Newspaper Page Text
6 _THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 17. 1898. COHEN'S STOREKEEPING IS STRANGE! Mostly cheaper than anywhere else, and yet tearing. Tho business is Open ? nothing is hidden any moro than if its patrons were partners, and in great measure they aro. The quick absorption of a stork to-day begets tho honest advantage of another, perhaps a better, to-morrow. NO MORS?ALWAYS HONE8T AND OJPEN. Lan guag* witho?! meaning or words to deceive aro silent in every? thing that pertains ko the bueinese of s j. Tlio lon? experience of the iG> Y _._F^. firm's business* career has as? sured all Richmond that BX3 V D?G HERE JS BUYING TO j_VTl ">A""7^-i^LJ ADVANTAGE* Too, there is -s * ?--?esV^ the. wisest and the most power orfE?iCp ful advantage in favor of the ability to do better here than other merchants are able to <lo for you. M (,! ST PRICES BRING THE GUESSING OFHOW1T8 POSSIBLE TO RKDLTEGOODS TO SIX'JI VALUES. ECON OM? DOES JT A Li.. ( nui % - cAiti _T Misimss may be said to be the flr.-;t in all t South. The new Carj ct floor Is ready f? a grand : .. and covers a spa. equal to three great stores with all sor ef floor coverings that BOOS perfectlo CAKl'KT BBAUTT as never sn??wn b fore. Carpet prie?? as will surprise 01 public. The experiment of selling the b< end most reliable only dates hack mo thiin thirty years. A few ef the prices are: All-Wool Ingrain Carp? ts. for room? baila *,I)i1 ?tatrs, for Me. s > i Tapestry Bi . n fht an. .Ink -Is, am a, the 76c Ki's-'le, fruo. Sloquette Carpet? light and dark effects the ?i.'." S-Krnmi- Body 1 Carpeta, sold a n i:.. Wool -' ' a Hearth Rugs, 1x2 yards ! .r 1?>X'. Wilton Hearth Hugs, 2i?xf? Ip?"hc.-?, foi Wi!i..n Hearth Rugs, new patterns, lxi \.ir. il kind. SBsyrna iioor Mate, BALI ??i M ?ihm.s. Warp Mattinga, inlaid patterns, r il i-:?. H.-.. Chli unless, ko pounds i-? the roll, sold st _ ., here fur 11 l-lc. i -i!i colors, . tl odd rol i D-Werp M ttl sold from Jin to fli a roll, are .\"?v >.. ;i roll. A mom. Tin: GTVB-AWAT THOIOg OB' '1IIMI i ? ISO o i unit\? %RKl j t Lin? n Huck Tow? Hing, I I, f..r- a . j atra Heavy Brown Linen Hueste < trash Tow? Ulna, 10c. yard Fir.- i Tow? Hing, f>o. yard. rial?) l'lii-.w Linens, sj Inches wide, le. y i:.l. Soft-Finished Art Lin? ns, it Inch? vide, i"?-. >. i.! from lllng Crash, the alw its . i.i". for I Mc yard. Extr.i-il. ivy Al 01 ii TOW? I? Uni i.i. in i. Hd ..r ; Batra-Larg? Turklafa Bath Towela. U on? for Be. Go?.?). Heavy Turkish Bath Towela, were |l dosen, for 6c. ? .i cii. tote-Biso r>Ti-hed Momio Bath tow- <? ho best 6ex?, dozen ones, for 3c. o I Q CS deaen flood Ilenvy Liren Huck Tow? els, bemm I, ready for use, le. each, p or tl dozen. EEE SKIRT HIKKOMM.. Tl A BALE DEVELOPED BT OVBEfWOCK. J \'. Beersucksr Underehlrta, box u Ing. piped, 00c Vi Bolid Colored Grass Linen tndersklrts, p ruffle, From h draw-string w B .. from -'i. di Unen and Crash Underskirts, urn . ,t find Spanish frills, corded, were ' II.:.', non *f 1 .-Striped Linen Skirts, that sold th . : SI Two ' Checked 1 Itetine tinder- -r skirts, umbrc?.i Bounce, corded. $1.7.",. _|, '.,, !, i??- Skirts, that were ILaO, now White Musllfl Skirts, trimmed umbrella ''< Houn une Cambric Skirt?, frill Of Isce, double row SO Skirls with extra wide flounce of em- pa broidery, were EE now 71 . . ten Muslin Skins, with frill of cu Wide i ml I ahoye, this (]0 i? s.u.- mile i.--. each. 11 l hi: KOST BBPBSSBBTATsTE RED- tn BPSEAD riums ABB (IT ,,,' DOVW LIKi; THIS? vi. ry \; . > liles di i en, full i . t ILE ordinarily, thc-se * ' Bi i Spreads that are full $1.50 value, for 5? The usual best Be Crochet spreads, '!,' hemmed, ready for use, '> ? each. - White Dimity Spreads, , n>, BOUSEWABB BBPAETMEST. coi Mrs. Pottt'l Irons-, tlirc-o Irons, Handle, P* Stand, for Be, Pf? Wire-Screen Pine Doors f,,r Be, All length? ?;.is Tubing, ll-2c. a foot. fa Heavy Cord Hammock? for 39c. ~* Granite-Iron Deep Urea,] Pans for 3c, Solid oak Blacking Casei for *8c. j, d Toih t Paper, j.-. roll. -,, 2-quarl Ice-<'t am I' Bpllnl Merkel Basket? for . u a, ni> .1 Porch Rot kera for li'c. r,,) Larga 'ans Granulated Lv. ,n. Hi Imitation Cut-Olast Le Tubs for lue.; It v. re Be. j.)(.