Newspaper Page Text
_'_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH - FRIDAY. ?I?LY 22. 1898._ ; FOREST LODGE tU.ES UaUIB, \ lit?.IMA. . . v(>\\ ni'K.N FOH Tit INSI ST NISI OR HKi?T.AIt Ol KSTS boari, tx peT we? k an i Henry Hol,son has b> i ?Till meet the reijulri \ali.i li I e ,>arital lo Vil'gllli reg ' ' . The Lodg > as ? i lea?ure resori k rounds ?re well adapte ..,:> of outdoor smusementi a tennis, golf. rnxBict. pok ridin? and drHiag, or rowtri while its nlles of ?belter? oada Invite the 'cyclist o I Itber summer or wlnte il >,!, trash ha? beei : t.. be the faste? In rainy weather the am;>: ,? aw i?ir ?x? .- ? plentiful supply of p" deal instruments, card ? .-?! slrnorM any n In a few bourn. Blue Ridge Springs, :ht ?llamas, atTord ? ... ?na < t enlivening the paaslni train aervice from Rtelmon? ,. and the ratas low, the far? fron Phel i i (or r? gulsi may run out an? time ?? A morn | an hour a i -. t? Bl ibmoni ?, not her leaves at icon and re S 15, and nftiTnoon trail irnlng, r?aepcctlv< fact, 11 uj but UttH fjodge thar '-. . .in ?i itlng fros 11 the follfialng Mondnj For further p.?rti.-u'ar? ad FOREST I.? U - ALLBAaPkABT M'KIM.s. \ ?... cfiebrat"! for its cures of dyapepala ano , .1 .. i . Novt-rn? ptive pamphlet. C. A. < ILHOUN, - "_Pro,.? I I A\??!MI | PI KAM KL aad health re-aort of the t Ir ai b la mountains. Twenty Mxtn ?-??nsr-euiivi? h*?ujoxi under tl.e u anajceuient of PBIL F. SHOWN. (my I?t-3m) _ SnaSBSBSl f??*a?on, ritix ESS ABBM HOTEL, Virginia Reach, Va. ful location and finest beach , oast. Ideal ?urf-ba i i.-: through pine lent cuisin?. A pe? feel ?una H nd for ?pi ? and Itersture. KB1 MBH? ?L_ ?t , .i .' . 1 ' . .'.in- Hotel, ,TuATb*Rt ITOCKTOS HOTMIaj ,i ,. MAI. N. J. . A i.N.i TUB OCEAN. i : s?,r grand? ur oi prog n thli'- . HORACE M _ I .. x^_ Hotel and Springs, Mountain lop 2*?! a dellghttul : utnmer oi | - tni .. ithln Blgbl of Jun? Ion of '. itei m and Rich nable i.i.? . Add! & CO-. Alton, Va. m ?, I it? ! EL. I :.Y ON THB BEACH AT II.LI '.M E A t], N. J. : Every . ?.- li the . : RICHARD BMW. _ I Rot KETT ARSENIC - .lTHIA M-RIMCI ?Mi MATHS. C TO NO\ EMBEB 1ST. : ?re tonic, , i ird of I by i . v. * Skin, id i'i-iurt i om ii< -itiilogue, M. C. Til? ?MAS, M i I zm_Bhawsvllle. Va. i,, UI.M I'HIM, VA i . SALT ' ? - * ' onth Mont! members < to retui a Mond ly, For _ _ i ;n:!?: WMlTB Mi.i'HlK BPBIIIraS, ?. renil.rl?-.- Coiinl)-, \\ e?t \irulnln. I l.e BSBSWSSrBfnttvS Knurl of the South. a gr?al eentmj point of reunion for ictet) i>2 In? North, South, Ea? : ,?.' ratea: i? . of twentyelgl . >.?. *-?-, ?**,, par week, fiz.u. Children under . eg? and ti / . upen Jun? i ?th to 0 Elevatoi . belle. Be .. cat.oii cariy In L. \V. SCI ?VII ~-"m \i i age* Hotel Majestic, NEW YORK, Cenira! Park West and 72d to 71st Sf. Elite Hotel of America. ol the Im _ ? -.t and Anesi located, thoroughly lighted rentilated hotels, v\ it 11 a coi if the highea? order. \ ? rfec? home hotel in a great city. ?CAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN Aiaslie I Webster. u-,h B-?BOdtf) GRDVE TASTELESS 'S JUSTA8COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRIC?60ct8. ''WiaMteiclncCo. ?,at ATiA, ! 11.?., No?. 1*5.18??. b?. Jxnil.* r, . <*jld Into, year. COO botUe? ol ? NIC uud h??? ?? i. In r?!l varan ' ?", '" ?lie. Cnttt luiali.vaa. bar? ?> t.'.ttt -me nui li ?navcTUt!/***?* ?"*.? ?. ,?Lf xg?io. Yuura irmly, ahsly.CammAO?* (J'- 7-Tu&F6nai SCHOOLS ASU COLLKGBS. Woman's College RICHMOND, VA. Established 1854. Lot A ; i.i, un TBB B_AUTirUL a\t HISTOWC CITY OP TUB SOUTH LETrm.s. SCIENCE, ftfUBIC, ART AND ELOCUTION Large faculty; ?, . ._ '01 Mu*-*e*?t? ? " t session. Health record remarkable. Never a death in the Institution. Term? mo?iorate. For catalogue mldrcae. JAMBA nelson, ML a.. D. d.. Prt-3ldcnt. _ fly tO-Su.TuArtf) PBMB BCHOLARB-H-S, THERE WILL BE A FEW FREE BOHOUAR8HI1 - i.?7, va. this year lo worthy young lad'ea Who arc .-nde.ivorlnK to get an education, anfl who have to provide for themeolv?s. -,1.? cr?Kn? t9 ?,Vfn ,0 orphans, other ?ningt, being squat. For other Information sources ? m gf*. ? M. WHARTON. D. D.. -? *** ? ?*_Haitlmore. Md. Marylirhd. St. Mary's County. _.. Charlotte Hall. OHAm_OTT_ HALL SCHOOL. T'ounded 1774. a thoroughly established aauitary Academy, in proximity to Balti more ?,r.<1 Washington. Estate of M*> ?ero*; healthy location; safe home f,, boye. Board, ?rash, and tuition. $160 per sehoiastii year. GEORGE M. thomas, a M . Principe!,_jy i7-?Sw Washington and Lee University ' ? . u ..,.. V?. WM. !.. W1LSOB, 1.1,. IL, PRESIDENT. Academic, Engineering, and Law De rarlnients. Additions for next session: . I boo] ?. Political Beb oce and His t-iry. Expenses very moderate. op as E.MMKH ?Ah. For catalogue address th?