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4 tmo-v* * THE RICHMOND D?SPATCIl-WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1898. _ THE RICHMOND JMSPATCH. H Y IH>: DESPATCH COMPANY. The DAII.T DI8PAT? H la delivered t* ninretoc, a. FIFTY CENTS l*r -miiU. 'payahle to the carrier weekly or mtnihiy- Hailed at W get *****\*+\ ft r si, month.*. ll.sO for three mOStb?. ? iO ecus for one month. N? P* <">'>' I cents. ., ? -, rue WEEKLY DISPATCB m P p" The SUNDAY DISPATCH al RM P*r , annum, or 7i cents for rt? months. j Subscriptions in all CBSee payable In advance, aad aa papar continued after the expiration ol thi ttoBC paid ror. post-o.ii-.? money order, ch? k, oi tercd letter Curnacy nal by man win be at the risk Of the sender. wishing Uia.r .?.st-oflUe ?h?ing.--l ''""* give'their oil a? well as their new ; ?st ??fllce. ?ample coplea free. AI>VKUTl*?'NC. RATBB. HALB UM B OB la?? r> 1 time . , i,, I times. , j,, : I tttacc. ? than. w Uaae*. 10 ,?, I mr.iUh. .j. ,., 3 months. ^, i Business wants.j" Wanted situation, payable ln a* vanee 01 wordi - * in*. Above ml? arc tut "overy oar "r au* . vortlsemente running consecutively. Reading notices in readlng-mattei typo, j five iir.-s w toaa, Hi m nonpar** Ummm? j five lines or toM, H M*atS> Card of rates for more space tursliiv.. on application._ All '*tters and tdegraoH ?wri he * *" dressed to TI1K DISPAT B COHPANY Bejectfd commuiiKutl.ns Will not M returned. _ All letters nooaUMtBdlnS ean 11'1'ttes for office inn?" ''" ,r publication. This Is a long standing rule of ours._ Resolutions of respect to d?-?-ensed memhera panri by lodi -. ?ipon tions. sasoetatkms, or other ci^aiuza tions will be chaiisid for ai advertising matter. UPUTOWM OFFICE, BROAD-FTP.F.KT PHARMACY. tm EA8T BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER OFFICE, UN HULL STREBT. Wi IDNESDAY.MAY 11, l?is. TO THE PI Hl.lCt Frl#?ntl? of llii- ")i??|inti-li ivntilil ilo n?. a fnvnr by In form In? BS ?if nn.v lnlltir. on tin- iinrt of iie?i sili-nlt-r?. or u????lt'i>? on riiilroiiil I ritt In?., to lllect tin* inililii* ileiiiniiil for <ople?. of thin pauper, lafwwanllan i* also ileilretl l?> in? of ?lie del i n?| iicncy of any enrrit-r In It ieluiionil, >Ij?iii*1icn li-r, R?r ?-lui-?,, lien?. VI I I : It IN\ \*?i<?\. \\ II ITI In thi N. m York H? raid ol yesti rday appeari at I >n -; Interview ?with a man who h...? just returned from Cuba, when he spent i??,?? montai with Gomes. Thi i . m m the Interview tending to confirm the a,.,, enl i tain? ?I by man] that in ?driving . from tbe Island we ? have performed but i email part Ul ih? work we : m ill?- fourth clan- e ol ? lubei? Jolnl n <?r Intention to exerclsi iov? dli tlon, or t"!iti"l over the id, except for th? pacification r deti rmlnatlon, \. h? n thai i accomplit h< d, to leai the t and on tro I of the Island to pie." A.. ? irdlng t?> the Hei ald'i int- ; ?..m.'.', la not without political aspirations ' :??li With Ih? K>\ mill, nt 1 a a? r the war. He knowi that gn Aw? rt? ' 'a army would . Habana . uni bring hostllltl? ' w it tii il g month after it liad i landing In i '.ii.... ii- nr< an told, "that the Ineqrgt t.'s will in; but u s,?ny figuro In a i| Id op? l .? an Aiivi:...'i Invasion, unless monthi ; Will' ' mi I a.lad ill ill? il Into mill) | habits, other than those ol th.- k n? 11 Illas." ii' would not hav? hi? t"i?- ?record that b> bad to have material iiMii? ?i assistance In crushing Blanco and nd i leri for?. would pnfer thait tbe l'un' ?i s 1.1 - ai.i him no i Iban to su].piy him with .inns, ammuni tion, an?! provisions, and reinfoi him with a r. aiment ??i artillery. i >i?i these observations t ??m?, t? us in IhC fOI ill "I" an t nt n |j n? \v vi* ? situation, we might i ich much Importune? t?? them. Bui such That t would be thi ann l.atii'ii of th" R< volution n . |. adei t?? control abaolutel) tbe government ?nd tbe fat? "f "'! e ?tab i" ha b ? n i?,i? shadowed by otbera who hav? c?%rofully ctiulie.i the Cuban question. Otb?ere ?have foreseen that then wai probably a more aiit issu,- Involvt ti in our t.i?k tb in than of breahlng tin ?Spanish yoke. It is well km?'.