Newspaper Page Text
, __~? m_?-, 4_ _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, JULY'21. 1898._ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH BY THE DISPATCH COMPANY. The DAILY DIBPATCU is delivered to |B|B-criber? at fifty CZNTfl p?/r >ont:*., payable to th? carrier wecl;.*' or Ronthly. Mailed at $5 per annum, paya >ic in advance; 13 for fix month?; II 50 Vr three months; W cents for on? in o nip. "Price per copy, I cent?. Tha? WtKlCLY DISPATCH at |i P?* baaaaa. Th? SUNDAY DISPATCH nt RJO per tnaum, or 7fc cenia fer nix month?* BubacrlptionB In all Cfl flfl i ?v..M?* In advance, and no paper continued After th? expiration of tho time paid for. Send Boat-ottic? money order, check, or tared letter. Curten? y scat by m? tx? at tho rlak ol tho Bender. Buba?aiberfl ?sdabina their post-oflh? ehaa?ed muet ?tve. tbelr old as well as their tico* po*-* BfOca fi^xuplo copies ftee. f * .*! ' ADVERTIS?NO RATES. HALF INCH Oit LLS3. > tlm? .* "* 0 time. . .? S time? . 0 time. . ?2 U time? . *? 1 month . S months . BaataeM want? . -*0 Wanted athiatlen, payable In ad vance (2? mor?* at less) . Above rat~? ?.r- tar -emery day** er cu vertlsemrnts rOBBinf Reading aetlcefl In I '' " ** ? fvn im.?.? or less. 01: In nonpartel? leaded, flvs lines op I " (tard ??f raise for i on npi/llcaflon. _ au letten i "!" mast *> * ad dreaaed to THB DIBPATl II COMPANY. i>., \,-:? not to returned._ Afl Mtara i n? eaadid for ofllcc must publication. Th!.-. Is a loi | ItaB tai* of ours. Resolutions of ?respect to Beet members j B ? d I - lions, ?association?*, or other orcanb.a tions win i id for aa ?advert?alas matter. BROAD-STREET EAST BROAD tr TOWN on-1' :. PHARMACY, 119 STUFET. MA*f*f*HE8TER or ' T " i :. IBB btRri I'.ut j. mrnsi-A"!.JviA' 2i, i39a Frirnils of the Dispatch would ?lo ns 8 favor by iiiforu?it,(* us < ? any failure on tiio ]>art of newfldeall rs, or newsboys on raiLrouii trains. t?< mi ? t Ibo public demand for co-nes ? f tliiK ?ttftaT. ib fortnation is also d? ein ?1 by ub of tho dclint-iicncy of any carrior of ours in liii'lmioxid,, or clsewhen?. ?Mail OutlBOlitlOTO are liUwi-e invited to report to us wbtin.wr thoir pspsn cuiuo Uto or irregularly. Ol II < I II \"? All,IF*-. l L the ? ni ..i Q problem | * ?lltlii Uitla . - OB. Thai is t'> Bay, our l .. i s Itb It promii es to Involve more pei pb than our fln I. And tl li i ?telling what Bbape the Qnal volution v ill ai ums The i p.i...m w? un"' rtook to boIi id imli " li ai, m go**i n m< nt ??t their ?.v.u. and initial fltep 1" thai :v< d n??il?'e ?m tiie Bpaniards to quit Um laland. This tbe Bpaniards declined to do, and I with we ootniaenced th<- ?-rork of driving th? m ?ait. Bo tar thai work b ? d \? r.\- wall, r.ui after it shall bai i ?oeiapla t< d, what ? it wni be i.m. nil ?an ! '" ' i torn ?in American ?soldier Bel i""t on Cub . mmora were freely circulated ihat the. In . nt ? .?i?, not " In th? way ?.i American reinforcements. Thay preferred. II an i said, tl I wi coaflae our ?id to tbelr < an to sei din? th? m arm-, ainiiiuMiion, end provisions, ?*ow< t Li t they i?i" with si ii they ?could ttaln Independence them ?selves, in which \? al I would not l??- slow In practically assertin? the claim that to tbfl vi' t"i I I" Ion? I Ii hal flpOila. H v? ktad "hat Obere were many Cubana of tbe l?. 11 ? r Class who desired Independen? ?, but who refrain. ?I from ?giving tbe insurgent ?ou b they feared thai Independ ence would mean I 'itical domination of the In Ul. Bl I a? a rasait of j? ilou les and rlvi just Bach a st t frequently ?SbtatBfl in tbe r Smith and trai Aiinrtaii ?republic. ?By lie- Baore ? v ? yaiipathlaerfl with i ?Uai - - rumors and stetem? ?unc? d a ttbal ilium the Inauri ind ahortly liter our army landed in fut?a i Atoro reoettmi legarding ??ur afflea that l? mli d io ?sustain that pronounce] b/e i'1'lved glowing accounts ot tbfl i therly manner In which the inai brelcomed our men, and letters and ap? rail:, from the ?seat of war teemed with *propht-ci? s as to the Service they would .? iid'-r m the struggle. Bui it ?soon be aaaaB appareni thai their Joy over tbe ?ar rival <?f our troops was golns tbfl **\a\ 3 lub Acn JtVg <?ut Bl Basera' enda. it soon i familiarity and exi ?itl Uta w? i? breeding amona tempt t ira Ssntlai o f. Il th? y de lined "perform duties, such as road-bi L that are eapa ti I ??f an ?soli while on a cam] and during tha Bghtia? they b to the scratch Kiih anything like the alacrity and una plriity tha: had been predicted, ?Bin ? surrender th? ir course has t?< ? a so to Justify In great meaeure their s?. rali.i libellera Their leaders have In their tenta and ?-bow*- gp i I nt in?t h? In? i ?rmltt? a te grab th? civil I'tlicis in the .