Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1898, KKITTI.ECiTYCIi Ilia TUE PI'It PO AR <?F THE R IM) IIEW.TH t OMMITTRt T.HEY WAIIT A? ISOLATED HOSI -( i.<? Mutter I?? llr Stronal*, ' ivum llu- RSSV t iiunill? K Tt i ?.,.< il?in Taken? MTmr? i? ill. \ Imahiiaar?. ml ra tt the Board of n ? r with m < rayar i . - ut? i ?rigor ' .r?I, a , ind atei , fulffl tbs ' s . i : BTtstters ts ; I o?' an 1. K *?. '1 In an af yellow tisr condltio thlnh tboat. Tb? v h ? !. ...laid", : h ,:?1 . D lor the dte. . . MKD. :. ?t luth? tt with his I ' : i ? ? 11 : ? 11 i ? : ; ? i i i . ? dlnaac? s v rlltted twlc i ? on U] drropf) : his i ii. said If b may lall the : a little in? ?s ill at ' b ir ?I ily. and t?o i , - rsral ??i i? rralta IVR OP IMlPaCTl it tbe Cll 1 o - :;.!?. n j.i ? .. (Cl nip. !> ? r.?l YVlllii M< i low?-i:, and Rna did -ii" Board, j later. ( ni?- m? etlng waa to of tii? cit>, and - t v : - w > l ? H ill. tbs < n Ith ln( ? iniiti? ?i i ed in an In? r? ! v. as V ' >1 n?",n. tbe aj Invitation of Mi Ootti I mu he be ?i it and ! > be ? ?c< ?i? nt. . v. ?a ml i : m t f??r The eondll noticed end fan i ? i i u. ' t, refr? ihment? mil i Relief oi the r??ir seta, 1 r a < followin- m. mta . wer? the month of Ji show i wall colored ? I colon i dl? ??. ?- ivli the elm ' I ondlng no \ Tb< bo, pli i| v. I ' Tl. a ere 7?? palle ? pli ?I June U m ir. ill as i bill? w< r.? appro red to be paid, as follow s : All i , -, -roll, ??;:?"; depe rt menl ??f ? ? j t < i ..?s for tb? almshouse, ?tJH i.?n ; *171. r < ?it? r attended tbe mi at v- M his conn I Islm for ?i -. . I i ? lOB with tbe ?ml er, while drlvi:, Cottrell end Dr? i i committee to Inve rt nt. r and ft poi I at tbe B< mtntl i to make t? r tb? department n< to Int ItS It"' Co in il a al : ?" u t?i a?.mpany tbe at 1 i to flit tbe ?la will probably make it al ?f ti? montb, as tb? ? ompleti .1 l>y th unira Itlaor I oi.i ?al 11? * t<> OirhiiI -Klv*?r Ir .?. III m? el this aftcino? n ? laatlon. it la a be an Ini halrmaneblp, m? i Ha by, and ? 'un?s bave all bs< conns? tlon; bul tbei | to lri'" which is the m?, Aft? r organising, :i i . ?.?- ti ., ' I In- ??. In-dull'* \o( < linniii-il. i :. i laher, ir* i irer of ti ? and li?-< trie Con - -lui* s ?.ii h thii city w ?Hi I that tin y !ia?i not been ?sad lorn rrj He ?aid ?thai ? ? i o?r, lint the rate o ' ? u made a little asara rapl? i?, i hi had I ken 'ft tbe afsa? at i ; Mr. El? h? f. th? re is i OB UM tSTO main line: ! rts af tb? when buelnesa-mea an mea le, end da nalnstf ?ttaiitli* l.i-HKut* I inpTro? Unit. Nss ?, of Lan? * ? . ?ed n i-:l??|!?-,i '.: t? ' I th< .v ?rk I '; id his mind i ai i * bavi - . . . . d? ?i be - tit's tii.-i? t would ppear Iba i i ? d? 11 .'t umpir? .- is to be I? Brsdy b-Mbg th?.* Ignsd." ' ?i.i Mi? m\. l'a I ii ful A.-cldeut. >?. ?,f it. arha ra il an I ' ' iry street, was -< salaful, though not m d? .it earlj < Qatbrow attempted t i rhth and Main atr? i-irlkiiiK hi- I Hi*? forehead wa* ?;ash - ..-.?i Ut (mac also cut rsiaed, The arobulunce wan caUed, ' ? m|>i,7. with dt. ! in charge. The boy's wounds ?-ere t ed and he was taken home. Bat? < T*? or THE ?TOR If. I lalitnlHfi -irn. u Several |?|a I l>de Oliver Killed Tneadaj The thunder-storm which took yeaterdny afternoon wss entlrelj close at hand to be viewed with i rilmliy. ?),?. f)H:.h r.f lightning stunk the city Ball, and i.ports come fron ferrai par!? of tta city of halr-br? ' f< w minutes before 6 o' a Basil travelkd down Rroa?l str?-ef, aging <.n<- (,f the signs in front Of I ' tone*? saloon between Ninth and '? street* ,T?| ?irlklng near the City It Ml all (he bell? ringing In the Al?nn fl ,i,,i burn?-d out some ?or tlons. Lightning also struck a polo erect? W.i,..?ward's yard, op Clay street, opp \ ... Dr. W. W. Phrtar, who was wnlkln Sev- ntii i*- lightly ahoch? d. he saw tho llKhtnim; apnertinlly strl Cl.-iy-Str? , t ear as It was about to Into Franalln stre?i from ?seventh, thought one of the passengers must 1 been ?tunned. Tuesday lut ntatrt 4:*?o ovi Clyde ??liver, the || year-* Id ron of and Mrs, W. ?M. oiiv* r. was rrtntcl Hghtntng and inatnntly km, i. ?.- ,-.., th.- bonae at the i ma th? bolt fen. UM house, !.-, trueh th" boy, who was in t!i? !.. I OR IHK WOIMIKI) SOLDI I. It - Mr*. I -reell Receive* < Inthlns; i M ?in?'y for The in. h. i?. run-en, who bna nnderta . 1 tmnamll mnn-y and c!? ing for the d???nt SOJUlpmSBt of aroundod soldiers from Santiago, who rfrad ?t oi?i l'oint ?n such a doplori condition, bga been very successful up the present time. ?g .i ready shipped two large bo Of clothing and gent ?42. ?ad nrr.m menta .ir<- non being made to uend i Ward a thin] l.ox and some f'irther con buttons next Saturday. At present, b? ? \er. there in plenty 'if room in the b and Mm. Purccll ?opos that the tat a win speedll) dlsapp? ar, The m. n .in- Quartered in tents on beacb at Old Point, and some pf t:i hardly <<ny clothing at nil. the g' eminent being gnats? t-> supply th :ii that particular up to the prcs< I.nme Amllenee AI ell IMenacd. T!,<? repetition of this w.