OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, May 18, 1898, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1898-05-18/ed-1/seq-6/

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. *
Dogfish ind An-erican \v?>r.*
Itd Suiting*! ?regular $20 and
$25 values, tilia \\?*?'k
Baiting, that ?rere ?10 ?ind
119.60, this week?
Don't buy a ready-made gar
ment Our ])ii('<'s at\' as low
as ri>ad\ -made ?tin! OUT work
infinitely better.
Morton C, Stout _ Co.,
sp Sl?So.TaAW,toB<r)
Gentlemen's, in Black,
Tans, and Patent Leathers.
Ladies', in Oxford Ties,
Prince Alberts. Three-But
ton Oxfords, Slippers, &c.
Misses', in Oxford Ties,
Southern Bull?n Firjaros,
and Strap Slippers.
Children's and Infants', in
Ankle Ties, Strap Slippers,
nd Southern Button.
Boys' and Youths Kid
Oxford Ties and Patent
Leather Pumpa
121 East Broad Street.
S. C. WEISIGER, Sec'y & Treas.
[my 15-Su,WAK'
Ftock <?f China Mattings, of ?ill gi
ami patterns; Carpets, Run, SBC < ?il
?'loth, Paper Hanging oi all styles end
grades, wli!. h 1 um offering at lote i i
810 cast Main street, Richmond, \'i.
my l-.-.i.ilni
? \ it it 11 h pi.a>s to ni:\\i:\
Infnriiintlt.n Aliont Manila in n
IScxx Iy-l.nnndrled Slilrt.
CINCINNATI. ?)., May 17.-Mr. William
Doherty. an entomologist, lias jn.-i re
turned from the Philippins II
Hongkong and San Franck-?'?.. H?
ths ^punish customs
?ifllcers at lilaila with oompletS plans ot
the city, tho harbor, ami the t??itiiii-:i
lions, and ininutf tUiaiis of thtir arma?
ment, from Consul-Gent rail Williams to
Admiral Qeorga Dearey. The plans ami
drawings were OOBOealed In at n? wly-laun
dered shirt, which was folded, pum
.ml beaded In the usual style, and put
with other clothing In his trunk. Ar
riving at Hongkong earl] In April, as
dettrered ths rapremely important papen
to Admiral lkwey on t!i.- Olym]
KIEHCE FIUE i\ attli-'iiiiiio*.
Miii-ii.'.i -fesseley Kirm? 11 ? ?, ? ,, i
ont?FiniiK'M still Iproadlag
ATTLBBORO*, mass May lv-Firo
broke oat in J. If? Batee**! n.inh-cast'
factory, in Mill Street, la the jewelry
district, at it'll A. M., and Spread to
adjoining building.., and Is still burning
iL.ly. The present loss Is set?Bated
tat 18u?,o?i>j. Nineteen Jeereby Brass ars
believed to have b??en burtu-l out.
Two of Them Iteporle.l to II?* /it
?SAN DIEGO. CAE. .Maiy 1?.-Captain
Leutz, commanding th.* I'm tel I
Steamer Alert, now in this harbor, re
port? that there ere two ?Spanish gunboats
aOf about 150 tons Ht Guayaquil. BcuedOT,
und that they bave been then mach
longer than neutrality laws allow This ''
in the Srsi news reoetaed of any Bpanlsb "
a&rebips Ming on ths e ..i '"
Ameika. The news was given to Captain -
*E?-utz by tho eaptaln of a Paaama | "
Slcanifr which called at Qua) nqull.
FF.tttl't I. 1 til, ?II IM.HI *>IE\.
glx ot Them Demi?Very 1.litio Ho-ie
for Other Two.
BOSTON, May 17.-Eight m? n In the
employ of the Columbian Flre?Proofln(
Company, to-day fell .1 dlstaaos (.f apon
than 100 fett, with un elevator, In th.
building now under construction lor th.
:. *Wbarf Company, on a atreel
Cas ?mm was Instantly killed, fivs Ol
have ?tine? died of their Injuries
In very little hops for th? . . the
ether two.
iih\ %\ to mist! ?v iti:i'i-?ii:> r.
"ahe Oururumo or aaaaaka Makes
Ulm a ( ul.11,,1.
l.IN'i'OI.N, NEU., May 17.-William J.
?<ryan ii to organize a third regiment of
Ktbr-uka volunteere. to tender thai)
ivlce? to the l>re?ldent us s,??, u nastOT.
to. Ooveraor Holeomb to i hlm
teoaunlsslon ? colone, V|((, ^
._L_____ ?he
?i? i,_ ?T lV" ""' ?*>nlghl
I he would accept ths eoaualsslon.
p.?!**'" ?wr *- *-* * * ?ent to th? DUpateh
? .ry bv,v?n pr?m^ ? So?
C .Jr..2 yli 0f W?rk arid P^.~-S
no aura to plcass you.
Tlie>- Are I ?elr?? n? Allies of
Il-rwe*?'???"-?.M?- Amenai Kmpt> ?
Spnnlt.li ?-ill. I.I?- on Dlnrovrrj- Tlint
\ii.iiti.iil?l?.i. xrnn %on-K*il-ilont.
(Copyright, ish by the Associated Press.)
HONQKONO, May 17.-The Meaner aa>
. which has Just arrhe.1 from
Minll.i, with 1W) refugees, chit-fly Chin?-.<-,
reports that tho I'nlted States cruisers
Coaoord and Boston are going to iioiio,
where they upcet prompt capitulation,
and to receptare the America? ship ri.a
raaao, with a cargo of c?.;.i. The hlaek?
>f Manila In extremely rigid, and
l f : n Ships have bc-ii refus, d
Thl rebels are OfMCM a?? lUISS of Ad
mlr.il lnv.'.y's. They are utterly dis
united, finite half <>f them being la ?fa?
