Newspaper Page Text
t, THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1898. _ WANT TJIKMTO COME. BRAID AIIHV Ml \ I RUB PICIaKTI VKTI'IUM to MMM THE REU MOI BEAR PHILADELPHIA 4 otnrtolifre from That (Ity Make (hi Moat K?mest Appeal to the ? Ir* glalaaa to necome Their tieests Meetlna to He Called. The representatives of twenty posts ot the Grand Army of tho Republic, eight campt Rons of Veterans, ten regimental associations, and several lidies' auxiliary corps, of Philadelphia, arrived here yog? terday morning for tho purpose of ex t< tiding to tho survivors of Plckett ill? Vistea an Invitation lo attend the forth coming grand encampment in the Quaker City at the guests of th"se organizations. Each visitor did bis b< st throughout the day to obliterate the unhappy imp; that were treated B year ago by the ac tion of home members of the Phllaflsphla Brigade arh? n It w *> d that an invitauoii thou] : ? sstea i to Picket?! la? n to attend th?; 1sj7 reunion. || Mdhing could have exceeded the cor J.e'Uy of tho iitvltaiion, which was Lacked by ths aasui ince that the o: B?tions wero each and all unanimous in their ?Uslre to v. ICOBM and ent? rtaln the i Who -?flflht With Plckett and sur vived that wondrous charge at Getty's burg, B*p one at those rfsggt fataUtles thit B to wait ? >m< tlm? t upon t b intentions, the letter ol imitation which was the pre? in-or of the delegation cams addressed to the survivors <>f Plckett's jiivisi'.n. under the ailitpprehsntlnn that ? n was still In ? \ How It cam? I to Plckett < amp?which teclud sveaty-flvs jo. n who were in Picken'a DIvlsl a end abeto ssventy-flve store who srers not? has already i.n told. That there should have t".a poms dellcacs In receiving the invitation wat only natural, but When the situation t loed the delega tion at mi' I I . the t- 'n, the commut'? gpp ilated to meet, the flele? gattea win at an early date call the our? vivort of Plckett Division together and t* raunend that Ihe invitation .shall be rgeoaflfted. ABJtlVAL OF Til!-; D-LSQA-IOff. TBePhilad? Iphte delegettea ai on tho f M train. i? was composed of Dr. *w. B loi nd M - W. ii. i.,-,. John J. Curly, John W, Cra/.l.-.-, Cralghead, IV. J. Tboi . i :. n Baker. *i " H. N, North? n. 8. It. Q ?nd w. t lea orted to Murpby*t Hotel, where br? .?.: i t v. n served. Af terwards they vtelted Lee ?"amp Hall, and nt i" i ... k, the time appointed for the formal presstitatlon of the Invitation, they arrived at the bal] of 1'. Iv if Camp, they were met by tho committee aapoteted to receive them, comp > it. N. Northen. S. it. Q tes, w. v. Baas, Dr. it. ?;. Ki m e, Dr. 'i', i: I ton. M. Angle, a. i). Bedford, end B. B. Cardozo. There wire 00 Otl Bt at ths meettag, a fact wh tl. i t on both < . m in i i te? s. < 'oi : Noithen - t tiiis should bt whea I to welcome the i the city's gatea The _\I-,> said, had tin? ,.nai,;,' to be int, Bo explained hou the camp could Bol i on the leiter of in?. It Iv? i a i- v.' . boos aas it was , to the Plckett's Division ?i ired the Phliadelphiana men had always cherished . regard for those an h s I] I them ; ' and particularly for the . iphte Brigade. TUB INVITATION FSJBSBD. i>r. jas, chalnaan of the delegation, In responding, expressed I hanks for the i i i. eption be and bis colleagu? met with on their arrival. They were a V- mtii'M.f !- v n, he BSld, representing over forty different organisations in the / of Philadelphia, The organIsatloaa, ht eoatln : tinged to hold a re ' IB from |hS Itb tO 'hi- 14th of BOXt month on tht Delaware river, at a place i Wathlngton Park, eight miles l? low tie. olty of Pbllad? iphla. Th? < mprl ,1 ?") BCT? H Of land, he ; lid, I d many very Bne buildings, tome of then :. . . i with j" rfect soousttc prop re lo? . i ii' re ii" poke ai length of the diversified kind of amusement! that may i "\Se have been designated." continuel Dr. Jon. t, "i,v tht i : : : ' inlsatton, wiil-li held a ni.? ling 00 the Kb Of tlil? month, in a retolul Ion i inai Imou lv end with greal efitbu m, to come heru and Invite you to ! 's du riru? the ' i i impm? ni w? ek at no expenat to yourselves. Wt all feel that sinco the appointa. Bl ' I LaO, Wheel :, und I. to such i? sponstblt positions in the Bait, a aHataa army thai Bason and Dlxon'a line lias l" , n U U" d OUt of existence, and that all bin. ni' s between ihe North and fSouth should he buried. The entire popu lation of Pennsylvania Is SnxlOUS that jou t-haii caaae." Tin: PROGRAMM! ARRANGED, The BBea_er than outlined the pro gramme of tha encampmsnt Monday, he said, will be Jubilee-day, and the parh would he formally thrown op, u aft? r B a*eM parade through lbs streets of Phil adelphia? Tueeday win be flona ?if veterana' day, und tin? Jifnior? will take charge of the \ tors. Wednesday is ladles'-day, Bald Dr. "Jones, adding humorously that tht ofo. marrlage-llcei'.-a. in Philadelphia was only CO cents ami the Qrand Army would pay for the Stamp. Thurtday will I v'::;v <* ' Friday has been dedicated tO Plckett's Diviri.e'i and a reunited country, Saturday will be people- r.nd politicians' day, when every candidate for public office within a circuit of fifty miles ol Philadelphia is expected to i"' pr? tat Sunday Will he camp-mcctlng-?ay, WhOB discourses will be delivered by prominent clergymen from ev< ry d?nomination. WANT ALL TO COMB. "We want you to ?tune there,** Dr. Junes, "a? many as you pi- l ron the time you laav< home you will 1 (?ueats. Wt want you want you thi tiro week. Wa b re been Inatructod to tako no refusal. It we cannot get you In any other way. Wt Shall have to get the town constables to bring you te s body. Yon will be domiciled at the Con tinental Hotel, ?no of the best la ths city, and you cau get your meals there or at the park." COLONEL FRABIER'a bTTRONQ PLEA Colonel J. W. Piaster was th n intro duced. He said: We feel that a from the plckett Division Is due to the people of Philadelphia. Your Brat an PwMisylvan'u ?oil was In July, The aoguaiats you then fonaed s \<ty brief and naoeremonlois, bat ws feel that WS WOttld llku to renew the ac When the Philadelphia j.ti'ia.lo dedicated two of Its regimental luoiiuni'nts, WO invite?! PlekOtfe Division lo becoiiu* our guests. Themes s Bot disposed to accept favor and h and kladntSS ?'"m us then, for the a that w B4 n Jlld ' ? a,; i,,n w. ?it t-i Oettysburg to mak ateatg for th.