Newspaper Page Text
6 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TITRSPAY. AUGUST 23. 1898. m PHOEBUS. So?dlers Arrested for Disorderly -Conduct aod Locked Dp, COMRADES ATTEMPT RELLEASE Are Met by a Determined Sheriff ?n_ Posse, who firi; VWUM TJIK Mon. Severn I ?x>l?li?-r?i rtrporl???! Wotin?1 etl?\ Nr-i?? MiSd ?n '? I ??1er It o?r? R.-li.-r ?rol friitn I'ttrl Vnnr?if i . iiinii Blgf-t, N <i.,l i ' I'll". - Tided . reelpl ' - ,i oy? r n ' ' . I the i i n i un lit 'I'll \1> The ... hen ,i in )" ; ' i mm tis apt ' nearly .'ill thi . ri'iinl,. i i i time when th< - jiiI' I ?ut. I ensued. I > ?i- mon. i s wttb a i . T Curtis ; viiliout fttneb? . ? . D It I . ; Jail . ???i angry I i?a. ', dent? 111 IS I? It, l'Ut ! . ' Branil. a - ii that the U .? i-, l theing id thai ?hey i - . i ROB. . trova u, H'ii..' i.j . there at 10 i ' i mon m iiijui? 'I, I i nd but f' go Tli?? St? i" ii began 1 that B? , u. in? i. to dh t UIP I iiom \s l?? QO, l.aat of tin? 'i roo,.* These Oa_ared ll? lluI,Is. ill... ? III? K \.M M ,, \ N \ ' [?ON \i. PARK Qen : the T-lrd - Ab-j as I Tin- of ull tli , ' be twofold?that chat id mi suit with re? am leevlng to and ?adll go oui i an be | fej h .h:., h T | the Third i" I fi iirille until tins mon riit- Pirat 11 camp t tilt!.I ill i> | (i?.M t ?4MP TIIOMaa All l(?-|iiiiii'i.u ?????,, tie II.? t .u.%,.,,,1 ?<> Mi ?-it- BAS?ir Oaasltala, "'m' KAM U Q , ? m ^ n LNooOd \ \ SILITAR1 PARK. rr.W : , ' , ?will thing of the i ( of resin. ordered to Kiii.xmIi... Tenn., end \ ???* ? Kx: ? ??i ord Ookteel Whewler, ??oU-g rhi,r .,?,-,, ,,.r. BBM*Ur' t0?hl from rallroBds t invar ull tt-Kliueiu* fMa-alnlng at the ' ?"'?> t" th'i' rt-i ,' ctlvtj St it? eapil Ha The Idea e.-eiiis to I-- to ni the o bWa-ss ?-be.? th? > , ? be mueterd 'ii bo - it. s t b XI hi: llr t> ..??. Il VI 111 - tie I m i n > ti>, by ..I um nil ?? i ?,ut ?los* to home, th? heresstry forkeep lng the army Inia? t h.-lng no long.r In videnee. the Kir.??! Oeorgla and Thirty-first Mich , ; -ft at midnight for KnexViTfa w they will go into camp. Th.- T?a i an?! Ihr? Fifth PetirfVlSNtllH will lenve at an r-nrly hour to* morro a f??r Lexington, and others of tWrwond and Third divisions of th.' Plret Oorgs will m In abort or* I ssntsjlenco company of ihr- Third IJ Knoxvllle to-morrow. onnrii \? m v.l ?.iimim. OIT. Duties of Ofll.-trs Mntt'l In I?etnll? Itrgnlan Only to Have t hare*?. WASH-NQTOK, .1 ?'..ilii.i I ' ' I into th?; dut!? following nr?' th" nn?r?