Newspaper Page Text
4 N THE MONDAY BULLETIN-JULY 11, 1898. Terms. Flnelr. copy. ?r. 1 inrnth by mail to any addres:'. I'nlted States or Canada .F*\ AIMI III l?IN<; R \TI5S. Ilnlf 11" n or Least e . * 2 times . 3 times . V times.1 TO BflSSBsfla wants . **> Wanted li? 1? o? rooms to rent. WSflti < : ?OSBS, boarders want id. beard wanted, last sad found, parable In .*? !-. lei*. . 22 tea (11,1 g notl? In | type, flve lines or lose . T5 ?KKK n, ins r. HAIR vii!i:r.T. <>I>en Aftrr ft V. Vf. on BaaBaySa c- a ? : BAQASTA'f f sBK. IVSpIte i h us from Madrid, H is r that 1 it ' i? also ? t . ti ib la? ?luer. fbsrsn aoven / that this muy Is seel BBSy Hoc a It. Th< ; all over Bpsia ehow I I and manufacturing r bringing i and file ?if the . In many of the rural dlatrl io, the o f life. In 1 pn ^ m are dally going from I i d the sosos the wsr mean? thai they ?HI bi tad Ilk? n to the . I Inu ' It la politician t Bdvot ste Ml tin r pi w..r. That th the meases, I u and Bis thai spam i . with? Dut : be la i ?i m. It is to tbeli U ' forth until the era t i play of d< i have so thi n Ivea with all elementa that, whatever I the be utter)] ; d. From th; I II will I nadi h lood thai fi a m< n w< re ei a more awkward, unenviable, i trying i Itlon than : placed In. The eoadltlona that aui round hin i Isla the in. insist his ai '.a and : osae of 1 ajtvbu a 'or i v? i > i a a throws o i he I i ilso to throa so the war c. ri. rue. II to har monisa the peace ] and the war party, so unden i. a earry ri publli m or Car) Ism into power. That ha cannot arrest that un d. rOUITi id le mu? t know. ii mm m. rosi m . difrffg the in .:,/ novt Itiea I nt to tho present war is B of camp life m ST J S I h has fust asada Its appearance In 1:1 hmond. A jroung lady who baa not been forgotten by the aoldler boya In I esatly aurprised to receive through the Bsslta a hard-tack 11 dt, aa they say in London), a hlch wea addi I to her after the mann, r ol a pOStSl ?aid, pad ?inly Btsmped. On one aide was th? Inscription stating In Ink the lad} . deaca and address, while on the other grua a bi h ( m< 1 bi i icker, whii h, by the way. b lar more attractive as a medium of communication than article of diet, atood its trip well, sao ?had not evefl been chipped. Thi? to mostr?is its tovghneas and undeslra plenesa sa sn article of d The government officials have laid In s bounteous supply of hard tack t..r tlie soldiers who go to Cuba, as auch pm vi.-ioiis are easily portable and obv?ete tho dlfBCflHlee lin id. nt to eoeadng. Une Arm whi> h has secured b contract tot supplying the military with tiiis portion of their bin of far?, has had Impi upon Ita bard tack the slgnlncsnt ? "H. number the Maine.'' We do not BSflll s.c how tho ill-late I slop OOttld be forgotttn with auch a memorial sa this. IIFAITIFII. LAKKflDB. Boeing our city Pflflple HU hhl end thither on ezcarstona of v? tho Bulletin sometimes wonders if Rieh? monders generally know of tl of Lskestde Park. W? prefer t? believe thcin unmindful of tts i rather than, knowing of it, being Insensible to ita attractions. 1'or our part, we know of no more charaalng place thaa [-ah win re to spend a mornln i .,n sfternoon, wr for the matter of thai, an entire day. Riding oat from Richmond on the - Ihikc street-cars that are in that one gets a fine VtOW of t!.. lilis and val i. u. sr B ton Hi tghts, end, i through that pretty aubi m la th.- tul i - r of nelda and gara? sa. Th try about is In a high state of cultivation, und restful villaa snd aptendld ma mixed net i.- are to be aeen In ?very direc tion. The ride from ! irst und Broad 1 strseti to L*ke*ld< is, we suppose, nil of six or seven miles, snd all ah 11 th route the eye rests apon picturesque SC.? The park lts.lf Is :. lovely plSCfl. '' are haadr - of plessure-gTounda laid off at vast expense. Moreover, la a BBflBSgesie there which Is u source ?>f unfailing dellgbt to children, and assay who are beyond the hOflnsB of luvenlUty. In short. Lakeside l'ask is p| tee that this city ought t.. be rsry proud of, Bad our people, could BOt BhOW its appi elation of it better thaa by visiting it ovsr and ?.ft. it is one of the grestest of Major tiinter's many belief actions to RjchmOfld. PUS good i-usons, a ?mall admission fee la charged. Thla undoubtedly reduces the number of visitors, bat flrbJ B a how much money our pBOBta spend In ex cursions to other places, we cannot but wondi r al their parsimony flfhflB Lakeside la in ?lueatlon. Major (linter expended millions In rescuing the northern subuibs of Rich tnoii from bad roads and undesirable en vironments. Look at this country now? the houses, gardens, and roadways? and think what It was not mnjiy years BS?"-?! The culmination yf the Major's, ilans for tho Improvement of that section sas la the establishment of Lakeside [?ark. This we should like to see visited ?reds, where tens now go there. It Is of easy access by beautiful carriage i 1 by the street-car line which ins Its terminus on Broad snd Flr:?t and which 1? fsaaajoctad by trans v. ili UM cars of the old line, either in Broad or Clay street. Bf In the Cortos in May. 1S90. Bgoro BOblodO dOCmrod that there ni?! i,., n offiebii dsfslcaUoai nt BahBi nd In CnbO BnBBUnttng to I2C.S11.51?. and i?: ehalleotod the gwronunsmt td say that gytblng bad been ?lone to s'op or cornet he BVlL Oohoral Pando, in March. POu, fflrmed that emb? zzlements and de .... iit t? . ilings -, amounted to VK'.ooo.ouo. in , Oft, .