OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, August 23, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1898-08-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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A .._ _-?- ?
The niurblr.la Ilrlna I'uahed (loarlj.
for First I'la?<? \ l*n?rnx I)???*?
Flae Work Ilehlnd the lint-Other
Ijancaatcr. ?It Itlihinoail. I.
in.ru..1.1. ?.: gewaaaA, B
AllfBtonn, ?; ><?rfolK. 1.
|>n|.-r>. 1?; HrinUiiu. .'1.
VI Mill* ( \Ml.s.
*-|>MiirU. I| Hriidlii?. !
gasfBgfct mi Baaifsii '
I'nlrraon, l| l.an?-i?l?*r, 7.
I urn I I olt K?-I> ?1.
Bill asid ?? imii???'?-*"
NorlolW n? \ll?iit?wn.
HeinliiiU at r?l?-r?on.
BawaVk ?t llMrlforil.
non i BB ( i" Bl 9% IB?.
W. L !"
Richmond .
\. .i V ..
l! . ford .
.fi3 4!?
.M) M
Norfolk ..,
I..\M'\-. ':i:. PA * *** --
alai - ""' "'' "" :
\y 01
Mr than
Will ?il
r??Pt ?.irk bat
nly four hits, and
with a total ol md he
II rwi rar, b. man
tin n.
\. would
niui f.
lid support hi
pitch, and had tea putoul - bi -
?i?ts. gparhs did pretty well durin
bul In I ' rtb lb.
him si
i i.i. i Thi a Cblh i a
:ng a liner etralghl oui from th
t.. | < nti. !: Id foi tWO runs.
1 ..-?.i.-.- dree aa i
?nit at third, and la Idy and
. wild pit? h. Went? : ha
two-bagger und was ??ft. In tl
lng Itcl and hie
run. and the ?Mxth and
ran cama In tin Beat inning th
Bchsab'a Bin? ) : and Dundon's
bail throw,
Richmond's soBtary ran was bob
tbe alatli Innl i I K -? '. ? bo got one
of the tu. ?t by
Will. ored OB a paSSJOd ball and
Shannon's stag! Beldad beau?
tifully, not having ti ! an error.
V/Uli t | th? tWO ugly i :
by 1'umli.ii. Richmond', ti? Id work BTBI
,-st-i lass. This whs t
R. H ? a i:
Buttvrmore, r. f. .u o o I l
Bi ?7sj i f.I ii...
Chiles, t b.l .1 II o I
9 : I. 2 b.'i i :
Lstdy, f.i i a o ii
Ifadlson, f. s.?i <? 4 i 0
Bcbsub, I b.: l g 4 I
W< nt?, .I 1 ;, i m
Wilhelm, f>.a u h * |
'i ill .?' il B II 0
ltiniMi .mi.
R H <> A. I
Klopf, p. s.1
Shannon, < f. ind |, f.o I 1 | |
Lut.nbenr, ; t,.0 rt u | |
B< > bold i : .v.d r. f.0 2 l
Hai- .0 i. (.
Leahy, : b.o n i g r,
Dundon. > h.o t | | |
Vlgneux,.o h m i ..
parla, p.o i i i ..
T?tala .i 4 27 13 3
_lilt ". I : - '
. .." 0 0 1
Richmond .Qleeg] |
faaamarj. Rarned runa Lanc.t.r, 3.
Tw >-! 1 Ii .. ? and \\
Three-bam h(t Beyl old Home-run
Chiles. 8acrifi< t iiit
Hi. itolen bsa< il . 1. f| on
ha*-' ter. 7; Richmond, I Btrack
Bat?By Wilhelm, I; by Bparks, 7, Doublt
1 to Luti ni Bi*g? Ward to
lies Piral I
i.an- l Irai bas. on balls Off Wil
h. Im, I; "IT Spark -, I W\ : irks
riupiie Mr. I
nun. Tim- : hours and I nniiir
BOBVOLB BBATBR IT \i.i i:\ruu-*,
The IN-uitav Iv niiin l.mla llnn.li Tlit'lr
mis mu? win h < laaa Dsatoet,
.ALl.KXK'WN. I'A , August B.
rial.I?Ail? iiti-.wn baacbed their hits
nd won a bard-feugbi .eme, which up ; *>
th.- thirteenth Inning i 1 .ntionally
pretty contest. B
i: H. O. A. E.
Doherty, I b.I 1 1 | |
. 1. f.1 1100
Henry, c. i.1 17 0 0
West r f.1 I 2 0 0
Delchanty, T., 2 b.0 0 3 6 I
Mclr.tyre. lb.I 3 II l 0
Deleb.nty, Jim. a. ?.0 0 4 6 1
Mc.Manus, C.0 2 8 10
St'mmel, p.0 0 d 0 0
Totals .4 10 Z'J n X
K !1. O A 1:
"Miol.-ih, s. ?.1? 0 2 0 0
Marr. r. f.0 1 1 0 0
Weiitz 2 h.0 2 2 3 0
oVcl an, c.1 1110
c. f.0 16 0 1
Kiusmsn, 1 b.0 1 11 0 )
Weddag?,lb. .0 0 0 4 1
Bow tea, 1. f.0 0 4 0 2
Slaley. p.0 114 0
ToSal? .'..1 7 33 18 5
miMTIttl UltM
Ala v /,:,... 0 00000 1 00 0 0 < S I
Norfolk .... ...0 00000001 0 0 0 0?1
Summary : Earned run??Allentown, 2.
