Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRIL 16. 1898. Absolutely Free ! ; A ropy of H-<* nuujniiiti r.l official Photo-Chemigr?ph 6f th(x Battleship Maine (18x24 the lar oiilv line iri the awful rjgtJhuuity in Halw ia harbor, t.. be frfvt n our cuvi.d?ti?- ftbst 1 FREE with ? w ; purt Im - or orer. Retail p ' --. -","'' A treasure for each patriotic household ^ S t XI. . v- h( n a . Thi v < Suits. CO, | 0. H. Berry & Co., .'wan ?nut rents Stfas?t**. BALLSEASON OPENED ? Il &MPIOT4 GAMKf OF till H * i m\ vi. II. \<.i t THE NEW RULES ?OBI VERI WELL. lion hi. i ni i>i rt- iysteai Olera Bat?a* in.-iioii-it. Fawareata Playlna In Baal 1 laataaatl Defeata I leeelawd. < hltags \\ lam fraas M. i oats, \va>;??? . j . a jrork . suing IBM ; The II:!' v. Wlt I with ] ; and i i : i arara - : R. ] i . 0 1 1 01 0 0< . Pelts; I i; I? 1 4 Z 3 l ifnth . D thi I. 1 burg at almost i won - ire: R. H. I. < . ritm.urir .ooi it on Wilson; Klilfii an.i ! I hour ai 15 mlnut nil: it \i : : i o? it?):. gtvsata nt the * ai?i??ii i itj Track nad i ?laerw here. WASHINGTON, D, lS.-Re l Calcul?t ...n (4 to and 7 t<. "a . third. ThSU l l" 1*1 I r.i won Chat Ineonstsni ? (8 to 1) t i !? ;. i. Third race?hall ta 11 won Rhi dj no blxtremi (30 t 1) i .111-2. i furlot ga a* gj t.. ii won, ' OUt) .7 t.. ', t... . Tun- . I 17 1-1. Fiftli ; ai > - one mili Ortol v :,. .\: rshall (5 to 1 and 7 to 5j lAUantua (U t.. i> tliird. Time, i.itj-i. KENTUCKY win.. CINCINNATI, < ., A fetes i ract Dve I i OU to l? won and I to ' > - "tel. Brsxi 1:071-3. B 1 I) Jll-t Thli .' ?ui.i :: to i) hird. Time, 1:M1 rth i 4 1"' il tO 1) tl 1 || Filil? i t . Rey del Mur I l I won. Royal Cto . A. Ii. < imi-i. Mr. iniie> gartawsli Mart, Mensrs. J. W, | j v ; | . 'I two plai i and hia b H.- w - i-,?.?, i.N frlenda to ' No. i"t east M i dorn t- ti i tu t< pun. sir. gfcsrwood in the i Ity, Mr loan R. Shara.I, general i Fachet Coanpsoy, who? r, vir? l?iiii i, ran to this dt ajraj la Rl< hmond asase I i '.j.n.ii v>> li mm - i i i mo?t |.lra- at m. n Mations with tin peoi f\ i?. Dodleate s i harsh. n,v / , r ... SC? ?-h . a yehter,i.,y ,,,r ,?,..,,,.vll!, ?T '?? L5yW, 8iu ' " .'"' i-:.' hi-church ?"' ' ' Ji i"'"i to-m irroa by It. u Cevtui. Sl,,iuura.. of IVvlui. k'Our? THE MOSQUITO FLEE nu: rWtBU IMM SBAsstl MAD TO i.o to M t. OVER 1W0 THOUSAND WORKING \ i ..mi iiiimia Paata Baaflapad r iin- gasy?.Yard-vArraaajaaaaats la Taaaepsrtatlsn al Troops?The tit ,,l >..rf.ilU. NOR1 "i.K, \ a., April i ? -i- . 'i ' in. aaoeqslto last h aoa shoal ready fa u irk ss the rersnue cottars, light recently?! u ..- .; . . i b> la| convert ,! ti.. Norfolk navy and the of this with armor I . ; Rre gus . .' a ?ont , ,i. will lo leave tin- yard i .: w? g, t are ex I proceed hnmedlstoly ? ? i K . v. . : ill, y will I.. ..'I u hi d t.. ti. t:a h. .m snd tin- M 'In r . .ll i tl'e ty Of dis] . Tli, i a ... . I it !,.-.!. ] ; . - ale tie . : t'i gunfa a 0 THOI78A1 WORKING Th.- nder .