* ' nor Casta?edo said be ore the. Corteo that feSnoral Proa* bad furnished to the gap* rnm-nt thi nom? s of 81 OOsWnS d other administrative otile,-rs igalnsl whom proceedings bad boon taken or fraud, bul got one of thorn bad ?.n k. nor Dote, a deputy, declared Ifl Ifg tkS I tal.llsh Baneet, la 1*71, tho eussoeavhouse ? ai i iii Bsooaatsd to aMMSt, Oft Slaxflar chsrges bars been made at other tine -, we onataV r that Um affain of U red la Innre part by " f surprising the Cuban !< ()." With rsfsnnce to tho matter of pro r peace, ?t i.- uadeistood that the of our sdmlnlstraUOB Is firmly itabllshed, and thnl it is to the oftect hat the overtures must 00UM dlncUy ron Spain to the ITnitod states. The Kui-opean Power other in win not be recognised, it is relieved that dSvelopmonts in Cuba and n Spain indicate that the Spanish Oow is seriously oonsidsrlng the pro position to ash f''?' peace. The fac? thai he time limit for the bombardment of extended to allow General POi il an opportunity to communicate ?ith General Bianco at Habana and with he authorities Bt -Madrid with a view ring the way for a possible Bur i i garded as an indication that be Spanish authorities are weakening, ind casting about fur some good excuse 0 i nter upon peace nogottnUonn, Wo trUSl this is go, W" wan? pOOCfc There are about 17,000 applications from the Btate Of Ni w York for the ivw United per i bonds, Msseaehusetfs 1 bOUt IMOO, Illinois J",0W. J'ennsy! i Rbodi i land has about 400, Virginia IjOOft and Kentucky BO, perhaps. North Dakota has only tars or three dose ii. Montana none*. M., i people who bars subscribed for the loan ass wondering when they will gi * tin ir bonds, and are asktno when tho Interest, on them win begin. Those oji tlons may be ansjrered In a word. About August i the bonds will begin to go ora the Tros rot y In i flood, and by raber 1st the last of them will have i" i n mail, <i, probably. Interest on lo tions begins on the date when the money is received by the Trsssury. a check or draft is nol money, but merely an order for cash However, as quickly as it la collected by Undo lam, the in t' I- Bl b. ?ins. While Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, was praising the Supreme Court) or the. railed St-.K-s before Go? Virginia Bar As ition at Newport News, on Thursday, Judge John nv. Alken, of CerterevUle, Qa., was denouncing the Peden! judiciary in the si vei.-st terms In an address which he delivered Ot Atlanta BS president of the Georgia .ir AfsodaUou. Judge Athen, in Atlanta, on tic other hand, denounced tho lift tenure of the Pederai judiciary, die tendency of the i nited stat-s ?ourts tu make laws, Instead of leaving tho ex of that function tu Congress, and the new ] roe, dm.- of previ Btlng I rime by means of the aril of injunction. Com menting upon this, the N?vv York Sun "Wo dar that bis views ?re extensively accepted ai corred among lawyen In the South and BoUthWl It." The Sun is right. Colonel Wilson, of the Manhattan Club, b. - 1.. i n down lier?' sightseeing. He buh ni BTO boy from a 'uban for HO. The boy's father was formerly a .-lave in Santiago. The child's name and ago an unknown.' Colono) Wilson took the child tO NOW Yolk to- lav. R? Bill be christened at the Manhattan Club and Uat' bli birth from July 4th. So says a dispatch from Blboney, Cuba, to the New York Sun. At tin* time of last year's report by the Pension Department, then wore sb widows of Revolutionary soldiers on ih? rolla. Of thOSS six, tour wero thf widows Of Virginia soldiers and three of the sli a. named Nancy, a female designation nol neiw in so genera] use us it was a century ago. Of the three Others, MM was named Esther, one n sim?os, snd thi Othl r Mary. n Is tO attack Spanish dock-yards, it appeals. Th" plan Is that he ?shall further cripple Spain by destroying half* finished warships. Tht- Massachusetts is to t;ike UM pinos of the Iowa la th? Mastern BOJUShrOn. It Is expectSd thai will i"- able to seil ob its honor taut mis-Ion by next Tuesday. "A eorrespondsnt of the London Bpec* : ?ails attention to the fact thai oui of a random list of eighty-one ofltoen li AmeiiCaa arui>- and navy there ai< three German BSmeS, one Italian, on? French, and on?' Dutch ah Mm rest an unquestionably British*" Not a Single American name jn nil the bu. .h-: _ m Our soldier bays will probably soon I I Totul-looral, too. A Wur Primer. (Cincinnati Pest.) A's f. r AJphonso, the boy King of Spain l: is for Blanco, and brief i?- his ntga; (' is for Cuba, the tyrant-oppressed ; u is for Dawey, with victory blspsed; is for Fngland, moM friendly o Powers. F Is for France, wbOOO aid Is not ours; G Is for Gomez, BO BSTCO In the fray, H is for Hohcoa, <cir hero to-day; I's for fltSBBTginlS. those bold rcbe hordes, J is for Jingoes, all firing off words; K'ij for the Kingdom, that threatens t< fall; 1. IS for Liberty, beit gift of all. or Main?, rsmesphiiied. indeed; N is fur Navy, taking the lead; 0 Is for Oregon, battleship grand; P Is for Philippines, the far-conquere? land; Q Is for Queen Christine, who battit abhors; R Is for Righteous and Justified wars. 8 is f..r S'.anpson, en admiral he, 'Is for Torpedo, a terror at sea. l"s Uncle Sam, who gives the big show, V 1? for Verd, what'? there we don't know. U'< for YVeyler, so cruel and bold, X is for Xemes. of war methodB old. Y M for Yellow-fake rumors of war, '/:*. for th? Zual of our "Hiu..hU'. hurrah!' THE COCK AUF. CITY. Tbaaksslrln? in the < harrhea??he Wanted to lull??. PETERHIR'RO, VA.. July 10.