( Cold-Tea Tumblers, that were v? 89c. a dosen, now 2c. ea h i China Cuspadorcs for 15c. t,1; each. CO! .a.. THF COHEN CO. I THE COHEN CO. !.. COMPANY COMES OYE1 Tin: Y ACMBMI T<> iu:r.\iit in BBHMBlf STflSTSTff Y l ?in < i. WILLIAM RELD LOSES HIS LEI Tr>lnK Operation IVi-tormril on Hi Segen Mint in Bnnnheolss Momi? MkLi?Bnwnrth Lnagtnn itutt)* a i-'ifth llreol aballe? Sestn. Tho Richmond and r Rallwa Company en > t? r.lay, t?i: pnajr'e attorney, Captain a. B. Ou formed tho i'ity Attorney of Mai Dudg'- William I. Clopton, <>f its j.urpo* to aooede io the city's demand to put i good nn.l aaf? repolf Um Benum iriaduct, and w?i I? la ?rork al oana. Th..s nil] prove satlal i tori to the citj beyond doubt, and Is a solution of a ?iucs tion ?rbleh has hung like a bugbear ov? the ottg for several > ara. Th? enaarnliy are familiar ?rlth tho history o the ?Induct About tea Says ago ins rail good i before Mayo Maurice with em the Mves o th. n patrons by u ing a viaduct that ws l Mayor Maurice Bned the oosa nuny *.->, nitti an additional $.' tlay lin? bim? tUl oonditlon aiti r I on of Bfte? i days. The oompanj took an appeal t>> tii Buntings Court Now. however, that the; Sans agreed t<> Ils up the viaduct, it I more than likely that the city niQ Is them don a Judge Clopton and Captain Gulgon ha? nee, and c nlte agreement. The fact la that the com gnny had aa engineer t - In peel t1-- vis diet yesterday, who win report on thi goods and the mOOl I way of ?o Ing tho neceasen work on it. MBBTINOS LAST NIOBT. The Building ntltteo mel last night in tht Council cnamber. Th? woik on the overall f onsstrt Mr. Louis Prank, repr? .nun? the manufact?rese, was present, and en? tered Into tin discussion witb the m. m ?Sers of the committee. He is desirous of having a fixe-plug put near ti, lory? or that i >\ - and Hull btreets changed to a. more OOnve* agent position. The \\'ui< r Commissioners held a Baratins; last night Only a matter o* anutin? Imp? rtance ? up. B M.l.v AT PIFTH-BTRBICT. A meeting of the Epwoi t'oun tii Richmond and M ?n me Yuuiii,- Men's Chrlotlaa tlon building last nigh;, and. i ? : nf M ' "rally" of the J BUS Will l'< th, Bt SVth*Stroet church, In this Laurel-Street church V;. d to get Um snooting trou Fifth-Street, bui i j:- -,-. John ?'. Oranbery, JrM son of j p Oranbery, will bo the pr;: gnnaker of tins OOOaalon. MB. JQNBSHSADLY iNJl'ii! Mr. John W. Jonoa, v>ho want oui in tho countv a few duys ago, was hr !>*< k te th?: ? ?ty M< nday, auff< ring from inturles which ?re regarded aa danger? ous. les at No. "19 Pocahontas s*... :. lie left I i thai Bight, with sum.- f i lei 'possum hunting. The Virginia n . was duly treed, and Mr. Jon volunteered t" /> .< to the i"!? and get the game. His foot slipped, however, and he fell to th? aroumi. breaking thi b? Intern illj in] i ? i. Dr, w. F. I . heat i to see th? li i man anon hla arrlv .! In I lug the medii .;., much ue< led. Mr. Jon? .-* i. ? - lilt J- K. K- I'.T. Mr. John R. Roberj^gsth, a w? ll*knon*n gjontlemen - J. P. v-v . In Rlchmi nd, h id Slry middle flnxor of tho right hand badly lacerated yesterday while at his place of buslm - i. if. , ame home and called upon ' Dr. Lawrence Ingram, who attended the Injury. , ' Mr. pen She].person, who re sides at ' No. r, Second street, wat th.- victim of a injury a few da] s ggO. JI,- f,|| and high. Dr. Ingram was call - .1 to attend him. He is now doing Very W< 'i. TOOK B38 LEO OFF. wuiiam Pud, the negro ^ho sag shot bv an unknown white man on the tracka ' of the Blchmofl I and P. toreburg railroad. lusi between tht Bsmmee-atreet viaduct and the Belle-Isle viaduct, on Monday niuht. was taken yesterday morning from tin- police station, where 'he bad ' lie- Bight, aid carried to the City li ,-ital. Heed was shot in th" i-it leg about six imhes above the knee, and tho Lone was so shattered that l>r. Lawrence Ingraat, the ei?v physician, decided that amputation was necessary. This was acoompllahed hut I,.lore noon, i ir. Ingram being assist, ,1 by Drs. AC. Ft wall M, rehaut ! .n: i John w. Brodnax The operation was entirely aatlafactory, and Reed la doing as well as can h.- expected. The bullet wag rered during tin: opt i > i it was flattened as u piece of chief Linseomb and Officer Wright si.,-nt some hoars yesterday in endeavor* log to gat oleahi as to the Identity and whereabouta of the two men. tht om who did tie- shooting ami his colored companion. Captain Llp.scomb ezpri determination to leave nothing undone for the Centura "f tiie miscreants. Botta nre doubtless tramps, and mav now 1" faraway, thanks to froighl trains. 