Newspaper Page Text
^graRW^*^^ PAGES 13 TO 20. WllOI.K NUMBER, 14,603. THE BICHMOND DISPATCH. PAGES RICHMOND VA S?TNDAV MA. 99 i?OQ* THREE CEN? AS IMPORTANT ORDKR true Monterey to Reinforce Deiey's Squadron. WORLD'S MOST FORMIDABLE MONITOR Sue Can Herself Safely Defy all the Batteries at Manila. cheat raws icoKKi) ron. Urente of UM Hitchi-it l?-.i|???i'tnnc?e ttnr Orear at Any IHumrnM im> :ir?-?i?rd of thr Oregon?ItufTnlo tu II* i.-rrrhnulod at BmutBOUt yerra. *U ASHIM'.TnX, May a.-The rows #v?wu <*' i' ?i if ai t- s Bury Doootfthaoal tea? thr d ) ?tch of an order to the H OB i la, to reinforce ?; h. bol . Tie Hoaterey is loiroo <<r strength . h r addition to Admiral Power's tone, tog-wiier wan tiie Mopateh t>'. FA '-' troops to Manila, U jiin ple I '!> ndinlni.tji.ti.m h;is ? - attitude toward |he ! ton, and la determined to lake r.o chance of Boop-ooooeeloa until I BltOd Itself has i ; lUOBI of tho is pu li prohaUj tb<*> Boot for ex, Mo I lor In tho world, y.t she . lOTmUUi Ott? g a I'l.iliti-9 of ttie monitor t?, rthtaooo that is hteooi t I titer*.y I? -loot|Hind .. 00 m b.-irU-tt? -turret. low I ;., p, by 1 feet 4 Inches ?Ir.ift. S! i in two tun :<, surrounded by bar? Iti'-Ji guns, n the turret? a? i mx 6 plunders, four 1 ?don M ?? im C.itlings. PHOOT 4QAINST Aid. MANILA. The turrets are 7 1-2 inches thick, and |h? amtrt bettes ?ire 14 |p 111?! inches of steal, and a? i.l the batteries In II I a?dot away without en gti entrance, *aonn<l Is 19 oiflrers c IB MOO, and one? e-he Is safely in tho 000 pf .M bot nothing m tli? Spanish navy would be likely to budg? bar fr m Mr post. Her, h. th?ie I taay hav? an Important b kTtng upon t. i pinas of th? ??-jwnia-h Government, p>? Q-.e;iiy publish?*!, of sending rcinfoicu S OtO to Manila. Tli* only dfiibt as to the feasibility of .* the MhBtorOf I? h<r email coal has bunker-room for only fOO of coal, and though more i - stored on her isnlra it is doubtful bet she eouKl ut the utmost carry than enough coul to take h? r to ?lu, one thiti of the way to tho 5 Lip; It in probable tl.ait tho M'.nterey ?trill g ? g. convoy, and after exhauotlng the she will take ??a la Honolulu, uhe ; :**t either he tow?d about tSM miles on pee i . ,rin the uiiiicuit Operation Bf coaling at I QKKAT NEWS EXPECTED. The Navy D?panna? nt | ire out no news So-day touching the movements of the ?American and feanleh e?|iudrons, In the p?Ja-h!.?->rho,xl of Cuba. Il is plain to be S ea. however, that the- OflcU?O 01 j ;cting ?i to occur at any mo *o,ent. What they most fear is the ef t-hat might bo produced upon our propio by greatly nagssntod and mis l'?td;ng rtjports from Spanish OOUTCeO of irr?at naval engagement In which th<** Scanlorda would claim the Victory. Jl Is r<_lla?d that the lirst news of an engagement In the neighborhood of Cuba the etuitward may reach the United . through the ?Spanish cabk.s via ???adrld, and these are almost certain, ?tte-r what tie res.?it may b , t., I ??.kf. such a claim l?,r victory for the t Ji ?id? as is even now put forth by t Bpaadardo in Habana in the et i a of "Manila bay. Obviously, t ? omty manner in which tho tiuth could ? over-'d would be through our own .: reporta, PRXDH IS THE OREGON. The Bury Department 'is proud of the. : ina?e by the Oregon, from 80 ..g point of VtOW. The reports to ..Lmt-nt from the Ship Ohow that lOOO tM't ne- ?i ? cents worth of i i . l?tor 1-? r UjOOO miiee .uoiis run. T.'.c i. cord li 1 since tha building l! the Iron I Buffalo, which cornes with the ' . izil, 10 to bO overhauled i Novo, furnished with armor, 1 ?ood battery of ?-inch guns, anil made a v?. ry effective and ntlOOr. This will take about i ?nth* WITH ?AMPSHS AT SAH J> IH. i'iii-?r <?f <ii<- AnoumtetAmO I'r?*?? di? l,.i t.-li-lloiit DuuuIIvm?. i spoi donoe of ii a f tho Aoeorioted BOAXD Till-: ASSOCIATED a ?at DAUNT! I be Daunt? ?aber of Admiral Bami to toter? inisfa byu.i'lioi? i flfteen and * ttei o? i froto K? y Wool to i return, wit.h two < , Ha?tien. Haiti, lb? I ?tal dio? O ., ti lunt a i I l O, and bo?- ' I. nt lo the St. '.Ich left ) ,f the . . -, in? , ?:. : and Amphitrit? and Ter ' Porter, ? . . , . ., end , i joining in the outer harbor m .1 (o . with balling I ?he i ad i?? r? onoln th? '? ' '" the i ?. t?. t,KD to ''at"- Haitian an I gad l.?r <i..-,;ribuiii'ii of new?, i newopai ' . naappies mud.- her vary DO] - sol?n ghe Has ;,,,lt: l" f':l~ king it*j*ader to a vessel which had in? I>auntle?*s wu? obliged to " -?-ut* t*uipvntni> Xioiu ti'<- POft ?i*e| II waa provided with light sign?is and sail ing count?, co that she readily overtook iho fleet and ?m never "held up" a? MMoMoajk toi: "ciiAUt?" Titoum.nsr.Mi:. Early in the orulse the Terror end the Indiana became troublesome because of ? <ps to th-iir hollars, ihe monitors fiom the out*?