Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. - ? WHOLE NUMBER 14,684? RKIIMOND, VA. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1898. * THREE CENTS PER COPY. IIS VICTORIOUS R.chrn'd Locomotive Works Low? est Bidder on Torpedo-Boats. CONTRACTS ?ILL PAY ILL to C?ieap Material and Cbcaj Transportation Here, [ i,H ROlUFOl K NHI-1 Mill j'uisrrr In tin* BaS |>I<>> mnil of In 0 .Mu. .1 >? ni I i oit-'B?l'i ra.mnl ..'. Army Nets, of Inlrr :, 'boal t B II II ' ' ' it B50,? , at 1 , .its, 16*1 ty-slx knots*, 0 twent; I . -. there. Mi it i*s - thai wltb : a, th. I \ i : i ' Will ll. -j to II Hai . Wosdbury , iii? t\ \ be re i nd re O NEGRO TRO< ?PS .a tin ' ' private plOCl il : Ii and I L Well' '. army. ' thai cnly well in our own i ! ' ' i up In th ni s SI my of more futur, win liitu \l.. Ion? d i i >un ty. N Ann. v . ks. . : ' aTPOTl .... .- arporl H V II." I I. j Parker, .,! Tab n Celui >( n, c., ffattaf sun mon?., ?let if, t. Simmon?, dead at Tull? stok? i . ounty, N, C. I W. Whit n? y. BOatfasster nt Tryoi appointed po in '-. Porto Rico, with a go? rwBMmiAu :'?n. lb. cook of the OIK Pecker, la making a desperat? flghl f. H<- telegraphed Colonel Late to Instituto cortn?n l.fl il proe. i higa, !i lb. lattat thinks would preji. I lei Lamb leavea this avea-tag fe k. to ?? ? what aaa be doi unfortunat. young aaan. i BeAlesandi r, Cb irlotte, B. <" : . Carter Walker, R. <*. Booten, oran.? V'a?? p v. Andrewa, Wtlaen, N. C H I Wood, Virginia, are at the Metre i i 11 AsUnr OBDllBfl, Otto Roj ater, Oomp iny i 'iiurd Virginia Volunteer infantry, so* P at Dunn LaOting, V.l.. Will B. dll : from the ser-rice of the Unit by the i (-?aUmandlng o& m or a m Gaa?y, Mga?). ra? \ i mteera, la relieve from d n i- ply officer i . with the Pourtb Arm .nui will prooi "i te K..ii Bouroi V. and report m person t<> Lteutensn ! A Woodbull, ?h; United fctati s army, for u in the Joslab Blmpso ,,l tha TOBPBOO-BO \ i BIDS. "*>* . B. 'liiKit. of Kl< IiiiioimI, I'mml mu? in IBs WASHINGTON, Augusi BL Tha Baa ment opened bids si *.""n to-da for Blxti n toi pedo-boat deetro] twel*?re torpsdo-boata, to coal la tl gat. ii"! exceeding B.Ba\M0, aa pro-vide opi latten set, The. . n eoasitl tioi ? r mad navy Th. destroj complete within eighteen months end th thin ta ? Iv. months. ding to the requin ment, of the dr ar.- t.. ! . the toi of B knot ? ^ and ( > more tl DO t ach, while th. torpedo bout BO tons and t than HI I ?UR FIRST OF Till: TTPB. aril] be the Brai seaai l of thai typ? added to our navy, Us during th war ? .agent y. ittery will be composed of Berei rapM-flre guns. There win be m^unt?. on th.- midship lln. tWO "J' -f?><?t tube. ' carry IT-fool torpedoes Berthing %n j 11 be required to accommodate a orei oi sixty men and four oiiicors, and pi-ovi for twi it y . The t"i ?" .] of much tl Ign, bul win be ?mailer. The bail will be . omposed of thn e rap II be mounted on d< ck thri a 16 rpedo tubes, with torpedoes, Uve. of all the gr?a! ihip building firms wi n pri bi when the bid open? d. Borne "f th. departa? n thought it would tak.. two aseeki t the bid. fully tabulated. Am..m BR. TRIGG B BID. William R. Tiigg, R* bmond, V : Tor pedo*ho its, B knoti l > . sl BSO.000; tw< : . nif a 00, two at B.DO, thn e at I f(.ur eh. ,!