'gjQl IRE OWEN'S Wl ?BE. 'Boulre T. B Owen, presiding genlua at the Pallet Court yesterday, had a little work to do Henry Harria, a negro, a i i ?forg ala Honor for abusing and threat enlmr to shoot B ci;i/.. n of the ' W ml. Harris was taxed $j und the I'Uslh. PBBBl INALS AND BRIEFS Mita Anna Barham, of Bwansboro*, It visiting i? Istlvet In Petersburg. Mist Huida Taylor, of Midlothian, is ling | few days With relatives in boro', Misa Maggie Joins, of this city, left M ' o i . to vl it MIS. A. J. Homer, BOB] Tomahawk church. Mr. U". C Loh,man. the mail transfer man. who has b.en Quite ill. is now abet line- hit dB Mr. Jataet Cosby, an attorney, of In Terrltory, is in the city, tht guest i.f hie kinspcople, at No. US Balnbrldge stret t. Lev. QOOrge H. McFaden has returned from Oobb'a Creek, in Mathewt county. Miss Irene Pass, of Swunsboro', who has been visiting in t\>whatan county, returned home Monday. Miss Dibble Biddle, Of Swansboro', left .Monday to visit Hit i.ds in Chesterfield ty. Mis. Peter Winston and children, of \i.-iting their kin-man, B a Hani o k, of Cnesterfleld. \' M Davideon left Monday to Mr. E B Davii ton, at m Buckingham county. Mr. Asa Qoode, a farmer. Uvlng near Branoh'a church, has beea annoyed mach of late by parsoaa who, oddly enough, timnbard his home by night with si". only a few Bights ??" he had to gel aid and repulse the attack of hit anea a give no explanation o? tag con? duct. Tin: DON'? QESBBOVS. They Give Tliuiik? to 1 r.-nclituen for Tlielr Help. MADRID, August IG, 4:30 P. M.?Accord Ing to ki Tiempo, t! the < I ?vela, the leader of the party, intends to block the govei nmem's policy. Tl;,- yiifi-n Regent has personally thank? ed tiie Kreuch Government for Its good -, obtaining peace and has charged Benor Leon Y. Castillo, the Spanish Am at Varis, to Inform M. Delcaase, BCb Minister of Korelttn Affairs, that her Majesty has confe ?red upon him the grand cross of the order of Carlos III. A tltBllar distinction Is bestowed upon M. P.ttenotrc, the FfOSSs Anibcc??udor a'. MuUHd. WILL NOTHO_MINATE. I'OrtllMTS NOT TO TAKE ACTIVE PART H CAMPAIGN. STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS After a tons Discussion This Body Adopts Hcsolntlons Leaving Que? iiuii of railing tp Cuiidtustcs to ?he Districts. _?- ? The Virginia Populists do not proposo 0 take M active or aggressive part In he conererslonal campaign this fall, ["hey will makS few, if any. nominations, i:d In districts where candidates aro lot put up the members of the party vtil be advMed not to participate in the anvaas or to vote. The decision alors these Un. s was cached at a BBOOtlag Of the State Exe utlve Committee, held here yesterday, 'he session was held at Murphy's Hotel, nd the discussion was long and earnest. 'boss pteoeat were Cknlrman J. Haskin? lobson, of Powhataai Secretary H. dolph Miller, of Heartoe; Judge J. M srgory, of Cbootofflald. ?nd waiter k. rant, of Henrico. Colonel D. A. WiU'hcr. f Plttsytvunle, a member of the State ommittee. and sevrai others were also resent a? li tOM. The oonuntttes was la sn on tor sevc il hours. The point on Which opinions Bored was as to th?: propriety of put in? up candidates tor Congress In the irious districts. The Middle-of-the nad element if it may be ko designo ted, BS In favor of making a Bgbt _ < v- ry strict with g nomin?-o in each to ln ire holding the party's fOTCOS, While oas of more conservative views ought it boat to make few, if iy, nominations, leaving the voters as to support and aid in ths ction of those men whose principles urly coincide with thoas of the ople's party. leave TO THI DISTRICTS? IVhen the lUhjeet hod boon debated for me four hours ?.r more the following per was adopted: Recognising the impossibility of .? < return of the votes as cast, ?re m it advisable tor the Peopl? '? ?i.? t.. make a contest In all ??f the d?? Bta al the approaching ? I? ction. ta it may l><- desirable \| ;> . a our disapproval of the in the candidates put up by either the two old parties, but th ! we deem luestlon to be decided by the voten of ii congresaional district, pledging the ilstance of the party throughout the its In aid of candidates who are noml . .1 la conventions or endorsed by the Mimitt.. of ih. ir respecth d i districts where n? candidat? ore i .1 <.r . ndors? d by tl. trie! imltti. a, the m? mb? rs of Uie P ty are earnestly asked not to partid? i b In th? i invaaa or vote al th< polla omm? nd that mir or ilaatlon be kept intact for effective rk in the spring election* Gaaesal Lan f??r me gennlev ccordlng to a statement printed in ishlngton, <; nernl Pltshugh I bs Ides of abandoning his announced i com? a candidate for th? ! Ited Slates Benuti agalnai .Mr. Martin. 