Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. MAY U. 1898. 1LLTHESEC0NDHERE The Last of Non-Rcsidanl Companies Readied Camp Last Night. ORDE? S TO GO TO TIMFA OFICIO. No Change in the IKNtia to Send the Re_;i!D ijt (o Cuba. ? <n . HiKiit i ?mu ??M?** < "-mi- i i .:. Will at ?inc. I .???? ?? -irl?-# III?? lp ||?,? \ I oil.. ,,l I 11 ri lo ?..,-iin? Ibr 1|.i>??liiliii<- ?? of ?.en. lalle nm liriuni't'-?-?? aaag Batee. Hi, . the Slit? III !??Il ' in tin i ui the ? A ; ? .. i If th the \ i ?any *. Th? I ford. . i . . ? ?by ?t ii lea It ?a. ied by ? ap talB Keal gteat reta ? t la-Spotara >? ilng te to alii IhlS ?on,l . thefweeom -indeed, th? bee alr??a ? t Th.? oatei ti 'ii. Willi? K ant, F-Iiliv-y P. Mo? Kent BpflT? ? . Mi of Ow The c<.rt-; an? .1 t.g rnb-t.. - 1\, I, Mtl'1 M. ' ' ? <-?mp'??-t?- t.. ? f Hi ' - WAITING rendit? It I| . ? ?tin) . I ? iwi'-ij. of i '?.it.: ' all m the 1 I , - Third Reglmei t. will tl or - K, it- ?*1. - " pany Companj a Fourth ? notified ?; ?. BAK1 R tly ;t util? ghoul it to . ' ..ii.i colonel from emmand i I .n . . ail. h th aa .j the aly under i I I' ! ' \\i. Itli . bout the d during i hi ia. ; ;... I It.?in a that ,ii pink I. mo without f V? li.l. ?KEEP line will in th? ii runs m t be ? i ho .- d. Utc will ?nt V, !l. ;.. 1 , ? ., . I.tlt ' ..?lit Will a Q lently on i ?a ii: '...?. . pllne a ?u re la n* ti? i i it a I i ree All Rich? i lo 1 I ' I.I.I ? illto I at tbt ?\ili work ti? ?... ..i..I l* Pi tarai * r? a*?amiaed and mustered m ?. ?A hi' h I....I I, r?l ' ?ntj on? uiuii out at : mill. .I in I" ay K, .?r th c .in ' tin- Thii i, the Pita i.?. KiS? a, wen lered in yeet? rday. All the '-iifiip..:...- ?, . lered In wer? rail ui tents IMP. * ". ' ' risitora at tin nno ! yeoterdey ?rae enarmona. The people earn? frota aaflj la tbe nuu-nini-* oatii ft? m.ton. ?tnd Ibe seaet >i inpmtiit w.ih de cidedly unmtlltms*. But Colon?* Baker i not Im *<> i"-'i"y. W'h.l. the visitors shuw.-.l itr.nt lu tta ,i everything i" italnlng t?. the ? be .inns w.*r?' ?hi. f objet i of interest. Companj '-'. of the ?Second, .nui \. ?.f tbe i-'out'h. .inn. ,i . . k In the afternoon, i lively, and th? i I teere wtl . h etrowda Sfoied ?inn was la pro? rly all dap, i oopaay oSteera betas greatly d taking ?he awk wardneea oui of tbelf "atrlurard BQaeds," tbongh one "f tbe company coaMaand-sfi its ilk? trytns tu take th.- twist . lin? MUSIC LAST NI T. Colonel Baker ,1a ?rery anxiom i i. .??.?i thlnka th.- Stonewall Band, taunton, will Im In In ai taj Tbe i a III be enthrt?*d la tt i Up tO lia? :r t d tu? h del illt ?1 to rn.ik Bei sad fe? a hour or more a anee t.? tbe gr< from tbe i ? ? a.?i bat k, tii? Of "D -a. ." "S'al-Sp iiK|. r? itlng gn a . . . . , ' i ? ? l. ; lOlpb W lllaaili. , th< I M' lit aim.n.i Traction CoBipanj it Hill, ??f I. i ' i nent, can : l.i .. . LD CO . Tbe ? ? - . * ... * t Colon? . w ill soon i fl*K Will in?) littli. Th a in oi on i i it, while m . ' "I > .-. 11 at. A Uymt r doe n 11 I end ' I' ll,, i, in t w< - : an era also the ;. .annul, tiatm? ?I Boy Wbo I la tri. iiiiiii st fashion . so to i taba. 'id. . aber ?of men wbo i. - au tbe ho pu..' i? ut yeet? I a . Bimmona, aadgtant aur? ; th? Be? !. i-.. .i it na rtgwtaty Hi. ARE ATTACHED TO NAl.l.l-*. i ??-.