- placing there of the Ann stead monu ment, he nati d? nl?nl permission to build the inoiiumi nt there. However, we suc ceeded te petting you there, and instead of a committee of flfteea or tweaty-flve, you rame 409 str?m;.<?r the i'ickett s Division Invited us to Hichmond.-end WS buve been her? twice as your gu. Tue raagflkar then alluded to the pre Beatattea of a silk Anna l'a,? flag to 1'1-keU's Camp by ths Philadelphia Hn gad?, and the m? m g at Wil lard't Hot? 1. In Washington, on the oc of the ..res, a??..?..? ijfcj nnrm.lir si fraternal feeling engendered then exists to-day, he continued, and then ho al lutl? ?1 to tho friction last summer, adding. "Tht* timo we come here with a unani mous resolution, comrade Clark John *.,n, who opposed the invitation last year. off? red the resolution on this ooca?1on. BBd in doing so he raid that he h.vl I > more opposed than any Qrand Army man 10 ?ho Gettysburg and Philadelphia ft - union, but when he ?aw tho grandson Of ?irant on the ?faff of I>ee, and a I.ogan with Wheeler, he knew that It was time that all animosity should b? buried for ever. We ?re h.*re lo nsk you to come twenty-five BCrOUg, or fifty strong, or 1?X>. If 'i.i'i can make It that many. We know ?ome of you will come. We would Ilk?? 10 get to Philadelphia on Saturday, August (th. T?) WAN'AMAKKR'S SI'NDAT SCHOOL. ".'.'? Want to tak? fOM to I.eth.-iny. the chur? h Lullt by John Wnnamaker, WBSTS they haVB a Sunday sch'iol of 3,W0. and in lift.rrnooa to th? ?Cathedral to hear Aroh ip Ryan, for we feel sure thnt you will henr two suoh fermons on tho lino of a reunited country' and people as will I tho whole country. If you can't come th? n, come when you can. We will make your stay SgToesbla. We Want you in your own way to bring It about, ami let 111 know who will coin?-. V.'< want it beOBUM of the unpleasant t:? ?s of last year, th? men who were re sponsible for It being now thoroughly In a? <<>r?I with us. Wo want you to rSOBBO, and you won't find us backward In ho ; I? tallty. ?Colonel Northen, referring to the nllu " ?"ti in Dr. Jones'? ; |,"e.*h to ?he pr?'ii SB of the haft informed the visitors that. It was on ever occasion egCOpt at funerala ?Colonel WttAtr, rising again, said that when be had ?aid bring twenty-five, flfty, or ?ine hundred, be only staunt -hit a 1 number should not cr?vent tli'-m from coming. "Come, as many as you will." ho added. "the more the better." l?r. Jemen ?aid he alee dc-slrcd tf> mako a t-orreition. He had harried that there had " ?*n eoaee mi' ?ppi i benslon m th" <ii rectlon of the invitation. The, commit'?-,' would ondertake !?> bava It changed to Plckati Camp, if that would bi? correct. Mil. PAKKR Sl'KAKS. Mr. K. II. I'.aker WSS lb'* BSjKt spenk?r. He had been to Richmond frequently, and h?> desired, he rntfrd, to condole with Pl?*kcft Camp on the loss "f so/many of ,is memb?*rs, who were true, proldlera anil patriota elegant husbands, and royal frienda He paid an especially high tri bute to the late Mr. !.. f.. L?yncb. lin pdk? warmly of tho progress in national nTalts, which was giving old Confederate Boldlera the pr?>minence they ?le.-?-rvd. "There has been a good deal ?>f talk about ll< ." he continued, "but I've al ways fell sorry for the man who would talk about It. I haVS always held that when our amis WOTS laid ?lown there vas an "mi of prejudice. Ton win pet a hearty ?n-? from every quarter when you OOCaS to Philadelphia. 1 worked on all the committees last year, and l can t?r-ti you rtatikly that the hitch thai occurred was n?,t created by any one who imi any ling. The citizens of Philadelphia aald, "They must come; we will invito them"; and the men who Bhoured th it nrptlble spirit brad to hi?ie loads and OJUBkO. Hur fa? iliti?s for taking ?aro of you .-in- unlimited." CIIFF.RS FOR THB FLAG. At this point the BBC u' which BllU ?lon was nia?!?* earlier In the proceedings, was brought In and loudly cheered, it was carried ni> the hall between Colonel r. of Philadelphia, an?! Mr. i:< d wood, of J'? ihmond, and pla?ced on ? table i the two committees, which sat on either side of the ball. Mr, Baker than contint i i speaking, cp suring the committee thai Pickett'? Dl \ i km would be rramptu i talned. He then Introdura Mr. W. J. Thomp son, the awner of the park The latter aid that when the referan? had talk??' .v ??f holding the encampment at Washington Park, be had suggested that Pickett'? men should be Invited, "Th ire were three or four crank? who opposed cranks, you know, are bo exist In ? eery community." The charge of Pickett'? Division ami ths repelling ?if it by the Philadelphia Brigade win g?> down in history as Bometbtng unique In the annals of warfare. We have a ?e unlted country; accept the Invitation, and y??u win eee how th?- people i I I Sania f??el tuwardr? you. SPEAKS FOR UUSTNKSS-MKN, Mr. Curley, representing the busln?""*?? men of pi iiaderphla, assured the coramlt taa thnl every word thai ii"i been apoken was absolutely tine. "Nu part of tbo Country will r.-reiv,; you with mots hon?T and cordiality than Philadelphia. You win have n splendid time. Nothing that you can d? sire will be absent. It will be a ?week full of entertainment and pli ra ture.* Mr. Tlalter then rail lie dr?lrei* to direct lb?? attention of Pickett Camp, en pn??? lant, to th.