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THE RICHMOND msPATfill-WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. 1898._ t THE RICHMOND DISPATCH BY THE DI8PATCH COMPANY. The DA1LT DISPATCH Is delivered to eause-lbers at FIFTY CHfNTS" per month. paysMe to the carrier weekly ot monthly. Mailed at to per annum; $3 for six months; Jl.W for three months; ?0 cents tor one montn. Price per copy, S ?nt?. The W_J_KLY DISPATCH at $1 per annum. Hie BUNDAY DISPATCH at ?.SO per annum, or 7i cents for six months. Subscriptions In all cases payable In advance, ami no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. Bead post-o?lee moauey orde;. check, or rogls* ?1 letter. Currency sent by mall Will be at the risk of the sender. Subicrlbers wishing their post-of?leo changed must give tbelr old as well ns their new post ?Olee. Sample copies free. ADVERTISING RATES. HALF ISLU OB UN* 1 Cm. .? ? 2 times. J ?( * fines. ?g ?t times. "J M times. ? " 1 month. ^ % months. - Business wants. w Wainted situation, payable in ad vanee ? _> words or less. " Above rates ar? for "every day" or ad vertisements running consecutively. Reading notices In rradlnfi-matter type, five lines or less. It; in nonparlcl. leaded, Ot? lines or loss. 73 cents. Card of rates for more space lurutab-d on application. _ A'.! _tfcrs and telegrams must be ad dressed c> Till-: DIBPATCfl COMPANY. Rejected communications will not be returned._ All letters recommending camlldatea f. r ?-?fflce must be paid for to Insure their publication. This Is a long standing rule of ours._ Resolutions of respect to deceased Barters passsi hy societies, eorpora Baaoetattoaa, or other organiza tions will be charged for as advertising matter. _ UP-TOWN OFFICE, BRO AD-FTREET PHARMACY. H? LAST RKOAD ?STREET. MANCHESTER OFFICE, 1203 HULL FT._ WEDNESDAY.MAY 18, 188& TO THE I't III I? : I'rtenits of Hie *)ls|iut?-li ?nonld do fis a fa*, or by In form In? us of nn> fa 11 ii r<? ?in lb?- port t>t newsdealer?, or in-?*. ?I???*. ? on rnllronil trains, to Oecet 111?' publie ?lemnii.l for <-oi?I?-h of tills paper. IiiforuintIon is also ? Seoir?*.! h> ns of the ?lei I n?| tient y of nny rarrlrr in Ktrlimoiid, Miiaclira trr, or el*t*i*> her?*. Will III i:ic i: in MOTHER CAIXf 1 he N- ' ? 1 ort Bun glv? i er? d t>.rl that tbs Pn Bid? nt will soon make anothei ill for troop* Its Wash ington ? a i ? . the number ?required "m.a ?be a eto ?il if the President would enquire into the mait? i la? v.o im Jimi thai our government is n??t ait this time able to equip ti?>- ija*,, rided to his ?all. What It WOUld .1?. with 100,100 a Lord oui4? know?' The three Virginia reglmi ntr noa In ? amp And the ilk-- r< i?<?n Btati !' aid the arUl 1 - mi?!? tely ?-. they hav? ; Tamps o? w.t-Linii ton, hut fact, the gOVOi li ment has not anywhere tb? arma, uni? 'onus, ele.. ii..??|i.i al this time. Possibly it wiiui.i be well for the Pi I. nt to (s't tbS authority ?.I ?'.? .. | i :;ill out KB ddlttonal m.-ii; i>ut m* h??!"- I a iv? ...?ii to mercies tbe ?privilege it it is ?given him. Inly th? volunteers under lb? 11 call should be "armed and equipped ac? mrdlng to laiw" and modern method! be tete th?- ?serv?tes of others for. Indeed, unless ?... ?are to hav?* trouble ?vltli ?some other Kurop. am Power tliain ipain. it would seam that our 125,000 vol atoars nn-i ?wooo regulars would to imply BUlB< U I I for all our pun We ma i. f? ir tbat preparations for a i .all would i?4 construed by the world a.s a recognition ?>f the probability >f trouble ?between u and sonn one or nore of ih<- great nation- of Europe*, Of . if any such probability exists are mes ought t<> b? ?gotten Into tbe L. M .?s rapidl) as we t in furnish tlmm rith Lut-. cooking ntiiisiis, modern inns, uniforms, wagons, medica] be, Be. Put at this hour not mor? men, ?ui more of the material and equl] >.' u..r Is i- most Beaded, In Of What v?.- say, w, lind tbe g??v rnrnent Stripping many parts Of the ountry of ail! the arm- usually availa >ie for militia purpoeee, toavlng the dvfl authorities without adequate help in caes if danger from mobs. THE WV1 PI*RSO\M*I, BILL. The bin which bean this title proposes naklnii many ?isiiab!. changes in the ;ov?tnm? m and organisation ,,f 0U1. *AX\ ; In.|. a- W* ale ):i!?il riled, i! puts rgo upon the conn my snttsted man. No matter how rallant, by, how ? nul bow unexceptionable In ?personal Binding tbe enltoted maa may be, ho Is o hurt i. ? op] irtualty git ? a hito to be ton? ?1 '.ill? ? 1 ; in ttie regular arm) the private atay is?, t?. be ? eotoa? .\ hare lone, but m tbs navy all tb? im?-t imbltlous snd d? ervlng r -. 11 s. t.. i man an h??pi- to N Is S ??etty 1'lli.ei. N?> ?vondcr that lbs forecaattos of aO our parsnips arc filled la torga ssaasurs with 'oreiKiit is ?ml aegroca No wonder that *ur young m. b baattato to *hU* aboard ?Ip. In tbe I Hit. d States army there are a lumber t.f generan*! win? wars not trained it Point, and it |g pro- umaihl?: that ?vlth like opportunities gtVOB them some it the cnllHU-d men of the navy mlnht "IM . tree, ws (?iitceti?' tbs great trains sf t!i. tratalag ?iven the yoaag men at Annapolis. No doubt It I? | Baa No doubt it? standard Is ktgb, bal it Is lilt-Am?ricain to mak? Of Its ,-ra.l favor, d Stase, If ?.tin is ,.,-,? M.,m? th?