-(8p*clal.> The President's pro? lamatlon, calling W* thanksgiving and prayer, was read In sev eral of our churches to-day, and ln all of them rcferenc*? was made to It. and the people in their service? and prayer made hearty thank-offerings. Th.- sssspe from las RsJeigh (N. c.) penitentiary Of the prisoner ?Jetting? alias Men dt. wlio was undergoing a life-sen tence for burglary. recall? thi? fact that by his timely escape from Petersburg Ji.?t before ?ommitting bis crime In Ra leigh he M iped srrssi and trial on three separate charges of housebreriklng and robb, rj -all committed within "ne w.ek In this city. His companion, who was operating with him here, named Wal ter Wright. Is now undergoing a ser/ Bf live years In the Virginia penitentiary for complicity in one of the.-?? erlasse. BSV. Dr. H- VV. Battle, pastor of the Plrsl Baptist ehureh, will have to-mor row on his rssation. H" will first go to Buffalo, X. Y.. wh.-re he is under BSgSge ment to de?vr one or more sddrssees R.v. John RldOVt, r"!..r of ('.race Bptfl aopsl church, begins his vsCBttOfl of two or Ihr? < we. as to-m?irrow, which ho will : pend In Maryland. Hiv, flash .V BJdOflt of Kentucky. occupied the ptiipit o? Oraos naareh to day. The horse SttSchSd to the b'iggv be longing to Mr. William Oerrsche, of Din Wlddle county, ran away on Halifax Btreel this m'irnlng. breaking th?- rehlcle to placee. The horse Baalty brought up agslnsl th? Iron fsnoe in front of Msrket Btreel Methodlal Episcopal church, to luring bin. d> rably snd breaking down on" <.r more pa Bal? of the fence. Lieuteasal Wllttnm A. Bond, of the Petersburg Grays, ta here on a visit: nis-o, int Jsmea Mann, ?.r the Third Vir ginie Regiment, who la here looking for us f,r hi- company, in th?' ?our-" of hi ; v< '< .it ?-frort? In on" of the COUI a lady applied to him to enlist in the ranks .:< a aoldi r. Mis. Q, c. ??ill left this morning to spent! a. month at the aesstdc for the benefit <?f her health. Rev. Dr. Richard Mdlwslne, of H.-imp den-fddney, Ii vlaltiflg friends hers.;no\ C ITJGaTT, A Sneeessful Church 1.11 (ertalnment? Psssawal >oie?. BURBKA M I U.S. va., July 10.-<Bps cial.)~Mr. M. ]'. McOehee, of this 1 captured a Baa carrier-pigeon recently. The bird waj flying in a northerly direc tion, ?nul Slighted at bis house for food and r..-;. on its right leg atl 1 bias band, on which wa? tii" letter "W.," ami the figure? M. The flgurss m wer? stamp? d in two places on the outside of the right wing "Peter Watson, Brook lyn, N'. V.. 1.71 (the last figures In th??? numbers beting Indistinct), 17th St.," was stamped on the Inside of th.- right wing. The Ladles' Aid Society of Beulah church (Methodist) gave, a delightful lawn party Thursday night. Btaer y thing to refresh the inner man was BOrved. Quite a snug sum was realized, which will be used in building the new church. contemplated by this earasst band of Chrtetlsn workers. Professor? J. ht find J. W. White nre at hone- for th" va? atton. Mr. Wilnur White bas returned from William and Mary College, which he at* tended ?luring the past aeeslon, Lisutensnl David l\ Morton is visiting r? la lives here. Miss Annie R White Is .pending B0BM time nt Wag's Head. PayssBster W. W. Bait, of the Raleigh. ili'l BUCh VSltaat BSrVtce in the bat tle of Manila, Is it home. In this county, He Is orT ?ai a have of BBSflCfl, on ac count of th?- h<'.iith of hta wife, who i a daughter of th" lit.- Hon. Hvgh Blair < ii i.'-by, ?.f t his county. Paymaster Gelt was in th?' memorable battle of Manila, and his account of the lieht between our f 1 - t ami that of the Bpantada is \.:y Interesting. RET. 1)1?. UOGB. Ills Condition I? Very Much Im sflvsfl gitttaji 11?. WBJTI BULPKUR BPRINQ8, W. VA, July i(i.--iHpe. i.ii.i it. Bogs baa not left his room unos ho reached here a week ago l'-t night. H?' has been seriously ill, but is now coavslesa nt He b ta bei n sei tog hla friends for the past two days, Snd sat up to-day for a slioi t while. Dr. MeGulre considera hi.-, eendltlos much improved, sad BOPSO he will be at.l. to come, down stairs by TflCSdsy. Dr. Hags is ?ii>. ma ?m?! enjoya tho at?n tlon? of hta many friends. M w BBOOBIM a Dl ( Rumor That Ml?? Baalflt May Weil Duke of Itovliwruli. LONDON, July ht Boctaty la specu lating ?m tii?' probability of a mai nag?' be ing arranged between Miss May Qoelei and tho Duke of Roxburgh. It BOOma U take uttle account <'f the reportad < n i gagenunt of Miss Qoelot to an Am :i can gentleman. The Duke of Roxburgh is B yean old, a lieutenant in th.- Ltf? BttSrdS, v i popular in his corps, inn: gsnerslly apoksa of as ?m excellent young fello'V. He is a llrst cousin 01 the Duke of IfUtbOffOflgh, bis BWthSl being a sister of th.' late ] >uke of Marb 1 borough, and stands high in the persona niTcctton of Queen Victoria. i Although society has been g'iss p|n| . about this alleged projected marriag? for th" pssl two weeks, your correspond ' cnt heard it paid positively yeeterdai -' morning there was nothing In it. Mrs. Qoelei has taksq the Karl o Warwick's house, facing i lien Perk for the remstader ?>f the season, bu she is not going1 about a great deal SI yet. though she has given BOBBS SBSB1 parties. 