Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DiSFATCH-THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1898 ? VARHASDONEGOOD. pa LA*?n?t *i POINT? OIT ill i-?-. I1.GS III -I I.TIXi PROM IT. SOUHDED RKELL OP SECTION&L1SI. I,,, I ?tnltllahed the? Patriotism of mir 1'eopte, Mad* t? a Poiver of 1 Ir.t (.rndo, and Established Good I ii'lrr.tandlBa With En* land. . Dr, W? W. Landrum, formerly of . 1 .it now pastor of the First iiiirch. of Atlanta, writes for the n inten^tlng letter on the ; ? a? o and tho results of the . it follow?*.. Kir*!? G*>d for the dawn o? pesca, i? soon to come, though Spain r : i t.i iff time employ | ire her own U flic do?g ompily ac BU of the An ?in an l'rcsl BBB may pa .sslon . 81 H v. i i ? in ! fully aci-cpt t : . and magnanimous. -n In thl? glad, our ei "i,r ?oiititty'it biatoiy . eunde at gratii HEB 0*r ?iii-; war. besa al . -ive. ut its horror**?, prt/8 ., .1 stiff? tin?,? thr' Huh OJOOXf, ?. X .. .vii war. it - by ttoops who w? re neither D ti<s nor compelled to ?u -i - or < inscription. It has .... : n- nest human.- plia* n ? tu a spirit ol i It liullon's li-art bOtttg so th the story of the v. i ? the nation's strong arm was : : f< re, and promote nd : i during Americans bavs k? pt tia-m i. '.o t a in hand. : ; iiili.itaiits. led the hungry, . t . r.ikt.!, BUr?ed the el? i . i goeaniflBODt, and actually . nuca la a captured i the tu treatment o: L 'i'lic gallBBt but ir V. - t .! .! with cli-tlll . - . -.. mil glvt n the Burroun tank. When \ . i-oiiij Wild lUng after the victory of sm tbe pleaded: "1 ion'1 cbi ?w, Even naoBg our 11 martyrs, 1 ion in affording asylum and giving i. ' ' i which it tu? lus of - ntty. Prisoners ol i hair native country Hi? tO 1 tO t by taxa our \ war with a in tbe blBtory of Aiiicr 111 plilla': indes wetoonra our I od of 1 Nor will it fora Will 1111? hlldn n tba In? K5D 11 l. 'i ? of all v ? n I the dona, in the battle ?>f BevlD??, - ' aald thai the mtllloi OWboy from th?* poor, . tba tramp, tbe i rod, til?- Baptist and Methodisl and tba Jew, i bava .a carrying the stars and : more glori?os Balda -, i \. i hi i?i i- ' . ' i i-1 the war beta? sa capital -- " and ?'lui nation be tb< alaaa ol aoolety, and the un t 11 in n ?bitterness, ln and Vituperation, patriot l? lei all alienations 1>? burled out of ; d h t us .all stand t getbar, front Btury with one country, tiny. ' ' 'V.MJSM. .- .i- i tin- d? nth bneM of i] ation of ths Bloquent i politicien who Btlrred gone The '*b*oody . I duty no not .-;u? s '?-. m trade, An , op!,. w ?Hi one Bag, Bad I or fanatic who has n,.t ' this 1 Mason BBd Iiixon's line pride in the (*ou**age, in ' I crlflce of th? abo : m the civil war. whether in a unl la ? la pronounced at the North I ' ' mind *t Am,-t nan h. b ! -! ?! ?i by ..: ? ratea to be the ' tl -maiiship that Itlal chair, ?.'.m' ' - loyal to the go*r?*-rn in tbe present ?ur as th.-,! !.- : abll . Mil< - Bad IMta I.- a, siiatit-r and ''Fighting J . and I ?gitb? NOftb and the South, the i BO* V. aie lin i t ? il in ?mi' aim se. In i itlon Si it? pride and Boctlonal p ail isonal I? limits, ths t>".ist at Lee or Wie -" or hut ?t Will he ' nan m glory of n*? all: "i bbb aa .. i lotht-r to humanity, a clti maim: i i \ v.-.iiM.n mu nt. War has i i uoi Id pog ' of the I ?n which I American may exclaim: "Th. world d to do good in all the - m* r? i loa." < ?nt- concern for Hawaii, .i the Philippin?- i Anally, Cuba Is not BO nui'h to s? DBW IB Lier fie I I of nd i tfl to from the ; ?my ??f "importai* ' It Is tbe ?i that Ub? i ?cien Dtribution Am.rican republic to the VOTid. In-evil it'i-' - n- b) I he logic of it tloB v.iil? h OUghl relght a .. party in . u Is unbroken, tmie-honnrrd. Bed ' i ?-intu? itic B SlWSy? fav? ;. Had bet n for tl Off tl ' li WOUld H? ver ha\ . .i rl? Tho gi ftoiii It* bead to ?i.ilt ll?a woji'l belong to a. ' Kt il .?ratlc p.o ; . i., ,i?-:t. i,-?.n, l| ' : mi their comp-ssrs I ? a territory limited <mi> ?ik-. And v < ? vu Bii?gald?-u D?*mo? rsts who wish to : abandon the policy which ha? made the V"STeut and tfh* c<**ntry glorious! I erslstency In such polltln-l heresy ig ?ulcldal to the party, destructive of pa trlotlem. and inimical to the interest? 0f our country end of the w-.rld. Am? '?" a air.nt world pesrer is destin? - the world, teach the world, rlvlllw, kli(?*n, and Chrimtlanlxe the world. OKKAT liniTAlN- AND AMKU u-r '' * ' til'h?a.hert a a- land ing between the two great English-*a at Britain and An. Iho de?tlny of the two people? Is oi should not be forgotten that Great Hrltaln la as unequivocally as the United 8tateH an American Power, ?he holds half of this Continent, and invests her half with n?r fortified Islaiiut-. from N?iva Kcotla. on thu north, to British Guiana, on the south. Her Interest? In th?