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_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. JULY 23. 18A? IT WAS A LOVE FEAS' gonTHI-HN VRTKRAN* AT LB , IMP PnAISK SOI TIPS PATRIOTS 1 MKSSAG8 FROM 6. A. R. POST I ?.friendly Allouions to Their O, I u.iiilr? linar II. -en Kllmlnat? from Tlielr Rltnal?Remarkabi .,., e, lira In the Confederate Hall, With so many of Its members at tl Itanlon In Atlanta, the session of tl r ,, last night gave every promise I Bat, and unprofitable. I: It | >>f these. 1 ue opening Wi , enough, and the audlcn, - \? ' -<!, but tl pt Messrs. F.lmer H. Bat.. , . '...'? ;'*Baa, 1*08*1 s. ntutlvc?, , , \ : a] i tt? and members of tl gelBB '!> -,,t ?ame here last Wedne ,_ : sa Invitation from varloi , lions la lbs wu.iker City to ti ?. of I'lckftt's Division, was Bl thai lad ta a veritab j ..! to the exchange of man , y reasai-8 that bore ever 4 erlty. wiills that have rung i '. the ?.'lowing eulogies of soutl* , nttereg by southern patriot; , ;.-.;!-.t, for the first time. ;k i 1 IB 1 manly tribu? t utbern patriots from the lip , : m SOkUer, and with a fran thai the eeuiea fur which th t res at 1< BSt Bot unre.i I ?ECRBB MOST PATRIOTIC. .T:t..l country" was the them , epeecbes, which wok. the and! , into enlhuMasm, nnd thai teas i - for th.- pflltlcluns and tbOB . the waving of the "blood t I. pt Mason and Dlxon's line i ?. real nnd present thing. ?,f Cotaiaaadar Laugta .'.. utenant-Command? r P : j ! and the masting was ., r by Comrade Qervas Storrs In ,.f Chaplain Smith. Th W< I followed by th tlon Of routine buslrr-ss, whtcl the pr?sentation of the name o P. Cof. r for election, and a fu \ -it from the sick committe. condition of Messrs. 'Jan Mitteldorfer, and Rlddlch. : from the detail Which attende? t :. of Mr. James Pleasant?, wai a received and ordered to be .-preai rd. r MR. : N Korthen, of Pleketl Camp : of :v mmander, then in Mr, Baker, of Philadelphia, wh< i : ?n. It afforded hin ?, ; V asare, ba said, te meet th? : the la'e war. Hi ; rked upon the kt auty of th ball, am ea that ?ia<i balea aaad? iy th? i dlr-at tloa alnce he lasl vMrlte. -ti?. .. ba ?-aid It :> to vi It many northerr ; always asked whet t i, thiouKh their rooms, "Do oui Meads bava such nice halls fi? i ben be had ie-. o roa?pellad t< ? ata tho better i : w,'* be .?aid, "it is with a tesUai that i eaa answer that tt BOtl than there Is here. Thing! ! . 1 in the last two months," ?Untied, "thai have brought about a . the n ti raus ot a that are very gl*ati me. The terrible lino of de nial 'Hat,on h.,s bean wiped oat Wo hear now. la the aorthera posts, about south* BtS; th.- i , ,.d to hear ? !onf? derates Person illy, I ha ve ala m? 0 Who would take powder, and dig ditches, and march with? r dB] , e.ften Without d their heims, were pa (Appl AUDREBSBS THEM AS COMBA DBS, .Vr. Alfred Cralghaad, of Post No. ft, was nazi li.' ' ..-.iii.,.|,s," he t Ad, *l call yon s,> Bssaasa all i Valiant BOldll I I i.iiniy coii.i.ides. I ball from Philadelphia, the City at ' I.ove.' I have often of the beautiful city of Richmond, In th? Bunny South, and have long had ., - ' .Mili to -jet" He went -ti to Bpeah <>i i futile ?fr.irts to aeoompllsb th i thiity-iive yeara sgo, i?..- Bpohi warmly of the hospitality thai had beer, :i him slnco lie arrived lier??. Con tlnulng, he Bald' "I and some others have been fighting for our southern comrade! lu the ??rand Army posts for thirty y. ar< but we ?..n't have to ?h? any more t'.ijht Ing. Th, old line, has I, .11 SrtPSd OUl ?mil Uni which binds the reunited country asea -i bo atrangty that it will 1 \- r be broken. W?. boys in the North thai -A.- know bo longes, any North, th. Bast, ?-r West, all v>e know ?b an United nation." He apOhs With pride ifpaotlaa of the naiionai flag, which been displayed and Boated to the r the Brat time la Philadelphia, mid tt I 1 he hop.,! that the vet-Tans of the B.-utl) would In? BSBB more often in Pblladl Ijhia, where the right hand of brotherly love would always be extended to till III. PATRIOTIC BK.-iPON.SES. rammender Peay thunked the visitors f,.r their s,., aehee, and In the name of the .utnp expressed the hope that when they or any of their comrades visit, d Rich? muid they would not fall to call at the Mr. Joseph Dickerson, replying to the Of the ?.lsitors, expressed much .*. hearing snob sentiments from Of northern soldiers, lie apohS of the South'a cause, ild that th,- poMUon of the southern h id b. an greatly misunderstood. Bag to which Mr. Craighead had ai re in the hands ;. 1 .; \. ?cran as noon as the . v. r it iras in the hands Bern Boldler. "We are as true j i. ;.- as the magnanime*? (?.n. mted it The Bl 1rs snd Stripes . . ,-aiti, >1 by US and fly at the . 1 es; but that flag." he turning to the Confederate emblem, ,:??1 you wouldn't Hunk much didn't." He* apostrophized the "two -salea** flghtlag f,.r what t bellev? I to 1 the truth, and said ta moi.- than gratified that the i.ow 0 ?uples tin- President's who drew his sword In defence of 1 > hud not thought It unwise to 1 rates to posts of honor ?ibllliy In the army off to-day. BBld with some 11m lag Of to-day is not the one of UB. The war mrt w ->ut of irl de I lona and crime, bat our S) baa basa made pure by the :*w patriota every , this btt .i domain." 1 !ii:v 1:1: vi.i.v PBBL IT. had heai- a good '* ..ud country, but it bad . h.-... y i "Whlli we ex? : 1 1 :.:,.; nee, we didn't fe.-i it. Now, llfferent." The appoint - ' f Lee, Wheeler, and Roeaer, Bght? the flag theg had fought against y augury. ... of the enthusiasm lj bl. roi ?:- aeral Lae. Hla ph.. h was in thousands of window? und ums his own among the num ' beileri lie has been the right ghi see," he said. "The id f. it 1 alfil his obligation to ping hlrn In Cuba. ' m.ikiriK him n major-gciurul." lin* aid: "We will ? th? aboa?aaMe bloody shirt . Iltlclaaa have been waving in *?