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4 * THE RICHMOND DTSPATUH-WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 17. 1889. THE RICHMOND DISPATQ BY THE DISPATCH Q0MPANY. The DAILY DISPATCH la delivered t eubfcrlbera at FIFTY CBHTB r' ?ninth, payable to the. carrier weekly r monthly. Walled at $6 per annum, pay? bio In advan?^; $3 for nix months; ?M for three months; 50 centa for one Price per copy, 3 cents. The sTBRBXY DISPATCH at H P' annum. The SUNDAY DISPATCH at tt-W H annum, or 76 cents for six months. * Subscriptions In all SgOSS angnlSS I advance, and no paper OOSdinnod nfU ths expiration of the time psl?l I'??r. Ben poet-office money order, check, or rc?li tered letter. Currency sent Of mail ni Im at ths rlak of the sender. Boboorlber wishing their post-office ghnngod rou? give their old as well as their new post offlc*. Sample coplts free. \ ADVKKT1S1NG RATES, r. HALF IN?"H OH I.KSO. I time .I 6 I timas . ? n I times . \\ S times . ~ U times . 63 X month . 10? S months . Ilualness wants . ' Wanted situation. peyoMo In nd vanee (36 words nr BBSS) . Abore rates nn? for "every <l*iy" or ad vertlsements running consecutively. Reading noiires In reading-matter type five line? or less, fl ; in nonpariel, leaded Uve lines or less, 7j cents. Car* of rates for more space furnlshefl on application. 'AH letters and telegram? must be nfl dreseed to THE DISPATCfl OOMFAKT. Rejected communicationa will not be returned. All letters recommending candidates for offlre must be paid for to Insure their ptib1Tt_Mon. This Is a long etandlnj rule of ours._ Resoluttons of respect to deceased memhera passed by societies, corpora? tions, association* or other organiza? tiva will be charged for as advertising matter. DP-TOWN OFFICB, RROAD-STREET PHARMACY, C13 EAST BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER OFFICE. _ BULL STBBBT. WKDNESDA?....AUGU.ST 17, I Friends of the DjSpatoS WOOld do us a favor by Informing uo promptly Of any failure on th? perl of newsd? newsboys on railroad trains, to mi public dasaand for copies of this ? Information is also desired by us or the delinquency Of any carrier of ours In Richmond, Bel ' tot Mull subscribers are Mkeartso invited to report t.? us whenever their papers come late ?.r Irregularly. H II II MO M I* OPPORTI M I V. V - Und lhal ?m i? r the iinpr. salon that th? i! a publie m? tins to - Richmond'? opportunity in the ,- nt busin? o. Not They ?n mistaken. VI h that any m? ting be b< Id at this time. in th.- fir^t place, hundreds of our most pi It log be ?.m of th? city. In the BOat, what there is to 1 Son ' by Individual Wo Richmond? onload our rssponalbUltlefl as Individual dtisens upon pub i bed b It is not brave; it la nol wise; It preeaotlve of thai real pnblta apliit without vsiii.ii no toara can permanently greener. Ol course, ?re know the vain.- ,,r ?.,.,. c,it..i a.tion nnd organlaod effort, bul they Bhould be accompaniments of?not gghgtltntes for- Individua] public spirit. For tbepr. I, the duty Of OU I I tp awoke to ths foci thai a tremendoua intiustriai movement will follow this ?for. That has. been ths history of all our wars, ise belb re; ant aerar before ?rere conditions more fororabls lor BOOh '' R) - suit than at jut sent. If we are light In this foiiciu. ?.m, Richmond should fg.t lot tho good tim.s COmh i by. L?'t'S Olm to get our lull .share of the new bustnsos that Is going to be trlbutcd. L.-t'ri work to gat more manu? factories here and enlarge ; e we i ready hare. Lot's try t.? Bnd tenants for gsaee of our vacant hooses. Lst'i talking Richmond down and n< |ln talWng her up. Then, .'irid not till tie n, shall ov? have good prices for our r-al ? an 1 employment for all our woikii . If every Rlchmondcr would consider himself u spodnl agent of tks community to "blow" for our city, the | would be felt In t- -i daye; In t? id of thla, we fire told that Boms Qf our pi up]- carry ftiih them wherever they ko a despair* ir_ Story Of hard times ) Of course, times have BOOB hard here, end th.-y have i- ?n hard tin- country over, s few localltlea only But wo are expecting better times .- ... And if good tins? - come, th? i i rather t?y tin- bright, hop. ini, ess rrj men than by the prophets ol ? vil. Let us give e up and reaii/.- the fact that the bn I 1 Is preparing f-.i BUWOnted - 'ivity. Tins may I that tile In OUT affairs which, tak? ri ai u to fortune; omitted, mnj u.iv.- us i? skal* Iuab anj mmt riss all Um im. . Ths aonsan'fl Club ol Jersey City Soororlng le arenas ths people o? that i to aa nppi. dation of th. ?>f sfoaoei .n.i th.- j,, | , Meaning Journal saya that if the saove inent is aw.-. isful it will be tin- third aneeosefnl ?uteri.rise ol lbs kind within recent >i:u>, ?lue BOfotg t.i th,- BBBIgJ Ol v n.