Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND llISPATCH-SATURDA_v___AT 14. 1898._ IHK BLUEBIRDS LOSE LAOS olTltvr THK LOCALS AM) wiv :hesbr? proves an easy mark. IXl.llr Ihr X III? Ulm AM 1 h i:???-. Weil'* lin> > i in.i < laaooa >< l??a??l??r?Norfolk Mut? <?ii? ??> Unrt toril?(llher l,?-aau*? flaatli Hl? h....... I :"; Mnirmlir, 7. i?ii???r>?on, ii Baa?lagr, i. Norfolk. ': lliirlfoi-.l. ?i. \lleiit?itin. 1: Xninik. ??. Schill nl?- for lo-li.i?. I.?nrn???-r ni Hlrli mon ?I. Il-rlfortl ii? Norfolk. Seta as Si *< klleat?o?f*a. I'lilrtMin ut Hemline. IIoii ?In ? lulu? Mniiil. - -/ i z *: - hichmnn?1 .. .. .. I ?t.-r Aiientown tig .. ' Ha: ' - ' 1 ' liam?".*' I t .... a. astir OH '; n" ited I th d??f< ?i H istered to her hi-avy-hit ttag t.'tm i' i ti BluetBrda Into camp with rana Th i hy aboii- : "" t le. m* ' ? lag. It Wai?- I? o '. ?i'iu^h this no'.?! v. irk, with th i lion of a f. a Individ of th "> the . ,- M lg? of tl in the , . an. and by virtu? of 1 (hot tl aon the | t.tu tbejr ai>o eutdeided Walla'? i?n?! k'-??* them gut front al finish. II : th? T.a more ertors tl, rg?lla boys Sid, i- i, CLAUSEN IN* THE BOX Claaaen, ti. old \ .a ?l from Rlchmoi n to tlo th?- twirling f..r I. r -n-l in, tter "f bhtOry, a,- y was no : blrda "_ t-ouldn't do it thti g 1\. r?. ile on his? ! ?Turins: the entlr? game. II" li.?<1 plenty of confidence, bui llti ?rient-e. In hi- ?1? llv? ' "Still, h? hn?1 th? .?n.i though they hit him hi times, and hit | th. y otil?1 not bunch tb?ir hit?? or | t \ oad th? lUamond wh? n a hi Cboebro ?im th" tartrllng for Richmond, ?t ?l proved an eaay m'irk for thi ma Th? M ?? - u !?" setts lad'? . sry \v:?s not " lotted ail! over th? -?ark. A BAD START in in?-- first h Uzte il la??i s? ?m? ?il ! \ - lian? had i m? n thetnselvel I ; hard t?? retrieve th? h* I? -..?. lait? . boa 1 ?.'.nine lia ' t to Lai In th?. fifth ?t nlng nn opportunity offered f"t- Richmond th? acore, and Hart ??. i ,it ih?* ?bat, ? ?th two m? -ti .i do eo. He drove a 1 bul it hit foul by a I? a h Hie txvo runs I ! h ?1 Hi.- hall hit fair a? i a lost. I ?ui.i do ti . to knock up litti?- pop By, whli i. i' i.i.-.i ui?. THK CONTEST 01 Vrom that time on but little i f an ? x ntinp natura haptp? n .'ifui one-h uni eat? h of i ?nl t! and ?Leahy hut that a as all The game n far -is Richm? ?n i >?. a whll? and dgject? It RICHMOND. A.B. R li Klopf i- - .*. . a?. . 1 Lutonberg, l b. ?Id, I. f.H Hargrove, r. i.I I'mnion. 3 b. i I? ? n. r. f.3 .I Chi --hro, p. Totals . 0 0 1 " . 1 \N? A.B R i; l I 6 2t 1?1 r. f. I i I I I. f.: 2 i i i .-. f.i i i \ ! I?.4 : h.I 1 1 5 .4 0 it 1 Madison, s. s.__. t Went, ,. 111! ? p. 1 ?? o 0 Totola . .." 11 -i RE Bt l*** M \ Richmond ........ \ Lan? ?at? i . i i *? 7 Summary: Barn? I.ancas: CI Y. . : ' ' a isi errors?Richmond, S. B a?Ofl Rlcrtrni-i I? itik' In? \X i Hadlaon to ? W Cheobro. :.n. of | houri I m? a i?i:xiiim. DEFEATS PATERSOB. The ll.ioi?