Newspaper Page Text
**??'T i T^-*?- v THE RICHliO .__.! _!._ I ?ttiX-M?.t-MW???^^^ Air~rttim ??t.ltl?Tfal*. Tla*-r. arerr?-? aalbi PS? p VARY FROM POSSIBILITY arc quite seM?ji encountered, even-at Cohen's way of gather ing iiiercliaiit?S. f ^ iBSurancc Companies'Sale <J|*tt*-entire flock of Charles E. Rycioft <Sc Co., New York, is onfeof ?BJ few chances where slaughter held a hi#h hand, and from which Block tin* l.iehmon^pub.ic has a chan-ce to buy thousand^ of dollars' worth at ?^J__s / CASK AlTi'i: CA8B OF f ' ?E*iv vvi-ii i'.tniti< * cam?? rolling in again yesterday. An 81 tiro new line of materials und dosign "Pn-'s. too, nr.? not what they ha?, Anxloua dealers are forcing their war? IM> US. a ROT FigoAd and Plaid. Organdie bright. i>re*ty coloring.?., *??.--> ?i???* ity. loi 4 ? Illuminated, l'loiil. and Strip? d Pi?|ti ?tnltdidr, cost 16 2 . to make, : _'?ini Crash Suiting, 16 und 19c quai: He**, for 9\p: * l?c French Percale?, all Ih? latest de Btgns iintt Color?, f.?r .:' *. a yard. 4-4 li.ikeley Cambric, tho 10c. yuallty for be tw A'pn ?'inghams, all colors and slz <??eck.s. fr. "Fin? 1 nbl? led c-.tton, 4c. grade, io "s?or* % etc IT? rich OrirandicM, solid colors, an la i" for ^c. ?Bolld-Color.d Dress Ducking. In black tan, and Navy. IS 2-*c quality, ' t>%*. for all th" Lanast Muslins an< Fr?ii?h Organdies, In the very lates . and best designs, that cost 17 to *_C !t,, import 36 Ma Black Batiste and Organdi?'.-*, fol ?J4>4C. V\c. for the French und Bcotch Dimit??s, m pretty striped and figured designs, that COS? 18 to _c to make. THE SALE OF WHITS GOODS has Involved more than four thousand <!<>! lars* loss from the who!? sale cost. There m cases of thf* newest and best yet on %** "White Fn nch Corded Welts, tho best l?1.?'. gru?1e, 6?V\ a yard. While India Linons, ?i and 9c. ?grades. ?P.--*?-. ynrd. White India Linons, that cost 10 and 12*_C., are ?,';.. yard. -hr-er. Tin- Whit, Plaid und Striped Organdies, 9-*;c. for if, to '.'"? . grades. " Btaeer White < ?rv an dies ;*t 7;4c. yard. . The best ?*_:. White Duck is here at Bl-lc yard. Bhctr White India- Linons, long-fold, _He. yard. -?yard wide White French Organ?!!??..?., 26c grado, Js>..; the bent Kc. 2-y?ard ijrgandles -it.- 12'?c yard. ,Whit.. Corduroy Welts, '?.,c. yard, instead ?l'.er Fine'White. Batiste Organdies, fUc. yard, fr.nn 16 2- <\ "Dotted Swisses, line omrroidered seed dot? .?v. Instead "f 19c. yard. 4r' wide Fine White India l.inons and French Nainsooks, 8*?c., Instead Of Kc. yard ?c. grade White Checked Nainsooks. 4 7-Sc. yard. MORE ABOIT LINTiVM. Several hundred piece?, only few of .her? water-marked, and the pries as thfy were knocked down to our buyers, a.ldlng our usual profits. Linen lluck Tow. is, hemmed, be, 1n sl, ad of Mi lle. Linen Damask Towels, extra-large ' .'i'll Round-Thread r.i, aehed Pur?? Irish I'ii l"w-l.|tif "i. 4.', lni;ht?ii wide. 29c . for the ! IM-inch Finest Pillow und Art Linens' for cAr. y*?-?!, im-tfud of ft*c, BJeaehed Linen lluck Towelllnk, SI Inch, s wide, lc., for the best 16 2-3c. grada Brown Lipi-n Crash Towelling, S.'.'.c. yard, last? fed of V?c Linen Dnmrtsk Scarfing, colored contris or nil white, fringed, 12'^c. yard, usu ally Be. Kv :ra-l,.-iri;f i-8Im Turkish lti?h Toawla that cost *l 50 a dos? n ala .y.s, arc h? ' ,.i : pgch. Turkf.y-P.ed Table Damask, ?0 Inches wide, r.'1 **. pieces Kcil Irish Linen Table Damask. < Ytiii-I;.'.'i\ v ??itin-tlni-h"'!. 6,io . i?r the .same \ iu nr.- usked ?l for ordlna rlly. Linen Doyllen, colored fjorrtors, or nil White, ? fur 15c. TUT. URKIT HIHIIOV IT R CUASI?, I i third to ttirc.-fourths the usual ros? and pot a mis. Inir kind or color or width. This Is the ? miutvnco. of good Mtre?keeplag? Hnch Black. White, . Brown, Yellow. and Green Gros?Grala Ribbon for lc. yard, JtM pieces AU-811k Satin, and Oron-Ornln Ribbons. 2 Inch,?- to |U Inclus wide, nil shades, worn 10, If,,' ami 18c., for 5c. yard. ?C'' t'I'ccs All Silk, .??atln. and Gros-Orain Ribbons 3 t?? f> inches wide, were 19, %. find 20c. yard, choice of any for !".,' n yard. ?-linh Black Gros-Gmln Bash T.IM.on. bffiw quality, worth 69a. yard, to-day Re. yard. 1^-fnch Alj-?iik and Every* Shade Taf feta K!c.*tM?,iM. for lie vard. t-liK-h A*>e.ilk Fane) Taffeta Ribbons, were 29. ?, und *?c. yard, for 17c. yard. Can't resist tailing abotrl tids special lot of La?!h-' M'-, and Children's KNIT VMllill?'EAR. Hundreds cauic yesU rday, uijd the c?o WnH EVERY GlARAMEE that is accompanied in the purchases of ordinary buying days. partment was busy till late last night In I getting "em ready far you this morning. Ladles* Bleached. Ribbed. Tape-Neck ed Vests, -full, large sizes, 6c. for the usual 10c. ones. Bleached. IJsle-Throad, 8llk-Finlshed, 19c. for tec. grades. 8ilk-Taped, Lisle-Finished. Indies' I!|cacl?(*.l Bibbed Vests, 10c. Solid-Pink or Blue Ribbed Vests, ero Cheted and ta pod ne<-k and *->rn's. S00*1 value, these IJ-H-fi. each. Children's and Misses' Ribbed Vests, crocheted neck and arms, 2c, for gooa le, raluee, Fllk-Rlbbed Corset Covers, Me. ones, for 18c. Tho Finest nnd Rest "5c. Cream Silk Vesta, all siz?