- b II wai a aom n s i . ;\- i lbs si stem which Cdoni I I '?on ?hen he mads hfo reoord In v??rk elty. Mis I?r. Kinriieutt work ed tor more 'han tour years before Col or,?! Waring or a n form administration k srd of, and aha. aasd an me in? fluence the oonM osggggend with I i ? ' "" '" x?vv Yotk cit.s* MO to .aus,- th ><loptl.ii of b?r hi?a? in the m. trop..IK go's efoen-sireel movement adds tin- Joutniil, ais?, ?i. to the ; rep .m t"i>- work of u woman, Some months ba< k tber? was tea of I Roman's SffBBlsolluai in Richmond for ti.e purpose of abating tu > Ifll paper nuisance. No practical step was taken In the matter; we believe, but the idea It not A bad nn<\ OIH CONSTITITIOlf. The Philadelphia North American. In angagalll language, commend? Judge innhr, presiding ae/ef the Naturalisation Court at Weal Chester, because Im re? cently announced "a firm determination ?o Deafer UM rights of e-Hlr.cnshlp upon BO applicants in the future who are not familiar with the BfOlMtSBg of the na? tional Constitution." "It B a splendid rule," says the North, "and w" h"p" th.? example h. re m I by ladgje BaStaf win be followed by all our Judges In similar cases." WhSe the Washington Post Is like-wise heartily In favi-r of having some r?foim In tho ?Batter BY naturalization, and bi - that unworthy ?liens should b rod the rights of American citizenship. OittAf thinks .lud?- Hutler has gone loa in- Bt tayg that the determination of .ludgo Duller Is not only not "spb n but It Is both unreasonable and unnecessary, us a familiarity with the titntloa is B thing not one man In flve bandn d ! We are Inclined to agree with the Poat In the vi?-ws it ad vanos. A thorough taMWledge <if that grand instrument which OOnatltatet the- organic law of this aatJoa is Bosaetblaf which few men enjoy, and some could BSVST acqvlr* Though BOBIP native ly short being but lllUe r than the rOOl ntly-tiacted bank . . Its ovary Ib-e contains a WOrld Of meaning. Nay. more-; its very punctuation marks have been tho matter of Judicial contr'.v. i-y, and for over a hundred yesrt the instrument has beea the capetone in tho arch Of American Jurisprudence. Even the common law is tabordiaated to it. The justices of the Supreme Court, the members of Congress, the State?leglsla turee, and the most brilliant members Of the bar have all gOOB times when this oft-read production of mast' r minds was aonrce "f doubl and perpleaEy to them. And the late ?fUStieO Miller, la his superb 1. eturse on the Constitution of the United Ihri t'-d in US7, closes one of his BI follows: "Attorneys aad courts are frequently Called Upon to construe the Constitution of th? United States, und the laws paaatil In pursuance thereof, as well as to deti r? questions of the conflict of State tltutlont and laws therewith. Any lawyer may at any time be called Upon about, all of these questions which havi been to briefly suggested, and t,, put in operation the machinery of the law of the Fedi ral Government for the pn t< ction of the rights of his client. No h of the law is more Important to . onus. Ilor, the statesman, or the citizen, than b Utorougb acqaalntance With the Constitution and laws of the Federal Government as th.-y are admin* I, and as they affect the rights of the people." Bui though the learned jurist was lec? turing to young men who were preparing for th.- bar. and though his subject WBS a favorite theme of his, be merely enjoins t thorough acquaintance with the Instru? ment Doubtless be knew from his own t that familiarity came only yeart >.f study and thought. The educational qualifications required of voters by tomi States la our Union only prescribe thai the person shall be al,!.- to lud the Constitution, or some pan thereof, and dei not necessitate fa? miliarity with the instrument. We do Ju.!^.- Butler the Justice to think thai he spoke without weighing his words, and that many "cnuitles" will Influen?a Bis determination and prevent a strict adherence to bit resolution. TDK KALI. 6F M \NlLA. The fact that Manila was bombarded Bad fell att.-r the peace Protocol Was i will la bo wlaa complicate mat t- is, BSd has no abrogating bearing upon any of the conditions of that document Tin- bombardment and capture of the city wo.- tho logical culmination of tho trend Of events. Ne-ws of such a culmi? nation had been expected for some days. It would only have BOOB prevented by this government's seiidiny to D.w.y and Merrltt precautionary notice-?that ht, notice that it was believed the protocol would be formally agreed to. Considering, how. ver, Spain's penchant for procrastination and bar record for backing and filling at the last moment, Kling of such a notice would not have beea Justifiable?was not, Indood. called for. Nor Is the event unique' similar events have occurred before, notably, the battle of New Orleans, winch was fought after between this country and Great Britain had bet n declared. of course, the public trill await with Interest eMails of the ?Killing, but they will await with greater interest ne-ws as to UM aftermath as Involved In our relations aith the insurgents. phMteatly thi re has beea premise that following the mil Of Manila these relation? would be |, and that we might, In order to protect the Spaniards, have to turn our gunt upon the Philippine rebels. AFTBEEATH OF THB W Alt. parly ..?' Te nnossccans, who are BO .1 mar Presido, Cal., attempted 0 lynch a oegro oa Eondsy, but were ?revested by Major Cheatham, of that nata That otBcer faoed the angry rowd, revolver m band, .'11111 threatened ,. shoo, the tir.o man who advanced. A 1 "I1 Of regulara arrived at length and tlsperei d ti. I Boost saya Of his command hat it "is mainly a southwestern p th in-lit from Ni m Mexico, Arizona, Indian territory, and Oklahoma. We, however, BVt m. 11 from almost .very State in the fnlon, and it is a thoroughly Ameiiciii 'Kinn nt. I think vs.