*, n th? t* .a- m Cuba thouaandt of non-partl n the nvolutlon win? ardently desin absolute n independence, y,t. who, warned by the experience of. ?some of th* Cen? nil aad ?South Amertcaa r? pui.ii.-.-, tir.-.ui th?- prospect of the Revolution*-*) lead* us having full .-way in the government of tin- Island. In tislt clam an em braced im? lllgent an?! Influential in? n, snd the condition ? ontalai man) ? i? ment - ??f Int? mil ?i. smoni tin- Cubana themselves. Therefore, "pad? ii? aiU"ti" may prove verj long word The aftermath ?>f treeing t aba and tiia chafging pur obligation i?> humanlt) may ? i. ?? m much a rplex? IHK pl"l'ltln- t"i .. ,: -..itiiioii linn th* majority of our people hau* an) idea oi at present. After the expulsion of the Spaniards It may still i?e many months befan s state . i affair.- t in be brought about on tbe "i which win enable the people t.. Mteh free and Independent govern? ppent t iii. n own la ;iii than that im i ? i in the ni' lime tb? re wlS be dan? gcr if the annaxatloalats turning thi sun. attoa in advantage ? a- to wu\kt M ?' HSe fOr ai Vl,.|.,l: ,|, oi our a-?,!, mu ? I? .Ik? . thus discrediting . In tht .?f tht Wbrtd, Publii n who i hav.- it..- United sa wh?. appreciate the u I '"'K ('Ul..l. ?,,?- ?j, thl rn,on lannt.i begin i estly th v ,, |( *-'"'"" '"' '" ' ' Interested *"h ',;: '"": <*tlons ol the oountn la om-derlng the question rrom the formet tandpolnt, sud mor? Interested tha,,. ,??, "'ll' ,ni"" Interested, md.-.-.i ".I; u" ???her actions put logethei^ ^-..? u tsm thv kmm ^^ The Privil?ge! ,t a r] lh(: Hattar or u,lm xhv ?^ ^ ?*?t watch there neon t g^ goal or "" *<>*> liana *.,.? -), -,*,?. ,:in>|| ,? M tn? tournai tu th BtlH ?dolall .if . n,, navlci at every nation, and at all times, as are th?- wm-rs ??f ?9 elf, and this ha? been th?. . ,,,,, MM I ni-. In thit .vftir Prune? and Tarit? t aguemi on -, convention making th.'I * neutral ttJgfiwuy, a,a ?i r. ?\ montba later all ?h?' im?, re ?javi rtielr trghh ? ?? m ? The In? trament ? -.pi.. iti> permita th.- tnnspor? . ,; ?. te? il ami ships of war . ..,,. canal, whether peaci pro? . :;,,t. ..i,.i only prohibits overt text ??f boetlllty betnmn or within thru mil? i of the termini. 1 i Till; IHBRICAS EAGLE . Editor of tbe Dispatch: Please itate why, wNpn, where, sad i?v abom wai tbe eagite adopted aa in em? ilem of Am li'.ui liberty, an?i oblige, A RE \I'MK. tters "f Ihe groat Am? rl an . ?.i- . whose ihriek la ?heard to-day from . . ..f the ailantk to the i'a? ata? tft I fnun ?!?-' urity. To an ,,f tin.- proud tiit'i's birth, .; in irowth, anu? of ins tt?-mi inio'i expan don, is t,? delvi deep Inte heraldry and o go l.a, k Into ?i? ' .1'i's- a boee hi r wi . ing be? n ileeping the ?b ? ?? ?>f Ihe ' ust. in ?sooth, ii?- Ahm rl? in eagle i?. n. i.m the descendant ?,i a plum? il thai; wai protniii. m long ?before thai tirth oi ? 'in 1st. v? 'i s before the Star ? ?al? h? m -h? ?I iliat Iti-tr?. wlii? h I - ! futur?. Ughl f"i" th?- w?ili!. t1,. agle wai i Mrd <>f Importance with the i nu lenta The Roman mythology >! tin- feathered monarch with Jupl? [ i. though tbe "bird ??i Jove" .i found . putee "n th.- sinndard! of tin- wai ?i?' teople, and wai carried In triumph to all i mown lands. The sales of Ca requ? ntl) refei red to In tbe classics, nul so groat i- potation did the) i. hi? \- that upon tbe dlslnt? gratlon I hi mighty empire the Mrd was still r> - j . .as an ? mbV m ol triumph ;m?i . ot) b) many m ml-b u baric i" - ile And passing down through the an d?a? val ages and the roc ding ? en wi III find the eagle ? mblasoned i and bannen and eeali Hto ma) yel ?he noted ?ui thi l k i tan fiagl ana! . Ig? M '. ! . ?if .?-m h an an?t-try. we may s iwn pi-.?u?i bird uf llbert) has sprung, hough he wai not ?horn In .? ?lay, nor ?ii?l . assume hli present shape until some " . tht i deration ?.f lad? ; nd m . To-da) we at him a?t his btssl on in Qreal Seal of Ihe Culted Btates, bough his appearance Ii perbape iweet* r to us when we behold him on tbe n ere? side of th?. American dollar. But I in we leek fact! aboul thi eagle w?? a,ust Investigate the ?history ol our .