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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, JUNE 9. 1898. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH BY THK DISPATCH COMPANY The DAIRY DI8PATCH Is delivered to 'subfcrlbers ?t F'. per ah. payable to the carrier w? 'kly or aoataly. Mailed at B per annum; $ ; ft* ?U months; ?.f<0 for lhr<-c m eo cits for one month. Trice per copy, g ?enta. TUo WEEKLY DISPATCH at $1 per annum. Th?. SUNDAY DISPATl M at RM per annum, or it cents for six months. Kuh-criptlons in all cases payable Iff advance, an.! . eontlnuod the expii.itlon of the time pu?! for. post-oftlte m..y order? check, or i r. Currency sent by mall will M at the Of the ?Odder. Subscrlh. rs Urishlnr Iheir post-.?flic- chonged must give their old M well as th.ii new post ?ffioa I free. ADVERTISING RATES. HALF INCH OR LESS. 1 time :< times .$ U) . 1 to . 2 70 i nee . 1 month . S months . t . *' Wanted all letton, paysbl? In ed? vnno? 01 word? or i'a--i. ~' Above rates are for '"c\. tt a?l \ menta running con ?Sending notlt Ing-matter type. five H five Ui Card of rat, s for i on ?application. ah r-.u-h and telegram? ms I I . t -<*. to THE DISPATCH COMPANY. ! communl I ail not 1 e returned. All letters ' their mdlng )"i?' of oui a l;? solutions of resp??ct to ?' i or other orgsntnn . barged for i tlalng matter. T*P-TOWN' OFFICE, BROAD-STREET PHARMACY, '. ' BAIT BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER OFFICE, UM HULL* ET. THURSDAY.,.JUNE :?, 1498 FRIENDS OF THE DISPATCH LD i" > i '.- A f'.w? >R BY INFORMi j.\<; ?8 OF ANY FAIL! Ill" ON THE PART OF NEWSDEALERS, <?i: NEWS B ON RAILROAD TRAINS ' '" T THE PUBLIC DEMAND FOR r Tins PAPER INFORMA? TION IS ALMO DESIRED BY US OF THE DELINQUENCY <>H* ANY CAR BIER OF OURS IN RICHMOND, MAN CHESTER, OR ELSEWHERE. in; 11 \.t \irs viiiiiii PS. The a-p? major who ) ?id his stirrups while be mount' ?i a ia J ' no |< ?rn from the Alexandrie G ' the drama ti? persoi from M -, w? ? Had thei icb an oecui r? m tor? the volunt red in, we not that < nllstlng would tm i than it eras. lar young men at* willing enougb to flpht for country at any tim?- and al any place, bit they win never witting ly place themselves In position? where they !"?i!t by negro An I thai Mai ichusi ; I - niaij.?r Is Just ?one of th? pompou? and ?elf trouble. He will b? to ?tand upon his "rights." *nd mo.-t whit? ne n will mi." reluctantly con. ' de ill- iai. Wi \; t to hear of his msh'ng trouble a hi rever li . The Statt a don? th? ?negroes anything bul forcing the race question Into "in- army, bud If there are to be ma nj r?petll of the ?tlrrup s?? m?, for every colored ?VOlU it will loot or three whites thait WOOld otherwi. c-nllst. vv ? iiik nothing In saying thai could it i known when volunteer? \\? r? ? for tiiait ti? gro capti a ijbrg v. :? i?? Il in. ta.ll? ?i In amps a bei t uthorlty ov< r whites. I would have been difficult to g. t in many, il not in-- tht majority, Of ' ?li-.n. within <>ne \s,-.-k at Camp Alger w? 5 ',? , and also (he gpoctaclj el i number of our Virginia ?past l?\ blai k* *< minds, t ik< -i befon a black captain, .and : ire black major. It li .aid the Vlrginl a. ?t ?major. Perhaps they did. We do ta ? could restrain I However, be flnully di. ch from . . only path of ?afety for oaf govern mi-ut I? t.? continue lb? ?policy it has all guiar ana Wit, to hive Whlti ' ir all its 1 ? lit? and black, Infantr**,, grill lory, and cavalry. vntl:i;T-< m ciMii i rn:. hmond and i is. when In this M>i*ini> sir--??!-' at- mannet - arc i t subject of earnesl consideration .-" largely Identified with the ' lia? p. Opll gl ?a I llj , il ix th? i - niel? "i them an thai obi iin ?a ?m sh.,11 i.? such as will commend li-in |o th.? approval of all t l.?--lit-t hink ng pei ?ens. 1 mplalni th nerly of ia?ii. s neglecting to ackaow a aa? ris? imt uff. , i;,, a?, a?? gUllty Ol at? ?t a-in elash more than their Of tin . whll? ?inv; themselvi a up" b) I I i, ar? guilty of elllshn?.-?. .: i M'W.I 1 in?? lliail Ol wotlliill to builg. an in. li, though by o doing be oi mi? lied to a md. I :t has never I, I Ught |?> ' V lo* Is unknown i | ? menu Is t tun duty iia ' him ?a? other cities. We cannot say we much, for noi their employer? duty of i? For in.!..,, , .,, ,. ?, rf?. commonest il. gr ?la be t. 'I! sli wi Ol wi be So Of h.i 111 ) th tin of I in a CM th.! is BUl bill hot sull h, gt 11 it to wa',1 w li? Ihot Will alte v 01 thoi vets Sill'] ?Hail "gl nidi (il'.l lack imp! pi. i A? wi?l? ally A thi o dvlll ally thtoi a? tl ?ont? Uli..; put?! in tin thing i n think comp stlnol \v. . Lin. what' tt? ?lit.? Pro In III nn-nt > \.?n and \ ut K N'ewp an ,-, mam slghl? In Richmond Ir to see the platform <.f n ?.ar . >i?>k<d up with puMsengen standing there. The average gerOon or sidewalk receives the lmpressl.ui thai the car Is crowded, and hesitates to cause it to Stop, Rut ir he dees signal It, and do?s mike hi? way on the platform and through tho crowd, the odds sre more than two to one that he will find plenty of standing-room in the nit! Agiln, on th.? op? n cars It Is too mu> 1, the ,-ustom 'or the lir??t man or woman who gets on to plant himself or herself at tho i" end of the seat. The excuse for Ihs fs generally that such person will probably be th<- first on? to get out; but, often? : than oiherwlse. the re." I Is that of afternoons whoso.ver goes to th?