-.; B P lyton, WUllemsi oi Pa. with i kn.its . n the at. . tii m and th< 11 will > <* tabulated and th" .it- at from the price, there are of delivers !i wll t.. be . in making th. i wai ?l*Tl ITIOH IT **l VMI. \. I louiii?. BftwMi Rebela sad \m?Ti <-.-iiiH I ;\ni;u?-i'ii Ii-iI. M \M!.\ PHILIPPINE 18LANDCI Th. rumors i I in i the Am. ricana part unfounded, that tl in until aai an I p< rmen \ mei lean proti ctkm. i. u k, will, h originated In rumors i. to to a i an on thai tnstltu .. .I . fsllui >mlng brisk, i u, at ?n the River Pasig, whlcl dos m. town, haw tu .n i> . d, and th. wster?work. bav. i : - rations RBPOBT I mm Wliri.l.iiit. Ili-. I ?hiiiiuiikI la Impro?. Inn' in Health nuil Spirit*?. \v 18HINGTON, A I hi w : Bl !.. nighl posti d th. follow i an Gsneral Whi Bontauk Pi Int, Long l. X. T., k \> hi igton, D. C. -i bave labon .1 nd orgai . th th? mprovlng In Then been bul twenty deaths .-mai- the organised. Th. cha etter In l de last four i. a mark? d. Am just sending ] , i si v. bleb will to tl with their regi ... in thing ?s Im alee a ? bo ar. direct! d t?.? Im? irltll R and BBS? w HEELER, B d." MBPflOM BBTl'BMi TO RBB *?<?iiiv. ii?. mid oiii?*r t^Javssaalsstoaers i<-ii\? for ? uliu \?vl W ?M-U. WASHINGTON, Auslast ft IdaalraJ \. ilngtoa at i this afteraoon, oa the CongresatonaJ I inl,. s fl V..rk. and (...-morrow y, uj go aaoard his Sag lip, th. .v a v,.ik. winch will i- put m dry-dock at tor i-1 airs. mirai Bampson Bill leev. for Cuba September Id. The member. < " ','),,. , ,.? ml? ':- ertll preaabli go aa the .N. W i no\ OB roi-oM.i? < \M)V. Basses! ?f IVoniiiii >u |i|i?a?*il to II? ? <uini*?*liil With ? iiillii? II. IXOCKTON, CAL., A-sguel ft Bra, Ada Botkki " Va" :^ "'s,,,l ,u ** ?'ehMta te> night for suppoead ooaaection with Um jng 0f m bOI <?f POtaOBSd candy to lira Joha P? Diwalug, al Dover, Del, from th. ?-Htiti. of which Bra, Dunning M | hll. ??star, Bra. J. i'^'k Daaaj, oitd Bbortly alttrwaids. THEFLEETTO REMAIN. O?? Warships lot to Be With? drawn from Hampton Roads, NO COMPLAINTS WERE MADE, All lbs Steamsnip Companies Deny Haying Entered Any Protest. Tflfl OB-BaBBS WBBUB SOT ISSI En. laslslaat'Sanrslnrji Aiit-u nsatsa Hie Roiiorl, and sh>b sivl.v or s,.rt?iily Tasarais Will Ba la th? it?..-?.!?? I'roiii.,! Action In Norfolk, There In no ?loiilit that a larga Sa I >>' war-veaaela win be assembled in Hampton Roads .?ml it? ?'t l),.-r?i f?ir BOBBI tun? ladt ' 'i. a h__i number or gnnl aaxUlary cruisers, torpedo-boats, and nave already arrived in that splen? did harbor, and others are "?wn-ng in daily and ail! continu? to ??o .-o. Prom tl i . ,t band it is- not believed t .'- i >> part-teal of changing its origl ??I plan of having a great rand< in ti. .ml it" such .si' ]..- w? re con tempi?ted pressure that eould hardly be i i?"i would i"- broughl to bear to pre? rent them being carrlsd ont Th? report at out from Washington M inday night to th.? - ffecl th?t the Department had ^m?,'.i order? that only t:,' auxiliar?, crulaera and tugi ba allow? ? ?i t.? t?nsala at Port Monroe, and thai th?