- h.v..- got ubotit v.ry race and every religion of oar peo> le represented, though the naen amatase nt. native- born." Whilst Habana wat blonhgrtjefl. Ferdi Bnd de Castro, th.- loca] fJoveraor, found UV| ht had S\SE ri-coii. intrados i,, food lily and no mon. y with which to buy "O. ii. solved the problem by licensing imbUng-honsea and tpplylng thai atoney 1 the relief fond. Habana, lave bt ea charging fa ilous ; Cu- example, one huii.I;, d nmds of Sat 1 bn id of loferlor I of Bitty, made of Mexican Hour, 11? cents a tI .ms H a pound, and condensed ) r eaa; oodflab $'t? per cess, o'c.ii ?1 :li a pound. Sgga I", cents . ,, |, Ma were on the basis of Aimil I'li. N.-w York H.rald, describing the i.ding of Qsaera] Wheeler at Montana, id: "The little cavalryman looked us Petal eadei m a simple !? bl.use with brass buttons, spotless nie riding breeches hafl legging*, and Shit? helmet. At his ?dd.- hung an aaor rtOUBly wrought with v.r about the hilt, evidently the spoil some Spanish officer. So long was the ?pBB thai the point Of the scabbard ni.d on the ground as the General Iked about" Ai Ii in oil be co ltr 11 li? li.v mi u. Oi is wl art tal Ci po to 'I lia An N aju em 1,1 1 lag log pa: i day Bt T gon Mu? te!. it 1 Pi hgb (col COttl saul the tak. havi the Ml And Who m tarv for o? n policy in ? i n.%. Tho task that Is before us In Cuba con? tinued to grow, and In many respects Its arcomt'lishm? ut promlies to be more SB?? fliult than has been that of delivering the Islani from Spanish thrahlom. Th? work of ensuring the Inland against the Ills <f virtual anarchy promise? to bei grenier than has been that of emanci? pating It from Spanish tyranny and cor? rupt Inn. Th.- fiiliilment of the mission of on? location and civilization that is ahead <?f us Is likely to give us more trouble than has the working out of our original mission of humanltarlanlsm. inde?.i. the clearer the Inatght we get Into the conillllon of affairs In Cttbn, the spirit that anim?t? s the majority of the Insurgents, and the ambition of their is. the more apparent It boOOmCS that ear mission Of humanltarlanlsm has hist begun. Tin- more comprehensive our green of the situation beooc broader v..- lind t?> be the scope of the Cuban resolution ?is bearing upon our dutv to oarseHroS and to the people of the Island. NOW th it tho wave of sentiment that gad so much to So with driving us to teeouee tl r freo Cobo has snn* aided, l'-t BS consider calmly, as we are in noBttton t.? do, where tant wave has left . It has Ml us upon a hard. pTOO* Heal beach, from which we would not retreat If we could; from which we could not retreat with honor, and from which we must go forward, whether we would or not. We have no alternative bit that of pressing on to the consumma? tion Of our undertaking, that of tho road for the establishment of a free and Independent government of the peo? ple of Cuba, bo the COOl and the obstacles in the way what they may. And that being conceded, what, In view of the Influences that are developing in opposition to our work, should be our policy! Manifestly, it should bo such a policy as will make all disorderly, In? flammatory, and obstructive elements on the Island understand that we Intend to remain masters of the Island until a thoroughly representative and stable gov? ernment of all the peopl- can be secured. If should SO such a policy as Will make the agitators, the demagogues, and the would-be political spoilsmen grasp the fact that we do not Intend that the Cobhn republic shall be the travesty upon law, or il? r. freedom, and civilization that the Bvernge south or Control American re? public Is. It should bo a policy in which he who runs may read, that we have not BOOnt millions of dollars, sacrificed hun rireils of lives, suffered demoralization In manv lines of business, and accepted the burden Of heavy extra taxation, merely tO the end that the better clatss of Cubans might, in respect of froedora, government, . in.] ths protection Of life and property, swap the devil for a witch. Therefore, from th.- outset, there should be no senti? mental dickering with Cuban juntas, no partnership with politico] focttono, and no compromis? s with Inottfgent IsgflSIB We must be absolute trustees in the case, until BUCh time as all whose Interests ire in ?air ?are have BgTQIld to llvo in harmony with one another, and : MM another's rights, and have Ik ? n edu* at.,I up to a capacity for administering their own affaire And tho soon, r and the more forcibly is this lmprt ISM 1 upon the Cubans, and the more bUSJIKSB llBC no are in impressing it, the less will be IhO cost to us of our trusteeship, and tho sooner we will be ablo to rcHlMWlSh tho position. The annual Negro Conference recently old at Hampton institute, al Hampton, /a., gars lh< i ' lbs key-not? to winch t must attune its efforts if it would sake mental, moral, and amterial pro rreoa it was ths senes <>f ths conference hat facts must be looked squarely in tin ace, however dtoegroeebfo they might .?