Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH SATURDAY. JULY 23. 1898. _T FOREST LODGE ,,IK> 11.I.IV. \ ?Iti.lMC . I ? .R 'IRA a.- -, .... 1 OR REGULAR ??i B8T8. . I OB TRANSIENT VIS KEGULAR QUKBTB. i .,. I. B ??r week an rj Robaos has I : and will meet the rsqulrt , who sre partial to Virgin'. , i the old regime. The Lod| . -v?-U>ped ss a pleasure resor lous grounds sre well adept? a aid? range of outdoor amusement i tennis, golf, croquet, pul. ' una ??nil drlvinrf. or rowlc ?Ahile Its miles of shelter? Invite the 'cyclist c ?nor summer or wlnt? mile bicycle track has bee ft I .1 to be the fastes in rslny weather the ampl : abun lnnt space for exei I l? ntlful supply of pool an - musical Instruments, e?. i ?ge for concern an !iKh: dramas, afford ' enlivening th* pa-sin n,- train -ni RU binon U.w. the fnre fror being 30 cents. T r t? for regular trav ' | may i ,.n out ail In? li any time o few 1 ra A morn giving an hour a reta lack to Riehmor. I at noon and N : moon tra?na i*?av rely, a 1rs ar. ? In fact. It Is but llttl \ Forest Lodge tha \ i la I r v or an outing from Bal ai ?tX ?' in?- Mono.-. rs ad FOR IX?E. _Glen_ Allen V-i II : 'i.iiiM BPBIROB, VA., - ut u> i-pep:-..t. ?J, .. a J-.ii,.- to Novata tern.? A C. A. COLHOUN. _Proprietor. .TDK ; ITORITI PLBA81 Rl I ?m 1 t.-n.tu r?-v.rt of IBS */_ weaate sa Twentj ? ?lib rcn?;vuitr<?sirisoB und? .' irre I'bo a st?accitnent of ?K-^'l PHIL r, iiKOWN in? 14 Sp Mountain Top \ PefaaaS *?r??,aon, lit; ?CBSfl ABBB HOTEL, \. ruin In. Ilrneli, Vtl. n and finest bear:! Ideal sun ' itha through pin , ct sum i KRUMBHOLZ .. ei Prim i sa Ann? u ion B8 M.t., ..i, ... j. -.- ING '?HE OCEAN. . (or grand? in ,,; proper tments. One is poi Suite bath anu rates oi HORACE M CAKB, _Proprietor. ana bprlngs : '. I ,ap, Blu Mountain?! feet A delightful rumine views, strong Chalybeate an. Within sight of junction o . Western and Chesapeake am miy IB miles from Rich ..;.*. Addr, ?s n, y l?- ?in_M A S? ; E ? CO., Aftou. Va. RR?V*fl HOTEL. DIRECTLI OR THE BEACH AT ILL] tt -. ?.M'E. Atlantic City, N J . . . the finest location Bver; , , intni? nt. Including : : - a m ter h Ulis la i h , ans. RICHARD BEW. m_ ? uni KITT ARBBKIC - _ IT H LI BPRI8G8 t\U iiviiis. rO ?N->\ E:* BER 1ST As a m-rve tonic ? ratlvs, th?s , . .t record ol y* Skin and k ad beaut, n Flrst-clasB acoom ona For Miogue :: . TH? -MAS. Manager*! je 2 >m_ hhawsvllle, Va. i i.iiMi \ m no i f.;.. B RJ i POIICT, \ .4 UNDER _W BALT i I water l >>r month RO; qui tel I* al! meI; curslom , - i to return M ulars, apply to Bouth. m R illway Pai Main ?tr. el R ch :. ond. Va. ROBERT Bl RN3. M _(Je 18-3m) IHK HISTORIO WB1TB Sl'I.I'MI'K Sl'RIVGS, ?.reenlirler (".?ml.., ?Veut \ lre,tnla i lu- Iteyrsaemutl vu Ueturt of tin South. A great centra, point Of reunion lo . society o? ine North, bouth, Eu*?i Not? ol rat? ?: Pe 1 twenty-eight days. glo. *h.iJ, ?u pel - ... " -' ..c. li., ..7.8J, an , ..?dren under 11 years of i? reams, B2.W. Open Jic- 15th to Ocie t.r 1st und electric belle. Se - loi in advance of t lie sen ? L. VV. BCOVILLB, 'm_Manag.". S .U LUTAN'S ?OINS OltOCKRV BARGAINS. READ HOW CHEAP WE ARE SELL ING EVERYTHING. iVHI THROW ilu.NtV AWAY W liE.N AN SAVE B PER CENT. B. ill i'ING Vi'lR G?_KJC_ FROM Uli. ?LIABLE? lUntry Butter, per pound... 12V , . i.nty ?Teamery Butter on th? market), per pound_ 15 . intj ti pound_ i? i Beef. ??o ; u-ujx Pocahontaa Baking s. per can . 3 ana Ba - ige, per pound.. 6 rd, per pound . i Canned Beef . 1 selling a B Pea foc B ? Small Hams, per pound . Rj . M Meal, per buahel. 42 Una Clipped Her i>. i dosen . * i mb Honey, per pound? Li . oats, per package . : bl Baal Hams, small : i pound. ** , sad Ja*,. Coffee, Java and -.. ijcr pound . 10 i . r pound . b family Flour, ba.c... B : ..-, I . ? : , . ..4 . ~>b ptchles, pet bottle...? 1 Patent Faard? . 4 9b I. el Il 11] !-. r pound. 3 tent Family Flour, per .4 ?5 . 3o Raaafl iuncanvased), ind. to n Bating Wheat t . .ur, be-1 in the world, .5 75 k. 36 : . 7 I . 3 per bag. 5 ; bottle. ? gallons.) \ and Catawba I ?art; -,r. per gallon_ 40 pooad, only . tb ng Bro ima . 15 ring Brooms . 10 . 9 , r fllU-.l with Hcmc ; . 12 itallon . 25 * , per can.. 8 in 1-pound papers, 3 . 19 ?.. S ; r huiidrcJ. W h per pound. 5 B. LI,I.MAN'S SOS, 1?-'' AND l_2 EAST MAIN BTBBBB gtore. bin, tasi _.ar_,a?l. ?TBoae RA 'Phone m pay you to call for ?>r write for ? ot our complete prlce-lUts. (no 11-ga.TuATh) iiiii-ii.