\\ HOLE NUMRKT? lAtU\*> _ mZ ' ,**r~*r^ . ** ,-".-... . ?. *n~n ri-TlTJL-lA /MMTTOI1B
Virginia's First Regimes! How Only
Awaits Orders to Mo?.
H Shackelford Gels Enough Men,
and They Are Sworn In.
Ml Relieves Lieutenant-Colonel Roller,
Vito Had Been in Charge.
rit or i in: MM \m/ \ i kin.
j |ar| el the I'I--I<1 nuil Stuff Oflli>rri,
/mil ?>f <!??* oillitT? ?nil Ifea I'oin
| 1-inli ?if (hi- Tvielvu C?im
pitiii?-??>o Drilling- Ta Day.
? I at Virginia
a. ;
2 by She
'upturn Shack -1
rJ_y afternoon, after which
Um chut
) \\ . I ..
re Mastered In. Th*
m u.a. heb irg yeeterd ty,
h et the twelve com
muster In of C
was s bou! 4 o
was nearly 6 uhsa Col?--!
Campb?U, n
dlterfcun ?
r. ?*, wl. -.
Shanks at
t the h ... ? ad i ? -
k<jr to do the ?ame. I
d the oath which hound
:.'i al
te tl
' . ?111?-!?.
! ,'kk.r? "i will" MT.IS- olear and
r.t.A whbo ?oui? one ?aid he ?Sidn't
?.'" - a ?i rr.y
ig on that aubjeot when ths call
.? i.'-r fat her v.d5 . to h?
\n\ tiu ir>m har, n\.
. I Ll\
- .. u j? pr i
.er, and an proud of father
lit?, miin
a.t?.n wns muetered in
aft? r ?
two hoepii
it i o ich.
| or.
and adju?
B C. P?j> ? . -..
. aa
Robert IT Caldw?U. oaptiln and ast?ls
M. U. .'?.if'-o, captain and quarter
end chup
' Allen. Alh-n II. Bowles and
Immediately u 1 in,
immand oi
camp. relieving I.
r, who had l?e>-n in Command
tUio* he waa i
?. ?..
W. 1. ?Holt, Of
. I.
in compai
:.t of the I
t th.,- foil
eadquaytera Camp i. \ nia,
: heve authority to
I? d ?ueh i*. mea
reaatvi tl
t this ci-:
I f .
I .-morrow, M: ;
rirt-t Lh ;"t
if the
.: -..;
1 '.mpnny K, .inih-mnn C'liar?!, AVood
W. Bagn
1 Bert .---i':-!; \'. .'
C l? ,. k C.
IL. I'- v..
. a. Walla? s B.
. I ? I '
' I
liaos H.
Bdwai F F- o- '. Cta??rlea I*
i tard?
j. j?ii' ?.
C. Kr? n.
as W. M.'i'.'I
ai, Robot M?
.?II,-. William
Barry E Paf?
L P< '.man, Loreaao c.
i l'?>.'lard, J ejHl M.
i - .'.
i r n. i; '. f. bert
t Sh|| - W'.tl.e c< S?tffell,
1' Hh*-rl<?ok. J de, Hufh
-h Mm???-, Thomas W. Kitchen.
'-.,.,?ut.? st. Walker Muht Oaerd,
It ii-Unio-id.
Captain? w. kumm'II.
lAemtjoajite?JL. W. Miller, R. F. Dues- I
S*rntut\o~-R. B. Northern. W. B SobO- \f
s.o <?jrua<-twBiaeter? M!. M. liowlu Ed- I (s
r ? ? ?*
win Oooha, U r. Matthews, Felix
Oorporale-J. c Welk??. C P. Hill,
- N. Wllaon. A R. Adam?. II. C.
Paw, r*. i). nu?t.
Muelclane-J. 11 Eltvmm. C. Gaawr, Jr.
Artlflcer-A. WVtkliiii.
Wegoner .1. HA
J'1"''-''' A. ?, \r..!?-rson, W. t?. Ath
jars-ft, R. .1. it.. i a i.. Banntoter, w
M. Barker, U. Be aetela, n. Beruateia
R. M Boiaeeau, .1 i. Brady, vv. u I
c. R. Brooke, i: n . i .i. Bsumm
* J Cawl? *.. i. ? der, J. R. Cook?, j.
