?lied at 8 o'clock this morning. The funeral will take place on Bag-day afternoon from tti>- residence, In Baal Und. "Norfolk" Williams, th?- notorious ne gro crook, who wai arrestad here yester day for tin Richmond police, was taken back to the Sta'e CBDltal at 4;",i this at ti raoon by PoUeea-an Werner, "Norfolk' toted in Rlchmoad on the change ot house-breaking. Senator M irk Manna will arrive n? the Chsmbsrils Hotel, ?)id Potat, to-awrrow lag from Washington for need, _ re U| . ration. Many visitors arrive daily to gel a Biliousness 1* caused hy torpid liver, whi'li pNVBBtl ?lip ? tlon and permits food to fenn-ut ami putrify in the stomach. Then follow ilizr.lness, Ik adachc, Hoods ins uniim, nervousness, ai. I. ___._ Il not relieved, blllou.i fever ___m all _ -? or Mood poisoning. Hood's W^ I a B -C Filia itlmuUte tlio .stomach, * w roust* the liter, eure h? .tilaoh-, dbnness, cotv ntipntlou, ete. -a, eents. Sold by all ?.rtmjrisu. The onlv Pills tu take with Hood's Sanu-nurill*. glimpse of the vess*>'s of the flying gaadren. <?iM-'l,lll-:il\TK VKTF.RA\ !VF\VS. Aftcrtuntli of th?? l?cl*?rslMira Pri mary?l.lttlr llhn Mow mini Demi. PETERSBURG, va.. April t Cffpe rial.)?At the regular BWItlBS Uf A- ' Hill ?.'amp of CBafoderStl Veterans, laid last Bight, Commander I'. C. Hoy -."' slditiK, h communication from the Baited Coafederatc Veterana- af Virginia, srai read, asking the camp to name the ?pnn : ir for Vlrglnl.i at the reunion of Con fed i ne Veterans to be held in July, in All nit i. Tl..- A I'. Hill Camp BBpT - (?ale the compliment, and will select Ihl sponsor from among the msny besntlful daughten of the Cochade City. While no ..ictioii has yet been mid", it is ho llered the ih.icc niii fail on Miss Mettle Watson, daughter Of Mr. R. I* Watson. The ?amp elected Mr. W. M. Joi treasurer, to aaoeood the late Uenjamin Harrison. There is no dOUbt that the fruit crop has been vi i y lerlOUSly damaged Ifl 'his section by the late frees* it Ii hollered that the peaches, pears, cherries, Ipri? cota SBd pbinis have been killed, and the apple crop considerably ihortoned BLVA BOWMAN DEAD, T.ltt!" Klva Itowman. I'u only child of Mr. K. R. iiowman, who .vas so badly burned yeetsrdsy, ?bed last alghl of her Injuries. She wa- a bright, bsaatlfal child, and the pride of th.- household. Mr. .John 1!. Kvans. who was defeated nt the late primary for th.' nomination for the office Of Commission? r of Rev!? nue. takes his def.-at msnfully and philo sopha ally. II. makes no complaint, is as cheerful after as befon the electloB; BSrS smarter nrvn than hlBUS If have b, -n beaten, end he can see bo nasofl why in siiouid grumble because be failed te gel the ?ommlssionership. v?-ry isrge eoagragatloo! attended Qoad? Friday lervlcee at the CsthoUe and Epis copal ebugebes to-day, The cborches win be appropriately decorated for the glad Raster festival, and beaUtlfUl music will be rendered. Mr. LeoaMas Dewell found g white fenmle Infaal <>n tin itepi "f his rest? ii.-nce. in Blsndford, yssterday tBorniag. The Infant was warmly wrapped and placed in I tiov. with a bottle of t?a. and a supply of paregoric. Then was also a bt!. r risking thai the child l?