Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. wilOI.K M'MI.KR, H682. RICHMOND VA., SUNDAY. AUGUST 21. 1893. THREE CENTS PER COI MULI Terms of tabulation of the Philippine Metropolis, THE CITY AND ITS SUBURBS, nil Varions Defences and the Spanish Forces, European and ?atiie. boxobi ot* \\Ait to maun. Hrfnrn of Prlaonrr? to Simla **.* - f-rrrtl to (iov-rruunt nt Urtfth Inglon?City Iniler Snf<mmrtl of American I niih and Honor? ' ' . I ruat CO.-The - afternoon, lowing t Hcrrltl : m;, of the IML ' ion, I rinf tha tara ol capt a ap rmlne the i of t h ? iburba, and a, In tai ririny, 11 - Phll and hb rmln -in-chlef of the ' i , ; .- ' HONORS i and i . it, de mated ol Ihe Unll ?I by ; hori ity of : in tho c? . the oincers re ... | ^d as long as tha*/ ob ?;.. Ir r I r;y. All ;y of all H Off!? .ie of ' ill lists of ; perl U I - _NI8H REPA1 R] v. n of ol i ttion rred to the ' Bl any return of ,i by t.. or when the Am Included in the . r, until ti? ll the : Ddl in : all other ?ihori ' l : Bureh? ami IU pi ,i and hie Of Vol .] my. i iptaln Ui ant-Colonel mt-Colona) and Ju ' serai. irado, ".mi:i:hitt." M M'i:\?Ki\ ?>l HOSTILITIES. i-?ti?i? _t i h m iiiiiiiimtiint n RaaalTad I i ,i i nil > I \ filing. -The fcften. ''Hongkong. -\ "Ad1 "Cal Uth, titii i ting militai i . f : ! (81* "MKRR1 i "I'." in: i mi ii'i'iM: ??iti \no\. lialu b] N<> Mi mi?. I.oat Her - ,i\ ?i ?Ik ni > Baya Nlrate, ' a? ptun ' ( klanlla in the fol? '"J ?:. i I ttcty t* tb? An iiipi'iv-, and the d with uri In or-' -rlil from Kaii? Ixib t: i bar MWfigot) ta the I'bilijii'int?. rty should BQnclBBg it tho 'blnet cannot effect the t..*k." if tho Que,,, totanm teejdan bin an in? vitation. Kl.nor BSJ^ ,B d?,IK,Hcd t0 " *\(.%STVS CLAIM OP IM) KM M TV. H Is Ite?nr,I,Ml ?, TsBiJllnglSW Very Kur 1?( ilntl. w ASHINCTdN. I?, c, Auguel 20,-pre n;,! okhn, aa i t forth in beg, thit Spain will ex Hfedeannlty for all governsaeot pro buJlahskJB, 1. links, feruhcitlons, iba, Porto R.-o. ami elsewhere, ,11S ' Mb comment, as Showing lifBonlt questions to be- treated by " nitUtary and , - nunlsslons in bore there hi bo d a B counter-claim to S.i : ?"ii. for this will ba done be oommiseioi . and 11 ' " Is no purpose to outline th gov? policy i . At tha their ' . "pinion thai Promit itlonal law thai all public property of s sove gov? ram? n! pai i es to th< inge oi t( m: iry occurs. The talry well bed that prl . inge. (in. stion | nt case by the feet thai i and Porto B t, but rathi i - n. il uai .. of cub,i. the tlon le fui d bi t?. 1 sited st.. tried annex thi t- r i rgly to fn a H ' lsh domination. I n.ll I I It SIM? AT SWTIW.O. Troops Scramble f.?r Miorc?Rail Ite juiit ?if I III BOtSS ?a. SANTIAGO ;>i; CUBA, P. M. i I ich a rock tool pier .ii tea ft el ol wat? r. At the ttne . bad on th? Third Michigan R . ..iv to the transport 1.1. .\.. i.- lost, bul an ? x cltlng i cramble for i I ok pli i a. in which many of the men fell In the i be Harvard will 1 t(.