-f-k's program at Main-Street Vaudeville park, us t nights p,. i.y. takes nothing from Its p? ulHrity, but rather adds to It. I_st ni*. tin. audl? m? was exceptionally larga, st aldsrlng the loclemency of the w?nth and gull? as will pleased as Its prci cccaor? The usual Saturday afternoon rnattn to-morrow will be combined with I annual bicycle-race mooting of the How nd win commence at a o'clock i .-t- , ! ,,f 4:.'!o o'elock. Appenrx llef?ire ?Iimtlce John. Eugene Dendrldge (colored) was arre: inlay mofnlns on Fourth atreel I -a and Wren, on t - ' i?.- of being implicated In the robbe of Willi.? Allen. DondrMge makee i appearance before Justice John this mor in g. The Lnvrri-I ?rty ( ontliiuc?. The lawn party I,ein?- held at (?raha i\ street?., which is th" centre attraction in that aoctlon, will be m tlnucd on Frida) and Bstai?ay night Music, furnished by a prominent or, he tra, afforded gra?l pleasure to the dancer v h la?! nlghl in preai number Juilae William J. Lenke 111. JudgO W. J. l.-ak- |g ixtr-mi-ly ill ; hi.- bom?, I?O. Ill Park .iVeiilic. Two I hi Blclans wer?; with him all of WsdMSdS night, snd at ?-ne time ids recov? ry Wl ,i of. if- ralUed somewhat yet end i,. ' nlghl his condition ?n led SS inore hopeful. GEBER VL <; \lt' I v i>is?;i STED. Says He "Will io-O-iernte Wit American l-'on-e?. .*??? Alore. NEW i"l!l', July 2\ -A Santiago sp? rournal, dated Jury ?Ah, my that Oeneral Onrcta has written a lett? t.. Qeoera] Btafter, declaring that he i disgustad at his tr.atni.-tit at the hand r.f the Americans, gad will, thercfon withdraw in. forces to the h?ls. Among the things of which Oeneral Qai i i complalna la the failure of tho Am?ri .an commander to officially notify him c lender of tin Spanish force nude Oeneral Toral, and be Is also incensed a lh- ai:, I'd tat that he was not Invite, to be present at the ceresaony attendin the f< : ru ? i capitulation of Santiago. Another grievance is tin? retention o th.- Spanish clvU nuthorlti ? In tin- ad ministration of their functions in Ban For thOM I?BSOUS. Gerda declares, h will no longs? Co-operate with til.- force under General Bhafter's command, im will act independently, as he ,!i,i ),. for t!,.. American tt-.op.s landed In Cuba. Them is considerable confusion concern log Garcia In the dispatches from San \ gp?ci 'i cii,- yesterday report ed the rumor that l?an la had been sh.,t prmumnbty while attacking Mnnaanlllo On Tins lay it was Mated at SantiaK? tii,it General Shatter had invited Garda t , aitnesi the aurrender, but that the Co tan a tii* nly refused. There is no w?i> hero i-, Btmlghton ti"' tangle, and th? STOntS and the more reliable lap : reports uiust be awaited. -.?am? JOSEPH MAKIIKH. Death of Ttxtm ?I ell-Kuo,vn Cltlaen Of I mil? ,. BVCKMER'S STATION, LOU1S4 in! \TV. July 21. (Special.?-Mr. Joseph Maui her tttsd at his homo here this morn ing; iiK? d a' out Oj years. Mr. Mauclu-r was born In G?rm*ny and came to this country after he reached his majority. He served gallantly in the late, war, and suffi red wounds Irom which he never quite recovered. For thirty years he was ; mantas ni BuoBnsr*?, which ornee he tilled faithfully through all the chan-iin? administration? Ho had an snvtaOl? reputation wtarorer be was known ior Ute uprlghtnOM and singleness of ..,-. No words ran fitly describe tho v of blS bl?l-Slma life, as all attest wl, . enjoyad his acquaintance. A wile, one son, and four dUUgbtem survive him. HIS funeral will tabs place on ?Sdturduy from the i hUTCh he built here. _ Mr 1?. T. Shobe. KOi L'.ens Ave., Bl tx?ni, Mo., says: ''.My daugh ter hod Eczema, whig* covered her head ami spread to her face. She was tn-nt?-d by physicians snd taken to celebrated health springs, but only grew* worse. Many patent medicine* werg takery but without ? e-uilt, ?ri111 tvp di#'id<**d to try R g 8 A dozen boules cured her completely and ?aft h(VkinfPe._ feotly smooth. Not a sign of tha dreadful disease has ever returned. S.S? Blood I?BJn'B?VBBiEBl 1? the only our? for Ke-inia and all other Wood ?hMAtAt. Valuable books moiled frss by ?Swift Bn-aeiflc Oomoony Atigntg,??rh. VIRGINIANS HAPPY OVER DECISIO* OF CO ft F Ell EHATE MEMORIAL INMTITI TE Till STEES. THE COHYEMTION CONFIRMS IT. Keeond Dor ot the Atlanta Reunion ? The Prorerdinaa In Delall?The Old mil"'.'. Re-EIerted?Interest ing Vote? nnd InHdenta. ATLANTA, CA., July 21.-(Spe | lal.'-Tho I action of the Rouss "Rattle-Abbey" Trus teea In deciding upon Richmond as the location for the memorial was overwh'-lui- j Ingly end/Jtsed by the conventbin to-day. ! The decision of the tr?ibiees WB8 not j generally know? to the Virginians unt.l this morning, when General Mlcajah Woods announce? it at a meeting at headquarter?, and the enthusiasm follow ing the r'ciirio-.i of the news was of the -fltldeat ?deecflptlea, and cheering was pro longed several minutes. A large number of Kentucklaiifl were at Virginia ?888* quartcra when the announcement was m Ada. ?irid they were not less hearty then tho Vliginians In their applause. Wa\*n Ibfl report of the trustees was presented to the convention by General Mvaas to day It was received with applause, and beforo tho vote on it was taken General Gordon took occatdon to ?-ay he felt fcs sured the trustees* decision W8fl wise and In accordance with the view*? of tbe great majoiity of southerners. General Chal dron, of Louisiana, In a somewhat acn moniou.-i apee Oh, ?matad the report tabled, but the motion via-, lo.