Newspaper Page Text
THB RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRIL 9.1 1898. Yon BOW hAVS B rip?> rliaiin to srlt'il fr?>iit s*'vil ?il thousand Spring Suits Sacks, Cntowajs, wul Trinco Alberts-; that reflect w: ?lit to our antennae sud jnd-ff m?Mtt. Theseasons estire nofM tios aro represeated fashion ro TOillcil? Se) TO ?8 >. DO YOU KNOW OUR $7.75 TOP COAT ? BOW ^TITTX {)m si)rin DUIO JUII?Js?Goods an all in. anil we're really surprised UBiseliei It'-? the tinrst seeari tnont v,f\.> ? \. r seen. _ It will Jilease you. The prices in th?^ir ownosy are a mosl attractire fear turo? $i.?95 for .'in All-Wool Nobby Bull, up t;> l"> years. IVoin that up tu $12 |)i> y?m kinc.v what Children'* 3>r?'\viiics at?' ': TOO .-ln'iil'l 0. H. Berry & Co., Main and Tenth Streets. .Ali the New Spring Styles Coming In. 50c. We hare a special sale ?if Mi_ ?' Tan ! soi il S?pring Heeled Bhoes, Bises 18 ko _. foi BOc, usu ally soldai I1.26, Come before tli'-. an :; ae. Ladies Tan Laced Shoes, >1.39. Gentlemen's Tau Cloth Top Laced Shoes, $150. Ladies and Blisses1 Hosiery from 8c. up. Trading Stamps giren free. The Model Shoe Store, 607 BROAD STREET. [apS-.i.l Ilr. BlsaaoVs \V?**?t??rn Trl|?. Bar, J'.iui [_ :.ii i.e.. I. 1?. v., will loar! ).,l ?Illl-i.l ell Bui it? ad e 1 Hip t., th? V? '. I: < \; i from the city twelrs days, sod his st. John'.-* <; noaa 1.. ?hurch will ( till.-il daring tin.- 1 ji. \. W. I>. K,1 - I.rum. It. lISBBSl la his ? :t ; presid? nt of the e-Uti.lIlS .,t IssrniBg of 1 G :. .?i BraagsUcal Chur.h. t ths annual m i I Ti.. . .ii take 1 1 Is, ?Mo., .a i:-?. u c.'.. ..i- Theo? 1 Seminary of the denomination. Prosa tl;' re 1 'i. Mensel v. ,11 pi Blmhurst College, in Chicago, and return ing, will att, ni anoth? r m Wsshlni ton, 1 . C. llrvlvai ni 6?aa*asl Mtaslsa. i pel III! Ion, N irner ..1 fwenty-flrst snii Praakl a s u at t?rnii<l very night during the ; and have been productive of much | i? ?. 1 W. lin.v.i preached each night, aesday night. '. I will continue through next week, tbi . ! 7:4.". O'clO k. any arxl all di DOmlBStlonS ,n. la? rlted to ssstil in the meetings, and bring ; k 1 Hymn-Booli N .1 1 Mr. J. W. WhltflBSTe, Jr.. will conduct . vice.-? at th'..*- place Sunday sight Mille TvriKiii It? lie-ri rsa 1 To-l)n>. There will Be s dreso r- The Littii Trooon" Company al the Academy of .Music this alt? 1 noon at 2 <i '.!,,, k, whl 11 1'iofi stein win giro theopsrs tors It! prem ntstton Monday and Tu? idsy nights. rythlng li In resdlneai for the tirst performance, -all th? 1 ? n< ry I -1 i.*-' In the drying raoka Ths w hlch were mad? peel lly for Oda production, bar? tram New York, and ai- baadsoflM in material snd I'?*?.iHlnir_ 4 ei ufe* ?Je-rut,- rump ||?i,. ?ireil. rai Tboiaai a. Brand? r, com? 1er (t th?. Virginia Division, United Confi i.r.inx. has written t.. A. P. ii.ii Cssap, or Pstersbarg, allowing that cairi|i the pTlsttOgO <>i BBS-lag the or nom this State to the Conl rat?r raaalOB In Atlanta next July. It 1* ggpeOted that this honor will Ik conferred ui?m s Petershorg lady who Will hay.- th. l.liVi!. .;. o' n imln ; her man? of Boner. Th?* Ilroa<i--*tr<r<-t ItoLherl?.?. The det?>ctlvc'S of the elf-y - ,. ii;ir,i .,, tvork unravelBPK th. Broad mystery, ?with szoellent pros peel ol success. 