Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. APRIL 16. 1898. R _- i? .- - Cartful buying ami f?ari?! letting For the Saturday Bargain Day T* mSrJ li-t to ?-.i-?y t? Sn **??? ***? ?n tloTis ovate?! by g??*!?? ^s?""*"""" dP"*SB?' The Kid Glove Stock of This House Is R?gh Bad riorcs, old glows, or fcl unworthy for any reason :i never admitir?!. Bren tl cheapest are right- and rigl in sise to tit the hand as tht ought Ladies' 2-clasp Heavy En broidered Pique (?love, in Tai Brown, and Black, regular 98 glove, for -i5c. .'i pair. Lachee 2-clasp Embroidere Kill (?l??\i'?-t in Tan, Golde Brown, White, and Black $LS5, for 90c. a pair. Ladies1 2-clasp Self- a? ]>l;i<k-F.ii)i?K?.<lr!V'1 Dressed Kit Gloves, in Black, Brown, Green Tan, Mode, and White, $1 ; pair. Ladies1 2-clasp Handsomt Dress? ?1 Kid Gloves, in Tan Brown, White, and Black, 9 $1.7.~? glove, 11.60 a pair. Ladies1 Kayser Patent Finger Tip Black silk Glove, embroid? ered in self and white, 50, 75, ?iimI 98c. a pair. LAMBS* BRRBBRS. Hoi > - . a f, and not a pn t - .-i for??sos ait not th.- 1 i > i .. .. Blue. Ore? n, I, do ible-llned Knits Mil . ok? ' end ves lined n k t iff. ta, ' ' At tram, and Bine ?an it. peri skirt, best lui .' | \ i . s Itlii- -. Bi . a . | ] i. trimm? l with b*u Our K3b Sait ach Broad lined throughout with ?' mi.k Mint r-w u? t v 1 " ... right, and prie? d right. Hatada I I W 1st? tucked la grou "i Waist?, blouse v..'. Ei Bla :- Taffeta Waists, tucked : i.7.". each. i I Bilk Wslsti ' B 0 ach, Tllf It If. HT MilKT-W \INT IIHST. Tl In this h?Mias ? r 11; and ti. ' ' ; ictl . both as : f -, itti tus and t trie of n. ikiiip. T- :. ! be ' ' " IIIom: lOCPSTOMBiD TO Minx?; HOSIESVl when their puouc is hi wn them in keeping the otesfffwfa dull day a busy one Prices That Will Win Tame for This Ston in .t agreeable gursaasi aova to-<iav. t :, ,:, r*l gtOCS Wffl .'?atn play g part. ?,000 paira i ad?es' Miases*, and Boj H"--. Bis? k, Ten, and Paneles, < , op t.. 17? pair. Y.'iir pluk of un ; i i . pair. i..?t?. l.adl.s. Misses', and Civ - Hose, costing ap to Bat-, 1 pali. i ?' Import? ! Fancy Sootoh PI i ones, tot lac. pair. Pin? Ribbed Black Liai? Ho? Be. pair. Chlldren'a Nea Scotch Plaida, elaea I l pair. - Imported Box, White, Black, < usual Iso. on? a, for lea. pair. Chemnlts-Made Black Ho* madorf dye ? Ktra-htgh spile? h. is and double sol? -, 25c. pair. or Children's Bolld-Black, Kii bed or Plein, all efcees, Be pair. \\, g ,v,. be? g gldpped 1"\H ISOLS AM) l MBRSaXAB by the thousands. Th? re I? s Mase lo selling tasca as no wbok ?ale aease eve I h- in. < ked Taffeta-Silk Parasols, Brows . Ore? h. and Hello Combtnatlona i und Raid-Bordered Taffeta pj topa, 12 :,v r .- v Two Ton? Effects tor H.** \ Bill Pat black enanv ell? 'l atti ha, -ilk tarn? Is, M?. . Bilk Twill? 'i. with full frills, H St White All Bilk Coa Ing Parasols, Mc. u hit. Bilk-Trlmm. d foi tl.JS and 0.50 ?', n'a Fam > ?Colors, Satin, lac. I'hii.h. n's, l?l-lnch alae. for ' ' < B Colors, In Kink. Blue, or Bed, f<ir " i Chnnm tble Taffeta-Silk Close? g Bun I'mbri llss, erltb allk cas? s and tassels, n.83 for the beet Q.M \ aluc ? v. r offer? d. Black TunVta-811k Close-Rolling Btecl? Rod Umbrellas. ?Ilk eases, ItSl Utn? i". lias, for ?i.r.'. Men' 28-Inch Bilk-Twilled Steel-Rod Kmt.r. n is, We., Instead of tl.75. s. If-Closing Steel-Rod ITmbrel las. patent frame, Prince-of-Wsles handles, M each. m:w I'lii't i> i\ ykii.s fO 00 WITH HUB SPRING HAT. H m.mi. of White snd col..r*.i Chiffon i Ulnas, for Be. yard. 88t Bendy-Mad? Lac? Veil? (chenille ' i. fur Be. Crepe-Bordered Veils for lOc. 19c. Orad? of Tuxedo and Flab-Net Vell ?C yat'l Whit? and Colored Fish-Nel Veil? with scallop? d borders, lie. yard. M'KCI U. ITKMS rOB SiTtltnW. Ladles' Jewel Belts, the newest and u''-t wanted kind, with extra-large s. tiiriu'. well worth M each, for Ladles' Puff Ties, in White P. K.. Il i ?Iras. Brown, Re, worth Re., for I v. Ladles' All-Linen Collars, the newesl . i i on? a, are to-day 6c. > ach SB i. oil.-s' New Brooch-Pins, worth ..'h, tor lie. C Month-Wash, nsuslly Be., for 17.'. bottle. Black Velvet Rinding for le. piece. Ladles' .1 we] Belts, S5c ones, lee. each. Ladles' ill I., ather Belts, lin? d stitched, usually ' ' ' -.. tor Isc, Dressmakers' Kid Cambrics, fnr lo di ?/' ?elllng, I He. yard -any color. Starling-Silver Bracelets, the regalar . Lu Mc. Bl Il B rli -' ' nabs, Ic "air. C1 '. Ladles' Pompadour Combs, for %c BATI Itnw RIBBON PRICRS. B-lnch Atl-SIlk Moire Taffeta Ribbon, nil the leading shad??*, for Be. yard. B-lnch All-Silk Taff? ta Blbbona, all ahades. for |fc. yard. 3 l-t-inch am silk Corded-Edge Dou? bl? -Fact.' Satin Blbbon Be i ard. All-Silk Satin Ribbon, heavy qu illty. 