- 'r<-iiiu l'oit. I |> lli<- Host ?.tune unit Take* Hi?* 1*1 il m. UNO, PA., May Reading ty In ? ? Um? This a READING i: li. 0 a i: ?Later. 1 t> .1 2 li | | B<its. 1. f.-. i | Btratton, r. f. ? i i | forkninn. 3 b. Heydoa, c. O i i I , Spratt, c. t., s. h.?) \ | i .. Moore. 2 b.| | i | tJarvlii, p.| u o 1 ? To'.ils . i v .; n , PA it H 0 .\ i H?-i?lrl-*k. I. t. . C.'ltr... . | '?ili't? l?H-, 1 b.| 1 Jolins.Jli. 1 I,. . 1 1 ty, 3 b.o i --. s. MeOlnnls, p. ., i letal? .~i c HCORP. BT INNINOS. 123456789 fading .0 1 00 1 0 1 d 1? 4 tteraon .o o o o o o 1 o o?i Summary: Two-ba?e hit?Hetts. Kaerl Holland. .stolen boa ' ktnin. ritt. Rardesty, Moore, Strattoo i.?n c? adlng, T: Pateraon, 7 Struck ,n. . . by McOInnta, i. i>ou | plays l.ircuque i?i I)?lh:.nty, COnfOy Johnson to, ? :.-. Fim ba -' i;.,r\in. I; otT M | Mit pit. hed Jobnaon, Hemls. lin I. - Mr. K ..? ? . Nt TMEGB *?hi i nu: ? i^m-. <m t. urpi:> Ptaaalea lha -?ui?-\Vii???r Bay? ?nil XX In? for lliirlforil. *?.? iRFOLK, "? A . R ? y H?(Spoclal I - ,rf,?ik : i to Bartford to?day. .Min ant ?MU k in the box gad . Nutmegs supported him well. The NORFOLK, ft, li 0 ?nnedy, r. t.?> o ?i o o .o i :: o i f.*i 2 2 O o ..lU.-iiiaili, lb.0 ti .', ?. i? '- t.| 1 :* ,. | Sh.i ft 2 i a . .I 0 2 1 0 ..1 " S 4 (? er, p.o o i i o ,.. >', ;>.?? 1 ?i .. ; .'i 5 27 7 3 HARTFORD. it. H. ?>. A. B, lb.1 I S S I iveUe, c. f.i 2 :< I ft ?ttl mais. 1. f.2 I :: 1 oherty, 2h.i i | | | Lb.1 2 13 0 1 i 1.0 1 ft 0 ?i 0.1 o 2 o t ' ?a.?i 10 4 1? . p.I 0 1 7> o I .I H '_'7 15 1 IRE BT INNING _l tttttl orfolk . . artford . i o- 6 B .it.ti. ai v : k, Oeorgc Mel arlan, i oherty. Thr? bes. bita Doberty. Sti It, i. Hart Struck out? Bj Pfanm ? . M irph). i. i ff P mlllei i'". Time ?.. i ruin ILLEBTOWN BEATES XT ROME. ag*g*ed Fleldlag ??mi Paa? itt.?, ?.i\i-?? Newarh the Ganan. ALLENTO"fl ; on All. II ty to bit Newark'a d In th? l?enla1 losing to i ' ' or; <th aid? s. 'a ALLENTOWN. l: II <?. A B oran, 1. f.| n | i i b.| i : n i leve, i. i. ? ' .: o u mlth, c. f.?t " I ?t ?. laffer, i b..? i n i o - b.o o i i i .a ? Z - 1 a i. .. i 2 oyle, i?.?i ?? n 7 i Totals .1 2 _'t 13 ? NEWARK. i: H ? .. A l. allman, c. f.i :; i .. ... ?tzmauri? -. 1. f.1 I alhoun, 1 b.1 o 15 ?? i 2 t? ., ?i '. [clntyre, s. a.0 i i I ; ray, r. f. ? 2 o u 1 : b.: 116 1 elson, c.0 1111 .1 . ., " .?; 10 _-. :i ;. . : ?>ut; bit ; I . II? nt.'X'.n . 1 ? - 1 work .0 1 130010*?I S .lll.ila \ , T*WO?1 -.- ...-?. 1. .-a .. - ' Irl? ti. .xi a. .m ni (S), Fitxn aili.iun. Lett on baaea?Aliento? wan k, it ? issldy, M. 1 a.i j n. t tgan; 1 n.! Calhoun; Meint)r.., t*.,-. idy, ? rrora AU? .\. w.irk. 8. -Finit base on b I oyle, I; off Cogen, :;. Hit by pu? h? d .:! Ulrich (2). Umpir? Mr. i : | lin. - -1 bOUl a,;. 1 fi ml it? n x 1 kin xi. i.l.A?.t 1. BALL. i\i Xork l)?-fi?nln ?In- Si-iiulors? M'.llf, 8 lu **?. NEW YORK, M ?y 1 ;. 