Newspaper Page Text
R THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1889. It's the Pitch-In Buying Time. The life is emghed out of profit niul COSt in this haste t<? unload great stock-. The inic??nifort;tl>lc 1 lirons 04 yesterday "will find case M the livc?c: i ?ellin-? O? to-day. - The ?>rices Are to Be the ?Same All Around. ?ind correctly ftppliC?bk to this C ?OTTOV ?.OOTIS 1IAVK IM9? IHK Ili.liK 01 t 0?T Tin*. rw.'l*., an*? price? rm f.? wlldesl i The : ?!<.-!llniT-IiV BeaManc? to t'.ie jri-l-riii-of-trum pi 16 I i .:.. !, IBS) I I ; och Dtmltles, all I I and I , lark . - tn . i Pei i ' r fall 1 I and .tri| . .nl. .* . !vl from rade, fur : FRl , foi i/o, * Jlty, for heel a third I f.lMV,*. ?JUB M? loM.IU virilM. I l.n.i: iiM.N*.. If c i, it's doabtfn] I them foi ? ; . appll? to the entire i J' I ' r ; i ' . ; I N I rd-aids Lb 'i , full ? Hu? k T.*. wide, tor . : n ' linii. Oc. 's \ itton Crash Tow. Ilina;, i : 01 lint iv-, the Ho, i. ?il aidth i of ' I Heavy T lath Towel? for I th Towela, CO Inches ' lluck Towels, 00., or 6 Cot ; I'i.i.-i.'.r.i-n Damask Towela, Had frliaf-e, i rder, 2 tot I M laoh Tahl. Paddli f, oi "loth, te. j ard, In itton Bird-1:.\ i Diaper, toe. for a pi? Vi;i m ?MTOlot >'<'l.' ? < ? Heavj- Honey-Comb Towels for La. ? bu n n HM-.IIIM.** ?jnOavrr. th? man isjer. "The i j -. futur. nln." <? To k..;. th. I ill lollinji, wc Offer to? il ii y : CO and h Lislo-Tliri i ] pair. 1 9LM to <- " fords snd Cm and "aot ? 20 aa Ilk Voiir-iti-IIaiuls, J' Club Tii s, foi i 1 i ; . nl Km-- , . snd $i gra?eo, toe, r, . |f< n'a Ui hrii der- i i Drawera, i pair. i Till I WALK OF till IAIN s ami I nit ?n io | > i boa iinxiotis w. are to eloea th. , boo*, ?tuck. '. < ! Hand* .1 loni " H.90, 4 E j rds long, : . .: i HO 1 nd. I i ty Psttei Curtains A good Imltatl m of n md-Made Brus nein Curtain ior ?'* Dalr. do not baVM 111 ? ? f salts on id Pi rlis.'iin-tits, b_t what 1h?\ represent Bead Sunday's story Qyer and Hiat BBppeiided below ? both will be found MUitoMble ay's work. DRAP_-Ua-l rrottv Oold Crepe Draperie* la* iV. the U1 ?ft kln(l Al. ?'.?lors and ?IfflKns (?f Rllkollno I ?rat.? rlea for Kk\ Fish-Net Curtain Lacs t<?r BMo, Curtain Muslin, with t?<?r<l<r on both . f..r 1"? yard. Mil WILL V\\ M Alt IMlMII.F. TIIK I'HFSKVI IIOMKIII Fill? ! IS or th?- aami bow a* Mit. solid Bla? k Rlcbell? u R I I Import? 'i Hoi . H< rm idol I dj o, dou? ble boI? a, beela and toe . II ;=;>ir. i 8c, Bllk-Flnlahed Fine Imported ... Hermsdorf dye, ; ill'. r,n? t ('t? ii'ii Lisle-Thread, In Black and Tan, selling foi Uc pair. i. a ml 86c. Fancy ? olored and Import! ?I Hose, now 17 1-1 Fancy s? otch Inrportatl? m?', i ' Fin?? Black Li-1 ii. a for He. i ' Black and Tan Lisle Cotton, dropstl i x i. ribbed, coating up to Uc pair, 12 i-2c. i . Plaid Imi ort? d S pair, from 60c. i Bolld-Black and Tan S i . <i?'iii,i,' sole, 2 p.iirs for and Boys' Solid-Black Full s? ami? - Fine Rlbbt d Hose, all sises, c to ! l-t, I pairs for 83c, 1_UB < \iiplt iiia?titT*.invr I PR-TPARSD TO DO BUSINESS WITH A N'KW STAUT. ' . at that < agbt to provi .tile comfort to all in th?? late of Virginia. s??mo of the prie? : : If a rd-Wide Ingrain Carpeta for 71-2C. Solid Color \vii'..ti Carpets, short all coloi i, Bold at 51 a Ail-Wool Extra Super Ingrain Carpeti yard. Nl W In ? ' ?rpcti?, for rooms, 1 : j ard. i Smyrna H rth Rugs foi 18-30-incb Bmj rna D r Mats for 21c, : Chenille Bmj i for I Ix4-yard All-Wool Ingrain Drugget \ GRF\T SM.K OF SILK??. ! ting meana loss st all times II ans m?,re just n,,w. because ?is stock far beyond our usual the month of 97s |i t you sari about on.