'ia.1 been thought by some that bavins , n mnde gent ?ai la the Unit d SI I iuoteer army, and it bstng -.? t hs nill be m rit t.. ? teba n Ith his ( na, Um <? oeral might chance _??-; - ris as to the senatorship, but Euch i not a em t.? be ths i h. n h? le s<.m.- m..uths ago General assured the D patch that it ?fas purpose to run tor ths flnnata. and t be Intended to have bis forces w? n anlaed, and to stump the State, as as practicable he proposes to visit iv city and count v. The (lection of D ator by the Legtaleture win occur in l. lembor, IMS, though ths t-rm does not ^ in until March 4, BOL ThS twenty ! enetoi led lest fail win J ? vOtO? in tl Contest, which prom ; t,i be one of the most inter? sting he political history of Virginia, ith a heated tight between Q aeral i and Mr. Martin, it would not bo at surprising' if several other enndttl ites ul?i ? nter the race. Th? names most tuently mention?-?! In this connection r Congressman W, a. Jonesi of ths 3. -t District ami ax-Senator R. Walton ire, of Fairfax. " lernen led r\ Saht O? RoanokS for the selection Of ?,] iii.iat. s for the Sonnte by popular 7?, ice. Th?- names of Attorney-Genera] lUurue andJOovernor Tyler have also 1 in. ntlonM, but, BO far BS known, her of these distinguished gentlemen Indicated any Idea of Htrrrmlng a lidate. Appointments i'nr ';n;ila.m. .?? Hrst appointments In this campaign public speaking were announced last oj i by Chairman J. Taylor BUyson, <?f State Democratic Committee, Hon. 1 w. Daniel will speak al 1: - i iiikiin county, ?.ni Monday, Bep- ? ? ir Ith, and Ju.i^e J. .M. Queries, *' nominee for Congress In the Tenth riet, will Bpoak at Palmyra, Flovnnna ] ?y, August Bd, and at Lexington ,.1. ember Ith. in- I oloreil Republican* Meet. a entrai BepubUcen Loogns moi ,!l [arria's Hall Monday night with the Tl tat attendance- sin-., its organisation, ai ply lit ty new members were added to 0? roll. si.I?nt Jones stated that immediately ** organising of the city the Executive of initie.- WOUld OTO I to organize the Ol?! ty an.i State. During ths w.-?k sub- D ?es will be organized in cv? ry ward ] m city, ?'lay Ward has organised aa .mi an.i Third prodncti?. nith thi oo dei aident James Patterson; Vloe-Presl* ,,,,, Benjamin J. Franklin; Secretary, ' ' am Only; Treeaurer, Beverly Boyd. ?'. following 00a mltb bs from the ' d of Directors were appointed by resident: (w cutive Committee?Henry Moon, j. ? ! inith. R. P. Tanal, Jesse Williams, !v" m Spain? a. M. Burton, and liich- of 'arter. ari( Committee-William H. Davis /,, im 'a tai... n. C. West .lehn O. ,-y, :, Samuel Bak? r, Martin Drane and Tana'. nie nbershlp Committee?i., g, Adams tCT1 ?. Leiri ' I ??. Bmlth, i!. ?''. Jon A. M. Hurton, Newton Donan, and r->l m. Bpaln. -President Colin Payne presided. pie wh Funeral? Yesterday. 11 funeral of Mm Mary a. rarbroogh ijt '' place from her residence yesterday *l,r Ing at 1030 o'clock. the remains of Mr. s. a. Jarvls, who Yoi Friday Bt his home, en Louisiana sjdi were int rred yesterday in Oak- p The funeral took p]... , f? ,m Fulton ,. it church at 5 o'clock in the after- nor chii umber of Richmond people went to the: .V Y.. to attend thi liin.-rr?! or' Mr. his Wise Hobeon. The ?um-ral took rday morning. C ln-Stre??t's Hill Strrnmhrned. Th. v. another lar:,'o and well- ''ll i audience at Main-Street Veude- p*Jf nk last night Th.- already strong *'ai s strengthened by the special en- n ' i. m of Mills Beeaclta da ?Jre-iu at l mtrlbuted a very capable pot pouri m'r sea and several neu aongs, ami w is v,,',! ecelved. ?if the other featurea the is, in their comedy sk.-tch Tiddle- '"'s' ami Johnny Dugan, and iiisa f\o- |,w'J Moore wer.