-?ai. "i the two hav? common history, and l * a . rolv? ?L i?y the same patriotic j t naii'l-'. On July ih?' 1th, i::*'., at'i? r the Do? lai ' Ion of Independ? nee ?had )?? en lead i" !.. Continental Congreso, it wai reaohred that i ?r. Franklin, Hr. J, Adama, and lr. Jefferson lie comniltt? to pn imro device Sm ?mal ??f the United States." : ? ? reported ?m August huh. and tti?* hit hi-iike design thej recommended had II one Of i'S .-IX ti'latrt? is ?I- . kgll a Inslgnlflcanl UtU? fellow, by the ray thai i>iaay??i most unimportant an on ih? '! rice. The two main figures rere the Goddess ?.t Liberty and the loddess of Justice, who stood beneath in "Eye of Providence." <?n thli design re meel officially f?>r the lirst tlm?- that li-knowii expreOaion, "B Plurlbua 'Irani." The ??.notation W8a: one ? Ih? COlonlSl - as til" mittto of tii. i'man's Hagaslne, and naturally rag ? siiti ?t.-. .i .? the ni".-! appropriate do? ription of the new order of tlunxs. k? ,a long story short, the pr?? ? s? ?i seail WM ti'"1', ICCOTded a la\..:.'l.i ?ceptlon, and thi committee'! nport as laid t?a th? table Nothing further was done until Mam h ., 177:?. when the matter wais referred i?. ?i. w rommlttee, consisting of "Jamei ovell, of Massachusetts; Mr. S , ol Irgtnla, aia.i William Houstoun, of a r i r some debate heir repoi t ais or.i.r, ,i to be recommitted to a bow 'iiimiti'-?. composed of Hiddletou and lutledge, of South Carolina, and Boudl "!. ol New Jei Two yean later Ihe record! ihow >*c? avity in the efforti to evolve suitable . vi< ? for ;i seal, ami In the mean time !??. committee reports ware referred to i,.- s. retar) of Congress, Chart? Tom ?n. The name of Arthur Lee, B mem er "f Cpngrass from Virginia, Just n* urned from ?France, ai?-?> spp?sari as one i tbe member! t?? whom dorigm were ubmltted. Tin- assistance of William laatoa, M. A., maiden! of Phlladel? h.a. was also gOOght, an I hi BUbmittod n elaborate design which contained ? ry lilth- thatt wa- .-littst-t'lieiitly us. d. lut H II in re that the eagle for thi lirst am? prooaU?ently unman la thi de criptlon of the device the hinl is nmn? koned a.- being "emblematical <>i rover? Isnt) " Another deaign was ?submitted by 'iiairiis Tonwon, ill?' ?Secretary ol Con? :it-s. Hon we still further tr?nt- the ..i evolution In the American ?Kl?. Though we aim to divest this lit le btstor) of the "boast of heraldry," he following descHptlon c-onveys an ex ll? n| Idea of the ?1? > - The ??hi? i?i borne on th. bre a : of an Un? i u an eagle, on tbe ?wing and ?rising ?loper. In tbe dexti r tal.f the eagle n olive bran? b, and In the sinister a.n.lle t.t SHOWS. Over th?* In ad ,,t th? ?igle constellation of stau.-, lurroun l i ?un blight rays, aad ait a little die? an?. clouds Jn the Mil of the i toil with the wordi. 'K Plurlbus num.' Tb? n? xl and i t*i report is en? lorsed 'Mr. Barton'e Improvement on he Secretar) '* devtce.' " Thli made mom rtlght alterations tn Becntary'i deaign, and after Itaell indcrgolng certain changes, wsi adopted .m.' SO, I7H. ?So, all things oonsld? red, ri -"pp..-. we ai?- Justified in saying ??..i the un an. glorious, .uni Indestructi ve American eagle was bora not quit: in yean ago. The record? ?,t his blrtn i ad a.i.i thi incidents preliminary thereto tn matten of recotrd la Waanlngtoo, ?hut * ht le. ii! win r., ?s the man whose > ? t I tuboro generations win writs the ..intu it y ??i hi! glorioui bird! n la '! Ci The ?Southern Plantar f?.r ?Hay is at . a aaaal, it to full of g"???i hlaga ?..i our far men. Than are goal* m atiti'l.-s ?m fertilizers f??r tObaCCO, ' as, forage < rapa laallage as ? ?J, piotits of iheep, pooltry-feeding, gad ions-breeding r??r taramn. Then an 4M number of other short, practical ?ni'i?-, ?jtviag m*aah vahsahte ami .-?a "nahi.. agricultural information. I Th.- boast i?.-??its set m to he safe. The c?.?.rniiient has information that that "pinlsh fleet has been fi.lvanelng back raad, and has thus arrived at Cadis. Ami now it Is suggested that we tata? -?pain's Carolines and any oilier of her air iRosseshlona that may be gemming *** * '-'""* a? It were, beta and there. TltK RfOT? 1\ ITALY. It appears clear that the t? im 'la. id ota" bas been misapplied In the case ' the outbrtahi in Milan ?and othti dttoi r Italy. Ai every <?n?' know-, th? short bee! crop in Kur-ip?', the failure t?