Newspaper Page Text
- THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRIL 16. 1898. gnu?. ?uid the lighted ins.' which i . vida-i.n oi bomb un. I. i the Mail?? h, t..?*.n, relighted, aad the bio? tlnaorj Bas] i he in an uni Mi, KINLEf Mr Woleott, ol Pf* !. , 11 K tefift-d Chi? t v - \u \\ ..:, a. d< baas h irl si "** mut gaaat bal* hoesM No . i.v our i ; : a . ?garions to th. I Mr. Spoon? I * ni!. ?,: \i\;; DI1AS1 ER In th? with to a .-tnKii.g and Slgnll "?' u": of laejuli - a cougd i - M due. tr* , evtd ' 'l""M clucen. ! ' ' ' : ni a - n at In favor of i .Mr. s v. jo r of the lution ? I 10:45 P. .' nl i" BAILEY v R : UGN8 REED. - t Mr. 1 to a neutsj i - - ' . . ' : >n. :. At : ' Martert Itaeadtaeat for War, \v ASHING PON. D a the - id t.. the -ill il.- \ ..le li> !? iir l?l ??'I link. it la . a it a . ' '. - ' the li How* I will . thOUghl H S : . I III. It?, in?. s(jt (DROH lin I iiesiii |.s iiMi? ami Maaaachusi i?s, ? rulMTK I i.loin l.i.-i iiml, n. ' band. t- | . , Secretary-] Jr.. u| BMl PR? 'Tl.. " ID AB M< . D CR1 CasAala Frai i " v Com ' ? int a. ? n irgta. Benler Wa tch | ,. v. 111am it Rush, Lia D. Griffh ... ' Doyli ' ' , C. m. Du Valin, or i .. i t . i, John I.. Hannum, of j ? . 1 er, Thomas !-\ Can J. Ryan, ?la Chaplain, A i in \. M Uli ter, "f ?'aii - . Cap? n of M Cla? Mur pas \. s y?. Sxui.u Lia ensnt <>f .Marin, s. p, 8 toor?. n. ly ;|. Nasal Cadeti .i,-. ?f N*w Y..U. .?I..T. t. a A. Able, husstte; William P Cre? n, of Conm l I Uttliigem^jj , t'Iyee. s h. Naaoy of Ml h \. M.utili'. ,li . uf Alitii Canal Ersjassara, Charlea i.. Lelper, <.f Piirti^sylvaiii-fc; Jamii B II-it^. j. .,? New V.;k: Ki.-i,-n, i !. Sheffield, ol Qeor? Kl i; WlMUsm i'. W>alls, of Iowa. DoaS*waln,kWlluam !.. HHL ?.f New I Qannee, FrasdUtn T, Applegate, of Pi ru> a) hranta. Caress?tes. George B Warford, of ?'aii tataaa> Osrreepo*adsn1 "f the Associated l t.. i.'i-nhaiii. ..r Albany, N. v. BA7VUB8HIP TEXAS C?ptala Joba S Philip, ..t \, vs y,.| J.!"Jt>?lia?it ajumni.ii |. ?, Q I II-,,* le. .d Ohio Itaautsaant. K <\ Hellm r, vanta. Ursrt?usant, ), ph. . ?.,,...,, Carolina. worin U?at?.iai.i, p, .1. n . , >l jyasani. h. a. Dl.phaa?, ni p ?, ,,. J;.UM"" ' ' '' ' " I L "i Ne? .i. HSV " of [lissais, JSZ? - " f. of Na W Ha,, ,L R.eyBoM< 3 Georiia;R Inn" "^V.";'1 ' ' " ; ' "U ??f P.iL , v, 11"""*". ?f low?; -;. w '* .? : M. II Br?w? of nsdasas u. T. rnvtiaht, el Alabama ML r. ntagerald, of tesaa and n. <?. ton ,rii. ..i m iryland. .?.,??."1, w. R. Du rtase. or Georgia. Paymaster, John ?' Carjpsntt r, I K i necr, A. r- B?t, ' Mar? i Ksgdne?r, K McAli r Vit . ? hesti i V d \. w. Hmds, of All i MU ' , ?. , n v ' "-- ol Kef ,- ,., i.,, a', un,i i -. t . K. mucky. i . r. Brooke .i N01 i. of New Tort . , \> w ishlngtoi , ;! [g] l; COLUMBIA. ,: -f Maryland ll I n itensnt-Com H M? ore, "i N? w Tort I"'"' ' >'.I -, ,, : u atch < ifflcer, Ueu n Stafford, .-t i iwa . w?ham J. Maxwell. J. ?; II ,; Sail .'" Ol I1' "ti-> hu a . . ?rge W. WUllama "' Boutl Carolli I ' ' |:- p? 1'1'"-1, d ?;. Herndon, - Pa: ma t< : Lawn nee G Boi . ohimbla; Chief t e " ' Massachusetts x_,,.;.,. Engineers?vi llllan ... Wim Mu ;t ... .i ihn k. Morris, ol Mil . f Marines, !' n H -. .\ '. ' "I. ! Wll Ham ?' Watti ol P ' l, Smith, of New Mampshln . i n n, ol Ni M - "s .. u. -a\ hr .