Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1898. WAR-TAX PENALTI1 rBBT WILL "flK MNRMMMi AT T BBB OF THIS MONTH. THOSE WHO ARE AFFECT! li?rent .Inline.? of the (onimliriln ?f Internnl It ; ?. < imr ? >ln ti ? 1 ,?,r(-nt IleeUtons from He ,, iiarter*. rtloa new special t.ix-pnyrrs, re, eor.ccrriliiK M l?*r c. N. 1?. K*OTT, mmlssi-mer The : e telegram was received at : ream aaaas yeeterday mc .- 1 bsa r? f.- rene.? t., that ??anse ) i, which i: penalty sgoa persons who fall I 88 or before July Bl I x are follows: pay t?? when employ I - and $2 - rary II.OJO employed in ; v M. . ; braki M ?hall pay 52f?. brok? rs shall pay ill). . in ! af hall pay P?. follows: Those whose SUB i. li 8__ sd .'?0,000 pounds, Wb( se ? nnnal Ball i da not ex?-. il M0,?JB pava B ?' 8B___ .?ales exceed 1? I-!. In tob?cea whose annaal s.i - -. p .unas shaii pay BA shall pay I -'; whose . ... . ? ; ..... . pounds, a anual . .1 > Bot M boss annual sal I ? *.<-, , j U I, $.".. ' 11 of clgai 1 shall pay fallows: Tl ! > not ex? . igars, ? snaual ei .1 i? d do not ? x . Igars, i . snaal salea ehe? or packers of mix ! pay Bl shan pay *-". ; s of .in usea 1 hall pay BOO r m baila shall pay $110. : all public e .-.s or shows for money shall p. I - f bowllns alleys and b . b shall pay fur each alley 1 s OF THE COMMISSIONER rulinga of the Commi tlvo to bu< d In a 1 Irculi '. : sai 11 ; 1H partaient al ara I : tes dl I il Tun. - .- quill -1 bv law ? 1 . Internal?! And ail cbed 1 for the of ti intles, sad asua section 17 < t An li : : : of exchange, within tr. 11 . . , an* 1 ben 1 ti,.. Unit? at of money drew 1 if drawn slni to tax of . Ba* e.i'-h m fraction, ? ^ b? n : ig acrid r.n . im there ' *: ' rtlfli it, t no additional tas fc required, Wh? .. 1 shan : ot this certificate th toned <>:i li on the f.i \ slue 1 .. which it 1 pn DERB FOR cash ON MERCHANT! A l-cenl stamp la required oa sa orita for ea.-h drawn on a mercbani b* t . si tornera. C< rtlflcat? s of b| laten st, ir" left a certain tlm? I M? tho same as a gromlssor aithdrawal of funds by a deposito 1 of hi- bank-book t, ,\ Inga bank, does nol ra 1 rap If there la aothlri ompanyln the farm < , lymen la the nature of receipta ar In lieu of rhecks, snd era u commercial negotiable instruments, th. : . . not receipts, snd are sub tax. Where certificates of stock arc dell"? 1 tl, th-- stock to lion Of failure t,i pa. I for a bleb II ed, b stamj red as s ph dj . and not as a sale tnortga sotea ri luire t, , sddltkm to the stampi ? ,.;..!. V, |a .1 pledge Of property ne ng any promisaorj note, whlcl it ti> stamp tax under \ this imp ta * mus? ba paid, ?hat a stamp li nnscted with it. I'il.JJ- ANO I.IKK-INSI RAN? ?live Or mutual lire :?. rried un by the p the prot? iwn property, and nol for profit, pt? ,1 from taxation. . beneficiary life-insurance mi im uring th? Ir oa n m? ml re, v. .thin tho BS* on. ... ; t-. frati rnal I clatlona a] ... i.t in? 1 iflons. OS : : ' te, where . ran, i\ bleb are on which ?m ax? m of time of payaaanl la granted, of a new note, . Buch exti nslon la a re da within the 111. ailing of thai the n tamp .-.. u.h renewal <-r . appllea to noted dis? Julj 1st, falling due- on or :. wh - signs ;.' bank lout affixing the peoi red In Ion 1" Of the u'-t, uni, -s u la . be bad n 1 design t" svaoV -, 1 tax, and thai n up.,11 a bom II ? p . nest. beck 1b pi I at a bank, . ing th? n 11I lb tamp affix? :?:. if it pays sich unatavpa ! ,?_, s nable i" the penalty pro . 10 of the act, Bank may imp. tore Blving memo ?ulred to : BIL? I OF i.AMNr,. la paid em the ?ni foi go ida sapea ted, II Is h- Id tamp 1 required to bs paid ling, " ach ?lupii . of th.- valu..- ,-f - I f? - ' rail 10 Brii b North Am-rica require a . it,, a shipper, In Mil Of lading Is if 1 B stamp. ; iiraad ? empai U . str.i ?hat;,. -, within the law requiting stamp or other evidence of rc i-ing. : carriers to issue a bin copied by ?r shipment, and to uf.lx the stamp, ?S HB ED. in !*nt. th?j ?rn of the to t. Ing a.l ? \ do*1?*. PtnaU)r U pwwrtl**- for failure -ti Mero local operator? for the deliven l?a P??Wl b**"?*?-. ?nd ?u.i like. within the Hmtt. of th u r? HI, mt ,ad,n* A,,h,?u?th ?urh opera ,"nvl?? * V r*C*'m ,or *rlM** ?? *>? m,; "Ufhv r"r"'P? ?- "ot re-,ulr,?i ,, *>o ?tamped. A m.-re carrier, as for In stance, u person with a horse ?nd wagun v ho doe? ? loe.n delt-gery buslaeoa m ? Mty or town, i, not ineiud?-,! within th? " requirement. The carrier? whb-f Wat? intend,?! to be Included within ?M t.'rm? of Schedule A, under th* head ol BMP*mm and Freight," are ?uch as orf ?ngaK-d In the transportation of expr?s? matte,- and frelfrht from ana place to an ether In th? ordinary cours? of commerce ond trade. TICKETS I'?,U bOK_XON I'i M ITS. ket? lasued In th.- Vnltr,] Btatee for passage on a v.-:<?,-l not ?atltn-r from any port <>f the Halted ."-'?.??c?, but from a Canadian port ?or other foreign port) ure not subject to stamp.!.ix. Tkketa Issued la CsasdS for passage on el ?ailing from a United States port are sot subject t? . tamp-tax. The only passage ticket for which stamp-lax Is required to be paid by this statute I? a tlck?t Issued for transporta tion of the passenger "by any vessel from port in the United states to a foreign pott." Y*. hen, therefore, to such passenger ticket there ls attache?! another ticket en Utllng the BBsaaagar, after hi? arrival at th? foreign port, to transportation to va n?ius point? In Europe, or elsewhere, such additional ticket la not subject to stamp tas. The stamp-tax for a passenger ticket may be affixed thereto and cancelled at the time and place where It is issued, or II may be affixed aad cancelled at the pier before tho passenger boards the vessel. Where one passenger ticket is issued, even though It contains to vera 1 nt??lBl, bul ?me siamp-tax is required to bo paid t heron. There Is no exemption from the stamp tax on charity tickets issued at low rates. ?Barge? ?ire not Included In the term I" in the paragraph relating to charter party. The manifest for cintom-house entry or etearaac? "f the cargo of any ship or I or steamer f?,r a foreign port doe? DOl Int lude ship's supplies for It? voyage. I' only Includes those things which the ship has taken aboard for transportation. There 1? no tax upon tho bill of sale of a vaaial. A mortgage of a vessel re fluir?: s a stamp as a mortgage of personal property. Dray receipt given at export st?amer's ( does not ri'qulre a stamp in addi tion to ?M bills of la?lln?r Which are tamped. Shipping receipts given by c?,m in :, carrier? of freight for goods lo be transported to port of export require ?tamp. ?.i'AHANTV COMPANIES' DONDS. Where a bond Is given with a guaranty company as surety, the bond should have, in addition t?, a EO-eent stamp, as required uj.'lcr the head of "Bond," in Schedule A, ? ?i? ! noting one-half of 1 Mat on each ?lollar or fractional part thereof paid l?y the principal obligor on the bond .