^/^resident._Jy 6-lm LAW SCHOOL. THi: SCHOOL OP LAW IN BICHMOM COLLEOE offers superior legal training in the most favorable environment. Three Annual tuition In Junior ? I $10; in both class?? $"". Qood board as 17.80 i month. Session op. us SEPTEMRER __ For epectel catalogue Professor rooer GREGORY, l. 1er Manor, \'a., or President BOATWRIOHT, Richmond. Va. COLLEGE OF ?\ II.I.I tMSMl KG, VA. Next session bsglna 'l HURSDAY, OCTOBER ?5. IV?. LYON o. TYLER, ' ' ' l'.\Sti2rn I'rerid -nt. "1 > '. BROLPH MAC?N ACADKMY KOU?OYS, J l , ondnctedby I?nd_pb-_acoa Oollsgi Bee) m the Bouth. Rooks with Ihsi in r. s. <.iiv,.?,:i.iir-,?iari(lH|i|ilisnc<"t-;gvnin>-luin, ?' . i'rinci-uls. A.M. lliiiflilelt. A. _.. K. 8. Siuitu, n?xlford City, Vs. (_ \V. VA,) (jy l-F, Bun ?v u til i J-SHEVILLE COLLEGE I <>r Young Women. Fanant egeipsmils h,"?l fi.ii.tM> aiiin.ii,tmriit?. Haautiful , M?en S4JTCI Or.,?*' rSMWltll ,! , r-' *, il m?, pad Prepsrstotf s i " ' -i - ... i. ?dm i- t Wells*)?) sad Smith on rcniBctt? No ?ebool ,n tb? country tter ?dTsntsftwIs Mo?? ?in,l Art. G/inss i-i" d Stadaat? hav.? u??- t V?n darl.iii arbor?t um < ',,"-e ,1. li?rti?fnl all ' lie v?ar. AKCIHIJALD A. JOKES, , Ashev?le, KO. jy SVSu,WAl_ia RANDOLPH-MACOB WOMAJPS COL i MUM Endowed for higher ?-(liication. Labora torlea for Chemlatrv, Payare? Bl . . innasiuni. All m?9dern appliai iwment reduces coal ol coui to |260. Addreaa WILLIAM W. SMITH, A. M. 1.1. D., I're-ldent, Lyn a?, re Va._jy 1-F.Su-Wim VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Roanok?, V?. Opsaa Sepk Mb, IMS One of the leading Schools for Young ladies m tb?South. Msg i buildings, ad modem tmpn r?ntenla . h d mountain scenery in . ?Hey ,4\'x . famed lor health, i'tiro*.? an Had American ttsachen Pall <*oune. Superior sd vantage* in Art and Music WodenU?froni twenty? five State? For catalogue eddreea the ITeMdent, MAI lit P. DARIUS, Roenoke, Virginia. __(Je H-Bu.WAPSOt) _ NB*WPOB?T BB?WB MU.ITAHY ACAD EMY. ELECT SCHOOL POR BOYS AM) Men, * Ihsslcal, Scientific, English, and Commercial courses. Write for lllus ! W. HTJKP M A \ _Jy l-F,Su_W-.'m CHESKDT HILL ACADEMY, ? HESTNUT HILL PHILAPEIJ'HIA, PA.; ale, n nil?? north of the cuy Had. Cataloguea -a, application. JAMES L. PATTERSON, i lead m ist? r. je j -, F y31_tAnl4-Bu. WA Ft s eU _ HOLLINSJNST?TUTE IIOTI TO( HT NPBINOH, VIRRIMt. 1-or 17.) Voua? I.ndv ]loiir?l?*r??. Ib?-I?i i-r-t ?. . . , tipp. 1 lo Vlrglal . I cour?*-? a: Auririil aii-.l Modern la aj? na ?< ?., I ,? -, a . lire. Selene,.?Iii*.i?', Art, ".nJ Plocu i lion. Bolom H',,1 ira, !,e,? Sannt. J m Vall.-y i ol V'?., near Ruin, >We. .>Ioiinlain Nt-eui-n. I ! /eet s'.,le , ;.-.|. Mii.enl Khl.r?. ,*,th ae?n.,a i SMS* Hppt Utb.lSM. Korilb?. ?suionssddms t HAS. L. COCKl. *ui*t., Holl?n*, Vu. ... ....... .-,) mHI BAUMI- SEroINARY, Por \oiui8 Ladlee. STA ONTO R? TA. Term boc?ted o Shtwissdosh - . ? .. . i - Ilinste,groo ,1 ?rate. SYntofurCatalej-ut;. HAB? BAM?WMIBSUISaM. jy o-\..?. KlSt MI, LE Cl&IR'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Never Fails EN00RSED BY THl.USAf.u_. Twenty-fve S cent ?tarnps brtegl tr ?! i.;:r'.(a?;e and Convince* the HMdttkci ncal . I lucir v.- J. ilu, ? i p ertiL^ .A;drti I.kClaik Pill ? i. . L . S * *??'!?, !: , , -, ,1 \^ K c All con i encseonlaentisl andr turned br mail ?aith trial 1 ?ckag? s?-;- : ?.' in ?rtstnpa I or I*.ii9i|ililet COtUStaiBg ??luubl? Infoi lu-liou i i ..u.a. . Por . .... in Richmond by polk. m;i^* :.!.!; DRVQ ? I ??M PAR I my U W.FASuAtTu.ThABa8t?wA? i *^v?.v?>av??^^?^%*?v*^'**^^* TYPHOID FEVER ?a^??? T?r Id??I nourifliuieut .? the l,i|!!i.? mac-.n trat.a, i.i?--.liK"?t<?'' l"?t l,r- I' "*"OX LIQUm PEPTONE l{-.,.i:r?ja no furt!i?-rdi(i*ition?paaacsat cure iut,, tlie!;, n???iti h n?turil ris??*' "n rasdistslj. Costal?? bb draga er ca asi l?ala *t ?.I I ?I I?.? * ?NIKI! ?I?.. ?kr-IU?, rkils?',.fOOt, Sfa?,????***??*?^^ .! ? ll-li,i.i> _ $ lit* Or ou us in IluuUna*. Bm t I -SppS. an Inmate of the city Jail, groara weary of his i?)t, has ?uittsn to Justice ('."utchfl. Id as follows: RlOhaaoal Jail, July 19, 1898. judee Crutol ' I ,, Bavs had me here nearly sixty c?ays. ^-,u t?av, I. I every other man out who ?_? held here as I am. and yet you do not s?em to know that I am, alive. If you release BBS now, 1 will promise you to leave Richmond at once, and novel ?om*? back again. You gave me twelve months for nothing, ?ind ? an surc-ly tired of this Jail life. Hoping you will pay some attention to me and send m?* my discharge. 1 remain, Yours respectfully, xour? ?^ ERNEST CAPPS. To Atrn.i the Vet?