-ii-siati of ?Abe probabiMty of General N ?ii" assiuninn command of Um Third g a fruitful 11,<m. among of tii" Third coaapaaiea Nobeds wants to lost- Colo? i . . i fbody i - anxloua to It is belli red that he will i? nt. I ?, not ; I ' - I .... i. \ cap? .in who h . ' .a ' ?1. WbO I ' , Nalle ,., i imraand. 01 i b a mov? m? nt bul those who I d tii?. natlt do o with they a... ' a .. matt? r . ' . i nui? nt. ?NEL COULLING. ns. of a. SB m work a I g to ? ? .... ? loull ... n in :li" quart and hie a ., ' many tad to work uiitil m.I blankets, and last night it was ippllcd ..I I I l\?. I lltlllt OF W M I IN?. i .-. it.iiiin? ni Men Eatbarrnaaed h| Dein*. ? 1 i-liTilii??' It .-?...I o I ion. i ti.,- m, n of the ] ' .. r wit n i : . tied air of discontent, and the men now ?ay that uni- on for 1 h? it- i ng In are forthcoming to-day or l row, they n 111 nub? tin lr s Richmond. a the men Katv" u; ? spectlng to I??* ?all? ?1 nd ' i?? - i.- ?w that tin y i it, bol haul a.t WOlh tor aill th ii ?r?mpanle! ?.i volunt? - with mil i goada . i recru 11 Beth compai Blui i dril night with full ranka They b . n f??r tla: . .initial!.!. .! bj a bile l.i? ?it. o.: apan) B Both compi i of the i quirt ?1 quota, ai to-night. Coi .*. ?.t the the Armory. At 10 o'clock everj night the m-?i an- aupp Und a pk aaant am. which . ' ' - ? a lain s:. ? ?toan i IM iu? li air? u. Il ' g || h tht ait - '?'l'.'i'i SANS TO THE GRATA It a ri M to the m? n ?.f Comj . 1,1 non n aa the Itichmond Geaya ipon their < .... tment uto ti. mtry. Tins inpi'tt-.i ita ? >i ?- ?ai Tha? -.?, !bt ai nun of Oompeny night ur.?i received trlth gn The follow 'i the t? Kt of anual atlon: mana. v ?.. M f U ' ..-. BoetUeux, ?' hmead <;i I. ? i.,-?\ ?a tbe ?honor of pi to ?you, . nd through you to ???ar com? i allowing r? - idopt? ! '. hi r..?-, hi Klohmond ? h iya ?have, si ?ail opon .- ?i? i? r.ii ?air oountry, volui .. as: be II ?I. l. Thai the ni.litiiouil ??rays' n \?..w aril it pride and ? this notion >?f th.- company. Beeolved, 2, Thau this aeeocietlon trill ?ver keel a watoblb] eya ever th? com? ?ny*a future moveatente, feeling ? ?a v. in mador ???."?i i ? ?Untry, your <**od. sa.ii?! s. .ml that sou win reeaeeaber tbe courage ?n?i iitieiity abotrn i?v Vtrtgtalaai and Hy i?y this Ksiiant ootapany, in rerj war la which they luve ever fought red, 2. That we wl*h \ u i n in,, new n. t.i ..r duly, atr-d .-i.... ? - ?i. ?t lha i:?.<! nt battles will suard. shield, and protect you, so that v?h< n ?...ur duty Hht.ll have la-M-n performed y??'i muy 1-e |?. r m It u*?1 to return to your homes with full rank? and with hoaoc ?.ml glory to yqarselvoi and Finte. K. LEHUE SPaElBCB JtilIN K. ?LAITOHTON, ALEXANDER W. CHER, ?.*. 0. BAYILLE, Committee. AS TAKES l P tlltis. Mr. OF, t. We??. Who rlaureil M n l'nalll??. HallSlB 1? ?he Ar?lller>. Mr. W. ?'. \\"*t. wl: ' lajui.?) sun?' IBM oxo g? a woold?! pajOtet, sad b effort i to 'pill OB" visit.!. ! ? . : .aintcrs on -??he n'?rth etg* at UM ? ity k?pt l- | :,. in ,t f. in.? tit for oil?- or BMie weeba aboal Aagost bad, baa sattsted . Star?; S?d SMipt-H. He wi. "I left Richmond oa the '-?th of Sei I bet, ISK, for Claetnnatl. i Accepted a ; - . with .1. B, William.? in !l m a cloth i worked with him until tbe "th ??f let.ruary, l?fe>. when 1 went Into th? i i - -.. wtth A. i. Vallet' .*.- Co i' i ".'. Plkaa Building, ?CincinnaH. 'rinn I made quite thing out of u. when a noOea struck ma a,.