- i, id \\ : - . ilex. N. Mlti hi II, i I \i: BATTLESHIP MASSACHL'SETTS. Cai tain, F. T :: icnu" Bett* . , ... "?, ' ' ommand , , ^ .-"?in Caroll a \ " t James < ". r of Wat M r,?its. o W gton. m-, v W. ';> ' ' ' u , .. . ,. , -l T. it. !' wey, . n a. Althouae "f Illinois. Naval Cadeti T. ?.'. n irt. of Mlchl \. n. McCartl ' i; D. E H Williams. "I i. .... t. L. John of Kai i?, and ,.- -|- Eva (son < Capt In R, l>. , : | ' M|S? f Neb? ka. . h i kson, of !' nni i C R \ \. 1 i . . re 8. M'h' it CM, -, - w. B. Bayli v. of Ni w I Engin? r. ?'. li. I! ..;' Pi - |8) !\ .Miia. H. i ". ipp tnd E. F. E? kh i.:i ol w : i -,\ i ; i of Alab ima. Cap! N'- Wood, nt of Mai J R ., IChUSi tt--. - .' Gunner, F. II. Whitney, of N? w Tork. S. W ilti m? y< r, of Vlr _ PR? .1 ECTED CRUISER MINN ' - 11 D I. . iit< naiii i, . Em igton. h.', i of watch, Lieut ward E. Wright nts Wl m P VA hit? '.Long of North i i -, John !.. Sticht, <>f N .. 11 Bl rns, of Mi. hi I'll III':!.. I \ ? - . nia. K. Mal lory, P. 1 ..m. and -i '? 8 iol Id. ol Mls N? ; i- ii. I ?rake, of N< ? J? i - int Surgeon, Luthi r f.. \"ii Wi lekind, of N< w fork. Paymaat? r, Leeds C, K. n. of M ' ..plain. William F. Mon la ?n, of Naval Cadets, W, <;. Brlggi. of N< a Yin k; G rge C. Si a Toi h; Ha? f ? ' 'v 0 1 "i i.. Lieg i. i. ,v. :, : ol Ml< hlgan. I I m i orth. of Neo l"ik. ; nn nia. ' , Of Vir Kiniu. RE? ISIXG THE < \\<i\*. ( kaagea i odor < onaldemtloa by l'roti-sin ni Bpleeopal l ha re h (Wii Btar.) bably thi mo il Int? , will be brought befi i Prot? hureb, wl In ty la ' ' - , gee In th? utl? mon i of the Church, Thal ?if especial Interest to the m. mi" : hip at large is the modlfi? ih" anon : mmlttei ha?i!,- . the ? on of these ch 11 on tbe M.h.a. t. . will i to ral th.- Church. Thai body will tag a which had led to the adoption b) the committ? In IBM al the trien? nial w in. m m. t in At that convent ion of I -; opa asi . m? -i. ami ras a] pointed to r? constitution and i. n..!, of the ? %u The pn ?ent members of the Joint oom* >n nr? Bishopi Deana of Albany; Dudley, of Kentucky; McLaren, ot chi? pi Qui?i y, Potter, "t Neva Tork, i P ret, of Maryland; Rev. Dr. Eugene a. Hoffman, Rev, in. ,i. s. stone, Ri v. Charit a i. Richarde D. l> ; Rev. i ; Hall Harrison, Rev. Dr. F, P. Da \< iip...i i, R. v. i m .t. Hou ton Eectaaton. Rev, Dr, William r:. Huntington; W. ll. Llghtni i, Edward G. Bradford, F. B. Bwayne, Charlea <;. Baundera John a Beoll, Frank H. Mia , IV. S. La it is oadorotood thai m iny oi th? chsngea m tbe canon ara Intended men iy to t.-move obocuritlea and Infellcltl? language Otheie, however, affect matten ol aubotanoa, ,r.d win, n<> doubt, lead to warnt debat? It la expected thai this ? ill i?. dly true <>f th" canon nn marriage ?md dlvori i. 1 i that ih?. proa at oanon mi this rabject lias some obocuritlea <d languags ami needs some unptovemenl Ther? has, however, been f"i >"m. mi effort tu i hange the i ale "t the Church sg tic aubject id ronmrrtage ol divorced p. iso,is. Tin present canon permits the remsi rtage or th? Innocent party In vorce for th? cauoa of adultery. Those who hold tin- view base it ob the arorde Oi < ni I| i m I In i. rnion on th.