*<iin- ria sr ; onvertei of thi ; bus* to-da] - the moonta and carrtagea foi which wii uxlltar* a. i in to-d a Katal rrlved si thi :. pain i |i t.. hi r. Th.- cruiser New cannot !" complete? Naval offli the < O? n v "i' tin - :n. :,t whl aroum i .- an additional prote lion, . \- "' ?RT TROOPS. nsporta 1 ,. which maj be mol '.;>. hav? ted by all i allway Um a i un? nil from ' 11 . ' il I B id Air . i la pri pan ! t innxporl tin- National i ( Nea ' >'!<. ind, and tin in fast ss th< Wi Idon. Tli - pleted extra ' quick]) h - - Is. A \ ; DREAM. i woman ol luch i:i m lids morning th mpelled to son er asvli n, whose - .t know, but wh - I ; t.. real I ad no .: that ah< ' oluntsrlly ; int tin- mom M r. .1 ::, v. T. moat rti i |y meeting i f I - r. E. E lion, n - of the N Line one of t city. II Thonu I Mara?al \: ir hal, Mr. ! ' -in.. In th?? lined t.. ng< r till the ly Mar I .ll term. tim: BEW im; EXHIBITION, iteres! in the Dleplai lacreaslag? > Wool ma n'?. Iddreaa. ahibltlon of ses hurch of the Holy Trinity I - been a to v irietlea aplaya .?<> much t-> awaken Inter? I te cultivation of a desire to m.- on' ny kind- of . iwn. on from m \ nd her ,..l., W? II f' 1 i hibits, t" i nie Temp a. from the Japai i . ta? nan i, the bo ird oi snd from In the N a work dot dre i It : ; the E -1 ?m- na ol work of i ful with the to ? the ra iv I. that in..n rs. '. ilmai audit m > Mrs, Colleg? N ie brings t.. hi i profei Ion not ulture \m bul she ' gained token and the style Im I I p oved , . wit hi i her iwn dis lei ure and I he addi i ol M i la m? i : pectoi : Public . Canada, will i - I hmond la? the time is gt and for more m our Igta of I'oi-lrj.. ii) k? Nothing v. ni sge so galck? try, Indasdl r< i re known a young fellow to to in-- gii i. and when pronounced CASTORIA For Infants and Children. (t?a M-Thasha tt-lr] Til I.Mi TIIIS Ot BE, 1 t Hntli.nul Itcinrily for n Nntlonn Trouble. * To sgj tha? ht mon hold.' or th" dlBSOl i oomtnonly Known ai pttea ut a Bstldna <ii??'a?A?> may h'' sliKhtly overdrawn, bu t n is rin 11?- certain thai at Moat one it i. every four persona ?s so afflicted. Boconea it is osoxmoo and not Immo . dlatety fatal many suffer for yearn with out giving the trouble medical attention r Moreover, Um rather general Impre? Ion ih ai a Burgical operation la the onlj y ?nt. has nun h to do With d. laying al tantJon until the dli i bt comes got i> :-. it'd and chronic, Buffenn from pit? ahoold know thai the Piramtd Pile i on la bsttat than i ii*l leal o|i. ration ?t euros pain r n cau n" detention fi om busto the cost is trifling ill druggtsta MlUng it . per peckegn " The oauingent eff< 11 of the solda in Um Pj i..mid Pila i fun i-- .hi'- i oi.H . ami rootoroa to their natural condition ( Um hi..o,i rosoela oi Um affooted porta, and as it quickly dis olvst ft thi rectum, " the nm.-dy Bootbea and bt ?is the Irri? tated Burfacee, end those two things on ih?. only Boceoosry requirements for a cui a. The principal denger from pUoa i* the liability i" chronic ulc?ration of Um roc? .i tai tissue and nervous "vhansttofi from , loos of Bleep and the attendant pain and Irritation. All tbeoe aymptoma the Pyra? mid quickly nueves, and the fact thai ?i is the m.,.