Two-liiM hita?Went und ?*>*mlth. Three
baa? hit Molntyre. Sacrino? hit? --West.
T. Delchanty, and ('leve. Stolen bases?
Smith and Btedmun. l*ft on base??Al
lf-ntown. 10; Norfolk, I. Struck oui-Rtlm
m.l. Mi-Manul, Newtoa (?, WhMloek,
Wonts, StaWy. and Htrelman Doubl?
Vlayf*?T. D?leha>nty to Mctntyre; ?Mul.-y
l-i sH-Mlnun. Eirst ba?c ou error?-Allen
town. 4; Norfolk, l. First base on balls
Off Stlmrael. s, off Stsley. ? Umpire-Mr.
Tata. Time of game-2 hour* snd 15 min?
Vt-B IPO.?? ?ETTIXO Ht? M F..
The Hartford Lads Defeat lt?nirk
In Their First Game.
HARTFORD. CONN.. August _?.--(Spe?
cial.)? The Magnates celebrated their re?
turn by winning a well-played same to?
day, hlttlnjr McP.-.rtlin with ease. Score:
R. H. O. A. E.
Latham, lb .0 0 10 0
James Smith, *. s. 110 10
John Smith, r. 1. 3 2 5 0 0
Cavile, c. ?. 1 S 4 0 u
t'hllds. 2b . 1 3 2 2 o
McFarlan, I. f. 0 0 4 0 1
M.lK.nald. 3b .0 1 S 2 0
Williams. C.0 13 0 0
WOOd, P. 110 2 1
Asses, ib.o o i o f>
Totals .6 13 27 7 I
R. H ?V A K
Hardesty. c. f.0 0 I
1. f. 1 '2 3 0 0
Meeay. r. f.i o i o o
Falhoun, lb .0 0 12 0 0
Nicholson, 2b . 1 2 0 2 0
Daley, lb .02420
. S.0 0 0 4 'i
RothfUSS, C.0 0 4 10
Bi i'.'iiim, p.0 0 0 4 0
TOtall . * C 27 13 0
_1 2 3 4 S ? 7 8 9_
Hnrtfnrd . '> 10 13 0 iTS- '
Newark .noooooi :
imiry Two-bafe hit?~John Hmitti
,1', Nicholson, and S I, I!',.-i Bl
Latham and CbUda Stolen bs
. ind NlCbOlSOn. Left on bases
1; N?w-irk ' Struck "It
By Wood, I: by MePartlln I Piral bs ?
on balia-Ofl wood, r?; off MoPartlln, 1.
ji., 1 -, ,,,. ned bull - Meany. wild pit? h
1- iss<.<1 balls?RothfUM and
T'mi n? -Mr. Ebright. Time
,f 1 mi. I hour?, and 10 minute
Mii-IiiiiI? Keep? HI? Hit? ?Mitttcrctl
null Ulna Ilia (.ame.
PATERBON, n J . Aagnsi H.? fBpeclal.)
. .t off in front and stayed there
In to-days game. Both Maginnls and
Garv?n were, bit freely, but the form, r
kip! bJs S'-attf-red. Set.';
R. H. O. A. E
f.1 1110
.1 14 3 0
Mi-nv ban, 3b.1 3 110
r. f.3 3 3 d 0
. Tii, lb.2 18 0 0
:l,..1 3 3 2 1
Flah. rty, 1. f.0 2 3 0 0
en, r.0 0 4 10
ms. p.0 10 2?)
I .9 i: 27 10 1
Cot kman, ss.0 14 12
Newell, 3b.0 1 1 4 1
r, lb.0 0 8 2 "
1. f.0 0 1 o ?,
Stratum. 1. f.0 2 0 10
Sprat!. C f.2 12 0 1
Haydon, < .1 2 3 2 I
Ulrich, 2b.0 2 I 0 1
a, p.0 113 0
Totals .3 10 ?25 13 :,
*Maginnla ami Piaberty out on infield
Peterson .4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3-9
rig. .010002000?3
Bununary: Three-base hits?Hanoi
Mlnnehan, Gettingftr. Firich. Sacrifice
hita?Kennedy, Minnehan. Stolen ba
Haydon, Cock??aa, struck sut?Bj
glnnls, 3; by Garv?n, .'. First base on
i>rr Mugtnnif?. 1: off Garv?n, 2. Left
?.n bs r,t?t>'ii. ;?; Reading?, I? Double
Johnson, KennSdy, and Blrming
hani. Pint base on errors - l'nterson. 5.
I Hit by pltcher-Betts. Cm
Mr Betta Time of game?1 hour
BAd ' ' minutes.
lleii.lii.t4 Drops Two On.ne? t.? "New?
ark?I.it IICNPtCr Defenls I'nii 1M.11.
NEWARK, N. J . August 21.-- ?special.1
v lymg's penimilt bump had a hard
lay. His pets lost two
game? to Manager Meaay's men, and tht
l?cala ?II?! not have a hard time at that.
In the first anSB<
Invincible, and agalast Fertsch, Hits
? IBM when Newark BBOdSd them, and
tbat'a tin- story.
The Becond garni wai .aster. Bei
pitched, ?uni w..s poundt I all ?iver the lot.
Mii!.r. the sandr-halred kid, had things
htl Way, BBS kept the visitors at his
Tha following scores give all Ihe de?