- prop.-rly cared f"i". but the name rigaed was evi dently tictitioiis. at the police hare i" n unable to find the own. r. Th?- work of grading and clearing the track "f the Richmond, Pet? rsburg and Carolins railroad, through Dtawlddle count/, is going steadily on. SESfATOR OAXIBL COMMElfDB HIM. lie Think** VJrklnlev Uns Aeted sVtosly Aixiut I pala i LTNCHBURO, VA?, April 8.-(Special.) BeaatOT John W. Daniel, w'no Is on a brief visit t<? this city, mad.- several ln t? listing statements to your COmspOBd 11,1*. tiiis sfteraoofl in regard to me Cristi in tlv- relations between this coootry and Siain. "1 have carefully itUdled th" situation," said tie- Senator, "and 1 believe BTS ar i o war." Th-- people of thir- city and s.-ction." said yinir correspondent, "sn disposed to criticise President McKinley severely, and i. rery impatient at what they regard as a uiiatory policy." "i have si. o nothing," replied the Sen ator in a dellberste msnner, "t.? censan in the Presid? nt's COBdUCt So far as 1 know, th.- President is right <?f course, many thing! hav.- cosse to his knowledge that are not understood by tin.- public. I think the Pr?sident has been right." ?IN TO w \-?iii\?;t?>\. The iiaiinii Warship aa lier Way 11> the l'oloniiK'. ALEXANDRIA, \ A. April S.-(Special.) Th?- Italian cruiser Amerigo Vespocci, now on h.-r way up th.- Potomac tO Wash? Ingtoa, Ii reported t.. be anchored at the mount of Mattowoman creek, awaiting hiiih tide, she will probably reach Wash? n to-night, though it is thought that the vessel will be Setataed al Fort Wash? Ingtoa, some six mihs b.iow this city, should she attempt to pass then aftei darkneas sets In. The objeel of the Ves puccl'i vi-it t.. the capital le not known. This is the tlrst time for a numb, r of yean thai a fonlgB ship-of-war bai been leen on the Poteessc, sad the si-* nvai of the v.-spue? i bai caueed no little conjecture and CXCftemout it? mini: >i w?. \\i:si:. a New Caaepaay t hartsrod in Lyaah Inirg,. LTNCHBURO, VA., April I - (Sp > a chart?? w i- xranted in tin- Corporation Court to-day to Chati, s pr ., ! W. Varker. Th?... II. Kn.s. BCBj. !.. Onlder, ami Aifrni a. McCreary, .>:' Now York, incorporating th. American Man ganese Company, witb tin capital stock limit, d to j::.? The company will pur chase land and min.- msngSBSSC in ?his s? ? lion. Ths Jobas Hopkins University end Bslt vii- High Sdiooi i . uis i tayed a game of base-hall h'le to-day. [| resulted in a vi ioi;, far the form.*' by ih.- s,-,,.-,. , - n ,,.,. Batteries?8evsloe and Wrtghl for Johns Hopkin-; Bakei and Abbot! fOr l'.ellV'.V. A Son? ?if I.liiert). Aero? ih. land from strand to rtnnd? i ?oud i Inn i in- bogle notes, And Preedom'l smile from Isle to Is!.-, i.ike PTeedom'i bann.! floats. The v. Iv. t val. s sin-,'. Liberty!" To answering skies s. r-ne, Th. mountains, lloping to the s?a, Wave all their tlags of grCOB. The tiv.-rs, rushing to the deep, The joyful notes prolong And all their waves in glory Kap To that immortal song! tin.