8ev?>ral elBBg Bare aeon obtained and closely followed, and th.* th**nry now Is that th* robBortu wit?. ?Committed lv 1 w.? young fciiow.s. who ... ' la tu. r anxiety to i.,iv,. ,,.U(, '" Charte! Thalhln . ; : m the raid, but in tl , __\ not sut-cessful. for tho thief w,s vi .. \y ? .hr.iu?h ; panel of the door. oui-h u ? aliad Mute-, ( ouri. The petit jury ?f ,,?. ,??,, ?rut r' -.> ?n" I "' ?"'xt. when th. , ? ?, M..v * " -' - ?AllI he, tl At that ,.,,,,. ;ilv? -. , *"' ** -" u?-l<i u-, f.? W? "< read advertu,m,at on A DAY OF DEVOTION, SMBaYl UK* ,,K <;ooI> ?'ntntv lit Tilt: i '?TV nu Ht 1IKS. THE SERYICbS , WELL ATTEHDED, I'lii? Inlholle Itltes and Oremoiil?**? BllSBllBB Irom Hi?* Messiah ??lona nt gt, rniil'i??<??>?inoer-? lli-.aiii|, i?. ? Holy TrlnllJ? Oilier Feature?,. The i eh inn services of Holy Weak culmin?t? il yesterday in the due Ol ?ioo.l Friday With gpoelal ,l,v..ti.,n. The* ?burches o? neat,? SeaoBUnatioB t?hal oesoreeg Leal were thronged irltB worshippers, ana the s? r w?mb in erery inetsBoo deeply im la the OBthoUo i hur.h.s the BOlSBIBlty v- . i-, rv a with ail the s notent Bad ccictnoiii-s. Including ths Adoration of tin' Oreas, the chaatiag of the Toas bcaS, and th! Station Of t_M CtOBS. COO . rt h. .mi ?iuiiiu< the ?eftl i ami eraalag In preparation t?t Bsster, and the devotion and attention ?if tl.. ! mark? ?1. To-lay till UM ceremonies Incident to Holy s.itnrd.y will tak.- place, Including th. MeeBttsg of lhe font. ST. IA1 L'S AM) lini.Y TBDCITT. The spoclsl features of the day la th! burchi s wars the maslesl i .11 in the srealng al St P Holy Trinity and th?* three I ;.,m IS to ? at the Monumental At si. Paul'i or , ? by litv, i>r. Csrml? b i? I, > i by the einging ol a I? ctloni from lel'S M .-si.i h by thS choir, und? -r th. :.01 ..i Mr. Jaco!? Brlnhsrdt, the The church was crowded, sad lections, arranged to form i eon? . BtOO of the I iitiiiu ?its Inspired .. Brat Holy Wetk, wars eptoadldl) rendered, ana crastsd i profound Im |,r,--ioii. Th.- soloists WOW Mrs. .lac!, Reinhardt, Mrs. Cairow, and Mr. Tnt> liett. At Holy Trinity the regular eeealng Mag was followed by QoUnOd'l sublime work, "Th.- Bedemptloa," beautifully sung by thS ?'hoir, the baritone SOlOS being taken by Mr. Arthur Borlrenor, director Of IBS chuir. Sad the tenor solos by Mr. W. Baa-has, of Baltimore, a musician Of high attainments. A BflSe provistos to prtjv?nt ororerowdlng was the < selastaa of srsry oao trho had not a ticket of admission, for *>> much In was evinced in the event that it would bare beea bnpeestble to socommo u who ?wished to attend this ser v?? la any hail in Richmond. At ths Monumental Bar. Dr. Barr eon ducted the three hours' di vntioli. dS ItTorlng short addrooaai so th.- seven of Chi b t. Tin: L-UTHKRAN CHURCHES At St. John's Evangelical church tin ft S solemn communion service last night, when the youn, confirm'.: i t Bund y participated In the eaehsrlst for Um Brsl tima Theos ?wars William Qrlmmell, Carl Hlller, Prederlch Kasten. William Koss, Frederick PoshlST, Her mann Zank, Blei! Brauer, R-mrlette Bnd . Catherine Prick, Annie Prick, Nan nie Prommer, Rosa Qlpporlsh, Bftnm! J?r gens, Prances EColbe, Ann Mensel, I beth von Nlcklsch-Rosencgk, M Schmidt, and Lizzie Wolff. At the First BmgUsh E?rangollcsl Lathe ran ?inn'*i? th,- a !