- B?W world are Identit?t with ours. What threatens British int? rests in this hemisphere threatens ours, and the security for either is security for both. The Monroe doctrine was proposed by the English Canning, and announced by an American President to ward off aggressions by the ?'ontl asatsj PsarsBs of Barope on the new r< pubbce of Kouth Amiri.-u. None the less. v.l. arc held by Un MOBTOe doctrine to the d< r. n i an tn i. th? I?* rmndriK, thl ?, the I Indies, and in BsBta Amen? n, wherever she is unable singly t?> hold them against one nation, or all the na tions of Europe. I'i.n tleally tha Monroe dortrftM Is an Anglo-American allianic. Becaua? we, should ksve dsfs**<4ed Land's POSBSBSISM on this side of the At lantic If attacked by a Contln? ntal, England has held ;?ll Burope in check win n ull Bsrope would willingly have pounced upon us In order to deliver Spain. England said to (*< -rmany and to France: 'Hands oft'. America must be allowed to aettle her own matters In her own way," and tiny obeyed her. And In return for England's aid, .for without h? r aid we COUld* not have followed our own course, I incline to the conviction that *h<- <-hnii?<l maultad about the disposition of th ; Philippines. I imagine nothing will be done against her wishea. And If the au pa r.-ntly Impending war for suprema'v In the BSS1 )>??t w< n RtlSalS and Bu gland must com *- ? m? Issrltsbla, I BhOlild lie glad If we lia?! a gr. at Philip plna fie? t to aid our mother country. Surely the English--?-eriking race? can never again mlaundsrstand ana an?tiir, much Issa war with one another. Tin tit Britain and the tntsraata of the I'nit' ?i Btatee ara ans; the interests of Great Britain and the Interests of the United States are tin- interests of the Miman race. The interests of Great Hrl taln and the in-? rests of the I'nlttd States are the nterasta of the kingdom ' CrOd "ii earth. Lai all tha PSOple praise the ?Mti for ills gOOdnsaa, and fOt His wonderf'il works to the children of m-n. W. W. UXDRI'.M. CII\1"! OTTF.MII.I.K. Death of n Prominent Chemist? O ?lier? Fleeted. ('HAIUXiTTKSVU.U:. VA., August 3.? ill.)?The funeral Of Dr. Thomas ?'. Van Nuys, professor emeritus ? f chemistry of the University of liKllan.i, and ?a few years ago one of the leading BdUSBtBfB of the Middle Wast, ocenrrsd bsrs at .". o'cloch thta aftarnoon, and the IntSTflMBt BTBS in the ceimt? ry at the I'mv.-i.-ity ot Virginia. Thomas Charbon Van Nuys was a na tiv.- of Indiana, having been horn in Switzerland county, In im-i. Whan Of Bfja he was graduated from the Medical College of Ohio, at Cincin nati, and entered upon the practice of i,in profession ?t Evansviiie, Ind. Hora . infatuated with tha study of ? ii'Tiiistry and want to Berlin to <b> ad? i s/orh in thai ael at Returning t?i America after t\\?> j.ars ot -Imly nntler eminent chemists at Berlin and Prague, he i?? ?m? Profssaor of Toxi . and ChSkn'atry at th?- Hvansvillo ; College, Resigning this position :. Dr. Van Nuys again went abroad and Btadled for tsro years under the celebrated fTsaasnlns, at the Wisabad<an tide Institute, and upon his return afectad r^tofeasor of chemistry at -ity iif Indiana. He held this pordtion txtt frwanty-one years, with the itlon "i" oat **esr*a hbaence Is Qsr? many at the *'ni\ r.-it v of Slrasburg, and rsised the oheaalcal flepartsrtsst of linliana I'nlverslty to the front rank among those of the. Western universl ii- When, in lKi?, 111 health made it ->;n y tor liim lu retire from active work, iii?' i'.?eii.i of Trusteea recognised Ins great aamtCM to the institution by tig liim professor emeritus of chem Attraetsd by the beslthful OafaBBia of ChsrlotteavlUe, and asxtoua to give his aona the advsi great Onl? Ity, It. Vas Nuya lettled hare three ream ago. He lessee a widow und two and Morton. At t Ih* annual nn- ting of the Char lo?, t.sville Hott, ll?>oK. and Ladder Com? piny. Ii? .?:iing, the following offlcera sere elected: Thomas J. Wil liams, chief engineer; J. Vlnosnl Parley, commander; C. D. Bhsckalfofd, Bist srsr? di n ; R, it. Case, second warden; C. L, Lacy, third warden; W. A. Lsskford, etarj and treasurer; 11. Balz, fire marshal. Tin- f?ill??wing were Chosen to represan! the company at the ii? ns ABaoolstlon, whichaaeela ii. xi month in N? wpnrt If earn: c. D. M,.,, k? ii?.ni. ,i. V. Parley, H. Bala, and \V. H. I'r.'