-ur? ruler? ?l t'-rrltory, ami rua thinga to suit themeelvea in (Bet, both tbe ?ad the rank and fllo of the liisur-s*? nt fur, .hlhit tns: great raaentment nt not beta? allow cd t?i ?todaJge In aa or?le of reven?-| and looting In I Of cour.-?1. Bfeaia is likely td Btti nil?*, to ?xtr.i. kga meat from tblfl cuiidl tlon, just as she la likely t?i BttMBSO to tct tract encouragement fr?im thfl that yellow-feveff baa ?bMka? eut among our sold tara Ad Um aasafl? it woald b* tooli.-h for her t< s. t imuh st" fllthir f?ct'.r. ? or?n, what may, vt arc ipilnji to ?list t.'uh.i Inun !S|.anish do minion, and tho lonK?*r and ni?.ri- parata? iemly Spain Oghte 8?alnat that in?vita ble ? oiirurnrnatl"!], the w?ir-o it will b" Cor li?-r Ir. the ?ml. At the MUM tirm- it must to udrnittcii thai tbe ooaduct of our eiiies, and the aptrit they aie showlngi erv ?. rlou? contild? lation? as b< upon the future. The*/ go to provo that litar ?o ?hill heve linishcd the ta?k of h? el v dl tl ! (*. ' : ' ' i ? ta ? : " \?. tl dl? III 11' tb m R? th Hi i ? ,i at lb ? ?i I" no gr th. . 01 lv Otl h sii. h? Tb an? ?in re. 'i m. jot . !? V. a to v. ... ral i?. T d? u rail ptai . V? Of i ?'. not Is I tin ! the urn ?ap lilil? tl 111 ?brig of t tain a n thi. Tl r-ultl plac rub? tha and v. 1.. Po volu .**.itn Of t wine by t .Sain Tb mint l hey .?pit their fart) meat Toi mart CUgrjl all o aguiii out II . ,ng Cuba from tho "Spanish yoke, ere will bo confronted by the more dif*V r_rl task In some respects of "pacifying-' tho Island, and by tho duty of establish ing c?n order that ?hall Insure tho pro t.itlon ef tha lives and the property of h cMUaagj who may havs elected t . i main In Cuba, and of natives who have not participated In tho revolution. task we. must accomplish, and that duty we must perform, but who shall say that before we get through the expan sionists will not have iivd tho obstacles In our path to turn u? BSt?S from our purpose Nfai*4Hag Ci?h.i, nu proclaim?-^ to tho world when we entered upon the war? Who shall say that during the long s of '*padneatlaaM wo win not find "our duty to Cuba'* to be what Oreat Britain has found to bo h?r duty to . and that Aaserteaa svaenattaa Of tho Irland will not ooatlaae like British cvncuatlon of tho land of the Pharaoh.*, e thing of "ma?ana"! MAititi ?.?.i: t EBlTPICATKfl. IW int? rnirl-re venue law. with Its : in;' provisions, has prove.] It- if t ,t, r ?A peraaaa aad nearly ?u have, already p;dd tributo to It. ?uitc recently the world experienced .*? bock, when It was hinted that even, re 1 ' Noms wer.-? wit'.iin Its - W, and that th' f t.< re r'nuircd to tay an asssaataeat of 10 cents on their ? c Darrlag? It looks, bowerer, nr- if the bridegroom ;,c the Impending ?vil, an<l that he burden of meeting the war cxpcns-"3 a t.'ils instru??,, nt bast, would f.ill on bS minister. 'The trouble has ?trisen from bal provision of the bin regatrtag a tax B a < : UfleatS of any kind re law. Now, any person who has ten through ths ordeal of getting star? led knows that the, Oral thing to do? tter getting the girl, of course-Is to ,t the lloense This gracteua portar. Bgl ?, OOlora? eruditions, etc., and t the bottom of C"' document Is fi l.'aiil: .?, Wblcb has to be tilled In by the (Deleting ci, rgj man mad r. turned to the ;, ik of thS Court. The Virginia statute that "it shall be the duty of ,-ery minist'r or other person cele :atir,g euch marriage, within two onths titter the samo has been c"l< 10 f turn such license arid ccr Ocatt of ths Clerk, together with his ,vn certillc.-.te ?,f tDo time and place at it seid menrtega was celebrated?, i v. ',., j^. W d Cae lif ense." H appears that as the preacher ',.i who nakes the certificate, , ' ,, to be the on,, to pay tht taw ThS question a roso out West, and ih? iks of various courts took differ Dl li ws of tho matter. In Milwaukee, la? I -, ;n,I many other pla o pectlve bridegroom was i made appttcattoa for penalsslon i wed. But in Cook cfiunty, wherein tho iStUng city of Chicago Is located, tha runty Attorney took a stand in favor ' matrimony, ami rated against 'ha as i read th" law," said he, t is the return upon th,- nurrlsge 11? OSO, and DO] the. 1i< ens,? itself, which is sod. The law-makers at Washington t?t, in do mala, be __rr!ed men, Croa e way thai section of tin. wartai tut II trained. Tfcey certainly showed that .-y tha poor ipoou was Bad? il with lUfnclenl ' ?./ease without iking him bear the burden of nn addl? mal war levy, and so placed it upon alders of tha ofltetetlag olergy? .n." Had this ?ruling; if sustatoe*. by tho venue Collector of that district (At ws ink it should be), win mean?contribo? n of about RAM I" r annuni from tho ckets of the Cook county cb P?hs clerk of th.- Hustings Court <>f this y was himself pussled about the matt? i Brat, but ait.r making inquiries of r pei fa eam. to ths con? ision that legally ths minister Is tha Who should pay th,; tax. II" Is I bo certain, however, that the bride? rom la not morally bound to reimburso par.