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^?tBT ^msMf WHOLE NUMBER, 14,606. THE RICHMOND 1 EK. 14,606, -'^"^^-=f?--_ ^^*^*WlPSA7%**rr?**Urn^-' t*,T?*g[3W|Wr^? * X*CeflV?r ^AyJTJIH s * ?PWacs*^^^-?jr?*" MSBATCTI MANY MORE TROO] [resident's Call for 75,000 Additi Volnnteers. HOW ARE THEY TO BE US They Will Form a Sort of Second serve, for Emergencies. LttlSTMEHT TO BE UNRESTRICT An Enconragfment to ttie Orgaizati of Independent Bodies. QUOTAS OK TJIK STAT1 Y.rdnia, 1,673; North Carolina, 1.B ?oath Carolina, 448; Georgia, 1,901 M \"AL SITUATION l.VHANGI /.Ministration Officials Believe T? Cervera is Bottled Up. I VII -I ? III I I? IHN ??! t \MI?%!?. I n.liif Dalaj on Part of Kllli | .?? Vi?.*>?It?-? ?.iii.iie-iiiliil iou t,?.n,l ?>l toiilriiet? Lu- lla(tl?-?i)i ,<>r. .. la the eriar situation n on by th? ? . startBr ie hi? tiny. ggoetnbUng ?t ?t ??t tr..?.i?a tuber ?a col? n ?.i thi.- sddltional fore i VER. Th- ling up to the ? .1 aa: >l f- Il t litt I move, a. thai th? r in the I In? e?t of men, to atltute r, "?hen th? fully the rtment had arorked out .?Us ntratlon. [8TMENTS ?'REN. All a that the thrown open, mu. h a , the It wiil I .:.- Hi '? ' -, a ' Thi v.V theli \ !ll- 111 I not rerel a proximate 1 1,155; Ijutent Qeaeratly ape . w hich it. this In turn, a a h will ?livi.-i ihi<le-<l lato division either by ly ap 'a? la? ?A . ppoial ???i" lade. NOT 1MB? I tllce |S ? n listment e.f . it.? ra under the ft I lliih until thin ertll ti i . ander D INVJ '..,? .-. ?i .'in ,?t for ?J .?n v. ial.-li ha? been ?airient ?.?t In ; i>,111 < ? r j , i enj . . meni, I . n.-ial .Mil. .-. .'iliel hi? I -?night a !, although It \a |?l?.l.:ible tli it .< will 1? uve for .I'?'. .TS. *'** close of the day st : R* .1 'i m?. tl.? tel* \i em \vn< -still x-.ii h D-T.irtn-icnt the altimtlon aa to the flee! ? < id Ani.ticn .-.mi BpanJsh, trat Iv M It watt this moniliiK, p0 far as tl W, Ihg ami .lifferen ? i'..i?nt atrrnglhenmg of tl " ? of Hi? ..Hi, iails In their beli ?'.* w-u-i.lnm In lying In Be arbor, in this hep? and i.? lief ti offldoH fonn?! gre.ii comfort, knowlr the eMHtiea ?>r the AgMricaa naval to? * * ill <'ll?..lll waiter- (o k.?|i t! Spanish Admiral bottled up In Ihls o? row-ne. k..| hairl.or until he- shall frill de-r or be- starved out. i? tuniiy .-it buy tin mi ?'l?)? t*?H not the sUghteM apprehend of gay n ii,-f ?galas to him from the on: Me In til- gfcgpo of aiiaother Spatli ogoedron from CedM The reooon ft is their naqnoetloaed nbint to iiui.i Oervera la check with only g f<-< v' perhaps ? couple Of monltoi end t? ; ?vin? the p. malnder e.f the Mg ermored Beet to tab :l'.?ic. in. nts thait mlgh .1 * te nipt n. come from Bpafn to Oervera' Md. The fon e that < ?ml.l be spared fo thla service ?rlthonl endaageriag the in tegrity of tin- Mochad? el ii.i?.iua, o ilttlng the encape ??f Corveta, woui? be niu.'h larger than tke entire Bpaatol naval! tOn* n >W in Spanish W>ters capa bM ?if ofooslaf ih?' Atlentic. UNJUST CRITICISM Or NAVY. Within ? .ks; or, in fa?'t, ?ter since the determination whs tu, i.- reached to Invade Cube before the di y m aeon m si fell, there Lav? publiohed Intimations thai th? delay, or whal spp? ?i-,i to ?be the delay, to begin? n was ettrtbotable to the navy, it coo at - - on the hlgh-tel eutborlty that tii" Impreeelo? thui erbolly unjust t?> the navy, end without w.ittant in fact The naval ofll? ?nil all. tak?- special pride. In thi degroa of readiness in mhleh Um navy found .it ih?- oatbreeh ..f bostilltlea, and th? re ncv? r hais been e moment, ev< n when Bompeon'a foroes v..i .?? Porto when the navy not prepared ts to aid the a rim. ?ARM1 -\??i AT l'Ai ET. Neither lias the ermy ?beeil at fault In ter, it u ig a? i ,i to n, n. ail...nt M.M0, Into Cubs Immediately, aind allow the re inan':,.j, i* of ttie army Ol OOevputlOII to fore going over. Tbere tren various reosona for abandon *ii^ phut, such as the discovery of the Insufllcienl nipporl that could be rendered the Anwrlcan fdrce by the in Burgents. Rut the tact wat brought out with eppalltag fore thai ta. delay the campaign monni th? sbeolute extermina tlon of the- stsrvini reconcentrados, end there were, beside, other rea'sons f?.r making hast?.. Theee considerations let? change in the army plans, ami tins Involved delay. To equip . m army ?