**. rse. Boys' India ?iaii-?? Shirts nnd Drawers, s 38 to 34, 25c. a garment. Drought Info existence by one of the best TAILOR-MADE DRESSMAKERS IN" THE ?UNITED BTATES-nearly 300 of 'em? SIITS A\D SKIRTS, for mountain an 1 seashore; every one first-class, and the prices aro cut like this: Bulls of Black Camcl's-Hnlr Serge, lln^-i throughout with colored taffeta, for ?14.50. from $24. Black ?Camel's Dresses, jackets lined throughout with black taffeta, B.W. f.,r the J14 ones: WOO, for the JT.ou oui!?: $5. for the *ir-..50 ones. 1-n off on all Linen Crash and Piquo Suits. SEPARATE SKIRTS. Skirts of Qrasa Linen, trimmed vrlth bands of blue, circular-cut. for "fl.rV). Clc-iilnr RutTle ?'rash Sklrtr?. trlmmert Bith bias Imada, for .$2.25, for the $3.50 enea, Crash Skirt?- for 2."c. T.lnrn Sklrtr. Be. Blue Dm k Bklrtfl, T2c. each. WTfrfte Pioai" Sklrtr-, Tic, UM, Tl.45, $1.75, und ui> to $4. m.vk Prodded Taffeta Skirts, $".85, for the 15.50 one?. COR8KTS. but not at everybody's nsunl pries, and not our own either. Special lots; good and the best Corsets?, nevertheless. RcRular $1 Improved Health Corsets for Ba ?? ?loj.-n Cor?ete, long waist, hlsrh bust, well bon??d. 75c. valu??, for Be. French Bateen Co**t?otii, long or medium waist, usually $1.25. for We. 1 lot of U Corsets, whlto or drab, choice 60c. COc. Ventilating Corsets for Be, THE I'NTKBPRISIXO HOISJIWAKK IlKHAHDIEXT Is making Inroad-- on the prices or nil your midsummer needs. Read of to-day's possibilities. Thousands that are not in? tittone.l. 4*T"r"rI?" 'TRICKY MERCHANT.?? He do?r-*n't liko our way of aellin?. He has in reality more causo for complaint than rr-qulree tilling on our part. THE REST SODA-WATER AT fie, But it can't be bought by him and ofTer fd in hla window at WA-.. If It were, pos sible the public would be ABLE T< > ?IBM food Soda-Water in the window at l*_T.. ?'hilo they would be asked to buy "HIS BETTER" for Ce. a glass. earn and every other Best Soda iVater hero at 3c. TINWARE. ?SO, Water PaU? for lOc. ?Ucrnian Steam Cooker?, that were 52.50, for UM. Nursery Refrigerators, lined with gal vanlzed Btoel and filled-with charcoal, for tz z:,. Be, Bread-Pans for lc. C-ring Mil illin Pans for 2c, Japanned Bread Boxes, gold lettered, for 15c. Pie Plates for lc. each. , 15c. nn?l 25c. Russian Iron Baking Pane for 7c. S-yuart Milk or Dairy Pans for'Ctc. BASKETS. Oerman Willow Market Baskets'for Be. Bise Clothes Baskets for "lot. Half-Bushel Baskets for Cc. ?! B Willow Clothes Hampers for Be. Fancy Work-Baskets, that wet-e 20 and ?v., for Bo. cholee. HAMMOCKS Full-Blae Hemp Hammocks, with Sti? i 'hers, for (fie. Macram? Cord "la:nmocks,.-.vith pillow, stretcher, and nooks, for ?SL-B; a good " ?.'.' O value. ?1 Madame Cird Hammocks, with Va lance, pillow, and stretcher, for 9XB ?ompletc. Full-Sl*iO Stave Hammocks, for 26c. ha va I H, C Pi ix ' Ma tat chi di i his pr< Mi ca nin cit: wo an I o, ed prl Til tb? m. out dia cai ,'! I the Li. Th? all. N tell i.? a Ale to-i THE COHEN CO. I THE COHEN CO. ? ..i oui Ott fr? VERY YOUNG TUEIYES A uiMi o?'* *uii:n AT Wl* PBf m:\vs, THEY ROBBED THE POST-OFFICE. , "Bauks n??d Private? lt???ldem*e? Taken li??llo?v u l?'lv?r-l)ollur Bill ] W il? >uati h?il ? TPMMtBA fpr l'or to jtu-u BaneaUi? ' MAVi'dl?T NKW*?, VA.. July lit). -<* *,?< - ? ciai.>?Tho bearing of tas ?aso ?>f iiuk :- j year-old Junirs l'oiuiurunt, Chargsd with ( l-ohblag lb? i>i?pi-i>ui< ?- lut?.' lad i Ight 01 ] 51 in cash and htuuu?.**, he hiving gained aatisntis tatntigh the rBrursp ?rindow, was j had in tho l'oiice. Court thi? morning, and y developed the tact that a great many ot 1 the petty ?tin its whUh have bOBB rrportid I to the poll?.?.: in tho vast it w ?WBBkfl had ^ been committed by a gang ot little i?i- , low? bstsrasn tan ukc? o? Huiid u psara Uoodurant udmitted having Stolen him- a. Ii-lf u roll of coin from the CUiixns ana .Marine Rank during Lankan; hours and * Baring antnred a nenrapa^er oBho? m Voad iajrllght and nticd Uta cash ilisnsf II:. fJB?npSii1Snt. ho ?saJU, robbed t.'ie n' sanka ana sMarsd private npnttassntg and ' Mole revolvers, razors, and jewelry. Only * ? pesterday Schmilz brother-?' llauk was u robbed of a ?fj b.ll by on? or tin; BfOVd. "*" A pen point Wu? bent to form a prong, *' ?nd with thi? in a atfcdSf the boy Teach- tl td In tho teller'? window whil? the clerks ?>! wer?- in the rear and ?Miatted a J? bill, w He divided the money with the other tl i ?ur boy? in the gang, and they spent tho 01 day at Buohro? Beach. The list of rob- b< b-rii.*? ?i?i<i;<.J to have basa OOSUnltlOd by pi the?? boy? i? large. Ju?ucc Robinson ?ont ?r>f th? Brnsgnraal boy homo with hi? mother, ta having tWelded to let her imvo another SsfBRBS to COOt bis reforuia'ioii. but tbe ' cat?? of po*t-ofTko robbury Is a United ??. tu*** SBSjBj und ssjfsaR he Ufcsa up uwui ?i, tin- r.turn of poslmastcr Bead. The po lice are imw working up the BBSS against the other boys. Th?, first dotat-hntent of "troops to rail From th? port for Porto Rico is expected to arrlee on Friday. Six million poUBrJ? jf supplies ?nil BrMM pounds refrigerated i'cf Bars been onl? red d??livcrc?l BSfS for tho transports and troops. The Uralted -States colliers, eight in niii'lxr, are siill anehored off. Old l'oint. leraltlng Balling oru?:.--. Th?) repairs to the cruiser Minneapolis us ii'.uly eonpletod, and tin- ?hip la ex? ? i pail in a ?Jay or two to convoy :he colliers t?