N, uaik. F.. H. O. A. E.
il irdesty, c. f.1 1 1 0
:!er. 1. i.0 13 0 0
Meaney, r. f.1 1000
Calhoun, Ih.1 1 8 0 0
t. p.1 0 0 10
Nicholson, 2h.0 0 8 2 1
l'ai? >-, N).0 1 1 4 1
Bosi - .0 1 3 6 0
Uothfuss, c.0 0 3 10
Totals .4 ? 27 H 2
'?ing. R. H. O. A. E.
CocaTkaan, ss.11452
Nt w. 11. :;l,.0 2 1 2 0
r, lb.0 1 10 0 0
1. f.0 0 4 1 0
i>"i bma r. f.0 1100
' c f.0 14 0 0
H' \.i ?n. c.0 1 2 1 1
Ulrich, l'ti.0 1 1 2 I
Fertsch, p.0 0020
Totals .,.1 g 27 13 5
??.1 n .iiiii-i
Heading .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?1
.ry Two-base hit: ?Scherll? r,
ckiiian. Sacrifice bit?Nlcb?
b ?- S'heffler, Calhoun,
un? sprait. I-?ft on basas N-wark, 5;
Reading. 7. Struck out-By Cogan, 3; bv
Fertscb, 2. Double plays-Cockman te
Blater; Betts to Haydon; Nicholson to
CalbOUB First base on errors?Newark.
I; Reednag, 2. First base on bails?Off
Usa] In Mr. Ebright. Time
of ?amo?1 hour and 40 mjnutes.
Newark. R. H. O. A. E.
Hardest)-, c. f.0 1 1 f |
SChefller, 1. f.3 4 3 0 0
Meaney-, r. f.1 1210
iilhoun. lb.3 3 12 0 l
I rger, C.S 8 2 0 0
Nicholson. 2b.1 14 2 0
Daley, 3b.1 2120
Moss, s. s.0 2 2 6 0
Miller, p. ,.1 2 0 10
Totals.11 19 27 12 l
Reading. R. H. O. A. E.
Cock?um, s. s.1 2 5 2 1
Newell, p.I 10 0 1
Slater, lb.0 ? 7 0 0
Beits, 3b......1 10 11
F,.I,bins. r. f.?...I 3 10 2
Bpratt. ?. f.f....I 12 0 0
n, c.0 0 6 2 0
llrtch, 2b.0 2 0 2 0
Fertsch. c. f.;..l 1 4 1 1
Totals.I 14 24 8 6
_1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9
S.1 0 4 2 11 20X-U
Reading .0 10 12 0 10 0-5
Summary: Two-base hits-ScheffW,
Berger (2). Calhoun (2). Moss, Newell.
Sacrifice hit-Dobbins. Stolen base- Her?
ser. Left on bases?Newark. 11; Reading
8. Struck out?By Miller, 1; by Newel:.
I. Double plays?Meany to Calhoun: Moas.
Nicholson, aud Calhoun. First base on
Boys' Clothiery.
50c. W $1
and this Greatest Sale of
Clothing Richmond ever had
will be over, and you'll
have missed the higcjest
chance to buy Men's, Boys',
and Children's Clothes you
ever had?or are likely to
Can't Say
how long 'tl ill last. Trade
has struck a brisk gait ?
goods arc jumping Out!
Specials for To-Day.
A BIG -OT OF regular toe Men's
and Boys' collars, slightly tZr
soiled. *?ret
A BIG OP B. ft W. and IM?
PORTED COLLARS at, bo i^lr
dose. I_b-_L?
OFFICE coats, regnlsx^aa
5OC gra<lc, to close. _a-U?L.
For Boys and Children.
WASH BUIT! ; to 8; Salts'
prices $1. $1.50, and * : . AtDa.
BERRY'S PKU i. t(31.
S iks' prices. $2.50, $3, $4, Afir
and(5. BERRY'S PRICE... "OI.
Junior and Fancy Suits
Just Half Saks' Prices.
Poll line of BLUE AND BLACK
Just Half Saks' Prices.
a-NEE PANTS, made front ends, of
imported worste?! ; S.iks' prices, $l,
11.25, and ?pi??). BERRY'S M___-,
Wftr A big lot of Boys' and
Children's Suits have been
added to our display stock from
our storage rooms?at
0. H. Berry & Co.,
Main and Eleventh Streets.
swore?Newark, i; Reading, I. Kirn
on balls-Oft New 11. 3. off Mill. r. 1. Hit
by pitched ball?Berger. LTmptn Br
EbriS?t, Tl_I? of K?me?I hour and _i
i.ansaetas B aa from l'ii.-??..,,
PATERSON, N. -i. Aagaat H
etaii.i-'n.?- locals fell dowa tc th?- Cham'
ploni t?,-,ia> in a garas ?rtthout .?. feature.
Lancasti r play, d greet gasas in Um
Seid, tiinn winning, nn?j ths support Pat
srson'a tar?'lar got wai not so good.
