Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRIL 16. 1898._ :. g '-~ THE R?lHMGNli DISPATCH. BY ?HE DISPATCH COMPANY. Th" DAILY DISPATCH B oOMvorod H rt at FIFTT < i N I month, payabli irrlsi weel Btaathly. M tl ed al M por semi far MB nywths; M-oi for thr. ..a- om month. Price got ' t cents. TM WBEKL1 DISPATCH Bl P I an.aim. n i v N DISPATCH Bl U * b" annum, oi ' Bubacrlptlona In all c? : '" '" ndvanoa and t Uta ?I iratlon of th. i tared letter. Curret be a( the rmk ih sir old aa r new post offene So? A/yVARTISlNG RATES. HAUT INCH OR L .? I . . i M . .... i to 1 tlrr." . s limea. . S times. I ttm -.?.. U times. 1 month. nth i. ! WSOt?. " V Mo In nd vas . Ah : Ml" vcrttsem- ate running Ri ..-a: g notices h Bra Bt i < r ' ; fa? lim sit of i on s| i Ik a lion. I Ail lotion snd must 1 .Hi: DISP/ ted comm i oed. All lettera recom? their I rule ? ; .. >. Resolutions of nspoci to occeeaed meml ; tat loi matter. BP-TOWN OFFICE, rmc\l> I PHARMACY. ... EAST CH : . ET. M WINCHESTER C " HULL BTRE1 FAIL!.DA..MABC? 16, 189& 1 I I. \\|> HI? < Id I K . ' I ? : j New York I States bas I I mil- ? ' Lee la a i IvaL alas, 111 11 ? is I rival to g mighty fall? i .' the . ' : - it he me i dacal 1 I 1 Ja lofty ui few. A i * i ; ? a more heartn B? ; - ' . u I- "ill l . . < try. Wei -tin. ti ?. -anta. Into ?. ? ; Is ?.... . . t in a ' .; .. . But 11 i :. iv ere 1 Post ta ?4 navmi i ,.:i\i ly Bgnri out In it.- hi id ; It w-ui: : . : I, . i talk ild in . .. i i I tact. Then I aothlng In ?General La , uu tioii iLa-t in \.>. . ullty ' I. , Md sttor roontxj I that cliai In h ih , ted with 1 B*ht n i ga eotions of < i ' . A I th? that I i s more i a,. ' -n but the d t' if tii '.- i ny lit in tin- matt? r II ht on the pat j b pn Am. i lion that will cai.ti It lo 1 i gndj r foot and purned I Boan EkO N? w ! rl ' , am( ?( e learns thai I ' " "' '' ' In Caliioriu.i Um l v. Ogo. ri hat have her? ' ' ' ' Uli. lent ,,,.,.,-,?, ,, , an, | 1"'"' ii..? the i , ?oeg :,.. riven that wen Bopptied by the rasillas of las taowi on IN ia**ntala ;tl(. ?os aald to he farced t" tara I in j ,tion fn m artsstan erella waft b m unen ,.. ... tkm which had ran of res? rung t , this method of Irriga Hon It ti I '-? ' ' ' '' '"'" ,' ,.,,. the urrani ret 4dvs . . j (>..,; extrem*!) inui ' ' ; i tat aso nits i- reeding lb .... water has her i,, -, di '.mi for Irri* lion pnrno I . v , ported to be onl* , -, -, ia depth ai i ompa -i will :., . .m' .., ,;i ibni bank full a ...\ are sal? call) dry, or m n lj I ti m: v.. \M> \ HI itK K IDB. ?., .:..: nen rolumna of ) i, -da: i'. i waa madi ibe t' -t.m. i-.y given hi re i:- Bei ati unit t< a "ti !' - . n i: itioii - by Com ni. This gentleman la ; . i i m .1 is OH duty at 111? , ..t ,\. a I'M. l: 1. Hi tionod by B? n il u Hoi gsn (hi i p to us froi nlsh flotilla (.. ti rpedo i oata and t' i ?" do-boa I ; i i : pi) I. 'i.I : *Und? r certain condii hej i/erj formid ibk . Th? Ir chief valu . Inion, la In prevei g bio kadi u' in pot I? mpted to ' i rlr os ivor i > . pre? ily gi i)) fi y thing in . Ih? y slip ' ' utsldi t m th? Ir work. tbli io " i del red thai th< mj "i'i' Ii i i i i a i i rlcd ? upi I r, which i Ida n. th'ir Kt ibiilty. Without thi y are ol ... .. . : them lb it \\ * If within tl i . : o! In tin F ' v.,m ix. Went or Toi tul p 'lit at ' . ur own W< hi p; ami .air ; :, i ind it rather t ?aik Qui ' : i i ' .' : those ... - flot 111 . al Ha? nony of Gen - mat? Com? la poorly provision? d, T ..... | t few ?3 lip-loud ' '. ?.v Y"' k bj Cuba) : i r in. ami I ?thi 8p mlsb .i it would ' tin- popul Haba The Cubai ng th" i!. ' blockad? the harbor, ?t would only whei ii i have t.? iaj.iti.lnif, whether a iir. d ir not. i be 8] t torp? fleet s 1 be no iasy matt. ; for ns i .i blockade; bul it is .:. t never to let it g< t i ' .