Newspaper Page Text
*- --?_THE K?CHMOJNJ? JLHa^ATCH-S?NDAY, MAY 22, 1898._ THF, OLD CAMP LEE. ,T? FIR*T t "Mil AM) \M* Wit! Hi A\ ISTMUtStflHI SKKTl II. STORY OF THE CAMP'S FORMATION. ,, nu? Flra? I ?e?l ?a a Camp of In? .irnrttoM for l.-fnnlry a* W.-ll n? iniiilr??An .ArHll-*r>- nu? ? un nrrlpl < BdSPi I'lnnllj-. John C. ShlBlSs, th" pom I itch with ralnsMt si - -a.-.?. from Its "f tht ' the war. - ( Uh? atlib. r of am? a -.. ai la \ lr ' | \ -minian : I ? : l tli-- State. - In I \ . f hi? ii data of Valley, arc living i\ atli j! home i' . \? ii? t.- ha loada ?m Meal Us, fruil i ,.:..n. i Skleiekfs Uralsk. ror an I This s rhaps, mmanda to enter the . \.. ? \. ' Dover Cav? . s-f tht cavalry from that ime date tl rfleld ., the St. ( . and ? *I rat i ii sde i . . i? i | >e i ? on ?:.;':-.- aft? r com* i many regiments i THE O ?RPS OF <".M' i wer? ai 11 Wtlllan a pro? ?'orpa w for iiwhi!-- 1er of the and went to the inn ?t call ;<? mind any person who Ion at this more accui , than V. 'a ? v. a | - - s: || !i i my In May. P from : to I when .11 month? of : : the for? . atill.-ry n.mpanl;] In Vir of tho .' : it i 'an try had authority t" change to In -.bout . . ?pa around Jtlch: -1 to 1 idquai ? and i H. Wli id army ofllc? r, waa In command, with a the Valentine baildl and ; ' as his ral. T ! Inanoe officer for Virginia, and command General Winder valu vari ous comp.a ? a regular mp, and bringing nil the < ?mj a , under ?allai. CAMP USE PROPER. Koa ?SI . The ? ? ; r' v | I?. D at the i taita Hon, - af?'.lk. il?-, vi mmock, w? -Mr. i rala Dim? Etai to the - . ; .i .- \, ;. ? rtlllery ? - then i.? r? I blrty a - -an?- in from * veral il an Lit till rvlnt *. Elowlt? bo be camp c : time there were atlU ?Lee foi l'ifty whlch was tb te il formation at that i . . ... ... ?nid it amp would to ?n be ?a.iz . ? ?. in j? .la? I. ?>n ! ?. - found D m. Major John . M. D. Uoge chap? : ipldly for . , menl till about July, n law ha i - bins t be arm] . i . ?-lit to Ihe Held during the time which ? i i?<- menti * . i ? . mind, com? ike John* i lO'nk. N. A. Sturdli r Martin, and two other ?avhictl eo/istitul'-d F. .1. Fe-^y. W. < > . . Then lie ic- v.?-i < IhOM et Oeochtand: i ? h . lutle i?? i-i? W. Ander? f U itetourl, I W'oolfolk. of l Pawson, n< bhurg; lieltfas. and many oth? *...- -: a, |.i. one from Maryland, 1 now. i ., . i ?,,. a-- rotary of . during bit tens Is thst oft . \e other dutie? ,? . peal of I am i , . last "f , with btadquar *" m Camp Lee tot thai p ?n ,?u?-ral dt.'L Bt to a Themse <'< Peyton, of Kiehwond. **? anplgned to the ImiSllMtt command ov?i fa c Bt! j r* tie "T be i". lar I..-; enl Dr T< |,o? the ! " the to.? Bv< ov? ion eve bad th? I.vii an ll\ fur 1? n Th? pho top looi of COLONEL JOHN C. SHIELDS, OF ROCKBRIDGE, Hie Commandant of Old Camp Lee, Who Gives an In terestincj History of the Confederate Camp. if mea reporting under the regulattona of ho conscript law for asslagnment This large duly ami well executed. An iddltional camp wat also established msnths undsii eommaad <?.r mes i:. aDorman, .-?t Dublin, county, reportlag directly to Col in? i Bhl? ids ns eommsrndsnl for t?a B was well executed in Vir [inia Ihrough the enrolling olBeera ??f ountlea and ooagreeslonal districts. Not erred between the su "f the stat?\ Qovernor Letcher, ind the Confederate authorities <?f Oen ?rai John .* *. Preston, chief or the Con? ?l? rat" BurSBH of Conscription, and the a i.uit for tht state. Shortly be? b ?r .-n-ie?! (the Con! lureau waa dispensed with, sud I lamas i?. Kemper I ime the. laterme betweea thrua- of the cob? i ml? - aad tho War Depart - seat Thla arrangement continued until '. la April, A kin"!-: ?SPECTACLE. 11 siwai.i have t" *. previously m?n t . at In i ?> > ? mi?? r. ItU, Coloael Iblelda si one time had tight bntteritt tht fi'l'l. aii'J M reported. <;?-n ral Winder authorized him to move h?m on a w-i-ie Said under the tunics ?Trench army, deatgaated Batterie??," transiuted ram the Preach by Major Anderson, of Port Bunter ii.?m..r> . I : la b< did under the inspection and by Pi.-sid.-Tit Davis, ?Jenem] ' al Randolph, Sec? etary of War, and other ofllcera <?f ni^ii aak, Bring i<>- tingle batteries, th?n ?.?> ir batteries, aad lastly by the entire batteries of four guns In S? Il ha" The lata Or. W. '. Palmer, of rtich : -:?1, who had served a? lieutenant, a? ? 11 as c?ptala, of the First Howitzers, as appointed tUrgSOn in the early part gned to ?'amp Lee by to* nest Of Colonel Shi? Ids. and remained 1?re nil the cloae of ih?