Newspaper Page Text
ft THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3. 1898._ Prices That Talk Loud, and tliuv aro scatter. ?1 frith the most anxiousrtP^; "k_?r? all the lions,.. AI'OrsT SELLING HAS COME W TH KVKIii-FUIiYTllATHASTKcK DISPOSITION GAB t'l.O Dt"( . ._ __? ,.', with its thousands or De lated goods and fabrics, lias no time for quibble. Prices aro made as no other house can af ford to make them. This store has long ago re #(p2S(? cognized the importance of a chango in stocks from one season to another, and it makes the change imperative. Ml'.?-Ll* 1 MM KW " *>*' No other retail houx* anywhere we know of force, these good, at ?nch ridi culous prices, because R'a at the end of lha season. This moro takes no chance In tho changes of style?. Tho price? about ???prre-aent the cont of the sewing for even tht best and finest: Ladl??' Vine Muslin Skirl?. erabrnHlery trimmed, cambric umbrella ntaMB, ** kl1"'' , A K.H.. tfuslln Skirts, with tucks and cambric ' '" .?__ ; -trt?. fem?! tucK?-*.. otn??rs trlmn.'.l with ruffl?*! of embroidery, tho ?."??s. kind, now <**<". Elaborately Vrlrnmed (?owns of Mur.In best ILS, for 1 inplre Gowns of tho beat materials, n.-ri with lace or embroidery. 4*c. <; a of <;.1 Muslin, tr.mmcl with cambric ruffle nn?l tuck*?. 2f*c. Tun-h?.i. i i-'.jnbrold? ry Trimmed Chemise. the 2?c. kind, now V,c. lusltn Draw-srs, with h? m end ?uck?. 10<*. ? iwers, umbrella ruffles, the We. . Umbrella Drawer, of Urn Finest Cam bric, hemtltched or trlmm.?l with rosra ol la >n or handsome embroider) Fin? ? .. ni.: le Tu. i ?i i ? i ire-N'eck Co* | ?'<> > V.ii? i.? i. nu, ?, T? rchon, <?r Embrol? Trln Cambric ?Cbri ; Coven r.?r U 1-?c. tbb; ok unom. Tli? of ?11 s pos in*? of them 1 . The way is a pt-rf.i Hy new fast mi s Basa al Cobsa's Botels ami bo.'ii.ilii).;-li'ciM s ara Issltsd to take part In IBS unloadlm?: I?M Best Gt-rinin Table Uiin.i.k. extri he.n Pul Tal le D ! ,? Kood value at ?i'i. Table Onmnsk. 2 i urtd? . full i??. ached, 68c. j ird. K. the best 19c. quality, for Be yard, "An L &2x'z* Extra-Heavy Turkish Bath Tow . kind, t??r 9e. each. All Unen Hemra ?. lia? k Towel., ?'? i-l?. ]*- ? ?io White Momte Towels. Ki rdered, ?.r i-. :- ;? . fin: ii im:r Tf:>ii"r\ nom sre atrosB I atock I. (arg* sad : i,. .h iy at] MTvi ,i the ; . k?M_ AU-1 t?-Bmbrol h. Pure Unen 11 Killt v, lor 121 I ?Colored Bordered or Para Whit?* Handker I~- hlldren'a Lli as !i ittdkar? ? hb fs. in White i sfosrnlns or Pane] Bordered Handker chief?, larse or small ala? Men's Silk. Linen, and Cotton risndker chief. for a third lasa man Conen'a m aal pi THI MOST BELBCTKD DB8IU1SB in ?Oiii'w.s.'., BK1KTS, A.\n i HM.JIKI'V?? WI'Wi 1 FOR ALM? 'ST ANYTHING. Tailor-Made Worsted suits, that wars Black Cheviot Suits, that wero $21.75. fer HI White Plqus flulta, a ! $c, fas $ *. i " rere UM, tor tz. k Suit, to )? BC NKIKTS ft BO f'ir Linen ones that cost up to RSr 60 fro 811k, l?>r $:\:<\ m m. md Navy Serge Skirts, were $3.60, I or $l.u. ?f COTTOlf WAfall FAIIHH ? PROVE A M,**! I HI, a price my.tery that may never be solved. The roods aro here. | All the latest design? and colors of im ported Ornandles, cest from ?5 to 45e., for 11-Zc. Solid Colored Organdies, the 121-2 to 19c. quality, for 4 l-2c. a yar.l. aik-Htrlpe Organdies, In various colors ?nil ?li signs, cost ZU:, to import, f??r 47 10c. Cnbleached Jenns, for men's ii.).\s' wear, to be sold to-day for 3 l-2c. I Iinp.?rtc?l LanSSl Muslins, In pr.-l ty colors and catchy desli/ns, cost 18c.; Cohen's way of seiiin*. 'em, 3 l-2c. 10-4 Utlca Bleached Sheeting for 13 7-8c. B yard, i ?1-4 H? ,i Islasd Percales, the latest of ' this season's prlntlnK?, for ?5 7-Sc. a yar.l. | l**?-3o. French Drcs? Ginghams, In large plaid, (li'-kMl, and atrlp?3d effects, for * 7 3-4c. 8 yard. Bolster-?'ases, 2 yards long, good quail- ] tv of ?otton and well mudo, for SC-lc. Jtcii) LJnen Sklrtln? ?'rash, the 18c. *j quality, for 9 1 2c. a yar.l. Extra Kin?? Unbleached Cotton, 1c. Krade, for I l-2c. a yard. SMALL "WARE HAR('AIXS A? K*i LAUGED. 1 Alexander KIiik's Soft-Finish Machine j Thread, all numbers, 4 spools for ic? Whin* or Black. \ Hump H"?*ks and Ey<*s for lc. card. John II. Woodbury Facial Soap for 14c. t cake. Mi linen's Talcum Powder for 121-2c. a K box. Black Velvet Bindings for 4c. a piece. ( Pesrl Shirt Buttons, 81-3c. ones, for lc. .?? zen. c Bay-Rum Hair Tonic, 25c. bottle, for 5c. bettle. c 2?"e. Pearl Buttons for 8 l-3c. dozen. CoaSBO Buttermilk Soap. 6c. cake. g IS?4?* ROA..TS OK THE O RE A TEST KinilOV S ALK that has ever taken place in the State. Plenty of them yet. Buy thorn for future n Use. -jj 4-ir.oh All-Silk Taffeta Kibbons, any ta de, Re. kin?!. Ul-tc rartL v 6-Inch All-Silk Taffeta Kibbons, 42c! erada, ?Be. yard. No, .". Kan? y \< c?- tie Kibbons, were 10c, for |C yen!. 01 Much Moire Taffeta Ribbon, Black only, ! < . yard. C No. I All-Silk Sitin Klbbon, nil colors, for 1 He, van!. cl 4- end 4 1-2-liic.h All-Silk Fancy Taffeta Ribbon., worth H, 2!*, and Be. a jrsis*, P f?.r 12 l-2c. B vnrd. M M\TTIX(.S ABE UEXKQ CLOSED OIT at 8, Hi, 12 1-2. I?. 2-... 2(?. and Be. that 81 rare never thought of being sold for I than double. B| ALL OF LAST SF.ASOVS CABJBli si are batas sold at a final settlement to v* Ofpaa ?TatA a new stock. BASE.MKVr. Cut-Glass Salt- and I'eppor-Shaktrs, fa with sterling .sllv.