.il. .Mr. E. W. I.rown, of this city, has been tendered, ami has accepted, B position In the English department of the Bmlthdasl Business ('allege, of Blchmond, ?nd will - BOOB to arrange for his duties. Mr. Brown was educated at Randolph-Mncon College and al the University of Virginia, and is a young man of splendid qoalittoa Sinitinw ai Is to be congratulated on so valuable an addition to Ms corps of ti achara Happy, healthy child hood! Every childless woman feels a tugging at her hesrt - strings J** when ahe sees ,_> another woman's . happy, healthy rollicking ba?y. Motherhood is wo ', man's supretnest , duty and her su ^ premest happi X$ ness. Even in childhood she shows how deeply this sentiment is implanted in her breast when she plays with her cii.lls. There are t h a u ? a n d s of otherwise happy wives in t ii i s world who only lack the thrilling touch of a nrat-born's fingers to complete then bappiaese l'very wife may be the mother of happy, T?>lui?.t chiidi? n who will. Thosaaayda <>f women win? had lived years of cheerless, childless wedded life oi whose bsbste hsst been bOtn to them weak and sickly, soon are now happy mothers of healthy iliihlrrn, and bless Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the wonders it has accom plished f<<r thf ;n. This great medicine acts , and only on the delicate and im portant organs that bear the burdrn of ma ternity It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous and elastic. It allays ir.i'am nution. heals ulcerating, and ton?*, .md stienpthcns the nenes. It banishes the diacoasforts of the expectant months and ri'...a.< - hahy's advent easy and almost paiti lrs*-. It in ?un** a healthy child ami an ample aanply of nourishment. Honest dialer** will not ??Tt worthless substitutes for the sake of a little added profit. Set say enough iu praise of Dr. Pierce'? Prescription, as it ha? undouhtedlv life," write* Mrs. I'lorcnce Hun* Co, Ail? "I iniiKarrii*d fou; tdkiac to do me auv good. > -..lal lx*t<?-s <.i in Pierce? I"*? m alt* my huaband a pr?*a? rot of a fine girl " Free ! Dr. Piercc'a Common f?ense Med ical Adviser Por paper covered copy send ii o in cent stamp?, to cover matting only. Cloth bound *i stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. V. A whole medical library in otic looo-fj-ige volume. mv life," Lhsaa //MV, / W I Whole Family Cured of SKIN HUMORS Mr wifu had on her l?nil* five small pimple? that began to enlarge, develortin?; Into eating ulcers, which, de?iilte effort? to cure them, grew worse, asUag to the lioiie. With two bottle? of Cr-TK i ha Rr.soLVKNT,one box of CtTKtRA (olntment'i, and one cake of ( ?ti? CUKA Boar, she wo? cured in two month?. I was afflicted with papular rash, from which I could not rest day or night. My ?kin be-ame in a very bad fix. Ct rice tu. KtMB nns cured mo in one month. My baby girl wa* afflicted with F.crera?, her limb? from her knee? down were one solid ore from which I lie ?uttered greatly. With . C.'T'cuka Rr-MMHM there was a complete cure. A.A. M< LAST?, J. P., Winn.G?. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Tb? cure? d?ily efr>o<ed by the Citkira Rr.?,?r>ir? of t .muring, dl-flf-urlni*. and humil latine ?kin, aealp, mid Mood humor?, with Iom of hair, are ?o wonderful a? to ?ecm almoat IncredlW". T.-t ovary word I? true. Thry are beyond alldoulit the ?reate.l akin cure?, ilood purifier?, ?nd burner widlil of modern time?. ?firptC?ii TniATM.?T ro? FTrnTKinnofBiooD A?n ?m* IIi-mok. ? W?,m I.?!?, wiih Cl rina* ?..a?, Sfntlt ?noinllnc. with ?-.' T>< ' 1? (mnlmrntl. and ini'd o??-, i.f Cine ?a llr ?o? ?i? T. ,-r??l?t of hqmor cur??. Bold thrr..jf> nutth? anrll. I'm it? Ditto A?D C??a. Co?i-.. Snl? ? ,? t Hottno. ?r"H...i i i- f . '??kinind P.ln-vl Hum-w.-fre?. THK I'll I III? TO THE FRO XT. Tho it. -K i m. m < oloiiel Nail?. Will Tnke to I'nrlo Illco. . The Third Virginia Regbsast Is cer tainly to have an opportunity to leave the country in the service of I'ncle Sam, tho report that It Is to be one of the regiments to go to Porto Rico under Gen eral Wad? having Been confirm. !. The Second and Fourth may be ordered to Cuba when the war is ended, and pro bably will, but it la certain that the boys of tho Third will go beyond the confines of tho United .state.? in Uncle Sam's aer? vi.-.', unless, indeed, lb? war be ended I - ii.iv fliey can In Kutten on the transports and started. It may be safely ti----- it- ri that there wan J?.y in camp yesterd ?V, for months of Inactivity Bad began to tell upon the spirits of the men, and all tho Ionising of the ?toldier for s?rvlca at the front had made them restless and die? satisfied. Tho companies composing the Third BIS. Company A, Danville Cray?, Captain Hutchin-s; Company it, Culpeper Minut? men, Captain Grimsley; Company C, Farmvllle, Captain Allen; Company D, Monticello Guards (Charlottesvlllc), Cap? tab? WTngtleld; Company E, Eyrichbarg Home Guard?, Captain Faulkner; Com? pany F, Alexandrin Eight Infantry, Cap? lain Atkinson* Company G, Petel Grays, Captain Nichols; Company 11, Dan? viiii- Bines, Captain Freeman; Company i. C?ptala Wlllsrd; company K. Wash? ington Guard, C?ptala Howe; Company L. Fitz Leg Rifles (Lynchbnrg), Captain Miller; Company If, Richmond, Captain M a--urler. The regiment is commanded by Colonel William Kalla, formerly Adjutant-,;.