> get i- estimaittii suppiv fnun ?rgentlni ?ni Ulla, ami ot.r war with Spala hav.- 001?? inc.I to Intnas?. th.* cost of living, rot aiiy in Italy, awl in other Bumpian niTitries. *i"!i?- Oorernment ??f itaiiy aad M fovernmehti of some of thi other mtlnenl ?i muions bava ncogniaed the u'l-hip resulting fr??m this condition, n?l taken st<ps lo minimize it as far as ?.- .-ii?!.* by suspending temporarily tha iti'-s ??n breadstuff! and provisions, \v<> I-.i know ihn Italy is most onerously ixet! in oril.r thait she m..y k? ?ip up ir rank aim?uiK the ?Powers, and thai .?he is suffered and is still ?suffering from s inst outrageoua mlmii <>( ?public funds. I*.ut th? adVBBCI In thi prices Of food i Itsly has aol been m ?great, n?>r has i? ?suffering then beeaao wtdaepread, is i accoual for tin* ?rioting??-or rather, we ii?. rey'olutton, i"r In Hilan aval ?amounted to that, almost ii?. i... t - ems to be that "higher |.i ?. > .^" mi "??Stress" wen simply made ?w-e At fo: an outbreak of "so lallam" which, duced to lu last analyste, was an out? ..', ..! anarchy. TJ riot? 11 wei e nol driv. n to ?! n a id fear ol tai val loa, but by a spini of antagonism ,in?utal authority an.l th?- -???lal 1er. Tins, the ?governmenl eeema to .?,, thoroughl) understood, Judging from te rommsry manner In which it bai ??it with the mobs. At lasl account! it 1er of the Mutation, and app ? itermine? t<> maintain thait position. iy t..- minor outbreak! h?-r?- an.i 1.1 ? I? !? ' I na. II hi s - !.. n IOIT1 iton !, but the discipline the oop ? \hii?ii?.?i. the alaerity th? y die layed in obeying orders, ?and the evidence ired of loyalty to th? constituted are lib? Iy t?* afl ml guarantee (Blast further organised vlolencd of ;my .??m m. THE) 1 Ml CK1 I "HIHTIOF.V Adjutsnt-G? nerel Tillin f New ik. d?clares thai Governor Black hafl inded the Thlrtet nth R< n ms.* it ?n?i imt eolunti t It - rvlc ? r the war. The regiment was dlsbi i?i , . it .li -'.!.. '. ? ! ail nr i ..i' th- Governor's. Special Order, No. .i ru?t et rtaln a under n charge of commending ? " iculd prepare to go to t uni? ait 11? m;? ea?i on Hay M. The order waa plain, ad contained Instruction! as to tlmei mi route-. Bul there a a - bo b ? r? in ??t the v.n with Spain. While the i? mi?, i - ?>f tii?. ?regiment might hat ill?-;.' pi? as? ?I, it WBS rt??t f??r them , analyse or queatlon th? older. Only a iy small proportion ??t the ?regiment toyed Un order, ;?n?i consequently the overnor his distended the regiment. Recognising, however, that thoae men >w at the camp should an be h? id n ?onslble for the dlsob? dl? ni ??t tn? i I : th?- regiment, tbe Governor has or i' ! t hat the) h.- form? d Into i tetta? an and i>> attached to the Twenty-se nd Ri riment, ? Weh ??"-s to Hem] t tak?- the place of the Thirteenth, Il i- fui th? r MM that upon the a "in the war of the battalion th il baa aa it ?battalion will h. m ide th*? icleua ??f a m-w Thin?.mil Regiment Many of the ofBceri and aten of the are trying to gt : GovernM ?ach to ft voke hli b indlng the romand, hm it la not to i?. presumed aa! h. will d0 s.i. though, I? ai!? , lia.. ull seems to have ?been more ?.?i the nt of the colonel than on. the Part of i t- other offlcon and ?a Tin- battleship Oregon to coming up the irtheasi coaat of "tooth America bow, ?oceedlng cautiously, lest sh pi. y ??f am overs belml rce. sii" wai at Babia, Brasil, H? ni win now probably rea? b bom? safety. The aU< g? dly formidable Te erario ?ii?i not, In iplti ol h? r name, n't- tbe tem? rtty io attach b? i. P - our m x: warship poi i i il! i?* ?Porto Rl? '. v.'. may to-day have ? Spanish bottli i up at ?San j'a H " lia. Mon Sponlah In ? ' < al Mai i '.?.-.. y-ly <]?..'ilt wit ii. Mgstx Leb; Dewey, I Bampeon t BM i. Will the BjOSI mut-de come from th? marii .' -rapidly going up-" Ditto down. Op to Cuba! "Yankee W?aaaeH at Hnnlla, (For tii? i ds| steh.) Bald Uncle Bam to Bpanish Don, \\ e pray you taste our wares. it -t 11 \ tin -? a.i? ii nul mi i now, And hi Ip to -""iii? our i irei And if V..U tin.i that flavor u.I. w.'ii filng a ham or two?of a.I. EPIIEN. ?II!, y, Y a._ Fits l.?