.Schmidt, late ?,f Rtchnaond, Just
als?aed by Lan aatei pit? bt d x.i balL
Flaherty, Johnson, and Bemla ?.?t a
single each, aad right there the hitting
tor Peterson itoppt d Patt ri -. . nop? d
thi i ill hard, going ant eight Urne? oa
drlVSI to thS aatSeld Tho score follows:
H. H '). A. E
Nance, c. f. 1 0 l ,, |
Flaherty. 1. f.0 10
Mia?aban, 3b .o o ?, : ,
i;.'linger, r. f.0 0 ?, 0 0
Birmingham, lb .I 0 15 0 0
Johns?.n. Ib . 1 1 1 ; 1
Bernis. c. 1 2 I I
O'Brien, s. B. o 0 14 1
Jeaes, p.00120
Totals .2 3 27 19 3
I'. II. O. a I
Buttermore, r- f.0 0 3 0 0
McVsy, 1. t. 113 0 1
Chiles, lb.0 1 n 0 1
Ward, 2b .0 3 0 3 1
Lsldy, c. f.10201
Madison. S. s.1 1 0 3 i
Schaub 31? . | I | 3 I
v te, G. 1 1 3 1 o
B . Bt?dt, ?,. 1 0 I ?i ,'
Totals . 7 9 24 10 5
1 .: -. T 8 9
Paterson .
Lancast. r .10 0 411 it* ;
?summary: Tv.
Blts?Wsate, and y
baiis- Bernia Piral baas on hails-Off
Jon???. 2; off Schmidt, 1. Struck out?
By lonas, I; by B bmldt, 2. Hit by pu n
. ?1 ball JohnBoa. DouUi playa??John.
son O'Brien, and Blrmlnghasa. ;
baI - on t-iT") r?on,
3. Leit ?>n bei ?n, I; i.aacaatsf,
7. I'mpir. Mr. Betts. Tim.? of gama
1 hour and M aalaut
Huit?nlore Ht?ft?aia It, 1 oui??Holme?,
Tet?hnlt?all> ?.uxp.-mleil.
BAI.TIMOKE. August B -The Balti?
more club served formal notice on Out?
field .-r W. J. Holmes to-day that he is
und? r suspension f??r the rest of the sea?
son. The action la only to keep within
the requirements of the National Board.
and is unuerstood by Holme?. To-morrow
Holmes s lawyer will file an injunction,
restraining the club from carrying out
the suspension edict. Manager Hanlon
also announced that he would not secure
the outfielder with whom he has been
Th? Browns were not in their last
gam?* of the series with th? Oi
Hughes held them down to three hits,
while Sudhoff was touched up hard an?!
of ten. Attendance, 1.690. Score: R. h E
Baltimore .10 10 10 2 0 -* 10 0
bl bBagg .1000 0000 0?1 3 2
Batterie??: Hughe?, and Clarke. Sudhoff
and Kinslow.
Vmplre: Mr. Warner. Time of game, l
hour and ? minutes.
GIANT8. 11; f LEY hi.AND, 4.
NEW YORK, Aug*est ?.-For three in?
nings to-day fuppy hfcl th? Hiatus gusas
ing. In the fourth and fifth, however,
they sot on to his curves and knocked
him off th? slab. Wilson was substituted
and proved effective. After the game
i .?! "V* *Pra"?*d his leg badly. At
tendance. 1.000. Score R. H. E.
N*?w York.0O0JI0O0?-ll 14 ?
Cleveland .0 0 0 10X000-4 I 3
Batteries soekln and Warner; Cuppy.
,' ?. Cr,ger' and OConnor.
i mplre?; Mf,.r,. Lynch and Andrew?.
Time of game, 2 hours.
BOSTON. A*usu?t 2t-The Boston? lost
one game to-day. and only escaped de?
feat in the second by s time -agreement.
Which ?topped p|ay at 6:15 o'clock. The
Bostons had the ?econd game well in
hand, but played Tor the time limit, and
before they realized It the visitor* had
scored the tying run. Attendance. 12.000.
Score: Elm game? R. H. E
Boston .0 10000010?2 8 4
Cincinnati .0 02002300?7 10 l
Batterie: Nlchol?. Hickman. and Ber?
gen; Hawley and PattB Time, 1 hour and
*0 minutes.
Second game? R. H. E.
?i .1002 020?5 8 0
'inatl .0 0 2 0 10 2? 5 10 4
Batteries: Lewis- and Bergen; Dwyer
and palta,
Empii?--- Beaara Oaffney and Brown.
Time, 1 hour and 36 minutes.
PHILADELPHIA. August 22.-Phlla
delph; i ', fOgtsd I-ouLsvill?- to-day in .
ti-riita- tiittin? gam-. The two te.i.m.
mudc a tota! of thirty-three hits for
fifty bsses. The umpire removed Clarke
I and Dexter from the gam?* tor disputing
ion, Attendance, 1,730. Score:
Louisville .1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7- 9 ' It 4
Philadelphia .. ..0002.-. I I 1 x-lS 21 1
gja4terlea: Manee, Todd, and Klttridge;
rtfteld and MrFarland.
Empires: MeBBre i'onnolly and Curry.
Tim?-, 2 bear, gad] B minutes.
WASHINGTON, AagttSt 22.- In the first
game to-day the Senator;- played like a
fat man's club. Several times they h.-vl
a ehai la -?in. bat lust through lack
of head work. The second game was
called in order to allow th<- visitors to
, the train. att.Bd.noa. - <*' Score:
First | me- R. H. i:
Ington .o o o 2 i i o o o o?4 10 :,
barg .no o 2 n o 2 oo 2-0 u 4
Bstterk : Killen aad Bag-alre; Gar?
der and Bowerrggyj.
1 B*an**4 - R. h 1:
lington .0 2 0 0 0 0?2 3 0
I v 1 11.1 a 0 2 00-3
' ri 1 eie an and llaga-Ira; Hart
?W< 1 man.