\ e believe >?'U ure as good : Basa as we ara. We teach nur chii If 3 u oom? to Philadelphia you d I ?peak the truth." al North.,, then rose and said he meeaage to deliver to the veterans ' I?t-e and pick, tt camp? fr?>m Colonel Fred. Taylor Post, No. |g of Philadelphia. ran Association of th<-North. I *' - ritual of the Grand Army, he said, < w***m**n*W?BB?BEEEEEEEI had b??B changed within the last , months, and all word? that could posai be offanaiva to Confederate? had b taken out The word rebel was no? thing of th? paat The anaounoem *' *? loudly cheered. Captain Cunningham then sang Blue and Gray,** ?fter which the ca Adjourned. COFITAGIOI? DISF.AMRI H08PIT ???Beate? by Attempted la mill.* Fever Cmaem at Newport Net*??. The disposition of the newly-constltu Board of Health to agitate th? purchi of an Isolated hospital for contagi?os c eases has sprung from a. desire to be p pared for any emergency. The inabll of Richmond to cope with an eplden if such a thing should break out. will 1< the board to agitate the matter until < City Council makes the necessary pro? Ion for such an Institution. In a deault? conversation between member? of t board and of the Cornell committee Dr. Oj-penhlmrr's residence on Thursii night the possibility of the spread yellow-fever was discussed. Dr. Jones, the quarantine officer Newport News, has been particularly . tlve nnd diligent In preventing the lai In? of Infected persons at Newport Ne?. The transport Seneca arrived, with se' raP rases of f?ver on board, but owl to Dr. Jones's prompt action they wi not allowed to b? landed. Dr. Jones. In a letter to Dr. Oppenhlm says that the main cause for his proti Waa to pruve it the possible spread of t f? fer throughout Virginia. Should It ha deyoloped at Old Point It would proba! Ba?*B spread to Phoebus, Hampton, a Newport News, and with the latter gr? ?it railway terminus, It would In probability have been only a question a short timo when the fever would sprl up In other points of the State. NO YELLOW-FEVER AT TAMPA It?'?nliiri t.clnK Abonrd Transport! Volunteer* Without Order?. TAMPA. FLA., July 22.-The follow! statement was handed the Associ?t Press correspondent to-day: "The Florida State Hoard of Meal have lust completed a house-to-house 1 ejection of the hospitals and resldenci finfllnj*: comparatively little sickness, ai BO. even suspicious cases of fever, unhesitatingly say there Is no ioundatli for the report of yellow-fever In Tamp There Is not even a suspicious case in tl city, or In any of the military camps. (Signed) "W. B. HENDERSON, "1'resid? nt of the Florida Stat? Board Health." The Eleventh Infantry, regulars, a loading to-day on transports at Tamp S?> far. no orders have been Issued co corning the volunteers located at Po Tampa, there being the First Ohio, Thl: Pennsylvania, and 107th Indiana locad there. CAVALRY WITHOUT ORDERS. So fur, the cavalry located hero have l orders to move, nwd do not seem to I tig any. There are the Second ar Fifth regiments complete, detachments n number of other regiments, besides goodly number of the Rough Riders. The First and Tenth Cavalry wei through to-day from Lakeland, and we loaded un transports at Tampa. Th< went dismounted. The government renewed Its lease net to-day of all the land occupied by tl big corrals nnd veterinary hospitals. The Invitation to Plckett'a Men. Messrs. Baker and Craighead, a sul committee of the d? location charged wit the ?I? livery of an invitation to Pickett Division veterans to attend the. forthcorr lug encampment at Philadelphia, are sti In the city, hoping to carry brick a mor d?*flnite answer than was returned by th local coiiimitt??e appointed to meet ther iBSl AVednosduy. The invitation wi probably be changed and redirected t Picket t Camp and all members of th defunct division association. It will b more acceptable In this form, and wi be acted upon next Monday night. Fanerai of Mr?. Reynold?. The remains of Mrs. Nannie W. Rey nolds, who died In Newport News Thura day afternoon after a long Illness o typhoid-fever, were, brought to tho rlt: yesterday morning via the Chesapeak and Ohio. The interment was made 1, II "11\ woi'd. Lev. William Meade Clark?: reetOt ?.f St. Jamea Episcopal church C?inducted the service at the grave. Tho sons and daughters and a numhe of friends accompanied the body to Rich anon?. On to Virginia Reaeh. Mrs. J, U. Gill, of the Male Orphan Asy lum, will on Friday next give one of he excursions, which she has made famous to Old Point, Buckroe Beach, and Oceai View. She has made arrangements als? for any of her patrons who may wisl to do so to go through to Virginia Beach Virar active and car? ful for the enjoymen of her guests, Mrs. Gill has engaged Mr Haggcrty, manager of the vaudeville a Ocean View, to give a performance espe dally for her people. Tickets of admis elon will be sold on the train. .li.urn?*? to lia? Uro.- Reach. Buckroe Beach will be the object!v point of an excursion to be given Thurs day, August 4th, by the I-aurel-Street Me th..?list Episcopal church. This will be th< second excursion given by this churci this summer to this place, and the out look is very promising that a largo crowd will go with them. Laurel-Street always rn.mafios to carry a large crowd. Day at Went Point. St. James church will give an excursion to West Point ne-\t Tuesday, and those In charge say all who go are assured an enjoyabie day's outing. Tho train will leave Richmond at 9 A. M.; and, return ing have What Point at 7 P. M. The amusements of the day will be boating, ?Ashing, and bathing. American Hulldoa Went Off. Joe Ridley, a negro youth, was getting on pretty Int?male terms with an Ameri can Bulldog pistol last night about 9:*0 when the WOBPOB rebelled, and Joe had a hole through his left hand. This occur i..l ;:t Ix'igh and Hancock streets. The ambulance, with Dr. Miller In charge, was called, and the boy was treated and left. , C?MARA ??AWAITS EVENTS." Ill? Fleet Expected Shortly ?t Centn, Opposite Gibraltar. ?BIBBALTAR, July 22.?It is reporfd here that Admiral Camara's squadron of Spanish warships, which passed through the Sues canal and then turned back and started homeward, tho Admiral giving a pledge that his ships were bound f.?r Spain. Is expected at the Spanish penal ?Mttletnaat of ?Ceata, opposite Gibraltar, shortly, where they will "await event?." THE SPANISH PRISONER*). .