* faet thnt ?uif hundred or more Confederate soldiers, who had died while In i?ris>n in Philadelphia, had been taken from the priaOB-yard by th?? Grand Army if the Republic and buried in the Na tional Cemetery. II? ?Irow attention to ?lit? fact because he thought the camp night wish at some futuro time to re move them to a southern cemetery. RERFONf'H OF MR. CATEf?. Mr. Gates, chairman of the Pickett Camp ^ommittea. in replying t?> ?the invitait it, 1 for Ihe .?-mall attendance or '"'if? .derates. They had not been given Uffldent ii"ii'", he 'ild. ;in?l nil the endsrs ?rets in Atlanta attending the Confederate Reunion. "Another r? ie said, "why SB fOW hive OOBM to greet ?ni is thnt very f?\v p. oTile In Richmond enow you arc lure. The mom' ickett'a Division ore widely ?cattered, n.iv about one hundred are in Rlohmond, md It WOUld take us a week or ten day? o notify them and find out what they vill do. "Wo nre ?grateful to you." he said, "for mir very OOfdlal invitation. In dm- time ?>u shall hear from rea We cannot give on tin answer to-day, sa wo ahall have 0 take th<> matter adv, tul answer In ?lue time." Mr. W. F. Pass aald: "I am quite sure ou'ii hear a favorable report from this ommlttee, and we'll bring n ?quad." Mr. J. I?. BedWOOd welcome.1 the com nlttee to th?? city, and said he trusted hay would carry quite a number of *i? Lett's men to the reunion. Dr. StruttOfl sail- "I nin very glad to m ? t with you this morning. I am al rays Riad to see you. especially at suoh a IBM 88 this. I have no doubt th?? camp, specially the members of }>U k?t Ion, will go to Philadelphia. There are eventy-flve mcmlHT.? of Pickett'? Dlrlslon ut of 1S2 in Pickett'? < 1 mp, and t! umber In I?.'? Camp." He thoni-ht an sn wer mli-ht lu? returned to th Invitation ? xt neck, and he felt suit* there would 01 1'" a member of Pickett'? Division who OUld not gladly ko It he could. !Rt AM? PAST ciiMM\N'Iii:i?*i ('.?loin'. Frazier .?ah? his committee -.?i.i.i ai.-?, extend an Invitation t?> the ofBceri und past soBBBsaadera of lcketl ?'amp. Colonel Northea acknowl-j his invitation. Mr. OatOS said ne wool?! advise the immlttee to a meetim; of Pickett'? Dlvl on in the near futur'? to take netloti pon tho Invitation. M?nil??-r? of the Phil Iclphia delegation then spoke of the priti pal attracttona of th.* ?ity of phltadel liin. and Mr. CralghMd, who sp.?k.' last ild: "We know no S'??rth, Smith. Bast, p w'.-st. only a reunited nation, with the tar-epangled banner above ?t, and i>e !?ath thnt banner the mea of th.? North nd South fighting should?t to shoulder a SOSaBBBB BBtU DRIVBN ABOUT THE city. The committee? th. n adjourned, and th.? artore *> " taken in carriaatn to the ildleru" Home, to the Lee monument, Park, arid through !? ?'apit,,j luare to tho Museum. At ;: o'clock th.v BChed at the Jeffers.m. BBd sp.-nt the 'ternoon In visiting points of Interest out tli.? tit>. Th, y u-ti fot home ?o, a evening train. axpreaalBfl mucl tKt at th? ir reception and entertainment Messr?. (lutes. It???, and Northen re alned with them all ?lav, as the repre ntatlvea <>f the committee appointed to itertaln them. Mr ?'. g, Gate?, who has lieen for ?ome ne at the Virginia Hospital under treat ent, la now at home and ?tea.lily lm ovlrut. an?l?hope to be out agalu soon. | Cut st I'l 1!: |1 I, ] St, Of ?:i no foj Ml tir i.-? .Mi or? lia i.-' ? t!? 1 ba lali Cu Sai S.-l till bill T BM nrr lie C T ? it: nnl ?it. pre IN T the m.i doi of Bo QSS M IBM alii A the Pi.'i ARMIES FRATERNIZE. AMEBir*-ia A-CD bpasiabb* meet ASD WTTtlT AS I It I EM)?*. SANTIAGO BRIGHT ARD CHEERFUL. More? are Reopened, and American Caah Is C'ladly nein? Received In I'n? ment for Relics?I'roTlalona Or Ina niBtrllintcd lo Ihe Distressed. SANTIAGO DE ?'UI.A, July 10th, 3 F. M., via KINuS'D-N, JAMAICA, July 3> 9 A. M.?Hundreds of American and a\?.m lsh soldiers, who but a few days ago were shooting at each ?itlvr, are In tlago, meeting and mixing on the most. friendly terms. A general feeling of ?feed fellowship la manifested everywhere, and conqueror and vanquished 88888, aoa" that the bloodshed and strlfo are over, to entertain tho best of feeling for c.uAi other. Stores are opening: rapidly, and ti:o storekeepers eagerly accept America?! money and courteously n.-'lve Am'-rn -n customers. The narrow, cobbled Btfi grilling in the Berree sunshine, are crowd ed from mornlriK to night with CBatterla? groups of uniformed Spanish 80ldlors and crowds ??f laughing and rollicking ?B8B ?belongta? to General Bhaftef*s army, ?..'rent i'.ir?s"-i"'i?is of provisions and sup pllea have h? en. going to the ivli.nn I ail day tii? ?Bed Crosa ?steejner stat? of Texas and the 1'ulted States army sup ply-ships, and the.-?- is <viii<no<* thai pri vation is rapidly disappearing. Along tho water-front, under every swalag, dosenfl of women and children may bo ?seen munching hard tack. Foo?l is ?being distributed very ra pidly about th?- place, and In tho r.uni > mus ait y caica the officer?* of the op posing ennlea lounge throughout thaday. Tho Americans are buying 8B medals, and buttons from their UttO and all talk CheerBy wh'ti? vcr an Inter preter ?can ?ha obtain? A? BANTIAtX) CUBBRWVL, Santiago to-day presents 8 bright BBd cheerful picture t.. what ?t did twd "lays a;,'.?. Orer.tblrty staaaaeni ore Bylng tic Star? and Stripe? proudly in or Bear the harbor. Small boat ; are playing brisk f to and fro on the. blue waters. Serrerai larga steamers, t be IOta.I Taxaa, Dsoaa, and Arkaos ta, .'lio aloogalde tic wharves, busily engaged In unloading ?their ?sargoi ; ?f supplies and provisions, in short, arorj - thing denotes bustle and activity. The rr.tnenso sleds along the water-fmnt aie ilready packed with marchand! the large stops along Marina street are bursting with ?goods, which are ba lag iteadUy unloaded. Brerywbere Ife -inns of a re*ri**al el commercial ?activity ui'i prosperity. Miss Clara i;.irt?>n yeatCTday began die? trlbutlBg supplies, relle-dng thousanda o! ? -es ??f distr? --. from huager and etck 1888. The loo-factory baa reeumed work, nid the wat. i* ipply Will L'- tii:r- 'I on to? lay. 