Newspaper Page Text
* ._; _ THE RICHMOND DI5FATHU-TUESDAY, JUNE 21. 1898. _ ? y m?p% % U ! .'?'BXEOFSYRUPOFnGS t only to thr originality and' : , <?f ?the combination, ?but also as l akfll with wtiich it la tare i by setoaMBs processes itkO I'MiniUM.V fig St Kl 1? sd Ma v. isi, f> l?ureos spoB ai, the Importases of parahasinff ths a original remedy. A* the -ynipef H/isis mjinufnettin-d i Vto Btbvp Co. . know lodge of that fhot will a la avoiding Um wort! tarad by other par t? inding of ths Cass* - nu e Co. with tbo modi Bel :. sad tbo estJofaction ** rap of Viga has >na of ?families, ?a -' et "n.pany a guaranty .- e of its rosoedy. It, is a traaos of :iii other laxatives, .; to on th? kidneys, liver and - v ithonl irritating or weaken? I it does r."t gripe n>?r .. < In order to gel its beneficial i remember the uaim* of CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SOS ri"*M?luro. soli LB" (?Tii.Lt, Kj. sr.w B09M. N. T. DE WITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE A vwtl taran caro for plies lobsUnnts sores, ?bBpped hands, diseases. Blatts burns - .ild-pain.<*ss. Wo could not iiu tiie quality if paid double the The ?m^t suive, e*t[M-ri*?nca SU* produce or that laowy can buy, IT OUFieS PILES? ui> _S-Th.8seVTo) BOTH V( Tims \\l> MANAGERS, The Playees Hare Chasse <>f Fmroat Mill Mi?>\\ I'll?- Ituof-I.iirilni. iir. .1. H. I *i*w. who, for ihr? wei h i Vaill.leVille linea ' hura ; out o? the . ti- i'i. for :th Thirty street and '*..: *. I run 111? M. ither le? '*, Who aue ri t w? ? t their pay, a Andrew llw.iy and a ??Veil the M u them * P. T. Mur -i autumn j Hill ' " Is closed, p the i i TO DEEP HI **? t II B-EOCBE. \nr Bleetrte Lise u? it?- iinili to in??. a This Plaee. adlng i.?;.* the on ' to s .. I] monument, on mltage lllte.i * , to I :.?. Bo ith-81 t and com the line a. to the hiiml whlch it Is Inl - t transportation to Dandi ( trolley connection, . * . .? : i ? ahiek from ft II ll'l I?, i MIM'I l;i<s- I'M MC. ihr* ?.,,,.?,i ,itr. d?, ?, Fareal mu i. i..l HOTO a Good Time. ! tic . t J! - ?aaaoal pi? foraaalltli ns 1 h with, al .V.J . .'. a llOOl. minister In tha ai I. ! ? i ?. Pitt, 1 'i. klnson, M. i i B Uev. J. H Dr. James Di i. J *. ".. M : ? i. -K. Hr. \v. s. r! dale, ?,1-S. on the a Mill; H K"'"l ?litl'l' I. .. '>* * *?lr. Kirk's HtsiKiiMltoii Ac rrittrd. -, ef R> v. Jeaaee < >. KlrS ii ..?.. rd?a i.i.s.? Boptlet I lid? llDS Of the church i . ont -*t of Mr. Kirk wi i aukuh m Mi. KM has r ,,t H..*Aait.l'.--<;i.iM tur and has dons so excellent wmK al.lrUwul.aa like nc-w-Elastlc Ofl TAB APf?MATTOX BBWI mu? BAnQMBBD II thh ? ?h b KM it i ?. A SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. Mlolinioiul. ivipciiiir? and Carolina Hnllrond I Implo x, , ? |>a|,| no?Arm llndl> EaoBo.Bi A [BnoatmWfumPer ami nuil Banoral, PE? BRSBURCfc va., .innr M f?amtol.} > iiaaaiiaic exerclsea <.f Ht. Jsssph'e lossy took place to-day, when models sad prisse and eertM uwar.ii.i ?he distinguished papila i ..f Charity, in ehsrge ot tints ', \s ill. in ;i f. \v days. 1? aivc fOf Emmettsbargi sut, ta- apead their race Mr I r. .i w< ll-knows cltl tmrg, died in Crews last night, where f'?r some time he bad heeo employed. He loor? - aeveral basthera aad m my relatives sai Mends in tiiu 'ill-- Rtehtoood, Peteraburs sad car.> :;.ailria:iil . paid oB it?.- > m and to-day, poylns 'lit ? Mil' ii ..f this y will Und < in Petersburg. Benjamin Crocker, -s respected oolored man, an,.) ai faaaona t eob r In this City, i- In extremis at th.- ii.-in-? for the Blck, where be i?:, i "rocker is arid? - iy ?known t<> that portion of th>? public, local anu? travi Hing, who are foaJ of good Am the i n ?H" '""k port In tic? srsst naval ?bottle it ?Mentis onder i.? wey is Mr. Benjamin Coo Mr. Edward Condrey, ..f oung man's ?pan nta . . farm, near this dty. Ii r ha<! Juel I" . ti i . :vi .1 frutn hitii. ,M which h? slvea a graphic description ..f thi ml - i is.-n it is believed that J.ihn Whltaker is the a ..f tin le in.; win. was pick..) UJ. ill the rollrosd ditch near ?Reama ?Station, i (Saturday morning, rery badly hurt, and brought to tin- iiom.- f..r lha Blck, In tins city, and that he is from North Carolina. Both of his arms su. a that it ii thought ha cannot i>? ?iti deltrloua and unable DUnt of how his acddi m i'. - a* Qregory has not i I,, i.? t?. |. nk aftei th.- i*.u ??.it. men arrested on Baturd \ eve ning, ..?i suspicion ..i' ?being the pairti-s t ; ? ii?o Virginia. - Of their guilt was f.?in ? their persons, ami though tiny are held ?to owalt Me Gregory's arrival, ?t is probable they may net i"? the no n want ed. 'I'll.- tin:.I nun who WM With them, and escap d, I seen. 'I lie' I -till I.fllSe to .-a.\ thins about the'iii-.'i? i m.?-tila.. .?./' tha Catholic Knights of America oi tins city, held r?wterday, olutlon waa adopted pledging ths ,- a.ii .lues end ;*:? t ssments of the members ?in. have gone t>> war. ae long ..