-I/idrid A??ert? That There Are Only 10,000 at Saatlaao. MADRID. July 2S.-U U asserted that Die bpanlah prisoners comprised In the capitulation of Santiago de Cuba do not exceed 10,000 men, and that the ammuni tion captured there Is almost all useless. Fifty thousand dollar? toward the mil l?n needed by the Ixmdon Hospital were alsed by the recent bazaar held by a lumber of th? London journal?. For Dyspepsia Tnk?t iloralord*? Ael? Fho??hate. Dr T H. Andrews, late of Jefferson .tedical'College. Philadelphia. Pa., ?fays: ?a wonderful remedy which gave me ?oat ?ratifyl?? reflult? la the -or?t forma t dyefep?-** THE WAR AND TRADE A feCSH TO BFILD IP BrsiXBBS 1* EASTERt Ot BA. MAH?FACTURES ILL SHOf GilHS. Iroa Apparently >?? t?** Ver?*? ol Another RoTolutlon?De??e?ner Pia Held at f 10.20 at Plttsburs-Cora Export? 5urprlaln?. NEW YORK, July 22.-Messrs. R, G. Dun A Co., In their Weekly Review of Trade to-morrow, will say: The state of war does not disturb busi ness, but reaction after a phenomenal movement of grain causes relative loss, which many mistake for a decrease in the volume of trade. So much grain has been required and shipped during the past twelve months that a decrease was Inevi table, and the Granger and Pacific roads show a loss In earnings, even compared with 1892, though not much yet, compared with la?t year. After the surrender at Santiago barely a week of rest has preceded the sailing of the Porto Rico force, but meanwhile, the President's proclamation opening San tiago to trade on terms singularly favor able to the Inhabitants there, and the rt?sh to build up business in Eastern Cuba, are occupying tho thoughts of many en terprising firms. The reduction of one half in the tax heretofore paid, with hon est, Instead of Spanish, administration, brings home to Cuban resident? the mean ing of the change, and they also learn to use money of which a paper dollar i? as good a? gold, which for them ls a long step forward. In the stagnant midsummer season, with business larger than ever before, the great manufactures nearly all Bhare the gain. Once before, In 1895, with an extra ordinarily small movement prior to July, tho shipments of boots and shoes were larger than this year, but in no other year have shipments In three weeks of July been as large. The print-cloth works at Fall River have In part combined to curtail production, half the spindle? or that city being idle for a month, but In other branches of the cotton-goods trade no such heroic measures appear neces sary. IRON. There Is an Increased demand for wool len goods, although In some lines it is slow and disappointing, but the number of establishments at work Increases, though the mills are not yet assured ot satisfactory pries. The Iron manufacture seems to be on the verge of another revolution, since Bessemer pig ls held, by ?urtallment of production in tho Shenandoah and Ma honrsg valleys, at $10.-6 at I'ittsburg, and yet some steel-works have mad?; enor mous sales of billets. The demand for structural forms keeps all the works busy. The plate-mills are everywhere crowded. Sheet? and bars are in better demand than heretofore, and the prolonged weak ness in cast pipe, which usually requires nearly 700,000 tons of pig in a year, may presently be cured. With the abatement of foreign needs aad prospects of excellent crops In many foreign countries, wheat has declined du ring the week 3 cents In price, notwith standing exports from Atlantic ports, amounting to 1,937,092 bushels (flour in cluded), against 1,616,997 last year, and fr?,m Pacific ports of 677,7a!.. against 89.52.1 last year. Total exports for three weeks hayo been 7,399.259 bushels (Hour included), against 5,191,488 last year. i'?>rn still goes abroad In astonishing f'uantlty, all tho circumstances consider ed. The exports have been, In three weeks, 5,577.817 bushels, against $RH?HA last year. The price has not changed, In spite of tho decline In wh*eat. COTTON. The closing of some New England mills has doubtless affected the price of t*otti?n to some extent, ami yet the crop reports are sufficiently favorable to depress prices an eighth during the week, without other Influence. The collapse of a strong pool to advance prices and control the market ls also reported. The failures for the week have been 207 In the United State?, BgSjBSl ?7 last year, and 17 In Canada, against 2S last year. RAi.Eir.irs m im.i:t. Railway Order? Excepted tu?Tin? Clarke-KllKo Ca?e. RALEIGH, N. C, July 22.?(Special.)