-t a drag upon the progresa of thg Soot, und during most of the tup to Sun, Juaa the New "i oik towed " " ' ? paled the Arn phltritO, the Porter Often hitching on be hind tho T.rror. The ortleer? of UM many unkind thing? to about tin) ?orabe," as they called the mnnit? Ou May 7th the Montgomery went Into Ualllen to Bend di?patchos to Wash ington, and next morning the Daua enter?d the same port for a like purpose. Tho Montgomery'? cill caused some stir, it In srld, at Port-au-Prince, where It was reported that the wh??ls North Atl-anUc K.?uadron was about to enter Cape Ha? tien and coal. Cap? HulUen's little pile o< slat? ?ooal, price ?25 per ton. would not Ttll the bunker? of one warship. The Ualllen Gov?^mment U aald to have or dered the genoral of the port to enforce neutrality to the letter. The Ha?tiens are almost imasshaoaaly In sympathy with Ited St ato? i.swlnst Spain. he Da untie?? returned to rhe f?f-ot on M r Hh, with dispatches from Woohlng? ton. Wlten the Dauntless reached the Oho was sent in again f?ir furtiior Rewo, and in order that President Sam n.tght not becomo excited, the PaonfloOQ's captain stated that the steam.?* had re turned for a bill of haalth. On this visit the ?Dauntleoe ohtabied fr?.m tho? Amorl? oan Consul a circumstantial r<ipt>rt thai a fleet of thirteen Spanish warships hai?l I" n heading for Porto Kl?-o. in this re pon the naval ofltOOTO !?i iced some crod . and the bombordmont of Ham Juan was planned In the hopo that tb? Danish il? ' ! was in the harbor. The fleet moved slowly eastward on Mny 10th and 11th, nnd In the afternoon ?f the latter day tho Dauntless was or > be rea?ly to (,?rry dispatches to St. Thomas at ll O'olook next morning. THE BOHBA R DM EN T. At daylight on May l?th Uio fleet bom tordod 8an Juan, tho seaport and na tropotiO of l'orto Rico. Tho Daunt .-s ay six miles oli Fort Morro, and viewed I ?nbardmeot and tin- reply of the tcrte, a description of which oveni has t?reody be?"n oatded from St. Thomas md Key Weft. After the baittle the DoontlOOi w.nltH 'or an hour for Admiral Sampson's dis to the Navy Department, ami BUQOdlatOty on receipt of them gtoamed 'or St. Thomas. The I-muntlt-ss Imped ? Charlotte Amalia., tlie port of he Danish Island of St. TlWOe. before lark, but darkness dropped down all of i. and the steamer, pushing 00 o tho town-lights, gave mortal offence o the Danish harbor-muster by fnillrig o stop at his hail. He cxpo-stulated a 088 tima There was no delay in 811 18 0 tho AOOOCleted Press at New York tue attlo dooortptton prepared hour* before. h<- dispatches went In this Order.' Ao octotod Preoo bulletin. A'imirai flomp? on'O bulleiln to tho Secretary of the ?".ivy; Associated Press complete story; kdmlral Sampson's cypher message. <in Hay ttth tho cruleer Hontgomery, ho aiixjliary cruifr Yale, and the *r. rich gunboat l?igault de GenoBil?j ame info port, und th.?re was much su uting by the warships and tho Chotla lefore midnight of the tm* iho Daunt? gam, earrytes a f? o procioom Mow Fork MWOpopera OOt out to overtak.? the flee.t, hen moving slowly back to Key Weet THE SOULOT AND THE ST. LOUIS. Early Sunday morning. May iCth, Off toorto Plata, San Doming?*?, the Daunt UtoOd her old station near the low York. The fl<et had in the Daunt ss's absence boon joined bv the hospl il-shlp Solace and the auxillnry cruiser t. Ixiuls. Tlie St. Ix'uis, towing the tug .'amputuck, left for Santiago de OUtM n the morning of th?? 15th, to cut the ibie that ooaneot? Spain oad Cuba; the Orter went to Puirto Plata to send dio? itches, and iho Now York went cruls ag, lop Hog the Tew.*,, Ipdlana, Amphl Ite, Terror. Detroit, and Niagara. The Terror had broken down, and w**ih Ins towed by the Niagara, and the ?wa pulled the Arnphltrlto. Tho Mont imery whi?-h went Into Samana bay on 10 afternoon of the 14th, had not rejoin? 1 the fleet when tho Dauntless, off the est coast of Haiti, May 16th, pushed bead for Key W. t, taking the most rect course in arriving there May 18th. -i -. NAVA I, SIGHT OF? HAITI o Co*nflrniiitiou? 4'llit-i )m nt *Wu-*h tUMtmm Discredit n. port. WASHINGTON, Mav 21.-No oonilrma m of the rumored engagement off Mole . Nicholas had been received at the avy Department up to a lato hour to? ght, and naval 000018 are disinclined bOlloVO that tho American fleet has countered the Spaniards. t was etoproooly denied at the d?part ant that information even giving an lmation of a fight had h? M received, d further than that, it was stated that meeting between the two fleets was rdly to be looked for t?->-night. This itement is significant, in that it Indi tes that the OPPOOtng squadrons ate t so clos?-? together as to Justify an ex Ltatioii of Immediate developments. 