-r topa, Be. Cut-Neck OilrBottlea, ll?c., from 50c. M and Ktched Tumblers, 10c. each, were 25c. v? LarfS Tin Wash Basins, 2c. 2?iu,ut Ora* Puddlnf-Pana, 4c. C< I'ranito Koll-Pans, 4c. ] Enamelled-Iron wsahatands, with Bow!. ?C Pitcher, and Soap-Dish, for Be., were ?. Fi 3 Bra. Potts'? Bad-Irons, with han.ii ? and stand, for Be, were 75c. ve Qllray*. $ Curtaln-fltretchet-s, Mo, < Wind.?w-Ser? "iis, 10c. V. $1 Screen I >???>: - ] Oold-Decorated Olive l'ickle, Almond, 0< and Tomato l>i; hes for 1c. cholc?. ] ?t-qusrt Stone Preserrlng-Kettles, 8c. Q Oold-Decorstsd China lee-Water Pitch? I ers, 1?K*. sit White China Vegetables Dishes, 10c., sere Be. ' 3-Burner Iron-Tank Oil-Stoves. 75c. Ul THE COHEN CO. j THE COHEN CO. na__En_MHB__EB___BHa_B__________BBB_n__a_Ma___a??_??_ CHIRP noW-JUPI INM vi. iu:iM)itT lates-sattes Inforatntlnn n? o? Ar rchlH? A ?.rutif) In?-, ( oiii|inrUoii. Tbe annual r. porl of th? ? blaf Of 1 for the peat UN htis tuai beea tssuVd la pamphlet f.irni. It contains SIMM viy latoreatlng Information aad statistics. Major Howard'? letter to (he Mayor is fis fol' To the Hon. R. M. Taylor, Mayor,: i ir Sir. i in-, wuii transmit this, my third annual report, for th? year ending i ; the -werk and .i.ii tion of the Polio? Department Th? ar resta er? .?.t lei than In 11 . . dlaaai ions ???i more than lasi report; time I by aleknei .o lost repoi t, detail? ol whloh will be found la the tabulate! statement of this report. I would recommend tii.t bob* taken to better the condition of the ata? tton?houaes; the cells In all of then ahoald be removed .n.d Iron onea aubstl luted, and th? ?ewsrage be ?o (hanged as to rtncicT tb< m ne i. ! The department is in good condition, the . pliiie is excellent; officer? and men are polite, prompt, end Vigilant in the discharge of every duty. Th? Del rtment is most excellent, ami lias done ? "oil woi k. In ooii?iii--o.!i, I arista to return my thanks to your Honor ?m.i th.- Board of JPolloe Commission?**? f >v the cordial mii> p.ii ami enooumgem?nt given m? during i .cur Just closed; also, the officer? aad m. n f..r th? efficient dl?charge of their duty and benrty co-operation at all tlaaee, Very respectfull), IS. F. HOWARD, *| Chief of 1' Very few chang? rg were .de in th? police force durliiK the year. Tare I nations were received ami aooepted, and . eath occurred. The vacancias were all tilled. SOME INTERESTING FACTS. Th. report coutulns these interesting figures: Arrchtti made during tho year?Whito male?, 1,712; white females, 09; total white?. l.Ml. Colored n l? col ored females, CM: total colored, IMA To tal art ?ata made, t#t Age? of persons arrested- Under 10 years of age, '?I; from 10 to 20 year? of ag. from 1*) to ?X) years of age, 1 .T?>3; from 20 to 40 years of uge, 1*70, from ?W to 60 > of age. ?il; from 6o to ?0 yens of 611; from ? to It age, H* from 70 to 10 year? of age. it. Total, 4,__ Nativity of person? arrested?Unit, d Blutes: Whit?, 1,C77; colored. I Ireland, K; ???-rmany, ??6; Ki,?.und, 27; B-SiQtlainl. I; I', 1; Italy, ?'. Austria. ?; Sweet, n, I; Denmark, I; Russia, 9; Canada, x. Total, 4,0.4. in -- persons arrested?Agent, It; at! 1; baker, 12; barber, 41; barkeeper, '?9; bricklayer, 6; blacksmith. 10; batcher, IS; oarpeater, 2j; aigargafiker, |1; cleiW. j'.'.', c...!.. 0?; conductor, II; dentist, 1; *!<k tor, 2; druggist, 6; electri cian, ?J, engineer, <S: farm ?man, 4; fakir, 4; gttsttltcr. 1; huckster. 1; Junk dealer, 9; iveiy ?; machinist, ui; merchant, 80; Would er, '?t?; niotorinan, 4; |; no ; painter, US; plasterer, 31, printer, SI; plu.. Bed 1er. 13; pros titute?, n.'., sailors, ?.:>; ?hoetn tailor. 7; tinner. 9: teach er. 1 ; ! I. n .pn op. mtor, 2; miscellaneous, ? tal, 4,694. A OCWPAJUTTVE TABLE. Tb. i? .,, city ordi * i was S.Q2S. lu audition to the above there are tables showing arreata by ?lays Of the week, by the month, and in each district. A comparative table of arrests made dortaS the past ten years gtvsa the fol lowing -?ratifying results: IHA, 6,29.".; lv-;?, MQ1; in';', t;,:,:e; mi, c,81?>; ltB, ?MB; 18B lf*i?l, i>,%?; 1805, 5,112; UB, 5.WJ; 18j7, MM. BaSeellanSOSS reports? Xumber of broken plates in sidewalk and streets, Bt? number of animals taken up going at larga, 16S; number of doors found open In nlsht-tlm?. BO; number of lost children found and turned over to parent number of gas stop-cocks above sidewalk, 9; number <?f WStST stop-cocks BboVB side walk, 2. Total, 914. IMIIU Ll'CY'S KXCLIISIOV. She ?.< ? to the tir.uid Jury?Harrl ?un \\ iih Her?Other < n?e?. I.ucy Smith, the notorious Indian Lucy, went OB an excur.-iun to the grand jury yeaterdajr on a ohesp-rsta fast train. Sha lOOompanled by Walter Harrison, a youni white man, whom th-e police .. is h. r acoosaplice. The man and woman were charged with breaking Into the office of K. H. Busher's Sons' cun.ago-iu.etoi y BBd BtSBllBl a ko dak, a pair ?>f eye-glasses, ainl $17 in money. The burglary was report<Hl to the Second Police Sta tion, and ?'aptaln Angle ?let 111 1 Polioemsa Wrea to look th*e matter up. That tbraae two persona were tracked 11 Ct. i iburg and caught, and that there was s a Hi ci? nt evidence for Justice Crutcii .0 send than on to a jury, tells how v.. 11 Mr. Wren did the bidding of his su perior officer. I.ucy and Harrison were also charged with stealing $10 from T. F. Callahan. I.ucy received four months in IfrfflBIM Eppa'a boardlng-houso and Harrison was disc!).ii Mary Blackwell and Maggie Davis, th two colored women Charged with lighting in the street, were lined $?