1 Mrs. Bradley-Martin'? ?llamonds con > tlnue to dnssle her Bagllah friends, an? I they have been a subject of remark, Bin wsare them on every poesibl ? Ven at small private ?larti.s. Th.- tel stat?' ball of tir! blason took place las sight, but Mrs Brsdlsy-Martln did no gel a cord, though it was rumored thi she liad a further surprise in stor?' fo th.. BWellS in Ih" ShSPS of a BOW ?."lia of diamonds and rubies, recently a quired privstely in Paris The lisadeespe \\n? interesting-, (Clevelsad Ptaia Deab r.) An amusing Incident occurred in an A, i:., and c. car on the afternoon of th. Fourth. Bbflr young couples, evidentl out for an BBjay/Bble day. w\ r. BSSted I i ..n.- side of the car having s decid? dl; (ii>od time. Walls their BssrrtmsBl wa at its height a 7-yejr-oId boy g aisle BflddSaly leaned forwurd. "Say, mister." ho called to on*? of th. young men, "why don't you kis> you gtrl?" The young man looked up In surprise and thsitii a pretty girl, too?blushed. "TsiSBSge, Talmage," suid tv. father, "what do you mean bv mch f ilk" The hay looked at his lather in surprise, disgust, "What's the matter with you. dad'"' h Stiea, "You told nm you'd do it if you wa him!" And the father found the landscape de etdedly totorestlng until the youijg psopi left the car. BBAMD nt ( HKSS OFF. BaSs?aaSfla BMI Msnal-Servloe Men and Hornea for Mile?. NEWPORT NsTWB) VA., July lO.-Thi steamer Grand Duchess, recently secure? by the government as a transport, lef to-day for Charleston. S. C. Rhe had oi board a comptny of United States engt neers and a number of slgnaj-.servlo men. There were also on board 100 ho? ses said to be intended tyt General KUes'i sUtff officers? HT Seven Hundred and Forly Six of Them, In cluding Fifty Four Officers. CERVERA HAS BEEN ILL ar ar rn bs al lo K? BS ar m He Presents the Appearance of a Broken-Hearted Man, and Keenly Feels Loss of His Flee*. INYTTF.D TO STAY AT A IIOTEIv. PORTSMOUTH, N\ n., July lO.-The auxiliary cruiser St. I?uin. with 7K Span i-b. iirlsoners, including llfty-four oflteofB, ariivod in Portsmouth harbor Bt 8:10 "' 1 ck this -mnrninK. and a foW minutes It. r dropped anchor Just BhOWO Pishing i Bd. Th" big liner left Guantanamo at 6 o'cloi k Tuesday afternoon. July ??th. and ?lid not make a stop until she reached Portsmouth harbor. Including the prison ers, there- were 1.M6 people on board ?M und out of this number *?1 nre sick and wounded Spaniards, under the caro of surgeons. Admiral Cervera Is confined to hi* cabin, having been QUMO ill for the pist throe days, although he wa* abb- to bO dressed this morning, captain B?late, who was commander o' the Vizcaya, and is among the iirlsoners. Is also quite, ill, having BSOfl wounded in the head during the brittle off BsnUago, At l?S this morning the tug A. W. ChOO* * rton wont alongside, the St. Ensata, with Health-OtBcsi F. S. Towle, who went on board. NO CONTAOKVCS DIFEASK. He made a thorough exanatnnUon of the ve-i-^el, visited all of the sick, and found that most of tho BJcknOSfl was due to wounds received ?luring the battle or to exposure. He BOPS there la no evidence of yellow-fever or ?uher rontagtous d?s 0000, und the people in th? vicinity of tho prisoners are to bo contlned need fool bo alarm abuut any pestilence breaking out. All of tin? Spanish rommlsstoned affl have been on parolo, and hii<l tho freedom of thi' Ship, With olio exception. 1T>; WJS the GOVeftBOf of SantU^o de Cuba, who was trying to escape from the city on Ad miral Cervera's iiaK^hip when rho wos do Btroyodj on that memorable morning of July id, lie refused to ?ign the parole i rs, ami was oonseouenUy confined in one of the cabins, under guan?. Tin- re mainder eif th? prisoliera were conflncd between decks and closely guarded, a detaciim<-nt of twsBty-eight marines from Die United States steamship Brooklyn, under Lieutenant BOrdStt, and tWOnty-OM marines from th.- United Btstee at unship Marbi.he oi iron put aboard the St. Louis when .-he l'ti Guantanamo fur the north, to guard th i prieonero, but they had nttiu or no trouble with them. CBRVBRA COUBTEOUB Admiral Cerrero shook bands with the health officer, and In good BagUSh "aid he was situated very pleasantly ou th?- bon, and ii ni received nothing but the kindest ; n i most considerate treatmaal from both ? InCi le had been taken prisoner, lb- presents tie- appear ai.. of a broken-hearted man, and keenly the loso of his Scot The crow of tin- .=>'r. j.uais bass bad :? whatever to do with !!'. p'.'.Son ers since they earns aboard, and bars been kepi as far awa?' from UMSO OS possible'. Then -ire a number ot Spanish surgeons en board, who have tahea good can "i tin- sick and Wounded seiaoners, Then iboul forty of the latter, the remain Ber being m from 'he eir?vts oi ex* pOSUre. Xo one is allowed OB board th.; prison ship, and i - i i - - of Um ofBcen or ?lew is allowed on shoes. At ll:5a tho? brut BfflcOT of (hi St Louis, Bnslgn Palne, arrived ?a the nnry-yard, to ofaVemlty notify Admiral Carpj-ntsr of the arrival Of the vessel, anJ, with mes sages from Contain PhlBlpa Csdet li. mont, of the St. Ixiuis, landed, with a gig-lOOd of mail from the fleet, and It ont in bajss to the pOSt*OfBCS, SAMPSONS REPORT. i:-. ign Palmer came ashore with im porani official dispatches tor Washing ton, and left at |*A tins afternoon, with a large