- ball Broken Plaid Taffeta silk. In two-, and four-ton? ! color combina? tions, for z'.r a rare, Um usual tec. grade. Black Ai: Fur. Silk Surah Serge, 2". In? bes will??, 75c, quality, for I ? rwo-Toned and Solid Color Rustling Taffeta ' ' 'i . illty, for Be a yard. avincb HarTd-Made India Bilk, for 84c. ,, yard. White Hand-Made Wash n in? h? s wide, for ne. a yard, sold ben - yard. Be, i van! for Black Moire Velour, In th? latest new Baj ad? re effect I heretofor? t"? -*1 yard Black Brocade Satin Dw??.esa In small, large, and medium designs, the grad? old Bsually for M ., for tVc, a j ?i'i. -i Check Satins, in 3 dlfl colorings, for lie. i yard, usual 86c. grade. ible Lining Taffetas, choice of 10 dlffei < m colorlngi. for i le. -, yard, iitK sia.i.iM. i\ tur iiiiim: \\ \ni: ___ -R'TMBST, '-?in,n i?. ' '?ut. ?j China .Milk Pit for Uc. i ? 'Linn Salad Bowli for tac Sngllan Porcelain Soup Dinner and for ::? . D ? !ut -i Hasi Bi rry i Water Bottles. Wine Juj Trays, Cak I . for loe. i. !, .a?n Bettet feel long, for dry Soap, -stun?,' Carpet or House Brooms for I fool Folding Curtain E . with i >i UM. too ' i? ! ? !b ipi li.. Bowl? for IS ?eathi r Dual i -quart Granite-Iron Covered Bn inch Granite Pie-Plat? s, Sc. Iranlte Colandei ?, 8c -quart Granit.- Milk or Pudding P for 6c apanm d Tin Toilet s- h foi . i foi at? ?I Bn .,,1 i: npanned Br< id Sozi - 15c. ;i ? i Bread or Cake K Refrigerators, lined with vanised Bte? 1 and filled with chi r, ?? ctrl? -W< Id.? 1 Hoop Ced ,r Tubs for THE COHEN CO. THE COHEN CO. VU M II I M. 0RO1MANCKS lti:\l>ll?. sjajSj tTaaaaslttaa ? ? n?'nioi w??iini mi'Dils a \uiiiImt <if \ uii-nil iiii-ii l?>. Tho Sub-Coniniltt?'0 on 31? .ilt?i spp? to oeaaSsaea aaaearda-i?: uts to tin- plumbing ordiii ," fit> m. t in th. o" tha ?saard <-f n. ilth lai tm nlag s. TJO o'clock. Preaasst arare ?aeaara. Camp (chairman) .uul Cit. i::. Tha ildiiniin explained the obteot ol tb. bw stlng, att<T which UM - : I< 'l l.y Hi? 11,??I,?it.i? il numbtng ! 1 ;m<*. a ji m v : Ion was Indulged In. Phillips Olaaebrook, May, und Chap '. were Invited i reconnut B Aftt-r itii interchang. of afdnltNi tas fol? lo-aliii? ?inifinitr.'ivs wen apon: Rftquirv t > obtain a permit of the Inspector fur all plumbing work ft iiilring vi Qt-pl* Ith.r lead, ca.-t-lion, or gahranl? I wi j.lj.i'. and tvherc nature, smptl Into open to ii iva ti Ri-<?Ulrln?? ptamblng work I b. Il M a-h? a ai rat run in tl build* in?: ; ut< placed Int.? titln n. Prohibiting the putting la of fiui-hiiii.' nm hoppers In dw< ProhibitI - bed i iK , i k* 'iiiui' te< will -report aa erdh eml . ' :in tins;, 'i . ay iii^iu. MWTfc'H] **ll\?. -*II I MM. Of VON". Coiuuiltl?-,. A|i|>ol Jtiil ( > Tl.-lja ??. I i.l? rlnlii ?In- I.niub?. A ?eager session I i wan held laut riiKht l.y it. k. Lee Gam ' 1 t. mas, in La? Ceanp Hall, ami be. of sjeueial int. r? th. attead aaee ol wei-aUcs au? aiao lan-.-r than U!-U!ll. Oh .o'''?'ornman?icr Cos aas pn - Bt and . gave ?n ?f tho | by th? uap. Comrade :: i.-u. ?,?.?,.,. ,,i:iiini, , th?i Audi! for th. eomnittee on the tuuneeo or : th. camp, which was adopted und ordi Uli d. Upon motion, the following commltte. was n.