>f MMM men In thirty deys, and put Mem In condition t" ??ht trained veteran eoldlere, on their own soil, was no uma? undertaking; bo ihat in the .pinion of some of the hlgh-asl oficiala ..f th.- administration, th?'ie is no reason able ground f.?r pressing the criticism ttiait tfa? r.- been undue de-iaiy In beginning the- military compalga, either ? n tii" part of the army or on th ivy. CONTRACTS Full ARMOR. ?illation bai b ? ii mode thai contracta be awarded for Bupplylnj . the tine?' baUleshipa under ruction, as follows: To the Carnegie Compaoy, i.i.V! toni tut- th?- Illinois ami Wisconsin; to tin?. ,.-h? m Company, J.-uo tons tor the Illinois and - ' * > t?ms for the Siehe ma? all at MM i - r toa ??l It BPAXISH PRIfOlfBRS. I I.? > \re Well Tieiiliil. Iteport to tho ? oiilrnry Nul n it hstS nelliiR. ATLANTA, QA., May M?lieutenant Colonel WUllam IJ. Hall, Adjutaat-Oeae ra.l sad ?x? ?-utive bead ??f tbe Departmenl if Hi? Oulf, baa thla t?? aay regarding th? eport from Madrid thai Spanish prisoners In the Unit? d State a have- oom? lalned thai treated . .?t the po : ere w? II real d. Tbe ten ofl w tbere are . in t\M? larg? rooms, aa; : Tii y have separate ?ede, and ere given gui r ratloi ? ?m is an well cared tor, mi gel their rations three times a ?lay. are read by the a for? i?. |ng inaiii?-el. end If inj ne ?bad complained it would hardly get . Spain." All the pris.?nirs of war are at Port i, i-i?, i Bon. BMVMMA \?. \i\ AT >! llti i\ii(i i: { o II ? ? ins?'I'll,' Ternir Si? 1 Im from Forl de Frime?*-. v. by the associated Prei l g PIERRE MARTINIQUE, May 25. be Spanish torpedo-boot-deetroyer Tet ar finished coaling fr..m the Alicante, hose d - an nmbulaace-ehlp is virtually thrown off yesterday, end tiy this morning i. m ?Forl d? France, kinis' a northw?ssterty coarse, it la re? rted th to -'"'" the Bpool?h rhree as '?-"f-war. eecoortMng to the ne gai ..f Sshermen who errtv-ed lure this ai this niornliijt at dsy? -ak off th?- niii'thwi-st point Of 'h? ,ii.i. The flsh? Mi.'ti ass? it than they re BpOOlsh warships. SOI TII t lAMOVtBA Alt'! M.I.FKV. Hory of lle-ii?. if*" Ordered In g-alMvOW'S Inland, Charlenton. 11.anta, <e\., May - ' - The batten artillery which was reported ,ly tO-day from Columbio, S. C.. has i, ord? ft d to Bulllvsn's Mond, Chart? -- it win report to Lleatenant-Celonel ,,,, of , krtfRaty, an?i wttl pro ,.,d t?? ?i'tty In operating big coas^-def? nee guns there. hi: OMMMON LMA1 El Jl PW1 '< liifoi iiiiillon *bout Her Vo>aa?' ?l.liiiiinl-l??- All on Hoard W ?It iCKSONVILUB, FLA* Bay M i Times-Union and CStMen I , Oregon mi how ?I ' o'clock thi? iiin?. Imponible to gel any infnrma whetever. Hnslga Johanon came ,, .. ,!ii,.?l t.. be in irtlag oh in good health i m. i ?.i toil Mi:i:lt OF M ??? .|i-lenr-OI?l FoiuhI Movm?! A??> on CMy ?<f .? Mine s' FRANCISCO, May M The yoimv olunteerof the present eaaepolgnbas to th- front. He Is Oouglai Dodge, .n.l was found s.e-iirely ,1 av..m on th.- City of Sydney , th? young wartor wan pal h board ;. fOUgh! ,-fll'" a, hand Who had laissa Inch hin determination i?> go -Idler* who ?uve " ?a 1****** -11. ha tii? .a m th. t!,. ?,l lia? Co Pli d? lH'i ab? Joy the Bel ele-Il ere? t ri?? tlotl alni ".' ?iv torn l??-in Beei t?.in It I the, the ..... day. sel -jabi? Th? It Paris E.i.i: rtrid. Fine I'E <;< ne n? ?-?i his ? Ha B al.o'H ail on pure a M Ig M thi bay. f an en try. I J11-U11J11-U?--IU. CEVERAJOTTLED ?P *0 IT IS ?H'l i? i u.i.i RKPORTKII TO MAMMA, SPUK MUST ACT IT OEE. What She Win ?o or Can Ilo, Hon e?er, Uors Rej? Appear-Coal and Pro>|MinnN it,,, i, gcnPe mt santl n?o. LONDON, Kay 26.-The Madrid corre spondent of the Dally Mall says: "Official telegrams from Cuba confirm I he- report that Renr-Admlral Sampson I'll CoauBodote Bchley, with their com Maed P?|ii,i?lrons. are now In front of Boatlage de Cobo, ?>i???k.,i?h?- Admiral O iv. im, -Ministers consider that Santiago sufficient defences to render null ami v??I?l any . ?atlon tie enemy may take. "The position of the American squad rons Will call-?' the ROV? IIlIIH'lU t?> take immediate ?action, though It Is unknown as y?t what form this gCtlOU will assume. NO BA1 TEE YET. "Eume.rH that I battl.? liais already oc ? allied ar?. ..ffi.dally dr-iii- d. "Ur.-at haportanee is attributed to ?he i. i test news from the Philippines respect lag t;.?' Bpnnlah plan of moldllaalliai i SUPPLIES FOU CEHVEi; \ LONDON, Kap M.