-t popular and widely sold of any pile ? un- is quite conclusive evidence of thorough merit. If vou Buffer from bleeding, Itching, or protruding piles, try a 10-cent paokage to-night Ask your i druggist for P) ramld Pile Cure. < ILDWELIi WILL Mir BBSIGlf. Ill? MImi n<l<-r?tu nillnv. Wi-. h t.ov. Hii??,-ii?garth ? ?iriiiinii PaMtleo. "RALEIGH, N. <\. April IS.? (Spectal.> i .?un,m Caldwell, of the Rallo y i Im? mission arrived to-day, il was asked if he would resign, or if he acknowledgi d the right of th? 11 rernor to t move him. He replied "1 have nothing to i 'aidwi li'i for him. Tin y say: "Hi - He never resigned. He baa bo Intention of . oing, lu? ?? let do all tii- ...... ind talking ind btua? i t< ring Whi n it . omt Ion of i iw ht o ?i i" at the ? lovi mor at hi . . Thi re h no t< Hing wh il Um < lov I ernor will do, oi wh it course ht will pur _whether i< a I go ahead and ap? i?o thi r i halrman ? i noL" WILL NOT REBiaN. One of un beet known lowyen ft the Id to tm thla morning: "Cald? well will assuredly not resign. Hi ." i M n k t h ' 11" said he would lei I i It, i do not bell? \ e 1 Governor Russell will appoint a i- to him. Repubili n an aaying the Governor his already appointed John i Graham. < K course, tlu Republicana do know what Ru ell will do. Hi moi i than I om a Hindoo. : it la knou n i pul?ate, or rath? r, i i houid my, that party Whli hi " * ii*" Populista ed him lo i wani lo .. ..n the s'liimi' and make .' with i Govei r Ru ell y madi himself and ; t w? k Caldwi H tl i uii ?ti Caldwel , nd." lent of Public I Btructlon anno ?n behalf of the Bxecu I the North C Ided that its next annual :. shall I"- h. : n y arrangi m? nta have .-. OP INTEREST TO BAPTISTS, Rev. i.? ti. G. h ay ma.. other day at Atlanta, ft Which h . N tack -' ' ' -. ?ne s to believe EMI tor Balk i. ol tl,.- Biblical Record? r, looking for a denial of his speech, In wh?. i that tly to : the Baptists In N rollna. ton ' light In G ri I" man of tl live Comn n here. : : : ' i '-ut d. te thej w-r. unusual!} Thi good th< ily. quh t on a Bi nator Butli r and the nvi Poi - ilis; saying notl any Ri do B 111 pi? . tl DO. NOTES PROM LOI l)??i V Cammoawoolth'a ktforaey MeCahe B?ralgn?? *ir. Garrett gnceeeda Mini. LEE8BURG VA., Hon. I. K. Mc<'ii" Com? mons Loud mn county, lay aft. t a faithful I rvli 3 lag K. K '. ih- ii upon appo ti I Mr, ' ' EG rett . Mr. < ; i bUlty, and, ted, will ' entei upon the . of the duUes Incui upon him. Ju l| M< ' ' ,!" i . tii. all? d for all hla time. The Presbyti : R< v. Dr. Lupt . Tenn . to tin the i pulpit In pi f Rev. i ! lab ly gone to Hunt ?la Di I Lupt . merl; thi and left with the regreta "f the munity, and will, If hi i Tin Lewli Ton Chai;. C larged I barn ot Henry S. >; Mr. Rot? ir Nevllli - \ a Itto '"it f"t U . o, nea Havenner, ^<-<\ "' . and Ch Etcher, aged 62, bol