VOl of t?\. iln.
Ths ' reeoal was found empty.
;: i Mlqne, of the ertlUery, c.?mmit
ted I . ? I that
th.? ammunition was BOOH
C ptaiin-i. i la ti ring I I
i ?nclliats tin- rebels, and has authorised
the setabllshmeot <>f native eoaadls, Ths
trchMshop Of Manila, in a pastora! Is
.:: the Mh instant, said: "?'hri
Uans, defend your tarth agelasi heretics
.\h?> r.ti<e an iiiMip-la.i.i.. barrier to ha?
mortal souls, snslave tin- people, abolish
BS from c.nict.rl. s, forMd I !
i?. perform baptisai, matrimony, <>r fune
ral rit? s. <>r to administer consolation or
grant absolution."
Pending th.? arrival of troops from the
i states, the Americans defer hoe
tllltt? s ashore.
GIG WTic i i?i? \t ? ? DIAL.
< <?nt inent.i! ( 11 m M ne?( npltfll. a*.".??.
ooo.ooo? ah Firm Wootottma In It.
ST. LOOTS, Maty 17.-The Republic will
say to-morrow: Indication-- petal to an I
?airly eonsumni;iti?.n of the deal for |
organisation of the gigantic Continental
Tobacco Company, it la nnderatood thai
t?ic capital stock of the new corporation
win ha teed at U0M9M?, end tii.tt it win
take In all of the big plug-tobacco 1
Unit? ! st.it. s. i
si* wish itioi'RisAi.s hem \\m:i). I?j
\lleueil Detention at \eiv Vork ?if,
Letters far pala, t
MADRID, May 17.-1 P. M.?The nea j
t thai letton for spa
even i? item mi othei \
Valuabl . '"?'?-' d .'it New I d
1 ork a fed. Tim papers ?I'IBM 1
that the government meks reprlsale tipoi I
American.-' resident in s? ain, especially In . V
..! Am? i li t?
?i? wspapers. i
I rail to lleni.i Sti.in?No. BeWS <??
A .'??..'i ?Blata a l ii.
KEY WEST, 11 ,.\ . May 17?A t the r"
fiucst of Eear-Admiral Sampson, the At
lorm y-Ceneral has SppOlBted Edward In.
Jones, of New Vork, to " I
counsel in the trial of prize cast Mr.
.'?ms will arrive here to-morrow, and
has requested that no cases be taken up
iiitil ttun.
Attorn, y .i. l'.nker Kiriin, of Converse
ft Kiriin, New York, and Attorney W.lh
iuh Mindere, of New York, bars arrived
nere, sad will nj>i>ear for the claimants
of the cargoei of th?. Buena Ventura,
Pedro, Catalina, end Miguel lover,
Attorney Georg.- Denegre, "f New Ot*
. -1 us. ha.?- also been ?retained for the owh
ITS of til" I a. nie \ ?
Judge L?oeks Is here, end ths trials win
lepin Thursday or Friday.
Incoming vessels report that all is
]4a|.-t on the blockatdo Has,
Ths ?lerman steamer ?Pelarlo arrived
?day, ;inil will proceed t?. Habana,
indor a ?special permit from th? Biete
?apartment, Bhs erlll can-;.- s? nor O.
Lo.-k, a prominent cigar aianufactun r,
?f the ?*uban capital, and several com
ipondents for English newnpa* i
Th. re is no definite news of t]
rim only activity of the day in this lo
cality hai been thi ?work of eoalli
I A-A are her?;.
.\. thing Is Known hers of the alleged
iloamg u;> ni .-.M Ann 1c in v?
i l.eli State ? mit entltiii ? ll.il h-r niitl
Skinner in lllller OppoNltiuii
HA!.HIGH. N. ?'.. May 17.-Th? POPO?
it siate Convention met her?- thl
loon, nearly SV? i y county in the Slai.
icing represent?-.,. It was called to ordei
t 5 o'clock by Chairman Fountains ol
Ii?- ?"taite Executive. Committee, ami .1.
!. Schuikt-p. was minie temporary chal?
Senator Eutlcr and Congressman RaiTJ
iklnnc.- at?- in ,*ttt Titlatii? .-, and at-.- btt
erly oppoelng se? ii other.
Senat?.r BUtl? ft appsarBBOQ on the
tage this evening ceased n wii?i borst
f enthusiasm. The convention Is divided
it.? two faction?, and there w;is at great
rrangle over a ?motion f??r the chalrmar
. ?appoint the Committee on Credential*?
?Ma was Butler's proposition, and met
in- opposition ..f ?Skinner Butler came
ut th?* winner, and the convention then
djourncd, ?after having ?been In
>r an hour, until S o'clock
The nlghl session met at the appoint?*-?!
oar, bat ii was %M ?before the chairman
lade his report. A motion to tli" effect
?at sach oongreselonal district retir and
i...i ;i member ??. the Commute?
r?t!?-ntiaii.-, Platform, and Pern
rganlaatlon and a vice-president from
ich district, wa.s unanimously adoj tal.
ia?- ?convention t hen took a net * am II
ie work tould be done.
hat Probably to lit? the I'lnn or ??
Sp utils!. ?.'i I.I nef.
LONDON, May is. Th- Madrid
.ndent at tho suiii.ia.rd. t?l?graphiai
uestlay. sa\s: "The Spanish
Bolutely discuss the expediency ?
m-ntal alliances, which they aff?
inaldsT ens of ths principal objects ol
is future Cabinet. T m Republican
ipers urge an alliance with France and
BIS time agreem? with
? monarchical papers in sspeettag much
.?m ths attitude Of Emperor *vVil
itu. Tho mil ,. rs arc squall)
*n and bltti-r for alliances against F.n
"The Queen ?Resajtii bes saepended all
cepttons am! fes ivitles arrant
Ma.li ill and the provtUOSS on thl
?ii of the tweflth birthday of !i
-day (Tuesday), In view of the wa-, and
s situation In Spain.