- warships b? s-" I to New York and Boston, ami the torpedo-boats to New? port, K. I., aroused great Indignation here ai well as .,t Old Point, Newport N, WS, ami Hampton. Tin- matt? ? | discuss. ?! with great inter, st. especially in transportation elrclas, sad no ? il people were more Indignant than the mship companies, apon whose alleged complaint? that the pre senes In tbe har? bor of b lam- Beet w-.iiiiii seriously Inter f< re with i n wai .st.u.'d that the unjust orders ware Issued, NO C!Oa-?_t_-NT_ WEBB maim:. while the presa dlapatch wntv quita n In it- statement thai the orden had been Issued, the pub?c waa not dis? posed to a ept 11 ? i-?-' t led mat ter that the course outlined would actually be followed, And all c i In favor of prompt, earnest, and effective This view waa tak'-n nllae bj peopls, snd by ths hesda of Action w ia taken last night by the h ad ti'l Nt w Ken ?, snd the i ime sill be done liere if it shall be d? -in.-,I : Mr. L. /.. Monis, set?ig president of tbe mber of Coi i th ?i It would be a grt al outrage to - ' ? th li impton R to whii h the ,'? i ' of 'i State alt '"i i" i la no 1 in the worl I," he declared, "for the aaaei I . snd we i ii] on our i lirln, il they are ' . . to tak. bold ol th?- matt \\ itb a vi? vv ' whethei or not the steamship had . omplalnti, thi i H si m of Inquiry to the ; i ?i nt, gx Ben i managei hips ] through Hampton H the an? i po Itlve and saUafactory, THE ANSWERS RECEIVED. to w . L, Qulllsudi u. vi?? -pr, sldent of the >?ii tornlolon Company, ' R. n. Wright, Norfolk thi M< : Blnei :. I: ' nger agenl N P d N. ; , . snd Rl' ' n Com i illahan, of the Norfolk Ington, snd Ji hn R, Bhei a.I of th?' Bsy Line. Po Itive dei Isla were i. a from all esci pi the two ! It Will 1"' Bl ?n from our *-1 > ' - thai Mr. Callahan parti itlon n-, ting in Not folk, while Mr. sh. rwood could BOt 1 bed, i i, >'? pli? - -n bei " given, and i ; i th li N : York. AugUSt L'l, Bgg, To the Edit itch: Replying i" youi wire to Mr. Guillau deu, who is absent wt havt mad, bo rompl -i h ?v Ing rend? zv on iia'.-.v in Ham] ton Ro ? ontr_ry. ? b thnti the 1 il pllea i-, thi Bi t. On July 28th we made the foll?n I of thi S i ay ,'t the Navy: "II n? itlble with the public si r v Ice, vv reaped fuily i rtitlon that j ??ii will, so i,r a? practi? ce "ill rol of N ivy i i inchor a. quarter a mile to the westward or the eastward of o., point wharf, that m< rcl : is aan pasa In and i ul with reasonable ". " HA BOURNE, Old Dominion Bteams?lp Company, Norfolk, Va, August B, BSK. Editor of the i ?ispatch: This I i u.mplalnt whatever, and I am Indignant at the la transportation linea oui rfolk. Have v\i.'..i Secretan of the N.i\ y for is? ti - - - oi I tins. R. H \\ RIGHT, Merchants' and Mini : -' St, unship ' 'ompany, Lenox B s To 'li Dispatch: I have no knoa Int on the reed to In iti BEN POSTER, .v i: B I N'i.if?. k ' 1S98. To tbe Edltoi of th- Dispatch: i ,, not know anything ??f thin r,?mi having made romplaint that i ? in ?smpton Roada would Interfere with navigation. B K. COOKE, N, T., P. dr. M B R Co. A ?rj-PT-BCTION AND INQUIRY. N'.-itii- r Pit aident M. i:. Inga! v : Decatur Axtell, nor General ii-- <'!i.- ,|.. ike and Ohio, was la '' ly, bol a. waa r< c< Ivt d from Mr. tag*?a who is al ths Hot akWinga, It rm thu-: Hot BB^rtngs, v.i. August B, tags To tbe Editor of the Diapatt-h: Our secretary, Mr. Wellford, airea thai you advise him that orders ar.? reported to havt i- i- rut 'i b> the United Btal Navy Department which win prevent tbe , -, mi,i.if;.