Newspaper Page Text
?OOUOnmammmmn^^mwmn i i > ?" w * '-r?" 8 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, .TUNE 0, 1898._ Our StrAw Hat business is <lc scril>eH in a jiffy. In vari? tv M ( \<".>l!(-iu*ri you're .-it llic hoBM placo in our stock. We're o<>n tout with less profil thiui (he ex elusive hatter, D60MM it is not d?'peni?nl?]?' stock -thru, \<ui h.iv our assurance that if Hiiythin? soitWhXMg<liirin_: tlie "lifeof tin li?t N \oii _r*'t your money l>;n*k. dps. Won't Mow oil'; OEM bfl knockei off or ?rushed and put in you ?>ocket. All sorts here? 16a up Crash "Suits. Old Sol will soon be pottiag tin notion in your head, need) when you are?$.3.50 up. 0. H. BERRY & CO, Main and Tenth Sts. AUGUST! IX DESPAIR. HE THIS REPORTS TO THE QOY? ERXME1MT AT MADRID. PHILIPPIKE REVOLT GENERAL. Manila to lie Attnrkr?! liv I ?mil mid * - !? ?i.nnlii i ?1? Sold In II?- 'Inkliiu Itifnii?- In Ihr Porfllliil I'url of the Town. MADRID, Juno 8, 4 F, M.-The follow ing communication fr??m Captain-?.' August!, dated at Maulla. June M, liais been published: "The situation Is ve. y grave. Aguinaldo has succeeded in stirring up.the c< untry, and the telegraph lines and railways are being cut. 1 am without < ??mnninlcatlon with the provinces. The province of Cavit? has completely n-uiled, and the towns and villages ir? o* gxtoi by nu merous bands. "A Spanish column u? fends the Zapote line t?.i prevent the enemy from ?mauling the province of Manila, lut lb? foe has entered through Bularan. Ingina, and -Moron, so that Manila will thus be at tacked by land and sea. "1 am striving- to raise the courage of the Inhabitants, .?i must every menus of resistance; but 1 diatrust the natives Htid the volunte. 11, I.? BUS? there ?iivi- already be. n muny ?1? .-. rti?.r.s. i'.ai coor and Imus have already been seized by tin- enemy, The Insurrection has reached great preportlona, and if I can not count upon th? support of the .??.un iiy th? fonts at my dlapoagl will not a to hold the ground ?sein?! two ? li'.inl.s." liitHia.I v.rre. Minister of War. and Captain Aunon. Minister <>f Matin. , hare ti? eiui't-r with th.? ivueeii Kegeni ,-?s t.. Qenen? August!'? < n munlcatlon. it I? reported that th? Spaniard? al Manila have ?already been compelled t" t .k?? ?refus? i" th? forttBed part ot th>' town. a<;ii>ai>lo >\vi:i:ei\i; hum;??. Filipinos in MiiKHpore .??creiiiiile I ii 11 -.! Malen Coimul I l?, ,?-. l.oN'DON, .June P.The Singapur.- cor :??'iident of th? Times, telegraphing Tuesday, says: "The local Philippin? Insurgent Com nllttee received to-day a dispatch from Aguinaldo, saying: *W? have taken all in Bm provln.i? ..( Cavlt? and several town* in the province of ?Babangaa w?? h.iv? captured ten guns, W rifle?, and I,MS Spamiards from .Spain, with sou i'hlllppliie Spaniards, killing SOU, W?- are bealeflng Hiejo. in the church IN Bpnnlardi entrenebed, who must ?urrender su.ui. We hear that the Qovernor-Geaeral pm pee? to capitulate,' "Th? Killpunos In Singapore sir? ?ia, !, ?1 the Unit?! States Oonaul-Oeneral, Mr. B. Spencer Pratt, to-night. Before {he ?ere Mide tli<-y presented him with an ad . thanking bin for ?ending Aqul naido to Admiral Dewey, oongratulatlng Ailmirai Dewey, end expressing ? desire -Tor the establishment of a native ?govern iiient, un.ier American protection. "The ?pokesmaa, continuing, depreoated n restoration ??f the Island? t ? ?Spain or th'ir ttainvf, ? t?? aigi I'.iw.t. anal , x preesed his oonfld?enee thai the natives would prove th?ir ability to govern them elves. Th.? Filipino? then gave eheen for America, England, end Admirai Dcv? "Mr. Ptatt responded, end presented th? with an Amerlonn tag, amid great enthusiasm." ii LATER HKTIHNS FROM OREI.OV tieer's l'luriilll> for i.o.enior Al ready 7.I?70 liver Kin*. 1'oHTLAND, ORB., Juin s. -l'raetlcal ly complete returns from twenty-five out ot thlrty-tw.i counties uf the Statte give the following results: Cor Qoverno? <;?> r (Republican), .. King (Fuskiaiit), B.wa Oeer? piui 7,570. **or ? ,?.. i??ssmen ? First 1 ?a TonKue (Republican). 1S.IN; gesteh (FU slonist). IAMB. Tongne'e plurality. ' Second Distn t Moody (Republican), V..337; Donaldeen (Stulonist), 10,114. Meody*? plurality, ? ,'urality for Qovernor will be Increased by the complet? returns. Th, Legislature will stand us follow?: a it??? Keputilicau.s, : !; OpposltlC Hsuae Republicans, M; opp ltlon,' lb Joint Ballot?Republican?, tt; opposi tion, 2* -i PPOIIII! sev i> niK toils, g Troops Had l.efi Tniuim Ip I o Tue-Mltty Mornlnic. ATLANTA. CA.. June S,-- ?Hetilg? Bd Ward Van lerbilt, supposed t(, he a spy. and giving his hddr?? as _,i Curt?-? nth ' East HI?!? \,.w y.,,K, wais brought ' i I'-n Mi iMi.'is.ui i?(t,. ?in-night, under ;?ii? -' ?1 a.t Taimpa M ". day as a sosptcioaa character, a.n.i i.. Ing unable- t., ptmg g ,,iIlt n jus " ills, was s.nt tu o,.