Newspaper Page Text
2 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. AUGUST IT. loH*. M'MUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM ta a preparation of the drug, by which Its Injurious effects sre removed, while the valuable Medirlas] pu.??rues sre retain? ed, it saaaeeeee sll I lyne, and aati - powere <-f op urn, but products no si K... -.?? of tho ?te.mach, no vomiting, no costivetiosa, no headache. In Scute servons disorder* it Is an in sole remedy, and la I y the best physicians. I!. FERRETT, Agent, 372 INarl St.. rT?W YorU. mi) 21-SaaWlOltslrro) AFE" DIE PEEDY IE. LE CLAN'S FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY Htver Fails. . CMDORStO If TH0?3ASP3. Tw?r,ty-n?/e S cent ?un.r* hfinc? t- I ?. Imge *nd CXMITll.. r? lt.r Ii,^M?.icrj I ,/..!,! if ?rae-, \ kl.Bt.L*ii I'n i c , . I ikl?7 ? a D(t I i-.?-. : Pttf.ii.l.l. \ it lu able In ?Wut all ou ! For sale In Richmond by POLE MIL MFANY. _my 11 ' Lni ?I gJMMM ? IXO I <'l l.Kl.l v VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNG LADIES, Rosnoke, Va. Opeo? hept. ?lb, IBM One of the leading > f',r Young Mag bulldiiiK? ?H i.. '.? m Im prof ementa, i'ampu? tea m iv .n Valley of V? . famed for he dth. European and Amenoso ii a Superior ad van'a?-.- f?tuelent??/rora twenty. - ) at, MA'i'lIl l* 114I.I.1-. K"u....lie, Virginia.? (Je S-Su.WAl MilVM'UKI SBWa BUJTABt AtAD Bsnr. A BELE? IS' IR B( >YS AND Youiik Men, I ' end i ' ,mn,. i i liius 1 r , , : j ' ' MAN I , )V2m ?BASPOLTM s\A'-< IDSMTFOI BOYB , i .., i . ' - , appliance?; gymnasium, ", tlugl letl, A. M., I - - l city. V?. {S. W. VA,) (Jy 1-F, Sun & W 1st) ASNEVILLE COLLEGE Pur fetti Woasea. ' isaal assises. lt.-.l sanit?r) ?pp tmi .- H ?utifni c' geminan I i?i iry n , ?l.i h id'i t- i.. Vt, ., - -i ? l \rt. (ijnin? al'in, ? > - ARt'llloM l< A JON1 S, Prei s jy i BASDOLPH?EAOOS WOEAsTI COL I.i.i.i . Lyaohburi Cotnmlssl mer A" as one of the I col for womi n In l All c STM. W SMITH, M. A., ?Li. D . Jy i :_Presid? it. COLLEGE OF V* DLLIAEBBVEO, VA. .\ \ hi THURSDAY, ( ?CTOBER f.. WA, LYON '. Jy 20-w.l.vs i.ui Presld nt. __ HAMIMIO-MllNC.V ? OI.I.CI.i:. Th. '- . a .?i - gin W EDNE8 DAY, - at.. logues ad cii - | * RICHARD M'ILW UNE, Il m -, Va. jy E-WASa t Be h i; BDSEWOBTfl BOABOISS ASD DAY ?i SOOIj for (?irls Eeooei BEFTEEBER E l**8? Thirty-alxth year. M . II. P. LEEEBVRB, l'rii. Mi s E D. HUNTLEY, i I and 121 w? : Franklin su. i t. Jy 20-\V&Sa:'m Baltimore, Md. < Ili'SM r HILL At ADKMY. CHHST.NTT HILL. PHILADEIjPHIA l'A.; eleven miles n ,rth of the City BAU Catalogues on applli ation. JAMES L. PATTERSON, Head Mister. Je 1-WJPASntJytlAtAull-Su.WaFtsell " MARY BALDWIN SEMINARY, Far Young Ladle?. BTAUNTON, TA. ?erin Iffsiii? .Sept Ut,!-? Located la BBSM allerotVifl --., 1 . ;aii.n!.-,,;r .:! avi>'l'.txx'i.t* *D State? r?pr< -'.it.-.t. r?ermiin 1. rate. Wlile-fot C'?t?l, U '?. MAU? llll.UHIS SEM1NAUY. Jy a-WAFlIt LAW M BOOL, TDK SCHOOL OF LAW IN RICHMOND COI LEGE "'.'s superior legal training In the moot I ivorable environment Three professors. Annual tuition in Junior class, |at; in both clas es, $7". Good board ;>s chenp as 17.60 a month. Besalon opens SEPTEMBER 22d. For special lululogue address Professor ROGER GREGORY, I. r Manor, \ l, or President BOATWRIGHT, g> fa-W,F.aSuh>t Kir!.moud Va. BELLEVIE HIGH SCHOOL, BBBaTOBB coi su, \ v. A school, templete In its appointments, of high grade, lor i ,,! young men. For c < . - "i Information, add W. IL ABBOT, I'm Jy 26-lmo Bellet ne 1'. >. v.?. BIMHKR !<> sot; iv MountainTop sg^S Hotti anu bpilngs, lus iiains. Rie vanen, ?.iMi feet. A ?U-ilghtlul suiunier resvi t. i u.r v.?. a,*, strong L uj i>e?io ?uio Other waters Within ?igut of junction of Norfolk mid Western and Cbeeapeaaa and Oniu riiil?a>a Only ?A> noie-.- from Ricii niond. it. a>oiiat ie- ?* ,.*. Adorna my 1?-31U _ MASBIB .* CO.. Alton, Va. Th.HMl.NAL HDlkL, BTEBT FOIST, VA NEW MANAi.i MENT. dALT water bathing, buaiinfc. and fishing. Good l,a bicycle loads. Artesian-Well waier known to eme dyspepsia and kidney dis? eases Ral - >- to it p?r da> Special rates to families bv week or inontn Monti.i> t' K. : . citii.i > , quarterly e. II*. g'M'd for all members ?,": famli>. .. Baturday excursions good to return M Tj c.