* .struggle in -".. in eharge of the <*ntiro magics! do irttnont, where th? re were aomettmea Ol more thaui PB meo, and then, aii.'iin, i? re would toe from M.OtO to 15,?.xk>. ?'amp ee was the poet ..t which the perofled a ate aoldlera were nt Horn northern prisons, and there ' arid Clothing and Subsistance u they couiii be exchanged and return? l to their eommaad in the field. From iait point alee emai it? i all the ona under law an-i all tho detalla for : vie.- of men liable to military not only <?> army roils. Lleuteo? o? James h. Blnford, who had ?served Ith Colonel Shields in the li.-'.i, was sd ;' the coBscripi department, aad !.. i??r W, II. Fry was adjutant of tho I iptalB W. I., lllddlch, of ans? ilion?I COUBty, Who i i i ? serv-.l 00 of a Louisiana brigadier ?before erfolh wais ?vacuait?-.l, wee la elutrga the i u ge " pari m? ni of exemption id ?i? talla la the coaecrlp! aervice. The der and letter booka of that branch of ? aervice were un.i'r the <?r. rtlon and i?, of Mr. John W. Braaeford, who ut ilt tilma la Treasurer <>f tii?- ?ity of fBChburg, ?.r holds an important place tht government of than city. JolIN ?'. SHIELDS, iii-I.? l'i ?|.n i-f? ( Ion ??f the MbwHsSBB. Shi. ids, in a recent letter to a lend) glvet sa Interesting explanation the thorough ?preparation of the Rich? ii?) Bosritaers for Seid service before war came ?>n. The Howitaer Cosapany was orgaalaed IKS, and Instructed in 1M0 In artillery repared by a board of ?artillery Oenerala Barry, Hunt, and ? ?it not laaued to ?the Fmit ral my tin MB. Shields, as a publisher, had to*. : obtaining a copy of th>- tac* n from tht pubhshing-houst la the mmer of IMS, ?and to it was tiiait tht iwltsers were equal to th? I ?ai il ar? try in that r?sped before tht war nun ii? ? ?i. Every battery equipped at D |> !... under his command was ln u t.d in the new tan tics. I> Mil. GL.lllVI'OMLS STUDY. hut C? 111 |Ml Si i.i '] l'i: to SOI ah? Ylitltor Find? Amona- lili Uooka. . writer In the Scotsman of Edinburgh ni.? s ai recent visit t?? Bswnrdes ess? aus- of Mr. (Hadstoae'a study? ...pie of Peace." as It is ?sailed "II waa ? mpty; but fancy an old man. ragged sad atrong native granite and straight "* s et si rest, ?with a ehlld Ukt a mui lil ;,t Ids tOOt 'The san- tutu la seldom .pi i.y its owner am.i ?Dorothy r. the only child of Mr. ?ladataae's j ond daughter. Mrs. 7>rew. In the J *** tuple of Peace* tin-re are over 15.00$ . >okshelves line every part of stain! out at right BSglta a ih?-r?-. il?. Otadstewe could k more b.Joks? into a i*iv?-n spnce than ?t nun. Necessity iBUghl him. any modern book you find on Ives. On the Syleaf you will 'With the author's gompusgente.' !ry post biii.-?s its quota. I OtO the o'iier room-; barrov. - ?3 ko down t?. St. i?.'ii?i??!'s almos! y rtay. Pfcobsbly no living toun so many books presented to liirn by r writer*. We ?paused by u table at .t.- window asar th? ?loor, when k bata that would fit only one heed, ?v.l. --it. a pair of gloves; In the es of tho window were a couple of ? and aorae walking-sticks." At the end, betWSsa 'he windows, stand? the i where political work was ?lone. It ? .w sometime* used by Mm. Gladstone. ? ,. wen many bust? and "reliefs" and ogrepht ubout. The bust on the j of the bookshelves. facing and lug down on this desk, was of l prd -omdleld. He seemed (fo^-the ! altores**) to be keeping guard j that tmpty chair. dui oui .an? In I th? nai I,a 1er w a u dll wh ihn D pi.. it \ SPAIN'S LOSSES I\ rill*. si a I i ?| ?. k gfeaw nil Aivfnl luiar.'Kiiti if I'lilnlltlea. (Barper'a Weekly.) Some id? ai of ti?- ?osMes suffered by the Spanlah regular troops ?luring the present Insurrection in Cuba muy be formed from th?. follouring fi.: ur? h : Between March i, ISK, and Ma?r?-h l. 1M?7. Spain sent t?. Cuba i? generala, ?no Held and ?SB subaltern officers, an?! i-i?. Idlers, 'I'?? these must be added the 12,000 officers and men forming the regu lar ?.'ui'.an establlahmenl a' tho outbreak " tin- Insurrection, making s total ?<? nearly MfcOOO. Of these i general, 7 field and ."?.i subaltera officers, aad i ?4 m?n w.-je killed in battle; l general, fi field and IS subaltern ofBcera, .?nil T'ai men died of !-. while AB officers and 8.1?.I m? n were wounded -uid preaumably recovered. The loaeea caused ty ?the enemy ??re then small, heinif but little more than ? ?per ?.f th?- total press?t t??r daty. The ? ?-?' is ?altered, ?however, in the ?matter of Uis.-as. ; L'.is ??m.-.-rs an.l U,M0 im n died of yellow-fever, while IT? offi? ?ra and ai?..ut in,"?.' men tuecumbed to other mala die--. A writer in the Ituvu?i Bdenttflque of October lg, UFI, taivcs the following ratea of lo.