- military prison al Attenta. Vanderbllt's guurda slate that no troops had left Tampa up to the time .?f their Basday morning. Two Ar?) NoinlnalloMs. WAS?IM.To.\. June S.-The PreeMenl iii...!?.i Hiram i. .. ?north Carolina, to be additional n.astrr In the .irtu), and Edward Wilson Worein, to he captain, 'Jntr.l u??i ?? nt. United StuUs Volunteer Infantry. it renews th? cvlur Kiastlo Hf?w*. t! ^\ ),? to <?I ,1. a v M sa ha. ?Il \s Cl sli tli? nal i.: 1 l'a agi w.i ad mj Um Ott. H pie Jus gai is sh?> Ha <*..: moi M Saci ?tee City com All? -tl?ji of '.1 Liai, they has the Of t! If u w. clal. l-ort ?irp.i ese? has NO NAVAL NEWS. WORK HKIXG III lilil? O O* PHILIP. l'l*K EtrKDITIOSf. MYSTERY ABOUT C?BLE-C?TTIKG. It Doesn'l -? ? n i?> (nl, *n rar aa i iiluiii Lines Are Concerned? ,!ii|.nii?-i ?Mile? r? lo -? ? Our IV? r. WASHINGTON, D. C. June LSo bul letins were posted to-day at the Navy Department, snd although there were signs thai the department was In com munication with the South, the news paper-nun w??r.? assured that there were no events worth reiiortlng treated of In the messa.ges. The department Is also very busy In arranging details for the Manila expedi tions, having undertaken to make ready th<- trsnsrorls which will carry the sol ?II? rs from Ssn Francis??.? to Manila. W??rk ??n these Is being hurried under tele graphic orders, and by the end of the ?weak there will b>- sufficient military force afloat to enable Admiral Dewey, whoa it reach?? him. to de ptmtty much n he pleas? I .it Manila. This is an ob J??< t v?-ry mu. h at heart Just now. for fully recognizing the good military quali ties displayed by the Insurgents, accord ing t.? the newepapei reports, in their OOmbUta around ?Vivlte, the officials are l??th to rely entirely upon them for any i- ngt? of time, fenrtng a rel?pee on their part Into savagery that might startle the civilized world. The Japanese are the labst to turn up with applications for permission to study the technical features of the present war, an?! to-day Secrctairy Alger granted spe cial permission to Commander Ketsuro Xarila, of the Imperial Japan, s?- navy, and Lieutenant Saneyukl Aklyama, to go with the army of occupation to Cuba. CARLE CUTTING (?) Thete is considerable mystery < ? ?rn?-rn Ing the cutting of cables running out of Cuba, and thi? continuance of cabl? ser vice from that Island. It was positively established to-day that the French eabt? running from Santiago to Cape Haltten went out of servie last Friday, and re mained out of working condition until Sunday. During Hie twenty-four hours' interruption ?the cable company was un able to carry any business over this line. There is little doubt the Interrogation was lue to the work of the cable-cutting ship -?tit out by ?Uen??ral Greelcy. But the ry <?f the affair Is that the French able began working again 09 Bundsy. low this came about is beyond explanat ion by the best ? ?able ? ?xperts. The "rench cable company is as much in the lark on this point as are the authorities iin . Th? matt<r Ig further complicated by ? ports reaching the. offldali ?here to-day hat the cable again ?topped working at nldnlght on Monday. The condition of this cable is regarded s Important by the authorities here, as is ??ne of the means oj/en to General llameo in his communication with the panlah authorities. FRACAS It WASHINGTON. 7, M. MeCarty, Formerly of Rlch inonil, Floor* A mo? i u.liiuv WASHINGTON, D. <", June s.-ispe aL*) Quit? a lively fracas occurred in K? House of Bcpresentattvea* reetaurant lis afternoon, in which Mr. X*i. M. Mc irty. formerly of Richmond, but now ! New Votk, knocked down the promi nt ITemoeratic congressman, Amos .1. immings. Mr. McOaity*? version of the fair is as follows: Being interested in a lighting ?lev!. ? liich he is trying to sell to the Fniied ait. s Government, for use in the army, r. MeCarty had reoelved from Senator miel a card of Introduction t?? ? ? ? r In prominent army oflcer, end be waa a his w.'iy to the House for the purpose i? 'i i' sting Mr. CummlngS to give Iiirri similar caini of Introduction, in paea I th.? ?reetaurnni he saw Mr. Cummlnga en, s??at?'?i at a table? M?oCarty ap* onched him. and ?politely ?tnted ?ble siiiess, reminded him of previous ac alntance. saild that while he did ii"t dde In his (Cummings's) district. In is Democrat, and would be glad to ve aa introduction from him to the an- Department. I'ummings answered i. ly and in ?abatano? t?> th? rybody wa? after ??tii???-, ami ii. s tired of it. MeCarty reji'.ied thai (the Coiigr? ssmati) had mlsappr. l.itd his ?request; that be wanted na M, but wished simply to call at the lartmehl en business. Cummings's an i-r to this was still more rod? ordlng tO MeCarty's way of thinking. <?arty became very Indignent, and _ to the Congressman that, just as lie i thought, New York was represented Cotigr.-ss by a lot of politicians, wbo ? .1? ddedly discreditable, when-up...