-- tin y shall he ohoent. Pour memtx s >>f the i rd?r in this city ere in nay, memo? : s of tia. tu?. Peters Mrs. .1. H. Holt mu? Mis a?, .if thiai dty, ?rode over t Ri hmond th.s morning on their o? i Joni s (colored), on . was ent.r..] by thleOee night, who broke ti?.? alot-macblne to pieces -nui sti.i. tu from it. A i? .??.l from th.? principal >.f ?Schools m Jersey City, N. .).. aaya it is ted that about l-?? or more of the ],ill.Ii,? SChOOl teai?? ..f thaat Statte, ?will iburg in a body in July. Rev. Father Hornung, of ?Baltimore, hi 'i .at St. Joseph'a ehurch Sunday morning, when special aervicea were for tin !.. m?t of th.? Bohemisn un ml., is ot o.agr?gation. The ser iras 'i? la* a i m th.? Boheml m lan I'.itie i ilorneftg win remain here tys i'. conduct a Bohemian mis Mr. Jam? . , sib. "f Richmond, who for Some tun. wi.rkint; at the Iron w orks, met with a ?pain ful accldenl this morning. H ?.-. ?run nlng a ?lathe at the un,,, when bis arm was ?caught lu the machinery and badly mashed, il,? r? .?. iv. .i prompt attention end serloui ? ??ia--. qui m s are noi .; hended. Tl..? nsniage ..f Miss Daisy i i .?inn' - I YountOlo, v.hii h v. for this aft. moon ait St. Jose] ' o--I until Thursday, on ec * "f the .i.aith of a young the bride dosa of iratmups bchobl The looatoa Samt Raded nn Bseelleat on??The Honor Ralla M? ' ?i its thirty-third m ,.t i_ o'clock yeeterday. The principal opened th< - by ?re id? in?.: the University and ?college record "f I at- as heerd from) f-r the year towing ..t the ?Unlv? rsltj thirty-live id prof si lonal dlplomaa the ..f th.? boys m.ikinir all their Rl( hmond College- One > one .. medal. Number of diplo. laas not yet reported; Rondolph-Ma< naga not jrel heard from. ?R? ! "' I from other t oil? I not Ivgd. Tha l-t of VAt* on ? xa.minatioii In col ?lege *""! achool was th.n nani. showing two UNI - on maathe.m itics at th. t'niv.i ' \ Irglnls b) !' i- Wormeley, end ., ii .at th.? sein...i sa ?showed whal herd work could sccoteplish. Tin- following lists were then read and the medals and certlfl. - distributed: SCHOLARSHIP HONORB. i c rpli Ribbon division (M t.. to 100), K. ?.' ?lall. I*. i'. u,t,. rton; I T<2 t" IE), !'? McK. Blstr, \ Cosenove, o. H. Chslhley, I. Da ta nport, .i. .i. Gravatt, R ?' Hazci^r me, >.. T. N. Mordeoel, T, W. Pur , ii. .i w Rl? Iy, K. s. Robert) on. W. M. ... .i M.i". Toaipftlns, M. B. Warren* ,,' t. w. Boyd, f. \. Ear v . od, W. h. Lamb. il. Red-Ribbon Divisi?n (M i" Uy UP l .?.a to Ml .1. ,M. Boll, -i. i?. Blunt i' ? Ftt -tu-?a. B. R Host Igrove, ,i |,. .i...?..-. j. P. Nash, ' H Powell J. A- Richardson, D. '? Talley, \ v w.-i.idev; : M toU?, K. si. August, W. ci. Butler, T. a Devi . U . u ?lean. .1. !' !> Saussure. J. [.'<;. y a <;-;.\. x. I". Bargreve, C B. Lathrop. H. I_00?, C. W. Lewis, R. W, mb, i:. i- Lynn, if. M. McCsnoe, Mi Velgh. A > Pope?, J. t. Robert B Ta.her. W. P. Ipshur. A. P. I'p iiiu'r A H. Cpehur; Lower School-J CJO ? H), A <'. Brace, J. B. Hancock, W. a. . B. G. Routt*?: ? 01 to i"). J. F. w relld, J. B. rroesaaa R. E CHever, J. B. Ragen, it. W. Miles?. Q. Nickel?, J. , Pendleton, '- D. Pretlow. T. <:. Fmy* oa .,. c. Roberteon, B Roott*. L. * gl r, 11 W. TiatTo.d. W. W. WhmOo, : I. Walker. Ill Blue-Ribbon Division (80 to 86)- I .Pp?r sei,....! a, h Botes, D. B. Bset- i ! h m Bldgood. T. W. Brocksohroosh, < o Casenove, s. <?. Chrtotlon, P. A* < .n(ll)y, t O. Kiiysom t'? W. -^W. ? . R. A. HPbooa. R. N. IU ?mber. H. T. Millet. J K. Morris. K. {cleor?. P. P. Nelson, C. C. Ootorblnd, W. ? ,n I. H U later, B A. west, w. ? ^hitiock. J. T. Wlaftee, P. t. Wood. i,,*.- S h..o)-J. W. RrockenbrouKh. I - a lf Bwlg, J- W tiordon -J. I . Srshsm. O. W. Morris, ft ?mjMton, J H. Smith, It H Whaley. J. T_?WtOEO, ? CredIUble standins -i'pp" Bchooi-c. e J. U. Auderson, 1>. *H* ? RTldgett. F. C. Jones, W. ?'. o'Ferrall, O. k. Ready. ' " "T School-L. McLeort, M. P.. Unit h, 9 ?pshar. C C, Walher. Al.sent from examination* for ?uffl deai oeasa but atteaded wwugh to ?i i -.-1 - si.m without fou (?iletra? a,I t'niisslKiie.i AI,?cut from one set of I xirnlnntlons for gSSMsal cause. Upper School?L_ R, iiA,,*, f.. S Hurt. <3. P. Chrlotlaa, H. C Proehttag, T. C Oordon, a. ? Reason, .1 IL J*ikin*. L R. Mason, H. p. Rylaed, C. W, Taber, C. i?:. Whltroek, c. C. Whit.-. l-ower School?R. <"arr. a. Nickel, F. w. Rtiesa. Books for Reochtng Required Standard of Excellence In "Measortter*1 Lesease I_ower Bdiool -.). W. Boyd, .1. W. Brock enbrough, A. C. Bruee, J. F, W. wud. u. ft Glover, ,j. n. Hancock, P. A, Harwood, W, P.. liornh. j. i>. Pretkrw, ?L W. ford. J, T. WlnKO. CONDUCT HO?70RB Salver Models UppOT BSbOOl I'. A. An demon, J. R. Andereon, i>. B. Beottlo, I* a. Cesenove, J- 0, Caaenove, O. H. Chalkley, W. H. Deen, j I. Oravatt, C. W. Oregory. ft C. Hell, N. P.. Hargrove, I" B Hergrave, L C. Haaelgrose, ft f* Haeelgrove, L, R. Jeaktas, J. D. Jones, It. A. Ilot.sii-vn. *'. W. I^wis. H W, Lips com?.. j{. ft. Maoomber, H. T. Milt? i T. N*. Mordecsl, P. Pemberton, A. s ?Pope, J. A. Richardson, ?R. B Robertson, a Taber, a. B. CpShur, n. Cpshur, ?r.d w. *?. Whltlock. tower ?School?A. C. Braca t. H- Han? Sock, W. R I_imh. M H. Smith. K. Fr>* ahur, and W. W. Wlogo. Whit?- Rlhhoo Certll U s?Upper Sel.1 A. .1. Allan 1*. H C. H-aMie, r. W. Brockenbrough*, B. S, Bort0, O. P. Christian*, J. F. DeBaussure*, D. -S. I man* C. s. McVeigh*, j. i\ Neeh*. w. c ' ?*' s. l'. Ryland*. C. W. Taber*, K. A. West?, end C C. White?. Lower School ft. w. Mlles*, O, Nickel*, and S. S. Smith. M.'iaiis bol for ion? abeeace or on" i. met i* for the ?session. SOCIETY HONORE Rsodei ' Oold MedsJa J. M. B ill, S; H. Lee, 2. B, c, Christian, ?.*. C. S. McVeigh, I; J W. l!il.