-lie ral. Tin- lieutenant-colonel is Thomaa B, K.llcr. ?.ml the maj..! BIB .Major l?avld J?. 1 -rico and Major J-'rank ?scruggs. Major Price, who was appointed to tho raSatnant from the regular array, is aoa here acting es quBrtennaatet to the troops at ?'amp ("..rl.'.ii, having fHSChSI*S ad the .?.?nie duties for th>' white regt? menta while they wore at Camp Lae, M Bald last night 1:1s work was about oora pl, r.<i. and that he ooald i. avo to Join ins regiment on six hours' notice. The Major his 1" n very to ?ec? some of the fun that many ol his old comrade? ure ring during this war. and is natu rally in hinh Bpbtta at the prospect of being able to do so in the very near fu ture. Be has b. SB ordered up for promo tion, but may not be examined before cm barking for Porto EU The remaining Virginia regiments are fully prepared for service in the Bel t, In irig fully eejutpped and practically with full ranks. Captain BooeleUX expects to complete the quota of the Second within a day or two. It is practically BSaSTSd, it seems, that these two regim- n' destined for service In Cuba with the nrmy of occupation after the close of the war. SALI.1I. An Approaching Mar ringe?Very 111? I'vraonul. SALKM, VA., August 3.-(Speeial.) Cards announcing the approaching mar liaSS of Miss II.-l. a ML Agnew. of Salem, to Mr. Alonzo T. Horine, of Georgia, have been Issued. The event will occur next Monday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home Of Miss Agnew, on Chestnut. The bride to-be is an attractive young lady, and the prospectiva groom Is a former resident of this place, but now a prominent stock dealer In Georgia. Th? couple win taha un axtended northern bridal tour. Captain W. ("riffln, of Company H, Se cond Virginia Regiment, is in labial. visiting his family. He reports all th. members of his company In good health, and well pleased with their surround in KS. Mrs. Mallory, mother of Fnited-Statea S tor S. R. Mallory, of Florida. Is quite sick ut her cottage at Hotel Duval. Th. >r Is here In response to a tele gram. The growers of the famous Back Creek pippin apples report that the crop will be a total failure this year. These ap ple? brought into the county tho hand BOSBB sum of |K?,000 last year. Judge II. E. Blair, Mrs. Blair, and Mi?? Ellen Blair have gone to Saltpetre Cav, Botetourt county, Va., to spend the re mainder of the summe-, Mr. James MdOoakey, a Salem boy, who graduated In law at the University of Michigan last session, standing sixth In a, class of Otot -'"'>. ??aves In a few dara for st. Louis, where he. will praoti,-. his profession. Bar, .!. It Bridges and family, after apendlng a month visiting in Salem, l. ft to-day for their home la ?'..himbia. Mo. l'rofes I i? Eogan, of the BtattS cheat, at Lexington. Ky., i? her.- on a visit to hi? brother, Mr !: |. rt Eogan. at "Sherw"...!." Rev. I>. G. Armstrong, Jr., and wife, of Atlanta, Ca., . t.- in the city, on a vi.?it to the parents of the former, on r . t. Mr. G E. Raker, private secretary to Dntte?Vfltatea-Seeator Caflrey. of New as, is stopping in Salem for several days. ngettet John m. Oakey, Jr.. i? ron i meeting In Amherst county. .1. Melv'n Killian and wife, of Umlthburg. Md.. are vti.iting the parents ;.f ih. iormtr on Development Height?. Nettie and F.innie Armstrong ulng friends at Falling Springs. Va. Mr. Thomas Kennard. of New Tork, Is rtaitlng friend? In Salem. Mr. N. B- Johnston, after a visit to hi? family here, bes ? turned to Nashville, ?here he is engaged In busine??. -a? The Chief Purges? of Milesburg. Pa.. ?ays DcWill's btttta Early Risers are the icwt pills he ever used in his family du ing forty year? of housekeeping. They ure constipation, sick headache, and itomach and liver trouble?. Small In toe, but great in result?. ARK BEAD i1 TO START PICKKTT*S MES* COMPLETE AR BAl?GEMR*fTB FOR THEIR TRIP. THE LIST YERY MUCH REDUCED. Executive Commltt*e Cute It Dow? go That It Xotv Includes ?inly lOO Manir??Chairman Jones'e Letter? Mre. Plrkett Areepts. No one who was present at the rather Indifferent reception accorded to the com mittee which came hero representing Philadelphia Grand Army organizations to lnvire Plckett's men to join In their encampment would have dreamed that there would have been such a acramble to get into the band-wagon. The committee that received the visi tors held out little hope that they would be able to do more than enlist twenty five veterana to undertake the trip, but last night, another committee, In charge of the arrangements, spent two hours or more In purging the list of willing ones and reducing the number of those who are to represent the camp and division within reasonable limits. One hundred railroad tickets have been sent from Philadelphia for the free use of the veterans, and th list made up last night Includes IOS? names, the odd num ber having d?