*r?ii?' Return. Toe commltuo appointed by PickeR 'amp to rnrai the delegation from Pnlla ?a ?ei-resentlng a number of Grand .rmy ?ir-ianlsatlons. which came charged elth.the pras?nt?tlcn of an invitation to ETsurvivors of Pickett's Division, will ,ot toko any action until the veterans eturn from Atlanta. A report will be pre i ,,, ?? ramp next Monday isht and It Is probable that the wfro ?rs ?f Pickett's oiviiloa alii be called ogtther u?f*t weth. GET OUR FULL QUOTA. VIBGI.-fIA COMMAXOS WILI, 800** BE IP TO Ft LL 8TBB.1GTH. A LARGE SQUAD SEHT YESTERDAY. II? ported ftlckne?? at Camp Cuba Libre Said to Be Captain Praram Say? tbe Camp I? MtiBiilarl)- lli-Hlllir, Virginia'? full quota of volunteera un der President McKinley'? aecond call for 75.0X1 troop? bid? fair to be ?oon furnish ed Tho First Battalion of colored troops is now complete, and Major Johnson, the commander who wa? recently mustered Into the Federal service, left yesterday to take command at Camp Corbln. Major hanks is busily engaged in Petersburg getting the other battalion In readlncsa for muster, and In a few days now that battalion will also be In camp. Colonel Croxton will then be mustered In, and will report hla two battalions as ready for order? from Washington. The white recruits apportioned to the three regiments under the second call are alio being gotten rapidly now. The re cruiting officers for the Second and Fourth raglBISnta are making shipments of re cruits to Jacksonville almost every day, and think they will ha\? concluded their labors In about two weeks. Thus far they have gotten about t? per cent, of their number, and they are niw reaching out Into the country districts and securing men from all over the State. Sixteen re cruits were sent to Jacksonville yester ?l.'iy at noon, and more will probably be sent to-day, as seven recruits arrived here y'?-tenlay from Clifton Forge, where they an re secured by the mustering officer who has been on a tour of that section. THIRDS OFFICERS SUCCESSFUL, TOO. The officers of the Third Regiment have been equally as successful as those of the other two. They have been scouring the State for recruits, and though, as a rule, ? nli.Minents In the two regiments at Jack sonville are more popular, the Camp Al ger officers have met with little difficulty in securing men. Altogether. It Is thought that Virginia will have fulfilled her duty, so far as the first and second calls are concerned, long before another call for troops Issue?, If such a call ?loes Issue. There are ?a Virginia any number of men who arJtaBxious to go to the front, but the majority of them want to go with the officers of their own selection. They have Joined embryo companies which are i waiting the third cull, and if the Presl laat ?tes lit to can f.?r flBore troops ?and isks Virginia for a regiment or frWO, thofffl ?ni be a prompt reapoBSfl to his appeal. 'olonel Jo. Lane Stern will un?l??ubti-diy ;e? In command of the First Regiment, vhlch is organised in Virginia, and h? Sill have a weal:h of material from vhich to pi(k his command. There 81*8 ?n file in the A ljutant-General's offlc" ipWBffds of sixty applications from men vho say they have companies already Tganlsad and ready to go to the front, ind investigation has shown that many if these offers are bona fide, and that he c? rnmands are ready as stated, though .f COUTB8 not equipped. DON'T EXPECT THIRD CALL. The military authorities of the State to not expect 8 third call now. and hence i- 'ic'.i'tir.R themselves to s?*curing le rults for the organizations already in xistence. This accounts for the exertions rhieh are being pat forth to this en?l. ome excellent material lias recently been ent to Jacksonville. Among those who enr \esrcrday was one young man who nlv presented himself for enlistment yflO* rdny morning. Be was flxamlne-d, paas* il, mustered, and sent off In two hours. boas ?ho went were 11. K. POBCQ, F. L taya? W. H- Jonaa, B. B. Hawktaa, B '. Crtrmnn, H. K. ritull, and Joseph F. lorrls, who wenr to Join the Second Regl i? nt. and .Marion S. Hewitt. Tharles .rouse, L. P. Abernethy, J. II. Helton f. D. Weddta, A. W. Manwell. A. B. Dal nn, <". F. Batt. and EL S. Edmonds for he Fourth. NO SICKNESS THERE. A report which has reached this city nd caused no little uneasiness imong the -.titres and friend-, of tbe ?soldle?**? quar sred at Camp Cuba Libre Is to the effect bal a great deal of sickness exists among he men. and that fever is almost epl lemic In the camp. Thfl rumor, boawver, to be without foaadatlon In tact if course, then- Is some sickness in the amp. No large body of men could well .e ?gathered together without some sick 10SS invading their midst, but officers wh i lav just returned from the camp flgj li?t th.