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2 ? i I ' '" . THE MONDAY BULLETIN-JULY 11, 1698. _ THE FLIGHT OM?R?, Official Account of the Complete Destruction of (he Spanish Fleet. VIEW FROM THE VIXEN Details of the Fight at the Various Stage? of the Terrific Encounter. PROMIN1 > : OF iiJH>OKI.YN. The New York Appears on the Scene Towardi the End of the Enijage:iient. fKUM sUOHl . N IT ALL TMB TIME. OF1 BAN! r..,. li '. Jul. : IrtK it :ri,' . Iftxea: At >.tr. A. M., thi " r harbor. Bi to be as uaar, tykag a T The Vixen at two : %% t . the eha i ? n/oi I nnand* Ing offli er, quart.;- I ::.?,. ih< tin oklyn'i fin unobstructed. a signal thai thi SU? n wai to . - that the ; WllTi) tempting I The lift at tton, nod i'- ' " W : thi tno . h iruor, en. a terrllle tire upon tie > ' stay. BNCMT COMINO OUT. Thero s I > my wnn poming "'H. Thi ! wen mon mined whi Iher the his i through the bl' ; hasp hit ahlps together. The leading ves* B?'l I . When a I illowi d shortly bj the Cristobal Colon, was easily identified raasi aras bei two su The fled, as the Vtscaya, the AlmtrsaM 11 do, nud the In si ta Mai u 1 UM : t Msanwhi spproai hi d the month <-f the harl ir, and whi a the fourth rasst i appeal ' ind t?rm I to the s ha" reconnolterod UM Re?d, si the w. ;' the i bade, becaui Barreal had drifted thi ships e?ft of l heir customary positions. The wtstcrn portion of the I whs defeaded by the Vixen and tha Brooklyn, The Brooklyn headed north. apparently Intending to Inten i pt the head of the saemj ' ( sli ran battbrixi open. As the Madli a of 1 imy'i column Sppt si opened ri hoary fin apparent 1; . at the eastern and c< itral shlpi of the btoekadlng aqua AI It Brooklyn i ti CWO leadlns ahlpa, a hlch i i gether. with an loi real tera Of a mill I " I ! dp anrt the Cristobal Col n. At 10:01 the Brooklyn turned aiUj n port helm. BsSklng s complete turn t.. the aast, ?o that ehe was a tin i *? . i .may's leadlni on hor starboard quarter, and thi fourth ves*-> a mlng up rsi this time the Vixen was ?reSI of tie in?.: ship, and was etsatntaxj on ? pamllal sjoui For the usxl fifteen mlnutea the Brook? lyn received nud returned the fire of the two leading ships, si i :lnhot from the Cristobal Colon, At i" ' rere well f irme I, the positions b Ing a* folhrwi The enemy's snips in column bel Cabanas and Quayacabo, the Bi ib arli | m i ; slM] course :i ml with the Oregon two miles south- i t The other Ann rlean \ ob Bcured by the BBSOkS. UBA0IKG BPAN2ARD aim,ami: At bi..:.: the < Jolon snd oth< r li ships of the enemy's w< just ?leur of the Brooklyn's bow. as viewed front ths Vixen. The Cristobal Colon was gaining speed and closing up Jt was apparent that the leading v< - ! was disahwi and on Bre, as ehe df rapidly astern. Sho apparently hi for the shore "if Juan Qoni The Oregon, forging ahead capitally, engaged the fourth snip. As she p two smaller Bpanlah veai . ibably the Furor and Pluton. to .. wi of Cabanas, engaged the leva and the Texas, though apparently en fire. But the leading vessels were too ??r to lha ?est to i o Identified accurately. The In diana was in sight a little to the west of alerto Castle. At 10:54 the Cristobal Colon was still gaining, and was reserving, her Ore At this moment the only American v< eeen from the Vixen were tin Brooklyn, Oregon, Taxas, and Iowa six miles be hind the Oregon. The Indiana was four miles astern of the Iowa. lAKMY'S PIRJC Too HIGH. At 10:37 the Cristobal Colon and other ships resumed the heavy tire. The second vessel wus five miles from the \'iv n. Th i ' ton was gaining rapidly "n the toba! Colon, which wat using powdi r Th aaemy'a fin s very high, end many of their shuts : r the B >kl) u, falling cloi > : the \ Is Isc? of sh .1 tearing the flag at her mainmast At M~47 the Prooklyn forged ahead end the Oregon tlrc<t her forward B-in?.!i gaa at the leading Span Mb v< At the same time (10:tT), th? Texas, in front of the Iowa, was gaining ra| Idly. At this time the Brooklyn's Ore whs steady and deadly, her shell? vrlklng or bursting slongside the Spaniards. At 10.49 the Texas reached Juan I sale?, and the Indiana was asuarently off Cabanas. At in.? tho Vlx- n r.npro heading Bortb-northw? si I he Texas was gaining rapidly, the Iowa appeared to bo off Juan Ootosal<*a, and the vac ht ap peared off Quayacabo, hotly engaging the enemy? ships. At 1M.54 another Bpanlsh eaaaaj r.n% on re. and heading for the beach, v.m a vy list to port. Thla wa? ths VI? a. making for the reef at A criaderos. THF. VIZCAYA AGROUND. At 11*01 tho Vizcaya ported her helm nd headed east. Bpaari - king the Vlirn directed their rtre against the Vis cay? until 1147, when, as the asfflatl afltfl damn, we iiaaaiil At ua 'here came s burst of flame and ?moke from th* I eaya'a atara, and all the ata?a reeamed the.r fire while passing the dttOBflOd ves avl, which waa hard on A.