-i,ts l-'or circulars. nppl> to Southern Railway 1'as ati.xer Office, VA) east Mam street Rich? mond, Va ,:; i;\s. M?ina?er lie U Hotei Majestic, NEW YORK, Central Fart West and m to 71st St. Tbe Elite Hotel o? America. One of tho largest an'.] finest best located, thoroughly Uffhtad bbcIti itiUted b?tala, with a csi aVM ol tin- hlgiaEjl QffBSr. A pfsrfect iioiiio hotul iu a "i-oat <ity. ?MKRiCAM ARD EUBOPKAI FLAI Aiosli? ? Websier. ce bii j H, It to Ri 1 t i i. - n. I il' : I gai ti? to. I~ , Bl of ' sea ate elf' bill con ?IV. tali reel SBBBsejadtO |2? ? CHANGE OF CAMP lit' THI5 SECOND A*D FOt'RTH VIR mVtlA HI.I.IMI.MS. IT IS A MUCH BET?ER SITE, Hut Too t-'mr froai Jacksonville to ! :.,.? the Ho-.??"Kon" Calrnlng a Horse ? The 1'ostmnstrr ? Personal Xotcs. (Correnpondfnce of the Dispatch) CAMP CUBA UBBB, JAcksON VII.I.E. FLA., Auguft 16.?Thl? morning at 11 o Clock, officer?' call summoned to the awertggS of the commanding officers of the Htcond Virginia the line, field, ana . ff oShssig for consultntlon. Colonel Saher brought before his officers an or iSg iHSued by Brigadier-General H. C. Hasbrouck, for the removal of our bri? gade, consisting of the Second and Fourth Virginia, and the Forty-Ninth Iowa, from ?.or fir? sent ?its to one about a mile dis? tant. TIM removal will begin with the I Virginia, which will brf-ak tents by company, superintended by Major j. C Watson. This morning Colonel Daker, r Watson, captain Calfee, Captain Mia?k.lfold, and Captain Taylor rode out to the n? w sire t?, arrange the plan for -, cook-house, stables, etc. Major v ho la a civil engineer, will cun <? largely to the engineering. The Ogggp will face the nq/th, and has advantages not now enjoyed by the reti? ??? nt. Its distance from the city will many soldiers from visiting Jack . i, which, it Is thought, will con? tribute to better order and discipline. And then it Is argued that three months is long SDOUgh f-.r a camp to remain in one location, owing to the actual debris must of necessity accumulai?-, and Which ? .? 1..- removed. The boys are ilarly pleased with the cheuge TbSl - it as a restriction upon liberties and consider a visit to town ne? es. _ry to "life, liberty, and the pursuit o? happiness." The boys, and all others, to the contrary notwlthstand the regiment win h agin its removal Prow morning at reveille (IX k). and by sunset we expect to have Jiir tents pitched on the new site. PASE-PALL CRAZE. It Is n fact that distance "makes the TOW f'.nder." This is evident on it "f the base-ball cranks in the Virginia M siassntSk who are Just as much la love vsnh the national sport as when : in the "bleacheries" .".I sa riflced their last quarter to the. ^ BOOTt Every day, upon the ar rtval of the Jiiehmond Dispatch, the boys around t?, learn the score. "Rich* I in Bret place again," was the cry hat nut the air this morning, so the .. is may rest assured they have nain- loyal rooters among the soldiers at ?il.a I.ihre, who are longing for mother opportunity to "take their pa it" m tl ? 'n,- ..f the saos! 1,-yoti.l lovers of the sport in camp is iptain George P. Shackeliord. of Com? i? v 1. Beoond Virginia, who opens the JlsDat. h every day to the base-ball cilumn. and makes a minute study of ire, There is a soldier In camp of whom we i- ir little In these days of Cuba's BOO* esa and yet when America's ear was leaf to her cries, and America's volun et-rs were citizens, he did much to stir m a sentiment in favor of Cuba Libre. li- soldier is Lance-Corporal John W. Itarke. of Company P, Second Virginia Walk.-r Light Ouard). liiiriioc the absence of Captain ROBSell, .. r Light Guard, Company 15, lecond Virginia, is in command of Lieu* spant DUMberry, better known as "Ad nitai Dewey." ,r?l macadamized road that Bdl of .lacksoriville. It is a delight , the wheelman, ami affords inspiration > the man* lovera, who ride and stroll round . tributarie? Situated pon tbia road about five miles from oamp . ountry 'lut., with its race-track, lae H?, tennis and ?rnif , It is truly a thing of lUty, and when the traveller has jour \.?i from th.- city it affords a nice for him to continue his journey. li.lay an OfBosr of the DntTOl guard, lolng the grand rounds." took advan? ce of m my invitations, and went in t" UrtSkS of liquid refreshment I i by th?- bridle rein, thinking he i-.-, but upon his return, the sun i, he found hi? steed graslng in ., lawn. He walked out to him, but the bt iiiK satisfied with his surround? ed, sauntered off. Aft?-r collecting all th?- olub force, he eodonvorod to m. but all in vain, and not until he had lllsted into Ins service fifteen members t?ie near-by First Alabama Regiment mid the pro.liga I return. It was about o'clock wb.n the officer returned to mp. THE POSTMASTER. rhe PoOt-OfBCS Department of the Se? nd Virginia Regiment is under the man .nom of Privets Bdward a. D?ffel of mchburg, Vn. The malls arrive regular . without a hitch, and a more acrom idatitig pootmestor than Mr. Duffel Uli! be hard to find. Pont Qitartormaeter flergoanl E. R. Don n, Company II. Fourth Virginia (B i r- turned from a trip to RlebBBond. iaptala < P. Pogrom, commanding B, Rb-hmond Riues. Fourth Vir? ile, I. 