thla week, the i thi loi ter from mtlnu d iii-h. alth. folios m n un? d g< ntlemt n w< . lurch 1 neuti WH? i B. i ' ' --" '! W w Cbamblln, Dr. C. Bhlrli i Carti r, S. 8 I.ui/.. ' B - J ' Ily, Stlrll A. 1 gllah, 1. i. i ; . I L boroug Th. Baal celebration of 81 ran church * ver) l Til- < I "lit. I V? I '. crowd witnessing the ceremonies, whlli the Bsster offi i Ing ol the chl amounted to oomel er ISO Ri v. in-. John li. Elliott, of the Church ,.f thi \ ' Ion, Washington, D. C. is visiting friends here, end may offlciati in St. jiitm-s church "n Bunda] next Nsws h is just noched hen ol the death on Tin-day night ol Mr Samuel P. Brown from the effeel of a foil on that day. BaOMoo Death. David Thompson, sn aged colored man employed si Hundley'i atables, Clsy sud Fifth atro? is, fi 11 at Brood ind Fourth streets esterdo) mornini at ,r. and died a few momenta later, Dr Tay? lor, tin* Coroner, viewed the body, and pronounced the cana beort-dlaesae Thi m ,n had auffi red u- m h? art troub)i I i BOOM ntaooe of Mr. HoKoaaoy, Mr. Joseph B. McKenney, i well-known use-man and one of the organiser! of Los <':imi>. la seriously 111. Mr. Mc? Kenney has been aick aome thro? weeks or more, and his physicien, Dr, -i I WeUfora. regards him as u wry III man A TRANSFER SYSTEM Tin: toMi'iwK? to mm OM two MoiiK \\i:i:kh iikmt:. WORK OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES >inii> Matters ?alBtseei IsasaoisaawM nre De, lile.I, iiml n l.ooil llenl ol aysrh ftrlarai Idsjht. iieiittu, and Other Mei llaiin. The Council Committal oa aKreel I Its regnlai atanVosoathly roeetlni da] ' ranlng la the ?'ity Ball Than war pre - m M? I BtoooBtM i g, Burton, Car? ter. Klul. Poster, .1. .1. Kin;;. .1. M. Kin,', Lewder, Pollock, and Woody. Allega? Uona " i. aid f'-r ll and paving o? tin all- y batWSM Twenty Bth and Twetity-ei. hth and Hnud and Oraos afreets, ami it ama dscMsd to recoinmsnd to the Council that the irork I., dona ThS City Attorney and City :.. er wars directed to prep ire sn ordinance allowing tin- Richmond, i 11, ksbui | .uni Pototaai RaUroad l iom? psny to run a Hpur Into the OSal? yard of s. I.. \ a r. BaUenauf. THE TRANSFER QUESTION. Tli" qui stlon of ti twi tn th ^-t i ? -< it ?."lui an!? a up, i.ut i.ud over until th. '.Mh. when, it ws? :. th? oomp 'i i v- Id i n idy ' > aubmit a proposition. \ motion to recommend to the ?""un.-u ipproprlation "i i ;... for the n moval "I a I,"ii.a "H'..,' S hi ll ?-li? li .. In - ..ii t ti.- .-ti.,!. v OS ' nil- 'I. Tin ?..nimia... reconsidered II former ; in regard t.. tin- narrowing >.f the aidewalh on the aoutbsida ?t t/snable nth to Twenty-flrst. Th,- in,m,>|- wa tin l laid Ul 00 Uli mili', i he in .?.' m.. uni,' in order i" give ai! int? restsd partica .1 a op] "i tool .id ..n the Bbjt Tin- usual number of bills v. re "i to 1, 1 ii v. ... .1.. id. d ?,> .! k tin Council tu allegations for tin- laying of grano? tide of Ninth atn 1, in front .if tin- Ham wlm h il i illdl on tli- DOI ih Ida "I Main I I Ninth t.. Tenth. ii was further deddi d t" 11 - oran* "? th" paving of the Interse tioi and ? Irai e and Piral .i'x\ l-'r mklin b s Ith i krifled brick, ahm the paving with granite spslla of the road-tx d "t 1 from Broad i" Qraca afreets, at an ex? r U.dQMD, A NEW TOBACCO FACTORY. a petition s .s j,.