'i be onl) I pot In a long-'iraxvn-out and unlnt? .nnlr.f;, hen t\\ ? trip.? cored thi Bcoi Et n i. -.. \ 01 k. il*- ? | . ton .10 7 and G 1 mpir? a: M? sera, Lgrn . .mi and 20 minutes. ..-LA 1 i.?.s. I; BROOKLTN - BOSTON, MASS . May IB.?Tba : : -.ia\. and a: .aa. Attend K H I. .0 1 0 2 1? 2 1 0 - I Berg? . Mill? -.n. anu? B mil ?l.i.'X BLAND, 7; ? .i'' x?;. ?, 3. CHICACH ?, May I tad an off-diay to-d I .... h? Indiana a . ti .1 II 14 00 -.' U . . " Umpin . . AKER&. ... ?BALTIMORE, l PHILADELPHIA PA M - la-ilay in a x I R. H 1 . 001101111 ; iitimora .(.< I 00 I ? and McFarland; M . 1 ?n? i?- - Email? arii. A ; line, I hour? ami II min PIRATES I . lUIS ..1 IL?', l'A.. Ma'. 1 . . l'a .ur.i ?ait to-'i.ty, In t - a, Atl Ikon R. 1 : taburg .ft o? 0 0 10 2 -:; I t. Loula .0OBOO?0 1 I .r ami Nelher. I . . 1 and Wi niMb I hour and H minutes. llux. it.. CLI B8 STAND Club? xx'fii. Loet P. ? 1. 4 i.Il ?re. ' ? ? .U le? 1 orl. ' s 1 a.' ' I ittsburg.?1 :1 ..9 I .I ? . le .* ti . ton.k.4 11 -1 Louis. 4 11 ?BCHED1 LE i? ?li TO DAI :'.! .?oklva aat Bonton. lLaiitiiii .a. at Philadelphia. \x ishtngton at Mea 'hiiaito at CleveUn 1 L Ptttsburg. asvtlle at Clnci:. It ? ;. ....I..- l.oat. UBX1NOTON, VA, May U.? (Special ? CVaehl?gton and L?.c Lu.iveiiit> shut out Hoanokei Collage this afternoon On th Athleiin grounds of th>- form? r. Ft * tl f'ltche.l a fine game, ami was well sup port?*!. Th<- f.-atiir-s were tile home runs ma.le in the last inning by I'raitt and Bnr clay. of 'Varsity. The MOCO wa* pul!?d up by theni, for th<- llrsi mtde his ui'h one on bas.- ami th? latter \>ith thr*-.- 00 lianes, all earn??1 runs. It was n great hatting str.ak. Rannaho played a k nd gam?* 'ill? \- play again to-morrow. at or?, by Inning*: ft, H. f.. 'Varsity .0 0 0 S 0 0 1 0 ft?10 14 2 .OOOOOtOOO?0 t> 6 XI ruin 1.1 tt nil, v? IRK May l* iSpa 1*1 i-vir i a. ?ralkovi r alth ?St, r.iuis to? Ity. H? r fielding ?as ad batting heavy. ? St. Pam t hli mercy and ?hem only ma \a Mangan caught. Tin: ? OI.OHi:i) M\PTI*STS. Banse Lively Boose? in Thalr "??me ? on\ entlon ? i-s?erila>. imm? . and pnuaa morning at th--- C lora i ation, m anaoloa .?t the .** 14 1. K- . IT. J. \i. Arm i OUth, arose In th " m? a . Jonn .xntcneii. j*\, ag mm ?.n th . DOI work on 1 in the futur? . : ivention, wi ruieo oui of . r?:? i b) the , ill' . I not b? ?, x\ n yinin raker. H eil th?- condition it by the Horn? Ma> f New Tork. 1 r It s . Ml tact In Jam.'. Professor O, i: R lei Acaoeray, a ..n the subject x?. ili h h dl I, ahowlt ton, ami ?, 11 A I ? a ?>'.' a . ! I . nr. M. am x . :-.ev torn working : a . -, ne . ' .?.ni it that It a ' \ a a . ' a Dr. M \ wn ?us addi nary, i . I tnu i thai ii 11 politl : upon Mm " i " Bptlh i liv |y ?i nd othei i >r, O. W ir who had airead - ... xx nt-ii i ?? . Mcx .? ar con Dr. E. C. W of th? 11 I Ding. THE ?OUNG : - WORK .?ung . on m? ". a . Ot - ?if th? Baptlsi Ifoung i ; T.em in their i a. and should belong thi re. tit t s x. V ipport anu ? ' . - Rt i ? i j'ta; .: : At nigni i . -pie a i elect? : i : N ' . \\. ii. si??k.?