-_?ie, Statements. Letter i, Circulars, Handbills. ? printed by the Dispatch hi low prices. Will give you ; rk at same prices you pay for ?. _.!. H rK 8en<J ** y?ur orders and (?vti???r,:u*r*n,#* *,Ufactlr" ?o ?apjf BCHor.M A?.D COLLtMS?. Woman's College RICHMOND, VA. Bstablii?h^d 1854*. : ''" ' " HE BEAUTIFUL ANI HISTORIC CITY OF THE SOUTH . ??mL*r* ur'"l*"'Pa?sed advantages In ' LETftRS. BC1ENCE, MUSIC, ART AND ELOCUTION. Large faculty; 2S1 students last session. Health record remarkable. Never a deatl In the Infltltution. Terms mod?rate. For catalogue ?ddrosa. JAMES NELSON. M A.. D. D? President. _ (Jy 10-8u.Tu?Ftf) * Maryland, St. Mary's County Charlotte Hall CHARLOTTE HALL 8CHOOL. Founded 1774. A thoroughly established Military Academy, in proximity to Baltl mor*? and AVashlngton. Estate of ?2a nealfhy location; safe home foi boys. Board, wash, and tuition. |1?0 per scholastic yee.r. GEORGE M. THOMAS A. M.. Principal. jy f, -?,? Washington and Lee Universit j I ?'? iiiu>i?i?. Va. "AM. |.. *?Mi.?n\. |4L D., PRESIDENT Academic, Engineering, and Law De partments. Additions for next session: One professor, four lecturers; new School of Economic?, Political Science and His tory. Expenses very moderate. Opens .-EPTEMBER 8th. For catalogue address the President. jy 6-iin Aiid.fM WILBUR R. SMITH, ?I th? COMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY LI VIM. r'.?*?. KY. rorClir?l?r?oflhl? t uisrrfnil ilarial AT WORLD*?? Ur.'rr.H ihou??ntl..,rn*?y.?ital ?niu.t?*? Corf i?"?tifi.t< Poll ill..m.., r,,,rip. Is.1? !inr Tuition. Ro.ka.m1 Rn.rtl, ?' ' til fltK?. l-ho.ufnii.??;. Tine-?*riii.t .??I TrU?r.;hr I..?;l t ? . In v W Il.f.l .: 1*. S fl,i i Itlf ?ta?uiu,U.y. (Jy '.? fv b8 ?S , .m A flfl) II VMPI'F.'.-SIDNEV COLLEGE. T>.? riOB Bill begin WEDNB8* DAY, frptember 14th. For catalogues ad RICHARD M'II.AVAINE. President. Hamprkn-Sidney, Va. Jy tfi-WABa t Be 14_ BDGBWOIT?I BOARDIMO A*?D, DAY? SCHOOL r ?r ?furls. Reooena ?September 28, im. Thlrty-slrtb year. Mn H. P. LEFEBVRB, Principal. M K. i?. Ht'NTI.KV, Aaaoclata Principal. and IM west Franklin str? , Baltimore, Md^ M'GUiRh'S BfHff SCHOOL, OPP. MONROE PARK, RICHMOND. VA, ?*4TH ?SUOMION, BEPT. ?, '98, TO JUNE 20. '?TO. UNIVERSITY OF VA., lS?5-*-1?4 degrees, 27 diplomas. Two of the Uta M. A.'s were fron, this school. IS?T-'-S?2 degrees, 35 diplomas. RICHMOND ?COLLEGE. liW-'8-2 de grees. 21 diploma?, ) medal. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV., IW-'8-l Ph. D. 1897-'&&-A Competitive Scholarship at tJalv. of Va. C< mpi tltlVfl Cadet Appoint ment to W?st Point. Present Cadetship at A tin a pol is. Catalogue? it bookstores and by nppli eatlon to John P. McGulre, Principal, or M. M. McGuire. Business Manager, 33 Chamber of Commerce. The principal can 11 at 7 north Belvidere street, after jy _2-Sa&TudJy&tau2-Tu,Th.Sadau&tdse _ ItOcl_._ BBjn****mio^^ 1<" ~ The Girls' f\ Latin School ?1 Of Baltimore. The Oiri?' Lstia School i?f Biltimor? ad mita Mndtdatm who an qvalille-d ?o rnter a iiu-n-?ohi il ?nd (?repiireii them for ail inir.sii.ii tu ?"}' I' iliu-j? ' tom* year?. It offer* the adranl.^e? of ili'.r.iu-ih mental ?nd physical training, cnml.iuea with th? l? ?n.l ?ocial inflnence? ..f ?ii Ideal, r-ilnetl home-life. T??riii? f?>r tnltion ?nd l.,.?nl three hundred ?n.l fifty duller? par ,. ,r I , r , r nir ?fldf?i The Girl?' Lall? School, Baltimore. Hi. L,iU?^llliU,.ll^U-ia,,.iilll'.lUl.?Ji'.l?illiuill,l?iiJ Oy 2-Sat, Tu. Th 30t) notkk uami; of a:\h\..\ad. : or '. oung V Prenoto tory Bchool tlve Courses. Extensive ?rounda Location unsui | Suburb ol I laltlmora Bpa clous buildings, completely equipped, rharies-st? ? t avenue, Baltimore, .vd. _jy l'.'-T i.'i i..vsa2m LAW SCHOOL, Washington and Lee Lniver&ity. \\ M. !.. WILSON, LL. !>., t'reaiUent. F U I I.TV: CHAULES A IR?A ES, M. A., LL. D., Dean and Profesaor ol Coauaon und Btacutfl Laa*. TUCKER, M. A.. R. L.. . Corporation Law, and o? Constitutional and ?liitc-r aatloaa] I \VM. UFA NOLL'S VANCE, M. A., Ph. D., D. Adjun? t i'i ?fessoi of Commercial Law. LEC'TI'Rl-.'il-: WILLIAM L. WILSON, LL. D., lecturer on the History of Repr?sentative Government. BOBBBT M. HI ?.lit.s m. a. (Of the Norfolk ( "> a.? liar?. Lecturer on Admiralty Law and Pl> cedure. WILLIAM C, PRESTON. A. R, ?. L. (Of ihe. Richmond (Va.) Bar), Lecturer on Conveyancing. PAUL M. PENICK, B. L. (Of the Lexington (Va.) Bar), Lertui-r ?'ii Accounts of Fiduciaries and Reports of Commissioners in Chancery. A thorough and complete two years' course. Fifteen hours of lectures a week act) vear. School of Economics, Politi cal Science, and History open to law StUdentfl without charne. Bei-alon opens rnber 8!h. For catakKue address ill \HLES A. G P. WES. Dean. jy :i-s,i,nu'w_ Lexington, Va. aPiEEiRY'S i?*-! V XL ">-*1*?^Sd Will Eradicate WORMS FROMTHEHUMAH BODY PRICE 25 ^ PEKVIAJ* (ap G-W& 8a ly) _ trares quick!?. Thit If what it wu ?tia'l? for. Prompt, Mife, sure, Quiet relief, quick cure. Plt-asant to t?k?5. Children like it? and adult? like it. Mother? buy it icr their children. Precare? I)?