25c. yard. t iHlpa' l.' Tir.? frim.? ..nflo im til-- usual h- st d und' rprlCl I Will THE COHEN CO. ITHE COHEN CO. with slip-knot* for h vm?i? IT HAS RETURNED, THE ri.)l\4. StJI XDIION I- BACK \T II \MI'T<>\ ROAOS IN THEIR FORMER POSITIONS ?be VOOOOlO >la> It emir/, voiih Hi lew? jHirt >? ??? Ak?In?Tin- Masaorho? ? i-ii- in ?lie Pink of Condition?. \u Incident in lliilmnii. OLD POINT C' iMl'i ?R I'. V \ . April IL <spi i i '.i 'n Brooklyn, Ma 'j.-x.i-, Mtaneapolta, and Cob "?rising tin- Dying nguodron returned to 31 an; ton Rosdi .M :;..' o'clo k. and ;iy afterwarda anchor? ? off ? >ld Poli t. i i : i ha aid] [Virgula napea o is beraktad early in the iiftuiionn, ond o i -i the grim-looking t .: -*.. is hoy.- in alght, <i ni. ;i huge sed < "ii"' tod on ihi pi? n ml grater to ?re* "in?- tb< :t r< turn. Tti" ii Lgahlg was on the 11| i ,i,.mn in tas leed, end the M u i tta Mtmn and < '"hunt la follow? d i.i order, with ta* ateady little T? - trin?intr Dg the left When the ships flowed down. ti.<y toonmod relatively tin? Borne po-itions they occupied before, i ?,iy m"!, bunohed, U anything, and I -or ta ahon , At :.. . the Minn? ai oils i nchor i :. ami proceed?*d to Newport New* arriving th? re an hour Later. The i i !..:i. w< d shortly after. Both ablpa wih bave tie lr coal bunk nlsh? d. RENDEZVOUS AT NEWPORT NEWS. it is very probable that Newport Nom ?sill again be tbi r?ndesenos of th< I i .... i ,n a ?las Or 1 ? '-' Bl I ' Of 11 I hit.- oil! t-'iuin- goodly suppli?e of cool, arhleh Can bo pin*, d aboard with more dispatch from th? Chesapeake and Ohio niera Most ol t lie time o in'.. WOO d?M I !o test? ol 1M1II?. of vaf) Ini i wei nb-c illbre i" being iini ommodore Schl? > baa no m !" u" futur? m"? - i the squadron I I i II Ipat? a log ?.id. is at an) time. None "t the elltaers and men wer? peraaltted ashore it., and i.? visitors were ai . a tin .- frisada an granted this privilege, n .t bei i-ti'i-.n inn os- d. MAJBAt 'lli'SETTS. An officer atetod to-ntght tnet it Is 1 i,y pi ..t.unie th? maseachuaetta win be replaced In th>- iquadron by th? New Y?irk or any Other biiip. Il i that merchnnta and others owning wat r inter? s>4 In the alt lea approached from Hampton Road? and m. ci have appeal?'! to Ihi Nsvy Department to keep warships stall, n. d t,. ?, ,, ,._ mgntofly, but ttio Masaachuseti demon? Btrated while at s'a that stu i |n th? pink of conditi . || i?. ;i|,|,. ,,, |)() the work for which ?hi wai di ..,..| In a ?tartlir.K Bt? lament to m.ik. but \\ i? ?x fact, the m lasachusstts' strensth 1? e?iiml to mor* than op? third ..f thai * the combined t.cogtb of th, squadron Anoii? ship ,,,s b, dispatched from rS'.Su '"""" '" ""'"i""" Boads ?" "; ? -" hus,.?B will surely so out * "i < ' n n..o.., :-, |,|,.y * l SORE disappointments It Ii stated nuabiy lluil ??. ni:uioeuv. ?- --."..inbiu, ?a. u ?oie d.Mp?rotm-at I t., the ofneera They ?rere bard to man ,.:id could not work well with the ... Little, however, la expect? d of the slsti r ahina In action. The Cud.irwrlti r and Lone star wer? releaeed from quarantine to-day, and ?rere ordered to proceed t.. th.? Brooklyn navy-yard with the Mslne relies, >"it tb? m-houae offlcbila n fua : to give Cap? tain? wii.y und Leonard clearam e papers, use th.- Old Point quarantine officer isked for th. ?r detention on sccounl of quarantine violations. The Uncjerwrlter la codling, snd may move to-?lght on gov? rainent <?r.i< re, INCTDBKT IM HAKANA. Captain Leonard, of th'' Lone star, re? in interesting Incident < !' hi.- stay ,,i Habana. Th.' Vlscaya hoisted th? Spanish flag one gaornlng urlta the E ami Stripes under It. Lleutenant-Com? mender Cowlea "i th.' Pern, went at", mi a ml demanded it.- withdrawal. Th. E i i captain Jokingly replied that he bad i olsted it to h t it dry out, adding that I ?rOUld I'Ut it at the ton if the vim'.a it. d. ? ?owles again demanded Iti withdrawal, ami (..for., he returned t.. la launch the star-spangled banner came down, while the crew of the Pern che? n I, 'lie i>ixi" will go in eommtaaion >n Monday. Commander Charlea s. i>..\i, will t..- here t?. holet his pennant. Moot of in.' officers assigned to the Dixie and v mite lla\e ,i> I |\ . d HOW HART ami: RBADY TO RIGHTf An liii'iilry Aliout lln- RaeUBH Min'i lastltatS at Itnniiokf. ROANOKB, \'A . April i:,. -(Sjteel'tlj The Young Men'? Institute of Roanoke, g Catholic organisation, has received from i chairman of the Supreme Board of Directora "f the order In the United .m Inquiry as to bow many able i. men be institut.' in Roanoke can furnish in the event of a*ar. 'I'll, .-ame Inquiry bus been made oi the command? ? is of th.- order nil over the Unit? .1 State?, and it is said the Object which the Supreene Board has in slew is to ascertain how mans memo? ra of th? . nil r in th.- United State? can i"- count? d en to lend ih. ir service? in defence of their country, ami as boob as deAnlt? ran DO prOCUT? d a f. port Will l.e ma.).- to the War Department of the gOVI I iilti' -t. in Tin: LTROHRVRO mi ins. jiir> i ail tu Agnrae in. the Bhsusas ( IIMO ?I'ollt'i? Nil??.. LYNCHRURO, VA, April K>.