's returned, and is much improved health. ?leutenent Eppe, Company L, Fourth rglnla (Portsmouth), has returned from Bfteea-days* trip borne. .nut? liant Bryan, Company D. Fourth rglnla ?Hampton-?, has gone, home on a i n ?ia> s lent T?rate B. Boffaner, of company n, Brtb Virginia, WhO has been 11! at Di lOfl BOOPital, has gone to Pablo Peach rate. nil] Le B regimental dress parade the Fourth Virginia this evening. . I, a Company G, Fourth rglnla (Suffolk), has Just returned to , company from Division Hospital. Mrs BS fa - boon III with measles. J. R. Mitchell and 8. R. Prcn man. of Company c, Second Virginia aunton), who have been discharged ?B the servi??- of the 1'nited States, left their homes Friday. .i.-ut? riant "Handeome" Bently, Com- / ay ?i. Second Virulilla (Roanoko), is ich disturbed over the removal of our up. as ? will seriously Inconvenience ii In visiting hi? many lady friends In I die. J. Emmet Cherry, Company Corporal John C. Werket!. Company and Corporal C. Irving Carrlngton. npany I, aU Of th.- Sec?n?! Virginia, re ind to-day from re? ruitinx service in hrnond. rd of Appraisers, not.-.i ?n day's pener, have made report to their regiments! ftneimsadsfs. and ? nu- reporte cannot be gotten, I am h..I that they have- valued the pro |y of the State at between four and thousand dollars. . r. Lieutenant H. G. Ho ,. Second Virginia, will leave in a few I ,n a visit to his home in Rnanoke. Iptata K. P. Sornnierson, company K. und Virginia (Staunton), has returned u liia home in the mountains and went with him a Virginia stone, which I unong the boys as a sacred shrine B 'ii. h to worship. Mrs. Brown, wife HaarlaimoBler Bsagoest Brosra, of that ipany. Is visiting her husband, and la ?ping st the Geneva Hotel. - ??. To Cleenae the BgStSHB . tually. vet gently, when costive or ?US; to permanently overcome habitual itlpation, to awaken the kidneys and r to a healths a? tivlty, without irri ii?f or *?< akeninr them, to tunnel head ?-?. colds, or r?vera, use Svrup of mods by ths California Fig-Syrup 'l.aiiy. MlftYOS'l HEADACHE A??D ISDI OF.BTIO.V (IBB IS THE ONLY RESTED* OB THF MAR KKT that win cure every form of Heea ache In i to 10 minute?, correct J"^1,?*;"* tlon. etlmulate the nerves, and buiui up the system. It should be In ?vary home and every travellers gripsack. At nil Druggists'. Twenty-five curea, * centa. Jy fl-Su.W.etFt? THF WEEKLY CHOP III LI.ETIJL The General <'oinllllons Are Good? Unmake- Bf Ral?. The following Is the Weekly Crop Bul iMln, Issued by the Virginia section of the 1 Bites] State? Weather Bureau: Tuesday, August 16, 18W Showery weather prevailed over the ma? jor portion of the State during the past w?ek. causing a co BBS thin of farm work In many localities, and doirg some dam? age to wheat and osts In slack and ?hock Threshing of wheat continues, where p?a Bfble, with poor results, except over small areas where fair yields are reported. Fall fallowing was Impeded and in BOOM places suspended by the rains. Vegeta? tion made very good growth, however. In the ?ntreme ?astern counties, and on the m fchore, where droughty CQBdil have prevailed to some extent, the rain* were very beneficial, and have revived rropa very mue h. Heavy, washing rains aa urred at a number of points In the jreat Valley sections, damaging lowland orn. and causing rising water in all the streams. No damage from freshets Is reporter!, lOWever. Pasture! Hre In generally frX ?Sllsat condition, and early seeded tur ilps are coming up nicely. ''orn baa Ken? rally made excellent Bee? ?ress during tl B k. In some localities shore rain has been wearing shoe i.ive occurred, gad the outlo? k his I m - .loved. In some of tho Valley counties has been done to lowland corn iy ixcessivo rains, but, on the whole, tin e-ports covering this crop Indicate a eery Ina promise for a large yield. No dam i-e from (assets la reported. Sunshine .ould, perhaps, be l.< paflciaj in goang lo alitiea TobaoOO Is maintaining Its previous lish standard of growth and condition. rlrgt reports of cutting come from Buck mrhani and Cumberland i ounties, and BS crop is said to be very good. Flee ruga have appeared in portions of Motto ray county, and ar?