" Coyle, i;. W. '*w.,!di*i, R. E. Clop
ion, 0 v. i-.- - i p. Dei] <". n
J l l'i /. . ;<k. 1. Fleaenhetmer,
"A. I'. GttlanL 'A | <Lt. . ., >. J. ?'. ?lay
ward, a. 11. u ,j g] ,h. a. Houatoa, ?'. C
Hudson, ?'. D. Hecter, H. T. Jones, C
W. Kin?-, n. u l?truto, ;. B. .?-si?. J.
L. Lus ford, J -.-. f F M?
Maller. .!. , Millar. H. A. Mil
W. I:. Queries. H. T
Itlson. .1. V. R ) Ji . s ):. i; , :
W, t. ??..I..-H i ,. .
"\\". Seiden, J, i
W. T. Tlu-nor, .1. T. *W
V. ,i. WOkins, i. m *** nun? a mann, ii.
.1! \i,
W. V.' < ' . .y. .11.
? i?ii.|.:iii ?', I!arrl??inl>ur_.
Capt s lUhran.
'.. ir Richardson,
Baeond lJ'-ut naul -Hugh m
) . -
v,arU A.
:,'. Jr.
! Phillipe, Ti
T. Morrison, Walter v.. Conpton, Philo
Bradley, Jr.
!. .1
i:. Smith, H<>? or A, -n
Horner, v , B
I.? xrto.
Mui lai a- Ai I l:- U Ou rar, Bhel
Artlfloer?Wn -mi c. aSprlakla?.
pri- Chapar C.
aafeH.-r. 1 : ClUW?
. S. Ihllh
Fran! :. il. anem m,
m ? .
Bddli r, John P.
.; ?'.
' T. Cr LtS, S! Ua al H
] ? * ir ilet
m A.
I s II.
-i W. T.??
i a n Iforkan, John W. m
John K. m 'Kay. w HHam ml? k.
William v.. N: . f',-i, . Tbo
r. Pence, ?Edward B
Phillipe, John i?. Remey,
.1.-, k R temoore,
Robert il. B m m. Rob? ri a. Bh
n? tii F. Smith, "W Uli
Ram n. Bulllven, Job L
Newton O. Sh iffi r, l
Thom m T. ?; . Ilvaa,
T* White, Water W. Wtoemaa, w. i W.
Company II, of Wythevlll?,
lato?Willi lent
T. Mn???)
. Ueuuuiant -Robert i*-'. Spli r.
k Wllaon,
:. <;
?-Percy Hoir, Krank II.
her M. T'mbr?
-. Th.jrna? .T. Brallay, ?'harhi?
W. H ?a ri.-, M -n it n. John i'.
tries av. Oose, Net mal j. .
Mu? nnley i?. Dann, das
t?. I'? ?liiLO.
< .L.ri. ..i.
Ephraim A .. 'f.
i, Heel
, : ? tender 4
t T. ? ' ? i . an N i
\ '-.* '
i mer, i rgn P. ?1 her,
John W. I >
tin J. ?*"".
W. Hall, '
T. H.ll, M.irlt
Vr. James T. I A? ?
? lharl? - J.
- Jam? i H. Kell
Ma.iily il. Kei -ai. r. William U. Ku
,i B M?
. ?*. My, a a, Jebn B N.-i&ier. J
i..n, ?Samuel B. !'? "it ihn- ? > ?'. Pas
???it-h K. Porter, Charles M. Ritter, R -
i,, m M. E .? im?-s l>. Bound?.
Rob? : VI. Smith, .lames A. *J:
Thomas ?'?. Tipp itt,
Will lard, Robert T. Wl 1;
(.mi pit n y 1-L, l.> iic*hliur?r Zonave?.
n-- Rahert it CraifhiU,
tirai * B Percy.
Btscood Ueuten -J II Burahem.
Guy M. Lanshorne.