-A special dispatch from Madrid, rig P.larrltz, Iays: "There has been an active exchange of dlepatchee between the government and tii? antboritlea ol Hebnna gad Boa Jona de Porto Rico on the Subject of s..ii?llng 1 and pn.visi.iiis t?. Smtiauo de Cuba. it la alleged thai AdnUral Cervera baa Wired, eonfirmiiiR the report thait S.m iai?-:?? de? Cabo Is cut off from communl aati.'ti with the interior by strong bitnls .f Insurgents, ami that in consequence oal and provisions are getting scarce .n?.l ele-air." l.l i"! tu OUI ,;la, Of ta ??km:il \r, LEE \T TAMPA. m le BotaMlahes n< <<i<i ?. i?-i - Tampa n.i.? iioi?-i. TAMPA, fea.. May M?Major-Oeaeral itzhuRh Lee, accompanied by Colonel urtla ??uild ami his staff, arrived in ampa to-night, and eataldlahed tempo ry heuliiuarters at the Taimpai E.iv ?.tel. lieneral I^ee had nothing to say on the ti?iml sitti.'iti'.n. "The fae-t is." saiel he. have. n??t seen | paper for two eiays, d don'i know what has happened, ah know is that I was sent here from ashlngton to take cimmand of the ?rentb Army Corpa" !eii?'rail E?e and ??cneral Shifter hod ?t.- .m extended eonferaagt daring the -iiliiir. In which the sittWtion here- wais lined to Qeneral Lee. To-m<>r ,v will ?be spent by th.- latter In inspect ; the eliffeTe'Ilt ramps of the volunteer Opa In Bad around Tampa, all e.f i?-i? reglmenta will be embraced in the ..nth Army Corps. enera! I*?- ores given an enthusiastic eption when bS app.! In the gene? i??oeptlon-room e.f the- Tempo Roy tel. He was Instantly Burroanded by a m? of army oflic-is ami friends, but emlllngly turned first to the pretty ,.m women, the wives and daaghtera promlenl ?refugees, who were anxious greet him, ( i n \ i it \ at ?\vn\c*n. i Arrival Hejoleee the People J Loyal iiniii|ii?-i. ADRID, May *17,.--7 P. .M.-A dispatch just i.n published giving detaUa of arrival <>f Admiral ?? r\? m'a aqaedroa lantiago do Cuba, it s:?>s: a S o'eiock on the morning on May Um infanta Maria Terer? entered port of Santiago de Cuba, tlyin? the of Admiral Cervera. sin? woa follow* ilmoot iiiiiii. ?ii ately b.v the y lacayo, Almirante Oqoeado, th.-. Cristobal n, and th.. torpedo-b-aot-dcetroyer -n. Soon afterword the torpedo-hoat? royer Furor, which had been raeo_? riiiK. ?be inhaililtatits swairmed to the e-s of the- bay, ?lispl lying the utmost and enthusiasm. All the vessels In por! were dreeood la gala array. On relay nlfiht there was an kapOOlBg ?nstralion in honor Of the- officers anel s. The bands Of the.- illy ployed pa c airs, (here' were brilliant lllumitia atiel the people parauled the streets, ag patriotic songa? lotirai COrvorn ami his officers were a boaqnel ?t the cnaaoo, where loyal s w? re hdhored, the principa] speech by Admiral C? rvera and Mgr. ; de I'rturi y Crespo, Archbishop ?if ago de? Culm, th?- latter exclaiming: not sufficient t?. be victorious on ML The Spanish Bog must float on .Ipitol.' a seuitielrnn has revlctualled. Fives s were in front of the port yester t Is believed thai the Am?ricain fgg aglc has been charged to cut the dtspotob is not dated. ? announced that the Countess of eocompaoled by the Piteoeaeee ? and Isabelle, has arrived at Ma ill \i (Co C run cub leb mit be fue-, II. Ont M. ?llsp? ?.? m tena rons < IMF AT PBKBACOLA. I.oenllon tot Almut Ten Thou sand Troop?. s.m'uia, fea. May M?Mojor ii Oepplagor romelnod bora until o-.liiy. Re sp.nt th.- morning with irr, locating the- grovad at Magao? iff for the location of ramps for troops w.iis w'ii i a to ?tve an abundant BUpply of Inking water. olla ItlulT Is about one mile east city, Is nenrly PW feet above the id is one of the finest locations for ?inpiti? nt Jo be found in the coun . m * * a ton he v ycaxa ago GMaOTtl Luce landed tubj_, ?., lillV sa; ? \. r> Wise s? Bgl landl and An ?ill? Spain mous si,?-. 0 The be F troop >.---.? i .hart, with head. Cap dischi for tl Insld? ELM kins, a with i will p? i ti his BO tO K" 1 nation coiitin to see obtain Rich Is at P rejecte Pi TA M lssu?-el ter. re? apoado ten "i eorreep win be a Tarn] ter will sor to ofTenellr Ph SAN Tho Ph aollod, ItFI'O?. Thou Nil haw. Mr. Gla lug fron church. dozen o bier on * ..ver th. of the ele followed Thoasa II I remains. an?! man th? ?r kn The bO this ? vel ATLA1 tha cum saya: ' ?IK?