-morrow, i". | rrived this aft? in." n. and a 111 be n transport. d the sick of physl i the trai Mexli BAD AMERICAN BEHAVIOR The civil authorities of Ban Luis, the rn t' i minus ot tin- ralli oad, report acts of rowdyism and theft and the In? sulting i" worn? ?i by members of tin bat? the Eighth Illinois Regiment, wblcb is stationed there. It is said that WOl BS than ?he Spam.iris. The people assert that all discipline is Ignored. The thief offenders have been Tha embarkation of the Spanish troops itlago win i... . ted 1 i-moi!">? . There is much complaint regarding th" No mail bas b. o not Red In ten days. ? aa? TROOPS ((?>ll M. HOBfdB. Fifteen II ??ml red >litre> ?if Slinfft-r'a Me? Leave Santiago. WASHINGTON, August 2" ii.? fol? lowing cablegram from General Bhafter has been recel ved at the War Depert '?Santiago de Cuba, August S), "Adjutant-? 1.1:, ral, Washington: "The Yu. atan, ? ' I r 1 of the Thirty-fourth Michigan, and the the lirst Distil t of . irnlng. 8HAFTER, "Major-? |en< ial." BHAFTER. WILL COME LAST. WASHINGTON, Ai command -.. : m Coi pe, are to the i not leave Santiago until tl bis command. on is .hat the last of thesa troops will embark during the eai ly pai I t week, and ; be abb to sail for bom? I Tha plan for H of <; Bhafter'a - fore the cl< t v. eek u by n a lack of sufllcl? nt ti polls. I u-'.ls \ I BJ \MI. <l. Killed ?in! W oiinileil In (he 4 ?tin n It i?f Leuat Tluirstlii?. WA8HINOTON, Angus! M. The Wat ini'-nt has i ths following: "ii Augui I K, U ngton, h. c: "in th" assault on Manila, A . division; ?,'Arthur, 1 ral < oid. th? losses wen foll?n "Kllled?l t Hob . .nimm--. A tor Bat? Bugler Patti non, Thirteenth Min? nesota; Private Thollon, Twenty-third Private Dim atore, i'nst : Wounded .Cantata Beabeck, Thirt? Minnesota, serio ptalo Bjornstad, regiment, badly; Lieutenant Bunk* nt, Slightly, and foi : . MERRITT." TO KURSE SICK lOLDlBRg. Uetera of Nerey Le?ve SatJtlseare l-'or PnstonV Trent ineiil. BALTIMORE, MI?, Augus! ???fSpe , The fol i ;- re of Mi r< fron Hi" City Hospital left here to fi,i- Cbiokamaui-a tu nurse si.'k soldi..'..: ry NotaSCO (superior), R.-rnard, B ii Ignatius, Al? tbU, Ml ic.-.les. Loyola, DSBBlOB, I'tsuia, and Elisabeth. .i g poll ird, aa attorney of this city, , mi mber ol s Richmond family, is ;iy in at his country residence, Ill How nal county, Md. He is ,?? of Rev. Dr. H. at. Whartoa w . h ii. Ho] and daughter, of Wllkes -, . > ?the Pasteur Insti? tute to-day. They bad ben bitten by a mad-dog. Both are doing w. ?i. ?uiti: BPAJtTISH Pi.itll.S. MaUlrld rager ieee Paisslbillty of 1'reali lllxuater. M \i?Rli?. August m% i P. m D Lib Without Fruits, | Ths iovi rnnent is beginning to be hy its own handiwork, and ! nothing by Imposli upon the pn ?Parliament and publl nicht to be Informed fully se t., th to that ti Bpanlab driven to accept the wild mmors thai Cone from abroad \\.- are bob entering a period most ,?1)11,1111 an and It may have in for Spain fr? sh disasters, g (lian th ?se of the past." fjsrjTBslIill HIM I? V M>T M!OT. Keport t?> ?he Cnnlrary l?asele??? The Semaanal lu l.ood Ileelth. >i \ i ?ici i ?. Angus* -"- I i' m The m? pOfl cabled from Gibraltar that Genera! primo ?i" Rivera, U TV? iiy '?..v.riioi ,,i ,.f th.