-.?50 and costs each. C. T. Mills was up for ?".?hting on Hi street, and was put under bond of $100 to k? p the p*<*ace for six months. S, ?'. -Salam??n<, a man of 30, was brought before hi. Honor on complaint th it he was drunk on the street. The Justice heard the evidence In the case, and or dered a commission of lunacy. The next offender to tile In was Fleming Sydnor. a small colored boy, chanted with lumping on street cars. He was lined Ji. The hearing of Elias Johnson. OhSTged ting Sarah Johnson, his lawful BBSoaa, v..i? continued until this morning for witnesses. The Hoys at Cliickaiiiau?ra l>e li**hted. Before leaving for Chiokamauga Park, Ga., Lieutenant Geoige 1*. Bass, Fifty ?second Iowa Volunteers, procu&d B few buttles of Chamberlain\ Colic, Cholera, md Diarrh a Remedy. The bflrjra win ieliehted with the auick cures of diur rhoes which it effected. To meet the de naiids Lieutenant Ba**s ordered four ?ties more by express and aoM he whole of it in one day, except three ottles kept for his own use and for per ?nal friends. It never fails to effect a m e, and im pleauant and safe to take. It s the most successful medicine in the vorld for bowel cuuiplaints. iv it>?Sa.Su?_\Vfr THEY MAY PRACTICE. EASY TOUlfO DOCTORS ARE LI cessed to m:i.i\ work. iflOSE TO PASSED THE BOARD. Idaiill Of lb. |:?jiiiiI nation Held Hfr? In Jane Ju.t Made Pnhllc?Over a Third of the Applicant. Failed to Get llirough. The result of the examination, of appli cants for license to practice ' medicine tnd surgery In Virginia, bold by tho "t?te Board of Medical Examiners, June 1st to 24th, has Just been made public, foe class was the largest in the history >f the board, and over a month was re luired to carefully examine all the papers ind mark the standing. Of tho 130 persons who appeared before he board, one withdrew, eighty-four assed a satisfactory examination for md forty-five Tailed to make the rfsjr? ?1 percentage. The Dispatch pre ;?<w a list of those who passed, Bgsthar with their residences, the schools rom which they graduated, and the ears of graduation: Luther M. Abbott, Abbott, Va?, Balti r.oru Medical College, 1898. Silas E. Aker?, Carthage, Va., TJnlver ItJ* CoutU o! M? ?Heine. 18S8. W. Caitii.ini Archer, Besvsr Bond, Va*, university Collego of Medicine, IS*?. Thorns. D. Armistead, Farinvllle, Va?, tedlcal College of Virginia, 1898. Joseph W, Alsop. Newport News, Va., nlversity of Virginia? lisia*?'. Emile P. Amiss, Clifton Forge, Va., ."nlversity College of Medldne, U C. I?. Baker. iy?*sburg, Va., University f Virginia. 1897. George ! '.. Barksdale, Klchmona, Va., fnlverslty College of Medicine, UN Perry K Boy? r, Woodstock, Va., non ru.luatc V. W. Bov.l, Jr., Winchester, Vs., Uni ersity College of Medicine, IM, Henry T. Batts. Norfolk, Va-, UllivCT ?ty of Maryland, UN. Joseph M, Bsrker, I'nivcrslty of Vlr inia, University of Virginia? 1898. John F. Bright, Richmond, Vs., Medical 'olkge of V.iginiu, 1898. Frank 1-J. Booker, Hustburg, Va,, M.-di il ('? llego ?it Virginia. iBBt, How. B. Cl? rn in, Eichmond, Va?, Medi al ?.'..liege of Virginia, last Haws Campbell, Bnfleld, Vs., Lniv.r ty college of Medicine, UN H. L. Corbell, Chuckatuck, Va?, Medical Ollsse of Virginia, UM. Robeii B. i'humbley. Churchwoo.l, Va,, nlversity ?'..liege <.f Medicine, 11 Simon P. Conduit, Rtner, Va., Baltl ore M.-?lical coil-age, II William J. Cowsrdln, Richmond, Va?, nlversity Coll?efe <>f Medicine, lass. William B. Collins Omk 1'ark. Vs., Un!? srslty ?'oil. :. Me llclne, : Samuel 1. Conduit, Willis, Va., Balti ore Medical Coll? c. m. Carwell, Mlddlebi-ook, Dnlverstt? ! Virginia, I I'. i ?. Dr?wry, Mason's PepOt, Medical Mage of Virginia, UN. W. W. Dunn, Richmond, Vs., Phyal ana and BurgtMn. New Y?>rk dty, UM. Verner W. Dunlop, Mlddlebrook, \' ?.. ivslcians and Burgeons Baltimore?, 18 1. Charlea W. Doughtb, Whaleyvllle, Va?, ? ( College Of Virginia, I ?. p. Epp? i, Blackstone, N'a., non aduate. Beverly J. English, Mount, Va., altimore Medical College, IBM La S. Karlv. Jr.. F.vington. Vs., Univer iv College of Medicine, 1*8. Bernard H. Early, HUlsville. Va?, Unl rsitv College of Medicine, UN i;. <i. Emerson, L^athersriood, va., uni ralty College of Medicine, UN .Vllliam La Early, Walttown, Va., M? ??1 l College of Virginia, 1898. I Reginald Fairfax. I.ynehburg, Va., College of Virginia, ]?.-*. Etobert 1". fortune Damascus, Va., Uni rsity Coll? ge of Medicine. 1. R. Qarrett, N??rf??lk, Va? University Mega of M< dl? Ine, UN Pat L Gordon, Camden Courthou . Cnlveralty College at Medlcin. .Villiarn Gwathney, Benlopsville, Va?, .?v. relty College of MedJ? Ine, 189& leorge O. Qlles, Martinaville. Va., Uni rsitv College of Medicine, Ibarle. R. Gravely, Norfolk, Va?, Unl rsity of Virginia 189.. Marcus Qayle, Bohanon, Va., Medical ?llega of Virginia, UN Mu? W. Howl', l'aie, Va., University .liege of Medicine, -;. ll. Henderson, Wabaah. Va., I'niver v College of Me.llclne, 1898. 1. Clt-Kg H ill. Star. N. C.. non-graduate. I*. Jefferson Hughes, Chatham Hill, Va.,** College of Medicine. I iVIlliam Hoskins. Caritos Store, Va., dies] College of Virginia, in form B. HaiilKan. Petersburg, Va., Medl l College of Virginia, UN :. Canton L. Hulsmsn, Ulehmon.?, Va., livrsity College of In?