Newspaper Page Text
_ ?"HIS RICHMOND DISPACTH-.SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1S03. Pages fror.1 the Clary ci Cap?. J< ' W. It. i - t 12. ' \ - I I UM .-* 1 K y '. . ' ' . ? ?Ir ' * ? h l h a t a I : . i | - I X I - : - ' | \i ni. r'r.g *- < n\" ?. - ' ?'. '. C? " ': '.s-t-ju: . i .".i ?.ar?;., fa i y l? ft S'ji Sisesae i id I I I '. 3 : '? * ! I ee . an it ? w nalltf r r t.? : i i : i ? i .il. '. \ lu * tarta* ' .-. ". - ? Purl? m*S ?J !.i II ....\ rccoo !. of ' ' ' ' Pat ?pa? - < q : i - ' i "' i i j II*] . - ' : I?? v - M - I I I a a .. . |!l X . \ ... ... - V .I ad in - it? - ' . i ? -1 i - irl lia felt - tint mint in? 11 v .?n 111 lence of I In the aouthern auhurhs of ... t ?.-,*. - ' ?rff li -x \v ?risltlng he lira <; w Havener, a! tasty, - of Frank dii i two teealri a h Ml? D atiH ? ? and his I h from a toag stay at ?taunton rarrouc i'Mnkin? of tin- Baya ?t Oawp tee? on *| ii ? Mwsisal .>??(? ?. VA . M y 21 ?<*-';..< : iM - il people have alwa>.? h.d a ? i dear old Richn. ;.,..- am*. < be* art quarter of a BBBQJ I - ?. In n i -. '\ i h y h ?i dearer iha?. are get i n I adt of ti'? . -ring on n v - lay with I as son h?>in it ' ; I , . ?; no well that he In on Sunday a:. I v kaowB that th? sc'.dier? ar? It la though! I BTlll be appr preparatlena Suffolk boys taO-i - liy dinner, contribu?. and .. . II >.. .-. r: In vli-w of , it got;? without eaying that ' I?? a joyous time on Sul?o k ; , Lee, torna: a .?*.*, an m.inv , sea will alao be pr*a our soldier boy? or? at Camp | ng to lixht !h? Spaniard?, the "" ? ?iJ?aitist Butan sad atn la oeing ?.th much slgor in SufTolk. Kev. * S-uikaon, of Boston. Ma??., I? hold- i **1? ?orle? of revival ??rvlces a! th? 9, and large congregation? ; J* tip, Mr. Jackaon is a line * *t and aa lmpr???ov? apesJf?r. and 1 -"* H. ... a ?.' U ? -.. . ?.ai ta by 1 mi y, - ans, < i.. ? -. -, ,j . lisa a of . lot * ?r a ? lUdl? a -'Of a . ': , ?. II - I ' m ?o : 'Ha 1 H ???? i \ H . . -Ml . t Il I : - ' ii Klrby, \ I . . M Mage." ly M iuIbj - U bj ..... h?a?l *l - : - iv h ' ' > Turner, v- and .. i M - John s M h?! ne her r '. ! - ffO k ' S . '?? k ?,0 s u( Mas s E Ha dm ?f Itiebmond. ion of Ur. L \ < : g . US Richmond t?i l-?'n o?ae of tl . ils f a.-n - f?.r ai se: r ni -. h- . | In New Berne. N <_'.. b.u bis .! greel tha? t.?- r? t r - ed home, spent a few day* ?a* 'h hl- i nts, and then went to Camp Lee to I -. v u -; older i?-??h' r v< u st it h who is a member of 'h Suffolk LU ht Infantry, va.? also liv n?; In N? ? Berne, and came h ?me t<< is' h s plaee in the ranks with tala complu ,n.* m t.m?: s did \<? inm'.. Wltiie?? shvh ?lie Saldier? Il I a \ri?r.?\i? ?Inn?? in. ?'..-? . Jo,. won ,-.-.-.,, 1 : . of t r I ' 11 | \ . I Biomini S Inffl I wlln. ... r.? ut I * ..' i M . H*-nrj and - i t - t m< ' ? .La I) ? (? I lh? i *a 'l ie ..?- ? - . ?i.iill -h .... ,. : i il > rlij. Ah. \! ? > - is I : I ere? ' . t . It. the ( [enry Harris are 'i ; a I a- ?? v .1 S .ti. the isovsird srai ! to Ja.I for fi'te. n i..\s. Elastic Btaich makes Ironing easy ' Sir il V C?.?E. LE CL?iiTS FW?OUS FRENCH REfiED? Never Fails. FNDORSfD BY THOUSAND!. Twenty-6ve 8 cent lUini ? brins? trial packa-pe and ce? llie nie*? skeptical c.illicar wondeilui prop ertny? Adaten* LsC'LAia Fill ? ... V. a AN-.