-,- a premium under that paragraph of dula A relating to guaranty compa nies. Je.mis "required in legal proceedings" ar.- exempt from stamp tax. They are si !i as an recjuired in litigation m eitler ? ivll ??r criminal aasea such as prosecution . injunction bond.,, bonds t?? stay proceedings, bond? upon appeal, writs of nor, bond? for costs, ami the like; ami In criminal cases, r.'cognlzances. hoi.?is for appearance, ball bonds, and also bonis In criminal cases upon appeal and writs of ? nor, superscdeas bofids, etc. Bond? given by persons appointed by the oOUTt, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their office or position, ?UCb M receivers, assignees, executors, administrators, and guardians, aro BOt , v mpt, and the stamp tax must bo paid thereon. Tickets, which aro on the face merely memoranda of money due (e. g. : John Dos, June as, UBa Hi), and do not con tain any language making them checks or orders, for the payment of money or prOmlasory BOteS, are not subject to tax, unless received and paid at bank the same as cheeks. Tho exemption granted to co-operative building and loan associations, etc., ls ConflnSd to the stock and bonds tSBBSd by lie- associations thireln mentioned, and, therefore, does not relievo them from Other stamp tax?s. CSRTIPXCATHfl 01" EVERY DESCRIP TION. "Certificates of any ?lescrlption required by law not Otherwlae ?-peelfled In this BCt, 10 cents." The Brat ?equlrement ne ary to subject any given certiileate thus generally described to tax is that it shall bo one which is required to bo given by law. national, State, or muni cipal. All such are taxable, except those ? liming within the exemption of section 17, that is to say: Those which are given ?trictly in the exercise of the functions? nmental, taxing, or municipal?of the State or corporation. CertlBcates given by an officer, not for a pUbUf or governmental purpose, bi? for private interests and use, are liable to the tax, li they ar?' given in obodleace lo any law which requires them to be" given when called for. A , ? i -M?" o! s ,'i 'h showing that the dock? is or records of a court have been m an lud, SBd show either that liens exist or do not exist as to property, or that Judgments are recorded or are not record ???, .i!,?.i ais?, oarthViatea <>f search to .:s oertsla whether or not title.? are ?good. Whether taxes have been paid: arid other Certificates of this character, BIS BOt steh as are required in the general discharge of government?! functions on the part of the ofBoera giving these, but are an aia* Beaded for private uso and private Interests, and are, therefore, subject to ;\, as being required by Jaw to be given when called for. If the act performed, or the certificate Issued by the officer Is in the discharge cf an ?.'filial function necessary In operating the general muchlncry of the governmtiit. it is exempt Certificates of acknowledgment of deeds and mortgage:; an- not required to t?. ?tamped, The memorandum oa the back ?>f a deed <'i' BTtortgaae, nssd? by the ieg lster or recorder, that the instrument has hot n plsoed Upon record. Is not a sui-j? : of 'axation. It Is not a certificate BUCK as ls on'emplated by the law. It is .. brief note on the back of the deed or mortgage Citing ??ate. of lilinjt and out* and pla? of record. tlflcstea of birth, Btsrriage, n::d death, given In pursuance of the laws of tho State requiring the collection nnd reg istration of vital statistics as a basis for admlnlstratlOB of public health laws. within the exemption of section 17. certificat? ?. however, when lasued to private persons for private use, ar, to tho 10-cent stamp tax. Til- ordinary notary's jurat 1? not n q ?i.ed to be stamped. A policy does not require a stamp until it la issued, or is offi-red as an lnsura-i". policy, and an Insurance Mttnpanj tamp n poli? y through its local agents, aa wefl as through its general agent. Any ??gent of the company who hi 1 with tho duty of delivering the poll? y to the policy-holder and r<.Ivlng th? premium would be authorized to ?Bag aad cor.cel the stamp in behalf of (he company. A stamp must be attached to premium notes as ?ysll as. to policies. ! i:i;l)S AND MORTGAGES. 1?, aad, acknowledged, and fall) :t,?l In June do not require stamps. though delivered in July, unless, by | law. registration is li.ctssary to pn.-s till?'. A? to mort gag? s, it II the general prin ciple that a mortgage is no: valid as such antII It Is admitted to registration. A mortgage, no matter what the ?1 I should not be ailmitted to reglstra'icn When presented on or after July 1. Last uni,,? there i? attauhed and cancelled por rev BUB stamps. In ?a-?? e-her?- the < ?n-id? ration In a la nominal, the actual value of th< '.,,., r?v conveyed should govern th> am-unt of the stamp required Original lease require? a ?tilmp. So ?tamo I? required on copy exeeuted by UM i.artle? at the time of the original 'TMIve-stock la ?old at an exchange or htmri ot trade, or other t-tmilar place,] ? PI s nio S po! ?al 8 MM? S por ral either for present or future delivery, the ?nie, agreement of sale, or agreement to ell must lfe evidenced by a bill, memo randum, or agreement to be delivered by the seller to the buyer, and this evidence should have the stamp arTix??