\iee ,.f preparationfor holy communion followed ths regular i ;.1 Friday devotion-. To-.].iy the charcha! will be giren up f,.r the most part to deoorstlon for f. to-morrow. Immei OUMltities of lilies hare been shipped t.. th? city by the florists, who say that the del f? r flowers and plant! for decorative purpose! bss Barer been excelled ?a their memory. MHS. GROSE WILL Itl.TFRV. sin? wilt Pravo ii?T ?niMicruu- at the < Imriie* ?if lligiiiuy. Mm Nellie Grose, the peana wat Who, Biter having hef husband. John F. , of Henrtooi arrestad on the et ?ttOS and be'atlnR bl r, charged by aba with being- a btgaatist, will In- bl IB early next wcfk, to * trial on Um gsrioug charge preferred t ber, sad am endeavor to pi it? h? r iniiocetic . Mr. William H. BeVOridgO, who counsel for Mrs. ?ir,,.-* In her tn v.nii ber busbaad, has rseelvad lettei from Mr. L'li. J* PoStOT, a lawv ii irriiburg, Ps* certlfylns that I who maiii'd John P. ill' ? OB * lie* Ol L>- I I ml" r I tat, B her former busbaad, -Mr. Sparrow, on the Stli Of thai month. Mrs. Qrooe will, i; Is said, Institute :. re to h i\e si I iside sn instru -. which sie- recently execute,1. I um: her dower Ian rent In ?;> Sal Be from lhe AsKoiliitlou. Byron W. King, the famoua Chsut i elocutionist who appears at the \ Men's Christian Association Monda) night, on the lii'iiii :.' .ourse, in "All tl..- World's a Btag? ." will also conduct tla tiK-n'.s meeting Sunday alterno.oi :.! i o'clock. The Park-Place church choir will sing. Mr. James P. Btuhbs, assistant - tary, who leave! m xt w?.k for Ports mouth, will talk to the boys at I o'clock, . n "Masks." An Informal reception will be tendered Mr, Btubbs In AssocL il.,ll next Thursday night. Dr. Hell will ii-liver his usual talk on . thi! afternoon al 5 o'clock, aaaaaeal la <hi?i. ?i barters, Mr. William a. > ;,,r many nt ?u this city, but who -. lia.. Will ar rive in a lew days tO attend the un a monument which hi purchased, to be placed over the le, ?Captain George A. ? !hi i i rs, who is biiri. a in Hollywood. Captain Charters was ths war captain of the foung Quard, Company A, teenth Virginia Regiment, and the monu ment will be unveiled on the anntvei of the organisation of tin company I In this month. TtskatS for ll?in?nnr> Member*. The hox-oiia-e win op? u at the ?academy next Thursday, th, i it li. for honorary member! ..i the Wednesday club to Itch? is for the May Festival. 1 I - membi re a 111 bars to get or der! for tick? ts from Mr. U. R Uval treasurer, who will e In hie office al 9M ? sst Hain stn et between the hours of 2 und I o'clock to ll IP, Monday, and Tuesday. v\iir Between n?* Bas?e.; ph Bock, ? small oolored boy i''1 ; u. r at the First Follce-Utatlon. 'h"?..! with cutting Oeorga Lotto, a a inte boy about his own sge, on the mus ele ol lhe arm. Th? gash, which was miule bv g knife nol o., i> or dangerous. The ambulance died .mil treated th.- i.,,i. ?u???n?f Baaaai Martlaca. ''.'- "/'" . ! i""1 Baptlsi Banday? lions will both hold their monthly meeting, to-morrow aftern^n ii ' rormer at Clay Htr? ,i chur? ii at -- fetter at Immanuel al l o'clock will be add,,. . , .,,?, other Inte ting exen ?.-.s ,-u both. Feast of the- PBgggBgg ?Services. Th.