- ?>t b irgt fleet in Hampton i: ; that warship? and torpedo-boata ,?,. t?? be aent ? the only ?hipa m,? to Fort Monroe being auxll s und tons, snd thai th.-s.- orden in re Issued on account ??f comptadnta --i steamboat compsnlea tbst a lar^? rl'.-t .?t Hampton Roada would interfere seri-I with iiuv-iKn'ioii if your Inform.,-) (JOB ia correct, every effort p'jaalbl? should J !.. tnade f" prt rent auch a reflection opon ,.-i;\ ?t Hampti I nd sue h an injury to th. enormotta Interests cen? tered tber -. I ?cannot believe tbst transportation - ponslble for this mov?. Hampton Roada will accomnvc?date over and over again all th? v. - ? is the rnit??l with"lit fit trim-nt to any Interest i hogs yon win, thi umnn of ynir pap?-r hii<1 m Other ways, do sverytb?ig in your power to prevent such an injury being worked t?? tbe Inte ..f Hampton Komis. ?r?.J to those ?>f th? stat? of Virginia. M B. INOAIX-L fts-gi I1AV? THE Kl.f'IOT THERE. Asal??nt?t-*e??ri?t?ry tlli-n Sny? Ho Proteat ?I.i? ili>> n -In.I.-. Th- Washhtgjflofl Borrssnondaat of tho Dispatch basing krasB InatTasted to in ri'ilr?' Int?. thin matter, sent the fO?OW?Ig t alght: There is no real foundation for the pub I??ad report teat H'-m? of tic- . Tiling int.? N'.irf?.. k bad pTOCi t ? against ths ai af d i ?i vessels n-vv assembling in Hi_apt m ?: \ tary ah- a, a bo 11 acting Secretary in th?. absence of Secretary Long, aben aaag to-Blght at ths Portlasd In i- pi) to my inqtdi >, si -i. " I has heei actual prot ten he ask? ,id, "i- ti.? rt an 0??UDomlnlon J. . ' T< " i i- pUed. ii, pullt ? ?' it -i bundle of t< I? ?r.,ms fr,,in ins pockat, and said: "i I. grasa which could not I ed a pro BTot finding the telegram be looking lor, Secretary Auen i: "They iJi'i not protest, and had no objec? tion to the aast mbtlng of th , . .-,1 th iy did BOt an,.!.or ,n tl,?: regu? lar chaani I "Has au.v action basa taken t'y the tle ; "None vv hat. \. : ," bs replied, "Will th? re Lc any'."' "No." "How many vessels will rendezvou "Same i??I tot win Noi folk harbor and Ham i for some t tnta." -. d th? ai B '-re? ta i y AUi o waa rerj con I'lt-mi'T At HOB i> SOaUrOLB Baalaess??len appoint s Caaaaalttea to t.o to vv nabilaarteu? Thai ti" i?? "H" of Not ' iwport I ??n tie- sub lest of th?- it' i being withdrawn, ta boa ni !?>' the Dispatch last night ll'.'in those N? ?RFt ILK, ?5 L, Augn t : | Tl of Trade snd ? n a cali< ?l meet Ini took action upon the reported order <?t the Navy De? partment thai the mosquito Beet, bow ?elng mobUlsed In Hampton Roads, should be broken up and the ahipa sent ta Neu York. Boston, and Newport. A story pent ..m from Washington last night I sor?i of the iteamablp Uni hsn bad sompla?ted that tbe naval vessels ob ?II u? t< ?i nnel, and to thia the ; of to-nlghl i: The meeting was pn dded over br Mr. i. .s n. m; .a, vice-pr< ld< nt ??f tl tul th? leading mi d ??i .! ? city w? ! pr?s 'lit. A ? < 'Ml 111. t * ?, ? '. ' 'II 11. i : Bowdt a, Hon. to. J. Touug, i?,,i City-Sergeant John P. Lawlei wai ippointi .1 t.. wait upon iii? be Nat > and protest the re iiovai of the ships, 'i he ? onunl ince tel< .n audience on Thursday morning next, iml that he do not or?: mm thi^ aud - hi commit rt at