I Allen F. at,
-William T.. Ii It, J"' n ':.
b iu**jtiN*jriu. va., suxsuAi, tuai _? 10^0.
r?rtt/-?^g**r ?mfr
7/etv C/or/e Jferrald.
M i'. <?ham, Robort a Williams. Hnrry O*
Corporals ; ;*. Maidach;
" 3 in .-r. Banry j.. Tjrhnaon. i/jui* it
WtogOeld, Otoorcc T. Pleasanta, Harry P?
Mua-a [home D. Lewla, w:i
lam f. M?N
i ink 8 Moore.
K. Pulka
!.. And? i m J
'. Andrews, Hoary a;.
\ ArmiHtead, Jr., Bad
... Hrlfbtuelt, F iff? ' :-, a
>, iLroiiko, Arth , il
own, i ? ph L Brown, j -
i*ard if. Cunada, i-a.. .. Carter, ;
fathaniel w. Croxten, E?dward a. Dof
'. \ olney j?. ! ?ff? i, ? ley.
: ii. r. bet,
i. Joi.n O. U QO*f?
, Jam ? ) m i fge L He r*
on, J?.hti I). Htokek, Ddward Hlckaon,
linn? ? B. 1 mi, ?
W. J?rr>, Mu John Ik
. Walter B. J?I 'Lau, 1.? Roy IT
tarn, Frgnh s. Layne, William ?l
.i;.ne, Raadolph C, L -, Rob? r. i*.
m B LonSi Robert n. bout
W, Lesrinf, George II. IfeCOr?
Edward M. Messier, Rob? rt m. I
. Robert P. N'o.*l, Thomas L. '
Praateu T. Pedaett, WllUasa '?.
liman, Bemuel R. ?Juarh.s*, George F.. '
William P. Boott, William r. ,
y, William Bhands, i*'.iniii.-l J.
mith, Aehton O. BoutbalL James il. B- ,
tepbeneon, Ralph ?. Thomas, George (
'i bontpeon, Jr., Patrick Tarpia,
Toma* i: Wllklason, Robert L. WH"
ama, Joseph H- Wineton, James ? ?
V'itt, .Turnias O. Wolfenden, Robert M L?
i.ntp-iuy V. n<innol?r Machine
Captain* Rol SU i'*. Taylor.
Plrsi Lieutenant?Jaaaaa O. B. Palmer. '
. Lieutenant?Harner (?. Hofan.
First Sergeant? Frank W. Thoauu*.
.--rKeant?Owen A. Vol- 1
Bergeaute?John B. (Jenaer, Leonard A.
Stuart U. iieer*,?, aRobert li.
, . i a!?? Howard O. Ptuff, J_lnd.*ay tn
<? orge ?*. Rosen, Nogetoga :...
Aade, Frank L>. Strother.
Musloiunb?M.nk Kllcoilen, ?Charl.*? K.
Artiilcer?Aithur B. Footer.
" a Hgenet*- Charlea Q
Prteatea Parid it- Abeolom, ?c?ir. i..: r.
ihaurv H. Ri?rkn. J.,.
.. 'i, .. .??..un a. blanken?
a!; i r D-Uttoe, .' ' i.rclifiehl,
an O. Boiton, Chttur Imllard, C. R.
?ritaer, Jame? W. Comer, Harry L, i or
?II. Waltur B. l'ai-, Aaxva A. Dexter,
i a. L), Llaweod <i. Piggat, Cari
.. Freeman, Edward P. l'a.-a.- James R.
???.t?*, OUatoa ?.:. Fleet, Robert ?M. Fleet,
lenry 1?. Fraado^ John C fry, John T.
"lit;:. Tbomaa J. Hin? ?, J i'ii A. Kaimp<(,
s. Hawklna, Otto C, ITsso. Frank,
. .laick. Arthur L*. K ii try W.
IL Kj ?pi . Edward B,
ai?. B. Light. '1 L- . - B M'a
., George w. Methews, Henry a.
*-Liiinond L*. McCllntOck, (,'?ora<e
F. Martin, Jjm?:s il. N.a. ./.,?
V. Ob.-nsheim, William C. Oney, Waiter
.. Padigo, Wallace E. Padlgo, R.?b.;it L
adlgot Joseph B. Robertaoa, J. W. Kod.?
