Newspaper Page Text
_J_ THE RICHMOND JJISFATUH-WEDNESDAI^^_ We Concentrate Our Forces For Quick. Decisive Action. 300 Men's Suits to Move at Once of them for FIVE $5.50 FIFTY, u_. _ * _ nn-i Mamln* ?sisas We'll l>c pleased to send S?W^?. * ft ^ siii,r." ?UV,! l-'i.r' lit, ?d toi^ ?m? w mt? r I....1 Iheil ?pul. Children's Suits. $1.49 Special. I-iMi styles oi nobby ell-wool arisiiucris, value | To Day $i.49 Youths' Suits. $3.25 Special. 55 odd and ?'inl All-Wool Suits, worth from 16 to |7. To-Day $3.25. 5ee our $4 Bike Suits. I See our p8c Tan Derbys. JACOBS & LEVY, 707 East Broad, VEST-POCKET FIGHT. rue-T > i"? "?i BS? \?.i:mi.m in t I 11 ft. U Ml.lt1>. THE W1WSL0W BRINGS IT ON. n,,- Pitan n??- n?i "f ""?* ? ? * uii toii-.t-i???'-?1 Sannaln, aad Klinln Ihat I urileii.i- Mai l???r is Mini ?I. .?"?pyiu'.i. i, ' ' l'l' ON BOARD THE t8? ?C1ATED [SPATCH-BOAT KATE BP1 rl.-i; ? iFF CARDENAS, U KKV wist. i-l.A. Mi ' >i pi?.?., fought in Cuban water. Oa i recon? notet - i , lively vwt-i I..liov..-?l. Al " in t: ' ,..' 1 Ailla ' it any of tin guard boat. -| I. !.. ' . j.?\\'. ih.u thi ' " the Spaniards did not think it worth a t?) dteclotie th? ai , oiltlon. 'J'liai II,la:. - ill I!, !. I!, view "i I '' ?report I bal II te it Card? Ilia.I not aal _ .' of Unit? ?I Btat? fon a will b n 'il, a th? "Ouardli long the coait, the little town ?. name lylnf -..til Ii. 1 ?i lai tl e weitern ehore, i . i i be* out lik.- loni Indi I : ?. -. i. n il? n. in i i t be i? u |tght?houM has been In ? . Feellng ??f th? llght-hotu ? . and litti? Wim ;. .. early m tinii Of th?. I,..: a BPANIARD8 ON THE WATCH. Tin M !.. a I?? a a: ?il?.nK the i ind-splt, tot the w In Ion wax lato ii"' ?a " in ?. ad a ?. Saldi But, euddenly, there wi at puff t?! NBOkl I'm?m elampi along pound ibell tu. k came a. ...... . i;, i ,,: a tiny kay and tl :,mi fui i ii? i don n thi Than th?. ihr? from their i full like 1 . 'i ii.- \\ ii..-i?.u 'a a ? . Jumped to pound? m fori at i aft, and let tl \ < it, i".11, ai.?- they In. The booting, b it Spanish fashion, bit nothing but th? ?-? ? i?.-ry. Th? a the 1 : long f??r tl.. a etern-chi ? r, i nd d? Qantl) .-i.ting ii ilong. Ta, lilt ha. 'IS WI i oat, mounting r poundi r, k?pt up thi bombardmi ni a Wlmlow wai In ; Tan Bpinterd . who had probably hi ird th?. Bawl from Manila, wa. evidently ?, niai?i ns a nest ??i hornet . ana.i ktpi up tin., ohaie until nil four <?i thi little craft \vf?re rackIng In the ?swell p.,.-1 i Keys. Just ih. n there a ii l roar p.? i laward, ami the Mai bli . bearing la under i ? imoke, m at j. shell ?unaihlng la?to the pmaulag ii? ?t. Tim little pati?ii-i.??aits .?-j.'.iii about Ilk.- a Ul l .-?pul? I.-, ailul lall ta shelter t., yuiiti the a.n..i spit. The Machlai sent <? f?*w sh? ii.-. skipping it between the band-dunes, but with ?.?.hat effect could not be seen. At ?my rate, t. prospec tive addition! t?< our moiqulto fl ti.'.l up In Cardei Ing de velopments. 'I hi: tobacco tax. _?uni? I ami >l?rlIn I iulitiiiK limit I'ciiiliiiL. I'r<i|>?i-.