- -far'' end of the scat will usually plant himself in the burning sunshine. Certainly this applies to cars going west ward ?fter 1 P. M. when thousands of persons ar?- "'-?n the move." it Is a wonder t?> us, and long has been, our >tr. ?t-eait ? ompanles do not es ? those practices which count s.? heavily against their ?receipts; but. upon further consideration, we H-allze that they ar?> but yielding to what ap to be a Used local custom. Many of our people r<?.?-??iit being mudO t" "move UP," whereas in other citiis the vigilan?? and poa-ltiv.ness of th<- conductors in that t ate held to bO a publie service. Ami so It is. 'Whatever Is done to curb ?train th?- selfishness of men or Women who wish to make tli??iiis? lv. s rtabli ???i public ?abide? without th.? ?attghCesl ?regard for the weffsre of others, ?s a ?public benefit which the public wight to appreciate. h. r thing: The time is com ',' when ? ity in which a trolley-: I runs will have t'? have a publie offlc? . , whose duty it win in t.? s..? t.? it that its broken town, rattle-boa onre ar?- kept oft th?; No franchise ought t?? bo grant ,?. I. that do? s not contain ?tlpulntlon covering nuisance? ?f this character. in granting ?franchisee for trolley-osra, in- public, in consideration of ben,?tits re* i Uiii. agree? to submit to certain un ivoldable noise?: but it ?doe? not?certeln ?. ?hould il??; agre? t?> submit to unne These nnni usunlly mail.-, by ths rorn-out, ??r disarranged, machinery f ?airs. When a eer get? out f order and begins to howl end cry, ei ?-?in- ,ii, ii should i? ?allowed ? tun book to th?? company*? ?hope or beds, but it shotuj imt i?. ?permitted to used sgsln until .i-alred. in th.- In* .1 long-suffering public, our an? loiitle? must give attention to this ma? r, si.- or later. The ?Dispatch wishes to be reason..M? i Ml things, but we would ?have the com ?an.-- do their full duty to th.? continu ity in,i the community ?i" their full ity t?> the com].ailles. W? dir?, say that, lk? th-? niaitter by and Large, Richmond i a. rv ai i?> her ?treet-car ?'?>in any ?ity of our size is by theirs; it if WO can improve thitus, why louldn't we do it? QBASg WtDOWTUUB. ?Professor R. C. Minor, of ths Unlver i\ of Virginia, eontt?butee n valuabl? 'i?i<- on the "Dungera of Beoond Mar io the current number of the rglnla Law Regteter. in this srtlol? ably discuss? s th.- ?question: "Does m or woman who marri? s a second ii?- in Virginio, under a reasonable c??n a tiiti that the first OOSOOTt is dead. ?minlt blgnmy, in case hia-; belief should n out to be unfoundi .i?" .CCOrdlag l" th?? facts and precvle-its ?ich Professor Minor giv<O us. we Judg-? it it la a dsngerou? experiment for UBI widow.; and WtdOWCIl to talk?? ?'lay along thai! lino, Tho? ? w-hos?> .?: ?supposed t?? be dood, rhould o to have all the requisite data icernlng tin.? "dear d<epnrted" bel >r? y m.ik" ?second matrimonial \?mnr.-a. .? Virginio statute, it is true, (MM fhtly in favor <?f ?opposed widow? and lowers, for it provide? that the crime bigamy <io? s not contemplate "a. person mer husband or wife shall have Unually absent from ?neb 1" i i for seven year? next before nun such ?ets?ni to another, and shall not ,* ?been known by ?ucb peraou m be . a i thin da?* time." But nv'ia 'i.Milan ly in tie caOt "I" attr.ic young ?grasa widow? is a long, long ? t?> wait, especially When one's con i has tHsnppeared and shows no ?Ign ?gala claiming his own. fter a summary >?f the decisions in o\ CaSSS on this subject, th'? writer ClUde? ""that the party marrying again, ugh honestly believing the ah nt con to ?be, i^ apunlshsble, if belief iot founded unoti evidence reasonably i. lent to antlsf) th? miml of the fact. that Where tho belief is not ?>nly est, ii-ut ai.-o founded upon evidence ieli-nt to avitisfy a reasouoblo mind. i\i!l DOl be punished, for he has been iy neither ol wrong-doing dot negll " may be of Interesl in this connection know hon th- expression "grass ?w" ?come? to i?e applied to wive? -.?paiiaiteil from their husbands, iL?h w? fear a ?poop in"? th.- dictionary convince 11? that th.? phru-e is not ?- et lur a complimentary one. The according lo the ?beet ?"i bas no connection with Hie .it ?abatane? it ?uggests, but is .? ,i - i- , , "iiupti'ni ?.i* "grace," ai "gras? Widow" Is really a o\\" thai! i.-, ?HI?' Whose I ni living, i'"' who Is recognised as a w by courtesy. A lack of wifely am pectiOO in Conduct, or a: has! ai ??i grief at the consort'? absence is j. ?i. end h? ii' ? tin? charitable public resurd th? ?light-hearted lady n Moa, ?ordlng to th.? dictionary, there ?may widoa ? ? - .- > w.ii as ki.o-* tro, Lut it h the lattei who air. u>u tlle vll'l mOSl l "llltll. lit. New Orlesna man hua evolved tho y tint "th.- human rue in the mon >ied Quarter? ?>f the world la ?grado undergoing a ?oadumental obaage i_h ?th? transformation of purposive i Into instinctive practice." Many pet formed by animals, the l!: ?..aid have originated only In of reaaon, but countleoa repe 3 of ?these aits heve ?mode ?them f automatic and mechanical, and ,\ iirinkin.l. doing th?- saine a ia,I OVI r again, will ut last the pawn-, with the necessity, of ni^i about tli.