Newspaper Page Text
^mmmmamn ****^**^^**^^-*^***^mmmmnmmmmmon?mmmmmwmmmmmmmmgf^^ THE RTCT?MOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1898. SOME OF SPAIN'S SHIPS. Cristobal Colon. Torpedo-Boat Pluton. Admiral Oquendo. Viscaya. Furor. Maria T The Spanish Fleet Which is Reported to Have Run Into Santiago de Cuba. eresa. VET TO BE SOLVED. jUlX**TIO>S AS T<1 TUT M Kit ITS OF *tfOllKll\ W Ml VRS?KI.H. IHM THEY HAYE AIMED TO DO. I'f.frttrattnn of thr Two Grcni <{i?nll i ?- of Kprrd and MrrnKtli?Ilattlt ?lif|>*. trainera, Gunbuali, und Tur I? cd o-Hont?. (For the Dispatch.) fQTON, May B -What will tho nt ?how S etyle of warship, of all the uruied v?asela upon v 1 I It? l?iitaT Th. .1 tin whole world t> -r. To ot ? - to Hpill much lona of do, party to t..-> bottom of tha l lesson In warfare wan ev?*r It ?.?t unir? of this kin-!. ttn>\. a blood nhe<liJlnjj i? i . la ta.o moat might us \v.-ii bs gotten dut of it. a?.jtgners of figli!?: Ihaertaai I y?ars of peace in which to t ammo that it is natural that th? t should V.<dli*?e thai tho tirt of dcKi?iiiii(C and . Ilag Ommth . | : Leuti baya *rrad?-l i . crafl tO the SUicy lit tle t ling to uii the i t i- if tha an i .i apparently unwarhks inSLilms as that there t ?, .t thing to do la to run au until you aj'o out of the . I jiv; MS Who ftght ami run Bgbt another d-iy" i . . . - t ai la a -s i i; , i by our I : of which birth of :. ? -art, lu "tboee who run sway with* - 1 live to n other .'. or run a It would be folly lor a cruiser to at ?u that tlat l ttleshlp 1* ?s . nvuln? table t. lhe tttlio k of the K'iii? that a ? a . . d be absurd for . i > Ull.i (41111-S?a A. I?S : ths srulaar a mM - iron. . . built. Whcfs armor I afe of the luml . i . i - r platea' of H I; her la .. vteei ?m :; to 6 li i thick. Ti.? a bat i . !l til?.: i .ach spe. ?i, | i.. refers . - in m; that come agali \??i?t a v? a . her k i and her an. mi [ a * THE BATRHUHL lea the I In are the i | ? - NothlfU a- that ." , It- own strength to look i<? lor i mu?! bs '?it.d wnii mal .i, ?i torpedo-bo ** attacks ths great i::-in<!i nil... ' prove too tdow and ponderoua awaj* (his Heoondary " . it ?ans In th?Mr lur : . t -jsi'h the deck - hip hsoom i a class ot vessel that axj re aseful than s bottlenhlp - Tho monitor i In a r.uiKh Sea, find can s *.? a speed ol I ssilea but she la a hard reaaai to hit. * n \?i7 assail murk by r. ....... 1 ' 'H cuna, tiotnt-ndoualy eff? eaiarii, .,f offer A cruleet i? fti-jn>r?,d with but three or i of atast Bhe carries gaas of a I'tlr.r cttiibr.- than Ihe b?ttbf-hip, the rifle la-lng about the maximum ?iza ?* ' ber armament. A battleahlp with ita '**Wh g-una could aetUs the fat? of a r'**jlear with one brottdald?. while the titula*r't gnu? would be bermletw ugalnst j al the battleship's thick hide, but the cruiser m_ke tw> niy-live mil*s an hour to t:.* battleehlp*a Mchteaa, *o thai aa mandat la ??a/t? fruro the big fellow's PROTBCTSD CR?XMBRa FaKt*?r aves Una dis srmoied a find UghtOT as to kuu metal, is the pro I cruiser, which usaally sanias One heavy Mncb liun and several Mach aad ->r rapid-fire ?111..-?. The arm?.!..! r is protected a.? to her Seek, but little but th?' coal that i.s stored aroiLtei r.-t of th?? vessel. Bhi ?. in make a ?I mile; ant a than I h? arm?.!..! cruiser, ami t-o l.ia her running abilities ! c . in u masting with a moro powerful thh), OtmbOats and torpedo-boat! nre the ?>f *.. 