Newspaper Page Text
J TUE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1898 Wholesaling at Retail im'..ta-4* atuou *r^*\? T.mhT*t t^t^^^at^rl^^ M.-M s.?-: 1 Boys Clothin-j?ba- - -* nobody else ,!;-- 'rel ri been in the position totnrn ^^ mer. for indiridual selection, : Q -?tire abol?ale stock, with irs irietj end greal rahm omi gtooi eoneeesioni 'I'i,,. t'. il evidence thai the BARGAINS All?-. MANY AND GENUINE is the atten tion that has been groen the ale by merchante. If it lam taresting to them? whal -uxtoi M be the advantage jo jrou? Jn fart, vi ?u HAD TO __ __ _______ _H-?- . V,m mnstn'-l jodg* the ralttes by U e prices thai ?aanqaoting the reductions ere bom wholesale I?iir,--ii??t tin- ?.L'iiiar retail prices, ?fit had not u-i-n for the war scare, thai apse! all boaineaa calcula fi.d?s you would never hare bad this opportunity. Mens Suits Men's Pants ri'i.M PRO? $3.50 to $6.50, 75c. to $2.95, _ . ... . .^ ??-_..,. .*_. tr? . >-r. * ~ s B M i,uv n??w FOB l-ESS THAN THEY PAY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE \\?irtli troiii ?6 t.? #10. Worth from $1.30 to $.". Boys'Lon;c Pants Suits Boys'Short Pants Suit5 I'RUM FROM $2.48 to $4.75, 50c. to $2.50, Wiirtii it?n?i .?S4 m .?si.."it!. \\mili froas 91 to $4..~>0. The Sakfl guarantee g^oefi with every pur chase. Satisfaction absolutely, or your money back. _ 9 : I | A. 5AKS & CO., t Saks' Corner. ME THREE LINKS. "" iKirriM. of IHK aatan t-eoteM OF Mllt.lMt ODD-FBLLOWS. V Hepremrnl: H\e Hod*, ot Men? l'rnn?l **\t*ticr**t Report? \n lnt.-r .?.tin-? llifuunul?>tuU*?il<*-??? <??ii salttsss .A l'uiiiic aassptlaa? IM : 'l ER3BURO, t v . lu la:. ' mena :*t- W*th i tav. r. lud??!? m m? Charlea i >- F< '1 be '? . telll| RKPOai OF TUE O?AND MASTER 'The irpurt >H tjuiiid-.?, tii?. year Jnst endtnf 1 bui ?i ,-: reat. H I t - ??r?1?-a- ai -util it Impossibility (or the Ora. i ! - reU iiiul? luine : j liK-?iuct?i. uttur aud i.. mowastei ?un Um order, a- a laun.'.uu. taterssi Ba i_aralsra ?* deavvued tii gt.e WhUA utue h?.t OOUJ I in-? eOKSspoiideui'? nuil ruutiue wori ot the utt111-, ?kMflM ? biaut cum um in*..? ..a v.... ?. in t i.i.i-h etlawship m all : in. aii'i !i. (sell tti... '. I t* ..,..:.! ....'.-?J on ?M ft ?lut W the nu?iu r ,?i n?-*' Immgf *\ ? i.?>t *l? taaga sa Sartal Us ?wr. the Incrssau Is membership ?? undumo ' i a.a i.? -one new lodges w ? '?' -lI? Inert lu naeu.itiei ?tup vt '..Inc. Aii'i '.!? N psehaei igaiu.4?~u St -in ? .'iy nat?-. TtM ? Master a in.-.'! ? - .-?-?i with '.?'.?' naceaatti .?i atparnaa uu?i sjaissisih arork, j:i<i urs?r? the UvUUatfU l?> go Urtng eatisAed until in- ocdei us ?>' . la in,y ?:?iay.ia?ti?<i. s?a deeply itn ..???Ul-vi. and SS Sill l lt.. I at via rank Bias uaoas *ll tin Brand j an. diction* ot | ?'a art m and furtherlafl tu-.- niu?.:r are ,r to .ill. Tiio repui'L |*t?sa UM ft>Uo?sta| Somber l"'.",, SMI tmtt. .? ? ernri, ..ted. iu. lag ? ' '' *i ot u.? InihirT ' Wltht?*s*an >y I'.iril. -iW .- is,..-n??... { ?mm. ma-pay ni?-m oi duos led 17; ?lu-it, 'Jia?. Tut?I, y.. I lug total memtmnta order un li?t'fflb?r a, l?;?. 'ilu- rspStt niv-e? S tu.. UM ut UM ? 1?i1k< i. ??Uli tu?.* .la' A sBosaa A detailed ?tateni usked -mi anaaeced, aria ot all ds?_taai rendered dornt! in.- term la tVtea by u?.-, t? rend Ma>ui. .?Som.