? The Wilmington and Weldon railway files with the Railway Commission exceptions to the commission's recent order reducing passenger fares on that road to 21-2 cents for first-class and 2 cents for second-clasi per mile. There are five grounds of ex ception. The Pullman-Car Company also flies ex ceptions to the order of the commission increasing the assessed vulue of Pullman cars In this State. It is learned from a trustee of Trinity College that at the meeting of the trus tees at Durham last Monday Judge Wal ter Clark was present, but said h? had n<? proof at hand of his charges against President Ktlgo, an?l BSksd for further time; ?ay. thirty days. He was given un til August 30th. It was further stated that Judge Clark said if he did not present complete proof h? would ?tato that he was In error. The directors of the penitentiary were In session yesterday and to-day. The long promised report of ex-Superintend, nt John R. Smith was not present? ?1. A mo tion was adopted that a committee Inquire Into the question as to whether the State farms should n?Jt be abandoned, as putting th? State in competition with free labor. The Board of Agriculture has decided to have a number of additional inspectors of fertilizers. John Brady, of Gates, is made one of these. He told the board last month that thousands of tons of far? tllizers were annually smuggled through the Albemarle and Chesapeake and the Dismal Swamp canals, la boats coming from Baltimore and Chesapeake Bay, Richmond and Norfolk factories; that on this the State got no revenue, and there was no Inspection. The water in two of the well? at Camp Russell Is condemned by the State Chem ist. The American Sailor of a*o-Day. (Park Benjamin in the Independent.) Jacky, who used to be more sailor than gunner, ls now more gunner than sailor. Just In proportion as he ceased to be a part of the great engine on which he lives, so he has come more and more into the control of It. And as the car dinal purpose of a warsh.p is to hit things with her projectile?, Jacky ha? become a specialist In getting that work out ci her. He does it In two places?at the guns and at the engines. Oprreqtly pointed gun? are pf no use, unies? the platform on which they rest Is put In proper relation to the thing to be hit, and kept there; equally It ls useless to get the ship into proper place unies? the guns are correctly pointed. Men who can do either of these things must have natural capacities and be susceptible to education, and only men of this sort are eligible for our navy. Accordingly tho "beach-comber," or the "rock-scorpion," or any other variety or that ruck of marine refuse which drifts around the great maritime ports and ship? In any craft where "grub" Is plen ty and work light, no longer ?lings his hammock on Uncle Sam*? berth-deck, as he used to do to the shame of the ?ervtc? In years gone by. Nor can tn? tramp, nor the Jail-bird, nor even the Incorrigible black sheep of the family thus be provided for to the relief of con stable? and long-suffering relatives. No m?n or boy can now paj? a ?United States naval recruiting txffleer unies? he 1? chum, healthy, honest, young, ?trong. and Intelligent; nor can he afterward gut that advancement, which 1? certainly open to him without fear or favor, unie?? he continue? to show aptitude and ability. -?--??-?? MPM TM EICEUENCE OF SYB?P OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the ?combination, but also \ to the care and skill with which it is f munufai-t tired by adentiflc processes t known to the CALiroB.tia. Fio 8vbcp fi Co. only, and we wish to impreaa upon p, all the importance of purchasing the y true an?J original remedy. As the pi genuine Syrup sf Figs ?a manufactured by the California Fio SyRCP Co. only, a knowltnlge of that fact will ?' assist one in avoiding the worthies? ? imitations manufactured by other par ties. Tho high standing of the Cali? Fobnia Fio Svrcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and tho aatisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company ? aLIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN FRANCISCO, ?al. LOCUTILLK. K.J. MEW YOBI?. B.T. (fe 1-Tu Th A Sa ly A weow-tcnrl THE PORTO It It; O EXPEDITION. Troops to Arrla-e at Newport ?tew? for Embnrkatlou. NEWPORT NEWS, VA., July 22.-(Spe clal.)?To-morrow evening Newport News will swarm with troops, who will embark for Porto Rico. The first detachment from Camp Thomas will reach hero about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It will consist, of the Third Illinois, Fourth Pennsylvan ia, and Fourth Ohio regiments, cornprls Ing Hanes's Brigada, There will be IM Oft ?fa, 3,T75 men, 2 BOTSSS, and BB.CBQ posada of freight. On Sunday another body of troops nnd more supplies will arrive. The troops will be composed of, reserve hospital und ambulance compa nies, numbering 13 officers and 2W men. Sixty-clpht horses, 18 mules, 21 BTSBJOBS, 29 ambulances, and -W.OfX) pounds of freight will arrive at the same time. Following th"se will come the corps headquarters of 16 officers and 1? m? ti, with 47 hotSSBi ?VI muirs, 12.) wagons, and HjAH pounds of freight, and then tho headquarters guard ?>f 3 oili? eis und izi iii?-n, with 70 horses, y> mules, 5 wagons, and KAM pounds of fr,!v?ht. Tho siRtial corps of 11 otlicers anl 177 men will also come, with the second detachment, and will brlnt? 43 BOIBi s, 21 mules, 8 wagons. i?nd 40,i?X) ponds ?f fr?!a,'lit. The third detachm? nt will leST? CSsap Thomas Sund ay. and will arrive here Monday ?ranina. It will consist o? four batteries of II afltcsra aad MB men. With this detachm.-nt will com?! .119 horses, 73 ir-Aibs, 10 guns. 6 caissons, 18 wagons, and 6?).(X?0 pounds of freight in addition to the guns. About 1,300 men will go to Porto Rico on tho auxiliary cruiser St. I.ouls, which arrived in Hiimpton Roads this afternoon: ? on th-? Barrsrd; KB man and 191 horsea on the Roumanian; 1,000 men an?l ijuu aorses on the Massachusetts, and M non on the ?"'?>' of '?' ' ishlngton. Th? transport Roum.v.ila and the auxiliary cruiser Tooamll? arrived hero this after noon. At 3 o'rlm'k tills afternoon forty cars, ladaa with rrabststersoa for the troops, arrived here ever the Chesapeake and Ohio railway. Fifty No. 2 mall pOOCbaa. tin nty-nve NO. 3 mall-pouche.?, twenty-five No. 1 mail-pou?