- i-v.-iKt of the paasoret dMeg seal u",\ TiV' v,'rvi"- will be held at Beth Ahaba Synagogue Tn.-s.iav evening si . o olocb and Wednesday psornfaig at W.M. Dr. Caltach will preaeb a- the lauer service on "The Parting Ouest." t fall to read advertloemeiit on ?O???O??O?C??OO?COOOOiiOOODOQOOwvwvvvvv*, O In the Esvent of Wap ! ? t a THERE IS NO INVESTMENT SO SAFE, SO SE? CURE, AS SUBURBAN LAND. FIRE, WATER - OR THE ELEMENTS CANNOT DESTROY y\. I * NEITHER CAN IT BE INCLUDED IN THE ? PLUNDER OF SOME ABSCONDING BA) BUILDING LOAN, OR TRUST COMPANY ,,. . FICIAL. .. .. --- ?'???>? ??? ?>? ?>.??????????<? ?? ??......?-????o-?....... ; '> -'.' When You Buv Land X Investigate the people you buy of. Look into the quality and character of the section you \ contemplate investing in. See that the land is accessible, and has a good water supply, o Find out if it will be improved, and the nature of the improvements. These are a few pointers for prospective land buyers, and designed to call your atten- ! tion to the new ?Suburb, ! Beautiful ? PARK. k; m D B O o o o o o o o o x> ^?-_: Come to our office for FREE CAR TICKETS; take a trip to the property AT ONCE, and we will demonstrate to you that "Eldon Park" possesses all the advantages -, enumerated above, besides dozens of others. BECAUSE r--'-V<v. **~_?r?*-"-"'* '. . < .- 1 m\mW??J - - ?1 ELDON PARK is owned and controlled by the largest and most progressive Suburban Real Estate Oper ators in the world. ELDON PARK will be the fifty-seventh suburb which they have successfully developed, ELDON PARK is undoubtedly the BEST located and accessible suburb anywhere in the vicinity of Richmond. ELDON PARK will be thoroughly improved?free of cost to purchasers. Improvements will consist of line, wide streets, crushed granite sidewalks, planting of maple shade-trees, &c ELDON PARK baa excellent street-car facilities?the Lakeside cars pass directly in front of the prop erty?Fare, 4J cents. ELDON PARK builders will have $6,150 in gold di vided among them. ELDON PARK has mains of pure artesian water ex- B tending past the Brook-Road frontage. ELDON PARK purchasers have all taxes paid for two ! years, and are charged no interest for a similar : period. ELDON PARK lots are the best investment in the ; event of war, Better than a savings bank; better 'i than stocks. ELDON PARK purchasers receive a contract wiii prevents the loss of their property if they are nu- ^ able to pay regularly, through loss of empk>yment D or illness. Time's Precious Delays Dangerous GRAND OPENING DAY, Monday, April 18 Don't Wait, Go Out at Once, Lots at Acre Prices?$ i oo to :::::Z FM Payment only $2. i*-, >? ?-_. -. >-.?, Weekly Payments, SI to S2.I5 How to Get to Eldon Park?Take Clav-street line; transfer to Lakeside line at First awl Clay, or horse cars and transfer at First and Bread. :> : : a D OFFICE OPEN TILL 9 O'LOCK EVERY EVENING. Old Phone 1000.. WOOD, HARMON St CO. Largest Suburban Real Estate Operators in the World, 14 N. 9th St., (2d Floor) Richmond, Va. ?'- I ? property (?very day ..' i :.t all hours- lacladtBg ?Sunday. OOOuO00?00Ufi000^0^>00?0.?D??U?00a00000u000??0UOOU0?D0D000?fi000?0O?9???0Q000C::-: THE GRAYS flONOREPl m\m COMP-Ufl ?.ivi'.v BBSS ami < oMl'llMl.Ml.? nv<oiMll.. MR. GREEN MAKES A HOT SPEECH He* S:i>-? ?he- < ?' iie-rosi 11 *?li?i?