*, UN I Benjamin A? n.I, Richmond, va., ? sdlcal College of Virginia, UN Harvey G. Johnson, i'? ?rlab?rg, Va., n-urudunte. V. Arthur, Fin. hi? y. Va-, Unl isity College < ; Medicine, : v. Percy Jones, Urbana, Vs., Medical ?liege of Virginia, It \ rosepb T. Jarrett, Roaaoke, Va., Uni? rsity coiieg. (,f Medldne, I Villiarn La Keller, Richmond. Vs., non aduste. Maury B. I.inkons, Brices Fork, Va., Q-graduate. '. W. Lemons, Richmond. Va., Unlver y Coll<m.- of Medicine, lv.??-. ? ol? s. .Mincha. Claremont, Va., Unl rsity of the dty of N? m Vork. UM ?Valter P. Miller. Newport, V;l, Unisse*? y Coll? re of Me.Heine. ?U. ilcGulre Newton, Richmond, Va,, Uni rslty College of Medicine, i '"rank B. Olhausen, Hsrrisonburg, Va, liv.rsity College of Medldne, UN lugh l". Banish, Portimouth, Vs., Jveralty of Vermont and Bellevua Modi- f I Coll. . | leorge B. Pearaon, Newport News, Va., n i?.iny Medical CoiTdege, INT. tenjamln A. i'.>p". Newsoms, Vs., Medl? . Coll? ge of Virginia, UN l?nry R. Pemberton, Rlohmiyid. Va., ysicians and Burgeons, NesrTork city, am?*? !' Farvonla, Va., l^ouis? le Medical Coil? re 1891. ohnG. ; [malls Courthouse, Va i-graduate. '.'. Boiling Robertson, Plaaterco, Vs. Iver.ity ? loll? t of Medicine II - % niUam (}. Raid. Richmond, Va., King's ?, liege, London, i:ii-.. i-..;. lawley M Bhelton, Elba, Va., Unlver of Virginia, 1897. *dwin i: Si i iv . Rural Retreat, va?, : mile M. Thompson, Qogglnavllle, Va, Ivi ralty Collegi of Medicine, 1895 . M. Taylor, Richmond Va., l'nlver College of Medldne, UN rebelles K Tynes.'Taaewell, Va., Unl sity Coll?ge of Medldne, U . J. Thompson. New. Ferry, Va,, New eon? ?School of Medicine. *. rnest McCue Thrift. Madison. V.i Iverstty College of Medicine rand. \v. Upshur, Richmond, Va Heal College of Virginia, : l?. WlUls N wpori Newa, Va., Cnl slty of Maryland, INT. Al?x. Wright. Richmond. Va,, Uni- ' sity College of Medicine, 1898. tir-tln F. Woo,i. Moorman*. Rivers Va M< lldne, 1898 B. Wayl?iiid. CovesvUle, Vs., Unlver ' of Virginia UJ7. Richard Williams, Richmond, Va, alca] College of Virginia, UN dmond c. Watson, Roanoke, Va Unl sity Collegs of Medldne UN isper N. W.ilk.r, Cove Creek. Vu. Uni? Blty Of Virginl.. C. Wysor, Clifton Wortjm, Va. Physl? as and Surgeons, Baltimore, 1878. fi THF ra.? HA>KRIPT, . C. .1. rnrtr.viK File? n Petition *)( In the I'. , UUtrlet Court. he first petition und, r th, new bank icy law VBI li!. .1 In the United St it i trlct Court yesterday afternoon. C. J. b? tewig. o? Varina Township, Henrico H nty. was the first man in this district ask to t.? a?lju?lged a bankrupt. Mr. Ham H. Bevcridge Is his counsel. lis cas.? will be particularly Interest since It will larva to demonstrate th. -ible effets of the new law, and will f, ?luestlon as to wh-- *j r or not the court can proceed with- ?t tho rules and regulations being *,r?'- .7 bed by the Supreme Court o? Hie et ted States. b, .??ge Edmund Wad.ltll is at Rockbridge st ? i?, and Is not expected to re i for a couple of weeks or more. Colo nel W. f. Wickham. who ha? been ap pointed refer?? for Richmond and vici nity under the act will not he ablo to qualify until tho return of the Judge. IX TUB GALLERY OF EX-MAYOR?. Portrait of Hum. J. Taylor Ellyson Hang In the ( liy Hail. A very fine portrait of the Hon. J. Tay lor Ellyson, ex-Mayor of Richmond, wa? hung yesterday in the gallery of por trait? of ex-Mayors in the rcceptlon-roora of th? city's Executive in tho City Hail. The following correspondence explain? Itself: Richmond. Va., August 2, 1MB. Hon. Richard M. Taylor, Mayor: Dear Sir,?Accompanying thi? communi cation Is a portrait of the Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, ex-Mayor of this city, which h? served so long and faithfully, which >ou will please accept and cause to be jdaiofld with the portraits of other ex-Mayori now preserved In the City-Hall. Very respectfully and truly, BSN. T. AUGUST. Mayor Taylor accepted the portrait in the following letter: Richmond, Va., August 2, 1894 Ben. T. August, Esq., City Clerk: Dear Sir,?Have received through you the portrait of the Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, ex-Mayor of this city, and it affords me sincere pleasure to accept the same on behalf of the city of Richmond. It will be placed aa r-equested in your letter of August 2. 1891 Very respectfully, RICHARD M. TAYLOR, Mayor. The portrait was painted by Mis? Adele Williams, of this city, and Is an excellent likeness?. It Is beautifully executed and handsomely framed. It will be placed In the Mayor's reception-room In the City Hall next to the of ex-Mayor Henry K. Ellyson, deceased, father of Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson. This Is the only Instance in the history of the city where father and son have occupi?-d the nftlt-e of Mayor. This is the sixth por trait that city-Clerk Aunrust has su'? ' eil in procuring for the collection of pic tures of ex-Mayors. HEAVY DAMAGES FOR SLAfDER. ? of the Mi-C?nley-Hnrtler Suit?A MarrliiRe Lirons?**. The declaration in the suit of Hattle F. MeGaalajr against James Hartley, in which the plaintiff claims f?.OOO damages, will he filed in a few days. The suit U based on an alleged slander. Mrs. McCauley and her husband sold defendant a pli*<*e of property In Fulton. The lot adjoined the OEM 88 wlii-'h they liv? .1, and they claim to have stipulated that BUgTOBB should not bfl allow.-d to make their home there. Several months after the sale Mr. Hart ley kaaod th?