-'. i Government bus? . , ipon our part If so, It mu It to feel ability t?j bold Ha? : I that the Bpanish fl- rt w... be abl bio? k? w? may a?. k a It h tha view ol reducing H ba?a O per? fectly ' ' I, and ii"t with" : ongi r in 1 ger in tor? a their flotilla off? ctiv? ly, we w? If w< ?in noi ] rmit the I to gel Into Habana, It a 111 hai ir Bei t?if si all?upon ; open Ft ail k? ..r bank tx - s hl? h t.. i . round ? forth at nigb ean, .i we could 1 ki, so, upon the I ' ! odei i Iford w? maj con cludt Spanii b flotlll i, formidabl? ted and pro? p. rly . qu tlon, is not Ilk? ly to obst icle to our thraahln : I taking Cul Nor i i nt ml naval i- much alti n d, pei Bpain wlshea to pr< .: ' i M t. A Phil i Iphla t- Ii - tele? - ton: "To the Honoi retary of War: "Though "pi" i to uni? - honor? ably unavo i | of it i will, und? r your Instru it ol Penn*) i\ mia?a i n milil if-' du . ' s Ith i)i m i if .- r ' J( 'MX W.W'A.M \ K i : I : A 'i th? world know i, sir. Wana m m, and, m above re? hi offer t-i the I War, hi post? d In hit Phila? store tin : 1 rder thai oar nn n m u mlnda In conaldi i Ing and ai - . ni ol b militai y s. i vice. ' In i'k , that i.n tin p i a? ated will !> op? n to a i thi millt i. thai all no on act ual i erti < . d i" tin authorised i pi. . ctiv? : null. - "Third, an Im uranee to the am? I I .I by the tir?n In In coi a h u- ath, h lui?- any of ..ur ?" opl? ..r, actually ? ngaged in military s- vl? " i i., be a doing of "tha bj tlm . i the i ' Hon at*John," while at the p. i ,.,- ni "f i b w f be . made. lure | repealed tha 11 ina electk n Isw, which pn rented the II..||i .ipl . more than once on the off* la] kaaaot, and under which \v. j. un nasse was es> lu* ? from the Populist tt.-k t in lb? Buckeye Btati Id IS ; (' I] University has , itahlished g J ol Ion try?talum to tag wo -! . sa il was. -, - COMPRKBBKD-AIB POW Kit. Tin. modi i i"i .n Bpp in '?': to grodui a i ompti i air d lo ?list: louts it f"i ua a? motive powen ?m exhibition h< > at MO ? ai I m iln treol (Psi a block), h u attract! >i a groai *i* al ol attt nUon. Hx perti declara thai n la aimpie ^mi prnc m al, and thai It wfll ? Beet revol?? tion in many mannfactnttag Indnstrk . a pi mi . already lo operation t ... i ' ,i i :. when a gnol i otton : h aba idorv d ' im and m >v ? ompn - d air Instead. And companj i . been orgonla d In Richmond lo ln< trodui e th ind II pow? i to small manufacturera, This conmnny !-, ' iki d n . a? id "\- r < an fully, Bodi but one wet< i ?power i Ite i oil a to tlon .,''.1 put poi .