-e-i jOer-j? reef. At 11:1? the Brooklyn, Oreflflfl, T<xan. Iowa, and Indiana, th? tast-sassed tea mil's from the Cristobal ("own. w-ere in of the Vixen. it ' on . Mil that the veeeel at Accrradcro? was tlif Spanish fUga!i??>. AI UM the luwa hud Steamed The -end of the Viz a>a ?ni a ?he? t of Bad from BJi te mal dsSW many exploalons on board the Hpsnlsh . . i by the ignition aae ( about the guns. reset) re chryssnthemums, wltn smoke, as th? ' adef? II from the ande o? ti. ONLY THE COLOR LEFT. Ai u ;j the. ehaee aetTowai Itself to the OrlstebeJ Colon, wh close h I re .and reren mile* from the V > en. v Oreajon ot.e poial <'ri tta atar an! fleStaat s aalle sud h half, the glyn one point m the etarboard bow, the Texas oa the atar? listant NM ItlOi tMfl lOWfl two pointa on t1 ird aide, distent eight miles, and the New York one point quarter, distant un ] c. i were ap |y off Boca del Rio, but were too d in n hase sad smoke from the lead ing ships. No ?th? r vi are la moke from the ohlp d< - and to lha east ward co d be aa a, I at the vessel's hull ran talked. lha r : tlve pceillon? of the American akdflfl f tlcally tbd same. the Vixi:i ?ffl I aaJVllia, n miles west of BenttagO, the Texas three points on the starboard quar - than a mile oft, and the n the . and poi t b w, dletanl four and : :,.' Cristo bore two i oints on th- atar ; bow, distant fully ten n.; . i :n ii pilot on the \ i' :. that veeeel ws_s off Bayaanlta. The i * v. is f.'ik' :: fl 'in the OtBl -'. and IBM it, m;\v tfORK IDENTIFIED At 12.-06 the New Tori was in line with bun ; y lacaya, at a dlstam nine m thi Ti gai was '.n the stau .V ?ork two ("'?ids oa the r and gaining, thr. ure , naif pdnt on the starboard bow, , n| on the port bow. .. Cristobal Colon one point on the rd bow. still milt I away. Al 11:30 the Or son Bred a ahoi which iba! i lolon was th' n down from th Vla< n During hour the oceai lonal ahota from ti,.- < and the Brooklyn shuck near the el At 12;.',') the- Tesas w.?s on? print for th? ' i be rd beanu an-i was . I, '.Klyn headed Inshore about four point* Al l:2S thi rexs ; Igm Hi n< my i ported lo the New Tork, but was 11 t ec knov.. dg< d. The Cristobal < lolon was through glasses aiming close Inshore, and, according t" the pilot, al iti" 11 a/a th< nghl on boar.i Vix.-i a whit-- Rag wa. displayed on th? Ci tobal Colon, but this subseaut atly : to be ei raping at< am. At z o'clock bosta from the Brooklyn nl alongside lha Colon. At . fixen " ?ppt i oil Rio 'i es quino, nesr the Brooklyn and Oregon, N< w fork arrived Bv? minutes later and intercepted the boata which were re turning from the Colon. in all of these obeervatlona the time ?raa accurately noted, bul th? watch used v. Bv? minutes behind the deck elo-k, reed rery \< ai ly with th< aoui > Indicated by the b. lis on tho other vos e?is. THE RITA SAILS FOR SANTp. Pari of the Sixth Illinois Regi intnt Departs Under a Perfect Rainbow. ? n.\Ki.i>-T'<N, B. C, July m.-The asShtp Rita, captured recently off . by tie Vai', ami purchased >i day by the United States Government tor ailed for Santlngo this afternoon with K? ne a of th" Sixth Dlln da R? -\ and thfir baggage, or..- battalion of the n glmt at Bailed with the . i : fjeneia] Qarrstson, on the Colum bia. It was found that tho Kita COUld not carry the remaining Ml men, so oompa? D and M were left bars. This divides the regiment up badly, The embarkation at Adper'a whnrf nt I o' was nu uasptrlAg sight. The mea of lha Blxtoeuth Pennsylvania ?md ad aad Third Wlseoasln regiment;; drawn Up on neighboring ptsrhssds, their rcRimentai banda playing patriotic airs, which were reeponded to by the band of the Illinois R?gissant on the A RAINBOW. It had been raining hard all day, but ju.'t as the Rita drew out Into the atream a perfect fflinboa) appeared, spanning the entrance to the harhor trtuaaphal arch tinder wbioh the ("hip area salltnf, The watching soldiers caught the idgnlftcance it tha Incident, ami a cheer wa ler-fronl that could .i.i all over the city. Si sciai services, m ndocted by the chap lains of each ol the regiments, were held in various churches of the city to-day. The Otami Duchess la expected oir the bar to-night, to take a third expedition I to Santiago to-morrow. JAMES J. CORBET! AHP KID M'COY. They Atjree Upon a Twenty Five-Round Match, to Como Off August 27th. NEW YORK. July 10.