-s p<-r thousand: Killed ?>r died of w.ninds . 1".7 ?Died "f yellow-fever . I Hied of oth.r df*. ,..-< s .J01.1 ?Sent home (Sich ami ?rounded). LfS.0 As all th. M.-k anil w? ?iiii?|.-<l. bowever, hay?? ]..,t !*<? n -?ni bH'k to Bpaln, th? aumber ??f ihese left b.-himi mus! i??* taken int.? accounl in estimating tin- t?.taii ion at' th.- Spaniards. While this number can not be accurately determined, yei there is -?wtson for believing thatt it oannol fall far ?hoit of l3l?,0??'. Accepting this estim?t. we have a total rate of loss of m ?per Lhousuli'l for tho two veers . ..-i-?alen <i; >r. of th?. Ibi.tA?) constituting the roi/ular Jpanlab foroea hi ? ?ui.:t. but ?AM?, to round nil inhere were left to bear arms DTi March 1, 1*:?7. These numlxrs haive more than acn lemic interest for na Just at ares? nt, f??r f we may assume tho foregoing ratio of oss to hold good from March i. US7, to Barch l. Is'.?*?. .la?n, after adding th.- re r.forcem* nts ran! out during the >?a.r inded liaron -.".. ittt, there cannot be m taba t?i-?lrty moro than 1W,?NI reirular Spanish troops able to bear arms. It is irobaMe that the number is somewhat ess than this, but the assumption of 1'"' - ??? gire* us ai small factor <>f aSfety in atlmatlng tba number of m?-n we ahall teed in ?>rd?-r to overe?me Bpanlah re iatance on land in th.- lalaad. it must I?- recoll?sct?ed tht th?? fore? tolag figures are only approximately < ? ?it, :.s Hi.-re Is groUBd for Hi?: belief th? t h.- Spanish medical ?returns have pur misstated, if not understated, the osses of th.- Bpainlsh army in Cuba. Bui or that very resoon we may f?-?-i tolera? ly sur?- thai til?' results here given ?ir?* lot in excess of ihe truth, rnopi.p. of Tin* PHILIPPIBMS, he Original liilialiitaiilH Arc Snp paasd ( > Hi?*.?- ?Been BegrsttMb , (Philadelphia Record.) Th?- original pe?'pl" of the Philippines e BUPPOaed tfl haa-V?- be'-ll t!:-- ?l.a.' k-c? ?tn ! race known as Negritos, from lelr color. Through the Manda .in- s.ait r. d 8,000 of them. They are ?iwaiit.-. itli tiait noses, lull lips, and frizzly hair, bave a litti?.? ?way with thtts <?f clgara with the burnli a . .| [oil le lia? ir mouths. Th? - andering people, whom the Malays have Iven to 'In- more InacctMwible pains, "in which th. y descend to Bell wax to ? Chinese traders in exchange foi ??l tobacco: ami th?.- dog is their only 'iia'-tii- anim?t m?. Malay form tii?- ?bulk <>f the pulatlon, ?varying among themselves i:i ysical appearance; ?_ad lira! place nong them must ?be accord??] the Ta lla. The people of tills branch dwell ar the wait?! in houses built on piles, ad, though they ur.j Catholics, traces tbelr'old failli and cuetoma ?abound, ley have round heads, hitch cheek? ?a?:-, (lattlsb noeee. low- brows, aad a. eyes sad I heir favorite amuae iit is cock-fighting. Aa m Spain, Mr. ?u is ?armed wltb steel gaita. riey bave a written language ante ting th?- arrival of the Spaniards; an . ; tbi ar ? v. 11 ni slxt? ?'n letters, for music and the drama, and . ai ? -??ii? otion of ?native lyric ?try. tnotber ?Malay Iribe, the Vlsyas, the anlards in the iitt?.aatii century chris ted tii' PThtadoa, or "Related Quec." lin- Igorrot? s an.- the wild tribes uf the llippin<sa, the name beim* loosely given all the pagan mountain tribe* >r Lu? a. They differ from the Malay tribes, ?wing what s.-enis to i.- traces "i Chi le ??r Japam s>- admixture. They are In ii.ous egriculturista, skilfully laying their U"l?ls on the "mountain aldea, i irrigating them with artificial .anils, addition to doing One work on metals. o those of ns who have labored ander delusion that the itnlustries of th?* Ives were confined to making Manila Is. maits. rope, and ?paper m g?j our vu-vis. Th.- BaUve hat, by the y, is of WOVeu eme or straw, batter? ,t thSpe. hemispherical If you prefer, h :i frame Insi.l... Proved. (Baltimore J?-wi?h Comment.) ?e Million: I must tsy I am very much aippointl.l In von. Yo? told bm that ?ii you were married y??u would prove t yoU had business ability. u Purely: Well, my <<?-ar sir, I did ve that when I married >?_>:ir daughler. For Headache I don't believe there ever was so food ?pill as Ayrr's. I have been a victim of ter rible headaches, and never found anything to relieve mc so quickly as wars pills C L. NEWMAN, Da* Spur, Vs. tt V! Si ai u K h ! I < i lj sf ? ! Of sa th nn na li. an .lia l'i lia? p!. an toi PROPOSED ALLIANCE. MARKED AMWAB*fAUMO OFFRIKM). SHIP WITH OHKAT RIIITAIlf. THE EKGLISH NEED OUR SUPPORT. Farts end Figaro? Whir h Shofv John Ball I? >? ? Powerful ILnongli to ( ?)