Newspaper Page Text
_3?B RICHMO.ND DISPATCH-THURSDAY. MAY 26, 1898. . . " " * i. *\ AAAA ?*. e\ ? _, BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE, THE 01EE\ RESORI OF THE BLlt RIDGE MOUNTAINS ON Till-: MAIN LINE OK Till WESTERN MARYLAND RAILROAD. ?\ ?ai .i. i cnns., i\anla. Mrgmia. and West Virginia Anm-nn, oia-i? ?Jl^n iao^PP nt" more and ?" bVi *? RoaSke ^i?? . etc., ??sS unt?l 'jSSJ J. P. SHANN..N. Manager, C.irrollton Hotel RaitimnrA \t* \ ?lu? nnts \l' ' e,M<i' ' *B*\,'**uTSgklSmV ?i 'S?? 1" fscturlng Com, . T Bro^StrTot p. 2 " t. Hot?| Ftnrsuucy,!BMMr^&n'?S : roe_ ?_ _my u-mssmi s October 1: i *. un 1 II ill \ MMIIX.N H?, It; M ? ..- : . a ni. M?*-.! \ .' . ... mu? I of Danville, Ya. ? m all Incipal Point:? MINERAL - WATE HS apply to A. W r a .dim) \ . ?i??L M MMER HOM1 MountainTop it? and city; etg* I -nhousi tennl - - stables; pui . . - - :. . ihlonabl The m? ble pre Own? _ iborho s .le., MONTEITH. * Toronto. Cn Ridge Mountain. . . f- t. A delightful summ. ... g . Strong> a Of Junction r from Rid - ;. & - , Alton. Y*u i I ?! \i \ III. v ! SPRINGS, IR \NY C< TNTY. VA. -is are situated il ni >n?sed In tk st of the * \ -ad only nl - way. t?; . airy; none better In th? tld mat . . m the tin? -- tt la i grown li of this not? Ratei : F r furtlu-r ; write ' EAKLE JR., M ? 111:1110 STOWS ? i? ir \?.i:. . H a \K. VA., - ' - r.d for circulars. my tf-lm* THE PAVOBITI PUU01 Rl and hfaith resort of the Vir g lai? mouiitaina Twenty sixth esaaeentlee ?eascn undet a.HgeiiK-nt >*>t 1>KIL. F. BROWN. _ (nyl4-3ni)_ THE l\TKHMO\T, VA. \ mod- ,-*n hotel, .'?nil y de ..:,.; k? a ihoroughl*. excellent i durins; mis', un.! unsur] : Write for klet.. E. G. PEYTON, m_Manager. THE HIM?* H I? WIM SILI'HIH ipmiJioii ?.i. . nhrler County, West Mrainla. ii.e RgBUOmmuOmttrm Resort of the Sooth. irul l'Oint of rcum??n fot .: .. . - Not? reduction ol rat?.-. Pei ;.-eight (?. - lien under 12 >ears of agi ? J ii to Octo t or cation early Is L. W. ?COVILLE, "-.*!m_Man a ko ?. \ 1IK.IMA UEACH. VA. MY COTTAGES WILL BE OPE> ED S JUNE 1ST. - all letters to Danville, Va., me; then Virginia Beach _t\> 24-tJul Mrs. E F. BURN'K'.'T ?.H V\> I \V N* WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. M .y Bth to November. Special -. for June. For circular write C. W. GRAY. Proprietor. Blue idge rings, R The Virginia Hotel special rates for families or i three or more staying through ? August. in Virginia Hotel and Cottages : meals in BoOMSfend Dining - ' a particulars. FRED. STKRRY, ..n .Manager. Grand Atlantic Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J., ... .. i.ue and tho Beaui. This ele * hotel is now open lor the second ' Ouest rooms, tangle and ! bain, having tv.., ici Mx ? h, with full and unobstruci mouerii convenience, a ghout by at?-'.in. Passenger 10 ti.e Btre?-t. Tkl tabi? in boun wlth the best, and tno ? not be ?urpaased. Morning ts by the hotel orches Clrand Atlantic manu,. ? menu In t? i m-> is here ?luring tho spring. ' .'... v the pleasure and luxuru s first-class hotel at n\ X, rite for terms and lllia CHARLE8 E. COPE. . "t l0n"hi: RED II I I'Hl R kPMSOf, VIA SAI. KM. VA.. . 1ST. -a i? the best re moantalns for famines, tvu - ?!>>!?? i-.-ia. lung, ; f.-nialfc troubles. Terms Writ? for descriptive pamphlet. J H CHAPMAN. 11 < itfi iSDBMI U * VIEIL LNGLY LARGE AND I i 'us modera; L. GORDON, LouiBa Court! -S^__tny ?>-3t_ i SARATOOA SPRINGS. CONGRESS HALL >~Vs JUNI ItTH. Accommodates 1,000 gveata, lu. _ Popi ? ?" PRICEii 2? .?.I Per Day. "?oute.. . .g.%tu, mud f4 pre Day. mx u a. ?__-__. H * CLEMENT, ? ?? ^-fea.luSThNt Manager. Vil .Hint??' fPRIVCir, VA., ? ?PEN .icne IST. Elevation, 2.300 feet. Cuisine a specialty. WATERS Sulphur. Alum, Alkaline-Mineral, Chaly beate, and Freestone. Send tor illustrated Pamphlet. J. GRAHAM DAVIDSON, Manager, Mtllhoro Springs, Bath county, Va. __rny a*. ? h 6 ftfulm Montgomery White Salphor Springs Montgomery county. Va. Opens JUNE IS i entire new management Grounds -- thoroughly repaired and refurnished. New drainage. Grounds My. Terms reduced to meet ex ?f the times. For circulars and terms ad.! W. S AVERS, Manager. Montgomery Springs, Va. my r-Su.Tu&Thlni_ RAWLET SPRINGS,. VA., THE TONIC WATER OP AMERICA. OPEN JUNE 1ST To OCTOBER 1. lttt. Ad-a '! BUI ITZBR, Proprietor, my ifr-TtiAT?