*poslted the money to buy their tickets. Their was a called meeting of Plckett Camp at the camp hall, for the purpose of discussing the arrangements. Mr. C. T. Loehr, chairman of the Executive Committee, presided. NO LADIES V. Hat BE TAKEN. Those present were given to understand that oniy veterans would be supplied with tickets, and entertained while in Philadelphia, and absolutely no provision has betn or will be made for their wives or daughters. Mr. E. Scott Gibbs was appointed as sistant marshal. Every one who goes is expected to wear the uniform o? Plckett Camp?gray coat and trouas***, black cloth hat. white waistcoat, gloves, and tie?and will bo required to carry a cane. White silk badges, bearing the State arms and the following Inscription, In gold, will bo distributed on the train: "Plckett's Men, August. 1*18, Philadelphia." The flag BtSd to the camp by Philadelphia Brigade will be carried by the camp standard bearer. DR. JONES'S CORDIAL LETTER. Chairman fSBSS, of the Philadelphia committee, has written to Colonel Loehr as follows: "? >ur work is finlshc*. All we want Is nice, clean, oool weather, and you shall all enjoy yourselsss. "Wo will ratet you at the train and es cort you to the hotel. "If you think of anything that we can do for you, or that will enhance your comfort or pleasure, let us know, and It shall be done. "Our boys tire very grateful to you, Col un_l, for the great amount of work you havo paifufied In this Matter and the zeal you have manifest? d from the llrst. "We are intensely anxious to see you, to clasp you by the hand, and give to you the key to our city." The following message from a promi nent Philadelphia^ apropos of th?* breeze stirred up In bee Camp last Friday, wbea the latter Of fahuylar Post was read to that organization, was received with evi dent Intsreat, "Tell the boya Post 51 is not in this as sociation, and they wero not In tho bri gade" MRS. PICKETT ACCEPTS. Mrs. George E. Pick? its reply to the Invitation of th?* veterans, which Is given below, was fooetved wlih applause: My Dear Captain Nort?en,?Your favor of July LTth, kindly extending to me, on behalf ?if Oeorge i:. Plckstl ?'amp, Con federate Veterans, tho Grand Army of the lb-public, and tho Phil'i.'.clphi.i Bri gade Association, an Invitation to the reunion in Philadelphia this week is but just received, my ahaencs Iroaa tha ?ity ami til?; misdirection of the letter causing the delay In Its receipt. I hastily acknowledge and heartily ap predata your kindly i? membrance of BBS, and accept with pleasure the opportunity to mast ?and greet you. for you know I n? \? i- fail Plckett's men. i ? be so good as to express to the organizations) which you represent my ? ?impliments and acceptance of th< lr in vitation. Faithfully yours, Mrs. GEORGE E. PICKETT. THOSE Wllo WILL OO. The list of those who will go to Phila delphia, as the guests ??f the QffBBd Army, as revised last night, is as follows: C. T. Loehr. R. K. Northen, S. R. Cate?, W. I'. Mass. J. E. Sullivan, J. D. Redwood, W, W. Cunningham, Polk Miller, j. w. Morriaett, ?tssorga w. Dean, D. Hardy Pyle, J. S. Van Horn, .1. B. Welch, John Maxwell, William L. ltoyall. P. P. Winston, M w. Hazelwood, A. J. Vaughan, .1 E. Phillips, T.- W. Llndsey, W, J. Bur? ss, W. C Ashby, i;, W. Martin, W. H. Stevens, B. M. Batklns, W. H. It. veridge, J. C. Johnson, Alex. Jennings, W. A. Mourrtcaslle, Meyer Angle, ('. Brooks, B, M. Burgess, B, B. oibbs. T.. E. ICallory, .1. P. Thomas, R. J. Slaughter, P. c. Moirissett, R- H. Norvell, H W. H '* * . P. O. Gentry, QarvSB BtorjS, J. R. Rosser, A. P. Trewsller, William Ford, W. B. Biddick, R. R. Woodson, A. .1. Wray, B. W. Paulette, W, R. Farrar, L W. Ogden, A. .V. GUI, B, Parsons, P. P. Ryan, U, M, Grlmsley, J. La Singleton. J. F. Wolf, .lohn limb, Jacob Weckert, George Huband, R. B, Eddens, H. C. Ashby, Jr., H. T. Taylor, Henry Leiss, Frank Bulllngton, R. F. Dyer, W. 11. Oowardin, Thomas Francis, H. A. Bdmondaon, J. H. Taylor, E. S. Ferneyhough, R. A. Williame, R. D. Tiller, R. M. Burton, C. H. Evensberl, Ii. crow, P. S. Buford. R. P. Smith. J. B. Wood, :*harles Plckett, J. T. Parham, B B. Loving, R. T. Briggs. ;. W. Ivey, Lin-Ian Jackson, *. C. Tlnsley, W. H. Summons, II. Edmonds, A. P.. Anderson, \. B. Wllllngham, D. B. Easley, v,V. Williams, I. E. Williams, Thomas Meadows, R. H. Smith, H. Jones, R. I* Chlldresa, U If. GUI, ' Mattern. ' eorge P. Haw, It R. Home, i.'l'tt. J. T..Rrown. W. I. Rally, J C. Dlckeraon, i.V. S. Giinn. H A M'i'urdy, I. E. Owens. James McGraw, W. E. S*aton. AM.OTMF.