~(Kpe<ial.) ';.h Kennedy, n plumber, who came li ; SOgeO time aSJO lroni PhllgdslphlS. was gireated to-day, ?Raised with forging hi? employer'?* name to two che? kg, sggregatlnf Hy, In th? -nit in th.- Circuit COUli of Louis Q Sh.iii.r va th. Southern railroad for ?l'VH'i lor the loxs of a lag, th? jury full? ed t<> agree. Judge .Stafford <i Whittle, of the I'lrcuit ?"ill I. has decided that the Norfolk und Western railroad eatmot dlsentniuate sgalnst asugsag? compaaiee at their depot in tbls elty, holding, If they admit ono to their premises for the purpose of so lielting baggSg? they have to admit o I hers. The r.arll'Mhl! Not for Hpaln. ROH1 April r>.-The KagaaRBN ?n nouneee thst "alt asgottatloaa for the saJ*^ of the J tullan ? miser to Spain liase been puspended, on gt> .' of the international r?asard djaa 0 Hi. Powers ubout to become belllfce rauta." THE TAX ONTOBACCO It is to Be Increased from 6 to 12 Cents a Pound. RULING AS TO PAYMENT. Stamped Goods in Unbroken Packages Made Subject to Increase. fjQWfJMMSSMgg J??\EX 4>\ t UK.IMA. TllOmte fO Hie <?l?l I ???in I ? I?? n nl the lOfWfOOn ltnn?|ii?*<? I.?'?*'s I1 ,-llnnlliiii of fotoona ltcc?-|>?ion? Olbrr IVrnnnnl Noie?. WASHINGTON. D. ?'.. April l.V-iPp? <-i:ii u ui onderotood that the tea oa manufactured tohncoo, in tin evonl of war, win he locreased from f. .-. nts to |] conta p?.r pound. Manofoctorora of ami wholeeole end retail d?niera in tohiceo will hav?' to pay th?? additional t; cents on all stomped gooda in unbroken pack? Bge* Tin- authorities h.-ro think that inasmuch as tin- govoroment robot? OB unbroken packages when th.- lai was rndneod, it ta no more than rlghi that unbroken packages ?honU pay th" ta? ? i- toed tax Tin> la not genoraBy know* either by ih" trad- or by repreoentativea .a th? tobooco growing end tobocco-manofoo' turing^Btate* Chairman Dingtay, of the Woya ami Means Committee, bowevei was ?aiidid enough t" say to your oar* i'spoiid'm to-day th:'.'. th. matter of tax had ind 1 a agreed upon, ihougfa it been pretty weU discussed. Ha waa free to aoy tbot 13 cents pei pound orna wnnl bad boob spoken ol m th. ora] of Incn us i revenue, and n would no doubt be enacted into law. t? Becooaory, ih.- said further that If tin- country went t.. \\.-;r, Hu- tax WOOM] .'it.inly h" In creaa .1, .md it would be put through with oil noestblo opeed. Uli purpoa woa to have th?' act Include all ata a hand. it. further s.'id that even If there Bhould be n" 0 m. the tos would probably have to be Incressed, as th?- sountry was already on a war-footing, which woold ne ? a large Increase "t revenu* il" nid ?lot look, however, nor did hi h..] " ior, so) auch bopp) contlngenc) aa an eocape nom w.u. Therefore, said Chairman Dtngley, it might )"- coimlud??d that very sh.utiy th" iu\ on manota*-? tur. d tobacco woold bo Increased to II cent 1 1 pound. Colonel Jomes D. Patton, of Rich? mond, a prominent member ><: 'ii" To baeco Exohange ?.t that city, ami Mr. Frei. s. Myer* a Bicha.I nmnufa - turer, are in thi city, looking after Um tobacco-tas matter. Colonel Pitt.m stopped at th. Metropoli? tan, breakfasted with Senator Daniel ami lunebed with General Pltshugh Lee at the Bhoreham, W. A. JONES ON VIRGINIA, Th.- Jefferson banquet was ouito a notable event, th.- Hon. WUltam J? n> ninga Bryan being tin- guest of honor. il" responded to tin toast, "Jefferson," ..ini Repn sentative Jones, "f llit Firsl Virginia 1 ?iatrl? 1. to tii" t. .e t. "Th? s Thal ?;.i\" Ui Jefferson." Mr. Jones was Introduced by Senator Jones, chairman of the National Democratic Committee, in terms exceedlngl) Battering to the con? grewman from the First District Mr. Jones commenced hi- s|.ch by .-i\in? that th" rotations prblch Virginia austalned to her Bister Colonies prior to tin- Revolution, and which she continued to su-tain to th" Union after tin- Revo? lution, constituted an Interesting, as well a-- iii-ti-u"!i\. chspter in the history of the American repubUc, ami afforded a thorn.- upon which all Virginians delight? ed to dw< ii, hut thai "svn 1 i" 'in late? ness of the bout be would not attempt even a brief recital of th" services of th.- first royal Colony nial the oldest Commonwealth in th" sisterhood of St to the 1'nion, or recount her contributions to history. ii.- briefly referred to tin- lending 1 i' taken t>y tli*? Colony of Virginia durlpg tie- Revolutionary period, especially dwelling on ih- l'l'oniiii.n." > ; Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and Tbomaa Jefferson in arousing opposition to the British crown, li" spok. too, in glowing terms of the Virginia Rill of Rights and Hi.- ?''institution .a' th" Sim.-, both of Which ON I".- adopted prior to th.- adoption of tin- Declaration <>f Independence and which WSK ih? produc?s of th.- hrain of George Mason. SIFT m' ti:rrit< iry. IP- also sp"k. of the generosity of Vir? ginia in ??