- doing some damage, >ut asido from this, no injury of any Jad ?s renorh d. The oop is very prom -ing. Pastures are doing finely in all 'sec ions. Gardens have suffered to some extent rom heavy rains here and there; other? wise they are doing well. Bwet t potatoes are making very good rowth In most counties. The crop pros? ed has been improved in the Bastera bore District by late rains, and shipping -> market continues. Hav h I some damage from tin in the Great Valley, but a generally no crop has been teens MR. PATTBSOR IS DIBCBABSBD. anales tirare? Decide? ne Waui Jnati it?d in ghaallng ?learna OlSea Oauaaa, Mr. J. L. PattQBOB, who shot and killed du Edward Jones, a colored youth, horn he caught la tho act of stealing ?Om his premises early Monday morning, Cleared la the Police Court yesterday , orning, and after the testimony ha i MB heard was honorably discharged , '.Squire Lonnie Graves. Mr. PatteSOg had ali.ady 6008 ex Bted from all blame by the Coroner's ry. which pronounced the killing Justi ible homicide. The hearing in thu Police intt really lasted littlo longer than it ok to hear the evldi BOe, which was that r. Patteeoa had seen Jones take the j mdle and start oat Of hi- yard, and j lOt only after the negro "failed to stop hen the OWOST of the premiad m. Mr. H. M. Smith, Jr. appeared aa onsel for Mr. Patteeoa. Common alth's-Attoiney Riehardaon was also eaeat Squire Gravee had also g great Bast? ir of other offenders before blm. lohn Smith?not the original .John?was i for beating Georgiana Mayo, but the uil h.-aring fl itlnued until this nrnlng. vVillie Ross was thi Off< ader who used brick on Joseph Pike, and was taxed a i and coal s Hunt (colored) ttruck Walter c inderaon with a d was put .d,-r bond of BE for thirty days. i'he remaining cases ware drunks and Important ones. To Cloae I |> tin? Transaction. "ha Saranneb (Ga.) Morning Eewe says: Ir. Joseph Hin!. .dent of the t, athera Ftftutaer I ompany, may go to d hmond this week on business con- t BtOd with the deal by which that COSS ny. With its four plants, If absorbed d the Virginia and Carolina Chemical i' Bipany. The latter coaapaay is under- h iod to be now capitalized at 17,0(8,01)0. ? a amount it paid toi for the Southern rtlllseg?Yorka at Bsvsnnsh, Atlanta, rdele, and Rome, with their stocks, Is d to have been ?7 tl 'he .Southern Fertiliser Company was (1: rtnlsod in is:?,",, successors to Comer, E II & Co., of Savannah, and QeorgS W. p. dt Manufacturing Company, Of At? ta. Colonel George W. Scott, of Atlanta <">| 1 Mr. H. M. Comer, Of Savannah, P? aident of the Ceatral railroad, are oi largeet stockholders. Th.- ofBcera IT George W. Scott, preatdeat; Joeeph 0j 11, vice-president; c. M Candier, ?try and treasurer; H. P. Rlehmond, istant secretary and treasurer, and G. re Soott, general superintendent. Their Pf Btmea are: Captain W. A. Hansell .m I F. N. Graves, Atlanta; B. S. Crane, atur; William Neil, AuKusta; Dwlght arts, Savanne h, and Thomas Hunt, P< umbuH. pc olonel Scott and Secretary Candier, it tr, itated, will nur.- eatirely from con tloa with the hnetntes at soon as the ilrs of the Southern Fertilizer Com- M y are closed up. Mr. Cr^nshaw, audi- Cl of the Virginia and Carolina Cheml- Bl Company, win probahly be la Satan i in a few days to begin the work pre Btory to that company assuming 1 rge of the works here. H' - tr Lecture by n Trump. bn I ?i r. C. C. Crail. of Atlanta, Ga., was ,h ten years a tramp. Four years ago n;c was converted, Joined the Sixth Bap- -] church in Atlanta, and since th?n has p<1 tinued to live an upright, Christian frr Dr. W. W. L.indrum, Dr. H'-nry Mc- ex aid. Dr. L> G. Broughton, and others, inc \tlanta. who know him will heartily an >rse him as a truly converted and thy Christian man. r. Crail Is now preparing to enter the tatty, being especially anxious to work I l?g that class of which he was so long frr ember?the tramps. To this end he. is las lecturing, hoping thereby to gain W. Is with which to attend a thee,logical tl? ?nary. His lecture, is entitled "The Fit i Roads"; or, "Tramp Ufe Revealed cot i Beginning to End," and In it Mr. Cn 1 show? why and how men become als ips, explains many of the secrets of leg tramps, especially the peculiar signs n left by them on gates, water-tanks Other places, miij I- Us of Bag own J s of wandering. Dr. Landrum and R>> is who have h?ard the lecture speak Je? t In the warmest and highest terms. *v' Crail is now In this city, and will de- J?f his lecture at West-View Baptist *m ch to-niKht at 8:15 o'clock. The pub s Invited, and a collection for Mr. I's benefit will be taken at the close ie service. 1 Property Transfer*. heg So hmond: David and Thomas Halllnan .I. Cute bins. HO 2-3 feel on Seventeenth rwl t, northeast corner Carrlngton, iK :'-3 the on east side ?seventeenth street, ?21-13 su? south of Carrlngton. gad 2ti feet on oht side Seventeenth street. 