--i?., BofcTON. Ma*<. N ?; Alici?rrc?po??.1enc?confc<leniiai and rtturiird b? mail ?nitii trial package t?eim , .a? in ?tamp? 1er Cm rap bit* I cc.bUu.iut> V*alu?BI? lutrurmmtle? iut itdme Fot sale In Richmond by BOLK MIL LKIC Litl'O COMPANY, mv u-W.FA?u? m i ' 1 *> -'N a! laa *"'?. . |Mi T tay chu ho'i the T! th? thl Of I Bfld den aeH The BOCl the W? tlon aide THE LESSON OF A UFE RABBI < ?l,is< I! FREACIltfS OX GLADSTONE'S CAREER. -m* A? FI '.:ir-?.E OF HUMAN POSSIBILITIES TkaaBhts Which ?be Mf? of the ?... u *-. ?tesinnu A?pcrnlnnte??The ( <?i i|i. ?.al.lllly of Religion? (?in *?'?( ,, Wtth Hilt- Intellectnalllr. ??- F. :i. Ca?a^-h, the learned and R.Squeal rabU of the congregation of'. A haba, preached yesterday an In n ! able ?ii.-course on the life o.' the Ist? U'liliam Kwart Gladstone, t premier. It was the ' ? ? ' Saturday service, and the c-ongre lirge, as it Invariably is. lisch rose to preach, be t? *:t, aa his custom Is, but etlc closing on Wednes . of the life of the sage ' I! ay well serve us as a t consideration. Even > thsl Gladstone'? career was to U3 because of its I?i?raell, it would yet ;? noble example of hu and serve as an ln . to attain to the highest Ity and usefulness in life r individual capacities. Ladstone is one that may ad by the aldo of those ' mental heroes to whom a has given birth?to be the abbey of an unfor -, to serve as beacon IglU? ?- ?? iterations that shall In 0T4 r the wide ocean of n and human endeavor. P i : ACTICAL GUIDANCE ' . rve to emphasize many I ally for the guidance of our ; . ?. ? l un going to use it to lay atm? upon a ia thoughts only. Before d.iin. . aay S word as to the Hf?- re l?loeraphi<cal facts, In??- ! apeak. Your dally papers have given . ? ? lai!!. Bal when we con t? nip' j at William Gladstone, We !': ?Inked aa it -r -. with 11*, far distant from us. .? le C"lf. not so much of ?ments that have chant.-? ? mplexlon of htiman living an I Iha international re i of I rid, "The ?h? thla elngle life," con Miau? ?i ta, 'gives point to all that m Of the stupendous progress, for Its ln flueno? In n.ore than one dlrec tlon ?>f tba , ? ? - ? Were we dispose?: to llngei accomplishments at itoi . m - it point to a v? l 'a . markable as the In duatn U il gai respected positi Into which It lured. A ?k of an and lug mal illy at home b mat tea a -.nshlp, of a p ailty that t : ful In Utei itnra as - iprshessM n iti : em braet . -. art.! 11 dlplon of a perui IS it ll ?"' . - ffect'.. ll I t'?e Usa) i ?as In the ba la or p ? - nr- i"- tba In ,. - as f| -' t I I ai : ?on r them le y i h?-?l| -.'..;. i .. !S v. ILTTI OF AV A?;'? : i.' ' 11? ?! the ?oild w old r.-i of y? -,- ??f ?-?aas'.im . rlth G 'one retlHpf Uli ;'. of th.) writing history rule 1 Moltke. i? war of ait tack of still - vvn grar.'l old ? .lu* |? Wise, f Pin? and forceful. i. id ll ? their snow upon .?-. UUBNT fa it i r. to which I would , asaphaslBSd by th?. tone la that humble and a ! with ll attainment SOd most n ; -1 p'a -. Th'i \s i \ lets Gladstone ?lid not taka i? to confnea hie f.i-h gnd to , i. In spite of statesmen and spite of premian and poiiti Mtlalea of nations arete cob? guided by a power higher ' -. in 4 nil? i\ or 11?' firmly be * ; tr ?11 ?f i- all his work we can see the f an ? aim? st belief that up tirough nil his difficulties, ?ii his speeches we see the II and there are very few of tare nor 'vibrant with the living ?fa lofty morality' that was b't faith. A LPBBOM FP.OM HIS LIFE. (? '- i : : of QladatoM that I ? I ?