-,. nmlngs maid?? a lunge for him. H? ick at his face, but MeCarty dodged blow. Then Me?'arty struck Cum >P a hard Jab under the chin, Which eked him down. i.- cisiiier of th?? reetaurnni end _rs rushed up tO Interfere, but Mo ty defied them, and threatened to do anybody who laid hands on him. He up tO Cummlngs und said: "My ID New York || so and so, and temporary address in Washington Is St. James Hotel." He then walked fr Of M wl fo Ft ( tha ?tl thi Mi an eta to ?? I c qui dei am ?lis ?bul .a m ?m ti v oto) B, . i?. ? ? r? Ker plan ?WI II. Bla bri<] The his MM Frif wisl T Tim a M ('arty says he Is careful never to B quarrel with any one, but he is as particular to resent what he re Is as offensive manners, Cummlng.?? large, brawny man. McCerty I? t. but stout, and he has good musel??. i^ a brother of Captain PngS Mc ,',?' is known to his old Itich d friends at l'ait Ml ?'arty. mi ii-i'im: TRANSPORT Sllll?>. inolier ( liiirlereil?Olliem Muy II?' I iiii?i-?-??i ?I. VSHlNt'ToN. June h.~ Asslstant t;ir> M?ikl?john liais chartered the nsliips Indiana, .Morgan City, and Of Tara tur the transportation of >s to the Philippines; has closed a act tor tht? Victoria, Olympia, and ?na. or th?- Northern Pacific steam Llne, and has ??OUred the prlvii?Igt 'ijulrlng the Tacoma and the Colum lf needed?all live on condition thai are given an American realster. H? ails? ordered hrnprwod into gurvio? lenntor, Queen, and City of Pueblo. ? pacts? ?'?.?st Hteamshtp Company, ind satisfactory. \?-?|inrl >?-w? I'oil-Oin?-?-. SHINOTON. D. C, June 8. -(Sp tnia.t.-i I i. i Reed, of New New?. Is here on business with th. tment. The Increase In the bus!, of the office since he took ?. harge ?en about 20 per cent., and be sue-1 Dr N. .1 tlfla In h in p toe Sam ?ago. tarii A d Or. of r. Owe tions that grief He Mrs. the Ower ed ol tlon he 1 mad. of th Into while frlen that news days. there woul? repue if street same the a The to eail n?vy The of it last 1 in. W? II all ho him b ceeded in having an additional ?ub-sta tlon ordered! while the office ha? also abeen made a money-order depository Mr. Reed says the ?resent office Is In adequate, and regrets that the appro priation for a public building for Howpogj News could not be passed the pi? MM ? ?ton. AOI INAI.HO M CCBSfPTX. Spanish Offlelnla llespiilr of Acrora i.ll-liliiu An>llilnK In Philippinen. MADRID, June 8, ? P. M.-The Minis ter for War, General Correa, re?, news from the Philippine Islands to-day, and communicated it to the Premier, Senor Sagaata, saying the Captain-Gene ral of that Colony asked for full lib.r'y of action. He adds that Aagulnaldo has succeeded in inciting a general Insur rection. A dispatch from the commander of the Island of Vlzcayas says that official sent two gunboats to the Island of Luzon with Instructions to try to communicate with Manila; but, ho rdds, they were compelled to return unsuccessful. The government, It is a?lded, replied, In structing the commander Of the Island of Vlzcayas to raster? communication with Manila at all eo (?encrai Correa declined to furnish tin text of the dispatches for publication, on the ground that It would bo pri'judlclal to the country's Interests, but a member of the Cabinet, whose name cannot be used, admitted that the dlSPUtch of Spun |sh troops to the Philippine Islands could not change the situation. H? added: "We could send tMt troops; but, If tho natives are against us, such at foi???> would be Inad?quat?0. If they were with us. it would not be necessary to send troops to the Philippine Islands." llliMill? FOR IHMI'ilN. for Mrmrnar lo Contre???M?'?lnl? Officer und .M?'ii. " WASHINGTON, June 8.-The l'i? has directe?! Admiral Sampton to f.r arard a detailed report of the gallant sc ion of Lieutenant Richmond Pearson llobson, at Santiago, and as soon as that. ?s r??< ived, will send a special messag? :o Congress, recognizing the heroism dls ilayed, not only by Hebson, but by the Tun who eccompanleii him on the Mer lina c. The order for a full report Is already n the way, the President feeling It best o await official advloea before taking ho action he now contemplates What will be recommended for HODSOfl nd his ?crew is not certain new, bul here will probably be a resolution f??r I ote of thanks, specifically naming Hob un, though probably ?not naming th? un. Medal? of honor? it la ? anected ?by lose who have talked with the i'i? I? ? nt en the rabj*ct, win be stm.k .?rr ir the little band of men, and promo on of gpma sort Is In store for all "f n in. It will take some days for Admiral IlllgSllli ?to get his report here, but pro ibly ?ome time in Nt w.ek g message gnallzlng the Ml rrlmac Incident will a sent to Cbngreas MRS. ATKINSON NOT Ol ll.TV. nd of the I,on? mid Voted Case Auiiinsi the l.nd>. .L?VELA ND, 0., Juin' S--A >m Glenvllle. W. Va., ?ays: rho Jury last night returned a verdict not guilty in the indictment in Whleb s. Atkinson, wife ?if the Governor, 3 co-defendant. 