-. aentad from American Toot. Company, ? ho to erect a fsctoi > on l he norl hwesi 1 "f Twenty-flfth and Csrj streets, asking permission t" conned the new building with their present factory si tin north conM r "f Twenty-flfth snd Cary stre. ts. by a suspension bridge, 1 lay atoaavplpea ai r.i>:~ Twi nty-flfth b twi -n th.- two bulMlnga Th? City At v .m.1 1 -,i v Engin? r w?bi Instru ! prep n.- .. 1 rop -i ordina motion it wa- decided to direct the "iid ami m Uway ? torn? 1 ie 1- id-n .1 " . Poui - t. nth atrei t. from Bi I and 0:1 Marshall sti 1 Fifth to :. I In- I.lull! l'minuit Ice's ieSSlOB, Th- 1.min Commltti mal in Room No? U at '. "'io< k. with Messrs. Nol . i' l.- . \ Wit i i Mr. Joaepb Wall trsti In v. chah ; " Mr. B. : . m. Noble a Be ver si 1 I -main- wei . and icted 1 tltlons for The Bupeiintendenfa rapori for March aho* v re made, and :-'.i7.'.ii" thly 1 $1,702.18, approvi d and orden d to i.. Th.? chairman ri I I x nt. th? contract fi 1 itn -lighting f"r on. : ; iny. 1 Mr 1 I ter-i r until the m v \; .it an arrangement would he made where! mbursed. f \\ ni ir gupplj n I Th.- ? lommltl "ii ' !? m< t?erl P, M. m l?""tn No i- i 11 ^ 1:1 mi. Haw kins, 'i In- .- ml? monthl 1 gy-roll -Hill. MB, I and ord.-r. .1 i" be paid. 'I'lo aub-Cornmittei on Oakwood Ceme? ..!. i .Mi Hawk i - i' ported that Un con Oak? ' have tin a i. rma iii nt Mr n iwkina iid thi '. to havi I. |1-] IS) sub-Commltt.n Rlv? r-\. i aras am horisi -i to ;' rad for .?n archway ami sign t.. ! erected * ih.- entrance gab al River-View Ceme? tery, ?'ith th" name of I he i n - The Health DeaMsrtaseat'a Panels, The ? '"ii.miti. a on Hi alth h< id an sd i m. ting at I .\. i pri .. m ?nt? gomi : y Bui ton, snd M The pay-roll snd bills i i n t - ment, smountlng in ..n to ';..".!'7. approved and ordered to I paid 'i ha following statement of the financial; Pay-roll .- n- . n .?II 159 00 i.-.|. id? I . v ' l.> : ropriatlon?17 - . d.N.I17 M Cemel , tlon. . in c . I ir?i Harket Matters. . Pll ' " met i.lay morning, il. M? i - .1. 11 I Smith, and T ii?.-r. i be Clerk of thi met k of | bal 1 <"ltv 1 inoi th of Mar? h ; >roU a i !. > lid. propot I for the palntln . of ii. ..t t he merket-boui e wei and ? and the Compa 11 ponslbl? bid i i. aub-c< mmltti e of the errara ..n Qrounds snd Building*, ?sill meet thla aft? rnoon. our ?in n OaScora ta Caaaaauiad. '! ; mUltan dep u : a Bi its i... , up to th rei elved no ?ug? test ion from Washington that pointa to lkt>aCR5lj ' Companys Extract of Reef % Compact. " ^timulating, * CATISFACTORy. any war-like conclusion. The Materne that has been mad?, that in event 'if I I BBJHng out of th* Virginia mllltl?. I'ntt Statin arniv nnn would BUporOOdS I th i?i orneen Ig aoooiod a? prepostero. Oonoral Nolle MM ln?t ntijht that he h: asonhod th.