> jola Watson's SQUadron. Th?. trial of Attorn??y 1* M. Sturidss, adietad on two ohaigas ol forgery and 'ir.?- chargea of eaabessl? mein, hae i"'? n ?ostponed until next Tuesday. ?Captain Edarard L, Monsoo, who had harge of the woanded bronght t?? OM \>int on tho ?tTaaanori Braakwatar, has i. ? in detailed ly Major Do Witt eatHre onVer at tho genera! hospital at Vrt hfonro . Mai??r De Witt has bOSB empowered by ho War Department to grant twenty-day oHoughs to those men In tho hospital I'tidM? conditions warrant ir. Missfs thodes ami I'oj?c arc th? only Rod t'r??ss rtHBSB at tho hospital now. Eight ?r.tiers re expecte?i in a day or two. Another rounded aoldler died at tho hospital last light ciior.KRA nA\ns-' por Tin: army. i..aril ?ta Bee? It It 1? Worth While? t?t Obtuiu 'IIiiiii. WASHINGTON, July ?.-A board of rmy surgeons baa BOOB ?1? tailed to meet i Washington to consider the ? ' cholera bands for tho army. A large umber of charitable p? rsons and organi sons ??11 over the counti-y have Begun i? manufacture of tho woollen bands for le use of the? ?oldiers, and the attention ' the m?dl?-al department of tho army is ?ailed to tho matter, the result was ic detail of the board, to be presided cr by Surgeon Dallas U?ebe. if the ?aid report? favorably, the army will obably arrango to securo a supply the bands independently of the chari ! : orgunUatlons. The population of the Australian coi liSg in? reu.3_l Ya,"7j joy cent ill tlie last ,? "XSSkXa. UUIl OVIjU IVjII VVLX ____________ ?EWS SOTES FROM CAMP AlAJfc ?.?ID CAMP CtfBA MURE. FUG PRESENTED TO 2D REGIME*' I nique Ceremonies In Cotinrrtla Thereullh?E?ca|?e of a Prlao?*-? of the l-'iiiirlb. Cbortfett Wllb D? scrllon. JACKSONVILLE. FLA.. July Bl-HB? clal.)?The real, white, and blue of ot of tho handsomest regimental standard at Camp Cuba Libre now floats at tl headquarters of Colonel Baker, commam l?flj the Second Virginia Regiment. Tr flag Is tho gift of Congressman Hay. wti was for a long time a member of th Harrlsonburg Company of the. Secon Regiment. The ceremonies accompanyin the presentation of tho standard wer Blmple, but very pretty. The regiment wr formed In mass on the parade-ground i the rear of tho Colonel's tent, and the Company C, Captain Sullivan, of whlc Mr. }1;l'/ was a member, marched out I slatoon formation, and, headed by th ?and of tho Forty-ninth Iowa, proceed? to the front of the Colonel's tent Her ;he orderly delivered the flag to th nearer, and the company marched bac n front of the regiment, and halted 'aclng the Colonel and staff, the color I Barer falling out and moving to the sl?l ?f Lieutenant-Colonel Roller, who. at th equest of Mr. Hay, presented tho flap Die colonel and staff, all mount?-d, . ourse, were drawn up closo at hand .lieutenant-Colonel Roller said: SPEECH AND CHEERS. "Colonel Baker, as the accredited agen' f Mr. Hay. I have the honor an? ?leasuro to present to the Second Vir inla Regiment this national emblem V-8 ono of you, I pledge that wo wil lonor It and guard it sacredly." Three rousing cheers follow. ?1 this littli perch, and Colonel Baker respond? ?1: "Sir, on behalf of my regiment, I ac ept tho flag, and thank the generous am istlnguished donor. I wish to assure hin .o will cherish it, honor and revere It, nd if need bo die for it." Again tBfl mill broke Into cheer.-?, aii(J aen tho 'lag was bomo ?to Company I!, 88 First Company of the Second Batial* >n, and the color company of the r? cl ient. Sergeant Enes is color hearer. ompany C took its place in the First lattallon, and the band nsume?! its Eta* on at the right of the column. A n - lew of the m.ciment followed. Bad thfl ppearanco of tho men evoked loinl BD lause from the spectators, of whom K-ro were ? largo number. Tho flag Is tho regulation regimental andard, and on each si<l'\ in gold' n ?. '. rs, are the words. "?-Viond Rcgiincut, irglnla Volunteers." THE SK'K AND WELL Lleutenant Skipwith, pt Com; any 1, is nt. unwell, and unable t?1 alo duty, ?iptaln Sliackeltord, or' the ?sanio com iny, has been indisporscd, but has about covered. Lieutenant Cause?/, Of Com* my O, Fourth Regiment, is very much tter. Li it ? nant Hill, Company A, ?urth Regiment, who Is recovering from petadBtent Ulaaaf, baa gone to hla home, Norfolk, on a leave of ten days. Pri itfl Jou Parks, of the .? ame funpauy. is also obtained leave to spend a lew lya at his home, in Norfolk. Private Rah Igfa D. Carter, Of Company Second Regiment, who has ba n v? ty in th tM?h"i?l-fi\?r, is much improved. kcrtlng-Flrst-Sergeant R. J. Overton, of is company, recently sent some lady ends in Charlottu, N. C, flOBM optn i 2iis of hardtack. Srery man in the qapany Is now coiuddcrlng remembering ? lady acquaintances in the flBBM inan r, for tha rOBBon that tlie ladloa to ?torn Bergeant Overtoa sent tho "tack" vo sent him a box containing a great riety of choice viand . 'uvate Clarence Weraer, of Company Fourth Kwimrtit, Is still quito ill. ? limp Aljier. 'AMP ALO ER, VA., /Uljf Bl?(Special.) ivate Tiliman, of ?Company I, ii. again fugitivo, liaving made his escape from 5 guard-house and flora the camp limits e yesterday afteriio??::. He la thfl m ui ?rgcd with d?sertion, and lie was (.