*hes, twenty No. 2 r.?!: tared sacks, sc?venty-flve I-ianle mall-sRek.*?, and twenty rotary locks, for th?? T'nlted States military postal sta tion, No. 1, at Porto Rico, aldo arrived here this evening. Every preparation for the accommoda tion of the troops is being made, and the a will be in raadlnaa? for the m?'n when they arrive. All of the troops will ,ml?ark as early next week as possible, tint the last of them will hardly get BWay before Friday or Saturday. TROOPS WOE PORTO RICO. Three Real ment? I a peeled at New port Bawa To-Day. NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. July 22.-It ls announced to-night that the Third Illi nois, Fourth Pennsylvania, end Fourth Ohio regiments will arrive hero to-mor row evening from ?"?imp Thomas. These regiments form Halnes's Brigade, and number 14-t officers and 3.S75 men. Another body of troops, consisting main ly of h?)spital and ambulance corps, will arrive Sunday, and four batteries, of 149 ?Ulcers and 700 men aro expected to reach Here Monday. These troops will embark next week on the auxiliary cruisers St. Louis and Har rard, and the transports Roumanla, Mas sachusetts, and City of Washington. Their :amp hero has liecn prepared for them. forty cars of subsistence for the troops arrived here this evening, and a number if mall pouches and other supplies for the -?OStal station in Porto RiOO ?ame lp this ?venlng. The transport Roumania and the lUXlllary cruiser ToSSflBlte arrived BSN u-day. It ls understood that the Yose nite will not be used in transporting roop? to Porto Rico. The St. Ixiuls I? in Hampton Ro.ul.s. ANOTHER TRANSPORT OFF. [,'ennsylvnnia aud Illinois Troop? Leave Charleston. CHARLESTON, S. C, July 22. ? Trans iort No. B, with the Sixteenth Pennsyl anta Regiment, and Companies D and M, -i the Sixth Illinois, sailed from Charles on at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon. The v.ssel left the harbor at 8:40 o'clock U in?.ruing, and was drawing 23 feet 4 riches of water. Outside, the transport failed for the chief em/ineer, who had one ashore to engage additional firemen. Richmond Soldier Very III A telegram received by Mr James T. IcOraw Thursday night from Camp Cuba abre, Juck:->?n\ ill,-, Pia., stated lhat Joe le?raw, a member of one of the Ittch lond companies, was ill with typhoid ewr, und might not live through the ight. Telegrams of Inquiry wer? fent esterday, but no further tidings were ecelved. M'MUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM i a preparation of the drug, by which its ijurlous effects are removed, while the iluable medicinal properties are retaln 1. It possesses all the sedative, anodyne, nd anti-spasmodic powers of opium, but roducea no ?icknes? of tho stomach, no milting, no costlveness. no headache, i acute nervous disorders It ls an lnvalu jlc remedy, and Is recommended by the :?t physician?. B, FERRETT, Agent, 372 Pearl Ht., -New lurk. imv ZI-SaA WluttaJruU * Tl !?? Si M m C K. In bi no J. bu Ml ?Mi to li?. ? th be lt.. to ft*, do rto do c? i Ur I'' th? t ) i m o* Ii.. cia it i an? of th? nn dai Col (?.?i I/Ut T.i Ot HA Ott c. Bal i.. Ml A> li lat? ell) (I.i | air F K'a bob ?tri Urd? (ru fl :. O Jul ing ber tor, the win eva add revi M moi of by in bee a r? witl live coui Ml The took copa was part qule near he r lesk Thui mem chur arde cous War daug latte DV Danl W, re day, beim in Ja Mr hors? lud?) 1 RI dal.) shot ?yhra ntaht nlng. condl cover again lence Par car r Vauv city i after starte realst BBSS ber?, age. ?ILLED HIS FRIEND. BAD ACCIDENT AT WISDT COTK, BATH CO?NTr. HIER OF THE GUI SUPPED, d the Whole Load Entered the Side of Harry Preaton Moore, of Lexlagtoa, Prodnrlna Death With in ma Hoar. LEXINGTON, VA.. July 2_-(Speci_l.) -ils community was shocked to-day by 'ws of the death of Harry Preston oore, the 11-year-old son of County easurer Samuel R. Moore, of this place, n days ago a party of young boys went om here on a camping and fishing ex ditlon to Windy Cove, Bath county, ?sterduy morning young Moore, accom nled by a companion, went to Join the rty. Just before 6 o'clock tn the after on Samuel Glasgow, son of Mr. Frank Glasgow, took his shotgun and went wn th? river to shoot a turtle. On his turn, and when about fifty feet from e tent, he attempted to let down the mm*r of his gun, when it was dis armed, the entire load entering young sore's body on the right side. Moore is seated with a companion on a bank, d the latter escaped, as Moore shielded m. Medical aid was summoned, and rived shortly afterwards, but young ->ore died within an hour. His body was ought here this afternoon on the train, d will be burled to-morrow. VIRGINIA DRIGGI9T9. ?etlnsr of Their Aaaoclatlon?The Stamp Tax. -YNCHUURG, VA., July 22.-( e Virginia Pharmaceutical Association, i!ch has been In session at ?Natural idge, adjourned this morning. The fol Vtag officers were elected for the en ng year: Charles G. Maphls, of Char tesville. president; Dr. A. W. Ely, of f?olk; C. H. Jennings, of Abingdon; W. Btrother, of I.ynchburg, and S. J. Stm -nd, of Falls Church, vice-presidents, B, Fleet, of I?ynchburg, secretary; <;. Faulkner, of South Hoston, correspond r secretary; C. H. Lumsden, of Lvtu-h rg; treasurer; H. C. Darnes, of Roa te, local secretary; Edward Roethleln, G. C.irum, and It. W. ?looker, of Lynch? rg, Executive Committee, lessrs. T. A. Miller, of Richmond; Paul ?si,-, of Roanoke; C. P. Kearfott. of rtlnsvlile; W. T. Reeves, of South Boa i, and N. S. Purcell. of I^eesbur*;, were ected to be recommended to the Gov ior as persona to fill vacancies on the ard of Pharmacy. ? resolution was adopted in regard to revenue stamp. The action of a num of patent-me?Heine companies In rata? the prlco of their goods so as not only cover the cost of the stamps, but to e them an Increased profit, was con nned In strongest terms, and it was lared the purpose of the association to all they could to bring about con ted action by the retullers of the ited States to compel tho said corn iles to restore tho old rates, and it y should persist in refusing to decline handle their goods. I it 1:111:111? 