- regulationa through, m was i-oiivinc. d thai ti? law estatsd warrant BOCh i QOOrsa A prominent m Italy man In discussing the BUggeStli last Bight, said that If anv sm li pll won proposed, it would moon simply th Virginio would aend n<> troop* at aJL M Mil. RABBI THB VICTOR. 1 He Won Hie Meilnl nl the Orutorlei route?! I.nxl Mtilii. The Incli nx n i of 'in' woather did m d. l'i- OjOtte a targe number of RichflBOl peopla from Bltegstthg the joint orotoi . ii i ont. --t held in Richmond < ?llei hail last evening, am who sttanded wer it.di ?ii, win i.|i,id lending Utatr proi n< a t.. Un- ' njoymi nt of tin- evening, f' tin young I" nio-ihi n> ans -.. 11 ? . 1 i th" boautiful ski. , tepnt d from Btar, ami .-., mi. d with delight and mi tun th?' ' mii? audience that at times Boomed 'h.u Bedlam was lot loooe. Tl ?r .. -i.iii wa . ind. Bd, a mOOl pi- i -i tit on Mr. H. I.. Williams, prostaont of M Bigma Rho Bociet). srok "in. d th- am! . ,, . and mi re loci d tin Ural -i" alter i the evening, Mr. B T. Poatoon, of Aoo mac county, a Phllologl in, hla i. Ing "Thomas Jefferson." Tin s. "iitiii orator was Mr. 0 P, Bagh i Maryland, Mu Bigma Rho, who spoh ?m "Virginia ami Virginians." X. \l follow? d Mr. t?. L ' 'v . Nans.-mon.i county, Mu Bigma Rh who i ' "The Women of tr SOU lu." Tin n woo Introduced Mr. .1 D. Gwol my. .d s,in-.uitv, PhUologlan, tl suhj. el "t" h h"-.- oration wka "Th feiterata Flag; What it Rdpnoonted." Next appeared Mr. William Smith, Plttsylvania county, Va., Philologien, w! mad'- "A PISS tor ("aha." The Issl orator of the evening o ta m K. w. Cswthon, of Georgia, Philo who apoke "n the aubjoct, "Thi Union ? the fitati ' Th.. iiv ; d wai av. ni'1. ! t" Mr. < \ I Baghy, The commlttei r.r judges com Governor Tyler (chairman), i"-. W. .' Barr, i >r. .J. \\ Ullam J an .-. i -r. Rodg? .ind Rev. Mr. l lu hrti. \ \i.i:\tim: mim-.ii ii i. COMPAXI The. Que?tlon of Their Xlmtlolr II? Inif a Balsnaeo laagolrcd into. Tyler, of Hi nrico, gSgl 'I -"in- rday in an Investi gatlon of r; .\|. if-.ii. pany, . barged bj n r< ral residents of th aectlona adjacent t.. Its abbottolr oil usance ft thi i n k ftl wiii.-h the n fuse from the abattoir flowi \ large number of wltm amlned, amone; th? m Mr. E V ntiti?; the company; I ' William ir. T lor, Dr. W. 'J'. Opm nhl m* ', M< in. Eii i i, Br i . r and K< i k Tl . i nducta d for the Meal Jui'-c Com] i" 1 y Mr. i ' V. M Th- | portion of the .- med to go to prove thai waa not maintaining a nulsa. In fact many testified ducted "u the nt rlnclplei and was a pai Ith othe ; . naractet It was also brou il - little o ' ttoli all oh Tyh r took the i1-- under ad' uld p. rsonally visit thi a bat I render! Conatable Samui l m< I wil . irnlng Ha wi nl In I r ri. MT GOODWIN MERE TO-MGHT. r?i Ippoav m tin- Academj In ' ?.ii<:?-,i l'uni"-Other Attractions. Nat, Goods In, n rola I as t comedian on the American ?. n compan) senti I -night bli .,nir,i\ - i esa "A l Hided Pool.' 