- all as popular BS ev? r s also Miss Lillian Maynard and H? ' ,hole the prosramm.? Is one of the ' atractivo of the s.-ason. ow" - m? JObl ist Ills Life Savins; Others. _c|" untry boy visiting New York stop- tl frantic runaway team that v.-is hun !.. Aaah en the sidewalk where tl>!itt hundreds of women and chll- f?rn ii.- saved their lives, but lost his Ban Hundreds of lives i-re saved every The y Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. Peo- Hljr.1 10 ?r?- fust going to their graves Vo Isorders at BtOmach, liver, bowels, weif loud ate brought back to good c<>nf by it. All tho sick B?ouUl try lu J ill*? LEAGUE OFFICERS MEET. Ful Ii 11 ?In? tic seaslon Held st V. M. 0. A. Last Maht?.Text aaaehh1au??BTfat?n?, The officers of the Kpworth League Union of Richmond and Manchester held an enthusiastic meeting In the Young Men's Christian Association parlor last night, with Mr. E. W. Handy In the chair. Mr. Alfred Gary offered prayer. after which part of the fifteenth chapter of John was read. The following representative from the differ, nt churches WOTO present: Mr. B. \v. Bandy, of st. Jamee Methodist; Nannie Psgram and MOSSrS. Howard I and Prank L, Weiht, of Park-Place; Mesara. C B. BJeEardaoa and w. a. . of Broad-Street; Mr. c. B Hughes of Un!ot!-.siat:on; Messrs. J. A. Booker and Alfred Gary, of Union-Station n; Mr. P. J. Perry, of Laurel Street A pieat doll of discussion was had in relation to the league work, and plans were adopted for the betterment of Die society. -The representatives reported their respective leagues In good condi? tion. The next rally will bo hoM Bl Fifth Street Methodist church, Manchester, on S ptcmber 9th. It will be a missionary rally, and Rev. John C. QranbeJT. Jr., pon of Bishop GranUry, will make the address. Soiree Musicale. A most delightful mad. lit was riven list evening at. the Mount Vernoi honor of the distinguished vocalist, Mitt fllllmsn, of Chicago. Not sue ranee h?re has such a sup a hi ird in Rli hmond. and m iny think Cuir voie - ailh , Ml <;i"man los her wav Into the hearts of a larg-e number of our t- oph that her sojourn among them will be of such short di ration. The following programme was w<-ll ren flen i and gr.atiy enjoyed by the targe company, musical p> opic and other friends: 1. Piano solo (Lirzt Rhapsody), HUM Smoot. 2. Quartette. ''Spring Sept;" (Pinsute), Miss Cofer, Mr. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Piair. '.',. Solo. ".My Little Love" (Hawlcy), Miss i !ofi r. 4. Plano solo, "Ix-ebcrstrong" (Greigg), Sera. .".. Pass sop?, "Armorer Song" (Robin J. C. Oooch. n. Soprano do a, "He Wss a Prince"; b, "With Verdure Clsd." Miss Gillman. 7. Quart- ttl . in- dll I (Wbltl ?. t Soprano solo, "Happy Days," Mrs. Blair. !.. Bolo soprano c. "Boballnk" (Beschof); d, "Wanderer," 'Miss Qlllman, in. Humorous recitations, Mr. f. l. il. Q "Oood-NlghL" CBESAPBAKB IV lit. A Good Exhibit?Some Intcreaflnc Ru?es. CAFE CHARLES, va., August tu,? i M -The ffarst day of the I annual meeting of the i i Agri? cultura] I i .'. elation, was a, v.-ry in - one. The WOBta ?' was por ti ' t. and the heavy rains which fell pea* terday had cooled the air and ; ?a >, n moving two of Um me -t obji ctkm lblo features generally expeiienced at L country fair. The i'iii/.. ns' Hand, of rairmount, Md-, furntabi i the bo Tie- i, iBa are well tin. .1 with . very description Bet n at so igrlcultursl fair. The attendant n ry gnod fot* the first ii.\y. Mr Frank Smith, of Pun.,:.,, n. T., starting judge of the i I a. T, ?eatherbury, H. i. Nottlnghsm and Dr. ;. Fred Floyd, assistants, snd Mr. B. T. a, keeper. The races w.-re very i exciting, in the first race Lata ! nndi r the wire Bret, bat w is . to third place for running. The . oond race was won in t1. taste by floldboro*, of Onancock, \a. lummsryi 100 puret $100; 2-yotr-oM. m Bbon ' in thn b< : orc^Wby w. c. West, Oaancock, Va., l; isaiie!, by H. L. Upshur, BsstvUle, 'a., 2, 3; Lu?a s., by Floyd Brothers, tridgi toara, Va., ;;, I; Bt Paul by I I am. -, J.urn : ville, \'a., .',. 1; Lloyd, bv H. '. Johnson, Exmore, Ya., i, i. Time, SI a m! SES. Second race -8:9 clase; purst * knie CL, by Kellam, Bette Haven, Va., 2. 2; Kir. u-. I ' .', I ., Rich ?ond, Ya., 1, 1, 1; Marlon Cralg, by Ira '. Nelson, Richmond, Vs., t, 3, 3; Paid rince, by V.. P. Willis, Mt Holly, N. J., Tim.