> required sxamlnatloa, why should they bt exctuded from the honors of oui Nupoie,.,, Mid thai reach soldier pUntad a marshal's baton in bis knap jtoSb, He meant that the buml.;. Mm ?a!... tbtsHagadsbsd hbasslf mt?ht r the htgbeat rank. It was his polity it, pi?.m.,t. oeaervlaj yauag men, and surely such should be thS polity of our gnvernmeiit. the greateat r? nubile on earth. WheB the time comes when Am? Mum youths who have a lUIng for ssa life ?is at-mied o? oppynuultKs for aAtBMB ment In the navy, our navy will be abl to Ret many very desirable recruits. A it is. recruits are hard ta ?et. and S I ?r?< pscoontBfi? of tboes thai are seeared ar not white Amerli-ans. Nor need th? r? 1??' any icnr that th doors of office will thus be open to wild m..b. N?? man who could mil pas an examination would expect promotion ?)nly men of extraordinary gift*? woul I... aUs I4? run th- ordenl. It might b well t?> give the members of our nav? reserves thanes f?.r commissions also. What will be the fate of the bill no? pending ta Oangreas we do not know There will b?4 mu? h opposition from cer tain quarters to the ?hange sin; but w think that the opponents of chang vasiiy sxaggerats the prababta eoaas There Isn't the slightest dan xrer thai the navy would be ovitrowtle with new malt rial for officers. No -h.'ulil there be any tggt that th?. BOl material would be of a poor sort. The f-lgns of the times are t liait the?. United States are deettaed to beoonto i t naval power, and it behooves us t< offer liberal Inducements to all who wil make ;:?.?.d ..ill. a-, ??p.-dally when b; so ?datag w?4 can vastly Improve the per sonnel of the saheted men. Ot R SOLDIERS AT SEA. According to the BOOtOB Herald the tro litsomc, plcntoky duties of the presenl war will fall to the lot of the Jolly Amer, bar. iBdS who are sent to garrison Manila Their dattes, the Herald imagines, wii i?<- light, mut will carry th?-m Into a lor? clime, wbers everything at bast win have th?4 charm <?f novelty. As a forth..i guaranty Of the attractiveness of this trip It is Suggested that little or no fight ing will haive la be done, and that at eleven days will be consumed in Crossing the Pacitic. While we may ?un?es-s our own ability to derive the most enjoyment fr?.m that kind of warfare which BeOSSBltatoS litt lu or n?> lighting, we do not concede that a fortnight at sea Is always a sou- I pleasure. This feature of the proposed trip to the Philippines may ii?r ti??, oance prove most disastrous to our soldiers, and possibly, unless the Paclllu fully sustains its reputation, times may come when i- v? ille will fall to < .'U II I!<>r cent. Bl our warriors from their bunks. Beaetohaees is no respecter <?f military dti dp line, nor of anything else for that matter, ami It.? victims are in wr disposed to confess that they are picnicking while In ItS throes. ?Eleven days of such SXpe? rtoacei may convince tbe pi opea sd Manila garrison that tbey have given up more for their country than any men on eatrth. And? moreover, ws do not imagine that rt Ships, packed and jam med with bliiecat. .1 humanity, will offer "ail tin- BiOdern conveniences," ..r thai tbs tars win bs luxurious. There ??11 bs days may they i>(. few!? tabea tbe eery thought of ths bill of fare will cause, strong nun t?> quail and grow faiint, and when Individ?ala hitherto modest in their desires will want the *wrth. Tbe big ship Panther, which carried ths marines to Key Weat, stopped for a. torn day:? at Old Point, and while there it anchored ai short d?ctanos from the h??t? i?. The fanes of th?- IM inrn ?aboard were not distinguishable from tho shore, tun from tbe restless way they squirmed *boiit the decks and wistfully gaaod t<> wards ih* land it wa.? easy to ?believe i h.y bad received their "baptism of iiio" on the water. very nun has his own opinions, and charity prompts us to hope that the fu Hanlla garrlaon may find as utterly wrong to our predictions, Ws arc willing to pay for their rations, and we only hope that they may oat them all?the kind? it "i???n voyage" are can extend to thu light boartod crew, RAISING WAR FVBBO. There ought to be no partisan or f-ic limis obstruction thrown In the way of reos in the matter of providing the DOCeeaary funds for carrying on the war. At the same time th?' Democratic watch? ?Jogs of the Treasury would tio well to be on their guard to prevent BSStoSB t.ix atlon and re.'klesa; appropriations. Congress will meet agiiln In December and there is no reason tor providing for war funds for a period much ?beyond thai time. If, when it does meet, peace Is not in sight, it can easily devise ways ami means (or raising any additional revenu? that may bs needed, Unaeosaaary taxa? tion and extravagant appropriations WOUld "pi n lb? way for all sorts of job bery .and the giving out of numerous un ary contra? ts. They WOUld put a premium on demoralisation and dto? honesty which the struggling maaaes WOUld halve to pi..\. if the and of ths war should catch us with a full Ti'-asury and the Republican ?party la ptjfwer, it may bs dspeaded ?apon that that party WOUld promptly lind uso for the surplus. And judging (he future by the past, it man be set down as ?pretty certain that whatever additional burden ol Intel nal taxation may be placed upon the people- (OT the purpose of conducting tbi ** ** tttll BOl b? lifted until some years after peace shall have been de clared. \\ ? mast light tbe v. air to a triumphant tinish at any cost, but it involves no want triOtlam to guard against i bellum conditions that could be turned t?