|| ion?. WASHINGTON, D. C., ?May 10. Qtpe ci.ii.) Thi.. .n mi tin- pu BM in? ml?? a ., tin* Ftnanoi Com* iititt. of tl a.apru i .?n thi tot ? co i . *. war? Bf? I i : th? t ? . Ointl P? l POUnd, ?a I ? ! It, a.? in l!i? bin . DanKi and .Mail-tin and B? d itor int bard, of North Carolina, i both thi . -ni adrance to i?. caatt and thi ne. .? ?, uator ii.iiii?. is on the ooaun . op. pose-,1 to ?both, aad is making ? rr.nt to ?...?., tin m ,i. tentad I bill In reported i.i. !Wll Virginia - ,.ra into the Si nati, ind mak? a i ?w? rial if. " '* ' ' ., ,,ii ooahnto '" de . : h??i?i vir ??Inl* itu.i North Carolina. 8 Bator lTltcharil win ,., wlth ( , (h ,,-t' " ' I'll?', but in av ?,. l t.. vote for p?rty meaiure. Thte is, however, oot ? ? ttuln. M i? tin ? et s. untar M Ulla thai manufacturera throughout ?intry should bring all the Influ Ibll lo ?ni then i. ?a Smala, with a rtea to thi defeat ??f UM ?dt mee to ll ? nti m?d th? ictlve f.-ature. R i ' ' ntatlve will go before thi Bannt? ?Finance Ctanmltti e and make an argu ment - i"-i?-"" i,?w I ' \ M. BROWN-8WAN80N CASE Q r,i j.iiri. - a. Walker, who return ed : a Bouthwaitern Virginia, wh? ?ending tl of the ri'.it'.i SI : at Ablni a .-?lai e for I'.uT llO, N. V-. wh? I I I . for :? ' "llliliaitla .- Ol thl ?Fifth i ?a trlct, until uext week, and 1 grant? >i. Thla lath? third tin bad i-. 01 ' look at If he t i ?if the i . Mr. Bwanson baa n p??? I Ko. I in hte favor. The ? ?mmlttee I -i of nine raemtx Ri pul I three The latt? r - entll ' by the 8 Bo nd two Ri publia itelle, <?f Illinois, nd ? ,?!,, \. a v -a k f.iiinti him I ? .1. . ' ' . ivi Swan of the ? ?itiiiii11 ??GRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN. Id? rabli Int? r? a t te ?beginning to I - evinced in the coming congreaalonal cam paign in Virginia. The renomination ol Hon. ' by the unanlmoui voti of thi l k tnocratlc conv? ntlon In hi t is very ?gratifying to hli numer . and they have n?> dobbl of in.-- tt mi ii to the eat ?i which h? was m unjustly deprived by a | House. A] ropo - to thl?, i understand i!,. re ? ill !? mother Republican Rich? mond in the fl? Id this fall In thai <!: in tii?. ?pei (col ored), of Boydton, Va., and Mr. i:. T. Thorp will not have ii all hte an n Jonei will contesl for the nomination t?? !: publican coi be Fourth Dtitrli t, when II . and he Intends t.> mak. an actlv? canva innty. He la In the <-,.. n? i Ital s here, and a ii one of Mahone"i t?a. the Fourth District. PERSON \i. EMU '. : ? Bchbui In the city, atopping at the Metropol i:. U ?Barlow, Porl mouth; J. J.. P :. a\ on, Virginia, Metropolitan. Oeorgi Bummervllle, of Haymar? \ t the M< tropolltan. C. Hei ?i"ia. Frederick!burg? F, n I unit.m; T. T. I! ii. N. <-.: F. H. i. ,'lrglnla, St. i.. ii. Brown, Ballabury, x. <-.; J I Appli ton, Wain? nton, Va. ; E. B. Well Raleigh, anu? Colonel A. B. Andrews, C, the Raleigh. W, ? W? ail.- i i.-, Norfolk, M M. 'i -,. m Rixey. . Ml B. Smith, W.Ivlll . \ .. .il. ; Ai.. Among the fourth-class ' m i y Ttii wer? Ing: Albert T. Lambeth, N*. C; . mon?) ?ordi r ofB Ni W a as fol] \ J ounty, X. <'., Comellui Henry, \ x ? '.. Jam? a T. I-'lattrun. ' county, , i. i v ter; S hool, i a . Va . ' ?postmaster; Ter ryl, Halifax county, Va., William H How? ii ?algara. 