130,1-4 feet wit i of Carrlngton, subject tu two car- we] deeds of trust, *5. y , >:. ejiiarles's trustee to W. W. Toler, et on west side Beech street, M feet Chaffin, *6?X>. J. and 8. P. Clay to Julian Bryant, 67 gao bo? * . _ ^,. u,,?., _lv. _aiu_^?J^Srill_?Btfrf -- > * THE DISPATCH JOB PRINTING OFFICE (DISPATCH BUILDING.) DOES ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING. PRICES MODERATE. PROMPT DE.UVE.Ry, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, SEND FOR ESTIMATES BEFORE ORDERING. Old'Phone I5S. New'Phone 1258. <f feet on east side Second Street, 2_11-1. fSOl north of I?ulslana, subject to twi deeds Of trust for KS? and WO, respective? ly. WS Heniico: I. r. and Qeorgs R, Dnvls I L. D. and Maud I':l. y. g) feet On < Tw.nty-thlrd street, 120 feet south of R, I ' .1. Harry Harvey's trustees to Home Building Company, lots 5 and 6 in square ii. Hirton Height* IM, Legh R. Page, special commissioner, to J. G. Blackburn. Iota l and 2 in section 18, In plan of "Woodvllle, $100. TWO HOLD I1IG11WAYME*. They Are \nw In the Tolls. However. Other Count.? "\etrvs. William Pegram and Elijah Randolph, two negroes chirged Witb highway rob? bery, are now incarcerated in the county |ail. They are alleged to have h>ld up John Steward and Robert Nelson, colored farmers, on the Newmarket road Satur lay night. The two farmers were returning home 'rom the city. Steward, who was Brat tdd up, was not injured, but Nelson was jeaten and robbed of SLU. The two BO* sroes were arrested near Creuahaw's Mills, and have been identified as the rob jers. ".T;irv- Council on yesti rd ?y rwore ml i warrani for the arrest of Pesais ^lark, who she charges with having lursed and abused her. A marriage licence was ISSUOd at th. ounty court-house yesterday to Lawrence lecher and Helen E. lira- BOtt, bOtb of lenrico. The prospective bride is a langbter ?>r Mr. D. F. Braekett, while the( TOOm-tO-bs Is a prosperous trucker. QeoS Hill Drawing; Fine Crowd?, j There Is no reason that the bill at the j troed-Street Park this week should be inytblng other than an Imm- ; turn is a novelty and irtist a star, three of them having Irawa fiom the ranks of the legitimate i age. Miss Celle Ellis is a picture of beauty ,nd grace, as she BWOOtly Binge h t baby ong, and her metamorphosis Into the r of a dashiriK Singing latlonal airs, is a most delightful and irtistic bit of acting. Mr. and M ustin Neuville have made | comedy riumph in their travesty upon "The Lady f Lyons." Olbbone and Barret bavi redVhottalk ct that sizzles Witb spanking fun and atchy music, and Val Vino does not fail -> create breathless uadtomonl as h> esterously balances many braakal Idea in midair. Hussey and w. ber have n entertaining musical act that intro uces some clever playing upon peculiar istruments, and Bessie I Is slng i?,' with BUOeem a nun.ber of OOOU Bongs f the latest vintage. '1'lie Uoiiilifirdment of Manila. A number Of ??."riai artists in Charge Ol o- Pain Brewovks arrlr? d I iy. ami tho work of preparation for th" rrotecbnlc display at Broed-Streel B ? ail Park will begin to-dey whan the ex- i rts will commence the .instruction of i cotisa brldgee, and mines. The work is ' a delicate nature, and non?- bur ? x ild do it. Th?- foreman in charge I th-1 for? el erial Instructions to ! iako the exhibition the best of its kind | Ich mond ha- ever seen. The pictures ? ' General !.' < and Lieutenant Hobson -. K'iard?'d with pride by the men, and ta for a look at them bave b? n fused. Py dint of hard w??rk the heavy irts will be in place to-night, and t?> .orrow the BOt pieces nn.l devices will arranu? .1 after the ball game. The Richmond and Peteraburg road M Tanging to brliiK a large crowd from '.erst,arg. and ?Il the other- roa? irt that quit?- a large number of coua* y p? ople will witness the .-xhibitlon. rh- di mend for reeerved seats has been rong, and to meet these demands tickets lie at Alien's ?in Main street; on Broad; Shine's drugstore, lurch Hill, and Meyer's tx.-ok?tore, road street. Hrptaaopha' All-Day P?enle. Richmond and Virginia Conclaves of I ?ptasophs will, on the 30th instant, cele ate the twentieth anniversary of the, th of the order by an all-day picnic at .k?-sl?!e i'ark. It is expected that Man- I ester Conclave will Join with their Rich- ' ind brethren In the celebration. [Tie Conclavea will pay the entire ex nse, including transportation to and ? >m the park, and about Mil people are pected to attend. The programme will :lude music, dancing, various games, j d speech-making. A Neve Paslor Inatalled. I >r. C. H. Rvland returned yesterday im Orange county, where on Sunday t he assisted in the Installation ,,f Ic-v. R. Flunnagan as pastor of the Bep t churrh at Orange Courthouse. Mr. innagan is a native of King and Queen mty, and was sSuoated al Richmond : liege and Crozer Seminary. Dr. Rylanl '. o made an address for Richmond Col e. For tbe Ice Mlsalon. lisses Ellen Meade. Louise Parber, ' salle Harnes, Constance Moudar, and sie Barnaj gave a lawn party afonda) ? ning at 706 east Iyigh atreet for tue ?eflt of the Ice Miaaion. They n i CO. which was left at the