-\. I. Reeders1 Certtflcstea of Hhxcellence?D. s. I?"n ?aman, 1; w H. i" an, t; '. B. La throp, 1; P. P, Neli on, I; J. P. Qrsy, I; M. B. Wsrreo, I; a. y. Wsddey, I; Et M. August, i; R. Nelson, ?i. ?Declatmers' Oold Medals?D. f. Pree ma.n. i: W. il. Dean, :'; R. N. Macomher, I; R, Nelson, i. Declatmers* Certificates el Excellence? i K. Monis, 2; O. F. Ready, t; W. M. Button, I; A. t. Waddey, |; N. B. Har grove, ?. L C. Haselgrove, I Eaeaj Ists' Mi di I J P. 1 ? ?Sans un??. .'. s Tab? i. I; O. n < helkley, I; T. A. D .vis. I; .1. .1. c.a !.. u. Tei lt y. I Essayiste ?CertlScatee of Bscefleoce? K. S. H irgrave, t; J. T. ?Roi i ison, i ; J. T. Winti?.., l; C B. 1 hrop, I; W. M. Button 2. A. F. ITpehur, t; C I Me Velgh, I; J. A. R . r. P, Chris tlan, 1; B. C. Hall. L i.? i '. rtt Oold M? dsls ' ; p Christisn, 4; J. Il Powi II, 1 Debater's CertIScate of Excellence?W. P LTpahur, ?i. s? i,....i Bcholarshlpa for 181*11 Looror school scholarships divided amoni ..f the Purple Division In th I tlon R? d Ribbon Scholarship, J. P. Nash; Purple Ribbon Scholarship, i: C. Hall. Mr. T. W. I'ur.eii, sseigned to that (under the regelattona rc^uirim? high atsndlng in ?advanced atudleA calculus, Be i. thi n delivered sn elegant valedic tory address, ami with a few words of counsel and farewell from the principal D,u session rlosed \i-\i? of Hi?? City < our!?. in th.? Heatings ?Coui i i aterdey lbs i*..irinK of the esses against Alonso Wil liame, .han.?-?I ?with the mur.Li ..f Wil liam E tanton, end Em< si k? charged with sssaultlng and roi!., it. Wingfleld, was p tponed. The for mer ? e goes orot until the nexl term, ut th. request of counn i. Mayor Bichard M. Taylor, Come weetth's-Atteraey D. C. Richardson, and s-of-the-P? sea I ?. 1 Cst? - and Herman Noite qustlfled ?before Judge Witt. Mr. J. T. Lawrence qualified t" ?practice ?law In this court. Maaitiai.'. licenses were Issued to .lohn i, Cobb arid ?Bather M* rtland Coi r, - r of i ?. i'. C "r. Rob? n r. i;., and Kll. n Batkins, .1 lughter of John Betklns, and Albert M. Platt and ?Bertha M. Hues, ?daughter of ?0? Km. s. in the Lew and Equity Court ! Minor granted a ?divorce to Jem Qathwrighi from Albert L Qsthwrlghl ?m th.? ?ground of d?sertion. The Court also entered an order com o?<n of the coup!? tu th. custody ot th??ir moth, i. judgment for U9 with Interest wsa red In the casa of the Union Bonk of Rli hmond agelnsl B. L Hlckinson. judgment waa ?rendered In tin City Cir cuit Court f"i UALU In ' Mil let iv Wins-...n agalaal Mra John T, Poa it..?, i m ?if Jaetlee Joha. i lies .lohn had ai plenty t.. do yt dsy morning, and Treasurer Thomai delight? d at the attention paid him. Nal Moshy, ?the porter arreated iy B r* seant Tomllneon on Bsturday, charged with si-aiiing finm ids employers, ths Olobe sice? aod Clothing Compony, was given months for stealing and sn oth? r tw. Ivs m.'iitias .m the t.. in;.? a BUSplciOUS chaira, ter. Il tirj Whit-*, a n. gro, an. sted f..r drunkenness, was found t pistol ..n in- person, end wsa Sued BO and the costs. in th.? . ase of Rich ird r? -- (colored), charged with ssssultlog snd besting M ir garet Btok? a, thi .< seed asa Bned and COSfa William Dandridge (coloi ?? i the throna for engaging in the ?rather on becoming amusement of beating Ins wife, and wais tax? .1 RO and m- Boetleea Highly Appreciated. Th.? la. i Satordo] afteraoon talk on tha Bundsy-scbool lesson for thla i ison arm ?given by i?t*. Pell In Association Haill Saturday efternoon. At the close of th? study Qeneral-Spcretury el Kee stepped forward, and, <>n behalf of ?the committee and over one hundred of tin attendante opon the clase, lo a fen srell-ch eo words presented t.. Or. Pall .-. substantial token of their love ami esteem. After nr. Pell pondi ?i Mi*. Thorn u r itti told of t'ia? i? i ions I benefit ?the class had him. a large number remained .at the of the hour to chat with I >r .Pell end to express their hope thai he would ?be stole atloue the studies dorios ?the ?soi Promoted on Merit. When Mr. .lames p. ?ftsbba resigned a* first assistas! Bocrotary of lbs Richmond issodatloa, In order to accept th.? general secretaryship at Portsmouth, the emtter of tllliiiK the vacancy was ?deterred tem porarily. At a iQimllns of the Board el Mreetore, In Id lOt we.-U. Mr. F. H. Hamilton, the leeoad ssotstest aecretary, was made first assistant. Mr. Hamilton lias l.-.n with the association sine last Beptem tier, ?tml has proven a most acceptable nid effideot .?tthir. Tin- prossoltun is ?ell merited, and was by a unanimous ?rots of the board, upon recommendation A Mr. M.Kee. I lie 1 IU-' Mount I ii lit I X, ?nr.i.iii. RlclUaond Innige of Elks are OITaaglag 'or a greet and Kran.l excursion on the itaoaasT Pocahoatos on July nth, The oinmiitee. OOnslStlng Of F. P. Hurkc, p. ?. Kelly. C. B. Neal, John K. Mlchle, and I, c. Motssor, are arranging detalla end iromlse all thait attend a good time. The DOelcal proarammo and SOBSOff will 1?? h.? eblef attractions. K. 0, Hlanks, of LeeisvMa T< x . vritcs that on? box of DoWltt's Witch laze) Salve was worih ***) to him. It ured his piles of ten year?' stundiug. H* dvlses others to try it. It also cures Ml ma, skin diseases, ami obstinate ttgg, STOCK VALUES UP. ByUBBtB?S OK It All. WAV* (?KStF. itw.i.v snow UU?BEB?tMBB, BOND MAfiKET VERY DULL Operation? tm*n*t*Ay Centred In Hie -jie.