- property to colored tenants, and when thay BZpOBtQlatad he is alleged to have made rem irks which ltd to the suit being brought In the Law and Equity Cmiri. This court will adjuiirn for the term to day. A marriage license was Issued y? tardar by Um Clerk ?>f the Hustings < '?mrt to Q-*-OrB*a D. Pr?ddy and ("ara Bowles, a daughter of Mr. EL W. H?>wles. The Favorites li-?muM Unck. Quite a peculiar and plaBBBn?* !'?'iture of tho programme at the 15r?? Park vaudeville this we? k is th?.- return irBBCfl of thr?M Of ?M great? it favorec? artists of the season. Billy Van nml Gladys St. John were upon tliu ori?i i ! I.ill this week, and now the manage ni<-Mt has been lack* enough to replace tin: Marrons, who were forc.-?l to BBBCCl th?lr engagement, owing to the accident to Master Marion on .Monday night, with MttMe Boron, b bright ltttie racial ist, who made many admirers here during the tar?t two weeks of the season. She s., in- last night a new list of songs, with m<'rltoriou3 success. Hilly Van's new monologue Is a "p-arh," and he appears funn!?r th in ever wren ho sings his droll parodies. Mi!? s Bad Raymond are underlined as Um itOBBad*" premian of the bill, and their BCl is a prlafl* Of wit and uni'iu. in 188, tfhilfl M tit. John ami l.iiiiin in'.ilil hardly be e.juaUe.i In their dOfltfl and dano? s. I,aw r.iiiti- Crane is .i magician to be ex?"-lied, especially in his egg trick, that bullies the vi.->mn. The Asaot'lution ?nuullKht To-Mur iim Niulil. To-morrow is the day for the Young i.tlstian Association moonlight ex cursion, and the member? and tin ir friends are looking forward to th with a great deal of pleasure. Every ?riar.gement will be made for the com fort of Um excursionists, and while re freshments will bfl ABTWBi at city prices, ti? y will te most excellent in quality und juantity. Ttekatfl can be secured at the Assocla lon builtling Anting lo-day anil to-mor row and as long a.s tin- ?apply lasts. If Hiv of th?- 7.">o tickets remain,-unsold, they ,vill Bfl taken to the boat. The building will clos?- on this occasion, is baratafora OB moonlight-excursion lights, a mandolin and guitar club will iccompany the excursion. L l.ll-Servli'c Exnmlnntlon A'rraaged For. The United State? < i. i.-S? rvice Commis sion has announcetl that an examination vlll be held for internal-i.-v.raUfl servi-e ?n some data lutwi-n October let and ?th. All persons wtni tit .sire to l>o ex uninetl should apply to the secretary of he Board of Exnmin- ra at th.- int?-rnal t-venuo oftiee for applieaclon-blanks ami ! ull information relative to the scope of he examination. Applications must bfl led in completo form with the s>? retary f the board prior to the hour of closing , nifltnaaa on Baptamber 1st; othm a an Uta J Pldicaiit ? bfl examined. BOOB , fter filing applications applicants will otifiod as to the exact date of examina- j ion. Phe Torrnncr?Vriiilirlaht Dlfllenlty. rick Torrante, the man who on f nlghl ?tabbed Jos-'ph Anabrlght n the neck. In a light the two men had n west Oary stre.-t. near Anderson's ' tore, appeared before 'Squire J. T. Lewis < lay morning, hut th?> hearing was oiitiniietl until this morning. Torra skid for a continuance to get couns? !. ? rnbrffehl was very badly cut In the ? irk. and at first It was thought serl- < usly so. Me was a 1.1", howev,-r, to ap ear yesterday when th?"? ease was called. The* Hrnrli'o Iionrd. i The Board of Supervisors of Henrlco \ minty met at tho court-house yesterday t i monthly session. Therfl vrara i tent Bl Hi lara. H. C Back- ? r. John i;. Ko.-e, R. W. Browning, and !; f. B. Frayser. S The body was engaged throughout the 0 ictlng routine business. 1 The Henrlco County Court, Judge Wick- - am. will convene for Its August session n Monday next. 1rs. Plckt-tt Will Accompany the Veterans. A letter w'.s received here yesterday ,] om Mrs. George E. Pickett, expressing " er willingness I i ?ny the men ho fought under her husband to the re gion In Philadelphia. An ingements will } ; made for her to join thf party In v\ asti. j gton. At Work on the fifwer?. The search for the old st ?ne sotuer Is ? ring pushed forward with all possible 1 >eed at the Gallego Mills. Work on the new Twelfth street ?ewer *| as begun by the contractors yesterday ^ flernoon. Point, Va. " I have practiced BBadtctna at this place . r th- last ten years, and will testify j, i.? gnat medicinal benefits of the Arte- d .m Water i which flows from a depth of 0 feet) In albuminuria and Bright'? dis- - is?; also, in gout and rheumatic trou es. I know of a casa of many years ? anding In an old man cured by steady tl ie of this water. WILLIAM C DUNN. M. D. c TO GET CLEAR WATER PROMPT STEP? TO UK TAKEJ LOOK.I.NO TO THIS KM?. TWO PLAHS THAT ARE SUGGESTED. One, Which Superintendent Bolltiia Endorse?, la to Have n *?