-vi nt ly becoming uneasy as the tira? toi i trial drew near, realising that it would jbably result in his being sent to the iirient'ary ?for ?ae-reral y? am His ee .? was made in a nuumer wW b ti\ lily explained. Th- guard-tents, ten In inber, ure crowded to th-ir full capa y, and yesterday the prisoners ?rere rking mar by when Tiliman ?seised ?the -ortunlty to get away. Putting on his it and a white collar, he quietly walk out, and the ?entlnel, used t" soners in b.uo shirts, took DO notice of lrnan, who quietly made his way te? woods, and after BndtBg hi.-., way clear, ?!? a dash for liberty BCrOBfl (MM of the or posts. Th? sentinel on guard Imme* tely cave the alarm, end the ?ail. u'a. rled th?: news to the guard-house, s?-". - l men, with loaded gnus, were after prisoner in a f aw minut?e, ai I ut.nant Cooper, who rod.- horseback | woods Were scoured for Billes around, 1 a fltrtet watch maintained all night. TOO PATH. ottee of the prtaoaer'i eacape era i phoned from ?Colonel Nalle'a I bi to ?quarters, ?thence to Falls Church, xandria. and other points. Up tO latC light nothing has boea beard, and II la acted that it will be exceedingly dlffl ; to teffflCl l.iI < a] turc, it fe?*illK th? ? Impression that he will keep away 0 th?- < i11 ?* - . town-, and more settled ta of the country. Lionel K? II? r his ordered the Bon-eom sloned oncers thoroughly to in ai ii ,i i ! i m " th it they walk r poeta In a military mariner, and that f know their ordera Ha told them i hi realtor sentinels on post would ba ? ?o.-olid cartridges, and that, 1?- tin y 818 < -?!? ?led to asi . yol they .ir.- ex] ?acted to ) prlBOOera from ?scaping at all lul ls. ..::. 1 by tho escape of Tiliman and other prisoner, who made his Bray OUt H*al days ago, work was to-d mem? 1 OP B barricade around thfl rd-tentfl. A trench lias h-.n rfuir. I pletely tdrclee thfl tents, and in uns ? '.? iaii pine log*, ?ail] be plantad, thus etually shutting "if those insi.j?? from p.'. The barricade will have a front rear entran? -, aad ut each ouc a s??n 1 win b? placed. AMMUNITION. my thousands of loaded shells were Ived to-day by Quartermaster ?Cooper, whether they intended for target* tict*. which la BOOdfld, <>r for more jus work in tho near future. I was 5lc to ascertain. There havo BOOB a ber of lit11?- ?happenings in the i - days which strengthen the belief that regiment will move to the front short BUBlbST of ladles w?*re out here to-day i Ala xandria, and they and ts. Bsaongfli whom were laeluded tenants Fiagg, Adams. Fisher, and gs, Major Smith, BergOBBt Hull and ? numb?*r of Others, had a vry *ant picnic ?party in the wujoda back lio hospital t.*nts. MARRIAQB. vate W. H. OaUUaaltl^ one of the popular BMmbera of Company K, married in Washington jrestei noon to Miss Ella D?9WB8,?0? 1 . burg. The groom SScared leave of r two ?lays, and met his fiancee Ifl rap? tal city. The marriage was what of a surprise to his comrades, upon learning the news last night, tded flflaay hearty congratulations. makes the third marriage in C??m K since the beginning of the war, it Is rumor.-d that others will ful n the near future. lor Scruggs has been attending to lutles of the fluid court temporarily. Colonel Kellar Is in command of ;? giment, and he has disposed of a )er of minor caaes of "blocka i*> ng." the accused In nearly , , ace being fiiicd quite heavily. HHJj, MAXin, o? Cuinpaojy Q who hi** fc1 A $5.00 SHOE FOR $3. _ $3.50 L $3.50 $3.50 f2\ V $3,5? I $3.50 ?Ifcfcv -p 53.50 $3.50 JS^A? $3.50 _ $3.50 W^^m $3.50 ] W. L. DOUGLAS | $3.60 SHOE ,?*hWor.d. 1 Indorsed by over 1,000,000 xseatcr. | The style, lit and wear <^nnot be ?- 3* celled at any price. All kinds of ; leather. All the modern ticyltu All < 3 3 ? %? widths. One psfce, $3.50. ~ BOYS WEAR W. L DOUGLAS I $2.?0 SHOE. Same quality as __ | men's, Very stylish. ^ 5c* then et our exclusive store, 3: 623 East Broad St. | ? ijy 5-Tu.Th_Sats) _ . -i IIIUJ'I1 1 h.en recruiting with Captain Howe, ar rived here last night with one or two re cruits. THUNDER-STOK.*,:. The worst thaadar-stona of las sum mer raged her?: thl3 afternoon for over an hour, and the rain carne down unusu ally hard. The company streets were flooded, but no damage, was done to the men's fjuarters. The ditche; around th? teats carried the water off. and ?ill that got in leaked through the canvas. OFF FOR PORTO RICO. Troops at ClinrlcMon Depart Under Another Rainbow. *_E____B-TON, ?S. C, July 20.-U'i'h hands playing and 30,000 people cheering, the expedition to follow General Miles to Porto Rico g'U away from hero at T o'clock. Tho expedition Is under tho command Of .Major-General J. H. Wilson, and will, whin complete consist Of the. Second and Third Wlsoi nata and Sixteenth Paaasyl? Venia Regiment;;, and two companle-i of tin* Sixth Illinois. The first two reglm? nts are an the transports Oread Dachsaa and No. ?, rrSSJpartlvely, and they are now a.* s.a. No. 21, carrying tho Sixteenth I Sylvaala and th- HHOOtS men, Is la the stream, and will follow them early to morrow morning, _kch of th?* ships car ries a vast quantity of supplies for the troops, and on N>. .,1 there aro 1,0<"?> h??ait ?if mule-s and the wagon train of QsaersJ Wilson's Division. ThagS men, together with those of the Sixth Illinois and Sixth -ichusctts. which sailed from here list wet k for Beattago, constitute First Brlgads Of the First Division "f the First Army Covpa The Second Bri, of the iiivision _ at Chick?mauga, will folb'W ?Jen? ral Wilson to Porto Rico, gotag ?