Newspaper Page Text
8 _THE RICHMOND DI8PAT0H-THURSDAY, JULY 28' I99b\ Can You Use That is tho real question, Merchandise ! Some one can?some one mui ARE NOT KEEPERS 0 GOODS ; THEY ARE SELI ERS. All tho this season stuffs your eyes behold are i he sold, and to he sold at son Drice that is sura to tuko ihcii THIS IS THF HIGH-TIDE SELLING SEASON WHAT WE DO TO-DAT WITH miiiii; GOODS. The goods are to be fairly distributed among the consumers. Storekeepers ari Dot invited. A bargain to our public 1?. ?equal to a return for good, and wo desire the "good" to be widespread. Very Sheer 1-1 ne White French Or gand?os, the best 25c. grade, 12 I-He. a yard. White India Linons, the 5 and 61-4e. grades, for 31-2c. a yard. 86 pb-crs best l?$c. White India Linens, - > Inebrs -al.'e, So. a yard; the 20c grades now 121-2c . Whit? Corded Pique, 6 3-4c., instead of 12 l-2e. n 10-Inch Whit?*- India Linon, 17-Sc. for the best 0*. Bt Dotted Swiss and Sheer Plaid Organdie?, ri'iw *?3-4c. a y.ord. White Marseille? Suiting, 6 1-2c. a yard. Bhet-r White India Linons, 4 3-ic. a vard. The best 10c. grado India Linons, now IMS. LADIES glllltT-WAIST PRICES. are not limited by cost, or even by cost of materials. R^ady-mnde things have to be sold, owing to the probable chingo In style the season to come. Several hundred dozens to-day. AT 2T.C?Shirt-Waists that wer? AT 75c.?3fi0 laundered Shirt-AValsts, that were gl 2."? and J1.50, White Pique ntjtl all fant v colors. AT fl?Shirt-Waists thst were 11.75 and ft.UK. solid color pique and other fine materials. at ?lie,. :-s doBeaa Bhlrt-W?alata. in nil iheck and striped cheviots and lawns ? 'St ?Me. ordinarily. AT UM AV.lists of the finest Imported malcri?is, were $2.2'? and $2 asen. P^KT OF LAST MONDAY'S GREAT STORY V. ?J Till: SALB OB* K"AIT IXbERWE.AR. There are mnnv to sell as yet. Ladle? ' I Ribbed Tape-Neck Vt ts, *>c. for 10c. ont s. 1'ink and liluo "i?c. Vests, now 21 . The finest Lisio and Silk 75c. Vests, now } Ribbed Pants, knee lengths, pair. Children'? itu?t.?-?i B?amlt a Watsta, with patent buttons and button-holes, 1 to Vi fooxA Be. Boyi.' Ralbrlggan or India Gauze Shirts and Dra~?ra, 26c for ?my on Ch?ldr?'n's and Mtue?' Ribbed Summer Vests, 2c. for the 5c. gratle. YOC CAM TFTE TV KAR OF hLMMKR DHKSSKS, SKIIITS, ETC., FOR NEAR THREE MONTHS YET, but the Store has it?aih<d the length of their possible telling time, heneo these pri? ?- ... TAIl/TR-MADE GOWNS. White 1'lque Suits, made In tho latest fashion*. |3.*S for the $i oaes; & for the |5 ones. tA Limn ?'rash find Duck Suits, costing up to K.."?t?. now iz. DTJCR SUIT? POR ."5c., FROM UM, *raJJor-hfade Suits in colors, fly-front jacket?, for $2; $? ones for t-l. tl?. :ji ,->n<* for is. *" BEPARATE SKIRTS. Colored Cheviot Skirts, circular ruffi? tucked pins, were up to $8.50, now $3.7; All-Silk Taffeta. Skirts, new, fan-La?il variety of patterna, H tor the $10 quaJ ?ty. All Black Silk Taffeta Skirts, ruffled edged with ribbon velvet, prices wer up to 921, now $10. S3 Unen Ski: ts, now 12. J2.5H Linen and Crash Sklrta, now $1.S M for the 12 ones. THE SILK SELLING NOW, To all those that take advantage wll find the transaction among the pleasan ' memories when fall opens. Few, indeed can be replaced for double. All-Silk Black Rustling Taffeta for 49c a yard. U'wo-Tone Silk Taffetas, In all the ne\ colorings, for 42c a yard. Wash Silks, In broken checks and plaids for 371-2c. All-Silk Plaid Taffetas for 25c. All-Silk Double-Twill Serge Surah, fo 23c. Liberty Silk, in all the now cvenlnj shades, for 25c. Black All-Silk Brocades for 42c. Black "Lyons Satin Duchess," witl beautiful lustre, very pliable, full 2 Inches. $1.50 quality, now 86c. Black Sewing-Silk Orenadlne, the un eraahahle kind. f.fc\, usual fl quality. Satin Wave Designs In Black Motn Velour, cost $1.50 to import, for 75c a yard. 27-inch Hand-Woven Oriental Bind Silk, perfectly waterproof, 60c., fron $1 a yard, etc. THE SOAP DEAL BROKE THROIGI ALL SOAP RECORDS. It's a family notice to the saving ol much more than half your money. Grahans Brothers' (of Chicago) Cocoa Toilet Soap, large cakes, for le. a cake worth lue. a dozen. James S. Kirk's Dandelion Soap, larg? cakes, for Ic. cake. Larga cakes Pure White Glycerine Cabi net Soap, usually ?30c. a dozen, fo: 21-2c. cake. Oatmeal Soap for Ic. cake. Extracts of Buttermilk Soap for 7c, a b??x of 3 cakes. Iris Cream Soap, nicely wrapped and r?< rfumed, for 7c. box of 3 eaSaa. Pure Palm Soap for 8c. a dozen cakes. MAHVIJI.I.OIS CORSET SALE. The best with Cohen's great price story, Llfs'ht-Blue and Pink Emnir* Corsets French sateen, Jaco- and ribbon-trim med, perfect-fitting, for $1. One lot of Corsets, White or Drab, reg ular $1 value, for G9c. 75c. Corsets, high bust, long waist, well boned, for Z'Jc. 6 dozen Armor-dde Corsets, usually sell for $1, hero to-day for 75c. 39c. Ventilating Corsets, for 19c Di THE BASEMEXT. Heavy Macram? Cord Hammocks, with sprca?!? r, 7i?c. each. Gold-Stipple?! China Water Pitchers for lie., from 35c. Sllkoline-Fillcd Fireplace Screens, 35c, from 75c. ILM Water Coolers for 75c. ??? frigerator.s fur $4.50. $10 Baby-Carriages for $7.75. H-inch Porcelain Meat Diahea for 20c. s Silver-plated Tablespoons, 10c. ?ach. Silver Steel Teaspoons, 10c. a dozen. THE COHEN CO. I THE COHEN CO. TO ENTECA PROTEST. ?W COM M H IK 'Il OPPOSES THE PROPONED C. A O. REMOVAL. WILL SEE PRESIDENT 1NGALLS. A Committee Appointed to Confer Midi li I iaa i.n.I Try and Prevent t!u* CluiiiKt? llfiut; .Minie?A Letter from 111 m. A called meeting of tho Board of Direc tors of the Richmond Chamber of Com merce wus held jreatarday evening to con sult r What aition .