<l us MajBtred In the act. via; One cent on a 1100, an-1 <>n each 1100 or fraction thTeof, addi tional, i cent. Where telephone companies have Unes extending Into more than one collection district, the return may be made to th-; collectiir ..f ihat din|rlct In which the principal buslnestvotT.Ce of the company Is located. Contracts nntl agreements botsreea subscribers and telephone companies for the placing of n telephone, and payment therefor, are not subject to stamp tax. Powers nf attorney ex?'?ut<-<l on the back of stork certificates use?l In con nection with transfer of shuns require to be stamped In addition to the tax on transfer of stock. Powers of attorney to sell or transfer government bonds are taxable. ?STAMPS ON VOTING PROXTBB A 10-cent s;amp Is sufficient upon a proxy for BS8 in voting at an elation of offlc?*rs of an lnc?jrixirated company, with out regard la the number of signatures. Revenue stamps are not requin?! on the reports of earnings and dividends, and raporia of condition made to the Comp troller ?if th? ?."urrency hy national hanks, Tho list of shareholders rc?,uired by Section 6210, Revised Statutes, to bo for warded to the Comptroller of the Cur rency re?|iilr?-s no stamp tax. The paper Is not a certificate, but a list. A stamp is not required on returns of national bank notes In circulation made semi-annually to the United States Tr? asurer. In regard to tho cancellation of Inter nal revenue adh'slve stamps, Which the law requires to be. by writing or stamp ing the Initials of the persons using the same, and the date upon which the stamp shall be attached or used, it is held that the initials and the year alone will be Hiiftirlent. This cancellation may bo I " writing or Imprinting with a hand s'.imj ui-i stamps issued under repealed a -s cannot be used In lieu of stamps requir ed by tho present law. SPAIN'S RAW ?S BRAZIL! The Temernrlo Now Pushing; Toirnrd the (rnti-r of S?nlh Anierlea. (Cable Despatch to New York Sun.) RIO JANEIRO, July 2_-Tho Spanish torpedo-gunboat Temerario, which as cended tho Paraguay river when the Oregon was in South Atlantic waters, has left Asuncion, proceeding in the di rection of Cuyaba. Tho highest water in the Paraguay river occurs In July and August, and there is nothing to hinder the Temerario from going all the way to Cuyaba, on the great plater.u of Inner Brazil. If she ?ants to gel d'-epnr into South America. Id" Paraguay is one of the mightiest ot rivera, and at bJgb water it and Its tribu tary, the St. Lawrence, are navigable for vessels drawing M feet all the way i,, Cuyaba, if th?- Bpanisb vessel reach? Bd that point. She will be about OB miles from th.- nearest point on the At lantic coast representing Spain's navy in the ??litre of a great continent, ponTO rico wants to joix US. Natives Likely to ?loin Forces With l?, Snys ? Skipper. HALIFAX ><" S. JuJy 22.-Captain tattson, of the British brig Leo, which irrlved yesterday from Porto Rico, says hat the sentiment of the native popula ion of tho inland is entirely In favor .f the United States and against Spain, rhe only fortified port is San Juan, and lot more than 3,000 fighting soldiers are m the island. He cruised all around he island and had exceptional advan age for observing the attitude of the eople. He believes that tho natives rill Join forces with the Americans and hat the surrender of the island will b? seared without much fighting. Provl lons were plentiful and everything; was lulet on the islaml when tho Leo sailed. ?ha food supply was so large that some f the business-men were growling be auso prices were not higher. TRANSPORTS PIT TO SEA. Harter, Roumanian, nnd "M Ichlitn u Leave for the South. NEW YORK, July tt??At daylight three if tho fleet of United States transports ,*hlch have been fitted out at this port nit to sea, and upon clearing Sandy Hook took southerly courses. The Glacier was he first to leave. She was followed by ho Roumanian, now known as No. b2, aid the Michigan, known as No. '?t. The laaaaehnsetts, which is being loaded, i ill have later In th?? day. Tho auxiliary cruiser St. Louis, which low carries 5-ineh rifles, is BChadUled to eavo th.- American Line pier for the loath at I P. M. to-day, She has UM BBS of COB?, ammunition, and a big stock f nrovlsions on board. In Loneliness. ?.n F ? Ba Sa N. N. (Harper's Bazar.) n lonely days when Botttude Contrasts with cheerier ?lavs pone by Vhen thick and chill the shadows brood ? ?' And clouds are? sullen in the sky, mnetlmes in .lays that pass slow-paesd That creep along, are dull and gray, . vision comes, sweet, eager-faced. The dream of that ?Lar yesterday Vhen Ufa was full of Joy "and hope, When work was paid by swift reward fhen door? of fortune, quick to ops ' Made light the burden, smoothed' tho hard teep path, and cheated us of pain .'ould those bright days might'dawn agalnl nd yet the memory of th.-lr shine hrows on our gleam a gleam divine. The barking of a dog on the earth can heard by a balloonist at an elevation ! four miles. MARIN- INTELLIGENCE. INIATTRE ALMANAC, Jl'l.y B, 1MB n rises .r,. ?. ill. ;>l TIDE. n sets .1:24 M.-ruing. 740 ion sets .9:M|Evening. 7Jo *ORT OF RICHMOND, JL'LY 2.' UM. ARRIVE-, Reamer Alb.marie. ?Jlover, Norfolk -reharidise; Old Dominion Steam . M mpany. ichooner Charles H. WolstotL Rtnkley nnebec, ice; Richmond Ice Company SAILED, itcamer Teaaassee, O'Nell, Phila.l"! ?a, Merchandise and passengers; J. \v Carrlck, agent. teamer Poeahmtas, Graves, Norfolk rchaadlas and passengers; Virginia vigatiun Company. teamer Albernaiie, Glover, Norfolk n han,Use; Old Dominion Steamship mpany, arge Georgetown, -, Philadelphia via net rlv-r; poplar wood. :ir?? Fredericksbunr,-. Philadelphia Pet? i ?burg; poplar wood. RT OF KBWPORT NEWS, JCLY 22. (By telegraph.) ?