- lmpnrt.'int arder: SUlar army Will . i bj th? vl : Di p irtment I ? T r OUI tt"'?ps. tad annoj by una?. ear la the flual I . effort ring BUI ' '.IZ.ltl'ill. tes "f BOH 1 untabtlity for th rnanda and the pre? rvatl? ' . any mann? f t?? I govern) "i prop? rtp, or to keep their - BJ ; of tho I will v.ith p? ? dful suppU? s until dm paymi nl and dl All i i on all other muster-rolls, ami all wl i I to t I In, for on th, out roll, which li required to 11 loni ' ?1 to 'il- organisation. i tas Unit II v??!unt? er sei In I ?, will i-out of , I : illness | i. ; :.'l flllly , :?? ? "lltlt of will ] given i" the i to th? Adjutant < o? the army, and the soldier will be ofll i.'lly not?led to apply by l?.tt?r to the n :,t. ment will take l i- n . perty that will be allowed i um ?ir . unie ib Ig off1 ridge belts, fork , iry in- dleaI suppU,.-. and Hi'. ! gimi nl will be allou uch Bi rifles, and oth? r quipment, by paying a stipulated price or tin? i . in i; no ni. m inin, Qaests r??Ti|i.? win? Ceaaldet??le LaBB.'.Heavleal Baileerer a ? aasib. BAVA-TNAH, ?;.\., South-End Hotel, at T . with i r to th round at an arty i'.ur t?la morning) Thirty r rabie of their pi i ragar-planter of Matai n I i>, ?miry bad i diamond u Hla la i i out on t ?e th'-ir olgbt-dothei bing. The hot? i pn i I tied la " :..' out in an BttlC, and When 1 bad mad? I vay. Uerabera ??f tbe s Ina Volumeers, atatloi Tj bee, ??rtn? '1 . d tur. . and other ontbulldli t ruction. .Air. William Bohan, the hotel pn s unable to exp?alo i ' h<> at!, .in.' w ' i The hotel will ho rebuilt for th m u ? IMP it m \TSVl__uv I Is ASMHBS?last l.iiry,. I'l-op,, rl Iiiiik T<><? Little lavada, HrxTSViu.i:, - a < amp at Braham I. The Fifth .. whl? h ha b en In I iy, .> . J . : : lis men . Un d wl each? ?l the city. Thn e mi a a . us. Plfl , i the ' aere left -, th,' hoi pita! at Lakeland. . fi<?tu the M In ?he. ?ty. T The ?"?i.- complaint r?'r,-.i:nr the camp lnik i?t BB \>ll? HaCADH atasASITS-BS. II Mil? o? Be i:\niiiliieii?Wmtmw to Mi- liK.-n.l iiii,| ||, ,H,-( i. .Mii?i'i.!:r??\v.\, pa., i Bjr, ?li ctlng all milk to . i? fore is furnish.',i to the troops at i ?ad?.?. ]!? J. - .1 for drli > i i. a train load of trooj loroagl ] rried : I battalions i)i? 'i luri. Bt "f lli" troops fr.'in g? r will i,"! i ad l >. Ion h from Th? i < ;.ip. IOI ?.Il RIDER Mil s \n iMiiw, i)_skin \\ii? liteatlee la lli? wet .i.? a. i \\ h 11.- II?. m m? lu t itl.a. 'VK'iiiTA, kan., Aaauet BL I ?i?? ii, wbo ' m i rabot m tu?1 i in. n. oop L i st?rm ?i t?? i h??ru<? in Indian Territory, and bit t at t aras t?? _ght a duel with c m ivis, a Olmrekee k_dtan, who bad icnth'4? to hl 't Pfeils ne w ts iy. ._U>il camo unoa him B-tHI-BT niai' nita, I. t., and the i?" nun induu lilnn, I ?thu? at ?a? ti other. ?M .1. ? t??? la t ' t, killt u bh m h? f rrs Um ta were < i d. lajtbaJJ waa uninjurt d. I ?... ?.???u for tamil ?rime. AVANNAH, CA., August -.'.-Last ir Qultmaa, ?Ja.. T??m Mlll.-r. B t,ro of unsuvui?, n putatlon, was taken in his home and riddled with bullets v or white mea m?i.t attempt ???it n whits woman of that oom tilty last Saturday night The woman's me Is with!eld. alliier I? ?aid to huvo ifiissed ill- ('Hilt, , Ci ! t of i I Bl . 