-. Thi si;. Is at the i o pump-hou The wot< r th? t the) ": h to n-. i thai which is going to waste and hn-* been so <i"iii^ for ? ightirn yean, i pow? t tii I the city turns loon through Ita o i ti l. O hat t'n v O all to ? mploy to lotnpr. i the air, which they would dl tribute In pipes through the city and sell to whom/ ?ever wished to furnish blm? ' *\ Uli B ' hi BO, ' h an. and BOfO POWl r. Is no reason why 1 heme Should .onllii t with any project f"i I cli Ctrl? ii d? velopmi nl of the pooer ol Jam? - river, ii i ould not Injun any ng inti i eat hi i". And it < "tin s i,i : apply a "long-felt want." Moreover, i ;- ompany prop to poj the cits 15,000 per annum for the privileges thai ii ash it :,, m i to n- thai thi City Co oughl to grant pnyed for, u] on t I on, i >wi \- r, thgt should ever wlah I I power In qui - ' ild make the comp ny va ; !. and r< i onabli : We bellevi then I pi o* .I thi son In thi '" ' n ?ub : but u> doubt If it la au? h a "li? as thi :ht to ai cept. Thi com? pany Council ought to "get to ' nd agn - u] tmond oui : . . . : unity to mul? tiply her manufacti W< n- d m.; th m, - d to bi willing to mak them. <m tl:- other hand, pru? the futun distant future, \\. mlghl aa] that li is v.' should bav< rieht t-> : lalra it iii"m equitable l< Bo let i "Mi Bides ' arm ?tly try t.. ma ?it i.n i m i:moi ic \i.r. n. Thi ; roughout t tinui ttacka upon th< i . jir. \; from ! i the Phi' . s? handles ti. .; of many ol - th it i It. 'I la l ' nds that m - . l moi , i .than ml tm on his d< ath and r ward th.- unw by a p< "-.-.n tu whl ii tiny have no m? rl? . . - ..nt that thai drao i B .ah. r i mostly widows, on the roll, and d n f ... - \- ;i raus, and then, Inst "l of thei them and aw lit ?i at h, wh? n they promptl) ?ith a marria nd a Ion. another i Tim? -. ? hlch cltea th< II military service, has drawn - salary as a Cll ' t : ! i."\\ | I good, i oui d ] of the whole bu It geta i ' when I eda to ban f that nt will pro d ici in If t Tim. s is really in i arm Bl In expi thai bellet i' ought to tlcular form ol It discusses, li t to labor to pro WOUld hi"'.' the , rol 1, 11 about the amount : bat high authorit gards at whal would b? demanded ' > paj Mr, W. ii' .- rth rel m tho : . : that triumphed at last yeai but ] with blm the tl.mmunlt , He has or two : a h" know.-, hut that In- m few ye ira! Tant he h id to go ' Mr, Ki ght wa to auc aiin. was long ago d let mint d upon v. .i ihlngton I i aua d "1 i ' to lose little ol And it opportunely hsppena that he, who famous disciple <( Bit I Walton, is : mi ntal but at thi i ason wh< n the n Iny and ti?.- >' n< ? <\ iiis pn ? net. An Improvt d irtlclt of bat -i ill, in the maie r "i n. edom from i i"t and i I i m Is the promise < .\ >u, don't 1 Pure Blood Every thought, word ind action t a k g s vitality from the blood; every nerve, muscle, bone, orsjan and tiasuB dependa ?m lbs l;l"inl for it? qnality and condillon. Qnrinry Therefore pare ?rr,n& blood Uabaolntely mSorl?r-?-MA PSoBaoaPy N? ri^lit. mCUItiri6 living and healthy DOdieg. IInod"sSaPra|iaiilla is tlicofcat ? blood parifler and tbe best Spring | Medicine, Therefore it i? the *rrggj Bore|or MTiii'nia, ggH rh?nm, bvikors, gorSB, rheumatism, , atanh. etc.; Iliy greet nei vine, atrongui bnJlder, Bppe ti/.er, gtogggcih toni'- and roinilator. Hood's Sarsaparilla ,;-,,> ;; six for $">. Prepared only by 0. I. Bang ?V to., Lowell, Mass, ??et Hood's ami only Hood's. Hood's Pills Ukenafteriuuucr-J'i'ii? Tbe Sor*' ' ?r highest grade baking pc?a*r j kiwmn. Actual teat? ?So?* it goes osa? tsirtf further thj.n gay ether braad. POWDER Absolutely Pure PBTBRSBI It?., lnniio! if.-. 