Dlapaw a I ce for the mission. -tm-_ Not the Wisest Way. < t is not always best to wait until it is % ded before buying a bottle of Cham Iain's Colic, Cholera, ami Diarrh?i\t nu-dy. (Juite frequently the remedy is c uired in the very busiest season or in . J night, and much inconvenience ami g Feriiig must Ixr born? lxfore it can be ? aincd. It costs but a trifle as compared ? h its real worth, ami every family can & 11 to kctp it in their home. It j everywhere acknowledged to bg the st successful medirine in the world for si vel complaints. ? au l7-W,Sa&SutSerfr , THE S. Galeski OPTICAL CO. av_ms? For comfort and preservation of your sight, have your Glasses accurate; r nttcd at our well-known Optical Es abnah? men t. Everything reliable and lowest charges guaranteed. 915 EAST MAIN STREET. Factory, S south Tenth street. ja lft-Su.W&F F?_?FtY'S SAD SHI VERMIFUGE PI Will Eradicate WORMS FROMTHEHUMAN BODY PRICE25cN PER VIA*' (ap 6-W.fc Sa ly) I ?miohaoter'a Kn?n?S IMo_?od llrmad. ENNYROYAL PILLS m* in? trr*U*tUirn. AI .'?ra**,1***-->r **'?Ob la .IAH... r,,r LMrttsal.r., I".4#a&u1tli aa4 " :<? ?!. f Tor tadl. ?. ' ?. i" :. - i-.-n.~a Mali. I O.OOO *an. f>ap*r. l,?,*r< bemln.lC?..Ma?11a.?a ?<ianr% ??ad D* SB'Ucal l>ru?4*-t>- I ' =111. V l> A., *\V. (my 6-Sa,Su,\V_weowly) ? iHii-?Kuaa uy si'k.*..-umita. LD DOMINION s/nUMSHIP company. DAILY LIMA POS ^^^^^ NEW YCKK, EXCEPT FRIDAY/ AND SUNDAT. Paasen^ers can IsaVS Ppfhnriond dally t Friday and Sunday, via Chesapeake rallara] ai tt a. if., or ?:. -.. mund and Petersburg, railroad (Norfolk ana Western route) ? A. M . connecting at Norfolk with Old Dominion Una steamer aalllng same availing for New York. ALL-WATER ROUT . gteeraehlp Richmond leeres ><*hg*find every Monday at 5 I'. M. for New _ork via James Tickets on suie at Richmond Transfer Coini . - I cast Main street, Chose* peaks and ?hi, rallwny, and Richmond and I'?- ?-laburg railroad depots and a* company's ?frica, 121_> east Mam hii^i Richmond. Baggage clicked through. FKEioiiT for New York and an gettttS beyond can be shipped by direct steamer ?Uii?na iro.f. Richmond every MONDAT at a _ ? also, by ateamer Laving Richmond av?rV WEDNESDAY AND F?iDAY at g p*?? for Norfolk, connecting with ateamer tot fve-.v l.irk. Manifest closed ona hour before sailing Freight received and forwarded ?nd through bills of lading issued for all northern, eastern, and f..reign porta. FROM NEW YORK. I'aBBcngei? u? leave anuy, eaeept aun dny, at a 1'. _. (twiurUay, 4P M ? to Nor'olk or Old Point Comfort, conntct mg with Norfolk an?i Western railroad or Chesapeake and Ohio railway Direct rteamer ?via Jamee-rlfer routei leaves every SATURDAY * P. M. (psV eengera and freight;, and freight by steamers via Norfolk every MON'Day _|0 WEDNI JCiAV it 3 P. M Ballings from company's pier, No at North river, foot of Beach street. Freight received and forwarded ?lally xcept Sunday. For further lnffirmmlon apply to -IOHN r. MAYElf, Agent, UV2 east Main street, Rl.'iiinoiid. Va. W. 1?. Oulllaudeu. Vic*-President an! rrafgc Manager, New l'ork. j? 2S ^?lt61IU S1?161IMJ COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY Ll?NE. titeamsr IVCaiiu.mao ...-. .? .auN DAY, WEDNI~_A1, aim 1-mUAY ai 7 4. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, ?jid point Newpurt New?, Claremont, and Jatnea river lai.du.fci, and connect?g at Old Hoint und Norfolk fur Washington, Haiti OBore, an I the North. riiate-rooins re-served tor the night at ?..?Jerate prlcea. Klecirlo-cais direct to the wharf. Ear? inly ?1.6o and ?! to Norfolk. Mualc by irand ?orchestrion. Freight received for above-named pieces uid all point? in Easter.-. Virginia and Norm Carolina. IKVIN WEI-?OKK General Manaaer. A. H Dnwrr. PraaMant. ?a 1* SHORT OCEAN TOURS UNDER BRITISH ?LAO The fir.-- iK pu??eager ?teamer IK 1NOCO XOOOtons ?ailing under the Hi -it rill leave New York Jui:- .'d -and erer? Thursday jrtriiittit thereafter until I lor the Irituili islands,?f Herreud?. ?Itiu:e?l in the Atlantic ?. eau. Three days ?n-ean voyage. Kxce.leni otels. I'usurpossed brache* ?or balhin?;. Good iking. rneqiielled healihfulue?-.. I>< BeaBST : t bicyluig rotulo. l-.?-?u--?i?<- a.