Washington by . gartln, vs ha v?, ii! bi In fur ' TRANSPi )R i \TH'N MEN Dl nation sith . n?,t on ? "ini'.i " i n - \. ilngton, and will inv? any line Dterl B, h ? ?ni ,1 nut sa the one in?nil< ?. w M ? de; dr. M. B. (row. li. ,' to. ( han, of tl N irfolk and n, and Mr. k. n. v. hi M and Miner ii.. i know |t dge of an) complot lll'l w? I' I pi . ;v> n out. At thi . ., the ' n lp lint i ad that ' pi to d hem away. I I up OVl r hey have not been befoi tter v\iii In all i robablll t .. tie r.'inl,/.v.'i. ittrs ' from .i tig .-hip- ol | md s.?mi?-' ' . ilnt ' i miiu mu ion ni Be ??perl Sesea. Ni:\\ PORT NEW-, \ \ . August U. il.) The i rport N? . .nd Old Polnl are Justly li the Navy Depart ' ie warships nu?- n. Ising In Hampton R? to ed, it ?j - lid, by it? unboni In snd out of i ?Id oint rail ' und h it ths i" , - ta ii i m- nt.l to ahli ping. If tbe v< I st 0 '!. Newport Newa will hem. There hi aufScii al i ! ?rid, nd 'an ? ff??rt Is i ' ?.,? . he Navy Depai Ian t?, nlgbt . .a petltlonl i > v lew at ' 'i?i Polni In tbe oear fui u nd ti?- Vilginl .delega! , ill be isk, ,1 to us? Its Influ? ia in I on. SPAIN, PM-JfCBT, ABO BVJSSIA. ii-niv of mi ?.-i m-?- Bald (<? Bava Besa Itg-neS. LONDON, Augual M. The ''"?'i! BOiV lent Of th Tt?ll By, on the Utfa 'iltv Of an at .,'. ti, it owing to M il.T i- i one, a ti. ity of ? ; tv\' en f ace, an : Russi i. ?sith :,? object oi ntera ting the iermsn InSuent in I mention the matt- r. n it without forming 'i?" t'1*' treaty baa bees ??The permanent rappi bmenl etwi ? ti r I Bpatai I eerl ilnly in ?end niav in rim. iderable tt had T ?II l't-l! ' I over Spanish military a tlvlty i the neighborhood of Qtbraltar." CAJ-P mi: hie item?. ?ilont-l ?mill?, of PI 11 ?Im r_, fliir iiiiiK- bj <ii>? Beat, ('AMI' MBADB, B-DDi-BTOWh?, PA . .! foion? ; Bora_?i M Smith, or .:. arrived tt? esssg this svenJng t th?- heal Of tbl Si''?.n?l BattaBOO Of -,.. Bjgbteenth Penna Ivanta Beginsajot, ,,m l'.irt 1 '?law at II- v? | - 01 ?, the heal ??n the i camp, snd wss reSBOVsd to his quar rs la a carriage. HI nous. Then- BN f'vv .--n? ?- , tses of !s Additional land has bevn sequjIred, ?n?l will be BXtendsd toward llallls urg. AID BANKERS, Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of Their Association. SECRETARY BRANCH APPLAUDED. He Appears in His Uniform as Major of Immunes. BBOOtTABIafl INVlKl mi*.\ r LAW. \ .' of the i in... of Braes Study of Finnncinl - Systems In l iiho, Tin-to Ilioo, BSVi tin* l'lilllp plaee DENVER, COL., Angoat ft-Tl I h ?uiii'i ?i mimtlng of tl ttoa conri .; o'clock to->i;iy nt th. Broadwsy Theatre ta pscti .i ware in tiMir .- its when Pn aident Joseph C, ii ndi for order. After roll-call. Qoeernor alva Adams, of raed i t? itlon to th. State. Governor Adams, him ell a bank r, mad? a rathi r long adk whiih be good-naturedly criticised m my of '>" ' I eg. ii" i a i".-' ii 111 Ings banal tern and menl guarantee for all ?j. in national banks. Mr. .! ( of ihn DenTsr Clearing-House, d Hvered an ad . oa behalf ui Denver bankera. . I in rea] i I th. words of welcome, following I i marks with bis annual addrasa to th. as aoclatloa. B I H IB BR INCH, ?i than read his annual report. The, tot rets appeared la his uniform a. mnjor of the Beventb United Btal i immun" Infantry, was received with enthusiastic applause, Mr. Walker Ulli, ol Bt. Louis tree sun r of i be -.i his snnnsl r?i<ort. U .bowed receipt, and balan from ! ' .': '.,- ! i, dlsbursi m< at., bslsnee, ,' Th. repori ol th. Auditing Committee i id, sfl r whii n the repori of the P tive Commll pn ented, 'I'!