-iiiii r via this p ,?-t or Norfolk. FIXE BPCCTACUB. Tho departure of th.- expedition this afternoon wax a fine spectacle, and Um v. ,' r-fpnt was CTOirded for three Biles with eRIasas, anzloas to catch a last gUmpes of the soldiers and to chc-r them on their way. 1 >r two days and nights the work of loading beggagS and provisions en the transports hin? been going forward under rtJ ii ordere, AH the sttevedorea in the dty were employed at it. They wars ssglated bjr detalla of man Croaa the serious regiments, and tb? laborarg employed beta by the . mm. nt, and destin? i f?,r work on the roads and bridges in ?'aba. The weather ha ; been very warm for two days, but Just BS the troops WtTt i mbarklng a heavy raln-etorm came up. As In tiio ?a?e of the Rita ? ten days ago, the clou!?! broke away Just a ships poUsd "'it. lato t?-,,, hsraor, and th< f treat down to tin? sea under tho arch of a perfect rainbow. The which accomp.-.nled the departure ?,f t h--. ft m their docks was one of ta? descrlbable enthusiasm? Practically, lbs entire population of II dty was In art? d? n.e As th- vesaala mad? the stream the i.ands on shipboard snd ashore play id national airs, and the thousands of peo ple cheered 11?s mad. Th- expedition will sail directly for Porto Rico and join *',- a? oral Ifl lea BERGEAXT V. ILKER'S FEAT. -ni 1 >.,-.? u on ii gpaalal Shell ami Found It Hot. LOWELL, ____., July Ml Bergeaat Arthur Brown, Of the Ninth af sssachn' setts, snitss thus fn m the trenches be fos Santiago, under date of July ithi 'We arrived at th.? 1. itl ! -I!eld about noon, at d WON lined u;> i:i p. sitio.i 1?. bind S hill to act as reserves ami to pi the food and ammunition. Bullets weri whlatUng over our beads ta s perfect storm; bul as wttk becoming quite used to that sort of thin-, ai ng tired out, ars lay deorn on the ground and tried tO keep COOb VVhlll V. '.'. lying th, re a sheii dropped at the f< o, 1 Walker, not three feel from him. r nat? ly it ?lid not exi : if it h id the whole company would bay? i- i wiped "II gave some of the boys sack s fright that they started t., run, but Ben Welker called them I irtag them that the dan;,'?!' nd that h.? wag going to ess it tor i it Hs walked over to It and pteaked blmself down, but be had no mor?* than touched it when be lumped about ti\. feel in the air and grabbing hlrfflf by the -?c_t of the trou eers galled: -it's lc :' \., stayed there all the afternoon, and at night the shooting stopped, and ws sil lay down to ele? p and dream of br. ad, lobster Baled, and such thlnga Ws arers suddenly awakened by a rule ghol on tii?' guard Baa, and In sn Instant every man ua.. <<n his foe. and armad arltli his rifle, A moment later the Bpanlardi - r :i coming up the liili mi the run, with 1 yonets fix? d. ' Tho or.i.r was auiekly given to begin firing, und almost instantly th- gUBS i,e,/., d and roared from the bill-tops right into the feces kt Ott ?n< niv. The iiatiing .run then bagsn to gal n Its rvork and the Spaniards went down like i t".,re a mowing machine. What there arers left of th. m retreated, but i,it until they had last tally BA None )f our men were hit." \VOlM)i:i) HM M PA-AMIS. ?t range Slghti* Presented by Con Milisi. in? at Old Point. NORFOLK, v.v., July _* .? The govern lient being short of .suitable clothing for ho many si. k and WOUBdod men at O'd Joint. the Red Cross agents there have .ought about all tho pajamas?several taadrad seta .In the ettles about hero or the use of the soldiers. It was excessively warm to-day and the ii<n appeared to enjoy the pajamas reatly. Kven with their suffering In iglit, it was imp?n-sslble for most ? ? pie to refrain "(rom smiling when ?me of the wan ones, booted and clad a pajamas, passed them upon the Streets t the Point. The post appeared to be copied by pink and blue clad sommimbu sts. An officer passed occasionally 'earing pajamas of polka dot pattern. Great quantities of supplies for the sick nd wounded arc being received by the ted Cross agents at Old Point. Three agon-loads were d-livered in one day. i car-load of supplies from Kentucky i said to have been very acceptable at ie hospital. They consisted principally f and i-ota toe?. Castoff cloth ig, pajamas, and reading matter ate 11 Q-cikd a*. OUI I'oUiL . ._., ..?ii. aw,,..? aj ?' TUR TAXES KOR THE CURRENT CALEN DAR TE ?VE ARE TO ?E PAID PRO RATA BY ?H? VENDOR .?USD TMS v*vntg? l'y J. B. Elan? A C<*. and | *S J. T. Ooddin A Co., i : Real Estate Agents. TRUSTEES' 8AL?? BY T?BL10 AU 'HON OP THAT DESIRABLE TW?0-BTORT DETACHED BRICK RESIDENCE. No. 1610 HANOVER STREET. CONTAINING NINE ROOMS AND ALL MODERN CON VENT ENCES. In execution of a certain deed of trust, dated June 29, 1896. to the undersigned trusties, recorded in Deed-Book 155 A, page 29, Richmond Chancery Court, de fault having been made In tho payment of tho debt secured, and being required so to do by the beneficiary, we will sell by public auction, on the premises, on TUESDAY, JULY at, 1898, at 6 o'clock P. BL. the REAL ESTATE described In said deed as being No. MM Hanover street, with lot fronting 24 f? et 9 1-2 inches on the north line of Hanover etrret between Vine and