-, hiel te mated a white here. O On., sev. crime, bi r a., ?iiunauAi, M.A? the marine? snd sailors of the North At lantic squselron, and kept them In camp there nearly two weeks. CALL FOR MOHF TROOP?. **e\enty-VI*r*- Tlioumind Additional \oliinlrers Wanted. WASHINGTON, M y M-Tbt Pr?gMeat to-day Issued tho following proclamation: "By the- President of the I'nlted States: "A PROCLAMATION. "Wb reas, an act of Congress was ap provod on the 25th day of April, l\m, en titled 'An act declaring that war exists between the I'nlted St*too of America gad th?- Klngdeim o? Spain'; and "Whereas, by an act of Congress, en titled 'An ad to provide- for temporarllv n.r? asinji the military establlshm? Di of he United Slates in time of war, and for ?ther purposes,' approved April 22. 1XIX, be Preetdeal Is eothorised, to eramt to ,ii<e a voluntear army, to issu.' his procle nation cailllng for volunteers to BCTVI hi he army of the United States: "Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, 'resilient of the Fnited State.-?, by virtue t the pow.r vested In in?.- by the Legis itnre and the laws, sad deeming suiii ii-nt OCCSSloa lo exist, have thought tit i -call forth, and hereby do Call forth, olunteers to the aggre-^aite Bomber of ?,O0O, In addition to the volunte.-rs ? ali.d >rth by my proclamation of lb.- ; ; I *i r April, in the pre sent, year, tl.' > be apportioned, as far as practicsMe, noag the s?-v. ..;.- , i rritorirs id th" id-triet of Columbia, eooordtei population, and to gerve for tare yoom, oaer discharged. Th.; proportion aocfa arm and the details e.f ?.-nllst | tit and organization will be made iown through the War Department, 'in witness whereof I have hereunto t my band ami caoaed th? Bead of iiie n" d st ibs t?i be ailix? d. Done at the city of Washington, this enty-fifth ehiy ??f May, in th?. year of i- E'.t?! one tboasand eight hundred 1 nint iy-ei-,'ht. and of the independence th.- Ciii'. .1 St An the one hund? Liity-second. "WILLIAM M'KINEEV, President. William H. Dap, Secretary of State." [AT FUGACIOUS SPAMMl l-T.KKT. e i. I.II..-L.??- BOW, t c.-iirilin? to Copo Mol tien Repose pyrlgbt, UM bp the Aaeodoted I AI'E HA?TIEN, HAITI, Ma.y n?r, which cannot be confirmed, is ?ir iting here to the gJBect that th?- Sj.ain Ca.pc d? Verde squadron, under All ai I Cervera, generally understood to in Santiago harbor, is DOW at I ;??s. ATM TUMI FOI M? CMMTMMAf I Are They OoMlOgl Heady to De molish II i e. t ADRID, May ?*.. 11 P. M.-H'bana ?t'h. s say the American ships erg ,,.?.- ..?.Hi- Satnlaiio and '.in. - HBO. This ladlcOtea that the squad are preparing to SttOCk ?'?tvr.i. I It \>"?roltTS FOIt MAMILA. eriiiii? nt ? lint ti-riiiK All the *>lilps In -.ui.i at 'Frlni-o. \ EKANCIS? o, M y .' ".. - Tin-?i.? .mie nsi.ip Compnay has be? n wip??i out earners by the government, and a? available resaol in pori is othei eog '^??i it ?s probable ihn. the pop* ra booked t?. Honolulu by the Sea* a win be turned over the OocMeotel Oriental Bteamshte Company for ige ?.t. th?- Hope. effort was made t?> '-hairt.-r the Pa* Coael Bteoamhlp Company'a new 1.1- Senator, but, owing t?. the enor ?ii'i'iiniulatlon of grain in TOCOma, ould not I??- .-paired by her ?.win is. Bteemer BoslandlBi now ?i?tro, will r.-paire-el to BOll for .'.I aiiilai with B, I 'ml? r an get "I" Cong] rdny she is admitted to American r. ami wh.-n ahe Bella BOgl it will be the Stars and Stripes ut her m-ist Boword will lose no lime m irging the reeeel ami in preparing i?- accommodation of troops, it is ted ehe erlU b?- ready to ??atii areek. I'liailur 5". I kins' Son MoUflfO, :i.\s, W. VA.. May '17,. I? , . -..n ..f Senator Eikim. boa enlisted the w?'st Vlrglma volunteers, and > in th?- front. The Senator is much ed at 'hi- He say-, he baa Induced ?Olid s??n. Stephen, WhO la at N'.l? tiack to College anil bike his ? Kami? , on the promise thait if !he war lies long ?nough a chan for him some s? tvie e In the airtnv will be ?1. ird, the? Senator's third son, who rioeetoa, eroated to enlist, but was d on physical grounds. renn CeiiMorshlp nt Tnnipn. fa. FLA., May M?An order was to-day, by order of Oeneral Bhaf? lulring every newspaper ? irre al at Tampa to furnish h?:i.i.|U;ir tii ai eopy ??f the paper which the .indent repreoenta a etrict watch .?n ;iii m ittor printed nndor pa .lait.., ami any prohibited mat? ! recall In th.