11 n iv nl' lay la M Dlrrrlom itniiiiiiiii Matters. PETER8B?RG, VA., April Ii (gp Tha annual tn. eting of the Bonn of Directors ol thi Btste Central Asylum wa- held to-day al that Institution, wit. a full attendanei <.f members. An ! ganisstion wa effected by the election o Mr. Rob : t Qilltant, of Petei I i rei d? m . Mr. R, B, Cooke, "f N'"i folk Ident, and Mr. Julius Btraui ' : Ri? hmond, a secret iry. Thi ihn tire 1 mil n e, as t hey hai hi ri tofore, am vului i 11 nt i u . The qu irti rlj r? i orl ol t b? i up? i ir ! nd? nl ? mltted. TI i m? ml i ol 11 board mad< .1 i borough in -, ret loi ."f the bulldlna and of the i"">ks. and expi s.-iv. s aa highly pi? isi 'i with th? i Imira liiliti.ill ol The ? ' ntral I ?emois l Ii ? 'ommltl hat Ing received no notl? of ront voted for al th? Imary ? I? ctlon i ! having wi Ite? i he ten daj i ; erlbed In th? north? i n railro id n Ding m a battle-l : They lefl : i man a i isl niu'lit Grays' \n> whl< h the beauty and cl ted. Th< lp until huir. M in Carolin? in .... r v. "tk They have all tl ry and lm| I ling. :! e poll? corps can tx h i Pol . i "omn ' been d? eidi d. Mr. Willlan I at the late ' i ' ?1 He will not ! ui ll to and win n"t . m. r ni July lat. But po -hall ll"t Ix (Ice. ? rule will d? pend Mr. Crichton'i i fegSAl'LTED It'i THE PRISONERS. Coavleta in i.pc I'aaat) .lull attach i belr Keeper. JONESVU LE, \ A., A| rll la Wed) ai. Mr. An.Ms. v. to I d son? n i Taylor, him, and und? rtook to t ik- from h n k' > - ira. Mr. An.lis and T h i i a \ Igoroua dropi .. ?.I tbe lock, where pi : .!', and a iboul '.; Mi indis on tha he id. Al I . 'i Middle and took I from Sumpter. Andia succeeded In get? ting i the line, and i use-bi ... I .- itton, n?urd< r snd ! t" ind W ilt? r WI I nttary for kiil!n ' .i" iribson. ?: " ' i t mad i v n Bi mpti r, Ta) lor, Wilcox, and Suitn men in t h. fr? m Mi Ai door, putting Andl ige, a id taking tl in the adjolnli g i >m ind !! h n th? ol ' I their plot ? the 1 - nths, w would like la thai oui il.ff? ; I ,i!''tl - m: m:h in un 1.1 \?n\. m.. .i.... r r nor'? HOi-r I SI l mi \ let l?a \ hi l'leMI nu. DWALE, VA., K\ I.) V 11 Tyl? r by I in which he off? tence "i David Fleming, who I tent la i ounty jail, pi ' w ?ll gi i" ': Tl i- oil 'I t yet sett to what i here i-1 trouh n tl two ii ming imlllea whl? h m a f. lontoua attei Kli mlng i upon bla coualn ?"and I mini a m ii he i- i ow u in. ach ha ring a and ll iln m - i loua trouble. Prank A. Btratton a la n I < itor, of Johns? n< an., Ii al ? 'Uni wood ..u busl mvii- ' Ity in this county, and a tion. Th? usual numb? r ol n.ishlners .".i ly, and It d that for! mad? The wat getting i in ir shai the end, i-,- . i' na" hav? i hi lags, ii : ill) bi gtna to look Kdltor B th l-> ba?o i ? Ii in at tendance al roui t ?ins w< k. 11 ; paper. BI REK \ >nI.I.?? ITBafS. w.ii.iiim <-r ii > ? happell ?ml Miss gells CbappelL IM'KKK \ MILLS VA API 11 18 i ii.i Ml i K? ii" Chappell end Mr H< ? > Cbapp II ? n m n n 'i lasi Bnndsy nornlng si I o'< i> eh si the i ? lence ol Mr. Jam. s Allen Rev. Arthui B. Bhsrpe, >f the Methodlsl church, performlni i i atony. Bol i. I in brid and gi.a i a.i, near here, and the formet i lot? 'i far h? i t suty of pi aa 'i h< mwm i .. prosperona yming fsraaor. The la.ii.-s ..r i;. al ih choreta (M?Hbod -, | ire a delightful entertslnssent, eon ting of tableaux, casratli - raettatla Dua. .?.' "n Monds) night la - sai ake were served by tk* ladlea Tha pre ?seda secured frota this enteHsinsaenl sill t..- used m building the new Method .-i church, which the coligrsgsttoa hopea o ubhk no at no v?rrj distant data Tin.- ?a??*\ ton.