-iiii, i: , ,- iBsne??Mnrkct Batas *l. ? ..a. i h. Ilonevrr. anil ("lose* Very Firm?I'rorlMlons (.sin. SF.XV YORK. June W.-Stock values genet oily sppredsated In salee to-doy to the extent of Important fractions In the standard shares, while ?lbs lasproveaaeat wss ? ai gooai of the At the opening the beers at? tem? lea of lest and In the first quarter of an hour "iras lu ths l'?i? - "f some Ire ding specfsltles, tut tha rod" ahow? i ; t.> the setting movement. The serntnga of reilareya for tim aecond sreek ot Jane generally ahowtd lacri 'nur.? v ?vidence >.f heavy parchases by houses repreeeatlng substsntlsl la ta which i|u.<"ki\* steadied ?the mar* k.;, aiiid eventually bTOOghl abOTS aid raaeea well above Betan_ey*a ??losing, el? though realisation ot lbs tbas deterred th.- improvement tendency. The ?move mi nt to stool : oily < redlti 'i to ti..? i . ? -, i about ii i ti?.n, sad the doelng was atrong. Tin- h?.nd market was v ry dull, and were i?r?;.?i\ ?centered ?In tin Fluctuations* during the forenoon were slightly ?lower, ?but ike market subsequently gstned strength, 'um. Quotations tor gov ernment securities were unchanged for .. . bul old rogletered 5*a ?plcuoua for an Improvemenl of '- *. g hile tha old l's, coupon, 1-4 In the bid price, ?Purchases of the old l'a, ~"> pon, w< re made si am advance of a point, while the l'a i - '-' ?r *'i. suffered ai ton of t-S MONET AND EXCHANGE. Hm . y on . m |g_n l-l per cent: last loam .,. i | ; ? , prima mereaotUa ; 11 ?per cent Sterling < '"' with actual billa an 14.851-.?'!; 85H for ,;. : at 11 M for sixty days; H.851-2 and n E; oommerclal bills, 14 ?A Bilvi r certlfl" '"- >1--'<':*- Bar *l]' ' r :.s::-l. Mext? an dollars, ; .,,11,. an bonds Irregular, NEW rOBS STOOB q?OTaTIOBB . c loslnc. AtsMasewiaoeaaseSSSBOags.- IB Atc?.son, preferred. ;;*' * galtuiiorftttii I OBIS. a?* I'ansda I'-k'iS'. .- . . 7,-* i anana ?Son t oera. ' .ci'Ml '.i" DC.- . __** Obeesreaaexed ?sis. .i~* Hi,.??... -?n?: A t"ii.- -.i?,.** Chicago, .uriiuetonn-il v. im-y.* ." *? LLUajmanJ Kantern Illinois. Out* {_,. U.. C.aaS -St. i.ont? ....... i*M UC, ?. anJ di Lees piefHioS OBareo as ln?'av?ar( and Hi Iron.... Delaware. La-niiViimift A Western.ISO L'.n ?.-: -itnl'ir.iai I*.~ -':*t lii-nTeraa.i rlioHTxnln, prsierrej.- <\'to Xi i_ (a-j? i:i' hrte iaew,. 1stprstsrrso. *i-*ri it rt .Vara*.f' li te at >i-naer_i. prefer.-a .?T7 caim Valley ._.. Wt lilm. lai.eutral. u*? i, assBoa sai ?Ve??ira. ' * ?Lase sne aad If aaara, pietaaiSd? ? _* 1.a?? s'jor?. TSS lusuisrins ?n i .Nii?Uviii-.. ,2.** Manhattan _,_. . aOa?B Sen ? uian rrsettoe.'"' Vieliiifan i.'rtuirai ....... io4 Mtopseetsaao st. loom . ?'M stsassoosea et. Loses ?at oceforros? se Missouri i'h.i'i?-. -'4 U MoMleandOU'o. . ?0 *ni??oiiti l\ una t. ' ' ' * MiseiMsri. n.aed r. preferred. :,:i'?? >pw AlUBiiv aun i aleado . "vt New aibaay and votsage wsteered. 99 **jttw*en?f coairai. . -.- " ? New 1 01 X ("?(lirai.mam*.llOM Am iur?,i uicni?i^ailM. L . IS K.Y* caieagoaaaS?. 1* i? pretorred.... SA B. i.. * n'.?n... sadei. i- SO erst ser os. ' *) Nsrtn?estera ... . i* .Nm th American i ?.?nuaii). 0 NoTiSeraraciOs. ''"'u .Ni rtlicrn ."acin^. ..rumrrsJ. *sij* t i-im?. and Western. 1 I OieiiOli __>ead Aav.-. '"'r* t liegen "-?nvc Un?. ?i 1 itt?tiur{ .181 UeadlLS..-.. i'?'_ SoeLlslsao......?cm,, m.Louis uni gaaJfranissco.- ;>, st. Loua?ana s'il- Francisco istoret?.. i :i^ m. Leaa ?b.i >iu Irrauelsco .'i prefi. t..., ri.Paul. M.raui u."?r?rr-?".M -.^l is?, n. riia?ainl iiraati.?. '.t; kkl'auiua.l Uaoha, yraterrsa.|?S M. faul. il. auil 11. . 141 fmilieriira-'in.-: ..*.... )si* S'-Ut'i?: t:. ^^ louttiern. preferred. ?2014 TesasfsoiOfl. ii>, 1 moni acitic i.ref. 7>o I . I'.. I). aiiiH'. 7 4 t\niiH^i.. st. ueoM aad ramo.;. 7 V\ atar?a, st. Luimaiiii Pa.:lflo. pr?ter: ea . I'. n u?. 111.S do 1-.?tu.) hati . lu Btseiiaa aad Iahe Brie iireterreo, t. r.. it' axrsosi covpairss A'lanar t-xpriMH.100 gxpress .1?'( i elleoStates Bxscsss.. 40 AfiiB KergoSxprsas._..fio ?us Bi Lamosa gassrlcaaOattse ou . "0 a?eficaa Uottoa un pretecred . ItAA Smertcaa Spirits. i.,a,4 Aiiie.ii'iiii spirits t,ref?m?i.? ;tn aai?tican tobaces Ce.HSM .?\.m rtess 1 aba ?Oa i?rnf?rr?(_.lia Chicago ?aas..,1, CXiDSOll.tale.l ?.?ii.It'll Coat. L's .I ;.i Col. /.iel *l ......*;. M ? ol.ytiei XL. or.furred. no CssieralSleotrM. gyu lllini a-^to?i. .*,. i4 a n CIS a* . .hV^ LeaUTru?'. .. 11 ?.?an ur?iirrei ... ........ .lo..'4 National las Ureron I ?iiur.ive.iiei ' ' o.. i. r.. -.0^ rsclaOn Mail.... . . '.sVt HaUmaa Pals ;?.I -,... ?MlTsrCerttoctisi . ?.s^ Haoderd hone aad Tetas. | AsBsncar seser HeSaerr .^,.Rtitt Aiiaericnn SBgST BeSSSCy, nret.It :4 i. u. ?u i tree. ?j::v4 i . s. i t-ii?t-r. ~,iA l?. ?*. .eatber preierrua . . - I . H Kutjher..,m. . '..,'*, T. **, liubbor prsterrod. , ei>it?iiiiInion .-i l,v.,. Dm -t." aad Southwestern. ?'^ a5?i. Li.iiiB an?! 9t uhwratfre let preterrcd. 11 ..? hm(inndn 111..1 Beaaera. ~n llodran.t? a t V.i-'srn. pr?t. SgU : hicage ''' 'lt Wesigra. nxg Hawaiian ('.mini.aal r.inipsny . MfJJ North w?rt?;, Ni.lthwertptu. t.r.-f-irea.1,1 I"1! l?ret.-rrej. I.", BuNU I.MT. Colted States 4'i?. new. rectriereJ... ?S4al ."> I nueil State? 4 ?. new. coupons.I'italVi Li.:ieU blue? 48 .lUSJfalOOU Itlltt-a rslh'-r* 1 t. '-OUUul. ..ill Uintei-8tHid<i faeoapes.'