-mi'd to sot lu conjunction with simllsr oommltt? ro? Lee ( Phil Kearny Po?l In receiving the "Lambs" of Bchuyler Post, ?if Phlladel pb i temmander Wsldi a, Rev, Jam? ke, i.i.m. aanl W .1. Hoi anil conn,id. i n i. EBchola and Edwin connu, y. After the ..imp adjourned. i on in i inn v i-\in. Till? ( liililrt'ii of Mr. 11 in \?. n I,oat til M ualil n u Ion? \re l'on ml. Harris and Relea? two littl. chlldrea of Mr. B, (I. Hrmui. :in operator ;it th. . oBmOO, In this dt). \\. r. left by their train In Wsshington Snnd.iv nlK'ht, and for BOSM tim? minli an? was fell by ?heir fstber. The rhildrrti WOTO tomtOg lioin York aiorii' and ?Biased the connection at Wsshington. Ifr. Brown ??is at the train hi re 'o n-, i them snd ? hen th? etc the wire, of th. Peel i i psn. i.itii<-'I for iiwhii?. witii Queethmi iii.ot their whereahouti The Poetal o<JBc. .1 Washington and : of polio, ware aired, i ir. Wt sdoa went the ehlldn n bul di.-, oven >i thai ob r. ?etpl of an earil? i oflclal if the t? i**-;r.<i**t compaay had seal to the It itnoi ' Of Un in Thl ) oh re taken to th. Postal oille. und nlv? n i f>ooi suapei. id'i i*.iii'h they fell asliep .n iriij.r. for th? m by a Thi-v i"ft WaBhirigton al i 0 . ami ?it * 4" arriv? <i b? the anxious father. ?inn-t. Hill Not Huri. ?vie };, f sad dumb, ralked I" front "f .? troll, ??i.iiiv i n ,. , .Iain ("Irret last Blghl Wl . i yton* Injury h. *. ,.?: oaagbt on h(. f, ,,,i. liad i fi a ( mis before ],,. . >r could I ', ;,nd th. m ?torn m rang ins i,,, violo,- in.V BttentJea*. Mr R , ,ri. tth? n tsh- o trota tin- sr . ndar. ai i few br?la H ;i to hi? horn?*, down-tow?* GHOULS IN UNIFORM. GUVF.R>OR'S ATTi:>TIO>- CA1.LKD. to ???oLDiiaiv oniitt.F.s. DUG UP CONFEDERATE SOLDIER"; PUSMBSJ Ivntila nml Illinois Volun? teers Carry on Portions of tin Skeletons as Helles SeSB* MnnnHBaa. Destroying Property Of Cltlsens. Governor Tyler may take some official action regarding lbs -ssseratlea of lbs ?raves of ConJ'eaeS-tS soldier?, and the destruction of property l?y B***S-I rs Oi lbs sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, th i". m iiii. s of th it State, and ths S?v< nth Illinois Regiment, in the m-ifrh borhond of TlMtroug?fare Gap, a letter has r.. "titiv bet n i the Oovernor from a g? ntleman I?Billing In Philadelphia, telling attention to these outra-;-s. The letter Is as foil" "Philadelphia. Aun'ist 17, IM "The attention of tbi Oovernor at the siat" of vitKii.i.i _ rsspsctfulljr oail? th. snclosed fr,,m a recent ??seas of th? Re? ?iii, of this city, a statement from an evi'l?ut participaiit, which recites with gboullah gle. bfa part in cor-MC-on with Hi- State Peaolbles, of this city; th" Sixth F? nnsj iv.'inia Regiment, and the ? Illinois, in robblna arav? -, killing ? attk. and ootr*_l*_ ' taraiera on th. soil ?T Virginia "j;. apt ? tfully, ?Vil'ijINIANY " "RBB-TitT BONBB AS RE-JOS." The writer ericlosei the following patch ir.ini Thoroughfare Gap, which ? bed under hi -ding, "K? b? br B sa F' Il - Ch? n bed by the Uoys ol lb? Bixl ii P< busj Ivanla"; THOROUGHFARE, VA., Augusl 14 Ourbo] of the Sixth Pennsylvania Volun t, ? ra bare und? rgoi during ths past week, and are now In .amp here along the railroad. Bin? a loft Cam-,, Alger we bave bad varied e_ periences. At times we have i. i t cm, w n fed, hut taken In all we have ha,i loti of fun. The mar bave joi Ity ol - It? of th fully. W'l. - Bull Fun Sunday, several of ??nr b??