. r, Anthony <". Shrud'.-r. Blythe K.
myth, lL?'iaijL_7iln V. Baunders, William ,
i T ,mkln, Walter W. Wade, 1). t?. ?
Falker? Joh_ J. Ward, Marlon O. Webb, ?
.'. Weotton, Hale Woottoa, i
'h.?h?ls H. Smith, Frank IT Williams, ,
Tiarle? w. W? limuth. Rudolph ? Wal* ,
its, Henry L. WOOdOOB, ?Ohg W. Creasy. .
om-iany G, Ronnokr M?ht Infantry
Captain?Ballard P. Hatcher.
Fiist Utut.'nant?Qeorure H. Bentley.
Bt SOnd Lieutenant?John W. Hanrock.
First Sergeant?William R. Engl^by.
?.??nariernianter Sergeunt?Richard A.
s? i ?L-ants-William II. B. Looinr, i
leoeh Vaugban, Claude M. Spees?*, ?fohS
'. Brittle.
Corpora!.*?William W. Hanson, 0??-.'ir
T. Wright, Thomas M. Hiltashlm-v, Jamen
o Htr.i?, Bdwlg C Bennett, Thomas W.
aS>I>iridlrt. Jr.
.Musicians?Wade H. l'ayne, Munge P.
ArtirU-er?Hor.ire T.. Rykea,
Wagoner?B -b. rt L Ryan.
Psteatee Oheriee B. Bordea, Champ 'r.
., pu L. 1: -n i vit i, <;? rdon i?.
. I' l?tv.
.'. tillara (
a m. Robert H. ?aarton, Thom-ts R, 1
aett, i^wIh F. Biitteln, William W. Cal?
vin, Jym.M P. Cairnei;-;, Robert C. Ci.iw
f?nrd, WKIlam !). Gbfer, Benjajnln F.
Cook, William C '?. Jonathan .-*.
CrabUl. Ragtnald W. Dally, Arthur T.
Dey, N'hk j. i',,---., Frank F DOlard, Wil
liam K Davldeop, John B. l'avis, John
W, Dupoy, Thon l gleby, Jaeob n.
Oro saman, Chartes B, (?-sggln, Andrea
m. Harvey, Herry w. Harria, Frank U
Harri?., o-- ?r w. Huddleeton, J.s.-ph I'.
liai mon, 'Thomas il. J.'nn'-on. Colin B.
Junkiii, T.. ?> w. Kaeehegen, Charlea J.
. John E. i rfe w. MlseU,
Frank P. Moore, William W. McNeal,
lames H. McCllntock, William O. Ni.-k.-il,
lames .m. Helms, Charlea E. Paul,
Braneh H. E Ii?>rt S. Pollaid.
William J. RlderiouM, Wllllngton M. Rol
>?, Charh 1 W. Roller, Jam.-3 S. Royer.
lohn J. Roop.3, Jofwph t}. Starkey, Pat
k Pulllvan, Char!, s B. Kummen*on, Wll
?am E. Smith, Thocaee B. Banadera, Ro
Liert W. Trmnelne, Thonsai w. Treni
laorgS Van law, o^cir W. Wood?, ?Ro
ll W. WOOd, Mail'?'Ulis J. Wood, Herr
en? H. Zink, Karl M. Zink.
< ..iiip.-ii? * V, ."-n. Ilavl? Hill??.
Captain?Wlni?fldld Griffin.
First Lieutenant?Thomas A. Johnson,
nd Lleut?Miant?Lewis W. Lang
First Sergeant?Ottoway Willis.
Quartermaster S")r3tiaiiit--Thoma9 T.
Sergeants? IIe-nry Forsyth, ?ames W.
Hurt, Hamilton Johnson.
Corporal???Walter Willson, WllllHtn
- S?L
f s i ama
'-. *- ? - 2?. : :
Wimmer. Benjamin T. Tlnsley, Erskli
Whlt?-. Walter Hall, Warren Witt.
Musician:?;?Flunk Lester, James 1
Artificer-John Oanrt.