-:t by a vote *>o laTBB as to make tho minority uncomf or table. PRACTICALLY INAMMOls. The motion to adopt ?was carried by a practically un.r.lmous vote. I have b? sa at pains to learn the opinions of the vete rans regarding the dflClfllon of the trus tees, and though I have talke?! with ex Confed'.iates frota nearly every Southern Slate, 1 did not llnd 80*8 who did nut think the capital of the Confederacy the suitable place for the memorial. The Virglmnns took to holding a little reunion of their own this morning, and but few of them pot to tho convention hall until past Boon. A meeting of the Virginians was heui at ii ovio, k. presided over by Oaaflral Mlcajah Woods, fog thfl parp?se of choos ing a chairman and secretary Of the ?l? 1? - g.iiion. ?fjeaeral John <?. WlUSome, ot Winchester, aad captain J. Taylor ?rat tan, of Richmond, wer? unanlmouflly flhoaea ehairmnn and secretary, resp - Ively. Resolutions wot* adopted thank la? Captain Charles L. Arnall. of Atlanta, formerly adjutant o? the iIftb Georgia I'.I n.iry. and Mr. .1. H. Gilbert, 01 At? lauta, for many kiiidn? s.-< s. Including thfl ."" riIt,g by them of the fine hall u. headquarter.??. A SERENADE. About this time b gbe club from K?-n ti!''ky heail.jna i l.Ts. aci-ompanieit tiy 8 large aumb< r ol ?thfl ?Blue Oraaa ?i? ?? ?pites, cam?? In to serenade th?? Virginians, ?aad State, southern, and national BOOgfl WON sung amid great spplauee. Oeneral WooO* ?hen presented Mesera, w. C. Paya?, Law Wood, Bad Luth? r anead, of j: Straagfl ?'amp, ?T*barlotte?*rUle, ?and they sang "Hard Times" with great gusto. The Virginians' sponsor arc! her BWldfl of honor ?-??me la, Bad war? pr< tad ?., the Old Dominion arid Eine O?as? vet - ?ans. The ??i?! feUows Insisted on fhaar irg the blushing maids. NEXT MEETING. The question as to what city shrill h th? nett minion continues t?? agitai \? terana, Louisviii?- la perhaps putting la th?- beat work for it, ?but the South CBTO Una delegates are doing all la their pow r ??ture it foi Charit BtOB. Thfl Vir ginia, delegation Is dividid. I think tho majority 818 for f'hnrb-stnii, rind I h? It Is settled that CbAtteAUm will bfl lected. Oeneral C A. ?BVBBfl 'his aftern??nn ?gave a reception to Mrs. "Stonewall" Jack and by special Invitation all the survivors of the Stonewall Brigade bete ware pre*- . snl viz.: Mr. George w. Pitch, ?C?ptala George W. Kurtz, and fJOOrge W. <;::in, i-'ifth Regiment; C L. Teanj sad E. M. ingaiis. Fourth Regiment; John Featpi ?a and John J. Williams, Second Reglm The fact ama Dommented ??n thai about the hour of tho reception, but thlrty scvri years earlier. July U, IBB, Oeneral .l.ickson was winning th?- sobriquet ol "Stonewall" on tho field at MlBSfltSS. NINETY-SEVEN I ?El.E<'ATE.*** Tho Committee on Cred'nti ils reporter? at to-day'h Session of thfl convention that thirty-nine Virginia camps were repre sented by nin.-tv ?even delegates, and that West Virginia bad twenty-five campa ie?> reseated with thirty-nine delegates. Virginia was rspiSSBIIlSll on the eom mltteea by ? aptaln c. t. i?ehr, of Pick et! ?'amp. Richmond, on Credeattals, end Major J. Edward Moller, of a. i*. um Camp, Petersburg, on Resolutions. Colonel J. Taylor ?Bllyson, president or thfl Jefferson Davis Monurivnt Associa tion, preeeated th" report of thi treasurer for the year ending July 1, MM. On July 1, ?Mfl, the report shows there was on hmd 117,937.6*.; |1,16.VJ7 was n , ?tved during tin* year; ?axpeasa, EBM', balaace on ?bao? July 1. 18??8, $19.080.36. The report was a, - compaalfld by an Itemized statement or contribution.- Mnce thfl orgaalsaUoB ol the association. It was reported to Col . oel ESllysofl to?day tiiat auaater Cbaap, el Charleston, had In bank 11,000 for the monument fund. Colonel Ellyaoa ?sailed OB Miss Winnie Davlfl this aft? riioon. GURU? >N RE-ELECTED. Ooaeral .loim p.. QotAem was given an orher proof of the undying love for him in the beartfl of all sur.letag ContoAe la a unanimous re-.-l ?ttlon ?o-day to the position of I'ommarider-iii-.'hi-f of the United Confederate Veteran?. All of the officers wire re-elected, amid a s ene of great enthusiasm. Tho convention was called fo order at P.cimont Pnrk at 10:31 o'clock by I '. ral Cordon, who, In taking the chair, BBl I: "We are all Confederate soldiers, wo are Confederate men and women, but w? are also Americans, and we are proud of our country. "God has blessed us as He has Messed no other nation. It becomes BS who bavfl bei n aparad by His provide? to lag g song of praise to Him, In acknowledgment Of Ills many m? n ;?-.-. "I want the men whose sh??uts have been heard on many battle-fields to Join in a hymn of prais;- to the King of KlngJS and Lord of Ix?rds, whom we all acknowl edge and v, arahlp." COMMITTEE ON RESOLCTICNS. Committees ?sa Credentials and reaoln* lb ns- were then announoed, the latt.-r committee being constituted as fullows: .i a. Kelly, Tennis???, chairman; Tea fl, Captain Hill; Arkansas, J. r. Smliher; Missouri, J. G. Ganti; i??-orgla, w* L Bheppard; North Carolina. Major C R. Karker; District of Columbia. ? nei r. S. Mnckay; South Carolina, ?Colonel Georg? Ii. I~ke; Ataba888, Ooloaiel J. W. - ndford; Indian Territory. J. W. Gol l:?!ge; Kentucky, Colon? 