-, and that ther- must be no moro ?i.llng of (acts, dodging them, or apolo? gizing for there because they chanced o be collected or exploited by persons of mother meo. Whet la needed is t.. Book be truth, and having found it to enden* or by faithful and conscientious efforts o change those conditions which aro tiimi? ai to ths i., ^t iBterests of tho moo.? lavannah Newa, If the recruiting officers and examining nrgeons he v.- preserved the records as o enlistments, obey win, wo think, afford ata of the highest importance. The negro race is diseased to aa aston ihlng extent; a fact that we do not give uh i. Dt attention to, considering that ley make-our bread, wash our clothes, nd nurse our children. There are hundreds of negroes employ?-! | s house-s? rvants who would be instantly i IsmlSSOd if their employers only knew 00) badly they are. Colored linisters, Lachers, and physicians, and f tl oth'-rs who ha v.- the tar of th ?ople would do them a good servie.-. id benefit tin- genere! public, by warn g them to take better caro of themselves ?d to keep clean. In ?lis.ussing the "commercial side" of IS retention of the Philippines, the rrtngSeld RepubBoan says: "It Is not true that American poo* salon of the Philippines ?rill i monopoly there In commerce Olese high discriminating tariffs v.. | iposeii against other nations In favor or ir own, th.- trade ?>f the Islands would Influenced very slightly by political ntrol. The slendi-r wants of the Ir.hab uits in respect t>> clothing would quite likely then as m.w be supplied by til? ing cotton-mills ..f near-by Japan as '/.' tbaae of remote New England, if r.- political control determines the i. ol?- current, how does it happen that .at Britain's export trade ?nth Canada far lern than thai of the United Btatea th ?'an,ola; arid, particularly, how are .. ' t< exp?an, the foCl that Or.-at l:ri- '. In's proportion of imports ??t.. the dted Btatea is little lees than its pro. M rtion of the Importa of its own Colony the north ?>f us?" 'riily, th?s- an- nuts for tho Impe IfotS to crack. MIKI'OI.K ABB VK1MTY. vy-vsrd SbIbb IIgbl lontonoo Pnageeta \rrt>?t?-ii. fORfOLK, v.v, August i?; (BgOOlaL) os ths cessa tina of boetlBtlee Um I ,.loyed at the Norfolk navyy.u.l has idilj reduced, an.i aotwttbotand* *r the fact that BOOBS of the ships of Ha? ul, ir and auxiliary navy ?ill be com bere now for repairs at to go oa commission, th?.nstruetlon and re* r depurtaeat lost thirty-five men to* The oSfoers aay they will all be dad Bgala very shortly. he auxiliary crins, i Vos. mite, has e to Philadelphia. H.-r crew, the hlgaa Naval R?serv?e, nr.- t.. i?- mub. d ont of the servie?- at LsagUS Island, s thought. rlnoSSB Anne county Is agog over the t Bsptones given Williams UcCoj ored). who was convicted In th t ity for an' attempted criminal as It. He was sentenced to five years in penitentiary, but has not yet been n to Richmond. DUS precautions ? been taken to prevent VtofoaOO to v-3 ,' i n? r. i. Qeorge McIntOOh, counsel for John arson, ths Obre Pecker mutineer, ii cond.-mned to be hanged, has munfoated with th<- assistant secre? to President McKinUy, and ask. I another interview in Anderscn'a be half. He will go to Washington tome time this week. ... The oyster inspectors of the State will have a conference at Hampton to-mor row. They are gettlng-ready for the en? forcement of the oyster laws when the season np?-n.?. September 1st. The Norfolk police believe that they have apprehended the men who robfied th" post-office? at old Point on Sunday night, the 7th instant. Acting Chlef-of PoUct V.lllnes this mornlr.g received a bater from Post-Office Inspector Irvine. in Lynchbarg, asking him to look out for one "Dut? by" and ins pal. ".John." who had kft Lynchburg with several hundred dollars' worth of stumps 08 them, and who he thought were no doubt the parties wanted for bluwlng open Post? master KImberley's safe. The letter gave a good desc/iptlon of the men. The matter was plartd In the hands of the .Ii,fives, and it was not long before they had whom they presume to be the right men under arrest. Four in all were arrestad. They gave names of iharles Hera, William Thompson. Jo? s' ph Johnson, and John Daniel. The two in-t-iiurn 1 answer to the descriptions s. nt by Inspector Irving. The other men Bltmeed the suspicion of the detectives. When searched at police headquarters Hera was found to have two pieces of oilcloth table, covering and a pocket map of Virginia and North Carolina on him. The police authorities think that the oil? cloth gives a clue. They believe it could have beea made a vary good thing for carrying stamps In. The prisoner says that BO had It for the purpose of wrapping a sore limb. THE KILLING OK HALL CARTER. Price's Trial Will Commence To Dny?Myfttcrlon? Call. 1WKMYILLE, VA, August R-(Spe clal.)