- refusait by the cen pass upon matter written for the ig newspaper, lllpptoe i \iii-.iilion gallo, i* ka .wise??, May i?. I p. m lllpplne relief expedition has just H IX HAWARDES CIIMICII. lids Take n I.aat Look at Mr. fllodstsms*B Remain?. UIDKN. May M.?The remains of dstone wer?- r. moved this morn i Ha werden Castle ta the village They ?were carried by half a ?tiers of the family to a ivheels, on which they w? re taken loara, past th.- favorite nooks in th?- pairk, to the church, by the family. unis ..t peopta have beea arriving irden all day Mag, t?. view the .-'. r? i d Iodine fainted fr??m ex enioli'.u wh.-n passing the bier. iy men and wom.-n dropped on - .i allently prayed. >s I.ondon at C o'clock link'- _ l.ynrhiiiH In f'eo rain. CIA. ?I A . M IP '17.. \ 1 ?inl to ?titution from Donal.lsviH?, Qg-, eck ??liver, a negro, 20 years or 1..-. n ixot h>-i herd for an at i upon Mrs Itob.rt Drake, i livi.ig four miles from Uver woo gap-tared *?t Bringen. n mil? s from the scene of his rought back, and idem ill? ?I. Bo couhl 1m? lodg?*d In jail h ,,,, ih? ahmritf en* ulittl trx ,l?.?lh m lie be a. be i ' I be tie an lia: t?. liar lag c ? ; A.I Thi Qol L r, a h on que Hui but In K?>. b? ai . ?In the be :; Bel lleul ..i < the I..-,?. popt gl M gen? nut are . ?Sen brotl LK will Reg! in < to I, tenai beea ma?l? Th. F?. ui for i Kith?? pmy puny the i Cepti m ley order . \ a,?, and > C.,l, 1 >? i? I or c? the T Masut to the The for "" Influx permb tgllom Befo the ea ? leven tlons and t Frank mltted The r??|UeS the 01 nish a.; be inf would The ?; cation DOT VI the cal would ! night. H.-sbl for froi the 3.01 W Hit ail Til. Se?. of men MAY MOVE T?MOKIii Tbe Second Regiment is Expei Moving Orders. SECRETiRT ALGER WANTS HA! Wires the Governor That All Sapi Are Awaiting Them There. TO RECEIVE SHOES FROM THE ST They Will Be Issaed Them by CoJ< Conlling Tc-Day. OMNMHAL XAM.I* is AFI'OIXT The Qeaeaaer ?oohgoa mm to i.? the Third H t'ai men I?Offer* OoBBpaadoa la Meet too Baooad t to Soldiers. There la every Indication that the ? ?.nd Virginia Regiment win to-day ?live orders to proc.I to Tampa. Colonel Baher had recelrod ne met der at midnight List night, but ;t see v.ry probable that It ail! be lure e.i to-elaiy. Oovernor *i'yi. r net ?v...i .-i from Becretery Alger taut night, asyl thai v. Idle in d. sired to respect the U? ?raor's expressed arlabas, ll regare ais best for the regiment to be moved once. Secretory Alger urged the oe i-rnor to luve the r> maining Virgil regiments ready for muster at th? s-iMe date, go that they could BOVed to I'.impai, Where stores very rh.'ira. t?.-r had been eOCUmOlOt '?.r them, gad abere armagementa i heir vaccination haul been made. T i y ashed the Oovernor to ai vheii the other two regiments would I aady. Oovernor Tyi?.|- telegraphed Becretai ilgetr thai th.' Foartb Regtaaeal had b??? luetered la, and that tbe Third would I o-day. While OoVOraor Tyler is very d? -ir.n f hovlag the men ?better equipped as ncdaated before being tahoa away froi :ichmond, he fully realizes that the d? artment has plena aith ahlcb b? la M imiiiar, winch may reader the ear) ?ovement o? the tro.jpa practically Bcesetty. PRO> IDE THEM WITH BHOS8. The Qoveroor la v? ry gnxtona tiiait ;h i.-ti DO BUPpMed with shoes, ait ?east, a any of them are so budly sh?nl : hey e-nn ?t Booreb any distance. The : ?i mm yesterdo) ordered Colonel CoulHni his staff, to parchase aboce for .--, any of the ni?n sa w. te in ?argent ne?'.! ni a number of potra wen ordered an? ill be distributed t?>-?i;iy. The Qoverno ill pay t"r diese suppli?e out of hi ntingi nt fund, but expeets to be re i by tii?- i nit ?i Btatee Qovorn tit. liut whether he is repaid or :i?.t -ays h?. i- determined the Boldlen >m Virginia shall not go to tin- from retooted. Tba aboca win be issueel t. m?- of the men of nearly every com ay. t Is not thought the troops can movt fore I'.-inot i?.v., siiotiiei naorchl rs i i received this meielugi Preparo ns for th?ir ?departure yesterday re trod twenty-four boars, sod ail tbcao ist be moda over agolo, as the bom transport th.' regiment and b re beea removed, and rallona, Includ breod, win bove t?? be prepared. iiii'o.? > in Ht-Kliui-iitnl Ollleers. lovernor Tyler yeeterdoy eppointed jutaiit-ileti. N;-,lie colonel of the ?ni Reghaoet, to guec-aed Colonel in.-s. i.iitt tiaini-Colonel Henry <.'. Hurrows chad Richmond last night from his ne, in Culpeper. There lues been some .