1 r v - la Th?' fun imall erulBer, drawing "v-srjr ut '?ill f??r ri*.? r rvi? ?\ and t"..ts could ti ' without grounding*. Torpedo-h : they carry except a bourUiiur 1 I ?: !> t?. b.nk with their one weapon?the torpe?lo. re t<> i.?> feared or i" .ut. Ma.tiy naval mt the latter, an they ate aaally dla] ;-*), to be 1 . 1. But 1 he a ,-i. or u. that o! th<-> whol? ? niLiiii.s ?Jpr , As TO lilil? 'KADES. lhe Definition tin Contain?*?! in He r?a ration of Pari... (Philadelphia Ledger.) The southern ports Mt the? Inconvenl? ra.( (Tactivo Mochada daring th?* civil erar, and it is poaaible ti.ait an attempt win i.e mads to Mochada Important sea ports of th?- Unired statt?-.--. Distance fr..m h?--r base of operation! will, boa . It extremely difficult. If not Impoe ' - - II t?> lllailtitailn Wha.f I known in International law as an "effeo tiv'" blockade. rm.>s it. be ?tToctive in the legal, intern:.ti?.nail sense, B? comineros is not bound m r?sped lt. Once established, a blockade can bs 1er? inlnat? d only In two vay> by voluntary r? llqulahment i?y the belligerent thai tri? 1 tablish It, or 1-y the ralaing ?L'f til" Mochada by the enemy. Keutral ve arc subject to - iroh by I Uge? r?:.t" for "contrahainl of war," for arii . .aiif.iciiin ?I and primarily or ordi narily U?..I for military purposes In time In? d for I be uae ol the nation In trvar, (Contraband artl ,-tui'e um the high tt.'aid. If a a.eii for the One of the enemy in his military preparatlona; bul by an "effective" blockade a b..i may not only prohibit the entry ol "contraband," but of ail anieles of com? m.-rc? found In any vessel, neutral or 1.-ti- rwi.-e. The ?penalty i??r running a forfeiture of the vessel and It la not that nn "effectiv- " . i?- maintained along the m . ' ?' .-?ni 1 y !.. 1 1 belligerent t1 . selsure. The ?elllgerent ma* one or more Inat winch blockade is to be nalntalned. Probably tv.?? beat definition . "effective" blockade is than eon? ained in the decI?aration of Paria. t?> -.1 ihe clvilla? d aatlons t except Sj.tiri and tin* I'nll.-.l Ratea The fourth article < : - thai Mochados, la order to be dnding, must bo affective thai i- I nalntalned by at force euffl?q|eni really t?i ?i. cent acceas to I he United stales, notwithstanding hsr ?Jluro to ass.-iit lo all Hi? ?aan i|?l> lated in tha d?claration <?f ?Parla, has ac? epted this definition, one of the Amell an authorities upon International law >-. tha! tin- belligerent who declares ;? "auffiel? m" force t the Mockaded points to make him ma at 1,1' The same authority holds bal a. lore- sufficient to make ths pae? ..r friin ! ? I port "?x remely dangerous" is .all u. at\ ') i,..- mers ;ilt"inj?t to run such a i?-ck:i<!. sui.j.'.th' th.- veesel and cargo t.. SO penalty of acizuro and <>n. The authorlth's have much to say N ?itdin?,- the neoeealty of giving ac entrais that a blockade has be.n or is hout to be eetabllahed at any part. The lllgereat leeorting t?. tins method of Lopping the commsr? <* of the iu?t issue a public pr.iclamation, fixing 1.? date i?l><?n which th.-- blockade is to iko effect. This proclamation must l?e mu?! a reaaonable Uass before th? ie is eetablteheci. it i? the ?safer prec es un.1er ih?' law of nations t?> warn A-jiy *, 1 oachlag tin- Mockaded >rt, although th.- inii.ii'' proclamation>i tj ?s been given. This practice has been ?, ?low.d by ail-- United Rates, as appears ,- H,?