-tit for my country i Rusted "n May St h m tin- Lai-t i!. avj Artillery, ; i leave for Bullivan'i [eland, I Mr, Wt Of Mr. E. ? M ton, tin- Broad street tuiBttur? whose ft he la a i lain W. of iff South? in ralle -i ? ? i:i:iis iMniri>-i??it im\i:i, llev. Ilr. I!. P. ?.?-iiiiiju lie. pi? < hnlr in I hi-iilnuii-iil *" ml tin r> Mere. Ri . ). p t;. nung, n. I nown ii< i .. Richmond Th? - i ?i. ? I Prol V? y, f. .11. '.'.' in W i iblngton, ' . In tii" lall. Dr. Gt look " Dr. ? n < t of the .- ii??"i. a w.'Ui'l I III DIMM K-lll 1(4. 1111.1 I 11(1. I'ri-oi-iili-.l 11 ill? Mil.I.? mi.I II,, n <.l\?-n n lliiiii|ii?-l. PBEDBRICKSBURO, VA., M ... in?.ti,, fervor end brought on by the i ? lv?ed from th? ?teat ol w..r ti.-iLiy. and the order fr?un th? i ernor to the Washington Guarda to re port at 01 RI ..i for dot]. Ar? ?iK made : well b m.p.?.t to th? Midi? .-..m?, time m i'. futui i.ut theev? tbe day b* tened I At the Opara-Hov ti nigh) made bj teveral dlirii of the ? I in which Lu a tri m en .tlitiotl t.? th 1 R '.SI D., for th? i t thii tor of the 1 tist churcl tnber of t it of I 11 la nt i | ' Ml? r. Alt? r t! a old!? i queted, the served I .. hand? Cole, ol ernor's staut moni? . and MaJ Jai ? r, commander ..i i: s. i 'h. ?v ? .i m i?. Bon - ?.f Conl nager. The Saffolb Ont y? t.? i. To?Day, .- ri??;.'. . ? Infant l up to . orders .. morn , , Norfolk A. M., la Richmond al \ suppr. to unit?! Il t.. the depai ' P Sa. .1. \\ Il ; will I. ..?.. molli] ? ' MOBILE ? \>ll' SOTES. Second Oavalrj Beta la??Water-Boat f??r Kej 11 ivi. Mi iHl I.E. Al. \ . ..1 IJ a ' ' ly this moiiiinu. .-tending th? trip fi at ? well Al i 1 > ? ?. Howard, att? nded by Major Whlppli. arrived b< re to and General Howard address??] ihe sol ln ? .mi? tonight ?ui' I : '.in I? \. ' the Tw? n'a- th, It ft to-day for Atlant dally, and I? r. Thi moi ? i.i. aat "l troops, although i f thai th l wan, which baa b? en fitted foi ti i ken ii a coal on board, will ui>\ a up I tor slip and tab Into y. It la i ; . ' . ..Ill: I . ' ' .1 ' - a hi r to Mobile to b il f.?r Mi?- tali can .hart? red 1 water to : v\ i 111 tanka i. ? r that about 120,080 saltona, and trill bly a all n< it Tu 'lt.' aim. r Bp< ' harbor of San J rto Rico dm Ing ! with i.iai, hut I. ;.? retara lo M< OLD NORTH Mill:. Note? of liili-r?-st frniii North ( niu lillll's ( ii pit.? I. RALEIGH, N. C Ea'.rly this I ?i a aiy. the Bo? - of an upright boiler . , .uni three n< n e ho ?m i It w ' I- tcUldt .1. '. . . ' ?aiil. \\ al ii n gnd John Wood (whlti i and ] (?oioriii?. The latter i- th wont hart. tin- bottom, and bol ! : '?'? 'i i Hi-- m Tbe appointment ?.; officers of the Be cond R? -.?m- ni i i rol complet? ?i Bo f ir. ti; i..s: Colonel, W. H. S Burswyn; Ueu t. ? oloii? i, -\. D. Oowl? a; MaJ r. Dizon ait'ii i.i. nt? n.ain wild r, United siat? s .i?-m> i ind almo John iv. Cotten); Adjutanta i:. L ?; i. Bi i - i, v Woetnm, t?. H. M l p ivtd Clark, Major i'- B* ' ' la ? x r?? i m ? hourly o?.Lis l>? joan lus regiment, the Seventh rivalry, ..r an ssaignment t?> gtafl! ?: . The Odd-F? ii???.? \pi? m great | u tbe meeting of tbe Grand ?Lodge, tbe ergast sad amm! satisfactory r held. Tbe Moralas Post Itere _ai atarles * iiopuiar BObecrlptloa for ,i mnnaiw st to sill,Hit EaslgB Woith l'.ii;l?-y. The reporta from the cropa are very i.ivoi..i?!?', .