> partisan account and would continue I?, keep the people ground down by tax ation for a long seaeoa. sAimita <.itoiMi. Th.- conviction is gaining grouml at Washington that it wil. not do to count .: on h?i|p from the Insurgents in Ho- work of driving tin Spaniards out of Cuba? a Washington ?sp?cial to the New York I!? raid sayaa that the officers of the army, IS a rale, have BOl thought very highly M UM army of ('?ricial ?lorn?/., and they Ihigk still less of it since the failure of tbs Chisels expedition, it win be re.ail?.i, the special, that Captain Dorst Went Into thS island and arranged for tbS delivery of B large supply of guns, irnmuiilllon, and military stores to tho Banrgenta, agreeing with them as |0 the ; L'oint where they would meet the military ?expedition from th.* I'nlW-d States; but ehttS the expedition went down aecor.l ng to the agreement and landed In Cuba, *io Insurgents appeared to receive the uipplles. This and other Information, <aiys the special In conclusion, leads the Wash?aigton authorities to b.-li?-v.- that he Insurgents ?ill prove of little PTBO" i?-.? 1 valut. In the Cuban campaign. And from this and other information, ! also gegfegte that ve will not only hav? o Ian?! an auuiv In Cuba sufficiently large ?> t xpel the Spaniards practically wlth jut assistance, but m ly, before p.ulticu lon 1? effected ami free g-overnment Is stabilst)???!, have to dt-al with serious laeattoaM growing out of political rival les, ambitions, and Jealousies. In short, In breaking of the Spanish yoke In Cub? nay prove not th? most difficult part of he work we have undertaken to accura ilivh for the Cuban* o?r two if i lili MAIM There are two Iniards of strategy at Washington. One Is romp??sed of govern ment officers, ami th- other <>f BpeCtol corr? BpOttdenta. The latter are tiy far the belter and mor?4 accommodating set of fellows. They seek to please, and verj morning through the great m tro? poll tan journals to which they are at tached th?y give Ihe world frankly honestly the laOBlt of the strategic . .1 t illations they have mad?. tbS night before for the guktaaOS of our squadrons In south-rn'. Tiny I'll all they know and more besides about the plan for smashing the haughty admiral that 1? running the Spanish Bids "f th.- naval game of "I spy," atr/l they tell It w.ll; they toll It entertainingly. The other board la composed of a grumpy, unaccommodating i??t of eld fel lows who not only won't tell much, hat who are shrewdly ieapeeted of n??t telling Ihe truth when they do toll anything; and who would be con sider?.1 fOOlS If they ili.l tell the truth. The special corr?., Board of Strategy Is not constituted <?f fools, at WS know, :?ti?l It is m>t to be questioned that they think they are tell ing the truth. Hut it so happens that illy th'.v are rewarded for trying to tell the truth by their strategy's i???t mu. riallzlng, while it seems probable that ths other board win M rewarded for not telling the truth, not only i?y oppo sit.- n suits, but by receiving the appro val of the people. However? the members of the ?t correspondents' Beard of Btratagy cea laiv the tattering unettoa t?> their s?>uis that if Bampeotn ?and Behtoy should follow out the pi m thai ?board maps out for them from daiy t.. daiy. tho game they are playing might bs prettier than the ens outlined by the rival hoard-though it might not hr- war. a pension si oesanow. Monday Secretary ?oMhe-Treaanry Gags ?received B biter from S town In Indiana enclosing 120 and an unsigned not?-. Which read: "To help free Cuba. From an old soldier dividing his pension." If all the other United BtotoS p? nslon crs would follow the example ?of th! BOldler and ?livi.le pensions f??r only One year, "t<> help fre?. Cuba," the sum turned into the Treasury would amount to sum?4 Ue\megJUA Ami Recording to good authority. If all those who are en? Utled to [??lisions rsfused to divide, but those not entitled to pensions would ?li vide, ths amount contributed to ths ttt i - Cuba fund by th" p nsion army would be some PV),OO0.WiO. Therefore, If nil not legitimately <?n th?4 pension rolls would agn i" relinquish In full for a year their "claims" OB the government, th?ir liberality aad humanitartontam would bs a ; ait? d by th?4 sum of 11-'",0?*K),000. Whait eh opportunity Is bars pr? M nt. ?I to mak>- restitution, salve conscience for a season, and st?rlbs blow for Cuba. The r.llnqiiishni?tit by tho last named class of th-ir ?pensions for a year would not oiiiy aid materially in freeing Cuba, but would render it unnecessary t.. put such a heavy burden <>f internal taxation on ths ?sechs of the poopls of their own cuntiy. it would ?proas a special relief to thait s? ction of the country that has drained ?ver since tho war to pay a large mir?, of ?the ?peaatoa money, but has Experienced none of the benefits of its distribution. Tho findings Of the court-martial In tho c?l?br?t?..1 case of Carter have been la ths War Department f??r nearly two trecha. He was charged with being absent urithout leave? with falsifying go? counts, ami with other off?.nets, and tho verdict was against him. It is now nn nounced that tbe cae? will bs revtewed by Attorney-General ?Jrigg.?