... y,*, Dolled otate? >' re-jis'.srsJ.lli^tallju I DlteU State? ?'s couoon?.ll i^al l?ju liintrPi :i Ha * .llftC klat.ama ICMSS A.I llj a\labama (liars t?.lu;, Mtbamt Idas? t.'J.-..? .() HaiMPiB Ourrencr. 9u kteOtsee 4'r. *,.*_ .tchlson 4?. nrjk* Lanada Soutaern g .lO?^ ' . ge ;pe?ansalie Jfc OUio 6?. ) 14 IB. S t>.-lii'r?ilfered.104?^ )rCTer* K. U. tsts.lOti^ iiinT?! * K, (?. 4'i. 941, EastTsnnBisee lit*.1.,,-^ trt? ttenerai4?. T.J? f. W. At I?. 1st?, t. r._... 7a<te ??neral Kla-uac ??.103 ?. il.a 1 A. C'a.I?'.. J. H.ftrt. A. SdS.104 I.AT. Central 5's.10? i. ? T. Central con. 6's. .IM owt c. ut?_. .ldt ?Bisiaea mi* ? mt .i?, 4'a.100 ? A- N. L'n_ 4?.. VO14 _t??c?ri d'e..100 .1. k 1. sea. ism 1!. K.T. 4?. ?~4j lew TorkCsntrat 1st?.liu ..?.IdfMTO?lfll Ft.]i4i* lortb uarotlna ta.. l-'5 ?oriP < arolinai?. ... .*?. 1044a lortbero I'sytiootst.I 7>>? ..>rtuoriir"a uic .1 ?. 61*4 loribern r?_.:itlc 4'*. 9144 I, Y. C A r.i. 1..4*?-offered..Ibti* iorfoik and vVesteru n -.1<?0 ?erthwastcra Consol? .MO i.-rUiwMtsiuusao ..-.ilti'i Or?eos .Harlcailoo lets... ......114 ?Jrerrn '-istfcation Vs.. 9A O. ?. i.u.s-Vs. t.r....^I'.'tH o. >. i.ine.v?. t. r.107 (?.imoro?ement 1st? t. r.I * U. imf.r..Tsm?.iif Ufa, t. r,. 90 l*a?in. ? ?<!* tfi.10?^i Kea'lin;-.'?. eh-rto M. u. VS. in?. ?? St. I.. O l. ?L consol h'e.04*4 !-...- ? *, V. .^,ri ?a.I ' * i.avi ueaaao..ttf, ht. V. L. m P. lau..F*b*4 ht. PaulC. a K d'a.11" heatOers asnearla,." imh htanrtard hop? and Twtnn U's-otered.. . ??> Tvnneesee as* ?et"alem?ot .'Is. SI le?a? Pacido __ < *. ists-"tlerod. H'<K leiM^actOc registered'.!'?. H*** I". P.. uenrer and Uulf lr.u. ?Il?4 Wabarn lit ?'?.101? Waha?b -'d?. ***** ?ret Hbore 4'?. I0H*? Virginia < untunes.~ " ? Virti?la deterred,. _-*4 Moim-un-l Ooioi'i. Tit* NorTolk and Wertem ."onuol 4's. j''U Norfolk and Western prof, stock. hi Central o' tleort-la con. .' ' . .... . t*n Central or O? > ?la 1st. 4(?14 Central of (hsorgla '.'<]. II KICI1MON1) STOCK MMiKKT, 'ti ?n . June '.'0. is *'. 8i!XS.?">0O Virgin's re<litered :i per ronti at7W; 5h0 V?renla Centarte? at 71 ; 500 Vir finta rentarles at 7'2; 9090 Klchmond city ii? atli'.V. AitOA Kt'-hraondclty ?'s at IIS, Oovernmsvt SKtrsiTim. BM. A?ke<l OatteOOteessOli tool. lif-K STATS MB'tH North Carolina *"B.- 104?4 North CeioUae 8*a. IOS Virglola ll't (new:. 7t* Virginia Lontury. 713^ ?09] ?.jit -ji c. r a Itictimond city 8's. 13V 'Kl"tiiii.>iid dty 0**a. U4 l'.iciiauKi.iottys'a,.?... US Bichinoiio K>4'l. 1...R? 104^ it ah ?cui> Sansa Atlanta * C?arlutte ist 7's...... 11H A'lauta O ( liarlotte ajenar, in. lis. 101 (ieorcia. ooutboru a florida dt 10AM ''"' 1 FetSCSOars (. i i*- Ai .. -. IF'r? ; l-'fereburg (tlas? H) F?...,. Igl I K.'cliniond and Me.-ileuburg 1st o*a. ... to Si.iit'.ern itailwi^. 1st .?'s. 04 Western North Carolina 1st 6's, ... 11'14 . IIS 1 (ieorfia .<" Alabama prei. ..'.-,.... lot 100 * UeArgiasad Al?bame?cenecla. oiV4 | Kl. liai? ml 'I'r.-i.-tlou .** '?. Uni 107 I Sortola and Western 1st moi\. ceii. i peroeel .. tsovs RaSLBOAS SfOCSa !'ar. Atlant'i and Cuariotti.100 IPS i06'i CSssepsshsssd OOia.ido -2 ...,' ; North Carotas.ioj lago NomsssBd Wasters prst.. 100 >i 140 14*> it. S P. 0 li. I?'. & ?'. . oun'i'n. 7u uv lt:??h!uouS. KreJer.ct-?bur< sad Potomac eoonBoa.100 1SS lt.. r .< I'. .Ill, iiDlill'D.100 110 Hi. illll. ill. tre tet\ 'kmilirg sod Potomac tl P.C gtd.,.IOt 140 i.. t n.?.n t. r rodorteferbarg aad Potomac 7 P u gtog\..iOd US Soutt ern It'iltway, pmr.loo lit (.ecrijinand .Mati?nrt. pr?t. :ti ;il Uecmia sad Aatsaioskeea_i i'4 11 .ei.ri.-ia, Kuiitt.i-rn an.l I-!..ri lu c i.-iim.n ... .... '.Hit Nomtk Street Hailiriiy 1.0. :ii :i : JUNa, aroesa Cittseas Bxcesage. ss . " *'_ City Seat. 75 -.? .... Hrm MailOOal. 1(X) 170 Bsretaata Aatlaool B00S.. 1SS 1K4 ... Mutrouolitnn.# *g "ij Nati-.neiUaukor Va. lOu lOl IOS Planters ".ational Hatm.lui MO l'eteisinirt SHVtuns and in ?uran. e 1 uinpany.'?0 38 "- omr. .too 107U state Hank or Virj{iala...,. 100 14'.' linloo Sank of RtsOmood ...AS 1174 Var.mia I rust ? ..nipany.... tUU lia 115 ha Tings Baak of Kick (Bond., 'it, d? ..0 Kkh. Safe Oep. aod Treat Oo.M i04?-4 100 ISSOBAMOI OgBTAntSS ViririniHi-ia-^ aal Maria?.... I > 35 :i7 *.r?iii?.?, Plata. SA 2l)rg BaMsuAsseea Asiarkas lotia-"-"') compv sy (preferred).103 lis Anitfn.-.'.n i*i? leceCeiapaay loomiaon).?0 114Vg TH.-carelluat'heaiical pr?t. 100 108 K? V?.-L?roltnai hemiwai com. lOU .'j4?>? OOU] ^notattoQH nre for bond? matarlu? In nol less ISM t.-n years. DRAIN'AND COTTON BXCHANOB. Richmond, v.. , June -", lah\ Quotations: Wheat- Longberry, HI : nixed, '-,:: ?ahortberrr, : -.. No. 2 ?red, Virginia white, beg lots, 8Sc.; No. I s hit?. ?c.; No. I ? No. 2 nixed, > . No I mixed, J7c. (teta?No. 2 mixed. :!'-,.; No. 3 mixed, Be. Rye-No. mlnaL RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, \'ai., jum Private sales to-day were small. The tob u , tor mak. 1 the fol lowing report for t..-.laiy: Brlght-'Inaaspec ti.-n^. 1^;.. reviews 1 Dark Inspections, B; ?d' wa ". j'i? re? . bright Inspec tions, l; reviews, ij. lurk -Inapectiona, * ',, 1.?views, t, Messrs fraser a Thompson soooencc 1 Hal.? ..t i" hogsheads ..t mostly Louis? sun-cured tobacco on 'Change to-morroa (Tu< day). Crenshaw*s Warebouae reporta 3 de liveries anu? 2 ?receipts. Also, s ?sal? of I i. ids. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. NEW FORK Jobs M Flour Merket declined early, but afterwards steadied un, with wheat; Minnesota patente, HJOtj l-'l..ur- Weak ;,( 001 Cornmeal imii. Rye- St? -riv No 2. Be. Dull; t. . ding. B 1-30006. ?Barley Mall Nominal. Wheel ?Spot firm; No. I red, ?Be <>p I?.i<t ?1 weak opening, and s?>!.l further in answer to demoralised cable icws and ?bearish weither. ?Later, the short interest, alarmed over outside buy ing, covered rigorously, and provoked .1 lete rally, which closed the market Orm ?.t s i--'*, advance n\?i* Saturday's curb, 1.ut I'll-1-.?, ol? from the regular close; No. .' red, July, closed 77 ;-4<? ; September closed 72 l-2c.; ?October, 7J1-..?.; December ' Corn Bpoi Rrm; No. -' Mc. Options 1 ned weaker, with wheat, rallying later a g?ood di in. tid. and cl( mer and unchanged nom Saturday; July dosed pti ::il" r ClOS d a7 .'-4< . ; DOCl m Ool a.i- r: N'? 2. I '. ?[.! l< M qulet bul fairly stead), 1 losing un chansed; July ? Beef? Ea , family. S11-5O0S12; extra 110*101; b.ef hams, 02.50610; India '17 -if 17..".:?. ( 'ut-Mfa pi.kli 1 ?bellies, oulders, I 1-4C : do. hams. ; : :-r i cu na 1 ; west? im at? am? d, v>.io; nelly; refln ?i steed). Dull. Bteady; western creamery, - ictorj, ii -. u Mc : Elglne, mitation creamery, 124 11 l-2c. O hite, **.,: Steady; Stan- ami Pennsylvania, l-2c . west? rn fr.-sh, 11 l-201tc.; (lie. Iy; new, Voll. Cottonseed f mil. Ii um- Dull. - .!'!>*. t.a Stl idy at L'7 1-400 i-:e. 1:1..? Steady. Cabbage?Quiet; south?ern, 0@tl.37 1-2. Coffe. Options opened steady, with prices .'. pain's lower, foiiowinK decline or 1 the rat.? .,f exchange at Rio, bear ish European rabies, aa?l foreign selling. s.ilatlon moderately active and well distributed throughout the list Outride public still manifesting Indifferent spirit. iteady and ' ?points nei lower: - ii;.. baga, Including July, 0.86; August 16.60. Spot Rio dull; No, f. invoice, r, l-tc.; No. 7 lobblnSi *i ' >< Mild slow; Cordova, 8 ! .".11':. 1 _ ?. Suiiair Raw Inaietive: fair refining It, I .7-10c; ?refined quiet el i ?-Se. THE DRT-CKX3DS MARKET. NEW Y.iKK. June 0.?To-dajr*a err goods market showed tirmin-ss thr?*>u>,'h out. in Kaple cotton lin. 1 the demand is fair at th? L>w prices quoted. Bleached koo.Is have sold quite freely since the late reductl? as, and fair-eloed stall orders have soasa in alud are still arriving, in prints excellent results have been obtain ed in fall faiii.i'?-. Other lin.-? of prints have Kalm-.l streiiKth, In sympathy wtth the nn.v.-ment In dark fancies, ?'otton ir.-is goods srs In felr demaad, though Irregular In i>r?. BALTmORB PR0DOC1 MARKET. BALTIMORE Jun.? '.*??. I'l'-u? Weak and lower: western superior. 01000.01 Wheat Dull and !ow>r; ?pot an?! th. month. 7S 7-Vo-Oc.; July, 74 l-4c, bid; Au gust. 7. l-.c.. Ma! .southern wheat, by asmple, JBWUe, ?'orn -Steadier; spot and the month, 361/35 1 -4c; July, 35 1-4^35 l-2t-.; August, southern white corn. 3? l-0c. OstS guiet; No. 2. white, :Cti32 l-'Jc. Rye-Dull and lower; No. 2, near-by, 17. No. . western, 45? l-_e. ?raln Freishia?Very dull; demand ?mall; steam to Liverpool, per bushel. 2 l-2d., June; Pork, for orders, per quar ter. 3s., asked, July. Hmrar?Strong: granulated. II.4?. Mutter-Steady. ?. Kg???Firm and scarce; fresh. 12 l-2*?f 13c. ChBese?Steady; fancy New York. large. t'-ril ?... do. medium, ? l-2ii9 3-lc; do. small, i- ?vi i I-? ?Lettuce- | r basket. Whiskey?0.0?0.28 per gallon for Ilntsh e.l good?, In car-loads; Sl'lMttl***) l'-r gul l"ti for jobbing lots. CMICAOO PRODUCB MARKKT, CHICAGO, June 2?).?On Important buy Inic by shorts, wheat to-day more than recovered from an early .-lump. July closed with a loss of l-4c. ami s- ptember i.-ft off with on advenes of MBO-tc Coon ami oats roes Mc. esch: pork gain.?.] 0c., lard 7 l-.'c.. and ribs 0a I.eadiiiK futures ranged as follows: opening. "Ughes* ..o*."'- Ck>?log* WniiT?No. .'. June. 7X 78 *7**> ?1 July. 7la?< 71 '. ? 7.* Sen;. iit^rtaCrt7'? t-7-i 05TfteSO iTH*H Fee. tillan*. (?8H?H otA* 0?s% ?oax?No. 2. Joes.nm 01 ?-i :*"s BBS July. :il'*a.l3 ?.?*.*% :tl?f, 3!?fca*, *ept. ?A*mWk M? Rot **n Oats-No ?. J'Jiy.ISN MMaftf '" *(, ?tt? ^ Pi.t?**\ .'l'4?s '-.'(>* SlM Mr ?'s Pom?Per HbL lair. ti).7,7*4 ?r**g*;*r to.;..*> ?uro fept. W.70 lu m? ?70 U 07^ l,AKD-Por MO 13?. J?iy .two 0&.SSM i.*>ro ISM tfept. hgtM )! .' * b.tOri "? Shout Kiik?I'or loo it*. Ju'y.a.'i.40 0S.SI I.-..40 ?*pt. .-,.",u ?.S3H .' .;a) T?.iiiri Caeh quotations were ai foUowg Un, 2 yellow corn, 0 ?-i-m l-2c. Klour irregu hir. No. :' spring wheat, ?o. i spring wheat, ''.iw71e.; So. 7 red, 7-? I'.'c. No. _ corn, I'lUiM Mc. No. . l-"_.?.t No. 2 whit-?. 2* l-Jc.* No. :< white. 27c. No. 2 rxe. ii.. N.j. i barley, -i i'-?c. No. t d. 0.10 1-2. Prime timo thy s.ed. 060. Mesa p..rk per barrel, ' '.*:,. Lard, per tan pounds, 072 . 0.0. Short ribs si.les, loose ?'.. io .. I dry-salted shoulders, boxed, short-clear sides, ?boxed, $6.754i<i S'a cut-losf, unchanged. Butter lirm; cream ery, n ?i!-;- . ; dairy, 11 l-i',ii'. l-2c. Egga ti nu; fresh, 10c. TUB COTTON MARKBTB LIVERPOOL, June 0 < otton-Spot quiet; prices I !- >./. lower; American middling, fair. J5-l?d. Th- sales of th day were MOO bales of which SB ?beles were for speculation sod export, and in cluded 7.700 hales American; receipt.