< ?? I In? I)_?In, nn.l the Other la to Sink Artealan Well?. The Water Committee of the City Coun cil will go on a tour of inspection of the department on Tuesday, the 16th Instant. and in the courso of their peregrination? will consider two very Important ques tions. One of them Is the construction of an electric lighting plant at the new pump house, and the other Is the vital question of the hour, the clarification of the water supply throughout the city for drinking purposes. The latter subject will natu rally monopolize the greater part of the time. As far as can be learned, two plans are to be submitted for clearing the water. The settling basin, which has been dis cussed by former water committees, finds many supporters, whllo there are others who favor tho sinking of a series of arte sian wells, a plan which is being operated with success In Savannah, Ga., and other cities. It Is probable that Richmond would have had a settling basin Ionic ago, bad It not entailed an outlay of $150,000, according to the lowest estimate obtainable. The plan IMS one very practical benefit, however, and that is that the first outlay is also the last. It proposes to build a large basin or reservoir, which will bo filled, and the water given sixteen days in which to settle, after which It will be drained off for use. With the two compartments of the reservoir, it will always be possible to supply clear water to the city's mains. A letter has been rec-iv.-d by the chair man of the Water Committee from a tirm In Ohio, suggesting that a series of arte sian wells shall be dug. The Arm recent ly carried out a contract In Savannah, Ga., building ten wells, which are yielding 2,000,00) gallons of water a day. The ave rage dally consumption of water in Rich mond is 8,000,000 gallons, and agenis of the company will come here to demonstrate the feasibility and economy of this plan. The question of clearing the water by m'ans o? an lmmenso filter has been dls eaaaad, but it was decided that the cost would bo too great, as alum would have to be used in large Quantities, which, It is f.ared, would be bad for the health of tho community. Property Transfer?. Richm.'iid. Wallace k. Brown, special commissioner, to James c. Deatoa, Jr., (1 -.'o, O, Bummers Morton, Norman S. Morton, Louie? Morton, John R. Morton, Margaret I!. Morton, James Morton, Pey ton A. Morton. Mary K. Morton, Clara C. Morion, Klla M. Morton, Richard 1. Mor ton, (together 1-6), Ella, Batelle <".. and Lizzie P. DeatOD (eacb 1-?), ?*> feet, on Cary street, northeast corner First, $1,1,93.21. ame to James C. Deaton'a executors, I-:', interest in 24 feet on north sido Main ?treet, _ fact west of Tenth, 14.000. Saille Ann Harris to Charles Robinson, 1-2 of her life estate in 22 feet on Boyd Btr, t. northeast corner Kinney, \% Bridget Irvln to W. T. and ?'.. W. Smoot, right or way over 3-foot alley adjoining house No. 104 1-2 east Mnrshall Street, and strip of land 3 feet wldo at north end of said alley ?re-recorc.-), 1300. ;i ! ;. Sale and N. W. Howe to Fo Hmaaae Association, all personal eatate of Luther B. Bale, deceased, L'O fret oa Venable street, southeast cerner m<>s by, 32 1-2 feet on Venable street, BOUtl corner btoeby, subject to annuity of $?*oo to Susan K. Sab?, payment to her of $fc25, and to costs of suit. W. T. and O. W. Smoot and their wive?, to Anthony H. F.-lthaus, M 7-12 feet on north side Marshall street. 112 1-12 feet west of Second, with right of way over l-f00t alley adjoining; also, strip 3 fleet wide at north end of said alley, $2.700. Same to William H. Fclthaus, 19 5-12 feet on north side Marshall street, 92 2-3 feet west of Second. 12,700. Charles W. Wicks and wife to A. B. and Kate I,. Wharton, 31 feet on north side China street ?'.2 feet east of Cherry, $7-'-. Hsarlco: W. T. TOett and wife to Bat? ri., ii. Hayase, 24 feel oa east side of Twenty-fOtirth Btreet, 57 feet south of R. UMA Bettle if. and w. s. iiay-nes to w. T. Kllett, 170 acres south of Willl.imsburg road, ^ 1-2 "r nln-- miles southeast of Richmond, subject to right of way re served. $1,500. <". N. Bchaaf and wife to Walter K. Brauer, 13 5-8 acres on Nine-Mile road, $2,000. Bowden to Re Clerk. Hon. Qaorge B. Bowdea, who has just been BOCCOOdod as Collector of the Port of Norfolk by Major Richard G. Ranks, will shortly be appointed Clerh of the United States District Court, at the City by the Sea, to succeed Mr. H. S. Ackisn. who will bo removed by Judge WaddlU. His appointment, It is said, will be of ficially announced In a few days. For the Relief of Patrol Men. At the next meeting of the Roard of Polic? Commissioners a resolution win ho rj, which has as its object the re laxing of the regulation which compels B to w.-ar whit.? shirts and to teep their waistcoats buttoned up during ho day. Oat Stack? Rurned. Bparhs from a passing engine set fire Mon.'.ay afternoon to two stacks of oats MB the farm of Mr. M. S. Logan. In the ?ounty. Both were totally destroyed. Mrs. James B. Lacy, who has been 'p. ruling the suiiiiik r at Mr. Lead's cot age, Ocean View, has r-'turncd to tho dty. What Will '... ...... of Chinaf None can foresee the outcome, of the i betwe, B foreign powers over the < ilvlaion of China. It is interesting to vatch the going to pieces of this ancient iut unprogi Many people in -nerica ?r-- also going to pieces be onstlpatioa, blood, i ver. and stomach diseases. W4 are Iving too fast, but strength, vigor, and ;ood health can be retained If We keep ff and cure the sbov? diseases with lostetter'n Stomach Hitters. - --TT? r.Ml'l.oiM? .: WANTS. W WI'LD. IPTBMBBR 1st. A POSITION BY i young man with thr.?- years' ?xpsfl? ?nee in the retail drug bisl.\ - B it of H to ability and salesman. Ad- 1 ress SALOL Hampton Va. au 3-3t? WAN I i:d. A LADT OF EXPERIENCE AND : billty desires S Position as Teacher In ( liool or family for the corning session. ?