*o'a l'list \?t. (Washington PosL) i ?n. of Pits Leete first seta should he to oceed to New Torh anal ii?-k that pub iher who is Imposing on ? ii?* public by Ivertlslng what h<* terma "Fltsbugb Book." \ iiti|iiniiii. (Detroit Pree Pretm.) "Weil, how ?nd you get on ?with that iisi'in Kirl'.'" "Nol ait all; l ?liui't like Emerson, and e do? m'l rid? i h- i. s., wi ii "l i..' dng t?? laiiu about." Itsllze Your Blood. Overcome That ired Feeling. Get a bottle ot lood's Sarsaparilla and begin ta ike it TODAY, and realize the grea Dod it is sure to do you. -lood's Sarsaparilla I America's CreaU*?? Medicine. AH rtri|gg??j# .? >, ?Ld'AU'lttlnv 1].u!t WM.M %-UHIII RO. *nle ?if n Knrni?IVrionnl it ml l.riir i-til Mi-iitlnn. WII.I.IAMSHIHij, VA., May 10-<8pe CtaL) That famous est?t" lying; on York ilv.-r, known as th?' Ferris Farm, wa? i "i i. ta? ?i ,,i; y - tirdaf i?y c.ii?tain k. w. Kayaard, This farm has on It a lairK" and eemfortabtc dweBtug and barn and stahi. rsoeatly erected. The property is last above Btgi low's, ami cbaunandi a grand vi?w of thi river where it is s?-v i ral mllm wide. Captain .Maynard will, it to understood, not the pin??.- out, a? to HOW owns and iiv?- In a pretty li??m?' ft ' ntly ret t? d -it Ettgriowe William aii?l Mary has a student In the paraoa ..t Mi. s. p. Thames from Had? laon county, who is anxious to enlist and light Spain. Commissioner T. i). Banadera returned from Richmond thli morning; when Im had i"-n for - reral ?laiys with hi? wife, who i-'ft hen Sunday, bbptns to b? bene fit? 'l by the < bange, Ml Cora B. smith, after aa extended visit to her ?sister, Mrs. R. B. Hughes, in Norfolk, arrived h<?m.- laat evening. Mi-. Margaret Hsnsferd '?envoi Thurs day for ?Bastera sh,.r.- t?, rtari relatives. Mr. .1. I?. |?oii;?i, -, from .Sufr?.!k. who was at tha hospital ten f??r s.,m?. time, is now employed la the ship-joiner.-.' de partment of tii?. Newport News dry-dock, on "ru-ii w..ik" tor ih.- government It II I? ?w 1, ,?- ; .1 that til? re will bl no celebration of any kind this year nt .lam?-town, and ?several excursion parties tiiatt were sxpected will not t?. there it is reported thai there an ?several t atididat? -a for the I"sltl??n of Iilalr?.ii at th" ?Eastern stat,- Hospital, made ra-snnl by tbe resignation of Mrs. Ella B. Eppa An entertainment will be tfvaa at Cameron Hall Thursday ?vetoing i?v th* dialect poet, Hin Aafti Virginia Cui hel'ts'iii. Tin: SOHTHBHS BBCK. Heavy Itnin-i liillii.veii ny Frost ? M n mi lar \ ce I ti en I. COHORN, UNO GBOROB COUNTY, \ A . May ]?>.- ?Sp. , | I ?-The country her? and for inatiiv mil's along thi Poto practically under water, torrenta of rain having fall?a ?almost coi iln ii-t Wednesday night All bull ?a i" n suspended for aomi days lUntlOUl BtOrmi Of rain. in cam? ait ?beautifully yeeterday morning, ?and ?a- never more welcomi .?s it ?had not ?been ?seen rince Wodnesda) of last a i. One of the gglleat featur?'s of tif ?winter-like weather which has h- II prevailing for nearly at week W'ais aday night and lay on .tender vegetstion till thi : un wai bait an hour high tit?- next morning. The ex tent of ?i in ?^ try n la not known .?i the time of thta writing, but i* I t lia tliait liiinat?) ali'l bW I | piainis te it. for they an already withering ?and turning i.? S itoi W. v Little, ol Frederick - burg, was hen some daya ago on legal busln? Hiss Haggle Mills, of Proderlchsburg, ?s visiting at ih.. home of Mr. W. H. >3axt< r, ?.i ''n- . ounty. Mrs. ?Richard H. ternit, of Washing ton. D. '.. came down a day or two ?ago i?? ?see thi gardi n, Sowers, etc, al her ?summer borne, near thi-- place. Bev? ral da) n a? i Idem occurr? d . w ?. ii..iiviiie, thta county, which may result fatally. A young child of Mis. Martha \V.,.l,.;i -?*. a ll.?w? ?! at Lia safety-pin, which, it is supposed, pa ted i |.l it.. Mia. . a to the -lomacii bel. Dr. P. I*. .