- ??; Uwa saawan I ait?l attciai-jtia InvoiV? v-iiy luteicstlni* VliiR?k The tiraiwl M ' ?ten? is detail tit. reporta? ?H in?- i lA-inity Ui.liid tnawei!.. The sahsrdlaais tuvi*?. a. ?mtS vary ?tea aacepUoaa, ara reportad *? la sace?i.-i.i ooad tlon Oaaacuill} end almw? ? in* srasi h. erast m tue ?% ??k m uruer. in Bubmlulna Lhsaa rspsrta Um Ornad M ? Im press?t ?.?-a? o? selecting ?u?i igO?Ukmg in?- - he K>?i?n?tious of tu? ??isuu-i ? (tea Is ?11 that cou J u- . li |?j " rtalnlj 1er *..|**it?.i n the fonaec in - lh?j*? In vo?u?' in promoim* ih?- ?? * -t the ?uider. and ta, bebidt*?; '.rum a i tiai ataadaotni, ^ . Uiand 1?xlge Me tr?*ts ih- ?, reaeut ays? inn will b? ?*oiiunu.?d. llVCh ?ntltlrat i-, h tug manir? .hru?jght?ut UM Stau* tu '.h* ?-n to orsaiilM Kebvkah l???lic?a-i. and il a peSt-td thet uieny l.tdx-j-i .? i, fined during th? pr?-. m j,Jr PROrKEDlNtiS i?K Till: BODY. the Orand l^iu.?- ?? epeosij m due ,or' >; ,,: ?in? ?rand t.rtit??rs bL'ln? pre*,-nt: ^?rl? s D. 1' loko" ' ' v .1 . ?.. ?" ' Orand .\i . u lf asliey. ,? Bichaond. Urand w ,r?i. ? it.v a ,,i Portsat-mth, Urand l haplaln. p,? t,?m , T u it Riehmond, Orand s. retar) J \\ i . , fuK.n.^ ?if Hi hmond ,. Kev. E K. Kortnern, ol ?jwynn'b laland Orand Karaaal, pro tern; J. e. McCor, Norfolk. tor; W, P. if DanvtHe. Orand Guardian, pro tarn.; W. T. Baldwin, of Abtaadon, Orand ?I. aid: T. N. Kandier and Hill Monta? i:. res t.? the Sovereign Lid??, .-aid Um follosrlns Past urand Masters: Jam.-- B. Blanks, Msrtao li'.-rt E R, Branch. L> a. Basher, 1 a>. Ley \y. f. L?n-rabe?. J. V. Qrtl ?id T. V. X ' 'Hi- Grand L?dge Sagres was conferred ,> Pasi-<;r.i!il-Ma-?-.- Man p t"*. lbert on reoeststiTsa from th?* aeversl Who for the first time : proba ? tin larvast aunabsr ol amm - ntstir? tmltted .n any i' tii- Orand Lodg< read ?from th?. prssl ; general I the Yeans a x latios and th irg Mechanics' Association to ?sad Mbrsiies wtn.-h ere at Um tBspossl -f *h?- Grand l^?t*<-' An tavttatlea ?was ill i front T. s Beckwlt S A On. lo tri li? .! a-'l. : VlitlOI BU? ! a ? pis sed members whii.' la the city. The Invtta wer* n ad srtth tkanka ?. ai santrani - I th? (bl owing commltt?saa: -.i. F. Csrothers, W, V. Hlii. nid J. N Coffmaa. T \". Turney. ?.'l.iudiu* Le.?, ? !. .-' ''?airlT. >r" the Order--D. A. B?cher. W F. Lambce. R. C. McLean. Jttdg? Fe. - rtlagtoa, w. a. Clark, Jr. I - y. J. P. F- that, A. L. I .ne. n I \\" Rtehardson, W. I. F ISWSl, R. J. Do nu.? Il y. - M B R im - i I aaac man, , >. w. Cale, W, F. Ttlleoa, W. M. lonas, a r. Bartaasteln, W. S Long, ? J. Bak? r, _ii?i i '. i- Rich? ru'K ? ation of Reporti RUI Mont tgg V i' H'im?-r. ,i p. Andsrssn. Memotra Q. B i??m. W, F. BOap* PntxX, ami H. K Whitt*. A?_?r tii- treaaaoUoa of inn ata?? b a . aal I....!.' t..t k a r? LX?ts Ullta ISi F. m.. Sartal s hieb the repn tivea h id their i botegrsphs tak< group l>> r K I'. Th.. aift, moon a? talon a eroted to discussing ?reporta and matten ol Inter t*st to th.- st?sr. iMBLic nacwTiaOH. A public rxxeyriuA WM gXtn l'raud Lodge tfl a -' hall ?)f tii? "i trnns Mea*s t '?a' ion, at srk?oh many vtsUoti ware press?t Ti \.n?ti!... and rsspactid laouiel u. Marks, of ear : . bow M yean ?if ?tas, sad the olde*. ?J Id-Fellow In :h.? Sut?*. ?.'.'tii in si a^.?.- and conUnueui -i\n>. presided on ih?