-t Raw ley Springs. Va. BICYCLE RACES SATURDAY. Ian. i,-in,n Events Inder Auaplccs of Lakeside Wheel Club. Much inteiest is being manifested In I In the races to be held on the course hi front of Wostbrook Sa an .lay afternoon under the SOSplOM a i the Lakeside Wheel Club. The officers In charge ??f tbe raen win be: Mr. Richmond Lewis. Judg? ?M? ?ssrs. B. T. D. Meyer?. Jr., John W. Atkinson. Jr., Ashton Starke, Antrim, rter?Mr. Jackson Miller. . ? '. Muyo and R. L. rks of the Cour.-e-Messrs. Edgar S. .m Joynes. ; W. T. Broonie, O. F. Brt-, M-t-, Jr., Thomas Whlttatt, W. R. lion, 11. H.. Johnson, Frank A. Da rt, J. S. ?.Carter, Chatio? S. Cren . ..rail Arthur Scrivei.or. . ntry-li.-t. Is lull and the riders trained to s very Une point for the fast race?, which will be th? mile dash for the club challenge cup. half-mile dash for the club colors un gold and enamel), and the iive-mlle handicap. In additiuii '. . th- .-,?11 be great sport and fun in th? Gym Khana events. Th?. alt tee, of which Mr. Ho .aee S Hawes Is the Very efficient chair man, has decided upon a ginger-al- I in which each contestan! will be required a Short cour:-. . dismount, uncork -.rink a bot!!?- ... ginger al?-, and re turn to :he .-taitli.g point Another event ?rill a ,-aCei iii which each rider oarrits a needle to a specitied I girl avail? with a n i.- then a Question of which rider can dismount, get his needle and return to the starting point quick? st A i tor s short dim* witii possibly ai "balancing" race If tune mil permit, will close these tern* tutea. The rao?s will b* on the beauti ful r< : "Bellevu-t," the finishing being at th? entrance to "Bellejrue," gateway leading into w estbrook," - r the late Major Gutter. The MMJ0? begin at 4:30 P. M. V l>?-IUhlfiil ?Ill-union. A number of persons .-?.oke yesterday a a d?!ightful occasion the second Uterary union meeting of the Epworth tere of Richmond and Manchester, Park-Place Methodist, Tuesday eve ning i\ Notably among the attractive featurA of the exercises were the song "God So Loved the World," sang by the Rich mond College Gleo Club, and two other ?"Tarry with Me, Oh, My ur," (Scoto, and 'Lead Kindly Lrfgbt," (Dykes). Miss Clara Becker re cited, and the following young ladies and ( boys recited: Misses Annie Bray, Louise Loving Et hoi Phillips, Lessie Tyree, Vu-gle Callis. Julia Cottre.'l, Henry Sta ple?, Chambers Woodson, Stanley Blan toa, William McBain, and Percy Yar brough. I Annie Bell Bray, with three other young ladles, gave "The Life Journey," and Master Henry Staples closed with a short recitation. The address of the evening was deliv ever by Rev. W. B. Beauehamp, of St. Jam?? church, who spoke most Interest ingly for half an hour on "How Can We r Christ in Our Social Life?" \*w Masonic Officer*. At the regular stated communication of Lodge of Strict Observance. No. :'07, A. W. and A. If., held in St. Albans Hall Monday night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Samuel R. Crowder, worshipful master; E. L. Ro den, senior ward-n; A. Muuplri, junior warden; John F, Mayer, treasurer; Charles A. Nesbltt, secretary; J. M. CUft, or deacon; John H. Reed, juni?ir dea eon; Catlett Con way. tiler; William Ki-iuse, purveyor. Were Murrle?! In W??hln??on. Bin Mamie Louise Pacini and Mr. Wil tiam H- Lohmeyer were married in Washington, D. C yesterday morning, by Rev. Father Glllesple, of St. Aloy flns church. A reception will be ten dered them at the residence of the groom's brother. Mr. Richard Lohmeyer, formerly of this city, whose guests they will be during their stay In the national al. To Elect a Superintendent. The Board of Education will hold a meeting July 1st. to elect a Superintend . ,i ,,f Schools for Spotsylvanla county, to succeed the late Chancellor Bailey. The candidates are Messrs. M. L. Smith and Thomas ?. Dew. II Ich mondera? In Sew York. ITSW Y??KK. May &.-(Speclal.)-E. Whltlock. Hoffman; A. J. Marcuse 8. P. Mayo. Imperial, W. J. Payne. Hoffman; n T Simpson. Broadway Central; Miss K a' Townsend. St. Denis; H. u. Wil liams. Grand. _ Children like It; %^f^t%7\u5t .ThTrVmedy or couah* aids, croup, ?fo?chUls* gyrlp and a!l throat ?nd lung troubles. ^ Elastic BtarOi once tried, always used. VOTING TOJE LIGHT. ELECTION-DAY IN MANCHESTER ^ILL nE AN inem:ntiil one. called meeting op the c??kcil. The Southern Fertilising Company Want to Ask for Building Permit Objection? to Be Ralsed-.Mr. Reed ? nil/ Weds. This is election-day. The polls will open at eunrls-s and close at ?unset. There Is practically no Interest in the event in Manchester, as there Is no op position, save In the First Ward, and likely