-lt Is announced that James J. Corbett and "Kid McCoy have agreed upon terms for n 25-round match, tu come off at Buffalo dflgast r?lh. The purse will be ?tfO.OW, with a side b.-t in.hable. It is aa|d thai McCoy's representative? piovu-ionally as?) Corbctt'a stipulation that should the po lice UUertare the Utter is to have th? winner's end of the puree. tAMARA'S OKKUEUS SAD. Mairb Affected uu Learalnar of De ? iia-tlnn of Certera Fieri. MESSINA. 8ICI1.Y. July 10-Last night the officers of the torpedo-bt>at-d<stroy ers which accompanied Admiral C?mara to T'ori Bald arrived here on the return trip. They were much affected on learning of the destruction of Admiral Cervera's fleet, declaring themselves ready to make every *acrlttce, and determined to light to tho laau A PRACTICE MARCH FORJHE THIRD From Camp Alger to the Potomac River and Back in Two Days. PREPARATIONS FOR IT Hard Tack, Canned Goods, Shelter Tents, Surgeons, Ambulances, and Mule Train. KKOAOnrO IN BKIRMI8H DRILL. One of the Companies Makes a Long Detour Through a Veritable Wilderness of Underbrush. NEWS FROM CAMP CUBA UBRlv CAMP ALGER, July lO.-fSpeelnl.) This has been a busy Sunday In camp on account of orders received from Ganara] Ilu?br yesterday afternoon directing the reglmenl to prepare for a practice march to the Potomac. The Mart is to be made Bafty to-morrow morning. The men are now in pruaarod for th?? trip of fourtoew, gftiMS, many of them having no canteen*. While other things are slSC Beaded, and coionei Nails made an effort to have Um march postponed. Bui BI everything ha-i bi :i ariangcd, U?a I I B id to be refused, and ! the companies wer? notified to k> t r sdy, Revaflle will be pounded to-morroa morning at S o'clock, and bnmedistely gftsrwards breakfast Will bs bad The men will I form in heavy marching order, and tho raiment Will be put under the command of Qeaera] J. P, Qnbln, c,f ponnsyh i whoso brigads from that State win make thO trip. Two days' cooked '-atl?ns will bt taken, and th rtrot Will be reach ed some time- In the afternoon. The spot seic tod to spend the nigh! wfll be ?-ome wbere near the chain bridge. Shelter tents srere furnished nil the men this morning, and those, together with hnver SBCkS) blankets, and DOnchOS, will be taksa nlong, the ki hoary and . umborsome. being left behind. Tin; RETURN tpip. After arriving at the river the men will be allowed to take I 1 th, nn 1 after BOB* per taps will be Si rttCT than usual, as an early atari on the return trip will be made Tuesday morning. A numb:? of companies have their new re cruits on guard, and these will be allow ed to remain behind, together with OBS non-enmmlsslon?'d officer of each com pany, and all new men who are too tick to march. The boys hope that the weather to-morrow will b" a?, cool as It is, and they are glad that BU opportunity will be given them to show their march ing ability. A rest of ten minutes in i . hour will be allowed ictlng this time, the agil spot tbd about 1 P. If. The BOM 0 ' Will bs mounted, but tho company offl crrs will march with their rOOpsotrrs companies. TI1L RATIONS. The food used on the trip will consist of hardtack BO ?uods, and will bg carried on tho mule-waxons. ?Several hospital ambulances will also accompanv the regiment, and Major Smith and Ca| tain Anderson will be on hand prepared to furnish medical assistance to any who used it. The OnartorBUotar*! Do* p u t.Ti nt ha ! SOn BngUgOd all day in Is suing shut a, an,im inn. und other things to m. ?i who Mod th- in for to-morrow's march Outside of our preparations for dspart ure. to-day hut: boon eery Quiet in camp and the boyg h.ave been resting for their Journey. Some of the men who Were "ti outpost duty lam nleht returned to camp this ntornifig snd reported thai h senU? BOl Of en? Of the. near-by regiments, whild handling a rlfl. BiUl B Blank sh. ii.i .. i hand o ?npli t- ly off. PrivaM i". C. cuiiom. or Company B, formerly a Btudottl ;it Richmond Coll has Just be?n notified Of hla appointment priva cretary to General M. C Untier. Young Cuiiom i- from Um i ti state-south Carolin>. Mr. Jajnea Tsliaferro, son of cx-pnst nrnster I.awi ni TallAfei >, of Pi Icksburg, wat today saUstsd a< a mont? ber of Captain MaourMr'a Richmond company. will xr,T BE MOTMD, Colonel Nalle has bei D I fTicially inform ed by ? ien ral Buth r that Um Plnj camp will not be moved frosn Its pn location to the one which lud been se MOtod, and th.< erhob, rsgussal is over joyed, for we, h iv Improved and worhod on our grounds UBtU they SrO probably the be.