- PhUtppin? b.oi b. o is without foundation. Q m ral Di W u is announced, is lo ?cod health. 'RAH FOR US! New York World. CAMP ALGER GOSSIP. AN OHIir.K VOn 'IHK INXTUK I1H\ or oil u i'.hs. IT WILL PROVE VERY BENEFICIAL. Itlrliuinii.l, Fi.rra-.lll-', rrederlcUa luirji, ami Ilitnvlltr < om?tanle? Hu\o Pi e? mmi l>u.j?Three Ututlia in the llosoltnl. camp AI/UCR, August "*>.?<8pedaL) The folloarlBg order, < ng achool? for buiii coinmlssioned ai rnmis : bI the Third Virginia, waa : to-di y by Colonal Nalle: l. a a hool t : of?i en will be at OBce BBtabllabad in each of the three battallona and at least one hour par da*" Will be M-ii in m h eaan?natloa an.i In? '..H in military duties ns the oil commanding tin I _. a ; ?commission? d offr .. ; ny of the i- '-'.?ni' i-t, ?"? - hour to be coneumed i" ?tudy and n I? tatloB of the Drill R?gulai of Qaard Duty, and fur not ovar I minutai each day there will be i the Article? of until the wh have I . 'o tlie non-coma Ion? .1 offl< THE SCHOOL OF THE BV ?LDIER 3. For the purpoae of drill and Instru? tlon, each company la thli command wl be at tun u divided Into actuada of i c,\. ; m > ti m< n each, and pla - d charge of ?a aargaanl or oorporal, wh< will ba held rea la for I tlon of the memberi of auch squad u the school of the soldier, of the - In guard duty, In abootlng and aim the rifle, and In the elementary work o ezti adad chrdi r drill. The order Will CBUM il" end Of ini, : m- nt lit tl it, and will ! -ult i I b i offli i and : id - omi : oft? bacomlng better f*u*ftlll*uriaed with the work they ai ob to do. Colo n. i KeU< r will i of the oft achool in the lirai Rattalion, Major -s in tin- Bet "lei. and c ,. | Qrlmeley In the Third. The non-oommla R 111 be instructed b] I ilna and Ueutanai 1IAV1-; "STRUCK IT LUCKY." The Rkbmoad, FarmvlUa, Fredarl burg, ami Danvilla boya have atruck it lucky and are envied by ail the other companies of the regiment Tha four companlea mentioned baya bean on pri,\o all this week and have BBdoyed thSBB aelTea baananaely, but their aeren daya are un to-morrow ?inJ tin y Bxpected to i reib \'i d i y tb 6V and Battalion. This, it set ma, will not be the . however, and the praaanl proves may con? tinua doing the same duty for th" next two weeks, whea another ragl-nanl will be assigned. C?ptala W. B. Rowa arrlvad here from a*raderickaburg this aftarnoon aith three recrulta for the iwjiment Tins,, men will be aaslgned to tin vacancies causod t,\ du | -m the ?enrice. THREE DEATHS IN THK HOSPITAL There were three deatha la the First Division Hospital last Bight On? of tha nts was reported to ba a Viigialan, but it was impossible to loara his aama, an.i enquiry at tl?.. different couapa ; thai i: . .i i- tin- regimenl no r, Of his death has bsSB BBBt over. Private Stone, of ? : L) n 'hburg Home Quards, who la Lb the dlvla on bospltal, la said to ba m estrenua, and bul little bap? is en', rtalned to-night for bl eovi ry. .Mr. Hm. i Williams, father of Prl Maury Williams, of Company K. was hers . and bad hi? son. who ?s ill With I ! ?er, iniiv,.i botas to rredeiicks burg. Captain Anderson, assistant surgeon of tb? Third, hfl for home on a furiOUgb .