- mounl and etaewhero, and thea bava been held by the Oresk Church end by most Enguata comm? ntotaes and thsologian? to aatbor iz" th. exception. On Die Other hau?], thu IhSOlBglBbB of Un Banana Oataollo Church ami goose of the Kngluh hold ihm inaiiiagi I? Indis. BoJoons . vent i,v death, ami controvert the argument from the amrda of ?'hrtst b) pointlog out thtt in other pgggBgoi ro oording ills words on dlvoroe the ox pi D I? not mention,-']. \ PROPOSED CANON. The adv". ate? ?t the inti.-r view Boomed to buw impremad tbe *? ?? iitrft>n muit -1 favoi ibly, i - win bo sean frisa * f"1 l.w Ing pi "|.I ''anon : >v. Ron i No mini ti i h ill ' i? ? marriage the parties to which ere within tin- degrees of eonssngulnitj snd - affinity defwn 'i In th? llth i hsptei ol the Booh >.f I.. Vltl? na li Section -'. ?n n ?hall be th? duty of minister t.. admonish Ih? people from ?I time t" tini. thai the Church di* ounti - nanees clandeetln? marrlag? minister shall i ol? mrdsa the m?rrt i an) pet son vv bo is a minor under I I. of th? id-, a ol marriage sale - the pa? rent or guardian of su. b mis i .nt or ahall hav? given a ritten - onseni t.. the ma ; i" i m tnentlj n .j.-nt in a for? Ign i ..nan i. .. > No mini - i. ni- shall soli mnlst m ii 11 m. . \.. i ' ' the i of two wit I Im If or the v. im. na i being per* Ft ilhj qualnted with the partli (4) Bvi ry mla? later of the < fhuit h shall si ih" time ol tiiv mat tin. ra "i in "i" i " ' ' ol ) the pari b in s hit h the mm : pisos the name, blrthpla? e, age, snd residence ..f each paity and such r< rd ahalj b . Igned by the minister who i i forma ih? uer? mony snd by it leset 1 we v. Itnees? i ol lb? marrit >'... Ron : N . minister ol thla ohm h f shall sol.mid/, th? msariagi oi either patty to a dlvort during tha Ufi time ol tii.- ..tin r pai ty." SUBSTITUTE PREPARED i A aubatltuti "or th? i ti..n s of th? gbovfl . usos i is i n pre? - i " 'l by Bishop Potter, i:. v. ; , j. m Keel ?ton, u iliiam H. Ughtner, ii Mir., r, and i<. v. in. w Iliiam it. Hunt ""n. s ho a 111 i- oomm? nd I > section shall !.. made to i i follows: ' ' mini Ol Ih,- ? luir? h -hall ; ol i . mnlse the m : lag oi person a bo h is a dlvon i husband oi wire living. 1 Thla shad noi i| pi) to the ty in a dlvort suit, on ins or her filing with th. mil bat? nee of auch Innocent e of i "i the i or decre? ol the i lurlsdli tion mi the aul , t-mattei iward? : i dlvon . tn . trlrnonii on tha ground >>f sd?lt? i In i. ' i the matter ' di gn propoi d In i lion i ol lb? a'". churchmi n s in. think It would a tin- 11 a,n laslon I the < gn ea in d? l ill Inatea : oi rel : ring ty a much-del i itlcus. 1 der the propoeed : ? section ll win. it li '.. Ileved, be h.-ld by n arith 1 a I foi hid.h n, w hila bold that mai ' i tied. BOOK ? !' COMMON PRATER of the t Book of C immon ' life l g : "Section i. mmon l'r.i. by the g< neral com I I l.v . r ;. mil 1st all . such i mmon . I font i and by the ' S? m 2. All ministers ah III.- : r other un ry dio? I n n hi.- di... i the mini I m h : u . by minist? ra ol I rt ?... m a nun 1 ' iROANIZATI? >N ? " PROVIN A radical de| ommisslon from th by thi . tion of i m, .-i on is i this church unit? i 2. Thi n pro? .;. s i' bin thi e montna "fi his ? 'hnr. h may. at I i be la Id after I elect 1 inta of this Church, i . il" In th with tin- ' tat.