-..n. He is Irresistibly lad to this nclu mu by his own dally exp?rience Clerk, which requires him almost hour io i.M'e . . rula at. i nf ?me sort <ir an ier, For Instance, a notary may da? I to have the validity of his comnils n, bond, ste., attested, and to do this ask a certlfleatt from the Ckrk. e former la, of ?ourse, the beneflotary, i for thai reason, pays 10 cents in ad? ton to his other CQBtS, as tho Clerk la lutred to eflh iii?' staasa, ? Attorney for Oeeh county, when be ids the. ruling we have reCsrred t,,, uteliy remarked that after all tho rgy would not suffer BO much, as It s everywhere the custom for preecbers : pa er ? ai ooi gr; ci? 1 do II ".Si lea ha th? lac "M ovc W. ll I'll. Sta mo BBS pj| T ha?: ctr tho all] tres w thi.? Dei to i ro] A of Kot lha nrui n ; ' ptk me i the Mil' II ove el? mo.? turn wedding fees over to their wiv-s, | Dp. i thai ths latter Wei- the Individuals , Would really pay the tax! An 1 a tu r kwks that way, though * ?*_ ?avjld ;rui_o a Mdegroom a dlmo! It UBI IB cviia. he. rain;. a* .i^nn Is now much In evt. ,- at Santiago, and our troops th> re certainly dad ao grounds for eoea? lateg of a lack of the "pluvial sab Bee." Bhowera Call every day?almost ry hour?and thoso not under shelter ubb'T, tin, or wood, are drenched. F* the whole, how? ver, the rains are so bad. They are soon over, and what >ett< r still, invariably git?, warning of r approach. Tho sun quickly dries wet around and dissipates the moi.-t Vorj i. ,?u tK- tht thowers cm, while ths sun I* shtelag or while the twinkling In the skies. Tht i-clouda only occupy that portion of blue vault that they require for ?k?ng p?rpoaea They make no at? i : t . inteofere with old Bol, or tht riot non the bt The veri and sita rise oon nun ami stag asci c. , d men CjllJll but of n ly i phyi ty. : curt Jui from ht Otts ?'f night. A big, black buacfa ,m!" oattag repot appears over the moua? ", gradually envelopes ths const for Ute, tnoia or le.-s, ?,iit at sea and? i ths heavenly sinless are opened. Hers generally meit the difn tht climate by removing their dag at the approach of rain and ing all their garments uadet their tat ponohoa They arc thus afford? . opportunity Of a lab ishower-bath, citn c?)iint on having dry clotblng a tho fun Is over. th e I young mea who are not nteerlttg as numerously as Uncie desires haw- an abiding rocoUecllon he thoroughly discri-ltabl?. way in ii tha '! ! volunteers ware treated ? a? pressai in obei-pi of uueie 's ?.flairs. o Spanish soldiers In the Santiago a-y district outside of ?Santiago say wii; j.ot surreader under the Tarai ulatiuii. S_ be It. The choice lb own. Tiny art only ?o much th? ?er away from American bread and a!'s rcv.aid for doing his best at BBS Is a threat that he Is to be court i. lied on his return to Spain. This ii_t if Spam proposes to shoot ? her soldiers who tail to su- ce. ,i ist our arms, she w4!l soon be wi.ii n im*/ at grell as witsott a aavy. an t ? "un of tl trlct bio t , ar_ qulr? aCtai thc-rt it m an ?i ootal to lei dtetri quito nine, fetudl ties ? formi to ne to th No valu; rathe !y?o i Sair Not | appai hlms< merci surrci Blai snylii) wltho GOSHI!? AM? KTtETKItAS. The northern paper? havo "caught on" to tho fact that not one singlo company j? regiment from the South ha? Been icnt to Cuba. Such is the case. Taken In onnectlon wllh the car? exercised m teeplng Fltz. Lee In tho background, we nay bo pt?rmltt?d to er.tertoln tho sus ildo? thut ?ome Influential official con lected with tho army Is determined that ho South shall not win too many Uurels n this war. It may bo pleaded, however, that no outhern command was well mooch ?Slipped t? ge on the Santiago expe-n lon. That may BS true; hut now we ave plenty of regiments fully preparen 1 ??very IBSpSCt. ' BtlH, SfS ?I" not hear iat any of th'rn oro to go on the Porto ;icnn expedition. Mason Mitchell, the actor, who, as a it-mbf r of tho Rough Riders, was ?SUM? 1 in Cuba during the attack on Santiago, is iBBshsd Bon? Tork. htltrhell B srall nown here, lie was ?truck on BIS ?oulder and left breast by a piece or BaBUrprialag TnnBsas havo ried ?rith is proper sffldsls at Washington sppft? tlon? for charters for nation-,.! batiks Honolulu and San, Per?? BSCO. it looks pretty "rh??ky" ior Bampson claim ai aria Of the navy the mar iant vaansla found In Santiago harl * *un that) city surrendered to BB fter. Bh sejual grace might shaft t dalia r hi< eoldlera B ?hare of the head mon.