1. -111 mi;. Ilrillliint Military Hull?1 11 uu li 1 and Pined. R-DBRICKSHURG, VA.. July 22. eclal.)? The military ball given at the ra House to-night by the officers of Fourth Regiment was a brilliant so event. The building was handsomely orated with national and State colors, I the assemblage embraced the eilt.? :he city. The music was furnished by regimental band, and during the eve g refreshments were served in abun ce. Tho company was received by anel J. 53. Pettlt and Miss Lucy Hern . Among those pres??nt were the Misses ebvre, Miss ?Mary Randolph, and Mi?*s lor, of Richmond; ?Miss Mary Halle, Lynchburg; tho Miases Wslfords, of nphlS, and Miss Nettie Marshall, of nge. Tho chuperons were Mrs. Hu??h Preston, Mrs. W. H. Tvler, Mrs. W. lard Preston, Mrs. V. C. Doggett, Mrs, I_ Coghill, Mrs. Parry Adams, and . Henry Ulman. ra, Mary E. Harding, relict of Enoch ding, of Stafford, und daughter of the Anthony and Katharine Kale, of this , died at her home, In Stafford, raster? The deceased was S hlghly-?-ste?iflBSd greatly-beloved Christian lady. >r some time the officers of the Fourth linent have suspected that lh-uor was g Illegally sold near the camp, and a t watch has been kept. This resulted evening In the arrest of William rien, who was immediately taken be the Mayor and finid B_ Revlral In Sew Kent. IK, NEW KKNT CO-MTT, VA., ?.--(.Special)?A great revival BMBt? IS in progress at Roper's Ta lacle, In this county. The pas Rev. E. A. Potts, has with him. Rev. Mr. Hoi? ombe, of Ashland, Va., has proved himself to be a great igellst. There havo been a great many itlons to the church, and a general val among Its members, s. Adele Heckler, a daughter of Com wealth's-Attorney D. C Richardson, tlchmond, has aided in the meeting ho use of her sw.-et voice us .--a-ler he choir. Mis. H-ckler has alway.i i a great favorite In this section, and vlval meeting seeims to be at a los* out her musical vole-. May ?*he Mag to make her annual trips to this ity- _ U I Ilium Tempi?- Smith. .NASSAS, VA.. July ??.-(.Special.) funeral of William Temple Smith plaie this afternoon from the Epis [ church of this place. ?Mr. Smith one :f the oldest residents of this of Virginia. Ho was born In Fau county SepteVnber B, 1S_- He lived Marshall until the year 1ST7, when loved to Manassas with his family, ing here ever since. He died early day morning. He was a consistent b.-r of the Protestant Episcopal h for over fifty years, and also an it temperance worker. He was first n to Governor William Smith, of enton. He leaves a wife, thr.e -tiers, and three aons. Two of the live in Birmingham, Ala. Oat in Diekeason. 'AIM, VA.. July BL-H(Si l Vanover and Mllburn, his brother, arrested by Officer Casebolt yeist-r upou a charge of robbery, the vl- Urn one Ellen Davis. They were lodged \Y. J. Vanover wss thrown from a in the East End of the town and hurt a day or two since. be fferrport Serre Shootla*. VPORT NEWS, VA.. July ?_.-<.Spe -Policeman T. A. Mitchell, who Private Geiger, of Battery A, Penn ila National Guard, Wednesday was placed under arrest this eve The artilleryman is in a serious ion. and it is feared ho will not re Hls comrades are very bitter ?t the policeman, and threats of vlo cuntlnue to be heard. s Is emulating Chicago. The horse inning from th?i Champ El) sees to s was held up Just outside the ates by a gang of six men. who. taking the conductor's money, d In to rob the passenger?. They -d and two were shot. The police ded In arresting four of the rob wbo were ail boys of IS years of THE UST SATURDAY OF OUR INVENTORY SI "e VE RYTH1INGFC? R EVERYBo! O-*.Ing- to the tremer, ?lotis buslneaa that - aa been dor.e In our CLOTHI?!? DKFARTMKNT since the Inauguration of this Oreat Inventory aal?, our stock has niN-essa rily become much broken up In st???s. and to further Increase interes? In this sale w? have made recent reductions In the already low prices on these small lots. Boys' I1.2R. $1.50. $2. Suits. This sal??, for !?sc. Boys' I2.2R, EM\ $2.73 Suits. This sale, 1.4S. Boy< $3.50, ?3.7S, $4 Suits. This ?ale. BBLdBL Men*? pjfc fi, jioo, ?5 Bulls. This sale. *<IS Men's 15.50, H, 17.0) Suits. This ?ale, M.lis Mens $8, *>. $10 Suits. This sale, pion. Men's ro.V). $12.50, |13.50 Suits. This sale. I'M)?. All the Men's $1 and $1.50 Pant?. This . ?He. All the Men's $2.50, $3, ?3.26 Pant?. This Bale, $1.W* All the Men's $3.50. $?. ond $4 50 Pants. This sale for Y? l?s. We h.iv.? added a une of Bilk Mohair ntnl Fancy Duck Vests, that sold up to $1.50, to our regular assortment, aad you ?an take your choice. This sale for OUc. The prices on our Boy* Wash Suits be gin at lllc, and up to $1.0O; your choice of thousands of all kinds, Ira? ? !u?iing Dink. Cheviot. Crash, and Calatea, worth double tho price? charged for this sal?'