1 lUnuin H. Young: Florida. General John O. [AW] Mississippi. L. L ?Miller; West Virginia. John A. Laffery; lonlslana, Colonel David Zoeble; Virginia. J. A. Moyler; Oklahoma, Robert Reed California was represented on the two committees by tho members from Texas. HISTORY REPORT. The History Commltt?-?-, of which Gene ral St?sphen D. I*?' i.*? chairman, presented Its report. The report voiced tho patriotic American spirit which baa pervaded the whole country by saying: "In the Juat war in which our country Is engaged, our comrades now living and the descendants of those who have passed away, have nobly used the opportunity to demonstrate tu the world tho ardor of tb.-lr patriotism, and their readiness to ?ftrW At all -JnigfTlat?. 2V? ?Cl mrHie?! n>?]Tl?*?? f I will ?nannte? that my Kidney Cnre will cnre 00 per cent. of all forma of kidney *> iplalnt and la many Irntance? th? most earless fcrrn? of Bright'? dh-?afe. If the d'rrrrc li fo?a pllcatrj MBd m fro:: ?rlsl cf urine. W? will ?nalyxe It and ?:.'.? you free what to do. Mt;vro*f. 'til ?: ' - to Health l*e? *Vi ??., Phil?. r,? lev?te their lives In tkfence of or.? re i count rv." 1'Jv'OMMFXPATIMN.??. The committee recommended: The estshbebaaent of ebalre of Ameri history In Bfalssrsltlee and coll Ti-y- exelueloa ol i - etlonal, .-..-id [triotlc nrorki from all schools. Tbe addition of msaaures to aecufa more Salable r- ' That setlvs alstorlsna be sppotnl II dlvlston? and <-a:ups of the United 'onfedera u Vetei That autborehlp la tbe loath be eneou? Bged by .? men ?b? rai patronage of Itsrary produ? -Jons. Th> re? immendafUona were adoptad. General Lea then Introduced ?i ras?lo? Ion, pledging th" lif.? and treasure of UN lonfederaoj to a reunited country, pi>?i pted oner which gave 0 I rldencs of a lark ?,f sincerity. A r i-iori was tben Intreduoed, th#**'?tlng tbe -resident ? f - l IB ta? for an ointing General Wh eler end General itshugb Lee, ?railfiti-. Confederat? command In the army n! <?i States. It was a???rt.-?i wltb i? era OL .lltson uenmminatks offi CERA Colonel Rlyeon, of \ Irgtnla, tbea placed nomination tbe present officers of the nit? ?1 Confed?rale Lotion, i?l tbey wefe ,'if? ted. ii s? knowledalng tbe c?r>mpUBBea1 wbieb ??i i ?ii ?paid him, ?Gen rai G ird - GORDON*fl ACKNOWLKDGliENT. "llj comrades, n?i erorda of thanfca I ?i!,?:', v.'.i.ii.i ?i?, fljatlce to tbe omptinga ??f my own heart or '??? your neroslty. 1 do not deeSTVe tin COBS? latenl (Volco?, "Ttm yon do, ><>u do, m do"), hut by God'? help I ?hall en.i y day? by as? ping my face alwsya In direction your fas? i bave been la ,\r..| wall? i St I waal it un?; i ? % man thin tho sound of my VOioe, and by tlie iioie world us w?ii, that ao truer beart r this reunited country, for tb? honor ?i tiotf of the American republic, for ' prosperity end freedom of this II ring people, than bests in any Other ? a:-t than mine. 'I thank yon, my countrymen, and I <!sp> tnys. if to devote myself to tb? wel? re of our coontry, to the enlighten? nt of the youth of ?.or land, I lining any? of my life." PLACB OF aMBBTINa TO-DAT. rhe ?H'-ii.i'i of eeleetlng a piafe of ctinif for next year w.-is mad? e I? r of bustneee for n o'clock to-mor? .v mornlna*. Adjourned. imea of the ? ?rri ?re chesea to? . :ir?'; i. in? ral ? lommanding, Oei in I!. Gordon, of Georgia; Commaa? - Depsrtmenl of Tennessee, Qsnsrsl phen 1*. Lee, : Ml la Ippl; Common? Trans-Mississippi D Gen? 1 \Y. L. Cabclt, ?if Texas; Commander ny of Northern Virginia, GeBSrsl : Hampton, of South Carolina. PLBDGB OF LOYALTY, tumult which greeted the nesting popular Ido h I i iroel : ?! wii? n Gensrsl Stephen 1>. Lee, tho ond In oommsnd, Introduced tho foi Ing reaolutlon: IS, IBS States of Amerl sre at i'!? ?ent engaged in war with in in the interest of human liberty; ?a, "'! comrade? and our aona members of that ^:??ii "i- army and y, th? SCblevi nient-? of which aro ; ,T.? Mini- tho wonder Of mankind: ref? is i.e i? ?1. That w?\ th?? survivors <?f i'nit?'?i Cm "? ' ' ran-. pledge ;it ! the !: irty co-operation the. organisation in this crisis of Ira, t?> ?tarad *ady et all times, with i and money, Irrespective of politic?*] -, to ?upporl the Prealdent of I'nlted States, ;- eommander-in f of mir army and navjr, until ?n Drable p< '" asi b en cooo^?ered from ? ir my." the clerk had finished ren.iin? . Gen? ral Gordon s.ii.i he rtlly favored it. n?- deelsrsd trmt rap In hearty accord with lbs sen? nt of <'?m'ed?n te vel i re, ami be sorely regretted that he not himself the autb rSSO? >n. Be varal apeechee wer,- made en intr the messurs, and with a chorus ; was adoptad. ?: \ ITLK-AI.I.I.V DISCUSSION. ? repon of the "Battle abbey" Conta ep, recommenilln^ BlohSBOBd as tho of th a Battis Abbey, pro? sted Borne discussion, on account he In! reel win u various localitlee ughoui t'iis ?action have taken in matter, bol th,; exdtement ?ended in n ??f th?? ???mmittee's report NSORfl AM? M.I II 18 OP HONOB. e entertainment nt tin: Auditorium Ight in honor of the sponsors BBd Is of honor of th- VSterSM was ?!? Uy the most si? ' : i rulsr and braillant ire of tiie raaaloa rap to the preeent ?m ike platform, in bewitching i of beauty, were m ited the ofltci ii f-ors r?'pr?