-. i\ativ. stand the Li* Batch tiik?s on th?- war OOeettOfl la liiRii ly aiii.\i'' ind coouaended by the best i lass "i oui ' laten na Tilt nu s m i.i;m:k\i. m;i;. Resolution ? oiiiineoillim BloSOtVlOOl liitruiliiei'il In (lie HOOOOI i u i ihlngtofl Bl ir, Mtb ) Mr, igdeo (! m." rat), ol Loul boa Introdocod Ihs folowlng i oncui n ni roaoloUon In the House: Thai the ihanka of thi Congress "f th? l'i.ii' d Btsti - ii" dut. and i N h< hj li nden d, to Oenet al Fltxhugh i.? foi the untiring pntii n . admirable iklll, aw undaunted i ourag with o hlch In dla a i rued ih tr) Ing, dUBcult, and al tlm? dengi ' ou dutli - ol < tohsul-? n? rsl o the i nited H ib i al H ibana durit g thi i. i. rara end th signal su< v. -m ? bl It hi proti i ti >l the Inti resti and rlghl ' Cube and upheld the bonoi of hH country and her Rag In the fan Of .- |. ii I n .. : :n> '!' I .Hi". , itll d? celt. "That thi 'or th.aaula r,,,., of ti." Cnlti d Bl itea In Cuh-t m< rib . 11. Uli heat i and tbt tl inks ol th< i . m . n ot th< l.'nlti d Bl tea hei b] tendered them for their unswerving rti rotlon to duty under the mo I I olrcumsi m ..--. The ( nnipiesMeil-\ii- IMinit. i To ih" Editor ot n." iilspotcb: Prom lim. i" time bi <bj i , our piogn ssh e busin n hi id i"r the purpose "f encouraging ne? enti rprlses and building U| th? ' Rii hmond. Some nea enterprlsi hst i . - or : Ippled ! ? '.- .11".-s hard ihlp put upon thi m bj our city fain- But I trusl su. h wll ind n. ii-,. ca - with an application whl ' i- now pending i ?ui ell ,;. : to b< l allowed to ui I he waate aatei l New pump-ho without thi r< i > fund In poo for i m.? Il ma nul This water ha- i running t went) ) i - and will possibly ' II . - for flftei n : m. ' mote The i of thi i neo t they be allow? to US? ii and ' : i : I the sum of I of d". Ing sn. Th< ni- ni i i ind offer to d< mon I our < glneer and 8u| endenl - thi i Magog, i nol a wll?J fancy of cffi work at thi i- nt nnm< d and h : in practical Tl i .n rled Mi. ! prai tlcal and ilc, ot motive pos ?'h- Company, in.1:. || . I thfl mpn ir by d I reel hydraull I ,1 and nl.. Now. Mr. Editor, it is to be hoped thai . ni": avi rs, i ti- pn ildi nt of the ' Chamber of Commerce; Thomas Atkin? son, vtce-presid? nt i P. H Tob ' . I. J. il the hi id ?f th" largest h irh mill In the city, a iwed to a ill he n If thei nothi r it Is t d "In .?p. i li m. and ri liable power, and i hi? ( n he pro? mot< ra d tal be put Into their enteri t. and t.. furnish pos - of the pi . i -..m ' ir the prh II watt r that ?j now gol ig to n iste. u?l the it reel rnali i have no Inter? st In tin ex? eppt that of one who everyl ng ? Ml? h will tw neflt ibe city. BL'SINESS-MA.N*. Bleaeo's Trentmenl of Lea, (Bal tin So many dlffi Gene? ral Blai I.. u hi n tl Ami ailed upon the Capt i farewell, w- n told nnd : it la inti : d Important to have an of! t of ' wi'h his hink ' , kin? in . , t'.il I,. . : ' I v <',.;.- 111. m . i.i. n y to the ti ito thai I hod t l- ive the Isl . sp. ii. and would Hi iked i said hi w.-i'ld i;.' and let him !>i"U. H? went ol il nft'-'-n ml and . a. him; hi wus not well nnd lying doa n. I told 11 rned i round This bald and mi d f it- l l, wi en the I Insult and dlSCOUrtl H) w hi' il Bill t\< " t lit:., . . . ,? und? r his i ilpabh \\ n i- lili? ??III lo 1 lllll?-. II ' ' Kor ' ibut to b< nin. and Oab'el B H i I / ' rulre, Bnorl ' in, . VVai 1 ! ". we' h I choir? I! . i ' r?