-. Under ordi nary circumstances ami conditions, th? findings of th?- court-martial should I. rtow?d by the Jndgo-Advocato-Oenaral, but in view Of the magnitud? of tlie charges, and the widespread Intereal they aronaed, bow preceden! is t?. b? wtab* Habed in connection with the final r? vi? w of the court. There Is, saj s Waablag? ton special, powerful secret ami politi cal Influence ait worh la behalf of Captain Carter, and it Ii believed that theas taro tutors .nt? ?red largely into the movement tO have the cast n-vi?IWOd by At4" Q on oral Qrlggs, Instead of p? rmitting it to paw through the regular channels at the judge-Aiivo. ait? -<* ?ineral's ofltoe, Fourteen men w. re driv? n out of camp at Hempstead, N. T., on Monday, amid the hoots and j?-.ITS ot < for refusing to enlist in tbs volunte?.r arm.4.. In on?' ai man was peltetl willa until he was covered irom head to foot Tho Herald says there b is arlaen s spirit ..f relentless eager agaiinst "ftuabera," a.s men who patss the physical exa?alna?on und then refuse to anil -t are ilk tbS contrary, men win? wish to fight and . ct?.<i by the surgeons are cheer ed to the echo? ami tho sadness of their departure is tempered by the anthnataam ami good will manifested." The Cuban Insurgent force grows smaller by dsgrses and unbeautlfullj I as we approach Cuba? Tatas ever this. 'Tls distant.- buds not only cnchantim at, but magnitud?-, often. Spain's waiships don't seem to haw tbs difficulty about obtaining coal on this si?ie of ths Atlantic than was expected by our War ?Board? The sea aids cottages are pronounced safe, on the ground thait Spain can t af ford to fiia a 11.?w0 shot at a $10.1 hOUSO, The Flickerin-*; .let? Ciid-?its.) Cas lOW, f 1'rave-fair? Y1111 Know, il- sa there. .Soft (}'?*., old theme? l?ng sighs Sweet dream. fears pass, I > ? uns o'er; ?Low gas, Ones m?>iL-. ' A yawn, B?HM sighs? K coa O mlzi'l >ot So Had. (Kxchango.) Spaniard: Th?- Amsrloaa peopl? hogs, puppies, and cowards at heart. American: Are they anything mor?*? Spaniard: Ye?, they are vile blowhards. pigmy soldiers, and Sheep, all of them. American: ? ?h. well. If that's all, I'm thankful. I was fearful lest you might think them Spaniards. ?-em A| s? miner. (Ilatrper's Huzar.) "Pa." said .Molli?4, "?lldn't the Puritans suffer dreadfully from the coldtJurlng the first winter here?" "Yes, darling. You see, fuel was scarce-" "Why dl.'.n't they burn some of that furniture, then? They brought enough over with 'em to burn half of It without missing any*" u 5, 5l n Ai 0 M It Si Y( Pi v Ti H ta g h 1j PF.TKIISIII R<?. Farmer Stuiiiird l?y Mahtnlna?Hi U llhesapoBn M?letpnl Kiecti??n. I BIBBIUHII VA.. May 17.-(Spe clal.)-Mr. Pat Th<?mas, a wcll-knowi farmer of Uinw|d?!le county, resldlni neair Ford's Depot, was seriously stunne. by lightning during the storm of day t??4 -ter.lay. He was out In his yar< al th?* time. One side of his Ik??1.v fol ihe fotos "f the shock, and one of hla IMM s was split by the fluid. A physlcbf was sent for, but Mr. Thomas revive? before his arrival. TKN YKAIiS IN Till! PKNITKNTIAItY In t!i?: < ounfy ?"??urt of Hmwidille yes tetrday, William ?Harris (cotoredl was p?i ?,n trial on an ladletaMBt charging bin with placing obstructions on th? ITS '? of the Atlantic-Coast Une railroad, m u Aereeto, with Intent t?* wreck a train Th" Jury found him guilty and fixed hh ?punishment at ten years' Imprlsoriim-ii in the penitentiary. Owing to discovery of the obstructions no ?lamag? resuit.-d from the act Harria waa ar? rested In this city. in the sain- curt yesterday Blchart Cbtovet ??olor.?ii w.s convicted of an aull ?m Mr. Joba Tuckei ami sentence? t?. pa.y a fine of 12... CbtoVOB wa.s In dieted for felonious .assainit but 111- Jill > reduced ths grade of th?4 offenen. OMMBRAL NBWft, ReV. i'". Jers Wltberspoon. of Rich mond, is preaching morning and night al i!i. S. , ?a.-! P | .n ?-durch. Tht t?rricos are largely atteaded, an?i s reatt deal of Int.-r.-t Is manifest? ?1. ' Th.? tick?-?s to to \.t..l Bt the munl.i x.l tiecti'.n on the Nth have been print.4?!, lader the supervisi?n of tbe Electors! Board. The regular electloo win be -mich mor- quiet than w?s the primary i? April Mb, beoauee, arlth the sxeep ion of th?- Ctrancllmen In tbs Tirol Waid, D?mocratie Bomlaees will havo aa ?[.position. Mr. T. Jefferson ?Mairk. who has Just ,... n re-elected assistant secretary of he Mftlioilist Sumlay-.S> hfiol As.-. ias b? 'ii actively connected with Hi?4 aa? iiilatioii In that capacity for twenty-six ars. Jaba Oree (colored) ?tras arrested to lay, having in his poeeeeetda a fine sol f harasse, supposed t<? ?have been ?stolen. ; i it was given tt> him. Mil IM)It I \F.\\ S. the Artillery Camp? Now Infantry t amanai ??? n<* m-tuni/.. ?i NEWPORT ItBWS, VA., .May 17. .-|.? ?iai.>-The tents at Camp Warbnrtoa k-ere all floored to-day, and the work of recting the ?stables for tbs hornee, arhkfh re expected to arrive aa Tharaday, is ?.ing ahead ?rapidly. Forty horses in all till arrive from Kentucky. Ths Pennsyl? anls artillerymen had tbetr second taats f treacherous Hampton Roads weather i-t night. In UN storm of Sunday afternooa Ifr. V. R, KOCh'S lialalSMiue SPailll y.l,-|lt tanateas nettled in 11? - mud at an ii'nf th- sblp-yaid. su?