* B. 0. DoWitt A Co.. maker* at ?, Witt? Lauf Karly iaaora. tho Lmuo? tteplil?^ _ _ OLD PAPERS FOR ?ALB at 16c. PER HUNDRED at the DISPATCH OFFTCrm. B IC FI AR DIO.X WILL l-ROBATED. ?Catata Taina? a? AM0,0O0-Va\r~ ?ni Bqalty Coart Jmry Adjoarned. Tho will of the late Benjamin W. Rich* ardaon was admitted to probate In th? Chancery Court yest?rday. It Is In th? handwriting of the deceased, and wa? witne??ed by Mesara. William O. Allen, Jamea Pleaaanta. and Eugene C. Massie. The eatl-le la valued at $30.000. The tesutor bequeath? all bis prop?rty to hi? two alatera?Lucy Ann and Harriet H.-who are to ahare alike. Upon the death of one the entire property will re vert to tho aurvivor. The beneficiarle? ore appointed executrixes, and are author ized to aell or make whatever disposition of the property they may ?ee fit. Th? testator direct? that no appralaement shall be made of his estate. The Misses Richardson duly qualified a.' administratrix?:-? Other qualification? were: L*. Parker Hill and P. Bornard Hill, as executor? of the estate of the late Robert Hill, Jr.; L. Parker Hill as testamentary guardian of E. Forest HJli. Vernon Hill, and Evelyn Hill; Henry E. Lindsey as guardian of Harry L. and John F. Lindsay, and John C. Weinbrunn as administrator of the es tate of George Welnbrunn and as guard ian of Edward Weinbrunn. In the Law and Equity Court Judgment was rendered in favor of \V. R. ?Cooper against W. A. Porterfleld A Co. for $174.50. The Jury returned the verdict for the plaintiff without leaving th? box. In the suit of M. E. Kerns against Julia Cara vatl. the jury found for the defendant. The Jury has adjourned for the term, having made quite an exceptional record. Many cases have been tried, and not In a single instance has the Jury" failed to agree. Judge Minor will hold the court open a short time longer to render decrees in various chancery cases, and to wind up unfinished business now In hi? hands. The next term will commence September 12th. Judge Weilford, In the City Circuit Court, appointed Isaac W. ?'atter and Maggie WSlfOSai Croon trustee? of th? Methodist Cemetery Soijjety, a negro or ganization. The above trustees are to rniecaad Thomas Hev.less and Peter H. Woltoke. % -. i OFFIfES WILL CERTA1XLY MOVE. A Portion of Mr. Holrlikliaa' Depart ment Will Go to Cincinnati. The rumor which has been rife for some days concerning a probable order for the removal "of the general freight offices of the Chesapeake and Ohio from this city to Cincinnati was in a meusure verified yesterday. Mr. E. D. Hotchklss. the general freight ac,?. nt, wa.s MSB In ills ollice by a Dispatch man and imparted the information that a portion of his force would soon go to the Ohio city. Mr. Hotchkiss only returned to the city yesterday morning, and he knew but little of the details of the re moval. ?? suid that he would be in a po sition to-day to say Just what portion of liis- department would go, but that he only knew yesterday that some of hita force would be removed to Cincinnati, and that neither he nor his chief clerk, Mr. John I'pshur, would have to go. Mr. Hotchklss employs in his depart ment about forty clerks, and he was in clined to the belief yesterday that a large portion of this clerical fore?- would be moved. He did not know which of the clerks would be sent, and In the absence of orders did not rare to speculate. He exp???rts to receive hi? orders tO-day, General-Mana> r BU veils said to a Dis patch man last nigh: that tho advices he had rSOStSSd were to the effect that the Freight Claim Department, which is prc alded over by Mr. John Orndorff, would be the only department moved. This de partmaat is under the supervision of Mr. Hotchklss. The reason for removing it to Cincinnati, Mr. Stevens explained, is that It can be more In touch with the Big Four railroad, from which It receives BMSt of its business. The change will, howev?-. hardly be made In the very near future. t Polk Miller Meet? the Sponior?. This (Toa the Atlanta Constitution will be lead lure with interest: Yesterday afternoon Colonel and Mrs. W. A. Hemphlll kept open house in honor of the surviving members ot the iroup Artillery, and a delightful fathering of people were assembled in thfir hospitable home between the hours of 7> and 7 O'tlOCB. Several hundred guests were in atlsBd? . and the gray- vans stood in groups talking over war times and en Joying the delicious lioveiai;? s .oCead by IB? hospitable hostess and the party ot ladies assisting her. Toward the Utter part of the evening a number of the young ladies' committee of the Daugh ters of th?' ?OOfBiaderaey and a party ot the apaaaora came in, and attracted by the strains of the banjo, found the lnimi taule Polk Miller entertaining a party or his friends In the dirdng-rooin. It ?BBS like old friends had net, and the young ladies grouped about the well-known de UnaatOT of negro character and ?OBSB, caught the refrain of his music, and all "joined in the chorus." He sang many of the old-fashioned ?