grip, which he would allow no One to handle. Admiral Carpenter has perfected ar m-tits to laud the prisoners at tiuir quarters, on Scavey's Island tivmortuw afternoon, ami at - o'clock the tug Plo? will take three barges,-loaded with prisoners, to the island. <ui the way up from BentlagOi ?a- num ber of the gpanish seamen said that th?y had had enough of lighting, at MOOt With lie- Yankee-. It is said thattAdmiral Sampson's ro? put to the Navy Department of the destruction of Cervera'g Beet lo about 11,009 words. BOwlgn Palmer carried the document, winch WBS in book form. Il is un.?.?stood thai Admiral Cervera bas accepted ?m invitation to stay at a hotel at KewcaeUe, about four miles from th.. navy-yard. Aamlral Cervon's stay at the hotel win, however, bs short, bs the st. Louis wi'.l COSl .is BOOB OB the Spanish Ballon ! nab .1. .Jjd Will then ICBVO for Annapolis, with the Spanish ofhOt is. The Bt, Louis . ame up from Santbig.? with Miau ?Vil) tons of coal, and the* ?econo my in coal consumption was the cans.- of iur slow trip. ST. PAUL COMING to NKWPOBT rfarfc s It Is understood that the steam? r, after she diachargss her prisoners, nill coal -?t Kewpoti News, and th'-n take ?i largo number of troops to i Admiral Cerven i mse on deck hate this afternoon, and eonaeated M talk with repneentatlvea of tne pre--, vvhu went oat ta ths st. bouta on a tug. CBRVSBA LOVB8 A MKltHwxs. "Yon usk BM," in- said. "BOW 1 like Amerita, and 1 answer you that I have always liked, and 1 may Bag*, loved, your people, bu this war boa i*>n s duty with m?- and ths men under mo, i know that the Amer: .m Beet clearly outclassed BO, but it was a gUOWOOB of lighting either irrVide or outside the harbor. I have many friends In America, and only the klmlliest fe?!.ni;s for them, but ? very man ha.s a duty to perform to his Country, ?nd all Spaniards try to pel - f. rm that duty. Than has boon much feeling in Spain, arid 1 wr.nt. all Spain to know the truth - that .very ship of my squadron fought until the last, and when ws louid do no man, we sumudend. 1 have much IntSTSSl m knowing the MtuatlOO In Spam. 'e'aptain Goodrich has treated us all as well OS any one pauld possibly be treated. My officer? have occupied <iuar tsrs in the saloon, and we cannot com plain." A telei;ram was taken out to Admiral Cervera at 10:30 to-night. Nothing is known as to tho sender or the purport of tho dispatch. ' CAPTI RKD SPANISH OFFICERS. 8r> They Will Be Well Provided for at Annapolis. ANNAPOLIS. MD., July R-Captain P. H. Cooper, superintendent of the Naval Academy, has completed his pre parations for the care of the eighty Spanish officers, including Admiral Cer vera. recco?y cA&lurcd off Santiago, lie inounced to-day that he expected the rival of forty of the prisoner* to-mor w. an?l that the remainder would reach re within a week. It la probable that I will be put on their parole, and al BflJd the fullest use of the beautiful ountis, for promenade ond other pur ses. rho buildings to be occupied by them e known as Ooldsborough Row. and Be the southeastern section of the A?ade y grounds, between the old mess-hall id the gymnasum. gi:ARTERS CO.MFORTABI.K. Bsi h room will BJUSTtsr two officers, i?l aaefll olflcer will have a bed to hlm lf. There are wardrobe? and closets r their clothes In each room: chairs i?) e large, square table in th? centre the rooms, with a hanging gas-lamp er it. with an Improved burner. Wait s will Bttsad t?> the rooms and take re of the asaltan ata. I'h" prisoners will be ander th.? patrol B marine guard of forty. For the egent. their commissary will be BtOW d Thomas BVBflS. Paymaster l.oomls. B? was ordered away this wesh IS irtsmouth, us commissary for ?M pris iers there, la espscted to return here i assume th?' aaaaag meut of the food ippiy ?.r the Bpsntah ofAcera KBAR BOBBOJTJ Q?ARTBRB. It is g atBgBhUT coincidence that the ?anish naval asnaara aheaad be ?jflar red In the very Alma Mater of the en who gave them ko fignal a d?'f<?at id made them prisoners. Amongst thost^ ho recently occupied these quarters nre Isttteoaata Hobsofl sod Bios sad idets Powell an?l Hart. HobSOn'C lartments ailjoin th" Spanish qua id, S? the bead of the department ?'f ival OBsatructloa, be has much valuable tvsl data tli-r. , (IIKKlMlllll BMMMB (il IF.T. . I'linl llvooUe's Bseaal Order Hum a Bssd Bflfflflt, CBICKAMAUOA, July :>>. The bene ?tsl effect of (Jen-ral BrOOkSfa *dsr limiting the number of men to be Uowed peraaits to leave camp at one dm to tu from asea company was bo cal.I to-day In the orderly quiet of th? ay, both st th?- (amp and In C MgS. A prOVOSt guard did duly at ytie, und Bstooaa aad dtoorderij places sre kept dosed, ah the eseoone to battanooga, wBtdi tot the past tws undaya have 1.n WldS Open, WON to iy closed, BO that Hi? ?lay was pi Services were held in the twsnty-two hristlsn Commission tent? bow ?n ope ?tion in the camp, ami the proclamation f President McKinley, suggesting that rsysra for pssae be offered by all is. wse observed. From every pulpit in Chattanooga to jj' prayers for peace and the triumph f the ?sieatfan army Were off? red by BO p.ustors. M asaca were said by Catholic clergy ten ?luring the day at the park. TROOPS MOVB TO-MORROW. Th" Kirn <'hio will move to Tampa aily Tuesday, having received its equip lenta, ? oi .n. i Boynton, who arrived sy, ha* not yt reported for duty, Bring Some business in connection with ii?