'Num.-runs telegrams of sympathy
a-re received from foreign cour'
nut conspicuous being from the i .|
aparar Franela Joseph, Emperor Niche
i, Emperor William, and ex Q
IM "f Spain."
Orders for minting sent to the I>is>pat?.-h
>mpany will be given prompt attention,
id th* style of work and prlc?aa will
? Burs to please you.
i a
A 1
ce i
pi I
ever quoted on apparel of
standard mannfaeture.
Fake s.iIoh will crivenptlio
glfeOBt ?>f fakoisni when lecrit
imate sel] in iris going 00 the
rate of such extremely low
for Mon'* Suits that
people wonder at ?how
thev can i?e produced.
for Men's Puits that
.-in- easily worth (7.50,
for Suits that are ROpd,
legitimate values at
thev can 1
fLQr for Men's Pants tli.it sell
U01" foe f 1.25.
| $1.98
for Worsto-1 Dross Pants
of A i ?pialitv,
for "loo piirs r.lark
W'.rst.etl Pants that are
ly worth from $t 1? <<s- ?
hance for minister*.
Ql*. Roys' Knee Panta, of ?dark,
^v" durable fabric. Th?* ? h ?tii
is ?worth 9C without ?making. Sizes
\ 17c.
Bova' Knee Pants, made
with I'aiteut bands I
seams, ?and hip pocket., Woollen
4Sf N,1VV R'lie tSooot
^KJ*"* Suits, to ggm -_
worth $i.
5)1 1**Z fr. re Wool Suite, to am
*P**?? |A ttiailc with double
?Seats att'l double knees.
gqod values at $2.
a:m\ are
Choice of entire ?2.50
IOC Union Unen Bosom White
yVe siiirts, reinforced front
l .-nul back, and all other improve?
. menta
1 i.SC
1 forXC
for Gauze Shirtsand Draw?
that sell everywhere
?Mother's Friend Laun
dered Waists?a standard
-'<??. arti? I
l?o ono of the first on hand
Mi?] l;ik?- Hi?! advantage of
tliis sale on a legitimate
BURK &C0.?
E. Main St,
?*m 1 1 m%\ 1 t B*a __%*__B t*_FV**^b t*__l emmm%tO*mmm\trmmfA**P*^t*pMl.
? ?tf-nytP*^^ *^B}**m^Bjrr^J**nnmm.ewntmml ernmmf *w*nay*t^rnuj rm***mmp **r**nm*
I a 11t.h ni 111-1 e 11 <i. *?l o 11 tn 1111, anil
oilier Plaeea.
(Baltimore American.)
rl-Kiver dam, sight n
11 I? i.-t, Mont., whl
;..ii sea of construction tor neai I]
,.. reare. Is an acoompUsh?M] thins;. II I
itraordlnary piece of engin
?ik. ranklni among th? largest and meet
iportanl plants In the United Btatea
Be waters of ths Missouri rlvei bavs
.-n turnad in4', the greet reeei rolr, and
s now pnuttng over the ei < t .? . tb
?1 that Is now lacking are the swltch
lar.is, by means of ?bleb ths machiner)
the power-houee is t.. ?be connected with
e ?transformera. Tbeee are > ;
By, anu? upon their arriva] it a*Ul re
iy 01 two t?. make the pi
r connection**. Everj thing, m
tet?n Transcript, win then be In read!
: 1 ths d? llv? 1 1.1 power to the v.?
?us surrounding ?pointa The i?"ints t?>
Ural Bupplled with ?power are th?
t Helena, the Peck c-oncentiator,
Corbln, a.tai in?- plant at th? H? len
(hi and Powei Company, it is
thai as win soon be made
il, i).?- Be ii? lena ?smelt?
ton . t copper win
r cent topi? . are In raadla?
?strung along the pole-line to that
prn. An Id? of the Imm
pn.it>- of this enorme
ir may !? obtained from the
Bt that with the water ?Soaring Into li
the rat ol ok cond
1 fifty-two an?! one-half boon
the helghl of il?.- eater In th.
servoli two I The
Mt <?f ttae ?!:?m .
? n the abutm?sBt walls, while its eatlra
titii from Bhore t?. abore, Inclusive of
; the wurks. Is HI feet it has raised
a iiv.-r t.? a. height <>f thirty feet, whOs
> water la backed up so ah to form a
isrvolr, whlcb covers 1,111 acres. In
construction i?mSM feet of lumber hai
?-ii used. V'.im. cubic feel Of rock, G0.0t?i
Me yards 1 f earth Oiling and
1.-;. jrard of masonry. Work on this
terprtss eras begun ?<n July 1,
ice which Urn? 1175,000 lu.s h.-.-n ex
ude.! for llbor. No ? apt see has 1
tn.i in asecurlng the Aneel machinery
?i it 1? estimated thai the total net
-t of the dam and poarer-hooae win b?:
MM Ths supply of water Is Ines
UStlble, aiaal ilnliriK 111'4 high-Wat?'