-, 2:.'\ 2:27, rind IrJT. Third ir-old Bastera Shore .'ii.,i?i i. bor -: purse si.V)?Lucy J. by F. r. Hanson, Belle Haven, Va., i. t, t I;, by H. P. James, JemesvUls, V.l., 1. 1, 1. Tim-. I ;'. _'.!". and IA The Vinrinia police BtSSSBSr Al IBM in t!i" bailor this afternoon With e- members of the State Board of Flsh ?es and oyster Insp.- tor.-, who nr<- en? alte to ' lid point Comfort, \ a., where meeting of the board will be held to orrow for the purpose of discusting the ater Question. Alt IVlLltlU u> Sue??eeil Prol'cs?or Morelnnd nt Washington und Lee. LEXINGTON, va., August E (Si il.)?Professor Walter ! vus, i. I?., and Professor of Physlca m e Rensselaer Polytechnic institute, oy, N. Y., has been elected professor tor 01 .to till the Chair Physics at Washington an! ! ratty, made vacant h) r S. T. More land, B ho B to the i hip of B - ; McD - . Md. r Stevens is a native of Georgia, i. South C . : 1!"^,-. Columbia, B. C; In wat ut at the i of Virginia for and tul .-> qui ntly study in i b it resided ii . r of Math atice ami pbyalca al Pi bar Col? late institute, Brooklyn, from iyvJ to a ttudi nt I in the universities ol 1 p. run, and the I'oiv tl : BlC, Bl rich. And since 1*92 ht has filled the air of P?yales al R Institute. Professor- writ l about fifty artlclet for scientific mais, auafnutnes, etc,, Indu in Johnson'! Cyclopedia. Ht wrote the part.; nvolvlng phyaica] princi s in Applcton's :ch WOTO about one half of the booh le is now- engaged in the preparation i mort advanced Uxt-book of pb Begea He is a fellow of Am- ricen Philosoph! New U Aeademy Of Sciences, at:d ntiiiu Association. rofeesor Bteveat has a valuable < i of physical apparatus. Which arc fly optical and a bring M valuable instruments with him to BOW field o? labe/ --?a? Culpeper ?ataste?, ['T.PKPER, va.. August i'i.-(Special.) i ..'j'. ;? r OOlt and !' Op :i huir annual race meet at .Monta . day was dear and m, and fully 2,300 people wen present. Im sixth mee Le?nidas and Elgin fell he huidle. This created much cite il, but neither horses nor Jo a hurt resulted sa follows: rst race county trot, half-mil. beata thr.e In five-QeorgB Wash.! er J. C. Bell, 1. l. l; Bassin, owner M Carper, 2. 2, 2: baby Ellt-rson, owner .op. r. 3. :;, r>. L-ond race?half-mile dash, for horses e.l ml bred In Culpener?Elgin, owner i Mi Lane, won; Cathleen, owner V. launders, second; Orlean, owner John ."an, third. Time H 1-2. ilrd race)? Juin ping contest, green ters, for horses that have . .. r eon? ,1 for a prize, conformation and par nance both te> count equal I) Miss J. Quidon won; Oreen A Hurkamp'a Nubian second; Hon. I. L. Johnson's il.ind third. urth rac? -Jumping contest, mlddle ;ht hunters, three trials to the Jump, ... nation and performance to count? J. Hurry's Guidon won; Qrooa ?? i v AI thl O?l 1'U ha gn th or? la Bj A i; t.. Th at r hoi tie Wl \ du M l: nln i to - I, ' T Mi at t Will M Ran t lust a lie BUM Bar] Mi th. nie. ye.ll Tl At ton Sold A bug] whe. Bear 1 USE ONLY FOR '* few -W AND For Baby's Skin ?r^rri? world I? M daaaaBBBi pm?fylnR and t#a???ul as CI "H t'II? S. ?AC. "^;mo?Jtefr?-<tlTe6kln and com plexion b UPi a* well as the panal ?n?t tw*tc?t for MM, ?Bth and nursory. Kor di?Ar*??iiitf r??-??? raiilK-?, ehaflni;?., lagBSHBBgafla and eru;j(: nu, BH cnistiil, itching irritation* of tie ?<_p, with dry, thin asid MBflg hair, for ni, rough hand?., with i t.;,le bl?__es of Inf.iii.-y It is?bsuiuu'iy ?signal a mai. s_:kp roa skis TnaicaxD raiurs ?mi n?t for Tirad Mother?lo ? warm bata - . ?ih COT? n m BOAr, n.r;.i i nagt? anointing ?n?h ri'? Ct'ltA, purent Ot enmllit-i-.t (kla enrea T?ilt? ?r*?U rr.i-r.t wluartfrd ina'aiu r?ll.-f. ptnsltnsl and riSOf >A/"llt ?n.l .li?;.|. SM I-elrit l?- a ipe*'!", I and ?" rai? "f ItfitiBW bnrn Bitr. Heeding, ?.-aly and erosted skin ?ml hca.?> Luinu;n, wi?i low et hair, *h<u all el?? falls. SoW tbr. ajaeat the wori.i. Mea. CUTIOOTU SOAP. SO? CCTICCBj? ?ilntm'nn. no.-. P"T TJt; I'M'., ? . IISM. CORr. i*oh? Pro| i . I'.oa'ou. Pntisli U*ro?, 1 K'n? Edward it-, Load.u, E. ?1 Send for All About liub-'t Skin,.-call? und Hair 1 *** FOR SALE. !' III BAUS. VERY CHEAP, PIRBT LASS KAMIl.V DBTVINO HOB8B AND ICI PHAETON. MuSI soli, Leaving <>'. Apply at KU . a. aul5-3t PROPOSALg. BEALED PROP? ?SALS. SEALED PR? ?P? 