> - came Into ' .1 tii.?t t\s ? > COWl I ? aJf w< i? running : . in th? beast . v. rm< ?i with dull in on "iir pn y. a*] bo time In W . Bucct d< d In a cow and a and for a 'tune Uv? d prt tty w< II. Th? ..Ma : bout v. hi n v. i.y. "Who Bt - ."' The B and :\ thai we a ''i n- - and you i?? t we will not, for If anything b our Una it I ly if . N? ,ir Bulk Rui - :i"'l ? ntrance Li lall grave] ard and din: up a Confederate officer. They di vlded his i mong the su BILL BO! B OO BEs-O-KO. tot broke camp Sunday an?i n -,.. a ii. t,', of twelve miles On ?us trip ws marchad through tl town nii'i battis D< Id of Msi isaa , Wi rrers eheered along the route. W? ri i y little to ?rater until we arrived al Brtatow, All i- i vim? tits, about i ? l ' troops, nren ?campad in a spacious h?'-?i as level Philadelphia ball park. While here ars tad quite a little spoi t. \\ > losi no time n pitching nur dog tents, sad then pro '.,i..i ourselves fee b good tlme Pood we wars oornpslled : ch the county for m m? thing to eat t n as arpi me of <>ur bo] -. ?r w. Il-to-do families of Philadelphia Bedla, going from house to ' king mit thing t rse, wi are ill pel I ",:r pa.v ,.r July. The bo ,m?d to write end bava proven i neb good "bt in- ra" that th? y ears UtU< 'or wealth, only to buy smoking - and envelopes and tab eta t" ?ni' t swa i bee rte. ,me i, i\,- even lugh to h? ir girl? soldiers' tetters, letting them ? i.? m ,?i at the other end. SPORT WITH Till.' FARMER ! A i ' inner cam he road, st i wai n It? ?i b i Bt it? Fencibl? \ ho purchased i Is for S i ota He I the lai mi tl r. and whi!<? :. ! was ?i? ttlng tie change a crowd , on the wsgon, t? ??k ail the milk ind cak? >. and ? am? very near .: blcla The fa 11 atly wild nan. ii,- whipped i . ind went Ij Ing down tie road H bai k, ursing a? be went, and flashed an ui ooklng knife through i h air. Several ither fat ni' ra fan d In about I ray, and In th? i he un? rs of tl VlrgH la soil arero One -, with a big : 'hi" 'i to talk with some t the Seventh i rs, was aur ound? d in an Instant 1 ,,f oldiers, a ho i hov< d him around and pull d bli a hlsk ra Win -.??v. ,AIS rough! t . end the nnfortu t.- was ? m flying ni? in th.- sir. I! ? ?'tu' d i" ' "j"v th" fun, .?n.i proved I ough for d" bo) --. and he wai lei . I.- was considered i -,,i ? mainel with us uni im,'. BVER1 BODY DBDION INT. I it may easily be imagined thai the Oov? rnor, m coaimon with every cltlsen of ' 'Irglnla and the South, Ii Indignant that ; neb outragi i - tl. di i : lb? d ihould ' . p. riniti? ?i. and - n pris? i thai ? p ,p> r ,, influential and circulai lug si vv idi I i the S'luth as does should ; ? gard th? -ii light BMcn? r. A ' n mber ol regimen) the < Bslstaflt Bui-eon ai that, has already ? ecu in?iict??i i'v t'a Fairfax grand Jury ' ?r diK'Kiiiv,' uji the i i ike, ' I Alabama, burl, d on tbt b ittl? -fli i,i of x<. end carrylBg ?i wa y \ : the skeleton, and the gold-fllilng bl i th ai relics ?,f tl h work. ? rteln thai Oov? 11 or Tj 1er win f tut ail i' a.i.i in , m ,,f the > ?ton ??t i < AT Tlioitoi Q1IP 1RS ?. IP. .ml I ?nut Ion ?>f Hun.-mi I >.-1,- ii ? ?-?? I a Sas?i*a iii.InIui? i,? Leave al on.-?-. t WASHINGTON, , th.