\ii ?lie Mililnr? W?l Da? l?> r??li?ie'ft? l)?i?-*?ii'l \p|irot < ?if "Voluntary ?li!? Juiry''? \c(-r?i Mm? BaaaaltaS? a i, * ? s >- meeting of tha Maaeb Council wai bald laal night a amount of routln? bualnt:-.-? was i; .-1 ?i?'!. rlated ta the r Qrajra Tha BMmbsfi i ?ut . John 0*Brlea (pi .ii-nt), IL A. < uni,1. II. M.itthi'W Morton, W. B Bi i n. v, R. I.. Pati i C. .Nil son, .). K. Or. .11, and W. V. Hart. The tat I iin.iy until Um .i t'> ?nlj'.iini. ab? D 11. .. 11 d occurrai. Mr. Mui tuii ?im. Ujr 1 itlmi iruin un- Qraya, Baking 11 i i to gtva tIt?m J_?O, stating that il. \ wire lit raoatbi In tin ?r hall raat. The BUbjfot Intercalad 11 urn tht I iiing. Mr. Morion. OtVua OB his toot, si?i!;.- itrOBgl] - mi my, sayln-, that ? Wi lit to the i-ity, ami It bOBB-M (in 'it v IB l'.uh out I haml lo llurn. Tii tlOB. H. iilnej derla!? il i!i ,! ill .1 tii?- iniTiiti-1 imi!'. | i. Um Oaia, and v r- gi Bat I loi of ftUowi BI one cuu'. I : ,-. M? ni o', a motion that $lm> ba ftVaB in-io now. and the iv- j malader j;.t? r on, it tha ty found K abw to A *" .Mr. Or-'.-n novad .i ' >?iiit?-r motion to rafar too petition from the buidkra to UM Klnan.'.- CoBMBittaa Mr. Bradlev ol ubeUtata to Mr. Qraan'a aubatltute: to pay ih.- j?'-? ask.-d far at MSB. II" al-*" ;?''kr lu favor of lin- appropriation, Mroimly ?mloi-eliiy th?' lomiMiny and agglBBalBg th.- purposo of atthtlag *i" " MR, GlU-KX'H BOT BPe-aDCB. Mr. QlBBB follow ?.J i-p the hottest dd mem la f.ivor of this appropriation who had m bafon . and th? m- 'hlni be? hind it all it a is poll!lea or war, oaa I not think much of "voluntary militar)." and never did. H? did ii"i chi - i .-Uly. Hi i.-t was still. i inn, .1. "a tOO) : k and ask for r pay, and bam? ;? it? ly tii*? military is bl .iii-l :ii. m. S,?m.- plea II I th< y ara d?a* ?y." Mr -.-d himself strongly in i l'a "lift." Pr? -i i.-nt ?riiiaii laid ba - ndoia d tba prlation, declaiini that b? believed i,-tin.- aaother Friday nlgbl tha oountry would need tha soldi Mr. Campbell then addreaaed tha body, i..- city's obligation to at least i a,- company a sb? it. r. Mr. l'airain war? in ?BVOT of Um ap propriation, but thought it BBght to ba m tha baada Bag and Land CoBualttae, Ula motion to ?is loet, aid Mi. Campbell'a substitute carried. Mr. Orean alan > I d igainst it. Aft. r th.- regular dril) many of tin? compaay cama to tha chamber and beard th. - .tust. A ipi' *? tioii arooa ia to vbetBer C?ptala Ua\. rty resignad or not. Ltsafetaaal Grooki stated ?'.r Um laformatlow of tin- body that Captain llaverty did tender his nail.,n. but had withdrawn it. Th. y..un? aekMan ara vary JabOant ovar what they ?st. i-m as no in-an victory to fo on th*ir record, ?.Tin-lit MATT!.;:.-- CONBgDBBBD. Tii ? '.'iniriitt? ?_ ob Blectloaa mada th? ir r? port, naming tin- former places for v..tinn. .X'. pt In :h.* Third Ward. OrtSaana Oommlttea raeoauaeaded tii it the ordinal:.a- liiip..-*itii; a tin.- for bill distributing an tha aU-asti aaaaad lad this was adopt, d. Tba aawad meat dodi nut bbTbbi tha fonaar ordt impoeing a Baa ;..r bOI i>u.sting and si.n advertistag without a Lttn-u. Tin' ordlaaaoa rtjflflitrjBg person? who wish io bi rooa substances, in Haaunabla fluids, &-?.. to obtain t?? penalt from the Coumdl, wus ; lio adopt? d. C0DHC3LMAM SIMS HESIGNS. PraaMaat (?'liri.