-pf-iially commend, especially to ?-> deem r<-ligious conviction to be I Is with intell.-i tuaii attain? < -it ir prominence of position, social or I would commend the picture ; at heroic form of the premier of ? British empire, heading over t lie r ..ems of states, and breathing the r that his work may be helped and ; ??ved by the God of nations; seeking th from on high to uphold him ?! trem-aadova difficulties of i,, -ition?this picture I commend i whose bur?!? ns fall heavy, who ' ' amanlTOa giving way beneath the ? f their trials?to you of little -.'i look you upon this picture, and ?-, In humble imitation, look you up ' -i your ?God, and find in Him that .' i that Is not in yourselves. Many y hour w?l bo Baved, many a .-.i. avoided, m.iny a sorrow soothed firm and steadfast faith by the n that Be who sends us bur ;. ( bear will M nd us strength to bear we only seek Him." W'-'IAX'S MIBflOVABY WORK. nwi-r Meeting of the ?nptlat Clr r!<?Reporta and Officer?. 'he \s's Baptist Missionary Clr . <?f iLichmond, celebrated Its twenty ii s*s??lversary on Thursday, the 12th, 5 P V., In the Grace-Street Taberna . The attendance waa large, the music and the exercises deeply in Rev. 1?-. Wlllingham, having n invt'ed to deliver an address with g the work of the coming year, it at the opening, and elab i ?he following three points: iyeriu!p*sa. thoUKhtfulness, and pati e. a* Indispensible to the successful ftershlp ?if societies. ha secretary. Mr-?. G. F. Williams. .i i r., Oil of the amounts contributed the .?.??cletles during the past two ?- ?. Tba report showed that the ao f? of fourteen of the Richmond r-hf? had contributed |l,e*0 to the rda ef -Tie State Association during past vit. he pr?s dent, Mrs. William E. Hal n re?d her address. She stated t pertens so often asked the meaning the t ritin Clrc'e. Central Committee, MIsalonaiT ("Ion she had en vored to explain the meaning of i end 'hMr relation to each other, paper w?n largely historical. Thla ety was the first one established In South under the new InspiratLm of iman'B Work for Women." set In mo in a meeting In Baltimore, pre ilonary Gravea, at which the writer was present. The paper showed that simul taneously, largely through the ?fforta of Mr?. l?r. Jeter, the flrat president of the ?oeiety, and Dr. Tupper, secretary of Foreign Board, soclstiea were formed all through th? South. Then Central com mtttets were formed in the States to ook after the work, and ten years ago, n ili< hmond, the Central committees or? ranlzed Into the Missionary Union, which a tel y held its session In Norfolk city. Phe Bociety has undergone several .-hanges. First It was Mite-Box Society, low It is Missionary Circle. It no longer ' acerves and dlsbursea moneys, but hears ports of what the societies have al ready raised and disbursed. It has never uni but two presidents. On motion of ?Ira. Crump. Mrs. Hatcher wa? tendered i vote of thank? for her paper. Then followed the election of officers, ?vhich resulted in the unanimous elec ion of the old ones. Mrs. W. E. Hatcher, ?resident; Mrs. G. F. Williams, secretary, ind Jits. Robert Crump and Mrs. 8te .henson