- star from 'n. iroughf rs I M| . I lya th. continuation of t1 ?f iptaln Ihm? an, of t md wa? taken o?a. AU ' '? i. i" tve t ' ?'. and a tar as t: r atiii? la ? ? i j r cbange of pians bas been m to th.- mon m? :.t of Oen? ral t, Dtvtalon now t Thoroughfari a. The .xp'.t'?.! st iv will BOt be ma.l r or.iers w- red Baturd iy all i ? quiring ths n g?n< ata to move to .*i ? town SI raphiU (?I.I..1 to move in th.- following order' .* iini Missouri, First Rhode Island Be- .' lei Tennessee, ts? provisional regimen t, Kth Pennsyrvanlar^Clnth nitnota, n:?h diana Twenty??secO-d Kansas, and ! lird N? w Y >rk. g t n plain Slaxl.t-t' Priiiiiot.-.l. WASHINGTON, August tt ti,,. r,,-s|- ?, i baa promoted Captain Ch uiss i>. I Called St.,- ii i. v v, now ,,,m indlng the Bt. P aaelBB him U ; ? ? numbers on the I i ?? in s : , for "ixtruorUinary h?roism." , B cm inn ref?t. for One Night Treatment tha nl^'ht ?Tait the SaaB. In a Btsoas ?'o* liithiT of nmiTiA SOAP. Dry t*ssssssj?ir and ?nutet 0m9s Wit* I ! TiiTilA, ?rraatiiit <>t i at ?kin esraa Wear <-M li? ?riov?-?, win the Sssar pn.:?. c\it * . in ti i l ' < ?ootllatlon. Fur red. PtaagS, < 'i;i;.i.,l I li;ii].|?, ?Irr. ?*MS**S?ai lt^Liiur. f>. viT'.'h piiiin?,'i Stapel *?. cti'i an.l painful linger ?uils, thla tri-almcnt la wunilt-itul. Aft- - I If T ?Ja H".1nj or ?jit Atl.litl'H. u |.??h wlLb i I ftl I R.-. gOAP H ? i.I BM lataratrtts ef m-xioru civfltasi . ?MSI Ml. I - ; -.' t .> ??an, h<^,thra lufluinniaMi.ii nul Lrritatl .u, re? m..\-< I idue or offruan?. pet-plra'n.ri, and ?vI.imi ri.ll.ivid t'j a *-vnt.> ?i..>imdi.? nl-**i I i'TI' IJBA. purwt ..f etnilll? uta und i;ri*at.;so if skin mir??, un.Ti.? ie. ?' heaaVtal In r?? I tl.-rii, lam?], ?tralsed or lL?sme?! a. ^. Sold tbr1.113l.iiat t!" S t"l Prl cvnjt ?*oap, -.-*. ?i Tin i;.?, i ,t.,>tin, so-,. l'f-Tri-.ll I'ltl'i. AM? ?-1IK.M '''?Kl' BOStSS, Si* r*iop?. IlrltUh l**???t. 1 Kin* Ulayard .t.. L?iciViii. Seal HS "liov? to t'rtMluc* UuX?. Waitu linals," free. MRS. M \ic \ .1 V? nu-. DE VI?. Passed Vuny on ?>iiiiiliiy?Mr?. l!u gaale I*. Sal Demise. Mrs, Mary Jacobs, I I J.i ; T?i?, in.- at !.-1- n -: i.-iu . , .\.i. i. . m . . o ck, in tin- iv 1 year of bi - L loi | .ind painful Ilia? -, Whi? I i with that lent of this f"t- in r marsy acts of dnsrity snd I Mr. N.i Hannah, Mr. Bea lacoba, of Wheel! : Norfolk, Vs. inei al will tal i om her t Rev, I >r. ES, N, Ca will take i - The fol Dr. H. H. Levy, AI i ' 8am J 11 i : 111 i is. Thsihlmi r. Bam. \ BU iii ar, and a. Oellman. lira. wife of Mr. hi r !.u ' d. ' after a 1 yesr of b? r a, The fum - ral will tak? | n at 4 ?vio.k : durch, and i!i' Biver Vi. w ?' in. ! ry. Iv v. Mr. II t cbun h, will condui t th. - M RPASSKS M I. rill ID '.:< I **nils Main-Mri-i-CN Hill li> VII Hilda lit.? Btraasreat ?Tat. '! bill which reek al rille Park last niftht not onlj . uni, ai..I It..- in i To no '>?* ' did a I. re than t.? y. in her mi.-, sii- band? .;-. too, an ail Hi. ro ighly new, ralng alto The LsVerd Bw srs bav. some of iin- mosi difficult of I dai tb spiral in add!! lumber of catchy songs. McCarthy snd teynold I h -auh thrown n. and Bal II ?i<? iv. :- h? r title 'd' "i1.. Lit! 9\ aptivated the au<i?. i:ce with her ...1 a ml r. salon of stir-.! ! ! acrobatic and other including .m., 'ill.