\ii. i . who waa speedily sum moned, could rt h Weedonvllle tn ?render ahL a examlnatton fall? .i to locate i!i" aafety-pln, which, by th? \? iy, wats op? a when iwallowed, and Dr. Nlnde idvised tie ?agonising par?ate to ?lake ihe Util? I'.iti.ii! toe hoapital in Washlng thwltb, uiti ii advice hi omplted with. MASOXS AMI ODD-PBLLOWI o l.ny n t iirm rut?' \\'A\ BRLT, V A - ?lime nit.I lli-ili lull. M ty !" iSp. \-i. a ?Lodge, No. Ml, a. P. \ A. U., and n averly Lodi I - I ?. ? O. O. P., have : on 'I'ii. Ma) -i. UM, aa the la) opon which ; i to) the corn? i ind dedli ate theli at m hall al tbh ; the ?building i- a er-, handsome two? :.?i v frame, Iron-rool stru? ture, T ?? he low? i n. i" In? Att??d up as a public .all. .and tbC s? . ?m.: Boor '? ln*J ?"'? lipli ?I - !".!_.- r.."tn and amt?.-r??mi?'. Th? bulld ng i?- now compli ' d, ant i ; irnlsh ?I. ait B COSl "1 0 The Masons will ("finally lay I ..?i on the date nami d ii.i the i >?|.i-i". Hows v.iil ?i.'.ii? ate the ,..,ii .lt v p M. "i tl? same day. Grand I'uk?-. of the Masons, hai nvlted am.i lia- a.'..-i't"i the Im ,, be a make an addr? The Grand Mastei of thi Odd-Fellows ,!,,, win i,. . a.d this w< k. will also ... invlt? ?i. and will doubtless h?- pi The Masons hav? at? nde i invitations ,, th? loda. - In Pet? rsbura. and t Kmtxirla, Courtland, Wahefleld, I ? n ?r,,,, gun Clan mont, Brandon, ?Prince ; ddli to " pri - nt. and ii?,-? ol tii.m h iv siiriiiti? ?1 their i ??hi iii?. Itatloi Tii" ' kid-Fellows , ive Invited thi Ii ?Ister lodges in Peters , , | ,,t ? ltd 'int. aiinl all of th? m Mil doubtless be repn - nted. A big dln M r wail i..- n rved for th? m< mi? is <?f tii?. raternltli a. A larg? ? rowd Is exp lM,i the Mth ?in be gala day for and ? >dd-Fellowsblp la our town. soroLH > v\ IL UOrTate, vhe Hasan so Wumt latlva Daly? i in- HoKaa. NORFOLK. V.\ . May ]??. -<Sp n,,. Norfolk N .val K. - ?rves, who ,t unattached I ?lutloni I a. t ny of the Navy to H . tlve duty. The connn? ?i ?yunbo it Maple, form? rt) , light-house tender, lefl t??-'!aiy for K? y a. it i?, join the mosquito fie? ;. Tha Ar tin i re, M to the yachl Pene? ope, whleb to being converted Into tor* i. do-boat destroy ir. The torpodo-bost McKee hi ? teen . | Ut ott int Kai pi r, rbo arrived to-day to assume oommsnd ,i h?-r. sh. Is accepted ai evidence that ?, |- i, , .m trial WBI sati-!'.t? (..iy to thi fov? rnment The ? rnteer N? wartt Iced to lay, and .?-???nil hundred additional me ahanlc! wen pul to wort* on ii tr, The leaning ??i hi r bottom and Installing ,f h.-r battery bi ?sll that reaaalm t?. fit ter for ?,i, ,?>,. ?- of the Uniform? i Baah, Knlghti of P ' re rt idy tc r.,, to he front None of thi companies have ,, t volunteered ai bodies, t?ut it is proba do that they will do s??. ?il-ecnc-i. 1 lie < ou n I r. EHPORIA, VA., Hay R (Ont rial.) - h, ?Board of ?lupervlaori of Qreenesvtlle otanty wlU have ?same Interoetlng ques lOni at their May nie. liiiK t?? ?h? il?, SQl ,i whiii la th. -ah- ol tii- atjnahouse ?roperty and thi reinvestment of ?the in other ?property better adapt. d to th.- purpose, .un? then to decide on h.- f. ace question, win? h to now ik? Stlng our magisterial distri?-t, of thi? ounty. The wsrilhe spirit with ?>ur young men s not vary braib onI) n.?- m tot ten rolunteered their services, and they have otaad tii" compon) al Franklin. Vu On Boooanl ? [ the bad weather, tten \.r?' ii" Church s?'t\ic?s h?-r?- la-*t Sun lay. it is iiimoied that youog railroad nan will lu a t? w day! l?.i?l to the ism.ii'.il altar a fair daughter of Km loria. The Kmporla Hospital was op.?netl to Uy for the r?'t? ptlon of patients. It is a ?rivale tni.rpn-?, ti?-lng conduct, ?l \,y ?rs. I>.ptlon and Snwili lt is thouxht the Ht? i prise will pay, and the yountc Statio nen tn i h.irK? hav? the tasi wishes Of ur eommunitv. Th?* Anieti? an ?'?Hihi has a chaptt r here, to, 31-, which has been In oiK-ration huc ??assfally for more than two years? W. -'. Hail? ?, treanurer. and E. 1* Turner, -.r?i_r -.. The chaou-r was Instltutoil by i ??T-?X-J>?T^-??""?"t;Bt-S***B""""""r"""""R"""e"***r****-***-.***-^ *****-*- . **--'* -- ? *?r.r- ?? For Her Daily Bread Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a wonderful aid to working women of all classes. Working women have* backaches, headaches, and racking pains, ? ? * but they keep on working because they have to. f Pretty faces in our factories and stores soon become drawn and pallid, figures lose their, symmetry and energy flags. Domestic service is another form of endless drudgery that destr woman's health and nervous By Lack of ?care during monthly period?, necessity to keep on the feet all day and sometimes until late at night, - r sitting in cramped positions for long hours, produce.i : ! keep alive troubles of all kinds with the fei: organs. Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound : over twenty years has assisted women to I their burdens. Sickl and pain vanish under influence, and m< te than a million women have bei benefited by it. We quote from ?three : Dbab Mas, PS-UAH: -1 doctorad a four ?UfTorent doctors ami ?oun.l i | relief. I thea wiole feo foo daaaribiag my troubles which wer?* as follow - i sharp pains in sides of abdomen, fa ami inflammation of womb, and pain -Ml time of monthly itekl I followed your kind and good advice. I have taken three b'itti, ?. ' Lydia K. l'inkham' Vegetable Compound and am now ah!?- to | around after having been in bad for ten week?, ami fer* 1 thnt 1 assured perfect health. I hope my letter may be a help to other suffering girls.?Miss Rosa Hinf.a, Le Sueur, Minn. DBAB Mus. Pinkham: I was troubled with female weaknesi, irregular ami painful menstruation and leucorrhu'.i. The dool inetiieine ditl mc no goo?l. I have taken one bottle anil a half of Vegetable Compound, and thanks to your medicine and advice, mv pains are gone. I advitH women .suffering as Ihavc to use your Vegetable!'ompouud.? Mrs. Lj-MA J. Paifflf. Indian??: t. Dear Mrs. Pinkham:?When I wrote to you I *.vas troubled with menses appearing too often. I also had sick headache waa tirad and wteak, and ?sonhl not do any work. Tha pain I tiadtoaaffter was ah_ostnnbearabla ?at t?_oa. After taking Ova bottles of Lydia B. ?Ptnkham'i Vegetable I pound I was nn nil improved in health ; metises boCW?M iin?ro I?gnlar ?and wem BOt prjfuse. M doetOT hail told nn* 1 could never akpect to get well nnlOM I wtiit through an operation. 1 cannot i.?nniieiul yii'.r medicine foo highly, I beg of you to accept my thanks for what JOB bftVBdOBS fur Tj?,j) mc?Miss Ai.u b r\H.NKi,L, Keokuk, la. VfS Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., will advise you from her wide ex? St perience free of charge whenever you ask it. Write to her frt V Your story will be told to a sympathetic woman, und women onlv *2H will see your letters. Remember I a woman best understands a _r **>' ' ? 11 woman's ills. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound A Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. iv. il. [ * four city, -it tt? Deputy Bupn me < lovemor. Mr W, F. i il wai In Norfolk ? ea i: i.. Turn? r wai at Courtland ] la j .. ; i lega 1 I "... US, A. !'. U 1 \. m . is In ittead Hi- ! monli of tii ! lylni of the in \\ Ha ?io?- Hall, i? Wsverly, on tia-- fourth Thui i nth. Business, mei antlle and legal, is at a HI in ?.ur town. w is iBD sHiprara. i"lic tABmoi in >?irr??ik?\ sinmiiur g? < lil. til ?llrl.-fii. NORFOLK, VA. M , . t of di" ?vat' "ii ihlpptng i; be* Ing made maalfiat In dlaagreeaMe nanner. Up to w trlj not at v? -? ? '. ?,i> r? |???r!..! through tii?. gateway of the Virginia apt i Thi ?recelpti ??r rotter ?t t . lay weft OS I I? l?gal eat Ihla ?i ly r? ? ?iv? ?1, and it le? m tii it ?ill ,.f th<- crop Ii ! ma.' bought up for to England In sntlclpetlc prolong? .i w_i i.. ' Spain. a ! cull ?r accident took pin i si th wotk ol ii." N'trfnik i*reo [lanv. nil 1 :iiz lli? t'ai riv? r, t?y whl an employees narrowly escaped droa i? Ing. A 10,000-gallon t?anh bo the virinity. It a forty 1 from lbs .m.i th? ?rater descended erlth tii?. force of i ? i? udbuiit No oi waa Injured. 'I'll?, naval ?ii Bl Julian'i i'r? eh, which ?wan completed only a row in? m h - i" o? i Ins a... ih? war gemand. nad I nlarg? ?i i,? a?, ommods the hundred of l immunltlon and projectilee it i- now found ii'.? -iry t.? ?tor? then a large fores is ere? ting additional bulldlni in til?, nn an lain?. ? 'n- ' ii ?s a fore? of eighty men working over time loading l'i"j? "til? I for the the navy. i:\tk \ riti:? u riOXfl i IKHB it? 1'ri'vi-nt tin* Beenge of the ?Mite IVeUi-r 11 ii rile re r. \? IKFOLK, VA., Has IS tflpot lal ) - The United Btstei authoritlei ben bare . , tak 11 it tic N'uf'iik i-itv jatil to provtd? Hard? ret Anders) a, whom ih?