'he above has reference to the report a naval battle off Mole St. Nicholas, whleh twelve Spanish ships are said have been sunk and two American ps disabled. The rumor is printed on f first pago BDdor the head, "la It An ier Dowoytotos?" FKOM A VAGUE SOURCE. !APH HA?TIEN, Hay H?It le reported e from a vague source that caunou ng was heard off the Mol* to the north rd yesterday, ceasing ?t nightfall, and t the firing wa* renewed early to-duy, i pontinuod ?ntii noon. \\ lOBf BPAHISH FLAGS. ItlniMO UA*OA*mrU**MPmOlt Iiidlfc,nii tion at Madrid. Al'Hll?. May 21.-3 P. M.-Captaln loral Blanco cables from Habana i?.<?t, order to deceive ?Uie garrison of mo," tho American warship? i flags, but were immedl \y recognized and repulsed. he Captain-General also report* that ITfOBt bands have I" P i "< 'ted In Provtoooo of Hataaaao and Habana, that s-averal insurgents have bOOO ices on the Bourse here to-day rose, :??n of favorable news. 1-. M. Griat indignation is felt here the statement contained la Ge-nerul ?, th.t Ihe American ships boosted the Spaaioh flag botero eking UuiiiiUniimo. Tlie newspapers ottaeko !,i>"i> A?otH ? ri ling the LLii?g<-d ecttoo of the Ualted Tin: < tm/. t*tn aiihoi. Vill ?nil l uilt-r Ni*nl?-d Ordrra, It In Nattl. M-'lH?, Mai y 21, I? P. M.-Admlral having had several con ices With the Minister of Marine, alii Aunon, haa returned to Cadlr. fleet comn by the Admiral will, ?uid, mill uiidvi* Pesiad order?. ME LAST COMPANY? ill tho Virginia Troops Will Be in BlcbmoBd To-Day. IEPARTURB KAT BE DELAYED. he Gofernor Writes to President McKinley to Have 1 liera Retained. my nri i ivK t iininvr. here. hoe? Mny Be Sent Them Before M-arclitag- to Tampa?Coiupaules re ?I iu?The In?.! to Arrive To-Uny-Cainp Notes. Colonel Baker, of tho Second Regiment, i In hourly ?txpeetatlon of orders to take is regiment to Tampa. A m ?mg eff'?rt io being made, how ver, to have the troops remain here for MM time lon?er, but whether it will he jccensful oannot, of course, be foretol?!. : is the gen? I opinion in official cir es that the regiments will be ordered iray as rapidly as they are ready, anil int the Second will, before many hour?, i on the way to Tampa. It has all al??ng been a well-known tOt that Oove-rnor Tyler and Adjatant eneraJ Nulle have been opposed to *hav g the trOOpe leave Camp LOO until they id be.n fully armed and ?qulpp?ad, or t least mueh more nearly so than at esent. They h-?ve Insisted that it was uch more eauy to equip men here, P.EV. ROBERT XV. RODDER, (Chaplain, Second Regimont.) if se to Washington, than at Tampa, uinands of nill'-s aw;iy. IOVERNOB WBITM THE PRRJFI i ?r.NT. ?overnor Tyler vest? rday wrote to Mr. Kinley, urging upon htm in the strong terms the desirability of having the ?ops remain in tamp for several day? re. His reasons set forth were that i State Beard of Health hud advised " it the nJtMi be VOOClaatod before leav oamp, and It wlls den!rabie that they ly recover from this before start-in;-,-; it several of them now had measles, i should uot bo moved until they had ten well, and that he Jin.l the people Richmond were very an .?ddus to kave > sons of the men who fell in the last r pay a tribute to the heroism of th?;lr s on Memorial-Day, before marohlng ' sty to defend tho 11 ? ***, it-i-ms likely that the troops may not rt us promptly aas d'st expected, but delay will not be very great. Lieu ant Moo i-.s r,.-reived a telegram rn the War Department which 0O00M n?li?:..te that MTtahl articles of clofh badly node?! by the men, lepefltolly M, will be sent them before they are ', - red away. Whether the delay will be ay or a week is not known. ** COMPANIES MUSTERED IN. euter.ant bhank* yoaterday min*tered ? beoldeo Company X, of the 8*-con?i, , ip'ny L. of the Fourth, Captain ?| oks, and Company V, of the Third, alj tain Anderson, each with B?venty- ._ i men and thr.-e offt? ers, leaving two lu inelea, to which members of the band wl e assigned. yo ?mpany I, Captain Willard, will reach lni imo<nd over the Chesapeake and Ohio y.lo this morning. This will be the of the Third Regiment companies to ve, and it will be mustered In by i'uea or Wodaeoday, It l? confidently be c?l that tho last company of tho d pud Fourth regiments will have w? i must ?red In by that time. toi A REMARKABLE COMPANY. i?, event of the day at Camp E?-e yes iy wao the completion of the orgaat M Of vhe Second Regiment by tho ?,? , ter in of Company I. This company been in camp several days, bur. y of the men who had promised to ^ it ?hanged their minds at the last A4 lernt every time the muster In was un- tin ?ik*-n. Captain Shackelford now has **g 10 company, however, and he saya ho ks it oan and will well maintain the atatlon of old Company c, of the ,n*< t. mediately after the men were sworn ?