enough, only a very small vote will be polled. Mr. Simon P. Jones, the regular Demo tratlc nominee for Council from the First Ward, is opposed by Mr. Henry Stroud, who Is running as an Independent Democrat. The voting places, obtaining for many years, are: First Ward, Fisher's barber shop; Second Ward, the Hustings-Court room; Third Ward, Thirteenth and Hull streets; Fourth Ward, Thirteenth, near Hull street. These names will appear on the ticket with the offices lor which they are run ning: Mayor, H. A. Maurice; City Ser geant, Henry Fitzgerald; Treasurer, J. W. Bronaugh; Clerk Huttings Court, H. E. Du val; Commissioner of Revenue, S. R. Owens; High Coi.stable, George W. Brooks. Council?First Ward, S. P. Jone3 and EL Stroud; Second Ward, I_ M. Nun nally; Third Ward, James T. Abbott; Fourth Ward, Captain John O'Brien. Samuel Hague, at the last primary, a candidate for the City Council, was ar rested last night on a warrant charging him with being disorderly and threaten ing the life of the lady who had the war rant Issued. The paper v. us served by Policeman Wright, and Hague was lock ed up until this morning. THE COUNCIL CALLED. President John O'Brien contemplates railing a meeting of the City Council tor 'o-morrow evening to hear an application from the Southern Fertilizing Company permit to go on with their work at rhlrd and Balnbridge streets. It Is na il rstood that a number of prominent iltlsens of this part of the city will ap .. ar before the body and strongly op ....-?- the location of such a plant at tins rite. It is also believed that gentlemen of the company seeking to come to Main beat? i will state to the Council that hey propose and will bind themselves o manufacture or use In their work no hjng that will be unpleasant to the senses or detrimental to health of the -itizens. it is proponed to manufactura he acids in another place, possibly, East rtich.r.ond. The site In Manchester Is lesirable for the excellent railroad trans ???nation fadlltles it presents. If the ompany gives satisfactory assurances if this, and It Is shown that nothing In he business will affect the health of the itizens and the value of the property n this or any part of the city, it Is quite afe to predict that the Manchester <-. an il will lay nothing in the way to obstruct he enterprise. PRETTY MARRIAGE LAST NIGHT. A very pretty wedding took place at Vest-End Methodist church last night at o'clock when Miss Lucy Crlddle, of | wansboro', became the bride of Mr. ?rden Reed Craig, of this city. The ceremony was performed by the astor of the church, Rev. W. T. Wil The bride Is a daughter of Mr. Robert riddle, a well-known citizen of Swans oro', and is a very attractive young lady. Mr. Craig is a son of tho late Jam.s i. Craig. and a very popular gentleman, h. y wiii reside In this city. Miss Uiura Sampson and Mr. 'I redell !ann will be married at Red Lane church, i Powhatan county, Sunday. Rev. James T. Reynolds, formerly of this city, will I the officiating minister. This young couple Is well known in this ty. where they have frequently visited icir friends. They will make their future Dme in Powhatan county. FUNERAL OF MRS. CERSLEY. The funeral of Mrs. Mary F. Cersley, ho died at her residence. No. 1*>2?> Hull reet, Tuesday evening at 6:20 o'clock, ill take place this afternoon at I o'clock om Central Methodist church. The following gentlemen will act as ill-bearers: Messrs. M. A. Campbell, enry Fitzgerald, H. A. Maurice, E. W. eisiger, M. Morton, G. A. Belcner, J. '. Toney, and Henry Snead. Deceased was the relict of John A. ersley, once a prominent citizen of Man lester, and a devout Christian lady. or many years she was a member of ntral Methodist church, loved and hon ed by all who knew her. She will be eatly missed. She was In her 62d year. Dur children survive her?Mr. John A. ;rsley, Mrs. A. H. Simmons, Mrs. . Babor, ;?nd Mrs. J. R. Jewett. She as a .--ister of Mrs. John LgKers, of ichmond. Laura E. Clayton, little daughter of r. J. C. Clayton, died at her father's sldence, near Branch's church, in the unty, Tuesday night rhe funeral will take place to-day at A. M.. and Interment will be made In aury Cemetery. MAYOR MAURICE'S SERVICES. Vlayor Maurice held very interesting rvlces at the White Temple yesterday Drning. W. II. Holmes and James Boiling, two lored vocalists of Richmond talent, re before the tribunal for giving vol nlc eruptions of their lungs on the | eet, and one did so to the extent of tho other $2.50. Singing, like talking, cheap, and so neither one had received ough for his services to pay his line, d so both went down to jail. Ir. C. D. Corbus, a Hull-street grocer, s nned 12.50 for putting down a pave nt objected to by the city ordinance?