|.r With a ? omliliinilun of European "Sfltlon?. I^ONDON, May 1*!?The ambition of many mon prominent in public life here Is to see the great Knijlish speaking races of the world brought together In on grand alliance for offence or d?-fence. With the ea?-Ie. amicably p< relied on tho lion's back, and both menacing the rest of the world with teeth and claws, th?? would be no more war, declare the champions of an Anglo-American part nership for settling the affair of the uni verse. There are some who Impute selfish motives to the Englishmen who tir-;? the of such alliance. Bag] ni'l's npi'-ridid Isolation. It 13 pointed out, would be more splendid with the I'nited States for company. That (ir?:it Prltain alone Is not a match for all Ku rope combined is a truth that Is gradual ly being recognized hero, poth In France and Germany, the governments are direct in?,' particular attention to naval affairs. la the latter ? osatry it is the government that takes tin? initiativ in impressing ?;.??ri the people their naval needs; In Britain public opinion moves our government POSSll'I.B COMBINATIONS. Diplomat!? ally, a combination of powers is often arrayed .'.gainst us, and that we met it with many diplomatic defeats ?3 hardly to lie domed. Were we less ac eiit to the will of the "combination,'" We miKht have to meet the armed forces of that combinait ion. Thoui?h It is improbaa hie that more than two great Powert would tomMnt in sctlvs wair ?>p? rations BgalBBt us, It would bt w? II lo prepare by possessini; a margin of su perior?ty over the two to meet the a?l dltion of a third. This Is why an al liance with the United Btataa is regard?ed as ai great stroke, and wise men bete ?i? devoutly hope it can i>" ?brought about. In the following table I think I can show that In ships built, building, and project ed, we cannot claim equality m ;hu more important ?'lasses with OUT two great naval riials who are alia - * .--r_:_- - * g I, *> S 8 a ' *i a i - ?* 9 3 *? * E - 2 _? m First-class battleships .3? .. S H nd-clasa battlesbips .... 6 i> ? 15 Third-class battleships .-? ** 4 ? -Arin'd coast defence, ships.. 1 ?J 4 M Armored gUObOBtt .I 8 4 12 Armored cruisers .1.; 17 7 '?i l-'irst-ci.iss prot'd cniisers...l0 3 o s Other armor-dads .'J 6 0 ?j Tilt; BATTLESHIPa First class l.;?.ttl.ships-Fr.-rich, Include Redoutable, Henri IV., lean, and A 8. Russian, lncluilo one of the ROatllaV ?lass, one of th?.- Tri Bvlatsklla la -. on?- of the Oasllabya class, also two of the Cissic Veliki class, the Rostllav, !> Ai?>sUil.)f, Imperator Nicolai i., and Imperator Alexander II. ??-cond class battleships?British) In clude two of the Edinburgh class. ?De vastation, Thunderer, und Dreadnought, Which is to have her 12..".-inch. M. !.. guns replaced by l')-inch. 1!. I,. French, in clude Vainly and Jtmapes. Russian, in clude four of tho Admiral Oushakoff class. Third-class battleships?"British, Include two of the Conqueror class. French, in clude two class; Russian, In clude Heraog Bdlnburgakl, Knlsa Pujar? ski, Qeners] Admiral, and Minnie; these are being reboilered, and probably re arm? .1. Armored const defence vessels?I?ritlsh, ship is the Rnpart 'J'lie Russian In Clude tWO Admiral CJr.-i^ class, and two Admiral Spiridoff class. Armored cruisers?IJritish comprise tho f'*?iir to be laid down und?'r is?7-s auppta mentnry progrsnun?^ two Wsrsptte ciaiss an.?I seven Australia ClSSS. French, In clude Dupetjl Thonara, Oueydoa, f?.ur iM'intcalm, C 4, C 7, and C. 8> of i?.71 ". tons, tWO ?liesai/. aad Klebei) Of 7.7'X? tons, a station cruiser of about u,0?X> tons, and the Juries de la Qreviere. The Ut ship is the improved Rousia. First class protected cruisers?British) Include two Terrible class, four Ainlio m? .1.i class, and four Argonaut class Preach) two commerce destroyers, (Oulchea elaas) aad d'Batrecasteaux. Other armor-clads?British. laclada Alexandria, Indexible, Buperb, T?m?raire, Saltan, il? r. ni. s, Monarch, and taro Ajax i?liss -all carrying mUSSle loading ?'ins. ii compris.- two Colbert class, Rich? ? lieu, two Bayard class, and Suffr? n?all with WOOd hulls. THB FIRST CLAM The first-class battjeshipa might bt mbdlvldsd, as they ar.? in Bl "Naval Aniiu.-ii" for IflT-H Into two lass? A and l.?lur such ships as the ami Colllngw.i ? m hardly be lonaldered of the same .lass. Of liiitlsii ihlpa in ? 'ass "A" i win place one Re town, nine Majesti? s. three Improved .1 i i?. I 'ii s. ami six Of the Can-.pus clSSB? dneteen in all. French m tecla in tins hiss number eleven (this number does i?