** onterday Rev. Renjamin Dennis, of *u,i de-Memorial " church, Man- * *' ter, formerly h mendier of Ooeopany ?J lade a short address to the men, ask- tiu th. m to sustain th*? reputation of tho oompany, and assuring them that ^ 3 they returned they would be taken ./. te heart? of Riehmond and Manches- .,? people, and would again become a j of old Company C. His remarks tn'e a much appreciated by the men, who iri) him the clouent attention. Is Is a remurkabl?* company In that j_? men ask n Messing before beginning p01 meal, and nearly ?very one of them j^ ids divine service on the grounds T i- day. A nightlv tomPuny prayer- y0% ing wtH shortly be, Instituted. is , HEAT PROSTRATIONS. to 5 heat was very oppressive yester- c"*>l and while all the companies drilled io forenoon only one did so in thH noon. Company H? of the Second, ^jnc-hburg Zouaves. braced the tor- Ev r, and for an hour or more w.ts put Jt igh the evolutions. Two men of tho 1 Ri'iriment who were unwell faint guard mount. They were taken to ma OSPKal tout, and were goon restored, abe a are OOVOeal men !? the hospital, ron ?one sr? seriously sick. . soldier* tire. In need of bathing fa?. n'a s, and arrangements are being made Jed e camp for a pool of water, which the be enclosed by a hl?h fence. The - tn can go there a few at a time for Ago, S.?me of the companies nava G down to rhe river and taken a dip cm ? muddy James. Captain Griffin, of any H. Second Regiment, noon In- I on. brought his men down to O.unp "fall this week, and they all enjoyed Mal h. i meeting of Company D, Hampton, h iteglment. last night, V. L. tK herty was oloOtol second lieutenant ?-'n' . I s. 0\ Cunningham, who re- 3pai 1 g.-ma time ago. gUll, ipanV A, of the* Fourth, had in- ?.prc sterday This company is also . . hr.vigh a "setting-up" drill every P?~' lastinf half an hour. The officers "" is invaluable. * "* PROUD OF THEIR WORK. duy soldier? who prevented tho Injury naiit o negro, Joe Clayton, brought Into wen the grounds by the men after the flgl at General Phillips'* barn Friday nftea noon, are quite proud of their actloi which really exempllt!?*d discipline an courage. Th? escort nt the prisoner I the station was under Major Wats?fi? an Captain Taylor, of Company O. Secon Regiment, and consisted of Sergent (Tomer?, Cbrporal Wad*, Privates Hay?-: Blackburn. SV. Wooten, IL Wootan. Ds vis, Rob.Ttion, Foater. Webb, ?and Jn< i? Lieutenant Palmer with a detachmenl also renib'red excellent service in pre venting the prisoner from baing takei away from the guard as ha was beln taken from the guard tent across th ground? to a str?eet-<**ar. A very <l?t?r mined onset was made by the wrought up Boidi??rs at this point, nad one of then revived a slight bayonet thrust from on of the guard. Captain Grlmsley. ?"he. r o the guard, also displayed an amount o courage and presence o? mind In caillai out his oompany to prot<**t the man tha merited and received the praise of hi io-Uow-ofUcers. Captain Hutching?, Company A, Thlr? Regiment, is officer of the day to-day and Lieutenant Johnson, of th? ?ami oompany. Is officer of the guard. The last company In th?i Audltorlun was ordered out yi-sterday, so that al the men are now sleeping In tents. N< re-rret ha* ever be?n express-wl at leav ing the Au-ditorium for the comparatively open air of the tent?. REVIEW WEDNESDAY. The review of the troops at Camp Txv: by Governor Tyler and General ?Loa under the auaplcea of the Daughters 01 the American Revolution, will take place ?.ti Wednesday. A committee, composed of Mrs. Jaimes Patterson. Mrs. Be*?. Pur sell, and Mss Virginia Pleasant?, railed Dn Colonel Baker y astenia y and reoeived his assurance that the troops would b? reviewed by the Governor and staff at that time. COLONEL GAINES RETURNS. Colonel Grenvillo Gaines, of the Third Virginia Regiment, wlil spend to-day In fforreatoa, at his home. He left y.ster Ja.y, and will probably return to-day, When he comes back he will be prepared ;o go into camp. In the Adjutant-General's office yaoter lay an examination was held to fill th? raoaaey of the second lieutenancy In th Petereburg Grays, fieotonont rorhem I now the officer in that position, having tho examinai I'Li. He is one of the ii'ist popular men tr the company. Adjutant-CJcneral Nolle Is spending to lay with his family In Civlpep.-r, and Colo lel Jo Lano Stern is Acting Adjutant ?eneral. I AT!IKR FIGHT TH."u\ STAY IN JAIL G'lV.rnur Tyler yesterday received the ollowing remarkable letter? L'o His Excellency, the Governor of Vir ginia: Kir,?Wa, the undersigned prisoners In -tichmond jail, boing able-bodied, pa iri dio Americans, do nereby p??tltion, end sk of you to enroll us among the vol titeers, to defend our oountry in her i < .