-Contrary to general expectations, Mrs. Thomas W. Price arrived In Farm vllle to-day in order that she may testify at this term of Prince Edward court in !.. half of the husband, who to-morrow i will he put on trial for the murder of Mr. Hall fatter. Hy order of the Court. Dr. P. A. Winston made an early start this morning for the Price home, seven? teen miles from this place. Sheriff Dick treOfl accompanied him. The Doctor had a brief conversation with Mrs. Price on his arrival at her home, and she con? sented to make tho trip, though she seemed reluctant to do to. Having been for many years an invalid, confined for th.- greater part of that time to her cham? ber, ft was with great difficulty that the sadd.-n.-cl old lady could prepare her s.-lf for the Journey, and before she had herself, and started, she said: "oh! Doctor, I cannot go to Farmville." The kindly physician replied, tenderly, to her, Paying he was there as her Mend and meant not to subject bOT to the jour? ney to Farmville, If, for a moment, he thought it would endanger her life. Re hVcting a moment, and thinking, perhaps, of the husband, whose interest she was wanted for, the poor, old lady, brushing away the tears, said: "I'll try to go," and then so filled was sho with tin- tad 'i- ' . motions that for BWhllt she could speak no more. Mrs. Betes, a good neighbor, who has been with Mrs. price ever since th>- hor? rible tragedy, accompanied her to Farm? ville. ( STOOD TRIP WELIa Mrs. Prie stood the nip remarkably watt, being la splendid condition aabea reached Farmville, at about noon. The carriage- conveying the party drove to the Old Dominion Hotel, and the In? valid lady WSS taken out and tOOtud In a chair, la which the was carried by strong arms to comfortable apartm inte, The prosecution oapoctt to be able to get through with th. ir witnesses certain? ly in two days, when Mis. Price will take ti," tend for the defence. The tfitaesset are few in number, and it Is not bollevi d the trial will consume more than three davB, It is said that Mrs. Price at? tributes the shooting of Hall Carter to a drunken aprse, and says that whiskey th" bane Of her married life. HTBTERIOUS CALL. Dr. Winston, is one of the best-known and most prominent physicians of this town. Last night a mysterious tele ahone call was received at his r?sidence for him to go immediately to F. P. Twetvetree'i a distance of live pause m tin- country. Whoever It was at the 'nhono refused to Impart the name. Dili? gent Inquiry to-day has failed to throw tnl light upon th.- matter, and no one lias been report:.i si'k at the BOBM "f .Mr. Twelvetr. -'s. Th.-re aie not mora than i acore of telephonet la Farm villi'. anl inquiry was made all to-day, but no one had any Idea who rang up the Doctor's residence and gave tho sum mons referred to. GLO?CBSTBE COI NTV. In KxcitliiK Hure-Personals and llrlef?. GLOUCESTER COURTHOUSE, August 5.?(Special.)?One of the most delightful iffalrs of the whole summer was a boat ace on Mohjach bay, at the mouth of \otth river, on Saturday. Messrs. Wil? liam B. Withers, Joeeph Hopkins, Hunt ngton Fox. Howell Meredith, and John land! rs had bouts In the race. Th- y en m n the ordi r named. There were about orty young people In boats to wit m M BO race. There was great rivalry be weea the North, Ware, and Severn Ivors Mr. Withers, who won the race, rse the only champion of Severn river. 'h" you tig ladles pr?sent presented the up to the victor. Misa Evelyn Poindexter, of Norfolk, is l?iting Mrs. Charles Catlstt, of Tlmbe aeh. Mr. Charles E. Plcot, of Richmond, Is t Connor Hall, the guest of Mr. L. C. atlett Miss Mary Bradford Hurwtll, daughter 11 onunander M. t. Burwell, is at Clare* lont. the home of .Mr. Maryus Jones. Mi-s Anni,- P.rrin is visiting Mrs. Han le Tsllsferro. Mrs. Willie Carp is at the Shelter, tho ?p?tenle home of Mr. D. H. BaaveU. Mr. Walter Tyler, of Essex, is vi.-iting Riverside, the home of Mr. David i Ida In BJ - Ransey, of Alexandria. Is visiting ra. A. W. wither-, of Beverly. Ml w liter Sanders will give a sailing irty "n pi ?day. Mrs j. L. Caaaady, or nalilmort. and is Hush, wife of Dr. Warren Bush, of Leaaburg, Fia., ar.- rudting m W. i- Carr, of Gloucester Court* .use. \ir. Colemsn Hey wood, of Florida, is imerica's Greatest Medicine is 11ood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form of npure blood, from The pimple on your Face to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system, housands of people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, .tarrh, Rheumatism And That Tired Feeling. Remember this -And get Hood's And only Hood's. i Bfl I II he I of ir, In? ter OBI T rol l: laa bm chi T chi R the D Tie Bai Net tloi ad j in c. liai Tht con by trai unt THE DUTY OF MOTHEB Daughters Should bo Caret? Guided In Early Womanhood. What suffering frequently PSSSJ from a mother's ignorance; or mo frequently from a mother's neglsct properly instruct her daughter! Tradition says "woman mustRuffer and young women are so taugh There is a little truth and a great de of exaggeration in this. If a your woman suffers severely she nee? treatment and her mother should s? that ?he get? it. Many mother? hesitate to take tho daughters to a physician for examin: tion; but no mother need hesitate < write freely about her daughter < herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secui the roost efficient advice wlthoi charge. Mrs. I'inkham's address Lynn, Mass. The following letterfrom Miss Mari