-.liiiK. in order to promote tin- nwvement for the adoption of a national constitution, which waa Inaugu? rated by th" Virginia House of pan.- - her vast Northwestern d?mala 0,'t of which tic?- great Btotoa have -in", been erected si 1 added to th" Union, it aros und. r th" administration "t Jefferson, and when Madison was hi-- Secretary of State, Mr. Jem,s said, that Monroe was enl as apoctal envoy to Prance ' > negotiate tin- Louisiana purchase, ool of which bave sprung oeorly a donen States and Terrltorlea He recalled tin- fact that it was during Monroe'? administration thai Florida was purchased, .Mid when T? xas, an empire in its. If, was aim. \.ii to th?- Union, J"hn Tyler was th" President <>f th.- United Btntea a movement for tin- annexation of Tezoa was Inaugurated by Abel p. Upohur. of Accomac coonty, Va, Um brilliant Beere* tary of Btate, who come to an untimely death on the Prinii ton. PRESIDENTS AND GREAT MEN. in conclodlng his remark* Mr. Joaea i.,?tared that it bos ba a boM by those win. ware unfriendly to our American in? stitutions that the peopb ol the United Stat..s never selected th? ir presidents from among their greatest anon, a critl? i ism. In said, which. hOWOVOT true it iniuht I,, as to tin Other Slates of the Union, could not be applied to the Com? monwealth which bod given to the Untan Qeorge Washington, the Father of his Country; Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, and the tree I epoatle of Democracy, James Madl? son, tin- chief architect of oor Federa] Donatltutlon, and Jarana Monroe, who formulated the famoua dotstrlne whli h Aas to-day being tavoaed by our govern? mint, and which bears his honored neme, Mr, Jones said it was tun- thai Virginia had been a litti? abort on pronldenta in recent yenr* but be predicted that the nest President would in- a nntlve of one if the States ereeted out of tin- Terri? tory bestowed by Virginio upon the Lfnloo, n cltlseo i'f one of those Btstea icqulrod under th? admintotrottoo ol a Ifirginia Democrat, ami ii grandona "I the :iid in minion herself ?a worthy attoca if Us Virginia patriots and BlBlSOmOB .vho laid deep and brood the foundations )f th? Republic?William leanings Pisan. PKRSiiNAR. Quite a number 0/ lodiea graced the lefterooB banquet at the National Rules' \iinoiy, witti tii? 1 r preseooa in Hi?- K'l ery. Antoog them ner? Mvoral Virginia adle*. Mrs. W. A. Joins and a niiml" r >f lady friends w.i? BOCOTtSd hy l.os.-rnnr ryhi to tin- Armory, and ptaeod in an x.-t II. nt positmu r,i loar the s|.his mil view the ptaOOOBl and BOBBOtlBM s . \ itiiiK aconea ooesmojnent upon inch an ?session. Mr. Robert K. Lie. Jr.. of Fairfax, V.l.. s at th?- Kbbltt. Mrs W, OT. Day. Mr?. ??. IVCunlv, Nor dk Va.; .1. H. MoCobs, Loaobuig. R. U. smith. Roonoae, Va.?Metropolitan. R. T. Simpson and wife. Richmond; P. . Irvine. Tulpep.-r -Th.- JefteVBOn. J. W. BOnlnjor, ?taunt.m ; J. W. Hopkins, tlebmond; J. C. Farley and wife. Rieh? nonil; Jooephos Daniels. edlWir of the tatatgh (N. C.) Newa and Obnerver, and B. C. Smith, Btaleigh, N. <\, an- at the taMigh. j W. A. Mudd>Hton, Rlehmoinl; W. H. H iowcii, Covlngton; Mrs. J. H. ('allanan, EMPLOYMENT WANTB._ WAJrrat?, A POSITION AH ll????K KKIOKKM. AH Klstiint, or Office Assistant. In general by a graduate of Hmlthdenl'a Buelnes College. lias reference as lo oharactc and general Industry. Address \\'.. can of Dispatch._ ap lfi-lt* WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN TO ?'ooK AM? I" Oeneral Housework. Must coase recon? mended. Apply bin Ployd avenue. _ np 16-11*_ _ WABTBDi MAN OK LADY OF OOOD ADOBES* to Travel und Appoint Agents. IK? p-t month mid expenses, P. W 8EIOLEB & ?'?>.. :'1."> Locust streit. Philadelphia. ap J?-Sa,Su.VWtit WABTBDi BALRBMRN SELLING BPnCIALTnM t.. School?, desiring valuable Information write THE DIAMOND UTHO-PUB COMPANY. Minneapolis, Minn, sp H-2f WASTED, EXPERIENCED HI'KiTALTY BALES men. Meritorious, Rapid-Belling Line. Exclusive territory In Virginia. Addresi HOLCOMB Ai HORS M K<; CO., Sulli? van. Ind._ _lip I'-i* WANTED, A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED DR1 Goods Reference required Address DRY GOODS, Petersburg, Vs. an t?-r?t u ANTED. A POSITION AS TRAVELLING BAUDS man Best "f reference furnished. Addresi -BUSINESS." 207 Northwest street. Bal .it'll. N. ?'. ap IO-*t Clifton Porga, Ya., K. Culpeper, Vlr ginla- -Nati.mal. L Ski m, Jr., CharlottosvUle, Va.?WO lard'? United States Marshal Morgsn Treat, o the Hast, m Dlatrict <?? Virginia, is loi. getting mi familiar tome with 111 - De partment of Justice ami the Ti ?asura?. Nati..nal ' ornmiitiitiK.ii George B Bowden is bj the city, referaelng aoent pOSt?offli a appuintni'tits. SEW HEDIOAL BXAMINRHS, Gavaraar kgga?ited Paarteea Physl? ? I? lis t rsliTitll > . Governor Tyler on v. terday named th< following physldsne to constitute th" .?- tat.