*aT OF BOID?. M,lh, \mhii-? Found to Have Iteen BSSSI tA'lthOQt authority. WASHINGTON. August 3.?Asslstant '?cretary Vanderllp Is now sending to ? r* about 8.000 bonds a day, and his numb?r will ' -d later on. Recently notices of allotments have been ?ent to a number of people who had sub u?l forwarded th?* required cash, nit who now deny all knowledge of the ransaction. The indications are that heir names hod been used by interested unies, without authority, with a view to ettlng possession of the t?>nds tn viola ion of the spirit of the law. These cases re under Investigation. There arc also a large number under , from other causes, aggregating i amount several millions, so that it ?ill ?slble to state the maximum meant whh-h eventually will be. allotted ntl) all these cases are decided. I Most Interesting Shoe Sale of the Year. New Seasonable Shoes, f|f* |lf"f| APUT L^&s Than Hiqh and Low Cuts, Jf*? ?*_*__ |F| I Manufacturer'? Popular Materials and Shapes, " I Bill Vkll I actual Cos.. We have purchased entire stock of E. A. Saunders, Fifth and Broad, and will place same on sale August 4th at 8 A. M. TWO BIG SALES IN ONE. OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SAL& We have picked out all small lots, odds and ends, Ac, and large quantities of summer weights from our own stock. Too many items to enumerate, Itargains all over the house. * Our object is to move them rapidly and there's only one way to do it?make the PRICES I RIDICULOUSLY LOW. No goods charged or exchanged in this sale, ! C.F.CROSSSHOECO. ; 313 East Broad. SAUNDERS'S ENTIRE STOCK. WADE_ EXPEDITION. REGIMENTS DESIGNATED TO FORM HIS PORTO RICO FORCE. THE THIRD YIRGIHU INCLUDED. Flrat Sorth Carolina, l'lrat Maryland, and Flrat West Virginia Alao Part of It?Newport Settm Embarka tion Point for Moat of the Troop?. WASHINGTON. August 3.-The follow ing regiments have been designated to constitute General Wade's provisional di vision for service in Porto Rico: First Jthodt; Island. First North Carolina. First New Hampshire. First New Jersey. nd Texas. First Maine. Koiinh Missouri. First Alabama. First Vermont. First West Virginia. First Kentucky. Third Tennessee. Twenty-second New York. First Arkansas. Fifty-second Iowa, Third Virginia. First Delaware? First .Maryland. The present stations and the routes to ik.ri by ?..neral Wade's command are as follows: ROUTES TO EMBARKATION POINTS. The Vint Alabama. First North Caro lina, and BSQOad I xas are now at Jack? s.itiville, and will sail direct or from !' r nsadina. The First BtrtrSBaSS. First Maine. First New Hampshire, Third Tennessee, First \ rmoiit., First West Virginia, and Flfty second Iowa are at CbtekamaaBa, and will ?all from Newport HOSTS. Thu Pint Connecticut, First Missour-, First New Jersey, First Rhode Island, and Third Virginia are at Camp Alger, Va., and will EO from Newport News. The First Delaware, now In Delaware, will probably ?all from New York. The First Maryland, at Fort Monroe, will sail direct. The Twenty B?eaad New York, now at Port will sail from New York. The Fifth Illinois is not in the list, but will ?all with Wade's expedition, orders having been sent it direct last night. BRIOADI I 'K'iANIZATION. These regiments will be organized Into brlgade? as loll, First Brigade?FUSt Rhode Island, Fourth Missouri, and Twenty-second New York. - ond Brigade?First North Carolina, Fust Alabama, and First Arkansas. Third Brigada?Flrat New Hampshire, First Vermont, and Fifty-second Iowa. Fourth Brigade?First New Jersey, First West Virginia, and Third Virginia. Fifth Brigade?Second Texas, First Connecticut, and First Delaware. Sixth Brigade Flrat Maine, Third Ten? I and First Maryland. -_?? TERRIFIC ELECTRICAL STORM. Philadelphia Suffers Greatly?Many llullilliiK? Struck by Mwhtiiluic. PHILADELPHIA. August 3.-The ex cessive heat of the last three week? or more culminated to-day in one of the most territlc electrical storms that have ever visited this city. The rainfall was tho heaviest in the history of the local weather bureau. In one hour and three quarters 5 4-10 Inches of rain fell. The heaviest previous rainfall was 5 1-5 inches in twenty-four hours, about twelve years ago. There was an almost continuous hash "f lightning, and many flag-poles and buildings In nearly every section of the city were ?truck, causing sevrai small fires, and doing great damage. Tel egraph and telephone service throughout the city was practically at a standstill for several hours. The cellars and first floors of hundred? of business houses and dwellings were flooded. ANOTHER ROYAL Ql'ARREL. l'il me and Prince?? of Wale* unid to Ile "Ont." LONDON, August 3.?There appears to be some mystery In connection with 'he departure of the Princes? of Wales for Copenhagen. It is ?eml-offl? I -illy n -affirm ed that her leaving England is due to the Illness of hT mother, the Queen of Den mark, but two denials of her Majesty's Illness have bSSBJ r?