* irtcelng act, it ?..a by - ml to F.m 'ill and Taylor, m t li? v Busti i? bla k-fac tui a, ?riven. : as bava a an rid of instrumente, and utroduce a aum ? r of origti 'ies. ' Iti-v. Mr. Hall Iti-nlun?. ig of the 'uur-.M: a Sun i: iv. -Mr. Hall u nden .1 hi. i m. t.. I i " tobei i-t. iiis saaoa for toatgah . i. -"-retting bja leave 'ill., i.viv.i! at Knur-Mil.- Creek] iniv >i i ontlnues wRb lacres \ conversions up to - Ight The pastor, Rev. .v. j. Ball ? Rev. Mr. Colea, ut Ten in- ?aeeflni will bo cominm-d part of iii? w- ok. Bee, mi. Butler, of Aletandrle. ; i both moiaTatag and lalght at th. Fulton Burch mi *"iinday. Mr. Butler a lin?- speaki Hli du >ui v,.,* t? ally enjoyed by Urn corigregation. Rev, s. C. Hatcher, ef Denn* : i li n h, is quite ill in New ork. He ?. . . r N r f< r*. :.; titr,,, lo t-. mi h's ?if.- and \\ i Bav. i' ?. di. a coad i Street Method Bight * ROUGH RIDER ASTRA Y OXE OP HOOSFVFI,T'?. MEX ILL iv, .ma\ciii;sti:ii? MR. HATCHER SHOT FROM AMBUSH. Tiro Xenro Iloy? Shoot Hira in HI? Watermelon I'ntoh?Funeral of Mr. llakcr?Thieves ?tilt nt Vi ork? Other .??.vs. One of Roosevelt's RoURh Riders I? very III with malarial-fever In ManrhBBtl th-? houso of Mra. J. *?V. M <inn, Eighth and LOB M' His namo Is Woodson, and ho enmo to the dty ten days ago, when the Rough induis wcro pausing through Richrnond. Ho was taken Hick with tho fever and wandered to ManohSBter. Mrs. M. <* inn found him In an unconscious condition in a vacant houso near hers. She took him home, and has dono everything In Bs*f power for him. He has had the r?*tru lar .'itt"iid.ini-e of a. physician of the city and all tho ni'-ilicino h>? EM 6V 1. Mrs. M. ?aim also wroto to relatives of the young man. His aunt from Richmond is now with him. Ills father and mother ihr. In Washington and he has a grand? father in i'<-fiTshurs.-, Va. Mr. Woodson was batter -reeterdar,, though at times Still delirious. BOT IN HIS MF.r.ON'-PATCir. Mr. Thomas Hatcher, a ah :i-kri?v,vii resi? dent of the county, was shot and quite painfully Injured fOOtrnTOmf by two BSgTO boya from an ambuah on Mr, Batcher's own faun. The bullet from a pistol k .Mr. HStcher over the left sjrs snd mflioted an ugly around, though th.. skull was not broken. Mr- Hatcher eamwo to tiio city to lie treated fot hie Injury. ii" wiM in his aatermemn-patch at the timo of the sliooting, and suppose, th. boya, win? win- both sons of nsighbors, bad oom. to look at the watermelons, too. But why tin y athould shool I a frli ndly ti rms with tii" t both '.f Ci-ni. une \ l (roen and on. Warrants ha\ i ,. >m out for the arraat of both. i l.XKUAL OF A T. BAKER. ill..' funeral "f Mr. Bddi? T. BsJier, an announcement "f wl un bom. Of !iis lather, Hon. W. W. Baker, at Halleboro', m Chest id. in Sunday's i tch, took p-?' " Bund ob at i o'clock from B< the! Baptist cl i m conduct? d by It? >. Bo? i.. n ii. v, : ?ted by Bei. Drs on. Th. latter offered i >r. Hatch ting in a v ?. mthetic strain regarding tha life o? the \ . and concluding Ins re? vi words of encouragement and ; family, re? minding ?-t died v. '.. Tha in: ion in tie burytag-ground. i*-t*t??k. r was born n' ir Hallsboro' lie old I n. W. W. I "i the 1. v-kn.iwn and most j il I county. Id- -.. . . After ., iii-i studii returned to his borne, a t ? ?', aber. h. ore, ?