- song of Liberty sad life That vas. and is to be, Till tyrant Hags are trampled rags, And all the world is ?j. . It ris. I, a nd .n\ echo COBtei Prom chained and troubl?e Isles, And roars, like ocean's thunde: drums, Win i.- gj oi i 'ohimbia Stall? - When, thron? d and gr. nt. ihl sits In s ;. 11 e, Beoaath her Bags of stars, Her In mes' blood tin- sa.-red flood That crimsoned all its bars! Hail, to our country! BtrOBg slv stands, Nor fear th.- war drum's 1,-at; The sword of Freedom in her hands-? 'I be tyrant at h? r feel ! ? Frank I.. Stanton. In n lit. i i ion Tran Her Dick! -"SS, you see, I'm in no end of a ti.\. I WOUld lleVer ll.lVe proposed if I'll had th.- keel idea that ihe would accept II.. ; but she did. .Ja.-k: Well, propose airain, as if you had BprgOtteO. That OUght to mak. at.gry enough to refuse >ou. .No Beeret? tTlt-l: jack (tenderly, t?i the little brother of i- i one): w.>ui.i you like to know r. t. Tommy? Tommy: BbeuM think I would. Jack: W'di. I'm la lore with your sis ter. Tommy? Oh, that'?- no goeret- The family has talked ?bout it . v.-ry day sine.. Aunt Km m i promised Nell sh.-'d bring about an introdie timi. A tire Joke. (Atlanta Journal.) "Are th.r?- any really live jokes In The comic Weakly*?" "Ven; one." "What'.'" "The name of the paper." Don't fall to tend advertisement on r.ii-e A JUDGE WOFFORD Sott OistingiMsliet! Member Siwouri Buck Highly Values Paine's Celery Compound. Jude,-* WofEord la one of the ablest criminal lawyers in th-* State of Missouri. Re has b-i-ri on th.- bench In Jackson county, of which Kan--is City is the seat, for the past six J Judge Wofford Ii oae of the I? sdlng Democrati of the Southwest. There is no b-rttir or mor>- widely-known man in thai section of th- country. The careful balancing Of right I nd wrong, and the dispensing of ven-hand ? .1 justice brinKs with U i Judicial, dis criminating habit . !' mind that no pro! Ion cultiv?t? like the law. Judge Wofford is nor one of those -, p. I sons who sn afraid !.. see tblage with i their own eyes, t.. weigh evidence, and i ?,. ,,,,,...,.? Ih. ir lt-_- ,..., I IT. I ' ? I Wofford was la poor iVtJlt?i. His (Hendl advise.1 him to ?IM P I rv com pound. He did io, and is to-day in the beet ol heslth and spirits, and propei grateful to th-- gnat remedy, as his let ter shows: is cuy. Mo., January IS, UK --. W? in. Richardson A < ' < : Oentlemen,?1 ' I tine'e celery compound, snd know it to be highly val i; thle 11 i s.-dativ.*. and equally efica , - a stimulant Respectfully, JOHN w. wofford. Wh' n the ablest ; and til" be. t -informed pharmacists no' only pre scribe and recommend, but themielvee u^'- nil And health in Pslne'i celery .-em- i pound; when thousands ,,| men and i women in i very walk ol" life, from the ] humblest to tlv most famous end honor- l I I, rolaatarily go oat ?f their i thers th? ..und has don? :' m muid f.r tl ?red at. F.lin.-'s celery ompoun ? th * rre Invtgoral n sn in do trength, sepectatl) n than sny amo., e.iith later on, wh? n , rveless ham v<> bul to give up ilteg? th? r. l'alne's celery compo I im to nervous w?re .it.- Of the blood i uing remedy known : dis to benefit Oe P ?und. and oi vlali t.. h.