*, i Rufus Jackson, the colored con dor engaged to do the work, J",. 'he case of Mr. Morgan R. Mills, of . hmond. charged with opening the eet to put down a water pipe without mission, was continued until to-day. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS, bester Toney Is visiting friends In iamo Bluff. "quire T. E. Owen has returned from Itlmore, where he has been attending a Methodist Conference, he Board of Health has been called to et In the Mayor'? court-room this af noon at 4 o'clock. ir. W. B. Chlldress, of Dispatch, Cum land county, ha? been in the city for past few days on a business trip, ev. J. A. Spencer, at his regular ser l at Cowardln-Avenue Christian church l night, baptized a number of candl es for admission to the church, ev. Decatur Edwards, now of Frede csburg, but formerly pastor of Clop -Street church, Is In the city, visiting old friends. He preached to his old gregation last night, be "notices" of application for the chase of delinquent lands, issued by Clerk of the Hustings Court for a inoke syndicate, are not beln? served the City Sergeant, but by the High istable, Mi'. George W. Brooks. WHU THE WAR LASTS. II who march, walk, or stand, should ke Into their shoes Allen's Foot-Eaae, owder. It cures aching, tired, sore lien feet, and make? tight or new ?s easy. It absorbs molstute, and pre is chafing, hot, smarting, blistered atlng feet. All the regular army ?ps and navy men use It. Volunteers lot climates can't exist In comfort lOOt it Allen's Foot-Ease is sold by druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents, iple ?ent free. Address, ALLEN 6. dSTED, he Roy. N. Y. my 17-Tu.Tb_Sa?tfralt gi J L BUY WHERE YOU CIN SAVE MONEY. I MR S1VE YOU DOLLARS ON BICYCLES, TIRES, REPAIRING, AM) HUNDRIES. My success is the result of honest prices, good quality, and lib eral guarantee. Agent for Relay Bicycles (you see the balls), Vir ginia Swell, Virginia Bell. Special prices for cash. Good second hand wheels bought, sold, and exchanged. High grade wheels for hire. Duplicate parts and large sprockets made for any wheel. B.?.BLENNER, 310 N. FIFTH ST., BETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALLSTS. PHONg 886. my 1-Su.Ta.fcTh _-_ T{ovv*m 5L'ba4?s \.*iu a L-itov wiUJt *l*+ts (au/vw i~rtje thj*Ah~ S. ULL?IAN'S SONS' GROCERY BARGAINS. READ HOW CHEAP WE ARE SELL ING EVERYTHING. WHY T11UUW MONET A WAT WHEN YOU CAN RAVE l& PER CENT. BY BUYING YOUR GOODS FROM THE OLD RELIABLE? Orange County Creamery Butter.. 15 Thistle Brand Tomatoes, per can.. 6 1-2-pound-box I'ocahontas Baking Powder?, per can . 3 Fresh Bologna Sausage, per pound.. ** Pure Lard, j>< r pouno . 5 1-pound-cans Canned Beef . 12 We are selling s Be. Mixed Tea for 20 Nice Small Ham?, per pound. 7 yuan Mason's Jars, filled with Una* tar.l . !? Family Flour, per bag . Largo plugs Tobacco . 6 2 Large Wash Powders for . 5 l*r. (i Frankfort Sausage, per pound . 8 Salt Pork Shoulders, per pound.... 6"? Cedar Tube . M Cedar Buckets . M Coarse Meal, per bushel. !.", Frecb Nic-Nac Crachera, per pound ? Rolled Oats, per package . 6 Country Extra Flour, per barrel_ 4 75 Jefferson and Jap. Coffee, Java and Laguayra, per pound . 1?) Carolina Pic?', per pound . 5 Good Patent Family Hour, bag.... 21 or, per barrel . 5 25 Potted Ham or Tongue, per can- 4 Home-Made Blackberry Wine, per quart . 10 Bweei Mixed Pickles, per bottle.... 8 Snow-flake Patent Family Flour, per bag . 31 or, per barrel . 6 00 I--,. . Blackberry and Catawba Wine, 10c. quart; or, per gallon.... 40 French Candy, p?-r pound . 5 Klngan's Boneless Breast Bacon, i>. a- pound . t Masons Jar, tilled with Home Made Presenrw, per Jar . 12 Besl Vainilla Syrup, per gallon . B Large cans Table Peaches, per can.. 8 Virginia Sun-Dried Apples, pound. 4 Virginia Club Cheroots, all Habana, Sve for . 6 Laras Lump Starch, per pound. 3 California Raisins, per pounu. 6 Corn Starch, per package . 3 Salt Pork, per pound . 5 Mason's Quart Jars, per dozen. 41 Mason's Half-Gallon Jars, per dozen 69 Best New Orleans Molasses? per gallon . S. ULLMAN'S SON, 1_X) AND 1_2 EAST MAIN grXttgUUt, Up-Town Store, Cub east Marsnail. Phone Bd. 