'I : ment has son, and th.-r actor being >?i> etad by : ..m pan) -v' idemy In .i double bill, entltl " Nlgbl . om< Both at and wi i. Th? aal la commi n morn i operetta, The Girl From Paris" night, Thi and chorua nun over tifrv people, and contains, with si v. ral ai eptlona, I that baa made I Polk Blllll 0 : - Walla? e will be sun ae? n al - hi s night, a hen they will i i.. a programmi, Bnadaj ol the ?oooctotlna. To-morroo . a n,i. i ,in Bll la Bl udy Club will in ih-- blu ?room I al th work . -' I i i i .. At rlor, the 1 . dressed 1 seci ct of "A Wi.-, ked Bl held m As l ! i-'.ni. y Qayle, paatoi ol the Laurel-Stn i Meth Man Net -t church o i men's m< etlng will b h. id in the Denny-f chun h. al ? o'clock - t i y-eh t ol t. Mr. i '. W. Montgomery o 111 i Oponlag ot tin- \n Exhibition To NI?, lit. To-ntght, ?n n. third snnusl exhibil Ion ol Richmond Art Club, thla being th- "pri . ,i. v.u.' 'i memo? ? * onl). Thla exhibition la I othen from sn : 4nl ..i \ : Ing E , ' '. ? : III- ! i-l ThO T. P. A. Meellnu Tn-Mklil. Th. month!) n ting of P I I eUers' Prot i octstlon, win be h< id to-night ai | i ri.,, k. This will i a the ' u .oi.- befon th- stui" con?, -i!.,,:. meeta ben April Both. All visiting ti-iv.i ling-men .ir" cordtally Inviti i I eat? Onlj Three ( ?inillilnle? \ ppen red. A .-,.. :i rvici examination wai at th- i. :.>m-! ou - -'. rdej tlona In th? 0 In i Dep u tmeni --f the I'nlted BMtea Government. Mesan Fltxgerald and i.- yj w< i-, ta. examti Fifteen candidate? had entered Dames, but only Uuet pet - ntadj 11 m Mhroa \n the Testlaaaai ha Th.- Mary BUOfl Smilti BOM la -'ill oc? cupying in?- attention "t th" United State? District Court, a verdict may t? r.-.i bed to-day, as all the MettaBoa) bas boon ?-UbmitUd? S Miller &Rhoads.. Broad Street, Near Rill ! Sterling Silver Novelties. ut Our Lasier sale only demonstrated thai ?i far ahead on assortment and pricea Our counlei sembled Chris! nas-time and the buying ? ?i "snappy." We've concluded tt> extend .his ial ." Saluday. A few of llie new pricea t-iri. h steril Hooks, in n? al a id i r l<0C and It?' Pi arl-Blade Lett? r-Open< rs, 8ter " litiK Handies, IS? IS 88w l-meh Extremely - H Si ais, Piles, and ? ?utlcl? : -!? I l leak Knivi - and I bladea, sterling bandl? SO 8a> . .".t?. BSC . -?He. Brilliant '"' < M P nts, j with him atoppl? - and i M II!?'. 71? . t>- . ll.ll?. ?I -*!?. |l :??. Rlchly-Emboi t Turners, with ?ran. ii SS. Bonbon Bog? I with . hat? laine ring <i..m. Bonbon Tongs, gold cla ss, i . rilng hand). t IS ISN i.'i ? v. n h M with [y i B lin.' - gfl : . .".o T - Miller&Rhoads,-i\ii Always-Busy ? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiilli^iiiiPii ? THE ENTIRE STOCK OF THE J. W. Randolph Co., CONSISTING OF Law Honks. Ifedical Books,Histoi es, Poets. 1 . . : other Miscellaneous Books, Blank : : .-i/?