-ongs. and the vete rans soon stopped telling their war sto ries, and, crowding 'round the girls and Polk Miller, had what they probably would term "a real good, old-time tune." As the music of the voices died out Polk Miller touched the strings of his banjo, and it gave forth one of those peculiarly catchy tunes that Inspires even our sophisticated elders to see If tiuy have forgotten how to dance. The vete rans clapped their hands, the girls all ?,s anted to dance, but refrained, when suddenly a graceful, sylphlike little wo man from North Carolina could resist it no longer, and, catching her lace-milled skirts, she Indulged In an old-time dance that charmed the entire assemblage; and when it grew dark it was with great re luctance that everybody said good-by to the gracious host and hostess, Polk Mil ler, and the little woman who had danced by his banjo music. Honor? to Mil? -I r) nK fcllorr. The Atlanta Constitution says: At the several informal entertainments yester day Miss Stringfellow, of Virginia, spon sor-ln-chlef of the Sons of Veterans, and Miss Sue Johnston, of Knoxville. were among the most admired young women present. Miss Strir.gfellow Is a type ot beauty at once charming, combining with all the charms of fresh an.1 pretty face, a superb figure and carriage. Miss John ston is tall and graceful, with the gra cious, charming manner that bespeaks the high-bred southern woman. Mr. Sand? to Be Cashier. Mr. Samuel G. Wallace, having resigned as cashier of the Citizens' Exchange Bank, Mr. Tucker K. Sands has been tl to succeed him. and will enter on Ms new duties -September 1st. Mr. Sand? has been connected with the First Na tional Bank for a number of years, and la now general book-keeper there. Hold a I haou-iila inK Service. To-morrow, at St. James Methodist church, In lieu of the regular 8:16 P. M. service, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Beauchamp. has arranged for a thanksgiving service at C o'c'ock In the afternoon, with an ap propriate sermon. This sertie? will be held in defi rence to a recent proclama tion, of president McKinley, and will doubtless be interesting and profitable. Mr. Mablo Ena?g;ed Again. Hamilton W. Mable. the distinguished literary critic, who ao delighted the mem ber? of the Richmond Lyceum by hi? lec ture delivered here last winter, ha? Just been e.igaged to again appear before the organUation on February ?th. A Scottish lunatic doctor thinka that bicycle riding may be a cure for Insanity. He ha? tried it with good r?eult? on ?ome 3f hi? patients. _ "I have osed Chamberlain'? Cough Remedy in iny family for year?, and al ways with K?xid re?ults," say? Mr. W. B. Cooper, of El Rip, Cal. "For ?mall ?hildreo we find it especially elfed ?. jy itVi-WtSuAXXir THE BAUGHriAN STATIONERY CO., RICHflOND, VA., July 18, 1898. Oar Manufacturing Department, Nos. 7 and 9 south Twelfth street, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 17th. We have made arrangements for the filling of all orders which we now hold ; any new business you are pleased to give us will have our prompt and careful attention. We are glad to say our STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, located in another building, was not damaged. THE BAUGHMAN STATIONERY CO. _ ay i?-et)_ _ ?The dispatch job PRINTING OFFICE 0 0 (DM3PATCH BUILDING.) 0 ? DOBS ALL.. KINDS OF ? I PRINTING, I 0 PRICES MODERATE, .%m t { j,,... PROMPT DELIVERY, ?st* t ? Be. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. \ e - e 1 SEND OR CfiLU FOB BSTIttftTES BEFORE GOINO J Q Now Phona 1258. H-KWtltilt. Old Phono 1 68. A e0"OO4a-O-OOOOOO0-O?9>9?9<H>OOO FARMERS AXD OTT LAWS. They Coma To?ether, and Justice John, Ha? to Separate Them. There was an interesting case before Justice John in the Bolice Court yester day morning, Involving five country pro duc? dealer? and the city ordinances. These ordinances provide that the coun trymen may sell at the market and on the streets from their carts during market hours each morning and all day Saturday, but must stop every morning, ex?cept Sat urday, at the time the market bell pro claims that market hours are over. The flve men who appeared for violating the city ordinances were Frank Hea?h. Andrew Ml.1er, James Austin, Willi.T.i Ranaon, and Walter