- proeiaiaatioa Isaasd by Mr. Lin? ?m, April 1? Ufl, ?and it would doubt s? tte observed if 11 w?srs deemed aspe en! to dtfciar? a- Mochada against Cu i.'i port* Mr. Uncoln'a proclamation ?nnounced ten! naval foi veaaela from ?1. rlng or deparllni.' from the seceding .iitl.ern porta, nnd If with a vl? ? to otate sooh blockade any v?saaej shoold tempt to leave any of the said ports it bOUld be duly "w.irn?<l" by tho com mander of one of th* blockading fa who . d to indorse on the regia. t-1 ..f the offending ship the fact ?jk? date of Such wairtiiiiir. If the fauno v?:-st-?:l .?in.-aid again ;. 11 - n i ; t t.. antea or leave the l.lockai'ied port, th* WOUld he C.'lpt ill ?'?1 and sent to i! oonvenlenl ?port for snob pre? nsdlngi s gains! her and her ca. |0 a.-- mtghi be d? em?sd advisable. This is the gres : nt as to oiiii'iai m.ta ? reepei Ing the ? itablish? ment of Blockade. The Mocki I Confsdsrate ports played an exceedingly Important fois la t> iloa of ths ni" luon by preventing th? augmentation of southern resourot lioin foreign couu ?e? Wedded a Qntirli-r of n Centnr-r. Mr, and Mrs. .1. 1?. ?Jhrletian, of this City, celebrated on Friipiy evening the twenty-fifth anniversary of their . aind with it the twenty-first birth day of theli eon, Mr. ??- rge Taylor .an. The ?receiving party eon i of Mr. and UA J. I?. Christian, Mr. Ouorg* Taylor Christian, mi-s Ma Chris tian, Mr. It. B. ?'iiristian, Jr., und Mr* >;.? hard II. H irwood. Amoiui tho:-- pr?sent w?--re Mr. anl Mis. Avilit un u. BoggSb of Baltimore* .iiL'iee end Mrs. Oeorge U Christian, Alice Taylor, ol t CUy, Mr. and Mrs. Otareaoe i>. Cel man, Mr. and Mis. A. K. Wail and Marian Ryland, Miaaea Q?rtrude ?and Kell Chris? tiaaaa, Mr. und Ura. Robert B. Chrl CeionM ?mi Mi?. John s. Barwood, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christ i ?in, Mr. and Mrs. Reddy, Mr?. InlUe Janea, Mrs. Fanny Bodeker, JudgS and Mrs. Edmund Wad dill, Mr. and Mm. B. I'. Wauldill, Mr. Mrs. ?Parriah, Mr. and Mrs. W. fled. a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ? B. W.i and eon- ?Mr. aad Mra Hurry Valentine, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Use Cub peper, of Pertomodtb* Mra. Virginia liar wood, .Mr. i>. T. Taiman, Mr. D. i>. Whit? bead. Miss Lula Haggerty, and Mr. and ?Mra J. T. j? irett Si-rvlee? at Immanuel To-Dajr. The SSr VlQSS at Immanuel n... church to-day win he ot special Interest, and in continuation of th?* ap?ela] meet IngS ondiioted through the week. Rev. Mr. Harrieoa will addreaa the Sunday school Si the dose <>f tho lesson, hold ths usual 11 o'clock, preach to the children ai I'M to ths afternoon, an?i taiik to the young people of the church ami e tha niiiht | irvii'c, which ?begina at 1*11 o'clock. The foung i Union will lioid their sw.kiy a 'i o'cl??ck. Dedth of Rev. Jlr. Mu i : Moiher. W<h i su ?received here yesterday that Mrs. .i. K. ! '. IfcKIbben, mother of Rev. William a. Ban*, ?rector of Monumental ?hurcb, dii'.i ?ally in the ?morning in to', n. ?*., at tini rooMeaoo of ?r. Brodnax, whom ?he was vleitin?^. .Mr Barr waa la Wlneheeter att? n?itng a .il whan he received a telegram dating that she VU 111, and It ii> foaled bal he did not mach Qreoaobore" before I? : ?i-.-.t'h. Ut r romaine wiil be taken to .""inciiinati for burial. Aacenalon Service? To-M-flit. '. 'mi Commandery, No. '2, Kalghta [ ampiar, will hold th.