- o a?:i?i ass greeted with ?;r>,it eatkaMssm Tha reptas i ? med on i.? ball "f thf city by Mayor Charlea F, Colttsr, and on behalt ?f thi Odd-Fal* I .?.\- t.? am H W, Battle, i> D. Tfci ?response, oa beaan of tha Qraad Ledge, a made I i:* r, \ F. Ow?tn, D. D.. ..i Portsmouth, To-manow tha ?fand ofltosci Im the ensuing year will l"' eli Seeking Volunteer*. GREEN lav. VA-, Maty Mt?(Sp mettle Quanta war? at tins pla?.*e ta day trying t?> Induce youn-i men to aattat la tka?r saa^aay. Mr. James T Oa-n voluut othei> kina; ot enlisting tha Ust ol Um wash Th* l .iinvlllc company is still ihort ? tghteen men. l'i.-.t?uif fur tii?- V?* ? era i??. Th.? vsiarsM ot tin I lets' mm m i Big jer, the I iperln* ?ileiit of th.- Boma, and the Tractio', Igktful ?u> of It yes COlen? ! Bigg? r ' >' k ih? i lakarood Cam? i? i y y? ". riitnf. and there tiny aid had dinner I] Tfiey wer?? then* f??r i . Oakwood exerclesa The Traction Company planed their cars at tha aerno? ?f the veterans five of chars* Nearly a baadred ware aM?.- ta kaks ih?' trip. wWsfe wa? thoroughly enjoyed t?y every ore. Mr? K. M Graaty. of <'umb.-rlatul. la visiting relatives at C7 north Kliihtli Ml- t OASTOIIIA. ?m> M-w, r. a su f ***} ill I) N0TJ1ITMURPH?. rm cobbub Mcraom to hi: sit i t ot T. Mi CLUB PLAYS POOR BALL, In* lliirlfnril Bays I'm l i* M in* li llif liest (?inn?- mil Win Ka?lI.i - Nor folk Snlfera Another i.efeu t ?It?-. nil?? nl Other rince-*. anioiid, O; Hartford. I. Norfolk, ?"I iiril-iti-r. II. Newark, S| Hi-iidiiiK, B, Allen????? n. I; I'iiIithoii, '?"at. -.? liedule To-ll-i-.. lliirlfnril at Richinontl. I.iiin-iister 11? Norfolk. Newark at Hendln?;. I'literkini .'it Mli'iilorrm. How the I lull? Btaad. llirlin-nnd . .Norfolk . I I 1 1 - I M? Lancaster . 2 .. .. 1 1 I 7 SU A liento-? n . 1 .. 1 I. 3 JM | . 1 ..(. 1 . . * Newark . il. l Pstersoa. I i l\* -*U Hartford . - '- il T ?sis ? ' ?m. - ' ' ' ' Shut out m last, -and by a club not on?' bit better then tksBBSStsea, is the reconl the Richmond team made yesterday. irf WOB tk? Kime by a i to " srRh a pitcher named Murphy. Who an Philadelphia. There is no discounting th?- tad that B lias a good ball club?n \?r> stron:; one tut had the Bluebirds played the game ?vith that refreshing vini*i?. ?: b I charac arrized their *-.?>rk since their organiza - tlon. the story might have I ei-r. At one time, when poheity atak li - had UM ball ready to throw was covering the be had tO H.tia'l In his tnd look -it the runner rea? h the baee .?f.- ly. All th?* Hartford phiyers had to to get a man on a base. tlueblrds Interposed do effectue obsta cls to his scoring ?Richmond baa ?a of the best ball 'lbs in at minor league, hut UM plagara must get back into their us-ihI form of playing the game to hold th?; good Im? P they have made. They can play the game, atnd will. THE CROWD WAS EAGER. 'Twaa a ?good crowd, a happy. Jolly, ?-port-loving crowd. It knew full well that the hunch of ball-players then rep ?'"Stntlr.g It was the best that ever was gOttea together here. an?l though some had s bad cam of feeer, and were not miu'ii pit " Fry ?a a beaten Frank Sparks Monday, they , ..uid ?aot h lp Joining In the rooting, and sang with much feeling, "There'll Come I Tim- Soil Day," and other selections f Uka character. Jack McDonough, tha King of Rooter-, had been absent for om? days, m Um whole crowd attempt? I i?? till up the place he left vacant, and rieht well diil they SBeCSOd. During the warming-up r* the Rime the playera ? Tha i whom there were quite a num ber prosent helped the boya aloi - laid:.?;- nr- fairer in their Hi'lyni' ' bSC IBM of ih-m aeemed n he une mi worrli <i shout the batt With mtei?