>t include Ihe Heart IV., vt- tons' ?hs 'i i? ? -m. ?it. and two heavy guns for mam irmament); i pisos nin.- Russian n ii Ihis I Thua France an?l Russia have twenty "A" to our niti'-tei n. Wt art nloua on.- in this most important class, mi minus three in clssa "B." TWO Im? coved MaJesUca should be s aaatch for ny three vassala in elssa i;. We have t?n fewer ?second elssa battle? hips thani PTance ?and Raasla comMned. be two Prenoh v?asela of the Bouvinea lasa and two of ?the Vslmj In- four Kussian vessels of the Admiral lush ikoff elBSS, are model n (whlcb non?* f our second alaaa battleehipt are), but one of Um ara ?good aeagaiag vessel*, Of would any ??f the tight stand as inch ?knocklag about ;is our Thunderer ml D.-vast.Uiot!. Tlir? Improved Mdjes cs sllollld n.-utr.ili/.e the t. a ARlfORBO CRUtSBRE With regard to ?armored cruisers, it n.s .i pity that tii- four vessels of this last to b?- built by us during IMI-'U ioul.1 only steaun l'i knot-. 1 can Obtain .. Information shoal th* Presch i ai ..tul DupetH Thoiiars. it is probable in on tenonsI ?>f the pretest of the reporter" on the French Nsvy Bat!? atea that UM speed of the crul l.ii?l down under the tie* pprOgTBlBma HI bt inorensad from H to ~; kaota Iready we know of four B-knot Pren? h Jeanne d'Ar?-, Juries il?' la lira ere. and two Gulc-hen class?perhaps ?,r \. If the Oiieydoii and DUBStlt Thoiiars B I.? steam U knot--. If, in addition, to MonicaJm. c 4, c 7. C t, in-s.ilx. lob? r, ?nul a station ? ruiaer, are to i\e that speed, w? have to fSCt the ?t th?*re are thirteen French building or projected; it is I. .r?i Itkely that th.- Kleber and Uesaix, 7.7.10 tons, tho Jurten de la i.r.iviere, ions, and the "'station CWlStr," about ii.****1 tons, even though th? ir tremo speed be tl knots, will any of cm get away from such a? our Aridro i'da (20 1--1 knots, ll.ixo tona) or Argo -1 knota, 11.W0 tons). But these uoo-ton cruisers are protected crulaer?, d thus would be at aome disadvantage ainsi armored cruisers of lesa dla ic.ment IB a light. The French com a.stroyer,* (about 8,?)00 tons dls icementj are protected, and eSBBt ently can be left to two of our ll.OWJr i uriilsers. ?latching two er our new armored P? th? coi b?. an 1 on m ton lia' foi Wa . t the toi ^h? ..I nal all a n< the tos the ? G ? 'ov tz-n app ''ar app m.-i mail rem not vir. reel mer [?..It com the and by i of i and app. upoi Gen expi In Ilona MUNYON'S FAME. gatwa the World Over na ?he Be??-, faetnr of StaSnrla* Hnnanalty. "Menton a Itnpro-red Hetneopatble Home ?WHMdtee are dein* uiove to rid tba world ir pato aad atckaeaa than all the doe tora remua?*!. Tbeee (Utmevertae, barnileaa In tba hand? of a chiid. ?r? prorln?; their ?ot?c- iB eo many thu.manita of cues ibat t Vould be aheer umilnesa for any al?* jeraon to turn away from taelr benefits. A ?loud of wltaeaiaa, atretchlng from Kart lo ?eat add North to South, among all na auna. are telling tfcelr cures and piaUlng ?M-jyon, whom ?hey look upon as their j?*oefactor and frlaad. ^Munyoa jruartnteea that II? Hbeumatlsm -tire will cure nearly all ?.*,? of rkeuuia i?m In a few honra; that Lia Dyapepila .ara will cure Indig-^atlon and all atoniach roub.ea; that hit KldLey Cure will eure ? 9*l.**mt* ot *n ***** "f kidney trouble; bat bla Catarrh Cnr* will core catarrh so BSTtir how iong rrtandlng; that hia Haad aoiie Cure will cure any kln.l of beoda?-he u a few oilnutea; that hin t.oUl Cure will nlokly break op any form of ?old. and ao a tnrough tho entire llht of i.i. reiuedlee, Gnld? to Health and medical adri^ aliao nt^y free. Prof. Miinyoo, 1MB Arch St., 'blladelphla. ' . n i - i ? i ? misers r.galnst th.* Rossis and enlarged tSaSlS) we have only two to meet nine "i< neb armored cruisers (these nine be ug tbt Jeanne d'Arc, Guey?lon, lmpetit 'houars, four Montcalm class, and two Cither class;. Here is an Important dll erence In strength, pitting our navy galast those of Franc? and Russia com. lined, where the compact, unconquered lavy of the United States would abe a rtost desirable ally. NO MORE WAR. Our navy's new armored cruisers aro o carry l.tKXJ tons of coal (extreme OB? iBOlty). This is rather a small supply ang our protected erultsH or UtM tons are to carry nearly 'l.fMo tons. 'he armament Of the two S.'2-inch B. 1* nd twelve 6-inch Q. F. could also be ln reased with tdisntagt. as th.> Rossia arrisa four 8-inch u. U. sixteen ?s-tnen }. F., arid six 7-lnch Q. F.; an?l the en arged Rossia will carry presumably a till more powerful armament. Increased oail capacity and a more powerful arma nent means, of course, increased dis laeement. In this class Russia, la fOlBg o H,?)U0 tons and Franc.? t?