P. Johxsox, Ontralia, Pa., shows who neglect will do, and tells how Mr.? Pinkham helped her: "My health became so poor that had to leave school. I was tired all th time, and had dreadful pains in m, side and back. I was also trouble, with irregularity of menses. I wa very weak, and lost so much flesh tha my friends became alarmed. M; mother, who is a firm believer in you remedies from experience, thought per haps they might benefit me, and wrot you for advice. I followed the advic you gave, and used Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills a you directed, and am now as well as ever was. I have gained flesh and hav a good color. I am completely cured c irregularity." ? i?mo??i???o? Vifdtlng his aunt, Mrs. William E. Wlati Mr. Charles Field, formerly of thi county, 'lied in Haltimore last week. Mi Field was B years old. ? ^^^ _ CHAH LOTTES VILLE. Marringe of n Minister?Ills -boni Col In lined. CHABLOTTUV1LLB, v.\., August 1? (Special.)?Miss Emma C Hartman, o this city, and the Rev. Edgar T. Coyne*. of St. I?ouIs, Mo., were married this af ternoon at 4 o'clock, in the Lothomi church, in tho presence of a largo num ber of relatives and friends of the couple The church was darkened and adorne? with potted planta and ferns. Mis; Looln Coyner, of Augusta oonnty, playee th.- wedding march (Mendelssohn's); Mlsi Hannah Coyner, sister of the, WBi maid of honor, and Mr. Ed. A. l?alz wa. best man. The BBbors were Mr. Lfoyi Coyner, of Waynseboro*. and Mr. wiiiu Halz, of this city The ceremony?that of the Lutheran Church?was performed by the ROT. William Schultz, the pa-tor. a reception followed the ceremony, end Continued until it was time for tho couple to take th.- Chesapeake and Oblo train for St. Louis, where Mr. and Mrs. COJT* HOT will iisi'le, and wh.-r.; Mr. <'oyn<r if. pastor of g^?. church. Th.- hud., is the daughter of Mr. J, m. Hartman, of this city, and has always be n ? \. .Imply popular. The gemma at ?feifofooa Park last Bve nlng was a great sue.?ss. it was led by Mr. Furniss, dancing with Miss _u Blnioir. I>r. John R. Wood, chairman of the Republican County Committee, baa celled 1 Bltttlng of that committ'-. for the 13th of this month. It grill be held In L'harlottesville, and UM purpose of It Is m appoint delegates to a congressional ibnventloa to be held al Lnray, Beptem* ier 7th, when it is proposed to put up a ?andldats for Congreesmen Hay to tie eat. This oocnty convention will elect i chairman to succeed Dr. Wood, a mem )er of the District Committee, and t??wn 'hlp members of the County Committee. A Bhgnty In whlcli an eccentric nsgTO. lamed JamOS Hopkins, and kn.iwn videly as "General" Hopkins, has been hringi collapse.) on Hopkins yesterday iftemoon, breaking his leg and injuring dm otherwise so seriously that at one im-- tUose interested in him feared h?j ronld not recover. Tns victim of this oliapse has long fancied that ho was iowerfui In high places an?l on familiar nd Intimate terms with McKinley, and as promised to dispense favors to his riends as lavishly as any extravagant avorite of a crowned head. Th.- Rot. Thomas Keedham, assisted y the BOT. W. N. Flanders, who Brill >ad the sinking, will begin this WOOh a "nt meeting; in this city. His tent has a eating capacity of more than a thou md. The meeting, which is to be int.-r enomln.itional, will probably continue B'o weeks. BABPVOB . Power Co m pan y Sold?Killed on the Track. HAMPTON, va, August lb (Sbecial.) 11 the stock of the Choonpoaks Light id Power Company Changed han.I s to* lj, , Kcept a. small block. The prios paid as $110 p.r share. Tho sew directors rs w. j. Pnynoj Richmond; J. u. Kim rly, l'ort Monio.-, II. I.. BchmelB, and . B. OrOOma There have been BO latiL'es in the fotno as yet. A mechanic from Washington, Craw rd, by name was killed by an ? ! r OH the Bucbroe line last night ib? as asleep on the track. The Sort hern \erl?. (Correspondence of tns Dispatch.) o.MoKN*, KING OBOROI COUNTT, \., August is. Mrs. Thooaai <;. Lewfc, ?'ash Corner, this oonnty, whose illness i boob mentioned in this correspon nee, breathed her last yeeterday, after long, period <?f int.-use suffering. diss Ik-ttie ThurStOn, who has been .ruling some time with relatives liTe, t several ?lays ago for htr home, la ddlesex county. dr. and Mrs. \V. H hUSfoton, of Wash ;t"n, came down a ?lay ..r two ago to ^nd a few days with relatives in this inty. ir, Bdgnr v. Lewis, who has been der medical treatment near Wa?,hirn/ I for some time, has returned ft? his me, her?-. Ir- Tete, wife Of Wheelwright T?te, Oak ?Irov-e. ?li.-d at -that place OB Bet* lay. ..[i?l the funeral took place fr?.rn . Oak Grove Bpiacopal chnrcb .lay. a bnahand ami several chttdren vite Inr. here were twenty-six prof?rions of igiori untier tiie preeebing of Rot, J, Harris.,n. the lti< hmon.l .llvln??. here i w.-ek Fourteen of ths aumber were itlsed and united with the Bepttst inh. on Friday. he revival nv ring at Slilloh Boptist 1 inh h?*re rtoosd yeeterday. Rev. Mr hardsou, of Richmond city, aaetsted PB tor. .-rtr? Rosnoke BngSfol lasoelntlnn. ANVII.I.i:. VA., August 16 -(Special.) 109th annual session of the Roonoke ?list Association assembled to-day at ( ?v Proopoei chnrcb, nonr Murta 8ta- t i. Th.