- thi "Section L The | vim . f hie d? ath or dl By, th? acnior Blsbep thereof, ahall men auci . nod i" mi some Fleet. POWERS OP PR? '\ l.v LAL SYN< ?D. "8 ' tion ".. The said provlliona! - tea .lor t .m. i ii synod, and for th \ . It of ll i-islutiv . UlKI'.ll.d ; mon t the Cht In thi provta and for s nniform trial of j Ity In dioces. nd no ..r the provincial : jurisdiction which ha? union a The md neu . : the g n< i ntion. ia ol i he m ! mini nl I ad? i - Church eapresa the beil. r ? :: provid? s addlt ry, win. h will merel) gth and means which mlghl i ter ; think ih d fot i M ui kin?. THE WORTH, How Tara Kaplan ra Peaatratrfd the n.irr. o Lauda. ,. A , .,,, .,,,,. | from Tosonl th" I Three thousand two hundred i . canoe, dot ?train, and ?nos ... of ti.' i end i i th? fsr north ,Ui : tributantes and Hud sucb w ia tii" m mark isle Journ. . oompll had bj thi T) rn 11 brotl i the Canadian aurvt ? Dm Ing months thi daring espion ra were : Ing a way through the widen regiona of Canada Ing of m it d, and has irdo : i un in Arctic a It ti i ahm* the- bleak Mud-.", i e rt f? tun ol tl ii |p. Th? n follow? w a hard tramp, with ? jut proti otlon from ti." cold, in.m Fort Churchill to ?ortt I aad atry south, past "!'i half? way bous? -. (smoua In th? r? gli. tin? fur-trsder bach to Manitoba. I patetic corn ipondsnta from currying ovsr the southern bordei ol -h. -fr? .t utikn.iwu northern territory, m.i cstcbing mere glimpses of hhe i -, rren i ind?, hav? covered t bema with ] " ! nallethi k1";y by tin Ir hut it waa aithoul any Mar? of I ... t and In t h" course of evei .inta - that tin Tyn rrs und. rtook th. n of th? I Lands. N'.w that one af th. broth? a. \\. T) i ! n i ..... record I bit v- ii" nt to ih" public, r? n n off their char? acterlatl I i loocardini th? Intrepid travi 11? i - nv rit? d applaw e. It was "ll ! In : ! WE, m I ' puna i; Instra tlons from the Dominion Geological Survey, that J. w Tyrretl and i. n Tyri'ii s??t. out te eaplarg tin- great Dsystariaus rogfkw Iraoura gg Mm Barren Lands, mors than BshlN ganan milea in , xt"!it ivln?; north "t the flit \ | .i!: parallel of latitud.-, between ?Jreat Slave U\>? .mo Badaon* i Bay, "? M tisse* uns snflri) torritoi v ' gggg I \\ Tvirvll In the account alr?<udy publish d la I'm. ?L.iul to be lasu.'U in lb? I'uit.d States and Oreat Britlan, "? * was known thi "f tin- pmoieKt district! of Dornest AI i ' ind, with but few exceptions, Ita vi and dreary plain hod oevei been trodd by the toot of a man, as re thai ol tl ?Ju ?k> sjvage." i hrea rapen Iroqui I i inoem? n fro Quebec, i half-breed, Who wood inn" . from la?? Notinure i. and m ?h i royogouM from tbe HudsoO'e Ba | "int an) - t vi. i. m companled th.. T) d i i and w . i Jill'.; only 130 I ??ill- ! . I i ll I able .a carrying 3,800 pounda, i ni?eta bei iw.i Insti - tm nt-- gnd provi.-a m ,. mil" up the equli ment Thi 0 P R, wae i ikon to fc) mont?n, on the north i" in? h of the Ba bat? h- won; then a nul wa ; followed I Landing a Irsdlng-poot l mil. irom Edmonton, < !?. the I Alliai,...,! river. ? m ih" la. I day ol' M. th.- . m", .i were launched. 11m brewi voyageurs tonic their places, and to th rhythmic strokes of th.