-st the (?urne as it pr?. ami g iv?? credit where credit ?mi due. ADVANTAGE IN PITCHERS I l M in by ) Itched w.-ll. but Just as .*... .i tw irien as he a h n bat a b) Weiht*? nun since they got t Murphy did n ?tppSBt to 1- ; hard, hui Ihre? ill that -hitting Rlehmondera a^?.?t. Harry .-< la I rattllng-f There is n,.i ?i rooter in Richmond ?h?> win ? ti?- i?, not. but yeetei lay was sa ?S day with htm. He gave ten free .. first ba-""?seven on belli and throa foi btt?tlag batters. Thi? act ot kindness 00 his ?..irt help*?.! BtUtford t" mak?* It! :.tur runs. Tommy Hess, Ut? clevei little catcher. W? rke.i hard, .in?l haid all is others fol ..w-.l la- ?\i!ii;le things might have looked brlgktar. H- threw beau'ifully. tnd nutd? a running cstch of a tool ti?. tiiat will hsrdly be duplicated thi? sea -??.n. Das Leahy sanead muoh cheering when h- pulled Sowa ? Um dries with . M l.a:?'i and I hal'... LutOBb? Willie Hargrove made pretty plays. Th? Libs pi iv ?gula to-day, and with "? 'y" BOW? H a a ' .' ?M, | | , ,. gam? may b? e\i" This la tit* I yesterday test. RICHMOND. A H. V.. U (?. A. E Klopf, s. ??.t ? " I 3 ? Ib.4 O n I..4 ?I 1 M i t.s o i ?t n t ?Hargrova, e. f.3 I i i l i Dundon, ' b.s 0 0 0 3c Kam. i. ?.-.? " '? it | t. .| " ?? ?? 4 I S, p.I o n ?i t? | TtM lia .U I I M i- : HARTFORD. a R. n. h. 0 a i. Ch Ms. 2 b.S l l | i:., tenue, i. f.2 ?> i i l'tvell. f. |.3 g 1 t 0 I T?te. r. t.I 0 0 3 0? V'urvi?, l i?.I D t) a u enheny. 1 b.'.' 1 t? 1 1 ? Loach. G.3 0 1 t ,, M M ihOB, i. S.4 ill'? Murphy, p.S l 0 T.'i ?;- .m i ? n n SCORE BY IN'N'l.V - lit 411 t . Hertford .11 I o 11 11 ??' 1 : S:?i]e.| mm? i her? sa ball" ?Mr B him it "? il? bj pit h? i ails-Kam, Botteaus, Cavell ?Struck oui i.y Se-hmlilt, I; by Murih?. Tun?- ?,f ? un..-- i hoar Umpire?Mr. T?te. NOIIKOI.K IIHOI'* ANOTHKH ?T. \ M Th? ?core i lorn?. Hot LancuMer H the Meat of II. NORF? ?1 K \ v M ,> !.. :<per:a'. '.anesst, i o . ...', N'.irfolk again to-.' In a trame In wMeh the Utters wretch .laying itid the viei'.or? good hit tn?t iHife.-t isMlng wan th? I his wa? the scoit: nurkoi.k R H 0 A i Wheelock, sa.0 0 0 ? ?.?? orge. I f.I 0 5 0 McKarlao. C, f.I 0 3 0 Klausmau. Ib.3 0 9 i Kennedy r f.3 i 1 o Wed.lne. 5b.2 t 4 S Went?. Ib.I III Fox r.0 1 l 0 Staly, p.I l | a Berge-".? "00 Totale 10 10 21 I Kaufmann & Co. Special Annual May Sale This Week. Bold, clever buying gives you the picking of nearly fourteen hundred (1,400) of the finest Percale, Ma dras, White Lawn, and White and Colored P. K, Shirt-Waists at prices you're not likely to rind again. Hundreds of Finest Percale Shirt CENTfl WOrth '* ***** ancl 96C-' at 5? Hundreds of Extra Fine I'erraie ,W\'s.,t.S' worth -?c end 11-19. at 75 CEN 1S Finest White Lawn Waists, worth RM, at tip CENT.??. EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF I NDEIt SKIRTS. Speelal Money-Sating- Opportunl tlee. Extra Quality Striped P-'ersucker Un derskirts, with deep umbrella ruffle, nicely made, for 75 CENTS. B< lunf il 'j . iin Black H iteen i'nder klri a*l : Bm CEN Very k BrllllnnUne for only ( m* BELTS vni> OIBM-BS. L-sdl ii. - me Oxidla si I ( H I Russian ? ii imt lied d i for th -: . holi BO ' EN lhlrt-a 1st Bsta Paar! ami Ban Pearl, w:-h patent link cuff button.