001 Ma r to? Tu try owi a n, Bl tho ' I! the cm "J I try Is, to till. the sd i??? "Ml ? .'II ill-! "( BBS ?ill? Chi? ANDERSEN HANGING. m t nanti. Tnivr tvn.i, rnontni.Y HAVE TO F.XYA t TE BEX TE* CE. APPEAL TO THE PRESIDENT. roi'lrr Ilroiiuht to ll?*nr !?r Colonel J.nmli? \? 'Ve??/? from Report In Third YI ru, in In ( n*e?\1Icroi1 Peti? tion fur >fu*l?-rInK Oat. WASHINGTON, August 22.-(Ppcclal.) I Morgan Treat will b. ?Ik? !y to I, ,.. g to perform tl ?luty of Ing John Andermm in thi Jsj.?yard St -N'orfolk ? :i Friday r? \t, tin.- . .tant, for the mmdar of the mate of . ... r. Colon? 1 \\'il w i th Lamb, Of Norfolk, and Mr. I n's counsel, h | al Ilu th* ir power to havo his sentence commutol to lin; ii. oniniiit for lift-, claim to be fon-lM?* arguments and -feasons for tbe excrclso . Mein* by practltl er at tbe Nor ' ik Bar, aad I iwun v ;, v.?iii th?.- knowledge that he will aeve. !, lias : Bt, and has n? Ither time nor money in behalf of th?* nod man. Colonel Lamb, Consul f..r Korway and and as Frli m1 Su? ch ly, ; on Pi 1dl Dt Mn Kini. y t.. Baak. .i final from an ihini.s, imiii. rtted death. Hi- claims then .-nee to prov. th A Lb. mate in i, iving thi. aten? i IfOVaNQ APPEAIai Ho an . to tho : i, who prompt] grant? ! him an int. i\, , . !l that tin- BWi ing for ' of Ai..: and widowed mother in that far-off coun? try, an.i - 1 tho follow? ing li: "Where la my wandering hoy to-night, Tbe hoy of my tend? i -1 '') ' I"' thai my Joy and llgbt, 'l'h.- child of my love and pra; ring boy to-night; for him where you will; But I '114 him to m. with i ' II him 1 love him still." The Pri k at was trislbly Ufa ti i. bol n ry prop? rlj Indlcatloo of hi. . thc*agh it h Improb a I rfen with tl ion of both 'oiirt and tl . . Tim;?' vlRGIN] \ CABE bin said ' hat not! bed bis oil . tb. ii i".11 ol th. boh ailed com t f lnquh r il If. i Dd the Third Virgin! i ; glmi nt. n said < ; ni ral ? I "llld, ii itter, bot it a is probsbl. b. rould rel to tb. ; my, or ?! f War, With that it would ' I days ; would be teard from, as thai i giv. : c it' ful ;in.l il. Ii!.? rat- i ration I CAM ?KEN UP. ling th. reports in to-day's i th? ti ". 11111. Alger ' tp arlll at to Mlddletown, Pa., on so? nant of an slleged lnsufflclen? he Wer i i of the pri would : man h tt if th" wet? r supply . ral < Irahsm svld? ntly did i i in- bad i''i p un .i the can i and pitch th? ir I from Caa-m I Thoi ay or two, b. tb? BOLDTEBM AMK DIa<>CSAlt<91l1 i a v. paper ,i day or two 1*0, but it N not i lievi .1 by Vli Third Virginia < nt, though it hi erknoa ' thai \ i ?..iIty of tl tng the ink and file of tl is ol being mu i. In their opinion, fh? i. Ir < nil id thi y desire it I to th?* notice dd tb. at inti rei ts of tl not : to re? if st thi Ir dlscbsi . immonwealth. Please direct the ; I v and upon pr< sentatlon I mllai ly situ?t? d organ THI "Thiril Virginia \ l'Ki-s? >.