Wagoner? Harvle M. Moore.
Private*?Clark Akers. Frank Aker
Samuwl Beatty, Douglas W. Beatty, Jen
Barber, Robert o. Bibb, Jam?m EL ?Balai
Baratea Breara, Kirk a. Brown. Chart?
Mount. Walter R. Bryant, Furbush I
Rallard. Robert Butler, George W. Bum
main. John II. Bowttaga, Kobert Blanker
ship, Walter P. K. Bradahaw, John **
Barnott, Prank W. ? 'an ??lay, Charles I
?'arty, Marvin Cecil, t'.-orga A. Chrlsmai
Elmer A. Cord. Robert N. Cornett, Joh
W. Creaay, WiHtam L. Chnrlton, Law
renne O. Drummond, Joseph T. Dunt
Kellly Evans, Jatnes M. Klsher, Ra
l-.irm.r, William M. Gravele?y, Elliott II
il"w?*, John Hurt, James P. .I<?nn-I
Prank ML Key. Cheeley H. Kenney. ?es
ter II. K.ister, Nathaniel I* Lawrence
Wheeler P Llnkous, I?a Verne Lawton
Walter Moran, Andrew J. McDanlel, Ko
?Vit McLetnure. John P. McKee, Eufeni
D. Mundy. nies <:. Numen, Willtun
Neighbor^ "Wiiis Pag i. Page
Elbert Price, Bebst I S. I Cabal
I'rlco. Early PHe, Aioti?o V. Stump. Wil
llam Smith, Eitel A. Shf -11.
Sears, William B. Beendera, Ennls H
Thompson, Thoraaa E. Thompson, Wt!
liam E. Viokers. E?l-,va-r?l l_ Womack
Charles B. Wiliord. Robert E. Wells.
Company I, Gnard nf ( ommnnweallb
Il i. Il P1..II-I
Captain?G??orge S. Sliaek?*li"or?l.
First Lieutenunt-deorire N". Sklpwith.
Seoond Lieutenant?Beverly N. Hart
?Sergeant??Powtiatan D. Overtcm. John
aoh. Rob? rt T. Guthrlrt;.
S Mille, Rloliajrd J. Overiou, and John
R. Bedford.
Corporais? Rup-ert L. Vanghan. Madlasen
c,. Trioe, Carter I. Carrington, Martin 8.
Strinsffellow, Gray B. Amos, and Alan
S. Wilson.
Privates?"Thnmni .T. rvntslns. Charlie
W. Prcntls, Robert R, Baker, Oeonge O.
Klnkhous?*. Jtillatn C. BoOher, Robert W.
Boacden, Ejdwerd R. Brown, Oteroaea n.
Brown, Powhatiin i>. Baee, BgajM?a i>.
a, ?*>?-?> ?'. B?-aun haiiiip. Andrew S.
Burks, ? Bewlee, Jemsa s. darin,
Walter F. Clements, Charlea F. Carter,
Rawleigl) D. Carter, Remue) D. Crutch
ield, ?Michael Colline, ??"?-org? K. <'?>n
waiy, Th'iiivis E. I??>hin, Paul B. El!v"?n.
William H. Poeter, Ralph E. Fraator,
Arthur U*ig-nn, Benjamin F. Hou nil.
Jemes F. Basteare, Andrew i: Bene
sr, Cyrus w. Harding, Cyru? Herd?
Ing, Alea R. Harding, William E. lien
ilrlnhaon. Lorense w. Haie, Louis s. hui,
W?eiter B. Harper, Georgs a. Joanlaga,
Jacob j. Kell, Edwin Loving, Joseph B.
I.ewton. I,eo L?'e. I.uth.-r F*. J.l?-klit.*r,
Aro-IWe McK.-.y, lohn I*. \f??rrlB. Bunle A.
Mit. hell. G?*iirge C. M?rriman, AleUM
<)ek-Mi, Thomas Port? i, James Puntan,
Raymond Palm? r. John I'.llover, Jr.,
toi Pierce, Georgs Powell, Albort
Roaee, J??hn, Btauhofee Reherteen,
doorgu W. -, Nathan L. Spriggs.