- broad maple pa the llttl p tty uno. d away from tt vanishing tradlng*>post to an unknow i nid. The water was high, the eurret swiit. n.,j sixty miles was the t^wr.i r< tbg Brot da). Or? al wall i ui lee stl lung to th : overhanging banks .ind tn Rapid of tin- Joiiy Foot, obi re -l e if ' i. m "in.,ti lost his in", was eostl] , .\ ki . .Mm- Grand R 'pi''- Ini mita ri oui Athobasoo Landing, wh< :. iv< iiii.- hty fa Within ii.ill' a mil.-. At tola point th Hudson'a Bay Company iteamora at ii .i. ..n,i - i. un-1. ..i . on ton ed t..r i distance of eighty miles t Port Mi Murray. Great i tbe ado amen] i ndtau - 11, j half-hn da a h? a the com p mi., 'a ate. r com? to . :,[ Rapid Th.- explore! I . ; Jubi In time i a m the i n nlng > the 4i'.. .m, r Atbal i i pul It , , 11 Mi"", and Iliad" f i.-l to th' -hon- a lit! 10 I, i M mi i. ,| i-i waa no long r an unlnhublta a lldet n. aa, hut h id i- ime tranefoi mi WIM 1:'. . ' , " !. many "f thi m ban to tha a a i domed with l" id-dresses of Cox-talli i , i?. |. , i i ti.? m. not ibly thooa "i th? ? 'iiipp? wyan ti ih". were the i -I most looking Indians I bad near!) night whi n tin- i rrivt -i i ihtpplm : tur ih.- i. - In I gan t" ; i hi m i. night long tin- Indi o? um m m ait. mpt t.. run i ; hut the th I to be intli i.. In ll ) the mlddli. d ' : th.- . hui her. "Pra I)." s ivs .Mi. 'i ppeared they v.. r. .loom, d to i a I' ?rly in mtd-atream. Dut toro m- three lightning ati paddl - in .i rlatlit imbli d and rushed. W lught, but , . .t, h?udln,,r hoot b. | . Should I . I foot t aosj] *d if fo . p| on arith rs, until, in a ' . i n or i xclti menL" i : down th? I , ". of 1 lb! ; bun hot hlllo ll i III". 1. . ' I Milt i ful Bupply is lost. W'. ll . i ... "Durl roll, "In many | ' feet In height running tar, and h in and tha : ir-e ?on of the vis Id tar In natural Brt Lhe B ,, ?-rli f the Midi ' - R iplda 'rook? d R iplda, Stony Rapid, Litt Rig C porta ' in. The rather imed rapid In in.' boatn : stream became ilng ' bend ted, but I .; alar m I i . Bo - re a landing : nade, but none cou could do M V : ir? ' ill" \ we ud , tern, it we wei look riV' r. Uuht before ua i ilar .v.- had d Ron, but and : In ' ar . moment - .. rs, i irtly filled i I , and ntly on ti i i and gain we bi eathed frei ly. I| ? hing t !" - it < tee were not 'ad-d, for had I irould iver ! 1 but i In t \s - " Fori Mc? i i mili from I he landing, at m junction of Cl< u r river with i. The ' i lud:ms ' 11 fort were nan I he ludaon's Bay Company's h-.a'-. and i . a were red . .?I i s and threat i a imln? t- ..r; na i ii ij i hi and i- lr 'v. KiOt) ran n. iras made I he I? svlng ' he t and on tl on of 'in 17th thevoyag i ted ,,- n Bt? n . ind I ew up liii?i cal a " I '. i 'nip, . -v \ .mi. I a lull.-? ti "in Ih" i . . pewyan la ona ol the I m lm mi m fur On? hundri d ) eara ago n was tha ndeovoua of thi trappers and tnaden [ the great Ion.- land Th? ? "hlel Pa? tor's * w< Hing and the stot py thi ut? il d. Along tbe water-froi : i .?t an" twenl y log boo when the a r :i ] run-' W?Wd?n v. ill. N..i: hv BIS th" 1 ' '.m hol id .hu,- : EJver) building la whete 1111 r, tains the i , lai i it or--' ol i hoi a ancient In win, h old n iding-com attack from I ?tile Indiana Mr, Tyrrell describes one ill) In? Ident of fh i i lif.?; "In the N"i Hi the dog tak? s the p?a? o hieb the horse occupies in th.? Booth, t id n i- i \ -iv Interesting sitfht to bm m., population ' i un- town, pei ?ps thirty or fort) in all. rorriving 1 air d ill* nasal. Tn-sj .ir.