> over H.C'i'J ons, and in vessels of far Ittt fighting oarer wt hart tnossded 14,000 tons. The naval programme, provides for the ulldlng of a great number of new ves els, but while we build so do ethers, nd an alliance with Undo Sam woul?t lace John Hull on a higher piano of trength thain any two of the European 'OWers so far as actual strength is con traed. I1|0St who Iiojh? to see an alH nce brought about tak?: Other things ito consideration besides the mere nu i.-rlcail strength of warships ami the ?eight of m-tal. The recent naval en tgementt betweea the United states nd Spain have proved conclusively that aie Americans are the fln?-st ti?hters In ?e world. "With Americans and Britons Khun? ?id?? tor nSOn, eon theme who ion? i see the tWU n.utlona allied, what ?-.?uid i?: NSI of the world do? Th. r.? w'Uld t no more war. John Bull ami Untie urn would -?Imply discipline naughty na ons and send them tUPperiOM to bed. Lo one would dream of opposing that??* vo giants. The ILi.ttl. slili? Aliibanin. (Philadelphia Press-Rep.) Tlie Alabama launcheil reeontly carries ? Its final development the theory on hlch our American battleships are con nu i,-,i. with ai displacement of ms, the vessel has the armament of an ngtlah battleeblp of lt.CK? or tons. tu- a la trama has four It-inch or Ml fourteen t-ipch guns. Tlie Empress India, H.l.'iO tons, liais but four 67-t?m ins, and only ten C-lncb guns. But this cat elKenalve ?power i? only ascured by ss of speed. The Alabama is two lots slower than the English bettleehtp. id holds l?ss coal, BO that she cannot earn as fair. Watching war's practt? I game in thes?- days, most men will el that, apeed is essential, and that s ?battleships now designing ought at i hasarda to be ?s or St-knot vessels. Ihe weight, the arrangement, and the lclency of her batt?*ry, tho Alabama ?? Us English veeeela of the aame t?-u ge. Tlie English hattleshipa of th.* unirai class. ???r instance, are just tbt Le of th.* Alabama; but, at liutht ' Howe, they carry tight Ion l-lach ns; but th- How- is nearly a knot ?ter thain the Alabama, and What In red in nms is iis?d In coed. As ai ? r Sghtlnc shier, h..w'1'v. r. the Alabama stronser ny eignl t-lnch shots, a broad It in itself. This splendid veaael car ia the name of a Southern stat?-, whose Ids it will lis, and it recalls the name a veeeel handled with consummate ill and fought with dauntless brav? av. la pii-asaint in this hour of national ??ii' illation and enthusiasm to r? mem? bum courage a.r.d aeaman? ip display.d on th?- deok of one Ale? na wall i?- preaenl ?.n the deck of Lh** us her name, under Hag t?. which Alabama is as loyal ais nnaylvanla. The Mucklna-Hlril In the ? limp. !*aimiat Letter in Boston Transcript.) is the regiments moved over tht Bold talen. ?I to th?! song of on?- ot* the woii ful Tampa in?.? king-birds. II.- a bout i rom i Ine tree to pin. i ?pouring oui song not only while be ? ?i m the n.e.s, but win!.- be - m one to another. He seemed to bava - impression that all these men had in* ..ut lu beat hirn slug, and li no-.-t thrir expectation. His sometimes as rhythml? , list of versification you ever h-anla "Ta-ra-ra-REE! ra-REE! TEE-ra-ra, TEK-ra-ra, Tee-ra-sa, ra-ra-ra, ra?ra?ra?REB!M b? n II drifted .?ft into a mere fimultu i not? *. ais if, like Wall Whlt ii. h.- hull (.?o ma by things and things Immediately Important to say. to ? lime t.. arrange them In versified u. It did ii.u strike him that then - any Incongruity la hi:, song at su.-ii m?- and place, The air waa leltcloua, sunshine ?resplendent, and th?* tree -. ? Were luxuriantly gr?. n. Why uldn't he sinx'.' And it mUSl be own- ' that ths sup?-rb s'lmmertiro- ?peace ?>f m.- was but slightly dlaturbed aft-r bj those evolutions of armed m.-n, the! th?-* really dominan! ?Mamd in grove was n..i the sbnutlng of orders Hi?- mounted cdloaels, ?but the song <>f m?. king-bird. .'ooil Word f??r ('ovrrnor Itnaaell. Charlotte (N*. C.) (?bserver.) ?vernor Russell and AilJutant-G-neral i.s dee-snra commeodatloa f??r the rally n?^n-poiiti.-.ii character of the lintmeiitH of otfi? .rs of the two North ?Urn reglm.i.ts of volunteers. An i rent I] desire to get good for th?- severe! positions has been ilftet, and the mistakes have been nk.ibly f.w. It is true that this Is a political war, but politics and en ameoA are factors Which hav* to be on.-l with in all cassa of app?.int t by m?n themaehrea elected <n- ap ted to p..?itioris by r.