1 this plant win easily geaerats l*jB>
rat porn k\ the law-water *
- powei avallaMs will n??t t.e less than
n0-horss pow? r. By drawing ui?un the
- ft -. ?res SbOVS the dim, tile amount
?power el any thae ean h- augmented
meet aay Increased demands upon
allowing ths reservoir t?> again tin
i the water to be n itored t?. Its ai
-hi whenever ths need Is
at aed H Is ? stlmated thai If the
t? r were at uo-a tim?.. to ?be shnt down
m above the ressivoir, the machinen
ii'i sun continue running at its full
.achy for fou- day?. The average
l?sate capacity of th?- plant will be
.x.-lior?. powei which I? said to 1?
ml |0 that >.f the natural pow.;- of
falls :it Low? II, Mas -.
is propos? .i to maks ths most of th?
nderful p'.w.-i- tarnished by Bt. Mary's
in. Mich ii is believed that oontraci
the excavation will be let by July.
the contract for tia?- dredajnf te b
ii. at the Intake ?which luv??'...
dgtng of a chnnn?-i eighteen feet deep
feet wide, and MM feet loag -may !..
shortly. According t?> the complet?*?
ns. the canal proper will
IS and tw.nty-two f. ? 1 deep. The
k In Its entirety will Involve the ex
dlturs of several millions of da
addition to the dredging, there R .,
k excavation of MM fe.-t, an
avatlon of 7,000 feet feet for ths canal
construction of timber bulkfa
? toot lang, the building of huge walla
14.. ?he construction of a
k MM feet long, and the building ol
ranch railway along esa Has of the
ai'8 right of way to eoaaect with th.
tine and th.* Boutb simr.? road?.
In ??nil n I.I.-.
(Detroit FtU? I'resa.) I 1
Md those burglar? steal your family
than that. They walked off
1 my wife's ancestral, colonial, ? .
He Trip? Our Pitcher While Manning
liase* nu.l U Iloth Hissed bj* ?be
rnwil nuil Vnt Out of the Game?
Norfolk SnflVrn II.-fcnt.
Illrlniioiiil, 1); l'Mtemon. 1.
Lancaster, I; lYorfolk, -.
Lonrailrr 7; Norfolk. 4.
Bewaafc, l?s K?*n?lln?, 7.
Hnrlford, If| Allentown, 0,
tinmen Scheduled for To-Day.
Ill? hinoii.l ut l'iiteraon.
Bartfalk m j a a carter?
RsOrrtUfmS nt HeiKllii?.
Ml? ...i. at Hnrtforil.
Ho-rr Ihe Clnhs Sfanil.
Si z
2 - * S ' .. *- - r . r*
2*~\o c?l? o t.! S
F _ l - i\b ': * = ?
< k Z 0. X s -
Richmond .| |77j : . 1| 4\ 1| S| .?M
Norfolk. ;.. %\ *\ || Il ] I
b.le* r. ... il,.;.
Aiientown . i ,.j i JM
Reading '. i . .. i I 2 :. .11.'
Newar? . ? .
i' . tj 111 ir, JM
... , .
PATBRSON, K. J., May IT.?<8peclaL>
A fierce galo swept through Olympic Park
to-day when Umpire Jack ?rciinain 1
pity. Ptvs him.Ir. ?1 tans sat in the
bleach, rit s, while half that numb, r Bhtv?
1 r? ?i in the grandstand. Bchmidi and Vig
neaux occupied the points for the Kich
raonde, whOe Jones and lietnls ill?l the
honors for Larooqne*S men. The visitors
found no difli? ulty In making n ehopplng
1.1? k out <>f Jones? although the eoore
does not show it.
Larocqus u is pul out of the gam.? la
the Bfth Inning fjr the most Inexcu
ball trick I on these
grounds. Bcbml ealtag to third
when Heldrfck ti-.iv./ to head him off.
Tile ball landed on ?Schmidt's bead and
bounced towards the grandstand, Schmidt
.1 for honi>-, and was hat!; way when
Lareoaae, who the third
foul un.?, deliberately tripped the pitcher
threw him heavily to the ground.
Ths fail dased Bchmidi, ami when h?
pi'k.ii ?himself '.?. be iaa ?after Lar.
aia.i was about to strike him when Um
pire Brennen yelled :?t him 1?. ?some back.
The \i.-Lnng team gathered around their
pitch? 1, but Bchmidi was desperate? and
he had to be almo I ??t iggad to the
?bench. The crowd blsesd am! booted
I.aroi'i-uc, who offered his h a 1 ? I t?.
Schmidt, but tit* latter dtnlln-tfl
Umpire Brennen promptly s.-nt the of
fending player to t ht- bench, an?l as be
took ins seat be wa.s again ths object of
oat-calls end hiesed. This Impartiality
on the part of tin- crowd gave the visiting
pitcher h?*art. ami he continue?! the game
as if nothing bad happened. Lai
wss suspended for two days, end Ij<??i
Lyons was ?sent to first base, and put up
.m 1 get i!? nl gi .
The ti? Idlng of Klopf mid the batting o?,
old for ths mil the batting
of Qettlnger and Bemls and the Belding
of Conroy were th? feetun 1 of the game,
In which Richmond outplayed Peterson
at i-v? ry point Th Us the de?
K. 11. o. a. 1:.
Heldrick, 1. f. I t I t
Bern ?.I 1 ;. 1 0
?;? ttlnger, r. f. I I I I
' b.o o it]
Lyons 1 b .I I 1 I I
Johnson, 1 b. #14 11
Ila.I'l? st> . .-. f. 0 0 1 o I
1 ii-l. ha.iatv, 2 b.t? 0 0 1 1
Conroy, a 1.0 1 2 1 I
, 1.I 0 I I u
.1 I M 11 I
It. U. 'i. A. F..