1 Irunswl? i. county, V;t.. Ellen J. R NORTH CAROLIN R? pr? tentative Sklni of Customi at Ni V. I'.. Ia - uni la ] ' ii ihn for the tant . , , thi ?.'t . ?.r Rali x. t-.. v, hile alighting tr?na an al? eai o fon the ? ni >! id '! !?< d, wats thrown Violently i und, and rec I ni bad thought at Ont that hli I, I. it his in',,a I rlous. ILL lit STUD on in?\itn. Flytaa *?i|iiiiilroii goouaa to Hi? I'ri imrlim fur But i-meiit. QLD ?POINT ?'??Ml"? h;t, v.v, Uuy IS mu ?Board the Flagship Brooklyn, ?n Fun Monroe.) On thi ships all is tmitle, although Hi?' iquadron offlo i - aay k?owl? ?!);< ?-i- an irlj mo Thi New Orleani wai Ml allowed to go up i. Ni nport Net - ai, bul at I o'clock this morning ?began t?> ? ? ai frena lighters along-i Ide, end will Bnteh coaling In thai way. Thi St. Paul being al I draught. wJM be abte a ?remain In dock al Newport Nean foi h. r M toni of ooa1 Thi Mlm coated thli mornlag t? her fuit capacity, aad Joined thi iQBadron in? r. I nidi: BBS K1LLBD. A \ n m I?, r liijnri-ii? Xct-lilciit nt Bin II \i-:ir I'm rUernliii rR. CINCINNATI, a, gMay It a t > the* Commercial Tribune from Parkers? \ -.ays: 'I lin t- m? ai WI if kail. g*t . fatal!', hurl, aun! four minis wen dangeTOUsI) Injured at the mines of itn- Thacker Coal Company, by ih?* brnaklng away ol cai on which wen ton men. The < away from the tipple al tha mini -ihai SI yaiais away, The aile I,. - Siii.i'l. JOMpfc Morris. and R llltaai ?tardy. Fui ills inj'un , William siinm... Un?I Vuy Mint Hi, i .1 Work.. Th* bad pi? and hard woth ?>f trained baa often bMn tiie subject i ? ? t;' volent remonstrance bi tnln? nl n?'''l'ai men and non-profeaatonal phi lanthropists it is well f.?r un Invalid, be? fon b?' K? ts M hail a?- tO BSOd I nuts? or doctor, to us?? Hoatetter*a Stomach Hitters if h? has chills au?l fever, constl p/tlon, rh.ijniatism, tlvsi uata, and nur vousness. Use it naularlv. OVER A CENTURY OLD III.IK* CKl.Kllll ATK THKIR A!*iM \i:hv\hy i\ a i)t ii'.T H-jnflUL DRILL, SUPPER, AID SPEECHES. I li< ?? the I i-iitiirf. of Ihr Somewhat Informal Olmi-rinm-e?I,lent. Vi'iion iiml OBBtt Rnnselt F.ntertnln Their Baapaatfve Maaiada The loath nnniver-uy of Um Richmond Licht Infantry Unaa, EUchaaond'g pri.i", was ynltr?laf nimmt itad ?n a most ?i minner. by patiently awaking or ?1? a to once nmre go into a?'live BUVleg in the maun et ti-.? ir stats ?and sooatry. Kveii ib?- u* uii parada irai oarit?ted on t? t .iiml of thli igir ? xi" Btancy, ain?i the nnniv-rsiiry Wll only OOOt iTVOd In thl mo Infernal way al Um battalion's Armory, <?n math Ninth gtreet, laat Bight H was Company A's drill iiinht, aad that company paraded with ?forty? Odd in? ml" a- Under command of C?ptala Wyatt About twenty-five recruits also lined up and aaewired to their names, ami wer.* afterwards tamed iiv'r to a . nt. a lare.-? numb? r Of apt < tator.?, ln cludlng at rerel of thi mmnbera of I i'.lii's' Association, wen preaenL Amons than wan Major Rtnjgm'p W, Richard, son, the v? rnarahte pnaldent; Captain .i .a ? a , and Mean William H. '! Jamei McGraw, ?and a. s t .- A pun bet Of the ?.Mi?'? Is of tie- ? ??mpanles BOW in caimp at ?'amp i.??- wan also pi as invit?'?! gutN ta aa ?i i : ctn? tors ? 'ompany A drill? ?i for ?