* was a?-...i tins morning Ths Chesapeake and Ohio tug Hlnton uffered considerable damage in last Ighfs storm. Bbs loal her smOhi Ths Baals of tbs Newport News Mill? I ideiny will b?- h?l?l on May Nat ml June 1st at th? City Hall. The fifth aaaaal ball by ths C. P. Huat? igt?,n ?Republican League Club w.?s given ist night ..t the Casino. Then was s irg?. attendance. Ths movement to organise s military ompany t?? succeed ths Huntington ? already taken tangible form olonel Huffman, principal of ths New? ?ut News Militan Academy, hats offered he us?- of the fifty Bprlngfleld Rifles la Tbe main .?teami tiiaiak at t tin- electric? ght plant burst this morning, ?tating a cessattoB of operations tor re bourn Ths pressure of steam broke Bveral aiadows, snd s [decs ol iron pipe relgblng ten ?pounds wa.s hurled fifty t. narrowly missing Buperlnl harpe. Had th? room b? en only half b srna.i!. these werhlai Inalds would Ittod by escaping team. The accidl nt | a by a steam hamm? r." NNCKL i:\in it?; (?it my. cillent e of Henil. I'ronoii need I pon ii it*?odd l'oint Natoed, i:t<-. BOTDTON, VA., May 17. ?tBot ? ?tal >? he court-room was ? rowded and Januned 'St.?day to loan* Judge HOBMS pTOBOUBCS of death ?'ii Qeorge Hits tor i<* murder of William Powers. The d ths - ' and ?fixed July h for the ex. ? iitinii. Wht n ! alabad aad ths crowd had left ths court ouse, <'. T. Reeha, who luid been sp linted by ths ''.?un as counsel for the rl.-i?iit-r, and who was not present when IS at nt- a. a - ; ? ?Boom I ?1. . am?- In ?rriedly and moved f??r a bow trial, ??on tht: ground thai it had developed ait ?m.* of the Jurors was a'minor, and ait therefore tbs rerdlct Is rold. After IBM lively sparring between the Bench ,.i counsel, tbs ?'??mt set Baturday as is Urns to Investigate ths matter ild jui,"'.s tig. -, and ?.|s,, gg t?. tbe tiii?ty of th.* verdict Ths furor in lesttoa Is sai.l t?. bs only lit y.-ars old - was taken from among ths hyatand s. tlting officer from the Franklin Irginto Military Company was her?, to ty hunting fivs SBOre men to make up company's com] lement His su as ppor. Our small awls ?population Is . young or tOO Old to suit I Ige}* tm. Mrs pet, r Puryear, th?- mother-in-],iw Judgs Homes, who has been in feeble alth lor some time, to attempting to t. oat ot bed leal night about i o'clock, il and strach on her head, producing ncusslon of tbs brain. i?r. <;. h ut? r was celled in. an?l did everything ?ssil.'?. for bt ft III f. but she remains leonsclous, aad her friends spprehi u.i .- gravee! ? onsequ? ncea, \K?-il Minister Mnrrio.l. lAVAl.K, DICKSNBON COUNTT, VA., ty 17. (Special | Rev. J, H. Re lata.I, and Miss RaOBB Sli.n TOtt, of ashlngtoa county, wers Btwrrtod at ths sldence of th?* ?bride's ?par?ate, mar Bad-?f .. Mr Ro? a - nearly T?? years I, and has been ai widow? i less than a ar The I. r i ? I ' i- M They will r< Ids CllntWOOd, where Mr. ROM has g very asan! Imme. ?talize Your Blood. Overcome That red Feeling. Get a bottle oi ood's Sarsaparilla and begin h ke It TODAY, and realize the great ?od it Is sute to do you. food's Sarsaparilla Americas t; realist M ?Miaue. AU ?riigg\j$ t XI VE It MTV VlVU.S. Tbe Froarmumr?The Setr lliilld |i,KS--V lallnr? F.x|ir?*te?l. The inauguration of the new diversity buildings will bS celebr.ite.l with proper ceremony In connection with the llnul exercises In June, which this fOOt will be of sepeetal interest. The baccalaureate sei ama win be de ItVSred on Sunday evening. June 12th, by the Right Rev. T. W. Dudley, I?. P., Bishop of Kentucky. Monday, tin* 1.1th, will be deVOttd to the llt'rary societies. At noon an address will be given before the societies by the Hon. Joseph W. Bailey, of T? xas. In tin? evening the m? ?la.nists will deliver their prise orattona, on Tuesday the inauguration ceremonies will OSCUr, Including an Ods by th?4 Hon. A <'. (?onion, of Staunton. ami ??.Mresses by th?. Hon. Jaunt s C Carter, of N'w Y?,rk, ami the ROV. I, M. Carson. 1>. D.. of I.ynchburg, the hitter In oonn?*-ctlon with the opening of the Rouss Physical Laboratory. In the evening a reception wlli bS given to th?- visiting alumni iiml other gusa tot on Wednesday, at noon? an address Will be delivered before the alumni by the Rev. Randolph M'4Klm. I?. !>.. of Washington, l>. <*., and In the ?v. nlng of the same day win occur the conferring of degrees und delivery of diplomas, Mr. McKinley will be pr> sen', If public business will permit. Among th?' dtstla gulsbed gui-s-1 ?rh? bava ti.tinit.-i>- prom ised to attend ar?4 ?'.ov.riior Tyler and his staff, Hon. W. T. Harris, t'ommis siori'T of Education for the United States; Hon. J. W. Southall. I'ommis toner of Education for \'irginin: Bu Martin; Chancellor McCrachen, of the University of Now Torh; Professor Ott? dersteeve, of Johns Hopkins University; man Hay? Mesara M. B. In? galls, of the Cheeapeahs and Ohio, and Samuel Spencer, of th? Southern railway With Mr. ?Spencer as his gu.s's will be the orator, Mr. Carter, and a large party Nw York alumni. A similar party is expected from Washington, ?and many other alumni will be present from all parts of the country. WILL! tMBBtrmo. I'i ?.?-? .-?II ..: in the t'lrcnlt Court? \ ? tosh Tuben ni reieaaato WILLIAMBBURO, v.v.. May IT.?(Spe cial.) Circuit ?'