-s?ntinir the different Com? wealths of the Confederacy whii? fly In front of th? in w? ? eeated tho y sponsors an?l maids of honor, in T win-i of the Immense ?tructure, ?ii-? etly I htad tbe front tier ol h?-s, wer.? seated the Coafetasrate tnd the publl?' At 12,0o?) people ?rere i1 ora? of tb? ? wai Mr. Ladea ht, Be toaehed apon the bardal )i?s, ?acii/l hi? v ment - ol Confederate foM??t, tbe heroism and ty of eonthera i i? sm of the sponsors, who are tBe liters of th?: ?outhers women of the end hia magnificent effort was ehcer tbe echo. ?XT Ml.TTrsn IN ?OCTOBBR in<r to the Incresslng age ind rapidly Ir.:.- ranks of the veterana, the r.?"xf npment win probably be held i?*. Oe? Th?' summer h?ir Is very | to the veterans, and ' AssUS . \i up tbe y? arlj wi?ie d. the encampments In future trlB id al " time which will glvs the comfort and ??UM t i the Old war t.'l till wl ell th ? J I cli ti! cd I ?Id DO l 01 !li' ? i ha? rai .\ I? i? th? as tho f?-d th . did vet of s? tho Ike a ti?! Usa ?all tton wit I SOI S. JACKSON A\P MISS DAV? most ?;>romIrent arrivals of the day wall J? the? aad Mlee i?. Davis. Tbsy prere met al the by reception committees nr I f bosse c.r those ^l,o will jiln them ?luiinsr the reunion. confusion Which h "? erlste?! for ?he two day? ani?n? th--* VSTtOV? StBtSB headouartera Is at an e?d. and the i- b? adQU ir? is hai be? ? in ?sally accessible bufldlnge In the of the city. TIIK SON'*? OK I FTTH *?\?. llul n?-??-en?l??a?it? of Tlmae Who Faced f oaBlet Fllslltle. -ANTA. GA., July 21. The ?ion-i of leraie Veterans met in the Senate ber at 9:30 o'clock. The ? id f.?r th?? parp?se of ???i? ntinir ? d constitution, In lies of the one -,1 nt Richmond two -.?.ir as decided that only Rons of Vete are eligible for membership In the zatlon. There was n" abjection y station of the conntltutlon until oniirnlng: tho eligibility for m,m p wa? read, and a motion wai maile pt it as a whole, section provides that no one should It. !*n W da! Dur i obi te.r Tori dutj L?t ?'.. left ?).** Tho of t: com ad-" t.? ! : to tt mi The. ??ett; Sniit pr? .i Th exan deac? Ilcflt the scot I In n? or m grati It la even VfMt t i-'ii.J Employees' Half Holiday. To-Day We Close at i o'Clock. FRIDAY REMNANT AND EVERYTHING FOR CVERYB ODD AND END SALESDA ?II? a "?Wa thVv w!!rai'Be '"ru rry OVir i**?" m,ri b?8- e? ""V 9?? puahc? .way ?nHI ?^a? I ilitiv ?TITS A\D ?KIRTe. ?S Solid-Colored ?''ash mere Skirts, ft Ulne. Mode, and Green, trimmed wlti panel.? of breid ?l??wn the front, for I.-.T price EM", to-day .999 I 8 illd-Slaeh HA h tir Skirt?,. Well made full width, were 13.50; to-Jay ..JI.7.*? I Lad!??' Cray IJa-ht-VVeight H""f?i - made ray front, with fnii-widti skirts. Btsas 26 arid ?S, wsis ?P?; to day .t;i.:?.s 3 Bloase $10 Tstlorr-Msde SuttS, Tan SB*1 Cray, Ja?ket braK'ed, riow cot skirts l?-d y .??, 1 Ugbt-?*Orsy ?BssfSff Bssfsr Suit, trim fn CUt-Ste?l battOBS, lin??: seam skirt, was IIS.75: to-day...JT..*??. RLACK I)RR!?a GOODS. neiiitmii?? in iilnlt, nnd f.-inpi weave?, i! to ? f Bid Irnslh?, nil ac In one lot nt about .".<>'-. on tho gl. UMaWSt 2." Pure Lines Roller Towels. 21-2 yards long; U inches ?rid?. material t Inventory prl ? . - " . 3 If nidi.,me Turkish-Bath htata, Ulna and Tan patterns, |i values, f?)r 25c. rda ?M-lnch Me. Cotton Craak Tow ? litng for .1 7-S". yard. YZ Extra Lane' Bts? 111-Se. Blesdrtd Turkish Towel?, made of doutic-thread yarns, for ~> 6 BandaoBSi B-K Batia ? th**? Tabie Cov? ra, .' 1-2 . pure linen, for it Mo. l.OOO ?yard? liilileiieliert Cotton, ?le. SSalS)S| for I Jr. yard. .? irda ITose nill Outing, regular t? l-to. value, for He. yard. 100 Bemasnts of Fir..-, Battra Heavy Twilled Jean?. 8c. valu?.-, for S T-Bo. I ard. H Bstra Large pleached I'illov. weii made, ready for uso, Se. value, for it . i :.?'h. so Full i\nihie-T)ed-s?7:e Bleached Sheets, extra heavy, round-tbr tad c it ton, laundered, ready for use, {joe. varas, for 80c, escb 4."? "?-ynnla-loiiBf Kir. IloTatrr-Caae?-, lorn, n??t ont, f??r lOc. WASH GOOD?!. 1 case Remnsntfl of Printed "'rgandle, :%: valu?-, for 2 7-Me. yard. I?? Remnant? Dotted Bwiee Muslin, Beweat of this season's patterns and col u logs, lie. value, for a rara 20 pi???-e?t of tlie lliicit lr??n,?h Irn? iiille?, Ihnt wcr?> UTle. tS 50c. . mil, no?.v 17c. yard. 40 >.-ir,ls Bolld-Bloa Duck Suiting. 12 1-2?'. ralue, f??r Be. yard. rda Wool ?'h.ijll, new a*Ysasb de signa, lac. value, f"r u>??. yard. la rsrd-Wlde Msdras ?'loth, new, desirable plaid pattern?, 131-2?-. value, f'?r ? 1-4. . ynrd. 2.'? yard* All-Wool French Chali!, dark i tttern, ?ultable for arrappera? Ha, valu??, for 12 l-Be. I ii'l. n yard? Half-Linen Dock Suiting, puro ?A ?.?te, 50e. valu,?, for 25<*. yard. IM an ni-a \ n? ?.- In 'InU, Ulm?, nnil f?r???r?n ?tripe? and ota, <tj<?. value, fop lie. ynrd. is lil-k!, La.Stripe lastras and Btsa?nea for ' 1 Ac, ? ara. 10 pieces Toll du NOrd Dress ?, In ?h a me, the rery besl fii?r"' to i- bad for children s wash droessat IOC, vahas, for M !-<? . yard. B rarde the Itasd U Inch ICadraa Cloth, lee value, for So. ysrd. M yarde the beet lil-le. WAR? Dork Suiting to 1"?- BOM for il LU. s.*, ?yarda Gray B*nge?nss th>*. prettiest cotton fabric for l.i'li'S ?klrts, 17o. value, f?ir i- l?Be. yard. it.'i ra?da ti Me. ousllty lappet Moll, new, bright jilaids und atril? s. to b? sold f?