>>'ir in hour, and never In it* history did it ibow up to b? it? r advantni ?MAJOR RICHARDSON'S CONGRAT?? LATION8. At .' .n Mai i .r Rich ltd ??n a?l ? .anally congratul Had ' t r; t Wyatt ??n Un api atiei thai* admirable performance. ??ompany "i-." wai ateo i led In 'in?, by about twi nt] mimb-ei i, und? r uni t.f Ueutenant Pegram, and me | lian of th? At the drill light i m? m a formally , md ii.? roughly njoyed. Evi r mindful ?if one who i bad ati h< ai i the welfan of 11 ? ommnnd, the Midi? r boj md t'.? .. were given with a wllL In ni?. Major m ? a ; ni.- a fOW putlioti. ! mirks, w hi, h w re ch? end to l ii?. Blues men ?call I til take part In I n wanted them ii"t only to nmen they ? Icani and I n but wen ' n, Thi ?Bluea nevei fill lid, ?and hi .. a ' . . a .-. The remainder <?f the niKhi i In social . ringing, ami In tenlng to recitation! by ?.jiiit?* gifted m?mi.? r of the Norfolk ? ompai i. Captain Wyatt bad intended annou Ing his list f?f .ii pi..' : non-com mteiloned ? IBc? ra to tak? . wh.? did sot voluote? r, but .ai Bi - count of Uii celebration d?*-cid?*-d b< do lo. ? Company A took in ate a tloni teil Bight. Company B will rt-ieiirniiiih*. in Hi?- Bed?lent. Thl m? nib? fs ol I '.?mi ? . A. i .? ' , win ver? han.!-..m laiiniil by First LiiHitenant Frank \\.a at Murphy*a Hotel The ? ?. at \? recognition of thi compliment paid t.. thi- i opular offIi r In ehctlng blra i i lleutt nant. and two das s then ?after advancing Mm to the tint li ancy. A delightful nipt ? r u - ;ui?i whan this had b? m i cuss? d i v?. mad? by ? a\ ? ?i uiin. of ? lompany H, 8? Lieutenant v\ ooto; Lieut? nant ..r Company F, and l.i. il i and Pnlriumb, Captain Ru ell entei talaed bla man.I, the W ?ik? i . .: I, .,? er In the band?roon ?>f the Armor) on th?-ir retui n from thi parade to ? v..l y? terday afternoon. ?'..a blank t,*?nnlni " In M. R. MIHa I.:?',it? nain- Mlllel and i lu? -i.? rry all apol ,!? al of ? nthu ilnam by th teram Capl m Mr. I.UXI..I I. am They \r?- Grewlag Bestfve. The men of the l Fini R?gira i Into the United BI vice en - ttlng de the men are lufferlng nie nee through the delay, having i .. ht, alt.I I * i,,!*. \| - it tin* meantime, however, tl an., ?being drilled, aad rowded I nail til ?il? ?1 on Mai No order for ele? tlon 1 The i . . that thi y will scce* : no tain bul belford, ol . nothing y. t from I... il SkipsIth, wbo wi-nt to Lai to bring tl m [nrington to auppl tins company. An urgent call ha? b< en Inn? memben of the Hospital Con t meeting of th>- ? n to i ight. ' 'ompany C nib I four m< i Ight. ILABAM \ B?BILIS \ ll?>\. \ Onptnln Rejeete-S, Cempanj De aSttama tu Sei va. M? ?BILE, A I.A., May IS ', talion ?if the First Regiment of volunl am -, i this afternoon, ?and nvlewed i Hlgdon. Thi battalion .iinpi? tod by the arastertng in ??r Com pany a. Woodlaam RISea, Captain w. J. I '.i I ks. Thll c aa ptailn Wa j. .-tt .1 by thi examinen for phyilcal d 'I'he compnny reftm ?i t.? i - ta t .1 in without him, and the Wat ?Depart? m. :?t waa app? aled to. An order came thli Ita. I ning tO pass Pat I k-. John viiiim r win i? appiiinttti adjutant ,if the Second Regiment, .