- presidency of the Psrk Commiseton .. attend to before he reports, (en. ral loyflton'a brigsde will bu composed of bs First nnd Third Keiitu? ky and Fifth llinois regiments. Adjutant-General Corbta has Btsied hat only about IJM recruits wer?' BOB ssded to bring every regiment In Qene? ii Brooke's arms to ita full ?l f 14M men and officers, I'iimroit \r nt ti.wi). Ie Touches on i'errltorlul Aitt'.run. dlBagsaati BUTLAND, VT., July it, -At a thanks hring asrvice here to-.lay Senator Proo or BSSde a BBflflOB, in which h? said: "We are in th?' midst Of war, but there re things worse than war. There era rroogs which cannot bs righted in sny ray ysi devtssd sacspt by torce. The Imericsn people decided that the k>na> ontlnued tyranny of BpsiB to Cuba must top. The only way to muke that sure rss that her flag DBUSl IflaVC thai Island, nid this war ?s the result of that da talon, ' There wer?: Bsany in high plsci B, many nen of mtelBgence and WSBlth, end busl tssa and pol?tica} standing, who gal est in the words oi <\un. 'Am I my bro her's keeperf and thi peon?a bi ISt haMlly, but after bearing ami COB lidicring the facts with patience and long luffi ring. Tea, pen "Dswey's gune to Manila opened up meal ausstione bufoi-" our nation. Terri. ..rial Bggrsndtsetnent wsa sol in out houghts, but th? ev.-nts of that Sund.i.y levdved great responaibllitles apon us, shlch we cannot shirk. Hut i i< ubt that the Issue win be met as be. om?-s s people free end enlightened, anu Fishing ell peopU to abare thi Ithi tig." TO BAHIBfl rUM?, KTC. Mm ui u ' >niuliii Wood an \ n rec.i l.|. and Cestala ?ieiin.ii. il'hllail. Iphla TlflK l i London women nave discovered very agreeable way of ridding their hOtttOO Oi flies and UOSQUttOSS. They burn sandal wood in the houses. This is an 0 ld-a. in London it la possible t?i s? t ths wood prepsred for thla purpose, but her? ii is not s?) assy, as American women have not. y t taken t?i the practice. KoU that he festive By and the Amerlesi moeejutto ere abovt to make their ap pssrsnes, si h-iist 'i..- Btatea lelenden a.n?i Jsrssyltsa might do well I the eandal wood a trisL Bandai woo. . an I a b .ught at almost any Turkish 01 Jspanese Importing house, it Is pre pared for burning by beinar Bret cut lnt< small B?sese a half Inch thick and : long. Then it Is baked or drier out in a Blow oven for twenty-foui hour-, a plec? of the woo'i ta put into . metal urn, lighted, ami allowed to burr until well aflame. WhSfl the time i- <\ tlngutabed, and the red-hot amber left t? smoulder untjl the wood is consumed SBI nothing is hrft but a heap of tine pjTS] ashes. During the Bmoulderiug procesi the wood Beads ?.?ut. a sweet, arosaatti smoke. .-^9.-_ gBHWIJBsl l'liUDl'll. 1 oud Cry fur Immediate Bwpp|| ,, the Artlel?-. (Philadelphia Times.) The common .- aee of sav sv rag aebooi-boy would teach the sat the adoption of amokelesa powder as it w.i,- aufactsatly perfected to us us" hi the army and navy, itut w have Bsval sad snap boards mode u largely of velssao ?li-^?u, snd they hav not adoptad amokelesa powder bt hair-splitting diffsrSflCes aa to th? of the .?niel.- or as to Um particular va rlety that ahould be cepted. The bes th:ng for Presid? m McKlnli be to adjourn these fbsBll board? with ci delay and issue a ?ereinptorv order t the proper authorities to furnish rrtink. tagl powder as speedily as po every bran fa ' '. the army and n ivy. We had th* BBBBe trouble with arm sad navy board? ever the question of sui stitutireg the psreussloa i ip for the ol flintloi'k, and In our civil way the arm and BBVy boards hud to b<- overt-; totradaee hrsarh loading rifles. Bver irjaprovement in the arms of the arm and navy has beea hammered Into the au thorltles at WssMflgtOfl by public BSCej slty, and President M< Kim. y flhirflld ate all such tSSBfQCdsry St Oaee and hu.v smokeless powder supplied a? speedily a possible. Fi-\ iraiiiiu Minera. (Washington Post.) Messrs. J. M. and W. K. Harrb brothers and ex-Virginians, are at th Rlggs. Of late years they have been et gaged In mining ln British Columbia, an have met with gratifying success. "Ther? la a jrreat deal of silver bein mined In the vicinity of my home," sal Mr. J. M. Harris, "and the owners of on property, near the town of Sandow, too out last year fl.Wo.OO? of the white met. and copper combing, i t^k. lnal ?j^ Columbia presents magrnficeat oppor tunities for the right sort of men. it may not b? so rich In the precious metals as the Klondike, but th? dangers and hardships of that region are not encoun tered with us. The wlnten aro longer, but the cold is not much more severe than tn the United States, and people who dwell there do not conrplaln of the climate. , . "Most of tho mining In the district I live ta and In (he Roslyn District is car re d on by cltisens of the United States. In fact, we have come pretty near monopolizing the busln?*ss. but recently a good deal of British capital ha? b-n invested in the country. The conditions all point to a very wonderful develop ment of tho mining territory on our north, and It Is probable that SCOBS won derfully rich strike? will be made ere the close of this year." -?-!? * ? BUM A Hl IM TVHO*. An F.niillte Mail's < on*, er'utlon With n ll??y StOd the He?ialt. (Cosmtry Qenllemon ) Some good taon BI? naturally auch last hors, and so fuU of binorotanooi espe cially toward the young, that they ..