* nt aire?.i. Assuring you thai we will ??ondiict our elves an true and bonget mea until th?i rar be eii'l'.'d, ir tint iirne expired. Very -aji;t.tii_Uy yours, CHARLES C. R05SER, WILLIAM P. LANDRUM. 1 ??DIE HOIiECK, WILLIAM E. M'GUIRH, OBORQB W. JAMES JONE;?. JOHN If'CAHTBT, H. M. CART. WALTER AKMSTKONO, WILLIAM PARKER, AUGUSTUS KING. WANT TO FORM COMPANIES. Governor Tyler has received an eppll ition from persona In Newport M?WS -king me privilege of or^anlzln-j a vol nteer company of ioiantry for the war. ho Governor also received communl ittou? trom M?j?srs. Clyde Miller, Wil Fini MoOavoeh, and Guy L;ir?.'W, of ulask!, kslUng that they be given the jthority to organise VOluateer infantry impunies in that placa? The Governor aplled. as ho haa d?nio ?o others, making milar requests, that h? M glad to now that such ?.-onipanl* s ;are being ganlaed, and that If there Is knottier all for volunteers he will fitst call upon e ??orupanius in the State whose organi sions are nearest completo?, Mr. JOooph T. Law1' .-h Is meeting with rong encouragement in his efTorts to im an infantry company of six-footers. Liu? thirty men who belonged to the ?rrjw Cavalry Troop wish to Join, and amy letters' indicate that a large nutn r of recruits could be gotten. a for the Soldiers at (.?imp Lee. > the Editor of the Dispatch: While it la said the fare furnished our Idlers at Camp L?-e Is good, no daOOht eg would appreciate an abundant sup y of ice *?att*r these warm days. L t i who feel OlOpOOOd to l*.eip *.h an In this ipect contribute fonoUdBg for ico, and ve severul '(rarrele on iho ground li led Mi cool water for their btmeflt Will u receive an Ice fund for that d put it at the dlopooal of the < (Deer SharfO oti the grounds? ilegin ?o ask ntribution? to-day, for they may soon OOlled away. R. W. J. Certainly; we'll gladly receive contri tions for the punose BlgnllOBOd. and II ourselves become one of the contrluu -3.?The Dispatch.) THE VOUNTKMH ARMY. n Mastered in, 110.OOO?Wornnn'i Itelief 1.I-.IU-"-. VA.SHINGTUN. May ?l.-Reports to Ljutant-General L'urbin to?nlght show it 110,000 men have been mustered Into 3 volunteer armv. leporta have been received here show - that in several of the States there s ?Moa ?Teat difficulty in filling the op? ationnioiit made to thein by the War partment. It has not yet been de itely determined just what acti?>n will takea la the oaoe of these .states if > do not within a reasonable tini?; aster tho number of troop? asked of II1L 1rs. Sunan A. Glenn, widow of a **ol r and mother of a volunteer In tho st Regiment. District of Columbia. anteen, has resigne?! her position in i Port-One? Department, to g<> to the nt with lier aun. She Is a member of Woman's Patriotic Industrial Relief igue, and the first woman to be ap nted matron of a regiment. She is >ut JO years old. wo daughters remain nt home to de e their services to the League, which ?rganlaing a corps of women to send ea/h of ?ae regiments, to care for the thes of the soldiers. run cape verdi: s?vaorov. en Madrid Doesn't Knon Where in?Retaliatory table-Cutting. '. ADRIU, May 21.-3 P. M.?The Infor- , tlon received here as to the where- < uts of the Spanish Cape Verde squad- j is contradictory. The government * ntalns absolute secrecy on the sub- * :, but It is officially declared that If 1 Americana cut the Cuban cable, the i niards will retaliate by cutting the 1 veston cable, so as to Interrupt South- I P_citio communication. I Mtl'/.E CASE? AT KEY WEST I bilde, Candidato, * ?>**! , and Ar- lt MLOiiauta Duly Condciuued. j R WEST, FLA., May 2?.?Ia th? h Led Stat?-s Circuit Court to-day, the C nlah prlzea Mathlldo, Candidato, ' i, and Argonauta, against which ' iconfeaso" was entered yesterday, no- , / appearing t?> claim them, were form- 8 condemnid and ordered to be bold. day of the sale was nut set. j i? rifles and ammunition found yester- j, lu a secret chamber on the Argo- -.; ta aro valued at gi.t??O. They also t] I cuiidemned and ordered ?old. TALKS OF HER WORK ? __. I PI^DITA KAMAITAI ?PEAKS TO LADIES Or RICH MOJIO, I EDUCATION OP HINDOO HOSES. | ? V This "iVoiuii Tells Soat? of Her Childhood Expert- s , ? eaces and Pintare? th? Coadltlaoa C S That Now Exist. A _ h a Pundlta Ramabal wan introduced to a ^ Richmond audience at the Young Men's Christian Association Hall last night. 