* reporta of a tatat epidemic ire salstaadlBg. Captain Oaeffga Paarranr? r Company -. of tbe mue.-?, who reach id here 8 few ?lays BgO on a short fur Ollgh, says that the ?amp is .singularly 1 lealthy. There are some few cases of ever, he sa, 8, bat tbflM are all mild and is a rule only keep the men confined to hair beds for B few ?lay?. In his com any of a. lb ninety mea, hi litre are only three -?ick. and th?88fl ii!"u:.t only to Blight Indisposition. While IB can only give Oguree as to his com nand. 1. thai about tbe same ?,,.> lOrtlOB of sickness exist? in the oth-rs is in his. The boys at Jacksonville are not only \ il and he-arty. Captain Pegraa- saya, ?it the*/ are in tin? spirits and anxious or service. T'i v BTfl ?lally looking for , which Will call thon to Hi? front, r r.d ?bow iiave hopes of being sent to rto Rico. 'I FORD'S HOTEL LEAOBD, t Will He CIo??mI for Itrpalr? Angnal i lal nil?! Heoji?-ii?*d ** ?-(>t i-iu ln-r 1st. The trustees of the Ford estate have sed the hotel of that name to M SCI \ Shere, of East l'a?.i'o.?l, Va., tor term of two yeatfl from the 1st of next eptem''. :-. The butMtag will shortly be closed Tor ipair?. it having been decided to spenu ,000 In renovating and redecorating the a iterior and refurnishing part of the ti oii.,e. The lessees are the proprietors ot Hotel at East Radford, and are N ekoiicd among tbe most progressive ho- 0] 1 managers in ?Southwestern Virginia. It Is expected that a decree will be en Ted in the Chancery Court to-day con rmlng the action of the trustees, an*" ork on the impiovcments will be begun H>ut August 1-t. Pi he Pavilion Crowded Ever** "tight. ** With a schedule of two minute? betWOQB rs to the park, a OOBOI rt by a band of relr* pieces, and a bill that has never , en outdone in this city, the Hroad-Street irk pavilion has this week been crowded ery night by audiences that enjoy, ?mid ol breezes, the many allurements of the sort. The attendance has broken all , cord?, and It requires the congregating p' twenty extra cars after the perform- oi ..-, tO ?luickly move the crowd ililly Van, the funniest minstrel man in B vaudevilles, Is the star of the bill, and has made good hla reputation as ?n IgtatfJ comedian who cracks new Jokes, d sings parodies that are really unique d catchy. Flatow and Dunn, the black co comedy team, who are top notches merry-making, and Mlssea Mclntyre bt d Peak, cute little maidens wbo expert play upon banjos, and sing melodies at are ripened with their sweet voice?, I giving Van a atrong contention for the of the bill, and nightly Increasing their Id upon the admiration of the crowds. Jallager and Evans and Harry Taft, the ilitler, arc the makers of much comedy d applause. M PI OASTORZA. 1 EM tJ~ -__??ho *'n(? Yc"t?aw /?ways *E% ?my te-W, A", A Bu t ti to THE BAUQHHAN STATIONERY CO., RICHJIOND, VA., July 18, 1898. Out Manufacturing Department, Nos. 7 .ind 9 south Twelfth street, was destroyed by fire on the morning ot the 17th. Wo have made arrangements for the filling of all orders which we now hold ; any new business you are pleased to give U3 will have our prompt and careful attention. We are glad to say our STATIONERY DEPAIITMENT, located in another buildiDg, was not damaged THE BA?GHMAN STATIONERY CO. (JT R>-?t) THE E. B. TAYLOR CO., HO. 1011 EAST 111 AND 9 EAST BROAD STREETS. Know tho f?ecrrt of Hefrigpratio Keeping the air on the go- fannin th?? food, so to ?peak. The Ice is th? fan. Warm air rises cold air h?ii? The "ODORLESS" does the -vork wonderfully well. Theft are hundred.?} of less c?>stly H?CrlEBr<ltOfB, but they won't hi boognt by peftple who appr?ci?t? cleanliness or have the right idea ol economy. We can refer you tohontoada whfl are now ?nBJna? them In Kichmond. Our Cirttoal F'miiTuiri l?erm-Proof Nickel Filter for Hydrant nttii.-h ment is the only one havinar a per fect .Sanitary Automatic Cleaning Devi?'? A UtrgB assortment of Stone Gravi ly Piltari always in stock.. Water Coolers. I<?e-< reun? Freezers Fly I'ans. and complet?? line of ?urn mer goods at very low pftaM, _jy :i-^n\V& F R.H.BDSHER'SSONS, CARRIAGE MAMI At I L'Rl RS, 15 South Ninth Street, Richmond, Va, A LABOl STOCK. OF VEHICLES OF ALL KIADS. PBICB8 LOWEKTHAN lCVEK. Now is the time to buy. Call and see our spring styles. Runa bouts, Traps, Phaetons, Stanhopes, Box -Buggies, Surreys, Davtons, etc. One and two-passenger 13eebee Speeding Carts. BUBBBB TIBES put on promptly. We put ?jii t,io OZNUINB SPRINGFIELD RUBBER 1'IKE by the SEW PATENT PROCESS of elBCUTM wekUBI niraa walle uo-Aii in th? ?froov?:-. NOT fast-nln? wires and afterwards FuKCINU th? RUBBER OVER Fl.ANiiE ?OF THK TIRK. QtOOttf and Delivery Wagons of ma ny utyles. One- and Two-Horse Trucks. Repairing an?! RepaintlflB -Ion?; in the best manner. Harnest. Whips. Rob.??. Ac. Rubber Tire? of all ?tyle? pu? on to or<W. ?"all und se? our PNEUMATIC-TIRE, BALL-BEARING AXLE RUN-ABOUT. It la a b??auty. ap 17-8u.W&F'*w H ! I , Mill .?