-, 1,00 bales, Including M i?al^a American. Futures opened easy, with s fair de mand, .irid closed steaidy; American mid dling, low middling clause, Juni I .: i..-'ltd., sellera; Juna and July, I B-040 3 2S-S4d., sellera' July and August, XB-mtJ alii.?; August end September. :; 2S-?44i.3 _a*id., sellera; September and ?October, .M-04d., buyers: October am.i November, I ..;-.?i.|., sellers; November aiml December, 3 22-64d., sellers; December end January, !2S-64d., lellers: January and I', in lary, IS44d., value; March and feb ruary, l0-64d., buyers; March and April, _ -11-tWii? 24-tytd*. sellers. NEW rORK, June 0.?Cotton futures OD? Bed W. ?ika sal. s, 1100 hales. June. $. July, 032; August, 0.3?; September, 011; ?October, 010; November, W."i; ?December, 0CS; Jenoery, 011; February, 014; Man h. ?- il Futures oloeed weak; sales, 146.80Q bales; .June, 0?: July, 00; August, 00; Sep tember, 00; October, 006; November, 0.02; Li.?mber, 0.04; January, su00; Feb ruary, 011; March. 0.14. ?Spot closed easy gnd i l-Mc. lower; mid dling uplands, ti7-it>c.: middling Qulf, *) ll-l?c.; sales, 1,70 balea NEW ORLEANS, June 0, Cotton fu tures ?bei si) ste id) . ?Mies 11,00 b * June. 0.76, l.l.I; July. I6.W?10.?; AumtVt. f, *u?\*l ?1 a Septenio* a * O '.'b-r. t'.iH'it7,i,7: November. $.'. < > > ' ". Decem ber, t*. ?..-ij.*. 71 ; January, 0.72*i<45.74; ! ' b ruary, 0.75^0.76; March, 0.7M10.S). NEW FORK, June 0 Cottos Boey; middling, 07-lOc.; net ?receipts, ?00 balsa; - ipte, TO bs i-1. exports to I 100 hales; to th-? ? '.infill? tit ??aks; forwarded. -" . bailes, talee, 1,10 spinners, :'!') bailes; s<. k (actual), !M 06 I . TotaB to-day: Nei receipts, tfifl bsles; exports to Oreal Britain, iSYI balee; to Prance, IW) bales: to ths Continent, 1.111 bal? ; -'", k, 160 170 bal? Consolidsted: Net receipts, ."..uta hules; exports to Great Britain, I 7,*,*: bales: t. Prance, i?? balee; t.. the Continent, i.nt belt i. T..t.ils since September i<r* Nei recetpta Oreal Britain, to Franc?. 100,711 ?bslee; to tha Contint ?at. 10040 b NAVAL-flTORE M M'.KKTH. CHARLESTON, B. ?'., June -'? --'I'urpen tlne Maik.-t firm ?it 241-2C.; sales, non... Rosin Quiet; sales, none, unchanged. SAVANNAH. OA., Jan.? 0 Spirits Tur p. min. - i?"irm ;.t Mc., bid; no sales; re ceipt-., :!.3::'i csshs. Rosin?Firm and unchsnged; sslos, barrels; receipts, 4.170 barreta WILMINGTON, N. C, June U.?Spirits Of Turpentine-Steady ait 23, re ceipts, 117 casks, Rosin Firm at II and ll.O?; rooMstS, 7*7dl Crude Turpentine?Firm at 1100.00; ?rs celnts, 50 barrel-. Tar ii i m at UM; ?recelpte, 0 bssreke NI ?RPOLK PEANUT MARKET. NORFOLK, VA., Jone -" (BpeclaL)? Tha ?local amorket for Virginie psanuta farmers' stock, la str?me, but decidedly Inactive. A f.-w dealera leem to be hold ing on to their stocks, though for what purpose aa not apparent There air.? few Spanish i.ut:< in si^in. am.i the pri?e <.f thea? ha? Jumped te We. per buahe] Th^ demand for the .xport trade Is satlefac tury. P. i i of N'irglnias aire: Fancy, '.1 I.? : stii.tly prime, 11-403l-2c.; prtsss, Il->?3c.; common stock. 2-. SUFFOLK I'KA.viT MARKKT. BUFFOLK, N'A.. June B.?(Spedol)? Merket quiet; farmers' stock, fancy. :t:t-tc: prune, 11-1 to :?1-L'c; mildewed, 1 1-2 to 2 1-te.; hind-pick. d. fancy, 4 :t-4<-. ; . xti.i, S '.-ii*.. Spanish, No. l she'ied, .:.:- . ; No :' ll-ic.; Virginia shelled, No. 1. 2 l-Jc: N". -, I l-lc ; Spanish, farmers', 0c. bu PETERSBURG PEANUT MARKKT. PETERSBURG, V v. June M (UpoclOl) Virginias tlrm at 3 1-00 1-4*: tor K'iod to fancy; Bpanlah tirm ait 75c. PETERSBURG COTTON MARKKT. PETERSBURG, VA., Jam ill.) r..ttnn steady si I Mc. for good lots. Mamulle llomr School I lonliia. Th. Bducationsl ?Department of the Mais.mic ?Home win bring i<- aeosloo to a with appropri?t.? , \. n lees si thait Institution tod-iy cosaawnctns at HZ') o'clock. Mra W. B Murray win be ta charge o| tbeoo, sad gory sttrocUfo programme has been srrsnged for ths occasion, under her dlrectloa which Id? eludes recltatlone, reaesoga sod musical lions by the pupils. I'l-tlllon of Ike Sloi-k-Men. CooamlsMonof W, it Pltsgerald, ?of the iated rallwsya Brote to hoett ?Brauer, of the Union Hoch-Toeds, yes iy, that do decision had h> i-n ar rived -.t by the roprooaotottvea ol the ' ' * rioua roods teaching th.> . i ask id for tin- transportation of ?Cattle to the new yarda The esetter is stin ?being ?eon BderOd, and OO answer will (.-riaimly to man!.- to ?the petition maoe tim<- thta w?.k, Plculc of l,??lali-^lreet ??ehotd, The aaeeol picnic of ?Leigh BtroM iiu tlst Sunday school will t .k- place Thurs day. June 2Zd, at ?PloMdSStS I'oiK?. Th" aka and ohl? rallw.iy trim leaves the depot at Mi A* M. This is gas >.f th?- tutest Sunday schools in the city, and alSTSyS carries l:irK>- crowds on Its p?cnica -.i ii.lai ?- . lni.ll Mei'tlna. The Kxecutlve Cornmltt-e of the Bondsy iehsol Society of Vlrglolo win meet a* tha Jef?i-rsoii H.del this evening ut 7 o'clock to consider th?! State work In county organizations. Tin- hasSQOt will pa at H:Vl, and the ne. aslnll will in l most enjoyable oeo Lettets to th.? ssoaasjttee li.-re show that doesgOtOS from many ; | will meet the members from Rich mond Independent '( yrle i lui. Tn-Mght Th. Independent '('>ch <*lul). composed of mumy prominent younif 'cyclists of thin city, will hold a short buslnass meet Ini? to-night at their club-house. 