-?tiel A. E. Mickle Quartermasl in th- enmp of Um thli morn* im,' the Board ? i Examinen of lit foi promotion was convened, p? t ' vt< r in?m the Wer rtepartmmt. and twelve lleutenanti wer? passed on aa t.. physical QuaUSentlona Th.* mnalndei will i??' ?remined to-morrow, aai Simon Bnyder left t?. for Men Orleans, hi.? orden te ge to . imauga bai Ing i.? en He was gt*r< n a cordial fanwell bj the ??tii ?'? ?s ami nun, bring The Nine? '. nth Reglmi m B ind sen a id?sd titm ait idquarten, BrigaiSter-Genenil H il. iiaiskin i<?..??i to thi command ol the dlvtekm. Flfteoa ncrutti arrived t ?-?t i> from t > |,?'kat, Kan. lilt: LATBST \\ \lt Miw.s. liifiiriiiiillnii I i? lo llu- Miiiiii-iiI (,r lin! nu In l'r.--.? Ki:V WKST. May 11. I? A. M Th report tha? Ihi Spaakih Beet has relamed to i'oui bas ?been r? < ? u .-?1 wlih sa?:-. factloa by naval moa bet* The - Kian s|.,i|inr Pi.tli-BaMTg, brought in lot? yestelilay, Will h? lib ase.I. United S insuit-i-Ait'Tin > Stripling taid te nlghl that she could not be ha? THE MONDAY BULLETIN LOOK OUT FOR IT NEXT MONDAY MORNING. FULL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE. THE ONLY MONDAY MORNING PAPER IN RICHMOND. Office Open After 3 o'clock P. M. on Sundays. M8 East Main Street. POR COMPRESSED-JM \ll>i;ilMI.\ ? ON. I It IN <lltl)l\\\<l ?.K \vi i\<. nn: cuit n i:?.i:. HR. lURPIN ?N raiLIG OFFICES He <>|i|iiiM-M ii llool.-K ei'iier fur th Engineer's Da*paHmenL and i r?i? Duina % -t-. > > W 11 li ?-??nu- ?Hin Places -Held Their ?flaatM Open, The Board of Al* imen h Id a aplrlte? t night, and concurnd in i Unan? aa that p Th..- franchis al'amtia rplU I WBtST Bt th Mew panp-hoiM I ? Joaepfe i'. n I. h? re, foi i ? on Ir plant . . .. igr ri Un city m half Boll in thi United H iti ?tiny, aItbout lacrtSctag their i The i -low in g? ttlng t.? woi k .m.i it , ifter s o'clock wh? n Mi Turpin i.; p. ! the bu mbei i to order Clerk August called the nil, aad thi fol ;..\\Ing ?responded to th? ir nan. Uten, Beben, Bui ton, l'n> i Cutchlna, Hardwlcke, ?Sing, Montgomery i.iwii. r, Konto, Smith, V Zlmmerata Turpin WATBR AT BALL PARK. The recommendation fmin tbe Commit t. e ?m Wat? rmlt 1 Rlcbmon? -.?ii and . itlon Ii its ?park, .'n ' i. wit i I than Mr. Alien objecte? ta ??ai recommendation of the Flnanc? ? 'ommltted UM a rlated f??r th? purpose of Iniui i - in tin City Hall. The i l te the num? row ippropi asir? ?-t Improv? menl . upon by the Qonua I'h.- ordln , I a/.it g tin* i '.?mml: . on to pave Broad - ii ill with aaphal b " ks or vitriii..,! brlik* M ? '.iiiiii :l Mr n ? ailed attei thl tu I thai ... amount a a. .1 ill thl Lion as a limit to thi expenditure, am -aii.i Be would n"t viit?. for sieh ai sweep lolutlon, no mntti r Bow nm? h b inrnitt? ? to B ' ?power wai delei ? , . :i.| ?111 Ii I- I ; ai? ! t!a :.t'" in? ! for tbe work, sad tha i mount t ?mill ni I I? d. Upon tbli ... THB ENGINEER'S FORCE. provl I" ? a tun! i C1I taken up. .\a ;II nal main ii ind Mr. Allen re led that tl '*.; d it. Mr. Tu ? ,: k* In the cite I thai! I a Ing 1 >? ?parturient would attend to liiir work lik. men 11 a work ?uld < . h bout nn .?ii. m ii . Th? . - dropping i?;i? k im.. .- ? i alip-t bo? b< mid. and he was oi ?posed to ll n?. thought the city Snancea conld arel .