-u looking iu tho whole of Camp Alger. Colonel Nails la reported to have said lately that the Third Regiment would not be here ten davs kMSJOr, and the BK speculating as to whir,- the regiment will go, If the StatSmi Bl turns out to bs true. Regular Saturday Inspection was held yesterday morning, and the new rtfi'-s closely examined. The gsaa haw bOOfl (arefu! with tn, m so far. and they have been warned to keep them in Up-top OOP? i: o'.ir boys make greal i implslat that the gfiverninent fUCUtshOS them with nothln* to clean their arms with, and say that they can hardly be expected to keep them clean. Small bottles of oil were fur nished In Richmond, but thene wire n M I up long ago, and nothing has b<en given us sine. An order has been raeeJvod at regiment al in ndquarters signed by General Butler, which directs that hereafter, In addition to the regular drills already he'd, each company devote one hour every day ex cept Saturday and BUBdBy to aiming nod firina Cartridges Will probably be fur nished next week, and the bays hopa ? n sham-battle. The eovpaay command ers have all been instructed to put their anles through the sKirmi.-n move ment?, and yeotarday morning the skir mishers could be seen on every side. I of tho eosapantos went lato the woods. and Company K toeh a long march as skirmisher* all through the woods around camp. They covered about two miles? al together, and went over ?round where the fallen trees and underbrush were so thick as a wilderness. OPPICBRST VXIKORMS. The commissioned officers, or, at least. a number of ihem, have just received their new summer uniforms, which are of canvass, with blue and gold trim mings. They ?re extremely pretty, and make a good showing on parade. Brown helmets are worn with the suits, as well os the regulation leggings. A party ot six new recruits arrived In camp Saturday night frf m Captain Rowe* recruiting office, at F*n derlcksburg. and were sastgaod to Companies M. C, and A. of the First Battalion. They re port that Captain Rowe has a number of Otbsr recruits who will probably nrrive hero In a few days. This battalion is rapidly nearlng the required strength Captains Wlllnrd and Rowe will probubly com? d?te th. ir duties In n short time and return to cump. The problem as to v. Urn to put the new men was partially solved when each company secured several new tents, afora are still needed, however. SECOND REGIMENT IS FAST FILLING UP. Cmpanies arc Still Losing Men by Discharges, However, and the Officers are Indignant. CAMP CUBA LIBRE. JACKSON VILLE, FLA , July 8.?(Special.)?The Second Regiment Is flllir.g up remarkably fast, and now lacks only seventy-five men to bring the enlisted strength of the uniment up to 1,^72, the maximum strength, The recruiting officers sent homo have done remarkably good work, much better than was expected, for while recruita were obtained with tolerabic ease while the regiments were in Virginia, it was feared that after the troops had lert the state it would be a. more difficult matter .re sttlastmenta. The Fourth has no; tilled up so rapidly, and still lacks a great tleal of tho LdflJ men needed to bring it to Its required strength. The fact that It is behind the ; In Die matter of receiving re cruite is flflplslai - > the tact that toe recruiting offlcSCl from tho latter workea m the \ alley and aVEathWSSt, While those from the Fourth are trying to obtain men in Eastern Virginia, whera the enlist ment spirit has BSTCf ; n so strong as in the lirst iv, o BQf tlOOl Beth legiments continue to lose men by AiSCbaraS. The company and regimental Officers are greatly vexed at tue ruiniess m.uinei la which certain Virginia con giaaaflaea are having men with a puil .- m home, it is openly charged, by < . : - i .m officers here that lawyers la Virginia Banking a regular business of bdVii I men Ulf Hill Uli flf a consideration. .m Isdrys, Cosanaay c. Fourth Regt? . wrote & warm M ttSt tfl a ct rtsin Iswysr. charging him with having tnfcSfl two men Hum CoflBpsay C for money, and the attorney wrote baca, Baying: "Yea, i am Hr**-1"! moBay( and mom f, > at of thla thing; I am not work ing for love." There is great Indignation ! ii and unhesttstlngly exj i auca lee, and the attention of the depart* m' nt win be, perhaps has already been, cailed tu it. OffaUUNO TO NURSE. A great many worn. D its "it ring their 4 rvio a to nurse sick and wounded sol hot aom ami be aaei pte L i oles? i Man;., chief aurgeon of Oeneral L corp?, says the medical department of the army (anno: take ,,a- ol item, that they idy hive their regular BUre?S, and that it would be BS ' i- y to I aff r?giment four aaajera or two ooloaai to accept women as nurses without a t hange In tho regulations. Of Course, what the chief surgeon says ? rf( ttly tiue. hat from what i bar? ... n of male nurses at the regimental and division hospitals I am of the opinion that there is no very groat amount ul wis dom in the ruling which denle.