-n?' tti?*t in ,i fiw eouattea win .u in reported *trimigi i b) the tiy. There was i Ihunder-stonn uii.i heavy THE MONDAY BULLETIN LOOK OUT FOR IT NEXT MONDAY MORNING. FULL TELEGRAPHIC 5ERVICE. THE ONLY MONDAY MORNING PAPER IN RICHMOND. Office Open After 3 o'clock P. M. on Sundays. IIIO East Main Sltset, alii last nf| ' (GladSl I, ?hi? h fa.:. - - i irrlved noon. W, JeBl . rom a ii?i in Randolph ? i unty, mi-' \\ .11 in i\i> run TO in? O ?l.-ilitl No? So Hit; 111 < Ollll.'l't l.'tlt ? ll.f.n. -?-s Par from roriniiliil.l? (Nan V"ii. --'un.) B in Juan, tl : port of Porto ?about t?ii of the way leas tit* north? ra ' rom the Haiti? t: really mit on the Island at all, I . . . th, and Join? d to hort i?i a no rery ral, in ' th? ? a. But there . - rery little that Ii Im from 1 a,in Us i I Hi-' -oT ' ntury mai I sat lo* I nap iv?. they an nol i tv In th? 11 a. .plall.t- ! i ith t ; an I?06 . the taak o ,t not pro of the Itlyn, Th? f. tl?- : - San Juan from : al ?ports ia lounted. Th? i minea, bul . be t?a. .. ' a But it will ' ' . i the 1 - of the ' ' : ' - . ma to th" fact that hen the Island ? i?y ??ail,III.HI \V I. it tilt.. UI up with ,.a?!li?-ll and their a a arly a di : ctlon ol B with th- Bpan ben i ' com | . nd the Ulan ild n ?t t be proa] miles, nd th? .-1 Ij . M ?reputation ol no) than '.?uni is the tren a ily and ? i bj i r tbi . i. ?. ??I ?-f th.- Inland ii mo? b lest little o? r al "i tin- : | The towi - - .v I I ] IV. ., pOltl Ib i : . . n hi . - I I bown mach I Ion. I i- i the middle of tb< laat ?. i al ? oadlttoa of the Inhal. mi lete change Al n- there were no toe mi-i..i only on fl a-t-.l lyi is tii, ii reipoetlve peilabea < toy dweH m rude bovi Is, without abut th? ir art?dears, or doora to tbe trances, and their only stenslls ?.v.r. tth wai banded wn as .m helrtoom to tbe favorite bob. more th is half of tbe In! ata ha\e gravitated t? tin- towas, '.. ?aril, ?mil alera trade hex? fiiiilllailittd tbeai with i ssottera htvenUoaa la respect <<t it? j leraal lanasnuakslliiiii. Porto Bled la s w at Indias Istead. ah tbe - ? ooaaa ted t>\ highways, whl< ii t/elop ara?ad tbe periphery of the .piu- < Salarial ai aeaoad gaadrtlatertsl, sil th.- . : which are unlte-ii at int?*rviel* bv ? A GREAT S?LEf THE MONEY SAVER! 429 East Broad Street, Near Corner Fifth. The stock vas bought ?and must be sold. Clothing and Hats i n i Richmond. The driving of the heaviest pump thai was ever put on in this city. No matter you are charged in other stores, come ?and compa I V\ Bale and you win see where to buy. Any purchase unsatisfactory can be return? tin1 money will be refunded. HALF ?NDQUARTER PRICES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Al o ? ??ni- ?Boys'and Youths' Department has special selling tbatdiffers entire! of other Btores. The following are only a tow- sample value 53.50 Men's Black Cheviol Baits?the wholesale price ol these suits was 16.60?pez d_-"*e aa Men's Suit?,, in all the newest designs, Suits that were made lo sell for 18, per ? -_ ***?? suit. 3>?.OU ?-fen's All-Wool Cheviol Suits, in li dark shades, were made to ?sell for $10, |" '!' suit. Men's AI1-W..I?! Blue English Ht ? Suits, that were ma '" 115, per 4t>nw aa [en's Pants, the best $1 Pants ^y-{\r made, per pair. _w^/l,. ?Viens Worsted Pants, with French waist band, were made to sell for $2.50, per (t?t aa Children's Wash Suits, that were to ^bm\r he -"li? for 7-5c., ?per suit. **-!