- Board of Hedlcal Examinera: Prom tin- State si Large Dr? u. W. Martin, of I,y ne h bu in, and \V. I.. Robin? on, >>f Dsnvllli . Plrst District?Dr. L s. Poetar, Ma? thewa county. s-. . id District?Dr. If. M. Na-h, Norfolk. Thli i District?Dr. .1. a\ Wartaner, !! nrico Pourtn District?Dr. s. ay, Rudd, Pa? li rsburg Kifih District?Dr. u. s. Martin. Pa? trick. .-'?\th District it. sama, i Lyta, Lynch? burg Seventh i?istrKt -]->r. u. ? . Randolph, Clarke. KiMhth District?Dr. U. M. Slaughter; K ilrfax. Ninth District?Dr. B, T. Brady, Abtng? don. Tenth District?Dr. ?'har'as W. Rod? i;' re, St iunt.m. These gentlemen were recommended by the m- dlcal Society ..f Virginia. Dra, B, ?'. WflUama, of Richmond, ami M. u. AII?m, of Norfolk, wer? appointed as Us lean..--..pathisT member? "f th. bosrd upon the recommendation of th? H .in. mann Medical Society, .>f the Old i lotninlon. Th? member? serve f"ur v ira ft na April l. IBM The ? knri mor h i - glso appoint? d ?'liarles Kink, of Charlottesville, a num? ber of the Btatc Board of Pharmacy, to .1 Mr. Mutin. ..f Norfolk, who de? clined to ?erv?. POOAHONTAB in ron BEPAIRS. Mr. llnrilrv II (> ?a .In?. I ? om pli-leil no i.i-uiiii? Nma Luniii-ii. Ths VlrgtiUa Steamboat Comp i . Hal ateamer Pocahontsa, which has been plying between Richmond snd Nor f.>r the past three years, hai taken to tin ?hip-ysrda In Norfolk, a for ggveral .lays ?he will be laid off for repairs. During the i" rtod of net I tlvlty, the Ariel, which ran on Jam - river before the Pocahont ta was pot on. will take hi r place. Mr. Bai n v. of Rom wo-i 1. has completed tn.. construction "i s ?plencid m launch, which will i" nm between Meadowvllle and Richmond, end will be k- pt for pi- ?aura parti? - on '.he Jane . i ail] h?' laiim le d at Mea lowville n Tuesday. The m.'k. ri of the engine nave guaraat? i ! that the bo a m ifl i?' m i le snd Mr Bat it? y Lu t< Id Adjut ? leneral Nalle thai i ca ? I war th? launch will bu at til tervic Oi thw gOV? . rnm? tit t oll>ir-l)n> Rally ?t I lny-??tre??t. Interesting exorcise? ?rill bi bald si Clay-Street Methodist Epiacopal church to-morrow. The Sunday-* hoc i room been renovated and beautified, and s in day win i a i. dedicati d al the n o'cl aervtei AI I o'clock the Cottyer celebration will i.p held under the guspicei of th? Epworth League, whan the following Interastlng progr mm? s III I r? nd r? iL Hymn US, Congregation; Prayer, Rev, W, W. Smith; Scripture Reading, Unman-, 17. Mi--- Kos,?ih Pelttls; Hymn, R9, Congregation; Offertory, Choir; T*n? Minute Talk on K.?-.-.i. Mr, Aaa Johnson; Paper, "History of the Korean Mission Movement," Miss Bthe' G liman; Hymn, HS, Congregation; Reading Letter from U-v. ?' T. ?'..liver, Mr Lee G. Crutch Bi id: Solo (sei? et? d), Mr. Btuari Hop? kins] Prayer, Mr. ?'. h Hamilton; Bricl Talk by the Pastor; Missionary Offering; "i't lise God, from win.m all bl< Bow"; Suent Prayer, followed by i diction. The Baedety ad *i?? Clsseiaasatt, The Btsnding Committee of the Society af the Cincinnati h> l.i a meeting last night at the Commonwealth Club. Those t were Mr. John Cropper, Mr. Heth Lotion, Dr. <;. orge B? n. lohnst in, snd Mi. K. H. C. CabelL Th? Virginia So iety la now In a trery flourishing condi? tion, and the i ommltt?.ted ur.'.n a numb? r oi appli? inta foi memo? : - ihlp. The annual meeting will be ?aid ,n Richmond on th? ith of Jury. Siriirm Day ted ?? Htsadasua. The s. at st. James Methodist ehurch Sunday aill he devoted to the mlsslonsry causa The pastor will preach i apecisl ?ermon st n a. m.. and at Bight the Epworth leaguer? will have a "Colyer rally." Bevtvsl set rices aill be in m ?very ninht aexl week, with a mon each evening by Bev. J. W. M Former pastor ol the church. A cordial WelCOBM awaits ?-? ry..n . Dr. .lone? In IVteriiluirn. Dr. J. William Jones has accepted an nvitstlon t.. speak before th>- Eoung ?ten's Christian Association maatlna In ?etersburg to-morrow afternoon, and to ?r? .oh at the Washington-Street Metho llai church that night l?r. Jones has also accepted aa lavtta? ton from the College of William and llary to preaeh their COmtO. in etiutit ?ST? non on June Btk te St IniinlMilaiii's Coii^ii Remedy I ret-ommendi'd only for th?1 law ?lis u??'s for which gtgpSriaDSB has proven t to be rispufially adaptad ?un? supe for to any other. N<? other remedy vill gfjrel a cough or mid so qojekly \"o other i?? >?> ? ? tt prevent i r# nul cure for crotip. No other afford* ?i much rt'lii'f in cases of whooping ough. No other is h?'hl in hii*her es eein DY thos?? who luive use?! it atul ?now its real worth and merit?, (five 1 a trial when in need of such a me liciriH and yon ure certain to he more han pleiiM'd with the result. dt fj Sa.Tii&Thnrtf ?.- i - old papers for aal? at the tuapitcn fllce. Bt'gfKRBR WANTB. Do You Rea< MY Advertisements IF YOU DO YOU ARE ONj OF HY C?STOHERS. lo.nno dozen l-poond can? Finest Alb marie Pippin Apples. Tou can ..