'Phone ao. It will pay you to call for or write for one of our complete price-lists. (no 3I-Sa,Tu&Th) LE BBUN'S SIS FOR EITHER SEX. This remedy, being ap plied directly to the seat of the disease. r? quires no change of diet. Cure guaranteed In 1 to 3 days. Small, plain pack age, by mail. II. told onlv hy POLK MILLER DRUG CO. Ninth and fr* Tj m? ***?" Bichmon(i-va mh 10-Th-nr SICK HEADACHE Positively cared by the s o Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per ect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi less, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue >ain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They legulate the Bowels. Purely Vegtrtable. imail Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution *-he fraud of tho day. >ee you get Carters, isk for Carter's, nsist and demand 'arters Little Liver Pills. i? m i irr- ' ? - - ? ellKloua Convention at Alexandria To-night, In Alexandria, the Second Istrict Baptist Young People's Union onvention, of the young Baptists of Irglnla, will meet. This gathering pro ises to be a large and interesting one. mong the speakers are the following ?ntletnen: Rev. J. H. Butler. Alexan la; Dr. T. S. Dunaway, Frederlcksburg; Garland Pollard. Esq., Richmond; Dr. R. Boston. Warrenton; Z. Y. Royston, sq. Marfhall; Rev. E. XV. Winfrey, ulpeper; Dr. E. B. Pollard, Washing n, l). c.. ?t* Qmotp? Rraxton Taylor, re'st Api>oroattox: Rev. C. W. Brooks, immer Duck; Rev. ?'. W. Tralnham. s; D. P. Wood, Esq., Warren n- Dr. I. B- Lake. Uppervllle; C. H. ilpman. Esq., Charlestown, W. Va.; Dr. li Pitt, Richmond, Va.; Rev. L R. Ubourne, Charlestown, W. Va.; Dr. \V. Dunaway. Mlddleburg, and Rev. C. L. iws. Baltimore, Md. t'lt the Queen In Hunger?" Thl? Is the subject of the lecture that M M. Ashby Jones will deliver at the rst Baptist church to-morrow night. ?V Mr. Jones, who has recently located are as pastor of Leigh-Street Baptist urch, I* an eloquent snd entertaining eaker, and this le'ture promises to be ceptlonally Interesting. It Is t?*> be ven under the auspices of the Yunng idles' Missionary Society. De Witt's Little EARLY RISERS The famous little pills. Cure blliout oess, headache, constipation, indiges tion, heartburn and torpid liver. Very small, very safe, very sure. Most popular pill ever made. PrepartBd by E. O. De Witt A Co., makers 0) Do Witt's Witch Batel Salva tap 28-Th,Sa&Tu) Beware of Imitations JOHN Dt'NOAN'4 toi t, tit**., kFV VOW. [Se?3-Thly? 0' DEPARTURE OF STEAMERS. L ? b 0 M I N ION ?TBABMBSr COMPANY. 1MILT LISS FOK NEW YORK EXCEPT SUNDAY. Passengers can leave Richmond dally except Sunday via Chesapeake an.'. Ohio r.iilwuy at ?:50 A. IL, or Richmond and Petersburg railroad (Norfolk and West ern route) 0 A. ML, connecting at Norfolk with Old Dominion Line steamer sailing same evening for New York. ALL-WATER ROUTE. Steamship <-Id Dominion leaves Rich mond every Monday at S P. If. for New York via James river. Tickets on sale at Richmond Transfer Company's, ?i3 east Main street; Chesa peake and Ohio railway, and Richmond and Petersburg railroad depots, and at company's office, 1212 east Main street Richmond. Baggage checked through FREIGHT for New York and all points beyond can be shipped by direct steamer sailing from Richmond every MONDAY at 0 P M.; also, by steamer leaving Rich mond every WEDNESDAY and FRI DAY at B P. If. for Norfolk, connecting with steamer for New York. Manifest clceed one hour before sailing time. Freight received and forwarded, and through bills of lading Issued for all northern, eastern, and foreign port?. FROM NEW YORK. Passengers can leave daily, except Sun day, at _ P. If. tSaturday, 4 p. m.i, to Norfolk or Old Point Comfort, connect ing with Norfolk and Western railroad or Chesapeake and Ohio railway. Direct steamer tvia James-river route) leaves every SATURDAY _ P. If. (pas sengers and freight), and freight by steamers via Norfolk every MONDAY end WEDNESDAY at 8 P. M. Sailings from company's pier, No. 26 North river, foot of Beach street. Freight received end forwarded dally, except Sunday. For further information apply to JOHN F. MAYEK. Agent, 1212 east Main street. Richmond. Va. W. L. Gulllaudeu, Vice-President and Trafilo Manager. New York. ap 16 AMERICAN AND RED STAR LINES. NEW Y0BK-t?UEEN8T0WN'-$0UTHAMP TON. NEW YORK?SOU! HAMPTON-ANTWERP. the ?teauiers performing the?e services are either British or Belgian. Every Wednesday and alternate Saturday at loon. OBCrriB.May 28 I 'BERLIN.Juueli .VEST'h.NL'U.lune 1 NOOK ULAN U.June la rRf-miKQTUN.Jane b | FHIR8L ?N? ...lune22 INTERNATIONAL, navigation ca. Piers 14 and l.i. North t?tet. Office, d towllng Oreen, M. ti, W.U. PALME? A CO., tab l?