-m, ami M mat under the domination of In ns a l? ? I. In this day of labor-saving m:i y and making everything 99UJ, I tie? objeetion to being saved the e of thinking? C? re m hi sa H Sil TI ?I.a th na Cl I lia? II" I'll ti. a ?hi A th, ara to at o in OB ,?o, To Say F Say Ti Ai ay Di Bayi Hut Ai Ar l'or W. ii An Sa>> An Buy? For An Sa) s As "If > Dor.'I Hnl Net lernet James Tuft llatfi.1.1. who has ad ?>f the (?ermun Degurt* of tin- .Northwestern I'nlvcrslty for ha.? resigned temporarily, 111 join rtie navy. He left his le m 'anston, on Siitur?lay morning for ?it N? ws, where he will submit to animation for < as a ?ca lf i fine i In? w hers wonu an ol< mote* .< ni.u ?., i?-, hat Wiser. I; < tllA> litt K-DOOR ROI TR. The news, which Is officially confirmed by a tclegrRm from Admiral ftutipnon. that on Moinlaiv our fb?t bombard..; an 1 sIlenc.Ml th. forts at Santiago has start ed flowing another flood of Information from the Washington correspondents as t> the government's plan of campaign. Again, we are assured that the hour for Invading the island In force has struck, but at the sum?- time we are told that th?1 programme has been changed, and CUho Is to be taken through the back door. In Other words, we are to effect a landing In fore? Santiago. r?dUM that place and thi-n march on liaban?. That it Is the purpose of the govern ment to take Santiago there can be no doubt. This movement would contem plait?' th?- capture or destruction of <'.-r vera's fleet, a consummation recognized a-\ at first importun?e, it is not enough that It should he bottled up. It must lie enntured or destroyed, ?o as to put it it> solutely ou; of the game, and leave us free to proven! the Cadiz squadron from Interfering with our operation I In other quarters*. Bo w<- ii?. ,1 not be surprised to l.nrn that Monday*a boinbnrdmanl was but e pi. in.!.- to early ;<t:?i more decisive action. in which both land ami naval fores will be engaged. And as the province of San flam? de cuba, in whi. h Santiago is sit Oated, is ?On? .?f th? principal strongholds of the Insurgenta and a ?food bssia from which to w.?rk through th? Insurgents, we ne..! not be am prised ?r a auflh lent land .'on? is thrown into it tO hold It igainst all coin.ts. Bui it Is a far cry from the province of Santiago <ie Cuba o ii.ibatia und.r existing condition?. Be tween it end th" Cuban Capital lie the iroviti? ' i of Puerto Principe, Santa "liara, and Matanzas, and the greater art Of Habana. To rea? h Haitiana from lantlago would Ineoles a crooo-oountry ampnlgn, auch a? would ?M m t?> dispose iffectualty of ths beck-d?oor contention. .No. our eperatlona ?around Bnntlsgo must ?o lookivi upon largely aa the result (,f 'lie of those cha?n?es of war that bring n unexpected fnetor Into the culcula ion. if Cervera haul not ?taken ?refuge i the harbor, it Is probable thai Bantln o would not bave played any important art In ?the w.n*. And although the hence has afforded us a most ralusble oign of vnntsge, there ?ate mnny n >v ?uppoelng that it la still th?- purpose f this governmenl to strike the a ?avieet low and with tho grautest eoncentratlou f force ?it Ii.ibatia. The Cuban capital the backbone of Bpunlsb power on the lead, end the ?moral effect alone <>f the aptllte Of Habana WOUld be Inva)' ; conducing tO POOC -. It would, tin r> - r?, siem that th?? reduction of Bhntlago id the capture or deotructlon of Cer i i'a soundron will ?derive it? prim? lm irtnnce from th- fuel that it win clear ? way more completely for the Habana up. That was an Interesting letter we pub ihed yeoterdny from Alex. Brown, LL. . on the subject ..f Lieutonnnl Hobnon'a nos try. i>r. ?Brown is noi only a bis rinn of ?.grant reputation, being ?the au <?r of th?- (bu. sis of the United Btutea ?l Other Works of much value, luit is genealogist as w?-n. ii?- boa dlscovera i .it on.? of Hero Hobnon'a enoi ehmond Peoraon horn in I.inwid I ? ??lint y in lTTo, an?! another, Colonel ti ph Willi.uns, wais born In Hanover imty. March 27. i:is. ,'irginia has no wish to bar the claim klnshi)? thai other States ar.? making th the great Alabnmian, but w? ar? *>ud to believe ?ome of the blood of the 1 Dominion flows in his veins. ?I in Sunday, when the new? of Naval nstructor Hobson'? during exploit was elved. the \? w Yolk Herald sent a ssge to Admiral Oervern, requesting a to say whether the Arm-rb ai OS WON e, and offering to convey, through the raid, any mCSSSg? the m?-n ?might .1. ? to transmit to their friends at home. i- following is tin- it pi>, rood rod Tueo "Ssntisgo .!.- Cube, June 7th. Herald. .\.w foth ?Prlaonera no longer ?ubmltted niy an? rlty, bi.t to Lieutenant-General Li es, COmmander-in-Chlef, Bnntlsgo, ?a. ?Prlaonera treated ea Spanish .." ie rank. AH are in good health. CKitvKI?A." isn't at all haul for one familiar with slain? Of t'.-ilay to bcHcVO the ain nt thait those oami-aavaga lipplm? insurgents who have m. iv Bpnniardi prisoners will "not do a g to them." rulnaldo also aeema to have caught ! w y spirit, in th.? far I'liili, , to have realized ?that the way to go Is to get down to war-lUe work IK e. ie of the consolations of ?oldler-llfe florida is that th? watermelon ?en opens there ?even! weeka before it in Virginia. Bald Nn tnl Commanders. he Editor Of the New York 11? raid: Bchley t?? Ci rvi ia, "Com? out and b?