- h. . .?'t'.r. an.I I ll would i for I be city to aboltel tendent of i ."up. i : i- aad m? i 1 ead with tl 11 a r.* In ip I I r to i r i be men nn\? d? p irtmi nt do mon MR. M? ARTHY*B EXPLANATION. M.?'.nthy, tii?- ? is i ?. pail -m, a . ' \, , p? r t?? th? r Mr Tui pin Intel roa ited blm the ?mil. m- m of the artment Mr. M?? ' : It wai abou t that'IS pe? nt. ol Of tin thought tin-? waa wmng, Mr Cai ter f ivor? ?i tbe ordlnani -(.. k.* an aome length ??r the ?heavy wort ! ? ai un. nt. A recorded vote re? ind tin* m.i: ind loet, .a two-thlrdi ? n.? paa iii<?ti??n ?>f Mr. Cutchln \ WOI r? the matter vas laid at the i ' ippropriatlng $ ;.".? for im aent t.? the ??ly jti! was concur red In. mended erdlnanag ?ring th?-* metei . ' I foV water to con w as tall, il up, Mr. X'oble op thi who!? ig thai i injt?i1 to charge those n Im h u their own meten with tin done by Una 111 .'?i.? n . thait 1 would he well t?> adopt th" ordlnan a .... then lntmdu?*-a reaolutton t?. rrimbum i meten for tbe ?money thui ordhlanci n u adopt? d of I" to - Mr Brocl ii ban. Ii was at;ri ?'?i to urant Mrs. Ann F. ?iitiett h.r Sown . mains, ami fre? inter wsi grant?*-d ! the United State? ? hivt rnint-ni at thl ?a in p. on w.?t Uro.n it net, for the un of tbe Midien thenli up? -tl. COMPRESSED AIR. \? this junetur? th.- . rtlitiaine.? Kran: u.x to Joeeph ii. Hoodtey ?ml othen th? right to use Um waati waler from th? i.-w pomp? ho nm f??r tl of maw Ing comprase-! all for refrtgentlng pur - w t ? . illed up .\ communl atlon wsa read ir??m th. t >! ! liolilil.l.iii I?.nt- ami XaH-W?irks pr?e I againsi the fi inch I?* ?being giant? fit. It was In th.m munleatlon that t?? utilise thi water m ennti-nipbit? ?i by Mr? Hoodtey would ,x tend the divevsten of water from th? rt\? i. and would he prejudicial to th?. Uld Dominion Comipany'a riparian right? Mr. a. i?. Clarke, president ?-?f the Bell? \\..Iks Company, was granted the privl of thi Baoor, ind iptetn? d that hla oa for Bot appearing befon the lower brunch " did not knon of th? maitt.-r in tlBM tO do to. Hi I tended thai th?- ctty'a ?contract with thi JanMB-Rlver and ICanawbi Canal Com pany oaly permltt d thi ? Ity to un th wati r for Iti own i ump-worke, aad oould aot, v Ithoul violating Ite tract, ?give this ?power t" others Mr. Clark tlmei thi rlTir did not : irnl ?h lufllcli nt ?power t?> ?run i i Worki aad I hundred imployeei would be, for nm?* being, thrown ont of employment If mon water i-a taken from the rim a [all dam his work? would b* tort i to mapend during thi ,. be. Messi BBd Allen qu? itloned Br. i larki cernlng the effect the dlvenlon ?,f n-, . .ni,i bon upon hte plant. Mr. Cutchlm mid in- would llki to know what the wat? r propos? .1 to be giren to Br Hood n " n thought, when Hi" propoiltlon vu Brot made, the dty WOUld gl ' tl wait?!'. thai th? orth aora?thing, and hi WOUl a ?W bOW mut )'.. MR OUIGON TALKS. Mr. A. B. Gulgon, couniel for the pro I 1: - aa. lie , ted 1 he privltege of th" Boor, rod ' ry 11 wai propo Ii hire, i i it as bte belief th il rery : 1 he privil? pi ask. .1 for and hi thought it would be un i. non ib!,* for thi 1 Ity to aak more, ?Board ron um ! by ? unanlmo u 'I'h ? air.