-ason of partisan IdsrstlOBS. In the matter la ..u.stioti Qovemor has ?xhiWted gr??at breadth, has seemed to be animated primar!!*. ?I. sir.? t.. ?-..userve the best interests ho service. He has done worthily w? II. and sin?.- we assume that all latmeata thus far have been agre.-.i i between hims?-lf and the Adjutant ral. we desire to Include both in this easion of approbation. lie I.nteat -Ji> .Una?." Rhyans. (Minneapolis Times.) V- didn't wad to tight, But by ihunder, when we did, he mouth of ha?les rumbled .nd our tars tool: off the lid. Oi B Pr 1> It 1 1st on Elastic t?tarch. Refuse Imita K ENDINO DECEMBER B. 1 ** _,?_ F THF. ?iKItMAN EIRE-IN?'RANCi ANIZED lNDEB THE LAWS <>F TH1 HiK'R.WGC STATKMBSTS. [rrei.i-iBiD nr actbobitt or ras acditob or rrai.n: aocout-rn or ras stats Ot vieotsjA ^EBMAN FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BALTIMOBA ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEA THE C?JhL)ITl?-).\ AND AFFAIRS o POMPANT, ??F BALTIMORE, OROANIZ1 HT ATI*; OF MARYLAND. MADE TO THE AI'l?lTnil OP ! IM!.I'' AC? COUNT! OP THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA. IN PilRHl'ANCI TO THE I.AWfci OF VIRGINIA. Presldent-ALEXANDER II. SCHULZ. Vlce-l'i. sideui ?CHARLEA If. K< ?I'I'ELMAN. Secretary--.CHARLE--"- II. KOPPELMAN. Principal Offlc->~BALTIMORE. MI>. ral Agent In Virginia? JULH?S STRAUS A SpN. Hesldcace-HI'MMOWJD, V'A. oraanlzed or Incorporated?MARCH. I*?. Commenced Business? MARCH. IBS. I 'AIII'AL Amount of capital stock subscribed .?. I ?VMSOS Amount of capital stock paid up in cash. fion.OOinflS -IT1*. II.-ASSETS, value of real eslate ownad by the company?Ground rents. 127.09.79; real ..-sut,?. ?7.4.17.*!? . I UMt*l$ Loans on mortgage (duly record?-?! and being the tirai Hens on the fee fclmple) upon which not more than one year's interest Is due . BONDS, STOCKS, Ac. OWNED. Par Value. Market Value. m,4itB Shares. MO Oermea American Bank . I?) Farmers' tiu,i fttrehaats' National Bank . IB M-ivhants* X.itional"i;ank"!!.'!.'.'.'.'.'!.'! m Fire? National Rank . B Third National Rank . lui Commercial and Partners' National Hank . Ill National l'i.ion Bank. A, National Mechanics' Bank . M Permets' and Plantera' National Rank I.a) National Rank of Baltimore . all Western National I'.ank . ;i9 CRlsens' National I'.ank . ?7 National Exchange Hank . :.M) National Marine Bank . : > Equitable National Hank . M u?'m.m Hank of Baltimore . 13 Second National Rink . UJ.OOO Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta rullro'id . ?O.O00 Wilmington and Weldon railroad.. r.OOO Northern ?.'.ntral railway, <-ons. lo.ixio Raltimore and Ohio railroad re ceivers" certllicatea . :o.OO) Ohio and Mississippi railroad bonds ?S;?r|nKfleH Uivislon) . w.o?x> weat Bhore railroad bonds . il.0?? Peters-bung railroad bonds, "A".... 16.0CJ ?)hlo and Mississippi ee?Coad mort gage bonds . 10.000 Virginia Midland railroad bonds.... s.V*) Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line . '1.000 Hiltimore and Harrisburg railroad bond? . 5,000 Richmond and Petersburg railroad bonds . orglsi, Carolina and Northern Rail way Company . ?.00O Petersburg railroad bonds. "B". ).0W) Raltimore and Potomao railroad tun nel I -?n?Is . W.OoO FHaten island Rapid T.-anslt gold bonds . LOGO Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, railroad . 10,000 Georgia and Alabama railway pre ferred bonds . ',000 Georgia and Alabuma first mortgage bon_n . 10.000 North Carolina S?ate bond? . I.00O Norfolk City Water bonds. .'I.ixjO Baltimore city stock. W. M. R. R... KJjOO Richmond (Va.) olty bonds . .000 State of Maryland stoolc . L0.000 Portsmouth (Ta ) city bonds . 10,000 Hau Antonio (Te*.) Itnproveinent bonds .,. I.Ott West KBO-rille general Improve ment bonds .w.. 'O.-VJO AahevlHe city (N. C.) fcoada ........ 11,000 Jefferson County LAMi? Court-heusa bonds . JOOO Winchester (Va.) Citv bonds . 1.000 Fort Worth (Tex.) rttv bonds . [??.000 ?port Worth (.Tew.) gotd bonds. : 0.000 Charlotte city (N. C > bonds. W.OUO Wlneton (N. Ci jiold binds . I.7?J0 Rnltimore city stock, water loan.... i.SOO Baltimore city etm-k funding lean.. 6.000 Salt Lake citv bonds . ?.??J0 State of S?>uth Carmina bon.iS. ?,000 Cumberlnitil city rrold bond* . ?.000 Long Isln?id cBy Improvement bonds i.oOO Citv of Churl.-?ton (B. C.) liona*...., 1.000 Oalveston (Tex.) limited debt thkod*. ,0.000 Jersey City assessment gold bends. .15 Georgia and Alibama railroad com mon sto<-k . '2 Georgia ami Alabama railroad pre ferred stock . 8 Southern Railway Company -. '50 Raltlrtiore City Passenger Railway Company stock . r.*? Consolid?te?t Gaa r?ii?