- . DEATH OF ROM. . B. T?RSBR. ,u MS'Caag i s sema a tram Boraath Dlstrlel Passss *.????.* WINCHESTER, VA, April I ' ?x-Congressmsa & B. Turner, died M bis ems in Front Roysl this sfh bortly aft.-r i o'clock. Mr. Turner had . .-it III for gome months with I and hit 'bath w II not entirely II. \I" i t.-d. Th.- deceased was bora in Wsrri :i ounty. and an t graduating 'loin the ralrenlty of Virginia, practiced law in 'rent Royal until 1?:<':. when 1.- Wl lacted t" ' irorn this (the eveath) district to tin an unexplred tena. ?t the expiration of th- unflnlihed iTiti. Mr. Turner i u\ and bad rlgbl prosp. ctl tor a forth : ion and i -elecl i : - but as the lemocratlc Brate Com d de lared I i coinage ol old and -ilv-r. Mr. Turn.:- f, It that he ould not !' ' pt a renomlBStlon with Ut being false to his principles, th:.. ore, with ex? ptlon ii boa? itj, he i i allow his name to ;,. befen tie- en ? iitioii. if. w ,t. d by ? longress? iati Hay. the Incumbent A C.M.I.ANT CONFEDERATE, Mr. Turner wai a gallant Confi oi.ii.-r. eervtafl a.- lieutenant in the eventeenth Virginie Infantry, I", ?ivision. .m.i after being several] wound? I in tin- lighting in and around ion.!, n.-arly lost his lit.- in ;:u explosion I' an ammunition train. At ;li let ..n of Richmond, he was on the train, ml was blown up by spark t' the ngtnc coming in contact with aom loos ovv.ler in a car-load of thst eX] * w ai tei rtbly burn? d about i be bodj, mils, and tac, ami never tally r? overed from the effects <>f his h rhlch wi-, visible all his life. Mr, urn. r married a daughter of th. late ii?!;' Mark F.yrd. ol W.Istock 'itIi four childr.-n. survives him. II. i brother of Judge Robert ii. Turner. f From Roysl, snd .. couala of m s Him J. Williams, of [his .ity. and Gene il JaSMS H- Williams, of y. The New Kent Folk. OAK, NKW KENT CiilNTV. VA, pi ii s. - ?sp- rial.) Tue peopb bei i ; tadtag th,- Dlspateh on the , iiaj resident's mc-su?-.- to Congress ami a?-. .-o ni . \pr?lag their contempt tor the ettofl of tin- Bxe stive. We ar.- for a,?a here, ?' it . m t,.- arriv? d a; in an OBOrable way to thli country; but war. ither than a square bOCk-dOWn, as is idlcated in the j resent polie*] of the 'r?sident. Snow fell ben Wednesdsy, sad i sn BVtng a seven cold wave '.'or this time f the ; DOB'I fail 10 : .'.'.! advertiscni. lit 00 age ?i. a ml Peneli ; Wiggins." as ndy called bei as rtsli ummer > a nil .- from the Im t, s I ollsgi Rradaate, "Aunt Penelope" was ne of the most hoepltsbte mis sllv? ut si-..- not ireatly .impressed by a- lapertof IsaraUBj i her young rela? v?', and oil. day she lie.-.I h.? mind boot her thus: "Talk to in.* at ..a; vvh it a I ?Hi go htC ii' .n ?In? ; f,,r ,i girl I What do oil HUppose Matilda said |0 Hie the i.-i dav she CaflteT Sin- .said; "'I'm so glad to m?'t yoB, AUBtyl on accent your name on the Aun'y ' iiultlmate, don't you" "I ?id you ever h. i| | u, h ,--<i: h.oi to tell her mv nasse wasn't aunty ? nultlmate, but Auntv Penelope, and thought ah?.* would dl- a-ISUgbtng!"* outh's Comnarilon. Don't fail to read advertidme!.t gg ase i? Toi.n IB A POETIC \\ ?n . Bave sprin?