*" Boys Double Breasted 3 \7-\r to J5, were to retail for ll.? I -nit. * *J*l? r $1.25 Boys' Knee Pants, ?perpair. .. I jC Boys'Wash P.*nts,that wars IA - sold for 25a, per pair. IUC?. Men's latest stylus of Stiff B lap ?shape, were to retail -1 0, r**\ Men's Horn, \\ hieb retail for ] -?. pair. ?Ce ?50 dozen of Men's French Balbi i I derwear, n the, a garment, to 1 ?t *? . In. Men's Silkoline Hi ? kerchiefs, > ith >ilk initial, each. * ** Men's Suspender - !" r \r.iil.... Cnildrei ?r Strain large brim, that wi k. I5c. . that v. ? - t<'!l Boys'Suits, ages i to 15, that were manu- tailfor50c. faactured ?to be Bold for $3, per i?*t ^*- Men'sand Boys' L-PlyLinenCo suit. vi^l.-w?^ each, all 20 and 25c. 29 E. Broad Street; ;> y \ a llwaj . . ;i?.w the shore-line with s ; .1 mllea I ?bee to ?all the J All t la in ;u* I -nth of Whlc tuiii.-.i pal 'a tig 01 writing Ubll? Instruction I R? - . hen the ?.?-?:iil?.?l ajretem ut I mi all ii in th. .... ile-ny. The pulatlon, a BarfO) Plsi nt I'..remould. NORFOLK v.\ oVorth IiH-.-l?-\-, a 1. \\ Ina '. [lo m . . ' '.. -a ? .? II sad known in I me ;it th f it?i while 11: \\ [?ailr?:. Me In the in hit honor during the Memo i the -round ander It erttl I --??._-? Mini:; ?I inn l|.|'li-i lulu (.i-rinu n-?. (Cleveland Plain ? w la? lu itrj m Oerni tcluded ! ii- in ri?,.n t! The lei man p> ople llhe them, If th? ir . iii-nt ?I? th? m I. - - i ? : t ne ti- . It rev.- ? SAFE URE PEEDY MME. LE GLAIR'S FRENCH REMEDY' fieser Falls. EH?ORSEO IY Th'OUSAIOS. fw-ntv-f.ire S cent stamp* brine* trial package and ativiuce? the ni?t skeptical ..ltG?-ar wor,Jrrtui prcp ar?-.-.? I ?ti Ait 1'u.l to , L'. * > agria?, ' i i, .*.. M a - N I.'ei.taAl t.d rrturiK.l I.? mail wiih trial p-ickau* ???nd o s'... I ta-aml i t*?no|.hlrl contain.ii.? IuIuaIiU ioaforoaalluu t rial* m Ki. hmond bv P< ILK Mll. KK UKU? C< IMP.* \ ". my il-W K-Hu-t ! . ThA8u.1l Orders tor printing aunt to the h limps By will be gtrog prompt attention. nd the atyla uf work and prlcea will a?.va ta ?Imm you. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN TUB COUR I ' I I K5OT TO F.XU.rsi\ I USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA." 4> PITCHER'S CASTORIA," -AS OUR - /, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Mass i W?? the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," - that has borna and does flOR y****^ y/tr's "~on * bsarthe facsimile signature of* This is the erigir: j/" PITCHER'S CASTORIA," ? used in ? i of th? mot hors cf Am irk I / t years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper end**** : the kind you have a'wavs bought, s~*& ,**- "** and has the signature of*?+Z^s\]ff&<7<>u,? ,. per. No cue he$ authority from mo to l. o my r ; cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. F. - Pre: i. * March 8, 1897. ?3?8?a*a?&/a a*t ?****** Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by w a cheap substitute which some druggist may off? r j : (because be makes a few more pennies on it), ingredients of which even lie does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought'' EEARS THE FAC-SiMILE SIGNATUR'- OF Insist ou Having The Kind That Never Failed You. Booh and >Joh Tainting Jtteatly Executed at the Dispatch Job Office