- following OiScers w?-re elect- j for the ensulnis' year: Rev. I)r C. B?, ) BOB, of Danville, moderator; Hev. T. \ Anderson, of Rlnggold, clerk; J. II. 1 -gray?. Jr. of Chatham, treasurer. annual sermon waa prca? hod to u gregatlcn of over a thousand people Rev. Ur. James. Much business was r isaoted, and the association recessed t II 10 o'clock to-morrow. v 3. ON THE APPOMATT03 MB HICIIMOM1. PKTKHJRI RO A> CAHOLIfl RAILROAD. THE WORK IS BEING P?SHE1 Saw-Mills In Operation nml Othei to Re I'ut t'p?V*at Roilles of Tin her?A Singular Accident?I'eraon? I'ol n I a. 1 , PBTBUsBUBO, VA., August 16-?Pp liai) Ml large sawmills are In ncth operation along the first twenty miles < tbS Hlchmon.l, Petersburg and Carolin railroad, in Ihnwlddle county, and oth? slt'-s are being purchased. It is safe i say that within ninety ?lays nearly a many more mills will be in ooefetlot There are mag/ilBosnl forests of origina growth pine, oak, hickory, and other m?*i chantante timber in DlnniSdte count.? along and close to the line of this ral road, in whl? h th- sawmill men s.e ri. h hnrVOOt, and vast quantities of tlrr ber will BO shipped BS soon as traffic be gins ever the road The track of this roa?l has bOOB lal from the western portion of th.? city with in about one mile <?f l>inwid?lio Court hones, and by Friday evening it win b laid to Stony Creek, one and a half mil?' beyond the Courthouse. Th" abutment for the brl?lg<- over Stony croeh have bOS built, and, the material being at ban,! the work f>t bnlliliriK tin* tine Iron bftdg over that Btreaai will be commenced a once. Mis? Mary E. TofTy and Mr. Caeya H. Lavetle, a popular young couple o this city, were married last night by th Rev l>r. H. \V. Bottle. Th.- eercmon; took place at the residence of the oi!l elating minister. The Mayor had before him this mornln? three very youthful thieves, all <>f then Colored. Two of them had br?.k?-n int? and robbed a house, and the other ha? stolen a watCh and chain. The ehiest o the three was under M years <.f BgC Too young to be prose? ure,1 f?.r th'-ii crimes, they wen- ordered a sound corree tlon by their pan "it A small boy named William Hlick WBJ knocked down on Bycemoie stn-et to-da> by a large dog, which ran vlolenilj against him. The boy was thrown UPOC bis .,ii the pavement and received Of ugly scalp-wound. Mr. William Mahoni1 has entered upon his duties -is Collector of Customs of this port. The office nnd records were for? mally tinned over to him ysterday. The rumor Is that in the ?arly future th.- main otllce of this Internal-revenue dletrlct will bo removed from Richmond to Petersburg. TBBTB DIgTBICT HEIM RUCAR? The Eve of Their t on? ??? l .um I Con ?eiitlon lit Mniintiin. BTAUNTON, v.\ . August 11?(BpOOhtt.) To-night ths hotel lobbies are full of Republicans discussing th?> Tenth Dto" tii't Congressional ''(invention, which meets her? to-morrow g| BOOn, to name th?> party's candidate to BUCCeod Hon. ja.'?>b Yost, a new Congressional Com? mittee will be named by the convention, and three members of the state Commit* tee win also be elected, the State commit t. a men >n turn to elect the Executive Committee. The three candidates for 'he congres? sional nomination T K. Ha, kmari, of Btaunton; R, T. Hobard, and jam-?? Lyons, of Hu? klngharn?are on the ground, ..oh worhlng to ths top of his bent, and each seems to-night to believe he Is the winner; but each is chary in giving out figur.y. The foCt I?, there is a l?rice vote in th?- convention without instruc? tions, so thai this floating vote makes It anybody's rat?.-. Huhar.l, though, Keems t-, have a abade the beat of it so far. Aa nil the candidates wer.- at ths Lynchburg Stete Convention last yur supporting the Lamb plan of putting out a State ticket. It Is not likely that th? Lomb-AgnOW 000 pie will bury their hatchets in ?me an other's honda. There Is present quite . delegation of negroes from the counties, but the number is notio lbl| less than usually found in Republican eonventiona. This ana? ridently a part ?.f a movement to t?ill hlph tariff and ??old Democrats into the Republican fold. Highland county will not be represented in th.- convention. Its county convention and ai II ? IS ton bate to corr??-t tho err.,r, no delegates ?rere elected from that county until too late. FrederleUaliiirM; \otea. FRKDERICKSBURO, VA.. Au rust 16 (Rpeciai.t-Whtit- the Fourth Regiment are all in rondlMOS to leave for i , ksnii vllle, nothing in regard to transportation is known. It is reported, though, that the government has accepted th?- propo? sition of th?; \\"e.-ins Si.amboat Company. of Baltimore, and thai ths command ?rill be conv? y?-d to Neurport News by u Walter R., Jr., tin- fOODg BOO of Mr. and Mrs. w. it. Tyler, died last night Th.? remains ?rill be taken to Rultlmore for Interment. Death in l\e? Kent. OAK, NEW KENT COUNTY, VA.. August i'.. (Spools! ? Mr. Jooeph ??ar rett, an old and highly esteemed citizen of our community, died v? ry BUddenly on Saturday from heart .!ls.-as.\ Mr. ?lar rett had Jusi COBBS in the bOOOS from Work to rest BWhlfo, Bl d died before any? one knew he was at ail .sick. Ilare-I-'ncod limulC (Chicago Tribune) "When I think,'' BXClaimod Mrs Strong mind, "of the apathy, nay. th? sm-.