-iiuiild be taken in op position to the removal from Richmond of a largo part Of the force of the office pf the rrenaraJ freight scent of the. ch. . .?. l>t akS and Ohio Railway Company, an?? of certain departments of the road which bava heretofore been Included in that office. There were peasant at the meeting Mr. L. Z. Morris, first vice-president (in the chair), Mr. II. L. Cabell, second vlce jti ri at* M na, s. D. ?Chaaabaw, F. il Deane. P. F. Greenwood, F. E. Molting, R. L. Traylor, II. W. Wood, S. M. Wood ward, and w. s. Worthaaa, directors, and u number of members of the Cham ber, and members of tho Young Man's Business Association, including Mr. H. L. Valentine, president of the latter asso rs?tUon. Mr. Morris explained the object of the meeting, and then called upon the sec-ro tary to read tho telegraphic correspon dence between himself and the president of the Chesapeake and Ohio, which has ?ilre.uly bean published, and the letter hi Mr. Ingalls, dated the 25th instant, ro ceivrii vesti-nlay morning. LSTTBR FROM MR. INGALLS. This letter was as folio?. Chcsapeaku and Ohio Railway Co., M. E. Ingalls, President, Cincinnati. O. At Hot Springs, Va,, July 25, 1898. L. Z. Morris, Esq., "Vlce-Prcsldcnt, Chaml>er of Commerce, Richmond, Va.: Dear ?Sir,? I have your telegram, and I am at a loss to understand what you m.m. I have no recollection of any con ference at White Sulphur in 1889 which In any way pertains to the control of the management of our property. Since tin a v.. ?. ive moved our rate d?partait nt to Cincinnati and moved it buk. We now propo?* - to move It-back to ?'incinnatl on the 1st of August. While I should be very glad to seo you or any committee of jour chamber at any time, I cannot ? ive of anything that could be ?aid that would chutige this conclusion on our part. It Is a matter that doe? not con cern tin? prosperity or business interests of Richmond, but It does eoaeera tho effectiveness of the management of the ipeake and Ohio railway. The head of our traffic department has always t in Cincinnati, and there is where the rat?? department should be. It waa abanan?] U Richmond for personal rea s?.n??, will? h no loafer exist. Your? truly, (Signed' M. E. INGAI-! President. TO SEE MR. INGALIaS. Letter? were also read from Colonel ?Jean AX Purcell and Mr. A. II. Christian, Jr., confirming in nil material points ths Stab. ment made In yesterday's paoor with reference t<i the removal of this offlVe .?chmoiul In 1SS9, tho>.?? gentlemen being two of the members of the commit ?tas of the Chamber that were present at .Treme with Mr. Ingalls |? that y*mt, and Mr. 8. D. Cr?n*h.iW ,j, ,h? fluid member of the conrmlttoe, mn.le a Vartwl sUtement to th.* samo effect. -_. ' " De?tiP' O Morris, and Woo. wurd discussed the subject etrneat V. all urging the Impur Uric? of the re -. . ' .. i IB.. V.AK___ !__** ?_ tention of the ofn?B as heretoforo con BtltUtOd, ami f?me of them Insisting* that It should have enlarged authority and ? v,. rg, Mr. Louis P. Esckcr, who was present ut tho meeting in the interest of the ChasspeeBe snd Ohio, was extended the courtesy of the floor, but declined speak liiK. saying that he waa merely there as a bearer, Mr. Valentino was also Invited to speak, but stated that he only desired to tender the eo-operatlon of tho Young Men'? Business Association to act with the Chamber in the matter. Upon tho motion of Mr. Gabell the ap pointment of a committee of threo to pro pare a protest against the removal of this ottico was authorized, and upon motion of Mr. Woodward the Chair was request ed to appoint a committee of threo to con ler with Mr. Ingalls. Upon the first com mittee the Chair appointed Messrs. Cabal*, Traylor, and Crenshaw, and upon the second , committee he appointed If? ars. GhtStAVUS Mlllhlser. A. 11. Chris tian, Jr., and Arthur I-t. Clarke. Upon motion of Mr. Cabell, Mr. I* Z. Morris was made ex-oflkio a member of both committees, and the becretary of the Cii.mbi-r waa requeste.1 to accompany the committee appointed to confer with Pres ident Ingnlla. Henrieo News Notes. "Constable Meyer Angle, of tho county, Tuesday arrested one John Gray, a negro doctor, who Is charged with bavins, stolen 10 from another negro named Ed. Grant. The case will como up before 'Siuire Lewis to-day. i'utrick Boyle, a white man, was before 'Squire J. L. Lewis and R. Kston Lewis, of Henrieo, charged with having pur chased a pair of wheels stolen from the North Carolina Wheel Company, know ing them to have been stolen. Boyle was fined $6 und cost?. R< na Brown (colored) ha? been arrested, charged wiih being tho assailant of Mrs. Bland, of Howard's Grove. Mrs. Biatid was knocked down on the turnpike, near her homo last week and was painfully hurt. \?u I'ra In?,Hule? Closes. The session of tho New Era Theological Institute, held at the First African Bap tist church, closed last night. Tho exer cises yesterday wero quito attractive. Rev. II. A. Bagby delivered an int. :. i ing discourse at 9:20 A. _L on "Faith," and at 11 o'clock Rev. Dr. J. C. Hlden, pastor of Grove-Avenue Baptist church, spoke on "'?he Holy Spirit in Ueiation to Christ.