Klopf, s s. 1 i 1 5 0
?Leahy Ib. 1 I 1 1 1
Luti nberg. 1 b. I I U I 1
ild, !. f. 1 2 I I o
Hargrovi ? 1. I I I 0 0
Dundon, .* b. : 2 1 2 1?
k'aln. r f. IBSt I
Vigneaux, c.I 1 0 0
Schmidt, p. 'i o i) 1 0
Tot iia . I
M ; 1 : 0 7 X 9
'.1 00000 o"
IL I..ml .0 4 0 Of? 000 ? 9
Summary: '? a
BaorlAce hll H Stolen
ttlnger, Lg
balls Off Jon?.-, 1; ?.it s? hmi.lt, t Struck
1 : by Schmidt, 2. n
pitched ball By s hmi.it. 1. r.
ball?Vlgneenv, Double plays Klopf,
Leahy, and Lotenberg; Conroy, Johnson,
. ...i 1 aro. qti . 1 "mplra Mr. 1 ;? aunan.
Tim? 1 boor and " ; mlnut?
Ken nil 11 Batted *H Over the Field,
. -.ml Alli'iitoti 11 Heilten.
HARTFORD, <<'NN.. May 17. -ir
, ?al.i -Hartford haul a picnic with Allen
town to-day, Keenan ?ama i? it t ?ci all
the i"t. ami nia cMleagu?s put up a
miserable exhibition In the Seid This
da-sided scon :
It. H. o. A. K.
Chllda, :i).'-' i :; I |
Cavelle, < . f.I I 1 t I
IL..M. -nau. -'. 1. t.0 0 1'?..
rty, lb.I l | | o
Is, it?.i i i, i o
T?te, r. i.?. 2 2 0 0
a b, ?.I 4 | o i?
McMahon, a? a.I i | i 2
Am? 1.2 0 15 0
.0 0 6 0 0
Totals .I."*. 12 27 12 2
R, If. O. A. K.
Cleve, r. f.1 l 1 0
Ilia. h. 21?.0 0 3 1 !
Smith, c. t.I 3 111
Morse, a, 1.| 0130
Sims. ::i>.0 1 2 3 1
Shaffer, lb.1 1 11 u ?.
Moren, 1. f.1 i 1 0 1
Meckey? e.0 0 3 0 |
K- a in, p.I 1111
Totals .7, 8 27 15
CORE BY iNNl.v?:
12.? 436783
H irtford .1 5 4 1 0 :i 0 <? 1 :*
rVllentewu .0S0000020-6
Summary: Two-base hits-T?
n Us <-'?. ?Shaffer, ?Roach? Keooiaa. sacri
Ice hits- I'lri. h, Roach, Doherty. Stolen
ItartfOrd, Ii All?>ntOwn, 2. I,eft on
nun Hartford? I; Aiientown. 12. struck
nit?Ame, Keenaa, Cleve. itoui.l?- ?
"nilth ami Morsa First base on errors?
\mes (2), Ciivell?*. First base on baila?
iff Am. s 4: off Keenan, 6. Hit by pit? h
*?l ball-flrl-h. Wild pitch?Ames. Posa?
I ?ball Koich. I'mplr???Mr. lletta. Time
if game?2 hours and 10 minute?.
Vorfolk Losen Two Game* at Once
In Philadelphia.
lJtNCASTKR. PA.. May 17.?(Special )
.ancuster won a "double-header" from
Norfolk to-day. White was taken out
of the box after the first Inning, ?nd
Sprogel finished It out In fine style. Roth'*
thr.base hit and homo run were fea
tures of the second game. Scop :
Lancaster: P.. II. <">. A. K.
Futtermor?* .2 0 0 0 0
McVey, i. f.o 2 6 0 0
I.elilv, c. f.0 0 S 0 0
Chiles, l b.o i 12 0 0
Ward, ; i,.o liio
Bcbaub, 3 b.o 0 17 1
Madison, s. s.o 113 0
Wente, c.1 14 11
\\ hite, p.0 0 0 0 0
preget, p.i 0020
Totals .4 6 27 14 2
Norfolk: It. II. O, A. I
Kennedy, r. f.I 0 0 0 0
Wheel?.?k. s. 1.1 2 4 6 0
.MiFail.in, c. f.0 0 2 0 0
Kinsman, 1 I>. 0 110
Fox. 1 h.0 0 4 0 0
?;? "rg.\ 1. f.0 2 4 10
WetI.lige, 3 b.I .'! 0 4 0
Wenta, I i>.0 14 6 0
?Berger, c.0 0 s 0 0
1 mam, p.I 2 0 1 2
Totals .2 10 27 18 2
1234 5 6789
Lenca ?ti r .? 111 1.> 1? ?
Norfolk .2 0 0 0 00000?2
Summary: Famed run.??-Lancaster, 1.
Sacrifice hit?Wants. Stolen b
Qeorge 1* ft on baaea?Lancaster, 8;
Norfolk, 11. struck out?By ?Sprogel, 2;
by Poreman, '. DonMe playa Wenta to
Whoelock t?? Kinsman: Ward to Madi
Bonj Wents t?. Wheelock t.. ?Fox; Wenta
" pi x; Qeorge, Weddlck t?> Wheelock t"
\\. n'./. t.? Berger, Flrsi base <?n errors
Lancast? r. la Norfolk, 1. ? ret bs
balls-tiff White. 1; off BprOgl I. :'; off
Foreman. 1". Hit !>y pltcbed baila*? Hy
Whit?*. Qeorge; by Foreman, Bprogel
Fmplre?Mr. T?te. Tim?* of gam?)?2 hours
"lid M mini
Lancaster: B. 11. O. a. f.
Ki'"rmore. r. f.1 ?' I 0 0
McVey, 1. f.0 1 0 .? I
l.-I'ly. c. f.1 0 10 0
Chill |, I I?.1 2 12 1 2
Ward, ?b.0 2 0 3 O
S?ha.iil). 3 b.2 0 2 3 1
Madison, s. s.1 3 2 4 0
Roth, e.1 2 7 1 ?'