-- a?r> Abooluie ifi-ty assured by BSOtral i'.ag Bound trip fare, icludtug meals sud .:at*-n?om berth IB I K->r illMitrnted r-atnnlil? t firing all lnfon.,*t:. n pply toQI'KBRCtf rt ?M. a. g. orre sumidos A o Atenta, H Broadway, Near York, or to Wssass. Muouu Coo* ?t 8o.n, M Broadway, New Yorg. RA1LHOAD LIBS*. SOUTHERN RMLWal. Schedule Effective Jane S, 1S8S. TRAINS LKAYK RICHMOND, FA. lk.iUA. M., No. 11, Souiuern Express, daily, for Atlanta. Augus-a, and points South. S.eeper Richmond to Danville, Greensooro'. Saltsuuiy, Charlotte. Columbia, and Augusta. Sleeper open at I?:*) P. M. Stops at all station? between Richmond snd Danvills to take on and let off passengers. Connects ?t Danville, Salisbury, and Charlotte wltn the Washington snd Southwestern Limited (No. ?7). Carrying sleepers New York to Ashevilie, Hot Springs, Chafanoo f*. and Nashville New York to Memphis; New York to New Or? leans; \?w York to Tampa, and first-class dally coach between Washington snd Memphis. Connec? tions ara made for all points In Texas snd California. Sleeper open for occupancy at i:30 P. M. 12.01P.M.. N... 7, solid train, dally, for Charlotte. N. C, connects at Mose ley ?1th Farm ville- snd PowhaUn railroad. At Keysvtil? for Clerks ville. Oxford. Henderson, and Dur? ham, and at Greensboro' for Dur? ham, Raleigh, snd Wlnston-Sui m: st Danville with No. 35. Fnlted State? fast mall, solid train, dally for New Orleans and points South, which carries sleepers New York tu New Orleans and New York to Jacksonville. Through sleeper Salis? bury to Memphis; also, Pull? man tourist aleeper every Wednes? day Washington to San Francisco, without changes. 8:00 P. M . No 17. local dally, ascspt Sunday, for Keysvlile. Chase City, and Intermealate? point?. TRAINS AHR1VM AT RICHMOND. ? 40 A. M. ?215 P. M., from Atlanta, Augusta. Ashevill ? and Nashville. 8;40 A. M.. from Chase City and Keys villa. !.' n'AL FREIGHT TRAINS. No?. ?1 and aa, between Manchester aod Nenpolls, Vs. YORK-RIYBR LIKE m w*.r point. TUB FAVORITE ion I i: NORTH, LEAVE RICHMOND. 4:80 P. M.. No. B Uaitunore Limited, daily, except Sunday, for Weat Point, there making close connec? tion on Mondays, Wednesday?, and Fridays with steamer for Balti? more; also, with ?tag? at Lest-r Maaoff for Walkerton and Tapp.i hannock on Tuesdays, Thursday.? and Saturdays. 2:30 P. M., No. 10, local express, Mon? days, Wednesdays and Fridays, for Wust Point and intermediate'sta? tions. Connects with stage at Les? ter Manor for V'alkerton and Tap pahannock' also, at West point with steamer for Baltimore. Stops at all stations. BOO A M., No. 4?, Local, Mixed. leaves dally, except Sunday, from Vir? ginia-Street Station for West Point and intermediate stations, connect? ing with staged at Lester Manor for Walkerton end T'-enr-,h;innoe|< TRAINS ARKIVli AT RICHMOND. 9:17 A. M.. aattjr. 10:40A. M., Wednesdays and Fridays Olil>'. 4:55 P. M., dally, except Sunday, from Waal Point and Intermediate sta? tions. Steamers leave Wogt Point at 0 p. aj Mondays, Wednesdsye, snd Fridays and Baltimore at 5 P. M. Tuesdays, Thurs d?i)s, and Saturdays. Ticket-Office at station, foot of Virginia street. Open from ? A. M. to 0 I? M and from 9:30 P. M. to 13 A. M. City ticket office. Mi east Main street. J M. CULP, W. A. TI'RK. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pas*. Agent. FRANK S. GANNON. Third VI,-,.-Presi? dent and General Aiunager, Washington, D. C. C. W. WESTHL'RY. Travelling Pas? senger Agent, ?20 east Main street. Rlch | Vs._le 2fi ?EbA*j?&\ CHESAPEAKE ^%%wf?Sr OHIO BAIL WAT, Kffeotive aagraat is, fSSS. TRAIN:* LLAVE RICHMOND, IlKUAU STHEET STATION. ?.OU A.M., Dully, wi'U PBTlO? for Norfolk, poriemouin, Old Point. Newport N * I, and prin, ipal gon t. N ts at Norfolk wich New I rk ateamera, except rrl lay. 3:45 P, M., Daily, with Pullman, f : local station. N?wo?rt N. ws. Old Point, Norfolk. and Portsmouth. Conn at old Point v.i'h Washing tea steamers dally, and witn Baltimore Bteamere except la-SS A. M., Mountain Express. with Parlor car. except Sun? day, for Bonesverts. Cob n- cts at Gordon ivil'.e ? r Orange, Culpeper. < aiver ton. Mar.assas. Alexandria, and Washington. *.\, Lnion Station, Cbarlotttevllle, for Lvnchhurg; at B*??? ior m Hagerstown. 2:15 P. M., Daily, with Pullmans, to Cincinnati Louisville, and St. Louie, connecting st Covlngton Vs.. for Hot Bt< pa oniy at im? portant station?. Meals e-'ve! .n dl til tig- car?. No. 7, Loi al Trau., except Sunday, follows above train fr m Oor ionsvllle t~> Ge.ihen. fl:S0 P. M., Accomm. d itti n, xc-pt Sun .:.i , fur i harlottesville. I030 !' M. Daily, for Cincinnati, with F. F. V. Pullmins to HI0ton, V. v.a.. and G irdonevilla to Clna'anatl and Lout?-ii 1 Meals served on dining rt Cnnej-t? ?' Stau - ton, except Sunday. for V Inches-er. V?., "rid at CovinatOB, Vs.. dally, for H I >prln?ts TRAINS LEAVE EIGHTH-STREET STATION. 10:30 A. M.. Dally. Tor Lyn.'hburg and Clifton Forge. Oonr-ect? ex? cept gun-lay, with Buekina ham n*. LeSlngtOB. ami cra!< VaUei ' ra a he? and at Clifton Forge with No. 1 for Cincinnati 5:<H> P. M , Except Sunday, with ehi'r cur. f.->r Lynchburg and leaves I.vnchliurg f on A M for Lexlng'on. ex"e-tt Sun *-. PEAfWe ^nTH1** *t HifHwiiMi, UROAD-S . ItlOl.T STAllU.%. BSE A. M., LJj?y. trova ClnelnnsiL laaa A M.. Daily, from Norfolk and Old Point. 