** In the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Rev. w. It. L. Smith, pastor of the Second Rap List church, spoke on "The* Missionary Spirit a Mark of the True Church," and last night a,t 8:30 o'clock Rev. Z. D. Lewis sp?ko on "Church History." I"i-oiierl;* Transfers. Richmond: Augusta R?schen to Herman 3oschen, 1-33 interest in 25 feet on Laurel street, northeust corner Cumberland, and n '29 feet on south side Broad street be w?m Fifth and Sixth, |?. EMM to same, 1-8 interest In SA,0l?:,2, ?elng the unpaid purchase money of louse? and lot No. 607 east Broad street, ? *>. Henrieo: Fairrnount Lsnd Company to darla Thelmer, wife of C. G. Thelraer, au tet on west sido Nineteenth ?treet, 27 1-2 BSj north of R. tl.&OP. 8t. Paul Henley's trustee to Samuel H. " ulllam, 30 feet on north side State street etween Marshall and Cllliarn, and 30 feet n same between same, $3ao. WHILE THE WAR LA8TS, :,!. WHO MARCH. WALK. OR STAND loaM shake Into their shoes Allen's roci ase, a powder. It cure? aching, tired re, swollen feet, and makes tight or r*w shoes easy. It absorbs moisture and iev. chafing, hot, snrurtlng, bliBtered veatisg feet. All the regular army oops and navy men use It. Volunteers i hoi climates can't exist In comfort lthout It. Allen's Foot-Ease Is ? >ld I v I drogglUs and ?hue store. Ko. Sa m ri s ni i-ilEl? Addi-cas ALLEN S. OLM fLD. L<* Roy, N. *f. Js ?-Th?rts > VIRGINIA'S TROOPS THE LATEST FROH CAMPS ALGE ARD CURA LIBRE. F THE THIRD III 4 IfEW CAHI Typhoid-Fir?er Caaea Increasing 1 (1 Sambrr-Tlie First Ilrath lu tb L Second Hegliarot-Mention of Pro iMottoa??Marriage?. CAMP ALGER. July 27.-<Speclal.) Thl? afternoon finds us duly installed i our new camp, and the boya, worn out o work and heat, are resting and sleepln, In their tents. The last night In our old home waa i quiet one, every one retiring as early a: possible in order to bo ready for to-da>"; move. A rumor reached the officer of th day, Captain Miller, of Company L, tha the boys had planned a raid on the sut i 1er?' stands, and he accordingly took pre cautions to prevent anything of the klni being dont?. Extra sentinels were posted and these were given ball cartridges, wltl orders to use them if necessary. Nothing of the kind took place, however, thougt some of the boys used the sleight-of-han?: process, with the result that the owners of the stands found themselves euurt a few cakes, etc * IN NEW QUARTERS. Reveille was sounded at 3 o'clock this morning, and a few minutes afterwards tho camp resembled Camp Lee the morn ing tho Third and Fourth regiments de parted. The men immediately packed their clothes and rolled their blankets, tents, and ponchos, while the cooks were busy prepurlng a breakfast of beefsteak, bread, and Coffee. Thl? food was served at 4 o'clock, and guard mount held at 4:15. The old guard was relieved and the new sentinels detailed to act as a guard for the numerous prisoners. At 7 o'clock the three battalions formed In heavy marching order. Nearly all of tho men had heavy loads, and had the march been a long one there would havo been many straggler?. As It was every man was ut terly exhausted when the ground? were reached. Tho morning was sultry and terribly warm, and the pace set coming over her* was very rapid; in fact, too fast for men as heavily loaded down us we were. A BREATHING SPELL. Every one was ready to drap when wo reached here, but after a breathing Bpell the work of erecting tents began, and .was completed In a couple of hours. Our camp site is a beautiful one. and a hatter could not have been selected. The tents are pitched in a green field covered with a short growth ol grass. There is very lit tle shade, but a few hedge rows will af ford relief from the lier??' rays of tho sun. To tho left of us are campc-d the first Connecticut Regiment, while In front of us, at a distance of six or seven hun dred yards, a regiment of Ohio troops is ?uartered. A splendid well right at camp affords plentiful water supply, and others will bo dug. As a whole, the new camp is an im provement on tho old one, except for one thing, and this is that shad? Is less plen tiful here, and the men are apt to suffer more from heat. As yet, there Seems to be no drill-grounds, but a large fl??ld at the rear of the camp will probably be Utilize.l. Major Smith, surgeon of this regiment, has been named as ono of tho board of Examining ?BurgOOBS for the first division. This board will examine all men who may apply for discharges. TYPHOID-FEVER. Despite tho precautionary measures Which have been adopted in Camp Alt-'-r, the number of men down with typhoM fever Is large, and new case:? 8**A reported iv? ry day. A member of the First Rhode Island Regiment told me to-day that there ?