- < Uli ?I lo ither by Uio ringing of ;. largo ball, S.-XJ-,..-. BBgjjjj The Time Draws Near! On Monday next occurs the formal opening of M Kldon Park." Don'* put off yoUT visit a moment longer, BUT Q? OUT this afternoon or toinorr (Sunday) and get one of these real estate bargains. You own it to yourself owe it to vour family. Never before in the history of Richmond have you had SUCH an op tttflity to own vour home ami be free from landlords forever. To-morrow w?; vour last chance to <?o out ahead of the crowd and secure a choice lot at ELDON PARK before our opening next Monday. Think of the advantages of living at such a high clash Btlburb?the health fulness of the locality, the easy mode of access?r. I speak of the excellent Improvement? which are all made at our expense. Lots at Acre Prices?$100 to $320. FIRST PAYMENT, $2.oo; - - - - WEEKLY PAYMENTS, $1.00 TO $2.1;, No Taxes?No Interest for two years from date of purchase. $6.150 in cash prizes to build- Non-forfeiture from loss of emploi. ers. ^^^^ Free car fare until 1900. Free deed in case of death. ment. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All Improvements free. Free building plans. THE TITLE of Kldon Park has been examined and passed upon 1?) son Title and Guaranty Company of this city. What We Have Done. We have opened ami successfully developed from one to seven suburb sites in each of the following cities, making So in all: fON, Mass? fj Syracvsb, N. Y. Xkw Britain-, Con*n. | Columbus, 0. Washington, D. C. Pittsburg, Pa. Portland, Mb. Nku Havbn, Conn. PniiADsW^atxA, Pa, Phovidknck, R. l SCBANTON, PA. I.AI.TIV?RE. MD. I.owiai., Mass. _ Haimsburq, Pa. Hartford, Conn. Pawtuckbt, k. i. Newark, N.J Our Business Standing. ROCNBSTBK, N". V. Spris Mass. Auburn, n. v. i Lynn, M From the Mayor of Boston: 1 rrtfirl W.ioJ. Harmon & Co. as entirely rc.sponslbla . J ,, . : j.k.-. Yours. From the Citizens' Trust nnd Surety Co.: M*?.!?r.s. Woo.!, Harmon & Co. hj\. From the Citizens' National Bank of Washington City: . Wood, H i r .k- aleesare in atatlng that . . . rear method if handling real est?t? la clearly os i I la open U> tin- . iur' ' ipeetlon. Very truly >^ i TBOS. C. riiTHIsSBIiIiL Ington, D. C, Deo. 17, iSHT. JOBIAH Q?INCT. gage with Bg for ?<om<- tim<? .tj.<1 ?a sucrrssfMl In th?*ir rer? ?statt? trag . S/hftCB, thare Is no doubt, was owli.i; to ? !i?"as methods. CHARLEA p c tirv an.I Tress PhOa?elahla, Ps?, Dee, it, us?. POf farther particulars concerning our responsibility, we take pleasure in reierri:: Planters National liank, Richmond, Va.; also our special Bra-dvtreet rating. Office Open until 9 o'clock every evening. WOOD, HARMON & GO., The Largest Suburban Renl Fstate Operators in the World, 14 North Ninth Street (2d Floor), Richmond, Va. Representatives at the property every day and at all hours, including Sunday. : Hud li n r? o I i nd ?j t.. th? p 1 i par pit to man In wirb which he t ose? ;il fights aj place, but it .-? . n Tha lonely wati rwaj the Tyrr : ,,- i Lake i will !y witm is a Iran n the sd\ Jfulio i n and th? Landing; and ?rltl i . rioami n on th? re i- i than ono Jolly Pool Rapid In the Rest. !.. bit! . ,\.