-. aad afa> r ."-'inith arlll ba kept quite busy with the si, k during his ab? sence. Hot h of th. .,!,. v.ry popular In the rea-unan! and are BTB ready la attend to the wants of tha SB, KK'iWN DOWN ON PaTTlTIONal It Is IWBOrted that Captain r.rimsley ha? adaptad atara BMtbodi bj orflsa to discourage the signing of a petition in his company alike In ehai.i, i. r to the OBS daacilbad IB the Dispatch of Thurs? day. In fact, all of the offker? frown dewn on them us likelv to create dls-at ' the i to no purpe u Adjntant-i l ng is in eharga ?it <; r having left ?ng for b 1 The meo of the Third have woul ! eral Ha? kins, u bo mmand o: division. Tiiiun viRi.iMt? cx^r.. Tteptirl of Ct)!irl of ImiuIrT In (.Vne rnl Griiluini'a Hunda. c IMP ICEADB, IIIDDLETOWN. PA II, of bed camp ' imp Alg? r, \. Ith the I im<s of the court ,?f Inquiry in the '. Virginia Regiment's case, it ?ill not be n public until after g- n? ral Ora? re] ort. i- of the corps, an. M f from Porto Rico, he wi n! wll i I leneral Miles. Cblef-M i to? te Inspect the h ?talo at v. PROM CAMP I ILL. Ird bat t all T. nth ( ibl reached t from Camp B 11, followed by nui, mi detachments from th? Bb . P th IDlnola, Thirty-third ,'hlrty-fourtli Ml S . t Vlrgiala, First Delaware, Pourtb Mis? souri, and Ninth Mnssacha 1 ill Ited i mg In the Pennsylvania canal. fnr a thai It received 1 r age, and may thus BBUOS i The *' anting water from n? ir-by farm i . . prohibited, for I ?,. a i mi lag pi wU] be i I by the corps engineers. ASITATIOS AT CAMP \i.(.i:it. Mril Vlr^iulM Iteuiinent Ki-piirt laid tu lie AAverae (?? R?gissent. WASHINGTON, August :?. ~a coatimla ston, consisting of surgeons Reed, . m, and B sa to day an examination into the sanitary art imp Algi r. It n,'?v Stems VSry uncertain whether ths troops at l'unn Lortng will go to Mid i.i. toe n. Pa?, a> u ecarolty of su: ground and water is repoited. BTJTLER'S ftlJCCSSSOR. Ge- is successor, for the time .? Gobtn. The report of the court of Inquiry in the case of the Thirl Vi: i en forward? d to (bmr l Graban, at Midi lb-town. Although nothing d< can be ?earned In regard to this report, It is behoved to be adverse to the Virginia n glanent. An mV( B?gatloa by a number of oil". -, r> boa n that most of tha i tad mea u,. ,i re to return to their former occiipate PARDO AT PahOORMBao, ?ir.tiio, He Hi -iii ? t? Riliin In (ubn ?\\b) Shouldn't lief WASHINGTON, Auf ist ah The I i,. it i ablegran ton from Consul iii.'tnp on, a! I Mexico, stating that General Pando, -u general, second la commend to ? ? oeral ] i n;lT aittvad Incognito at pi y, oa the Mext< an st, un, r c unp' "he. Th.