UlBplri Km.sli.-. and Hunt. Time of
gnmc?1 hour and 20 minute?
W. La PrCt
I lost on .<*9 36 .?'.".;
ansti .?8 40 AB
BsJtlBBore .B M .<*jt
lan.l .?U 4*
Ben fort . ? 4?
Chicago .ss 49 AB
.?ire.'.4 H AB
1 la .9 fl .i
klyn .38 ? JN
iiKton .".'i B .i.'i
ville .B
Ht. L?ala .B 11
TROOPS PASS liiniMi.il Hi in.un
ritlasa. Tr?*nt Tlieiu Wry llniiil
?(iniel >?I'f raoiinl .\ot?--t of Int?'r?'al.
BB1 Af\ IRD Cil V. N'A-, '
'ill.1 During the day on Saturday 1
numb.-r of train? of sOidlsra 1
throogb here, en route from the camp at
< hi? k iBasngs to Waablngtoa.
Mr. It, P. Carder procured a Quantity of
melon, and fruits and ptressnted th.-m to
th" soldi? ra, who gave evidence of nppre
n of his reneropity by partaking
With misto of the tempting feast. The
ladies q-adesjy proeursd Bower, to
hom 1- to the BOldksrs, and th. train pull
vi out ,'imid ChOOIS from thOSS OS hoard
the crowd who had welcomed them.
By the tima th.-- otilar miris had arrived
Mr. Carder had ??turad the co-operation
of other? In proeurlng B .supply Of fruits,
v. d far the refr. li?
ment of the travel-worn men i\h..
ndurlng tbe rigora of csmp?Ufe Tbe
mstrstli b on the pari of the citlsena
of bow - (Bcient a fact ir
this war has been in obliterating lb.
memory <<t the rancor thit formerly as*
Istsd ! Btwsen tbe two aeetJ
splendid CRI ?PB
- of thi- ?oanty 1 oaaa re?
ports of tb. splendid crop, of the ?
A proniin? Bl farm?-r of the COttnty
that this aummer tier. ?- abaolntaly no?
thing of which th. i
complain. Tb. wheat la exceptionally
fine, tl.BU ?r-- BU that ?jOnld b. <le
.. w bleb is now nelnpr
cut. is BBoaoally rood, a leaf an the farm
of Mr sjhi Comer, Bear Centra Point.
II In length and 20 in
11.., th.
1 -tissa promise of an nburuDnt
yield, and vegetable, and BMton. Bra in
:. There is BOT. than th
>.- will BOl
larg. crop of apples, hut they are falny
plentiful at preaanl
A Richmond lady. WBflt out alone upon
WinptieM's tnonntaln, apoa tb. roborba,
Irs 1 -t rei 1 ' g?id
,1 diliK-nt, but fruitions
' Mr Hugh M Wright, B prominent
detective of the place, was consult. I. H*
taki I BVmber Of small hoys
to the spot pointed out 1 v th 1 young
m .111 directions, but
had himself aoareely heiran the search.
aben ' th? ?.'littering
object. He quietlv handed the watch to
ind would not receive any com
k to
the Peaks of Otter WS? Mrs. C M M
Of Richmond, who. I :
::\. -rear. Bsade the aseeal of tbe
lain a Itb ass. and ai
- 1 st pinnae!, ao dafacalt a
te it that many much younger pertons
Bars BOt attempt it
On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chris?
tian, Bl - - H '! I.izzi. v
and Beater Joe CbrUUsn,
rnd, who ar.. Bumaasrtng here.
mad. an outing to the Peaks and wlt
: from th. summit the grand 0\
. 11 .i..' -
Bl William R. Terrv. of Richmond, is
visiting her dau?*htt-r. Mrs. J. E. M. Walk
.-r. in the country.
Mr. Phlbp Campbell, of PiUTsnaa, who
formerly resided here. Is visiting his un?
cle. Mr. .!. L. Campbell
Mr and Mrs. Walter BrOOh. and chil?
dren, of Norfolk, are guests of Miss Chan
run?,' 1 ;
Ra.. ('alum Lambeth, of Hampton, Is
the -fuegt of his father, Rev. Dr. S. B.
Mrs. Paul Oarrett, of Woldon, K. C, la
rJ 0 \1sit1ng at Dr. Lambeth'?.
Mr Walter Christian and Mis? Marie
Brown, who have boen visiting here, :?
turned on Sunday to their home, In Rich?
(?Ivei gr,.i>(Hi to tbe Manhi'ttua E?e
and Ear Huspltul.
(New York Herald.)
Ml?? Helen Gould has given B.000 to
endow a free bed In perpetuity in the
Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, at Pars
ivenue and Forty-first street.
The gift, which wa? made two week?
ago. was announced yesterday, and 1 was
Informed it was th.; result of a caretui
Inquiry Into the alms and metnoa? 01
the hospital by Misa Gould. Its object
seemed to b* a most deserving one in?
asmuch as It enabled persons who witn
out the treutment of -1 might be
o-me public charges to remain sc-lt-sup
other beds were endowed by Edward
!*?*nnl?on Morgan. Mr?. Willitm A?tor,
John Sinclair. John T. Terry W Y. Mor?
timer, and Mrs. Charles E. Rhlnelander
Thrt hospital recelvea no public money
md Is supported entirely by private sub?
scription*?. The Board of Director? and
the entire surgical ?tat! give their service?
Xaval Matter? of Interest?Berkley
Post-Offlce Robbed? Drowolug of
Mr. Coehran?An ' kI> Crime aud a
Threatened I ?,,rl,i?ir.