'his ends the long and noted case in ieh Mr.-. Atkinson was charged with gcry. IEHT ON HOBSOB IIOMFSTEAD. lint of M?rrima?- Hero Has Ten ?leretl Hie Amount Hue. INCINNATI, <>., Juno 8?In view of a published gl a Willen t that the !l"!n? - ad, at c.t. nsboro', Ala., occupied b, mother ot Lieutenant, ?the rrltnai? hero was heavily mortgaged, l that g popular subscription was rted to release it. the Times-Stair wired that city for the fscts, end to-d ,ed this r? pi\ : reensb'iro', Ala., June 8.?Your ln ry received. Judge llobson h is ten ?-?I to tin- mortgage company th? mint due on the mortgage. Then atte as t?? th.- amount ol the debt, the money Is in hand to pay any junt due. and n?> ai?i is needed of any :. Plest publish this. Igned) II. C. BBNNBR8, Editor pi i \\ ? .i.iiiiu in Bnppnhnnnuslr ASIU.N?; l<>.\, \ A, .Jun?- I terday at high noon Miss Main Ionian became the ?rife of Rev B Fergus, of Martineburg; w. Vu. Th? ?atony was performed by i:?-v. Rlchsrd lUUOn, In tin? Methodist, church at thi e. The wedding march waa ftly ?rendered by Miss Btta Hlsle. Mr. n. Sleet acted ara ?best man and Mli ich-- BUStmen M maid of honor. Th? u has a host of (rienda in this county. groom is well-known on account ol gallantry In the ?i\ il war. I). of Mosby's most daring Midiera. mis of ?the couple entend tu thi m es. O ?AVE A MOTH FUS RE\SOX. t is Why I?r. V. i-inlell SuIinI Htiteil l.l.lnlu Child for a Henil ?Ine. (N? sx York Sun.) Augustus V. W.tule11, of Newark, ., b??lleves tla it at ph> sielan may Jus ?ly ilcccivi? a siek mother by putting tt arms a living child, not h? r own, .ir,- ?.f h? r eu n, boi n deed. The do? - I.raetie? d this ?It . ? ptlOU On Mrs. nl Owen, el Newark, i week 01 two Mrs. Owes was at a private .?.mi ni kept by Dr. Atmet:.- v. Wendell. ad child was born to Mrs. OWOIV Wendell had knowledge, so be si nl, culler condition? regarding Mrs. I'l state of mind and family that matle it absolut? ly necessary sh- should suffer no shock of sudden borrowed th.? .-days-old child of a Graham, who was a'so g pattien?. at sanitarium, and put it in Mr.-. 's arms. Mr. OW?U was not lnform his child's ?hath or of the substitu of Mrs. Graham's. After four ?lays turned that the ehango had ; . It Is said that he was told b] a- tour physlelana win? bud been i?-i the secr.-t by Dr. Wendell. Mean Mr. owen bad telegraphed to Is in this country and In I'un.p. i child had b.-'ii born to him. The was kept f'oiii Mrs. Owen for ten She w..s then sure to 11 v.. uni was no danger that th.- -ho. k 1 Injure her. Or W? tid.-ll said to a <-r for a Newark newspaper ; I were oonftouted with the same ?.stances again I would act in the way. it was ai question <?f saving omun's ruasen." A tVunilnu. (Tonkara Btai ?men.) Katlu r: That young man who used oil yoi? and stay >?? late Is In the now, 1 understand' Daughter: Y.-s. Papa; and think His h<ntt has ta-, n disabl?-d! Th? )? .-i I ?>< him he was being towed \ dor't let me see him around here ar? of the night, or you will see ilng toed out. i:. Illl Il' I'l po .III ill an bei \' ai 'I'll fol w.i ! m T wa no agi ai? '1 Of bul taiii .n.?! g 1 a ? g.n Tl of thel lla.t fon Tl who in t Hi to-d tin ?posit the ! Idem ard. Mr Oisti petal lar : t.\. I Th. Of th tuera luntli whir ?m?' Kplst wher v? ?ta dine? grant war i Tin famil frien? him ? eoout theui end folluv Mr. sente? form, ye.-t? lain s Miss from II l: i:<.,? !?. t ?ii???? Ruflln ?Qrace A m Virgin TAKE A BAND IN II CITY COMMITTEE ENTER? 1*1 THE FH.IIT FOR OFFICEg. WILL APPEAL TO COUHCILIE Letter to Re lent Ont Train* Men I>er? ot the innen? to Vole Onl for Those IV ho Supported O It? uuinr Ticket. The City Democratic Committee m< at the Powhatan Club last night, pursi ant to u request of five of the member n? nl? under the constitution of the con mlttee. The following resolution was ?ftere? soon after the meeting opened: "Resolved, That a committee of seve members, consisting of one member froi each ward, and the chairman of tin? ?mi mitt?.- as chairman, be Instructed t write a letter t?. ..oh member of th laitic caucus of the City Councl which Is soon to convene, and urge hin t?> vote for no person except regula Democrats In making nominations fo oflkes to bo filled by the Council." 'i here was a lengthy di?CU??lon as t? 'it of tin- COmmltte? to take thi: stand, but It was elilmed to be directed not at the City <*..ur.?ll <?r ln?ll vl'lua membi IS of that body, but at the Demo cratlc caucus. The resolution was final ly ?adopted, i?y a rote <>f If to 2. The letter will 1?.- framed to-dey or to morrow, and win t..? ?submitted to a not t ing ..f the committee to ?be held et th? Powhatan Club at S o'clock on Saturday night. ?Coplea will then be mail?-?! t.a every member of the Council. TUG 01,11 DOMINION ACTS. Th? nid Dominios D.