1 Rev. Mr. Nugent, Dr. Tudor, and Mr?. J Hobson, of Ashland, president of tlie * Virginia Branch of the Ramabal Asso- (_ oiation, took part In the exercises, pre- I tooths Ramabal's talk. Mri Hobson, -* gracefully introduced by Dr. Tudor a? an able daughter of Henry A. Wise, the ?, brilliant Governor of Virginia, gave a 1* try i Illtool?. Waverty, ?, 8?Ptef,_^ h; Krewtneky. Fiorolngeharg. Ky.. ?ep- j -miter Util, Louiav-Ola. LouiMdlle, Ky.. * ptember 80t? BaRlmos*** AUsxaa-drie. ?a., March ?Ith. f VIRGINIA OONFBR?NCE8. Third DIxtrlct-^BUhop R. K. Har-frove: * rest Virghil?, Catl?ttobur?, Ky., Hop? aber 7th{ Holston, Morriitown. Tenn^ - ctolw (th; Virginia, Portsmouth, Vo? *J uveinbtr With; South Georgia, Hawkins 11?, Ga. December ?th. _ Fourth Dlrtrict-NlHhu-p W. W. Duncnn: * HW Mexico, Kl Pi?o. To?., September h; Mexloiwi, Chihuahua, Meat., October h: central Mexican. City of Mexico, Hober l?t)i; Mexican Border Mission, in Antonio. Tes., October ?thi oertnan Isslon, Houston, Tex^ Kowamber 8d; north Georgia, Augusta, Ga? November i; South Carolina, Ur*??wood, Deo<tn r ?7th. 0 FUth Dtatrlck-Bishop Charles B. Oai- c way: Brazil Misatoa. Flrtoa-caba, Brnr I, At,gn*?t 4th; West Texas. Seguin, Tex., * nvembcr 2d; North wert Texaa, Brown- o ood, Novumber Kith; North Texas, 8, reenville. T?., Nov-miber *.*3d; Texas, auston, Tex., December i?t; Eaat Texas, *' ?Humont, T?ax., December 7th. rl Sixth District?Bi?hop R. Hendrix: Me??. ~R na. Butte, Mont., August 4th; East Co- ?l. mbla, lea Grand?, August 18th; Colum? a*. Albany. Ore. Septembei 1st; I"aciflo, m -- -narr \\ \ ' F ?/ *l&**?h* **Vr PUNDIT? RAM?BAI \ND HER LITTLE GIRL. graphie? account of the life of the most li.moua of Hindoo women. At a ihn? wh?-n Hindoos looked upon an educated woman as a kind of plague, Rnmabai's falher determined to edueate hi? wife. He met with no much opposi tion and advice at home tbat he was ob liged to make another home out In the Jungle to accomplish his end. Rama bol Bays she can remember lying on the door of her home trembling with fear Of th?? wll?l animals prowling In th? neighborhood of the house. She, lib mother, was educated a? oho grew U] What most Impreoood her on leaving b? home was th-; Ignorance and suffering o; Hindoo women. "The child widows of India," Ramabal said, "are Iho most uuoomioitable people In tho country. 1 menu, nut uncomforta ble mlMfOhla Bvoty one thinks It go?,, to curso and boat them, t?) mahe the? work from early In the morning till li ?t night. Soon as Ike bachead du. their i.e.ida are shaved. Tlie husband dea?!,' his people toy? aSho must a been a very bad girl thit he should be takoti away.' Every i ear these who live along river-banks in Judia see the bodied of hundreds of girl? WSOhod by. Drowning Is an easy way Of toinmitiing suicide.** To eduiaaite. elilld widows and so make their liveo hopplet ?as been Ramabai's chief work. , tint slie had entered thi Church of ChriOt ehe opened a school for tbeoo girls. ' F hon I and my friend ?tommenced our school, wo bad two ho said. "Her class numbered one o botar. My elaoo numbered one scholar, rmoenlly we had tw?mty?Avo Kills with us, ami hiioi?; wanted to be come Chrlotlaa. Then the ne a began to uy 'Wo will close that school and oyen a school of our own.' " "Very weil," ? said, "build schools of your own; but don't build one??build IMtOF, that is how m., uy you OOOd to e all the girls that you have kept In Ignorance. You can't close my school, either, for God is helping me. l'u?.- men did not close it, either. They only talked Blll'll. "That was a great advertisement for us. To-day ?TO huvo two big a.hools. They cost ua iW.Ow a year, ?ud God aas always sent us what we need, and I believe that In this goat ration He will bring out from among our girls somo preat teachers who can go all ever India, among all the millions of suffering hlgh OOOtO women and teach them how they may Uve best and happiest." R uaabal will speak this afternoon, at 4 o'clock la the leci tire-room of the Grace-Street Presbyterian churclu To- I morrow at 12 she may be heard at the I Broad-Street Mission. AS TO BTAHCMBUSTS. r.infiT.ii ( Control?Itev, Sam Jones. ILplkeotial Ylaltutioua. BALTIMORE, May 21.-The Oeaeral Conference of the Methodist Episoopal Church, South, had a warm discussion to-uay on the subject of limitation ot evangelists. Tho question was on the ?doption of a law forbidding ?vangellsta to enter a charge and hold services with out the consent ot the pastor. During :he discussion Rev. Sam. Jones sat on the platform in a rocking chair. Scorch- * ng allusions were made to evangelists, < >ut be seemtd unmoved, Evangelists v?re referred to aa "Anarchists," "men 1 ".ho make trouble," 4-tc. It was also In- I :linat?d that evangelists were after t Soapy? The proponed regulaUon wuh ' In.illy adopted. The plan of Episcopal visitation for the bishops of the Methodist Kpiscopal ?Tiurch, South, for tho ensuing ye?*r wad I nnounced. The conferences are divided nto ten districts, t?