- United Stat? i Supin tat Court baa Jnat refused a bow trial. <?r?i?*rs srtll i><* i BMd lint to allow .any ?n- to ? ??miaiini iii.. with him. ?Penadtnf probal ln? i . tus at tora? > for ;i reheat I :", il to th Pr? itdent for rxecutive clemency, n?? ?eath-wptcta will Then ar ama] who ht ? i I leraea ?should un receive capital punish? m?'nt. uwinK to mltfgating eircumstancee onnscted with hi--? ease, and it i* ?aid a i>?titinn ?in t,.. tirtiii it? .i asking the Presiden! la commati the dealt isa? i? ii.'... When the murderer irai toM i?-i ntKiit ?if the Bnpcoam Ceart'i atdatan'ho took it stoically ami aovar win? ?i?.i He ?nn bellevet h?- win sacas? I i beam, H?? ?i ? ?in?in-il In am ?.i'.lin u \ ? ?I, ait.l ??mk-i fur irum it in? M N.') villtain who murdered two Bo, brawny men sad earn* [?? ii..?i a an ??f five it rapping fellow* to bum the bhip after heaving the bodice uverbo.irtl \t it i: \?.?: in rOTTOX. it ?-?in?'? i ?m iriini i.n-i gene, af M* Bad "?I \ -lentil?. I'er l'eut. WASH?NOTl ?N, M y M Th? ft i.?u t r-.r tin: month uf M i. ni to iii*1 propos? d pen .1 with : plant? ?i ?a every cotton-growing Bl Indlcatii I ?mpan ?i witli the i t year, or r# dlli'tlttli oi The i principe growlni Alabama, '. 7; h.arii Carolina and Mteeleslppl, 99; . North ?'arolins ai ?Florid.. '!' \i?, and A a : - T? . in Oklihoma c pet ?'?lit., and in Indina Ti 11 Iun a per cent, from tin . ? i, -i .. .n'. the figurei foi . ! y. Tiihlicen. in. w v..ik n. r ild i Th ?i bur Midiera s*.all tu well f m ai glani ? ait th? . corned bi f, food br< id aad it? four a. - ,,t m i Ime '?i war. The conn ?: . with \i. i . annon. BUt .?I U Ith I'll.. ladles ii.??.,- tak. n tii. an,i are to forward t?. our campe large : ??a. ?,' nial we? d. I is n<> loi moke ol i ..ic.. i the imok fi .?m the briara.i pipe, in the firsl Insi ..*..I In the . act ? r t 11. t yond : : i he i in min? .say to the comfort of th? ! oui Bag oa tie. ?Seventh Pence Midlers, T?> the lain r of I . N< ?s fork u? raid: at the courage I ' i ru animate! ;h< bieaiti ?:?l civilian, ii le .?-ti.-uit te that i?i"l M fondlj regard l i ?. all natlOm the man wh?>. ha ode war-imperilled, ? :<?--?-i "rot tu . m i?y but ta ?i ? ai.'i .n?-." If tti?* riiaik? ?i ilgni "f dtsappf *\ 'ii'i* ?lay b :ched l?.'?st th? I Ri eiui. ni a AMiiiiK the t a.n tu I the pnbMc'e opinion of th? N ?n a ai Guard'? s? tloa, ?then I l nut ?alone in vi'i't; the wmttaeat that t1.?' m? n "f ??'ir "crack" regtta -g.i -ni.ii. : ? m time "f peace and g??o<i tlni. <?f s?..?i H. K. B .? ?!. N, J.. Haj Till. I iieluirlliilile InggSStl? .I.i'lllial i ".lu.-i n* 'luit Hottentot, but a plug bat "' v Clslmed the Kiftlr youth In the |>!nk shirt. "In our country," remarked tin- Bent -K-.tmliaii hiliT In the crash tTQBBeri ?.??tii i- erbtty, "Whea ,e man wean .? silk tile with his inutiles* suit tha' ?? .. m? at once set him ?town as beln_ from no," Uell Mnekeil. (.i;.?s?, n Traveller.) Biggs: l woader if uiggn hu? much m??ney behind him Hi-ins: He ii.t't the other ?lay when i saw him: It- was 1? aning against llu Sub-Tuasutv building. a **** s AFE URE PEEDY FAMOUS mme; le duiii FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails. CNOORSEO BY THOUIAMOS? 3 ctnt <t.?mp? brini I . ,. 'itai . A.all?-?? l ai? la: ' I .1 rl I. I'miiplilrl I. .? .?I |..,, t l-'.,r m le ,i It LER I ?i;i ? ; t'OMI' mj ll-W ! .-. PROPOSAI ?. BKALED ri.??l ? .?- \i . Iv? ?I . I with PURE MILK I June I. 1198, the milk I ri n".- , The Comm I all I.a. m> n w n ,fs a . '.' i ? r.:? . - . until ?' for fun - HACON. II.? ?I l: I SA II' M< ?I.AKMI ? ?AK i- : -: i M ATI ?ES H \'t . ' ' v - ' DH"t ? ;? i? ?i ?s ? i . a i 8H< IKS .ni Mi d? llvered J Commltt? i Poor i - rv< .- i ' . all pi Form my 11-U Th r.\ B \ III?.IM \ Mil I I Ml* IN-I I I ' " LBXING !' >N The lt.. ? til?n ,.tl III? ! will .,t , ' r - .11. t I'v ad Thlrt! and two \ Apoll umleralgm ail? 111 t' \? Quest my i-Su&wiw t HIN \ >t \ I I 'IM.v I HAVB RBCB1VBD Ut stork of China Mattings .m.! patter Motil, lai?? tii. i - win? h 1 .?m ont \ . St., ?I - ni\ i eodlm BOOK AND JOB WORI MEATLl KkKi ui'ku al I'd* UlaraU'd -"yk 1>0 UUwSli,