>r <l ?-?Se. yard. UO PlaM Calleo, ja quality, for 1 7-Se. yarii. xoTiort*. Fins*!,?, in Barter lengths, ne. each. Velvet Rinding, shade?, to clos?.?, l-??. yard. Rabbet Dress Shields, No. 3 only, t CM,Se, ?0. H???vy Corset J_ces, Black snd "Whit? 0*2. dozen. lirs Shop-Worn Scissors, C Inehe Be. pair, ?0 pairs OdCrHesa and Impervious 30< Shields, l_c, pair, 10 Fcather-We-lght Satin Rustles, sol'e? About 73 tu-ilr*s Soiled Hose-Supporfr to b?? ? '.o^.-.l out for .Ic. pail f Id, 1 pattern, to i IC. Inier 19 pr-Jr-?*. P.?led Fancy Gnrters, SOU To 15c.: remnant price .?V. pall I Halr-i'urler . shop worn. lc. pail Rrok-n lot Needles, of all kinds, l; remnint basket .1c. papal "ci fences Shoe Ulm Lin*, to ? ! ? ? le. I dozen Decorated Glass Powder-Roxet ?era -.." '.: ; > mnnni ils.IS Abool -i ties r- rfomed Hair ?n aolled lit-is .Tic. bottit ? bottles Finest 5-V?. _3HmCtS, lab'?; soiled, to aloe? .?Mb Best and most Insting Sachet. In bot tl< a .di t bottl-s "Olorine," crips off bot* - IS 2V. White Vlo!. I Toiler S<xu>.IT. lot put,- Palm Boap.Le. sah? f. 9 packs Business Envelopes, kki ' torn .L 1?V cakes Klder-F l..\*.?-r and Hrow Win .St 10 dosen Kxtrt :,,'.,, 50c, B rel-Edi Hand lOrmrs .It?. 75 box? s Stationery, boaea atan won cover? wem l?e.'Oc. bo?. New-Blue Stationery. I style?, F.n v ' : So, riuire and r-icl? 60c Sachet l'crfumed Hox Pap-i brotan .Mb WB_-_ GOODS. 101 yards Be, P. K. r dviced to ?l?( ) --' 111 yar.'? Lice-Stripe Or?randles, to cloi tic. yard 42 ysrds Sheer WTiite Cimbrlc, 4 T-?t< Bill yard? India Linen. 2Je. t? renn rots ?if Whits <? I -is at odd an er,,i i-rlccs. si inii:n i mikiiwi: \n. ? M.n's *Bo. runey BsMtftggss -?'?in and Drawers, broken sizes, e?ch..lS> Kl Ladt? ' 10c. Wing-Sleeve snd I less Taped Swl?*--KU.o,ed \'e?ts.A s?> children's te. Bwlsa-Rlbbed Vests, ? ' 71 _adle Oc L*ce Tr named, i?'--i< Thr.-ad. Swiss-Ribbed v.-si!?.:n? 70 Men's ISO. French H.ilbrl?i?:an Shirt and l)r*w?-rs, in Pink and 1-luo pi strip.-;, each . ? '' ? ? Ladies' He. P_ncy tac?**-*Trtminc Thread Vests, in Pink nnd Hluu an puru Whit-- .US l\l tMV WKAIt. II ?"hlldren's Me Gingham nnd c-illr in ta i fot . ',' 9 Children's Mo. Cord?d Tains. In Pin onlv, for .17 7 Children's Sun Bonneta for...SB? Infants' 10c. Koneyi"?onib Blba.***> 13 Infants' Moccasins, In Win.? ;m Black, reduced to .?t?. Infants' We. Embroidered Caps reduce to .s?, W?ltrssssa ike. Cape reduced to .tu Di INK Cl RTAIY-IIOOM. C Rope Portieres, heavy draped, |arg< heavy tinsel, worked tassels, form price M.5S, Inventory price tl.SS, Remnants of Tinsel and siikoiine, Dm perls? all colors, former prlo 13] and lie., Inventory price Be. yard. ho riv. -fool Curt iln Pole? In Br Pink, end Blue er im? ii?-d. former prie inventory price Be. si One sample lot of Bilk Tapestry, i Inches wide, over MO pi.-,-,-; pi.-ce?: nearly two-thirds yard loni Just the thing for upholstering chal? and rochers, at one-third form. pri,?H. 30 Smyrna Ru-?*, Mxffl, reversible? extr h?avy knotted frlng?* $1.11?. m v J IIOMKRY. ri pairs of Lidies' ?V? Linie y?*9Um? iW. Hermsdorf Aye. tor a?? pa?r M pairs of Ladles' Bio. T*? Ho?e apnc?d heel?, sole?, end toe?. 1er it? ?pair. ? . _ ?I pairs of Ladles' r***t Black and Tu Ho??', plain or ?trop-ntlftch. elsewiieri barsain? at 111 -'?.. for lO.:. ?pall. i. ', 32 pairs of Infants' Colored Socke, ?on* .them drop-eti.-*h. the Ho. kind '?Off I7e. pair. , ? ?? 301 paira of Hoy?' Heavy Bicycle Hose anteed ?talnlese, the lee. ?juantj? for 12 I Et, BS.BT. AM. SHORT I.?XI1TH?I IX S1I.KS. m end Colored, 11-2- to 7-yan h*?. Cuit sold ?i ??.. II, 112^. an? UM yard, all so m one lot at ?tk p.*r v.-?r?l. LACK'S ?\i> rMAROIDEniKB. 1 mack and Whi'e Kmbroldcr^ BsJ 1 Skirt, th i? sold ' * ? ??- close .it p.OS 1 tt life RmlTolderrd Hell Skirt, trim wlfh Velertetennee Inrertlng en) embroidery, ?old at 112.50, to do?? S |A 541 C yard-? of Cambric All-Over Kmbrol ?' !>. Biedere p.?.t?ern for Ms, yard. A ni? iii-i. mira | Be?, ir. yard. 25 and Sfk*. Cambria Kmbrotderies, eklr width? foi 17 ir.l. It mnant of Cambric, Awl?-?, and N?!n ?.>.?k Embroideries, 1- to t-yarn lb?, I'rtei ? frorii I "o 25c. yard. ?UN'S 11 ll\MHIttJi. 2T. Ifen'a Leuad? d P icale Shirts, at tachad collars and cvtYn, ?txe* hi-: end 14 only. 2ft--. vante, t' ?- i.V. ! Ahont -ji Men's <Y* ?. tt ov?n Madr?, .'-'oft Shirt*?, launder?-) eollar-baml ?n? wrist-band, finished with pearl button? bri'k? n ?(gee, for 20c. 30 Men's end Ladle?' I*. K I'uff Tlai Red, Light-Blee. and I'lnk, forme* Trico fOc, tO ? !"? lOc. I^'t AILSIU Windsor Tie? an?! Low? hemstitched end pointed end'-. plaid rrnd aoMd colore, every one worth lie for is i-2c. ?1 ?1 ?en M > Pv. Att?SUh PB* at?? Plowlng-End Trek?, ?U lined with silk for IS* i 12 pair? Bricklayers' Ovenne, wltr. am with,>ut apron?. Tie. ?seise, for Af?c. IT THF. ll\?K1IK\l. Qne ; ible full of Orenltewera, ineludlm Btew-Pan?, ?Prraesraing-Kettl???, lip t?: Saucepans, ahd d -???-?'?.ij. ragn ?u price I , to -?.a?? IS ?in?? i .' full ??f <:.*3.i Lad!.?.?. Cake Turners, Pudding-I' ? ?ndieetlekl Salt and Pepper Hox?s, regular prie I to 1"?'.. t?, d-?-.' ?tr. On? l >t of (HiMtw ?re, Inc1u?<ltru ''?k Plate?, Rpoon-Hnlder?. I'l'-klia Dlshei usual price I' to - I ?