-, at FJ CENTS. Jewelled Hst-Plna, new de tgna ami retry substantial. ri-(-ular lie. value. for this sale .1 ?""F.N'l S H..t-1'in.-', with or-Us, emeralds, or tur -weii?, Be. kind, now IS ? L.N'IS. I . s. Wt?AO l'iNs g ? BUTS. I riait id But?** Flag-Piss, rat Isty ot om? wi'.'. m ?i i -ii. n< : phot??, all a,t S CEN IS. Mll.l.INKItY. Special >l?> ?Sale of I i) 11 I m ni > .1 Hat? n ml SBages for I'.i-lin? ami Iti-lliirruH, lies' Fine French Chine, all colors, . ida n.J.? 75 CENTS Children'? Co orn Rat?, 3Sc. quality, now in CENTS. I-sdlsa" H-?i and Csrls? Bhapea i-'r chip croara ih brim, t?c Qual ity, BOW -! t 'XTS Children's Pok-s, Jap. Sennet, trad- . BOB -!> CENT-?Whit? and color.? Children'? Fiat?? Of flri0 epttt and Sen nt. ml?ture?, In both ?White end com bina taon of coloring, Ity, for Jit? CENTS. B . bl| display, with prices on our..-. KAUFMANN & CO., Fourth and Broad. LANCASTEB K. 11 0 A L Buttermore. r. f.t ! o 0 0 HcV< y. 1. f. -' 2 ? <j 0 Leidy. c. f.I 2 1 I . lb.1 2 B I I Ward. :b.l i 3 3 | Scha.ib. 2b.1 1 2 2 ?i .-on. ss.1 2 4 6 0 Both, e.i u 3 o f? Whits, p.i i o 2 o Ciau*en. p.I I Totals .U II II U " batted for Staly In ninth in ning. 'Hi: BT inn:.'? _l I84II7II Norfolk .0 1 I Eanca.-ter .IO0IOSI!*-?U Bamsaary: Taro Lsldy, Behaob. Tbree*bss? hita?Med?? W-ntz. li i.? Id) B< ' ft <?n Norfolk, I; Lan? -a ruck out- i .., L Double plays Wsnts, First base- on - off w bits, -, oS i . ? is? n. . Stsly, Hit I | Kenn a. Wild pitch?Ci.? . I'mpirc?Mi'. Brsnnaa. Tin??.' of ??ame? 2 hours. MAKE HIN?. HV THE SCORE. l'ut?-? ???i? Detent? Allentot-vn hy the Odd? of SI to I. ALLENTOWN, I a , M li rai, rson hit lisrd l tinsly ms t??-la>", and v/c-t by ., ,.\ i odds, Aii- Dtown pi i] lug a Ith m.,, h Indis?. i I with the Mi' k. At.? ndance, MS Beon : ALLENTOWN. B. B. O. A. E. ?i. i in, I. f.i o i i 2 2 b. 2 4 2 1 lev? r. f. I Z 0 ?Smith, c. f.i looo i.o i f i | c.o I S S I -barter. 1 b.I 0 7t I 1 b.1 l S 1 I is.?.t) I 4 2 2 Sewell, p. "14c ?MJls .I 1 14 12 | PATERSO.V L- H. O. A- E k, 1. f.I s 1 o i"i . .- 1 4 I o .? si 2 I I ttlng? i", r. f.I 2 1 ?i " , 1 b.2 | |] 0 0 . ? .- I 4 l 2 tsrdesty, c f.-' i i o i ? lehanty. I b.3 4 111 tiiiroy, s. -.I llll ones, p.2 2 '< I I Totals . U 27 14 o BCOB1 CY INNINGS. HSdlSTSt ?. atown .it^ f? ' " .M i? o ; moo ?-a illlSIt--II Earned runs?Pater son. *? -- hits?1,'irtrii. Moss. Deleiun'y. up-e-bas. nits Delehanty. na- i un Oettlnger ?SeerlSoa hit?f?>s S'.,,i a, beat - Ilot in, iiciinck. Q ?t? in? i ?? lehanty, Coni hneon. llaidest?. Lcf" on bases-Al to* n, b. Patereon. > Struck out? . ?ith, Mos? Leonard ti>. Joues. D lib!? lys?Ulrich, Le<inard, and ShafTer mis and Peiehanty; Jones, B.-mi-, and ii-x-que. Helehanty. Jo?nson. and La iue. First base on errors?Allentown. Patsrsoa, S- First ba.-e on bail??? ?IT u.U. |; off Jone?. 3. Hit by pit?*he?1 Smith. Wild pitch?Jones. Pas? H. ml?. Umpire?Mr. Bens. Time of .? hours. ill tOIXG SOI WITH EASE. . rrlek le Hit Freely and Newark Suffer? Defeat. LEADING. PA-, Miy 1 I -4?M M local? defeat?