vice-presidents, and of the iddltlonal vlee-preslde.nta, Mrs. Bagby, .f Calvary church; Mrs. Hlden, Grove lvenue, and Mrs. Ashby Jones, of Lclgh ilreet. Mrs. Dill, who occupied the chair du Ing the election of officers, spoke In ileasant terms of the good work done ?y the officer? of the ?oclety, and called or a rising vote of thinks to them. It ras Intended to have a number of talk? rom the ladles who attended tne Nor olk meeting, but the lateness of the mur prevented anything more than a eference to It by Mr:?. Dill and Mrs. iwathmey, calling attention to the facta . hat Virginia alone Increased her con. ributlons last year, and that puts her I t - the head of the list; also, that he societies of Virginia are a.?ked to ontrlbute this year 15,000 to the F loard and KO00 to the Homo Board. VILL OF THE LATE F. R. SCOTT. II? Estate I? Valned at f.- ( O.OOO Written by HI? Own llniul. The will of the late Frede:'? k K. ?cm ras admitted to probate In ihr. ChSBCSO ourt yesterday. The estate |g ralasd ?"* ?00,000. The will was written by Major Scot', imself. The text la a?- folo "I. Fred R. Scott, of Richmond, Va., do lake this my last will un 1 ereby revoking all n;b<-r trilla ur.d ?ll-li lis by me heretr:? i 'Having alrea.'y gtvefl to my wlf? arah F. Scott, th.- b I tot No M Franklin aStreet, ! Va.' I trther give and bSUBSBljl ife all my !i ma Iture, boto Beef ?! .?r i nial, In ild hou?- -en- therein II plcf'a-. t, r . ... ; latedw.ite. .;':, g, igeth-r i | h all Si] w,-.. ? h?- I .?I -.i i \ehl? d by an moi seed Is tha city of "I ertl * that tn- rlgtht an?' ' n-y v/Uule i ",-,-->. re:ii end ' tfesctaad. pesa and be dls ? ; t.i the Virginia nts and distributions in . ... .. a,!, t.- i' 1 had died in "I furthei -cet that the dls i'..iit on -; ira at my estate which would ! a - * v i - go to r / son John W. Scott a fee ?imple, shall te I ?.- ..Is use and benefit, til* t thereof to be paid to ?. iBg btl natural life, as th?.* asaM an to time accrue, without s.-T of n?it. Ipatlon on his part, Sad thereof at his death shall i piss to his lawful heirs ac to the statute afbreeatd. la .- to *i.ake the distribution of my es ?aereln provided, I authorize and my executors hereinafter nd the survivor or survivors of . sell my real estate publicly taly for cash, nr on cr.dlt, as ?-. may deem best, and by good and iliclent deed to convey the same to th? irchaser thereof who shall not be re dred to see to the application of the ifPhSSS money. "I nominate and appoint my eons, red W. Beott, Edward w. Boott, Jr.. 1 Ti.- mas 1!. Beott, as the executors of is rny will, and request that they may i t?> qualify as such without curlty. In witness thereof, to this, my sal.l at will, written wholly with my own nd, I set toy hand and seal, this, lit h y of J.Jly, UM "FRED. B. SCOTT." ! I 4> BRVICBS AT CAMP LEE TO-DAY. -. Hoge to Preach in the Andl orlum at ?I o'Clork?Special Manie. n last Sunday afternoon the tumult d disorder In tho Auditorium before tho nmencement of the religious services s not owing so much to want of n-v- r co for ba<are-d things as to Ignorance of ) fact on the part probably of tho m?i ity of thos?