. PARASOLS. VThlt? Chlna-ailk Parasols, handsome Dresden handle? and enamelled riba. Jilt?. Mlaoear White Chlna-Sllk Parasols. ruffles with Valenciennes Inserting lot In. regular price EM, I1.7.Y All of our Fancy-Silk Parasols, plaids. ruffles, changeable, and plain. $5 ami IS goods, now on ?ale at 12. .to. Ladles' Navy-Blue Taffeta CmbreHas. ^teei rods, naturel wood handles, cover and tassels, $1.41?. Ladle??' ?ilorla Cmbrellns, with Dresden handles, 4l?c. ?i"^???s?isw*?e??a?aif**'aw??????????????????????????? Fear of Velloav-Kever K ?it a~a*e rated. (New Orleans Tlmei-Democrat.) Twenty years had th? people of the South been polled as to the destructive and deadly power of yellow-fever and of typhoid-fever, as they were then, yellow-fever Woald h ttt BSSB almost un animously voted as much more destruc tif? and deadly disease of the two. To-day th v?,te would be tho other way. It must be observed that we are not com paring tho yellow-fevr as It wa? twenty year? ago with typnold-fever In Of their killing ability; It ls the so-called yellow-fever as we saw It and heard of It In these parts last year ami this year, that we are comparing with typhold fever ?n their Laths! cspaotty. And we ha ? no Bpeltatloa IB saying that the so-called yell.iw-fevcr of last year and It v? ir tosa not BSSJ?B to BBBBBSta with typhoid-fever in swelling the de.tth-rate. The attack of typhoid-fever which Is now Inflicting the camp at ?2*hlckamauga Is Justly far more dreaded than the out break of SO-called | ?ilow-fever among tho American and Spanish troops at S'.'.n tlago, and Is certain to mako greater additions to tho mortality. A <i HI, lam of KinokeleM Powder, (Savannah (t?a.) News.) A well-known sportsman and gun ex pert, of this city attributes the poor marksmanship? of the Spanish fleets to smokeless powder. II? say? It ls a well known fact with sportsmen that nitre or smokeless powder cannot be dspeaderi upon for good Hhootlng. The strength of the s.ime calibre of cartridge? varies; one probably will ?hoot straight to IBS mark, the next high, and the third low. If this II tho case with the ?mall sport ing cartridges what must It be with thoso used In the great pieces of ordnance on warships? The accuracy of the American gun ners Is, of course, largely due to good marksmanship, but the skill of the gun ners whim count for nothing, tho gun man said, If it were n??t for the fact that the American navy usen black powder, the explosive force of which is hIwhv? ;o be depended on. He maintain? that ?he same rulo applies to the small arms j?ed In the army, and contend that tho fovernment had mado no mistake In not adopting nitre or smokeless powder. " lie Episcopal Church In Hawaii. (The Independent.) j- therto the Church or England In th? lawailan Islands has been under th? general superintendence of th? Society or the Propagation of the Gospel, and he Bishop of Honolulu, Alfrod Willi?. D, )., appointed by the Archbishop of Can erbury under the general supervision of he society, is said to have mado ad vances to the American Bishop? with n -enl to rotJOPtloa into the American louse of Bishop.-. Nothing, however, ap lear? to have been done. The community Is large. The Ca hedral ha? a ?'ommunleant ll?t of be ween 400 and ftt). and th*?e are ittVr ingllcan churches in Honolulu itself i. . a few weak parishes in other Islands, irrong the communicant? I? Mr?. Do linls. As yu?i-n Lllluokallna she wor hlpped at the Congregational Church ?tablished by th'? mission.irle? of th.? nierlcan Board, but during her Imprison lent studied the Book of Common rayer, ami, aa a result, was admitted ito the Episcopal Church, where she as ?lnce been a regular communicant. In France there exists en order of lerlt, founded by th? Society for th?? 'revention of Cruelty to Animal?, of hlch the member? are dog? which have ?tlngulshed themselves by deed? of ravory. A tastefully designed "collar I honor" is awan-Vd to the dog conslder 1 worthy of distinction. -?^m~ The recent fctate Convention of the New ork Prohibitionists wa? noticeable for ie fact that the platform adopted doe? it indorse woman suffrage. he Hoy* at Ihlckamaug.n I?e li-htrd. Ik-fore leaving for Chickamauga Park, a., Lieutenant (Jeorge B. Ha.*>?, I'tfty cotul Iowa Volunteers, proctiretl a few rftJcsof Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, id Diarrhu*a Remedy. The ?boys were . ?ghtnl with the ?-juick cures of diar? KEu which it efiVcte?!. To meet the de auds Lieutenant Bass ordered four >zen bottle? more by express and ?old e whole of it in one day, except three ittlcs kept for his own use ami for per nal friends. It never fails to effect s tre, and i? pleaaant und ?sie to take. It the most successful medicine in the jrld for bowel complaints. _jy i6-Sa.Su&W[fr QO 0\ MM?. ?ILL'S KXCLMNIO.-f 3 OLD POINT. (X F.AN VIKVV, AND VIKOINIA i:H??''H. FKIDAY, JCI.V 2jT1I. Round-trip ticket? to ?Jld Point, $1; ?hil en. 5u ??nt?. Ticket? for Ocean View id Virginia Beach sold en train. Train ?ves Che?ap??ke and Ohio depot. Seven nth and Broad, at S JO A. M. ; rt.urning, iv*? o?d Point at ? *o v. if. iv ?-It J he AA M ? i ? i 1 ?; Al 1 M d., 11? 1 10 I lio Ju eh Bj I y de B It? 11 1 re i ?Hi Kr STRAW AJTD <*RA8*_ BAT?. All th-* Men*, and Boya' *-*.. j*-*?* 76C. Straw Httta. This ?*? <"? ?P**, All the Men's ? "8 flnd V ?traw ?a? This sale f??r ?***c. ^^ All the Me..? CtO and UM **** Hats. This aale for 11**?: -,M All tho Men's Be. Crash Hat? TBl sale for Ac. HOSIERY. Ladles' 2Pc. Fast-Black and Tnn floBt spliced heels and toes, for IT/v v Fast-Black. Tan^snd Colored Top tlor-e, nil warrant.*-d last color? pet pair, lie. .. . --. .*' Children's Fi?t-Bhick ' "I***-*R'__,y? Ho?e. Hermsdorf dye, th? ??te. hlnfl for Me .. A Chtl.lren's Fast-Black Ribbed Ho?? double knees, heels, and toe?, guet iriless. per pair ???. SHOD SALE. M? polis of Ladles* 11.a?. ?" ".T*. and I ??xfords. the very late?t ?hsp?*?. road? of best chrome ?\m\ French kid slock Macay-sewcd, for II. M II50 Rind?is, chocolate aw black, newest shape?, patent-leath? tips and tips of the same, ell hand I, for ?0.*. :>' n's ? Viel Kid Lac? ?hoe?-. In t08J ?'iff. rent styles, the best workman-hl*. it.?a. Infants' Chocolate Button 8h?-*ee tot SHIRT-WAISTS. Ladles' White Liwn Waist?, n*?d? pleated back? bla-er ?iron?, tuck* ririi ss front, W)c. Whit? Sheer Lawn Want ?s. wltl eighteen tucks acmss front, full back laundered collar an?) cufff?. |1. fine India Llnon Waists, tucked ?I way down front, full bark, full lann ' cuff'* an.I collars. It 2"i. Percale, Orgarn'le. nnd (.Inarm m Waists In new c?