Walnut ?treats, and extending back at rlatht angles with Hanover street, northwardly, and within parallel lines 179 feet and !? inches to an alley in common 20 feet wide. The loca* ti'iii of this property is all that could be de-sired b?alng in a locality where real ? estate is steadily enhancing in value, and persons in quest of homes or Invest ments should not fail to attend this sale. The property can be seen by applying to the euctloneern TERMS: Cash enough to pay costs of ?Xecutlng this trust', all taxes to ?lay of sale, and to discharge two notes, one for B.WO and the other for MS, with Interest ??n ?">rh fron Jun.? ?, 1898, and as to the residuo, upon such terms as will be an nounced at sale. JOHN T. GODDIN, JAMES B. ELAM. Trustees. POSTPONEMENT. The, ahove sale has been postpone?}, on account of rain, until THURSDAY, JULY 21. 1883. at 6 O'cloch P. Bf. JOHN T. GODDIN, JAMES B. ELAM, jy 20 Trustees. LOST, STRAYED, AKD FOCAD. LOST.-86 REWARD FOR RETURN of RBD collie DOO, with white breast, .-ii?.iut 1 year old I.?Bl BOOa on Brook turnpike Sunday evening. 204 west Franklin street. Jy B?lt roa RENT. 1 ?a POR RENT, THE VERY DES! KAHL!-: TWO-BTORY Brick Dwelling, No. 1716 east Broad street, containing 7 rooms, and having city water. It is a bargain at |!) per month. .J. B. ELAM A CO., Jy 19-10t Uli Main ?treat J-v?" I" I '. ?! i ? .i_U El'LATE is l'A RULED. XttTy 1l!-|>!irii,t.-i.| lie- I.lea Thnt He Ni-ril Not Sis?. HI? Prowl???. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 2?).? The Navy Department has (eaelndsd the or der compelling commanding officers ?if the Spanish fleet destroyed oft Santiago to give a written parole or suffer con finement, on the prison-Ship Santee at AnanpoUa Adnrtral Cenrer? a ? i per? i to fire a rerhal parola and Cap tain Bolate ol tii?; ?/lacaya, demandad the .-aine privil'-ge. He deollngd to ?Ign the arritten pnrols aad ?raa therefor? ordered on board the Santee. In i?,<-.kiii < ui> precedents the Navy De* partmen? baa found thai captlr? com mending orBeera <?f warships are required te '--Im a veil,al parole only, and C?ptala Eutate was therefore releassd. The writ ten pardea of all other ofltcere of tho b navy at AnnapoUa arare recarvi i at the Nary Department to-day, in each case the officer had written oa tho form thai be u ??-opted the parois "as r_e Admiral understands It." RALEIGH'S lit 11?.It. .Ill III.? r> ? I ' < ; a a l i?in? i- I ^()l ? .. m p I. I > ? 'l'h<> It e|?u lil lia n < on ven tioii. RALERUf, N. ?"., July .?.?.-iS? rhe six companies of the Booond Rega ?en?! In camp here left at 6 o' loi k this tuorning fur Peony's notad, firs bUIos from Raleigh, and Will ft main th? re tWO ?Jays. Th? ! 10 I? .TO camp. it Is th- general sentiment la enmp ind in ths city ?that a n<.v" oaatp site ihaMild bo at* once occupied Rob? it ? ' irvmt, Ot < '"mi any II, tshevllle, and William Mil.? r. of Com pany M, Murphy, were this m?armng Bken to F'?ri McPberson, Atlanta, to trvfl one year .?t haul labor for do? :? rtJon. The ?entone of each was three igra bnt n was Biodlfled to tho shorter I mi. J?.hn <".???!1? f, Ot ('onipativ I, Tarboro', liad at the camp hospital Monday night, nd was buried In the National ?'.n:? ?ry yesterday. His death was dus t'' yphold?fover. A prisais named Mu-tin i thought t" be ?lying. it apppeara thai after all ths real? Tnt's equipment is Incompleta The csn i .im.' a moatb ago, but a? ,i. no c 'Hi' n No cartridge ?its have Brer been recelred. Th? BTai lepnrtmenl yeaterday ordered that tho x ? Omi i?!i??1 and Wt lit South , > quipped before those bare. Th? ?Hlpmi nl of trap? from th al Monday. The i swi rs Is tho : . i ; pall) B-bnator Prltchard did n??t attoad the tepubllcan State Consnntlon here to as-. Th? ni -i '' t... [or ' '' hi utrdojue. i; a? Senator bad promleed bo mnny bbob .; -o many b id fall? ?i to get t h? ; ; to me? t this "l. - Ion of th?- ' a " and that to? ays contained many of this las? of men who fBili A. The m.un object of the convention was the nomination of Judgee. be nomlnnUona for these so far mad? y th.- Republicana are: Second We? iet, D. W, ?Cnldsrall: Hzth, C, P. ochey* Seventh, H P. Seawall (nomi ?ted by Popnllata ?and endorsad by Re? th, Henry BJnvea (a n of J? an B> BavasV Bo aoml Chairman Hoi? ... Ifth, and Twelfth I.i N? ?tl cd In? tu po till h. i in by an pai (I I A T I C II i " il Loi i ; pejsj [strict? OTI'i:M)IM. SOLDIER VISITORS. no BsTBoS ?? tenaVO I?? Al?*?audrin? A Mj?U?ry. ALEXANDRIA. VA.. J.ily '.?.-(Special.) I mpAOO has dct'-rmlrn d to bring fending eoldler vtafftors to justice, it B in S? ?,r?lance with the lies of the military authorities or i.ot. ho pollco are now after Sergeant rruggs, of the Third Virginia. Scruggs, tv> B said to be a Richmond man, has en bars looking after ab ttin?? rceruits. Y<-st.-rday I'r'v.ite \\ i.'l abater crame home for a day, an?i while was visiting his sweetheart In the enlng jjcruggs pass?1?! with some men en Bte for the river t?i bathe. ?