_RR1VK1>. arge Rarltan. Providence. teamer Jorrents. New York. teamer Roumania, New York.' SAILED. :eamer Rappahaanock, Liverpool. saaaer City of Bveratt, Moston. arge Independence, Baltimore. RT OF WEST POINT, VA? Jir.Y t 22. 1898. ABBIVBD. eamshlp Haltlmore. Murphy, Baltl -e; passengers and general cargo, eamshlp Kim City, Haynes, Mntta l-rlver landings; passengers and gene cargo. SAILED, eamshlp Baltimore, Murphy, Baltl e; passengers and general cargo, eamshlp Elm City, Haynes, Malta* i-rlver landings; passengers and gene cargo. So Hcl m. ui? UM I lit Me? ho M. It, ?t. Bl, it. It M.I M. Sou Bee t-O'J In I III I. I Will t*i?.i At V.l. Ada Am? In 11 v>e: Amt Ail? /.. .< Auk Ame A _f P..-I com L'OQl Oai i ?..i (-en? I..H. La ? Les?: I.. Nati, rae, i'Ulll Ml*? .-tr.ii Awe Ame i.O. i>. H. I . A B. s l. s. A est St. ft St. L VI?. t, illt-t, _iic? ? TJH-i Chic* llswi Ha?.,! I'Dl-M Unite l Dite lulle STOCKS_STILL DULL. UBlbaBlf BABEE OK PRICR9 WAR HOW A-?D niTHOt T !*I<iMFICA\CE FINANCIAL VENTURES IN CUBA. Talk of Syndicate, Preparing There for?Time Loan? Mad? for Six MonMi-* at ?he Hnir of Three Ter Cent.?Produce Markets. NEW YORK, July S.-The stoek mar ket continu?d in ihe hand*, of small room traders to-day, who dealt almost entirely In Industrial specie?tk>i?. TUv ailvanul the price? of there ?arty, aad thus held up the standard nllroad stocka. Realizing In the Specialties ?ater In the day caused a sympathetic decline in the railroads, car rying prices In many cases sl.gntly below v? st'-nlay'j clone. 8*8*088?! -v:iere stocks were Influenced by Individual causes, the otul range of ?>iiee.-> was narrow .mi w .'!. flat Klgnlfkanue. The dulness may quite dually be Interpreted as Indicating a <lls lacliaatioB to bhy Bt the preterit level, or is an unwlll!n;-;i? ss to sell. The future of :he international trade situation Is still so jbscuro that speculators are not ready to remmit th.'mieives. There were evidences of a nrcssure ef unds pcekin;; investment, but they mmi fcstafl them-i.lves In bonds r aiher than in t... k-. Thi lr.-ge demand icr the new ;? v? rnment Z'i, which were ?aded la on he Stock Exchange, "when l?s8?ied." had i favorable sympathetic effect all through be market. This bond sold to 101.1-4, the B8t sale being at that figure. Eld- were or small bonds, as ?Bell as for fnll flhflffl ?>tfl Of 11,000. The advance in other gov rnment bond-? irafl called sympathetic, 'he advantages of the ii'w IflOUfl for pur oeflfl of circulation make a ke? ri demand HC therp from the banks, though the pria nt and proapecttTfl eoeapaeafl of money [>nds to diminish their value for this pur 888, Railroad mortgages were absorbed on a traje scale to-day. Tho v,ell-secure?l bondfl f reorganized roads, wh' value under organization has not bern cl-arlv Used, ere the favorites. There was also de land for the more speculative Issues of 18 roads still to be reorganised, or whose ivni. nts of Interest aro contingent upon linings. VENTERE8 IN* CEDA. The pleaitade of money also found re KtlOB in Wall fltreei In talk of syndl lt?fl preparing for financial ventures in astern Cuba. Time bians were mad?- for I months ?t the mte of 3 per e?nt., and crllng exchange continued heavv, under "ferine ot grain hills. London also bought ocha ?"tare in .?pit?? of a stiffening of the oadofl diacoant rate, ta synpathy with ie fall in [amdoa flxchaiiffl here, Dry irujs imports at Notfl York, on the otber ind, for the areek, root abo**a the ie corresponding period of last year ?me .714.BE, and BbOTa last wirob flOBM B.M& Coup!? ?1 with thfl de.-une In the -ports from New York for the wi ?k un r Hi .-" of last week of "1,1'U !!12. these rjr?s are lather significant Of the trend the International trail?* situation. The ?lOtal flalefl of railroad bonds, par iltte, wi" fi.?;i.".ooo. Batted States 2's advanced l; the new ?, recifltcred, t-4; the old 4's, rasteteied, id the new 4's, coupon. 1-2, and the 5's, ?upon, 1-4, In the bid price. MONEV AND EXCHANGE. ', P. M -Money on call steady at 11-49 1-2 per cent.; lasi loan at 1 \-2 per cent.; ?me mercantile paper, 3 l-???l. -terllriK exchange <-asy, with actual htist 188 in banker.*' bills at J4.*-'? 1-K"$4 **? 1-2 r demand, and at $1 M./.4.SI 1-1 for sixty ,ys: poeted rate?, |4.*?? and J4.86 1-2; com ercial bills. J4.S3 1-2. UtfOt certificates, .'.0 l-3??*0 1-4. Ear sil r, MS-t M.-xicin dollars, 46. Jov.-r;?m?nt DOBda strong. BANK CLEAHINGS. The total bank clearings for the week the United States wer.* U^mXEBMrni P<->* nt. Increase, 6.0; exclusive of N? w York, ?6.031,r.30; per cent, Increase, IA HEW TOKK bTOC? qL'OTATIOX!*. Closing. iCBU?*.''ODeka?-'1 ??o?? *" . * _? aaiflOB, preferred. *?m .Jlirnoreaul *->f?*o. ?*** j.aca ?-a-iai... gM nada southern. '_ *' Dtral i'semc. ? _ ??.-??* a"i ,-"i''-'.i2m/4* icaK<- ??" AU?.________^^^^ ^^^^^ Iceflo, k*aritB*tooao'l ?'., i:?C" ?a I ?Mtara Illinois. .'>.''? ? C'.. C.?nl .St Loai? . -itVa ,C.. V. OOA ?it- Jvoaii. preferroU. h*> (?ware and Hi tsaci_. .IM rawar*. Eat-saeranria.t Western. 140 ni.?r and Uiouraane.*. 12 ov?r ?au ttloUraule, preterrea. ABU le (n?*?v).-. 18V le?ueW). iilDreterr-?.;. M*?f rOVavae.170 eat Mort?ern. prererrea .CCi-i, i-siiiK N alley .m.-. ."?kt mois Cea trat. lPTU ,i? aim aai <v*'.-r?-. .,. 1 ?l4 hi-rri-iiiij We8toru.profori.-eJ_. . 71 ?e saor?. 16* navilie and .Nas?vuie..,.. 3-fl, uhattan l,.104^ tropontau iration.l-*?"^ :bi?aD Ueairai....ion nifsr/taarn St. l.on:? .. '->H iBBflfitfl aaflWI Louis 1st orerorre?!_ KH :60un 1'aeitl?!.. ,...... ^41-, DileandUtt'o. ?Slf soun iv. ai.u f. 1U*?, souri, i.. nui i. preforro'i. 3.'t-"^ cago I. 1._ ? ? aaef. L or??terred. '..'??i? v a flflflOf central. H?* ? i ora Caairai..i I ; 14 r Yorf.caicsiij ani su L . l?i?J? f., Cbicago&Bd M. u int preferred.... 0"> 1., ? Una**?, saaai. 1.. M Drererrea. 10 tn???teru. n t*i ?aiericancomoauy. (IU i??MB**aei?e.......^.-.... 28m ILtun l'aclil . .?-??l-irral. ??t>4 arn.-i.ii?" W?s?tera._ 14?U foa ... ana .>??._.,. ?? gon ?nor? Line. VH *our..170 ?iuk'.mmm. lti"? i;?l:iul. . i>.-,4^ ^ouis and ?an r'ranc?sea....M.? ; ! AOVmoBA >at> Kran Istfliflflfl. ?11 s> im and >aa t r.