-rare in his regiment alono thirty caces. Th? y seem to think that the chango of climate has something to do with bring ing oa tho (aver, gad, in fact, it la ?otic - ablo that the Virginians have suffered lit tle from tho dread disease. Two new cases were reported in this regiment yes terday, Private Charles T. Goolrlck, of Company K, now on detached duty in the First Division Hospital Corps, and Pri vate J. T. Morris, of Company E. Both of these boys have Ifcn taken to tho Fort Myer Hospital, and will receive the bes medical treatment. Roth division hospi tals are overcrowded, and tho ono at the Fort Is ?rapidly becoming so. While I write in my tent now a ead slKht may be witnessed on the road that runs Just a few yards In tho rear of my . company street. An army-wagon, drawn , by four mules, Is pBBSlBg slowly along, and its only load is a coflln, which con tains all that Is mortal of Private A. IL Elmbock, of the Seventh ?'hlo, who died y.sterduy. An escort, consisting of tho j :lead soldier's .-"?mrades, accompany tho remains, and the boy? of our regiment ?tand with uncovered heads as the tl? ?1 j soldi? r passes to his last resting-place. It s the first funeral escort they have seen, md the spectacle has thrown a dumper jver tho camp. CAMP ? IBA LIBRE. A Great "lian y Note? of rersonal Interest to Virginian?. CAMP ?CURA LIBRE, JACKSON VILLE, FLA., July 27.-(Speclal.)-The second Virginia Regiment sustained its lrst loss In the death of Private Robert r. Corvin, Company D, of Wythevllle, ?'a., who died at tha Division Hospital >n tho night of the 21th of July of yphold-fevcr. His remains have been aken to his home, in AVytheville, accom Wnled by Lieutenant R. K. Spiller, who vas granted a leave of absence for ten g lays. Captain R. W. Patton held services In p he undertaking-room, attended by the > eceased's company, before tho remains .,. raie removed to tho depot As the guv- o nimmt only allows $lo for funeral ex- j_ enses, Corvln's company raised th? ne- ?** essary amount to pay for embalming and rj ransportation home. This is the Hist d eath In th?j Second Rtgiment-a notable c, L-cord for three months' ?sen a Private Jam, s H. Kellam, of the same ?, oinpany, who has been quite 111 with ,'phoid-fevcr, is Improving. PERSONALS. Private William H. Burgis, of Company ?, has been discharged by order of the al tpartment, on the application of his ei irents, he having enlisted under age. e\ Lieutenant George N. Skipwith. of Com- A my I, Second Regiment, is entirely well, ?? id Is officer of the guard to-day. Ti Private J. J. Kill, of Company I. has ci *en detailed as ?taker for tho regiment, be Major J. r. Watson, the popular com ander of the Second Battalion, Second eglment. of Virginia, who was marri?.! AMngdOQ, Va., on the 23d instant r?* ?nett at regimental headquarters this du ornlrig for duty, accompanied by fa?, v Ide. He reli-v Coptela Wliigneld th ritnn, of Company H, who has btui ?act- an g major during his absence. sp rhe boys of Company I, Second Regl- * ?M-t, better known as Captain Shackel rd s Company, have divided their mes3 id the company mess proper 1? now' der charge of Corporal M. G Trice ( lose good management has almost Tf mlnated the kicking element. m? ."olonel George TV. Taylor, of the he urth,*has kindly extended the BBSBbar t0 passes per company from live to twen- l01 each day, for which the men are very ru? I If lUi. jjjij "he many friend? of Captain Marye of OB ) Fourth, will be glad to learn that' he tei much Improved. He will leave very to rn for Richmond. ' p! ? mat R. G. Guthrle. of Company I Wi - ond Tlrglnla. has entirely recovered R i returned to his company c<nert(J ?J T^W*- (,;il<,w*"' a?-lstant ?i,r- fea >? of the Second Virginia, but now at- leg f?i??Wi?n*?^^ : A $5.00 SHOE FOR $3.50 $3,50 L g $3,50 $3.50 Fj^ ? $3.50 $150 ??^f *3-50 $3.50 _4MF^L *3'50 $3.50 ? gte^| *3-50 W-L. DOUGLAS $3.50 SHOE nt^oid Indorsed by over J,000,000 weare?. The style, lit and wear cannot be ex ?criled at any price. -All kinds of leather. All the modern style- AH widths. One price, $3.50. BOYS WEAR W. L DOUGLAS $2.50 SHOE. Same quality as tie | men's. Very ttylish. ? 5ee than? at our exclusive ?tore, ", 623 East Broad St. 3; . (jy S-Ta.Th&Sata* LOST, STK-YKD, AJID KOL.tO. "STRAYED,"ON JULY 17TH. FROM C14 Loalslaaa Btreet, Fulton, a SMALL HLACK AND WHITE HEUSER, about 12 months old. Also, on July 27th a SMALL LIGHT-RBI.? BUFFALO COW. A liberal reward for return of same or any information. J. DOC SEARS. )y 2S-H- _^________, PEHSOXAL. THE PUBLIC IS HKREBY NOTIFIED that my wii<*. EDITH MATHUES, hav ing left my bed and board, 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. T. J. MATHUES. Jy H-Thlt? ' HAIR DRESSIXtt. I WISH MY FORMER CUSTOMERS to know that I have resumed business at ?o. ZU east Marshall street. Mrs. E. KAHL, Jy24*7t (formerly Miss WildtV PROPOSALS. Room 11, Third Floor. City Hall, Richmond. Va., July 2*>. 1898. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED AT THIS OFFICE UNTIL 3 P. M., FRIDAY, July 29, 189*. for furnish ing the Police Department with the BEST ANTHRACITE E<JG AND NTT COAL AND 1'INE KINDLING WOOD for one ?