-mocratlc Club met at Thon's Hall last night In ?xreutivc serien. Th.- attendance una small und tiie meeting of short duration. At its ? lose there was given OUI a preamble aiml r? solution of ?om? length, which had ?buen adopted, censuring City-Attor ney ?'. v. Meredith for mit supporting th?? putty ticket and platform In 18%, ami petitioning the councllnien and Aldermen from the ward not to vote for him, "ami ie ??ut the expressed ?rtshea of ?heir constituents." It was ordered i copy of the resolution be sent to ?eeh onncllnxan and Alderman. Whit effe.-t the action of these two ?..lbs will have on the fight for the city attorney ship. whUh Is now engrossing in ii a large share of tho popular titt* il ion, ?annot be estim?t?-d. It his seemed o b>- ths consensus of opinion among iromlnsnt ceuncllmen tust Mr. Meredith '."tilal be the auccSSSful candidate. Mr. \*. iiiieiiburg's friend? claim, however, hit a majority of the pUOCU? hart ledged their votes t?> that gentleman. F?OHT <)F Till: CAUCUS. Tl.: a will be th?- flghl of the ..incus, for Htl ?le \? ?i? m? nt ? vi.i? a iiaath Wasted "\'-r th? oilier ?ifll? erlntendent Devi? la saitistk?! that b? ?ii again b? appointed to th?.- almshouse vet- Mr. Rlchsrd Csrter, end Mr. Me ?OWell says he has been pledged more i m ?ultlrtenl voteg to elect him Clerk " the? Council committee? oser Mr, Qor> III. Mr. j. m. N. Allen, a. member <?f the It] i' mocrati?: ?Committee from Mar tall Wurdet. B can liilaje for Assistant is Inspector. Mr. Reuben T. Jennings, Jr. who Intely ti f..r Sheriff, is a csndidste for Weigh f ti. S end Market, and Mr. i?\ Bedford is an aspirant for Clerk >.f e First Market. 1)11 I II CAROLINA AM) THE A It >1 *i rlgmdler-Osnsmlshlp OBsrsd R. F, Hol.?-?1I?>>?1?R <i lier Is?O runt. ?VASHIN?*Tl?N, June A?(Special.) - nator Prltchard stated to-day that the publi'an members ?f th?a North ? '.?r.. gUtlOn in the 'louse of H? i a tin? had held a conference with the esldenl to-day in regUfd to army ap Intmenle. Tiny cell d the ?President'? tentlon to North Carolins'? herole pan aiil th?? wans, from th?- Revolution down, ai . uiphaisiz'-ii th.? tad that th?- Ural ro to ?lese his life in th?? present emr s Ensign Baglsy, of North Carolina. -y protested that the ?State was, ?there 's, entitled t<? more recognition In tin? y of army position? than sh?? w ? a. PreeMsnt acknowledged thai ?there ? force in th?- ?argument Be said b? aid give North Caroline brtgudler hi alt-hip, ami ask? ?1 th?' delegation to ..? on a suitabi?.? party. Benutor Prttch telegrnpnsd to Oeneral R. F. Hoke, Raleigh, to know if ha would a? :?t this writing .in answer had not ivd. North Carolinian? hew ik Qensrnl Hoke win decline a brigs generalship They say it is doubtful tier be would eves accept a major commtsalon. HA is a nan ot in ?and a Democrat H? was mnjor* ? rai in (he Confederate army. le delegation la ?oonaidering the ?asm? ^it-Attorney-?.;-m rail Boyd for rigadler-geti.ralshlp, but Hoyd suys if ? is going i" i"- no lighting ha dorn wish to give tip his ?.present position one in tl-.?- army. -, ?i ?Oeneral w. p. Bob ?ri the youngest l?rigadler-g?n??iai! he Confederacy, was also mentioned. i.mi T. Grant of <;??l?lsbor??', who was ay nominated to b?i paymaster, with rank of major, waa slated for th? lion of S? i;-.?ai'it-at-Atms of the 8eii ghen an ? ?fort pat n ?to reorganise Senate. He was ?elected by tin- Prc* t at the re?ues! of Benstor Pritch . "William I.atham, ?on of the tat? ongreasmnn Latham, of th.? riet Of North C* to be ap :? .1 a second Heutenunt in tt irmy. at tho reouest of Represent-t? Skinner. l?-\. *?lr. H ? Ing fell S? Leave?. > BeV. Framk BtringfUllow, ehSpialn Fourth Beglment 1 Irgtala Volun , left yesterday evening Ma the At B-Gonst Une for JscksonvUle, Fl? , 0 he will join his commend. For i years past he has been rector of the .?pal churches In Nelson county, e n? has done a gr??at work. The y of tho parish unanimously ?1. 1 to ecoept ?hie r> -?gnation, but cd him a leave ol till the is ..\??r. I members of Mr. Strlngfellow's y and some of his O?OS? pe|SOB 1 is went to the Union Depot to see ?if and ?uy gooo>by. The gallant of the Army of Northern Virginia, h y airs old, was as I'ill ,.f lit.? nartiai ardor last Sight M when h red the plume of the poeriesg Lee. Mann B Valentine? Jr. who pre i Mr. BtringfeBoW wttb bla unl ?upplementsd thi? greoefuJ gift idaiy by sending th.? departing chap kages of beef Jun?'-. I'? r-iiiiail. nnd Brief*. : Bettle ?urwell Looker has returned N'.w York. John Jackson und Miss Duval and ti others from 'Richmoud are at |fi. . Fitzhugh's cottage, at VlrgP la are out for the marring?- of Miss H.l.-n Bpeer to Mr. Thomas C. , which takes pine?- Jun?? llth, at Kpls? ..pal church. ?ting for the reorganisation of the aia Humaba! Society will be held at W) la ail S:l (.,. :? Sti ill in pa i as a? II ' !' be g ? a b.