-.n. *.'a pref. -jg aai. ??.?*? 'aul p.-a?orr?-M ..,..?.??X?l aulaud UraaQa. ?.? 'auland, oreterrea.130 '?ou M. arm at.i?4?V4 ?i.-i 11 l'a ':r*..:.-?? ....?... *?0 '.? rii. ,s :, uern. urererraa ..?.. .It?, ?.i*a'*inc. V:*i m Pantin prof. ,?,0^ I?- ?ta??.-. ?SB Lo?is sai l*?*einc......^..^; 7 a-i., st. I.'i'in aa 1 Pacific, ptotott0*?? Ir* * . ?ii.X ?U1 t,?Wn Itkfl -t r. |. ?. L. and Lake L-.? or?terr?j. g Bxraa-u BBaipaana ns Fxpres?.101 ItflM ?3pre?8.?I IS BUMatee Kxptess. 40 s r amo Ixpress. .1:>0 ais?: bil?*? xoca ricao C'ottou (m . ->4 ricau coltuii Ou preter??-1. 7-.?^ ricauspinu. .? 1 ?_ proferreu.? y..'' fican l'obai-w Ofl.lil??^ rican l'obacouCu. ore?erred .l:'i 1** '??a? . :s . jlldated lias.|V0 i'aU??.oinp?uy.I, o "uel*I.Sw....... "o 'u?lB?**< prelerred--offered.... prj csiaux'trio. i.Mteel._. ?o l??<? ?>??. .?,0*4 Tras?..?. oreierreu. Iom-, aalUfMeed un. i?,u l? ?Jan..... ?hV? .?n ffUaoe.V??SMi ?.'urtiticsie?. )??it lard tt??pe?ad Twin*. . ?.^ ic?r aunr 't?*tu?.rv .?,.....I.e.? ici n s ?mar Kaanory, orel.11 ;tv? aui iron. '24 a Loaltier._ 7?$ c-eatherpreferrea . O81? Huoter..-?..........^....^ ?U< Kubtier pr?i?rr?d. $??-H ?rr. ?Jojob.M.... Vil, >ai? and HouthweeUrn . ? .u'9-iu i *?o!Hbw.?t*ra 1st pr?ierre?L !?"? randa ???a W??item. **tH? rsadeand W?*??ra. pr?r. Bfl yo i?r*rt W???i?rn. H<4 i;,, '.nd "?OTlbwestera. .l**?lfl| 10 and ?orthwe?tern pre'.1 *? *'.? lian Commercial Company. -V 'i* n? l?t preferreia. rj9 Psctfl-*. cotumon. ??,\t ?o?*iu un I BUies?'saew. r?rist?.od....isi|iBl'|-.V? 1 States 4?, n?w. cuapon?....i-.'.'.t?ii..?i ? 1-Stales 4'?.-.. lUisll'J?? j ." ') . ?.,*i ...... BS? .il"?* United ?titea ? ?. erntjrto-.Il0?:ii I'nlted State?'? j coupon. I?7 l!nite.i .? , a ,.., ,or,?i?:??r?J...lllmil V? t'ti-.te-i Male? i'a ?iiudou.i iv\ti 11 S|? l>??tru:l 3'afl.?.tlfl Alabama (tl??? A .10? Alabama Kin?? l-i.106 Alaban? ?Jurrea?-r . Oi Aii'C'aon 4'*. K*> Afcb'.aou ?dt. 4'?. 70*$ ( in ail? Houtoara -t ?.^..I "I??* ?. A N. I'., t. r.Ba -offered. ?<;t, r*t>esap??tf? A OHIO ?>'?.114?* CM. j,'J. IV? Dearer* M. U. l?ts.i?.-:?v? l?*nvr * u. <l. ?*a. . w? Kaut TenniMsee lata....... I?'-',*, Bit? *enerat4?. 7?!??' P. W. S U. let?, t. r.-. 7l?S (ion?rnl fclertnc b't-odetml.I0-? ?i.i;.a ?. k. 6'a.104 f?. tl. AM. A. 'M*....10."? II.AT. Central 6'?..liOl? H. A T. ? ?rural coo. U'?? offer??!.112 Iowa c. 1st?.I<>.' I.ouuiana o??rcoa?o!?, V?- .103 l~ <t .V Uni. 4?. . SM mi??ourl U-?.100 M. K. T. Jda.,. M. K.T. 4?. No* York centrai 1st?. New Jerser CasMfal ?>'t.II) Sortis Carolina'1 ?a..I .' . Nortli ? ?roiirif? 4?.M....M.I0~* a?HU;i>rii r-rniiflo i?t.I.''?? Nortuwrnfiacioo .1?. oaA? .Northern facifle 4'?.?, , 'A*^ N. T.C. A ?g U 4'?.lU5?>a Norfolk ?nd ?Anfltern 6'?.I M Ner'hw??tern ?'oasot? .Hi Northw??*?tern ?leb.-: s.117*4 ? reifon .Navigation l?u.11 1 Oregon >'arnc-itloii 4'?. I??! O.S. Lined'?, tr......1-74 o. BL i.inej?. r. r.lo ".. ractti; tl'aof 'tfi.?.IBS Iteadin-r4'*j.h 14 M. O. W. lau. S?<?A M. 1.. AI. U. coitoi na.!?9 b^>? ?at-?. K. ??noral C'a.1174 **?t.i'a?l Con-iois .145 M.l'.c 4,1*. 1st?..ll!<4 Bt.l'aalU A 1*. .Vs...llS-4 ? ii-i'iii 1.? -.?%. t/a. 84 standard Hopo ?nd Twine H'?. TO l'KimfMe? n???r 86t:iameat da. 0?l?i 1 exas i'acl?o J. >?. Im?.100 lexaefaeiD': rsilstoreav?.,. 421-, I . P., Denver ?nd liulf Ist?.72*4 Watinshlst ?'?.II04 B/abaabrd?. f8 West ??nore 4'a.10H4 Virginia (.Vnturie?.? 7'H Virginia deferred. '"? MoDiieaiiil 0.110 1?. 78 Norrolk and Western coneol 4'?.? *V Norloik ami Wenttrn. preferrei. ''04 Cen'ral of <.'<dor?rla con. V?. M* Contralor Uevgia ist?Ind. : -'?a ?entrai of (ieorsrla '.'d?Ina.13:? Union Pacta? 4>. U7I4 KICUMOM) STOCK MAKKET, ansse? , .lui?/ AB, is ?i. Sale?.?10 ?haros Citizens' Ix nanga Bank a: Z4U UoVKRVMENTSKCCRIlIgi, Bid. AlfaOtt United meta? 4'? too;. nov? eral:. ?*? ? k . ir.a. NoritiCarolina ?s. 1T.24 North Carolin?. ?'b.l'ZHy% \ lifiala ?'i luew;. 77 7M Virginia couiury. 7i-J? 71?, Cu v si-? . . risa Iti hmond cltTB'a. 130 Ktirtotnoud ?t< v ti'?. 1 l A l'.t? .Ilia Il-l ?'itr-, ?.a,.m 11B BlnBisaBS irtT f. .?J-* lo-'}* UAII.KOA'J HONllJ. A'lauta A Ct> irlotto 1st 7'j. 117 A'lauta A Charlotte guar. ib, MM. 10* Char..Col. <s Am.'. '-'?1 '? e... .... lili ?j>-??ii,-in, .- , uv.. u x kl ;. l.a , , ' ' ?'a 104 ieifisonie i? 11.".< Al >'-. Ill Petemburg '.Class 1') ?is. l'Z'i Kic?mouii a 11 ?i yiecaluuUurg I11 o'?. 0? Bouieern <i niw.n. iat.>?. u^J4 ... Weetora North Carolina 1st ?'a, ? .. IP1? . 113 lieorgia A Alabama pr?t. ?'?.... 10414 105 UoargM ftU'l Alabama, consol?.. 80 MOt, i.i. (ini"i;?l i r-.'-timi .,'? . 103 104 .n? rteU ainl Wesloru lat inort. con. 4 uer cent. S'4 Norfolk btreet Kail war l?<- o'a.. 100.?4 lulH? 1.,-iii.r.o 11, ISOCBBi l'ar. atiaui? esa UManaeti.100 11-^ I ?li'-l.i?-;i:il un?,.1 '? ?i NorioiK aud prot.. 100 AOa\ f?ier?buni. ...i"? IS7 i.~,u lt. A 1*. A K. r'. A !'. ? onu't'n. 70 ?JO ltictiiuond, lrederickiouric and l'utomaot'onimon..,,. 100 r-.'A R., K A l'. di?, o?ligt'n.100 11? KichnioD'l, /rePrU-ksburg ana l'oroinncO P. C gtl... 100 140 ... BtebBMBd. I re,le.i?'k*;burg and l'otoma.'i 1*. c. gt?t...I0?J lot? Kicb?nonu and l'oter?burg..l?>ti l'A9 Nnili.eru K-aliwiy, |.'-?-r.100 l ??oiitliern Kallwii?, com. 11)0 8 ?eorglaand Alabama, |>ror. 30 *tv* lieorgia and Alabaina.corn. IB 13 oeoigla, .** i?. .? rn and Fionda 1st preferred,... ** ! 68 Georgia, >outliern and Horlda'??n?l preierr?s?l ... ?31 83 Georgia, .s, at,.era and Florida coininoB. 30 .., Norfolk -?treet hailwur ? a M DA BIOOBB citizens BseBneg?. us ~4'-\ 21? City Bank._ -.j -2n frir.-<t National. 100 ltll 170 .Metropolitan. ?tM 'ZW. ^allonal Bankof Va. lou l>^ luy nsBtarsHsuossi Bsss.ioo *?o.i Po:cr??urg .?? an 1 lu ?uraiic? Doeapsay._ vo 3d ... Security. .-.O?! 100 lu?> state Bank of Virginia. 100 140 Ltilon Baok of Kicnmo.-i?!.... ?0 11S)4 IM Virginia trust t'orapaoy.... too lou li.'l?? having? Bank of itirnmnad.. Z? '?7 31? Kl'*h. Trust and Safe Dep. Co. lO.i"^ 107 1N31UANCE ?0MPANIK4 '?rgfnia. ir? aal alaria?.... Si ... 