- Ledgers, Journal ami < ?asta Book? STATIONERY, constating of Pen? I' Ink, Mucilage, Arc, &c. A tino i"t "i Box Papers Writing Papers all sizes), Paper Bags, Twines. & Books, Prayer and Hymnal?, Hymn Books, (?old Pel bundredgoi other things regardless ol cost. -j JOSEPH V. BIDGOOD, Receiver.: (,I(i,.,, m lIBIDIIIlillIDOHII?ISQUaiOlllll iiLitin \ ni i: \m? \ i? iMTi. .Aeel.lent t<i || a-ii r > k < rfoul ? M a iii.lue af Wcii-Kii.uiii People. BERRYVILLB, VA (ial.i- ?At a < ill? d tn. . ling of J. i: B. i i !amp of 8 Wed it. the fol of the United .- ill the nn an - in our i ower uphold and m ir ' ountry In it- pres? ent ' tl r the ' ountry d I - punlahi d as ?i Al a mi ? llarke county, held on Vit dn : tion member "t thi W. T. M. Ml I ''111,; !.. tin - Wharton were day aftei rryvflle, !: v. J i the church, officiating. A? CIDEN Pi i HENRY KER1 Henry K - i H D and hi - - I. \ . bur. h, u irki int I d on Ifond Dr, T M In David ; Lew i a Christi a. i.,. Id Mi id? . dr.. h? n A resi Intioi ..... . . Rev. K. A. Ti nap - n i : <"iith. rn port 'srmei \ RECENT BURGLARY. mill i machine and oth? i _;ini.i Denny, i f W willl :;. V ni Mr. Joseph C. Avis, a h. r of v. ara assisted Mr w. Rli hai In his drugatore, at this | ,\. s poi I N< wa, w hi re he open a drugston . Mi ?. nl dm Mr. I lane l Knight, Jr . I? fl o i Tu Mr, Preaton Mark up? nding a fi s Mrs. W. E. H Coloi I J, R C i. s ty-Coi m Di v i. R. Castlemai t? Buffi k. \ D .m ht OP PERS? >N M. IN .. I ed to her hoi to w Lshlnj Mi. P .1 i " .. .1 ' '.. vl Mr. P. B. \* hltii g Is In ] . a Mrs. William n. < eld - I ' : i : i Wai tn, in to Mr. W. M. H r n t fu and is in a high I lie Virulilla PSWSa \ ??.oelul Inn. I mltl.t the \ Irgli la Pn i through Richi m Ii ricksburg ar rangementa for the annu itlon. : tli m- n present a a -i ? uptatn R ' Pr? em i >. of the Danville Dally R< glater; \!r A P i. ..; the Prederl Mr. J E. Bo? K i j.. Hart, of the Psrmvllli H : Mr. ? D. Dsnlt, of the Beiem T Ri rlati Tin convention will be h. m July lath, ,i \ irgtala B? ich, prob iblj though -..m. ? hai dlvtd? ind i i Pt mi ' '..i a 11 ni?;' asenta will h s ti m i h" question of letei mined Th" members "f tin- . oaamlttaa a dldly entertained during their visit i edark'ksourg. RE? IGIOrS HERVICE?. ?i T) X) M IBS! B?PI1S1 i - it I 1 A. II. , - ru .<: . > \ Ail ma i.-. ; -I-.-; OND BAPTIS 9 ' Smith, I? lv. I - A. M. tbe p uMor. b< Bt? all. am - . CHI ft it r. beti i m teting W - *r?r v\ - , - 1 I A g -' room. " DAT, S F M., au : M] S M CHI Hi h K< S I hy Um I 1 SagrBBOAD BTBI BT I CIlUKl El :'. >i by il <"ilv Bi i lue i Worl l." Ai ot*d tm.n Dark Un il l PABJJ l'i.AC. ".' vi. i H1 . v \t S P V. | . tnT BEC?? D I CH1 i - B.?Ksi I " l ' un i M Ut. Il a uru? ot Inflo?* SaaTOBACl BTBI ! Bl \N > BITRt H i . n. . t a i . !.. kPt M, ads M I X l'A II li< El i.ill l't'H I II 11 !.. 1 - a at M< il m;-, ! cbureb, il- il : i m !i-ni i I si ; h i ' 11 :, i :it KCU K? v. ' - - , ai-, al ; '<_ l>r \ i M?. i * ' - ' g Reaped ? G? RTOH .RU W ' l i\ -i HARM i run a WHY STOir?.! MUSMIS "!?' veik nuk<-> A ire\ i?nI Tin-, c?i . SCOTT A SOI N1. ' Mansa, Ne? >. ?m