\al. rion. T. C Pll her of Fauquler, ha?- re rned hoi ?r In Wyo i nth. 'in i: W. W. i ' : 11 w 'Bchburg ! i Wright, Richmond; <\ . Baun " mondi John W i wife, i. t th. tropcjltan. i said day that h. not oi ly in.! n . North rolina aea -, bul I i mtribu ni by mall 1 been I t?-i s f. .i a holi mail -h ig full me hit. office. H d him off. Ala inrtong i t-ofllces discontinue to-day i i i i, Ti ansylvania mty, VS. ?' : mail now . li? ro, ; intj. Vs.; |] BOS I 'is. oiirth - day ara tb ? ii vi i ; -. N. ' g, v >'. Mv i>v;ii:its. Private Ind. B, Mit. >; !!, r.,mpnny 1. snty-s? , now at M II - i- N' , IB, upon h! n appl ond 'i Volunteer im i win be sent to th.- station et thai 1 ' !', Y i. Joan B. Bsrrett, Company o. nt ii Illino ufantry, now I m rig office) | Ion. M n ? ii i\ Horn, Coaspeny C irtb M r Infantry, BOW I of Um United Statt s i?>- the unsntUng officer <'f ins station. ir <;. Kundorf, COniasjay l-:i ',(), Penneytvaina Volunteer [i , non ?n ' uni, at Dwon taring I apoa bis own appllc I -anal -m-i Battery B, .-*i\th United Mate. Ar iy. and will be ?"?nt to tbe M itioii ,.; t battery, Fort KcHenry, aid. r?a- Board of Medical Officers appoint ial Order?, No. 194, August It, this onece, will pi*oci, ,i with ?May To tho following sin .-it?. d ip?, In the order iiarm-d, to make the ? ii?.i,h tatfmiroi un.i.-r said order: 'amp Alger, Falls ?'hurch. Va : F. i 'lina. Kla.; Jacksotivii!,., Fl.i.; Hunts ', Ala,; Camp George H. Thoma?. ] ten kamuuga l'ark, Ou..; Cgasp, | will th? . . I la thi Ki Cg Pc bit < Q i .n Psnnaylvsa-a, and Camp wikoff. Montattk Point, Long Inland, N v. "f'l'on the completion of th'-lr Inspeo t!,,t).s th?- in. ml - rs ?,f th.? h"ur?l will r?? tutti t? this dty and r?i"'it to tho Sur Qeneral ?,f the army for further iti Btruettona "MaJor-Oeneral Matthew r Butler, T'nit??i Btatea Volunteers, la relieved from further duly x\Mh thf? Beesed Army Corps, fo enable him to aeefPt , dpnn tho c.mml?slon to arrange for ?vacuation <.r the k-laad "f <'?" by i Spanish I ? ; ... r.-ii Butler ?a?i be accompanied By ?fa auth irlsed aids. . to. Hyde, ?mi aary of sul Pai? red ft'.m duty . tint to Major Joan Little, purchasing and depot commissary, at ?iinti Losing, ?Jid will ptecktI I by tares civilian ? mil". by Ifajor EitUe, to Mtddletown, Pa., aad report in person to L nel .lam?-s M. Allison, chief ? mm of subsistence, United States V*ol_nl chief ? ni:, rs?ry B? ond Axmy ?Juxps. at that place, ' - nt t?i dut th?? subslsteneg ??spot thera (eon William I.. -tnv, will pro Camp M th" commanding p| .