>n seeing 'abater, SerugB? went to the win-low d demand?.1 Webster's pass. Webster fus?'d to abOW any pass, and Scruggs Dad his revolver. It I? charge) king a bead on Wttmtmr, ordered him to row up his hamis. Webster did not, d the girl fainted, and that drew a iw<l. Webster's pass was ?ecured, and rgaaat Scruggs left in high glee, but ?? girl continues very ill. fhere Is considerable mystery about the ath of a well-?iresa??'l, middle-aged lite man found under the rallr?ia?l tr.'s ?,n Alaannder Island ft aterday. The iron? r's inquiry to-day rev??aled no Ing. The man had a .!. ? p gash In hi? ehead. In his pochote were a diary, me ?mall change, and letter? addressed "Joseph McGloln, Philadelphia." rhe marriage of John Daingerfleld ooks, of this city, and Miss Grade Ice, of Norfolk, In North Carolina on tiirday. cause? expressions of surprise reabout?. He Is a newspaper-man. BTC Bho? Ml?* Sou Mill BOO? be? i Info moi A ? for V..II E \I 1 No. A \V in 1 ,\ i llttl? No. AT or i mal? mat! furn Well A Bo"l sir? Post ifrican elephants ,*?an cJixnb njcuatalos lb remarkable case. A : to 1 i nli ire? two a gr; A | and 1'niv woul or e? ful i And tlcul Kell? AN fact? fan 1 to th unie? cotnii o Hice TO H busiii Good place office HI< tons VI Rt Sixth Spa coiyR being WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SOLD THE TAXES FOR THE CURRENT CALEN DAR YEAR ARE TO BE PAID PRO RATA RY THE VENDOR AND THB VKKDKK. By J. Thompson Brown A Co., 1113 Main street. -~W*^\* RUSTEE'? SALE UFA r Vest-Grace-Street Dwelling, No. 10W5, IETWEEN RVLAND AND 8HAPEK , STREETS. EXTRA-EASY TERMS. BjB virtue of a certain deed of trust o the, undersigned, trustee, dated D?cern er 23, lS?/J, and duly reconl.?i in Rich non?l Chancery Court, Deed-Book H7 A, < age 3S6, to secure certain notes therein I escribed, default being made. an?l being 3 equired by the lunetlciary no to do. 1 rill aell at public auction, on tho premLses, TUESDAY. JULY 26th, t 6 P. at., the PROPERTY described in aid deed as follows: "All that lot of land, with Improvements heroOB, <>n the north side of Grace ?treet, istant 724 feet west of Harrison street, hence along the north sldo of Grace a a woBtwardly dlrc-tlon 224 feot, f u?i extending back between parallel linea 19 feet, to un alley 2i) feet ?ride." a. This Is a three-etory. bay-window, ex ra?waU?constructed Residenc.? of i?. ' loms, handsomely-decorated with hard? "j. rood, walnsi-outlng, grill work, &c. extra ?e hardwoo.i mantel, and gold-gilt gas xiures, L.itrobc, &c, exposed plumbtng, ?rcelain-lined bath, stationary basins. :c. ; in fact, complete in all Its appoint- ^ lents and furnishings of flrst-class work- j lanshlp and materials. It was built by a resent own.-r as a permanent residenc i, ho spared no expenso in interior dOOO itions and ?omiorts. TERMS: By consent of nil parties in- , rested, fl.Go?) catdi; ISO?? in six months; ^ ilance, one, two. and threo years, ?i put , ?nt. interest, secured by <k"??l of trust. IRGINIA TRUST CO., Bucceeeors. A. SAFE DEPOSIT & FIDELITY CO., Tiust? ". J. Thompson Brown & Co., Auctioneers. Jy 21-trl By N. W. Howe, Real Estate AuclUinfV. 'I TRUSTEE'S SALE H L v? D N UNDIVIDED ONE HALF IN- h TEREST IN THE _ Jj ALUABLE STORE AT THE SOUTH- 'I EAST CORNER OF ROSS ?VXD pi GO\ E RNOR ST R E Ei'd, AND IN A at ARGE LOT ON TWELFTH STREET -s'ORTH OP CLAY. lo ITU A LARGE FRAME BUILDING ON A PART THEREOF. \ - > ' In execution of a decree of th?? Chan- th ry ?'ou?t ?if the city of Richmond, in lant?n' National Bank vs. Shanks A jskeli n als ' entered July IS, Is'.'**. i m s. ii by publi?? auction, on the re ?*<:tiv?? premlaeB, tlie PROPERTY above* ferrad to on MONDAY. JULY B? 1898. the following ordl r. l) AI 5-30 o'clock i' M. an undivided e-half Interest In that valuable STORE? OUSE above i ? r? r i.-.l to, containing r- ? stories, all thoroughly lighted and "j ?i. and ?p? dally well a<iapied tor ' ht manufacturing purposes. .'? And at 1:16 o'clocV P. M., an undl- v. i'A one-ball ?nteres*, in that LARGE ?T beginning on the north eitle of the ?t mal .-' ing ?in north Twelfth extending northward along the sr line Of Twelfth ?triet i>;i feet 1" unnlng bach be een parallel ! n< 132 feet, upon a small rtion of which ?i a large frame house ry it would yield, if put in fair order, a I ndsom return upon the wiiolo pur irlca elms. One-third cash, and ths bat? IH ee at six and twelve months, evidenced ?ill n? gotlablc not? ?, with interest added, ired by de< ?l ??f truel on th rty. J. JORDAN LEAKS, y 20_Substituted Trustee. Q<aorge W. Mayo. Ain'tionecr, fn PM BBSl Broad street. .ROCERY WAGON, I?OAT WITH 0AB1 ANO BABBIBS, CAIPBTd, KUGS. MATTING, FURNITURE, Ac. AT III AUCTION. will sell at my auctlon-hous?, at 10:30 M., O-DAY (THURSDAY), JULY 21. IBB Irocery Wagon, la Rood order, and i Trained ??oat. with. BlOB ?'art and H.r. neee; ndsom? Carved ?Oak and Blush Parlor Hint and B?. rlor Chain and Bofas; ; and Poplar ?Chamber Suits; ig, PedeeteJ, Walnut, and ?j.?k v. slon Tablea, line Quartered Oak ? Nah i dntng Ch tiro, Fancy Pnr lor iin?l ot her Rock? i i, Revoh Ii fu-e Chairs. Lady'B i1'-!?.. Walnut and u .i r Irol ' loui hi . Ii.ill Stands, Mirrora. Pictures, Bu reau?, V. ' !? ,i,|s. Springs, M ? i Bol? Feather Bed, Cnrp loth, i: frig? ;.i*,, Hearting, and Cooking St ind ii i irtmenl of miscella neous articles. OEOROB W. MAYO, fl Auction?, r. I ?Ml SALE. Km > \i.i:. K'K ??F DRY GOODS, NOTION8, is, Tin and '.'i ? ki : wan, in the t enterprising and bualaeaa t??-?vn In thweet Virginia. lUutii is the rea of party for wishing t?