> adln g Bon lee? m ?in- *. BL ? . x. '; :. at ' lall Bt. Mark'? X aiti.l all ' thei a . I) in? ting. will . taking for his tl Mardi a ab ?will ... et in u ? ?IKlU'?t .1 tbla : . . rtatlan Ai me to th? ; th? ?.n?s Iliiiitln-f, ?nul 1 l?liluu. Mr. Al hby J and son, or a a. Mr. .. r he will trj alth blueflsh. tarpon Florida ? Jones a Irty minu: XIa.i < all n Hh1i.ii.miiI H?-?-tor. lumabl) . . with a a t<? ? alUng a. . to the ! . ' : d tu? declalon ol th? d? egal ?., Hi-nil Lee Baa \??i x?i laalvaa. : PitabOf .Kton taornlng >ff ut Fi mother, ; not . ? - m-- ?" Ri< bmond l. >t i... He will i a, Predcrickaburg ..nd arrive b GEN. HUNDLEY NAMED m; is aitointi:? juxii: ok HI Tllllll) CIRCIIT. HOLD HIS FIRST COURT TUESDAY. Tin?- Term of the l.u nenbur? Tribu?! g) nnl to llealn at That lime?An F.x pression to III?. I'l-lends?Aii liai nest flea for I'a>lor. Onerul George J. Hundley, whose ap m Jai.i*- of the Third Jad?ela! Circuit, v. 9 ?lecnied upon by OOI Tyler late Thursday night, ?mo?lvod his commission yes:. : a I Bin* * "" 1::'" ! ataly to the City Bnll, ohmn ba ana o in by Jodga Minor, of tbo Laa m d i. , ,.:y Court, gad ?Will i Ml I Uuiit-d at 0 The first, of his courts to BM of Lunenburg county. B regular term 'The conntlea tima un which the ? follows: nber; Apnl at. : ' l Of March tuber; ?i, 7th of Mny ni i No***** Kovemh r? ,\I,. ... ..ah Of ?Mny and Nov.-rnher; A ' is- ptem THANKFUL TO HIS FRIE1 " i'ii- ! ? b) his ta,. a.i. To a i l would mo the v. -His in all I the for the wlgo ol tb? ... myself arortny of all th? it 1 the writer? i ' - eom -t in - ' i happy in the 1 is to : ' ' , , . i noy of ! '.? , ' until he heard fur ? Kit. L'rom Rev. ;:. a. ited lor v. : ' ?nam killing 1 -he k. not Inten ling to t the blow x blnka the jury - murder in a action aould 1 of th? i i wi'ii the facts in tl . . to ] ? ; com . a ! Mont.i- ? Am the < Mr. C. J i aulkner, a met*., of th'j Mecklenburg l^r r THE FEDEB XI. IHH IE. Feaeloa for Baa. naeelaa **i. ? lay?-?Ia> tereatlag ? Oafederate laeldeat. "SI ?8HINOT1 ?N, D C, M ly ' 11 ... bill t ? pay the hell . Anal ac H P. M., th? i until In Com . Id in? : !?{e. of 1 At I a Carolina, in? . . a. i froi ? ' ' to-day, naving . i ill. xii. i RODIBT ? OXFEEES4 E. Time nl Bervtee al Fveeldlag B14ora. Beweaap.-i- Dlee?as^oaa. ? of the .full mad?* .;. to the dll .-.liarles rep. t the Weal Virgin;.. b ?' I i 10? t. rru.?ry lyln*i . the l.i ii ? r ;? recom - of tti-- \ a i membei ? tive dieti 1 A Andi ?i reso i the c.jnferen.e looked .. In the .-it a - ? .es for bishopric*, ?.'?. . it vokod ?.. .mimut.-.i v of the members i to '"tniuzle tb? It an? finally laid on t . . 