/ear from Aucu:* 1. litt, to be delivered at the First, Se<T>nd. and Third Police Station houses and patrol-house in SOCh quantities as th? aseds of the ?lepart ment rmy from time to time require. The Committee on Police reserve the rhjjht to reject any or all proposals of fend, and to award the contract In wholo or in part. ALFRED H. M'DOWELL, Jy 27-2t_Clerk, SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived at toe ofllco of ,he LIjcht-House Engineer, Fifth District, Post-Office Building. Baltimore. Md., until 12 o'clock noon AUGl'ST '27,, l?as, and then opened, for the construction of the Wade Point Light-House, North Carolina, in ac< ord ance with plans and apeelfteatlons, copies of which, with blank proposals und other Information, miy bo bad upon applica tion to W. A. JUNES. Ei.-utenant-CoIonei, Corps of Engineers, United Stati-a army, IJght-Houso EiiKineer. _Jy '?r,.'zti.27&:?<Mu 2A&21-r,t tached to the Division Hospital, who had the misfortune to fracturo his leg a few days since, i.s fast recovering, and will bo out In a few ?lays. Lieutenant H. G. Bogan, ordnance offi cer of tho Second, has reoatved bills of lading for the amount of ordnanOS t?> complete the squlpinent of the rsglnrsnnt Corporal James N. iiirtchfleld, if Corn pany F, has been promoted to ijuarter rasster aoraaaat, ?ries O. O. vniers. Two hundred men from tho Second Vir ginia will be stnt out to the rifl? -r.i:>. . to-morrow morning for preliminary i?:,k uce. Each man la r>-.?ijir.-.1 to lire twenty rounds at 1?J0 yards; I.?..- at Ml yard.-, and ten at 300 yards. The detail will bo under the Hip??rvls.i.?n of LI? utenant-Colo nel O. B. Roil? r, SaSlSted l?y Lieutenant liently, of Company G; Lieutenant Palmer, of Company F; Lieutenant Spil ler, of Company D, and Lieutenant Lang horn, of Company H. Lieutenant Cochran. Company A, Sec ond, has been detailed as regimental po lice officer. Company E, Captain i'ralKhlll, is on pa trol duty in the county, to prevent the soldiers from committing depredations. Captain R. W. Patton has purchased a large service tent for the Second, and In a few days the boys will have a com modious and comfortable tent In which to read, write, and sleep. Captain Patton lias devoted much of hia time to this en terprise since the regiment arrived here, ind much credit is due tiie success of his iTorta. The Fourth Regiment expects to move ts camp about fifty yards on higher rround. It is rumored that Colonel Maus, chlef iurpcon of tho division, has recommended i;?.t the camp bo m??ved to the mountains >f North Carolina or tho coast of Maine. The Association Moonlljcht. Announcements are now betas sent out o the m< nhers <>f ths association con ernlng the moonlight of next Thursday light. The tame Is gotten out in a wry ittractive form, with private mailing ard for reply inclosed, and it Is safe to ?ay that orders will bo pouring in by ?oon to-day. Only 7-V) ticket:? tritt he old. The demand will be much greater. n case of bail weather the excursion vil! be postponed, but th?j association is Jways fortunate In baVlBf a ?ood night, .nd It is hoped that this will be no excep lon to the rule. An Enjoyable Pound Party. There was a delightful "pound party" iven at tho residence of Mrs. J. E. Vnght, 235 south Linden Street. Those resent: Misses Viola Wright, Alma ?elson, Ji.-.-ie Seadrlc?S, Ellen Ander un, Florence Garnett, Mary Rowe, Grace Heron, Marie K?tasty, ?Oraos Bleat, Ruby .;,a II. and Mesara. Barney Kingslcy, 'ercy Davis, Hatcher Davis, Frank avis, Jenefer Glenn, John Blunt, ola.i IT Sykes, Willie Wolf, Willie Garnett, eorge Garnett, Mrs. Hendrlcka, Mrs. .'right, Mrs. Blunt, Miss Boltz, and Mrs. [. A. Craincn. I'nld Ip I*r??nu?.l7. Messrs. W. B. Garllck, N. K. White, id F. R. Butler, officers of Union Cuun I, No. 51, Royal Arcanum, on Tuesday ening caviled on Mrs. Sarah Catherine mmons, widow of W. C. Ammons, who ? d a few weeks ago, and paid her UMA his amount was due her from tho coun 1 on account o? tho death of her hua ind. small Fire on I'lffli Street. An alarm of flro at i>S/) o'clock yester iy morning took? the department to hitos ?arriage-shop. The flames had elr origin In the paint-shop, and it took i hour's hard work to keep them trotn reading and doing much damage. Aa was the loss will bo about *jl<A>. Concord Association. ^LARKSVILLE, VA., July 27.-(Special.) ?t? Concord Baptist Association, which .'t in annual session here yesterday, id two Important and pleasant sessions day, with Layman Duane as modera r. The aaeociatiun pledged itself to :.-e 1700 for State missions, and collected sh to pay the indebtedness of tho Chase y Academy. A large crowd is In at idance. The association will adjourn morrow. Among the Richmond peo ( here were Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, illlam Ellyson; R. H. Pitt, editor of the ligious Herald; Thomas H. Eilett; Dr. l?on, of the Woman's College, and Pro or J, it. Hunter, of Richmond Col ea UattnA>TktV2rT WANTS. WABTBD, A GOOD MILL HAND. APPLY A! Thomas E. Sugg's Mill, East Richmond Jy 28-lt__. WASTED STENOGRAPHER AND* BOOK-KEEP er; work light; ?alary. UM a week, ^d dress COMPANY, care Dispatch. ^.^ wTkt?d. A YOUNG LADY WITH SOME EXPE rlence desires a Position In a Friv-it. Family to Teach the Usual L"*?"