_ shot i* you'll never g?t home, sir. i ?wear. Cervera to Bchley, with ?i wink to his evo. extremely obliged, hut I'd rather ley bv." ?1 tin wily Cervera stayed there. Sampson to Schl.s, "Why, Winti? Id, oh, win I you let this .ute I ?ago get ?n." Bchley unto ?.Sampson, "I'vi ?battered i a., I? its." lampson was feeling gulte put cut ?>t s, its i they botn w?te Immersed in cha grin. ?Sampson to Bchley, "Lefs bottle him in?.'' i tbej 'li'i it with consummate ?a?- big Merrlmac, with a ?flame in her -lack. into the channel end never L.:ick. i non she Is under the seas. Bampooil t" Bchley, "That cork's ?ratty tight, I Im? In th.- world CUB We pull It?" Bchley unto Sampson, "l reslly ?don't tllO'V, ve bsvea't a corkscrew that's able, I ! " ' V . ii cannot be done with a bull? :." Admiral I>?w??\ to Sampson an?l lehley, be) paoed un and ?'own on th?- ?deck, iu ?ai?'! puii e cork from a i".tti?, nv frlendi, sit sthi and think tin the universe mi., d?n It. Just brook off the ?seek! ' York, Jjii?- 7. 1898. Of, I nfalllna. (Atchi.-??ii (?!ol?..) aaanSrunta t<> have particularly teal, i?'t him Inform bla wif<- that i in any up ?-.un? old awe? then 11 ... 10 dinner. Nothing to inspir? - | i in her best elTort a* t?? inak weethsail regret that h- wna got Ot live. to bed and ?arly t?. rts? pfeporea for his bom.? in the skl?-s. Baril and a Little Karl y Riser, th.? pU] lake? Ufe longer ami better and In bj at: pu pe th T,, I ill? A.I .?.. a t.ll loi t.ll 1" hi, cut ?Ol ll 1,1 BOI Nc a m Ugl I .1 b? up alle you It?,i t?. t t.? mil? lull whi Wh th T.ik off i ;? calh haul II, Alai witl In at to I? duty han i had th. r, All i . man \. Ill treat the I Ma Klee Irl IT Demi met t Cllll-S rotais and i I ge-itiui kmgm somma cureec results 1'reiar Tim m I il M M n UM UK *< ttl.KY'S BARE. li > ! < it I ?I Ile Pronounced us If *l*?*l til ".?I,." There has been a good deal of specul tbm. not only In naval ?n? ! J. bul amol aUic at large, as t?i the origin a Commodore winfieid Beott Bchley*? ?sub B] s.?me it has boon a?metled that he of Oerman descent, and by oth?-rs that I lutlve ..f th? doughty oi?i here < th. Mexican war. A little while befoi s? hi.y became a oommodiom h?. guv? Tril.une reporter a talk, which will thro light on the mr "At the time wh<n I was a pulim m.-lwing bnhj. without a name, or mue mord huh os my hand Urna i huve ?sow? sal?l the ?.allant ofllcer, playfully brusr Ing bach th.- lock? which ao skillfull conceal his bald plate, "my parents wen I ?Upgoee, at their wits' end to cudg? ni? BOOM name appropri?t? f'?r th?? mer val of human excii? n? th y nndouhtedl thought m?? t?, i?,.. The matter did no both.r m<- so much as It doe? now. f" i wisely ?refrained from giving on opinioi "ti Mi?. subject, ??r at least any that th newapopera would cere to publish, a that time, which matks an era in on? life anyway. QatMfol BCOti was In th? aenltfa of his ?glory and rotundity, a von ?sient wais Boot! el thai tim? phjrsl ? illy and populnrly. Hi ?M * grea1 friend of my parents, and lre?iuentlj called at .mi- house. ' \ I aoid, my pat : | wi r.? cudgelllni their brains to iltnl B?HM nain?? gOOl ?noogb t ? Inch ??ti BUCb a morsel of hu manity as myself, and whi!" in ths midst of their counsel? ?me day. th<- hug?? shadow "f Bcotl dnrhenefl th?- doorway and Its robust shad? on m?-. That s.-ttici it. The drcumatnnc? was re garded as an auspicious omen, and forth with it was decid?,I that I t" p.i-s i-? , Wind Id s otl Bchley. "N'.?w, tor pity ?eke, don'l glv? my last name with ;i QermuS UCCOUt. It's pronounced By, plain, commonplnce, every-day Sly. That* tie- Way it has been ?pronounced in my family a I ing ai- I cam remember .>r ever heard of. I'm not much on ?pedigree searching -t?.,? many <>f my acquaintance? have ?tumbled horse thieve? and ?pirate? to muh? roua tor that kind of recreation? i.m ?Bchley is an <?i?i Mnrylnnd family, though win* they have stink on :ill those loppy ?Dutch consoonanti I ?ain't tell. Hut If? Sly I was hot n. aind it's Sly I'll to till my hair esasSS to BOOM OUt? thOB .??ii ?..ii rail tin- Dennla ICyou like, s?? ?mg as i hove th?? proud distinction <>f Irawlng a comb over my heed with a iiirpos.? I shall most ?distinctly and posl i\. |y ,,i,j el t?. beina i all? 'I Ptachali y, ir any other foreign twisting ?.f the isme." "How ?1.? you like th" name of the fighter T* "hike ?i?" said th.? gallant - "Why, i ?ain't ?ay that i ?aver gav.? ?t nu? h consideration. I can only say ooti aft-r 1 h??.?an?? a full-fl? ?In? d naval fllcer the "hi general guv? a dinner at h? Brevoon House, on Fifth avenue lew fork, at which he Invited all th oung m.?n li>? could firi'l who haul been ?med :itt??r him. It wais a grael slt,'ht. "here they were, ?overol acoro, .nid tier? Is no telling how many mor?- ml^ht it bava boon there hud they known of Anyway, they have turned out fairly 'ell, at least one of them having Im une a ?.?m rail in th>? United S'a.ted rmy. "W'.ii, the old general wound up th? in one of hi-' moot pompous such aa i"? one rah apprei ilate a.!. be bug - n end h< ard him. He ild that he fell highly gratified at hav |g his name hfl lo poOterlty in sic h romlslng young hunda and, of coins.?, i? youngsters believed ail he'ssHL At toy rsta I cant ebenge th.- name, and don't that I'd want to If I ?uld." ' l'\V IIIC HOBSON MORTGAGE. luhnnm'a Way nf thwwtnat itegnrd for MuHlmnil Ib-rn. BIRMINGHAM, Al,.