- Consul ?eye General Pando seeks to enter Itabana or Batabano, Cuba, on the Brttisb sh in r Q Whoa las! board > ' Oeneral Rand,? ?? - alleged to be in command of the tranifh . a! MsbbbbWo, neai I itJego, ! though at ?bbbI time It was asserted at Habana that he was s-till there. Wi'h th- oeeoatloB ol hostilities then t ) i?. no reason why he ?h.ulu not go to liai u. or Ratal an,. (luth M n in. fu,-1 ?i i ? lliirneil. ROUBN, august Is. (The Bltaa Cloth Manufactory, WhOTl MM Piranas were amploysd, was toatroyed by ?re M The lire was tha w,,rk of BB Incendiai v. It Is estimated Hut th? losa Is mote than ?liX)?fJ?. VESSELS ARE COMING WAltSHll'S BATE BaMH \ TO m:\rn II AMI'TON HO \I1S. NO FE&R OF YELLOW FEVER, Hut t) on ru m i i--- OOlclal? WIM Keep a harp Lookout for II??w lotion Arrieos ?t >o.-foik?Rallway Dead 1? Off. KORFOLK, va.. August *?.?--<SpeclaL> Tha transport Ollvatta left Hampton Roads Late lasi night for Now York, rar rylng h.-r MO aick. The first or the Baal to in Hampton Roads was the giin ii million, which reached hera early morning. Sha was foUotgod by tha er Toneka, and shortly after tb.e yacht Hornet arriv d. ?Officer Dr. F. B. Hope says i opinion thi i rounding up of the t In li in - will not h danger of low-fi ' la of tha a the f l?tby, and bas basa a ured from official and that no yellow-fever has aa y. t m a l< irance on any of tha i ? . ;. ti v,-it!i ' opimodore I ' ihar on ti haj bei n ate with tb quaiantin? i v of the ahlpa v, ?li ! THINKS THERE IS HO DANGER. aOBM Of the ship; i nine din ?t from Ki y West, whara * rar la i r i ;..-, thai there la of infection, as all of thi d that tows h iva bet n tilora ocla? ti.,n. Three uVlncb guns, ahippsd to-day by .. ^ ,rk. Phil idelphls and .Norfolk railroad I Gulf sl.ow that tt; 'ems for coast - bava nol ?topped, three without carriages or ap> s of any s,,rt for mounting, but they occupy t fuU-cas each, Navy yard in thai tha Bethlehem iron i baa Bhtpped f.. Newport trd turre) platea for the i for the K tea for the la armor welgha ovoi tons. NEW COTTON ARRIVEE The first bale Of BOU !" d this l to VauBban .v Barm a ind s I by L Cooker I i r Hari rllla, B. C. Il M to -h g ? '.. . SXP at- is. at T, 1-. low mid.Hing, This La three < r than the arrival of Last saasoBfa a bala. j 111; I : \li.WAV DEAL II OFF i' b ?hid * n fin m lafoi m itloa ob? it the nuBored daal b? dlway ami the North Portsmouth Blecti Ltine is iy ofr. 'i ; a Is on uth Mil, railing In whi< h they ?/ill M ib rementa. COAL FOR GREAI BRITAIN. fwo ta of coal were rn.o!.- I, ,iay. Tie- Bl Itl -b te unship it -._ -. ' M Pherson, sailed from >h; I ' for Bt. 1'iai d 1. I - tons, Thla the I The Bril -..ship -ailed tO. t : go I -T'l. .uni in h-r runki i il. Thla, for thS U<e of the a Tin: -m:\ lEnO vu BAPflgfl Will M?>et at Iront it o> ni?Ve, ?dent to *_B*ar**af*-sa iiu???-ii. BE*"tRYVlLLR\ VA, A . sp. ?lal.l? The next meeting of th- Sherian loah Baptfai gBBOflattOB v?.ill convene in Front Royal on Wednesday, August 31st. Die aaamlBttOB is eompaasd af the iiap :lst churches m Fr-d.Tick, nark-, Pas**, r> u. ao-i BhaBaadirnb ..unities, Va., ind in Berkeley ami Jefferson eowBtfc a, vv. \.. Tha meeting ?rill continue fur thraa days, Bav. Julian Broaddus u gesldent of the ?asocia:ion. having UtuJ elected in ig?. Messrs. Thomas P. Qold arid .1. N. Liw?, also of this IIIBBIjJ. are tr. aeesat end i ksra, reepeeti i 1'R?'1T:s.S,?R MILT(?N HONORED. The position of sub-professor of tho Vir? ginia Military Institute a has been accepted by Prof? ntOT Tallaferro Milton, son of Mr. W. T. Mitten, of this county. ProfaSQUl Milton Is a KraiaatS of this Institution, havmx completed his courss in the olass of lss*. He b filling an BBBtHBUl pmflBBUHllIf at the Southern I'nlverslty, of Bewanoe, Tenn. Mr. John William Russell, a btghly-ro Bpectad farmer of" COUBty, lias suf? fered a stroke of i i both sides of his body. Ills condition Is not * ACCIDBNT TO MR. RtrSSXLL, Willie drlWng home from town Thurs dr> night, aaT, LBWrSBOa .1. Russen, \ m rchant of BerryvUle, oolHdod with a team drtvea by Mr. W p, stoiie, and the trice to b - m.. ,c tachad fron th" singletree. The hors -, bcliii? ?rlght I ! away, throwing Mr. Ru I with much for,.- egrstaet i fence, mflict Ing several severe bruises on his arm. shoulder, and bead. The vehicle was com? pletely demolish ,i. six I.IVKS LOST. Two M.,t. I?, at Hot Sprinea. \rU.. Horned?Se? ernl IVriiiii. Iiijur.-il. LITTI.K ROCK, ARK.. Aug^t persons lost their llv.-s to-day by tho burning of the National and Winds g Ho? tels, at Hot Springs. Ark. Five bodies of persons that had been burned were ro fron 'be ruins. John EfUdghSS, of Inahna Territory, was killed by jumping from an upper hotel window. Only two other bodies gave beoo Identified, bring m m tin ws, of OreenvUto, Miss., and \V. II. V,'. Us, residence un? known. Not until after the Coroner's Inquest c^xn the names of tho otl be learned. A number of persons were Injured by jumping fr,,m the BOtOl win dowa In addition to the two hotels, a betonging to Colonel u'l'.rien and the ,' ky livery stab!.- win b.. The tare b?tela suffer.,,! the destruction of all their contents, bui tho hordes uni s in the livery tab;.? were taken out saf-ly. The fire started about 2 A. M. In the National Hotel and aproad rapidly, a number of ? i doWO th way. while others jumped from the win? dows of the second and third BtOriSg In their Bight ototbeo, barely getting out with their in. '. who lea] Injured, and OBS unknown man is ' M -, I io die. lie street from the Na? tional Hotel h the Avenus Hotel, which mu low iy escaped bura lilt. DEATH i?i' John \ ,Ii>ii\m>\. Coroner'? Jiir? Hold Morgan \niler aon Respoaurihls for the Uoaaloldo. WINCHESTER, VA. Auguat K? .Spe? cial.')-The Coroner's Jury v gated the death of JOhfl A, Johnson, who was killed Thursday afternooa bj Hor? di t ..n at cap. n brought lie! holding An although witnesses had I thai he acted in self-det? The testimony brought fortb the fact that Anderson, who married Johnson's i-i^i'-r, had loam d a plow to a n Ninarod Aiabaugh and utter the ploa was mlBalng. And? raoi tha! John BOB bad taken the plow, and me? I I on Thursday in ? aak? d his n-ls m to rei ura It He denied bavtni I pealed tha deala b Johnsons fathi r, J. T. Johnaon, then struck And. i on, and tag outnumbered, tndei n, who ??as re und. r ii truck ! ha ? .i. u..