?' Branches, Beginners In Latin, and Music References exchanged. Please apply t? Miss E. K. 8.. care Postmaster, Poin<lex ter. Loulaa county. Va._Jy 28-4t WASTED, A REGISTERED DRUG CLERK. SIN gle man preferred. Muet be well recorn mended. Address "DRUGGIST," south west corner Washington and Prlnc? streets, Alexandria. Va_jy 1?-U ~~ WASTED, A REGISTERED DRUG CLERK AND A Reslstered Assistant Pharmactet. Ad dress, with reference, stating salary ex l>ected. "DRUGGIST." Post-Office Boi MO. Richmond. Va. Jy 28-eod3t WASTED. SITUATION BY RB-IAB-fS REGISTER e.l Pharmacist. Strictly temperate. Fif teen years' experience. Age, 33. AddreBi PHARMACIST. Box 33, Covington, Va. 1v 2?-Th.Sa?Su.".t? EXPERIENCED TEACHER. A NATIVE VIRGINIAN. EXPECTING to return earlv In September from the University of Lei* sic, In Germany, de sires a Position) with board for wife and two children, both under 5 years. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia; A. M. of Princeton; Ph. D. of Illinois, arid has studied In the John Hopkins University. He prefers college work, but would accept a position In an academy, or even In a private family, as he Is skil ful in elementary Instruction. Specialties, Ancient and Modern Languages. For par ticular? address Mrs. R. H. WILLIS, 301 Kellogg street, Syracuse, N. Y. Jy 19-Tu.TuA-Snlm WASTED, A FIRST-CLASS COOK. WITHOUT EN cumbrance, ono willing to assist In houso work. Apply at 2100 Venable street. _ _Jy27-2t WASTED, BY AN EXPERIENCED MAN, A Posi tion in some Hotel or Restaurant, who understands all about the bar and lunch counter. Can show good recommenda tions from last employer. Address M. J. L., 330 north Sixth street, city. Jy 23-6t? BUBISBSS WANTS. I Have Met the Enemy, and They are Ours. Who thought of selling Finest Cul peper Creamery Butter for 15c. ? We not only made the way, but we ?ctually make the goods, and tho best evidence of how it is made Is your con tinued orders. We have actually the -ream of the family trade of Richmond, rvho can testify that our Creamery But er is the purest, sweetest, and cheapest Butter Cney have ever bought. Jnnlop Patent Family Flour, 2 bags (y-yr rinest Family Flour, per barrel, C_ n_-v now goods .?P?_? *-*'?t*? 0 000 pounds Finest Sugar-Cured Hams, 7 to 8 pounds each, sweet and mild ?.-? cured, per pound. pounds Arbucklo's Coffee. 55e 'ure Butcher's Lard ...._. 5"*** V'ater-Oround Meal, per bushel.... 5^*** '? ?miner Whiskey, 8 years old, per . ?-?.f? quart .H. 4?JW X) bushels Large, New Potatoes, w -_ per peck . 1Ov' 'Inest Gunpowder Tea, per pound. e\e?m SSt Mixed Tea . ?TOO pounds Nice Sugar-Cured . 7C reakfsst Bacon, streak lean, ? . streak fit . V ',000 pounds Country Bacon Sides. .000 pounds Family Pork . 6c 6c erw Carolina Rice, large grain.... *-"** 0 dozen Fine Imported Beer, no family should be without a case, per A?*?,,-. dozen . UUL uffy Malt Whiskey, largo quart bot tles, for dyspeptics and weak peo- fi*-/-* ?und cans Blue-Ribbon Baking ? * Powder . /*?* ome-Mado Blackberry Brandy, per quart . ISC large bars Pure Laundry Soap.... 2,5"?' cakes Palm Soap . 25-C ire Cider Vinegar, per gallon... IOC ick Candy Syrup, per gallon. $W bson's Old Rye Whiskey?this is 6 years )ld?the very thing to take with ? rou In your travels, per quart.... / *>?? pound bucket Large, Fat dji ~_ llackercl . "P1?**;) ound box Oatmeal . 3"*** pounds Snowflako Starch. -*5C >w Cut Herrings, 4 dozen for.... ?ported Claret Wine, per quart.. *?* ' ? ans Potted Ham and Tongue.... ? 5*** 000 bales Choice Green Timo thy Hay?we handle nothing but sweet, choice, and JZfk^ first-class hay?per too 3vfC ?,ooo bushels finest "3^*-* Oats. DDL ,000 bags Bran and *7E/-, Shipstuff. *3t< 300 bushels Finest Corn. When we advertise the above ?ods at prices set opposite each tide we mean just what we y. We have the goods, and get your trade we will even t tho prices lower. Justgive a trial and you can see we ean business. 45c . O'SULLIVAN, Eighteenth and Main Streets. Or -' J.?a,Su.Ta_Tn; WASTED. GENTLEMAN WOULD LIKE TO Table Board with congenial private illy for two or three months. Address G. H.. care of E. P. Reeve _ Co., ?_ ball stroet. Jy l?-lt WASTED, Bui FIVE (5) DOUBLE-HOUSE nber Wagons. Address W., Dispatch :e. Jy 28-3t WASTED, .IE ONE TO ADOPT A HEALTHY ISlS Infant (white). References ex Bgsd, Answer at once. Address I)., patch office._ Jy 2g-lt** SUMAC WASTED. IGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR 100 1 of Primo Virginia Sumac. THE ICUQCIA FEED COMPANY, 43Z north h street, corner Clay._Jy 17-ts WASTED, INTEREST IN A PAYINO MANU urlng business. Am a young man, and furnish time and capital. No an.sw.-rs his advertisement will bo considered ss full particulars end names ac pany same. Address J. G. Y , Post e. Box _ city. Jy 2l-Th?_Su8t? FOR ?ALE. R SALE, AN EXCELLENT FAMILY CSE and BUQOY. Ttu horse is a Jed bay. good sise, not aby of car? p.-rfectly gentle In all respecta. Any can drive htm with perfect safety for want of u?e. DANIEL TALIA Ku. Hygei? Stable, oj*. ?nob stm:. 28-3t Ij a*. ar PI I Ti 1.1 < v Co 1). 