-Tu.ThASalr_Kiobm?jal._ On and after Sunday, Feb uary 20, 1898, a passenger vill be entitled to ONE trans fer on payment of a single are. Transfers to Fourteenth street, Richmond, and to Hull street, Manchester, will be allowed inly on payment of a cash ire. Passengers desiring transfer ickets will notify conductor vhen fare is paid. liCHMOID RAILWAY ? ELECTRIC CO. _ lse9-Wl _ PAINTS. LEWIS'8 PURE LEAD. LEWIS'S PURE LINSEED-OIL. nd all material for painting. Only the est qusllty k?*pt In stock. Write tor uotatlons. PURCELL, LADD A CO.. ap 10 Wholesale Druggists. RAILROAD I.INES. SOUTHERN RAlLWi? S-a-lit-Uulf Kffortlvr May ?t ****** TRAINS leave: RICHMOND, va. IMtWOA. M.. No. 11, Southern Expree. dally, for Atlanta, Augusta, ?so points South. Sleeper lue * Danville. Greensboro', UuiislHiri Charlotte. Columbia, and August! Sleeper open at ?:? V* M. ?lop at all stations between Ktchoio? and Danville to take on and i??t ? passengers. _ ,, . '. Connecta at Danville, Sallsbur? snd Charlotte with the Washtngto end Southwestern Limited (No. il. c?rrying sleepers New Jtork t Ashevilie. Hot Springs, Chattanoo f?. an?' Nashville; New York t Memph , New York to New Of leans; New York to Tampa, an first-class dally coach b*'*** Washington and Memphis. Connec t?ons are made for all points l Texas and California, Sleeper opei ,,./'" occupancy at "i.TA* P. M. ?2:01 f> M., No 7*?ond train, daily.Jo Charlotte, N. C. connects at M ose ley with Farmvllle and Pownstai railroad. At Keysvllle for ? larks ville, Oxford. Henderson, and Dur nam, and at Greensboro' for Dur ham, Ralelgl*. and Wlnston-Salem at Danvlile with No. 35. Unite? States fast mall, solid train, dall; for New Orleans r.n.l points South r'hlch carries sleepers New York t< New Orleans, and New York t. Jacksonville. Through sleeper Balls bury to Chattanooga; also. Pull man tourist sleeper every WMnes day, Washington to San Francisco without ?hange. 8:00 P. If., No. 17, local, dally, exeep 8unday. for Keysvllle and lnterme ?l?ate points. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. 0 40 A. M. 9:36 P. U_ from Atlanta. Augusta Ashevilie. and Nashville. K:40A. M.. from KevsvlII*. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAINS. Nos. 61 and 62, between Manchester an? Neapolls. Va. IQRK-fii?S8 UNS tu we*t ro? THE FAVORITE ROUTE NORTH, LEAVE RICHMOND. 4:30 P. M., No. 1?, Baltimore Limited dally, except Sunday, for Wei Point, there making close connec tlon on Mondays, Wednesdays, an? Fridays with steamer for Baltl more; also, with stage at Leste: Manor for Walkerton and Tappa hannock on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 2:30 P. M., No. 10, local express, Mon days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, foi West Point and Intermediate sta tlons. Connects with stage at Les 1er Manor for Walkerton and Tap pahannock; also, at West Polni with steamer for Baltimore. Stop? at all stations. 6:00 A. M., No. 16, Local. Mixed. Leave? dally, except Sunday, from Vir ginia-Street Station for West Point and intermediate stations, connect ing with stage at Lester Manor foi Walkerton and Tappahannock. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. 0:17 A. M., dally. 10:40 A. M., Wednesdays and Friday? only. 4:55 P. If., dally, except Sunday, from West Point and intermediate sta tions. Steamers leave West Polst at 6 P. M. Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Baltimore, at 5 P. If. Tuesdays, Thurs days, and Saturdays. Ticket-Office at station, foot of Virginia street. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 p. M.. and from 9:30 P. M. to 12 A. M. City ticket office. 903 east Main street. J. M. CULP. W. A. TURK. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Aeent. FRANK 8. CANNON*. Third Vlce-Pres!. dent and General Manager, Washington, D. C. C. W. WESTBURY, Travelling Pas senger Agent, 02?) east Main street, Rlch CHESAPEAKE ANO OHIO RAILWAY. Effeotlve April ee, i-:?*?. trains leave richmond, uroad m'hlei' ?station. 8:50 A. M., Dally, with Pailor car, for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point. NewKurt News, and principal stations. Con nects at Norfolk with New York steamers, except Sun day. ?1.4-0 P. tL, Dally, with Pullman, for local stations, Newport News, Old Norfolk, and Portsmouth. Connect* at Old Point with Washing ton steamers daily, and with Baltimore steamers except Sunday. 