-t which I in i was ?juite su? also the -Radon u?ent for tho . Mpiiiy, sad I ; r at Ha Usaoro*. \\ ben quite young ii" oonnected himself with the Bethel B Itch M part in the church work. Hi- n aith hi? means and Ids t. i - ? in any w.iy ? lus power tl ; o( the Church. held in the j, . munity In which h* lived, and alar in bn . About i ?Cr. Bel tion, which mad. rapid Inreed. into hit rently rohust Bvsrythlng that loving friends ami skill* lid do t . and a tr.?, to the tunny land of Florida althout avail, and his fi I rela ;\. a a*! re e..rr.p.- I IM to i: tl ow tin- work of tho consumer. Bis po w.-ak lie : .o himself to tl;. week bis destb vas moment iril ;. Saturday \i iiiinr . nd Just it n?dnight his spirit pasa i i i Ihe pall-b? .1 ?; r7ats*ln., William Cburch?l, a :i John I i : T ?VStkln., William ('.. Owens, A .' a m, John i:, i ' /. H. P. .i . Rudd, and John Petti. BTOENCE BOBBED. :. and a Th? aindow, Hid f.e : of Mr. Blmn in n called on a i. u ii r m. where ho got th if trou I ' loing i rnmer may sreU V, HERS THE 'SQUIRE PRESIDES f the i lerda- nu i ' m two oi rbo hang oui il B< i ? ' tt them Wt re Sned BJO e;,ch. BAILETfl BENTBNtTB COUaMTZD, 1 Q minuted ti: u Uli im Bailey, of Bwai tent to the penitratlary for tare? ?r stealli v. .ir's im irisonment in tiie county jalL Th. bora. * i?? t ik.'-? from al l \\ Uker. Young Balk of a highly r<*. unity, wc lathy of tha entire community in th.-ir IB of Governor Tyler In commut I o the i. ople of i friends Tho school buildings of the MSB : bat? l" u : | I lie \\ msl pure white - n. REV. MRSPEJTCER RETURNS, r.. -.- J. a '?n. ? I to I he city from his vscstion, and preached the pulpit i Henry cow tjr He Is lookli .-?-11 indeed. HI? ?Ck very cordially on Sunday morning. \M> BR] Mr. Floyd BSS. - : It home |,y ckne?s. Mr. OSOS. 11. Fniiaht. of Danville, ht siting friends in Bwaasboro*, 'SVrulr. T. K. Oarea is detained at his ome, on ?-ast Thirt?? nth street, ! Mr. and Mr?. .T. C. BnelUnga have r<'' from B delightful trip to edfor.l ?'if.- and the mount lins terday for alsxandrla to visit her ti r. Mr-?. J. G M irkey. city Tr.-.?sur?r J. W, BrOBBUgh and atf. iturned home Saturday from a pi? ?BWlVrYi A $5.00 SHOE FOR $3.50 11 S~\ HI $3.50 k, ^ @ $3.50 I $3.50 Ri ??50_. 3 ?? $3.50 Wrn^f $3,5? I | $3.50 > $3.50 ? W-L. DOUGLAS! I $3.50 SHOE in the'world. ;' I Indorsed" by over 1,000,000 wearer.. | % The ?tyle, fit and wear cannot be sx- 5 sg celled at soy price AU kinds ?J ? -_ leather. A_ the modern styles. _ All 3 :? ?Aridths. One price, $3.50. r ? BOYS WEAR W. L DOUGLAS ? % $2.50 SHOE. Same quality as the I ? men's, VgsT?alra-B ;* 5ee th?aa at our ?xclaalve ?tor?, ; J 623 East Broad St. I (Jy 5-Ty.ThifcS.i.ts)_ trip to Albcmarl.? county, where they were Visiting n-latlves. Ifjgg en | Fifteenth and Porti r Kt,,. turned fror* <" e*i<!1'1"'1 stay at Newport NsWB, ehe has it visiting frt< nda Mr. v. s. N.mtiaiiy left v iterday tor r.unenbiirir county, where he < on account of the tkktu i ?ttio daughter. , . _. Mr H I* Jones left Satui for nn , atended pleasure trip through th.? South. H- win vtalt Cblcka-i C imp m hi ' bra?. . ..... Miss Maud Harl ind Moore, of i hii-i ihia, formel I ity? ? ? , t van Horn, at DI Eighth st: Mr W Thomas Williamson, ol i penaburg. Pa., is In tba city on a visit. If. WUUamaon la hispe Uroads, In? cluding the Ball """ Uum r _lli ii ' an n "i h from b very pleasant visit to rel r,,?i friends la Philadelphia aa4 Alt jjr. inklin, Of NOW York, who visiting the family of h t,i-,i,v for her bom n ',0 .anted ? Miss BU? n W Mr ( , N< W York. Th?