-, ;' ; | -T:nm"iit t ) duty." HF.V. \v. Up. M??oni-:. Ok n. AVtirU. In Itnlt liiKirt? of n nitfltl gBaSSsd PreSB)||efflBB HI?. Ilne. Itlmore Amerl? an.) Rsv. W. W. M '.i' i?, of Union 1 S. minai y, RlCs-BOad, church, corn? r and Para tan??ly win prob il ly con Du rtag the months of July and A ' en laborl tly ? it!1 th? of i iron a-M? at ?sill rea r then Dr. other Bel?? His it. The turo L-ongi -..bleb bave beba brought within the range of hli teachings and in i?"tii warm in their laud it Bpli ndld i y? t ? Imur_?ng, personality ! ?n the line of 1 bare; and bs has planted many rellgl t and fru? tlfy Into Christian livini-. i>r. '. f H? bn a in the seminary to which h- is stta . ounti ! ai i ; - wi r af th? fli I rank in hla i !?:-i ii. sad be i by ?irtus of bii i ability. It was largely U-??ugh his m itrumi lallty that i ' ' him la -., tution h i i Hs la both : and la ulf? alty of ibsorbtng ra I to Impai t it afters its pupils or his bearers. Hli reputation ,s an i'. none hi hli 'hurch; hi - power i p of HI here la Baits ?will n ici ., the ad I of till mlnary b< ... .- :.. si Pi qs. 1 for thai n, which li ' ul toiling during srhB h iffoi di i Im i ?r. M " an In I ? iner. Thou him a nan of . ?.side from hli . Though ;lan and a 'hurch, Bne, In ; rhypo To tiii- la added iymi iB?ire, a bleb is i n the * he pal] ir< h. with th" n ?)i:ii) v CAS-P \ \\ wit:. i'???i|i? Delayed, Bavrever, in Gettlag <?1T? Three IIi-iii li?. ITI.'N'WI' -Tu at ?i a All (h- h ' 1 . Iff cured, N< Ith? r 11 l ' ??st ait . Its, Troop i impany 11 ? 'i here trip to B*rf*__a win N,,t Be ni\ iii<-ii. . i? k is now Bthl in j .. it Thursday t:1 ot In tl iiiiintiiropi?t muir ?m? rears om. ?i:?' PORK bank? r and t h town, N'. .1. i irly all th? ??i u OroKt.n nt llr.ioklItu Ini-il. ill V" IRK I?. .??. l.. thifl for? n ' 'ti. Brookij a n "- ) yard. Tli.? Ili-riilil of Autiimu. ?x. ?r rorfc ii Prom far ,,rf sneient ? t erald, I t. ii ..unrig vf : ii?? fought and died, bai where h fell ' Ami i-\ r it bloofl The Its Qat -n Tho only euro fur ?-Vr<>fiiia, '7.??ma, Cancer, Kh^umatism, rt.'inh, Con ta r?o us I?l'x>d iis?)ti, and otfiSI ?MMHU)mtt? ?od disoasps, is Swift'-? Specific, >.S.S.%Blood rdfrs for printing sent to the Dls ? h Com,).in\ will be given prompt at tioti, ,uid the m y I?* of work and pit?.s I bd surs to pleaso you. i J I I i: WS All Th w. - \l J. w? I G T wil the P l. I ( T .-' ' ? r am I, . his It bs tils? Ol ofll? A MINISTER SHOT. \t mu; B the i?t i.imt he is pntr? os Timot <;n A WMMIW. HIS BODY FILLED WITH LEAD. One lliin?1r?-.l and g.VSa llackahut Find I.odam?*nt Tlierelu?III? Con? dition Si-riini?. lint iii?* B.-ssslgf?e*n 1? 'Mini lie YY 111 Itecover. NaTW TORK, A-Sgaat ::.-Thc Ameri? can .Misiona ry ASSOCJBtlOB has leCBlVed . J. 1'. .