'I'll?* change la th? i p he dty is kali Idoo? oplc, and a coupla of too further shlpmenta arrive. wlB lufltoe f?T the normal be ?<v!v<?. \ii tiie (tores ara open this momia?, by . MeKtbbln'a orders, i??it- tl mala i ?sed for I be pn ?sent, ta >r??? r t.? avoid the possibility of a the soldi? of ?ii linken i-... The "i?- trl light plaat la working. relu s OF Tin: wak. The pawnshops are doing 8 rushing bast. less, th'-lr ?counters b? trig crowded by lenpie of all sons, colore, and ?sondltioni, .awning brirlooma, dreat a, ?'?ti.?* . and uriittui.', m??lais and SWOrds, whil?.* <i\il imployees offer their tortoise-shell, ?gold leaded oani i for b ma i a ag, .. !.. b r< n turn ?bought sl ?fancy i ?rioea by Am? ri sa soldiers, ?.tn.-.-rs, or newap iper <?it - ?pondeata as relies of the war. There en more mai hi tea ?sold ?to oar mi a ?; souvenirs than a/era laid town on tho nortiing of ?the flurrender, and and oi th ra ai ch< ei tally erted with for Ainerican cash. About 4,uuo ?Spanish troopa atlll remain n the dty, bat the majority of them wui . ? p morad so sena as b ?amping-grounu ?yoBd the ?rifle-pita ?-an be arrranged. HUR TBOOP8 QOUfG TO the mu.s. Tho American tr?K ;< * At* being removed rom th?'ir old eacampmeata behind ti.?* lt-ni-h.'s to cooler und better flpotfl in the ills BOIth of the town. (BBelalfl hat there la nut a caaa of yeUow-feeer a ?Santiago, and that there ?ara bal tew 8888 of BBIflJl-pOX Th" str.-ets look lair f clean, and show si^ns ??t care taken f the Bpenlardi to prevaat an epidemic urlng the fliege. ; Shaft? r bafl plaeod a censor In barge of i ho cable office, and only bov rnmenl dispatches aro allowed to be ml '.'?day. it is said, BOWCVer, that reea and >*ot-in*ercia] ?. - ami be ci'iv.ii, Bubject \u tit* ?*eneoFfl blue n. i!, probably to-morrow. Bpanlsb merchants Who have ?bean ln rrvlewed on \he ?subject flay they es* eel im m?' a i" r? vi-,?- at otace, aad h?.[" >r larga Inveatmeata of American cap! il witbir. the naat year. There : ? ms to be ?bo rac? hatred, the Itterneaa belnsj all dlteoted agalnat the ladii.l (,'ov?-inm?nt, which la CI ith groM mismansgcmeai <f Cuba an? angling during tba conduct of the prea H war. i:i.i.?*\v-i*i:vi?:n under contkol. Tho hospital bMd?USrtera are ;;till lo itej at Juragaa. Two rtaatha from yel w-fevcr were reported then it the nflmofl of tba rictlaia bar? ?sol en made ?public. The physlclaiui aaj iere are but few BOW Cfl Bfl appearing, id that the* epidemic is ander control. h? y als?i think ?that the daiij-'T to tii, my Ifl ab.'iit 0 ConuBodore Schl-sy, with a party of otti rs, t|lsil? d tin* city? this morning, COmlBg . tit* Ij.iv in b ateam launch odore called oo (le?era] m? rolled about the afreets, m llenases, and apparently gr The Com inu ral at ly onjo) - fcKlbbln ai along si vet ba '.?i Bl It em tal S'il IB W; I'i. ti?. tlOl th .Mi II '?II g shore leave, il?* w.i? received with I ' t by tba Bpaalsh ofBi ?an who traed blfl name. to BBCBXVB surrenders. Lleateaaat M ?ley, of t'encrai Shaft.?Us Ut, left here this morning with a. ttOOp the Second Cavalry, under Chptaln Itt. to inak.? tiie rounds of the flBtlTfl litary district uf BantlflgO dfl '"ubu, and r the purpose of ?receirlng th?- formal of the Bpanlsh forcea l Ii st to San Laie, where there nr?! about oo of the enemy's troop? Lieutenant ley will then receive th?r surrender, In i.-r, of Et) m? n at Cabra, i. a. ?M9 at Oaantanamc it Ba lea. A total ?if 10,000 Spaniards are pactad to yield th'-lr arms to this one "p Of Ainerican cavalry. \> reach BaiacOB, LieVte?ant Mlley will compelled to ride straight across thfl rand to the northern coaat, led by a ban guid?'. !!? will ride under a white f. for protection, but ('.?-n.-ral Toral ha;; it nienib"rs of his *tafr ahead to notify 5 post commanders of the terms of the render. LINARES MAY DIE. 'he wound of Qoasral I.lnar.s's Is much t- aerioBfl than was ?reported, il n has beea am?putated, and ?to-night is In a BflCtous ?'ondltion. d It MEN IN BPABIBH UNIKORM.S. ?bare is ?o ready laadfl clothing jn the ?. ? \?'? pt blu?: and whit.? | trip i forms, niul many of ?,ui- men are ?sed in these Spanish uniforms. They flenl a straiig?* apiiearancc, and are Mad with tao?hter. i .in.-- s and avidity with which toraksspflea aaeaa. graenbacka la i ? i kable. < i,-n, tal Shaft? r's orders to M all tho rum-shops has had the ? ke.-plng the city .?nut and peacetuL far thero havo b?? a no drunken va Is. ?SPANIARDS WISH TO JOIN VS. any of the Bpanlsh soldiers are anx -i t . b.iome American citizens, and are lying for naturalization. number of oiltcera of high rank lu Spanish army condemn tluir govern it's policy lu dividing its. fOTCBfl In ?a, Furto Rico, und tliu Philippine W Oer |B1 San lam v.ltl U.i Ti Bla of < erni Will by Ai liai !.'. i CO I into nee? llul In T.( an? tatl of 1 quit ther Ma. la li fnl. surr fore mon < The B Bin Islands. Instead of concentrating ther and possibly saving on?? colony. The cuttlnc up of the fleet Is als strongly censured, ?nd the Spanish nava ?,fibers all argue that It is Imposslb! under the present crippled eorndltiOU 0 Spain to make a ?ucces-iiul r? r-lstanc anywhere. Ths BBSaMs ammunition of the Spanlsl rr.iips h? r- was exhausted b-?fore th surrender, a? the 2,*yrO.0?JO cartridge? foun? In th? magasine? ef Santiago do not fl the Mauser rifles. IaOBBEM cxneckssary. The Spaniards say our troops fought Ilk tigers, and that their discipline was oxcel lent, but they Insist that more lives wen blot on either side thnn was warrant?-! by the conditions on July 1st. They rtSBSff ?t- troOpa euiil'l have walked lut? th?- eity without having a shot flred a th'-m. as there were no ?oldl?