?uirt is in session to-?la4'. Jia?lge Bto? Batons ). residing. The Bret sc on trial WBS a minor affair. A large comber of attorneys are in atteBdaace, among whom are H'?n. H. H. Pollard. John Lamb, Jr., aad Hart<>n wise, Rich mond; it? n. Maiii?-\ Paiaee, ?New Kent; Hon. .lam? - N. Btabbe, CHtweeeter; Arthur Begar, Hampton; C. \ Braad, Judge U. R, Warren, James City; J. i". Hubbaid, p.. ii. Baren, York, ami a. ?'. Peachy, Newport Near* ?Clerk of th?? Court Qeddy was I suddenly ill to-day, and bad to leavs ths ciuri-ni??m .nul go horn??. His dun b? Ing looked aift? r by bis ?l?-i>ut>, Mr. Ed ward Qeddr. The Regulars ?>f Wllllamaburg ami .Iain-s fus- were in si'ssi'in tO-day. An adjournment is not in?>k?*.i for until the last <.f tbe areeb. Nearly every member anawered t?) th?. roll?call. Th?' president, rice-president, secretory ami treasurer, and l?-g,-i! a?l\iser WOTS nil prSSSBl '" the morning session. Miss Bills Hollyday, from Old Point, ipected this ?veiling to visit Mis.-I Kmilie and Mis?; LOBUM Henley, wii?. ?has i.h "ti an extended visit to friend- in Hampton a.rui Norfolk, ami who will return home on th?- Norfolk train. Mr. W. E i'.itligairi. chairman of th? ?D?mocratie Committee <?f York; Mr. i,. P i: unes, chairman ?>f the committ?.( New K m. end i!, i.. Carne, of ?Richmond, were registered an the Colonial inn to il a-,-. Thomas M. D?rala, a prominent ritt? z? m c>f Syracuse, N. Y., paM a Bytng visit i few days rince. Mr. i???rnin was accompanied i?\ Major K. B. Townsend, of Provld.ii I'VIL? t no\ \T \v\iihi:\t?i\. Uni '.skins to Hung lor tttempti n? Hi?* I ?mil ? rim?*. WARRENTON va., May 17.?(BpoctaL) To-morrow an .*,.;?? a. m. th?. sentence of death srtll be sxecuted oa Jim Kskin for attempted criminal .assault upon a white girl, aged it vais, named Wagi.-r. The .'Vi?l'-nc> in th- .?' I that, s iin? time during March Kskins. who S ?? at tramp, went to the bOUSS Of Wag i? r, the child's faither. in the neighborhood ..f Bcaleton, m tins county. He wa.s cm? ployed by Wagler as a farm liand, stay ing in th?' house, and on the morning of Nth maul?- ihe attempt. Kskins 11. .1, but was overtabofl at Biwoodj Culpeper county, tin* ssrne day and brought to Warrenton than evening. That Right as .. precaution Judge White seal Kskins t?*? Alexandria f??r safe-beeping, on tbe Pri? day following, April 1st, he w is brought beck to Werreaton. v Jury was im panelled, counsel aaatgned t?? defend him, ami m a crowded court-room tbe trial ?begun ar BM O'clOCh, lasting until L!:L? that afternoon. The Jury, after being oui one hour, return? ?1 a v.-mil?it of guilty, and the Judge sentenced him t?> hang. HAITI*!' TOURS I'l'.Ol'I.K. ?eellntc of the Mit mi ton District Convention Veali*rdii>. RTA1*NT?>N'. VA.. May 17.-iSpcelaI.)? ThS Stauntnn District Baptist Young p ?pie's Baton convened here to-day' with about 1'? ?hi? gat?- pr eOSnt The Borricos, conalstlng of addresses by prominent speakers and preachers, were held during the entire day, and t'.-nlght i grand ooaeecratton meeting cooctuded the work of the convention. The session opened with a BU?riSS pray er service. Among tin* m?>st prominent men who took ?part In the meetings were R?va C. s. Blackwell, Birmingham, Ato.; Thomas A. Johnson, of Lexington, \.?.; at I.. Qraee, of th.- University ?if Vlr? glnla; J. C. Moss, of l.ymhburg. Yai.; \ r.. Dickinson, of the Religious Herald, Richmond, Va.; C h. Crulksbaw, of Singer's Qtonn, v.l., and p. Bwann, <?f ('.?jshen Drill?. . Va. The Rev. M. !.. Wood, of Btaunton, mad? tbs address >.f welcome, ai d Rev. W. T. Jonas, of Laurel Hill, responded. Bible <?>? Fing} l'rescnlitllon. LURAT, VA,, May i: s; lal."t? faverns Council of tin* Junior Order <?f United American Mechanics, of Luray, to-..,iv presented to th- public school au? thoritles "i tbl i place .< B!Ma and ai line United ?Stab ? ?Sag. Tbs Utter was sj,r,.tll? to ths brecas from tie?* top of ai large t!aL--i jte ralead for t?he.purpos". Tin- ad? ition were delivered by i liu h. s. parks, of Luray, aad Rev, Dr. wharton. of ?Baltimore. Th? speech nf acceptaace was made by Professor ?' i Weaver, principal ..f th.* graded BcheeL a luge . boms sang national ?llrs, and there was a number of pooph in attendance. Meinoriiil-Dn v nt I \ ml? l.n rn LTNCHBURO, VA . May 17. ?s? Memorial-Day was observed here this afternoon. In the absence of ths military roaspaalea ths sasrclsea were very <iuiet. ulthough a large crowd turned out and placed ?poa tbs graves of tbe Confede? rate soldiers an Immense quantity of flowers. A pruyer was offered by It.-v. Dr F c. MeCeoneU, of tbe First Baptist church. Upen the very pinnacle of the Boldtora' meaumsui wa.s piersd a pic ture of Ensign liagl? >, surrounded by a wrdath of beautiful rossa a company if boys, ranging from 8 to 12 years, carry lOfl guns marched ut th'.* head of the procession. Trnns|iortatlon <??>mpnn> i lin r i??rr ?I. 1 NORFOLK, VA., May 17. (flpstlal ) tl )nc of the biggest charters whl. !i have | admitted t.? record here In some .ear?, and one which Is giving the ?/' *xpress companies some uneasiness, was I io-day In the Corporation Court ??y Judge Hanahsl, It was to the ? ..iu merclal Transportation Company, for the purpose of doing a general express ami forwarding business between points in t\ h- l'mi. ?i Slates. It is empowered to MRS. PINKHAM CONQUERS BACKACHE. Four Women Who Owe Their Pr?tent Happiness to Ly?