*] the Newark te?im ?Jay with tuno. Mill?, who waa a Ut wlld In the ilr?t two innings. 8ettl??d ?r.d kept the vtsttora' hits w. I! . itt?red. Carrb'k wa* lilt hard when an? wet* needed, c'aaaldy, Stratton. Betts, and Co.'kman played well. Score: HEADING. R. H. ft. A. E Sinter. 1 b.2 li 10 I I Betts, 1. t.1 2 4 0 0 Stratton. r. f.3 1110 Cocknan, I t?.i 2111 Hi i-n. ? .0 I S 1 i aBprstt, c. f.0 0 3 1 1 Shlncell. a. a.0 0 0 3 Moore. I b.1 14 2 0 Mills, p.0 10 3 1 Ncwell, s. a.0 0 110 Totals .S 10 M6 6 NE.VA.'tK. R. H. ft. A. E. Hallman. ,. f.| 14 0 0 Fitzm.iuii?-, 1. f.ti 110 0 Calhoun, 1 b.?? ?i u 1 0 Csssldy, 2 b.<> 1? 1 2 0 MclBtyre, .-. 1.1 1 1 t 1 lir-y, r. f.0 | 11 ?i ?? ?Daley, I b.1 ? 1 1 o BOthfUSS, 8.1 14 2 1 Carrlck, p. 1 <> 4 0 Totals .3 7 27 U 2 MIntvre ont for CUtUag s? ?en i I SCORE BY INNINO8 _ ismsTsi R?-?7i?ng.7.'"l o 0 0 (1 l 5 o"?^"8 Newark .0S000 0000? 3 Summary: Earned runs?Reading, 2; Newark. 1. Two-base hits-Carriek, Cock m-iii. Three-bis.? hits?Slater, Grey. Sac rifice hit?Cas-idy. Stolen bases-?Jtrartoti U?, Cockman, Moor? Ci. Si rat? I.?-ft on .?Reading, 7; Newark, 10, Struck out?By Mills. 1: by Carrick. 3. Double plays?Moore to Slater; Stratton to Moore. First base on balls?<">ff Mill?, 5; off ?'arrick. ft. Hit by pitched b-U-Csl houn. Passed ball?Hey.1. 11. (111: Mr Kelley. Time of gana am?! Sea mi'. VATIOS \?. 1.1: V?.i B SAU? Bastan DeSsats iiniiiinorc. IS ?<? 1? 1 ' i u. ii 1 ni-.'i mad 11 u n?. l'a 'S'I't ?X, Ma\ 1- W< nt t" in Um fourth inning to-da v, the h??m?' team ??sored Ighl iineern<sd runs. I,- rSSt .'t the i;;,m- Wt ?.hibi tlon. attend in ISM Scon k 11 B a .1 i? n .s 0 n u n ??10 U ; Baltimore . 1 ?? . i . 1 7 _ Batteries: Willis and Eerg-n; McJam? - rke. l'mpir-s: Lynch and ?"""?innelly. Time and ."?7 mi a. PITTSBLRO. ?; LOUISVILLE, -'. PTTTBBURO, liny M, Plttsl the gam? i" th? third tnntmr, wh< ICkSd OUt a tlire. bagger. by Bchrlvar and Bro-die '. Attl DdSI . " 2.'r". S R H 1: ..0141"?*? 0 0 * L"nisvil|.? .u n t? 1 1 ?1 t. ,1 ?, I ,; 1 'irivtr; ln?e 1 Wilson Umpires: McDonald snd 0"Dsy. Time of game, i hour sad ! u PHILADELPHIA, I; WASHINOTON, 4. w urniNGTON, Hay M To-d if playing? Atten.l B IL K on ,..1 1 1 I 0 ! I 1 '" - l 11 2 11 ...' a 1 1 i o o <i i-?; ii 1 aal. L'mpire.s: Bmslls ni'l Andrew-. Time - . 1 bOUr alia] 1., n,a' NEW FORK, I; BROOKLYN. 0. NEW TORE, May 10. Ruste lobbed the - to-'lay. but the Brooklyns uld Ret only one Kenne? ery ws? and the support behind him about at: i'?,!. Attendance, R. I* ! New fork .2 o u .1 1. 11 3 0 *-5 8 2 Brooklyn .0 i) 0 0 0 il 1. 0 0?0 1 .5 - Rusie and Qrady; Kennedy and St Empires: Curry and Bnyder. Tim? of game. 1 hour and 4?) mi: P08TPONEMJ " CHICAGO. May lo.-taeveland-Chicago ?. a m.-?i poned?-rain. CINCINNATI, Ma. clnna*' ?in. now THE CLUBS ?STAND. Won. Lost. P- C. Bsltlmors .9 3 . 4 .U al . r? Chicago . ? ? .; ? : rg . j r? KSW York . S s Philsdelphis .7 7 s* 1. mil . t i'? .im Loulavtll? .5 If .23* -,-fon .I 19 .167 BEDTJLB l*"L to-day. N- W Y Phllad?l| B?ltlm"ie ?t R-ifor.. ? ClnC 11-. Loulsvlll? at Plttsbur_. lM\KHMT? LOST AOAIB. ?.? ?, Takes the Third of the -.-ri., of (.nine*. WASHINGTON, D. C. Bay \A-<?ne ' . Virginia t'niversity I krd game of the series to Um owaa this eveuitiK by n 1 into the heart, f??