- condition of Mr. E. O. HUI. I his having go rately 111, I K??tiii in iTaubsea Wai*_? . a Ware cl irglni him Prick Racks and - Ivlng him a good 1 lng. There Is an old f< gro? -. At the Is ' i urday morning, Lucas I down and triad to cut him with cleaver, ; in ths illy call? 1 runnln i I Shot at him three, times as bS ran off. The Interment of tho reniaitMI of Mis i Juli t Bagby, who di ?i on Saturday mornlpg at her residence, No. ti_ seat Marshall street, took placa Sunday svs nlng at 6 o'clock In _oil -?. ood, Tl vv.w hi i int. i ?ut - ILB, i?)it IX,i:. A SECOND-HAND CALIGRAPH TYPE writ.-r tn ai condition st a I ?I? II IN..?. GENERAL OR? :.!. RICHMOND OMMANDERY, So. 2 K. T.: Rlchmoi I, Va ?d Tin, Ma? ' on 'IT ' s P. M . in ell i Irew, N the Eml i l: I HOWARD C pi M. Willis i .: It LOST, STRAYKD, iSD I'm VI?. NOTICE. THE PI UM. is Hl REBY WARNED DRAFT, nrl |? tba lat, 'i M irioi OMPAN RI? noti.I. ' >v i: VXD? ?i.i'h i'l:-, >n Chesapeak? i . 1? ?UN which the And? r will 'V.ii'.l? tl : I, ,|| N I. PELDNER s I vest B STOLEN, PROM Ml liso, <?m: <'"U , color I tny Inform:,' ' ii,l stiltahlj . M | ' I : l : i : V s i i i i : It? OLD R1ML - u. a Cl ?ol end Te ;, r LUMSDEN _ BON'S I set r? rard. I.? 1ST 81'N DAI EVENING \ WHITE IHAGGT DOG ? die) red tint ,u bat k. Suitable reward If left ill Franklin i?r. h ?.o v AI,. OASUk, I DESIRE TO . i' ? ? < THE PEOPLE ?r their pati i VMES B. Ml ?ORE Jt_:.: .) M,??,i:i: Richmond, \ " I .1. WOOLDRIDOE \"'i will take : . U'..n. ? luart? r lirai' .n and Durai f S? pt? ml? r. ! ?. .,! il - elde ui ;,.| you . that hour, it i work. ? ?TV. VY 8 am. er Prank '1' .. \uiti \?.i:?*. BtooiKS, \\ i-OKS, a,.. DISS-LI I ion ?? ILK. ARRIACES, BUGGIES AND VEHI? CLES OP EVER?. I' AT C? ?ST. ' arUI offer our la I - . hielen Bt COBt, It 1 oulevards, Runabouti, ?.ve a very flj il table for di rocery, and milk wagons. \\ large ?took of S n \ a ?.I Will lit th? ir valu 8 \V. ?' S M ll'11 au _r>lV 314 north Fifth. Richmond. At< T?o* lAUCI-r??????? Oara ~*Wk4M?? Ka_k_ MM I- ...i, t,,-t TAXK.S POX THK CUR RENT CA? DA? YKAJt AUK TU U_ PAID - i RATA Itr TH? VENDOR AND In? VENDS T By .v. w. B?era Baal Batet? An RUSTKES* BAU! OF VALUABLE IMPRO) . ON THK NORTH BIDE "." BTKKET BETWEEN TV, ELFI Va. COLLEGE KTR ' WITH TWO HANI THE I."l INCHES I IK '. SI l; AND EXTEND? l'Ai: M.!.Kl. i.l.? :si i AN -vi , T?) ni: SOLD ? Iti execution of ? date?! th,? ?Sth day te A. Delh bla wife, to th? 'i . l" Ing l be? n asede under . : ' ? a PR-DAY, SETI i ' at 5 o'clock P. M This property i .: , In ?ipp? : atantlally ? two hai or fur Till I.MS ' - - ft'Tl. pan t, - f ,, additional lien upon ??r trust alone there? I ' - ? will fore tv at| ' REAL BBTATB -1 I l ?u- -\i HIGH-GF \\ BST lit wivi rs-?? ?. iti ?.?in - ' ami $17, . I 1 ?It s ?I I . ' '. POR l ' ?T. I <>!< It ' ' an : POP t. \ . ' 319 s ? It lt. J. 1 au 13-i!w_ i OB " ? , TH ' : J, i ' ? i OB RI s i IF Brl k House, In ol ? i it. J. B. EL _ mi I ' ' : i i km i i iti . \ I! IRl? ?.IN. ' OAK i Mi? i i ?v? ?it s r ... . ?, i -, A'ANTI .?. i ' : ' i \ I ID. INI ' ? MABI _ \\ _ w ?.?. i i n, ?. UIU.IAM \\ \> , i i?. ) - I ' VI \n i ? ? BMITHDEAI, COM y4 BMITHDEAI, Mi -I \i ? ** w I ?its, \? ?ST1 - * u \\ i I I), ?. W IM 1.11. . ' for City 11 ? 1 u \\ 11 i>. I LAi> CKctatV? DtgUih Pa*-, tro ths ??st Hat up M.i . t-klit-ui I ' rill bs _n .i.