>l??r*>. in?! made full, launder ed. with d !?rs. former prie? IOC.; Inventory price, 85c. Fine Ma'lras and 'Zephyr Ongnan Wai?ts. In all <?# this senson's beat <*tnlors nnl pattern?, former pri<***i "Se. ,"nd tl : Invcforv ,,rlce. IW*, A' - f Percal? Waists, well made*. It good pattern?, sizes 10 to 1? years former price fA?. : Inventory price, ?"fie Chotee of our Finest Mlniltte?, '"cntivi tllngham. nnd Madras Cloth Clor-*?* W,HI> Waist? that sold at 11.75, U and $2 2". to be sold at $t. (9ff*w. WiC Itl.i liiinis SKItVltK? M \I?AT. ?thTBROAD-STBLET MKTHODISl ?Ill/Kill '.'.ini.'r of Hroad and Teaih ttre?ts) - Suu?i*y ?? ii.x.l U :iu A. M. i'ro?. lung at 11 A. M. and A-15 1?. M. by tb? pastor, lie?/. W. O. b'.AHit. I). 1?. Worulr.g ent.j-e.-r : "A Nolle! te be Posted Along the Journey of Life." Al nicht: ,**a?w i: ?/ Sump?*! out the llaga? Down .* u :.' A cordial Invitation to aiu JW 0LAI-8TBJUBT MKTHODIOl i-I'l-i t?!'-?!, fill lu il (cornerClayand Adauu itreet?)?Itov. Kcor.nk II. K.wuMfls, r?ator. Fabbath School. ?:l> A. M Preaching II A. V. ?ni ' >. I > P. M. K veiling cubjeci ; "Oon'l Ct?e<**) Men, ("hoot." offlc al meeting Mondai", 8:la I'. M. ?Uwe meeting fCflflBAT, I 1*. M. Ml* reek praror service Wiunkspav, 8:1.', I', M. ?pworih Lesga? Devotional meeting i-aiD.r. KM 1'. M. _ netr PABK-P?^cF~llETHO?lST r.PIHi'OI'ALClll HCIl (corner of i'lne ai??l west Franklin streets)?Hov. Thomas P. Porra, Po. D., I?. I)., Past. r.-*"*rvi?e?at il A. M. and fell P. JH., conducted by pastor. Subject of .nerninfl sermon: "Memorialsof Ood'fl Vlctotlfla" Al the evening serrtc? tb? pastor ?tie pr *. ?loud of reriiis of sermons oq "Popular Hioa " SiibJ'i.'t: "Luvi?? and Jualoaal??. A oordial wolrorue. Bear lMON STATION METHOD? 1ST CBUaOB (corner Tweut?/-l?'Urth nul .1 ?trente, -(_'. L. Bans, i'sitor.?Nund ?y . .i i-.-l.. \. M Mornlug tiius at M:Uc?. Pre?-mug al 11 A. M. ami ft P. M. by liie Pastor. Lpworth League e.-rvi.-.. ?i 4 1'. M. Praver in?4(ltuf hOMBAT KViMM. tt K o'.lock. um?*lsl board i.eeting Tobada i ?t s p. M* Midweek ?-?rvie? .?EDNMItAT STBNINa St A o'clock YoUUg tuen'? ?rayr uioetia? luiRdUAY ?rk.MXU al ?u'lo.'B ___^ IBM BET FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH.? Jtvti.e service at 11 A. M.-Kev. OioKOfl (MU-?**. I?. I?., j ??tor, will preach, bible ?.hoi** it t?: IU A. M. c uriUl we!? ?juio given to ?U ?>' ?T8EC0ND BAPTIST CHURCH ..n'.er 8Uth and Main sirenu).?K?v. tV, it. I. nun, L'. J?.. lAst??r -bimday kIi<o: at 0:1? i. M. Presuming at HAM. br m? pastor, ?o service at ulgtit. tree. A oordial w*il? uini? to all. W larOHAC K-STREET BAPTIST Hi llCU-Uev. K. liATCBB?. 0. D., 'aator.- -**?nrvlcM at III? i'at>eruA.:le, lira?:? b? seen Helvider? ?n! Pina street's Inundar boui at Uil. A. M. Pr?avbiug al 11 A. M. by ?v. ,{. j. ?Aiu.isaBAM. D. D. Prayer taeeting l'sn\rsi?AT at S:ir, P. M Young uieo's pr?y?r leeling ?'km.av ?t h:1A P. M. EOT Gl?ACE-STBEET PRESPYTE Ia.n.- l.?v. Jsas ?HiiBHsrooN, U. U, Pastor, rvlc?? ?t H o'olock A. M. and 8:16 P.M. reaching by I:??. W. 8. ( ami-bku. ?unlay rbool servie? ?I ic'ii ?/clock A. M. WbomBB? at IMR service al d.'lS o'clock. KflTMIZPAU PBEBBYTERIAN HI la II (( bestnul Mill) -K?f. ?AVID K. WaI* uii.. Pastor.?Haobatb ernool Scwdat Mob.?)'. m at i? o'ekMk. eermon by l'ii pttstor sv'**? ?r Momninm at 11 o'clock, i'rarar u.?n?Bug Ki'NE-.bAvNK.iiT at .*? ??nu k. Hoi. Mr. V/?le i a il will also pr?a?'b at Fairfl.-IJ I'r??byt?n?n lurch, li-nri. ?. ?utv. BunuaT ArrcBM(X>a al 4 ? loe* ao'i 1 ULit?l?Ar at s i*'e?ock. V?*b? on will be welcomed ?I all of tb?i? ?Mivte??. _ I? Ifl-jrPBEACHINQ AT THE BOU IKHi?' 1IOMK?Kev. J. P. HCBCfcO", of Hieb, olid College. wUl pr-?. ri la ih? ? hap?l ot \te ildier?'Home on MiNDAT at 11 A.?_?aod?l o'-iock in the afternoon K?v. Jamba B. coo?. ist * et Beg? Memorial chuta?, win uooopy p'jlplt. tur SEVENTH STREET CHRIS an cHUBCfl teorocr S?v?nth and ur-aee reel?.)?Pr?>?v.'blng Si soar at 11 A. M. aad 16 P. M. by l(.?v A. it. Booms, t ?ei phi?, ?un. Morning ?uhjeet: "I he Paniliauoaol ir tal," Kvrtiilog ?ul>|e?*t: " Bl?am<k Ara Ute ire lu Heart" B?ate ire? and all welec?e. ?*r*THE REORGANIZED II K<H OP .I'M .-> . Hi Jsi of LAITIIB. tY **AlNIK.?Sertit*?'? ?y t?l-r /. L. ftooi?. cu ?t Picken (amp Ball, curnar Fdtb aad nal ?ire-iH (enirauc* on i'lflL tVteet). Sat parat 8:16 P. M.. and Scm?at at 8 P.M. ,lH:lot M. ?Bar PKIEND8.?MEETING POB ri'ie worablp Kvbkt Haisatb Mobmibb at 11 lock. Seat? ar? tree, and all ara w?l?ta?, ?-.i'.ig-houa? Clay street ?>>vv? Iflrak IHil?flfl lo at 10 /( look A. M. ou WsummpaT. u DEATHS. n.M.' I.i:im -i?i? d. at th? residence a? r parents. 720 weit Marshall atreet, Fri? y afternoon, July 22d, at 4:10 o'clock, AR Y LOUIKk:. infant daughter of Val* tine A. and Catherin? Ilaibielb; B?e4 nonths. funeral will take place from Ht. Mar?/! rman Catholic church TillB <Batuada*?i rTKHNOOM at *. o'cloik. IKRHMAX. L?l?d. July Cd. et IX.B JL at th?.* i of h-r parents. No. ?4 st Clay slreet, CAROLYN JEFFRIKB^ ughter of Me! vin B. and Carrie Jo tins to? mmiin; aged ?I years end * month? ?"unerai from the realdflnc? JULY BA ?I A. M. ILEDD.-Ditd, at his f tth.r? **eflt?4ene^ tl Taylor fltreet at 8.? p. M.. Frldatn ly a, law, joHKPH KF.SF&T. ?ait Hd of Philip and Mliiui? gledd; ag?jd I onths and 17 days, r'uneral no;|e? lat. r. iVHITMoN-Med. at h??r parents* r?Mfl> lu-a. Friday. July Sid. at ?:? o'chasa, K1K VIRGINIA, infant daughter ?at >w*l* H. and Em? V. Whtiniou. eg*4 months. 'piuul will take piuco from her t**fl> m.r reaidenc?. Bruok avenue, THJJl aurdsy) AI*'TKRNO<.)N at AM eftieeA? I.M..U ??t ?h? family Invited ta attas?V