- I mfoM Mied them thai their friend? did not t"rsake UMSO ? Seat which th?lr collision with the Old Dominion boy? on Monday. Th?- Virgil fair aliare of friend.*? and sdmln ; tnf who lost no oppottunlt) tbSSI on to victory, and thai th?i bo>s trota Charlottesvlll? trl?aj .?rv buri to idd mother ' I ?ty to their number is I by the score of th- gam? Georgetown took the lead In tht Inning by ?Koring two runa and kept 11 aid. In the end of the ??scond th? Virgilnlans .scored one talley, but ?failed to bring a man across the plat - until the eighth inning, when made the circuit. In th I PUSH UnM thi locals Lad ?. ored three more tallies, and with 'h>- 1 5 to : and only one mor? for tue visitors t'?. rootara in the ?randstind ! 1 fa v?>ry safe and Jolly m Tha took bow in the * tha bat asnt up 1. and batir?! mit Se? 1 In thi turn at the ?bat the Vir iln'awf ai^o mad?- a detenalaed ss?< 1 MM '.he big l?-ail the wearers of the blue and ?jiay had g.iin-d. and tor a short d .1- a they might suc GEOKGETOWN A.B. R. IB. O. A L Hafford. 3 t. " 2 2 1 1 1 ..wn,-. c. 1. : tl ll Mei-srthy, lb. I 1 I < : ., i . -' 2 7 ? . Morans. ?. s. I S S 4 S t | 2 b. 4 1 'i ". f.."> I 1 1 'i | Caset, 1 f.5 0 : 1 ?i u Baohe, 1.5 0 3 ?> . ? Walsh, 1 f .ill? Total? .42 L' H *M 13 1 VIRGINIA. A B. R. IB. O A | Wllhs. i b.3 2 l 1 0 0 Martin, s. s.I 1 t 1 f I Btspi . 3 b.5 ?i t 3 0 0 Collier, c f. 4 0 10 0 0 Hill, r. t 0 0 ? 0 0 Rea. r. f.4 1 1 0 0 0 Hunt. I b. ? t 5 ? 0 3 Benaey, L f.4 1 2 ? 0 0 ptnki fou p.s 1? n n 1 1 SummeragUl .0 1 ? > ?? l To'.r.-i .a 7 j -* s 1 Mirtln hit by batted ball. RE BI INNINOS l S 3 4 5?. 7 89 ?Georgetown .2 0 o 0 i 1 I 5 ?10 Virginia.I 0 0 0 0 0 1) 1 i? 7 Suinraaiy: Two-base hit?Bouney. Left -*--Get?raetown, 11; Vlrgluia, 5. First luttai on balls-Of? Bach?, 3; off Plnkerton. I. Struck out-Br BSSktk 7. by Plnkerton. S. Sacrifie?* bit-Bache. Stolen baaes-Haftord U). McCarty (2), Maloney ?), Moran i3). and Walsh. Hit +++++++..*+*^^??**-e?.*<'??**+* ? , *..,^ Millerafihoads, ?The AI ways-Busy store: ! I GREAT MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SHE \ i Over 10,000 Garments in This Lot, at Prices | * You Never Dreamed Of, : CJOWNS?were $1.7') ami 89, DOW Md . IBadSOf iMUPbrtg m 1 QOWNS w??re.i9o.. aow 88c, lacked yoke ai d with r?ffleof oambrle. SKIRTS- were88e., now 27c, witn deep ruffle of catnhii CHEMISE were88and 89e tttom He., eul failli inebei tni ?1?? <l eotton. CORSET-COVBRfr were 19 mm .'" ' . bow to**- gaeh, a, trixamed around neck an?! ileevei DRAWEES?were 45?., now 87c, umbrella ityl* ftnlal inch ranil rit* ruffle. DRAWKRS? ware 50c, non Um*., amor? onmbrio. with deep hemstitched rallie. INFANTS1 SLIPS?were 88s., bow 15c, mad? cambric ?round DMk anil sleeves CHEMISE?were 60c, now 20c., yoke CORSET-COVERS?were80c, now 19c,eat ?tall, t 1 of aide Uambarg. DRAWERS?were -? *. ?and ?c, now l7o pair, mad? eottoa, ?"ut full. GOWNS were 99e.. now We. each, cal exl 1 and Inserting. MilleraRhoads.Broad Street, Near liiiii. ? ^ o a a a -0-0-0-0 ? # Thoughtless Folks Look at the Price. The BBUtioilS ' : ? aaality. They thai me cheapest 111 ?i-r to ?bay on? twios ?"it ?prices thai oanM hold any valu-'. Mothers of boys, ought to be yourguide. AH wool, honest sewing, hont I coat money, bul they wear. We never hu\>' had, and never shall ?have, WOOl tO show voll. The l>i"?t that ivili be ??ilf il:! is Dons too strong for the saaanltaof romp and play. reliability costs teas here than elaewhere lathetruth. [I ltoil\ else sells clothing lower than we ?1?? it is !?.. ignore quality -risk satisfaction?trust to luck. There's no luck hen- -solid, substantial, tact-s Go into this subtect this soaso;; ?befon you best win, not the ohes] Til?