?Clausen, 1?.0 0 0 1 I
Totals .7 1?) 27 13 3
Norfolk: R. II. O, A. E.
Kennedy, r. f.l 1000
Wh.clock, s. ?5.1 1 1 3 ?1
McParlan, 0. f.I 3 3 0 0
I'.ix. 1 I..0 17 0 0
Qeorea, !. f.I 0 I 0 3
Wed??ge. 3 b.'? 2 13 0
Wenta, 2 b.1 0 I 2 1
Berger, e.1 17 4?'
Pfanmlller, p.0 1030
Totals .4 M ?7 1". 2
12 3456789 *e
?Lancaster .1 1 000201 2?7
Norf.ilk .O0 1O00 1O2?4
?Summary: Earned runs?Lancaster, 2.
Two-base Mts?Madieon, Pox. Tharee
hlte?Chllea, Both, McFairlain. H'TTi"
run?Koth. Stolen bSSSS Chflen, Pfan
mlller, Bchaub, Wentz. Left on bs
Lancaster C; Norfolk !?. Struck nut?Hy
Clausen, 1 Double ?plays ?Madleon to
Chllee; Chiles t?> Roth. First bese on
errors Lancaster. 1: Norfolk, 2. First
hi on ball?- iff ?'?anisen, 1; off Pfan
mlller, 7. Umpire?Mr. T?te. Time of
2 hour-'.
Nritnrk Wins tin Her Oxx il (iron ml?.
With little IMllicii11>.
M-.WAv.K, n. .1., May IT.?(Bpeda
Th?' local team took Reading int..
to-day without much trouble. Connors
w is wii.i and Ineffective, while carrlck
pitched go?..!, st?4:i?!y hail! until the eighth
inning, wben he lost his ?head, ?and Mo*
itltuted. B
i: II. <i A. F.
Ilallman. c. f.i? 1. 2 1? a
Fiizmnui.i ?., 1. f.L? I :: 11 i'
Caihotm, 1 1.1 3 i?? 1 1
Cassidy. 2 b.' ', 2 I 1 )
Melntyre, s. s.1 ;? 1 ;, 1
tiny, r. f.I I 9 ? ?
Daley, : t?.1 :: 1 1 I
Kotntuse, c.I 14 3 1
Carrlck, i>.1 1121
M? I"aitllii, p.0 0 0 0 I?
la .10 i?; 27 11 1
I!. II. (l. A*. K
". 1 !?.I 4 ?; 1 0
bette, 1. f.i, i 1 1 1
Stratum, r. f.1 2110
1 ..man, 3 h.I 14 2 1
Heydon, < .1 1 6
Moore, 2 i?.1 11:110
Holland, s. s.1 1211
.-lian. e. r.0 0 4 0 0
;..i' O V 1 I?
Uervtn, p.0 u 0 0 0
Mil??.'? .0 0 0 0 0
.7 10 27 11 3
'Mills batted for Connors in ninth In
1 2 I l I ?; 7 8 s
?k ..".rrr7777~T7.._1 " L VI
Keaaiag .'2 0 1 0 ?> ?? ?. ?
nummary: Berned runs??Newark, >.
l*wo-basa bita?Mcintyre, carrlck, Hoy?
goo, and 1 ' ' -man Three beeo hll 1
noun, nom.- run?Mcintyre. Double
play- !i?l Ml Int) re; Moo:.- and
Slater. Struck 'airritk. 2; ?>y
McPartlln C? - i".- ? ; irvin, 2.
i-iisi base on balle?Off ? arri.k, 7; off
McPartlln, I; off Connors, ?;. ?WIM
intensa -Carnes, 2 Hit by pitcher?Kite?
mauHce and 1 Btratton
i-i. Pltsmaartce, and Mcintyre. ?Left on
a tees Newark, 11; Reading, *. empire
Mr. Keiley. lime Of ?-an,?- | h,,ars aiti'i
::;> minutes A"- ndance, ?9U 1.
TUB s \Tio\Ai. LB ICI1 v..
filant* Take llotli ?.nines from the
NRW YORK, May IT.?The ?'.?ants t?...k
..?th games ?from the Benet? rs ?"--:
..- t 1.. tues "f ti.. a! IBty t.. bit 1 ?
L'ery evslly and th?? sccomi by a luck?.
Itreak of battlrg In the ninth Inning.
Shea they w.re four runs behind ths
lena torn, Attendance, 4,000.
B Ore First namt-L It. U. F.
:k .00 4 1 00 I 3 - I ?1 I
?Vashlngtoa .0 2 00 0 0 0 1 0-3 7 1
I'.'i-t?- and Warner; SwalW
1?: I'arrell.
Umpires: Messrs. Lynch and Connolly.
iiu?*, 2 ?bOBTS and lj minutes.
?HANTS. 11; SKNAToKS, 10.
Second game: H. H. F
few York .3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5?11 U |
Washington .502100011 **
Uatterles: Seymour, Orady, and Wm
-r Dtaeen; Amole and Fair.-ll.
Umpires Mssere, Lynch ?ml Connolly.
it:? luUnce, 6.000. Time, 2 hours.
IN, MASS., May 17. -I., wis was
?vlncible to-day, ami -?hut the HrookIyns
ut without a run. For eight Innings not
hit eesmsde, Attendaaee, MM.
K. 11 I
??stun .0 3 0 0 0 17 1* il,' U g
trooklyn .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0? 0 1 :
Batteries: Lewis and Ilergen; Veager
?id ('inn.
Umptree; Messrs. Snyder and Curry.
Line, 1 hour and 41 minut. s.
PITTSUFUO, 6; ST. I.OF18, 0.
?PITTBBURO, PA.. M?.y lV-Taylor wa*
isy for the home team, and ha* two
iut-outs In th?- presea! serles recorded
Kkln.st hlni.