1 ? vot?. : I will enjoy :o Ananpona, Um ol Maryland to?na>rro*o after noon, and the meml>er? of the oonferenc? will again al] the pulpits in Bnltlmor? and ?M vicinity on Sunday. Dun't forget your friend, Elastic Starch THE SALE OF THE WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL CONTINUES, ui'l it shall continue until the last stitch of it ie soM. But tin* ivs-.a-.ii-. - thai h u m il the >fferingnumberstbedays. We*remorad it on tU?* second door, where yoa can 1 1 -rarvey the values and stand side by sido with merchants?buying at the same p lower prices than either of you ever paid before. _ Men's Men's Suits, ! Pants, $3.50 to $6.50 75c. to $2.95 For $6 to $10 Values. For $1.50 to $5 Values. Boys' Long Pants Suits, $2.48 to $4.75 For $* to $7.50 Values. Knee Pants 5uits, 50c. to S2.50 For $1.50 to $5 i?m, SPECIAL OFFERING OF SAKS-MADE MEN'S SUITS. Accidente ?rill happen?did to the looms of a woollen mili that wm some goods to onr epeoial order. ?Delayed delirering sixty days Whei did come 'twas too lute for onr regnlar stock. The weateri said dedn I ?third ofthecost We did, end gafe the goods to onr cuttere and told them - ahead and make up $12.60 end 113.60 Back Suits. Berethey are, hai patterns in fine All-Wool Cheviots, finish."! in pt rfeel manner, cut on onr fault L less patterns, lined with double-warp Italian cloth. We're going to give you the choice of these $12.50 and $13.50 Suits for $7.50 Introducir?a; the Season of Boys' Wash Sailor Suits. We have made special arrangement! with the three acknowledged nakereof Boys' Wash Suits t?> ?have exclusive control of their creation* [fa from such a a -Jo* irtment you will have the pnvile jts;l "taste - ?optionally ?good styles sad quauti that- ; to distribute. We want them ko .. - Bar as poaeibli inst limit each purchaser to not mo 1 then two aniU any one lot _. ,. , f . , . , ., , Here are G -?tea?, Ducks, Linens, Ginghams, ?fee., handsomelybraiaed. Choice of the 50c. Ones, 25c. Choice of the 98c. Ones. 69c. Choice of the $1.48 Ones, q8c. Choice of the $2.50 Ones, $1.85. Choice of the 5.V50 and $4 Ones, $2.30. Separate Knee Pants. LOO paira of Boys' Wors t I Knee Pants, in d Btripee and desirabli lors, regnlar $1.50 r\ pm and $2 values, r4j( Small Lots ?if Boys1 Knee Pants Suits. Bicycle and Golf Hose. Anything that nill rive you bicyclists an?I golfere an sdvantage we are irompt to ?Improve. We lave been able t'> buy a large quantity of these im ported Hose, in new p.-it terns and by l? ng odds I he bes! values we ?have ver seen, for 11.60, $2, and $2.50. You can i ave the choice Qkr of them for... . -*f^^ BE We shall rive you the choi?*-" of 120 Boya Knee Pants Suits Hint represent tin en la of lota In our regular retail stock [fa :in possible 1 1 ?l? ?scribe I hi m, for a rtllv two alike, l>nt among them all are . all sizes and most all styles, $5,16, wL*\ ?