1310 west Broad, to be followed by s vocal and In strumental concert. Refreshments will be served, and a pleagant evening Is as sured to all. Elastic Starch?the housekeeper's friend. -ri va.te I AL. ?^r~r*s- uV.W?A*M ari-v Bank of Ricftnrcm?*!, Vs. ON AND AFTER JULY HI THE RATH OF INTEHKST paid by this 1-ar.K on "Kavlngs accounts" will b? at the ri*?> of TURKI. I'KR CENT i? per rent.l p*r annum. A. ft. lat.All'.. j^u-ijyl_ Cashier. mi? BARB W. M?IHV, Banker and llroker, 1015 EAST MAIN STRKET. Government. State. Municipal, it) I road llonds, ami Stocks. Virginia -Carolina Chemical nnd Peak Stock* bought and pold. r.ouns n.gotla'cd. Investment se curities a spsetatty. Foreign Exchange. Letters of Credit. Je ?-'I'h.SiiX-Tiilm_ __t W?? Offer for Sol? Sdvmqs Bank of Richmond, Notional Ban* of Virginia Stock, Virginia Vm\ Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company Preferred 8 Per Cent., Norfolk Street Railroad 1st 9's, Charleston and Western Carolin* 1st 5's, sad other attract, ln?e.tmeai lecartites? John L Williams & Sons Hankers and Brokers, Richmond, Vs. [te '.'?-Tu.'l*aA,?ol LANCASTER & L?CKE, UajaassaEE OSUt iimokkhs, 1107 Malo street. Rl-rhmosd, Ta. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OF ALL KINDS DEALT IN ?ni BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, LOANS NEGOTIATED ON CO I.LATE RALS AND CITT PROPERTY, fe 16-Tu.TriA-S*! ?_ RICHMOND TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., Northwest Cor. Tenth ead Main $t?., KIGH3IOXD, VA., OPENS FOR BUS?NB6S .UM: 1. 1808. CAPITAL, - - $300,000. Acts in All Trust Capacities as Trustee, OuarAtaa, Keeelver# Kit?" ll.ll", ?V?".. &0, Manages Eatatee, Oollecto ln *oni*"% Receive? Deposit*, atyl Allows Interest on -Dally Bal ances. Lends Money on Approved Col lateral. Aril ?te RegftftrHraeid Tnmsl'er Am.ut uiKt m? Fiscal Agent tor lilies ana Corporation*-*.. Pr?sident, - - Jobo SkeKon Williams. Yke-PrcKhknt, - Jtu_?g H. Dooiey. Sec1 j au4 Treas'r, Keary Uaiton CabelL US141I_^ The Great Southern 'nst.tution. The Life-Insurance Company of VirginiaB Horn? ijfti. , Rlehmend V.i O. A. WALKER. J. \V. PF.'-rHAM. 1'resident. s- i-retarV lite, Endowment, and Industrial ?Policies Isa-in-.l on most l . rnia Premiums payable weekly, quarterly "-.?rnit-aniiiiiilly an?! anna..My .N.iTK T?11S GROWTH: Premiums received 1ST, niu? ly-ntne thou and five hund? I x>rr mi u ran 1897, si : v t :;. ni*.xni{i:i> a\i> KIKTy-'I WO Til.-ISAM) TWO HUM. DRED DOLLARS. ** Through Its INDUSTRIAL p?os, the benefits ol lif<- Insurance urt> placed aiih tn the ?reach ot all, ,-.?irh member of the child and .- 1 ii 11 ? tiring insured at premium-? rangln?: from 8 cents to SO cents weekly fur ?.mounts from J!j to tSOO. ORDINARY i.i i?: Department, wita Insurance from V'*i upward?, ob 'nl?_ns adapted to all condttloss ->f ?if*. This company has RIG11TEEN MIL LION dollars Insurance in force. Total payments to pollcy-holdei NEARLY THREE MIIJ.liiN DOLLAR?, dlstjrl bttted tersely among sout!i<?m widows and orphans. ml, J9-Tu3m l" ' *a\ \\ HteBooOso Note?. WINCHBmS, VA.. Jum- 'M.-tHirn clsl.) Mrs. Lucy F, Lovett, orldoor of X, * Byron l.-.v.u. ?lit?! al her residence, n is Winchester, laal Disht, alter a protract ed Ww ..i y. .irM. She Is fiiinlissj by on? son, i "i ..t'.? --or lasses H. l?nv-tt, principal of the Shenandoah Valley Acid-, .m-., of this city, an.i one daughter, Mre. i.11i.t Allen, ot Florida la ?the Corporation (.'-?urt this afternoon ,'u.?K.- \V. M. Atkinson appoint? ?I Rey, Dr. .lohn E. Bushneil, sdmlnlstrstof of Um sstats of hi:-? uncle, the late George S B ist*.!i-?il. The estate Is valued at over Tliey I iiiloim- Hay. \VIN?'HKSTKK. VA, Juno 20.?*8p?. (lau? The Frederick County DesaeeratH Contention s is ! in the court-bouse hall, and cishteeu delSSSfSS and a it*- number tea w??re elected to the congressional convention, which ?meets in ?Chai en July Mb. Rdsolbtlona approving the course of th? presenl representativa from tn? abevepth District, Jam? I re adopt ni. R?solu! lona ' pted re* eflrmlns tb? Chinese platforsa, t*so I -n in yoor ?.tundrjr. M U.IM. IVIEI.LIOE.1CB. MINIATURE Al..MANA''. JUNE U, 1801 Sum rises .1:80 HK"H TIDE. Sun .-.?is .,.:. Morning,.??:2t Boon sets ..1 ?7 Bvi nlns.t:2t ? ? . ARRIVI imer Richmond, Hiller Now York, merchandise am is; ?Jid Oomlu? i-.n Bteamsblp Company. S'..iiii.?r WinMili. Simmons, I'tiiiadeU phla, merchandise and passengers; ClydS Lin.-. SAILED. -. N r' ilk; merci ssengers; Virginia Navigation Company. Steamer Richmond, lllller, New York, m* ! ' mln lnii St. unship Compeoy. . PORT NEWS, JUNE Ml iHy telegf ARRIVED. Bttemar DnrSnaton, New Torts Stt?am??r Olaf K i ?city of All .i.t ?. N? w York. sailli-. st.ain. r 1 Mew 1 Schooner George I-'. Davenport. Be s toa. S lioonei I.? vsIs II Go*?aj cboonei Bailey, rrovHence. POUT OF BERMUDA HUKDBKP, VA_, JUNI M MMi (i:y tel.-grapn.) ARRIVED. scnooner John A. lieu, condry, to load Knaber, BAILED. Schooner 11. 11. ?ir.uit, Sutphln. New York; luml>er. Hurgo 1'lmlico. Miller, I'hiladeiphla: lumber. POUT t>F W EST POINT. JUNB ?, 1*R_ (By t.legrsph.) ARRIVED. Steamship Baltimore, Murt?hy. Bslti? mon-; passengers and grncrui eargo. SAILED. tteamshlp Halttmor?. Murphy, BslU? more; ya?t?engei?i and seneral caigo.