Padden deserted the Plttt-burg Club last
ijjht because or a fine which he conaid
td unjust. Eagan olayed his position
! r
K .
I When Wool Was Free *
you could not buy as good Suits as we placo on
E sale to-day at . . .
The Cloth is every fibre pure wool; the linings hie si i
and tino; the sewing und finishing aro good Ifl ran bt, w.l.i;,
the st> l?> is absolutely perfect.
A verv largo variety of patterns and colors, in?']ii<ling(}'lur.
serge. No MBB telling you how much more than **- |
worth. You judge that when you see them.
Our Furnishing Goods man dot-lines t?> be Otwlooki ?
longer. I s we must make people und'-rstand ?h.it 9.
Negligee Shirts and I'n.l.-rwear aro best bargains [1 tl..- !
Why do people look ;it their money rather thau at wh.it ! I
get for their money? _ 4
0. H. BERRY & CO., |
Main and Tenth Streets. e
to-dsy an?! i?4?' up a good game Attend
.n. .-, IMO* S.-t.r.'L B, H.
rittst.urg .2000 200 2*?t> 11
St. Louis .00 0 000000-0 7
l?atteries: Khlnvs and Seh river; Taylfl
and Cleme:
Umpires: Messrs. Swartwood an?l W.
Tim?'. 1 boor and U minutes.
I'ALTI.Moi:*-* 9; PHILLIES, f?.
more took two games from the PhilHs
this afteradoa with the greatesl ?
Th.? Qaakers need tare pitchers la sael
?aune. The l1r.-t was fairly well-pli*. ?d
liiit th? second was a weHrlness to th?
flesh, and was stopped 00 a.-count o
larkness. Attendes s? Mj
Score?First gam?*: U. H. B
Phllsdelphls.o o o i o o 4 o ?v-? U
Baltlnsore .i o ?? o 3 2 3 o o- ?> U
Batteries: Plfleld, Duggiefoy. and Mc
Garland and Klstier; Hughes ami llowei
empires: Mesare. Kmsiie ami Andrews
rime. 2 hears sad U min?tes.
i gasee: B. if.
Philadelphie . > o o 10 0 0 1-2 t
???Itinioiv. .0 47 20 1 30--17 II :
Batterli i I ker, McFarlan I
Heber; MoJemee and Clarke.
Umpires: .Messrs. Andrews snd Bmslls
r.n .. i hour and M minutes.
CHICAGO, ?May 17. -Poor playing In th.
bird .and ninth, followed by a buncblm
f hits, gave Chicago sn sasy victory
attendance, 10,100. ?Score: R H. B
hi? igt, .o 1501 oooe-u n
Heveland .i 1210001 0- | i?> :
Batteries: Qrifflth and Donaho : Mo
bilster and O'Connor.
Umpires: Mesero. McDonald snd ?' Dai
rime, 2 hours .in?! II n,:nut?s.
Plttsbnra al ?Baltimore.
Clubs W?n. LOBt P. ?'
inclnnatl .1. 4 MA
flevoiaad .M 8
loston .i". I MU
lew Fork .II 8
laltlmore .II 7 SU
Ittsburg.12 1! .521
'hlcago .11 M
phi.I M 471
irooklyn .9 M .474
t. ?Louis . 5 II SM
?ouisvllle .6 H JN
Washington .4 17 .190
rauraampsi iiiminena in Wat Tlasa?
(Albany ArgUS )
Um? I wilt U til?' .IV. mgS
Ittaen slops ths newepaper->iaaa on the
eck, ami naya: "By Jove? old boy, it
ais war lasts n little longer, you'd ?raer
lamoadsl" Be eon ths crowd aboat the
ulletln-boards; n?. bears the newsboys
rylng war estraa, and bs knows the
opnlar lor nt ws?and bs la?
m that it Is a veritable Klondike for
; newspaper buslasse. Um forgets ?the
ther side to the pa tare.
n is true that, In every time of popu
la- es? item? at, when the nea
and oonstantly sought, there is a roty
il'S. ai et 1
deraMe tacreese in sabecriptlyu |*afs,
nd men or lees addition to the b?j
f the advertising c ilumnu - ihe
-man belag prompt to avail bun?
-if of the Inereass of circulation for
ie benefit of bis oarn trade. But all theee
iiiletlns furmehed upon the bulletin?
oard, entnoui cost to toe puoua
.y, Special dispatches from all ths
aportant war poiats are resented to to
the value ??i a news sen Mo u?
aiiy escollen! Has th? ?reader ol them
? of the in ' la the neam*
legtaph ???us. t?. say
limit,' of What must bs i?aiid to the Ott*
?spondeats who ?Turnlsh tinm"' Boms sa?
aiht.-nni'iit may !? bad, OB that BOOTO,
irougb conetdering the foUowtng:
"The Chi ago get Into a
rangle the other day ovei which ha?i
,? mon and b? 1er dispatches d? scrip
ve of Dea - ri tory, la the coures
! the controv? rs> the Uncord published
mile of a bill rendered by the
ostal Telegraph-Cable Company f??r two
l?grame dated al Hongkong May Rh
1.1 May 8th. In the first then
onls. and tht " - In the
tond there ware UUI words, and the
Ua were B.M7.M Thus thst paper paM
r two telegraS?1 <?n two dtQereal days
nounting In the aggre^jte t.. not more
a n uso and 1 hall columna of i-pace,
.- tidy ram of H.7
I'll?- btl r Is to fur
newe; and there is hardly a pa
a- In IBB State of New York, m.?