> present that there whs be any religious service at all. Bxcur? n trains had arrived from vari ?i us irters, and the excursionists pre-clpi ed themselves on ?M Ati'lltorlum, and ridreds from the city floched In, not owing that there was to be any reli vic-e In the building that after >n. The crowd was immense, and when ?vernor Tyler and General Lee were n on the platform with Dr. Hog?.* ay thought there was to be a military nonstration, or ovation of some kln?l, I h? nee tho cheers and calls for Gen ? I.? lais afternoon none of the disturbances last Sun'iay can occur. The Audlto an will not be opened to the general ?ilc until the military companies have ;i marched In and ?eat?ad a f?w mln I bffore 5 o'clock. A diolr of thirty forty well-trained voices will conduct singing. The galleries, In which -y boys congregated last Sunday af loon, will be closed. Dr. Hog? will ant* the sermon, but other mini.-t?-r? 1 assist in different parts of the ser i the audience will be found many of parents, relatives, and friends of tho lier boys, who aro soon to be sailed > tho Held, and under such clrcum I Is not to ba expected that any ig shogld occur to mar the decorum Interfere with the sacred character purposes of the service. 0 a e A Pleasant Sociable. i Friday nlgbt the home of the Misses kers, on Twenty-seventh street, a the scene of a most delightful socla giV'ii by the Church Hill Yooag man'? Christian Temperance Union. was, Indeed, an occasion of tnrerost pleasure to all present. An iiitor?>t programme had been prepared, a por i of which consisted of a medal con . In which five little misses from the e band of the Loyal Temperance Le i competed for the prize, hile all of the?? made most creditable tations, the Judges unanimously .rded the first prize, a ?liver medal, little Miss Blance Bicke-rs. who ply reached the mark of perfection. second prize was awarded to little I Inez DtltS. Refreshments and other tations followed, and after an appro te tailk to the members by the presl , Mrs. Omer, and a prayer by Rev. I. Omer, the guests began to disperse. astlc Starch has no equal. M_???.?^ _???_?_^p?| TO THE LADIES? ""CORDION PLAITINGS, Be. PER 1 upwards; Side Plaltlngs, lc. per yard Sun Skirta, 13 per skirt. Write for our price-list. Work sent throughout th? ed States. SIMON'S PLAITING ES ILI8HMENT, 94 north Lib?rty street. imore, Md. my 15-Su4t : The Quick Step e of the most common and ilcsome disorders to which soldier? ubiect. Every officer and every pri -M_a| to the front shouid take with a bottle of Chamberlain'a Colic, pra, and Diarrhoea Remedy. One or loses of this m?diane taken as ?toon y unusual looseness of the bowels irs will arrest the attack and ?prevent erious consequences. It is tne most ?le medicine in ths world for bowel hints. my i&-W.^&Sunr I e er n C Lively-Price Sale. Many great '* irrjains .-.wail you here lo-morrow. Thi9 sale strikes direct at the profits fo: oar tmojt \7..t \i the busy deliveries from the " Always Busy Store," \v!i'.;'i diy day ii .. i ev v ocUfMI of Richmond and it? suburbs. TIios:- aiblt t!i ) ra w'l o* o_r papular prices. Customers don't mind walking many hlozlim aa-J of {'.:. '.: ay to come HERE. They know it pays to do so. Another Sale of Worthy C?.o. I DRAWERS. Plain Black, ii'.ri- rvn.-i.?p, ri;iii- -uni r Taffetas, in tlie swell w>!oriu?i <j? i..*, ?*p Prices ?jut of Joint v, ill- quality. Ulraainated Cheek??! ThaVta* 11 inrhea ?"!?'? *.* P'iic .-... j u i-.