-v?ny bonds.. ?". .Mitrvi.uiU T.ifp-lrifurajice Company... ?O Baltimore Trust and Guarantee Com pany .?. .0,000 Haltimoi'o City Passi?nr*r Railway Company bonds . 2.000 Baltimore Traction Company (North Raltimore Division? . .4 Merchants' and Mechanica' Perm '?' Hiding- and Loan Company . 00 Mercantil? Trust and Depoalt Com pany . . 83 TdtLTchants' and Miners' Transporta tion Company . n Maryland Trust Company . OOocitv and Suburban Railway Company '?TOO Metropolitan Railroad Company. M Fidelity and Deposit Company. >".,?.-> f.<*0 ' 9,?r. 8.300 ; l.OM 7.000 10.000 11.000 lit? 10.000 5.000 5.000 5,000 5.000 ; m 5.000 turn t*M iU.OOO 7.000 10.000 3,000 - Ott 10,000 3.000 '. '.S.OOO 5.000 .-..000 10.000 10.000 I. 7"*? i.soo 15.0*00 5.00) 1.000 10,000 s-?.?*? 1M?I IM iim t,m 1 m .Mill f.fil l.M? 71 MO :*:*t* 11 m i<xm 7.210 10.000 JO.?*-?) 20. VK* U.770 IMM 5.200 ii ? ?<? 4.100 ... 50 5.730 S.UW 8,240 10.000 || ?it L1..10O 23.10I -?,500 :.?>x) 10,000 10.000 ls.7-,0 lS.O'iO ^.OjO 5,?X0 10.000 I'.OOO 3.500 10.000 H300 8.000 5.000 5.000 -. .,..1 Total mnrk?*t value?carried out $171,102 OS LCCOVNT OF STOCKS, BONDS. ANO AU. OTHKU SECURITIES (FXCEPT MCRTGAOE8) HYPOTHECATED TO THE COMPANY AS COLLATERAL SECURITY FOB CASH ACTUALLY I.??ANFD BY THE COMPANY. WITH THE PAR VALUE AND THE AMOUNT LOANED ON EA'ML Amount Loaned Par Value. Thereon. 18.000 cO l\t*M '" 1.000 00 1.500 00 t 10.500 Ot 20.135 M vzisun ;*woo ) shares German Bank stock. LO shares Howard Fire-insurance Com pany of Baltimore . ) shares Fidelity and Deposit Company.. 'ash in the eompnny's principal office . I 837 90 ash belonging to the company deposited in bank . ^?207 53 Aggregat?? amount of all assets of the company, stated at their actual v-iln* . III.-LIARILITIES. ro?s claims f?r adjUBted and unpaid losses, due and to become d'.e, $J,000 et amount of unpaid loaaea . ?-ora Bremlums ?received and r?e< eivable upon all unexplred tire risks running ono year or lese from ?late of policy, including interest premiums on perpetual lire, risk?., unearned oremium** (SO ner cent.) ....$35,823 13 roe? premluma received and receivable upon all une?plred fir 5 risks running more than one year from date of policy, un earned premiums (pro rata) .91,436 01 Total unearned premiums as computed above (carrli'd out) . 127.2S4J1 mount reclaltnable by tlie insured on perpetual fire-insurance policies, being 95 P*?r cent, of the premium or deposit received . 0.300 t% Total amount of alt liabilities, except o apiUl stock and net surplus. ...| 138.573 M ?tnt'ttock capital ?actually paid up in cash . fft-noono irplus beyond capital and all other liabilities . gt?O?lSl AOGJtEGATE AJIOUNT OF ALL LIABILITIES. INSTLT'DINO PAID-UP CAPITAL STOCK AND NET SURPLUS .ll.r73.fMtt 1V.-RECEIPTS :)l."RlNO THE YEAR. Fire. ross premiums on risks written and renewed during the year... 1111.89*" 11 Hire oresalaSM COlleeted durlnur Ihe year .1131,892 41 ?Insurance, rebate, abatement and re'urn premiums.. 4.490 3? Net cash ad'-alW receive.1 for premiums (carried out) . 127,399 01 ?celveil i.r ?ni?r?-t and dividends ??n r;oc-ka and bonds, ?ollateral loans, in.l from all other sources . . 68.74071 come r?scelved from all ?.tlie.- aources vitN rents . 2.HA fid AGCnK?l\TE \MO"NT OK RECEIPTS ACTUALLY BBCUVSD DT'r'i.VG THE YEAR IN cAt?lle.I 1O.?0 51 V. DISBURSEMENTa DURING THE 1 *lre. oss amount actually ?paid for losses (Including fl.900 losses oc urring in pi?vl?)iis year- ) .r.r.2.7fi? 71 Net ?.mount paid during the yair for loasea . Mill IX sh dividende actually i>al?1 stockholders (amount of etockholdcrs' livldenda ??Kslared during the year) . M.otO 00 Id for c,rri?*?k?sion or brokerage .w. 14'OS 90 ill for ??lanes, fees, and -11 other charges of officers, clerka, agents. md all other employeo . 17.150 to id f.*r State and local taxes in this and other States . 1 other payments and expenditures. AGGREGATE A MO! : NT OF ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS DU RING THE YEAR. IN CASH. .1 mm us BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA DTTtlNO THE YrJAR: Fire Riakr?. sks written .it? M ?-rntuma received (gross) . R.t?O 21: SH.-' i.iil . ",T19 4S asea in?^irved . v,. 8.719 tg -(8igned) A. IL SCHULZ, Preatdeht. ^al of the Corporation! -(Signed) CHARLES H. KOPPELMAN. a8ecretary. State of Maryland, city of Baltimore??a. : tal of Notary.! Sworn to February U, 18?8, before GEORGE E TAYLOR. --?- Notary PubHe*, ULIUS STRAUS & SON, Agents, 1004 EAST MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. 3ook and Job Printing' Neatly ?'.-aecated nt t?e Dispatch Job OffIc*