1 _ No dei toi Ne a roi O? ba: I TU Bri stn wg ATCWIfllAlLtt^^ TAXEE WOB TEE CWJWfT ?AUW DAR YRAR AR* TO -* f?aUT> PRC RATA ?T TMtt \mtWOE AMD TEA By C. L. * H. L. Denoon, Real Eatate Agents and Auctioneers, 821 Main r treet. SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION 01 THAT EXCELLENT BLSINE88 STAND, No. 802 North Fifth Street, BEING THE SUBSTA.VTIALLY-BUILI TWO-STORY STOLE AND DWELLING FOR MANY YEARS OCCUPIED BY O M GASSER. Esq., AND MORE RECENTLY BY T. F. HAN NIGAN, Esa At the request of the owner, we wit sell, by auction, on tho premises, or THURSDAY, JULY 28. 18?, at 6 o'clock P. IL. the desirable STORE AND DWELLING. No. ?12 north Ftftf street, containing about 7 ro?>ms, beside* the large store-room. The building is a most substantially, built 2-story brl.-k structure, and is the most desirable busi ness stand in the locality. The own? is determined to sell, so a great bargain may be expected. TERMS; Easy, and announced at sale. C. L. & H. L. DENOON, jy 26 Auctioneers. By the Valentine Auction Company, Auctioneers. COFFEE, TEASTOAKES. CI?ACK Vy ?Kft.COKFSiiBLNS, SHOW-CAShS, ALMO. TRIC FANS AND MOTOR. ICE-CREAM MACHINE. COFFEE-MILL, SOAPS, COUNTERS, &c, AT AUCTION.-On ac count o? parties moving their place cf business, wa will sell at No. 42,3 north Sixth street, TO-DAY (THURSDAY), JULY 28TH, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., 24 Coffee Bins, 40 Ice Tubs and Tins, ice-cream Machine, large Coffee-Mill. Scales. 3 Electric Fans and 2-Horse Motor, lots of Bottles. I ?> riKlit Showcase, Coffees, Teas, Cakes. Crackers, Laundry Soap, &c; also, 1 Boiler and 2 Counters. J. H. VALENT!NE. Jy 28-lt_Auctioneer. George W. Mayo. Auctioneer, 9i*9 east Franklin street. KOLLER-TOP ~?)ESK, PARLOR AND CUAMBKK SL1 IS. WAKDROBES, AND FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, AT AUCTION. I will sell at my auction-house, at 10an A. M., TO-DAY (THURSDAY), JULY K. Is-'?. 1 excellent Roller-Top Oak Desk and Of fice Chairs; Crush??d Plush, Plush and Turkish Rug, and Mohair Parlor Suits, and Separate Parlor Pieces; A largo number of Oak and other Cham ber Suits; Handsome Cherry Chiffonniere, Oak find Walnut Wardrobes, Extension Tables, Iron Por??h Chairs. Velour*?. Morris Reading Chaira, Sofas, Bed an?l oth.r Lounges, Couches, High-Back and other Chaira, Rockers, Tallies. P? tures, Clocks, Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloth, Bureaus, washstands, Bed steads, Springs, Mattresses, BtOVOS, and a l nx* assortment of nico House hold articles. . GEORGE W. MAYO. Jy 2S Auctioneer. Al'CTIOJT SAJLES?r?(or? Da/?. WHIN REAL ESTATE IS SOLD THE TAXES FOR TH1-: ?TURENT CALEN DAR YEAR ARE TO RE PAID PRO RATA BY THE VENDOR AND THE VENDEE. By J. Thompson Brown & Co., Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, No. U13 cast Main street. rPBUSTEES' SALE A OF A TWO-STORY-A NI )- BASEMENT DWELLING, No. 818 BUCHANAN STREET. By virtue of a deed of trust from Alfred T. Baker and Carolina Baiter, his wife, and Elisabeth Payne, t?> the underai truateea, ?iat?*?i April 5, UM?, ami recorded in Clerk's office of the Chancery i of the city of Richmond, Deed-Book I'M A. page 204. to secure a oeftala b?.i,<I therein described, and default having been made, an?i betas rear?red by th..? beneficiary so to do, wo will proceed to sell, on the premises, TUESDAY, AUGUST ID, at 6 o'clock P. M-, the PROPERTY de scribed In said deed as follows: "All that lot of land, with improvem? nts thereon, lying and being In the city of Richmond, Va., on the west side of Bu chanan street, beginning 25 feet from Sedar street and running south a:ni front? na ?m Btiehanan street 30 feet, and Lack Mtween parallel lines 10? f.--r." TERMS: rash as to expenses of sale and ill unpaid taxes, and the sum of 176112, jalance due on said bond, and the re-Mu.? n twelve months, with interest, secured yj a trust deed. .il l.IUS STRAUS, W. .r west WOOD. J. THOMPSON BROWN. Tru I J. Thompson Brown & Co., Auctioneers. Jy_28_^____ George W. Mayo, Auctioneer, EXECUTRIX'S HALE OF TRUCKS, WAGO.N?. DRUS. BLACKSMITH'S OUTFIT, &c. By direction of Mrs. Lucy A. Lipscomh. xecutrlx of A. B. I-lpscomb. ; rtll sell at the factory, No. 731 ea*-.t Cary treet, at HM A. M.. FRIDAY, JuLY H, 1898, New i-Horse Truck, 1 New Milk Wacon. 1 New Grocery Wagon, and 1 New Dray; i number of Second-Hand Drays, Wagons. &c. ; Medlum-Slzo Combination-Lock Ile? rinir E Irlll Presses. Tire Binders, and a full assortment of Tools and Machinery f??r a complete Blacksmith's and Wagon Maker's Outllt, and numerous miscellaneous articles. OEORCUD W. MAYO, Jy 2S-3t_Au?-tion?'??r. HRUSTEE'S SALB. In execution of a deed of trust 1 ane 9, IS&3. of record in the Clerk's oil s ! Chesterfield County ?'ourt. Virginia, i Deed-Book 70, page 176, I will, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1S98. : 2:30 P. at, s?'H at public auction, on ie premises, the TWO-STORY BRICK rOREHOUSE, v.ith TWO ACRES OF AND, ironting on tin,- Buckingham roa?l, Midlothian, In Chwerfleld county, v.l.. ?.upled for some time past as th.j Bee, rERMS: One fourth cash; the residue equal Instalments, with Interest add : from day of sale, for negotiable yable at six. twelve, and eighteen onths, and to be secured by trust deed <>n the property. Iy27 A. R. ?'OCRTNEY. Trustee. By George H- Valentine, Audio* i UCTION BaOTo? PRINTERS' i. M 'Pl'LIK*-?. [jy direction of the trustee, I will sell, public auction, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1898, 10:30 A. at, tho entire STOCK OF UNTERS' SUPPLIES contained in the >re of L. H. Jones A Co., U south velf'h street, consisting of one 7x11 berty Press. Bronze Powders. PaiMtng ment. Ljre Brushes. l-'addtaft Machine, mpo.?inK Sticks, Quoins, Letter Press, sk, Shelving, etc. 1'ERMS: Cash. GEORGE H. VALENTINE, y 28-2t_Auctioneer. ron RBXT. for im:> r. . 