F. Walters. It was evident they did not even know of the enactment of the city fathers, nnd did what they did with no intentional disre gard of the laws of the capital of the Old Dominion. So Justice John, Inclined to be merciful, let them off with one of his finest lectures, and agreed to call it quare If they would do so no more. The case of Eugene Dandridge <co!ore_L charged with stealing $3 from Willie Aw len, was continued until the 27th. J. H. Mclvln was before the throne, charged with entering the store of C. G. Bogge and attempting to commit larceny, and was required to give security in $100 for six mon'hs. Melvin is a little negro. H? took some money, but more candy, tberabT proving he was a Juvenile. Edmund Toney, an old colored man, was charged with being a vagrant, and was sent to the almshous?. Rev. Mr. Hite'? Sermon?. Th?> Rev. Lewis F. Hite will begin to morr? w his work here for tho BIUBBM r. 11? ?rill j. i each morning and evening at the usual hour? In tho mission room. No. 71-2 wsi Marshall ?treat. The sermons will aim to help people see and live the spiritual truth the Lord teaches in His Word. Without making any invidious dls tin?'tions, these ?eratOBa will be charac terized by the fact that they recognize in the Bible a ?listim-t spiritual meaning, an inner and higher meaning within and be hind the letter, as that which makes the letter powerful unto salva tion, according to th?} ?rorda, "The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life." All who think they may be helped by this preaching are cordially invited to cone. The service? are held at H A. M. and 8 P. M. Till? Van'? Laut liny. Two performances to-day closes the bill at the Broad-Street Park pavilion for thil week, and the many favorit, s of the we-k kave to make room for new artists on Monday night. Billy Van has been the star of th>; company, and his early return is assured, as well as Misses Mclntyre. and Peak, two charming banjoists, who have won the admiration of the crowds. Flatow an?l Dunn have created almost a sensation with th'.ir black-face comedy, and Harry Tnft, the whistler, and Gallager an?! E\rs, knockab'_?uts, havo made BBO Motiday Paper The Monday Bulletin is a first-class paper in every re spect. Buy it and read it if you would keep well posted on WAR NEWS, LOCAL AFFAIRS, STATE POLITICS, WASHINGTON GOSSIP, LITERARY HAPPENINGS Its telegraphic service is excel lent, and covers our own and for eign lands, and it has a full corps of competent local reporters. The Monday Bulletin is for sale on all railroad trains leaving Richmond after sunrise Monday mornings. It is also delivered in Richmond and Manchester btrparriers. Or der your carrier to bring it to you and get all the news Monday Morning. Old Paper? for Sals ?t ?h? nupaffh ottle?. 15c. per hundred ur-VAHTi mc as* sT_Afti_ns. ALD DOMINION dTEAMSHIP COMPANY, DAILY LIN? FOR NEW YCRK, EXCEPT FRIDAY AND SUNDAY. Passen????rB can leave Richmond dally except oat ' 'unday via Chesapeake and Ohio railway at 8\*?0 A. M., or Rich mond and Petersburg railroad (.Norfolk; and Western route) il A. If., connecting at Norfolk with ?Jld Dominion Line stenmer sailing (am? evening lor New York. ALL-WATER ROLTK. Steamahip Richmond leeves Richmond every Monday at G P. M. ior New York via James river. Tlckfts on sale st Richmond Transfer Company's, Ml east Main street; ?.'hesa peake and Ohio railway, and Richmond and Petersburg railroad depots, and at company's oltlce, 1_J east Main street. Richmond. Baggage- checked through. FREIGHT for New York and all point? beyond can be shipped by direct steamer sailing from Richmond every MONDAY at B P. ?f.; siso, by steamer leaving Richmond ?very WEDNE?H-AY AND FRIDAY at ti P. M. for Norfolk, connecting with steamer for Ne-w York. Manifest closed one hour before sailing time. Freight received and forwarded, and through bills of lading issued for all northern, eastern, and foreign ports. FROM NEW YORK. Passenget s can leave ?J-.iiy, except Sun day, at 'd P. M. li-juturuay. 4 1'. M ) to Norfolk or ?ill Point Comfort, connect ing with Norfolk and Western railroad or Chesapeake and Ohio railway Direct Steamer <v!a James-river route) leaves every SATURDAY 2 P. M. (pas sengers and freighti, and freixht by steamers via Norfolk every MUNDAY a,,.i WEDNESDAY at 3 P. M. Snilinirs from company's pier, No. 26 North river, foot of H?.a,*h srr?et. Freight received and forwarded dally, except Sunday. For further Information apply to JOHN F. MAYER. Agent. 