-? to WOUfld ed and Buffering men tho boons of the soft .--t-p and voie gad leader tow n ot a w. .man. If the girls are determined to nurse sick soldiers they will have, to do . employees of th- Red?Cr< lodety. The Virginia regiments have men recently by having them permanent ly detailed as mounted messengers at d luarters. They are Corporal Smith, Company C, Second Regi ment, Privet E .. Wright, Company l, .lot, and Private Hen Company A, Pourth Regiment Thi tail Is permanent, ai I will pro? bably not return tu their companies un til the end of th-- war, if then. They are in the imm?diat? ohargo of Lieutenant Fltshugh Lee, un Bheaa, Company A, Fourth Regiment, has rscslvsd a check tor $40, , rocs Oda Bf an entertainment In Berk ley, which he was . I to divide !y among the eight Berkb y mon in hi ompaay. I'l.RSONAL pow n Walter Amos, if COS I, Second ived a painful wound in the hand while in a playful scuffle with Barton Thompson, of th? Mttn1 company, but his hurt Is BOS fitting as!!. I'n. .. ga bferrlmaa of this com pany, is recovering from a protract-d 111 A bsll team, componed of members or Company L Pom ttt ?; |im mt, & : I team from Company K. of the same - of 8 to 1. The rio* torious team la a good r">.. and i1 thi Oumherry erosrd, be tua aUitsmem b? rs come from a Bsetlon of Portsmouth which Is pdvrn that name. Rioter, or Company K, and Lsach, of Company t>. are players with considerable rt PUl In Virginia, ami will be in the team with ii It Is proposed to taUo th? cham hlp from the First WtSCOBSta Doya A number of the members of Compaay K, c:t tho Fourth, will Rive, a germ til Jau kSOttVlll? Arn: |hl Csptaln Btringfellow, chaplain of tba Fourth, .. ' ire st the brt ehurch lent at 10 o'clock Thursday morning, which was attended by a largo crowd It <l? ait with his aronderful ex i. rlencea as fjeaaral Lee'a chief of scouts, and was greatly enjoyed. Mil. HASKF.H?. FIVEntL. HIa Remain? Interred Vi'.lrnlin Impreanlve Ceremoniera. The funeral of the well-known and pop ular citizen, Mr. Charles H. Haskor, w?s conducted from the Union-Station Meth odist BplaOOpal church at I o'clock Sun ds y afternoon. It was attended by a very larRo concourse, among them being tad of M'aBOIIB, of which he was a mem ber? Horn ico Union?and large d?tach ment?= fiom several other orders and from IBM llask' r-Marcuse factory. Many v. > ; turned away, unable to secure ?eats, al though the annex or school-room was thrown open and soon filled. The pastor. Ray. <"- L. Bane, otflclated, assisted by RST. M' Bars, B'adles, (Jayle, Boggs, Con ?table, and Peel. The hymns, which were thoss the de 1 was particularly fond of. were "The Home of the Soul," "I Would N Uve Ahvay," "Let Me Oo Where Saints Are Going." and "Beulah Land The prayer was by Rev. C. H. Boggs. Rev??. Beadles and Gayie read the M. The sermon waa by the pastor. No text w is taken. He paid B beautiful tribute to the life and Chris tian character of the decea The floral tribute? were vtry numerous and very beautiful, but the most beauti ful was that paid by the little people of the Sabbath school, who loved the de ceased, and whom ho toyed BO much. Af ter tad bod) bad besa placed before the altar, they came In line, each with a rose bud or other flowers, and aa they paase-J by the casket deposited their offering thereon. It was a most impressive spec The love of children was very de tr to the good man's heart. While the choir was singing the last hymn the body waa borne out by the pall-bearers and carried to beautiful Oakwuud. where It was de posted to await the general resurrection On the casket were placed a Bible ?nd a Confederate flag, the Utter beloved by him f?r ?'s sail memories, seat to the former. ut:?i.tK5i WAirrs. " VafATaa, ROART>ER3 IN A HANDSOME WEST f.e,i hrtrne ?.*"ge cool, rel1-fit?"l?h?d rooms, and table well kept up. Young men preferred. Address. HOME, care Dispatch. Jy ll-lii THI CINCINNATI III FIGHTjNG TRIM. All Necessary Repairs to Her Made, and She Goes to Key West, Thence to Santiago. HIE DYNAMITE CRUISER BUFFALO NORFOLK. VA.. July lo.