37 iirginia-iiut?. Zj i..:i . ^ BtfB ti 1 an ?oca. liarB'?a robsasa compv ny iprelerrel).100 121 imeri*nn rotMweouoopeai (?.-omiaoa). 50 1181? fa.-CaroliuaClieaiioAl prot.lOJ 1114 I0JJ4 -"?.-Carolina Chemical outn. 100 ??.14 ?0 Quotations ar? for bonds maturing lo not its than ten year?. grain; and cotton exchange. Richmond, Va.. July 22, I?.,-1 Quotations: Wheat?I.ongberry, 73 to ic.; mixfd, 72 to mc.: ?bortberry, 70 to i?-.; No. I red, M t?, Be. Cor-^Vargiola /hite, liat? Iota, Il t'j 42c. Nu. z irait?, 11-] to Be.'. No. 3 white, 41 to 411-2?-.; ?*0. 2 mixed, He.; No. z mixed, 3'J l-2c. lat.?* -No. 2 mi.v.ii. 0C? No. 3 mixed, n-2'..; Rye-No. Z, Ee. KHIIMOND TORACCO MARKET. Ri?-hraond, Va., July 22, 1S2S. Private i=a!es to-day arsra aa followo: iii.i-i, i hogabeada; cuttings, H cesea; al (dark). M bogebesds Total Bomber ' ?alea during the day-hogsheads, 'S; Jtti:n-fs. . . . United State? Internal revenue collec Ona for the dty of Richmond. \'.i., to? ?y w<r?': Tobacco, il.'?iM; ?.Itjar?, MAE Total, *l.?J21.1)2. ijeoiKe A. Uaynea, proprietor of Stone nii Warebouae, ?on if paeksgea to-day. ere Is ;. detailed a?ceount: k B. ?iar ;tt-J28, flu..?, il?.r,, nn?l J1?)..'a). R. B. >rtune??2200. M. B. Bcasle) 116, tli.?. ?.20, and iio. A. af. Baker US, IW.7B, C and V,.7:.. A. u afabon -4U.75, ?12.^1. i H, and UM. a. Bnmiaa UlM, s?. IE, snd SU. T. R. [.ovln-r-aTI III. ?T.', 110 7.',, 110. 19.75, and BkOl-l W 'i ilard-tly.7.",. ttOM, H'?. laB, 192:, iH.U), 50 18.25. 47.7".. and B\M. Rlddell ? r,ian-r.2.5 i-nd 14.70. Harriaou Bill? - SO and 13. H. !.. Rrooka - iS.'-o. M. ter_$4..-?A R. I). !'rv?em;,., $11.7'.. 19.7.'.. and 1500. C. A. Wright-Jt.30. B. ilth?S3. '.. H. VaiiL-han * Co.. proprietor? of enabasr*? Warebouee, msde a Mia of ? The price? wer? aa ,'?il?,ws. 1 1 111; No. 2. Ill; N<>. f, 110.75; N?. I. % So. I ME; So. -;, UM; So. 7. |7.3?; ,*s tM?; NO. 3. i??-' ',. Ne. ?f, W-r? - 1 1 Bbelburn & Co.. proprietors of elburne's Waroboosa, rcjxirt sale? as l.iwa: R. H. Oarnett?No. 1. H8, So. 2. M; No. 3. 110.75; NO, 4, 19.50. 'he folluwintr are the receipt? and d? ni. - ..f th" variou? war?bonse? f??r the newall - Receipt.-. 17 bogsheeda Iverlea 11 hoseheada Bhockoe ': 19. AHe?ha*iv-~R? ? ,ii liv? ries, 12. Crenalaaw's ei|,t*< 4; deliveries. 5. Tmal receipt?, rsb<BSde; dellvenea, 37 hogshead?. Ni.W TORS PKOD?CT MARKKT. I?\- rORK, Joly 22.-Kl?iiir-Qi5let hui rly ?teady; Minnesota patent?, J?.7l</ ye Klolir -Qill-t. ornm?eal?BtVad) : yellosi weatern, 73c. N'i 2, 5<iX'. ariev l'uii. malting, 40?fo, ail. v Mall Dull. __ ,'heat-Spot ?steady; No. 2 r-id. ?43-4". Ion? opened ?teady, and after lorn? ?anco declined un?!?*r reallaliiK. anal ,..l raay at l*4lW-8c. net 1????. Cable?. it-polnttntt; receipt?, and the bulg? In n aere the bull f-atur.s t?, lay. while culslive apatby -.n'i *>r<* tpring wheat ta Induced ?eflise; Ko. 2 r??d. Julv. -ed at 82 3-4C ; September elo?e?l at -S,- ; l;.ceml.,r .-loned at 71S-ae^ orn-Spot rirm; Ko. 1 _ Wj Option? , all day. and cloeed l-4c. higher. As ndancc'of hot weather new? ha?t?-n?-?i erins' J?'v closed at 37c; f*eptember ted at 37 3-ic; I>?*cember closed at aU-8pot Dull; No. t, 27 l-2c. Option? RICHMOND TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT? OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY.Boftd PRODUCE EXCHANGE THU8T COMPANY .New TOT REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY.PhlladeigM BAL 1 IM? irk T ft I ST AND GUARANTEE < OMPANY, MIOl ?END? ii'.H-. oijveh ? c*o*. Bankers.I Baltlmor COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK . .Provide? ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SCI:.-CRU*TIONS AT PAR TO $1,700.000 7 Tor Ont. C111n11l.1tivo I'refiprrcd Htnek fiOO.000 First M-rtfayB 6 Per 1 tut. (?old llondg of ttttt -OF THE?? United States Envelope Compart] '? In? the part not ?Iready B? Beert bed for, of tb? authorised Iswaa 1 Sat.iMMi.iMM? It,,?,)?. s:i.T.*M?.<hio IV.f.rrrd Stork, iiml f7**t^?t?0 Common Stock of the above Co Ai pony. THE UNITED STATES K\Y El.? >PE ('??MEAN V centr?la about 10 per cent. the entire production of commercial envelopes In tho United t?tutes. Output, 1' OJO.Ok) per ?lay: capacity, over ai.ooi.aoo p?-r ?lsv. The properties are very extensive an?| valuable. Tho machinery and eo?l m^nt is meidern and of a hlirh de*?r?e of efficiency. Th? propertl.-s are ftee ?if i nebts an.l lncumbrar. ,s. nn.l In s?ldltl..n to Its quick assets, the new corporal?. starts with an extra, cash capital of ?W-'/M?. ? The management la stron-r, experience,!, capable, and conservative. A thorough examination of th'Ke corporation** nn-l firm**, rn.ule by ItArroi Wade, Outhrle & Co., New York and I?on,!,?n. ?hew? th.-tt the con-erns, open?|< t?*ly an?I under a useless compet? tlun. have nnd.? nn averej*** net pt? rit of I42fj.8l7.97 per annum, which net amount I? AIXINR SCEEICIENT t?> pay tl Interest on the Ronda dividends on the Preferred Stock, and S per cent, on t| Common Stock of the new corporation. They estimate that tr-e t*??. cnnjr-?'?'ea, operated under one bead, will show t a conserv.-itlv.? nn.l careful estimate an I ?*-"CRBA__ lu net earnings ef OVK 1400.000 pel annum THE PREEERRED STOCK of IIiV. pef thhtt Is cumulative, and dlvlilends ot per c.nt. per annum nre payable B?* and Msr?-h THE ronds ?re i nr??t mort-ras;e on the land. buildlm??, and machinery , the Corporation, dated AiiKust 1st, and run for twenty years, with privil?ge t beins: rediMtned after ten years at 104. A sinking fund of fT.,?? p??r annum beglr. three year?? from date ?>f <>r?rsnir?atle>n. Application will be ma?*e to lirt the Bonds and Preferred Shares on the N? York iiiki Boston Sto.-k Rxchanges. BUB8CRIPTION8 to the *1 T-vte-v? preferred Stock ami V-TO.OOO Ronds at pnr w be p-iyable in p*-r cent, o?: application and 90 per cent, on allotment .vithln ten da from close of subscription books. The subscrlntlon Hit will be opened ?imultan? ouslv at 10 o'clock A M MO DAY. JIT,Y 2.TH. ai.d ei,,?e pt "l o'etmek p. m. Thursday. July iath, at the abov nam? ?1 Trust Companies. Banks, and B_ ikers. " auv* Prosptsctusei snd firms of application may be ohtatfled at any of the abo oiv. en DBAS * SHIRLEY, Bankers, \>v? York and Pro. I.I cure /la? wn"l ' .