*ir iinnua.1 A^ . ,. tervics at the First Baptlsl church to light, Kev. Dr. Cooper will pi each the a-inii.n, und them will bo Sp-eciel musi?. *t. Andrew's Commandery, No. ii, has wen invited to attend. Th.* Templara rill aaaemble at tiie Masonic. Temple t 7:7? o'clock In full dress o? a Templar ?a lout. The HaflIU t iitliollc I nlon. The MoOill Catholic 1'iiion will hold ivir regular literary meeting Monday <**.- - lag, the z.d Instant, with an Interesting lour.mime. An eddlOSS on "A Trip t?> lurope" will be delivered by Mr. John L. Biggins. The evenlng'a entertainment ,-!ii bb highly enjoyed by uii thoas wh.> lU-tli. Dr. Jordnn C.oea to Mobile. Dr. Arthur Jordan left yesterday nt .?on for Mol.i!.-, AI,1., where he sntSCS ie I'nited Siai? I urmy us assistant sur ton. Dr. Jordan has b?en assured that I will go into Cuba with the lirst lii tdlng; troopo, ITDW si.i.i:ri>?i-c \n mm; ettreen 4'harlntte, V C, and Hlr m I intim)??. Ala., eta -mnlitiru Hall way? (?n and alter May Bit, the Southern 1 u... will operate through sleopoio ?tween Charlotte, N? C, and BUmlng im, Ala. These sleepers are the lat?-.-t ^imi ?..n section ?rawlng-rootg and Pullman sleepers, and will be M the Southern's United Sta*> s mat Mail tra?na, No* 35 and 36, bt vmn the above point*. Paaaengeep i?av g Riebmond at um p. M. daily ?il make sloes ooanectloB with this rough <ar at Charlotte and si r epeos lor any point south Of Chai red at Kichiiioii.l. This is in addition to the regular New ' rleana sleeper, operated an ibis train, j id also In addition to the elegant sleep- ' g-oar earvias n?M? offered ou train U-av- ' .,- Richmond ?*e*iS:io A. M , In oonnec- ( >n with Washington end Southwestern I mlte.l. befafeea ni?ft?"i<)nd, Atlanta. ' rmliigbum, Mfinohls, and to New Or- 1 ms. 1 THE BOY SOLDIERS. numn of lymiuhhg mvavm?, NOW AT CAMI" I.KH. F.RST FORMED OF MERE LADS. ? au ?.'?.t ?!.. Military Spirit at n ! nier 1 ..? a. ?o ?- :.< ?. t and I ??? ?.??.. j.iinie Were OrKanlzed, Hut Sul? eijuinilv lulled. It hais oc?:tirrc?l to lhe writer that per haps a bri?af sketch, Incorporating Koine foots relativs to ths Virginia Zoeai n, of I.yiichliura-, not brougbl out in the eeceaeerily limii.-d notios of the com pany on it? arrival in Richmond, would h?-of interest to the Dispatch readers. For tii?> Eonavee, eHprnngh ths you. I command in point ol an* o? Its niemh ? -, j, ,, ,-.? i. i *-} a l* idaMo his tory. Jl i'?n d at- - in the summer of which year an ?ueaujp ment of th.? Third "\"i i ; niai. Regiment w?i? a. pieessnt <\...t i-i ?the history of LtfndUrasg. Among ths sompoaiss in nt lendanca were lhe Culpep-nr Minn:.: Mes and the Warrenioii 1. Tho dLilly drill at the encampment flrd the boyish imagination of a number of indent youtn.s, alreaUy school?-.! in the parents! OUrrlOUlum to venerate the sol ?ii-ir of the Confederacy us tho highest typo of man and Ic.-ro. fJgghlWIfg. it Is well to remember, is pre-eminently a city of southern Chivalry, the ardor of whose citizens was but pHgbRy abated l.y the titule of Appoinaittox. TWO COMPANDOR OF BOYS. Scarcely had tho encampment ended be?oi? two Juvenile companies w?;r? or tainized, one choosing the name Lynch burg Dilles and lhe other that of Lyn?.h buLg Minute Men, the oompanles o? the snssmpment above muaed being honored by the adaptation Of their compainy cog nemens by their youthful Lynahbnrg ud inirers. At lirst, both companies wore knee and .-lii-iildti? ?1 WOOdoa muskets. They drilled to the exclusion of eveiy Social function ami b??