-. la - , . ' Wat ' a- m -.n a a "f 11 n S" havi icreii mi ! ! HI" an" H' ?i klah i . , . ' I An an lit An' t?a- Hohl i you will nnd In Vlll i i i ih- nail -I.. - .i- I i- ?u i u. .\ ,i 11 .in comb -.. / al ?m' / ! M.,_ . HI' an il v kl ih Da ... . lab TWO I'oriiis af Nnliee tn ??.mi. i s. a fork sun T rday by the Committee on Pi R 111"!. : . ih,ni thi long ai-. ..mi . u mi Phe report t a ritt? n. The short n .!..: In th? pn ambl .? quite " Tl tlm< i uaslon of th. . I for the rh< of elaborate Indlctmi I n. by. \\ hot ' r, from week to we? t<. end - Hum It* from hour in hour i- i he distil it of .i Une "i 'i.-tiiiii. action in author) .<i i\ and i" r> mptorj noi i?.- to opal Cubs or take the < on? . And h?-r. it is after man) days In th.? i n solutions of the Ben it< i anmltt l. a ! -. lor itlon of fret dorn and inde* pendea i foi hiba .' a demond to Spain to rellnqjutsh it once its crvil authority In t ubo and to wIthdiaw its ...rii'' d fon es. An ungoallined din ctlon t" the Proel? dial "t the L'nlted State? to emploi the entire mUltory and aai tl itrength of this country, if BOOOOaory, to give Cuba freo MAYOR OF LOWELL Family of Wm, F, Courtney Has Reason to Befieve ?n PA?NE'S CELERY COMPOUND. M. ' ' col? : .' i ompound In hi - faml example and many | who " i upy to Mayor 1 ' his i fol? \ - mi.nd as a i ha un? me i tak? gall Ma) oi ving pli) mi>: l improv? : r* i I Ilk? nd " Hin uni much to do s M or ? Mayor Miles B. Pi Hai wil or two, s| "The mod? m : . tlnu 1 the . Its I" nefil I t- dlj A 11: Bet - j - ' I I Courti ann? i I Low Me? i l I . M iyor i: .ms... , WILLIAM F i i ompound i ? i up th AMI gEMENTS. Academy .,,??. MONDAY, APRIL 18th. Rice's Superb Spectacle, THF nagniticent Scenery, 1 1 I Ct Qorgeoits Costumes. i,oooNights S~Z j OI Dainty .Music, in London, ^*-ivL# Excellent Cast, Duke of York rnAM Beautiful Chorus Theatre, ni\ViU 50 People. 3?00 Nights in New York, DADIQ Herald Square Theatre 1 /\tvl*w? Greatest Presentation of Many Seasons. Far Sur Past Triumphs?" Evangeline " , 1192 " ; Excelsior, Sr.," m d ' Lit tl?' Christopher." Prices, $1.50, $1, 75, 50, and 25c. - ;. , ? 1 * Tl th? H n th? lm| both ? lowevel I ' .'"in ai in 1.1- und mi ' J I draw from the m to , th" wa-" ail.I "I i the roel curb - -. it .in ? ..i' .',. talla t?,,n. wider .m ited ' \ ? liai a. ii-ri-iii- Difference, .\ i a iul : it. all out i ind lin- i : A -' .- would ibl) be l. tt n k i mouth ahui . Klit'iimut ism Cut ?m|. My son whs ?uiii.-ti-.i with rhaunaa ttsm, which contracted bis ratrhi limb until he araa imabis to walk tfter using one and '? ('.?it bottles ol Chan berlairt - Pain Balm be erasable to be about again. I can beartih recou mend it t?> parsons goffering frotu rheuiuatisin. Joh> Rxydkr, l?..?!. Calhoun ? ?unity. W \u Una appli eation relieves the pain Price S3 and an cents j it bottle det) >u.TuJtThnrtf I IC A DE MI ??i 'i'?ii \ \ I ? I.IMIIIW |N \ Uli III II I .?: I . U IDEM) ?U vi ?.n . \l'i: . MILLER, Sl*?0*t \\n \\ \t i \ MO? Iv l HI It I ' ll. II R8DA1 ' AT I P V M C v " ' uni: \< n ??i PatONlsl i I t Ii in-lit In??. \-r ?un?. I ii'li riml ??iluiiliini. I.ii- V ii I ? - niiiu ol It? II", il I ' n I. . RICHMOND NEWPORT NEWS, SATURDAY. An il I6tfc 14 P. M. \\ bal W a t M. ans lur Spain. (Hartford Lea i n til" dos one aa a State iiimL "?n?i><-mi ? IfACON .. \ tprtl : \ lbs T? The \ I t.. nay . i. aring?h< ? i as In ii m lu 'I'tunJat. t^i Uuluu,