10:00 A. M., Local train, except Sunday, for Cllrton For?e. Con nects at Gordonsvllle for Orange, Culpeper, Calver tou, ManasHa-i, Alexandria, and Washington; at Union Station, Charlottesville, for Lynchburg; at Basic for Hagerstowu. 2:15 P. il., Dally, with Pullmans, to Cincinnati. Louisville, and St. Louis, connecting at Covtngton, Va., for Hot Springs. Stops only at Im portant stations. Meals served on Dining-cars. No. 7. Local Train, except Sun day, follows above train from Gordonsvllle to Staun ten. 6:30 P. M., Accommodation, except Sun day, for Charlottesville. t0:30 P. If., Dally, for Cincinnati, with F. F. V. Pullmans to Hlnton. W. Va., and Oordonsvllla to Cincinnati and Louisville. Meals served on Dining cars. Connects at Staun toa, except Sunday, for Winchester, Va., and at Covlngton, Va., dally, for Hot Springs. rRAINS LEAVE EIGHTH-STREET STATION. : 1:30 A. M., Dally, for Lynchburg and Clifton Forge. Connects at Bremo, except Sunday, for White Hall, except Sunday, at Balcony for Lexington, And at Clifton Forge with No. O tor Cincinnati. 4:00 P. M.. Except Sunday. Local ac commodation for Columbia. rRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND, BROAD-STREET STATION. 8:20 A. M., Dally, from Cincinnati. 1:15 A. M., Daily, from Norfolk and Old Point. 8:30 P. M., Dally, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 0:50 P. M., Dally, from Norfolk and Old Point. ?;15 P. M., Except Sunday, from Clifton RAINS ARRIVE EIGHT-STREET STATION*. 8:50 A. M., Ex?*ept Sunday, from Co lumbia. 0*20 P. M.. Daily, from Lynchburg and Clifton Forge, and. except Sunday, ir-?m Lexington and Whit?? Hall. JOHN D. POTTS. Assistant General Passenger Agent DEPARTIR? OK STEAMERS. 3H1LADELPHI-. RICH MOND AND NOB1T?LIC *iWll m a.ia,.w.--?Ui UJ1.1.M, Appointed sallltg days: Every TUES. A*. FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at da? tht. . . Freight received dally until |p, jj Fare (Including meals and berth), ? on riday's steamer. For further luforroatlon apply to J. W. M'CARRIf-K. enera! Southern Agent; office Rocketts. W. P. CLYDRJ A CO.. t* t General Ager.t?. Philadelphia. Virginia mmm COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. ewpuii. ?-.?"-? *-.*r .-?v...... ?nu oaiura ver landing*, and connecting at ?>ld olnt and Norfolk for Washington. Balli ere, and the North. Btate-room? reserved for the night at odsrate prices. Electric-cars direct to the wharf. Fare. ily and 11 to Norfolk. Music by rand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places id all points In Eastern Virginia and orth Carolina. IRVIN WEI87GER. General Manager. A. ft. Drewry. President. se 13 RAILROAD LIffRf. N^WNtf?^Hf8sin !IS?!7 SeMiitliEftct Bar i. xsoa LEAVE RICHMOND. B ? RRMTMUE-HI STATION. 0:00 A. M.. Dally?Richmond and Nor folk. VESTIBULE LIMIT ED. Second-class ticket? not accepted on this train. *3 A. M? L-ally. "THE CHICAGO BJC* PRESS." for Lynofaburg, Roanoke, Columbus, and ?hlcago. Pullman Sieepe Poanoke to c??lumbus; afeo, for Radford. Bristol. Knox \i!lo. Chattanooga, and In termediate points. 7*0 P. M.. Dally, for Norfol?c. Suffolk, and Intermediate ?talions. 11:40 P. M.. Dally, for Lynehbiirg and lloanoke. Connects at Roa noks with Washington and Chattanooga Limited. Pull man SleepeTS Roanoke to -..--.,.? Memphis and New Orleans. PULLMAN Sl.EKPKR between Rich* MOND AND LYNCHBURO ready for Oc cupancy at ? P. M.; also, Pullman 81*eper Petersburg to Roanoke. Trains arrive Richmond from Lyneh biirg and the West dally 8:15 A. M? and 8:5* P. M. From Norfolk and the East U*^,*4, ^L' *Dd Vestibuled Limited ?if P. M. Offlce, 838 Main street. R. W. COURTNEY. District Passenger Agent W. B. BEVILL. _ , ?_ General Passenger Agent General Office?: Roanoke. Va. de ? R y Xi P Ric?mond, Frede ____] *' u I'riftfcsbnn _ Potoia ricksbarg i Potomac Schedule la Effect May 15, 1881 LEAVE BYRD-STREET STATION. 4:10 A.M.. Dally, for Washington an?] points north. Stops only at Mllford and Fre?iurlck*burg. Pullman Sleepers to New York. 8:20 A.M., Sunday only, for Washing ton and points North, fitopi at Elba. Glen Allen, Ash land. Taylorsvllle. Doswell R?ther Glen, Pen?la, Mil? 1 ml. Woodslane, Guinea, Summit, FreuerlcksburR Brooke. and Wldewater. ___._. Pullman car. ?en A.M.. Dally, except Sunday, foi Washington and polnti North. Stope at Elba. Ash land, Taylorsvllle. Doswell, R?ther Glen. Pen?la, Mil? ford, Woodslane, Guin?