-(???n rais.-.i ea t?. whether Colonel T?.?A.-i will aooompony hi? r?glaient, he says ge hais rolunl K???;?l faith, and is ready to Has friendo feer thai his ith man* not be gnfldently robust to lit of his unde-rgoing Intel BCTVlce, b.u Inlng Burgeons will bora to do? ais to this. BhOUld <'ololi'l BUTTOWa i?ivis?ii to remain, and ad upon the Ice of the Burgeon, Major 'i!???mais s. 1er win aim...-; certainly be ide t? iiaii.t-, olone i, and Captain Scruggs, 'ompaiiiy E <E\ n, hbutg Home Querd), ranking captain In th<- regiment, will me major. Colon?] ?Burrows is tery tier In the Third, and ahoaM be not mp.uiy the regiment there will be rail regret among oSteera end aaen. A! ijor Keller and Captain BCTUgga also v.ry popular ofBcere, and tlielr ition will h?- very agreeable ; ? their r oSMerg and th?' ne n ind-r ? IFFICSRS OF THE FOURTH. ut. nant-?'?ilon?l Ocorga W, Taiylor b<. the colonel of the Fourth m> nt, bul will be Borne delay ommleelonlng blm, probably owing is halving been mustered la ais iieu it-..-.,ioii?-i. ?Major Bdwsrda ana b?so mustered la sa maijor, but will be Beateanat-coloaeL otllcers of the- companies of th. th will BBOCt at Murphy's tO?ttlghl tbe purpose of selecting ;i major, r Captain Morahall Terrell, of Corn il, or c.iptaiiu <;. W. H'.p?', ?if Com? D. will I??' chosen. Captain Hope la '.Hiking COptelO, lut the friends of ain Terrell think be will be elected. uni Bodges di?i r,?it ?resign the ?'..?lo of the reglamat, i.u: waa retired by of the Oovernor es a rooall of lbs na by Norfolk phyalclona feJOr Adaiir. lael Beber was notifieil by the War tment yeeterdoy the regace! impony L Cop?ala Owen, ?>f the ,i Regiment, t<> be traneferred to .,.i o?' Company e. Captain 1er, of the Third, to ! ? transferred 1. e'liulel not be grant? ?I. Fall for More Troops. usera that the Preeldonl had called Ml m<>r?> volunteers censed a freoi of .applications to the ?lovrnor for slon to rolCB OOggpoaiea and bat ?. re the dispatch Announcing that II had been made was in print the ior had re. tail appllca to h?- allow-?l to form companies, here was a r?-f|uest from Mai'ir r, of Fetsrsborg, to be **-r tei organize e battOHoO. Oovernor oaanol reply to these ts until he is ofldally notified e.f imi.? r of mm Virginia Is to tat* i her gooto, an.i whether they win .v.ilry. or artillery, or all The GOVeroor sub! last night he call e.ut th?- negro battalion if the nt will aoeept ?soleesd infantry. ovrne.r CXpSCta t" r??eiv>- gC?B? of ?h?- caill to-day, and <>f the- m;m rglnla Is egpected to furnish. If i i- f??r 77.^'i the number Virginia . furtiWh wooM be UBS m.-n. ant-Major Diem, nt the Fourth l bora f<>r ?luty last Immunen from VtaglolO, eH ,1,. . ton to be called m this State by the President, an?! I already raised, I'n? ?? Sim will t least alx?coropanles of volui however, will bOVB t?. Ire ni.ul? up who, by reason ot huvlng had thu TI W ting TE. Il?S JE nel :i?. mi . r il. dise-?ne, an* n??t llk-ly te be aubje y. liow-f?v r. An Immune regiment Is being rals? Colonel J. s. I'.-uit, ue ?>tn?>-r of r. guiar army, and he wants six panics from Virginia. With a vie' s> caring th?'se com] haa d the; follOWbtg ht!.T tel I.leilte ?.Toxtoii, United BtatOfl urmv: War Depart? Adjutant Qeoeral'a Weehington, Map 22. 1 My Dear Cr.ixtoti- I above I ;> i-ol'in. 1 of the [-'..'irth Fi states Votuateera ?mitnimesi. \'iri is lu my territory, I want (?i raise llv .?ponies in th?- a you ni" by suggesting names of good wiio cam organise compenlea as cepta 1 prefer graduate? <?f Virginia Mill Institute ami other military ? <>;: be .glad of any assistance. V..nis in I .1. 8. I'ETTI llaiMIUel to IVII In Mil In (.nurilM. The- oSteei a SBd men of ?'ompiny t'?" Penlneule Oaard, Hampton, Tl Reginant, enjoyed .1 sumptuous boat at Murphy's last night, given by for residents of Hoaoptoa now living in K ?IlOtlll. Tbere were few members of the e, pony absent wii. n Rev. Dr. .1. J. (Mat Invohed tbe divine blesslag up?na ti gathered ?boot the groaning board. 1 here were present alao a nnmat vlte.l cuesta. After an hour or more spent In dlscu ing the viaimis tbai have made Murpl faimous, CaPtalfl .! tin Curtis, who p Bfctod, made a grOeeflS and ? i...pi speech, referring to his r??si?i?-nc?? in Old city ?111 the roanls, and tbe h.'U yeor? spent th.-re i?f?