Beward Bhsppa, Albert C. Smith. Robert
R. Saunder?, B?>bert H. Tho?ips.>n. Wil
liam H. Taylor. Cornelius Timmen*,
Times Fernen, Quetavus Wagner, ?Patriot*
Woo?4h, (i<'(?r<e HL Wiute, Eddie Johnson,
Kxlph Mllbui-n, and Jam?? IT Leitch.
Compila y K, htaantoa.
Captsrln?Rlchar.l 8 Kur.
1-Trst-Lleiit.wnant? William J. I'orry.
Bsnond lisnleaant Partei i,ration.
First Bergnaab?Jeoeph ML Lushberg.
r?e ramajes fli rgi sua?Dennto Brow.
Corpa lele R?gens v. Black, M-^^n
Deoas, Char]*?* W. Hvain, Hurt 1!. Sprout,
.lohn <;. Wattai, Eugene P. Summet s.
Maas?Lather a. Gaw, Fielding L.
Artlfleer?Cornelius M. I.amh*rt.
V. ? - .?- n.-r MiUs I-'.-, a
Priratee?OKrot H. Almarode Laap IC
Baller,"?! <;. Baylor, James A.
iL.itl.-y, I?aa?: M. ?artley, II ;rry M.
Bdgar v.. Be ? Hugh C Bran?
rlner, ?'
I'nrroll, Thomas A. ?Carroll, Rlcbard H.
Catlett, Howard Chapasen, Everett E.
K?lner, William M. ColHns, William
-, Richard if. Corbln, H.i^h H. < ox,
i? r s. Cralg, wniiam T. Danler,
Henry M. Dunlop, John A. Farley, i
lend L, Footer, John c. Fry, William
C. Fulcher, Joseph vv. Gayhart, n
ford c*. Qilkeaon, Jaases F. Gorman.
William i>. Gray, Tratera Harnea, tii
.!? n ?i. Henkel, David E. Hulrey, Jaases
w. Kenii'-iia Aeh P. Rester, Brneel !..
(Cibler, Harry M. Lambert, Harry Miv,
William M. Maybush, Chartes I?. Mo?
Clung, Harry T. N'.wiu.iU. John H. N
Arthur Peaoo, George C. Powell, Svi
v. st.-r C. Print*-, ?h i r l?-s B. Rail
E. Bawling*. John W. Rice, l?i.-h
ard Rlppetoe, ?Sore?se L. Roblnsoo,
Thomiu s. Rogers, Bohert G, Rosen, Wal
lt - m. Ryan, Bdwia B, Bchasacber, Cari
? - lenrey, Walter T. Hhuit:*.. Harry c.
Huai h. ?Philip C Smiih. Ricbetd B.
Su,il h. H.-nry L. Snapp. Leonard lt. Splt
? r. Joha w. Bottier, Jean? ? R, Thoasea,
p Woodrug, Ki.Liii'i L, Woeo>
M?, Daniel E. Young.
i ubiiiaii) I.. Portsmouth Klfle?.
Captain-Edwin W. Owens.
Fir?t Lieuteneat?Jeta w. Loigh.
Second IJeutenant?William R. l'artlsh.
Sergents?Jame? L Bu.??h, William L
Dillsbury, Charlea E. Stete, I>?roy F.
Vanghan, William H. Brown, Richard A.
< Di poralti?John J. N'obrega, Charles T.
Rudd, Harv. r Davis, Jet^*e I* Duff?e,
Amos J. W?.-ston, Henry A. J. Smlts.
I>rum mer??;?.-< arge H. lrumzr.
Bugler-John W. Hodges.
Artificer?Ibury EL White.
Privates-Elijah RJcsbetta, Ijottta BanR
John M. Barnott. Charlea B. Conna?t,
George O, IXgga, Walter M. Jwffee,
Prince A. A F?W, Nieholse Goit-tewall,
John C. Galliger, Btnjamln F. Godwin,
Albert Gey, George A. Hawes. Fred,
Hunson, John J. Hunt. William R. HIM,
Enoch J, llarlcw. John E. Janrie, Arthur
K-u-hiun, l?loyd A. Ray, TVevlll* La?
touche, Jo* Lane, Snmuol A. l.?*?-roy,
I?n.-vcy A Lang'-wlcz, Jxmee J. Murphy;
William H. Martin. James W. Miller,
William H. Miller, Clifford I* P kr,
Ernest PendM.-n. William B. i .