_l_ll. . . ... I?J I THE DISPATCH JOB PRINTING OFFICE o (DItSPATCH BUILDING.) DOBS ALL KINDS OF s _? PRICES MODERATE, PROMPT DELIVERY, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 0 SEND OR GALL FOR ESTIMATES BEFORE GOING \ New Phone 1258. E?L?SEWHERE. OH Phone IB?. A iOO?o*9"f|?00000?00000000000?rO? NEWS OI* THE CITY COIRTS. lor? Application? ? il. .1 for H?* iiuiiii?-iit i ?i.i?u?Inlla ?fn?i?BBnla In tat? Hut-lings Court yestenlay .-, v?-n .-flve more appii?*.i'?.l<?ns :??r th?: purchas.. r (lelin?iuent lands -Aere filed by the Rou oke syndicate. The jury In this eonrt has been adjourn J until M?,nday next. ? i.? i lark BB? larnied marrln.?*?? licenses ) L>r. R. B. Teoeler am! Miss May St? w rt Woodward, and to Mr. William W. luntley and Miss Alma Marshall Ulaze rook. In lin- Lan and Equity Court a divorce as granted to William BovkM from his Ut, l'\inn> I ? Jud?~nent for Btt.1l1 was rrnadered in the lise of A....U Hall & CO, BflBlttSt J. p. The case of m. e. Kern age?nat Juila ai avail tor $lo has been sel for trial to ay. In the City Circuit Cirait, in the case of ?'alter Everett asnlnei JoeepB Happen, . plalntlfl era? ri',ii-s'jit?-.l. The- autt ?>f ?li- Uajra idiilce and Lan?l ornpany icbIbbI the Uancheeter R ? I? iu'1 and Improvement Company was dis Hi? jury has aljounud for the term. h? M \l regular term b?.gins October th in the Chancery ?Court Richard L. aurv qualified ai, commut?e o? Robert Mendiih. It EC O It 1) OF OLD COMPANY I. Will MiOi-II.V He PreariiO-d to the Mua t* n m B*f CBtof llo?vard. A well-pr?.?i vi.-.l record of Cmnpany I. the Old First Bantneent. has just come t?, the i??- laUm of Maj?,r B. F. How d, Chief of Police, and will of him be rned over to the Confed rate Museum. It contain? the Information that the mpany was organized In Richmond on vemb<?r 19. IBB, under the supervision C?ptala s. t. Bailey. Captuin Bailey is succeeded by Captain R. F. Morris. d on the secession of Virginia the ser ies of the company were tendered the ivemor by Captain Morris. in the 21st day of April, Baa, the com ny was mustered in by Major J. B iilwin, who was stationed at Rlch md and ?rent into camp at Camp lere ii was drilled and acquired a tho- j jgh knowledge of military dtaclpUne ; der the supervision of Colon?-! n'? corps of cadets from the Virginia j litary Institut??. 'he company wai engaged in the fol ding fights: Bull Run, Manassas. Wil msburg. Seven Pines. ?i-ven-Pays' | ?'it Second Manasses. Roonsboro'. i ?rpsbrrg Fredertcksburg. Gettysburg, ,-mouth. ' Drewry'? Bluff, Howletts, i Southslde Defences, lajor Howard was promoted to the jtaincy on September 13. ISO. )r. \\ nliera|i*???n ou Ulm Vacation, lev. Dr. Jcre Wltherspoon. who ha?! E-n tor ?orne week? past ?topping with family ?t ?Jlen Allen, left yesterday irnlnf for h!? ?uramer vacation of ?ix ek?. Dr. and Mr?. Wltherspoon will It friends from Baltimore at their cot re at Rehoboth. Del., for ten day?, and 1 spend the month of Augu?t in Caatile. T. _ Property Traaafer?. [eiwrlco: W. M. Barnum and wife to ? rah Cstherln? Pat ram, wif? o? R. E. tram. 121-2 acre? on Hungary road. IX Hungary, reserving light to all mine-1 ? on ?aid land and Ingress and egress j mining purposes. I1?0. o LKl'OtllKK 0>" ITIABERf. L? DOMINION -STEAMSHIP COMPANY. DAILY LINE BOB NEW Y<JRK, EXCEPT FRIDAY AMD SUNDAY. Vu^stfiijii-ra can leave Rl:hmond daiiy except out atinday .... arid Ohio railway at B?M A. M.. or Bleat? m>ind an?l Petersburg railroad (Norfolk ai.d Western ruute) ?? A. It., eonncetliig at Norfolk with Old Dominion Lln?-) steamer sallinsr same evening for N?w York. ALL-WATER ROUTE. Sleainship Richmond leaves Richmond ev.ry Monday at H i>. M. fot New York via Jan.? s river. Tickets on ?ala ut Bit Tran?f.?r Companj ' ami Ohio railway, and Richmond Petersburg railroad depote, and at ; iny's efBoa?, l.:: real Main ?treat, ? in- : 1 'UggA-je ci). ck?d throuijh. FRETJI!." for Bear tOtk and ail points i-eyond b<- ?.h!:?!,,.-! |.y ii ... . i : H : ? .\J iN'i'.-.v at ti I*. ML: er leaving Richmond evvry WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY at 0 i>. M. for Norfolk, tcnnectlng with ?learner for Ne?,?, Manifest closed on? hoar b?fore sailing Um?, freight reeehred and forward?!, and through ailla e'f lading issued tor all northern, ?.? tern, and foreign ports. I SEW YORK. Paesengera can leave dally, except Sun day, at :i P. M. (?Saturday, -? p. M.) to Norfolk or <>! mfort, conne?