<n not help sprradlng WtadOm wherever they go. That tho seed may fall em stony ground is proved by a Story which a gen tleman, who went hunttng far into the interior of Neva Booths, tsUs la ?? tattsr. The hunter wi- I irTtOd BtXtSSn OMISO at night by a la-y M years old an d B horse 18 old. The rid- ? und the bop driver m is Inclined to tail asleep. The hanter, therefore, thought to interest him In something. 1 s.e we ar.' going dm '-> It." he said. "How do you kn .w thai." asked the boy. "Wen you i v r hen baton?" ?No; nui Iban Is the North star " "How do ro i know It's UM North Star?" wiiv. Um : an Um point? so." what potetero?" Tin- hunter explained and tui.i the b how to find the North star. Then ha pointed out two of tit" planets. The bov d wide-awake now, and the hunter went on to t;?\ him his first lesson hi Bstroaomy, telling him how J i times as large as the earth, and how bowed chang -'1S how ll bad boys and apparent i.inals. and s. forth, and bOW it was supposed by man:, to bave IntelBgent Inhabits When, after bis hunting, the stnngei nturm d to UM tOWU when, he had hire (he eonveyaiH a and lhe boy, he I that the people seemed to bava a cartati humorous Interest In him. it was - dent that In* was the object Of B?HM CU rlostty or |ohe thst he mad.* Inquiries and finally found 0 man who could tel Why." said hi? Informant, "you'v? mad.- "a great reputation for j around heve." "In what wayT*" "i ?Ii. Ihi kid that drove you over to the other night cams buck the next da* and told all tii" 'setten' al the hotel ths of ail the Mars hi ?ver beard, you wen the slickest.'' "What lie did I t'll him"" ' Ths boy said that you prsti know the number of nil!'" tO the sun and that ymi | ointod tO B star | said was called 'Jumpter,' and UuU yoi said it was ' "' Usaos leaner than the World, and that JTOU point.-d to BBOtha sta? that you said was ono when tott lived." " 'Oh.' gays that 1 ,, .-. 'ii.'i just e.iight t' bear html it'. : ich. Old Hasklns sin' in it with that feller 03 hin'. I tell y? he's the MggeSt liar In Nova Scotia. Pi point him out to ydu when hi back.' " The boy bad pointed liim out, and h. was at that moment enjoying the ropa laUon of thi 1 hampton of all th.- llar who had ever OOBBS to No*i I\ A MBXICAB Hot siiiioi.n. (ami) Trails of Baswaats ?nul Bosav IMi'Ooniit ? Bstaaas, (Phlladei- his t As all ceuking is done with charcoal and ovens are proctteany uaknown 1 r>riv.uc families, v . IV few familhs I -11<. bread. The small, hard* trusted ' Presch bree 1 an delivered .ill over th city in great baskets t feel across, tha ;u-e carried in the hands of cargad -. - Th". arroagemeai of furnttuvu 1- mucl mote firmal than in the United States it ts a vi rv common Bight to se., a splen dMly-fUGPished psrlor, with a row .. straight-bilked chairs, all gjlko, wit their ba. ks against the wall, and as ClOS 1ST SB they can be placid, il. a areiing the a good Mexican cook nUeves th?' mis tress of the house of Worry ?in! albility m a manner that Is states! on known in tho United ^\.n,><. The cooh i given so much a day, and with thi amount she win purchase each momio ail tho prortstons of Um day, includln even the sta;dis thst are usually boUgk in larne quantities i't other OOUBl .a dollar a d win pr?vido a vor good table fog a family of three or fou and get enough besns and tortillas an Chile lo let the servants' table beside Thev can really do better than their ml. ti 1 1 they ??m usually ?iriv sharper bargains with the marketme of their own e-la.-s, am! tiny have gBOl paUi nos to haggle over the last penny. -i^? Twelve Ti'li'Krniii? Sent ut Oner, ii'aris Letter to the Bhsctrtcal World Bxperlmi m 1 ?ne pr?sent 1 ducted on the Parls-Bordeani line ait sume very Interesting machines, whii tin- inventor, M. Mercadler, has be? working on for many years. With tbet instruments, called duodecaplex, twelt M in work simultan a a single win. , Beb s. ndlng i signals to th.- proper receiver at line. This result is brought ut>.> by tin- use of alternating or, at any rat Interrupted cum Fach transmit- - its eUITl through ,t tuning-fork having a spsd Its vlbnUona being el maintained. These vibrations furni-h nrnnl of Um proper pert., t . sonsneo at each application in tl m Ivtng circuit, Which has i auction and capacity adjusted for this r BUlt This r... iv r la a telephone m mon telephone, as it is called by M. M< so oonstructed ami arranged that t ! - mai 1 qualities also be to damp out from the Mgnali 1 hinji not int. aded for it. These si i als ar.- nal in th.- ordinary way by a aided by rubb : tub. - graphs The sifting out ..f the m nais, it seems, bj v. ? . ... rfect, 1 ach r cetver Btvtna nu evidence ..r thoss si nils not Intended fur m except a'sUg murmuring, vary Indefinite and not si bot 111 ! : on. . A Tond'M >louth. Pi . ! . .1 toad's mouth opon and bold it D, and it will suffocate. TI la i" ' anos hg his no ; ; , W;iy dilating the chest; fhsrsfon, le- m. literally BWallOB air aa though it w food. Porcthrjf keeping : M mouth Open < BUSOS th' -ir t.. pass into 1 stomach Instead of the luni;. AaoU oddity Is its tongue, which lj hung In t mouth just th.- revotas of th?- hum tongue, being afta, hod to the front of t Jaw, th- loose . nd hanging back and doi tile When Load bMOOUBSS Flastl?*. (Am.,! ,,, M ,, hin. Th..