1212 east Main street, Richmond, Va. W. L. Oulllauden. VI e-Pre.sldont and Trafst? Manager, S?m York. J? >', SHORT OCEAN TOURS UNDER BRITISH FLAC The first-claM Ocesn-uoitiir nuMericer ttetakat j OHlNOC'O.2.000ton? sailiriir un?lerthe 7/ri?i .A ?lair. will l?.ave Now York June 2d?and every Thursday fortnisht thereafter until Oetotm Bth?for the I Hruish islandsof Itermula. situated in the Atlantic I Ocean. Three days oeeaa royags? Rx?_Uent j hotels, l'iisurpassed txaches for bathinif. ?'.?.d i fishing, l'neipiallcd hesltbfolncsa I??.? inlie? per fect bicycling roads. Kxiiuisiteiceriery AI?>o!me ' rutety assured by neutral flair Round trip tare, including meals snd state-room berth. Bn.OO. K.r illustraied pamphlet k?v?dk all Inform minn, ! apply to QUEBEC S s. CO.. A. _ uitkhbkip??e A 1 Co., Agents, H Broadway, Sew York, orto Messrs. I T-?Mas CuoK ?i Boa, 261 ?iruadnuy, New York. AMERICAN AND IKD STAR LINES. Rlf YOKK-SOL'THAIIPI"' ?N-ANTWEUP. 1 lie steamer? poifm inlnx tin? service sre either British or lleli;ian. tJa'.llug every WEDNESDAY at nooo. FHIK?jLANiJ...Juiy -.7 I -??NSIMI1 ?Aug. 17 SOL'1'HWAKK..Aui?. J \0<U:DLA\l>. *iur? 21 W'-jr'.NLM'. ta*. 10 I f 1*1 -'. '.Ml*. . Vi.-g. 81 IMTaKNATlONA-XAVIJAriON UlA. Piers 14 sa I 1 -. l'ortij :tlr?r. Office, ?i > ia/11 .< -Irani, ?. Cm W. a i'AL_Kit_0_, _ri 15-Ta.Tb-?aly .(-??.il. SIOK HEAO?OHE Positively cured by the__ JLitUo Pills. They also relieve Digress fi-om Dyipitrpsla, Indigestion and T-o Hearty Eating. A per? feet remedy for Dizziness, Katuea, Drow?i ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. $atf*B4r\ Pr.COe Substitution *?^a fxauil of the day. See you get Carter'^ Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. RAILROAD Lims. CHESAPEAKE WEST OHIO KAILWAY. Effective Jame 20, 1S9&. TEAMS LEAVE RICHMOND, BROAD ITKBBT STATIOX. 8:O0 A. M., DaUy. with Parlor car, for NortolS. poriaroouin. Old Point, Newport New?, and prlti? I, si ?nations. Con necta at Norfolk with N?w York ?teamers, ?xc?pt Bun day. ?:45 P. M., Dally, with Pullman, for local ?tation. Newport News. Old Point. Norfolk, and Portsmouth. Connect? at Old Point with Washing ton steamers dally, and with Paltlmjr? ?learner? ?0*0 A. IL. Mountain Expr?s?. wltB Parlor car, except Sun day, for Ronceverte. Con nect? at Oordonsvlll? tor Orange, Culpeper, Calver ton, M-anassas. Alexandria, and Waahin?ton; at Union Station, Charlotteevllle, for Lvnchburg; at Basic lor Hagersrown. ?:1B P. M., Dally, with Pullmana, to Cincinnati. Loul?vll>. and Bt. Loul?. connecting ?t Covlnston. Va., tor Hot Spring- Btops only a? Im portant station?. afcal? erved en dining-cars. No. T, Local Train, except Sunday, follow? ?bove train fr? m Gordons?. U'.e ti Go?hen. 8:80 P. M.. Accomm.iditl n. excrnt Sun day, fur ''har'.ottesville. IB .10 P. If., Dal!??, for Cincinnati, with F. F. V. Pullmans to Hlnton W. Va., and Oordonsville to Cina'nn.itl and Loulxvl'le. Meal? served on dinlnf cue. ?Oonascta a* Stan ? ton, except Sunday, for Winchester. Vu.. find at Covlngton. Va., dally, for Hot Spring's. TRAIX9 LEAVE EIGHTH-STREET STATION. 10:80 A. M.. D.illy. for Lynchbur?; and Clifton Forsre. ConntM-ts. ex cept Sunday, with Mucklne ham. Alberen.?, Lexington. ami Cralg Valley branches. and at Clifton Forge with No. 1 fcr ?"ln?'lnnstf. 8:00 P. M., Except Sunday, with clntr car, for Lynchburg and f? area Lynchburt t-oo a M for Lexington, except Sun dav. trails arrive at hi? iimom?, hroaij-*?treet station. 8:30 A. M.. bully, from CincinnatL lo:i5 A. M.. l ally, trom .Norfolk and O'.d Point. 3:30 P. M.. Dally, from Cincinnati and Louimrtll?. 6:BO P. M.. Dally, fn.m Norfolk and Old Point. T:43 P. M., Except Sunday, from Iton rsy? rtr-, TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION 8:40 A. M.. Sunday, from Lex inift >n ond Lyuchburg. S 6.20 P. M., P_ly, from Lynrhburg ?nd Clifton Forg?, and, except Sunday, from New Castle, T.exln?ton. Alberene, and Roaney. JOHN D. P0TT8. Assistant General Passenger Agent. SOUTHER? RAiLW&Y. Schedule Effective June B, 18U8. TRAINS LEAVE Rll HMUMU, VA. 1-iUA .M., douihern Express, dally, fur Aiunu. Ausu?U, and points South. S.c.'p?-r -.'.Kiunond to Danville-, Or ?on? boro', SsliaBury, Charlotte, Columbia, and Augusta. Bieeper open at 9'M P. M. Stop? at all atatlona between i.uhmoml and Danville to take on and lui off pj.-.s?ngcrs. Connecta at Danville, Salisbury, and Charlotte with ihc Wa-hington ?nd Southwestern Limited (So. O), carrying rtwper? New York to Ashevilie, Hot Springs, Chattanoo ga, and Nashville New York to Memphis. N.