-r? left wlthll the walls at ?I, it tirn". It appears thai they bad snly a few ?mmusb?! men, am they all went to Kl Caney at the time th? battle there was fought, leaving Sa n flag unprotected. Reinforcements, however arrived later, nn?l brotight the number ol Spanish troops rap to h.wo m-n. I'.ATTl.i: OF BL CAKBT. At the Battis of Kl Caney our SBBBBl ties ascoeded those <?f the Spaniard? While they bad 400 men killed to our 301 they had only CW ni'-ri wounded to oui IMA The list of the woundeit ha? been ?1 Bines f?i over '?,00) men, wh? art lying In the Principe, Alfonso, Mer n? 1 Other hospitals here. General linares cabled t?. MadrM on inly .i?i, b'-f'?:? OeneraJ Bhaftec-'a ?lemnn? for the surrender of Santiago-, a lona tness.-iar.? petting furfh tho Inability of the dtp to hold out against an enemy super!m n numbers, with the. Spaniards dying Oi V ver and rtnrvatlon. BBd rtSBBHSlI?fill by tho loss of the fleet. Be BTgud rh< ?;?ivornment, for tlie sake of humanity, to offer t?) capitulate, but a?l?le?|, that, II irdered to remain to die iika a rat in a rap. h?- WOUld <h> so. as his- s.ihllers wer? bang tiuir duty, although realising thai i mistake had been made. I.rXAKKS <",)Nl>i:MN*ED. Somehow, the meauugU baked out, and be kpanlab ofti ? is hero aro fond in theli ?ondemnatlon < ? ?General Linares, whom h?'>- accuse of fBlnthosrtsdnosa throu~ii )ut the war, to tho cxt?nt of, "undep the ?!? -i Of B slir-ht wound," laying the man ie ?if the ?ham? of surrender upon ???ii? al Toral's ?bottldem, instead of facing he disgrace himself. This felling Is general among tho men, vho, passing the Pal??n, where th? i'.-irs nn?l Stripes are flying, clench their lata and mutter In Spanish, "What a hamo to our country; but she flea?!??? t. welL" Ql F.F.*?? CHBISTTBA FOR PFACE. lie May CIiiiiik,?- Mlnliatry to Hasten It? ?oiiiing. LONDON, July AL?The Madrid corre pondent of the DsJly Mall says: "Uniese pence makes speedier prognes, i p.?'^-'?nt wiii ?eriously constder hanging the Ministry. "' !: ra? i'i.iavieja is regardsd U the omlng m in." PUBLIC OPINION F??K PBACBL MADRID, July ?, Midnight?The m!n itera matntahi abaoluta r\ ?erva on the ?if pasca it i.-? c?rtala that until esterday no negotleftlona were oj.en??'i. 'erertbeleas, public opinion favors peice. ?;o\i:i:.\.MK\T MOVBS slowly. IaONDOH, July B. The Ma.lrld crre ?mndent of tho Times Baya: "Notblns Is known regarding the ?i?-"?is m of th?> cahtnol ??n the pence question. pparently the government <i"?'s not re e.n'Z'j the BOOSSStty of makl'ti,' ; richly, Bad ?the BtjbUe msbm to be in? fferent\ ixmknts PR-OCaaBD. "Some le m Ipapera OOmplalB that the :?; r etBSSeS BTU reSBOVUg t>? their ostial immer ?fiarte rs, and that the. lowuf ders aro amusing themselves with bull? ihts nn?l BUCh SBtBrtBlnSMBtS as belong i ?ordinary, peaceful times, TORAL'S SURRENDER, "Probably tin?, ministers siasgrss r?v irding p.-aee, but they aro unanimous disclaiming retmoneiballty f n- General ?-nil's surrender at Santiago." -mtm. SIMIVS VIIIIAI. <OWAIIIHCK. ?Tort to Shirk It eaponal LUI t y for 1'iirnl'? Surrender. LONDON*. July 21? Tho Times, edlto illy rejii'inehing tho Spanish ?lovern nt this morning with moral cowardice, en.i? ivoring to .screen Its own mlsman emenl by pretending that. Oneral Toral s betrayed bl? country, says: 'It is Incredible that Spain can hope anything from Culm, as It is as imp?i.s ,lo for Blanco as It was for Toral to ht against hunger, nn?l It is unlikely it th<> fotSBOr will have anything else to lit with for boum time to come. N< Ither i anything be hoped for from Bnropaan ? rv tit,??n, eren if Oonunodore Wsi ion's ia?lr?in CDmee, though Its arrival would an unwelcome spectacle to aaore than European pou r. It may I" assujnod that Commodore its.?n's authorization to visit the UlpptntSS will DOt weaken the disposi n at Berlin to cultlvato friendly rela ?..? with ?werk a. and to make light ?,f ii!?s of the ("orman ships at nlla." II. t\CO M)\V "IM OMMl MIADO.*? I Wire? ( oiiiii'i-iina- Him With M n drill in Our HiiimI?. 'ASH1NGTON, July HI.-Two days ago ?eral A. W, Greeley, chief signal ofTl , cabled Inatructloaa to his officers in ittagQ to K",ii up and place a guard r the three cable lines connecting tiagS with Clcnfuegos, wh'.n, by a i line, communliatlon Is established a nabina. To-day General Greeley i lnform<-d that his orders had been lied lulo effe? t. ae closing of the Clenfuegos cables alutely isolates Haiiana and ?i? mo from Madrid. Blanco*? only means MBununlcntion nith tho Madrid Gov tn nt n??w is by th?.? K? v West calile, ? h is utiii'T the atrlcteet oonuorahlp the government of the United states. .. i ? suit of the sealing of the I IB? -o-Cienfuegos <-a!>.-s, .-,. ral cipher sages pas-sing between (Jeneral Hlan and tii?' Spanish Government drifted this country t??-?iay. It is scarcely to say that they did not reach r destination. BBOLISB CABIaUTS ACTIVE. Hourly I.\|ii-< tnllon of ? tiuit* \t??v?. iNIkiN'. July 21.-The Knglish Carllsts most active, and are In hourly exu-c on of momentous news. The leader :he organization here says; "We are e ready for co-operation. Moreover, e is no doubt that the authorities at Irial are aware that a OarfiSt uprising nmlnent. and that It will be suecess As soon as the truth of th?- cowardly ender of Santiago I? fully known, our es will greatly lm-reas?-. We have ey, which Is sorely ne? d?d In Spain." CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. i Kind You Have Always Bought uature of (^uz^/^-CU^C^ (Ja 22-Th&SafrtO MANILA'S WEAKNESS. CITY RE i? y TO SIRRErVDER AFTER SHOW O?*** AMERICA!? FORCE. SPAM 6ESISTA1.C8 BROKE?. If Lorn! Offlrlals Do Not Give la, Soldiers Will Until Dona the Fin?? EnroDrttcrmrnt Afforded by Cer n? tins. VANCOUVER, D. C, July 20.