* gel all you Deed, .! cans fm. * IJgg can* -1 pound-, pi?- Peaches.. '* Roch Candy Syrup, from pure granulati sugar, clear m s spring n it. r, per -jr gallon . ?K 44 II !( c Water-Ground Cornmeat bushel... Culpeper Creamery Butter, per pound . Finest atagar-Cured Dims. .. Mustard Sordine* 1-pound cans.. I boxea Rollt d Oats, Bnoal made.. 5,0 a boxi i (larga >'.z< > of ? intrai al per iios; . ' v.Mii'ia, In pint boi ?.'?i-i pounds Honeysuckle Smoking Tob?ceo, per pound . a 23 20 75 5 5 Choice Now fris?. Potatoes, pt h . .'..' o i ounda Import! d French Can -, ock, ! |. tunda. , quart bottlea Pale Bi ind). Impoi ted . vi dosen pint- Extract of Lt mon.. .-? i ounda Pur.- Lai d n I home . \\ hlti M ick? n I. I ' d juicy fresh gooda just r? c? Ived i y ?? i? i p. r dost n . o V'i large bottlea of Celery Bouc* mal y. u mouth water ju I it, I i bottle . ,",?i large bottli s Bw< 11 Pi.-ki? -, home-made . New ?'top Dates, in tinfoil boxes, soin, l Inn?; in s\ . I '.' ' pound - Ni W < ' Molina Rui. i"r pound . French Breakfast Fresh T ? ..?t.. . r>.'??i pounds Fresh Mocha Coffee, 3 ?? - juHinds for . /?) Home-Made Blackberry Brandy, ? I er ')iiart . O (111.son's did Rye Whiskis-, per quart . Rock-Candy Syrup, pure sugar per gallon . ".im dosen ".mis Thistle Tomata -. peY can . 1 import' d p. i r. any quan? tity, per dosen . SO dozen quart lara Imported Mua? tard . 5 5 7 4 l? inn dosen Finest Simar Corn. h?' dosen Small June Peas, fresh - . ; ?. i-po ind can - Fines) Trip? one of our btggeel bargalna. I cans Condensed Milk, fresh la . ln.ojo ilozi n Washing Powd? r, Z for 75 3? 6 5? 10 6 10 5 47 5 D. 0'SlLLIVAN liiffhteenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. Two Telephones. tap ir,.Sa,Su, Iu?Th! _ w \mi:i?. A GOOD LOT OF WORK-HORSES AN1 Mul. -, Addr? m JAMES F. BRADLBT 12U porter afreet, Manchester, Va. _ W tvBTBD, TO RENT A GOOD LOCATION IN Till country tor general merchandise stm. house and dw< Hing, Railroad station pr. fi rr? d. Address J. K U, US IP nr; street, Roanoke, Va. _ap K>7t* \\ \vri-:i>. BOARD. AN ELDERLY MIN18TEI ,I>rl> ite t nails' preferred) Boon Br? ikfast, and Supi er. b< to en posl Office, Third and Brosd .-ire: - I BOX 12*_a : ?it 11 K BBLLBRfl. CREAM Pi ITS. JELLY ROLL* Marjorle Pi? -, 12c.; 1 ?range <'-'k. s, 13 l-a . -, i", . do* n. svmIi 11 mu . - ; Snaps, ..". pound; ;>o kinds Fancy Cakei Citron and R ilain 1 !ake, J1?-. pound; Ai buckl? '. 1 ton" Layer < 'akee, h?. Cake* 5c. pound. DRINKARD'S north Sixth. 'Phon- r. ap IB-It Kl? '11 MO.Ml LOAS Ol KICK. LARGEST AND MOST RELIABLE, Si, na, AMD BI MORTH NIMT1 STREET. f.?n. gal L : bi on mtisl - curitlei Highest cash price paid tor old Q0I1 and Silver. ap ln-'frn IBWABO HHI Ml HIMRIH. Msyor*? Offlc? RI? bmond Va, Apr I 14 BOO.?TWO HI'NDRF? DOLLAR8 RE ward for Information thai will I? ad t? th.. arfsoi and conviction ol either u the two n -otitis negro men who murder . d PoM? "in II R I- ' I 1. Austin Molidas morning, April 11, IBM, RICHARD M. TAYLOR, Bg l'.-it Ma? or, i^tis BICYCLBB now > to a.-,. NEVi ISM MODEL LADIES' AM GENTLEMEN BICYCLES are noo beim sold on eosy conditions as i,.%\ as i-'. others outright al ii : ;..",. and hlgh-grad? . and CLSB, to be paid for art. 1 received. If you arlll cut this notice out and aend to BEARS, ROEBUCK A CO 1 'hli ago, th? ' will semi sou their IgfM Bicycle Catalogue and full particular? jii.iii mim ihi 11,1111111 inn 1 jWa L. Douglas I $3.50 Shoe! <J TS fit for a : V ?Kin?. Very: atyhsh, easy = fitting and : durable and I just as good : in every way : as those cost- ; IBM from $5 z to $7., .Watts (n nil the li:i/->t ?tgtajj fif tut mu? every variety "/ th* Im si Imported n,ni 00?. = BaasBte h sfA? r . E We can afford to sell r this high-grade shoe for ?$3 5?, because we make E and sell our shoes through : 55 exclusive stores in the S large cities at one pro?t = and do the largest busi E ness in men's tine shoes ? in the world. S Jlaile to moaaaVS ?/desired. E 0v Bt-r? a UcaUJ ?t 1623 East Broad St. SIIIIIUIIMIUIIIIIUIIIIBIIIIIIUIIIIIIMI order?? for printing sent to the Dispute!? Company will bfl given prompt attention. god th?. at/Is of work and priced will lis, auu. tO 1 Ica?C you. AUCTION S AI. F S?Till? Day. P WHEN HEAL ESTATE IS BOLD 1 TAXE? FOR THK CURRENT CAL DAB VBAR ABE TO BE PAID I HATA BY THK VENDOR AND . VENDEE By C. II. Oliver. Auction?, r. 1 ENTIBE 8TOCK Of I'LA? -i AND ?LOVVEKS. In order to close up the buslneea of Richmond PlOral Company, I will FRIDAY. APRIL 1-th. nnd the following days of this gfeck at No. .Tl/!! east Kf-ad slp-el. th? ? stock or Plants and Plowere, consta of Roses, ?'aims. Geraniums, Verbe nnd all kinds of Spring and Sum Flowering Bulbe and Roots. Tl plants were grown especially for bed? and out-door planting. They will | and bloom In the window until wm for th>- Kardeii rr (-,.nv tery. and