-w York to New Or leans; New Vork to Tampa, sad ftrst-clai? dally coach between Washington and Memphis. Connec tions arc made for ull point? la Texas and California. Sleeper open for occupancy ot 140 P. M. 115*01 P. M? No. 7, solid train, dally, for Charlotte, N. <'.. connects at Mose ley with Fuimville and Po what an railroad. At Kcysvllle for Clark? vllle, Oxford, Henderson, and Dur ham, and at ??i, ,-nsboio' for Dur ham. Raleigh, ?nd Wlnston-Salcm; at Danville with No. Zb, United States fast mall, solid train, daily i i New Orleans and points South, wnlch carries sleepers New York to New Orleans arid New York to Jacksonville. Thr-.ugh sleeper Salis bury to Memphis; also, Pull man tourist sleeper ever) wedn??. day, Washington to San Francisco, without chauffe. 6;00 p. M . Ne 17. local, dally, ?cept Sunday, for Keysville. Chase City, and Internen tat? pointa TRAILS ARRIVE AT CI? IIMOMI. ?O A If, p. M., from Atlanta, Augusta, Ash-vill ? and Nashville. 8:10 A. M., froq? *~ha?u ?'ay and Key? ville. laOCAL FREIGHT TRAINS No?. 1 and 62. between Manchester and Nea polla. Va. ?0RK-R1YER LINE * hup point, THE FAVORITE ROTTE MUMII, LEAVE mi inniM). 4:80 P. M., No. io, Haltimore Limited, daily, except Sunday, for West Point, there making clos?, connec tion on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday? with steamer for Ualii more; also, with ?tag? at Letter Manor for Walkerton and Tappa hannock on Tuesday?, Thursdays, and Saturday?. 2:80 P. M., No. lo, local expresa, Mon daya, Wedneadaya, and Friday?, for V. est Point and intermediate sta tion?. Connects with stage at Les ter Manor for Valkerton and Tap pahannock- also, -at West Point with ?teamer for Baltimore. Stop? at all stations. S:00 A. M . No. ?M, Local Mixed. Leaves daily, except Sunday, from Vir ginia-Street Station for West Point and intermediate stations, connect ing with ?tage at Laatar Manor for Walkerton and Tappahannock. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. ITA. M., d??ly. 10;4UA. M., Wednesday? and Friday? only. * 4.55 P. if., daily, ?except Sunday, from Weat Point and lntermediat? ata tlons. Steamers leave West Point at 8 P. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday.?, and Laltimore at 8 P. M. Tuesday?, Thurs days, and Saturdaya. Ticket-Office at atatlon, foot of Virginia treet. Open from ? A. M. to < p. M., ?nd from ?30 P. M. to 12 A. M. City ticket office, 94* ? " ? Main street. J. M. ?L*LP, W. A. TURK. Traffic Manager. (Jen. Paas. Agent. Fit AN K S. GANNON, Third Vice-presi dent and General Manager, Waahlagton, D. C. C. W. WESTRL'RY. Travelllnf Pas aenger Agent. ?20 east Main street. Rich mond. Va. Jo _ UK PA* ? I HI! Or S TEA ME It 4 pBJO-JJlSLFiiii. RICH MOND AND .NOK*ULK STLAMSiiiP COMPANY. Appointed ?ailing daya: Every TUES DAY. FRIDAY, und BUN DA Y at day light. Freight received dai'r until I P. M. Fare (including un-at? ana berth;, H on Friday'* and Sunday'a ateain-r For furthtr informa'ion appiy to J. W. M'?'AKItlCK. General Southern Ag-nt: offle??. Rocket?. W P CLYDE ft CO. -fa 2> Otneral Agenta. Philadelphia. PRESCH UNE. ( .,n?l?ua?ilr??caer'ala'i n*nj??librali?u? DIRECT TO havre-paiub i FRANCE;. Silling every Saturday at 10 A. M.. from Pl?r No. ?12. North river, loot Mor ton ?:rc?t. I_ Touralne. Au 27 La B'urtf gn?. Aug. 1 I.u Navarre, J'y Zi La Bretagne. An 13 La 0?scogr.e, S'y 39 \ji Navarr?. Au 20 General Agency for Unlt.d Stat?. a^J C?nada. I Bowling Green. N. Y. Richmond Traacfrr Co.. OOl Mai? It. Andre,? U.'el?B BIB E- V?lc St. J? t> BAILROAD UlSf. miMAmki Jaaa t?, taaa. Lf&AVB BlCHMOaO. BYBJ^rrBSa-V 8TAT108. ?.00 A. M., RICHMOND AND NOB FOLK VK-riTliiULE UMIT ED. Arrivas Norfolk 11:11 A. M. ?top? only at Pfltflra ?vurg, Wsverly, and BuftVk., Second-claafl tickets not ac cepted on this trsln. _,. ?O0A.M. THE CHICAGO EX.? REIH, for Lynchburg. Roanoke. Co lumbus, ?ad rhlcHBo. Pull man Sleeper Roanos? to Co lumbus, alao. for Bristol, Knoxvllle, and Chattanooga. T.SO P. M , For Suffolk. Norfolk, aad lu termcdlai? ?t?tlon?, arriv?a at Norfolk at 10:60 P. M. HABT*. X> ??abura and Bo?. noka Connect? at Roaaok? with SVaehlngton and >*"*nrat tanooga Limite?! Pullman Sleeper?* Roanok? to Mem phis and New Orlean?. Pull* man Sleepor between Rich mond ana Lynchburg, sa? berths ready for occupancy at 9:00 P. M. Also. Pulfr man Sleep?r Petersburg and Roanoke. Trains arrive Richmond from Lynch burg and the W?set dally at t:15 A. XL and 8 "*> P. M ; from Norfolk and the East at lirOf A. M.. and VESTIBULED LIMITED at 9M P. M. Oin.ce. ??8 Main street. R. W. COURTNEY, District Paa*"im AgeaL , w. n. bevFll. General Pas?eng?r Agent. - General Office: Ronnofce, Va. J? IS k ft ] ATLANTIOCOIST * * ** LI.N? flcbeJule la Effect Jan?** 1?, 18??. i'RAl-iS -EAVB HKHaOMi-L-llO"? DEPOT. 7.33 A. M , Sunday accommodation ar rive? Petersburg *.--z. mahea all stop? Richmond and Petersburg railroad. u.tMl A. M., bally. Arrives Petersburg .-> .1 A. li, Norfolk 11:3d A. M. Stops only ?t Petersburg, Waverly. and Suffolk, Va. 0:0? A? M., Daily. Arrtv? Petersburg 9M A. M . Weldon 11 U A. M.. Fayettevllle 4:tt P. M., Charleston 10:20 F, M., Savannah 12M A. M , Jack sonville 7:.