-y ;.?t BmMtpton'? men win get ior deatroy? I c< rvsra'a Bast? for it la c* sertaia as ythlnK c;?n be that th? operations of ? army made the BSSl run cut of the rbor. , V "hurry call" has been pent in for tho mune regiment? to hasten to Santiago. ir government, which BUrelp OBght to ow hott? r, is a? ting upon th? | r? ?n that a ma.i who h;. I enttatSd In an mune ret-iment is perforce Immune to llow-fevrr. However, the immunlsts ve only thomaelvas to blame if th? y are t OB duty wh??re the. yellow-fever is cheat and deadHi ?. t has hern charged that the Srventy t New York Bngjinent BUabehnved la action at San Juan hill on .Inly 2d, but n Its enemi? s admit "that it did gui lt work a f-lmrt while afterward-. The w T??:k ptvpere, however, contend that no tirno what? ver di?i the ncj*,nntnt ter or otherwise mlsbehar??. Tha c.,n ry story is charactori-a-d as a uvat idlgioiis lie. GIVF. is Tin; cot .vtie*. ho United State?? Agricultural Da? tment In r< iwirtiivg the condition of ps In Virginia would pleaso our farm very much if they would glVS the nea of the OOnntaOS from which their :> poiHlentS Write. The name of tho nd di\?isi'?n of the Wtato Is not Kiitll it. 'n* average man or woman rets ph is un??; Information wh?-ri he road? t tho rains hnva been exceeriua at :.i?- ..m." or thai pennuta sre in hope? eondttloa si "ituiika." <?r that oats a i?< ? n eut ?t "Blrdsaest," or thai *e has been too much sala at "Wal ton," or that crops are. doing well at iRaa'a," ??r that whent-threehlng la r at "Flint 11:11." OS that coin is doing ! at "Baumarlll-e." every lnstnn?ee where th?? poet-offlce reas la not w?n known throughout the e the county ahould be a?l?l??l. In t CBBOS. unless it PS added, the, inf??r lon sought to ho eonvnyed Is well? i vsJuslass. :? 1 ?i.* patch, from lime to time, has like eosaplalnta from its render? con ing its BOS letters, and this too, it-h unlike crop reporta, there la u i Boatethlng la newa letters that re s the n.'iti.?- of the county. o havo drenUOUSly sought to corr?>rt evil, and WS .ulvis?- the Acrri? ulttiraI artmenl to do likewise v. ?th respect latlng Its notes on thi? C'?n<Juicm or s In Virginia. jlosttirioKS am? tl \i.\m.4. paragraph has been going th? rounds he press to the SffSCt that l?r. RobSft h, the eminent bSvdisriologlst, cl . th? iii?..-?iuit?i is tho great distributer propagator of malaria. A consular rt from Kr. ink for:, has Just 1 ted and Issued by the State Depart? t, and in it is summarised S lectura Doctor m?ci.t!y deliver??*! on this e*?L leading up to th?.'peroration that "to ???ir.e this malady (malaria) is eOUtV? t to th>- peaceful of the t beautiful portion Of tho globe," Koch said malaria was the mod .* ? - s of ail ? iBtered by kern sacaa atbnnpting to colonise tropics*, and r? .ai ?uccess irouldnerer ttnlned until it had ben vanquished. malady, In various degrees of s? - y, mistad in ?ill parts of the world, its exciting cause was always a pan in tha human blood. The alternats und fall of th?? patient'? temp? : ?ponded exactly with the changing bcr of tluso paraslt? .- , and by < x latlOfl Of the blood the progress and i of the '. ild be deflnltely rtalned. Ha had, ho said, further suc *d In demonstrating the exact mo ; for thu effective administration ' .' ne, which do?? not kill the microbe, lednltdy checks and limit? It? ; production. This dlecorery wa? hlgh aportaat, for ss s result of i- i Idsn could, with reasonable certain ?rovido that the rMsSBSe should bo I, and not run to ? fatal r*su!*. t as Utrera Waa BO locality exempt malaria, ?o th? r*.> w^s aa n i to it, eontlnnod tha lea-'urir. Ne Irrtng on tha coasts of tropical rlee aw re practically ?o, but negroes e same. rsCS frOBJ mountainous di , c??r.ilrig to the ?sauet, were - 0 the fOVOr. The farmer have, a? - If to tho Opinion of Lr. K??rh, ac 1 immunity through ?light malarial is during Infancy or youth. Hut, us was naturally BfSBdBOad Immunity, st bo pCSalblO, he added. t?a BSOdUCB rtihciai one. The eeaentlal s???p la iting the ...... * was for the patient ve Inunodlately tha malaria?!. I .t. ?nd i,?* protected pgrfnrt **bos bites by prophy?!?ctic dose? of iiul Lr. Koch believes that through his s .f malarial dtaasse la tho tocall? Bats Ha n-.?ist inf-nse and vlrulont prevail, tha way has been opene?! g lines of study, ar.?l new limits set i dangers of the dim at ? Itself. doukt tho Dover's discovery Is a ala otic, but the average man would ho had hit on ?ome way to para la? vocal chords of the mosquito. pr? hi de Bl gat hi an h-1 Ml for T Brl ft to thi Y lr: !? c Big M as t B of : for H? hon \- . pson Is a great clalmor, at least, aillent with claiming a victory won ntly by Schic-y?certainly not by If?he now claims a number or ant .