>re he romo to si'ie in Richmond, and paying an * quenl tribut.' to th" people <>r H.-impt Captain Curtla'a remorha elicited gn applause. OTHER SPEAKERS. He was followed by num. tous opet ers, Including Rev, Dr. J. J. Oravg Colonel William B. Cutabaw, Capo Mope, Bergeaal Jones, captain Era Cunningham, Private Booher, Mr. T. Cuy, ;m?l Cthere, aill miking only br tailks, In j.tails?, of old Hampton. th?- sa di 11 which she is .-a? tiding t?i th?. fro promising to conduct theoBsern - in moaner thait ?WOUld not bring shim?' her fair nemo, while those who we their hosts wished them giwlspsod. Csptain Oordon M-cCobe sent a. IsM expressing his regrets at Inability to preeent, and saying he would pray f urn of the men, covered wi glory. Oenerol P. T. Woodfln. commnn'lant a tbe National Soldiers' Poma, at Ham; ton, aend th?- following tolegraggs | Notional Soldiers' Home, Virgin! May I Capteln Frank Cunningham, iilchmon ?7a.: Have Just return? el from "ong lea? e.f abeence. Worh will nol permit mo 1 leave tins evening. Preseot my gree lugs to Hampton company. I am sin they will return from the conflict with honor. P. T. WOODFIN. It wa.s 11. airly 11 tfCrlOCk when 11: bosta and guest - "Auld Loa Syne" was sung, Vr. Oravatt pronoun?'?' Hi.- benediction, ami the soldlera hui rhel back to Camp Till-: HOSTS AMD OUISTS, The banquet was tendered by Rich molid people- who us.-d to I .- ;. sid.-nt ?if Hempton, including Captain John A ?'urtis. Rev. .1. J. ??laivaitt. Captain Fran Cunningham, Colonel W. E. Cutshoe Meeers. T. Archer Csry, William n. Cur tis. w. 'i'. John Ayen Thomas ?-. Cunntngbom, s. F, Whlt? and Fred Elliti. Beaidea the members of the company there wire also preeent as guests M.-ssis. 10. H. Ferguson, W. T. Bnelllng T. j. Sterbe, .1. t. W. Curtis; Csptali Taylor, company ! *. Becond Etegimenl B, II. Peek, of the S?.l?llers' Horn? Booker, of ?'??1 r-diit, and last but not least. Master Thomas Btarftu Curtis, in full regimentals, AS IDEAL TOt RIST TMIF To the S ?.ri h uiiil Fast via Hie 1??rk HiVCr Mr.? si.-,,,,,,-a?. Th?; pISOBUrn BOebhlg tourist .an accom plish no more delightful rail and water Journey t?? tho North or th.- Beet than vi.i the Bouthern raflwoy t?> Weal Point. Va., through Richmond, thence tin? Torh? River Une to Baltimore. Mel. '11., .-?-i vi.-.- ?.I* the Yotk-Klver I.lti" i too w.-ll known to require apeclol mention, 'ill.. Be?t consista? of the naos! oaagniOcenl si. .-iiiiship afloat, leaving Weet 1'oint for Baltimore liondaya, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and having Baltimore in the op posit.- dir?sctlon Tuesdays, Tbursdaya, and Saturdays. The ablj lolly coa? atructed for tin- 1.1] service, and their op? polatme nts . n.I aie-collllll?.dations for tile travellere are ell that good t.istc could desire. Th? cuisine hi perfect, and the table is aupplled with tha best tho market affords. The opportunity offered i?> Btop over at Richmond, th.- historic capitel of tbe ?il?l Dominion State-, is one that will h found especially attractive. Excursion aill the year 'round between Rieb? mond ami Baltimore, and apeclol ? xeur aloa ratee, apply from ether pointa during th.- seasons vi? th.* forb-Rlver Line, in oonnectloa with raill lines. For rates,, schedulee, and thrrugh ticlc pgly a?, any agoni of the Southern Railway Company, or addreea ? . W. Weethorj. 1 ravelling - r agent, Richmond, Va.*, o. d. Wilson, city pao or Pheodore Parber, agent, Danville, Va. Benger tlch<vt agent, Lynchburg; Va., Elastic Starch requires no cooking. BooltS at Hunter & Co.'S. The Weather. CLOUDY WASHINGTON, May i*>.-Fore f.?r Tbarodoy: For Virginia anil North Cat?. lina?Tartly ele.udy weither; pro al, ly showers in sost? rn portions; fresh, ortheosterly ainaO. For South Carolina?I'artty cloudy ,'. aith-r aiiel ' : BhOWCM; light, ariaiLI- winds, bcomlng northwesterly. THE WEATHER IN RICH ESTEKDAY w.i< -l-itr and warm. S'ait?- ut thai motee t? ri a M.C7 A. M.M M. P. M.N P M.M Night.74 Mean teaipstatarc.7; 1-3 nuns ?'OTSi'KK COPY. NEWS FROM MANU SPiVD-.ll Fit? ?IMTK?) Ml JIPA\KSK Vi A It SHIP. THE PHILIPPINE REBELS ICI Keport That They Have Takeo ??? Ion v of Sabio-?fontmaadOf t iillao Shot na.l Moi.etljo ?rotea It Is Said. NEW YORK, M.iy r..-A cables-, from .Mandil Ray via Hongkong to Ev? niiig Telegram .?ays: "Arriving here yesterday or. the Culloch, I found the American a*iua< anchored off t'a vite, -x?