-. a Coi-tgregattonal ndnb-*tar and one ot its mlsstonartaa, hoi been shot : ing to organise a!., chur. h at -"mil f, <\t.. v.hich Is about twenty Balte, from his home, at . i . Smllf-j- as the -result of cor? r? ?pond? ruing tb. Of th-- chur.'h, v.h While in tho pulpit i aroagb a window, h beaa-gj rtddtad with |g" b i . it Th. y filled I : md and fl\ j in hi. rlghl i. H. Cab I ML ii sltb the aaatetance of pad Lb I drove him twi aty mili i dition . rar. But two i . and it la bellev, d that tb? y ?will I i ?bort tun?. .Mr. i";. ;. !.. r*s ? but baa n. Mr. Blati : tils es? allants, at wbati vsr cos? to I : to I)?? ?tared offii Lais . : I tita bf.thod* libillty for v fui; la : wttl be made by th. lOfl at their annual mi. . N. M., vi ? ' umun i:i' WAM ATLANTA, <; \ . Bor. B. H. r of ti... rirst C ionai church I ty that lev, Mr. fi. t. a r, i ; t at Bmlley, ??a , wh< re ; burch, -a . but b? -i or Wi nt;. ' I la th. i * tchi i "I i I three month, ago I would 1 Bmlley rn in Liberty aoun y, tea FTaBTCHER a \Ki;i'<i. B w.WN.iii. ? ; \ . B.?The hooting occurred on Sunday night, Au r at Bmlley. Tb. hoi being small B i s, bul convict. It Ifffgl II IN?; I \\\ II I DIN I *>. I J I n m in? r 1 laSS n t 1 In- I n I ? frail > I In \ i a lliTCj. 'I'lino. ILOTTES'i ?I.I.!'. \ L, ' I tb. Dniveratty of Virgin i night. aittee of th?* ( John W. i. oulslsns, J. II. 8 New fork, Bd ? '. N. " i irgitua. Tin Tin: ORATl After the 1 il pro : as I'ol W. I'. I. '. rginla. ' . bnow od. h- : . my of the I | don in partition.?Midsummer Night's i II. S. Virginia? The Cl i. - John W. I ' i- war ' I. li. i. sr uni? rmpatby, tb. silver link, the ?, rt and i id." rson: The I m. I i . r tin i Tb. i" a .ard." \. B. ! ... tO comfort, and i obn B Law. lb, Mr. Willi.uns, and ^. | ^inp. TI: TO JKa**FER80N. . him ? I I by Mr. H of the : i: ii A. J. Smith. W P. i, Bom - W B C. r LI? ' IT. La. I i: i. | R. ] Invited W. W, I. Minor (too unwell to attend), Dr n. s. ?dwin, If. L. t'oi hran, and John B I ' M.S. i B, i' Smi n lefl .nia. where neat \M*-k h ! the Allegheny < ?oi i Church, at v r ho will I i.- Ro* ' county, to c j-.. i- i m. etlng. Bdwerd Tayli a, of I Samp I. home In thi. city on B mil's taav. of -i .i:'s ? 'Xi-ri'K IN, b. condition of ttaneral '. -? r give. al. frtand. serious concern. - o h?> r?'ttirii.-il from I abanv where f.-r ?om? time ge n Hufferlng from sever, brom-hlt bably malaria. It was hoped the t? r i v.- whii-h Muid I-- ?tvin him a! hams would reaexll la early r thai. With his oth. r allmi in? In surf-iliig from nome form ?if heart Lag? Gl ?I Id uaiicrs for aal*j at tb. Dispatch Lf? tu Q] A PA ' NT* OA Th( to 1 " din <* i? <3 o ? tl w M 0 Tral Old AR! AV-_ctable Preparation for As? simila ting rJrcTocH- and Regula - _tii*lla^tor__-)j?a'ttiltowc!_'_r IM \ \ i > <_H l 11) H IN Irtymotes Diges _on,C*hf3crfui PJC5S and HcstContains iBriiticr OpninT.Morpti-ie i_>r >_-__?__ Kot Narcotic. fy?