-Lips In Santiago harbor that dcred to Shatter. co goes squarely back on Toral, that Santiago gas surrendered it hi? authorlr? tlon or knowledge, ll. Tl Tt B? B) ; m. A'.n; t hi c.r clnl. liana kill? stori Tu-. lali tons 9om Wue Ion?? piece r and e ot Hi up to Safe, tlrvici The? and. unhappily tor human nature. tt}ta i? ?bout a? near the ?quare thing as Blanco ever gets. Blanco la himself 'nncoramunlcado** now. All means of communication be tween Cuba and the rest of the world ar? at last really in our hands. Madrid ha?, thcpcfore, to <Jp without Its greatly en Joycd pabulum of Matanzas mule. Th? wnr, after ail. has dealt pretty evenly. Tho.v of us who are not licking Spaniards havo the privilege of licking revenue alnmn?. Th? Spanish torpedo-boat Temerario BBS had tho tSSBSrttp to leave her 8outh Am? rl'.in harbor. Has she staked off her piafe at the bottom? Shifter Is anxious to save his men from the sickness that threaten? in the San tiago lowland?. H? knows what it Is .#? himself. The SnamiBCBBianl that Watson's Quadrou will ?tart soon is getting to be luito an old story. Governor Mack's force bill, the New i'ork pBpgffg suy, wlQ force him Into pri vate Hie. Captaln-Oer.eral MSdSS, of Porto Rico, vlll row come to the front?and take his brashlBBj Ce-neral Miles has rather a striking way ' SsfOBllnB entangled in the meshta of ?i lap. Old Glory over KatUiago meuans new | :!". ;- for Cuba. Now for the rcigu of the carpet-bagger ? The PSeddent is soon to take a little rip to sea for BlttlSi If. See? V. Iieric? fit ?nut i uro. Jame.? Lindsay? (.?ordoii in Is? w York Tri bune) ('' General Wheeler : t ?j--'<i on the two rules' Journey to th,e front In an ?mbu u;i". AbOUl half Way to the front lu vt ?osa? litter? bearing wounded, The eteran, against the protect ot the ? ?iis. imm?diat?-iy ordered his horse, r pereonelly assisting the wound ?1 int.? the ambulanp??, mounted uruli?do n ward. "Tli? men burst into frantio cheers, rhlch followed the Qeneral all along the n?-." ?Corr? spondciuo NeSf J*Ork Ci'i une.) rito the thick of the Batst he went, pal IfsJ :ii)?l sh'k .-i???l v.'.i . loros in an ambulance to the front, a ghostly wisp of ,a mai.. :ut the fighting ?oui ??r a ti^hUng man. approved in the long ago. rent to the front in that ambulance? an?l tho body of Fighting .Jo?. ut from tho front they wen rotnir? back, smltt.n ? :' Spanish shells? .'o'indiii boys from the \ ? rmont hills and the Alabama dell . Put them ?'i*'? thus ambulance: I'll ri?i?; t?. Ii;? iron?." be .-iil<i, nd he climbed t?, the saddle, and rode ri^ht on, that ii'tio old ex-Confe-d. :om end |0 end of the long blue Banks roee up the rl nd many a powder-blaekened face was , irrou ' d with ?udden t? > ?.?.lth fl lehlng ey< an?l gle imlng sword, and hair and b?ai d t ito the hell ?>t ?h? l I rodo little old Fighting >? | ?k with fever and racked with pain, he could n"? ?tay away, ->r lie hbard I - th?> \estor-ye.irs In th? deep-mouthed cannon'? i- h'.i: | in th?? calling song "f the guns there WUI WOtk fOr h:m t" do, hare hie .mtry*? i" -- ? i ? > < -l ?plashed and flow? ?i 'round the. old Bat?', BBd BtttB. nrered borSv and her?i heaxt! This 9D'a h'sirt t | \ OU n in luve and nrntirnre, and io h dear boy n. hi ho itood or f? ii 'mid Ute ahol and ?hell, and cheered in the face of the foe, -, van and whit?, t?. th.? heart of thi light ro?Io little ? !?! Fighting Joe: Social III?.?Irle?. (Judge.) Itranger ?in Countryvllle): I ?nppoae h ?s gone up bora ?In? a Ur. ondlke Dlgglna Lunt a eununer sad? ace h? t? .' attve: Ya-is; it'.- gone up the spout, cry man in tBOWfl BOS had tew fltort? p? his tarm t-w buy i.ats an' fOWl ; Wife UkS ?MfB. K~Iou?ilk_ 1 . ara II?.o oil i.? < <mic. ei'u.k.) Irawford: The udproeomont? that are Bg Binde in the b?orseless carriage are it' wonderful. T? nit t : 1 presume it won't be long be ? art artn have the rasnlass bAAf^Mt* gc here in Llrooklyn. al 1 lie Snn's N,-?v Labor. (?Chicago liit'i -<> ' an.) he sun. which l I I ' to set oti tish U ?Tit'ity during th? past luitnlr- 1 ira or "?. un?] i' w have to sat up early tin.i tha United States flag flapping m Court I'rni-tlcc. (Torakerg Statesman.) cast: Jeans tell? me be is practicing the courts; l didn't knon tint ha naa o admitted to the bei ' rlm.-onin i ti : Bg hasn't It's the ten court*? he n; BB M?irc Sule Tnlk. (1'ittsburg ?'in.?iiicit Telegrsph.) rs. BUaggs: There Is not so much talk ! "Ut Bp ?i'.i's selling ?'uba. gg?; No; there ?s even talk I ?. with ? ci iriw ?-?i"vni price ?Janiaji? ? ?,"<??J 1 iii|i?i,ia MenfliiM. IIPOBIA, V.*... July B -?Special.) - I':. -. a Ldgfa Starr, ?'f your city. -?d through i.' re to-day, en routa in lif.n.-wi? k. W'hii- . ; th.- gueei "f Miss Mary Turner. ?n. Oeorge P. Barbaba i- ?int.- sick. i "? al? i-.;? sa out in country, but litt!-- in town :? ' rop lent. eater BL 'w'- Bnnsoss has not ss yet ipted ?ho invitation of ?'han, ham ?"'amp. Confederate V<ttnrann No. ::ess tho c.i'Ui? on too lit? of list ig Killed liy I.lKhtiiing in Cnro? lino. iLAXSYII.f.B, VA.. .lu!;.- : (Spe r??Clyde, the r-v? .?.