-t Ing with Norfolk and ?Veetern railroad or Cheeap-eak? and Ohio railway Direct steamer ?via Jamee-river ro::te) leaves ev?i> SATURDAY - i'. M. (pae< rs and freight), and freight by steamer? . t r??!k every MO.VDAV i : EDNESDA, ?.r 3 P. M. from ompany's pier, No. 26 North river, f??ot of Beach stre.t. I''r?:i!h' received and forwarded dally, except Sunday. Fur further Information apply to JOHN 1'. MAYER. Agent. ,. . . i.v lam street. 1'1'hmond, Va. W. L. Gui11?ad?u, Vice-President Hnd Traf*,'* Man ?? r. N? ?v Y??rk. SHORT OCEAN TOURS UNOE.-? BRITISH FLAG The fir .- ' nenger ?teamer OKIM? n .''?.-?tons HfllliuKutnertheUrUiaftflag, Wllllaav? Sew V ?rkJ>JO?2d -an-i every ThurM.'ay lortnlghl tbert?*fter ontll October 6th? for ?iie BritishlalaiMlaof Bermuda, situate?! ic the Atlantic Do ,n. Three d?,".* ocean voyage. Kxceileot boteis. Un.?urpa?i?ie'd besehe? for bathing. Qeod flshin?. Unc?,naU?d hcalihfiiln??? l" mile?per re.-t bieyc?ingroad?. Ezeolrdt?aeeaery Ai-?oiute ?sietv ???urc'l by neutral fia?. Kour?d trip fare, iuclu'din? meals and ?*kt*-r ?in i.erth. SjViOi?. For lllu*trated r?aui: iulet glvinx ni! Inforo-?tlou, ipp?ytoQi'KKK?-.".- s <'<.. a. F-ULTsaaaiDoaA "o. Agents. S Iiroadway, New Ycrk,orto Mssaaa. Vmomas Cook A Bon. 2?1 Broadway, New ?'oix, lii?> _- *. .!.?> ecf?:\t _ "Y THE f?~Sm Galeski ??, OPTICAL CO. For comfort and pr?s?rvatior. of your light, have your Glasses accurat?; Uttto it our wall-known Optical Et ibllah mmmH, Everything reliable aad lowest charge? fu*rant??d. atf EAST MAIN STREET. Factory, s suulh Tenth str??t. ja 16-Su.W/k? KA1I.ROAD L-ffEB. CHESAPEAKE _ AND _tP5^ OHIO ItAiLWAY. tltevllte Jana **?!, _MM** TRALVS LEAVE KICHU-.tD, HltOAO 9TREET STATtOX. ?;?OA. M, Pjliy, with Parlor ?rar. for Nor?Ik. puru?mouui. Old Point, ?Newport N? w.?.. and pria 1, ai station?. Con nects at Norfolk wit? ?New York au amers, ???apt *???? a. a.- ?lay* "'*- P. M., Dahy, with PuUman. for local station, Newport News, old Point, Norfolk, ?ind Ports?**--,??- Co??eels at old Peint wIib Wasning t-.n steamers daily, a_d with ? ??timor? ?.?amers ?_cepi - ? Sunday. ***?* * A. M., Mountain Exptess. with Parlor car. ex.cept Sun day, for ,:, -.,-everte. Con nects ?t GordonsvlVe tor Orange, ? mpeper, Calvcr ton. Mina*?.??-?. Alexandria. find Washington: at Union Station. Charlotwavllle, for Lvnchburg, at i'.as.?* for Hagerstow?, ?MS P. H., Daily, with Pultmans, to Onctnnatl. LoutsvOt? **nd St. Louis. connecting at ("ivington. Va. for Hot fc-prin?*. H'or? ?my a* ,rn" portant stations. Meals served -,n dining-cars. No. T. Lee?] Trata? ?xeept Sunday, follows shove ir?ln from Oordonsville t> Goer.?'?. 8:S0 P. M., A ?conunod itl m. ex^t-i Sun day, f?ir ch.irli.ttesviile. 10:.*tOP. M., I hI,., for rin??lnn.,??. wl*h F. F. V. PuKmins to Hlatou. W. Vi. and Gord?nsvi'l?* ?o On?L"nnatl a?-.d i^ui?"'*.* Men Is served on dining s. Connects a* 8tsu - except Sunday. for winchee'er, \?, nd at <*o?tngt.>n. Va.. <*-l?y. for H ,? Spring'. TRAMS LEAVE EIGHTH-STREET f-TATIO.V. ?030 A. _L, Pally, for Lynehburg and Clifton V'orge?. Connect?, ex eer-t Sunday, with Hwcklnir hfim., Lexington, and CTa l* Vull -v 'ran 'h< ? and at <**l!f*on Forgs -with No. I for rn'lnniil B:0O P. M-, Except Sund?iy, wlrh crtslr* car. for T.ynchbur?. a??d 1 'lives f.ynohhurg TOO A M for Lexington, except 8un dav. TRAINS ARRIVE AT til? IMIOMi liiiiHii.sniin statio.v 8.30A. M.. Dally, from Cincinnati. XU*1B A. M., Dally, ir,.m Norfolk and Old Point. i'*:30 P. M., Dally, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 0.80 P. M.. Daily, from Norfolk and Old Mat 7:45 P. M . Except 8unday, from Pon - evert? TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION 8-40A. M, Except Sunday, from Lex ington and l.ynchburg. 0:10 P. M., Dally, from I.yn?hburg and Clifton Fo'ge, and. except Sundiy, from New Castle. T exlngt? n, Alberene, and Rosney. JOHN D. POTTS. Assistant General Passenger Agent. SOUTHER.. ** RalLW&?. Schedule Bffectlve June 5, 1SUH. TRAIX? LEAVE Richmond. VA. ? a. .u., .No. u. Bouthsrn S*?*rss? dally, for Atlanta, Augus'a, a..a joints dojth. Sleeper ?titainondio Danville, Greensboro', Salisbury, Charlotte, Columbia, and AtlgUSla, B.eeptr open at 9:20 P. M. Stops at ail man,.us between Hi?im?id and Danville to take on and lut otf paisengers. Connects at Danville. Salisbury, and Charlotte with the Washington and Southwestern LImlu-d (So. 17), carrying sleeper? New "fork to Ashevllie, Hot Springs. Chattanoo ga, and Nashville: New York i" ICempbls; New York to New Or leans: New York 10 Tampa, and first-class dally coach between Washington and Memphis. Conn.c ttOUB are made for all points In Texas and California. Sleeper open for occupancy at 9:30 P. 11. 12:01 P. ._., No. 7, solid train, dally, for Charlotte, N. ?'