* experiments upon materials at b temperatures wbtCgl hSVO bOOO made j . sibie by advenl of liquid air. dsvsl sum? unaxpscted results, a ban <>f tad rubber eeoled to the temperature of t ??ir b a cosaos batuta, end if dropped on 1 floor tiles Into a thousand (more or le pieces, while ? ban of lead will raboni Having aeqatrsd a remarkable rooraaas elasticity. l>-ad sJOO makes a very spectable spiral spring at a tmperati of "? or 300 below zero. caros. BJUI-MOBOO, Statements. Letn Heads, Note-Reads, Circulars, Handbil Dodgers, Ac. printed by th-? Dlspat Company at low prices. Will give y good work at same prices you pay Inferior work. Send us your orders a we will gu?rame? satisfaction in evi Pjun.ulai-, DHL'S QFEER ?0 His Terms Cause a Prompt Refusal on the Part of General Shafter. HEAVY GUNS AT JURAGUA. Thev Will be Rapidly Sen! Forward to the Front of the American Forces. HEALTH 01' OUI TaVOOPf GOl ' (Copyright, l??. hv the Associated V ox BOARD THB ABB PftXBB DIBPATi n BOAT WAND* JUBAOUA, Batfltday, fstf Bh, 7 P. M. via PORT ANTONIO, fflsaday, .1 . 11 a. M , sad KINGSTON, Jot) B, A m The aura 1 ittagu a? 1 offert ?i by the -, ?am ; . Qeneral Torsi, ts-dap, bat the Bone attached > 1 ue d 1 proas] of the 'ff. r by O ai ral Bh Ustfons, however, resulted |n ' , uatb sal. . snd white nags of truce stBI I th.- opposing atn <;? nersl TorsFa propossl coolen the han? d?ate ?um nd< r of the 1 BSteted that his arm to starch asray under srssB and art in< colora, snd declared thai bs e fight tO the l.e-f ditCh Oldens I' ! t. 1 ' ; . re pllsd that Bothlng bul unoondltl ifl '1 sur n ai! r woul 1 he eonal i? red by bli . he COI Wsshlngtoo, in the mana um" 1 . rsaistk e. It was shortl) befoi a little er inbih oBtei n B Bsg; of 11 ; '"in sad 1 > ?-How wall of the slowly Bssde it-- wsy toward tl . n lia?. a detail ass sent to am t i und they ai re escorted 1 quartets, a bile the tatu r from 1 > 1 Tond . ??trie,I to ? loBOl ? t. nt. two mltaa from the front T 0 m couched la the Icily .rteova tic of such commui h 1 I Il ture 01 <; !! 1 ;?i Toi ?!. who mande et Santiago aines Qenersl ij was wounded, aad atsti d thaI preparad to surrender the ? II his ai my would DO psrmtttsd ' i late with honor. ThlS, he explain? d. lie Bpanleh fon ea ahould !" 1 parmlttsd to go la any ?iir? wlohed, with .?mis snd Bylng tbeti Th.- lettei ' with thi men) thai aurrender und 1 o thi r tena would bo I Qeneral Bhafter taunt dtat asbington . Toi .'i a t. fussl ?if bta pi opes it, bul 1 thai be would communicate with 1 crnm? nt, and would extend t! BI mlatll " until ?^un.l ly at I UfBRICAB UK vi rn rvKi.1.1 N Tim generii condition of the bsali the Ami r; v. it? r supply n poor, and a Buses : .1 fever have BSV) I No d? 1 raited, h?)we\ nearly all Inetsneea the fever ti?-- l bi oksn up 1 1 hi?. 1 al use of ouinln The hardships of the 1 UBflSBlaja aad I m icka < ( fever 1 n. 1 the army In the Bal 1 aad on thi 1 of pi a? tic ?ii".' all Bon-coeabatani - 1 toa of a fsw aswspapi r n BB the gi Sine" (h,. \m. off Bsatlsgo, and w bo cejtetil ite I be force ah?.- . . 1 the . S u . With th? . 1 Vie? . The -.n 1 ti. ? of tra ofr Jursgua this morning troops, m? hiding a Isrgs 4 1 1 artlllsiy. if the 1 1 th.-se heavy gone will I?- 1 valuabi ditlon to the artillery now In the bV snd II la 1 ?p< cted that they will 1 : ed forward to the front The new n win be Ian.!..! to'Saorraw end 1 1? rward as 1 lately a? 1 The gay? "f temporal t p. si an itttlisad bs both arnuee In strengi th? ?r di ' aces Toe Amen 1 strongly entrenched themselv? artillery now si th?i front | in position pt bind 1 irthfl ,( HI <* ahl.< to ' ??ver the Bdl in? " Of the I : I much more eft?-, ttv? !y than d pn rious eng >u? The wounded In 11 w?'ii cared for, end U Btanc? are recovariog rspidly. BUTS, t hurle? If. WIunIimi Henil. lira Am v. Protest or Charlee il. \s 1 ?on the i f hi r ha ' 1:. ne.n.I ? tollegc 1 ami ' as ye had been la iii-h?'jith I , wi ami 1. ci ntly took a trip t.. thi In the bop of being t proving, ah? wsai I Issi Thursday ah? b? ame alarm sin- B/ng than r? mov? d ; illy sws) tl I truly falling upon I Thi deci . ed as? ' ' ' " Btund Han Lson, now ?.t Hophin of the 1 it- .) : snd h ?.i n? (Hon in Vln a 1 earnest Cbrlsl , a loving BBOthj r, ai I an.i unselfish friend, ahe of tb 1 children lire. Hill B ?.. Annie Btegar, Lulle, and D bton, and Charlee W., v< I I \'.' le lll. mi., r ? t the Past ity. l.oiiit-Riintie Kill. . : r . When tong-r inte rin ' . n ua : 1 marked th.- . r.<\ or tax . 1 . .: hand fighting; that i.- v. : gt 1 sithln abat need 1 > rsage of le.l, : .... a down more rupidl) thai 1 BdVBSX -. The Am." t i * ; h t i n >; sb I ami proved it fais?. Bssd ! the taking Of San Juan S . barge up a itet ?. bill, crown a ?I.'lll S !. tiel oil the heads of the trOOpB ' ? ' aanda 1 It?? wh. re tie J t!-..|ll .?.; and where IBS BWS ' dM BS? leave , v.'ll a puff .<f ; their srhsrssbouts, asat Bt bulista from th? ir Ms * into the fares of th.- ASBSriesi - ? ii" wr * painfully cnmbhtg the hii. i(. I rast? besa right, there would ha>- - * wind-row of dead American* t ?.ti?>m sf that hill aad an srnn rlOUa Sp..maids on its toi the long rang?-, the raged BS?. th? less psflrdflff and the strong d?i AmerUanx. went on, captuxi tl nent It? defender? flying fupportiug army.' Improvements that have i large and small arm?-. It. BS and not thj BU?*. tfcytt ft*lU ?tU'i * ** UgBL