\.. June 8.-The oretnt m begun in Mobile t?> ?sollo rlptlon? t,. miss a mortgng? on th? in of Lieutenant iti? bmond Pearson Dbson, at Qreensborough, is ?presdlng i over tie? State, and befor? Jim.? Uth, hen th?- forecloourc ?ale is to tak? i????, enough money will aav? been con Ibuted to ?take ?up ?the deW ?and k?v?? thi operty t" in> ?moth? a*. Th? First Na in? ! i' <i k of Mobil? i ! ' '? d a, depository for contribution?, und e First National I!,ink ??; ?Binning 111 a-- ai plan , '?, I ? ? ,1? ? ? ?nt I ?hut ions. i..11 a n mosi promt* nt hank... ami many ?contributions are w i" Ing muda rim movement was begun by Z. M. I'. te, ??i' Mobile, and h>? la ?being a-? a s \. Tnj !"-". Auditor of the ifoblli .i i Hi:,? railroad, .nul .lohn I.. Rapt? r, blisher ?>!' th.- Mobile Register. New? ^ ibama are taking up matter, and the raising of th?: mort? AO is .1 '?M? Lieutenant lliili-.i?ii. th?? Editor of the Dispatch: : was "iiii " ami worthily h?- tuitii th?- ?confidence and trust mirai Sampson had In the noble, ?elf lb 'M' :. int. Tile name and ie ..t* Richmond P. Hobeon and ol in-? lam aoven men win. were willing to 0W him t" the jaw- et almo.-' o, |. i death will _?> flown in smig and r- lo generatlona yet unborn. Noble, ve fellows, ind Alabama again lia se to b? promi of her loyal, feerleae was my plessure (end an honor iiiy prised) to know Richmond Hob . when be was stationed at Newport ra il was a ?visitor ei Carter's Grove, all who m.?t him were do ted t?? know sii'-ii a ?splendid fellow intelligent, courteous, and conoide of the good of other.-'. BUl oil.? Woliiil easily Impressed with th- make of that man. N'?? obstacle a mid i>< w..I t.. stop him. lb? Would strlk?? i rogn ?sive, go-ahead man. ? in ii.? haul rlddi h his w heel i Newport Newa twenty-five miles, ?till II ?ai ths train. II-? liad br. I minutes to make tWO and a half s to til?? atatlon, Mounting lus wheel, of determination, "t? h" bounded, WbtSSlttg WHI h?.i i'?l. A stop. that? "only a puncture," was reply, "but that train must be made. of my ?bicycle," ha ?aid, and li.? staut.?.i to run. hundred yards ha was h by tin*' woida, ".v ?horse, with ilrosdy on, is being bitched." cooll] returned, and ???'r the young amlao a^aiin went at ? rapid gult, liis wh?-, I in 111?? buggy and he .i.?.i th.? train that wi- just about ave th?- station, and wa- 00 time for next day. .1 ?h? missed train he wouhl walked t?? Newport Newa thai ?night, I??? it no otlnr way of gettinij thanks to the B| '. bo i? cog th. w??ii?i 11ul ?GOUT) ? of BO Th. y will ii"t i> (orgotten. Per y do We hop?- till' Hol?.-.?ii will (?.? ,i kind!) end hi oomfortoble, for be t :ift?-r si.? h anxiety ami i?? - , ? p. May h-- leturn soon t?> reap i wards that are In stoso for him. _ K. (J. B. I't LASKL lion of Delemiles lo Mnlh Dis ci ConurcHsloiiiil i ?m? eiitlon. .ASK I. VA., June 1- (Sp?< t.ll.)? The ? ml? of l'.ilaski i ?uni \ h??l?i tn. ir ng yesterdsy ICounty-Conrt-dany) in Constipation a fully lialf the slckne? In the world. It , th?- Oe?UoA leed Me ion-; hi the bo? th r.xluces biliousness, torpid liver. Im'?. ?food's , bad taste, coated ?***p^a _ m- KgP I I ?* I'llH W^ IS nstlpation and all in * mar easily and thoroughly, t?c. AH druggists. ???I by C. I. Hood A Co. Lowell. Mass. Iv Pills to take with ilood's ?oi.aUM.iU. fbs Bar?' ' tb? hieb??! oreen betting pentO?f tosen-a. Act ami Usts sImw it |N??M< third fsrtkcr tfco.i eey otlier brssd. POWDER Abiolutely Pure aeit.i tun?) eowe?? ro., ht* s-oax. th.? court-house, to select delegate? to the Ninth Congressional Convention, to be held here on the ?th of Julv. aiti.l to reorgania? the party, county Chairmen o. K. Jordan ?soiled the meeting to order. ti. W. Weihet was ma?i.- chnlrmUn. Tho meeting Inotruetofl ths deiegute? to v?.re for the nomination of Judge William F. ?th. ai for Congress. Th.i following are th.? delegates: Pulse ki District .j. c. Wyor, W. B. Oddlgon, William M. ?Perkins, i>. i>. Hull, l?mes MacKil|, .). }{. K. IPil. .lam.s M. Cld w.u. ami B. P. Morehead. Dublin Dis trict?Q. K. Jordan und Tilomas Hudson. Nowoorn umtrtci -wiinsm ^renter, Jii.1l'.- s hi? ti Longley, and W. F District?William Cole and J. ."rowell. A new County Committee was etiosen, and O. K. Jordan, the old chairman, was re-elected unanimously. Farmers are in tin?- spirits over the ?t of bountiful irons. The air? a is IsrgO, aiml the prospect for ;i tr? mendoue yield. Orasa is excellent, and corn promising. County Court will sit all the week. OLD HI in; am? VICINITY. Arrival of Troop??? Dentlis?Mnrrini;?'. An Accident. PRMDBRICKSRURO, VA., June 8. il 1 '?.mpany I!, th?' second com pany "t" 'h?- Fourth K?gitn?'tif. ?United states Volunteers, now befag neoblllsed hero, ?arrived to-?iaiy. ?Rank ami nie they number eighty-one, and are under cum mnnd of Captain Newberry. Company C, Captain Longatreet, will ?srrtvc lo-mor row. Lieutenant-Colonel Cole, who ar ?rlved last night, raye ?Um su?? ?selected h"ic ?i th?- best for csmping purpose? he hog 1 'tt ?seen, ?end that the entire rcgi m? nt will Ix- mobilized within the DOXt twenty dajts, Mr. Leslie .I.ri.l. son of Mr. H. H J. rr?l, an.l assistent prof?issor at the Polytechnic Institute, at Blacksbbrg, died this morning al his ?parents1 ?homo, in this county where he cum? ?oral Weeks aigo for his health. Til.? i|. was a highly esteemed young gentle man. and ?hud a brich; ?and promising future. He was In th.