-t -im s ir .'?n Ine kin n ,1 ted ? i-ju 111 tor ? Csi l'os ai II "?'I 11 A of be l'.a thai mor mor shoi abo' El ???' i "-???n ?nui yl?llR?lltftll nmwv*,*a*\w,i Hail this evening at 6 o'clock. Misses Maud C. Dunn and It? Ii' ??. OUT rett, of Caroline county, who have bser visiting Mrs. Clau.l?- I.lgon. of No. 23.' south Daurel street, have returned home The Oakwood Memorial Asso? dation has eb-cted the following ?iflb-ers: 1'' Mis? Ruby Bedekeri Vis? Pr?sldist| life. Stephen T. Heverldge; Secretary, Mr". Dula McPhail; Treasurer, Mrs. D. <*. Richardson. ' A pigeon was recently caught and kill?1?! by a cat In King ami Queen ?OUnty, op posite West l'oint, bnvlng a brass ring on one leg marked '"D. K." ami a Bes tallte ring on the other leg marke?! "K. " The rings are In the pOMOeetOS of W. O. Ilrooks, of West I'olnt. Intelligence has been received hero that Dr. Oeorge K. Hooker Is seriously 111 at his homo In Russell ville, Campbell <<>unty. Miss l'aige Hooker has returned t?? Klch mond, having been the i;uest of Mrs. Rich ard Towson, on Vermont Avenue, Wash ington. The First Police Station Is undergoing a thorough renovstlon, botag white washed, papered, ami g ?a? rally repaired. Oongraoemna H. T. Thorp, of the Fourth District, was In the city yesterday. It Is said that Mr. Thorp will be strongly oppose! -'it the next election. Mr. John R, QfbSOU-, of Norfolk, who wits local mansger for tin- ??stau? ? Telephone Company there, Is In th?- city temporarily, acting as bmnsgsr ??f the long-dlstsnca otBcc here, Mr. C. A. Huntet having I???? ti appoint? ?I to takt ChSTg? of tin- Attenta oiii.e. No ?oseessor to Mr. Rood has yet been appointed. It I. ?I. oi.... .1- . i In Bar? York. Ni:\V YORK. June | \ Engte, Savoy; J. A. Isnklna ?and wit'.. Brand i'iHo'i: R i?. Hotcbktea, Holland* ?;. i*. .bims, ? ; i a TROMII.F. AT MtDRIO. "?n mu m llreuUs lluil SSWS .Be Apolo gises In Aft In. .M.MUlll), June 8.-8 P. M.-On account it tin serious news from the Philippines, thi leaders of the minority parties In tho Chambi-r of Deputies met BenOT S.i gaets to-dsy to consider the situation. The Premier strove to convince them of Hi.- gravity of existing circumstances, urging that they ought Immediately to .?dopt the budget ami to dOClsro th;it the ?Chsmber should sil la permanence. Professor Butmeron, the ?Republlcen lend? y; Benor Robledo, lender ??f the Weylerite party, ?and Benor Bsrrio, a Csrtist deputy, opposed Benor suggestions. The opposition lender? pro nil.-. ?1 during th?- sitting of th? chamber to dsy to m.-ik?' .Il ?i,nations regarding th'i Philippines of a nature that would adjouarn all debates Wh?-n the Chamber opened Benor Bu? Iv ?poke. H? said: "Tha-. Bpsnlsh people ought to r? bed new? wttb manly calmness. Since tha union ?tor el Csvlte, the government has only received tin?..? dis patches The Brat ?Same directly aft. r the destruoUon of th? squadron, it ?rug from Admiral MontSJO, and ?tntsd that ufllctent me.'tns of defence existed, end that the native population wss loysL Th? scoud announced that Agulnsldo hsd arrtred and was trying, but without suc tO excite the population the suthoritles The third h?s alresdy bees published to-duy." ??r GHveta, lender of tha D?s?i?]?'tit < "pservatlvis, who followed BonOf Sa i, promised his support to the gov ernment for th? defence of the country, but wairn..?; ih?' government that be did not lut?m/ to be ?reduced to the role <>f a "mere uitnesa of the country"? mletor tlltleS." ?Benor Romero y ?Robledo offered his rapport to the government "provided the government devote? its strength to a defence Of the country, and not to <*. fence of other interest-.." Ii?? ! the government of Inaction, saying: "Thirty-nine days hue? pawed, with no resolution taken regarding the defence ?f th? Philippines. Th? i that Ih? uUlvss, Influenced by th? victory of the Americans, regard the ffptnirh forces tvith contempt. If the government now leeks a ?hsmeful pese? or foreign sld, i -hiii ?protest with my whole strength." Benor ?Bunio destarad that the govern? nent did not deserve confldsnoe, but hat, nevertheless li ?might oonnl on ?the apport of th?' Curtiste In ?very thing r? aiting to a defence of territorial! lu t. pr it v . Profi ?mor Salmermi mad?- ai similar t itomsni ? n b.i'.aiif of the Repul .-'- nor Mells (Qarilst) asesrtsd thai the overnment bad sbsndoned It? i n,? h? blamed it for ;i "systsm Of sl !)' ? ." dedsring that "the nation which ii.uid suffer a Boden In sllsnce could m>t esei v? to flgurg in history." Benor Bsgssta replied: "The govern? lent is not reeponriMd for the event? in lie Philippines, nor for the coure? I ' ilral Cervera bsa taken. Th? govern lent must execute Ita plans, end must ?.t reres] them, which ?would !> unp.i iotiC." ?li b) .... !'.'? tl. N? th ,.?! Ilia !? ? ?rl no b? ?'? IORI.FY (IV A AGIO-? A TOY PACT. ..f iiH'rlcn's Irish Vote?Soon rg?< Fiirop?