-i;.i'..r lia g* ? *,-'i' a | pancee -""iiks. 20 inehf ?*. ?i - " ***n*o ?to in ( ! .'/V Blue, Vellcw, Olive, IL*il?!.; C C ?.. i..?_,i:i.l au-j Pink, ?*Je. m yard. Black i-jara-h, 19 lnohea ?wfde, and all pore *\v y.* I .' 1 ilnng grenadine a i? i ?xli ? -lui fal yard? Sutlr. Duchesse. 21 lnr'i"* ritte, in " ? ?. P !*'.r? a?, ?Jardinai, Navy, Ta n l ?. ' itta and *? > n.?'. ?! ?PlBk. These are vei> niiaO u.-vd tot t trahtta, Neu a yard. BlBCk Brocaded Silks. *> In ** -% *\ .le In .vr.'.ll. urn, and large designs, CC 1 Black Moire Velours, "i Inehsa ? <li, SSftUssi separate skirts, 75c. a yard Black Dress Goo:.5 Sc!e. Desirability, Parity, ?,<Mtx\.i'.ity, Style; price?and the lowest. Black Bunting;, all WOOl, 't lachea *\.Jf. faSHUltci wear well?29c. a yard. Black Imperial Serge, <:1 ?o,l, I! iBehsa Bid? yard. Black Dress Goods, lr JsftJUBrd ?.'if?.? Is. 2". U and all -wool? 39c. a yard. Black Etamlne or Won! Ore? a In- m all wool?our regular ?59c. ?,,-. I? iOc .? -an ?. Black Crepon, with tiA?-ro\v atrip? i I ?v? ?* <*. i -, wide. This is an excelle a1. rae t ter UI .Jt *? ;?-?. '. iklrta full auita?TiQc. a yard. Black Crepe Cloth. Sll * - '" '- ? <** Bide Thla I excellent fabric for aaoun . Bfa_r--|i j jui-J. Sale of White Qood*. This is to be "A fc'liite Owls Boem a " K.'s, Or-jaudies, Lawns. Dimit??*?, N sillar Mulls. Over 5,000 V-srds [or this sale i c< menceraent Dresses, anil 1 i sll ueeasioip, Sheer India Linen, U tgttpn Vide, muiih '.. '.-- . clal, 10c. Striped Dimity, 32 in-h. s artde, Una aheer qua'.:*?*, * 15c.?special, 10c. Pique, 30 inches wldj. co:\"'f1 Mi itliped ' special, 10c. Pique. White and ce!?*>r?d tore bet y fwrd ratera , Blue, Navy, Bed, and Black, Wcrth l" .---i?>;.<:. Warp Pique, large -v. a, \?t> ll.; x-.ih tto.?OOt cLal. 20c. Colored Pique. Etra:-i:i .'.'( i clal, ?Be. Persian Lawn. 32 1; aheer i.-ii i. .?*, *. 17c?special, 12 l-2c. Plain Swiss, 32 inch'-: <a:i'.^ ror*h * -- Dotte?l Swi.-?.-, 32 lr? ! ? a/ltl ? ? ? Dott?-ii ?Swlae, BBUill els ? eeli w._ ?*, numi ?.. special, 2?o. French Naln?ook, IS i le, "r.*. ihrer, Bill thicken in launderiraa . .-.< Imported Orgi.ndi - > ~ BOfll 83c. Batiste, -IS Inches al*e. **"rh V ' English Long Cloth, i. I I . ap?ela I. ftSc. ?'?.lore?! Organilie, 33 Inch? v. ?1?-. a?:; rolara, B'ortl spe.-i.-l, ir??*. French Percal?-- " . , L. !n '.. 1 i.e. we 33c?our special, 2?c. Sale of Wash ?coJ*. P. IL's, Percales, Brsn.lcnWtrs, 0/?___; Up-to-Date Stuns; small proCl ; *ucs. jfadraaianne. bta1- pltide 'nal - - < to. Gingham, In email atripee, arorth Be.? aw ->??< Bercales, 38 inche? a plaids, IB e?1 col? worth Mc apsclsl, - . Scotch Cheviot, M lachea arid*. atralrM and \, plaida, feat colore. wort*i \iii- - ?.?: ?. .-,..i. lt?3& Woven Madras, :*2 Inchfa Bids, ?<*:.?> eti'ipea, wo 17c?our apodal, 12 1-L? A big lot Of Org;?*v'"... t.-.--?"* ?-<l I:.,-?.?.;?, g*t ?jold for l.-HS than Ladles d?*Klring a Itlryclt ?'.?in. W$ ...x* thine-, M Inchaa ?aide l??oa#l)/ aov?*r . .3 , of worsted, worth 1-". ? apeClSl, 1" 1-2^ rheSalecf Muslin l>ndcrwear. It prows as it **oes! 100 lio'rr ?- - L<3(led to this v-f-^k s amir? TYm ; en test i )rico sale ever ih-i.i-.''r*Li"ii": . ud-j ? uents carried away List *\ Gowns, of camb-lc and c ;*..i i-'j-? nA kva r?**< nicely trimir?-?l, r<?a.!;r ia ?