- Hth yar of hl.s age Mrs. Caroline Roberte, ?rife of Mr. Henry Roberte, of the county, died luet night; ;tg???i mi yean. She w-as ?1 native ?f Bug-land, bul cam?- t?> this county in is::'.. Mrs. Thomsa Motley, a well-known and prominent lady of Caroline, died sudden ly at h?-r home, in that County, this nornlng, in th? Kth your of h.-r aga the is survived by ear husband and four rhtldren. Msrgaret, daughter of Professor h. .1. Itockard, died at her parents' home here o-day. Miss Maltland Dickinson und Mr. Terby Hckinson, both of Caroline, war* tour* led al Grace church, that county, near his city, to-night Mis? Kill?-. Dickinson, ilster of the bride, was maid of honor. md Mr. Leonard Plerson, best man. Th? isbem w,?!?, M, tars. William 11. and lenry Dickinson, Mr. ?Churls? Rowlett, while iml driving liN morning, was thrown from his bug y. ami. besides severely bruising tiis ???ly. had tWO fingen on his 1?1L hand sdly broken. Till". (?LI? CAPITAL? lie Tmekon mill Their Work? "iiu-iit < i it ii?re 1 annul?. WILLIAMSBURO, VA., Juna g- i.-'p? al.)?The trochen In this lo-aility have gun to ship potetoes, a ml Cm- yield la lid to be wry good and acroOge lar???. it the farm? mplulnlng of the el weather, which is very injurious t?> ?rn ami other ?growing crops, The Willlsmsburg facht ?'?aib has just oncbed its ?beautiful bout, th? Curlew, ter halving h.i?l h? r thoroughly nii'ii and repainted. In few day? ? *. will t.ik?. a short tiii? preparatory ? tri?te extended cruise ?at? r on. During the month just ? los. .1 n ?deeds wer?? r? eorded ia: >>ur Clerk's ice, mostly for the transfer of pro rty bought by purtl-s settling Inn im the North ?and Weot r. c. \\*. p. Brock, of Richmond, was terdsy, t?. visit hi? old friend, -, II. I?. (".?I??, an account of who-? In y h?- had s.eti in ?the Dispatch. ir. worth Barlow, "f Portsmouth, an I student Of William and Mary, but m is now attending the Lav ?School the ?University "f Virginia, la hen ? ai short visit i?> his aunt, Mrs. Calba id?Il. h.- ?Charlea King Dramatic Company teed herb to-day, and are stopping the Raleigh. They ?rill play "David itii-k." at Cannon Hall, f?ir thro? ht s this week. 1rs. Archer ?Schutte, ??f Richmond, ar ad this evening t.? ?rial! ths family ..f . C. P. Marable. t. Charlie Brodt, of Clifton POrgi who for son:? time was an ofti.-i.-ii the Eastern ii"-pit 1!. arrived By, and will a-;?.?:id a f<?w ?lays with old fri r ?So. T. AratlstSUd left this morning Staunt,.it. where he goes ai- delegate n Bruton Episcopal church to the mil that m.ets there thla w??.?k. iss Din Moncure, who for sum?' time visiting her uncle, l>r. McCaw, fort Thomas. _<>., arrived bom? " ?v. ry Massen 1? ft to-day for quite extended 1 ?sit to flienda In Hui W. Va W UtllKVIOV. for Tniiipn? \ HattOf of lieneral Iburi'i. ARRMNTON, \'.\., June L?fSpeetel.) Raphael s. ?Payne, ??f this ?.place, u*hp t*.>r :-?,me time been s correspoadsnt wrlt'-r for ?the Baltlmotd Sun, has around bidding his many ids here adieu before leaving for pi. where he win join the Fifth aRegiment as war correspond f??r the Sun. day BMrka the linal celebrati.m at .?i Military \ a my, an?i many t and WOgon? from ill over the i-oun m pawing on their wny out, HI led net's parties, .-?.nie of whom will pVer to the ball to-night. ' Thornton, of the 1'nlvi-r-lty. leHver the address, and Dr. Richard 1. I'll. Dt, Will distribute the ni.-?!ails. ?I ! to-'lay to join h.-r , Mrs. Shtiv.r, In lialtimon-. when Mill make her h?.m<? in the future, ea," th? hsauttful home of h.-r r. Major RIO? W, 1'ayne, will i" d lav the Pierces, of Washington. It of universal regret that las n have ?everod their connection Wairaatun, but su?-ii is the thro? .>f nstUncea Their home was ev.-n one hospitable in the county, and noted for the charming and illstin ?d people who frequented It. y all sing praise to Elastic Starch. t**WFUUBB\ H?. Tb? Democrat I?- Cnncws?A Lnni l-'ttiUt?ttnrrlngc+n?Sotrn. VETF.UHHF HO. VA.. June g.--(Sp?cial Th.? DeSSOCratk caucus, which met las night, did not ?et through Its work untl nearly 2 o'clock this morning. The con test for Chief and Lieutenant of WoB? ws? Settled ?n the first ballot, but tha over the twenty-four patrolmen whs pro t..,, il. Several changes were made Ii the corps. A PRKTTY WKnni.VL A quiet, but very pretty, home WOddlnj Occurred this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock S< the noMsaco of Mr. W. H. THley. or High street. wh?-r<- Mr. !.. Kmmett Had grr wed Miss BUM H. M? Ovy. <>nl> the immediate represent.itlv< s ?if the? twe families wer.? pr.-.'tit. The parlors wer? beautifully decorated f?tr the occuston. Th.- bridal psrty wer?' preceded lo th? altar by Moster Joseph McClevy Tullej and Miss Kit.? Dunlop Turnbull. wh?i made an r.|s|.. by stretching pink ribbon, through which th?-y passed. Th? <**' TO* mony ws? performed by ?Rev. ?'??orge Wi Wray, ?pastor of Wuohington-Sireet M<th .??iist Bplsoopul church, end lh? wedding ring wua pnsented to the mlniater <>n s tttrer waltet by Muster Fram-4- n 1W ley. The grOOHI WUa attended by Mi. R. ?.. Bowaasa, M L?"st man. nn.l th<* bride b.v Mia? Virgi?' I!. Slater, us mal.l of homir. The bride was attired In white organ di-, white ruit. an?l .