-Accord !ng to advices brought by the Empress of India from Hongkong, the chtet news of the moment Is that Manila Is ready to surrender. Not that the archbishop and captain IP BSral are going to voluntarily* capitu late before they are compelled to do to, but the backbone of resistance Is unques tionably broken, and upon a real ?show of force and intention to bombard the town. If the officers do not give In, the ?Spaniards will haul down th" Spanish tlag. Intima tions to this effect are received from many sources. The correspondent of the Hongkong Press, writing under date of June 23d. says the chief subject of discussion. In Manila, lu Cavit?, and the American fleet Is tie presence there of so many Geraten mea-of-war and one transport or supply vessel In port. I have Just intervlewsd a leaillng Englishman here on the subject. He BB i : itingly tefonaed m<- that all for clgn'i.s lu Manila, as well as SpaniaMs, regard it as a remarkablo demonstra tion, "I am sure," he continued, "that the Spaniard.?? have received encouragement fiom such a naval display. A Spaniard to-day told BM that the coming of a large ?brnian squadron was construed by him nnd leaillng Spanish officials as a direct act of friendly Interest and warning to vard the Yankees that they could not go too far. Now, when a Spaniard of tnflu BC?, as tins man was, will talk like that I think it Is high time to ascertain what the Germans mean by appearing here in sin h force. ' . GERMAN INTERESTS. "I am familiar," my Informant con tinu,,!, "with all the Gersaaa interests in Main!.i, and my relations with the c,.?r nians are- very agreeable, and I am posi tive that one German cruleti we'd be fully able t,, protect them to every patent they reunir, d." AfBOOg the steamer's passengers Is Cap tain 11. Hodgson, who commanded the revenBO-eatter MeCuIloch during ths bat tle of Manila, ?'apt ii:i HOdgSOB i.s on his way to San I'r Lfl i 0. \ ding to ths Hongkong papers Ad miral Dtedfleha, of the Germaa fleet at Manila Is credited with ths Statement th it he will previ nt Admiral DeWOy from barding Manila or any port. it ?; reported at Hoogkoag that s Hpanlah reglm? al m sr Manila met a fores ted i,y Aguinaldo, and the Spanish c?p tate chal?? i. 'i .' iinaldo to merr.a com bat before the 1 ittlt began. The offST was .accept, .i, and the duel resulted in tht fatal wounding of the ?Spanish OtBCOr. 'lb,- Spanish ??ovrnor at TUltt, Straus Settlement, fears aa American tevaatoa. He sleeps on a small gunboat, ai ready for a hurried flight. Th.?. colony is making prep nations to resist attach bv organizing volunteer for?a. The GOVST? BOT'S di?icultiet are increased by a tine it. r,. ,1 n I ilion. GREAT PIGHT echoes. Further details of the great light "f May 1st filter through some high officials of Manila as tltli?? paSOOS. It now ii,| aecor.iing to autli.-title information In th-. banda of Consul Williams, that cur. of Ml men on th.? Ratea ?"hrlstina, HI were kill'-d. only 1*27 left the ship. An, 'Aast*, Whp was on board and now *n prison, t.lls m?; that one could not ft-;. a foot in any direction on bet decks with out coming In COBtaCt With ptBCOB of fleah or boil's. Bach was th.? power of the Ann ri' in gun? and the ??kill ? fi American gunners. Manila papers continue to publish mon strous stories nix.iit tha Americans, nn.i do not hesitate to MUPlOy the moat com temptuous epltheta ail of which are whetting the appetites of tha Araetl '., vi .yen with them for uacaUedaior Insulte. Mor.? Salaures of arms are reported teom Hongkoag, It is tuepegtod that tha arms and amin ?tilt-ion were to I,.? shipped to the Philippin?- insurgente The seizure ,'!' a half a million rounds of .Mau ser- ammunition, EN breech-loedlof Heu ser riii, s, end ii- musale?loading Bnflald Titles. An Englishman at Kobe wan'cl to pass through lia- customs ?"r shipment to New York 112 Japaasss swords, seventy-one apt irs, .lii.l teven Suits of armer. Tho authorities held a consultation as to whether tin? articles w -re, COatTO* band Of war, uni riot being aide t , factotily ?lecid,? th,- question, they aired lo the government in Tokio for in-itruc ii. Q N ' bad been received when the and the local paper tares - tlcally r.-iuarks that probably tii" .1 ; n,-.- .; rernmeat Is perplexed, as well as the customs oflloara IN CASE OF BOMBARDHENT. SAN" II: \ N- IS '? >. CAT. . July 20.-A fjhroBlcte special from i'.ivite, dated June Bd, taya: In cas,, of the SSpaCtad bombardment .f .Manila, the area to which tha Spanish may retire Will be limited to the Amerl an ami Insurg? Bt lines surrounding the ity. There stay cotas the struggle, for CBS Spaiiiai,is liave burrowed entrench- I meats sn i fortlfled buis and kaoUs for he final struggle. It is known here that veiy soergy Is bant within the city to It for tin* Baal struggle. The sople art exhorted by tha clergy a_d allitary authorities ami their hopes art moyed i>y falsa raparte as to reHef from ?pain and Spanish triumphs lu the West miles and along the Atlantic coast. Augusti is credited with ;.n asserttoa hat he can. must, r lotf.000 troops No one . believes ho can marshal 20,00?). rho city seems as nearly ready for tht onfli't as th.- material in tho hands of he Spanish can make It. The Genaan fle.-t now* here, not count ig supply-vessels, in, ludss the Cormo iiii. Kais.r. Kaiserin Augusta, Irene, und Wilhelm, and their metal \ e?ds that ?,f anv Other Beat lure. The trltlsh fleet Includes the Immortalit?, ?onav, rif.ire, and Rattler, but tie nee of so many Germans is- OtpoctOd tO raw other ship*?. The Prench have the Ireaux and rascal, and the Japanese the fa tauabl?ta it Is freely predicted that there will ot be a bl "?II' -? ' Bpltutettofl of Manila, s it Is feared that there will be a long nd bloodv resistance. rATIVEfl ILL-TREATING PKIAONERfl MADRID. July 2?. 4 P. M Advices re tlvsd here from the Philippin.. Islands By that the natives are ill-treating four looaaad Spanish prisoners, but that If i hoped that the friendly offices of the Teneh flOlflll?I will rescue many ?,f le Spaniards. THE PORT OK HAVriAGO. c ?. ,ii I be bv i Ui? of .i: ,1,1 tu / lea n,. Hi '?pert Clerk I?, lall.-d to Collect the Unties There. WASHINGTON, July ?.