-n read u imisiibiihBh tlon from Mr. O. 11. .Siuis, In whUth tluu ooaaotlaaaa tend? r? t his raatgnatlon us a im-mber of tin. honorable body. A motion was made to BBBBgl the r? signa tlon, which Was unanimously carri?>?l. The reports from the atr<j*t, Flnaace, and Almahouse committeea, and that of tha City Engineer, and Chief ?>f Police aera read, approved, and ordered t" ba Mr. Oreen preeented a petition Hum the Richmond Qaa Coetpeay, praying for the franohlae to furnish gaa to th? sumers of Manchester, li.- made a d_o to refer tha paper to tha CoBualtte? on Light and Ordinances, which i? ,?. t?hWA.1 HIM FOR A CONJURER. Eariy yc-t.-rday morning 'Stiuii?- l.. w. i... 111 was awakened fron his nasra Ing nap by lsliam, a BOgTO of Baanaboro'. Tha negro complained to tha Squire thai Randolph Benita? Frank on. and Sus.m Smith bad gtVBB bin rere beating, His appearanrw eertaln dld b.-ar out his state-ill- III that In' bad been severely treated. Ha told 'SBalre Cheatham that Tboraday night tha groes caoaa to bla bo-use? ?>n Clopton street. Baraasbata*. Bad aooused him o? conjuring Basaa Smith, the alfa of Raa dolpfa smith. Dpoa ? otertng his .. they accseed him of it. Ha told them ba haga UOlhlBg Of the black art, and thai* atatemeat was a lie of UM Hr.-t water. With that th?-y all. the woman in her fee hlanaaa balplng all sha ooaaL sprang u[>on bha and pound-.1 him until tie called for m.icy. Mercy ?ame in tha abapa of several aagrosB, who puiie?i the i. iiigar? ata nom tha prastrata man. Warrants bBVB DBBB Issued for th?? arrest of tha negraaa who aro allagad to bava baafc n l'.ilm.-r. The case will probably ba .ailed next Tuesday. An interesting case? before 'Squire ?harks T. Jones Thursday was that of il. i man Ixmg, a merchant of the county, *ho was charKud with swearing lalseiy before the 'Se'ulre In a hearing i few d-**ys ago. I?ong was fined *> by the 'Si-ulre and sent, need to Jail for one day. He- took on appeal, however, through his iounsi-1, Mr. W, 11. B?v? ridge. Hail m,.,.-, allowed him In the sum of $?>?). J. K. Hudxins, the bicyclist summoned to appear before Mayor Maurice's Court, did not present himself yester-gay morn ing, ami an attachment was Issued againet him. Th.' OOB-plBlnt of .Sarah Smith against Robert liaugh (both enlor.-d). for abuse, was also to havo been hear! yesterday morning. However, Ilauah also remulne?! away from the servies that minht have b.-, ri yesterday morning lu the White T>-mpl.-. I'l.KSo.NAI.S AN'li MKIEFS. Mr. J. F. Sn.-lliiuis U spending a few ?lav? in U, dford City. MIj>s Fannle l*an?aster, of Ashland. Is si ending tha Easter holidays with MW*** Rutb Vaa Hootea, at the Preabyterlan man-. . Mrs. [_ While of Salisbury, x. I in ths city, visiting her patents. Mi Mrs. Richard VBughaa, of Eleventh and Decatnr atreeta Rev. J. i?. owathm. v, ?,f Richmond CBl |, ge, will supply the pnipu both naornlag ami evening at Btochton-Streal church to in. i roa Mr. Jam. - J? ven has mov-d his family i-. Port Norfalh. va. Tha Ooaaty Cowl ?if Cheeterfleld will be^iii ifs Atiri! term on Monday. Mr. W. F. Bart) tha atona eootraetor, ?: -nil ?tuite- ill at hi.? bSBBBj at No. '. iH east Beveath afreet, Anss Henry Oills, of Farmvill.