NORFOLK. VA., August 22.-(Speclal.)
Saturday night about 11 o'clock a crowd
of a dozen colored men went to the
house of Andrew Crocker, near West
Norfolk, and. calling him out, started to
"White-Cap" him, charging that Crocker
had given information to th?? county offi?
cers two Weeks ago that led to the arrest
of thirty-one men and women who w? re
having a dance. I >-iriiu- th?> fracas which
followed this breach of the peace Crocfcer
was shot In the arm by one of the
"WhllS f-Hnarg." after which the party
made their escape. Warrants will b?i is?
sued for those who are known to have
participated In the affair.
At Norfolk navy-yard are the Morrlll,
Mapta, Hamilton, and Hudson, all reve?
nue cutters, which are to be disarmed and
returned to tht?tr station?, it ia said. On
the Hudson is LJeutcnant Meade, the
hero who. in the face of a {railing Are,
helped a sailor who fell overboar?!, assist?
ing him to the dr?*k.
Keaily B6 Virginia and Buffalo reserves
were mustered out of service yesterday
They haVI bien on th?' Franklin. They
were all one-y?ar men, and ret SlVed first
class discharges.
Tas Berkley post-office irai robbed some
time last Saturday night. Ths robber or
robbers get away with Bf in stamps and
mom f. Two Whits asen, who had a num- i
Bt r Of stamps upon them. were arrest?,1
resterday afternoon upon.auapeiloa but
later it eras found that the stamps stolen
from the post-'.lll??S UNBrs n??t of the same
kln.l BJ the prisoners had, and they were
ral aa st
Th*? COUBty Coroner was to-day notified
thai a carpenter of Richmond?Mr. Coch
ind his son wen M ?dentally drown?
ed off WlUoughby Spit Baturday evening.
Mr. Cochran was hull.llng a cottage on
the Spit for Dr. Daniel, of Richmond,
and with that gentleman, his wife, and
the drowned boy. was out fishing in a
boat When the boat cam?? ashore the
little fallow W'-nt In the water, drifted be?
yond his depth- no one knows how?and
was In danger. The father w.-nt to save
him, whereupon the frightened child
seised him, and both wore _rOW_Sd.
?, tardar afternoon Boraee ranas, a
negro about 48 years old, made a criminal
assault on a color?-?! woman named
Judith V.'ilos. The crime was committed
in Sweat Caana. a colored settlement
* ich oi Berkley, and ths victim of the
asset? is old. When th<- facts
WON known a crowd of 200 colored nun
at Bl tn lairsuir of Fanes and captured
him shortly after the outrai;,? was com?
mitted. Th. ni?:: v ITS arm..I with clubs.
guns, an?! pistola and there ama strong
i.lk of lynching, but it was finally
. Ided to lot the law take Its course. The
prisoner was turned over to tin- Berkley
police, and thil morning was sent on to '
the grand jury by the magistrate.
Mr?, o. .-i..-,- Una n ?oirrow Earn ne?
l.eiiernl Klflil'n VlevT?.
>I" ' lilj -The , itizcns in the neighbor- ,
hood of the home of Mrs. M. E. Deck. r.
?i <'rang?-, BfS ConsMsrably stirred up
aver an BttSraBt to pui.-,,n that lady The
?uspected party is a colored girl, lately
In her employ, and surveillance is being (
rer her until further ficis are ob- j
taint ?l.
gavetaI _aya BSN) Mrs. Decker lost a
sum of mon? y. and during her meai (
li.iur she to?mated that she su^pe.i.'l ,
the girl as the thi? r. Th?- BOXI afternoon,
ahile pouring cream in bar tea, she
i it bad rather a peculiar color,
aad OB examining it fourni tnat the
liquid bad Been taiaperad with. Purther '
t that a
. nt of a i "X of " Bough oa Bats"
Bad al . ken, and it Is supposed
this that ? eras?a, which
s how being analyaed.
Ljtt y Dub a tspected oi
I Mr. John Waggoner
-??in--'tini. ago In orange co?Bty, was t"
. the grand Jury Of that |
??unty for his m
?_BSS Q, Ei.'l'l. of Orange, who
Was the PoPUllBl v: ' rtll
. an IntSrVfa w With the
: :? eorrespondeat t??-,iay upon the ,
probal thai puny In ths com
-lection, said: "1 do not think
.f them will vote; a majority ot \
those w'.io .i". however, v.it! vote with
u., |..Ti" ?' As t?, mvs-lf, 1 do not
think, ! arttl go to the polla
If the RepubH -uns. th?)Ugh, should nom- (
inate a strong man against Mr. Kixey,
imocratk nominee for CongTsSS In ,
my district, I arlll vote for Mr. Bhisy,
au(\ w. others to do so, rat?MM ]
Hen elect.,-.1."
fiepassd Mte <>? IBs *??-iit?oi-iit?aBe
?N in un (lift ? emeterj.