COO I to blo<im all summer. Sales at 1 ' ' M. gad 4 I'. If, PRED. H. WILLIAMS ap 12-.".t S 11, stria Al ctiov SALKft-enture Days. WHEN REAL aWifltTE IS SOLD T TAXES FOR THE CURRENT CALI DAR YEAR ARE TO BE PAID I RATA HY THE VENDOR AND T VENDEE. J. K. El i m A- Co., Real Estate Auctioneers. prULIC AUCTION .SALE OF A THE REAL ESTATE BELONGING 'n l THK ESTATE OF THE l.A'l K KEE JACOBS, CONSISTING OF DES1RAB RESIDENCE? ON NINETEEN STREET. TWENTY-THIRD STRE1 AND ON M. ?SKY STREET FRONT1 TH? NI.W AND HANDSOME JEFF1 BON I'AKK. By request of the devisees of th? l K? . la obs, and for the pun - . division, wc will aeil by i uWI< r? j mi the premises, respectively, and In w I following order, all th? REAL ESTA In the city ol Rl< hmond, d? vis. d by will of the aald Keeva Jacob?, d.a? ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL ?, ISM st i.:u o'clock P. M. the BPACIOl BI B8TANTIAL A M > VERY DESI ABL DETACHED BRICK RESIDEN? ?o. il" north Nln? ti enth ?treet, on i esst aide of Nineteenth ?treet, betwi Franklin and Grace streets; the lot fro Ing ti l-J f?eet, and having h d? pth i ;. feet, th?' dwelling having two itot and attic abovi bam m? nt, containl about I] rooms, and there ai a detacl brick kitchen of I room? on the lot. t pr? mieea being In g.I ri pair, and h iv? th? usual etty convent? nc< a. AT I OCldOCK P. M. ON THE SA.1 DAY, the VERY DESIRABLE 2-STORY B t? MENT AND ATTIC BRICK TENEME1 DWELLING, at If/] north Klneteei Btre? t. 'h- ?ol frontil - ?51-12 feel said ' a I rid? of Nlnet? enth street having a d< pth of 130 feet; the dwelll containing ? rooms, of good aise, hivi the usual conveniences, In g.i repa and there is s good kit? hon ..t I root ..n tin lot. AT .".:? O'CLOCK P M . ON THE SAI KAY. the LARGE AM? SUBSTANTIAL D TACHED BRICK DWELLING, No. north Twenty-third street, on the ? . side of Twt nty-thlrd, b? tw? en M iln i Frsnklln atreets, the lot fronting sb? 33 ' . t. and having a depth ol at? H feet, th.- dwelling contalnli :? room? and th? usual conveniences; a .ai t be s? xr day, THURSDAY, THE ROT INSTANT, . S ?rei.? ii-K P. M . the THREE DELIGHTFULLY-SIT ATETJ AND ATTRACTIVE BRIt DWELLINGS, Nos. 507. SOS, and 511 Mo? itreet, opposit J? ff? i ?on Park; No. Isom? coi ner r? Id? n? d of two st?fl. - H bov? I containing I rooms, having the mod conv? nlence? and b ing eHpe? tally < ni rabie In i bar t? ter snd loc itlon, the ! .'routin? about 991-2x157 feet t.. an all ... r< at wide, and Noi, 601 and 511 b I ind attractive two-story brick let ol '. rooms i ich, the lot? froi Ing ibout Bbtl57 feel t ach to ?aid illey. ah persona In quest of desirable, co ad plea -: it I bom? at mod?r?t" cost ' as those s? big Investment In good rental properl at respectfully si ged to attend the TERMS: One third ee?h; balance equal Instalment?, by negotlabl not? at one. two, and three ?> am, with i iddi d. snd ' in i by d? ed trust, or all 'u.-h. at the option of t iser. .!. K. ELAM A CO., A in ' \ L [SC 'I'?1. Ex? ' m i iv. an IS-tdi -, .. gby, Ri al Est?t? Aactlon TBUSTBaTB AUCTION SALE ( LOTBOUTBSABT CObNtR OP UK'??? LAND AND DINNEEN 8TREE1 Al.S.? LOT ON NORTH *\\<y. BROO LAND NEAR DINNEEN BTREET itlon of a d< ed of trust dal d \ p 15, 1MB, duly recorded In Henrico Coun < 'ourt, l >e? a-Book 151 A, ps?e IS i sell, b) auction, on the premleea, on WEDNESDAT, W'Ull. R IRS - ' lock P M the abov? -n PROPERTY: 1st, th? Lot aouthei corner of Dlnneen ind Brookland has a freatagc of 10 feet bj depth ;_'. ni'.re or leee; Sd, Lot beginning leu th el le of i irook nlng v" fei eaet of I ?Inn? en ati in* .-i frontai i feet, running be 109 t. i it alley. TERMS: Enough In caah to i .. of ?al.-, any taxe? that may be due. a th. sum of $118.05. the residue at om .. iwo yesrs, Interest added and ?f*cur?*d ! ".!. .Ji'ilN BAGBY, ap II Id REAL l>l V?l i: AT I'll I \ ill ?ALI UK %RE S.VTHORISBD TO SELL r""U A NON RE8IDENT, FOUR BRI' DWELLINGS The) must b? ?old, a a bargain can be ?xp? ct?sd. <'..n about them. will pay handsomely as i ivi itmant. J. 15. ELAM ?'< I.. gp :.-int in:; Main atrt ?I FOB SAt,C. aa^asu bmodiriu PbTARTS, in Knie Thrifty Condition, for pri?es to suit th?' tines, BUltabl? fl Yards, ItowetM hu ad o. motet purpose?, ah orden by mail ..r telegrai promptly attend d to. JOHN P. TOLER, No is north Laun i ap 2-eodlmo RIchlBOCSL Va F?ll REST. fh gjT FOR HlAi. No 1021 PARK A\ BNUE, II BOOMi , month. No. oit north Twent) I roomi Bi) pet month. No. MI north rwenty-thlrd, I ; er month. No. y-t north Tweaty-fourth, 7 roomi i $11 per month. No 611 north ntb, 6 roosm I in? per ne No. Ml ; esst Broad, $pi p, month. i. i?. CARNEAL II \" it". . ist Main POR BES l. | A VERY DESIRABLE PLAT OP FTV I rooms, aith t' and all conveni ? T.uns gaoderate. Apply at l?BJ Qro\ ? aveaua, gp : * MBaTtTROS. MAS??Nl?' NOTICE. A SKK CIAL COMMCNICATION OP LODGE OF STRICT OB8ER \ wei:. \,. :", a. f and a y . will be held it St. Albana lt..11 BATUR DAY. April If, ISM, at : S P M. sh.ui for the purpose of laying the cornel ol th? Virginia Home for the in eurablea Ma*', t Hasona In good Ing at. fraternally Invited to attend, an the Worshipful Maatei requesta that a the brethn n wear ?lark cloth and sie.. - Bj .ltd. r of the Worshipful M i P. L Reed. CHARLES A. NE8BITT, ?P nt-lt Be? retary, HKMOVAL BOTH K. RK.MmVAI., W. S. PlUher. BeaJ. L. l'urcrlt. W. 8. KILCHKR & CO., i leal. I H ill COAL. Wool?, AND I'OKK, have removed their ?