., connects at Mose ley with Farmv.lie and railroad. At K.y?, ville for Clarks vllle, Oxford, Henderson, nnd Dur ham, and at Greensboro' for Dur ham, Raleigh, and HVlnafon falnm; at Danville with No. 35, L'nited S'ates fast mall, solid train, daily f-.-r New Orleanr and points South, which carrps sl-epers New Vork lo New Orleans and New York 10 Jacksonville. Through sleeper ?Salis bury to MemyhiHi also. Pull man ?ourfst ?l?-eper every Wednee day. Washington to San Francisco, without change. 0:0O P. M , No. 17. local, dally, except Sunday, for Keysvllle. Chase City, and Intermediate points. TRA?AS AHRItE AT CI? IIHiiML U.40 A. M. ?1.5 P. M , from Atlanta, Augusta, Asli.-vil'. . and N?shVlll? tLIO A If., from Chase City and Keys ville. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN'S. Nos. *T and J2, between .Manchester aod Nsspolts, Va. YORX-RIYER LIKE m w_*r pocbt, the favorite itoin; north, llave Rit-iitioAi). 4.30 P. j! , No. 16, Ha.cimore l_m.r d, ?ally, except Sunday, for ?Vest Point, th? re inakiorf eioee eonMO , on Mondays, Wednesdays, and ?Ti iays v.ith Pasmar for i.alu ni io, ?ISO, with stage at I?ster Manor for Walkerton and Tapj bannock on Tuesdays, T-USSdays, Sa urdsy? 2.30 I*. If.. No. b>, looal expresj, M ,.i days, Wednesdsy? und Friday?, for West Point and 'ntermt-dlate sta tions. (Connects with stage at L?s ter Manor for V'alkerton and Tsp pa bannock * also, at vv??t Point with steamer for Raltlmore. Stops at ai; ata 5:00 A. M., N... 46. I?teal, Mixed. Leavs dally, e.-iieji Sunday, from Vir ginia-ltreet Station for West Point SB? l'itTiTiedlate stations. or,nn,r! log with stage at r>ster Manor for Wulkerton ar.d Tappah.innoog. TRALIIS ARRIVE AT RICHJIO.VD. 8:1T A. il., daily. lui?) A.M., W?-dneidays and Fridav? 4:t?8 P. M., daily, except ?Sunday, from West Point and iiiteime?jiate ?la tlor.s. Steamer? leave West Point at ? p. M \, s. Weonesdays, and Friday?. *ud re at 5 P. M. Tuesdays, Thuis d.iv.-. bim Saturd 'ricKct-tifflce at station, f?iot of Virginia -tie. t. ' ?p. a from 9 A. II. to I p. M., and from 9:30 P. If. to 12 A. M. City ticket ornee, ?03 east Main street. J. M. CULT. W. A. TURK. Trimr Manager. Go ?.. Pasa. Agent. FRANK S. GANNON, Third Vice-Presi dent and ?_entral Manager, Washington. DC W. WE8TPURT, Travelling I'ss fenger Agent, '?0 east Malt? street. Rich mond. Va. je 21 IlKPlhilll.': OK STEAMERS. p__I__j_JLP__J, v.u..:a - -*f|^_ MOND AND NORkO-X ..!nB___S? -i'-A-SHiP COMPANY. Appointed sailing days: E*tery TUES DAY. FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at day Vrslgbt received dally until i P. M. Fare (including meals and berth). ? on Frldav's and Sunday's steamer. For "further Information apply to J W. M CARRICK, General Southern Agent: Office, Rockets. W. P. CLYDE A CO.. jm? General Agents. Philadelphia. IKtMII I IMC. luui|lati.ic?>ra<'riil?'iraBiatliiBtlgBi DIRECT UNE TO HAVRE-PARiS rPRANCE). "ailing every Saturday at 10 A. M.? irorn Pier No. 42. North river, foot Mor? ton street. .'_ Touralne. Au 27 La U'urg'gne. Aug. A a Navarre. J'y*l l^t Hretatne. Au U a Gascogne. J'y ?9 L* Navam- Au 10 General Ag?*ncy for Unlttd States and Canada S Bowling Grsen, N. T. Klehmon?! Tranafer Co., OOl Ma I? at. Andrew W?lsb, 013 E. Knla SI. J? 31 ? BU ILRO AD LIBES. NMKs?i^Mni Jus? fi. IMMrl. le ave biciiuobb, mv*ajkbtmimwb ?t-tiob. 8:00 a. 1.. richmond and nor t?.il_? \ ES a?llC L F. LiMli _D. Arrtv?? Norfolk WM A. M. Stops ? at P?t?ra burg. Wavvrly. ?nd Suffolk. *-kco(.d-?-la&e ticket? not a?? ?:<-pi?d oa tbJ? traut. ?:0? A. M-, THE CHICAGO EXPRESS, for Lyaciiburg, Roanoke, CO lumbua. and Chicago. Pull? man Sleeper Roanuke to 'o l'iaibu?. also, for bristol, Kuoxvill?, and Chattanoogit. T:?BO T. M., l'or S Jffolk, Norfolk, *ud la : m?diat? ?tait?n?, arriv?e at Norfolk at l*):? P. M. i ll;*?0 r. M.. K-r Lynchburg and Roa? h?. Connais at R??an?Jke with Washington and Chat? ?an.joga Limited. Pullman ? leepei? Roan.ik? to Mew i-hia and New Orleans. Pull man Steeoer between Rich? n.ond arad Lyachburg. and berth? ready for o? iipun,/ at ? ?) P. M. AI?o. Pull man ????per Petcraburs and Roanoke. Trains t.-rlv? R.-hroond from Lvnch burg aiul the West dally at a.ib A. M. and 86<? P M.; from Nvrfolk and the East ?t US A. M . ?rid VESTIRL'LI-'.O ? IJMITED at CM P. M. Oittc?: S?8 Mala ?treat, , R. W. COURTNEY. District Pa????nger AgaBt. w. w. hkv*ll. General Passenger Agent. General "Mflc* Romoke. Va. _! 11 L G. L ATLANTIC"coiST Schedule la KCee? amata 10, 1SDS. IKUAS EKAVB) RllUrtU.