-^*\ and $6.50 vaines for. MJ*-**? f *-* Hanan's Dress Shoes. A? Broken lota of IIa? n.'tn's *-*.? S l?i?iiit 1 lasts - . that ia the kind are weai ing, ! if it I : tit you. we'll g iva ' Broken Lots <>l Men's Fancy Shirts. It will pay y< these si 14, 16, 16-}, and IT. If youra is am you xxill be the gainer for half or moi 0 o\ of the ahiri 'I i . tterns, t fitting and arorth -1 d $1.25. Your choice ?i them. e for Hanan's Sho? I made. They're 5, andlO'e. We will close them oui *-?! tZf\ Boys' Shirt-Waists. 50c ^ ixactly 250 left of th Shirt-Waists we pul 1 ul there oan be ai the price. Sail >r and small collars, none but attra tive Q *-**I/~* pat! 1 .- 75 .**!. and$1.25 valuea for, Bicycle Shoes. Japanese Initial Handkerchiefs. : Ja_t K*L .*:. l\ r v.. _" Japanese Initial Hand kerchiefs, good good quality, anj let ter you want, 'V.'-.^.-IOc .'. till* *_?.-? . H re i- another aerviee you men- - "),, pataof thebest kind of Bicycle SI tier $2.60 gradi. good assortment of sizes,for.... $1.75 Children's Shoes. Small lot?only 60 paira Children S HeelShoee,bn1 good quality?the pair, ati Q-V* vioeable, aightly lasts, and only. A. Saks & Company,: a S?KS' CORNER." IRIIH-AMERICAXa .l'.K LOYAL. The Itllii-riiiii ni Adopt Iti-Molu ?ion. 1 \ i .-?.?-.l , .* I li.-i ?-of. A largely-attended mooting ?t the .An leal ??a ; tiiaini was held at L?-?> 'amp Hail ' toral ein* . Ut] "f In^il-Aiu- rl ill lailiz.-lis ii) ' I L ! ? -' -I- a. Haley, i:. J. . 4 , a , ... H| i.-.solua. .,.!'j[it...!' Im Baited - are . engud la -?. mur xm;!i the Ring Irlsti-Anierlcin* h..? lv to ?WOT* Wl!h their lift's l?.o? ?l. their tilt i-i.".: ? tu the Und for whleh ?Barry fought und Monti dtoll, a ?al whom.- ,-v.ry bOttlO S<ld is with the M?- u l??*'l bOOOt foHow?coaatTyion ao in.itt?.r the cause of the conflict. t???r with whom; and. Wlit-rcaa, the ktrength of our, in this conflict, is t. s is ii'K?-ly to tax the power and rOtttMtfMI of this great n.itlon t.? any ipprtMtobto ? so that it win t,.? n tor bat tea of her clttoeai i?j b.m- actually en eoeOd l> I I >? ' '- ' ttt *T*e* tiiat BOW I proper tu..t all gaud CltlMOa flaoui.l I'. I act. i!i?<-.v i : lev? ,un to til?- CO??BOO CaOM B-lcb ?OOttld niiW ?each a .-??'.lit-r. iSoold tit?* ooctMalty thon toro, ti?- Il . That the Aii.i.-nt OrAOff Of - I of ln?h luth <?r .? lion, followiuK in the footstej..-. >.t all m? ,i ?>f tn.-lr t.l.,.1.1 v. lio i.uvc made Atmt boato, doolara t?i<- ***** It) of its members i I Has thtg Resolved, further. That. In testimony Of Hi?; tbll . writit'ti. UM Ancient ?r?l?-r ?if Htb<*rui*ns do present to one of th.? Richmond volunteer companies a handsome flair of our country, with the earnest hopo thui It may never nu-et de feat, as with the ? rtstr? faith that ll i ill: ? i i *i ?in XCIL'I I'Moii*-**! ? \.. i: i. 1.1 . > . ? ?if ilia* ~tlutil<-l|??l ?.??? eriimru? Will t: i.ll.t Th.- a that th< the tl.i.a . a .; ..a. upon i sir i that might have bOOO N * solitary Ml h* th? ta. offer, 'l? 1 IVO tu? h ?.? ? hi the < .ll- .;.|.. . : .? thnt the g? farther .nul pr.-vide for tue a of then- salary to the their absence, and so tl Klastic Starch requires no cooklnf