>ihli amuse ment, and the rivalry oi the i commands spurted each to its utmost endeavor to excel the ether. Finally, however, smuletlon was snressdtid by oemblnatloa, ths Minute Mea being ab . ? . the EUflea t?uon thereafter lhe tUatiaoUve title ander which the orj.-aniz.k h.s aobieved lus.u. _uu State lenown was ?adopted, wbea the unif?jrni of the command Influenced an?', dictated th? eheice of the "Virginia, Zouaves" us the permanent dcjignatioa. The Hill City evidenced a disposition to encourage the martial spirit of the boys, who, without exception, were members of the city's rsprssontstlvs fans The Zuii.iv?ii nniepeied end drilie?1. Captain John Clark, the origina] ciptain, wad succeeded sOVeial ] later by the present osptsln, Hoben jl.i w.u.i Cralghill, whose Oonfsderats aa try Is indicated by names Hi at and s oond?those of the immeiiul Lee. spirit of tt. i? ? eoneisteat Il deacdnatod the pollc] o? the com ?- my, who, two years after t!.?L-ir g.-i, the wood, u weij otis fot bprlngfl? .?i rules, Which, by courtesy .,f the extinct Lynchburg Eight Artillery lilues, they seeured in 1MB. WOM A STATE BSPUTATXOK Tho Slate reputation of the Zou.iv.'S I a in the y?t*r o? tho dedication of the iMchmoud BMHauuneni to Senara] it, D. Le*. The eompany was i.resent lu the ii oity ih-t year tor the Bret Um , and by their plisturuaque r.d, whit?*?, ami blue uniforms?after the Zouave Style attracted uuuaua. attaatioa. The Cavar ibis comment then ?Saiiyendcrcd was strengthened in after y cars, for no con-. .?.to event of a MilltSty thai.. has OCOerrei in Richmond since thea thai tho Z'iuavta liai?: not participated in. While it Is true that the distinctive uniform? primarily caused comment, the enduring qualities of the command and those which the nonupnj is proud of, ..:- iii- taotloal perfection of the organ isation and the social status of its per sonnel. At the Lee monument corner-stone lay ing, the Lee unveiling, one of the big Richmond expositions, the dedication of the t?o Idler?' and Sailors' monument, and tha Conie.ii late reunion of IS??*, the Eouaves base been conspicuously in evl 1? m ?, iheir precision of drill in the line Df march and gentlemanly deportment iff duty equally contributing to tha build ing of a reputation th?U the company l ?/alnas above prl? < . Th?. Zouave* have on s?virai o?*ca*lons ?jLnrlclied a dwindling treasury by means if amatiur theatricals, from which they live cleared in th? aggregate several llindred dollar* In tMs connection there S a delightful little romance. Captain Cralghill, modest as he Is good and truta, recame acquainted with the heroine of me of the plays, and his precocious >achelor heart suecumbed. The chsrm ng heroine aforementioned. Miss Nannie JIutter, one of the belles of Lynchburg, Within a peat thereafter became his wife. RBOORD AN BOHORASUi OKA Not alone at home and at Klc-hmond are the Zouaves known. At Lexington, Where they att??nded the unveiling of the Jaokeoa amBumanti at. Rmtnuki, whose deoemilal celebration they took part in, and at the Alleghafty Springs, where th.. Oompaay has twice pitched Its summer eneampmenl tents, the company is held in high est..