H.\MPT"N. VA August 22.-(Special.)- '(
unty School Board recently m.i.le ,
irrangements for the purchase of a lot In i
bl \\--; Bad for the erection of the new
ichool building, and there is great com
n a? count of the location. The lot
laid tO ba an?) Is in what w?s formerly I
rasad for the colored people,
ind bodies bad to be reaaeved in grading.
lust out.-i'V. ...f pie place a num!,er Of in- .
erments were made, and it Is learned
rom B reliable gentleman that p? rsons '
vho died with the yellow-fever yeirs ago '
?.ere laid tO rest there. Moreover, the lot |
I .m i mirsh. and taking It altogether,
he complainants say tt is no place for a l
ichaol, and If the persons interested i
SOUld go and luok t t themselves the I
,: ! would be deluged with complaints,
t la possibll that an Injunction will be i
rued out to prevent the. building of the <
ichool. The people in the West End are ?
is much opposed to the site as others.
George VV. Guy, who won the scholar- '
hip prize at the Academy the last terra, "
s quite ill with typhoid-fever.
Mrs V. P. Holt and family are visiting I
n Williamsburg.
The Pythians go to Bu?kroe to-night on <
i trolley party. _
?.-It.?lar?.hi|. Conferee.! I i?.?n Mr.
Hubert S. Moore, of I.esiuaton.
LEXINGTON. VA., August 22.?tSpe
ul.)?The local Alumni Association of
Rockbridge county held a meeting here
:o-day and conferred a free scholarship
!or one year to Washington and Lee Uni?
versity upon Herbert S. Moore, son of
Uajor John W. Moore, of this place. Cap
aln David E. Moore was re-elected presi
lent of the association for th* ensuing
?rear, and Frank Moore was chosen as
Truth wears well. People hava learned
hat DeWltt's Little Early Risers are re?
table little pills for regulating the bowels,
uring constipation, and sick headache.
I'hey don't grip?.
L 113 E??t Broad Street.
?-rii ^l,^A- We have a special in Blankets?two f
Blankets? -?J ?? - ?
case? of them. They are fine, s<>tt T
wool, in tenjind eleven quarter sizes. \\ . bought them to J
e^^?o?aJ^ ,h,m so as to I*!? I
oBitma^omB-rw th? iWatflt of oar good fortaao. rhobor- J
dt? tttw la Rssit Ptnfc? ?* M**- ?
^4^ze^JJ^^^^$1^^iJP^ ?
11 -f, uiMtL..%*M9*T pair. i
Crochet Ouilts? An ,>xtr;l "ra,i"' Mars"iM"^ f
-wrUCHCL yUHW Patterns, hemmed, ready for
use?size.iiM?a^ua^mt^sur.ni.nt^'jix-'U.ir.l-, .?v , ...>(,. -f
Fmhroideries?A ^ ,!,i,,-~'ason r"^?rl
CnlPrumwiW",^ p|dC<fc lacomparBbT 9
values, alj^widths, with many lafewrtidai to natch. Such *
an BfBfOrteB?P< of select patterns is u1111su.1l ?it thi*. jeagon. f
80m? of th? widtht aad aricea follow
CMjraxicsad w-s?-?^* **f**\ ' to i# inche?- ??. .
CsabcicsndN ! '? ; indu* wi,!r.
C iaahricaiadyair'eoo^.
ramhric and Nsinaook Barree, % to 1 !*-- .11L.
rsmrarkandNfdntook BdgCSj ? to - in-*h. - witte. '
Cambric and Nainsook Bdj > incliea-slide.;
Cambric and Nsinsooj \ to 10 inchea wide..r *
cLnbric and Naa?sod S to 10 inchea wide.^...aoc. pa T
I f./itlC __ Many patterns to match Edgi-all
lnserLionb=:s=s^.^hs ^
16$, and goc^e?_yard.
in thi: o?? Noitiit mvii:.
Political and It*-!!*!?"? iBBia WBBBB
from UhU'IkIi.
KALKIC.H, N. (".. August -
th.- riret k. g\
ment of Volunteers (now at Camp Cuba
Libre and preparing to go to Cuba) i?
: He say. the -regiment is cos
cquippea and . : .irably BO, it now M
Three year> ' f\ Or. L. A. Rnil
hy, rector of B\ Igne. Kplscopal
church, New Tori i 0 mission
mm h attention.
Tn-,: ij this city of his
daatb from apoplexy, m KOW V.rk, la&l
Tho Agrirultur.it D.-partment to-day
rn i.. Harria, .ir., of Raleigh,
to Omaha, to take* ?harge of the North
Carolina exhibit there.
Thi* KepubHi m lOBalera bl M aro now
slaiming that Jaaaag 11. Tovng i
rasigned levaral month, ago hi. position
as a trust?e of th?? blind IneUtutlon. If
The Republican white ?loment is. to B
.me ratant, greatly ?su rcised by
th? pronilnenc. o? tbe negro la politics.
This altern.).m the Bei in the
hospital it C imp Rui U w< ; n bvoti .1 -
Bt. Simon'? ! and, 1 hi . and two
to 1. ind*. i-'tiii. i. C . to Jola their re
IV. 1 ..nil allies. Thla leaves oiil>
iiiiii-r bera, aad be is in the City
The Btai rter to
tb. 1 aa Truck ; rolt?
it Wilmington. ajt?o&g the pris
.1 II. an.l .1. a u
hriM.k an.I J. A. I'.rown. Tlie otiject of tho
*..rporatinn is tbl r*Kb>
Bg, agTlcoltttral, and bortii iltural ln
;-n North Car illna,
the securing of just an.l agUltabi? fr? ight
to th. north. |*fl ii;irki-i> Tb.
?tai stock ii - of B
:v Bsaajaber It n |ubad to t,.k-.
me. abara fot aaeb tara een ta be
m truck.