-Irst-class references and testimonials. ' iddress Miss D., Box 174, Culpeper.'Va. _ au 3-3f WANTED, )Y A YOUNG LADY. POBTTION AS 'eacher in a Private Family, ta? teach ' a, Mathematics, Latin, French, and luslc. References given and required. ?ddreaa Miss V., Bi-lsche?, Sussex county, _au 2-21? WASTED, l GOOD BUSINESS MAN' WITH A j ash capital of $1,500 to go In partnership { r? a good paying business; also, want a ood farm nano, who Is married. Ad- | ress C. W. L, care Dispatch Office. _ au 3 It ' WA.VI'ED MANAGER WANTED,' IN EVERY : it y m ! inted Slates, to establish Branch 1 [>r International Carpet-Cleaning Com- i any. Address 60 Perln Building, Cln? 1 InnatL Jy S-Sa.SuAWllt Al'CTIOS ?ALES?TBI? B**^ w>v71:ia^"ita?^"?^?.T_Ts ouLu tmj TAXES FOR THM CURRENT CALEN DAR YEAR ARK TO BIS PAID PR' RATA DT TUB VKNDOR AND THJ VENDRE, ^sw By J. Thompson Brown ?ft Co.. Real E.tate Agent, and AuctioneerB, No. 1113 east Main street. TRUSTEE*' SALE or FRAME I'WELL! N??. No. 1010 81 JAME? STREET. By virtue of a deed of trust froi Phyllis Burton to the under.lgned tnn tees, dated April 1, 18N, and recorded I the Clerk's office of the Chftnccr of the city of Richmond. lx-ed-Book II C, page 312. to secure a certain not therein described, and default having bee made, and being required by the bene fielst y so to do. we will proceed to aal at public auction, on the premise?, on WEDNESDAY. AUOU8T -il). at 5:30 P. M., the PROPERTY de scribed In said ?leed as follows: ' All that LOT <)F LAND, with improvf ment? thereon, consisting of a TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING, No. HI St. James street, and located on the we? line of St. James street betwees Charit: and Federal streets, beginning 97 feet fro: Charity street and fronting on St. Jam. street 23 feet, and running back betwee parellfl lines IL*!) feet." TERMS: Cash as to expense of ?al ami all unpaid taxes, end the aum a J1,-'96.M, balance due upon ?aid note; an the balance In twelve months, with In terest added, secured by trust deed DAVID MTTTELDORFKR, EDWARD H. BROWN Trustees. J. Thompson Brown * Co., Auctioneer? J_; ?_ _ By J. Thompson Brown & Co.. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, No. 1113 east Main street 1 TRUSTEES' SaTe OF A BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. No 1004 ST. JAMES STREET. By virtue of a deed of trust fron Phyllis Brown to the undersigned trun tees, dated April 1, 1836. and recorded ii the Clerk's office of tho Chancery Cour of the city of Richmond, Deed-Book 13 C, page 316, to secure a certain not therein described, and default having beei mad?-, and being requested by the bbb. flclary so to do, we will proec d to Ml at public auction, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY. AUOI ST at 6 o'clock-I*. It, th..* PROPERTY de scribed in said deed m follows: "All that LOT OF LAND, with improve ments thereon, being BRICK BTOR1 AND DWELIJNO No. 1004 St. .1 ne .treat, and th. ONE-STORY KKAMI SHOP adjoining, on the north, locst? on the west side of St. James street be tsrsaa Charity and redera] street?, be ginning-feet from Charity si i fronting on St. James street 30 feet I Inches, and running back between sags lar lines 89 feet, with the rear width of ? feet 6 Inch's " TERMS ?Casa as to expense of sal? and all unpaid taxes, and the sum o fl.401.55, being the balance due Upon Ball notos; and the balance In twelve months with Inter, il add? d, aecured by trust deed l> WID MITTELDORFER, EDWARD H. BROWN* Trustees. J. Thompson Brown & Co., Auctioneers if M_ _ By the Valentin Company, Auctioneers, sr> east Broad street. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE, MATTRFS?*KS, AC.-We will ?ml Tills (Wedneedsy) MORNING. Auss?t Id, .?t our warerooms, ? tut o'clock, i Hair-Cloth Parlor -v ?I order; I Blush Parlor Suit, 1 Pretty Birch Chamber Suit. Walnut Wardrobes, Bureaus Oak and Walnut Sideboards, Oak Folding-Bed, Large Wal nut Folding-Bed, with large mirrors; Wal nut and Oak RstensltMi-Tablea Rubber Cloth Couch, Woven-WIre Springs. Hair nnd other ICattreaaea, Mirrors. Art Square-?. Blcyeles, Counters, &.*., &c. The ladles invited to attend ?he sale J. H. VALENTINE. . * " 3_Manager and Aijctloncer. George w. Ifayo, Auctioneer. COWS, MULES, MILK ROUTE, *C, ATiilTlTIO.N. By direction of the owner, I will sell by auction, at whit Is known as I Farm, adjoining Hudaon'a Dairy Farm, on the Darbyinwn road, two mil? I of Richmond, at 11 O'clock A. M., Wednesday, AUOUBT I MA, 23 Young Cows, some valuable Holsteins and Jerseys; 6 Good Mui -. Also. Milk Route, Milk Cans, and M * sures, &c. TERMS: Cash. GEORGE w. mayo. Jy 31 Aucii COAI, WOOD, ?te. COAL. From August 1st, for fen days, I will sen all staee <>f Anthracite ?'??.ti aai enter orders for your srtoter*. supply of same at four ?lollars and a half per ton. $4.50. Any of my customers who have al r? .i?iy entared their orders at a higher price will recalas the benefit of this re duction on their orders. The quality of our coal Is the, best that can b?* BjOttSB, and l?,s preparati?>n insures freedom from dust and dirt. The price is four tSollara and ilfty cents per ton, and I shall ba pleased to er ter your order CHARLES H. PAGE, la.*) west Broad see. 1905 asat I'.iry atr?s*. Tp-town 'phone 4>j7; down-town 'phone 1??5. au2-lw PROPOSAI.?. NOTR'E TO ?''?a!.-DEALERS. THE RoABD OF DIRECT?'RS having decided to rejeel all bida hereto fore made, will receive new bid. until 13 o'clock M., .harp, SATURDAY, August 6th, for FURNISHING THE PENITEN TIARY WITH COAL for the i year. Blanks can he bad by applying at the itendent'a office. W. T. WHITE, an :{-lt Actiiis; Superintendent. Office of Board of H City Hall, August. IB?*. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED UNTIL THE KAil INSTANT FOR ERECTING A BHEP AT THE BTABLE8 OF THIS DEPARTMENT Specifications can be seen at this office. The comroitt? r? ervea the right to r- lect any and all bid By order HEALTH COMMITTEE, an 3-3t iiMUii WAN rs. WANTED, TO BUY A SAW-MILL. MI ST RE IV ??sad I'otelltion, and : - i.m z~> horse-power. Addresi? 12Y2I-;" asst Broad street, dty, au 3-lt WAITED, HY YOUNG COUPLE THR1 four Rooms for light house:, .rally located. G. A. W., csre of D _ au I if H WTKll. BOARDERS To ICE PLEA? sant Rooms on second floor. In p locality. Addrsaa a. g.. csr? Carrier No. 47, city. \\ \ N I I ', i ABOUT THE FIRST OF SEBTKMBEH. Day Board near Laurel and Parti I for a family of four or five adults and >n.i child. Address, witn t-rm? per week, DAY BOARD, Jinx 371. ? _ WANTED, rwo OR THREE UNFURNISHED Rooms, with board, for lady, your ind nurse; also, for husband about half he time; fir*t or second floor; location lesired on Franklin or ?'r;<ce sir tween Belvtdere and IrSlghth streets; other ?nations will b?a consul ?red. Address J. :. W.. Bos 3-tt, ?dty. _au'3-lt** m .*tki>, V FEW MORE BOAR1 BBS FOR THE .lonth? of August ami i ?apt-mbfr. tjssd are und nice laundry work done at 110 per month. Address Mr?. Dr. JOHN F. ioPE. Jackson- Louisa county. Va. Jy 31-3t AI C110.V ?ALKS-yaii..?. Oa?a. WHEN REAL EgT?TE H ?Ol.f* TH| TAXES FOR THK DAK YEAR A RATA RY THK VENDEB UK CURRENT < AiV? RK TO B? PAlofi E VENDOR a:,_ ijj By Pollard A Bagby, ^"*"N? Real Estate A-, COMMISSION ER-HAUr-Tioa ?Al K Of Tilt U* TUm-SToKV BRI? K x'. i ,,.? I)V EL1 l ' ** ? KNOWN \*> N ON TDK FAST Kl TWEES CLA . iRSHAl r STRI * terutlon of a deer** of I nu.i l.'iutty Court i In the : on August 1. lWi, 1 will ?oil * on tho premise?, on ' TUESDAY, AUG1 . at t o'clock P. M PROPERTY. Th.? I? 20 1-3 fee? on Becon eastwardly between - .i ... i and frame dwelling of 7 * large halls; also, a deta i- Hei small homo in tie " * TER ' thr?o c(|iiiil Instalments .. and eighteen Month? , , * and title re? un? ' until money la , by the court. A. R. C? *? Charles W. Lynham. <t-e ?t J. Arthur Lj nts.?In ti. of the city of Rlchm 1, P. I*. Willst certify that tie ?peciai commissioner bj tb< ,' ( August, MS, I ?;iv. n under my I. ? I August. I'. P. WIN.? nu :i-t.l ?_ Uy II. A. M< T RUSTEE'S .SALE. In execution of a ?J-.! .,. ., . . Juno '.). IfcM. of record In * of Chesterfield Counl ' la D.I-Boob ?, post* 171 : . URDAY. A at 2 i* If., sell STOREHOUSE, with TWO LAND, frontina on th. at Midlothian, In occupied for ime tim? pas) office. TERMS: One fourth In > -inal Insl ?d (Tom da$ .-r ml -. i payabl . month?, and to I I by t " upon th? property. Jy 27 \ i: COURTNE1 ' B\ VIBTIT? OF A D? I i.i -1 l?. i Bl i RDIRSIG bearing date lb? corded in Clerk'? office '. County Court. In d( faull having I : ib.- debl ther I Will sell OUbllC . M? ?NDA1 at 1 o'clock p. M.. at the I following RE <\L All ti. m TRACT OF provementa, ?ituated ; ty, and knos n a? the "ELIZ' BER TRACT," ..... DRED AND FOUR"! KEN adjoining land? of Jol D 11 c. asi.!. and otnera, a to A P. I lelti. t It ion. .bit.d April . hcits of \. P. Deltri TERMS: <'.?h ?ufll lent I executing th and a bond for $150, with Ii from th? Nth d th? belanc,. if any, .>n t? rm? al ? . ; il HENRY il Hol : By J. Thot-peoD Brown d Rea i Bata) Ag e?ri, No. Ill] east M TRUSTEE'S SAI.:. VERY V ILU IBLE LOT AND ING-HOU8E, No. 2M0 EAST MARSH IN THE CITl OF RK H By virtu.? of a deed Of ' tbe ! lt..i day of Decen I Dickinson ind her hui ban In the < 'h.m, . i-y Court o Richmond, In Deed-Book it," k*. ib? Ututed 'i ust..--. p in auction on the j.r FHII-AV. A! 'i BT, C, 1-?, ! k )'. M . all ? LAN i *. ?rith a dwelllng-ho. Improvement and i ? in tlie city of Rl? hmond, i n l side of Marshall street, begtnnii point on the north line tant one hundred (100) feel , east lia? of Twenty-eighth running thence eastward!} north line of Marshall street and : I thei. on thirl v-t ?ve < s j ? t?e k norths ir.iiv bel I to an alley in common 20 : : ?ride. TERMS: Por i er ch . . money sa m i pay the exp* b du* on th? i amount due on t?. say 11,000; and sa to r? of six months, -.s Ith Ii th? ! i. of ?ale, for * * hi? ?> i n from dat, by the pnrchaeer, ho,! properlj b> a de, i >>f tni'-t upon *k? M y. GILL! \ M .1 Thompi on Bi a i ft < _ REAL ESTATE AT PRIVAT?. lAtB A ii \ni: ?ii'roiiii mi ? E ILE THE JA M I ? P, -1 I.THY ! ' \U.\1 (delightfull wltb on th- - t i : i m '< 'il. . I iremont, S - - FOB ? ur. _ VUS, A LADIES' BT1 ' ' patch - . .- a roR HcIT _ | I ?OR HINT, BTORB DWELLING :? J. w. I'i * first-. . II. 8ELDON !' iW; R a" . and Bank Jy 31-s . _g VOR BBS i. P F". ANK.'.IN v 1 by Philip I upon Passes ' bad a: Tr... I R j.WAFtf 1107 Bav BROMES, n?.il Kiev ?.\u-\iii i - ?*e? i RECEIVER <?F TAL ' n v l offer t* i or in !>.(.-. to sun. ENGIN t? saw-'. . ihem AND SUPPLIES - ' of Talbott & the work?, coi ' - r*, ?treets, 1; i 1'. A LAN v HBETIKOS. omce of the O i? i Rii-hn. \ THK ANNUAL MK ".HOLDERS "I Tl ' MINION I D NAIL -1 COM l'A NY Will b office, ' DAY, August 4. IS*,, at 11 ARTHUR M. CI Jv -*2w DISSOI.. U??-?-? * OOFABTSBBSHirS IN CO?8EV.I " r__? Th.- busin??? will l>e **? Bru toforo und.r th? same BrrAti&tne^ Jy 3*?odlm * <**