-..* report of Hi" Bss< utlve ? lounctl in. i ii, .Mr. Alva ii. . .v Te-rk, Af er revi< ar arork of the commltti a, Br, m the R 1.11 \ ng bet tods in ths m itter i . for a Joint t.. quest. Upon recommending tbal a oi i i Bnanclal ! rio Rico, and th. i ' amendment, then of, if any ar. Comml oorised to Inqulr. Into ral tr bond., and I foi rn for wan house and billa of i : HA ULE IN8TRUBBNT LAW. Br. ii -i. W Commltti. on ' nlfoi m Laws; ma tnmittee, whli i . "The l iw whl h g to have ; -, It has beei Is in law In Union. Bueb .i tonlsl ?itlon manl : i rongl) In the N< land Btatea than any*, here in nit tfa from the i of the i .i-i vs?ut. r your . omml i fore, in i N .. fork C do, and Hi i ?dues? . I Will ?| C R< ROlU n upon th< of Thon al ' lam? town, Pa. Ait' r the adjournment of tl i. State and Ti rri tqry bad meeting, for th.. pun the i ( Dominating com? BIOHT-8EEINO. t ri..i WS. by t! ?* greater Boml er dl tl and vlsil hougb i ta ng f.>r \ ndldal ?for I minor offli i wen . but it la of De? troit, win he th. next .-?resident of th. itlon. Prom I P. B. till midnight th. i Uon by the Denver Cleai Efouss ! I BOBBOM BAIXI BOB SAvnu.ii. Ho In Belag tu ! r> Mia Hu lihi-r-llim Beheaae fa. Balslsig B smalah >h ?i?-. NEW Tl IRK, A died for I ntiago this Uso ten inl Bobeeo, s - t.> try bis abb? r-b n, \. -- 1*11-00. Th. "f th. BBVal ' . i.'-inh. r.s of ihc Third V.iluii: I rsnsport . ilxt? Bsesa ?ts In tl W left asa-ooklya r..r th. aoutlw m i Clghtb llll mit. .-ri:' I), who ?iin.i wbi d the ftuxlbarjr iui-.r Tata r Banttai i,.. t o. n la th< m- lit on tha S. tiur ?/ffSJ -Si K AT B0B1 t.! K. Dut- TlimianiKl l'iitlinla In Hospital) ?rere* Bva*?lae*al BTtthasss* ( ot?. NKW TORS. Asa*-BBt B Cbkmol For .,\. y i.... pstlesjta in tha : .? . p B >. k .ff tO'tlay, iii.i Bi, w asara sta^lag aa the floor, Being no Bots for tboea. now giving; tpi a att?ntlon to the mon of th? ai uiai?, who ha%c b?.'-n uvc: louJuU in ?h?? ? of laHraftaa and othe thiiiRs '., ni.ik?? th.m I SBsiBflaMe. "lin? to th- beat Inforaaatloa t? 1 bad, Presid? at Bc?Unley will go ti Bontsuh Point ssesjsv tii m waa B< firs expected, us be is sart?n? t-i aae f"r htm ? If th" I'on.lltion of the Baes who feaegb el BantlagB. anil how they aro btin -an >1 for. M'W I Ol KT AT CABP AtVGRR. t oi. \ iii.- rsesUeal ?swal \<*<iuittri mu? It. .(?i?. ,I to Duty. Washington, Aa-gaat ft?A n?-s l?onrl msitlsl baa been assssta : BriajA?JI?-r-i.f? (*,,,hiti for CsSBg AsfH ; Batte, ..f r,- Third v*ltt>jB*sa, n th.; pr.-shlin BSaOSr. Tii.i" Is a ?.r.s-... of plenty of WOfk ahead of th in trying eus..s WlMt*. ?oMlen ?tus ..f eaaap ufo ban run away. Pr?vala Th..mis DoJf, ..f the Ptrst Dl vision II ?:; !. BSSJ fornvrly of th? Third Vlrgteta, who had the t*. eounter with th? Bagro, which le.i to th. so eallsd "ri"i" uf the Vlrgtotaas, bai ' I to duty. BCHLBY'S HIM:-**. MM' BERIOCS. Vu \uino Will II. Miljstl tutiol for fll on l*urlo Hi? no 1 oui m l-.liin. WAsTBTNOTON, l>. f., As?tjasj| I itmitit i.n.d a ?ukpst I to-day from It. ar-Adnur d Bchley'a Wife B.ylng that. In h?r Bplnl.S his llln?s: w .s not Bertesaa, aad h" would :ti.l In a few .i With tht- . thST. ! be aa occsBos* fat lubetttutlng tor that of th" It- ai-Almir il 04 th" Porto i ti? .m mllltarj com? - Ulaeea should i > :.