- i'."' Your choice of 01 G . ? t.! t ,ty cotton, regular ? Another special offerlny !( Atmet le Ihl .. i -., :hoice ouality cotton, r- , - w <:.r Bmplr? Gowns. Ugh I : ,-'-* *? '' ton, lace trimmed, regalar (?lire i, 10 i-o-m Flu* Cotton Goi? n-t. SleS ? ? < ?-. ?? ? a?.,?., m larments in this lot, refBlnf price Ur.BSB Oft SKIRTS. Many styles to *-<*''*-t *->"s t*-****n* eon ton, finished oft* with Hamburg itiT * a: . ht.I price 11.48?now $1 TLxtraordinary : - - tor 0*t ft ?...- - brt?ila style, deep :.. * i ?mtn? - .- la* i Skirts, that cannot I - ire real Skirt Bargum*, umhrei'? f > .. reguiatf p ll.ld?now 75c. Umbrella Skirts, n- ' n, j,.? louble ruffle, re?r.!*?*- ir?- <**?? ..-..? ? pm* Only five dozen irf? . ? ; ?ffered, made of fin- I tton. See) rafle, i.^.i..; l- , 9c?now 27c. CORs?tiCOVERS. Hamburg trlmm"i V and f-, .air,, Srrg. -rrfeet f? Ing, regular price Be.?noa This special lot cann??: to* '?"lt-tn i-ir.p.c?l an.;?: eck. regular pric?^ 19c? r 75 dozen, the Shetoest s ? l?*-*t ? > .? ir tin tttr, mart, Ifferent atylea to seien fror?. rc?;u ?n p. ; , >c The Best Coraet rove, />< ma}**re* * ? r ***-> ?,? tous* re at thl- price, pialn high an..' <ow i eck, rvtfulai | ...< Lc?now 7 1-?c. Fine Cambrio V-Nrck. i:.-*i-. ? *ng \u* -rri-?d ime round yoke. rIMion i;l_,a.n:d, rej-!ar prie. ow 39a CH?MfS? Cut extra long. ?-?n*y l*? e'?:-?? left. ?-?Mc ih^y last, rep ter 35c. quality?new ?< Our rerrular ")>'/< q lallt] -'.' 'm!*?-?. mud?? ?f fin? :afn. 1c, skirt bottom?now Be Our regular f> .. .!.i> <:hi*mi-*ea y?'ke of cks and Inserting, nov.- Mc a81drt-Bottora Ch*tri" ' >r? hSSBtlMBi lain tr.rr. sd, regular {2.36 (Mlity- " H I?***. 19 dlfferr*it styles to aelect from, plain htaa, with tucks, some with ruffle of cambric and Hamburg, regu lar price 39c, -tow 26c Excellent Quality Cotton Umbrella Drawera, ?rut very wide, regular prio* ?!3o., now 27c. Camhrio and Cotton Drawera, aome plain with tucka, others trimmed wito wide Hamburg ruffle, regular price 60c, now 39c. Unmatchable Drawers offering, made of standard cot? t?,?| ton, deep hem, with tacks, regular price, V>c., now 17c. Tremendous Shirt-Waist Selling. More and more, cheaper and cheaper. Ton ,never saw such values snd ?\-ottiness combined. f ? A mak-?r offers 9? dozen. 1,1.53 Fine Waists at 50o. on the dollar. As we buy wo sell SHIRT-WAISTS. ? Fancy French Percale in Strlpee, Checks. Plaida, the very latest, tailor-made, regular price 11.69. now $1.43. ica Han-V'ome line of Plain White and Black Liwna^ alae ! U dozen of Fine Percale, in Plaids and Stripes, eery ?well. .?'guiar $1.25 quality, now 98c. i V? ur choice of ?S00 Shirt Wains, cholo.? and tttttoh tt.-rn--, many designs to aelect from, regular price "?and I t?c, now 60 and 69c. Another Special Waist offering, 29 dozen left, they are 1 regular 60c. Quality, now 39c Umbrellas, Sun Shades, Parasols. ^ , A money-savin*-* opportunity to the wise. A ?ker sends 300 2G-inch Umbrellas, st a price to sell instant ; nice size for ladies and gentle 'mon. Lidies' "M-lnch, Silk Warp Gloria. Paragon Frame. | ; ! Black Buber and Natural Handlea. L63 In this lot; regular price, $1.39, now 18c. tatmOhmt and Gentlemen's ?6-Inch Twill Serge, plain Tiffeta, with Natural and Dresden handlea, 248 in Ikta . regular price $1.50, now $1.26. Ladles' 36-Inch Silk Warp Gloria, with long Dreadrn handlee, only 2S in this special lot; regular prltfa fl.7_. ?..'