/BBSs to MARaMIAI.I AND BOWE STREETS Order? for Pus may be left with A. il. Martin. BE ?< Broad itreet. or ?u-nt direct to the i.uu. Phones: Old, m. new, ;-?. ap lv-lw 'HA EN 'RO HE JT3 Dm sell inly, itit? Un? ?as. II!' i Il -jfl Urn; r-1 si i ted ?au i A. AUCTION * .L.?M-I1 ..?r-. Day.. WHEN REAL BsfTATE la a?ji TAXES FOR THI? CURRENT dak year ARE to BI paid ol IV TUU ? / I.- v r .. . .. . , ' ' AMD l:n RATA BY TENDEE. IHK VENDOR HI ^N HO HE LL V'E i.i: rn :t. N ' I ;r ate -d TE Ih? .1, rs, ;: i:. th? !1 nt IE S'T ith on nd ng ng IE !'. i i I It ,11! ,11! ml IT U? E by I . nt. rn i,-. lot s n-; : i Bj Button a- Co., Real Ks' All I " Iwvwmg? ???noi bu e OS A TWO-STORY DETACHED Fl'iu DWELLINU AT THE NORTHWRST POR' DAMP. AVENTE AM? I. STREETS (BARTON Hi.... in esa Bttofl of ii i ; .n, oeed to tin- und? reigned u 2B, 1836, and reoordsd li i .. -h Henrlco Count) Co .it. in i . "a." page BI, win,h m ?ore the peymenl of ? cet money therein mentioned, d. I been mode In the ; . thereof, and tviri? .; the t" ni n. i.irs, ?a.- r> . at puhie auction, up i MONDAY Al'ltli. ; ilf B40 o'rl". k P. M ? PROPERTY, being II vi s.-.i by th? deed of i - on? d. The nouae la eomp good oi I ha The lot front? fin f.-.-t ?n tw? n parallel lines IE feet t U reel wide TERMS: Cash aa to ? any tax?e thai ! . LOW, with Inter? IWT, the batano? upen h ir.."?' tw.-lve m,,: upon the pr< pert} ! K ' JOH JOHN B. PI R ap T_ T. runnill, A pOURT SALE Oi' THI Valuable Cotton Mill and Other Proper!; 01 tu Swift Creek Cotton Manufacturing Company THREE MILES tTROM I .. . \ A , IN THE COUNTY OF I B AT AUCTION. in . ? Equit) luurt ol ,?,i.i,..; on the It onsolidated chain "li. E Sal Manufacturing Coin:. nj "J. L. Lind s Swifi alanufac luring Compel .. pending, tti? . m ml . . rs, '/> sa offer tor - front door of ; Hustings '< in. in i tmrg, \ a. on the .11 DAT OF M U commencing at - ; REAL ES i Al K. In? ludlng tie reon, ms< hinoi . . I w. thi Bo Ift-Crc? k Cotton i -i., my, and all tin PER PERTY on the | m?; "1 about 13 the ?'? ?T'l? ?N-Mi i-I- fully ?q machinery ton goods power, i wat? of tin- ssat- : from 81 furnia i< teen tenement : boardlng-hou ? . ?ton ... . lar?. .i large quantlt) .., ul manufai i building; s n'-antity cf corda. pr? mil m ere h fun . Tbe machli ery embi spinde I ISO loom . . equlpp? d with an l< l- ite mm-:. ' ' thi TERMS i ?n- -fourth am " In three qual I Bt four, eight, and f ?ift.r. i ild lef? !!-l ; de.l by tho n? -< ii.-m da) of m prop? rty t all tie- purchase-mom . . cept that the t? rma of ? f th? prop? i ty aball be i v V ROBERT .- ' W. BRI I" IN S|. . I Vlrglt i?In I kenrill. ' Swifi i n . k ?'ot'on y pans-, a als. 'ami J. L Llndaay. MISf .s-A Ifj ?'!. k Cotton Manul piny . i p, p. w inaton, i ei w . ommlsslon? i m the at'"s-. -style? ' v : , has h- en given by I W. Brj don T< nn int. nil pi "S . d 1.-. lie . <;i\. n undi r m\- hai I I April, isas. p p. w IZ-td By J. B. Blam I Real Bal it? A rpB?BTEB'fl B?hk BY P?BLK I auction or niK TWO-STORY AND RASI M DU KI.un?;. No. 611 NORTH Pll-"I In "X. ' :!i"ii of a cert to 11 i und. reigned trust? ti. " Richmond Cham Rook IM "C." i 1 1 required so to do I : win sell by i ui TUESDAY, APRIL h P M . tie- R| : -, i i!.. d : . .\ north Fifteenth The dw< Hing I* le brick b illdli i ' alw . A.II. TERMS Ps ".ish. batan month i red i s trust, or all > ash ai I he pi I I : I I \ M 1- fl I I P.s ?'. I. i n. L D Ron] Botet? it ksuct v>: M TRUSTEES BALK OP THE ATTR .CTIVE I>E rA? 'HI - URICK DWELLING NO. Ill WEST 0?YALITIBET. p.s rlrtue of Vh rk ID ' Ki. hmond ( Court .! fsult It of e. rt.iiu in. ami being ' -I'M' ! o to do i s public auction, on thi pr? m WEDNESDAY. APRIL . at : o'i i"< k p m . ih. ai ' ? I'Ri ?PERT!. The dw. Ulna - and ' i ata i The i,,- fi I feel fe.'t on a- western in,. < .eii i n hu.-, with a bri the I Tie. TERM8: Coeh cuting tins trust, and I ? id Int? r. -t ; bai : b?- announced at sale ?I, ... c K DE PROPOSALS. bitte? Superintendent <>f PubJ 1 "tl> A i Richmond V v HEALED Pt;"Pi'SAKS \\ ILL ! reived ?it ms orti. Room j. best-ment > } City Hall, until U o\|..ek "ii M April II, IS:*, for REPAIRS I" TH COLORED M.MSilolSK Said consist of Plumbing. Ptastertns penter's Work. &e. A list of IB to im don?- csB be seeo at i' e ?in Th? commute? : i? right t i - |ecl any ami all bids, or lo give Ih? wei* of each department separately ?EOR?K R. ham ap Hit Oupvrluivudu U