-nn Militarism. LONDON, .tun?' ?.The Right Hon, ?hn Morl.?y (Liberal), M. f/?eds this evening ng to the rasent ? ii of the ?Secretan ' aklng and rel??: Hlrmingham of r the Colonies. the Right ll??ti. ssph Chumberieln, on th?- subject *tf an agio Bason alltenesb ?eld that he did >t believ?* a word of all the "gloomy Ik about Kngiand's ISO) a rsstsntag prospects," unies? the to ted An ?alliance ?lth Qermsny ??r asrios. 'Kugtand'? naval power is gigantic; r ilnam-ial rusOUTOSg and ?redit an m?i- than ever," said Mr. Morley, n?l the spirit of her people lo NBC] ln si'in or protect their rights is as greet ait the beginning of the e-ritury. The ?He eOUUtry desires more Intim. mus with th? United ?Btatea, an end ?ays diligently worked fur by J.ord llsbury am.i Mr. Qlsdstons. it is in i????lvabie, however, that a treaty he rest Britsla and the United 'iM i... eptered upon without ting into consideration the Irish vote America, If the rote hi against th<> Sty it is n-.t th?. fa.iilf of th? Liberal ty." ling to ?liscuss the kind of alli e Intended, Mr. Morley sni.i: "if it is alliance fur pese? and h.rmonlous < <? ration for mutual good, it will Indeed the dawn of brighter ?i.ivs. But i- ' at is Intended, or is it to be an alliance ?raen tha Jingoes of Amerlce and the an elllnnee not fa?r CO, but for menace and war? ?V>? shall see. but I know f.-ns of thou ?ls of the best ami wisest men In bellev.? that hardly anv more cpreeslhle cslsmtty eould befall mnn d than a communitv, as IJncoln I. 'conceive,I in freedom, and ICUtSd to the happiness of free and ?1 men.' should entangle them? h.- anew! of militarism, which Is the nent and scourge of the Old World." Honey-Order* for the Soldiers. (Wnaotagten Blur.) ir th? convenience of the tr?. , ip Alger, pull? Church, v , l-Offlc? Depurtment in., open.?! then a? a brunch of the iblngton ..fti.e. t.. be known aa mp Alger l'ostal Station, Washington money-order oflte? h ?s als?, bass ?-.i at Chlckamaugu Park as a branch the Chattanooga. Tenn., office, t.? known as '"Chleksmsuga ?ath ail station, Chsttnnooga, Tenn.," so H.-rs may gt ,)( ?rs within the lines of tl pment. Persons desiring t.. ey ortleri^ to soldiers at these e il?', request that they b? draw '?. i-'tlc Starch ha? no t?.uaL. Mc An m i bei la'li t.v a.lli Ii?. acl A,ll i n bay def the Offll I Hi. ial-p : ' evei Man Agul te h Lus? "'T limit and l y t *-Si .slam patel i Pbili ister short A. I m the i RA' ?. i s;.'i|n "TI or in feelil! I'.-Ull Amer -s. I? tall, for pa the a with times with "Th Am. r su.-h i.ition t.. III?! g.arriM ?effect n? ws two ? l.rera ? ? iv?-?l In sta the H UM in "In from mois titols Cervei ^^fci^^L ^^p^^L jp'-^^^^^H^fc^^P^^te ^^P^^L. * {Clearing Sale! # NOW IN PROGRESS. t) ENTIRE STOCK ? .op."T j Men's and Boys' Clothing ? CUT FROH 35 TO 40 PER CENT. J U below regular values. Attend this sale. Il be- u V. gins to-day and will only last a few days. Com? n early and gel your pick. Q ? .:..'. ' ?_:?.-~r^r=z . ? . .__: ?h s-\ y| O *?r Men? All-Wool Business cW/S#T"C5 ^uits?^? re9u'ar "W And $; ^^ kind?made and trimmed well. ?t^ Q?for Men's <?,| Tf?f?r Men's q>?s^fO All-Wool ^ /< All Suits, made and trim- Wool Suits. These Suits med well, which we we sold forSy. They are sold at $4.50. all colors and well ?made. ?STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 6 K. FISHER & SON, Proprietors, ft Corner Fourteenth and Main Streets. rilK SANTIAGO FIGHT rwo m is travos vi/.i \i \ nn on rap n'non. iPANISH " PATRIOTIC SATISFACTION." ludriil PngSfS I luliiu i; ove rumen I lo Let the PSnglS Have WttoOta \ImmiI UM War?HIM Hiiuiors About IM i'.'? ? l i |?;?i i?? - ?LONDON, June 9.-The Madrid rurr? - tOUUSUt of the! says: it is reported that during th?? engage? isnt at Santiago, two ?hslll struck the isonyn gad on? th? destroyer ?furor. ?imii.-ij Cfenrtru praise? tim ?plendtd In - ivi??r ?if the marine brfgnds that iv??ii th?- gun? of the CustlUa ?i?? In Bo? ps bnttsry ?andsr a terrible flre for vrral hours. "Th." pal doing their utmost to spel the unfavorable Impression m id? the m ws from Santiago, ami. they rs-| nunend the sntheiitle? t?> k?v" mot.*! tails, and not to ke?-p silent on th? ets, which aft??rwar?l aril] 1? ik out rough f?"'i"?!Kn or privat? vi nil? i? n\ tota last night and is morninK the minister? ami leading ?ciuis werf v ry reticent, although y admitted having received fresh dls t ? ->i | from Habana and UBtlSgOb ai. h Qsnsrnl CUrrsn ami Cnptsln Au? ai hud eommunii-ait? ?I t?> BSSOT I Cora replie? Wem csblsd t?. Blsnoo ?and i*V? lai. SPANISH leOWrEO. dlspstche? ?sy thnt the Keim? ?reede? ?uttered ?moa! ?fron ?the ?hell? -, wliieh i!i"itally ?rounded h?r ? 'Hi nd, r, ? I ?.st.i. The total num iiiti? i ?m tin? ship was thirty? r. th.- ?csptsln, AT? seaim? ii, and tu? u ?)Ii.? inanilli'S killed, aind a lient? liant 1 eleven m?-n ?rounded. Most of the atoris and Krupp gun? haul befor? tn?? ion b??