Henry o. Rouse, William A. Ru
rington J. Rhodes, John Sterke, Tl. uns
Seiin.i? r?, William HL Bahrell. K <?<rt
Snodgrlss. Patrick J. Shelby, ?'.,?:!*
Sha.-kboch, Henry 8. Tyler. Henry Tt,
W hit.*. is. White. Krncst C. Wal
-..rv B. W I Wlng?
irl II Wright, H?--.rv J. T? ri.-ll.
.\r. ii.rris. Netnantol FrntottjA
.1 i m.-s H. Young. James Walsh, John W,
John W. Perehral, Joseph M.
I>avis. Joseph T. ?Sullivan. Paat*ri**er. Co*,
?Francia W. Ntiit.-r, ?Peter Lynoh, Um
McI>ti_rmon, James KllgroW, l?*-*>rt|?** V,
Smith, Jiitiius L. Gay, ?Georg* ?P. Reotigh,
Richard T. Powers.
? iiiiipiniy M, Kl? l?iu?n* Graya,
Captain?O. Gray ?ossleux.
l_??ui??nants?b\ M. Woen aad T. D.
Bargeeata?A H. Gary. j. C ?Cherry, J.
H. Evans, IT P, TL.. mit, L. D. CheiTy,
?> K. Gilbrii k, quartermaster.
Corporuls?J. E. Genisoa, F. B? Jenes,
P. Miller, W. K. Thursrton, T. J. Var.der?
griff, and I^roy Speights.
M u?loiu4)ae~Charlea Cupp and J. R,
Warfoner?W. IT. Pearson.
Private*?W. F. Andrews, L. M. Bend?
all, A. A. Colman, L. P. Cro*ks. W. R.
? airper. W. J. Carp? r. a II. Cheat!.* W.
E. Connor, A. C. Clark. W. T. Chowder,
J. V. ChaCln, K. E. CrawfcxA M. L.
Davis. J. 10. mils, L W. Urn*. L. A.
Fowlcx. vVT IX Ford. B. L. ?3*T*rtso*, C
trnetf IT H. Hubberd C. A. Hogp,
artm.-in, W. Hogan. W. M. Ku-coutt,
G. B. How?** I, G. E. Jobfistea. J. D. Jonee,
W. M. Kiniai'vnt.v. I. Kahn. J. H. King,
E. O. Kelly. W. H. Logan. J. I* L-ohnma?
J. L Lipa-veomb, R. B. MitcheU. A. J. Mill?.
.1. M. MeCrehaa, J. l* Mooney, w. R.
Parker. M. F. Parks, O. E. Prttehard, W.
T. P.'i-ratn. F. A Rogers, C. P. Kqm, D.
Rip-pel, J. A. Rutherford; R. ?Scott, A. L.
>n, H. Kl. Sto-*?*?. D. H_ Havmd-M**,
K. F. Taylor. J. T. Tickle, W. B. Tickle*
S. E. Viek, W. Valentina W. II. VatWbe?
hoff. C. a Wllldns, W. W. Wililama? W.
K. Walke, C. B. Wilkinson. U S. WhR*.
J. S. \\ il.ums, and J. N. Watkbin
Repart of * a-rai Battle as? 91**1*?
? Tsvelr* Spanish Skl*pe.
(Ce-pyrliTht. 1S9S. toy the Ase-x-laled Pea sa)
'CAPE HA?TIEN, May SL-A passai?
ger from Port de Paix, who arrived en
th* Ha?tien steamer to-day, brought a
rumor that a fight had taken placa ett
Mele Si Nicholas, to which twelve Spaa?
l?h warships had been sunk end two
American warships disabled. Th* report,
however, lack-? confirmation.