-, is the gUeal "f Mr-'. ?'. I*', ?'.'iiley. .:' h-r hOBM, on Portar ai Mr. w.iit.r Chaiieton, who ba besa visitim? his father, Mr. Jon? Charlotea. or Kiev-nth and Ball atreeta, left yester day for his home, la Chicago. Mr. Charla ton is in the railroad baalasss in that city. Mr. and Mrs. T? White, of Salisbury. X. ?'., are In the city, vl-iting the par. nts of Mrs. White, Mr. :uid Mrs. RlehaTd Vaiighan, of Kleventh and Decatur I r. . i.-. Tha ravivai ivicsa vhlch have i?-e-n in progress for, two we. ks at the Fifth Street Methodist chun-h have been ;ii fended by lar?. BBtlOBA During this we-ek Ttev. Mr. QaylS hus been aid ing th" pastor, Ri v. O. If. M. Faden, in the preaching. There have bSBB about forty professions in all. A I? ?.riinteil. Governor Tyler has granted a r?' ?lulsltlon upon tha Ooveraoe of Pennsyl vania for Ulchard Cosby (colored), want ed in l_?ncaster county, where* he brok. jail on the night of August 6th of |aat He was eonfln?-?! awaiting trans portation to th? penitentiary, to begin a five years' term for grand larveny. He Is under arrest In Philadelphia. Th?* requisition was obtained by Mr. O. J. I ...wiling, tho Commonwealth's Attorney of Lancaster-. Oovernor Tyler hag been Invited to ad? di s the Ashland High School at the elose of the session on June 6th. He will probably accept. "You are advertising ?pilte ? ally in the year," sal?! the summer-resort lan?l lord's friend. 'Yes; 1 always fix up my announce ment?? at this tlmu of year. You s?-,-. I am a thoroughly conscientious man. mid I wish to be able to state that th.-r, aro no mosquitoes."?Washington Btar. Ti:-, TIIOI BAKD RABBITS KILLED? Fhay \r?> siniu in Bhatgraa BHva l'liellle- t mi?!. - Ti:-- Brat : il bH dril n Fr. NM cuunty, mili, d Blth : hive of Mateii it, un, sad i Irive at Mav ... UH : -mail, bat both thai IV. 11 advn rtla .1 la tha 1 tad the numbers of t n the drive bore eon? 1 1 This one aaa -;:. ly 1 m.1. win!, the expand?.1 Un y live mil, ? ?on* >f rabhtta m fr,.m .a' the 1 u i "'..-- In. raa . <! high >.. nada, Tin oom? ama 1 Uoa <>f 1.1.1,1- 1. adlag "??Ulli, about ion: - >1 ?'Lather. mar:? t-u Oil >f FlBBUO and OB tile Smith r. I Ii was what . k\ ?-. : nbbit driva, th.- algughti t ommcnclng as aOOB ne In eight "t ili. BbbttS w. r.- unusually num. 1 >n?) in ten broke through tlw hi*, reaped th.- drtvi ivith th.- tag drii ilmost as man'.- MbtttS I - ' ' daughtered. Bhatgui 1 ff?-?'t. and ?he r.'sult was t orrai aaa reached . .f th?- great roaad up nbi daughter. Batlmates of the number ktll atdely, beeaase >>f the contl -'.ruction of th.- p*-st-< by fun-Bi iv iv to th.- coi r il but it i** pi- I tha rabbit impalatInn around W *olony ha- been r? due ea thousaml. I ?.-?... i. _..- I? Truck.. wii.miv;t?>\. x. C \ ara in this vtetaltj 1 tpt i.b!.- daaeage resteedaj i suffered moat, >? in HKh an .-M.'iit In sonn- ?>?.i vpianting aeeaaaary. BagUsb : ?Is.) cut off materially, a- \ lataas. StrawUrrUs laj :' If any, as the growers ti i I I warning, and had agregad IS I A patrlotl?' S?A?-?.?i in IflSOOBSlB : ently s. nt the following affusion < ' seal pi'i" r: --i hag >" ? Baa uni Otv Span the Davel. VI an C0V*\ hav suffer noff of The? Uouldo?*??* J N.w York Tribune. A