Th. . *ol Chau*
tsuQus bsgln. It. 1
win prMid ? ped? : '.vi aill ;
psMlng her. at I, and reaching
1 P. .M.
Th.- Praeident rawarda tbe Bjallaatry of
two Mortal Carolina B ra by ad?
win A ?ndi : ra ... .1 - 'amar
roa Mai Ras Winslow iah tu-e Btual
Professor Bhi red), who has
for Bonn; ttm. hsM B * .vernment 1
Hon at Washington, is appoint?
1 mncan a general
itorekeeper and gauger in thi.- dletrict
the brat Bagre ever given such an
mTice here.
The Populist County Convention h-r.*
Istnrday altorao-oa d fuse with
h.' Republicans This was agreed on
two wi .ha ago by the Bi at
nittees Bf th. two BS^tlSB, and all 1
to ratify it.
rwehr. of them bolted and refused to be
t 1 tb. aai A of aala, Tl
sill ia.ua an a . v... k
Iaim that 40 per c---.it. Of the Popal
ire opposed to goi.nr
-ans. Ar- ot t the boitera WI
:he Populist (-SUCOS, '
v. Bi pubaicaos.''
I ?luh and (?eorRi- Miller H.niin
ll.iiii? ? HappenliiKa \?-nr Salem.
rrtab and Qeorg- lAliar, brothers passed
r-roUKh Winston to-l : : nlng to
heir home, In Wilkes county. Th.
ueen three year, in t:
umy. und fought In s.-veral Of
iHttlr? near ?aSatlBge. H v. i v a- r-.
rail time of enllatiiit-nt, ih-v ar?i going
lome to stay. ,
State-Chairman Holton ai. .
ratary Hymaaa went to II
>p?fn Rtpubll .jarter? for the
orning campaign.
A negro woman was accidentally killed
leer .--?lem *r?aterday bj s
nan. who ?hot at Bar? l'ulmer
Tag I>.-nr,".:at? of Stokes county held
in* of th* biRK'-st conventl-ms in the hln
ory ?if the cunty Saturday. They
' ry.
11K.11 110MIK raa ?. ubi m:\i\t.
tlbcrt I.. Milla to lie Hniirrlnteiidi-iit
ol I. .. Mllllsry AtuUem*/.
Washington Correspondence New York
M raid)
For the flr?t time in the hl?tory of the
L'nlted State? Military Academy a first
ieutenant Is to be made ?uperlnten '
if that institution. The officer to be thu?
lonored 1? First Ueutenant A'u-rt L.
?llll?. First Cavalry, one of th- Santiago
leroes, who now ha? th.- temporary rang
if csptain as a member of General
ioung's staff. The President made thi?
lion personally, and aa a reward for
rallant coud act .a the ?torming of Sau
lu?n Height?
Ueutenant Mills wa? Oeneral Young?
*hlef-of-?taff during the Santiago cam
I'Olgn. He wa? severely wounded during
the battle at San Juan, havlnts been ?hot
n th?> head and losing
leal h.ui an Intel view with
wh UpS the story ,.t
11 | uitJago, an?l remt ml ,
glowing account which O.
ily given him qfj the e (
this hra\' "tl* I r ,i ;
the MUitAr) A
ahich is conaldi n d
Tt eoaunandi a
Although of i??v.- rank '
n.'.irly -i .
ble eXp. :
! I
tor at t
was i?i
of Boa Fort
poinl ?i from tl it
Academy July 1.
TO Hi: 1'MN II BOS <)M \
Thi? the President'? Pselelea, n i.
(Washington ?
pr. aident M, Klnli > has .
his polli y ; ge??ding t.
Cabinet Minister, who
pondent, that the basis of th
to nur |SaCS B '
illy si foil
I ?. ; Ol Uli
th.- , ity of Mati?.t 11 ritus
: Bqu ii
S| sin to linder of tl
?'f UM :
l-'ourt I
Philippins gi
While the
friends?men like ?is, ?f
? '.? ry Inch <?f Mi Itori
f I - ? -; I, -.
i-ra? Brait
have, It Is UB I
would r
g provl
would au?I . . ! t
would n?)t quibble over the tr
banks, ?
rieh, of Bb
opposed acquit
pines after t
; u!???T w
u adi Bal *
t II IMlll.il I OH PB4 OM? Pa, ? I
\ I .? ni nu? n ? l.ix.rlfe to > ,i 11 ,? I ?
H'??>,< sit- >\ar (...? ..I
fJevae*r*or, or.
la UM war
lea?t. neutralise the po? .
I Um list of i.
: Is now
\ ? . il
h? t
iv'.rk ?to raise a :
1 SB BBI I paj :;,g ? ' ". v.
r.is* own pocket I
:;-,r Black, but ' .
him that H OOUld not be in
Mr 't. ..,:. : | frh ids ittrlb ' ' '
fusai to politics. He diel ?
m-nt tit he ?ii?i aot g
patttmg into lbs Sghttng Ha I
that if he wanted to
This did not suit Ml
With half a doien of his fn I
. Tampa t
He was mu'te a seises I
Intluen.-e to WashliafJtjSjB, I I
tallied for him un appointm?
?nt adjutant-?-, ner.il. With
captain, on Oeaeral Kent's ?tan
went to the '.rout w ?
etJ 'n before Santiago he ?j
cl for l?: ?Vt If BB : Ire
Captain ('hunier, like <
Is of independent fortune. l'<
tared politics he ?*as known chieny isr
til? explorations in Africa.

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