- out *?*. .1 lo-ini'h i-ii.-w injt i i uni.?, reaala I?? I? St-BS) to-day fl.2.1. lfy ?Plain tt'hite PoroelslB chin? Tea i '- larar? te, restilar pries .'Se. Hie Odd lot of Dinner, Hrf-akf;???. sail Tei Plates, with fanej decoratlone, regu 1er price lOc., to-day ?So, Od.l I >; of 1'riit .?*'.ii?.-.'rs to m?t?*h tb above, regular price Be., to-dey Ac. .1 only, Decorate?, Covered Dlnhe?, regu lar i M 25 Whit.* Chine Ctlpa and Sauer*..un handled, resular price 70?*. u ?loser Be. i pelr. 4s Medlum-SUe Tin .l?dly Mould?, re?-uln prie- le., ?"-diiy Ac. ...i v-rii??- Muffin Tin-Pan?, usually ?ol f??r l.'e . to-day Hfc?. A lot of Tin ?nrk.t??, imially ?old fo B?. If Bis? k Iron Stew Vans, porcelain lined, regular price Be, to elosa 2-1 y, niock-Tln Hpped Saucepans, wit; top?, regular price Ho., to-?Uy Be. Z Kancy Brtc-a-Brae Dusters, that sol? l'or*X and 10c., to-?lnv So. One i"i?i i"t ?if Brushes, Includl? Vhi-kt. Scrnbblng, Clothee, 8tov* and Shoe, ?old fr'.m 10 to 2?V-., t?,-.l? l>.\ U ink Ttrwmi Ka? k*. usually ?old fo We., io-ilny ">< (?in? ??id [Woreted Toilet s.t. anvil pttcber ?hort, resulsr pi-lee II J?, t ?ell for |J. l". s.iiad Howia, fineiv decorated, wit ??tlppleii pdKe?i, regular prlco "a"*?., to day 10c. we THf ?r*mr?j tr nt*** "Cfff. ^5 rO**BW ntt SMB tprta i t a direct dornenden! ?f an active m>i : ?.f the Confederate ?rmy or nav Wh? was Kille 1 In th.- war, serv? i; h the war, or was honorably dt irg? ,i. Ir. T. W. Kb te, of Athens, nsked if th; lu.l.-d tie- e sons of men who mOtVt I fed?) icy in any capacity ofhe 0 than in the army .-r navy If,- w 1 that It did. and this brought on Hi n ameiirlrrient was offered allowing n is of I vim,' the Confederacy ether In actual war or otherwise, to L ribls for memben hip. ARGUMENT POR amkndmfn r. IT, L. !'. McAllister, of Atlanta, inl A under a strict construction of th tion descendants of Benjamin Hti Davis, und others would be ex led from membership He M i h ught tho amendment should be adopt r. H. N. Randolph said that the asso ion was on.- parallel to on.? In wbicl DBS was allowed membership who ha? ?ctira service. While, he said c vs. re other men who did vallan rim for the Confederacy m ttriotu B, the word veteran rmant one wh? ae'ually faced the euiili.ct and th? i of builds, r, w. B. ??r?en, of Manehester, Tenn !i In favor of ?doptlnj i i it was orlginnlly r ad. Bt tint while be aynspnthlmd wit e Whom faili'-rs had served the Con? honorably in various ways otiiei i by act-ial SSnrlm In the army, h? not see bow the meaning of the word ran could bo extended to Indiada any v ral speeches were made favoring ttoa of th-- ?menduMnt, butwbm u wss i'ut it iras voted down l.-id M thS table. The <", 11; I n-, I see was adopted, rontrlctlBg the msmhsr to i m of mteran? and the conrea? aecsptnd tiio mvaMd conetitution ont cha tTll ( tiinl.m ? ?,?? OWW FOR war I. Connu AnHUtniit ?'nim.-mli-r In >?Dr. id.i-..i,i ? :.;. a-i Suraenn. aSHINGTON, 1?. ?'.. July '-'- - Woy - Mr. K. H. Cowan, sdRof of the ,am i.N. C) Recorder, bas been ap ted assistant paymaster in the volun navy, and tXptatA it leave for New ; in a few day? for assignment to .Paul C. Hutton, of Ooldsboro*, N. i*as appointed contract surgeon, and to-day under orders for ?Santiago. ern Short? Diatrlet Conference. \N-'< *',<.. VA.. July II (BpeilMI ) Bastera ?^'hore District ?'onrerencs ktadlst Bpteoopnl Church, South, 1 at Qnsnmcb on the 19th and irned to--iay. Aboot flfty sight mem v. r.- pr. s-tit. Four young minist?re id an approved s?am!n?Uou In the rlbed course, and were recommend.-d I Virginia Annual Conference tor ud ,in Into the travelling connection. ? were William K. Smith. D. B, man, J. Franklin Orury, and H H. ?. I_>vt D. Travis wss licensed to h. ee young local preachers passed their ?nation, and were recommended for ns* orders. Among them Was Thomas i, of Wachupreague. A Child K?l?n? ?leasant flavor, gentle action, and Ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when ed of a laxative, and if the father ther be costive or bilious, the most y ing results follsw Its use; so that the beat family re-mady known, snd family should have a bottle. Man iired by the Callfoxaia Pig Syrup any. TO FINISH THIS WEEK f?|-j,ECTio*i of TIT ?Ball To m; COMPLETED TO-MORROW. THE BEST AT LOW PRICES. | Merit of the Publication? and Their t'ont Matter? of Prime ( onsldrrn I | dun?Local Interest? II. In? Looked Ont for?Other Capitol Matter?. The state ?Board of BducaBoa IB session for a number of hours In thfl ?OV? err.or's Mansion yeatBrday, and It Is un derstood tiiat tiny adopted a number uf ; bofjks, though the nat'iro or the names 8f the publications could not bo ascertained :?lay. The board his goffer, down to the work before it, and is making mu h great iff : headway than bad beea aatlalBated ' It looks now as If It would be abb- t > [ annamaea the rasait of Ita labori -.viihin til?- B8St ?lay or 80?probably to-morrow. None of those in position to know will say whether a slngl?? book rule will apatj*, or whether the multiple list will be adopted; but it Is state 1 pretty generally, though on what authority cinnot be learned dellnltely, that a number of j ' changes are being made, and that the J I American Rook Company will not have t aearig s?? great a mon?.poly In the Is b?..k business in this Statu as It has had ! ( in the past. preference TO LOCAL MSN. * The various publishers, many of whom ' * havo r.maii:'"I her.) to await the f'.nal ; . action of the board, arc still In tlm dark j , as to thfl probable outcome, but thfl U> A j publishers s? ?