'SAI.s WILL BE RE? CH ED by the un - the 8Kb INSTANT for furniahlng ?AL for the court-houi - ind aim the county of Henrico State prie? per n tor ' nil Und of coal, and the price [.arateiy t'xr that for the elmshouse, ;i\. red at ths yard or m i th,- almShi i hair i. s from the city, on the Nil id. i-- i? i P. Wad* i, ?'!< rk, al v court _o Quantity prol y-five is. HENRY C HECHLER, u M-3t ???????? mi irkamp'a The Nubian aecond; C. ii. irkamr/s King Pin third, 'ifth la., free for -ill. running, half* ! beets, ii.-st two in three, catch? 's NInua won; J. O. nt's < '. nd; P. R si.liter? 's Vite third. Time ri. lath r mi!.- over six rdlea I :ry la) pounds, irougbbreds 165 poundi H. R. Dula* won; M. D Karper's . :. K. Salisbury's Itun ?g Eriar third. ( hildri-ii on nn . ' e - e .. 0AM ?KB, VA.. Align ial.1 .1 bj the Kr.-h < city ?hi- for Va., in Mrs. re in ?h t of spirits and w? re i njoylng the trip atly. Bi iwn, a tor ?if ?d ima . Roanoke. THE Alt I H. ISS NEETIHO. -I.iuvt, Ad?i|iteil initl n BOVI Secre? tary BlacteS. n important business meeting of the . ?:i UM > Coll.: for orary mem id for an i Ths bj i .-.?'. H. ! which v. . . Mr Uttl? ton Pits sen to htm. un??? i!:i<t ? OnnS Isnanni r. m. w. Korvell, ' ' Richmond ng with aa irsion of .% ..f lie* i, who. with their ni sy at Virginia ie .."n's i having been v? ry i. arid se) i that the outlook f? r aa ox* on is excell? nt. Ion of the i ?al 9 period '.:' very Inter? M Richmond attend. Mr?. Wotnhorg Ili-iul. s. Bei nah Weinberg, nife of Mr. l v. rth 8? ven th Bi n udd? ttly at h r boms l > i. aa ?i ti i i m-.; i bage. e or i nun* .-d, but deemed an Inquest unn .--. Weinberg leavea besides a bu foUoa Iren: A. I., Idos? i, Jen , I? n ?. ? 1 -?'Ii. . .\! n v y. w e funeral will ta '.-'-day ut i [. from the huus?-. loathful Ule? el Int Hart. olphliM Berry, a lad residing .?n Bar rleigl '-. fell from his wheel ruar the rs? il ru?) and was quite badly hurt gentlemen, who ug in hi? v, brought tna youngster to the city, e he was cared : CAST03TIA. i !]? _ yf]H Kind Ycj Han Aiaars BougJi ture <&?&!& Boa and TH.' ?ton 3 lil : > -II Anyt will au THA Uriel Btroe per r bo d? au If Briel elty Hi?iu ?e? i au J ShVLOThTSaT WA?TJ. ~wa:?ted7~~ SHOESALESiVIA^ Long-established factory want? ?ir? class man to sell B WOtt-adverl Of shoes on commission. Roth read Bfl ?hoe experience necessary. Addi references. Box ?Zi\, Boston, Mass. _au 17-lt WASTED, A RESPECTABLE WHITI WOMAN T? cook and take cart of dining-room, o York river. Will be well treated. A goe> home for a good woman. I. Address York RIVER, care Rlchmom Dispatch._ au 17-3t? WASTED, BBVEN INTELLIGENT MEN TO TAK ordi rs for "Cuba and the War wtl Bpaln." Magnificently lllustratsd. Bt II at sight; workers making from $3 to 1 dally. Circulars, war ptcturi lnelncements free on application. Addren GI.OHI-; BIBLE PUBLI8HINa COM PANY, 723 Chestnut street, Phil PB._au 17-3t WANTED, SALESMAN TO join ORGANIZATIOl In Richmond Introducing a BOW wort Lltx ral pay. THE martin S HOI COMPANY, 903 east Main Street _ au lV-lt? WASTED. WHITE OR COLORED fllRL TO COOK and ,io general housework. Mast be ex I and brinjc recommendation. 10.? M _au 17-lt* WANT); I). POUR GOOD CARPENTERS. R. ' HPISTOW. au l"-1t* Ni wporl News, Va. WANTED, FIVE INDUSTRIOUS MEN AND Women. Unusually good opportunity. Salary or cemmlssion. instalmenl or cash work. No experience required. UNITED MANUFACTURING PUBLISHING COM? PANY, 1107 east Main Street, Richmond, Va. au ll-Th&WJt* WANTED. ART OBADUATE PKSiRES posi? tion in Virginia or some Other Southern State Referen.-. - furnished. AddreSI Miss EUGENIA SMOOT, No. 1118 west Fayette street. Baltimore, Md. jv fj.W.F,a8u*Ot? UAM'HI). IEVEN INTKLLIGKNT MEN TO TAKE and tic War With hjaln " Magnificently Illustr?t) -i Bells it light Workers making from B to B ?rar pictun s. ami llbe Mi indui ments Fi oi.i (BE BIBLE I'I BLISHING !OMPANY, 7L':i Chestnut street, Phlta Iclphia, Pa._BJ I W IVTIll), i FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND CAKE Franklin i au ns-at*_ WASTED, YOUNG LADY WISHES To TEACH i Private Family or School. Can teach ?nglli h, Latin, . ' ' ithi matlcs, ud instrumental Music. c given a Misa ANNIE, Abilene c- t . iti r, CI' i: a. ' ''n* V\ VMIll). N ENERGETIC MAN. I >F - ,tabllshi .11'. " NIEL WAIDE, 114-1 w \v v\ I 111). ALL Wlio DE8IRE A LIST OF '."I.'1: ax-Payers ol Caawell county, N, c'., ,. Halifax, or ir nry il itlon. and tht amount "i theli as issment, can obtain same by s. nding , c-nts in 1- or :: h county desin ! A ' iMi'Si ?N K CO., Din torj Publl v,ville\ \ au 10-?t m ?iMi'v vv tv r<. \\ WILD. o BELL OR BENT ON sharks, a n m ,,i' ? from Rtch ond; "ii.' mile from depot; m.i dwell* orchard. Apply a. v.. i At n over cuntv. Va a'l 1. V. . : . WASTED, SKi'ONI )-H AND TYPEWRITER MUSI be ill gOOd ..rd.