" smalleet, which ?has not ?made extra*
. 11'.... ;? to m?-? t th? pop dar de?
ind during the prtsenl ?\'it.-rmut.
no Intention t?> eosaplain of a
k of popular appr?ci?t! oa?In ths
the Argue, Ii baa been m? 1- than
Kpeaae featare of the
KM what from
Klon (o Ulr
?i.sl the sairne.
RBC m.i.*ii:\t.
VII,KENS' >N iin'.VMAN.-Mi.a ?BOX*
WILKINSON, of Richmond, .i.a 1 Ma
lEi.IAM *.. BOWMAN, of Lynjhburg,
.. will be ?married at Tree hui, Ken?
aty, Ti BSDAT, ?May 2it
lo.-k P, M. No ??;tr?l*.
IBIOOe '.''.?-1, at the residence o. 1er
iband, Tueeday sfteraooa. .May i7tn.
1:11 o'clock, MOEi.iE B. 0R
e of T. E. Orina, who. with tin. .
Idren and one sister, mourn their loss,
ths LLotli year of her age.
taatas Will be taken over the
rfolk and Western rallroa?! TO-DAY,
Portsmouth, abete the interment wiii
mail.' In Purtlock'a Cemetery, the
iilv burying-groun I,
awi.kv Entered into rest. Tuesday
y 17th, at 1045 P, M . after a long and
-erlng -?flllctlnn. at the residence of
mother, ??)? north Sixth street. MART
oldest daughter of Mr?. Lucy E and
' har?.'M M. Hawl.v.
uneral notice In evening paper,
ulpeper papers please copy.
i.i _ mmmmmmm**.*^'.
rder? for printing sent to the Dispatch
npany will be given prompt attention.
I the style of wurk and prices wilt
l?\M iOBO \H??I M) NOlllill K
v.? Dtsaatere Reported fram il
? ..i.???i alfanas Hnni? Heights
Vy th in m ?h Maesa ?.?i.-ir.i-?.t, ,?,.
Ulan tiled ?Note?.
NORFOUC, VA . M ly 11
trem? nd
, this morning. proMiatn
aglng cr?.| . Ti ' '
stuiY. bowev? i. wea b .
by the han. No sei
portad from down tas ?
- t?a B. P. i:nii:ii?. . v
1 en). No. 1. i'nifotm?. 1 Rank I
Pythiais, of l >
letter to Qov<
rica of 1
vtee, as all 1 ,
Pot tsmouth 1. kVS ht c n
the artillery Is ilk. || t?
???' the Uniformed Rank ol Pyi
a ?II holll" ? '.
The Washington steamei ;-*.
rutlil? r v
morning and bad I
News f?.r repaire. 1 ?? 1
out f?.r Washington
i'lla.r?l .?-ut to a
mind? r < '??k?-, of ?
arrest eleven of his men whs
off with the Infantry
brought back two :
panics, leaving ths 01 n there s*
r?-< ommendation of ths .*
The tWO brought 1
1 ami reit asad. Coma
lo enlletlng sil ti??' mi .
!-.? want.-.
Riehard R
t'Li-night to break down
Marshal Oarrett, 1 hark
... liim.
1 about to haiiiiii?- !itm roagl
! poll? e arrived.
Listen |a My Tnle of War.
(A parody on the ?
f. M*
Royai Hi-'iaii'--. Alpbonoo Mil ?
'Twas Amertea's 1 rr-eat
IIP the .Matine.
Put you bet we II n't even when the nxt
And muke th. tn
for their sine,
? ?, listen to my ta:
.tart.d tin
??ft China's coast, In Mai
tie entered the channel In the
And HOI fl Spa -
< ?, listen lo :n;> Ii
?>n past the forts. In th?
Not ;i ?glimmer
The ?
? >n their vengetul mission, the 1 ns to
o, listen to n
The Meculioch's a-;
??all? rs WOUld DO) I -
1 m I ?. > .. >'.- |udi
1 ?. Hat? u to m>- t.. -,
The t. V.11 waa sm-ht- 1 in
been born.
"Kememoer the Maine," ?ras tl Mgnai
?asm ?:.
Ami In'?, their '
o, listen
The smoke ra
is wi r?. porn to a pi
They could not keep tie " .
And their admiral I I
op- ?,
? ?. list? 11 ton
oad rm.ice tgtt
Although his men did do tl Ir '
xn? y foughl 1 ' e. ?
, age,
And . . -\ g
??, Hatea to m
I 'an.s. ,1 ;t Qttlo Mood tft a to
Rut not at man .1 :
And she ?belched out 1
O, listen to m- '
'i lie un..? Petrol shot
m lain i
Aiad d< llv? -. 1 m ?.-. in eff?
0, listen t?. n.. war:
We knocked tt
?ne.l up t! "i
w- i.t down,
* 11.
o, listen t?> my tab? of *,*. 11'
He sunk their t?hlp* kllk I
Ani bow we control tne ?- .
He ma.!.- Montlgo throw u.? the * * rtge.
And ju-i t.. think, the fun .a.
' ', listen t?i my '.,,
Sampson's taaen th. ?n.
red down their forts ,.f ? ck and
Una In shall ! ive no ?harbor le.
No haven ?>r refuge in whi.-h t?> hi?le.
??. listen to m
The President nas nonored t?
I'heir courage wss sublime, their aim was
What we'll do for the Done will bs A !'
Well lower tn.-ir nag
". list, n t<? mv tale of war!
icichmoini. va.. May II, vert. ML B II
Carda, Bill-Heads, BUtomoStS, Letter
Heads. Note-Meads. Jlicul.ir?, llmid nil?.
Dodgers, Ac, printed by the DiipaicB
Company at low prices. W II ?give you
|ood work at same prices you i>??y for
nferlor work. Sand us >our orders and
ve will auarantee ?atlsLwUjn in every

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