-1- Johnson a ten Ifl? Mow o i i . iii a naif-gallon lug, win? b he carri'-d in a tack over hi-; shoulder, John? aon fell unco Itb 11te whole I? i ' si la ?f bis in-ad bettered la. H ..ei! ill'. gained con ?clou ? up and was tak-Ti to Romney, i i was of aq arid : > ntiiu. nt i In I IVOr "f An? The dead man is survived bj i ?? Blx cbildn a. Illi: CAMP \ r THOROl OnPARE. Indctliiile Stay liiere () nie r< d ? M til - ?iit-iii?? > < omf ti inn? DJaeournglag. WASHINGTON, D. C a " ap i i to the s,->r fron ' that ord have completely siten i G? : !. An Indefinite i,., n ord? n d, on ici ot it ol ths lack of sn, P A son Is thai tire fl nd C at a i. i on ibla : i m,I In th? ' of Thoroughfare, aitb ' ' tag m-??' camp ?It? s. B ?we I now o' cupli d a i > low and damp is urgen! ae? d for .i I Th( no n real disappointment al the irdlng tu? transfer to Middle town. Another hoepitsl train, containing t!ur Bristol, Va., ? g wan tvphonl- or m f. ?el\ Nolle o? " Much lie OBI ' till BO b A eau-, d the In Bonal '-'?i !" Mid? a n, I ulpeper Republicana. BPER, S'A., Au| A Isrg? ly-al t? nd< i ma of th" Republli ilpeper county ara -da?-. The a ?nd ths i organisation in the State. The ottic. is elected w? i ? iiairman, LoutS !.. \\ hit? itooe; I ry, John T. Wllllai c. nimitteemen Jeffersoi . Ry land Button. i '- la r Sou Town dip, Bd Har Wax In ship. Joseph Corblo; Catalpa Tot H? nry I. H bUI -i T H<-riry tstcey; Congr?lonal Committee man, Hon B P. Biling?e TI ?gatas -, ara Luc?an D, Win iton E l| u Wai tond, R i. Bggl ' i: P. G, B u ighi - ' P were ht? : for Hon. Lucien Win toa, for n % Sol? for Un-nu ut-*. Suit for I u i ' Allen (coto! bnioud Traction Com? ai i The plaintiff, who la quite aged, win 1 down I corner of v _-,i_ an,; hart The,doctora tlon BllegVS that she b Irrational ever sine the BC ildeal lit, and lhat alie u I. due IO bee Inline. The i.,n also eh irgOS th. e, but whoa the case was heard in 'h.- Police Court the was discal I . ?as Bled la the Law and : court Burtou vs Gude ?fc Hattorf, for |!T:. dae for goods Sold. The Ginarlf? I.o?eruorleaa. MAI'RIH. Aujjust 3).?The government leaignatlon of the Gov? ernor-? ?en., al of the Ca?arle... General Menasse Ilia successor bas nut JffA been aiipuinUii. ? VERDICT OF G?ILTY. Thomas W, Price Must Die for k Awful Crime. MURDER IN FIRS? DEGREE. That the Verdict of the Jury in His Case. THE DI.VOTIO** OF Ml?, lllto'llKR, At First Ba Was Calm. Bat V\ hen Taken to III? felt Ha Wept niltrrlj??.ptcii.H.I \ r_-?i vueat?) ! ) Counitl, rAHMVII.l.K. VA.. Augint 2(>.-<8pe tiai.% The tnii of Tbotnas W, Trim, for th?> murder of Hall Carter, ended late thla evening with a verdict of mutiler in tin- Brat degree?, Jude? Mann, for tba I-I- li, >. moved to set asltlu th?? Vurdtct, and M i-iLn. ?lav rev . lhai'ourt for haariag arguaaeal upo? the motion. It was pretty generally acknowle i thut in this unfortui the dt-fonr-a had a weak foundation upon which t?i Work, hut after the >-tren_- and brilliant of Jude? Mann to-day, i> was be ! l,v many that there would either I " i huiiR jury or a aecond-degrss ver? di t. AROUUENTfl OF ''' ?UNsntL. Mr. SV. <". Frankl I : i.t this morning I itlon no m de t ?., ., ; . 