-**, Summit, Frederlcksburg?. Brooke. and Wtdewater. Pullman car. 12:00 M., Dally, except Sunday, fa Washington and point? North. Stops at Elba, ??lee Allen, Ashland, Doswell, Mllford, Frederlcksl.urg Brooke. and Widewater Parlor car. Also, connects with Congressional Limited at Washington. 7:12 P. M., Dally, for Washington and r >'r>rs North. Stop? at Elba, and, iKwwell. Mllford. a rlcksburg, Brooke, and ?.ter, and other sta ll ?-ns Sundays. Sleeper Rich mond to New York. ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION. S.40A. M., Dally. Stops at Wtdewater, Brooke, Fredericksburg, Mil? ford, Doswell, Ashland. and Elba, and other stations Sundays. Sleeper Niw York to Richmond. 2:45 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Stop? at Wtdewater, Brooke, Frederlcksburg. Summit, ?iuinea, Woodalane, Mllford, Pen?la. Ruther Glen, Dos well. Taylorsvllle, Ashland, Glen Allen, an.l Elba. Par lor car from Washington. T:10P. M., I'ally. Stops only at Frede rlcksburg. Doswell, Ash land, and Elba. Pullman cart ij-iiii New York. 8:36 P. M., Dally. Stops at Wtdewater, Brooke, Frederlcksburg, Summit, Guinea. Woodslai.e, Mllford, Pen?la, Ruthet Glen. Doswell. Taylorsvllle Ashland, Glen Allen, and Elba. 81eepin(f-rsr FREDERICKSB'G ACCOMMODATION. ?Dally except Sunday.) 4:OOP. M., Leaves Byrd-Street Station. 8:30 A.M.. Arrives Rvrd-Btreet Station. ASHLAND TRAINS. (Daily except Sunday.) 6:42 A M., Leaves Elba. 8-20 P. M. Leaves Elba. 0:4OA. M., Arrivas Elba. ? OO P.M., Arrives Elba. C. A. TAYLOR. Trtfflc Manager. E. T. D. Myers. President. ap 12 I fl I ATLANTIC-COAST "t Ve I* LINE. Schedule lu Effect Mar 15, 1S98. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND?INION DEPOT. 9:00 A. M., Dally. Petersburg 9:31 A. M.. Norfolk UM A. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly, and Suffolk, Va. 0:05 A. M., Daily. Arrive Petersburg ?:?0 A. M-, Weldon U.U A. M , Fayettevlll?? 4:15 P. .M., Charleston 10:?? P. M., Savannah ViM A. U*. Jack sonville 7:30 A. M., Port Tampa 8:20 P. M. Connects at Wilson with No. 47, ar riving Goldsboro' 3:10 P. M., Wilmington 6:45 P. M. Pull man Sleeper New York to Jacksonville. 2:55 P. M? Dally. Local. Arrive? Pe tersburg 2: LI P. M. Makes all stops. 6:30 P. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg 6:20 P. M. Makes all local stops, Richmond and Peters burg railroad. 7:30 P. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg 8:01 P. M., connects with Norfolk und Western for Norfolk and Intermediate points, Emporta 9:10 (con nects with A. and D. for stations between Emporta and LawrencovlUe). W?l?u?. 9:43 P. M.. Fayettevlllo 1.07 A. M., Charleston 6a0? A. M., Savannah 8:0? A. M.. Jack sonville 1 P. M., Port Temps 9:46 P. M. NEW LINE TO MIDDLE GEURGIA POINTS.?Arriv ing Alken 7 28 A- M.. Augus ta 8:10 A. M-, Macon 11 A. Mm Atlanta 12:15 P. M.. Pull man Sleepers New York to Wilmington, Jacksonville. Port Tampa, Aiken. Augus ta, end Macon. 8*56 P. M.. Daily. Arrives Petersburg ?:31 P. M.. Weldon 11:? F. M. Makes local stops be tween Petersburg and Wel don. 11-40 P. M.. Dally. Arrives Petersburf 12:28 A. M., Lynchburg 6:11 A. M., Roanoke 7:15 A. M-, Bristol 12*55 P. M. Pullman Sleeper Richmond to Lynch burg. ( TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4 00 A. M., Dally, from Jacksonville. Sa vannah, Charleston, Aflania, Macon, Augusta, aud all points South. 8 15 A St., Dally, except Sunday, At B.i lanta, Athens, Raleigh, Hen derson, Lynchburg, and the West. 8 37 A M., Dally. Petersburg local. ?* ?mi a M.. Sunday only, from Atlanta. B.uw a. ? Athen8( Rafelgh, Henderson,'hburg. and the West, l? os A M..Dslly. Norfolk, Suffolk, and h an P M . Daily, Jacksonville, rtavan? ow rah, Charleston, Wilming ton. Goldsboro', and au points South. 6 55 P. M.. I'ally, Norfolk, Suffolk, Wn \.rly, and Petersburg. 8-56 P. M., Dally. Petersburg, Lyneh burg, an.l ?he West I R KENI.Y. liryi. EMERSON, ?ieiiera! Manager. Tram.- Managsf. ue H. M EMERSON. Oeneral Passenger Agent C. 8. CAMPBELL, Ja M Division Passenger Agent. OCEAN STKAMSH1F*. FMttNCU -IN? lomontmlr Utscndt TsvBaatUkBtHVS DIRECT LINE TO HAVHJB-PAJU* (.FRANC?). Sailing every Saturday at IS A. Mm ptom Plir No. it, Norl* river, tootMor? ton atreot La Normandie, Jy 16 ILa Bourgogne. Au f La Vretagne, .Jy B I La Navarre, Au U La Gascogne. Jy 3o|L- Chsmpagne. Au M ^^??Afea*"* RI?oh??ad Trmuetee C?y$l Met. g? A-drew Weleh. ?Il ~ BOOK AND JOB CXtC?TIUATtm sa boos?.