_la E. Piafe, ham's Vegetable Compound. ^99 ^^ D?An Mm. Pixkham:?When I wrote to you lnit June, ^j?|^^^V I was not able to do anything. I suffered with t -. J k\ \m \ ache, headache. bcaring-d<?ivn pains, pain? in m* / W3 iCm A limbs, and ached all through my body. Menstrua ir,ril I ^ **J I were very Pa-Q?ul* * wa* ? moftt * skelet.jD. I f, . \ \ "^ jL I lowed your advice and now am well and fleshy, an ' . V *?iu_B_B JL to do oil my own housework. I took medicine fr..m *, oh. J/ossff^* JryjcS physician?for over a year, and it did not do me a par4 m*\m\Zrl -jtrmfttT ot good. I would advise all suffering WMMI to !ffi jBfc I to Mrs. Pinkham. bhe will answer all bitters prom i' ?rt-feJBStah. an(* te^ them how to cure those aches and pan wkj (^K*1rR|R mou to women. ?Mrs. C. L.Wi.tH, Marquez. Texas. ill -rff^a. *$& l think It is my duty to write and let you know what -4m mT*^ W your medicine has done for me. For two years! s ?'T vt#I ^ Jjl y^ with female weakness, bearing-down pains. :. jgg J ^^J backache, and too frequent occurrence of Uto : ?jr*^*[ ^ J?_ I was always complaining. My hiishant? orr-.-il I:.. , i ' i?** _M___'T?*v try your Vegetable Compound, and I finally tlal. I nrV__HBtoX taken three bottles and it has made me feellil-,. Hr Arm \wy \ ferent woman. I every woman that sufT g nB33m^f\ \ take your me<licine and be cured.?Mrs. Gar. i ^0k7 _5 LlcHTT, 013 8. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. I jtl _5 # ** * ** 8uffere(*- ?or ?v,'r t"'? y?ars with bark&rhfi gL BkaBWMt J headache, dizziness, nervousness, falling and ulcer . . ?8fl^^*?^BLy ? of the womb, leueorrh.-ea, and about every ill aw Wt- *^*ehJ) Prf-^-Bn '-ould have. I had tried doctora, but with no m_ Hyji}|){?||P^*' _Jb ^?v and it seemed as though death was the or.'-.- > Stfzffl ?mUmW^Bt \ iornie- Afterusingtivebottlesof LydiaK. I jghifly np***9?Wmm\ \ Vegetable Compound, and four packages of va.- ? \t**3 (c <*ir_W l Wash, I am weli. Have had no moro prian, -'{-' \ \ * W /trouble, backache or headache.?Mrs. u..v ||i J! ^V / / Hawik, Cream Kidge, N. J. >HIPr>'e/***I??kJ V*cioro taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve-etablo \?\^ \^9r Compound I was afflicted with female com p..-. ^^^ i m*r Bo that I could hardly walk. My back Bsb . My, in fact, I ached all over. Was not able to raiso myself up borne of time. I had no appetite and was so nerro?is that I could hardly h'em I JiaT0 token but two bottles of your Compound and feel like snother person, can eat and sleep to perfection, in fact, am perfectly well.?Mrs. bus McCt;u.ocu_, Adiai, W. Va. .?_fl_M Lydia E. Plnkham'i Vegetable Compound: A Woman's Remedy for Woman's 111* own and operate steamships between th< fnlt.d ?States am.I other couytrl? - .-' its capital stock Is to be Bot less than 125.000 nor toon than BSMAM The Com pany cam h?)l?l 11,011 aCIOS Of land. QOSTgl F. Potter preeldent, charles Avery ?dent, Arthur Turner traasurar and Harry .1. I?indias s?-? retary.NTliesi? oncers, residents at New York city, and .lohn il. Ki.e. Joba N. Hannen, aad Thomas B. Atkins, of Roeelle, N. J.. ea? (?bar?es B. Hawhlaa, of N?tw Turk d ait-.- th?4 I:..a rd of I 'ir?-?'tors. COLORKL t.ltwr >WA1 W'iltY. Ortlere.l ?Mil.Her ?lilt of ??imp Who Wanted t?> visit Mia Dring; Mather. (New y ?rk Herald.) Camp Black, Ht mostee d pi.un?. i*. L, Monday. ?SlxteoB hundred aii.i elgbty?one i'i' B anal officers arers moatered in'?? th? United Btatos servie? to-day. Th? entlr? s ? ?.in! Provisional Regimen! and two battalions of teentk sarors aile glanee to the Bag, The Second Battalion >f th.- i' rtoei :i a is asurorB in lost week. The camp <?f tbe l-<?urt? ? nth h.? storm centre all day. COlOBOl ('rant, who hais t.. .n the i?i"l of his men, developed ai streik ??f riui.l ?li^-i-iii-lir-i.?- last night OU receipt of orders ?> taik.- his res-imenr. South, anu? it Increased during the day. talions wt r.? not i in until late in the afb rnoon, . t h i?i h-.-n Int? nded t?> hav?. Ihe eremony early in tbe morning; may have iu(!l? ?1 him. ORDERED SENT AWAT IN" WdORACE Private John Hetcht, of ?Company ('. urouaed Colonel Oraat's ?anger '?v to* i; . for l'.ivo to 10 (nun.- to visit his mother, who. h, Bald, wa.s ."yin-r Hi ap proached Colonel Grant In pereon, witn his sister. "i cinimt grant your regoeat," coionei Grant said. "Do you know tint I have a :n;irnin of only four men in th, meat?" "I'll j??in tbe regiment in two ttoye," (leaded th,' soldier? 'ami pay my own railroad Car Colonel ?'.ant obdurate, Helcht said: "I must reelga, then, sir, and ko home in?, way." "Step bai k thrt id stand al attention," thundered the colonel, lie tent for captain Avery, <>f Compaay ?'. \vii?.ii i-... arrived Colonel Grant said: "Tak. this man tO blS ? ?>lii|>any. siii?, him of hin uniform, and send him out of h?. camp ?n dlsgra . i lab ad t?) make m example of him." As H< i. ht I -i tonel Grant l'hait tails. . I bis -milieu harslin. "Th?' ?camp is overrun with won ?lag les n??' for men." he an iwen ?I. "i . m going to *t?>p It." I found am?.m- the sssn snttra syas? ?ithy with Hel( ht. Not s member of ths I rum corps WOUld BBSS COBBOntOd I gtg/t ? . ;tiiil ? ivery, though h?- aroald not say so hiss* eif would have left ths carrying out of he order t?