-The Treasury epartment has detailed W. A. Donald >n, a clerk to th" nsval onVer In New Prfe, as the representative of the de irtment In the collection of customs and >rt duties at Santiago. Mr. Donaldson tcelvad his Instructions to-uay, and will ave for Santiago at once, lie Is an ax *rt In customs matters. Several eterfeg ill accompany him. fOOSah Ivans, for many years a special [ent In the customs tervlce, has been al iened to the same duty In the Phlllp nes. It ?..t i ni; at Porto Uli?. NEW YORK. July 20.-A special Ols itch from St. Thomas, D. W. L. to the lurnal reports that a serious riot oc / S';l Oa eat ed | ,i u , hi?. -?.! V. e to Ml rtoi Th V PO! soo fla?: lssi the red cen off Ai leu. corred st M?yagiifs. Porto Rico, on Hun day, resulting In the killing of nine per sons end the wounding of many others. Spanish rr?ldent? of the place attacked natives, whom they accused of being American sympnthl**rs and intending to aid the invading army from the United States. m- $pa? ADVIC'R TO BBCLtB SAM. Ml?tak? to n?m..I Wat??? to Spain, Say? Germany. RERUN. July 21. -The Kreuse Zeitung (Conservative) says: "The authorities at Washington are overrating their ?trength. it would be a profouml political mistake to send Commodor* Watson to the Span ish coast. Kven an occupation of the '". maries might lead to regrettable com plications, all this lx!ng mueh more vol canic territory than the Philippines." WHAT haffi-km NAPOdaBOet. IJOSDOS. July 20. -The Dally Chronicle say? editorially this morning: "Among the supporters and as well wlshers of the United States, we suggest a reconsideration of the decision to ?end Crmniodore Watson to Spain. It could nut harm Spain, and would only unite the Spaniards In tho perllou? obstinacy of an r/or. "It was that which baffled Napoleon, who had ffirces to overrun the whole country, while at every point an Amerl eaa Seal eouM tench there vonM bedan ger of Kuropean complications." MKTIIOOIST nOOK ?TilfBlBa Xorth Georgia Conference Wl?h to Hnve the >loney It ? ? m-n.-il. ATLANTA, GA., July ?.-The delegates of tho North Georgia C?>n ferenoe tO the General Conference of tho .M-'thodlst Episcopal Church, South, i< cently held in lUltlmore, mot in Atlanta to-day. A resolution was adopted dls.ip proving of the aetlon of the Hook Commit tee in endorsing the agent of the publish ing house, and holding that the recent in vestigation by th? committee of tho Sen ate shows that that body was misled by the book agents ?if the Methodist Episco pal Church, South. The rssohitaoa t,i\-oi-r> the ? tilling of a general conference ?it an ?arty date for the purpose of refunding the money. ABBA CHIMlHK.X IS PERIL. They nrirt Over Fall*? lint Are ne?, caed In Time. CLEVELAND?, O., July 20.-Two grand children of Senator Hanna, who aro so journing at /oar, a '"entrai Ohio resort, i amo ri-'ar being drowned In the TUSOS rams rive yastorday. The children, both BOys, the Older, .Marens AJOttSO, being Ii ; yean Bf BgB, were, moving; down th?4 ?trennt, an?i <ii?i not notice they ?rara drifting toward tlio falls, Just b. low ih? in. and children went over tho .-foot fails, iiini w??r<> precipitated Into tho stream, Th? f clung to the boat until lid ft tched tbnm TOOK UF.l-'l'GF. AT GIIIH \I.TAU. ?pnnlsll Sailor? Heard That U'ntion 11.-ni Itoucbed (nill*-. WASHINGTON*, D. C, July 20.-News ame to the Navy Department to-day rom '.braltar to tho eff'-et that three pan! ii traaaatlantle ?teassshlps ha?i ak? ii refuge in that neutral port, having leard ih.-it ?Commodore Watson's sanad? on bad appeal ail off Cadln As a mat er of fact, Wat ?i?n has not yet started, ml it is not believed any conceal uent will be mads Of his mov?t;?' irhcn he does start. ] AMIt\*4*?t>l)OH CAMBO!*!'! KF.Tl ItX. 11? Una \ot ?leon ? Olid n. ? 1 on An)' Panno Barajntlntsnsa? WASHINGT(.)X, July 20. M. ?"ambon. he French Ansbaseador, Is back from a an days' visit to New l.??n?lou, Conn., here he was enjoying a summer outing hile dispatches from Madrid and B8SBS I om Washington reproeOBtCd him ns con- l iicflng important BOUCO negotiations ith the authoriti.'s here. He 1,-ft Waah igton an hour after bis oonferenoe wiiii at Mi-Klnl? y on July 11th. whofl j rrangeuM ota arare Btade for a pleasant clal exchange betweea the two govern tant? Ib the near futura Neither tnen ?r .-lure has the Ambeneador conducted ny penoa negotiation?, and he has had ?ion t?j call on tu- uuthoritiis bore ii oee he returned. ? lonff rosTi.t th w most .swords. ii I la im? -, i.- Ue?lKu for the \atlon*? ?.?II lo Deavey. WASHINGTON, July Pa The Navy 1 ?rtni'iit continu?e to receive elaborate sign* fur thS sword to be presen?' 1 ? ? dmlral Dowey, under act of Congr? .-s. in? of these which cam? to Assistant ? rotary AllOB to-?!ay Is a BUS-relief ,A i actual Bword, with th?? but set with any brilliant stones, repreeenting ,ii i ?n?is ami rubles. The deelgfl Itaetf, ?aith IB many brilliants, is BaOTB costly than ost swords. h WIM. IIF. THF COI'F.IIXME.XT'S. ? ?' iilliiK ?he DUpute Over Ship? Taken at Sautiaao. WASHINGT(?N. July E, Btttt?MTP Al r unnoiin?',*?l this ufiernoon that \ lps taken ut Santiago when tho < lty tl rrendered arould becoene the property the United Btataa, and n?>t the prisas either the army or navy. I th? dlBpUta between mera] Shatter and Admiral Sampson a.? which would ? can the .?hips us priese n- doclalon is in accordance with decl ina of the United ritatt:? -supremo Court. VAUK OF AHMOHI.lJ t III ISF.IIS, hIkIiik from Crrvrrn'? Whip? They Are .Xot \ **ry Sert U-eable. - ORT ANTONIO, July Bl?Th? BUUS are lag taken off the ruined Spanish BMaa ipiveni-n? t.t llgjrttera. he examine ?'s conclude from the dam dono to the armored ornlsSffS tliit y an? not a SI SB Uy ??r?ltSablo typ? warship, aa their oagiae-rooa?e ?re illy lunapneitated, and that the battle? p I? the kind of vessel best adapted for hting. is heavy an armament as possible, with I ears about the armor. A what naval ii agfcpive for cruiser?. ?-KI I? II Mil) IX lilt!!.. Buffsy <* ' ? -turned in a Monn lain ?a I re? ill. iSHKYILLK, N. ("., July ?.