* bande?me Uhemlfrapb of the battleship ?Maine ? i tii eaeb parchase of 91 ???* aver? Retail price 50i . [ 0. H. BERRY & CO., I Main and Tenth streets, hum ?p pitch? i- B] B ' Pinkerton, ' bull.-, rim. | i mi lr< Mi B r? ! iy. Ti-i -Varaitlea ?v te Philadelphia in the norning t" p..?> tha Peanayiyaalaaa. I hclini I.?-nie?? It l.-li in it ml 4 lull. Pitcher Jif-k Cheabro la n?. .,? Hi hmoiirl Club, 11?.? demanded ?ton . I \\'.-ii-a hat he would . Icmand Jake thereupon tad t"i 'In*:. THKV U 1> I I'lHTY I1AHMOW. i in* w ii'kiiiini Itale ? eeaaalttee Atlti|iis ??ut-h lli-mihitIiiiin. Commltl : it the office of COtoael W. F. Wickham, w i.-t large, COBeMertac thai annal matters am t.? I h?. various p!. . lit- potlt in tha irmal arey, bul I i?r??moting a? p ?a -, and unity fui ins. ... uraed jus ?*in>i ii- i -. m: "U'hf a -tire ?>f i .- -. Commlttea of the h?** l| Btata part. inity and harmony; and. . . - a ..- Are ef I a ron ved, The .rnnn of ill? niy. Colonel W. F W\ khan, he* m | to wafer irlth Hon. Pai ?.lev.- 'o aoariBa' i m?! that h< >. of that ' meeting ol ?nmittae. ii? Hiii ?if Mm. Dawaaaa. - * . in. ii. r bob, Mt*. Samuel B i? i i arill ? Blchatoad or interment la BaU) < A WIN \1?IN?. ?Il- T I.????HUIT. t h ?ion er Mmiile. He por teil I.e.?t April UTIli, Hrnril fru?a. WIL-flNOTON, X ?'. May M?A WO* P tufort, . \ '.en. of the ?t-h->oner Ali-r*. mi many other?? ?if the ocean fleet c-f sherm ' pnit hearing ,r leavy caanoBadt-S 0? <*ape ?Loobeot, '., .?t B ,?l?k t?-?-day, counting tag**, ex-n dtetloet ?hota. 'The gt-aoon r Mamie, i? porte?! lost ? u '?' he night el Apiii T.ih Uni. ht** been ih i-ard tr-tin The add off !,. laorcetown, s. C-, t>y the treaapoft gg H. Mili?r, and tak.-u t? anipu, Ir'Lv. ,. ft illQi Artillery fur \\ Unit u_i<?u. ITASHDIOTOtl, May 10.?Battery O, of ti? ?sixth Artillery, ?wMefc u now at the irsenal In thl? Otty, will leave to-morrow, la the Atlantle-Toa?t Line, for Wtlmlng M, N. C . ?here it will be statt me?4 at at ? ?a^well. Mr. i.l*iilt?a?*'t luiidliitiM. HAWAHI'KN, May W.-Mr. ?itadaton?^ g ondition to-day la satiafactory. conald? j ? riug the circumauncea. M I'eraoiiMle mu? l'i : ' nie coi a? rep iat liai - i m? na lteraad.-.t.- A. Sir. ' ' ' U 1 a a. . ' ' .*-l're?-i,l?-i'' Cui on. J Coluaub tes. v. M. A I ? ? ' <h?. Kl<-hliiiin?l<-r? In Nr,-> \.?rU IEW YORK. M I...?? rmir I |.|rr In 9 ? * ' * M "" ? a ? . ' I i ll-K 1 I ROOM m'inimi i ni: ? BEB? lerli-eua ut Maulla I).*.?!"'1 n'" Not Hurt. ['?.vi-.KON?; m iv in I ? aid it?-.-" thai ' Chanty gt ? i ir-Almiral sick an?i waaaded, w did n I ^ I lr lmiri tp.ii . lag theai ef a aarroa ?a.i l..a? mlBtt in ut I. Igatlea *ii*>n the pai j ,. however, i? > i y to ha the case, and the i ?au u?,. t.y l" > nar iiblril Dover? ' ,l the Insurgents are *r??A i. It l? added that h. un, nor can ho en ? it ?o. There U otic- Javan?s?. ? nlla