*?W-l.MU.1 Uti'OT. 7:<38 A. M., Sunday acc<<-nmo?latloa ar rive? Petersburg S B, uiaU-e all st'ips Ri? Mniond aud Petersburg raino*at biOO A. M., Daily. Arrive? Putersburg ?.il A. M.. Norfolk RM A. M. Stops only at Petersbi g, Waverly. and Suffolk. Va. 0:05 A. M.. Dally. Arriva Petersburg ! :6* A. M.. W?ld?,n il ni A. 51., Fnyvttevllle ?:?5 P. M.. Charleston 10_) P. M.. Savannah HAI A. M., Je? k? v ?nvlll? 7:*> A. M., l'ott Tampa :20 P. M. Connecte. at Wilson with No. ?7, ar riving Uoidsbvi-J* ?JO. P. M . Wilmington I:?* P. M Pull man Me.-tK-r New ?ork to Jacksonville. ?.?Ml P. M., Dally. Lo?-.?l. Arriv?e Pe tersburg f.H P. M. Mak?d sll'etoaa, 4 10 P. M., Sunday aceomn-edat'oa. Ar* rives Petersbutg ? I !' M. Makes ?II stops Htchmood and Petersburg ralrr? B:3!> P. M . I?ii|iy. Arrive P?t??rsburB ? B P. M. Makes all local ; ? Rl? Innond and Peters burg ItaUr?' ? I. 7.30 P If., T>.?ily. Arrive? Petersburg f?.?M P. M . connc-rs wlt? Norfolk and Western fol Norfolk und intermedi?is -,,nits, Bmpfirla ?10 (con nects with A. and D. f ? :.,ns between Emporte t,awren?*evlllr), Wel>l-,*i P. M., Fayettevtila 1:01 A. M.. Charleston 1:01 A- M.. Savannah * <* A. M . Jack ?onviUe l P. M., Port Tampa a.? P. M. NEW LINK TO MIDDI.H QEORQIA POINTS. Arrtv tug Alken 7:?x A. M.. August? AM. Ma?on 11 A. M., ?ii?nta 12:16 P. M. Pullms? ? ?leepers New York to WIN n.lncton. Jacksonville, Por? Tampa, Alken, Augusta, and Maeon. 8.5? p. IC, Dally. Arrive? I'etersbur? ?11 P. M.. Weldon 11 Jl P. M. Makes local stop? fee. tween Petersburg and Wei ?l?,ri ll:tO P. II , Dally. Arrive? Petersbur? 12-30 A M . Lynr-hburg 5-tl A. M Ronnoke 7:16 A. M.. rirlatol MM P. M. Pullman Sleeper Richmond t?> Lynch? *urg. TRAIK9 ARRIVE R1CHMOBD, 4:00 a. M.. Dally, from Jacksonville. Sa vannah, Charleston, Allanta. Bacon, Augusta, and all points South. :1B A. M.. Dally, except Sunday. At lanta. Athen*. Raleigh. Hen derson, Lynchburg, and the W< -t. *:3T A. M . Duly. Petersburg local. H.?JO A. M., Sunday only, from Atlanta, Athens, Kafclali. Uend?-r?oo, Lynchhurg, and the West. 11 :M A. If., Dally,, Suffolk, and Petersburg 04O P. at, Dally, .Jacksonville. Savan nah, Churl.-nton, Wllmlng-? t m, Ooldeboro*. and all points South. 0:?B P. at, Dally, N<?rf.,ik, Suffolk, Wa? '. ?ily, and Peteisburg. B-AB P. M.. Daily, P?t?rsburg, Lynch? bur?, ami the West. to ob a. at., Sunday accommiidatloa, T-o p M, Sunday accommodation, J. R. KENL1 T. M KMKRSON. General Manager TrufTI. Manager. H. M KMKRSON, General Passa-na-er Agent. C. S. fAMPnKIX, J* 11 Dlvl?lon Passenger Agent. It. 1. U 1-ricksburi* Ptnmac Schealal? la Effect Mas- IS, 180?. L-^AIjl BYBP ?rgBJBBl ?TAUt?."?. 4.AOA.M.. ,.?:.y. foi ?.', asniiigtoa hua iijii.i? north. Uiobs only at Miiford umi r i- !e,u k?bur?o l ...?Lai, Slcepeia Ui Nun - ? York. B:gO A.M., Sunday only, for Wtshiiig?, ton ?nd points .North. Btout at Elba, Olen Alien, Asn* Und, TayToretrlil?, l>o?w?il Ruthar Oien. P? nota. Md? ford, Woodslu.e. tluinea. Summit, r'redeiicksburg, Hrooke. and Wtdawaur. Pullman car. -?Alt, Dully, except Sunday, for Waahlngt'.n ai.?i pointe N'?r:h. -Stops at Elba, Ash? .und, Teylorsvii;?-. Do?w?ii. R?ther nu.i. ivnoia. Mll ford. WoodsUn?, ouine?, I u m m 1 (, i-'rederlck?burga and Wtoawaier. PullmaN car. 12:00 H D?'i>, except Sunday, foB Vtushlngton nnd pointa North- Stop? at Elba. ?Jler** Allen. Ashiand. i???welt. Ml I ford, l'iederick?burg. Brook?, and Widewater. Parlor ? at. Also, connecta w;?h Co,:gre?Mioiiai Limite?! ut Washington. 7:11 P. M., Dally, for Washington and point? North Stop? at Elba? Ashiand. I)??? well. Mllford. ' '*. .?lericksburg. Krooke, ami WMew-tter. and other ?ta tiens Sundays. **leer??-?r Rich? 1UR1VU hvrd-itrbEi ?tatio*. ? WA..'?!.. Dtuly. Slop? ai Wluewaier, biooke. KieOcil? asburg, Ml? ford. Dosweil, Ashlai??!, a?.d Elba, and oth?- ?tatior.e Sundays. Sleeper N?w Torn to Richmond. S:4Sr.M. Dally, except Sunday. Stop? at WId?wat?r, Rrooka, ? 'rederlcksbuig Summit. Guinea, Woodalane, Mllford. Pfr.ola, Ruth* r O.en. Doe well, Teylorsville, Ashiand. Olen Allen, and Elba. Par? _ lor car fr??m Washington. T.IOP. Id.. Dally. Stop? only at Breda? rlc-taburi?-. . Do?w?)'.. A?h l?nd. and Elba Pullman cars feotn New York. M:9b P. M., Pally. Stop? at Wtdcwater, Pr?xik?. l'*redertck?lnjrg. * ?rnmlt. Oulnea Woolatane, Mllford Pen?la. Ruther Gien. r>Q?weM. Tayloravtlle. Aahtand, oten Allen, ?nd -??- M- ..... - .... -iirnF.RirK?nT. ?croMMnnttiot, "Dally ?xc?pt Sunda> ?OOP. M., Leave? Byrd-Street Btetlon. B30A.M. Arrfvea Ryrd-tftreet Stattoo. ASIILABn TRArss. (Dally except Bundayj ? ?a A. M . Leave? I- ?*,*. B.SO P. M. Leave? Ell.. O 4? A M.. Arrives Elba. ?OOPM, Arrive? ?1W* C A TATT/>R Trnfflc Manager E. T?P H?mrm PT'?ldeM, ap t$ WHITE ?L1.PUIK WATER. FROM THE OLD QREENBBJCR WHITB. We have this Water now in both ?ear?) nd pint bottle?, fresh from the Bpriace. PL'RCELIa. LADD * CO., jy Ma W bol?enle Pru|Blg??\