*> A. M . l'or? Tampa 6:20 P. M. Connecte at Wilson with No. 47, ar rivlug Goldsboro' 3:10 P. M.. Wilmington 5:a? P. M* Pull man Sie? |,?r New York to .Jacksonville. 2 55 P. M.. lutlly. Local. Arrive? Pe tersburg *:*U P. M. Mflkea all siopH. ?:-10 P. M., Sunday accommodation. Ar rives Petersburg 6:2? F. M. Mikes all stop? Richmond ?ml Petersburg rallroil :80 P. M., Dally. Arrive? Petersburg 6 j? P. M. Make? all local ?tops Richmond and Pot?re> burg railroad. T:30 P. M.. Dally. Arrive? Petersburg 8:04 P. M . cotinocts with Norfolk ?Ad Weste-n for Norfolk and Intermediate points, Emporta 1:10 (con nects with A. and D. for stations between Emporta and Lawrence ville), Weiil??n 9:42 P. M . Fayettevllle 1 ?)7 A. M.. Charleston ?02 A. M? Savannah 8.08 A. M., Jack aonvllle 1 P. M., Port Tampa, 9:46 P. M. NEW LINE TO MIDDLB GEORGIA POINTS.-Arrlv lnn Alken 7:28 A. M.. Augusta 8:10 A. M? Ma?on 11 A M.. Atlanta 12:15 P M. Pullmaa S'.'-epfr? New York to Wil mington, J?eknonvllle, Porf Tampa, Alken, Auguata, and Macon. 8:8? P. M.. Dally. Arrive? Petersburg 9:31 P. M., Weldon 11:20 P. U. M ik.-?? locnl ??top-? be tween Petersburg and Wei don. 11:40 P. M.. Dally. Arrives Petersburg 12:20 A. M , Lynchburg 6:11 A M.. Ronnoke 7.16 A. M.. Prlstol \2.fA P. M. Pullman Bleeper Richmond to Lynch burg. TRAISS AltUIVE Rlcn*flO*IO. 4 OU a. M.. Duily. truui Jacksonville, Sa \,nu.,ili, Charleston, Atlanta. M ? u. Augusta, and all points South. S:1B A. M., Dally, except Sunday, At lanta. Athen*. Rulelgh, Hen derson, Lynchburg, aud tli? \> eat. B'JAl A. M.. Dally. Petersburg local. S;00 A. M., Sunday ?mtv, from Atlanta, Athens?, Kaleigh, Henderson, Lynchburg. und the W??t. 11:05 A. M., Daily. Norfolk, Suffolk, and P?terslrarg. 0:40 P. M., Dally, Jucksonvllle._ Saynn nah, Charleston, Wllmini ton, G?ldstx joints S??iitti ?* * ton, Goldsboro', and ali points Mouth. 8:55 P. M.. Dally, Norfolk, Suffolk, Wa v?rly, and Petersburg 8:50 P. M ,, Petersburg, Lynch* burg, an.1 the West. 1? on a M , Sunday accommodation. T:?0 P. M.. Sunday accommodation. J. R. KENLT, T M EMERSON, General Manager Traf?l?* Mu.ager. H. M EMKRSON, General Pu ? ?? nicer Agent. C. S .'AMPMKLL. J* 16 Division PtiMenger Agent. D U 9r p HicumoDd, Pfdde - A?, f. IX ** Ticbbart ?t Ptomac ?rhedul? la Effect Mar 1?. ISM? LE AI a. illUU-MilLLi 8TAT10?. e.-VA.M., Dany, for Wasuu.gion and bointa north. Stops ouiy -I ?liiioid und Fi*?icilck*burg. Pullman Simp?:'? to tie* York. tt.'iO A.M., Soi..lay only, for W ?ashing, ton and points North. M'ut/fl at Elba, Glen A ilon, Ash* ItunJ, Taylorsvllt?*., Doaw?ll iiuther Glen, l'unoiu. Mil ford, Woodsiariti, G??n.*?. Summit, ! T..'i?*in keburg, Rrooke. and Wid? water. Pullman car. 8.4? AM, Dally, except Sunday, for Washington and points North. Stop? at Elba. Asb laud. Taylorsvlll?, I?>awelt. Ruthsr ? :;.*.i Ptrnoia. Mil' ford. Woodalan?. Guin?a. Hunmlt, F reu ?rick ?burg, iirooko, and Wldvwatar. 'ullmab ear. ?ally, except Sunday, fofl Washington aii'i pointa North. Stops at Hll.a. Oleii Allea, Asnlsnd, l?o?well, M l I f o r d, ! i? i. iLKr-bur?, Brook?, and Wid- watar. Parlor c?ar. Also. ?aafflafl with i'ongrt??alon.i Limited at Washington. T.1?P. M., Dally, for Waahlngton and pointa North. Stop? at Elba, Ashland. Doawell. MUforC. Frederlcksburg, Brook?, and WMewater, and other sta tion? Bun*?ys Si ??-per RleB mond to N?? Yd-*' AHB1VE BYPD-flTMBKT BTATIO?. ?.-H? A. .'J . Dally, ?top? ?t V. I ;?-.??.i?*r. Broolc?, Proderlckaburg, Mil* ford, Do?w?ll, Ash'and. and Elba, sud other Matioae Sunday?. Sle?p?r N?w York to Richmond. 3.4? jr. M. Daily, except Sunday, ?tops at Wi.lewatur. H rook?. Frederlcksburg. Summit, Guinea, Woo?n?lan?. Milford. Pen?la, Ruther Gl?n. Dca* wall, TayloravlUe. Ashland, Gl?a Allen, fln.I Elba. Par lor ear from Washington. T:!? P.M., Dally Stop? only at Fr?de ric\?burg. Dos ??11. Aah land, end Elba. Puhman ears fforn New York. 8 ? P.M., Dally, ?top? at Wide water, Brook?, Frederlcicshurg, Summit. Guinea. Woodalan?, Mllford. Pen?la. ?:?i??,et Glen. Doswell. TaviorsvHIe, A?hland, Glen All??n. and * *-? . a1.??.?***-* --- ynnn.T*iucK?R?c. ?rrnaninnAtio-r. (Daily ?ac?pl 8un?:j.. / 4-iwp.M., Leave? Byrd-Street Station. ?JM>A. M. Arrive? Ryrd-Street Station. A9HLA-1D TBAiaa. (Dally ?xc?pt -Sunday.) ?42 A M, L?av?a K Va. ?.?? P. M. L??v?e El?. 8 441A.M., Arrives Elba. IO?PM. Arrive? Elba. C. A TATttOn Traffic Managwr. H. T P. Myers. *?r??B*4ent._?*|*Lti_ WHITE flLPIILH WATER. FROM THE OLD GRBENBBIEB WHlTt. We have thi? Water bow la both quart ind plat bottles, fresh from the Iprlaga. PURCELL. LADO 4 CO., ly l-ta Wholeeal? Drugahahh