< ?ived from Copen hagen, and rumors are current that 'he Princess has had another disagreement with the Prince of Wales, similar to tho quarrel which took the Princess abroad for ?orne months In IM. THE .M'HH.NK A \<)Ml \KI"S. 1 nal.m Agreement Reached After n All-Mahl Seaalon. LINCOLN, USB., August 3.-The Fusion State convention?, after a continuous session through the night,? reached an agr ement on the head of the ticket. Following are the nominee?: W. A. Poy ner (Populist), Governor; E. A. Gilbert ?Silver-Republican?. Lleutenant-G-Jvemor; John F, Cornell (Populist). Auditor; \V. f Porter (Populist). Secretary of State; c .1. Smythe (Democrat). Attorney-General; Jacob Wolfe (Populist). Commissioner of Publie Land? an?* Huilding?; W. R. Jack non (1'opullst), Superintendent of Public Instruction. All excepting Poyner ?nd j Dental! are the Incurn? All the nominee? are Populist? except the choie?* for Lleutenant-Oovernor, wh< Is a Kree-Sllver Hepubllcan, and the noml nee for Attorney-General, who Is a Dem ocrat. POYNTER A DARK HORSE. Mr. i'oynter may be regarded a? a darl horse, though hi** name had been men tioned before the convention. The t-hle antagonism to his nomination came frun the Democrats, who held out against hin as a Populist of the radical ?trip? fo a time, but finding that ths Populist would not withdraw him, and that he pro fBaaed to be a life-long Democrat, of Ken lucky Democratic parentage, they flnall; acqulcsc.-l. TELEGRAM TO BRYAN. The Democrats sent the following tele gram to Colonel W. J. Bryan at Jackson ville: "The Democrat? of Nebraska, In con ventlon assembled, instruct mo to ?em hearty greeting, and to pledge thel united efforts to make the gallant Colon? of the Third the future comtuander-ln chief." Th platform adopted by the Populist this morning does not differ greatly oi th?- hading planks from that of the Dem oeflata * ,-..SB?* NEW SPIRITS COMBI-IPa. The I'nlted Stntes Association?Elee tlon of Officers. CINCINNATI, O., August 3.--TheUnttet Bl itea Spirits Association waB permanent ly organized here to-day i?y th? electloi of the following sev?n members of th Executive Committee; ?halrman, W. N. Hohart, ?Cincinnati iry, J. Walter Frellx-rg, Cincinnati Treasurer. W, T. Corning, Peor?a, III.; P J. Hetiness.y, Chicago, Snii'H'1 Woolnei N?-w York; Frank Curtis, New York ( harl'-s. A, W.M., Nt-'w York. are tho only elective officers o tho BOW combine. They may select aucl aiJ'litioiial executive officers as they lim ity. The organization uicludes not only th Am?irtcan ami standard aHaociations, bu also all others In the business. The plan control of the en tire output of all distilleries In the coun try, who will not deal direct with tli it.ol?'. hut only with such distributers a ar.? in ths combine, and none other. Din tributeis are t?> bay from none other tha thus., in the combine Theee rsgalatleaB were made strong li anticipation of new concerns. All exist ?ni,' ?m, m aie tii'-lo!. '1 in this, the ?tronK itiiiine y? t oiganamd The rebate system has again been es tabllshed, but th?- rebates are small, li mce with the margins, and will l> paid every five months, in addition to re bates from ?iistillers to distributers, then will bo small reliat?s from th?; distribu ten lo t)i?ir trai!.-, for continuous patron age, every flvo mouths. JAMES RIVER IMI*ltOYKME*IT. The ? oini.ilni - * on a Tug am Klects i -.. i?!., - ?-. s The Jam?s Hiv? r Pnprov? nient CoeBSflM i on the city Tug yesterday after noon and elected the employees of tbe de partment as follows: T. C. Cunningham captuln of the City Tug; John H. Como? engineer; Isaac Wood, assistant engineer William Meredith, fireman; William Wat son, wheelman; M. Colgln, deckhand; M. Clark, deckhand. Employees on d?r?Sdge: V.'. R. Farrell, engineer; James RJddls, dipp? r t?-nd?-r; James Colgin, fireman; Charles I.atim?*r, ??i -i; William Robert?, deckhand; Charl'-s Button, deckhand. The report of the sub-committee, recom mending certain Improvements in the up per reaches of the river, and the r? flBBtal of tht- two sunken coal barges from the channel of the river, was adopted, and the work will be recommended to the Council. COMMITTEE ON CEMETERIES. Tho Committee on Cmeteiiea m-.-t In the City Hall last night, with Blanks, Montgomery, Minor, ?nd Wil liam? present. The reports of the keepers of Oakwood, ShotKoe Hill, and Hlver-Ylew wero re ? lv?Sd and tiled. Tho Bnancial condition of tne ment was submitted by the <l?-rk rolls and Mils were approve?! and ordered to be paid. The Committee on Grounds and Build ings will meet in Room 5 at ? o'clock this evening. The Policeman*? Holiday. The annual festival of the Richmond police force wa? held yesterday on Mayo'a Island. Dinner was ??rved in th? after noon, snd an interesting programme of sporU was carrlej out. TRIES TO TAKE HER LIFE. Mr?. Johpson, of Fulton. Take? I.antl anmii?