-il In an or.liia (,-r.il1 ll .Ita! Ohio r.ail 1.. id to build a track to th? Haitian-?1 Company'a atonhonae. RETAIN THEIR POSITIONS. The resolution providing for thi nten tloa ol poiltloni of the city officiate or employeei who deilre ??t volunteer In the Unit '' my or n.r> . o 1? 1 Mr. Hardewlck? opp ?1 itlon ?m Ha..? ?ground that the present Council 1 not hold the positions open for volunteers, as It died by limitation within' one monta, ii?. moi Intimi, and Mr. aii< n made ait?, eloquent talk in beb?if of the nwlutlon. Hi pok ?patriotism ol Virginians, rod expnaaed thi ?hope that thi i'<>un?ii would never ?plan any obstad In th. .?r a ?patriotic citteen who desired to flght for i.i- country, Mr. Allan wai Ba : t.i with ? itlon, and when bi concluded the resolution was con curred In, Bet a- Cutchlni :in?i Karde wi?-ke alone vc ting in thi negative. THB HALF HOLIDAY M,atti:r. 'nie ordlnam providing for doling the ??ni? s and ceailng work in thi Health and Btii il de* artment 1 al I P. M. on s.f - t.ik.-n up, and Mr. Kill D aa. Itlon I amended . ?> sa t>> Include aiii rity em ploy? - 11 was asked 11 h< pi op ?sed to glvi haiir holiday to thi ?police, thi Bre men, aiii.i tin gas-work ' employee!, and to Include all didn't ' "- 11 > ol 1 b ploy? bolldaj, bul ,1 abould ?have It Mr. Alien moved t.. refer tbe matter to the Com R< a r. ,. (?m. nt Th ia well bi lm< nt, a I t, am?i at n to 1 Thi ordinance ?providing for the t 'ompany No. '. to the ? ' immll tee ?.! ?Finance, with nut b ...n to eltbei a Thi aft? r nii'JiiiK-ht. \< 11 \ in iiv CUBAS COAST, flpamlafffi TBanwIag 1 1? land iihi leiiesnt Mk III? Ti-li-urn j. I I.i -??. 1 Pr? l:< ?AIM? '?'Hi: A.-".-'? ?' I ITED PRESS DISPATCH-B? >A ?' K ?'i'i: BP i'i:u, <>i"K CARDENAS, Ml KEY WWBT, M ?v : thi Un? 01 .?i Bahla Hond 1 a tit?, blockadlng tl havi 1 ' ' ; helled woikiai^ ?pnrlIi task of al ?I I on Ipallj at night, aavi In the tram? - riclnlty of Hal ist, fn -'a Ing thrown up 1 night, v.'.rks ail?* Of ai fllmij ? h 1 by the ? i tbe big nuns m at few mlnut The Horn? ' and thi \\ '-. low, blockading Matanza -. havi had a : . detalla at work on .1 linea oui thi harbor, Tl ' morning fl b ? n th-i thrown up. TBLBGRAPH LINB GROUNDED. 1 m Sunday morning, tbe Hornet found a (.aity putting :. the i lignai itatton .. east a bor to the bat? of l'oint Bab mill si?ie of thi bay. Ti??- b.,:' a ,:.l in be ..f solo I. a f? w'ii-i ?'. To atop tins activity, tbe ii" . I it? am? d quietly In and dropped a abell dat of th?* workmi n. '11. red Ilk rabl aad the Ubi ?grounded then and tl ral other 1 If? 11 d iu thl , ait ' I it 1- eviti.iatiy thi Intention ?t th?* Spentek t.? establish communication by . iph a .-?i ail their co ml 11 I and hail'. M.s. wtth A \ : i.i'.. to mining troo* 1 aad a laadlag wherever threatened. H.a. after, th? y will prahl ' ; heir wir? i.? htad He- tii 1 range ol bills, a hen the) win ).? ft , tudden Interruption. a BPANISB DSLUI It Is [?.?t pos.-thl?. that th".'f ar?- MUUgh gune at tie- ?, ind ol hi Spanl irdi t" ni.iunt them in all the new - lt 1 b-t ?prtnglng up, bul ai than te a ' r.tii\s.i> fr??m Hahani to Mataaaaa, i|uit.