- d i '?i ??f Wu lf, sad ?Mice Oliver was Inetantiy ?1 by lichtning duritm' the ! in whl i uv : tills section ?day ?-v'-ning. Be wa? playing up *s with v< v. n other children at Hamp vlll?-, sear this pine?', whan ?truck. ?if the other children were ?hacked. ^a?-*-,??^.?-?a?* No Gripe n you take Hood's Pills. The his. old fash I, IBSBPSSBBBi pills, which tear you all to $, arc not In it with Hood's. to tak? food's Pills I m? e.l ti? r? n Ii? ?. At v? St. tp? hi: th, is ve l; : It.' To i Go b? a?l? *? i ? ll eel rei th? w? \ i ;,? to \ i? Ii of ble the an? f-j tali r?-?i the r?: bel be J: Coi qu? hit: ?im hin i: ; to i - Moi Al th Tl ra^. ?:? il< win? crea ?pal sear wan "I I'MIn of a full imp. and ined quel for n.-rv ere? rene Pli til? asy to operate, I? true khI's Pills, winch are date in every respect. certain and ?ure. All w?w ?Ub ;i*M. 2lc. C. I. Hood B Co., Lowell, Masa JJJ* Bap rills to uke ?ith Hood's SaruparJJ* toT*i or e? *'K Phlll and gist, you tee Royal is tee bieWst arm?e baiilag pemdnt tseaaB Actual t??ts show it t??* owe? tekr* I arJus* tiue spy ?her triad. POWDER Absolutely Pure SOYA? ?*?i?*o r?-**Mrt C*., Kf ? yo?*:. ' ??a ' ?OTLLIAMSBI IM. r?e Yacht ?lull?< Ity Cooncil?Per aounl Mention. WILLTAMsnui?'*-, VA., July 20.-(Spc lal.)?The Williams!,mi g Yacht Club, at '.ng last Bight, d? Idsd to star: ,n their annual crulss oa ths Nth instant. l_S party* this year v. : ' la up as late ! -'-i. Mayaard, sailing In ohargei .Mate, b. w. Wolfe; 'aterer and Treasurer, James T. Chris ian, with T. <; Peachy, Rd. W. Warbur? OB, N-'d *> '. Jeii.s, and B, D. P. a'.iy. ir. Oraham Ni.oi, ol Washington, will _o go as the guoel of the club, Profee? bt Bd, Thon ou aril] accompany the arty with lu- bai end enti n them lith a lections from his amplt repertoire. . pect to be . < ?nr < Sty Council will m< t nexl o organize and Sx B time fOS laying ths ?try for ths cur* ni fl-, si : er, Tl leet at thai meeting Keeper of the emetery and Clerk of I i. and :< Mayor will appoint tho standing Dnimltt'. s. Mies Knevlls and Mra Samuel Plcker ig (aee Ham are visiting ir-. Bdward B. Hamlin, at "Taaowell ?ui." Mis. W. C. ??yo, who has been sick ir several da] I, It something better, and hen able to travel will go to Virginia : ' . Miss Liaste Chsries, win* has been ?ending soms time in N,?rf ilk, la now letting Men It In Ht mpton. Mr. W. B. Wall r, of New Kent, was re to?day on Mr. Ro. a. Lively, of Claetenatt, who is been here visiting bit moth? >nie time, w.tit down to Newport News tterday to visll friends there, s tor hlch ho will r. '.uni to I1I3 home, |a the ?_L BORTH1 MBUitl, \\D. ir'rldue?, I'romlae to Re Abundant. An liurly s|il|iim-iil. BBATHBVILLB, VA. July 20? (Spe ll ttm? n. Who ar.? i!. elr vacations until tht fall, in order that iv may enjoy hunting, may rest sa hunting in \ i coaling set on ?rill b* most ex* ws fr,'m , iv point in th - ,.. ; tbel birds wert never mort plea? 'ul than th' now see. In Norfthumber mi th.- the premlun hundreds ,-f hawk m* slot have coa? buted largely to the increaas "f par? d I the ae.icn were ipped yesterday from Barnes, wharf. the tteemer Arrowsmtth, con ti?e Washington market. They were leed by William Johnson, snd ?rere in celleal condition. Th.- shipment is un? Bally early. v ,ii-s Nennte Lye*!, most estimable. ung lady of Uarirhatn, died test week, . i Sunday >' Parnham Bap? t church, of which tht was eg mber. 1 inlorarri .lone*. ffARBAW, VA., July -1*. (flpsetel.) e Der m in., 'ting at lie'- COUrt-bOUS? to-day I I>'< I - to 1 nal conven? n. and endorsed Ron. W. a, Jont - tot lomlnatlon, nioernli?' *?. omi nnll on f??r Congress ALISBURT, N C, July B (Bpeci ii.i the Democratic Congressional Con itlon for the Seventh Dlstrl? t, b tesvi??, to-day, Mr. ')'. W. Klutta was ateati .i "n lbs ?treaty-third ballot, and noaiinatloa was made unanimous anno* at anthustesm. H to say thai non.iii' ' will i, lected Mr. Klutti i \ i. prominent and racceeaful law? , ati.l president Of tie- Davis _ \\'?:. y tk, of . ?'il: 1 a: '. aalatleaa ef Bawehlaad nemoemt? Ooechtend CourthouaO) July 19. isas. ths iviitor of th" Dlflpatcb* t a va ip -rat eting of the Di mo. rats of ?cbland co Id at th" court s'', tho foil?,wing i were pti ,1 : lohn Lamb, the proa? live of c. h.- ball i of ( baa proved him . ;!'!, leu?, end capable rep? tntatlve of the people, ever alert to lab reals of his constituents and the faro of the people; and ?Oteas, ths Of the county of ?cbland desire. In some fitting show their ', m ul ins s; th. refore, bo it i people of i county iland in mass-meeting ascem i. That they tender t" Captain Lamb r sincere mid basity endorsement; be it furlh. r .soheil, Thai as a compliment to ?'.;, i he he allow, ,1, and || ;. i, Ited, to iiam.