-. m : ! V ANS. Tho illness of Captain Ivans of tiv Iowa, has beesi -reported to the depaM in? lit. and in tltta CM, as well SI ai other, a a*r" ofbt a, after tax i long service, leave win be greatej .in. i tor recup J \M\.< % run \\\i-:\ \ I iu\. ri ?ii?! ?nu for Vale on Reewsslai run of i nit?-ii Btate?. KINi'.s'l' >N, JAB IIC V Attgru t H leatiy with the West India ace, to a- mi. i ' r. : tember M, for the purpose of pre Bgalnal .i Bse-rtfic. <>r it?- Colonie? Jamale i> Is preparing . to th? British Parliament, requesting permle atoa t.? endeavor to at range tor tion t.. th-- Ualti 'i B . Th. promoter of this movement ar-' end) cure mter-colonlal co-operation, I n.- not depending upon it. ICK BOUDIBBI AT IBB TOBK. lifly from For? Tliomii**--? \ Hun ?Ircil from i'uiii|iii. NEW TORR? August B On. handr. aad fifty1 sick soldlera arrived w< re from Won : K ami the ramalndt r fium Tampa, t liity fiom Fort Thomas war. in I th. Eighth .nd Pourteenth New ?or Volunteers. The] w< r. In Lieutenant Charli ;. Th. others Include . All h.i | lo I. . Up? ' CORRESPONDIS TN BARREO OCT. Not tllnunl l.\ . :.. \uttio-Ml?-? t I.iiikI lit If.-iliii mi. HABANA, lugi IP. II (Delay ..i m transmission.) Th. Authorities bsi declined to allow th" landing of a nom bi r ..i' Amerli m .- 11 ;..!.! ., u . :.i i?\. .i off ti..- harbor thl i moi n t.tlvea "f th" New fork Herald, I Y..rk Wot;.: i:- ord, th N. a York I .i. ipbl i i" ill LDlOAIi *-oi n:i\ OB \IHi.l\l\. Beetlag a1 Vla-ajItBla Bowel? Bp.ets Rate. \ia ?'. A o. }-\,r ti '.r Hi" II ; H pi ike and Ohio will sell ticket i from Rb b Bond to Virgin! i ?: oa A. b mi er 1st, Inc round it ! n m 11 m i ' ? n I urn I Bridare anil l.tirny. BpswBl Basantes. *. lu C, ?v 0, The special excui ' Brldg? |. irajr will leai R hmoi d from ?.n.! i ihio J Ion Biatlon B. B iturd ?ti 1 : tick . rang! h: Mature] Brldg. aad boh la at rat M > **Besaa*aabe. Hi?* Bafaa*1 |.I Bli | '/. ami GEORGE .1. ! ft *\f. 11 . ' Baaagar. .nnilny at I'oreat Lodge. IS.n Is tb. trip to 1 i v.nlng to Bonds] i for which ;. : it? of B B is ?*: v. n. The Weather. ? ?mm\ WASHINGTON, Auguat 2*1.? I piju ii j J Por v.. fair I wi .ther; ? ?i tin? 4 -, with s of reib : . :. t . outhwcit I ' rally fair WI Ithi i ' , south? . ids. Tin: WEATHER IN RICHssOND TESTERDAY w.n ek ir aad Hat. of th.-rm.'tii" I a m.:i :? A M. \2 M. I P M . C P M. 12 niRht .B M.'.m tempi rature .15 2-3 I ??million*. I I*?, oral?l< for ? lio ?\ ?Ta. This is Farmer . tally weather mlletin, Issui d yeeti rda) "The barometer pressure In high itb AtlantW st.i'. a tern Rocky Bouni iln alope, north ira platea, dtatrlct, and west i. d {?.n. The t.m kersture baa risen In tiona Bine restM-daj morning. The aeather Is cloudy in i v. 'pt. r BlSSiSSlppl valleys, f?? an.I Btates ta.i portions <.f th. ? eat. Rain has fallen ..ii the Plorl ilnauU and ?it Bcattered -joints ?laewbere. 