.'sing price $1.19. G.-ntlemen's Taffeta Silk Umbrellna. 26-luch, fine l..t ? f Imported Prince of Wales handlea, ailver ewadge; r*g ular price $2. now $1.60. I nWaaf 26-Inch Taffeta Umbrellas, with h?.*?rn and handles. Inlaid with sterling ailver; regular vow $2.69. ? m.i tlemen'a 36-lnch Taffeta Silk. Paragon frame, fine - ?1 natural handles, extra close rolling, regular . now $2.2T.. A Sal? of Swiss Embroidery. I 000 yards of new Swiss Embroideries and tions ; narrow, medium, and wide; the best values ever offered at 5,7,3,10,12$, 1 15c. yard. A Great Ribbon Sale. Tie country has gone wild on Ribbons, and the ?-ituation is gathering momentum daily, and today the ribbon demand is the great retail atura. Acceptable dress results are obtained 11?y ribbon uses of a most effectif* kind. You .v our reputation, ?WE STILL LEAD." .' i -.-inch Black Moire, Taffeta and Croe Grain Ribbon, i aorth 16c. a yard, for 12 l-2c. I li ' ! lUtlful new Black Gauze Ribbon, $1-2 lnchea wide, | real patterns, worth Be. a yard; at this aale, la a ; j.tid. A'out 600 yards Silk Belting. !r. Solid Black, Red, and White, worth Ut, a yard' at thla aale l?e. a rd- *MU_fc_MM_J One lot of Fancy Rlbhnn. nil pure ellk. lncludea all of I ?-?ur i .ncles that sold fjeiu to 48c. a yard; at this aale. . i yard. Another lot of Fan.-y Blhboaa, every plt-ca all pure [.I Fllk. gocda that formerly fold from 48c. to file, a yard, BOW marked ???*c. u yard. **i All of our Fancy Rlhbona that originally sold from i Uo, to Ug. a fglte, sis put In one lot ai.d marked Be. k j s yiiid. A Bargain for the Men. Here's one item??the counters are full of 'em, Fin?', l'.i?cy Percale-Bosom Laundered Shirts, ( _ in this HMOt'l i.i\v?.*st styles, all sizes, -*|a in U\*\e. ?->"Ce White Bed-Spreads. Theee are h. ready for use. Hotels, 4 Summer Oottagera, come and see. One cose, 1 120 W Lite I'm?!-Spreads, larcre double-bed size, < , hemmed ready fof use, all Marseilles patterns, eight d i tie rout designs. They were purchased to retail for $1.39 ; this entire lot to goatll jeach j I Houseware Bargains. A Chinaware sale of magnitude; Tea Sets, O Dinner Sets, Open Stock, rlates, Cup, Saucers Dishes : a piece or as many pieces as you wish; that's the way we sell. T Tea Seta, cuntalna 56 ripees to eet. decorated and gold trt*r*-d. -.vera VI ' $1. now %4*t set. :.l rioc# Dinner Set, rich a, gold traced, ' .- w? ??6.39. now US.M HO piece Dinner Set, deco ir.i ludes large soup . ? n. WSS ?$12. n??w $10.?X I l??t Cups ?inj Fan.-era, i i'hin* decorated, wer? ? U ?S da*? a, now $1.19 donen. 12 ?. u 1 iiK?r:eJ Soup ? i' tee, decorated, worth i -... cholee ""?i. eiveh 6 doses Plie Transparent ? ? Platea, ?i-cor?ted nr.d Sold 'raced, were He. and | now lie j $ I ? dozen Fire Polish Turn? . blare, were 36c. dosen, ' choice 2c. each. ^ 12 do-ten Cold-Tea Turn bl?rs, worth ID?. dosen, < now 65c. dozen. S-quart l?-**-Cre?m Freezer, * Arctic brand. $1.80. . 8-quart Ice-Cream Freezer, BlUsard brand. II.?. ( 1 lot China lampa, dec?? ratod. wer? 16.60 and IT; I :hoice. 14.69. Cut Glees Tumben. * rere $3 dozen, now $LJ0 ^ losen. h?-inch Cut-Qlaas Bowl, | aaa la. now UM 1 lot Water Filtere I [atone), were UM, ?sow , "_48 each. MlleraBho^d?/1 Always-Busy Store.'