- your band t.> it. md smilo li farewell a little whil? : \\ lay. L t ii frei us not In dread v\ ii ; oh down ?not up? And the daisy wh? home of I ly 'in Ml, Hi-, main ? >'. r the i i the Ulli And - Than the wind thai wav? i tu. v And no t? mi" ' - bursl above The ' .. . Lose all troul lor ind Cruising I'M. . . i > i K ind amlle ,i little while! JAMES WHIT? "M V 1 ?.?un i I. \st li.lli.lll \ . i\ luth'i i ?an us, . oui i : tt a And made ii ..11 Into And th? n a is, v. Itfa !) r goldi n i ah loose and shining, waa the - A nd i ound b r Men : t/enus, and .ill the ot) i .. i irtb, with little Nell de ma for t be M \ nd t? Hum h id te i hoops for rl ry a pair And J ; ni- ii wlti n Mi-* i Mar) n a. ilos ."??l - ro ind thi S . \ Comet, th it araa little will, i through. b| -tit ii.t.i our midst, Hf ?whirl 'i among ua Ilk? a flaab, arent tu log, sad Ih? Sum. and laughing, breathless, wild with fun, Th? ' - ' m" went t-> i re 'I'll?* Jo> ?if Ilium-. (8. ):. Kfta r, la < -, md La id? r.) ni-- clenda base been heavy to-day, : ' love, 1 bave blundered snd grieved la th. baunl ? "t iii.-n? g ron smile, and peedg away, gay Io*... And the woi i.l 11 pi iln. i k ?!.. tiling i bavi tried t.. da gas love, - N.ii ..n.' ti.? i?. n ordwned with the .vil ..r .-u. lut i pal gay two srma ground y>u. my love. And gtadnesg returns with the pajggaj, ?, i pity the utiim. .i, n.v lev*. w h after the day whan the ?rerld at Basil >. '' no ui..- to Millie a.-i j.ui can, my lov.. And iiiuk? the iio.jr devil forget! IN-.I ll 4M I. ITATEMEXTS, ptmuBHBO Bv aoTBOnrrr ?a vna atm-ioo or pobub ? . PHOENIX MUTUAL LUE-lNrtl KANCE COMPAQ ? a\M AL STATEMENT FOR THE I IS !AL 1TEAR i:\'l-'.v . EMBER, 1897, i >F THE A? TI Al. ON OF TH TL'AL LIFE-INSURANCE COMPANY, OKG AN i ZED END ni-' THE STATE OF CONNECT?Cfi ' ACCOl NTS Pi >R ; HI. ' ' ' ANT TO THE LAWS OF VIRGINIA Nam any In Full?PHOENIX MUTUAL Li I COMPAN. . or Princii . leal JONATHAN B. BUNCE I 'HARLES 11 I.A"U RENC E. i MAY, Com? MAY, 1851. S The number of thereby In f : re? jr. number ?>f i laued during the year and the of Insurant. reby . . The numbei pollclea and the amouni I i foro during tbe year. The ' ' policies in ton-", end the amount of llabilt til - 01 ' . ... unount of i .11,uta. i imou The amount of all other receipta . . I'M" amount f losses and endos rli?? amouni * mount "i divid- n. Total. .$ Lin* am :. a . ,.* M"! - . . Loans mad.- to : urn ii"'- ? on | ferct . . <'a.-h ; ID ; banks. . . ! . .N?t amount <-?i uncollected and '.... . . i;, Si.Nkss IN \ IRGINIA Dl RING I ' . ? x .i,,'., i ind imount of i oil? dui . . mo int a bli I Bar. . . ' :i.J amount nf pelletai In : unount nnd claims on .. ' I. iroounl i. '. c lima on pelt? L? s p | imount of n ts, premium i or i - i.nd not du? ti,,'. ?, dividend mi ? uvidenda. Total . -?;?f-? OBgnedj ? Boa] oi the? - m n CHARI <ES ll l.v '.' -State Of Cot Bool of Notar) Sworn t? - ' pRBD f BMAU ' IE & HEFNER, General Agents for Virginia t J. 5. JAMES, Manager for Richmond. NXTIONAL BANK Of- VIRGINIA MII.DI Vi. We iiitvf room foi' b few moiv cnod District Agents his grand OM Company In Virginia Apply now il j l rant n good territory, Peat-Offoe Box, No. ?0 I tapio -Suit) Book and Job Printing aic.iti)'i uicct at tbo Dispatch Job Office.