> each of which Is ' ?signed oue of the Bishops. Bishop John ( '. Keener, of New Orleans, who was re- , ently retired at hi? own re-queist, was tot andgned. Following i? the name or he conference, the place ?nd date of oldlug it, and the bishop who will pr-e id?: i First Dlstrlet-Bif-hop A. W, Wilson: ll apan Mission, Kobe, Japan, August 2?>th; J Corean Mission. Seoul. Korea, September ^ ?th; China Mission, Shanghai, China, Go- - ohar Bth. 1 Second District-Bishop John <_ liraa- 1 Oakland. Cal., September 14th; I?os An g.-ie.s, Downey, CaL, Peptomhor wti?; Memphis, Paducah, Ivy.. November 16th. S.-venih 1 'i.-trlct?BliJhop J. ? Key: Tennese?5??, Clarksville, Ten?., October 19th: North Alabama, Huntavtlle, Ala.. November 23d; North Mississippi, Ai*-r d"en, Misai., November LliXh; Alabama, GriaetisbiiTo. Ala., December 7'.b. Eighth District- Dis hop O. P. Flts gerald: Western North Carolina, Win ston, N. C? November Kith; North Caro lina, I'.'llz.ibeth C.ty, N. C, Nov?smber 8th; KloetflotppI, ll.utlasburg, Miss., De ember Mth. the new Bisnors. Ninth ISotitet lllohop Warren A. Candler: Denver, Deaver, col., August ISth; Western, Kansas City Kan., Au ?; Missouri. .Memphis, Mo., Au gust 31at; Bi.uthu._Ht Missouri, Lexington, alts., September 14th; St. Lou'.s, De Soto. leptemher 21st; Florida, Gainesville, Fla., December lrth. Tenth Distrlot?Bi?hop Henry C. Morri son: Indtoa Mission, Norman, U8to?, November 2d; Arkim-WH. Morrillton, Ark., Novembw Uth; Lktle Rock, Little Rock, Ark., November 24th: White River, Cla rendon. Ark., ??? ; Louisiana, Mansfield, La., December 6th. To-day's OOOelea was presided over by Bishop E. R. Hendrlx. TWO COMMITTEES The following Committee on Education ?rao appointed ; Jaraea H. Carliaie. *W . M. HntricervMU, Morgan Oallowav. Sr., J. A. Kern. W. P. Few, E B. Cralghe-ad, H. C. Frltchett, J. O. Keener, Edward Muyts, iind Eugene H. Pearoe. The Book OoOBOBltoeo was elected as follow?: Collins Denny. J. B. Morgnn, P. D. Site, J. It. Hamilton, R. A. Voung, IV. C Kendrlck. E. *:. Reeves. J. A. Jdell, Paul Wbitebead, W. p. Lovejoy, It. W, MlUotOp, Jam?*? Campbell, and J. \l. Mason. Rev. W. B. Murray was elected Secr?s tary of Education. CHURCH PAPERS. A r?solution to tn ere aie the sise of tho ManhvMI? Advocate from 16 pages to >age?. and ?ppwpciate J8.S00 for the pur , omo OtWptod. An appropriation of l.luo was made for the M?thodl.n Re? lew. Two fratornal delegates?Dr. W* T. "Uvison. of England, and Or. J. F. Berry, ?f the Methodist Episcopal Church? nade the>r farewell addr?*?*- * Of M ENICA L COM MISSION. A Joint meeting of ?he _cujncrlcal Com al-wlon of the Methodist Episcopal Church nd the Methodist BpteOOpal ?hi.reh, louth. was h? W this evening. Blahop ohn F. Hum and Rev. L B. WJl?.?n. of he former otnwch. came over frum iigton to attend. The object of the meet ne was to decide on a abasia of r?pr?j?en mlon of the two church**? at the council o be hwld in London to liifll. and for the ?mentation of propositions before the .oiidon meeting. No d?shnhe plans were rrapged, and the meeting adjourned sub m? to the ?til ol Blahop 0, p. Galloway, rho presided at the me-iting. THE IIUS nit:vno\ SB I'll Wh t Threatened to Lead to aa Anglo liiii.l? War. PARIS, May 22.~-Th? "Figaro publishes ie Important announcement that the ellcate Nlg?sr question, which threat ned to lead to an Anglo-French war, ns been settled, and that an agreement stween the two government? win be [gnod this week at the French Foreign lile?. The Oreg-oa at Barbado??. LONDON, May 21.?A special dispatch ora Barbadoee, dated Friday, saya: rho American battleship Oregon ar ved here yesterday. All well. She took i hoard 2uO tona of coal, and sailed to a.y. Her destination Is not knowu here." Fatal Tomado la Arican?**/?. KPKINODALaW, ARK., May M.-A tor udo passed Jurt weat of here last night, ting considerable damage. John Kill gtoa and his wife wer? killed by tint irs falling from their houae. and two allana were killed and a third one f,i iliy injured. About twenty bouses were dan dewi. 1CCIDENT TO TROQg AeeBBamMTBAiM Btme toro wmi OdRRYEVO MISSOURI IE SOLDIER IS HUB 'on? Other* Arm tmiuwoOg Lea? fieri ou ?ly-A. JngSmttB ration Ordev*8 to Camp Vote?. crnoKA.'.f.wa*, moasoMAb StoSB A., May a?--A os?mpir tsato mm B hatteaoooa. Rom? aad Sooth to? ?al >ad, w?blch Uto fthotomi-wpo od to clock thlo moratoto *saa into to? Sbh ictlon of th? mtlitaay ?rato oeoi'opto i? First Uiseovrl roiiiainaa who m ved in Chattanooga last Bight ?to oeevtHe, Ga* hiding oae man, Oossg I. Walker, and kajm-tng a o ma? er i lier*. It ? that th* pemeager trato ho ders to run through to Roestotte?, aa te second ???tlon ot th? mlhtary ttoJ] Ith a port to a of to* Firm Mlavour hi?h we- espe?t??d to ran to rough t ossvfll?, waa ?delayed at a ?w-itoh oho* mile from RossvUI?, on account ?of tb ngeated oonditl*? of th? tracks ?uto h* >nd a wooded ourv-a Th* ?endnwsoe ? military train ?oat back a Pagar?a warn th? pass?ag?r train, but th igmaa did ao< go tor enough, and th i?s<t?g?r train ctmt aroutid th* ?urv th? rat? of twenty mtUe aa houi i? ?ngln??r did not e?o th? danger at| il until wl?hin a ahort di?aoc>* et th iiitary train. He reveraNt hi? engin id p?t en the brake?, but did not bar ne to stop hi? traiir? wtddh o?a?h* to the r-vir oT the miUtary trato, iho rear cmr wa? a pail??