-Hrother Aasnnlts llasbnnd. Mi**. Susan Johnson, a resident of No. 3711 U-ster street, Fulton, attempted to committee suicide yesterday about noon by drinking laudanum. She would doubtles? have succeeded but for the prompt arrtvsl and I work of Dr. Miller, of the smbulame 888-Bflji Mr?. Johnson wa? taken to the almshouse wh?en ?he was better, snd re mained all night. ?She Is rapidly recover ing from the well-nigh fatal effects at i rug. While J)r. Miller wa? treating the wo man her husband came in, and another v.oman, who maintained the part of speo t t.,r, r-marked that he had driven hla m?,, t i the deed. A brother of Mr?. John son wa*'. also In th> room, and when he heard ihl? made for Johnson and dealt him ?everal blirwa. l.e.i.:? Faetar I n.i.-r Arrest. Reddy Foster, so well known hers ss a base-balil?t, was arrested yesterday by Sergeant Otey. of the First District, on nt charging him with beating a zU-r Redd y appear? In ?.is morning, with Jus tice John in tbe gramistasd, as usual. CDBANSTAKEATOWN FORCE) IMll II Mli.l Kl. GOME* I*| ro?iM?.?iiiv Or GIBOR.-aa! IAHT PRISONERS CAPTURED. Gomes Preparing; to Attack thS Troehs arad Restore Communie*?. Mon lleii? reit r ras te ru and We? ter s ProTlsires. ? , KEY WEST, FLA.# Auguat 8.-11:? A, M.-Captain Del Valle Ignacio, of the In surgent forces, was brought here this morning by the gunboat Helena, which took him aboard near Tunas de Basa, on the south coast of Cuba, on July 2?th. lb* reported that on July 9th, Gene ral Miguel Gomez (under whom he served] In the San? tl Spiritus District of th? province of Santa Clara) attacked the town of Gtbora (not Gibara) with tat men, and after two hours' fighting com? polled the Spaniards to raise the whit? Hag. V LVNAMITB SHELL?. Three dynumlte shells from tho Syms Dudley gun, he aaya, tore big holes In the walls of the town, killed nine Span? lards, an?l wounded twelve. One hundred and sixteen prisoners wer? taken, and the town Is held by the Cu ban? Tin; Cuban loss was one k'l!? ?1 three wounded. WhSS Captain Ignacio left, General Qeasaa araa isahlng piuns to attack the trocha und restore communl ?tl.ui be tween th<* cistern und western provil Sl'AMSH CRAM W The Helena, which has bon on b' ade duty for marly a month, ?ark a nun ! .r of harbor-tugs and lighters at Casilda last week, and sent one Mitts tug, tho MSBStoe, which surren?!? red In rsnSB to billig sunk, t<? ?1 in,i.mamo The Norwegian steamnr Franklin, of about 000 tons, bnind from Vera Crina with a cargo of food supplies, was cap tured by tin* eon*/ it?d yacht Hiss on Monday, off Kran.Is K? \ n ti ?ill ilrb-n, and was brouxht !i?i? to-day by a prlse?er?*-w under command of Liestes> ant Littlefleld. She hi.I aln-ady landed a portiot of h'?r cargo when ?.?aught. E. C. Blank?, of I**wlavllle, T. t., writes thai ?.ne box of De Witt's Witch II.I/..I Halve, was worth l? to him. If, cured ills piles of ten year*?' standing. Ms udvises others to try tt. It also oSISfl eczema, ?kin diseases, and obstinat? sor>?. m: ? i ii?. BRADT. Died, Am-ust 3d, at 11 P, 11, ot hei . ?''- * north Seventeenth atreet, JOHANNA BRADT, relict of Jere miah Bra ' years. She waa n sativa of County Lteerlch, irelsnd. The funeral will take p'ace St. Petei s Cathedral FRIDAY MORNINQ at 9 o'cI?j< k. Fri.-nds and acquaintances In vited to attend. QBNTRT. 1'i'd, at hia reaiOSBOr, us south Fourth sw-t WadMBdSy, August Mr. ALEXANDER U**..Vit.X. Funeral notice Hit r. ?i jxiNNK'.i. Died at his residence. No. 521 north Eleventh street, at 6 o'clock P If., August :' !, NICH DON? NELL, In the 75th >ear of his age. The funeral will take place from St. Peter's Cathedral FRIDAY MORMNO at 10 o'clock. In Memory of MU? liedle Frasees (?re ?g or y, daughter of Jinige Roger Gregory, "isiping i,," King William county, vs., wno did July 21, Ils?. Faithful child of love end duty, Th'Mi wnat from thy parents torn Like a rose whose storm-swept petals on the cruel winds are borne. I ?it our hearts, though tilled with sorrow. ?is all-wise decree; We ahall know It all hereafter, Why tho Father called for tries? Words are vain to tell how sadly W? shall mis? thy torm bo ffcsir? Sparkling ?yes, now closed forever on a world of grief and care. Yet we have thia consolation, TbBS art free from every BsjBJ, Ithough ?ur loss be rountisas. It Is thy eternal gain. Mrs. LIZZIE STAMFFR Richmond. Vs._" " ' **-' -"***- ~t.t* Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powde? AN ELE8ANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of reftneiijent for over i tury. Oa ^Thiotn-ort Orders for printing seat to the Dis patch Company will be given prompt si? II >n, and that at y Va of work asd prtass will be sure to Bits?? yon.