* ? ?!' - tO ifb- MBit, 111?* aitthorite . re |) ' delude thems. !v. with ih" ni. a mat tiny tun transport h?avy nuns t? the bet? ; tertei n srest tin threatened tend p'lint. whenever iiuir watchart tategraph ' the appearance o? American troop? off * 1 thu * OUR OREA! Clearance Sale CONTINUES. $50.(10(1 F ' -_^_^_^_^_^__. H Music, snd email M monts thrown on tl must in- disix i make room for the ^^^^^^^^^^ Our Entire Store to h \-~, 'rom ?garret to ci'llar, and rather than removs oni ii i.tvo tin? floods injured by falliug timber, hare d i ' I : ow that i-\. n war talk will Dot interfere \?itli this sale. rhis Is No Catch-Trade Advertisement. We mean busines . Our store is to be thoroughly i iml we haw pnl prices on tii?- ?instruments thai srill mov? - Richmond Music Co., Branch of Cable Piano Company. Capital, $2,000,000. my. -PWOfiTHLEAGOE. ?i:r\it \ 11??', or *?i:? ni. i vit \ ? nir AM? i:i)l I ?IHsllll' DIM I ??in. JlSIini? KKENKK RETIRED. lisimi? Wllana Saw Beaten Blsfcnp of tin- >l?*llmill*?t < linreli. Soulh ? ObJ?*?l inn tu I'Jtnal fur lliirhil al tin- DanS. BALTIMORE), Mix K?-A!m?.-t ,!i ol of the Lb thodl it 1 . ieparatlng th .a?i adltoi teen tilled b Many aal* a. a iii.l thl ? ain?-'t furtber al a Ion. : m avor iblj ?m the api ' : leranniKii? ?I list I divine, i nul . ...a!. ft tltlt A la: : ? : - ' Soul . ' he B ami little likelihood ol I md iy th bl p i:. K .. i: \ . . : tlsbop , sin? 1er of th BPWORTH LEAGUE DIS rth .rr, ' ?ry. : \. Mr. N? Im -. of 1 ? ih. ling -it y in tavor of Im i tor ?the ta . Judge J . . cai.( a I '?f lie, 'l'? nn., s|.?.k? . a .-.- i a editor, it? \ l?r .iiiiin ). utor. tier. ,,-,. ne H ? l It would a . f. , worth L agai Haded, ?ail that ? n sain's iiiik?u ilis im Wien two BU? w.i . . ;.i.,I Utborit) III rilnn n? a thliiK After -. numb? r had ipoken ? motion, .??rt th.; ?Ils, THI rtTNSSRAL SKRVICR. Boas? of ' . ettng t.? h.- rltaal fur ihm bnrial ??r th- dead A ,1 was Introduced l?> -dag, a?-kiti< hat ihe following w a trieben <?n! ; I Suit i n- not it ??nr Ust ?hour f??r alni of death t?? tall fr??m r I.? i\< of al ? i* f.?. I'iv-iI iit lehn a it!... ?,r Columbia, B C. it rai aanounced that he teas president ?.r (?mi:?- . ??ib'K?'. an?l ?Li-ueil to ?d .im.i m. t t Kan ever a coatagioua ?j,>. .i.i? ii thtreatenid to mjur?* the attend. 1' MJ PPOiBted fl I legate to the ? ne al . .i.,!.-r?ii? ?- ,<f th.* i'olt?r.*?l MnthiAlifit hurch, uow m etuiou a; Columbia, b. a* riiK i.rssii: sails IHM III I \< HMI N I HI III < I ll \> i:\ i'i:ni i in\ ? i vu i ?. IIX TRANSPORTS READY TO-M0RR0 tretopa > i i n m pa i * ? ? In llretil. I n in p? MnliHO. I liirlilii \ i?: i ll???? ? ! I I l)n>? >l?.\ ?ineiil i In? U TAMPA, 11. A | ' ' ' n blue ?m b? - n fully suppi : i : - . a I ' it.1 wi.i nuiilt. SOLDI El a ? .ill ? J. Wll .ill i..- i - | a 1 ' I ' DM ISMS inl? i inn i: run >''* ?niloliliiil \ ..lunti-er?. Il.-lnu Suet? .-?I In?ll? r.-.. I.un?- BUgd SF.W '!.' 'nit?'?I . .?itl.-.l l-l ..f the fllit? ?hll?l? ?> hat she W.ia- tltte-l OUI w.' ' ' i in le liai i t th? i. Thru? immune i i > th.? ? two i i?mman4m Bring non In w ? ??? ii.-iai garder, who i? t uay arranging tor the r?tv-*i' omlng troop,?.