*!.?.?.. \ 'i'ill bul nominally .1 ?bada steadier, with corn: September closed at 25c. Beef- Dun. <ut Merits-Dull hut firm. Lard?Eaay; western ?teamed, $5.SO July, $5.SO. nominally. Refined easv. Rork-Qmet; mcsi?. |l<y"(/$il.r>; "short cl'ar. 111..'AKa 113.50; lamny, JlJ.Jrt. Flutter? Steady; western cre.-imerv li'i 171-2c; ,1??.. factor?.-, J?i.'c: Elgin?. I7 1-2c: Imitation creamerv, 12fjl4 1-2*.. State dairy, 12',7 15 l-2c. I Steady; large white. 7 1-l-ii r z-Hc. Kggs?Steadv; State and Pennsylvania, ll?i!.'? .; western, fresh. lil-HJlit Potatoes Steady: ,rer3eys, }2.2&/i?|2.80; Long Island, 12.2.'.?i 12.5". ?'otton.ieed-oi' S'.,? iv. prime crude, 181-2c; do., yellow. 23 1 2'</2:t Me. Petroleum -easier. Refined, New York. ' ?11; Philadelphia and Raltlraore, P3.05; lo.. In bulk. HS6. Kosin?Steady. Turpentine -riras. Steady; domestic, fair to extra, ?l-R?i? 3-1?-.; Japan, ST-BMl-tc, Colte? Btead) an?i unchanged to 5 points ?i?her; sale?, 1X7.7) bags, including Jury, AM: A1i8u.1t. ?5.15. S|>ot HI?1 dull, Not 7. nvflica, *>?*.; No. 7. Jobbing, t> 1-2?. MII<1 lulet; Corttova. s I ?attise. Sugar Raw ftrm; fair refining, 3 1-!c: -entrliugal, W-degree test, 4 1-Sc. Refined lrm. THK 1>UY-?;?h>I>S MAKKKT. NEW rORK, July 22. The trend of the Iry-goods market has been toward Im irovement, bul the gain from dsy to day ia? been very ?light. It is chiefly notice ible In th? expanded in(|iilry for ?tapl? otton?. There have bees few heavy ales recorded, but tho tone of tho buying s more spirited. Th>- market, as a whole, I firm, ?nut the buying contingent is be ginning to recognise this fact. BALTIMORI PRODUCT MAKKKT, BALTIMORE, July 22.-Flour-Firm and inctaanged. Wheat Firm; spot and th? month, 80 3-4 HOl-Ao.', September. 74 l-l?-?i7l l-2c; Houth rn by sample. 7.".'?/H2 l-2c. Corn?Steady; ?pot, 371-4*?37 ?5-le.: month. 7 I-44937 1 -'? .; August. HUffSTHe.; Bop ember, 381t;{Sl-4c. ; southern white corn, Ic. Oata Firm; So. 2 white, 32.-130. Rye Eaay; No. t, mar by, 50c.; No. 2, reetern, .M 3-4?-. Or?In Freights-Inactive and unchanged. B?t??r S'l-'itiu and unchanged. Huttir-Steady and unchanged. LCgga Win? and mich ingr?l. ? lie.*,? si....i\ ;i?.,i ?jnrbanged. LettUco-|l.l?y,i|l 15 p-r basket. W hlskey?I'nchanged. C'HICAOO PRODUCE MAKKKT. CHICAGO, July 21' In?il?'allons of an arly movement of tin- n? w crop In K.11 ope, together with general throad. C?U??d 11 decline In wheat t?? lay, toward the en?l <>f the ?aaalon. B? i> ember closed l-fi ..-? < . lever aad Da* ember closed i-4c Corn advanced Mto lata lefl off l-SfJl-tC. higher. Fork and ihs lost I 1 -2c*. ?:i?:h. and lard ic. Tho leading futures ranged as follow?: upMiiug. tilgt??.?! ..,* ?. Cloalag. WhKAT? ?NO. !. uly. 764 78*? "??4 H apt. 07;8s08 O*?*-* t?7Va ??74 eo.. 07$, i), Wi. ?7Ji 07*4 COR.S?No. -.*. nr.33 na U 334?H spt.:ift< Z'A*4 :t '. ?434 c.:i:i44j 34 3-14 &/? ?y. a5*t? liai Mtf so ?ATS-No. *?. Hy.tBH -*34 MM 23?? >pt. IBM '-??^ i"'* -'O?*-?'. a*.*?H*H ?WH U?4 '<m?tj ?BaS I'.JrtK?l'er Hol. ilr. . I . 9 . 9-70 tjrt. u h-Vb o.o.i v.s.'4 9.H? Laku? Per 100 in?. ipt.?:,.", ?5.115 SJ.M '.? M. ...... AM .,')'- 6.00 SuoiiT KiB??l'er 100 lbs. pt.. t?A'fi ?.1.1,74 BB.BI l?00 :i. j.074 ?.70 AmBtti AM Cash asjotstlsna arete a? follows: .no, yellow corn, t; l-t <.v; .: ic. Flour linn, o. 2 spring win at 75?.; No. 3 spring heat, 7''"?2?-.. No. z red, 711-Jc. N?>. I Tn, 33 1-4?/33 3-&C. No. 2 oats, 24'".; No. white, 21c. No. :: white, r, ;t-4'K27c. No. ry?, 47?. No. z barley, ?tttj.''/?? . N<?. i U ?ed, ft. Prim? timothy se?*d, Ka.Hi esa p?,rk, per barrel, fj.;:,aXJ.v>. I_rd, r 100 pound?, 16.47 l-'."??|i.52 1-2; ?li?ut- . 1 ?Idea, loose, |5.15.?-"*,".. 75; dry oulders, boxed, 4 }?106c; abort?? les, boxed. 15.:? " uPl.10. Sugars, cut-lour, 1 changed. Butter flna; creanery, 14 l-atj l-2c; dairy, ll'-iltc. Kggs steady; fl THK COTTON MARKKTS. alTERPOOL, July 22 COttOB Bpol let; prlcea l ll-tt lower; American mm- 1 ng, fair, Z 7-M.. good middling. 2 Iff-fOd.; f ?Idling. 2 Y.-22?.; lo? nml'lllng. 2'j-:za., ? id ordinary, ? i-sd.; ordinary, 2 IS-UU. , li.- Kale? "f the any v.?-re 7.000 ??to which M) were tor ?peculation and v- ' rt. and Included >,y>'i American, i:? pl?, 5,iJ?W bai?'S, Including 2,j? Am-li 'i. 'uture? opened quiet, with a Biyd? . nar.d, and Closed st-.dy; Amerl ihllins, low middling ?lause, July, i-ti-ul., buyer?; July ?nd August, '-i-Id., ?eller?; August an-i tJapVemhrnn l-ilAji 22-Sfd., ?ellcra; Bepteasber m? (' tober, 3 ?o-CFa3 21 -?4,1.. ?eller?; Octoher 1 :;..- : ' '. , '-A 'i,\ l-Mifd . ?eller?, , vember an?l December, '. lh-; l:?-iji.i , ll lor?; December and January, 3 Ut-?>44? a lers; January and i'?-bruary, n -,,? /.: ],-?.? 1 , buyer?; February ami r ?Md., buyers: March and April. ? i-CI.I., buyer?; April au? Alay, I ZiHtmir ,. -4id., buyer--. EW YORK. July 22.-?"otton S'ea.Jy; ' klling. 6 1-i8c.; net r-c-lpts. nena* r ss, l'Ji bales; forward??..?. 103 bales. 2 - i :i balsa; aptaaers, iw> bale?; shock, b ',!7 bales. , U ei'klv: Net receipts, ci bale?, gros?. ,( ; balea: exporta t.? <;r.-;it Rrif;?i,i l.?MS 1?; to Frame, i0 bales, ?? th<? Contl ""r'AM.-. dtt\\ !?, 11,057 bal??s; ?pinner?, 3,*X? balai?. P , ,,.. iaa-uay; .*? ? i??ei|.i5 7,5,1 hultmt n ,,rt? to the Contint ut. Is* bah?; ?lock, I? US bale.". a insoltdated: Net ree.,!pt_T.g{? bale?; 0 . mm t<> <;r< Britain, vAE balw: t,, aoe, U? bales; to IBS Continent, 1,72* :?. , Uiila ?Inee September 1st: Net re<-ij>t?, u 1 114 bales; export? to ??r.-at Hritaln. h? 1.744 bale.*,, to France, >:j ..1 bules; to rl Continent, 2,X?M> bale?. ,., itton futur,-*? opened qu. and sternly; ,, nr.'. iiil S< |.t?-inl?ei. |5. W; <??t,ib?r, " ; November, ii.SH; IK-cember, * M uary. UM; ?'ebruarv, fc.??; Maren, ^* :; Al?rt!. V?A?: M??.v. 111!. _ jttir?-? cl<MMd barely ?tea>!v; July. Mi.SZ 1 ;ust, IVil; 8?-p?emb<.r, EH; October. B , .\ovcmb?r. g..S7; Deeemttaar, *(; I uary. $M?3: ??'