'ondltlona arc he.oniliiK lavorublt l?..r shower? in this vhinity." TROUBLE A? PHOEBUS The Conflict Between the Ciril Authorities and Soldiers. GRAVE APPREHENSIONS USE FELT, Tbe Local Military Called Oat to Prevent Disordsr. B? BOT1 MOB loMMiMi \n:n unit. I II. ABS-BSB IhO Mi'-rlff to M?lnlsla Order? 1'i'iif I hut the "-rtl.xui Keep? r Who Mint n sailor Will llo I > Behsd. NEWPORT NEWS, vv. Angas*, _-?* fSjpt : .1 , Ths n?". i .?. t>. Iween the aoldsSri ?.f ths Kirnt Mai ? Volunteer Infantrj ?lets fr??m the i ps ?a i-uaptoa R i Ms a lion? turo bet?re morning, snd the _dlltarf sas) rlV li .Mil ' 'l|. ti??ri within their power to pretn it BSr? nil ? Ittgi?ll? ' "m ?night th rs ?Alii be bl. I ? "iniatiii int at r'orl I to Seen x i I ?\ lag the s'.mit of affair? at t irsstlf In tbe i i - ,-n, und a?-k He n '1 an i noon. bui Si? ck ?VERNOR TV LEA'S INBTRUCT1 Baarlff i of Elisabeth < illy a Baty, wii.'i Oovernor Tyler ihn mondng?, no* ?lu-iiiiil'i; him with tho detail? ? : iit'H shooting aeraos, ? i requ<*sttng a? gs to the sat? m of his as> Ihorltj and right I?? t>!?"rt to srnui. The < :"\ j ' he Bht rift poorer ?se sa ai raed f? i offlcei h< 'i tor ai ma, end a i to com to thg ? it.v iin?L !- i are ths gum ?,r i ?teats', 1 THE HOME OUARO ? >N n \M>. 'i ' il"m. ? haard, oi Hampton, an read m, snd, finding I an . in i I tal I k n, ii tmptoo. Any at? v t. mi.? ,,? ? ?. ing <?f 1 th, ir r.iii t.. , aiding with th?- ?atoon-1 o( 1 bin.t k man In the ton n. > BROI OUT BA? B TO J v ' a. ,, 'i , . r, the iloon-a ?ho V". ka i . i. mptoa . reni?a- ,v- hen i i , n,?,?.u - tin.?. authoi ni" - Bnd rltls mpl to lynch th, , Sheriff Curtl t '! , ' ' t Old Point rcqulrtni him t,, keep i ha volant? ? i v. ?thin ?mi. l ' " ' i w n? ors. CONSTABLES BOTH YVlNrHKSTi.i'.s, in ? . d f; twi ntv-tr. I v. it h W'ii tloi: ' ' ' tll.ll of 123 fort Monroe. Th? h peered la but ? ' or? der won! lained n t.'iii' r, Wii'-ll tin To Will ' i rolantesrs ig thai i . them in >.f i,.. . at bat tor the n m I "Ill Ill'?!. . Collier, of H ?ap? ing to tin- el ?i io rlKht : " i pho? bus j "1 whi n Hi" ?urn? ulty toi.k BOB tin? jail, a- rift ItSM w BOtblng sg the i" ?' i at the ? -. No I no i i the fleht t .??li-riff's , i nrf's r there srsri BBAD1 TB ?im? i liotii??. Priini|.t \<-il?iii li) ? lit- Mtile A u 111 ti ri? ll.-n 11,- ? it - !ii> ?. PBeebna ir<>oiiie. Tl, mint .t y of the ' . nat srsr troubla rali i FI M yes in th.? .-.r!/ part ,,f t . of E-Sabst rnor Tyler al . ?if :i very ?..-rions of ths h'* .vrt.-r BS glVt il . . Wired Atl jnt.,i,> ' ? rdla to bo prsg i : : .i n? uni.-1 ay the Shi i -?T. ay i>, to I ' ?Irin. In 11 ter Bal Norfolk .. ' ' tu tit and - curt? aid fr??m t ' i i AU'-ii. th?- romi order of his own m- " ' : at Cosas ' ' D Bl' -? tn>,1-0 at ti,? Armory tut nl?ht. but ' >. Crawford was aotti be needed v.. ra gag ioiiS. itely I u thi- lacIdeal ?t? m in ?0 igh Virginia haa three n-gim. nt* In th? BS-Onul h,.s at hoiiv ? tioiiKh aalII'tv |o . iiitbls her to lit ptoeaa whrn i armed is seeded to qu?-u dl?oi<i?.r. s? If ths Baby la I wttln_ TeeiB t.?? sur? snd use that o.o a?i well-tried ly, Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Kyrup. for chillan teething. I' ;?*.th<-? the ehUd, soften? th? sum?, allay* all p_i<>, sures wind colie. and is th? U.?t remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-Are cents a bolt.??