Mole St. Nicholas is at the northwestern
extremity of Haiti. It is not at all im
possible that the combined American
squadrons of Sampson and S-hley ?uid the
Spanish squadron under Cervera bav?
met at the point Indieatrd In the dtspat<*-h.
Ike Goes Into Commission? Ho?
Ottteera? Accident.
NORFOLK, V.V, May U*' (%SCJaU 41
formidable addition to the avallahl* navy
wad made at this yard to-day when the
United States cruiser Newark went into
SlinilUlSBtnn The ceremony waa very
H'mp'e. When the crew and marine
guard were drawn up Captalrt A. S. Rai>
ker's flag was hoist. 1, and the pennant
broken out, the naval post band play
ing ' Th<- StaJ-Spaii?jle?l Banner." Cap
tain Barker in on**? of tho best-known o!B?
cers In th?> naivy. and has, aire* th?? 1??
winning of tho war with Spain, b? en, a
memb.-r of th?? (strategy board in Wuih
ington. The following other officer* re
ported for duty oa tho Newark to-day:
Lieut?-liaiut Commamd. r W. IL Turner,
cinive olllcer; Lleutmante W. F?,
. a. ?'. Poundatnaa. J. H- Gtbons,
R, P. H. IT Bryan, and C. B.
Britten; En-inn Albert Houston, aide tu
?'aptain Barker; I <*r C R Wil
liams, Surgeon G. E. iiaxmon, Actbtg
Asslrttant-Surgeon H. A Bunn, Cblef
Bnglneor 0, P. HoweU, The other offN
cers will Join the ship n.-xt week. The
Newark hag b n here for about fifteen
months?, and a giant deal of work has
i u done on her. She ?curries an arma
ment ?if twelve 6-ineh guns, besides a
number of smaller onea in h ? ?eoOndary
Mr. Charlie Gayle. while et work on
the Newark this morning, fell down g
coal-bunker, cutting a painful gash la
ii* leg. __
Patal Accident at R ad ford?Sheep-?
Killing liopn.
EAST RADFORD, VA., May tL?f?pe*
rlj'T-Mr. Jamao Caldwell, of BMoprfag;
was struck by an engine and instarais
Glied Friday morning. He wanted la
pass a crossing, and a freight train was
standing in the way. He crawled und?!
Ehe freight train, and Just as he raised
s struck by the pusher engine and
p-killlng doga made a raid on the
lock of J. N. Klnser a ffew days ago and
a eighteen fine lamba. It Is luul that
t worthless cur should destroy PW worth
?f hh??ep In ono night, ami the owner
iave no r*??ours?e but to kill the dog. II
h.- .lug were personal property and as?
' 'tai'l tho own? r made to pig for
Us worthlessnoas, there wouhi be more
h? ep and fewer dogs In Virginia.
Judge George B. Cassell and wife oele
ath analv-M-sary *f
marriage at their home Thursday
A large number of frlenls were
(he Passes Away al the Home of Res
l:?l)-Mrsu Bernard Pttaer. formerly ol
'ail.-m, Va* died to-day, at the residence
>f her son, th* Rev. Alexaad,r FlUer. In
his city, of heart disease, after an 111
?ess of long duration. Th?* deceased wag
.bout 10 year? old. Her h us baa d die*
ibout two years ago, v bile she aad be
vere resitting rn Salera, and she then
:ara* to this city, and made hur home
rith lier Bon and only child. "Dr. Pi tier,
vho Is the pastor of the Central Pr-wby?
erian church. The remainj ware
o Salent to-nlgbt for interment.
Deaioeratie Couveutlea.
winsii.v. N. C. May t..-<_pecieU~
. he l)?fmocratic convention waa held
n*ro this afterr oon, when dm lega tea weea
i to the state cou^v-asatond and
th-Jitl i.v? tuions. Mnthuaiaatte
peeehea were made by Btato-OtvUsne-i
it Manly and Hon. c. B. Watea
MR urged harmony and t>? ?aion ot *1
white voters <>( North Orullna fog Rn
i of raetortog gbod, gsraraaMM ?h
Copt 6?5mn}onjt
CU. James CBafier*
. i p? ? , **--???? *????? ,