-arrle.l bride'? roses. She Is a very hnndsoOSe sUd charming young lady, und eery populsr among a large cir.-i.- ..f friends and acquaintance?. Th.? ni.iid of honor was attir?-d In white orgnndl? and hat. and enrrlod carnations. Th.- groom is one of our most napCCtod and promising young busim?sn-men. A? ter receiving congratulntlona Mr. and Mr:--. ?Badger i-ft oa the Mi P. M. train on their bridal trip. North. T??-night. at th.? residence of the brlde'a purants, la Mut?es. Miss Bus Worley, daughter ?>f Mr. W. W. W?.rl.v. was mar ri? ?I to Mr. IX f*. Turner, of this city, easlstnnt superintendent of the Vlrglnlu Chemical Componga PBTBRSRURO'? COLORMD TROOP? There an three comaanle? of colored soldiers in this city, which bUVC heOfl re cruited OP to the full st ind H'l. and the ?ail of the ?government to mnreh lo the front. Busfneso vviii be ?generally closed to morrow afternoon, ?luring the hours ?>f the Confederate memorial exerdeea ait Biandford Cemetery, sad most <>f our people will attend and participate. Invltaitions are out to th? marriage ..f Miss s.iiii.? Ptnckney ?SnniM atn?i Mr. ??. Kriiesi Meredith, i??>th of this dty? to tak? pli,?,? on Wednesday, the l.'.th, at Wesley Methodik! Episcopal church. M M \TO\. nidria, delivered \n a?ldr?>ss on moag the Ute Woman's \u\lli.irv to ?Kplncopiil Honni of Missions, TAUNT-ON, VA.. June 8.-(Special.)~ rhe annual BaMOtlng Of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions of ;he DiOCCOO Of Southern Virginia was :iebl In th" parish house of Trinity Ulis ??pal < hurch to-day. Som?- fifty ?l?>h> pxtem wen present, la a?<ddltlou to the grge local membership. Miss 1.. !.. T.iv or'ii. Reporte from the ?sodety'a av?rai branch?e ?won aande, and ?how id line progress. Miss Stewart. Of Alex en Interesting addn ?s. the missionary work Indluna of rtah wais ?and? by Miss Qarrett, of Wllllnmshurg, n?i the Rev. Mr. Punsten, of Portsmouth, poke in the Internet of the diocesan ?urna!. An election Of OSSOOr? resulted n the selection of th-- BUUM M for the ast yesr. Interesting maps, charts, ,-ui.l ata touching th.? w.?rk in Alaska aiml fhina were offered by Mrs. Julian Loyd, f Lynchburg Mrs. Tying, of Now irk. too, made a plsustng talk on the lissioti work Of Alaska and Chln.-i. Alexandrin extended -m Invitation for he auxiliary to attend am united get toe t?> be held there in the autumn, ?anvill.? naked thait the society Imlil i's ral annual meeting thorn Ths loc ii nxiliary ?enred SO elegant luncheon this fternoon in the parish house. After do* ?tionai ?enrice? to-night, report? from a W.imam's Junior Auxiliaries were pr? aiied. and addressee of much Interest ere delivered by the ?Rev. W. n. ?Page, l?salonary te Japan, and Rev, w. C b?n Brown, missionary to Bresfl. tea to the sixth annual conven ?an "t tin- Dioceee <.f Vlrglnlu an ar cing to-night. The council will be tiled t.? onbr to-morrow snd win ?be ?aided over by Hishop Randolph, who ia just arrived. 'I'll?? dosing exercises of the li.aif limb, and Mind Institution were hel?l -day, th?- annual concert having been v? n last night. Remarkable proflci? ncy is ahown by the pupils in the ac?de lo, musi'ii. ?and n depertments. The bool was crowded with pupils to its nit. and many sppMOOOta Won un oi.iaibiy turtud a way. N.-w buildings ? now l?. im,' meted to ?accommodate II \IM.\ HI MVF.n. Serions \eelileiit In Norfolk?Held for I.exliiKton \ n I horllle?. NORFOLK, VA., .Inn.? g (Special.) - mea Wtlllnau (colored), ahoui u yuan age. a driver for the Paragon mi I dosollns Company, was seriously raed el th???r reservoir ?shortly before o'clock to-.iay. H.? canteesl) tOrew a tch int?? gssoUno-ssturntod wast?, ich Immediately ?ignited, and, biamng . .aught his clothing, whi.h ware th?? ghly mturated with u ? j<>iin.?. ?Mon r Savage ?and Clerk Drawry, who la ?i employed at 111?- i.laa?. Went lrnm?? teiy to the assistance ??f Williams, i succeeded In extinguishing the li.-s. but not li.for?- h? was badly iK,! trom the hips down. Mr. Savage ls.lf was badly burn??.!. Willlama ?m? en to Si. Vincent'? Hospital, His coa on is regarded es mrious. 'ill!.un Douglas (colored), who wax i by Detectlvea Heppel and \\ esl Norfolk yesterday, area held by Jua Tomlin for the uuthorltlei ol Lea ion, Va, when be la alleged to ?have <?-ll jail list .January whll? llml. f VI ment for i a* i., tanuton co have been notified of tie ie Norfolk Art League clooed Its en i ??xhtbit tiiis afternoon. Thl? v ila) ha.s been a highly creditable ?>n?-. T. Hishop. fur .?-??m.? lim? . -i, D. K.?nti.v s t. a and coffee ?lor?? in city, ami who is charged with em tlemenl from his employer, warn.-,) nlnatlon In the ?Police Court to-day, was s??nt on t.? the July grand Jury'. was recommitted t?. jnlL TltlaNIll COI 1.Kl.'K. ropmoaoemenii " hddieasso i|'ha Recipiente nl >ie<ini?. FRHAM, N. C., lUm - 'Sp. .? 'tutu. n. nv nt programme of Trin 'ollege was continued lUSt night by "> K? v. I>r. c. C. m. ..f Boaster, s. c? t?> the ?odetleei a?, well received, and oh tha humor ?r?i'?r. ?and k- pt the. au-dlenra awake. s morning at IdSN o'doch the mad ig exercise? t...?k ?pleca Then w.r. njeraben of the graduating . Six wi.? allow?.I to ?peak. .'n?l .: vertid ?is th ?t th.? .-?,, sup. rlor t.? thus?, usual on conv enient occasions. n W. Scroggs r.-c.