12 EAST MAIN. BANDE?ME, M?> n Flats. Every convenience for com t. Apply to CHARLY A. ROSE. y 24-8u.ThASu3t Real Eatate Agent. FOR KENT, , 716 EAST MAIN STREET. THIS IS new building, with delightful ?m and story above. It la also on one the beat blocks on Main street to do Jlnesi*. J. D. CARNEAL, y 22-Ct No. 110? east Main street. ~~? FOiTRaS?t, B VERY DESIRABLE TWO-STORY els. Dwelllna*. No. 1716 ea?t Broad eet, containing? rooms, and having oltjr ter. It is ? bargain at P per mouth. J. B. ELAM A co.. i U-lOt ' lUJ Main atreet. ^jAMonon BALKS-?*-....-. ?.^ WHEN REAL ESTATE 18^,^ .... TAXES FOR THK CURRENT CAL_3 DAB YEAR ARE To JiE PAID ?0 VENDE-" VHm VtNDOK A Sj By J. Thompson I tro-,,-,, * Real Estate Agent? snd Auctioneer? 1113 Main ?tr??*, * TRUSTEES* 8-LB OP -RAMIO DWELLING ON STREET HETWEE:. I-i [?,,X BELVIDERB STUB L By virtue of a teed et trust ? >?.. Thomas N. K.?r.dl?r and wife to deralgned tru*-t?-i's, dat-d ju,.. ( and recorded In the CI? rk'? effli rv Court, fity of Richmond, i _15, page 170. to secure therein described, and defau ' made, and being required i clary so to do, we will pre on the premises, In i ?aid deed. **" MONDAY, AUGUST L 1 '?**, at ? o'clock P. M., * PERTY therein d. All that loi of land, lying en I ?--?, . th <ity of Richmond, with h thereon, on the south lin?* of * beginning 144 1-2 feet from of Pin? sir?-, r, runnlni * ly, and front?n, <"hlna Btreel a? I |l ; between parallel lin- 4 TERMS: Ca? h as and all unpaid | , *) i-'.l ~2. be anc? din n ?aid ? residua in twelve ro< n hu ' and secured by t- ? 11 "S W. J. W! J. THOMPSON I J. Thompson Brown .?. I UyTA. L. Ada end J. Thompson Brown .?. Real ?state Agents and A , TRUSTEES' S?LE OF two MAM I DWSLUNO! v ON I.HI-; STREET an STREET, MANCH! ... By virtue of a d< Albert L, Moon snd wir".- to sign, i trus, and recorded In th? <":' rk'? ; Court of Chester-field, ? t<> m ere s certain ?ci'ii). !. and defa lit and being reaulred tu t?. b, to do, ?7? will proce< .1 i . ' premises, on MONDAY. Al'(?1ST ! : . at 4 o'clock P. If., the Pi; - those two lots m land, I* , tr,.- . Ity of Manch? i i- and pai county of Cb? ?terfleld. - 'i lot fronting on Holly m 4 inches, and being ab from Old Dominion ?tree on Holly atreet B feet li betw? en parallel lin? - i- . r thai .ot of Land bstws, n Holly atr? ?t and tr and Petersburg railroad, fi north side ,.r i. ; No? i ;*. 135, and : rERMS: Ca?h . and ail unpaid ' ? 57":'. tu. bal mi d ..- on ", In twelve months, ' \v. .1 \\ EST\ J. TIP IMPS. i\ mson and Brown Vuci BY VIRT?K OF \ DEK? Of TBUST lO illi: t NUBRaiU.N'in, bearing dstS rio- M a Oct corded In Clerk'? offl County Court. In D default hating I m. ni of the I ilia I''',, I will sell publicly, MONDAI at 1 o'clock P. M., al th * the com ; -bou te of Q . ,, following REAL ES1 * All th.t TRAC ? ' [>. with Im prove!:. ty. .-mi known as the BER TRA, T," com DRED AND PO ng land? I, and othei . I !.. A P. ' tltloll, < April .". heirs of A. P L)i TERM8: ' l ; executing th . , and a bond * r 11 from the 21th .1 ince if ..i be aim By J. Th? Rea: No. Ill] - TRUSTEES S A l.l. VERY VALUABLE LOT AND ! ING-HOI No, BOO EAST MARSHAL! IN THE CITY OK RICHi By virtue of a d? ! ( ti the lltii .lay of D Dickinson and h? r hu?l n the Itlchmond. in Dee? *B iok H7 P. ? :. as ButwUtiited i luctlori on the pr m?? I on FRli'.U, AUOl it 5 o'clock P. M.. sUtB .AM '. witii a dvs. Illi mprovem? ats th? r? on, lying i h lbs eit. of RI ai i ?Ide of Mar ?oint on tbe non!. ant one hundred last line of Tw? nt > -tinning thence lorth line . : > i thirty-tw. ?a, K. northwardly between pai B fast to sa alley In ee_us u |e. TERMS: I urciia.-e no. ' ay th... expenaea of axecuUng lb : a on th? bond i b< r? by t ay 13,001; end a? to i Idue, f six mom h?, with in, of ?aii,. for a bleb * from y the purchaser, snd : * M. M. GILLIA Id j m pson Broi . * __. .-. . Real i . PRUSTEE'S AUCTION BALE L Of \ DETACHED i H N THB WEBT SIDE O STREET, BETB r I S BA? IN? CHA Kl i \ S] BEETS IN the bmi . Rlcbm? > A, page 23?. d? fault h? th.- paym, nl or a i lion ' * . ur. .1 b) the said , " by th? .it public lacs, on MONDAY, Al oca P. m . the : - the deed of ttu---. lii I t fronts H f.. : ? ' or all cab, at th? - C. It . U.USTEE'S SALE OF VALVaBIM WEST KNJJ W ly virtue of a . i January JL mi. o County Cou, t <i? rk * US? "i ving been mad? In a i ure.l u.. i. by, -i I * beneficiary ?o lilitt auction, on tl.<- : SA 6 o'clock P. M., tho 1bed m ?*.?i<l trust deed s of land, lying and being tnty (but now m the i ; > ' ' .) iisirnl r.. i . on-1 rlsii ; \ Robinson, l will ? ! 1er <i\' ? i rid 1 ' I .; - : : -< due on u note fur $4.<.?' *.. '. ^ t on said bala:. i. ui! paid; th? Imeiit? at one und two year? sale, for notes, wPh mt? I secured t>> uust ?l"*'l ty. v* ? l__Ki_. , ta ttoote*