-r and dill Cheap. CHARLES I-. LEVi 18 IU 17-lt? car- of l'HI!, r No. I W WTI'.I). MKS. NANNIE D. WERTH HAVING ? , mtlnue bouaeki ! Ing at 2".< ,".-t would liki i, i ,,;,i. for two se, ond-stoi and one ms. i'i- ise apply a* _au i: WASTED. i RENT, BY SEPTEMBER 16TB \ .'our Rooms, Wr.-t Boor, ami . n - ,l 1... itlon pn r. rr< d. Reply, giving rme, li. K.. Boa - ! W WILD. r A GENTLEMAN AN!' HIS WIFE, ird i a- ten days or two wee ks at a .-:> ami easily accessible country place, . ommodatlon - .' i a of i be I untsin Count s given. A.l ting location and txacl terms, "PRO :SSI< i.NAi.." can Dlspi ti h au \\ ISTED, ARDEB8 FOB TWO NICELY-FUR hi d rooms, with good tab o,forts. Terms moderate, Apply No. e,Jl north Seventh street, ault-lw < o VI.. wood. AM) COKE njamin L 1 W. S. l'ilcher. vv. v pji.t BEB .v t o.. ?AR8HALL AND BOWE STREETS, RICHMOND, VA (nil., wood. IM? t OBOE, ALTTT, WEIGHT, AND PR GUARANTEED. K!. ;: ml COAL ii ird au i IS LOST, 9TRAYKD, A5ID H.! M). OST, ON MAIN STREET BETWEEN hi h and Ninth, .- SMALL ' ?PEN-FACE GOLD ,'l'i'li. With cb Ma : "From U ' Two y. n to pick ?' up. As? h is highly prised un i" a Dr. ORGE B. STEEL, 727 Ma.:. It" MEETINGS. vTTKND \ i. i \:: . SION OF RICHMi ?ND U a, B. P. O. E, THIS EVEN] o' !" : Ruler. T. It. A. BURKE, i 17-lt_ FOR RK.\ r. "_? g FOR REJ I". RE 430 NORTH SIXTH STREET rablj l for retail i BAMUEL REGESTER, T !. nk sir., t. '_au ll-SuA: W t f for BEET, IT FRANKLIN STKKKT~No. 31D Deairabla H LB ' Bit I at once. . REGES1] Trustee and 1 K-Su.W&Ftf_ llu. I .)ll HUM iT Most DESIRABLE TWO Basement Bi .. i ... . : . n ?uth Laun ; mv is, and having city v K.-nt loa Il C J. P. Ki.A \l . [?-.iv__1113 Main str. . t._ FOR RE>T. T MOST DESIRABLB SIX-I: illlng No. 3.;o south La t. City water and gas. Rent only JI2 nonth, und ail noctsaary r.-pairs will me. J. B. KL.v m A- CO., -w U13 Main sir. | ' FOR RENT. YOU WANT A NICE SIX-BOOM luv t House, in Bice order un.I having v" water, wo can reut >uu No. 17p; east I" t, for It) per month. Call | is about it. J. B BLAM & CO., 13-iw Jii3 Main atreet. ?*s~s~?^S3*t? *U'r,-TM. t?-r# t _s_P_!i_?_ii -*T'- ' rt '- -I' T_n7 ??;ade_ " vkndob?SS By the Valentin? Auction Coi ?T*" Ml east ]: PXTRA LARGE AIC1?ON SUP lj Off 0001) r TREHSES, HOOK CARPI ' THIS .?' ; Moitxix,; - ; nut Bull I I ', robes, Wood- an I i Folding Bed, ?'loth i' irlor Bull ? Bedateads, and W Qood Furniture, .\ Ing fr-.m the illy invited to attend. J. n v \u aa l? ' r ?SWUM HIBB BSJSBBB Durs. -3 WHEN REAL 18 BOLD ti-b TAX1-.S POB THH ? : RRKN1 i DA? 1_AB AR1 ? KAT.V lir TUB VENDOR A.\L? ?iiij VBMDBB r, * ' AUCTION ?ALB OF A BPLElf. DIDCOLLI NITURK elluli 1 . | without limit oi Un st:?.. ?, PRIDAT, Ai?i' I eomm? ncli ment of r*Ul I beautiful I Plate mill : nul M Chambei \'. ?nut Wardi i rotor, Walnut 1 i Oak Wan i me V? .ib.ii ii f< 1 ? and K h? n i the attention of a I in fir vit. .1 : Wed boui sah : VA I B) Poll ird ' iTIBUBTEE_ AUCTION I _ yio. - Ml INFOR D ' 8TJ eers i I pi .m. PRIDAT, Al liar d< i'th, rui . IMS: Enough In i ", any t.i\ ! _juM7_ll i: I are, Reel ? rraUBTEES* sai... -S VALUABLE IMPRO*. ED I T LTE, ON THK NORTH 8 8TREE I' BETH EEN T\\'i-;,.i- i n | - i REKT, WITH TV ' II tNDS" >MK III BT? iliV NEW Ell ILDIN THE i"I '4 IN< I \|i STREET AM? EXTENDING PARALLEL UNES TO BE BOLD AT I S. In . t . the 25th day of June, 18 i his v. ;!'?-. t0 tl: I PRIDAT, SKI'TI ' ' at I o'i I.,, |c Tin- | ill ,i| I f ft !> ty or comf ? i - i l? OF sv I ' I ? I 1 B? i of trust ui . .ne third Mil be . <jv<? th JOHN . an v pBUBTEEfl Al - LION *ALB L TWEE.N II By virtue of ,_ >, VIRTUE OF A ?' ' > i ft- m J. B. i J I ' I ' THI - ish. A. J. U tee. BAL KSTATB AT I'RIVAT? SALE-. 1 ??It IAUB. .VKI.l.i m ,.y 1 n ... W( -K . KAM A \ ,u i7-t lun Biro**.