- Played ti??* Mlsekle-f la Die Le n-> o n ? Ount.v. OWALE DICKENBON COUNTT, VA.. April ? -.- - risl.l luit SS all nature bad begun to don her hablllm nts ol green, amid tu singing ..r birds end the croak ing of froga, end while the untoward In ha i ^' -, ard'd his mutilated foot? mi roied hii pont iloon legi above the level "f the mud. the thennomel r sudd niy fell from 11 to i doe snd oh, what wai th? n, my i n ; for th? is all don for. Spring came forth ell smllM snd warmth, j . d out the I if the trun i -, and i h. y be? ame much nam of h? r, w h? n. ilk.- a maid? n coj. ihe wlthdr? w. allowing old B hoist i ?Id, Ice-frl '' - : '! her do main, thus transforming the scene from .m,- of rental loveliness t.. one of almost frigid esvi rity. Then bsi I tiaract? r of th? I am rolil i failure of the frull - I] known. But BOB ilarlty of th? : - w? m i full ? ! ; Th.! h ii been ran ill tl le in the ai somi of tii Into thi v? ' Bl| Sand' river. Bom? of the lumbermen are still lull ? is I ible til "rafting" tide tW David n? ' s i the penlt? ntl?rj i lie Issl ti rm of our ? Count) Court, Ii yel In Jail al Clini i tthoi Itlei rel him ? on account of imall-pox la the Booth? i ?.i-Henil Lao ladareea. ?S. Y. Tribun? Xhi Harlem Deiaocratl? Club yesterday forward? d to i niul-0 ib? ral \j strong reeolutlon Ind rslng ? induct or. s.-nt ti Ing P- i.od in Cuba, and assuring bun of th.Bttaued loyalty and sffi ctlon of th? lub. Q ?i- ral i.; icquatnted with m? the 11 ih dinner en Ann', .. II tlking of the dril "her ?lay. and the Old? r m? D of the ?oinoany had compared ram nlac? n ".V\ : yo'i ?m during the v. Mi . i: v" isked th? young '?il of the i to i pretty little womsn who bad been born in : "1 was |n arms on th? southern side." g the 'i lick r. p!>. \. w ?brkTribun?. A Bataral i:nv-?t. .i i- velsnd Plain i leali r > "I'm good deal ituck ob lb? Mrs. BoBgpoag i- wearing to-night" "i don't wonder al it. Kurjbody -! -." Don't fall to read advertleesacnl on I Page ,;. Bttr FRIENDa-MEBTINO FOB ?liTin*. sonhlp BrggV lABBATB Morsing al 11 oVlucl. Seats ?ir? free, and all are wsUxhsd. .'Jeetia?r:?iii)u?o Clay ritrei?t above Kirs:. s,)rvlo<M liseat lo y ! ? ? .\. ff. on WSOXSSOAV t* Chaniberlain's Cwigh Itowuij i- reeonimended onl) fortbe tew dig eases forwhicb experience bag proven It toi.fpeeiAll) adapted ami sup?. riortoany other. No other remedy will fin?' u ?.-?<<tt_r 1 ? or ?'?il?l s.? qoiekle No other ?s ?n certain n preventive iin?i ?-ut-?- f??r eroap. n?> outer afford? s?> tiiiu-ii .vint in oasee of whooping i cough. No otlieiis betd In higher ? - ii'i'tn i?v those win? bare used it and knou its raed erorthand nerita (.Ira it a trial when in peed .?f ?ip-i? ,*,,,,,. ll'icilie ami you ni?> certain to li?> more than plea**?'?! with th?* result ?Je ?. Sh.Tii&Thiirtr .*-?,...... _-.-_,, ?M. .?