-?pt one l which oiling the outside br "The foreign wur.-l.ips Immorti (English), Hrlnx (French). Irene C meron (Oerman>, and two Japanese i ships were anchored off the city of Milu. "Th?> Japanese boat Naniwa had rived the night before, and at noon luted the ?port with twenty-one gt which salute was r? turned by the ab battery. This is tho fit-1 salute Spanish flag has received from any ?a ship j-fnce tho blockade was establish ?>n<? Japanese vessel leaves to-mOTi for Il'ingkong. "<?"it?rai Aguinaldo and twelve ?t Insurgents who .ame from Hongkong tho M-? iill.i.-h landed at lavltt* yost day. "They tell me the rebel? have tel don of Suing, and have 3i?,<"*0? a r? ?ly to light against the Wpanlards soein as they can g?>t arms. "A report was I.rough* to the flags! list night that the rebela hael ?Utook Spanish outposts of Manila. ? Spaniards iot?. found to have tum-td t guns of their shore batterie?* I un aw* for protection agninst the insurgents, a the rebels made nothing more than r.-. onnofssaic? jn fiaros, "It Its also reported that the lieutena who commanded the ?'allao here has be shot, after a trial by a summery ooui martial, and that Admiral Mentljo h aa! o been sentenced by eeurt-marth tumors e-ome through the ere we merchant vessels still here, but 1 do n have much confidence In the aci.-uruoy tbe report** OM Y U\K DAY MOHR. ?'oniton Ballots to truno After it Morrow??Voll* .Vow or Veter, Tho last ?-?.upon ballots with whloh I vote In the piano contest for the mo; popular teacher will he published In *t morrow'.-? Dispatch. So, if you de ?Ire i vote for a friend you mun not !o?e it golden opportunity. Tin? lust ballots wi be received throughout the day of Moi ?lay, the 3?)th Instant. The election wi be closed that night. Votes are tw pouring in, and no one has the Bilghtel Idea of who among the? candidate* I The piano Is now on exhlhltlo at No, 213 east Hr??a?l str*??-t. where ?h Instrumeht was purcbaaed by us. \V.' have nothing to ?lo with th agencies at work soliciting vites fo this, that, or the other tench ; or wha It may please the successful teaohCt t? do with the prize. All we have I Ive genuine Dispatch ballots, an? count them for tbe teachers for whon voted. This In answer to numerous en epilrles. M?k?> your wife happy?buy Elastic SI rcb Mr. A. E. Heinrich has associate.l him s? If with Julius "Meyer's Sons, FoOShM n?l Broad streets, and will be pleased to see all He friends. Elastic ?tarch makes Ironing easy. OLD POlVT, OCMAS \IE\V. AVIJ M)ltF?H.K tin ? a?. ..?i ? .?i.?- Ohio Snndar ?lUtlllK?. The Chesapeake nnd Ohio fast vestl? lui? ?I Sunday outing train, with psrlor <ir, leaves Richmond next Sunday st I M. II FOR THE ROUND TRM'. The attractions of the seasldo are many. View Hotel n?.w open. Returning, leave Old Point 7:30 P. M., arriv.' Richmond e*St) F. M. Don't worry, but use Elastic Starch. *mm BSO-i Hooks at !? ? . by standard authors. Over ;M> title?. HUNTER A CO ' Broad str<*et. ll?-.l.i?-?-.l Hu?.-, to Mlehmontl, Va? t.-.-eiiint Military Kiu*?i tap meat. Account of the nlxive occasion, the Southern rallsray will sell tickets from Danville, V.l.. West Point, Va., and In termedlate stations t?? Richm.I. V.?., aim! r.-turn at rato of one flint-class fare for the- rounel trip. Tick, ts will be sold May 26th to ?th, In? lusive, final limit of all tit?ete return ing May 30. 1??. Thla offers a most excellent opportunity Cor nnd re datives of the boys ta -?e Hum In .-amp at Riehmond. Fall In line and use Elastic Starch. ?-??*.-? Pocket I'l.-iloiiarim at lOo. ISc 'Hie; Fountain Pens, U, IIMJ Writing Papers. HINTER A tX>. < iii-i i.iMiTi. Plants, .- and Decorations. A large xnd \ rtment of Redoing Planto Miss RKYN? ?EDS. Florist, ?)1 east Main street. Old 'phone 10M. v For Diseases of the I.I ver, ?tomaoh, ond Kldoeys be Water ot tfce Oreenbrier White -'alpha t prtags Is tbe most vslaable lo America. Pi hi-ki.i., Uso *(.*?-., Wboleeale Agenta No : ? ifT.-r should be without s bottle of AMOCO cha RimiBS, the world-renowned Appetiser t,d Invtgorstor, of eniuU>tts flavor, ?adoned y tho utedleel profesetoa for Its wonderful witorstive power. THE DISfflTGH'S rEACHERS' CONTEST, HANDSOME PIANO. < Cut opt thw Ballot, nnd vote it )y writing nain?'and nddr?'?8 of y?mr avorite and Bonding te Bali ot Difakhmt, THE DISPATCH CO. $\_ P\ddrc**