-l?pectai.) The protected cruiser Cincinnati lett tne Norfolk navy-yard at 5 o'clock this eve ning. All repairs to her hull and ma ?Binary and to the superstructure willen ?as damaged at Cienfutgos were com peted yesterday afternoon, and supplies were hurried aboard her to-day. tine Will )roceed to Key We^t direct, and go thence ;o Santiago or Habana. The big cruder ias been thoroughly overhau.ed and her nagazlnes have been freshly tilled. She ? provisioned for a Mttg voyage, anu :ould readily take her pfgvM In Corarao lore Watson's .squadron. The loading ol laval colliers at this port is keeping the torco at the coal piers very busy. Tue Alexander and Albemarlc are now taking iboird fuel for the Boot dB Saiui.'go. the: B?FPAI? The dynamite cruiser Buffalo will re :eiv# her armament su Uns yaid. IHM is low here awaiting the Installation of tne rapid-fire battery and pneumatic tubes. Boms forty nMrtnna, Who have recently . a hard and daagarous BOrvMO off Sin and ashore at Guautanamo. have 11 rived here to be discharged, their terms Bf service having expired. The men are Ul burned brown by the tropical sun. to which they have been exposed. Moot ot them will re-enil Civilian watchmen are being dispsi with at UsM yard and marines BUbStl* tutod. Twenty-live marines from this sta tion havu been ordcrod to Poiuasouth, X. H., for the purpose of guarding Spa nish prisoners. Equipment* tor their BM and tifty tents were shipped to MOW Hampshire yestcrd iv VTRGINU BEACH MEETING. An important feature Of UM WOeB at Virginia Peach Is the meeting o! Uti Bouthern railway agents, to be hoM there Wednesday next, July Uta. Another tn ing event will be tho assembling at Virginia Beach of Ute Baahoard Medical Association on Thursday. July 14th anu 15th Thursday. July Hth. will be the BTBl day of UM moothag of the Seaboard M?dical A ition, The war ri ll< I commlttooa of Norfolk and Portsmouth are having little dUB in relieving UM anprlennts for aid. Th< expending several hundred dollara p r month among Um m of volunteers. stogoarmt" JNLOPOH. Buying Encouraged by Cheap ness of Money and the American Victories. LONDON, July 10.?The continued Withdrawals I I gold for Germany and Russia, and dividend payments, have ptaOSd a rise In the discount ral?, end money is expected to gradually become dearer. The stock market throughout the week boon rather more BCttve buying be ing encouraged by the cheapness of BM icy and the American victories, which Bed the hopes of p Btaye departn*, however, were unfa ;.. dally home rail way securities, which showed a fairly 11 decline. Air. ITltieS generally improv-d. on NOW fork buying, particularly the VandorhUtn. MAHHli II IN WORTH < AKOM.N'A. Mr. James Kuln. .Jr.. anil Miss Alma Hrovvii Wedded There. Mr. James Kaln, Jr., and Miss Alma Brown won married at Halifax, N. c, June 30th. The young people have been much attached to each other for sumo time, but owing to the youth of Mr. Kaln, who is hardly 17 years old, no thought bad ever i oti red their friends' minds. But love always finds a .. the opposition ?pi by the parents of the groom, they were quietly married. On the day of the ceremony the young people paired the word ground that they wore going on a picnic, and Ml?*? BfOWU ?ot a day Off from coheir:;, ?here she was employ? a clerk, and they took the train for North Carolina, where the ceremony WBS j I formed, and the happy young coup: turned to Richmond and took up their abode with the bride's mother, on south Laurel street. The groom's parents are still in opposi tion. WEDUED IX MOM'MEXTAL CITY. Mr. V 11. w i...dali and Miss Jessie E. Hiddell Murrled. Mr. X. B. B/OOdall and Miss Jessie E. Riddel!, the beautiful and attractive daughter of Major John Kiddell, and a BMOl of Dr. Thomas Kiddell, WOTt married in Baltimore, Md., on Tuesday, the ?th instant, at the residence of Bar. Joel T. Kossiter. The young couple had been In love fof BOOM lime, and decid 1 to go to Baltimore and get married. The groom is a clerk in a commis sion house here, and is well known to a wide Circle of frit mis. The bride was the Idol of the household, and only 19. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Wood all received the congratulations of their many Baltimore friends and returned to Richmond Wednesday morning to reside with the groom's mother at No. 2& west Cary street. pnoi'ovw.v Office city School Board, City Hall, Rli hmond, Va.. July 'j, IVja. NOTP'E TO Co.ViU \'TOK3. Seab-i proposals win be r< el red at this office until THURSDAY, July 14, 1W8, at U M. for REPAIRS AND IMPK<>\ K MENTS AT LEIGH MADISON, AND ELBA SCHOOL BUILDINGS. The lm ments Include Painting, Kalsomlu ing. &c. Bidi Bill bo rocelvi ly for each building, or any branch of the work, or as a whole. K a i kt< ... Of work to be mentioned in the proposals. Bp clrtcatiuns can be obtained at this office. The School Board reserves the right io t any or ail bids, and to a" ird the contract separately for each branch of tin- W'.rk. or as a whole. By order of tho board. CHARLES P. RADT, jy 1Q-Su.Mor..Tu,Wfi-ThSt guperv?or. AWriaTMEWT! BASE-BALL TODAY BROAD-STREET PARK, Richmond vs. Lancaster. Game called 4:45 o'clock. |f/ BS*J| ?niportersand Dealers. OSCAR CR?nF& CO., SUCCESSORS TO OSCAR CRANZ, Wines. Liquors, and Cigars, No. 14 Governor street, established 1843, - - - Richmond, Vd ~ imtiVtl ;myC3-i?] ?^^?MKweoeooeeeoM ? ! THE DISPATCH JOB PRINTING OFFICE (DISPATCH BUILDING.) DOES ALL KINDS OF ? srr?INTINGj I PRICES MODERATE, .#?J \ l .?, PROMPT DELIVERY, J? \ i ?' : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. * I SEND OR Gflbb FOR ESTIMATES BEFORE GOING J ?) NaWPhons 1258 Lb?cWllERE. Old 'Phons I Ms 15 tat 4 11 IIM'.'". THE P0WE?\S AGAIRST US, They Propose to Kalk Our Pians Regarding the Philippines. HONGKONG, July 10.?Consul Wildrnan baa no ofaetal Basra retarding the rossor ed occupation Of .Manila by Joint l or European Powers. Be will DOt dis liatch a bunt to Admiral Dcwey unless ord< red to do so. Tho German attitude at Minlla Is as mysterious as ever. Their ?hips are sur veying the baSOfl coaat in both direc tions. They are landing supplies at Marl vala, and Gorman ortlcers are. frater nizing with the Spaniard?. The German Consul visited Aguinaldo, but was coldly received. .News of peace negotiations have 1 grast excitement and speculation regarding the disposition of th? Philip pines. Spain can never make, peace with the natives, and America could never re turn them to Spain. "Peace between America and Spain," ,i Isading BugllBh ojtlcia!, "must provide for the. frcedum or annexation o? th? Philippines." TO OPPOal OUR RBTKNTION. BEKLIX. July lO.-Th? statement that Germany, Francs, sad Rossis had reach ed an understanding relative to the Philippine Islands, by which, when . unties eessed, they win combine to pre vent the United Btetea oc Great Britain gaining possession of the Philippine Islande, and that when the war is over .ai International congress will be pro posed, similar to the Berlin Congreso of Hit, to settle ?ill quegtiona connected with the war, at which meeting Gsrsseaj win demand Of th? Philippine Islands. or other oompi nsatioo in the far Bast, remalna true, notwithstanding tho care fully-wordvd denial bumiotficially isauvd by a news bureau hsre July 3d. Aa a. matter of fact, the correspondent has secure"! corroborativo details show ing that the. negutiutlwus between tho three PoWSfl are .still proceeding, and that while it la not intended to exclude Great Britain, Austria, and Italy fi. m the congress, Russia, Fiance, und Gcr tnaa) alii tahe the InltistiTS, provided, that the situation at th? close of tho war Basa to thi in to i ??i for a BSitiemettt ><f the Philippines question by an Interna tional cou. GERMAN PRaaha enragkd. The government press are furious at this important news leaking prematurely, and Bocae of these papers have? gone to the length of threatening the corre apondent with espulstOB from Gearnauy. On the OtbST hand, some of the govern ment papen r..jw admit the. truth o? tho story. The Paris correspondent O? the Kreuz Zeitung significantly saya: "it is feared in Paris that flflltflflffl aud dlthcult nego tlstlon .: . .iry ijetween the Powers in regard to tuo Philippine eues tlon, and it ail] be almost impossible to maintain much loagSB the neutrality hitherto observed." 1 lili -iH\ liiilie?. (New York Sun.) When we marched away witb the starry I; tg, Cub Bawhonr-i carried his surgeon's bag; Hut for BBS?I asnttd "no rear" in mine? I handled a gun In the lighting Uns. So, when arg had charged up the deadly gla.le, Where the Dons were lying In ambus cade, I was there to take what the others got? And the Spaniards gave it, plenty and hot. There fell of our crowd In the Mauser haal A thinl-and yet never a man did quail; But?well, we went back-then cams again, And settled right down to our work like men. In open order and firing at will ff? crawlsd through a very tough skirm ish drill? MFrum the trees to the rocks, from the rocks to the trees Just as close to the ground as we could freeze. ffhea I noted the tangled thicket sway In front about twenty-five yards ??ay, I drew bead ready to loosen ? storm Till I caught a whiff of lodoform. Cub Sawbones, alone with the wounded folk. Was cobbling the limbs that the bullet* broke. He bent to his task with th* tenderest care. Though the warbolt? were hissing every where. I halted with our oM-tlm?. college yell. And he grinned as he watched a lurstln* "You bast a great cheek to be here." he Baal, "Whan you're not e doctor-or otmded or dead!" The plant of the Arthur Frltsch Foun dry and Machine Company, at St. Louis, Mo., 1* In full operation. lu r 1$4f?T?