*m to .* ?el ronadeat that I t their claims are being favorably consld- f er ! by the board, and that th? y will i?- ? cure a large slice of the business to bo i i ?ward I ? Thfl fltateSBflet was m-.-*; by a number | - of the board, whll?' thfl pub rits | . w-Te being heard, that In the fleleetlOB ??f ! b.?:*;? th'-. bona-flde Virginia publication? ' would, all thing? being vquaj, l>e glv? n the pr?f?rent?. Th? re is ?BO doubt that ; Is r.:l* ?will be llv.-d up to It Is b? lie-.**?) that the board, having by far th? Creates! variety of books to ?elect from, and haring brought Into competi'lon a gruater number of lar??* h?.us..*? than evnr ofr-ri Before, l? la position t?> greatly Irnpr?,'..* ?n tho books lilth.rf.? In u?e. and at the same Hmn to secure more reasona ble prie?"?. MerJl and cost aru matters of ;>rtm<? consIderation. The raa?aOfffl nubmltt?3d by the H F. JohnstB PuBliahlng Company having txsen preaeated to?) lato for examin?t 'on by the ed'i-ators of the ante, thev were prompt ly s.;nf to the faeultl? s of the two Normal school? and ot the School of Methods, and thfl rapeeta ma?ii' by these ?aparteaced teachers will be giv< i duo consideration Bra Two of the report? have already com?- 80 hand. WANTS HER Hl'SHAND TRIED. The Governor had a caller yesterday la th? peraon of a Manchester lady, who cha/ge? that her husband haa deserted her and committed bigamy, and she wants him punished. She did not, however ?*>e? the Governor, es he was engaged with the Board ot Education, but abe told her troubles to Secretary Owen. the ?aid her husband bad run off to North Carolina with a pretty gin and married her. What was worse, he had come back u? Manchettes und teilen up Cl ?.SSSJBBBBBg_ggggggggSSSSBJ his reddmm acrom the strew ?>p*.o?ite his old house. Mr, Owen ausg<?sted that she confef with Comnaonwmltb's-Attornsy Attkis? son, of Manchester, who would a?ivis< her - i to what course she should pursue? Th.- woman said she had already told he. trout,Ihm to Mr. Attitlsson, who would ho. proc.-e.i with tho prosecution until sh?? gwore OUI warrant. This she was tinwlll? Im- to do If th? Governor would do It lot her. Mr. Owen explained that Governoi Tyler could not do this. The woman left, laying she would agalQ confer with Mr, A ? i it :.*--.. n. Sho stated that there wert four witnesses to the sec, d wed ling. PAPXXS F<? I i PA 111?')NS. \ batet) of papers recommending th? {ranting of twenty-s? t n c<-n<lltl?nal par hred by the Govmnor yes? erday from tlio Hoard of Dlractors ol ilteni l?ry. The) will all be referred to the Judges ind C aainonwmlth'a attorneys of th? rial courts before action Is taken. Mr. .1. W. RlOtardson, R?sister of th? .and OSMe, yesterday awarded th i.i.t for furnishing the public buildings if th? State with fuel for a year, from 'tdy 1st. to Warner Moore, uni that for :* for a year from August 1st to tho Mu uul Ice Delivery Company. W II II IMIIHRO. fospftal ? . -lim. i? Awarded?Fire?? AI?rni Test?Personal. WIL-IAMBBtJJtO, VA., July *?.~(8pe laL>--ta Hoard of Directors of tb? ?astern State Hospital met here to-day. h?- contracts for furnishing suppli?e tor me SBStdgg ?lusrter were awarded, and rie following Rtehmoiid houses wer? suc ssful. ti. C. BwrsrtdjS A Co., Kingsn at . Taylor lio'iing *?- Co.. C. W. Antr?o ; bun, A. E. Saunders ?V Cons, J. ti. lucre. _ Son?. W. H. Ptlstar * Co.; Tern? ? , Pemberton, Cord?? A Co.; J. M. , ar..t Monby, Wtikeu ?n. Bpm A Co. The board made a tour of Inspsc'on <sS to wards and slm of the grounds, sad .und everything In a most e*??:?,U??nt con tion. Just before the time for tbe mem rs to leave, and while they were In citing the n?*w Infirmary, th* Ore alarm a. ?ound'd for the purpose of testing le qufehness and efililn y of the hos ts! lire department The response was tick, and within an almost incrodlbl? >ace of time two streama were playiog /on Cnmeroa Hall, the building destg? ited by the alarm? Th? resdinses will? bteh the flrem? n of tho institution rs onded and the elflclency of their work, letted hielt encomiums from the dl.<K ty. Miss Mary Waller Mercer, d?u?bt?r et ?yor Joba L. Mercer, is visiting MlsS MsM i_mb st Toano. _r. B. D. Peaohy and dsugbter ?r? ending a few days st Virginia BeaCh. Mr. Gray Taylor, who formerly live? r>. but who for many year* baa befit in;; burines* in Chicago, arrtved biro stirdiy with his wife, and Is sto*p?jlng Hi his rotative, Mrs. Morecock. When mads hltaself kn?wn to his old rrten?ls was given ? hearty greeting. I i -) of ladles, composed of Mr?. ?hols, of New Orleans; Misa Lula lay. of Norfolk; Mrs. la W, Lane, M\aa e ?iTt.-tt, Miss Mary Garret?. Mi?? inie Gait, snd Miss Panny Booth, ol i? city, drove down to T--rkt <tn y?? day and spent th? day pleasantly loob? i up the places of Intara.t In thai his? rio town. ? tramp ?broad In the attorning tap ' ir health Is better than two ?t tta -- door looking for something to ?Mi leage News.