830 P. M.. Dally, from Cincinnati and L. ulsville. 0:50 P. M.. Dally, from Norfolk and Old Point. T:45 P. M., Except Sunday, from Ron rRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STRKET STATION 8:40 A. M , Except Bunoay. from Lea ingc.n and Lynch I urg. (1 20 P. M., Dally, fr in Lynchburg and Clifton Forge, and. except Sunday, from New Casrle Lexington, Alberene, and Rosney. JOHN D. POTTS, Assistant General Passenger Agent. DsSPARTI'IiK OF STEAMER*. pHLLAJJi^l'HL!. ^a-TgJV MOND AND NOAlt'ULK JSBsEbBsw df-AMSHlP CoMPANf. Appointed sulllng days: Every TL'KS ?A\, FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at d*.> - gat Freight received dally until ? P. M. Fare (Including meats und nenn), a? on 'rila; ? and Sunday s steamer, gor further information apply to J W. ITCARRICE, entrai Southern Agent: Office, Rockets. W. P CLYDl! a CO.. Je M Gen-ra: At^i, ''v: i b-lphta. I UK M. n limb:. ??Hmnifi.rin'H.? 1 ranaall.. ii.e.iuc DIRECT LINK ?U HAVRE-i'AKiS i FRANCK) Balling every Saaurday at lv A M.. rom Pier No. C, North river, foil Mjr toii street. a N'rm'nd'e.Au. 20 La Oh mp'ne g'e. Au.2? I .a N- l\. . <h Touralae. S?, f l*. Nor::. . le?era! Agency for I fitted States and Canada. I Bowling Green. N r ilehauoBd Tratnefer Co., '- 'i Main St. .mlrrvr Welsh. 813 K. Main St.' je n_ Orders for printing sent t? th? Dis ?tch Company will bo given prom\pt at mtlon. aud the style of work and prices ill be sure to please you. I LI 11 'i bu ;,;.. Et LI c v aie RAILROAD ?INKS. R p X? p Richmond, hg.. MM P. M ?ehedal. la Effect May ??,. j,,,^ LKAtkiUVMU-StKl-ArMAUo. ? ? ?AM.. ??. i(- w Peinte north. S ?Tuilman ?e??,?,. , :?A.M.,8,ili,ii1 only, fur Waj ton and pointa . at Liba. Ulen Alien ' R?ther Glen. iv... , * ' ford. u . bum m It. _ a _ tullnian car, ?.?SAM.. Daily except Hundaj yvaahlngton ami ^?,,. North d K'ltnet '.,. ford. Woods tas_ w &?*eaarBU *. laeo M Daii> ?zespt gunday, foe Waah. | . North. Stops st J Alien. Asblend, M I 1 f o r d, Brook? Parler car. a - wltt at VVa flap M. Dally, for Was l, ,- , points North > Aahland. i ? tlons P-ir. ' | mond to N? i AKUIVP ! ? SIBjSHsI *rM.., a.-?o a. SL, Datte, Supa Elba, and Kindnya t l R| ' ?46 t. M. Daily. . - . at v. . a , Oulnea, \ P< i ?la. K well, Tsv ? ?nen Allen _ ___ . lor ca T:top. M.. Dally 8 n rlc?taburg >, laud, and Blbti , , from New ? Ttrooke. Summit, Qnlnes VV Mllford. Pen Qion n A"Man?1 '"!' ? All rnEnERirKiiro SCKWIf?ftBAI torn, lUa B - 4.00P. M., Leaves Byr?4-t?i b.Jto A _ Arriv ASHLATII I It lllv (Dally eacepi Suadaj t g:dg A M , Leavea ' vi. ?i '/? P M. Leave? ! il 40 a ?f., Arrivai Klba. t? <H? P M . Arrives Klba. C A TATT.OR Truffle Manager F. T. D. Myera, Pro.Mo... ap ( A P f _TU.NTIC-.'UA$T Schedule in Ellecl Juuc It?, iVIn rSUOHS LE_\_ iiicniio.Mi-1 Ring ULl'Ul. 7:3a A. M , P? i I>:00 a. M., l tally. Arrivai . a. If., N ., a. M. St? pa onli - . V, a. ?:0Q A. M.. Dally. Arrl% . K.Oo A. M A. M , Ko . I.L? P. If., Chsrl? Bav Bonvtlle ', i,up i 1:20 1 at wl i I i Wilmington man su York te ont 2;0S P. If., Dally, l 1:12 P, i>ps 4.40 P. If., G r M ik, s sil ? tin 6.30 P. M , ' r! hm?nd and Petare? 7:30 p. SL, D illy. Arr I 8.'.4 P. M . ' r ' ilh an i , ata, En.,,, ria la with A si ? P. M I A. M . ?'liar!? - son villa ! P. M.. Port 1 y \j i' M. \l-.U LINK . !? IROI v P 8:1?'? A. M ' mlngton, Ji ? i 8:66 p. M.. Dally - < . P. M . M M n : 1:40 P. M , Dally. An & il A. M 1: bui ? TBAI.N? MtlIIIK Uli HMo\U. i oo a. M A ...ta. 9:15 A. M tn. !>a:ly. ? .'. At . bur| ind ths West. * 37 A M . I 1 ?0?A M, Athens, Raleigh H .-. I :05 A. M . I ' ' I ! i rsl I-40 P M , D illy, Ja? ki li.i ! ton, Ooldsboro', a - au 1 55 P. If.. D C. Wa? v ?. ? i y, u : i .".?i P. If., I ulj ..yiich? i ?i? A M ' ' gO I' M R : ,.y R. KENLY ; .1 Manager 'I f r. II Oeneral Pas? ent. C H ' t. |a 1C_T [vli r Agent nai'ii i MafaVM h Efa^t Juue fi, tSUH. GAVE RICIIYIOUU. Il 1 P.Jl-sTUl ET Si Al 1?.1. ..OO A M III rlMOND ?.?. KouK. V'E? l'IWLLlfi L - Kl A. M. Ht.j.-. burg, Warerly, au-i ?-..t ? rie. ond clase il ? - i 05 A il ? ?' " " KM . lumbui:. .uni ? - i mau Bleep? : ?' lun. | .-toi, Ki sa. 30 P. M.. Por Huff. k. N v lermedlate n ? riv?e -. 40 P. M.. For i.\ lt ** <e Aiih Wu- .; - taie Ig l 1,1 ' f .. rileenor bats - mon?! an 1 . i :. ' berrlis r? at 9.?" P. M min ?Iceper Peterabui?; ?'?a "raina arrive Kiclnn.oid fr ra and the Wsat Ja.:j at > ' v d S:5? P M : ?rorn N st at 11:06 n M1TED al ? W, P M BVeeiSwMaln.^ District P.- '?.?ein. w B ' K IL1 Qenersl P_as^rn;ei ?| leneral OSae? Roanoke. Va. J? 1? .?nui: HU.PMI i: ? um. FROM THE OLl> OHEENHHIEH WEIT? V*e have this Water now in both Quart 1 pint bottles, tntah from the ?i-rl _ . PL'RCELL. LAUD A 00 , y 2-t? VYboie*aie Drugguie?