-ii pial?-. ?1 in Hi? BoCSp? l?.itt??ry. mirsl Cervera'i aquadroo, with ?team wi-a lying behind ?the Brst lin?' of <! - the channel lending from the . i nl. tO ' "?, but tlie land -utii.. ij t?) ?keep the Am? t from attempting to fore? the est* i?-?-. , ? "riling to dispatches, took part in the ant defence of Morro ?"at. losing two ?is end essend dm d. They sin <d th?- troops t?> ?OPPOSS an Am? ling, ? ?"? mpted At twg plat REPORT PROM AVQUWtl. - IStl ll.iS |. *.? >n?ii, through tt importnni etches, whl? b ?th? ghv? ?rnmeni y.t published, it *.-. ?nderst *. that he r? port? B? has com*, n .1 th?? EUTOfM i. ". I? liili th?- la; lia. Ah?: ti ha- I n mm h Strength? ill <<?.'lSe?) he spa . . foUM Dtl I itlaini?. th? :. ?. lT?S, !'. *?" '.'!*, r: Ifal that th?- IllUo o!?l maii.y in Hi- IslSl >n an.i ?Im ?la? re. are ? ?? tO" th? ? '' Od Of ? * Manila, .? b? ? lb? -. :. i up ieh is understood t?< b? th? sub* ' < apt.lill-Cen? I Thi Ko-**' i am- nt do? s n??t pur t?> a ?I i? Hi fa oi -i iqusdrofl - just yet. Captain Aunon, Min? of Msrine, ?rill probubly go t?> ?'.??iiz ly, i?i Inspeci lite reeerv? fleet under ir.ii ?C?mara, ?and th? preparation? at i on other vessels." LOTION OYKU UANTIA< NDON, June ' ' Th.? Madrid . lent ?>f th.? Timas, telegraphing Tuss le news from flantlago produced little , ssettsaMnt. At first there was ai g of ?sdn?e? i I w.'i.- anti'jiiia. g changed on learning that ?the - als?? ?suffered, ?although th, ir i have not r? * !" ? h f ported lu de in SUy fais,?, th??r.- VS? Justin. I'rlotie satisfaction in the fan t that ttnek had been successfully repul f? i ' i ajaiiti? s than bur? ?ome occurre?! in insignlfli-ant skirmish? s th?- ln?nrg?ni?. Of COOr?e, ar?' en ring to ?determine the obj?-i?t th?* lean? bsd in vi.-w in expending a large gusntft) nmu? . Bonn i? 11? ?.? th? reel ?..*. ? ? ?., supy tin- attention ?,f th?* Sam .on w hi!?- a landing of troops was cd. Thle view Is eostrmsd by th? that a lamliiiK was attemp epai.u.? point?' -namely. Punta Gu arn? Aguadorc*. I'nfortunately, the OftM "ii mi'- ?uhjeci hitherto re ar?- \?-ry me.iKre, but they agree ting positively that at both points punish forces effectually prevented tended disembarkation. UIIJ) RUMOR! the absence of trustworthy m ws the rhi'.tpplm-s, th?- wild, are aagain afloat. Credulous pa cuna to UM velw that Admirai :a can work miracle?, and they be i".? all 111?! in bet ?for . ir? tlaa I SM * lu ve. deepite sil ?"rid i trary, thnl bit ?ojuudi '.la.. PhlU| ; sihiiities continue t?> 1 anguine people might b?.- opened l.pie ?'on t.? ? n nsying fur of mlrsrlee. thsm ibt oi ?result of the unequ il ?tl th? longer th* simian'. ?greet? r ?m i>.? the i still fail t.? p.-r?-- -. a* a rtadinnm to vii-tion. "?m analysing the opin!??n ; peychologlcsl momenr r.?r negotlstlo<n? ha? ntrired, i ; not on th? Spain |s rsptdl) sonre? s. but OU the 1-. m ?ajority of Am? rteei r : Of the wair; th al i consequently, beeomimr ui ti?'- penes edition "f th N< Inspired l?v President McIO BPAIN IN NO BURB I \ - atpsln, my frlen In no bain bare shown h? r power? of anee to i?>- far grester than I post d. Th ?a , ? will ?require two > an, al i probablj much mors Umi island is < v??r con?juere?l, it ?trill argue, a white el? a The conclus has much moss ! a - : rminstton ??f t. Such an SttltUd? is hardly llfci ' ; I l Blurs that during ' drifted away from, ruth? ranch." HAKES HUM.s nor i nit SPA-UBH. nnhout I.eyden nt I iirili-iiu? lilnir* \v%a>- at 'I'llem. Kl", Y WKST. KI.A , J alixill ? nornlng from Cm lere, escept Ihnl .' y>l?-ii is m.ikin? tliitms v.r. Hi Blurd? by his ill - i 'punish Is or "ii ' rorfca at Cardenas. The British eolin r Ro h f the Restormel ?n Ameriosn . ml p?in?iii*.n' promptly to i I i lid sh??i a . i held up I n.i obsyed immi dl t< The Rnsth was In i obil.', from San .1?; .? - le hsd dischai - ?Vf B \ I l.U-li\lt?.i; HBABD i ROB embers of Her I n?n l?l?l >? < ?urt? riifj \r.? ants. BALTIMORK, Iw iked Up ftorn a drift ?1er ?iff li i- land? ?I m this ? a Wllll.itii I churn "f Quart) ?1 four seamen, u..?. . rf?>lk to K. onldus. Ih? i?r??k.? i? nday. The men had ar?l the t>?i -******* Hr. *t\ linrtoi, OfT for Tniti|ii?. 1ALTIMORR, Ml H. M. U'hart ernoon on M for Norfolk re ?Dr. un rton m | r>. am,?n? the Midlers. Th? a . irod psrmla -t m from rer to bold r.-li>; 'Ute II'? "luna tin ? ' ri-nt ?urempsmni? r?> mastership t ?iiflrm. .1 'ASHIWTON, he s? a ?Armed the n unlna resy, of Plsridn, to be an a**' lll.V. i slnnel TTBliaRansTe * ammUammm SIM.AND. VA tant BThltshusd . it. but hi? condition Is not i HnltBiMi for President. idelphlu North Amen M ?m??i time? during th? * u I lay. "v. Fltshugh I the presldcnc. , but, ii our ret* au.l InBueuoe util n l.i? ".itenuiat Richmond 1 4 BOG'S ?AUL i? ? ?Urs ?^< ? : ?J?x?fiv* ?l" _bo?iy ut tlul U u able i? i"??* * distas*. ? ug ta s*, eis. sod ti.s*i tue?.