-, in. The last encampment at Allegheny was in UM; at which Urns the Dispatch's "idle Re|)??rter" was uojourn at the picturesque mountain resort. "Idles" wrote to the Dteapateh de ling ths Zouaves as "young roo. whom ths "Ions"?young holies at the pringa-eagerly welcomed, perhaps eue 1. Ons number of the Zouaves, ex [ieutenent Brnsst it. Qilbert, now ot Li?! l recently marled, was profoundly impress, ?l with the graadear Of the sc-nery of Alleghany on the occa sion Of the company's first visit to I lie r. ;ort, anil on the return, after a w.iek'n ? r 11 sojourn, elooocntly ileetianled on the wondrous mountain, dale, ami stream beauties 0? till? portion of the 01.1 Dominion. Back is th-* iiN'ory of th* Virginia Zoo v s in the tini?s of "piping pi Thai their reeerd in the prevent time of war will be e'iiiailly as honorable, though fraught with danger, goes Srithout s.y ing among those who know the company. 1'. M. LYNX, er-LI? utenrint, Virginia ZouaVSS, Danville, va.. May U, IB APPMHUfOI iv w,*.cKsni no. 1'ln* Hand I.enves for I: led miiiiil IVi-noiih! Millier? ot Intercut. T'!.A?'KSHL*I;?}, VA., May 21.?(Special.) P: IdeM .1. M. McHrydc* returned this .. from a Visit to the rector ot tin. Hoard of Visitors, Captain C. K. Vaw t.?r, halving spent a few days with him at hi? home at the. Miller Normal School, in Albeniarle. Contrary to the custom of lhe past few y.Mts, the meeting of tha Board of Visi tors, In June, will be postpon?.! until June the 17th? the Friday following coin meicement-day. This Is dono In order that the board may be free from the In tomiptions Incident to tha finals, and thus expedite the Susinees before it. (nt Tuender evening Prefeeeor and Mra. l?. Oliver Meures nave a very hand aoaae receptlea et tim?r home, ?Solitude in celebration ot the tenth annlveseery of their marrlaga Mrs. Nourae g i ring by her cousin, Mis?? chusetts, who la risking h??r, and Mrs. ?Randolph ami Miss Maria Balbour In ths dining-room, where a most delicious SUppi I S L A hundred invitations were isaued to mem bers of the faculty and to friends in and out of town. Professor and Mrs. Nourao, though natives of Maasacbueette, bava lived here during nearly the whole of their mar ried Ufa ?"??I have SSade many wann friends for themselves. Miss Basle ?MeBryde has been absent for a Week visiting fri? ?da In Lynchburg. She is th.- gont of Una Lacy, the charm tag daughter of the well-known Kpisco pai evangelist, I n*. Lacy, who makes his home in that city. OF PERSONAL DfTMRMt. Mrs. Dr. Kent Black has had as her gusi, Mrs. BedgWlOk, of Memphis; Ml , Watson, of Batata, and Miss Fitshugh, cf l'ulaskl. Mia-. Mat?tor, ot F'rinco Bdward aoonty, but formerly a well-known resident ?.f Blackabura, Is here on a vi.-it to her s?jii, Mr. George W. Mateer. Mr. F, C. Carp? r hais returned from a to his home?, in Sali m, whore he sp. ut recently three or four days. Mr, A. A. PMsgar( Jr., a eon of the Hon. A. A. Phlegar, of Christiamdiurg, Is still ahaant from his duties, being In tated by an Injury to his leg; Hor. James M. Ib.Uaulty, paatOT of the "Presbyterian churli, will fill to-morrow tho pulpit of Or. W. C. Campbell, of Itoa BOka city. The pulpit hero will be filled by Rev. Mr. Clyde Sheltman, a divinity ?Undent of Louisville Theological Semi nary. Mis. Emily Randolph, of Weft Vir ginia, is here and will mmnln several months with her son, "Aiessor L. t?. Randolph. Miss M Iggls W.ilk?iT. who has been for some w?*eks with relatives in Pulaekl, returns home this morning. Mr. R. t?. WilkliiH, of Charlotte, N. G, and Mr. \V. F. Hell, of Staunton, Va., have been elected captain and manager, reegSClively, of the base-ball team for e both happy selections, officers who have and will retain the ra sped of their men. Though ihr bass hsll season has ceased, lovers of athletics are not without amuse ment. Interest still runs hi*-h in th?