-Cnltcd ites Senator J. ?'. Pritchard, of North rolina, l?'ft his borne Sunday to attend irt at. Hurnsvu'.e. It has Just been learn that when ?it'-'.siiig a swollen nioun !i stream his buggy wat overturned, 1 the Senator had a narrow escape for Ufe. Ho had an exhausting struggle h the flood, and hi? homo and buggy re swept away, and the Senator came Bumsvtlle bruis? d and moist, and vvi'h ,-ral ugly ?uts, none of which was ?te ns. WHF.M THK KI.AO GOKS BE, en Paatua-e to llaavall Will Be Re ?liic.-.l to 1 ?a.? teat?. ; A SHIN?; T?)N. D (".. July 20.-The ?tmaater-General atated to-day that as n as he re? ilvtel Information that our : had been ral??ed in Hawaii he would io an order including the ?stands in ditted State? possession?. This will uce the postage from 6 cent? to z t?. Juat es though the islands were the coast of Florida. gulnaldo. the Philippin? insurgent 1er, Is ?aid to be a v-try handsome mm. In M l. ! ? to n N? 1 aa ii.i i.? n \\ i toi lo an bu ah I t?r. lb V, ? ii. an r K | all c. 1 an; I., lie, SB Or ARE GOING SLOWLY BOARD OF Kill PATIO**/ GIYEVO T?r, BOOK*) MATURE COVSIDERATIOf, MA1.T PIPERS TO GO OTER. Great 5amber of Letters In ?.?,.( tloa to the Reportt of Educator?*. Mr. Kelson Chosen ?aperlutenrt,., of Alliemarle?Capitol Batee? Tho msmbert of the State f Education put In a good day's work > . terday. BSSMas electing a super. for Albemarlo county, the petti In executive session for severa' h.air-,, slderlng the merits of the books ate mttted for adoption to be used In the Yir. glnla schools. rary prent had tabulated ] ,h< reports of committees of clue whom books sere PSferted f'>r examina. tlon and arranged all tho papers bearlni on the subject, so as to make t venlent for referen? e. One of tin- :. ,. bumlles of ?locuments was that c letters from teachers adv., tentlon of tho American CbBS) U with the exception of tho hi of these letters were ad.1res.-",I , agent Of the company's, v. > tor several months canvassing (J He has visited a number of SOUfl ... the papers show. NO FINAD ADOPTION' _*fT. Tho gr? nf.'r part of ? was devoted to the examination mars. If ;?yny de.isioa fact was tit Stade public. It I?, pose of tl??? board to make BO SI t? th" books BBttl the p],t, d. It 11 said thai BO POOb i this timo been positi\ely BgTttd While it cennot be stated th.-re nr.- go,,,I reasons for ),, II. the singlo book-list will not b? , as to all pubUcatteos, bal II a less apply hs to a fl W ] Is said that mor.? than on . . certainly be ptect d en the .1 of the board will probably 001 least B w.ek ye*. M it. NBUKMT THI HAM Th? board an noun? ed yeetei i selection for s ipertatencfc nt ol of Albamsrls was Mr. Philip W, .\. There were tea i aadId il board thought Mr. N< i strongest end',:. in, ntl Snd .? chosen. The m eat hers "f tb ? Scho,i Board and BtO asked for his appolBtm? H teated to be s asea te every v . Bed for the ' ..(?i.... He su? i tds the lets 1 Barksdate) who had I i (or amay yearn KOTEfl PROH OOVERlfi >B i liiivinor Tyler yeeti appointment of Colon, li as quart? i m.i -li general . Colonel W, H. C tlttng sppolBted by the P In the volunteer arm;? I I thS States. Ooveraor Tyler has from Governor Joelah Grant, of ^ who seeks tefonaatton i , Virginia laws ,,?, . 11 log n maries and eaiici Ihe regulation of the li-, . t Ths ' teVernor h u thi tk letter from the s nell, of Hast RadfOt I, to oae bis intiu? ' t her I i be army, ihe Islooeiy, - . :, . neertbrokea, sh.? wrlh CONDEMN ITION <>i I MU ?l tv Il I nu, I mk lteaolu ll??n in I'nuir of it?-1 o in i ni? Hawai, Ht rRFOLK, N'A., ?tslv I Metrtet Coafsn nee of tha H< IplSCOpal Church, South, lu s. s'itiiino chum I:, Pi || ay adopted ringing reo? i ubllahlng-house claim i y Coaglt s and paid by the ?r. II. B. Johnson, of ? 'Hint huroh, this dty, ofl oadeasa Attoi ney fltahlm .. and tb gents, call upon tht bl hopa t" nmedlate st< ps t * i itter, sad demand tht i turn ol tnl awarded t,, tl .; . 'nite.i sta*.-s, anlest ? cbb be i u Bueptctofl of wrong-dolBg in lilnene H'helllon Hein*-; 1'iit iloun. LONI ? ?x. Ju'.v : " Tht h ' ipondeat of the 11 ill) ' hellion in Kwani ; i ipl.ily suppress. ,|. 'he Imp. ? i r.* dbmerelng th.- rebelt and lie dttes they Bad s, i? I'rr.onal. ?in?I llrlefa. Colonel George s i belford, of lang.-, was m tlm dtj > Mr. i. Retnech, of Julius Ueyer't Sons, as gone to his .,1,1 BOO i spend ids vacation. a ihr. masted schooner, the .'lient," an ?ved In r .,, . . plaster fr,,m New i:? . r r.'.-t, has |QIM t | I ... > tpend a pleaaant moath vltltl i , ed fi i- ii'N. Mrs. S. P. Mnrtln and children. ' Main st oath m' July with : . Y. . , ti. at th- goldlere* n >mt id knock' ! . I the tel. pii Mr. s. w. Travel if?*, Mrs. Pattlsoa, .?i. i . Pi* ?on. kit reeterday m ' k' t. T?i- Bagagen? nt ?,f HI U uridcrs, of Richmond, . WilllamaoB, of .\,,i th ? .; ' tha weddli . the lall. Mr. Edward S. Tin pin. BOB S? tht 11. and J.ii. | T. 'I ; IB, his home, near Geyton, end I 1 Will tal ; ,r m. failli ound t?, r. Turpin was unmu.ii;, ,1. The funeral , r Hm WBI n ' Isa Hallls a. Oordon, m William H. ?i act from Leigh-Street I A. M ach Richmond al >! .V M jifolk, and Western in k'he Atlanta CeBBtltaUOB It .1 Mrs. Charles T. Nunnall) are i*peii u th- summ.r at J,. autlful saatassr botas al ? ;. > will have as tb? Il | milou. Captain Walter BowlS ma, v*n?, .?nd Mr. i-'-iwin ; . -unoreland ?ouniy, \ >r. ?. ?lake Minor, S-.. ! rii'-d from a ,'.-li?-iit ful i d youth at Thflpahai?I rg, and ote ? '? m l ?o "took In" Washing! tea, the i/or?;eoiis Coogrensl try, the N. E. A., and other ?stmore'.uul and Rlcfamon I ' joying t?-- aavtgstlon of tho !' d th.* Rappahaunock. Rlrbt-onilrr. la \?*?v loiU nra fork, Jaty i lufman. Holland; J. H. ! fe. Windsor; U. K. ntral. ?0BT.--A 8POTTED FOX-TKl?!?'* ,; werlng to name Jack, jump' kesld.? Car N.>. 170. on Barton H sr viaduct. Klack ears and b? ?uldert. Tall clipped. Kviiai ove avenu*. U S?'*1