& OHIO KAILWAY. Effective June 20, 1SOM. TRAINS I.I!A\E III? 1IMOND, HltOAU nUBsVfl STATION. 0.00 A. at, Dally, with Parlor rar, for, Porten; Old Point, Newport ?ewe, and piitc lP*l ?taU n?. ? on. g i ts at Norfolk with NcW n, ork steamers, e\?epi bun nay. .1:15 1*. If. Dally? with Pullman, local station. N"V \. ws. (?id l'oint, Noi and Portsmouth. Connect* ui Old Point with Washii.s ton steamers dally, and wltli Pa.tlmoro steamers except Sunday. 10:10 A. M., Mountain Expreso, m i Parlor car, except .* day. for Bonoorofte > n ots at Gordons^ Ills f a ungo, Culpopor| Calvi r ton. ManassB , Alexandria, and Washington; at U BtatlOU, ChaHottssvllle, for Lrachburg; at Bastu foi HagerstowB. 2:15 P. M., Daily, with Pullmans, t? Cincinnati. Loulavtl'??. anl ft. Louis, ?onneotlng ?: c.vlngton. Va., for Hot r>p. ags- ?tops onty a' ha* portant stations, Mtsia sei ved on dintng-cars, No r, Local Train, ?xeepl Sunday, follows above train) fr. in QordonavlU? t > O'fh?*?, 8:SO P. M.. Accommodatl ?n. ex? apt Sun day. for ChariotteeviIVs. Id ,",ii f M 1 illy, for Cincinnati, wl'^ F. P. V. Pullmans to llinton. W. V i . and Oordonsvtlle i -'nnatl and LoaMvllle. Menls served on lining Coi ne t* s' S'au ion, except Sunday, ' f Wlnchjesti r, Va., ?nd at Covington. Va, dally?, for ii i ipriBgs TRAINS LKAVK KHiHTH-S TREK? STATIOX. 10:30 A. M. Duly, for Lynrhburg an! Clifton Porga, ''onn?eti ex. t Sunday, with Basking? him. Alberen?1;, LexlPv a d Cralg Valley I ran and at Clifton Porge wi'h NO. for ( :n 'o?. i". 6:00 P. M., Except Sunday, with ch?lr ?ir. for Lynchburg. ., l Daves Lynrhburg TOO A M. for Lexington, except I day. TRAINS ARRIVB AT RICHMOND, HHOAD-STHFKT ?T\TION., Daily, from Cincinnati. lois A M., Daily, irum Norfolk a;.d >j d Point. 3:ao P. If., Daily, from Cincinnati ?r 1 Louisville. 0:50 P. M . Daily, ir>m Norfolk and l P.Int. 7:45 P. M.. Except Sunday, from Ron? ev? rt... TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STREET! STATION 8:40 A. M.. Sunday, from L x lngten and Lynchburg. 6:20 P. M., Daily, fr m Lynchburg and ciifton Forge, end * . '. Bunday. from New Castl?. Lexington. Alberene, a i Rosn-y JOHN l> l OTTS. Assistant General Pa DKPAATCBJB OP STBAAtatftg. 0 LD DOMINION ?STEAMSHIP COMPANY. DAILY I.INH FOR NEW YOKK, EXCiiPT FRIDAY AND 81'NDAY. Past?ng?ra can leave BiOhgaoad ' t except Friday and Bun lay via Che??p??*? and Ohio railway at NtO a. M . o? R mond and Petersburg railroad (N and Western route) ? A. M., conn- < at Norfolk with Old Dominion eteamer sailing sumo evening tor :>? York. ALL-WATKR ROUTE. Steamship Richmond leaves Rl<h: ?very Mondsy at B P. M. for New lor* via James river. Tickets on sale st Richmond Tranef?r Company's, a? east Main street: Chess pcake and Ohio railway, ?nd Rlxhmooi and Petersburg railroad depota, and at company's office, 1212 east Main It Richmond. Baggage clucked through. . M FREIGHT for New York and all pointa beyorl can be shipped by direct steamer sailing ' Richmond ewry MONDAY at 5 V M ' .'",.' . tV. ?tean?er leaving Richmond tv?r/ W LDNKsDAY AND FRIDAY at 0 P. M for Norfolk, connecting with steamer ' t New York. Manifest closed one hour before sailing time. Freight received snd forwarded, anl through bills of lading issued for all nor.bern. eastern, and foreign ports. FROM NEW YORK. Passengers can leave dt.ily. ?xcept Sun day, at S P. M. (Saturday 4 1 " Norfolk or Old Point Comfort connect ing with Norfolk and Western railn -.1 or Chesapeake and Ohio railway Dtroct steamer(vta James-river route) leaves every SATVRDAY 2 P. M ps-' aengers and freight), and freight - y ateamers via Norfolk every MONDAY ?.. i \\ KDNEBDAT at S p. M. Bailings from company's pi?r. No. M North river, foot of Reach street Freight received and forwarded dally, except Sunday Fur further Information apply to JOHN P. MAYER Agent. 1213 east Main street, Richmond, Va W I* Oulllaudeu. Vice-president anl Trafic Manager. New York. J? 24 ils-,* !.. .'.'?t'irur ' i..i?i?BS Ordere for printing aent to the Dis patch Company will be given prompt At tention, and the style of work aud ?< ' will be aure to please you,