*-? ho?? naa hieb Walker waa rtdlng. attd wa? e**n etely deionli#'m*l Thr** ot th? bora? ?re also killed. Next we* a baggage v, in which Howard l^oJaakJ *ad A Lane wer? ?UtV^i?d. Thi? ?ar wa? dly ton*? up, but rc?ie ot the ?eaayaati ire ?trlwoidy hurt. Tb? waeck wai lared by 1 o'aleek aad train? was? rv nn%> xjKLLEo arm inxi "as?. rollowlng ?re Uv* hi Had and InfUffuto iEORil?i M. WALKER, Company O toward Brolaekl, Company D, left hi] lured; Ed. J-urnaimry, Coaianty A, oui il? contusion?, not ?erlou?'.v hurt; A. M .ne. Company M, left hip &iel*ciu*d. no rloualy injured; R. D. LetdaH Compan; baek sp*aia?d and leg bruised, 88 iloutrty hurt. ___ >r. G. Baxter, sargwon ?of the Southeri ilrotid, was put In charge et to? woand , and had them taken to SI. Vluoant'i Armar-y. where all ar? doing well, ii ?uaaut sur? windings, engineer Wheeler and Piretaa? Haaby the piLwenger-traln wore anwated bj >utenan>Coionel Caven to-day. and an w under guard at the parle. Ttio re afterward turned over t? the ?oivt thorlties. A trial will toe held aod 1 licial investigation has been ordered, i'jneral Boynton, John Jticofc Autor, ene. number of other officers *a*ot*? oa tb4 psenger- train, but hon? of them wen rt. ??veral pibscnger? were braised by be ; thrown e gainst the ?cata, ?ta, bul t seriously Injured. 'he First Missouri after the oecident iched the park without further inci n, and waa assigned to -wmp anil .ved in tho Third Corps. FIFTH MARYLAND IN CAMP. nli.r arrival? were th? Fifth Maryland 'a a try, twelve compat-Jea, 888 man? a* nod to tho Third Corps?, and th? 8?coniJ braska, twelve oompanle?, l.Oh men, 'he formation of the Third Army Cerpi a begun to-day, the Fc-urtoenth Kew r\% Colonel Fred. D. Grant; Beoond w York and Firnt M3**i*DUri being a? ned to the First Brigada Th? brtgad? 1 be commanded provisionally ?y Colo t. The Second Kansas^ which H?-d to-diy, Will he aasig?*, ?d to th? on?! Briisiuifl. tupcctor-GeiiiMal J. C. Breokenrldj? 1 stuff arrived at the park tkio morn General Comptoa wa? today trans* red to lha command of tho Third ps. Tho oomrnlMitvy departm-mt sa incefl a r<-n?lines? to supply all uniform? 1 ?oulpmenta. DIRECTIONS FROM ALGER. rASHI" . f, Mev ?J.-I.'poa recofv ' new? of the dlsa?t?r resulting ia the th of oso and the injury of a number soldiers near Chattanooga to day. Sec ?iry Alger Mint tho following ttievrani Major-? ?eneiiU Brooke, ?oniinandUig al ? I miaiuga: Washington, D. C, May ?.?Associated iss r-ports disaster to Gi? First Mla< rt volunteera this morning, near yom np, reporting death of one man and iry of several othurs. The Secretary ol it directs that every caro bo taken ol wounded, and that the dead be bailed h all the honors of war, and that tato Hate stop? be taken to prosecute th? road responsible for this ??ouster." ?a -1? SCE\K I? THE CORTES. ?or Hull?? Asked to Consider His .lira llmi-il-S!.ml? Appointed. A Dili: -3 P. M.?There wa? cent.* In the Chamber of Deputies to? Boris, a nephew of Scuor tier?*? y Robl? <" >s, branded a statement he Viscount di Puente as b?seles?. Th? er requested Senor Boris to leave th? naber, ?ml' following him into th? ?y, told ban to coatisider bis ears boxed, y have h?-i ?ad expect lave a meeting to-morrow. (CSIDEVr M.iSiO TO It! MASS, I ruea All tu Juin t il lut il Furee? I uele s? ,?' Aid. ?NVILLE. FLA.. May E.-A lai to the Tlmcs-l'nlou and Citl?en i Tampa says; "The text of a proc? I by Barte leine Masan, lident of the Cuban rep-ihlic, has bed here, via New Orlcanw. In It so strongly urge? lii?? Autonomist?, illas, and Cuban-? baniiig toward m to ??>in? over to tho (Cuban ranka. aaauri-s them that, with the aid ol kI Stutea troop?, a decisiva blow to n Is ?oon to be ?truck, and that the in caueo will noon ?be w?.r?. He points that all who fail to Join the Cuban es before it ?hall be too late, muet a homo In some other country." rhe Weather. ?? v. v.-H!N?;ton, May U.~Foro* JUYli-aM for Sunday: _j For Virginia and North CarO* Una?Partly cloudy w?ath?ar| ably showers in eastern portion?; i, easterly winds. r South Caroltnor-Falr weathegf , southerly winds. B WKATHKR IN RICHMOND rERDAY was opprosoivaly h0%? e waa a ?bower in th? aftoraoosa th? weather was eloudy at night. .te of th?fsJiometer: M.T4 . M.SI .? ? ? ****.,...M m..? mit. . ? - ....??A?.,,..,8f ?ht.