* t^OUlx>S.WllPfI^BSR Pumpkin S mi' MxJfmVf * Jt.n.tU SJU - Am* Jrt?f ? ihCuiimamSa?m* mmJmf tBU J*gmr - ?lacnyr-n run Apcrfoft Remedy forCoris_p-r lion. Sour StoiTuch.Diarrrcea, Worms ?Convulsions Jeverish l_cssawlL0SS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of 7 W YORK. For Infants and Childrc The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature The Kind You Nave Always Bought. TORI? THCCOITt? CO?????!, m?t<i.? ?XTRA ! ami ??i:mi:\ i ?. EXTRA ! EXTRA ! ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, August 24th, .1. G? Field's Greater Minstrels <THUR RICBY. TOMMY OOWLILY, DA,\ QlIM \\. DOCQl'ICII ., AL. O.MLL?.dnd 4 Hundred Other American Mi.istrels ? A European S] I ; ' i - i vtuiv t? ucAL n u-.u.ion. nix n. DLELWOTT * GERHARDT, man Juggli r, m'i;tt. BEI kS, AND GR?ETT, robotic Grotesque I I i'i'ii'-'s?it Nljrtit. *i BEATS \<?\\ i)\ SPECIAL MAIIMI Tor Ladies find Chifdren AT 2:30 P. M. R i? fa I ,.' tin- !'. r Gretit. Novel, Pure, Refined. , 7."?, BO, ?mil _.">?*. s mi:. IROIP? Ihe De Sillo Hcttitomimisis. $10,000 l'.iris I %| lion I irai P rt. The ??ON 10 M HA." ?.?.?n--. the Con : "GOX1 roTHl ' I ' ' I ' an ' \t \ III M * ?tl Ml IIC. I WEDNESDAY, Al G MATINEE AND NIOHT. Al,. O. Ill II? MIN* l III i .<*. HIGO EST, AND I l.l. MINS1 ItEIa SHOWS ; IX AI.I. I IllXOi i il \N AI.I. . NEW THIS SE VS< ?N. . A It) IAIN-STREET VAUDEVILLE. i;K l ORNER M LIN AND VINE W L'l.I.. ENTIRE. EACH Wl | ONLY UK.II CLASS ATTRACTIONS. .in i.v PERF? iRMAl ai * B O'CIXX 'K. TES OPEN ? ?NE II? ?Uli KA RUER. BATURD \ V M v : . ? P. M. W EEK ' i IMMENCINO M'tNDAV arrell and Taylor, b-l i . man on th? v ' ' ' ?YNOLDS LA . s. ?RE. VIS at-, in ?nal chal? lillilr.-n, f. ' AUDITORIUM TI BROAD-STREET PARK? UA VAUDEVILLE. M ADA l NEI N H LE, Mr. . KI'AS'I' :. ;i.u .1? IS] . in ' m in, Pb- ' III ?l\l>? OPPOH I I Milt ? ' I ?'It ?III r? EXCI RBI05S, ni M? ?. A?-. 75c.* "oNLY ##7#5c.: ROUND TRIP TO Norfolk, Old Point, and Newport News OS thi-: Steamer Pocahontas Saturday Night, August 2Tth,? lO P. Mi ! ?ADTBS OB CHILDREN. BACH.."??> 75C. ONLY 7.SC BOUND TitII? TO ioffolkt Old Pointi & Newport News ?'S IHK STEAVUR POTAHONTAS atnrday Kight. Aug. 27th, 10 P. M. t l.iiili?-? i'i-i'liil(lr?'ri. ?-iii'li .."?O?*. how n/.i:ii BXI i hmov THURSDAY, AI OUST ?ft, ?ab?. TO CKAN VIEW AND OLD POINT. n lea? ?k. und u'iio I ?spot * < a If. f und Trip: I'nint .tl .flu. n View .BJCv TI.LEKY TARGET PRACTICE KuR STATE t'HAMl ION8HIP AND I! ATTA LION DRESS PARADE, a-at "ALL iBOAJtl Till USD \^ M? i? ?M.i? ,ii r i. -. :. . Building i irtii. ] au 21-it? M ItKMM? I I T-K.MINU. Ilol-i., W_?.l rol?. I. ?t UMDSJS NKW -..V.NA?._Ml..s water battling, Ui-lin*. an?! _?Mi.g ? bicycle ron.1.1. Artesian known t?? ours lysir?-?-?1-'. and si ' saesa Rates, i: ta H . rates to fumui.? i-- weetr, i Monttiiy tickets op railroad I ti. k<-,... i_i, g .1 for ... i family. av???< lal 8i?tur?la> good \o return Meada) ?l cenia i olrculars, a|???l) to Southera Rails ? ' ' Bcr.ger Ornee. MO cast U,in ?ti-.v Kicn uiond, Va. RoUKIlT IUKNS, _*?ee???\