> eelL All ?s new uni clean, a? party has only i in business two years. Por further rmatlon write S. B., ?are of Rich id Dl ; atch. Jy IS MPLOYMBST WANTS. \\ i\n:i), OOOD, BBL1 ?BLE MAN (WHITE) Ice-Wagon; aleo, a Young ?Ma th f.?i ' ind General i HMce A m r In oarn handwriting. Ad? ? i.. 8IN1 ;.- Dispatch. _?_^____ WAMTBD, PLOYMENT OP ANY BIND k. Salesman, Superintendent, ??r liar. AddrsSn AUO. AR8ELL, Jr., LflOeast Marshall -ir-t. Jy '?l-lf WAMTBD, "HITE WOMAN OR GIRL TO ASBIS"! loueework and share borne coml ! th?- rlghl party, wl ?work. Address "HOUSEKEEPER." 10 Sycamore ?treet, dtp, Jy Ji-u* \\ vvil.D. "OSTTION TO TEACH IN BCHO< ?L lorn? <Iraduate ?,f the \ .nary Two > ? English lj ce, . R?f?renc?e \ WILSON, V ? \\ IMKII, THOROUGH DOUBLE - ENTRY ? keeper and General < dB? i M in <le i work for two months, only salary required. Address "(.'. E. T.." -offlc? b.ix ;:. a BXPBRIEXCED TEA! HER. ?ATIVB VIRGINIAN, EXPECTING eturn earlj ?r.irn th?-? ? rs'.ry of !.. Ip?ii , In ?;. rman P litlon, with board for wife and ren. both under aduate of the University of Virginia; d. of Princeton; Fh. D. of Ulli has studied In th" John Hopkins H? prefers ? ollega work, but ?l accept m position In an academy, " ii In privat? family, as h?-* is skii n elementary Instruci itles. ent and Modern For par ii WILLIS M - gg Mr it, S LI _ Jy ls-Tu.Tu&Salm EBBUMHBB WAMTS. I: ' r ' Coi wil ru ar bul fr? Ing .i : bull T roil suh 1. n lar, Bai val cap A .It i the T t,-n thlr th., six. !' C wn ?L< I Tn publ 10 | li li - i tu?- ' Tl ?Ait:: ala inr I ? pac jy TH her W WTKI*. INTEREST IN A BAVIN?' MANU irlng busln. ttiuj urnish tune and capital No an ils advertisement win be consi?: i mu i ai ? lar? . nd name? ac any same A?Jdn??a J. <l. \ b . - ' ->' > . ? WA?TMIS, CHA ELL A RAR DOINO A SPLENDID bold ie?s. Fin.- apporta?alty for good man T?wni reason? for selling If you want a Btre-e addse?? R. A. H., ?are of this <?'cl>>? ;_ jy W-tU_ d? >t ?Hi WtMKI). IHE?T UA.SH PRICE BAID FOR IM tend of J'rlme Virginia Sumac. THE B? JINIA FEED COMBAN Y. 432 north v\\v* treet, corner Clay. Jy 17-ts B In bun more ?un?h:n? than aj.y ?.ther p?t??h ry in Eur??*^, the yeaily average tentl? 8,000 hours. vil| , WHEN' REAL ESTATE 1?J h?,j.., - TAXE- KOR TH? Cl.RKKNT CAL DAR YEAR ARE T'y UK PAlO ? KATA BY THE YkiSVOH. A.N_ *, VENDEE By A. C. Harman, Real Estate Auction*??-*, llll east Main street. rRUSTKE?* BALE OV 111 AT tXCELLSNT, ATTRACTIVE **, AKRANGL'D. AND SL'RSTANTIai LY - R( II.T THRI BRICK R) No. iun GROVE AVENUE I. WO Sgl-'ARES I t051 MUC CAB LU By virtue of a, citnin ' bo undersigned trust? I M the flat day of April, i d in the Clerk's office 'tiuniery Court, In D >. <!. fault having : ncnt of notes therein ? equired so to do by th? lotes, wo shall off? r foi luctlon, on the premise?, on TUESDAY. Ji 'i-i it 6 o'clock P M . the RE \ '. et forth In the above-nv rlbefl therein as froi >n tho south tide of Grove unnlng back bet?* bet to an allay, vu:h pan ither aid?'. The bouse < onl ?Saldes pant' ;ir; Is v.ry nicely I erty has a two-story brick ?nabi? un t ear of TERMS: Cash us to so mm h of th? hase money as may be a? i h. . for ?ft? oth bearing a? eed. and ?lue and payable i fter their date, wltn I? ?ich of the said not. *. ft ntil pud, and t tie residue i money to be paid Mnths from data the ?i . Ing .-". ured by di sd of roperty, or i at . lie* pure ho. W. BRYDON TE A. C. HARMAN, Jy N nB?ST__5_ sali*: uK valia:-! L VV_**1' 1X0 LOTS. By virtue of n certain deed ' ltd January 31, UM, and i nil. o County C? ui t Clei k ed-Book 129 "B tving i? en made m a pan cured thereby, and I . so to do, I v ib'le auction, on the i : m SATURDAY, JULI . ?; o'clock P. M., the PR? libed in s ild t ru.-t d< 'I , - IS Of lilld. lying and I- : unity (bul now m the cltj a.) numb? red I imprlslng t' ' ' ' | V .' : I will a ll the ?der gin n above, or so _ in ay I due "ii ti : i sai.i balance d? PERMS: i i-h . r ale, all t.i? sal?', and ?.. , ice due on a note t ?r u . I M, till paid; one and two y? ale, ' rty w. A. _ Dy J. i a H. Baldea A IK* iI._STi:L.H' BALI l'Y ACOTfO*. OF TBS ractively-Located and Very Ife Suburban Tract NTAINING ABOUT 4. ACRES. WITH IMPfiOVEMFNIS THEREOI Henrico Ccunty West of aai Adjacent to the ?New Rj**-,. ervoir Park, and Known as 44 BEECH WOOD." ; ' i nioii of a ' rteln da I d October 21 : date ?a the ?Clerk of Hi inty Court, ' ' i sell by public au? t?on, o., i FRIDAY. JULI t P. M., the REAL, dly'sttu i . .a bly ? b i n pla? ' knowi on the i of I in in.. New ' i. . . I mall ?is?. - r. Into ?rill I ' remeta and Impro*, i m< nt ?I I. try the di H F the | ... BRMB: ?I of th 1 n t h r e e e* 1 ii. ut tbi J. B I A. V, . II N. W B )___I__I0N?K?' .-Al i: OK \M. 'J R \ i'K THE it: \ i.V. ISE TO DI'MBAR*] '1I_ RICHM? ' BURG AN,' l RAILROAD AT .' execution ' v. enter? d July 2 : tlon. .ai ti DAY. J ULI LAND i mill-pond ' s, t hi ' count i > \ R I' I. ?*?i ten, tn L?In tin? Ch erUfy that the bond r< i i ,::,. i. a I - Pl.ltMl?. ?I.. i. i tIJC IS UK ' I I'll M , f' 111', i..-,; i ?tisibl- for any di I T. J U-Thit? MKtHM.?). STATED ?'< >\\ I . PER. ? in Us Tl . Id ? rn.-r ot* li: . Pill R8DA? k } M. Work ?n M M sa upanions of ' promptly. , ,,,rt order of the t. LEW i less for printing seat to i i Company will be given i ' . >n. and the style of work *? tie sur? to please .ou