-.?? , IIH-??? ! . ?I iti:ii?.ioi s -?i;n\i<i*? ginrDAT. BUT BEC 011 \) PRESBYTERIAN III H?'H. ?In the? nh?cti'.? Of Mr B eetty the ne v. no*, ai d HCTasti ? ,-otli servi,*?? to-morrow, Mon . - -.11 I'dOCk and atieran on ai ?. flfTOP.ACK STREET PRESBYTE? tlAB t Ml BCH- Ibv. -flS! WlTBI * .?. L).. I'sitor: residen No, U s a i b arc?, ?g- rriee? m it t/eiodt -.. v. )n',ir and at 8 o'clock i;v Bei ? Bill iTti?. Monday Bebool i?u*vtcei v H. ,\ BBMSIDA. Ni .H! v Bill B-?v"M I/. PAH PRESBYTERIAN Hi KCH (Chestnut ilib ? lie.ll. I'i-i, ( ? Sat. b.Vll s nool M M'W M So ul ! : n o' le -k s-,r.ui n I v i' - | i-. - - I w Mi.i;m*-, ?i ! I f r - . ,\ ??DOK DAVltll UT It 8 0 > v u ?i i. willalso prese! st Pairfleld Pr?n tj'in-h, ll**urico-Hiiirv. BCKDAI t Ml! I III R.-DAl N. ton will be sel omed il i . :. ?f*BBOAD-8TBEEl METHO?I8T Ill'Uv'H 'corn-r of Broad ind I iiu-lay - | M I i . . S i?, dim h I'. M. l?y ni? W ?. :?iaHK. U. I>. Mi run : - u the < emeterieo, an ire ined ' At n'stit. >\ i.. i .- ? i ,t I or'une on Saturday Nik,'-t ? OSM to all, fc>r PARK-PLACE "METHOl PIRCO PAL ? III ROM -orner in ?truel? Hev. I 'i" i ".. ,' lert-teee -it 11 .\ M. ai ! - i' M. set? i. -i|i.;. il m ". " A ? oi". ' A i IBs abler, ot lereiofl will be -Th? i| e ,i Bssb ??t CLAY-- ' . IIETHOIUST [PI8COPAI. CHUKC t (corn Til??., treeu t?ev. ii. kawun at'tiam vhool. .li'a \. M l'r . ! A. M niai h ?' g. - ih] t: "Thy Broths 8 rail Km ?gal i. iinii sab'ect : i. ?, i, .-. >AY. li.iil P. M , I ..dt -l M . ai il,: , iOMDAT, ? !'. M . Ol ci', n - ' '. ML, ??tail Beetles. '?- rai v? reek era?-; ?. KSIBAV. i I.? P N . lorth Lesgas der-xloos I meeting. ** ' * ' t !? P. M. _ T UNION BTATIOIN N lit mil. SOUTH??Casaras L. Basi Past erv-i (M at 1 I .\. M. ,n |aP Ab) n'. .1:1.'? A lt., *-n.laysrboolsoil le?a 4 P. <*-. Spvertb Lessen?-? - " 'AT, YVhiiNKSovV Hint 1'gCSSOAT al i? t rue*':m? ? I : -a v ? Brit' M ETHOIHST SCM*\. CBOOL MX If I \ lb? re-jclv i .. . nee-ins ?if ?h? M? ! null-** ! -i M??."! m * UC?hTl t'i- Blt'HMOND will I trout ?-nur. ? >i . >?? \> I 'clo-lt. ADDUOM Mai l'IN. l'r? ? Lai le? I'. Kadjr, Secretary. OtSTFIHST BAPTIST QHURCH t-v. BSBBBg COOTSSm I? IB., i > i ?a-te at M A. M. SO! is P. M. Ml \. M. .?asbg r?*opi?'8 Luiqu a-, i .. . rJlnl oelrOSSO to all. ?ST SECOND BAPTIST CnCRC I ' Mx n ? I MaBl ?it-.-.r*. I . B ?ir:!. I). U, Pulo . ** i ir i i. ; Pre* bins n' tl A. S. to i M ' ^ tt"> pastor, beats ?r??ts A .*ora?..' >? * w :i. _ t mr Q BACI STREET BAPTP di kCB?Be?, 'Vii.iivu ;-.. Batcbi i 'a?tor ?.-i ?..--.- i i ' i a Wesen Belv.d-rn all t 1'inn ? .- . '< I > A M ?'rev*, hin. t 11 \ H. sad ** P. V. V? iit;K- i.-... ; t iCNOAY Arres**?ooM ai I o-|?'L t'r?? II *r lUIHT at ft o'i ? ?. Vu' e. i?t> . ?nee'iiig Kuli? vv S ,.u r it s ,, .-.o?l. tor THE MONTHLY MBETIN iK 1 UK BAPTIST SUM0A1 bCHO I ?. lAllU.N 01 Kit HvuM) AM' ! \s ' r.iv atll be h'ld at tu? limn.mi barca, ?<>r -er !.*?i*rn and Kltth ?tieuitr. "?I - '?' .rrtsNooN. A pul lotb. n * oVli-e-k. I ?lOreaso- . . I in may be? e??i I Vv. I>. l" i a. *?-*?.*r?Msry. Arthur B. tiark?, Preai |,?nt. BIT SKVi.M',1 STRAET CHr.H 1 ' N * ill 1< 'II v.?.*-v,?iitu ?i ,t i i . 1. gSBSBBT, Prwilor. -I'r-eatlag > ?' ' y f ? pa. or. M 11 A ... OOM Life Oat et Osath." At S P. ?.. oabWei ' Baa tSajthaU Be la??? A*etu ? " e?-*?*-? fr-?. ni su eorJIsily w?l?*o*e?d, .rsnje ami t?oie? wb->tiav?so |gBI<b a*-?'*-*