01 hour, ?rral-rnlng the prisoner in a fearful manner, ana] ., for hi* ctlon. terly and brllllaal ,.i hour? v. ' ever leani in tiiis court. He dl?cfi i ehe) oniaonwi ill i i wit 1 H.a.!. a , r . \t In? bave followed tie- trial H verdie) ?huuld law, .in- ,?. ? |o??d thi nt faff the m .I-- one "f th" ?i t efforts ot iits ufe, ami Lmpri i upoa tho Jury thai It'll i i to tl of the i er and hi? Wife. JURY OUT 0 HOUR. Th?- |ury a i-1 oui ' , half. The prl?oner b rdlcl with ap> i i without ?ny vl*i .. n hile i:i- in-on i. Mr V J Price, i' In (und Irin with, bowi (fused v. i'li te?r?. The i * oidai tnan the prisoner, and 1, I much to g kllowa, i'i ice broke down s beo taken 1 tin- dark 'cell in the oountp i ill. nil,I Wl ol a I ?f ti- ' heart would ) He ?aid >> found me guilty, i i. that hi .. i ; meditated] IBM - ' I ' " BallW abockli . ommunll t, it h iiis own and tha and of tic il '?'homa? i mes of a -... ni.., arara one?? the most princely of Vlrgiala'S old-time i while the i'.irtors a now living .- tha "lai of ?vi i once h ft his ?lib?. i- ' for D|n their delib s-ikndish ? Rim i> t.itnu.i*. Neu; ri. Mu ni ?T? Ttti? Willie l'iniinl nuil Raga-a Wama?" If a i* i wn-iini. I?ACI iN'. 0 I I 'il to the ' ' > . ?ay?: Ti In the history of Bumter < unty, or the whole Kt.ite, v, is I at l're nd hip, twelv? Of li- f", 1 I bfjra James kfaaavrrab and her son. fans wer? murdered i<y h n?gro man witb an aza while they wer? in tbelr After ti murder th? fiend ? ? Baulfc ,1 a negro woman, ti' il bar to a tree Ln tha i i-i mutliati i bar terribly. until aba had taM the mui I? He told oth< r bat ha had kllli 1 l peapla Then he bo a hor?a aid rode a The ti- : ??i-?. overeH by John I i ?he mur womai I I 'i II.. was t aught late thi? i promptly !> m bm d, HVVK I Hlllt I'll II EMI T%KK!f. Peace Mcnrr? Photographed?\o Bam BeUBBSS for IVnrr I i?io m l-?lou. WASHINGTON, A Secretary h ra .i w< <-k'? . t at hie bom?, In Canton, lb? was at his . it thS Bl m? tit early In th?? day, and al il o'clock went to the White House,> those who parti? I gning <if tht psaea pro wi r- pbotoaraptM d. I .... - m. i t there was no Intimation as l new name? ai : I mm a iioviii ini; IB >.iti:i.>->iniuo*. Hhiii l.ueiit, ii >i-urii, ?hoot? nml Kill? llu-it r > Wiiuilt, OKEKN'SBORO', N. ?".. Augusts ? negro named Bam Lucas, who Ifaia raun t. thi? tot und bilk it' a driver for B*uraea*a lee fBatarj*, of tnli city. They had bad i QjaaJTel, in whirl the drlvi i.uca?. who raa for his pistol. A? soon a? h?? overt.,ok \\',?.?1? lag; lavadtag ihr??* shotai in th? ,.- b>a ran throucb, thera Bxprssa ataVas, The agS . expressed gret at the I'rlautier? Die frout ?-uffiH-ailna. BERLIN, August -X Tha Bati ays thut during a. r?-cent VOyaga of the Siberian 'ship Angara, from Tleum, H:i.-n.t. io Tomsk, capital I Kiiv-innii nt of the ?am aaat-* OB the Tom, Wcaitrn Stb, ria. Hurt?,--me out of Pa) prisoners <_i?.U trots) *wa**rCal#9B au4 overcrowding. .