* the Train county of <;.bland t > the " trict Congressional Cottrentlon, *., h* l m Richmond en August 2, ISM, and t solved, That the chairman of the my Democratic Ctonnittes I rted to fon JUS to Captain Lamb, With th.- ; -t that th t nan '1 1 av. aient. ' Th t we tht DenuMrnta of cbland county, 'i mass-meeting ,i? . i latform. r. If. PARRI8H, -?a?*? HARD TO I'M: AS!'. t l'cople Are Very Portionier A4 lint I'll? > DrlnU-s.iu, ln_ Raw? ' ?a lo, king for a bOVO? a . :. ' , tet tly pare, healthful lou-, and Inexpensive, tomethlng h will not only quench thirst, but also te *. !. ilthy app? title, tont up rm, and soothe the nerves, need h so longei ; a 1 lephont message oi U card will bring just wi., ted. Is the name of this -desir.-'l drink, it it non-il beautiful amber eolor. end with a hop flavor, without t?,.. bitter and esantly rough taste of ordinary malt hop tonics. While in n,. ,,,, .in., it potseaees many medldnal ties, whl-h mane it an Ideal tonic tired, wornout people, th. .., ?11 unstrung who ?oik th. m s to death,** and white app.-tu, t. rrtag. s and temperance men eveiy e Indorse .t. and a ttBglt trial will re you to giv * up the use of the iger alcoholic drinks, as well a.? s.? 1 summT 1 wrt idd m.iit toi of which are as pleasing, healthful, onomlcal as "Kllng's Ambrosia." ling's Ambrosia" is made only by p Kling Company. Detroit, Mich., f not on sal?- by your grocer ?>r drug send us a postal and we will see that ire supplied. Be sure you refuse all ltutes. many of which are harmful fur th? trade-mark tthe Inter K> he tlgnature of Philip Kling on evry i. !e Y'Tuuc'l n.irorair , 75c. ONLY 75c. | a...Round Trip to..? Norfolk, Old Point, and Newport New3* ON THE STEAHER POCAHONTAS I Saturday Night, July 30th, 10 P. M. ? 1 Ladies or Children, each - 50c ? !_____ ? ? ? ^ ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ma. ? _ : AI.IH.M \ki rc. Miller School Punil? Appointed?A Bn??m?TSa riIAIU.OTTK.H\lLl.i:, va.. July 2*>? isi.e,i;ii.)-The sillier Bonrd has rseoan? Biendsd 'he folio vu-n,' lllUldfSja for ap pointment rus pupils of that itif-tltution: Brvann? ?Augua u. niakoy, William I?. Blah? y, a. tarn? C. ?Qa trien, Davis B. Bd? dins, Beuala B. Crtckenberger, and Bsassa W, Button. White Hall??George A. Olbaon, Stone wall 3. Walton, Roteen I* Walton, Per il, and Maggie ? Rogers. Samuel Mill? r Rob? rt A. Pugb, ?Curt?a ft Wash, J?ihn P. Klipp?. Bom B. hfaw* yar, and Ettie L. ?Gardner. Chartotteerllle?John D Pnyne, Joseph C Hurt, ?Chart? i v. HariBOoB?. H, H, C. L>" Beottsvlll? ?Lewla M. Bturgall, Walter J. Lalrd, Bannie D. ChUdreeu, Minnie B. Carroll, Ruth A. BsCk, and Laura. J. i Iw Charles B, Wash and Lizzie W. Barlow. City of Cnariotteavllle?William s. v . i, Carey Sprou - Hoffman, v i., i Burckh ni, and IfalUs Pratt ? tonway. Miss Martha K. ?"ark?? end Mr. Walt? II. Teaaley v.? re married at s o'clo? k la?t evening at ih<* of the bride'? ta, ??it Belmont, the Rev, H. W. Tribble, of th-? Bapi offlriatlng. ?Quite a large gathering <?f friendo ver? ... .\t a meeting of the Chnriottoavllle School Board, held at the Miller School, M: .1 . :. B. i ?abney an?l Mis? : Fltshugb ? teacher? In the Midway School, ami Mlesea Hattie Bibb, May Parry, and Hnllle Wlngfield arare chosen eubetltute teacher?. i?;-. A. ?Cok? Smith, of LynchburSi deliv ered a lecture ?in Hawthorne la I evening before the I of the Bununer School of Methods. Hi- lecture waa thoroughly ; by his audl in? i hown the close attention gives during the cntiro evening. a delightful entertainment am? given In new public hall of the Unlvei . ? ma?-. The programm ?. ?.f rocaf - I Bibb and Doe? well, an original p<>?*ni by Dr. C W, K? at, ?selection from ?Quo Vadla by Mr?. South wick, "The Minister's Houaekeeper," by Professor Henry L. Southwtck, of Boston. a recitation by Misa MOoro, of Norfolk, ai d ?? !" r Interesting numl Miss Mary Webb, of Richmond, la the fueet of Mrs. Walter Dinwtddie, Ball Mrs. Herbert M Ho? - i daughter, I'.-nrh. of Richmond, are the sueste of Mrs. k. d. Anderson, "Red u.U." PETERSBI RG. Dentil ?if a Ilelo\eil I. n ?I >?l^ioKliit; Oui for i'imlicr I.and?. PETERSBURO, VA., July K.?(Bpoclnl.) I ' n aras received this bsoinlng ring the ?loath last Bight, at \u linia Beach, of Mrs, Baltte Mtsfhsm. BldOW Of H. T. M' ai-hani. Of this ilty. >n Saturday Bight iBSt ihs Buffered B ! bird ?troha of pstralyste, which pi rved i'ii Mrs. Meacham waa at Vlrainla Seach visiting has m in I? ! dat dre, i i mown and gn ? Ib Petersburg. Her remain? were brought here this svw Bg for Interment. Information by telegraph from Jack? "?agiilo, P?a, i? to tat effect thai Mr, .1 a tn.'tnl . i of '. mil Rlfl? i, Fo irth Virglnl? Reglm? at, . ? i. < been in witii typhoid-fever for " ' we? ka, has ?offered ?i re ad thai in i - i ral The young man la a bob of Mr ' this city, and la ry popular here. His mother is attend ng