-rs and insults, of tl., Unthinking mob that constitutes our voting population, of Itl utter dtoregnrd for abstract justice, its Ignorance of the principles thai lie at the foundation of all cm llaed and enlightened government, and It total unfltness to exorcfos th" Inaction* of suffrage, 1 am at a loss to five quats expression to th?- Indignation that burns within m*-!" "Why don't yonse make a vow not to Bhnva until thev's a wOgMB called out a disrespectful voter in the audience. I I,.- Important l'oint. (Detroit ptee Pre matine your work," it? .1 lecturer who hires himself t.. .. 'Habe every stroke ''..11111. sad aiwaj 1 remember that lime Is ; "Localoratandordy ihouted 1 11 travel? ing,- mu?. who bad toned i?rr -.n the front ??at. Reatrnlut. (Washington Star,) "win-re's the .spauish prteonerl" In lulred the sightseer. "??h! he's "Ui takiiiK a walk or golriK 0 ' party, ! something ?.r that kind.'' ;.*. you wouldn't abject to going nd taking lurn h with m?-." "I'.i like to. but i cnn'l leave kerg a nlriute. I'm his teller. A \e?v rriii-FM. ???? (Chtoeee Record.) ' I ha?? a new way or getting my BUS and awnko in the morning.* "What la It?" "I rU?* ** fot "f b.-d-i l.'h? s oil him." 1 a*wonderful family tonic. It purities ie blood ami make? the ?.yxt'rn lalt-Nutrtae is the fsmoua nhi'iiscr-Husch Hrewins Associai htoh fact guarantees the purity, excel nee, and m.-rit claimed for It. Orders for printing ??ont to the DIs itch Company will be given prompt at ntlon. ?nd the ?ty!e ?>f work and prices III be aurs to pleas? you. Il Kaufmann & Co. Special Autumn Hint IN Ladies' Dress Stiffs, Pricp^, styles, ami valias J?K/> ?MRBEJ PhVtiially prevent SSV real riviilry. Ladles' B| ,. d If .,, c .-lient U'l . with ' bound, lapped ; | B valu.-, thl ?- tx Handsome *u u k Mohair Bl n.w rucked spron lined and cor lui . i black, besl 'or . Very R tndaoma Mummy cloth, ant ; corded, In th. w. "k only G It EU' MID VI I.I BT IMMiM |,. < II IE F - tl I.. SPECIAL this v.i.i i-. Lad ? p.-, Hemstlti h- i Eral - Id red chi?! Edge Embroidered Hsi dki , 2.". deasa Vsrj i kerchiefs, this week 10 La ii 11 iidi red M i? I at . i- i j it i".ii'.\ -i'i < i vi I! THF LARGEST AS? " F PU), ill iNS IN THE CITt NEED IN THIS I.' BE 81 PPJ Rlack All-silk Moln Rll bon v, i. i is, fancy f, ? Satin TaS bons, worth up t.- > . tb i" -t .Nos. to. ',. 1 H< 1rs Ribbons, In I worth up to I 17 ?IIIRT-VV II8T - THESE PRI< -ES WILL Fl I PURCHASING! NOV s!-:.\s. '". ', ' Bxc llenl Quality ? hoi n -' lib non choice of any for Fine i tie-st of pa ttei toa a? S and I ? a for . ' " All our F .iras and Peres! BOW 'hull I'i . KAUFMANN & CO., Fourth ?nd liroad. ami IBEBS i?. B?lBESlrll Hi-DAT. PROad BTREE r PARK RICHMOND v NEWARK two i;ami:s. Play ttarti al I 11 o' loi b i - reE> chache trill be It rot d if '-hr. , played._t FAJDPS PIBBWOBKS, BROAXMrntEBT BASE-BALL PARE. * wl THUR8DAT NIOHT, AUGUST UTH, OR INDER DISPLAT OF PTRO BIO BFFBCT1 EVER BEEN IN RICHMOND. AUDITORIUM BROAD-STREET PARK? WEEK COMMENCING IUOU81 ?. EVERY NIOHT vT I:? CCL MATINEE BATURD \ ^ \ ?' I 1 a Buperl >r Bill ol Bli i VAUDEVILLE. THE BIOOBST BIT OF TH1 Bo-Engagemi ni of the Charming \ CEUB BLLI8 (Prima Donna C bv Late Ibobri tte ill, D if, Ora? Bam, arid oth. r < ?1^'r.e.C- : < ?rganlintjftnf Th.? Star?. MR. AND MUS. AUGUSTIN N'i:i" la th- ir own trsvi Lady of Ly,' : VAT. VINO, The Anurlcan Anl-t in Sei ' ; I I JuggUag, Top Si Im The ? 'uitiir.-.l Conti - BEBSIB BEARLB, ?singer of 81 ?. HU88E1 .-. W : Bl R Instruagental i a GIBBONS x- B VRRBTT, ' Un-tO-1 'ate Sketch Ar' I ADMI88K 'N 10 CENTS MUSIC BT THE CITIZENS' I I Splendid caj- tor vice to and frota the i? over the Tr ictloi L rerform.iiic . . MAIN-STREET VAUDEVILLE. PARK CORNER MAIN ANO '? MEW BILL. ENTIB1 ONLY HIOH-CLAS8 ATTRAi I NIGHTLY PERFORMAN ' AT l:li ' 0 * OeVTCS OPEN ONE Hoi it : SATURDAY MATINES 1:10 P. M 1ER '' iMMENCINO MONDAY Ji "I'll i : I ' Comedy Sketch, "Chlldhi Da) MISS LILLIAN MAYNARD, The Charmlm; ; * ' The Onlf TIDDLEWIN . FUNNY little J' ?HNN1 Amt ni-', si m Miss FLORENCE .' !'" The Australien SOI MILLE R< -"Al i . V DE OR? \" Europe's Preml Dan i irania! p ,f poui : ADMISSION Beata In private al ? en ?rebestrs-ttoor i : > ladles and ehlldrei .', rent? v ara Main street ai. ' lirect to park without transfer I VI I IflliVV GO ON MltV I.M I ?g I *il I RgfO.1 HI . ?Ml. j - )LD 1'.'INT. BU-CatROB BEACH, a n'D \n \ ii:w ! nd-trip, |i; ehll ' ? \ lew. 14-su.Maw _ _ RXI I HMH\ in VV V-IIIM. M?% >N LABI ?H C v > M< ?NDA1 8EPTEMI.KR ffh. Bl LADIES OF R ICE STREET BAPTIST I leaves Broad an i n *'b | \ \i i ivi ?f, l i M P M Round-trip fan t . * j ^_ PSSSOBAI* ; IRCIN li IS RKM< ' "' TO No. BJJSJ FAST i'.p. >.\D BTBl u't? Same 'phone Nos. and offl I I '?a su W-B PERSONAL Information 1 by r-!at.- I ie whereabouts - V i< \il I A AYETTE .JOHNSTON, who asi now. of Payettevtlle, N. C She Uvet >r did) in Ivl. hmond. Anr In I on will be lhankfullv r,v -. ? Mis CHARLES It MNES. au Il-3t?_Charlotte. N > ' Auau?t II, lSa O.V AND AFTER TO-PAT. Al ills snd taeesaaes i an b,- l< ft at my >u?e. ?a> north Ninth (in ?.hone, 4. A . VAl'GIIAN LLOYD. V. S au 14 -31