* race for the class pennant in base ball, and one, or. p?*rhaps, two morn Kamee must be played before it la de rided Whether the seniors or Juniors will win It. Then, a tennis tournament has L>egun, which bids fair to bo full of in Lerokt THK RAVD IJCAV Among the members of the Hlackshurg Rand, which left on yeatenlay. were a mmb? of former students of the lnstl ute, and tlve wit? were la attendance his year?Messrs. Foland. Dickinson, alarper. Mardwiok. and Sarver. It was \ith mlngled feallngs of pride and s?d icas that our citizens eaw them leave. Stylish Men who seek the finest garments, tho Intestin style of cut, the best fabrics, and the s wellest patterns, can save many dollars by purchasing from J. R. 5HEPPARD, Corner Fourth and Broad Streets. No Merchant Tailor ? phows any smarter or more exclusive patterns than aro in cluded among the hundreds of Fine Ready-Made Suits and Trousers we're showing. You can secure the very cream of this season's productions here now at a handsome saving. Boys' and Children's Suits are here in great quantities, and we will save you money if you will visit this department before buying. Our Men's and Boys' Straw Hats are now ready and await your inspection. T I? ?UCPPADT1 CORNER FOURTH j. i\. dncrriiiviJ, and broad streets. ?????M_^W?WI?-??WW???--?--???--W-"W??W^?W?W^??????????-iW????????j 9?. ell??or Ifc?r^^ -f M*X <X\Jr <rfa<".W>W *fc'AtzA?wt<o 1UY WHERE YOU CAN SAVE E90NEY. I CAN SAVE YOU DOLLARS ON BICYCLES, TIRES, RKI'AIKINO, AM) III MM!?Ml My suooeas is the result of honeat price?, jrood quality, and lib ?ruarautt?H, Agent for ltelay ??icyolea (you see the balls), Vir inia Swell, Virginia Bell. ?Special pri?ces for cask Good secocd i.ukI wheels bou<?*ht, sold, and exchang-sd. High grade wheels foi lire. Duplicate parta and large sprocket? made for any wheel. B.?.BLENNER, ?10 N. FIFTH ST., BETWEEN BROAD AND .MARSHALL 8T9. TMUNK SUB. f aay i-**n.t a*l h David A. Ainslie, Builder of the Best Class ef C?RRI?6ES FOR TOWN OR COUNTRY Nos; 8, 10, and 12 Tenth street, Rubber Tire*. RICHMOND, VA. If you want real comfort, have RUBIIER TIRES put on your carriage?. Jo can put them on for you In ONE DAY, nuvinj* ??endinj-* them away tobe ratched. la case of accident we cau repair your tires in a few hour?. Have Bed the pattern of tire we put on for tvro year?, ami after trying all tit? ifferent makes consider this the be?-t. Repairing and Repainting Vehicles and Build ing to order our Special! imbSb-oiL-MAt) ivers.1 of our young* nun have enlisted various companies ami are now mus red Into the service; but when twenty ron?, lust", manly fellow* leave at ice It m.tkes the war much mo e a ality than one had ix-for? regarded it. r. J. P. Harv?*y, the leader. 1? a musl in of rar? talent and wonderful ability an Instructor. He was for four years <? leader of the InsUtiKe band, and his us will be' severely fell. ?Captain Thomas Tuto, the Senator | from Pulaskl, Wythe. and Gild?, wee aa our streets ou Thursday. Business, which has been much de pressed since th?) declarad. :i of w_r, m reported to to* improving ?.lightly. Corn has come up well and all crofa ara looking capitally, and the tanner la happy in anticipation ot tilth fine crops. It renews the color?Elastic fHaUfc.