at bis bedalda Ths regular term ?.r the Hastings Court rill begin to-morrow. The grand Jury rill only hav.' two i teca for Ita conelde? atlon viz.. Robert Morton, ? barged with the murder "f Ooorga H. <7?eetn*?oreland at ths Weet-Eod i'at-k av?rai weeks ago, and Joseph Knog, who s charged with the felonloua shooting f Henrietta ?Qoodirin on tho ?ith of uly. The latter was ablu to be out for he Brat time to-day. There la an Immenea demand for the iiH Umber In Dlnwlddle county ;ii eg of the Rlchmondi Petereburg and 'erollna ralln ad v number ?a* Large turn? er d?niera In and outelde of this Statte ava vlalted theaa timber ?.?mis. irga rirm in \oi - ? . was here looking out for his late? ?s?.?, m that ?!;r.Ion. Immense boules f origlnal-gBOWth pin?*, oak. un?! otfa Ha Inunedl - l ala road, the tm< k of which ha ii?i from ai - I rlty t?> ne ir ?in wiil'iie Courtbonee. su? s f?>r i ir?;.- ?aw-mllla i. ?i. Mr. C. a. Wlnfraa nn?i Misa Aiva Haw li of tins city, wer?-, marrie) , ay by the Rov, B T. Dadtoua r High-Street MiHhodlst Eptecopal honen, KII.I.CU II HIS TltAtK*?. Tnpe<*d? In Norfolk County?A Marriage. NORFOLK, July 9, (Bptt lai.) v clock y aftemooa . er, living at Deep Creek, want ?house irllsr th I itt in tl BBS B h . I iksd bo ' but, dran !. bet ?a th ig, t." i ' ", v. i. i I ;.- this tinii waa run 'i h? I i -al, and ' to tue ?und di ad. i- in* i lefl ; tee, and tha wiS al inn thai ??a brought a ; : : ". a arch arse i er, *>ut a, Lanh r .-ta i outii to ?'v. - ' lip, t ?t a : Mr. 1'. Laker Ames a".d Mis-? ?, ?laerteon Hetvtn were ?guletly man o'clock thla morning at the Bobm ol ?bride, in tble city. The ceremony ?was if? im? ?i by Bev. Dr. Tounf, of Bpworth nhodist cho I.?II HOI V ?in < ? . ii I I ? ?\ ,< -I'll i i ?a- !,. a ; ?, of n l.?iV.v? \<-?-l?Init. aBBSBUBO, VA. July Bt (jBBSMiSBl J a- lawn parry g.\ ?n by th?- latBSS ?>r eaburg on the eourt?bOttSe lawfl .?a was a grant Btarscsss. it was t??r Bl ?,f the i:? ?i Croa? fund in aia Ich ?oMISTSi ThS lawn waa BSBtttl? ly lit by ele.'tiiL- light? and lant.'tn. 1 the ?row?! was large, a? fjie flue i ca the aftitnoon ha?i tempered th?t air. tut peo oso da win be at leant lus. Its? BItaabeth Sheets, a stater of the t- B> W, Sheetz. e?lltor ?nd proprietor the Mirror. dUd here ?u?l?leiUy in tne t year of her age. she c?m? her? tu Ido with her brother f?om Charlea vn, W. Va., and though in delicate llth. wa? utiuK'tally well tor her rh?> ralag sf l?n "?tata After a heany *h? had a roughing ?poll, an?i Cl to Mi ?in CT3 El! pel m ? hemorrhage followed with t??.. froaa, . ?ung Albert TschlMy, whII| his home, three miles fr?.m ?Leesburt thrown or fell from hi* bora?, tad' w Iv hurt, and I? Btlll suffering from the flOWOta. * -??.?? "tVItl?.F. THE BTAE I. %?t?j. ALT, wm? MARCH, WALK, OB I ahould shake into their ?. powder, l swollen feet prevent , chafing, hoi end : : -, in h??t . limat? - without It, Allen's Foot-! all drusgists .u.d ?di?>? Rent FREE Address ALL? N STKD [S , i>B??-^B.^'>.'>^'BHI?i'i-4..H? t ? SALE OF RIBBONS j i SUCCESS! SUCCESS! ? E Tin: JULY RIBBON :; I.'. : ? t OBM lli?r talk ..' ; t1? oaly with the publl?, ?but a among th.? dry-. J 1. OBM ?iu?'.'?i more beautiful i It iweavtaf*, i ill -. '!'.? ?do tin m i . must. 10c. Yard FM'" . . .-, 1-2 Inches ?ride A Stripe F ? y Rib?bons. Also, Plata Taffei ? tad B ail lbs dainty aumn kind tiut uauallj . 17c. Yard. BO piece? Plain Ige Tat d Moire, A com* ere actu illy a ci lb. GREAT VALUES IN BLACK KIBBONS. J HIfTh-C.r.1.!?? Hli.-k 1 IT No. '?, foff Dress Trimming, 5 CENTB yard* >*.'?>. 7 at ~> c\ I T-m.-h D I Batta Rtl - bon, M CENT8. w **^B^**^? ?ajF**'?BF** ^^v^^P^^P^'W **"?-flW**"?-Bffl **^**"0 iv? t kimi*. v 75c. OINiLY 75c. ROi'M) TRIP TO torio!.., Old Point, and Newport Neis STEAHER POCAHONTAS SAIIRIMY NIGH!, July JOth, i . P. II L.tdics or chi'nl!? AHVIBBBBTS. AUDITORIUM 3ROAD-STREET PARK. WEEK ? IENC1NU .)' I.V RVER* N'MHT AT I IS I MlTIMll', BATl'MDAI IT I l". *L A Bupt lior i>... VAUDEVILLE. BILLY VAN, .alo Prln? Ipal Com * and At. ? FLOTOW AND J" NN, n their Orl?inal Creatl? . MINTlKE AND OALLAOER AND "ho (?r atest of 1 HARRI rAI a Ills v. iaiper. ADMISSION, : p'endl'l I over th-' Traction L e close? at 10:30 o'cl __ in-Street Vaudeville P? .: MAIN AM? \ i.M. . . rila . i lange o? bill i IOHTLT PERFORMANCE - ATEB OPEN ONE HO BA1 L'RDAY M . . M. WEEK < ' IN'O MONDAT J! LI ?-TH. FIARLEB AND a MIS Tho Cham THE < Insti u Cl'lil'V SI. Boni*-? and A? : A 1 ?MIS.-i ?.*.*!'? ill prl * m ' nid . hlldra i .. iln htr??t .ri ' ' ect to parr. ,mONEa res galcklr. ThAt fo what It wu i-Je for. Prompt, safe, wire, au*J lief, quick euro. Plcaca?* to toa* illdren 11 Ico it ?tul a?ulto like it? 'then buy It for their childira* ?-epar**.-*, b** E. 0. DeWitt A Co.. roake?-t_| Witt's LlUta ImU &im*t\ u:? i-^*J?* ft? ?NUB