?bruary, U%; March, Hi ' 11. ?l'Ai; May. W.oT. ot cl?>?ed steady; middling upland?. i ?c. ; middling Gulf, ? 5-lSc. ; ?al??, l,l:*4 j ter opening quiet and ?teady at an ad- | ce ?t 1 ?point to a declina ?,f 1 point cotton market improved *bf? point?. " showed a fair amount of speculative a? vit;, iM-rauac Liverpogl finally ?bow? I a jc-"'l deal of stability, haviiuc r?eo?S i a los? ,<t' l ./l'.-iMd. At the -?unr? tita? -i> accounts were lea?, uniformly favos ible, and August liquidation was not at narked .is heretofore. Later, mars wai ome recession on ?reitcral realizing, bul sain th.? market Indicated lmVr.-nt ?via ?lllty, and shorts once more bc-cnme msp 'Ive bldiier?. The market wa* nnslij m rely steady, at i net l< -- of lffl points Th. following or? the total n< t receipt! >f rotton ?it nil ports ?Il e September i l_7: Gnlveston, l.BB.BB bnlae; New Or leans. ???W.l7r. bales; Mobile. SK.4M bite? Savannah, 1.1M.M1 hales; Charieston, 4JI. TCI bales; WilmliiKton ?C1.SM Iviles; Nor folk. 57?.K? bales. lit? bales: New \"rk. lriO.D? bales; Boston. 2T.t.V,l Sale: Newport News. lG,??i bates; I'titi? adelphla, ?i,:m bales; Rrunswle?k, iit.kd hale?-; P.,n Arthur. U.SSB bales: Pensa? cola. 113.123 bales; Port Royal, ??.972 balea Total, l,?M in balea. NEW ORLEANS. July 22-Cotion fu. tures quiet anil steady; July, tb.? BMi Anirust. J.-, tit-,/ ?:, ... s.p'emi, . t.??.,C..i October. tb.tfUtP.M: November, B.-'-'-'-'Vi ' : December, *.', <?.'. .",7. January, l- ?;i hi. tt* February, U.t4tfi?M; March. tb.??gfgg.711. N \\ 'A I.-STORE MAKE CTS. gA VANNA H, ??A, July 22 -Turp?n? 'In- Eli m ,,t .'?*? . ; sales, 661 casks; ro? IM2 casks. Rosin Ptrm; ?..?es, i,?m barrels: re? ? elpts, ,t!??i barn-la Quote: A. H. c. mid D. We.; K. II OS; E. ?1 M; C, |I.;K>: H snd I. ni' K, il 15; M. 11 Vi: N. 11.?W; window glass, il 75; *iitcr?Whltt>. U.K. WILMINGTON, N. C?, July 22.-8p?rltB of Turpeiiilne-Klrm ut ?^ l-:"y35c; re? CHptl 1"'S e.l.skS. Rosln iMill ut IKk'.lifl; receipts, ?KO bar? ici s. Crude Turpentine -Steady at UUUMi receipts, ho baltela Tar i.iii.f at 11.10; receipt?., 1-2 barrels. CHARLESTON, S. C. July B?T.itp.-n tin.? Market, steady at 241??to,| a.iles, n.-ne. B In?None. PBTBRBRURO TOBACCO MARKET. PETERSBURG. \ A . July ! Market steady, with Hnht receipti ?-? '" tat Ions: Common lo medium lugs, ?.6011 B.SB; moot to li"-- lugs, Uni"; poor short leaf. ?MUH.SO; fair ! > iron.1 short lenf, W $T.?>; medium to ? ??-.?1 wrappers. BoB' . , ,,,?1 to tine wrappers, ll.Vul:'., medium to mod whipping, g'.t'it811. K-ji.d to tine ship? plnp, tir,h|20. BUgTOLI PEANUT MARKET. Bl rrOLK, VA., July tt. (M| Hand-picked, fancy, ?i-??*.. ?-xiru, !.,-*.c.| Virginia shetled, No l, 3 1-?c.; No. % 2 1-4c. ; Spanish shell?-d. No. 1, 4 l-?c* farmers' stock, fanc>, .*ll-2e.; jirlme. 214 to 3?*.; farmers' Spanish. 75 tu Ma bushel. NOflPOf.K PEANUT MARKET. NORFOLK, VA, July r.'.-iSpeclal ) i .mit - fanners' market quiet; fancy, :':t-4e.; strictly prim.-. ^l-L'e.; prime. _ff 3 1-4?*; common, tttte . Spanish, 70c. Light ?iemWnd f?,r all t PBTBRBBURQ PBANUT MARKET. PETERBBURO, VA., Jul> ?. 'Special.) Virginia quiet; prim.-, :?l-4c. ; extra prime. :. l-.'c, fancy, ?1.1-4c.; Spanish nominal at PBTER-BURO COTTON MARKET. PETERBBURO, VA.. July B (B) I ' ? Cotton?Nominal si Cl-lc.; off? rings light. KO DKKIMTi: PEACH TALK. * (.?-mnil Waodfard Pn>a a visit te the Ulilte Hobs*. WASHINGTON. July _.- General Stew? "art I* Wo?df.-rd, Minister to Spain at the outbreuk of the war, was In confer? ence with President ?McKinley for a long time a-t the White House this afternoon. It Is ?till denied that there is any ded? <i- t.ilk, but this conference will probably be regarded as significant and Hill "I t.lllt. General Wo??ilfor<l was at the White lions?? yesterday, but he was then witb his daughter, und did not enter Into <_ tensive conference wish the President. H? bad opportunity to-day to review the en? tin Bald with tbo Prestdeat, and to espe cially tulk of Spanish conditions und Spanish nil. If s proposition for peace Is recel ved 'mm Spain ut any time, Oeeeasl Wood? ford will play ?n Important part in tha ?out that will f'illow. H??. Is es -..-lliiKly well post'-d us to the situation 11 Bpalat, aid stands blgh In tha estima* ?Ion of a majority ol th? Spanish offli.-lala. There is n<) doubt that tho President all? Intrust General Woodford with ?*??l? at.? an<l Importent work when peace no? Dilations -ir,- op?*ned. Oeneral woodford s understood to be still In the service of he United States. He will be sent tact) ., Kadrld when p*n? ? is restored. ABBBOUH1 Ct'BAN TARIs?_B. Icduutlnn of Ike List of Prohibitory Articles. WASHINGTON, D, ?'. July U.-A con luslon has b< ni l- 'i us to what dis? edition sliall be made of tho prohibitory st In the Cuban tariff laws. Tike only, rtl'lts retained on the pruhlbU?-?! list re. firearms and ammunition, olcom^rga Ine. artificial or adulterated wines, snd t.jaicta olTentilvu to morality. Rates of ustoms duty on tho ''?mainlng r-rti.-l.-e ... been de? hied upon as follows: Sugar, n.w, 11-"* cents a i?>und; i|is_r, refined, cents a pound; honey, 20 c?#nts a k?1I?mi; lolaases, 6 cents a gallon; *uc? hurln*. .:*> ?1 pound; tobacco In earrets. U0.b0 pet ?i kilogrammes, or 23) pounds; cigars 1,1 ?i? retb s. H - > ' a pound. The prohibition on pharmaceutical pre* Btatkras <>f unknown composition Is re? lOVid, and the rains fixed are a? cord? ig to the Cuban law for the individual iti.-l.-s, to be determined by lbs custuma tticer. The Chief Burgess of Mlbsburg. Pa., 1, ? D.-Witt's little Early Risers are the Mt pills ho ever us. .1 In his family du ng forty >e?trs of housekeeping. They ire constipation, sick h? a darbe, and omach und liver tri-ublea> Small L% ze, but great tn results. ".I II.IW-IBBBBSSBBJBBgp _ ?faiaa.a>?ar?a S.^-isB 8HWBS? 8??S-B I rENNYROYAL FILLS I a-?t_r-_. a 1^ 1 ?_?a^r8isfci^ a _M * ?S_MMar? S__?k /)_ _ _? _?__??__ ____4_fp51S?-t_H o_ ______* 'T______kx7g\ ~ JTia9Trww^'7m> _**^^'^tP88aBaw_^aj BBfSSI (my ? da.Ss.W?weowlyj