-lved the s.?h??lar in.ilal, known as the lira vtoii-i r . \ ? .??, I. and glvoa each yeur by Mi-s Huth Carr. daughter <>f Colooel J. irr. Th? Wll??> ??ray in. dal. which ron for th.- best oratory, was d tO Mr. Qeorg? Hiram Ilumber Of ge. N. c. This is givoa hv Robert /n honor of his brother. Wiley 'who was kll.V?! in the late war. A pjiea took p?a..- m eight k'.'s TeSteleiM CMil Tonic has si?>od st f<>r ten years! Wham aun ??, Jar t?> Induce ).,u to take some other you may know that It Is - Compound, OU which hO makes a. proiit. Bvery abottle uf Ur_ nt? d. to 111 lh ?. SB I Co I ml V 1 (Ni fro on? I vil hot Tin mo? and d< ia s??n the tun non etc untl ?lil?. H.i whi goo. hon nov? Th ture th. y the a the i is a ?hou the i w hi.? hist. Ha a bou Newi plu y I think ende? Doi CORRESPONDENT. Taskinas?A Rival of Saratoga Water. Toaitio, fomw Citj -. -,-, \K May 30, j?,*, Bditor of Virginia Medical s m A great find has been made In our ty, which mu.:e* th?? Tadklaa? pn 0 rival with the gr. it S il York, so far as miin-ral w.,;. r i. a water has been d that is an effecrlv.- ptoAk ln< ?i delightful b?-veragr. A has b<-'-n formed, which will pu , , ov.-r ths Halted States ais .-? i medicine for various stoma? h in ; | troubles. It Is an alkaline or antl (!?? sale will ?be linrn? mass? s of our people haive an ?. * acid In their Mood, which. If t. | ?acted by m'.ll'-lne or .1 ?positiv? mln?arnl sruter, mum n rve as a f??r. ner of lnnum??,i>? complain! 'lb?- war?T is soft | also, appetizing. an?i bu.,\ ?.? . the case that ROl ?Tl combine? the two fUUlttlce ai , waiter?vis., effeetlveneoa a? a. and dettclouanees as a bev? a Is the case with this ?rem rl Our State i h. mist. Or. William |? lor. and Mr. LtrWto BurwOll of (Who for y. ais lias this and otlnr BtUtSS a? autl medicinal wat'-rs?, an both ?. in?? of th.- ?popularity in comb nation, which UUtun valid:- - bon-vlva May the period b, amis shall tin?*! this tie? s . the Sout h. V?s. w?? hop. .. i.i't s. \?ral? h<?t' n -a houses at this m -wlv-di in the near future, je y-n CONTAGIOUS in all It? itar?? <-i,ii,|?:e!.'lT ? cite.I i , BLOOD POISON : removes the poison and builds up thi s>? Kill. - VrJusbl? trcitlMOn th? iimmm* ?ad it? tr*?ini>?ai' ?a?i?e?l ir??. Hwift Say? aflc tu.. Ati-kut?, a?. sss COST Ol?' TSR ? OI.I.IKIt MCIIIiniVl i iunri'? to ihum niai ths Bovern? ment \\m* Isvindlod. i Washington 1' Something about ?the hist u > *>f h? r Merrtmsc, that Lleuten. s.?nk in r'antlago harbor, w , - the House y.sterilav l\ Re| 'allies, of Tennessee \\ ii\r ?vais considering Senat.- am he sundry civil ?appropri?tloi laines took nccaislon t?? - tl ir? ?I t?> niaik?' am ohoervatii o i??- ehooper to build our ? ie, "than it Is tO k'i lato tl.? uni punbasc theaa? As torn? i hat. I ?hag permlssiofi ?,, : | ?artel from a MOW York p.; IM,** Mr. Calms thea a a. w s : The glorloua exit et the Ut ?use fron? he United States navy sh ract att.-ntlon from its an-,'! iorious entranoe. A your ago the M? -mm . - .'? rWOglan tramp st-? ?in? i oughl for MS.000. Bh h.ts brought her tota. I . h.> vi.-is offered to th? governmeni i April, ?but ems i f Auxiliary Crui-? Then sh.? wais mut to Battimor? i,, request <>f a politl? I ? *.. gente" fr??m Washlsgt' Might h.-r for fSO ?ist ol Msrrlmn?. rice th?? govsrnn The g.iv'nu-iit swlic ' And >h" w as gel? ? ' Ilk out Of alii tl ' cause - every other way. the m.'.-t con ; I ie first pubii?- example ol * de of a "kind-hearted" war. "Ar.- those the throw at the birds?" Inquired ntattv? Btmpson, ol K "?: unes had finish?id jus In thhi ram " JMS, "'ha? wi in ths * they i? w m "i-v el !" II] * I .!. ?the n? ?.- pro a a? ndry civil ;im<*inlni, < ?LAW AM) n: \<.i r. ie BagJMlUSd In One *tt Ihe Wiir.U ?>r Kniuiiii,?' ?t Ity. <').\.\(IKK, V A , .In; i?- citizens of the Fifth Ward, nil', r of more than a hUUdl i ?v ping and orgnniaed tin o a Law and or?i< t- i.. ,.;. Btepbeaa of St. jam? - \i? tl ial chunli. was mad? y it rang resolution? eren pnoonted to ?the Maj or, C? in nmonwonltn'? Attorney. Il" people ?,.' i.'l i oi-ti-i-t some ?il- c tlon of th?? .ut'. DsRurgh wns aanrrli g at ? o'cloch at St. Audi church to Misa Maggii 11 Bwnownao court ?if appeals, VTHKVii.i.i;. \ a . ions I the BuproaBM Coui' of Api of the Wythi Prich < '?m. . a , Itted. rief vs. Norfoth and v.. ?puny. Bubmitt?d ??-i ?fcri rleeby vs. Br mil' tt. \ t'.l. Knol I ' -pass vs. Moore. Partly ? i \ Ihrleking Bnuoooa I'.itsburc ' - patchj lorror partira" an th the girls left i>. hind. -Th pulled ??ft i young WOBXUn, who ?e on th, outshlrts tot th i n p? ta nei iift?-d. fui nil u ? ii, i,. i.itrodu??, d. and the I I.'a? h K. i??i bv the hoeti aa ao un i - -u?-. The fun t myetertoue box a it cd a mous.? loos,?. w;-a ti ,i.? ; not be diagramed, lire b i?, worin-, i th?' girls, some ?bed ?1 t?. th? a'U . ? a p iiii.'l Hut a ?upper i? ?r-strtchen pan sad they vot.d tt.? i ?hrlehlng Their l>?leh \ l?-lory. ' Spat i made a f.. Announcem? ni is non m have s? ii. ?| th Irund i th;s small and ttnlmpoftS d not Interfere with Madrl I roviadal towns celebrating h vl that I?- taking of Holland bj the I . Tolo Minie ihr I'ol?I?. ii'?i:i.i!id Legue > en't the Cunadlas? b long enough ** CI On th.? contrai ?. ?Pole has ag them, and the ndmlni?-! ' i it la time his little gam. oat t forget your friend. Elastic ?U^a