> Colonel Grant. The ?captain > nt HelCbt'fl sist.-r to Hrooklvn for his and left him la hi.-* tent during he mseterlng ceremony, Hot covered bt the coime, Officers ot high rank, who naturally ra us? d to < mi? i/.? ?'olooel tirant a i laid they kaew ot an sectton of the min iry code aatbortalng suck aMaaarae. 1? i? hi was not yet mustered, and coultl tot be forced t?> enUst When the men retarned from th.? mu? ?ring C?ptala Avery hid s talk with ?otoael Grnnf, and Hslehl wss allowed o go hoBM la peace. Miss said t?. n?. ais shs i?ft that she had never been ,. h. .artlessly treat!..] In h?r life. She ii.i Bbe iiai.i tried several timee i?? <x ?lain matters to Cblooel ??rant, but he av. .1 her aalde without KivlriK her an pportunlty to say g word. i\?lt District Deiiioerntl?? Conven tion. LTNCHBURG, VA . May If.? fflpsiisl) *bs Democratic Committee of tbs Btxtb longreeetonnl District m?t ?here to?day n?l decided !?? hold the c no vent Ion In ?Lynchburg en Tuesday. uly lUth. As yet, no opposition to th.? r.-sent representative, Major Peter J. >t?>", has ?developed Will Thug Knllstf BTAUNTON, VA . May IT. (Special ) - rotary of iii?. gtonewall Brigade i_nd received a query to-day from Colo si J. ?' Ilaker, .skin? Information at MS as to whether the hand would enlist nd how many he could bring. MlUttoSP Store? for 1 ....,,.? NORPOUC VA. May 17.-(Spet?ial.) o-.Imv th.- A'lantie-i'oiist Line forward ?I :oin Planers Paint, under the ?>i ction ??f Mr. J F, Maupin, general for 'ardlnr agent, twenty-live caMoads >.f illltary stores for Tampa. These stores ?re taken direct from the steam? .s t.. M cars. The train goes direct from Inners Point to Tampa without break. Race* Postponed. NORFOLK. VA.. May i - he spring races scheduled to begin to ay at the Norfolk Driving Park Wees BOtpoBOd, because of the heaviness of *,* track. All tht waits were s?.i f?u ard une day. Another One for Maxwell. Officer Wren has SSjeSSSded in working p another ?:ase to the cr*dlt of William tsMWsU, who Is now In jail for thieving, hia time he entered the residence of Dr. lover and atule a lut of underclothing. Till'. IMIII.Il \RMOMt < OX in i i One of (In* Most * - ?.?.eaafnl nn?l ii imhtfiii M?tanla or ihe leaaaa. TI;?' "Initial cun- art" of t!4,..* : I'lailharmonl.? I given in th*? Tenng Met ?jactation hulMiag last ni?ht, m ? no, Thoes who beard I the w ? ?in?-'! " Ctui L thai i; a Ion, but they ma pured for tie 'Mp**;* ? lorrh t??r IBetl at sei stti ii-ii\?. |'p gramme. Prank)y, tbe ; ? ii?*-.vr ogratulati ? rroi i?, a . l marked that i" tokened and iraf. ligero s "i" II i director, and i work, it was the old storj ?gra it effoi and the PbUharasoB i.. kon? ?i among th? ; m., araatag Th? sBuoctatlon m supported by the Richmond F.-m tjaai n win us Brat . ri" araace cam? ?i t a* composed of M s?.| ram?.; Miss Maude Portet prano; Mtos Uto A]: Mrs Hors B. M. Gwethaaey, .-. !l .\t till-"-,, -I NorfoUc, wh?. h so well In - h?-r taleati to great ; i two sei skill, an?! *Mls? I ?lllani. I > pleasiil?'. The programm? i "\\ Bal Car? i H a ... i ?. p 11 bei violin s?.i... "Vretelled " - uiii.ini. qu irtette, ? . a main.) th.? Rlchn soag, "nunpie Avt u ' M Bllaabi ih A. '1 All?-- I ML lain I, | :- . ii'h"i'in,i p, A y later Powell; choni ; o u . (Otto.) b, Pilgrims1 Chorus : -ainhau*?> I'hiltiarmoni?- g soita-a, Aitograato <: Allegro Motto VU ice, 8. ?Iri.Ig ) Ma-?s Dlllatd: q n, \V?-iia.m.*, ?Pretty ! k-.i-iiv. (Nledllngi r i ths ??male tyiartette; ? .-i?.ei,.-i. i<lounod > M "The Word Went Korf tbe KniiBarmonli PERK Ml H 1L UUB MAT! i I I Thai ?ire iieinu, Rayall y Batertalai in Uleli limml? To \\?-?lorrr li.-ll.r The repn mntatlv? i of th a Insurance Company, srbo lending tbe Ifteenth annual ia. the A most enjojmhl? Ui ' iiaiin Hail, the clever i i the oompaay la this city, has be^n ir.?i fatiiiahle |n Us effOri Of tie memornUe, and h? i any <jii?-"--tion. Thus far I has he? n oi ?! rouad of and the * ? tt th Vest. ;? elag Early togeMier with tl t!n- --omi-any, r.iok rai a liv s talty?ho, drove to 0 denes. The k aeral b* I I th?4 door, ami aft.-r expr n al th?* honor ShoS visit. 1 n v 11 ? - ? 1 '!:?' ft tit!, ill al ill led the invit?t time were m??st hoopltatilj Prom th.? !...' i Ittog ill ol points ?if lnt?*r. - M | drove into fak?eld? i' i found awalHng th? m on, prepared by th? The meal WOS room of th?> i?ik jnsti? ? had l>? ' rt ?Jot agents repair.?! .. th? ! WhSN for an h".ir t,r t u . themselv? s can hist evening tb? the lohhy. wht re i mmI . .rt was given I This n4?i a ?>n ths steaawr P whor?4. on the l?...iutlfu! gft fr??ot of Major I win t..* ssrved s toaehooa I by the ?steward of ths W< Club. Ta mus KW morning.- -.. voted to business, sn I nual banquet will he h. Id. Ilrnthera Unit.le.I Tn_ellirr. A Insly Bitsndsd sseetlng of the mV im-mlurs of S?-v.-,.i li-s?. church vas h. I.I leal I - brotherhood of the s a steed. Ilev Mr S?, . m v j - ! aaaaber of th?. leysaeai tamth ? dresses on the future of tl?. determination *.>. . - IS make this one Of th.- lives! aad BSOl powerful churches la the ? The ohjsrt <>f the orgaatsattoa '* ' bring the male tm-mbfri? cl and unify the heretofore s...n-" for good here It Is said thai 'his m a pet Idea of Colonel Cary's. ? Mr. Sweeney lost no time In I to pass. It ts **>d to be hi have organised short?' OABTOniA.